Re: [9fans] fossil [was: List of companies that use Plan 9.]

2024-05-17 Thread David du Colombier
> Responding off list shortly :)

I'd like to be included into the discussion as well.


David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread David du Colombier
>> (OK, I know that's delusional because I've installed go. But maybe
>> not for much longer, as google seems determined to introduce python3
>> as a dependency.)
> wat!??

The Go team is willing to replace the CI builders written in Go by the
Chromium builders, which are written in Python 3.
So the CI will depend on Python to build Go and run tests.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] best place to be sent a patch

2024-05-12 Thread David du Colombier
> I have a question: where is the *best* place to be sent a patch for
> 9legacy? replica? GitHub? or here?

You can send it by e-mail to me.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-11 Thread David du Colombier
I'd be very pleased if someone could port the
dp9ik authentication protocol to 9legacy.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] drawterm factotum interference in 9front

2024-05-03 Thread David du Colombier
> BTW. I would like to see a way to build a drawterm without gui, as 
> installing X11 libs for nothing else than compiling a drawterm on a 
> remote server is annoying.

It's actually pretty straightforward to build drawterm without X11.

I've experimented it here:

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] how to : create an p9f contrib folder

2024-01-26 Thread David du Colombier
> Sorry the receiver was
> doesn't exist anymore. This is probably a remnant of the 
former website.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] how to : create an p9f contrib folder

2024-01-26 Thread David du Colombier
> I tried

Hmm, this should work.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] how to : create an p9f contrib folder

2024-01-26 Thread David du Colombier
> Do you know who I have to contact for registration ? The mail I sent to 
> p9f/ couldn't be delivered.

You can contact me with your desired username.

What e-mail address did you try?

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] how to : create an p9f contrib folder

2024-01-26 Thread David du Colombier
> How can I create an account and a folder on p9f in the contrib path ?

I don't think you can have a contrib account on p9f, but you can get
a contrib account at

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Re: CPU Temperature reading for Raspberry Pi 4B 9Front

2023-09-15 Thread David du Colombier
> What does the # and the P mean?

It means it's a kernel device. You can list all the kernel devices by doing:

% cat /etc/drivers

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9Legacy status

2023-09-04 Thread David du Colombier
> Just curious if 9Legacy is considered the right place to submit modern
> patches? Is that kind of the 'go to' repository for modern
> patches/improvements to the 'mainline' Bell Labs distro?

Feel free to submit patches.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9vx

2023-06-25 Thread David du Colombier
>Does anyone still use 9vx for anything?  Anyone ever look at adding 
> a cocoa/metal GUI layer for more recent Mac OS X?  I'm looking at 
> drawterm-cocoa as a starting point.
>This is a losing game for sure, since Apple dropped 32-bit binary 
> support, but most of the project still compiles with XCode 9.4.1 under 
> Mojave...  Another interesting project would be seeing if it could be 
> modified to work as a 64-bit binary but still running a 32-bit 
> environment on the inside...

I'm using 9vx daily, but on Linux only.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] cpu temp in drawterm

2023-02-14 Thread David du Colombier
9legacy supports temperature reporting on x86, using /dev/cputemp.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] troff and fonts

2022-09-16 Thread David du Colombier
>   Is there a way to "convert" [1] into p9p/troff/font/devutf/
> [1].

You can convert TTF fonts to Plan 9 fonts using plan9port's fontsrv.


For example:

fontsrv -m /mnt/font &
ls /mnt/font

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Re: Plan 9 bitsy port and Inferno ipaq1110

2022-07-18 Thread David du Colombier
I've ran Plan 9 on iPAQ for the last time in 2008 or so and it worked fine,
including the ORiNOCO WaveLAN PCMCIA card.

The bitsy kernel has been removed from Plan 9 on 2013-01-30.

A copy of the bitsy kernel is available in the extra directory:

Some of my notes are available here:

I think it should still work with the current ARM toolchain.
The kernel probably requires some minor changes.

I've never tried Inferno on iPAQ however.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Installing 9legacy

2022-02-06 Thread David du Colombier
> I booted 9legacy from a usb image and all is well. But ... how
> am I supposed to get this installed on the machine's hard drive?
> I can't find any sign of the installer scripts.

There is no installer on the USB image.
However, once you have booted the USB image,
you can download the last 9legacy ISO image
and do a manual installation.
For example:

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-17 Thread David du Colombier
>> I think the issue is elsewhere, since I've tried on QEMU with
>> both Virtio 1.0 and Virtio legacy and it worked as expected
>> (386 and amd64 kernels).
> That could very well be. vmm(4) is still relatively young, so the
> bug could very well be there.  I think at this point we've ruled
> out the 9legacy kernel as the culprit.

If it works with 9front, the issue is definitely on our side.
Our Virtio drivers are very close to 9front's, so I suspect
the issue may be somewhere else.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-16 Thread David du Colombier
>> cpu0:  5200MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206A1 DX 0x79BA97F)
>> ELCR: 02E8
>> 497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
>> panic: no disks (in #S)
>> panic: no disks (in #S)
>> dumpstack
> Why does it say "0M user"? Doesn't sound very promising.

This message is displayed by the boot loader (pcboot).
There is no user space at that point.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-16 Thread David du Colombier
I think the issue is elsewhere, since I've tried on QEMU with
both Virtio 1.0 and Virtio legacy and it worked as expected
(386 and amd64 kernels).

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-15 Thread David du Colombier
Thanks cinap_lenrek.

I've just imported Virtio 1.0 support to 9legacy.

Lyndon, please try the latest CD image and let me know if it works for you.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-11 Thread David du Colombier
> Are any of you running 9legacy under the vmm hypervisor on OpenBSD?
> The kernel boots, but complains that it cannot find any fixed disks
> and panics.
> I was able to boot 9front, so it looks like 9legacy's virtio
> drivers might be lagging a bit?

The sdvirtio driver available as part of 9legacy is up to date
compared to 9front, so the issue is probably elsewhere.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread David du Colombier
Here are some clarifications.

9legacy used to be a an experimental patch queue for
Plan 9 from Bell Labs, providing patches that were not
yet accepted into the mainline distribution. That's why
we didn't recommend to use 9legacy, unless you had
specific needs.

However, this isn't really the case since 2015, because
Plan 9 from Bell Labs is not maintained anymore
(last release was 2015-01-10).

Today, 9legacy is more of a continuation of Plan 9 from Bell Labs.
There are still experimental patches, but also a lot of fixes and
improvements that would probably be part of Plan 9 from Bell Labs
if it was still maintained.

Also, NIX is not maintained anymore. However, there are
some other variants of 9k (the 64-bit Plan 9 kernel), including
the one available as part of 9legacy, that are still in progress.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Four numbers in /lib/sky/here

2021-07-28 Thread David du Colombier
The /lib/sky/here file hasn't been changed since the
First Edition and there are only three numbers.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Four numbers in /lib/sky/here

2021-07-27 Thread David du Colombier
The fourth number looks like a mistake.
astro(1) only parses the first three numbers.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Four numbers in /lib/sky/here

2021-07-27 Thread David du Colombier
> I went to update my /lib/sky/here after a server move and realized it 
> has four numbers in it. I know I added it at some point, but I can’t 
> remember what that fourth number is doing in there. The pre-move 
> version:
> :; cat /lib/sky/here
> 41.499 81.558 250 290
> Anyone have any idea what might use that?

This file is used by astro(1). The values are latitude, longitude and elevation.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy venti-p9p, etc

2021-06-26 Thread David du Colombier
> venti-9p9, fossil-libventi, fossil-libventi-p9p, anyone with some
> experience with this? It's worthy?

I highly recommend the fossil-libventi patch. The purpose
of this change is to get rid of the old liboventi and use
the new libventi and libthread. liboventi can be removed
after this patch.

On the other side, the venti-p9p patch includes more experimental
changes, like the support of blocks larger than 56 KB. I wouldn't
recommend this patch.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] the #cat-v channel has moved to oftc

2021-06-22 Thread David du Colombier
> This reminds me: is the #plan9 channel on oftc the new home of #plan9?

No, it's #plan9 on

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy patches dependency & future releases

2021-06-17 Thread David du Colombier
> I noticed that you rearranged the patches so the rc ones are now
> consecutive. Do you serve a 9p or there is another way to list the
> patches by date? I'm going to use 9legacy as a base distribution
> so this would be handy.

I don't serve 9P yet, but I've planed to do it.

In the meantime, I think you can periodically download
and mount the CD image and run replica/pull from it
to update your system.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy patches dependency & future releases

2021-06-16 Thread David du Colombier
> I see, then is more easy than I thought. I was going to ask you if
> you wanted to include the rc patch sent to the list from 9front,
> but I saw just now that is already there, that was fast! 

Yes, I saw the patch in the other thread, so I've added it.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy patches dependency & future releases

2021-06-16 Thread David du Colombier
> I was importing rc-line-split.diff from 9legacy and I realized that
> it is applied after rc-badrunes.diff.
> How are the dependencies of the patches noticed?

The patches apply in order. Some are independent,
but some are depending on other patches.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 1st and 2nd edition ISOs at are defective

2021-05-25 Thread David du Colombier
It should be fixed now.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 1st and 2nd edition ISOs at are defective

2021-05-24 Thread David du Colombier
I can reproduce the issue. i'll look at it and eventually fix the ISO images.

I've disabled the Joliet and Plan 9 ISO 9660 extensions in these images,
so they look closer to the original images, but the old mk9660 produced
a slightly different format than the current one.

The tarballs and Git repository are not affected by this issue.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-27 Thread David du Colombier
> Then, I suspect /amd64/bin/6l has some problem.

The issue is not in 6l, but in the amd64 kernel.

The amd64 kernel still has some issues to be fixed.
I'd recommend to use the 386 kernel in the meantime.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-20 Thread David du Colombier
> How I can make diffs for those?

You can generate a diff against /n/sources, using "ape/diff -Nru",
then send it to me.


9fs sources
ape/diff -Nru /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/libdraw /sys/src/libdraw 


David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-20 Thread David du Colombier
> // ReadFile reads a �: non-numeric checksum in header
> tar: bad archive header checksum in archive: name // Copyright 2018 The 
> Go Authors. All rights reserved.
> // Use of this source code is governed by a B...; expected 0377 
> got 0125506
> cpu% 

I've fixed this issue a couple of days ago. The most recent archives
were not in ustar format. Please re-download the bootstrap.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9vx, 9legacy

2021-04-18 Thread David du Colombier
> While looking for a way to exchange files between a linux system and an 
> hosted virtual machine running plan9 I found vx32 and 9vx. I couldn't 
> master to compile it under a 64 bit Linux cause libX11 was missing as a 
> compatible 32 bit library so I installed a 32 bit linux and everthing 
> compiled without problems.

There is no need to run a 32-bit Linux specifically, since most 64-bit
Linux distributions have support for both 32-bit and 64-bit user space.

For example, on a 64-bit Fedora you can install the 32-bit
dependencies for 9vx this way:

dnf install glibc-devel.i686 libgcc.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXext-devel.i686 -y

> a) When I typed fshalt I got an error that I don't have permissions to 
> call /bin/echo. It seems like echo from the host system was called 
> instead of echo from 9legacy. Is this a bug or did I forget something ?

I'm not sure what is your issue here. Anyway, you don't need to
run fshalt on 9vx, because there is usually no file system running.

> b) How does the installation procedure work ? Usually during the 
> installation of a distro lets say 9front I would have to partition a 
> harddisk where the necessary things are installed. 

In the usual case, you don't have to run a file system in 9vx.

You simply extract the files from the Plan 9 CD in a directory
located on your host operating system, then 9vx can
use this directory as his root.

For example:

bunzip2 plan9.iso.bz2
9660srv -f plan9.iso
9mount unix\!$(namespace)/9660 /n/9660
sudo cp -a /n/9660 /opt/plan9

9vx -r /opt/plan9

> c) I'm a bit confused about the licensing of 9vx and vx32. vx32 is LGPL 
> and 9vx is/was licenced with the Lucent license while 9vx uses vx32 or 
> am I wrong ?

9vx was recently re-licensed under MIT license, but vx32 remains under LGPL.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-18 Thread David du Colombier
> I cannot compile go1.16.3 using go-plan9-amd64-bootstrap with error from
> /sys/lib/go/go-plan9-amd64-bootstrap/pkg/tool/plan9_amd64/compile
> like: io error.
> Does the bootstrap file is confirmed to work right?

Please try with this bootstrap:

> Is the kernel working right?
> What is 4100M loast?

This kernel doesn't handle more than 4 GB of memory,
so this is expected.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] p9f licensing question (u9fs)

2021-04-11 Thread David du Colombier
> browsing the's sources of plan9 I have noticed that u9fs have a
> specific LICENSE file that is not MIT, while the page header says
> "Distributed under the MIT License".
> What's the actual license under which u9fs is distributed by the
> Plan 9 Foundation?

I suppose you are referring to this:

This is an old license that was used by Lucent to share software
such as AWK, sam, u9fs, etc. as part of the Netlib collection.

This license was quite permissive and similar to the MIT license.

You can ignore this file and consider u9fs is distributed under MIT.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] troff refer and bib

2021-04-09 Thread David du Colombier
> may be offtopic but now I'm just curious :-) what's wwb ?

Writer's Workbench.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-23 Thread David du Colombier
> The 4e and 4e-latest tarballs are identical.  Is this intentional?

This should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-03-21 Thread David du Colombier
> > If you'd get success to port 9front's tlsclient, 9legacy has no gui terminal
> > for amd64, even on vesa mode, then next is to port realemu etc...
> 9legacy amd64 kernel supports graphical terminal, but it doesn't
> indeed support VESA yet. Implementing realemu into 9k would be nice.

I've just checked and 9legacy already supports VESA graphics on
amd64, using aux/realemu (started automatically when monitor=vesa).

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-03-21 Thread David du Colombier
> 9k?

9k is the original 64-bit Plan 9 kernel written by Jim McKie at Bell Labs.

It has been developed at Bell Labs (with external contributions) from 2005
to 2013 approximately, and has been part of 9legacy since 2016.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-03-21 Thread David du Colombier
> If you'd get success to port 9front's tlsclient, 9legacy has no gui terminal
> for amd64, even on vesa mode, then next is to port realemu etc...

9legacy amd64 kernel supports graphical terminal, but it doesn't
indeed support VESA yet. Implementing realemu into 9k would be nice.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-02-22 Thread David du Colombier
> When I got git9 working on 9legacy, I backported a couple
> of utilities and changes:
> /n/sources/patch/walk
> /n/sources/patch/rc-line-split

These patches are now part of 9legacy. Thanks!

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9pi provenance

2021-02-13 Thread David du Colombier
> You could also make the correction to the man page for spi(3)
> in your patch bcm-brian-man:

Fixed. Thanks!

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9pi provenance

2021-02-13 Thread David du Colombier
I've just updated the aux-wpa and factotum-wpa patches,
so step 5 shouldn't be required anymore.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-02-11 Thread David du Colombier
> When I got git9 working on 9legacy, I backported a couple
> of utilities and changes:
> /n/sources/patch/walk
> /n/sources/patch/rc-line-split

Thanks. I'll review these changes and eventually include
them into 9legacy.

> I also noticed that the changes that lufia had done on
> the github repo have largely gone uncommented:

Lufia did a lot of interesting stuff on APE. I've not merged
them yet because I wasn't sure how it fits with changes other
people have done on APE.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-02-10 Thread David du Colombier
> > another question already, though a bit early for it... how are 9legacy
> > patches generated? on 9front as far as I know everything is in
> > mercurial and people use hg diff

9legacy patches are available as "unified diff" format and
are generated with "ape/diff -Nru".

I tend to prefer ape/diff to patch/create because it includes
everything in a single file and can handle file deletions.
It's also easier to read without using external tools.

> The question is whether there is anyone willing or able to
> apply the patch. I tried sending some in at one point, and
> got silence.

Feel free to ping me again if I missed something you sent me.

> Note that the last time I looked on 9legacy, '9fs sources'
> still pointed to the bell labs site, so you'd have to patch
> 9fs to use the mirror if you want to submit a patch.

9legacy includes a patch to 9fs which replaces

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] sources/contrib

2021-01-26 Thread David du Colombier
> I'm coming back to Plan 9 after something of a 15 year break.  It looks
> like has replaced  Is it still possible to
> have a contrib directory (and should I have one / do I deserve one)?
> The old instructions were to request one by e-mailing a--presumably--now
> defunct address at the Bell Labs (which I, being too much of an amateur
> and with nothing to contribute, didn't do back then).

I am the maintainer of You can contact me with your desired
username so I can can create you a contrib directory.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Raw ethernet on 9vx

2020-12-08 Thread David du Colombier
The repository was based on the latest Ron 
Minnich and Yiyus repository.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] IP routing problems on GCP

2020-08-23 Thread David du Colombier
> I'm migrating my 9legacy machines to GCP but my auth/cpu servers can't
> get root from the fileserver.
> Is there someone that is using full system Plan 9 on GCP?

Yes, but only using a local file server. 
I've never tried to boot Plan 9 from a remote file server so far.

> Notes:
> - DHCP of VPC network on GCP sends ipmask=/32 options to that client.
> - If ipmask is /32 then ip/ipconfig ignores it.
> - Therefore each instance can't reach other instances in the same region.
> In my experience, the communications works only if /net/ipifc is
> configured from /lib/ndb/local by ip/ipconfig -N, its ipmask is /20,
> and it is added to /net/iproute manually that the routes to other
> instances, but in this case, the cpu/auth servers couldn't reach to
> the fs because nothing to add the routes before getting root.

9legacy includes a patch that considers 32 mask as 0.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] u9fs in go?

2020-07-12 Thread David du Colombier
> Did anybody try to reimplement u9fs in go?
> If not yet, which 9p go package would you recommend to use?
> (I don't need any authentication only 9p.)

There is a multitude of 9P implementations in Go.

For example, this one, which includes a program to serve
local files as a 9P filesystem:

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] considered harmful

2020-07-11 Thread David du Colombier
I think you may be experiencing an issue I investigated
and fixed a few years ago, due to the TCP stack not
setting up the MTU properly on incoming connections.

You can look at this old thread from 9fans:

The fix is available here:

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Jim McKie

2020-06-25 Thread David du Colombier
That's a very sad news indeed. Jim was a very kind guy.
He did a lot of work on Plan 9.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Who is behind

2020-05-08 Thread David du Colombier
I'm running The website site still mention Alcatel-Lucent because
it has been mostly untouched since it has been mirrored from the former
Bell Labs website. is not only a website, but also serves FTP, 9P, wikifs, etc. with a 
setup than the server that used to run at Bell Labs (

I've been running since 2014 and I don't intend to shut down it.
You can mirror if you want. There is already, which is a
mirror of ran by arisawa.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] mirror?

2020-04-16 Thread David du Colombier
>  That's exactly what I'm looking for. How might I access that?

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] mirror?

2020-04-16 Thread David du Colombier
>  Does anyone know if anyone had a mirror of before it 
> went offline?

I have a copy of the the 9atom 9P repository dated from 2017-09-17,
if that's what you're looking for.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] UARTing into RPi 2

2020-04-10 Thread David du Colombier
> Wow, you guys were literally seconds apart with your answers. What are
> the odds? xD

Haha! Seems like we're synchronized somehow :-)

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] UARTing into RPi 2

2020-04-10 Thread David du Colombier
You should add "console='0 b115200'" at the end of kernel boot
parameters in cmdline.txt.

Also ensure that you have "core_freq=250" set for pi3 and pi4
in config.txt, which should be already the case if you're using
Richard Miller's RPI image.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Building go1.12.14

2020-01-01 Thread David du Colombier
In the error message you posted, I can see the cmd/go tests are timing out.

It may just be too slow to finish in less that 9 minutes on your machine.
There are a lot of cmd/go tests, especially in the recent releases,
and they are quite slow to run on Plan 9.

You may want to set GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2, for example,
before running all.rc, to increase the timeout to 18 minutes.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Building go1.12.14

2020-01-01 Thread David du Colombier
Also keep in mind that Go doesn't use any of the Plan 9 libraries
and uses its own TLS implementation. So fixing the Plan 9
tools to support TLS 1.2 will have no impact on Go.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Building go1.12.14

2020-01-01 Thread David du Colombier
> Thanks.  I'm beginning to suspect there may be some additional patches
> needed that I may not have applied.  I've noticed when attempting to
> hget files from GitHub that I'm running into issues with TLS:
> tlsClient: protocol version not supported
> I've double checked, and libsec-x509-sha2.diff is indeed applied.  Do
> you know of any additional patches that are needed to update TLS
> support?

It seems that GitHub now rejects TLS version < 1.2.

You could try to apply these patches to add TLS 1.2 support to devtls and 

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Building go1.12.14

2020-01-01 Thread David du Colombier
> Assuming this is a new issue with the plan9 port, is there a dashboard
> available of working release builds that could be used to avoid
> playing update-whackamole?

Generally speaking, your best bet is running the master branch
on Plan 9, or at least the latest release.

I think the second issue has been fixed in Go 1.13.

You can follow the issues their resolution on

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Gmail vs upas

2019-11-28 Thread David du Colombier
If the server uses a X.509 certificate with a SHA256 signature,
you need SHA2 signature support in libsec.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Gmail vs upas

2019-11-28 Thread David du Colombier
The TLS implementation on Plan 9 doesn't verify X.509 certificate chain,
so the certificate bundle isn't useful. It's only used by Go programs.

However, you need to add the server certificate fingerprint to 
as Steve Simon said.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Is the vanilla Plan 9 still alive?

2019-11-25 Thread David du Colombier
> Out of curiosity, what's the process for reclaiming your contrib
> directory on I'm happy to spend some time working on polishing
> the wiki as well.

Please send me and email.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Is the vanilla Plan 9 still alive?

2019-11-25 Thread David du Colombier
> All the man page links are broken, and this will require a change in 
> wikifs(4). Links to in the html files in /sys/lib/wiki 
> also need to be updated.

Thanks. I've fixed the remaining issues.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Is the vanilla Plan 9 still alive?

2019-11-24 Thread David du Colombier
> Actually, you know what, I should put my money
> where my mouth is. Would there be objections to
> me going through and fixing the links in the
> wiki so they point to

This is a good idea. Let me know how do you want to proceed.

> Is there anyone who would be comfortable explaining
> to me exactly the relationship between and
> 9legacy, as well as how people are expected to use
> the two, so that I can put that into the wiki? is a mirror of the former Bell Labs website.

We're still accepting patches and people can
update their contrib directory. However, the
rest is mostly read-only.

9legacy is the latest Plan 9 from Bell Labs sources
(2015-01-10) with addition of a few hundreds patches.
It's regularly updated.

> Is there anywhere that people would be comfortable
> blessing as a source for building new ISO images,
> to put behind the download link, with the accepted
> patches integrated?

That's mostly what 9legacy is.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Accessing old Bell labs URLs

2019-10-18 Thread David du Colombier
Since is a complete mirror of, any old URL
should be still available by replacing "" with "".

You can send me an e-mail if there is any issue.

David du Colombier

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] go1.13.1 build fails

2019-10-07 Thread David du Colombier
I'd recommend bootstrapping Go with one of
the recent binary package available on:

There might be issues when bootstrapping from Go 1.4.
Also, plan9/arm support started with Go 1.7.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi 4

2019-09-29 Thread David du Colombier
I've generated a patch from your changes in cmd-usb.tar:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Git/fs: Possibly Usable

2019-04-03 Thread David du Colombier
> The avl library doesn't match up to 9legacy version. Any ideas?
> BTW, I think your notes on this message are a great start for a README.

git9 seems to use 9front's libavl, which is a rewrite of Plan 9's libavl.
9legacy uses the original Plan9's libavl.

Please try this patch:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Don't Plan 9 C compiler initialize the rest of member of a?struct?

2019-04-02 Thread David du Colombier
All the 9legacy patches are available on

Most of the compiler changes consist in keeping them in sync
with Charles' updates, available on

The (partial) C99 changes were done long ago, in March 2006 and before.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Mirroring plan9 sources

2019-03-08 Thread David du Colombier
> I tried both the 9legacy-gce image and the stock plan9-gce image

These images are old and I haven't tried them for a while.
You should have better luck building an image yourself using
the following script on Linux:

You'll have to remove the "buildlet" part, since this script has been
made to build the Plan 9 image running the Go builders.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] plan9ports : open for discussion here?

2019-01-23 Thread David du Colombier
> is plan9ports also open for discussion on this list?

Yes, but there is also a plan9port mailing list:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 64-bit?

2019-01-01 Thread David du Colombier

This isn't Nix Mark IV, but an earlier implementation.
I believe Nemo calls it "Nix Mark I".

For a bit of history about 9k and Nix, you can read

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-31 Thread David du Colombier
> Let me restate the question.  When one has only the "new" file and
> the ed script that created it from the "old" one, and said script
> says "delete lines N through M", how does one recover the lines
> that were deleted? (With context or unified diffs, the deleted text
> is there.)

I don't think you can "reverse" the ed scripts produced with "diff -e",
unlike unified diff files.

However, in 9hist, the files are always reconstructed forward,
starting from the complete original file.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-31 Thread David du Colombier
Well, here is it:

The notes are inside the script.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-30 Thread David du Colombier
> do you have a script that you used to generate the 9hist repository?
> I always planned to ingest it into my venti.
> I have already put a few old floppy and cdrom from my past in
> venti as limited //mmdd/usr/steve/... so the 9hist could go in
> as //mmdd/sys/src/9/...

Yes, but beware it's a throw-away script. I'll send it to you privately.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-30 Thread David du Colombier
I've just converted the 9hist diff files to a Git repository:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 64-bit?

2018-12-29 Thread David du Colombier
> Would there be any way to get access to the sources for Nix Mark IV?

Nix Mark IV is available here:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-29 Thread David du Colombier
> i have wondered if it would be possible to apply the historic plan9 
> kernel diffs and regenerate these ancient kernels.

The diff files are ed scripts generated with "diff -e", so it should be
possible to regenerate the original files with a bit of scripting.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-28 Thread David du Colombier
> while I'm thinking about it, is it possible for to use 
> letsencrypt? Go's acme/autocert package 
> ( works great.

Actually, what I need would be an HTTP server supporting
SNI so I could serve the appropriate certificate according to
the requested hostname.

The machine hosting is also hosting other websites
and currently only presents a valid X.509 certificate for

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sources down

2018-12-28 Thread David du Colombier
> the reason i ask is because i was trying to go through the sources
> dump. sadly that isn't available at all now.

The history of /n/sources/plan9 is available as a Git repository here:

However, this doesn't include the history of the rest of /n/sources.
I have a full copy of /n/sourcesdump and I'd like to make it
available on, but I didn't have time to do it so far.

> also, russ used to have this very nice browseable kernel history. that
> is also gone :(

The Plan 9 kernel history is available here:
This includes the code, but unfortunately not the web service nor the comments,
which were stored on Russ' side (on

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Plan 9 C compiler for RISC-V by Richard Miller

2018-10-28 Thread David du Colombier
Richard Miller's RISC-V compiler suite is now available on

% srv -nq tcp! sources /n/sources
% ls -l /n/sources/contrib/miller/riscv.tar

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] 9pi image update

2018-04-12 Thread David du Colombier
> I hope that mirrors like can be updated soon to make
> the new image available.

Thanks. I've just updated /n/sources on the mirror.

The new image is available here:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
> How about contrib? It would be nice to have something to fall back on
> when the plug is finally pulled.

We could use the /n/sources/contrib directory from as the future
main contrib repository, but we never know when
will be back.

At some point in the past, was down for many weeks,
so some people started to submit patches to, but it became an issue
once was back because we had to synchronize
the repositories.

That's why I would consider to be a read-only mirror of for now.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
> Didn't Charles Forsyth have a github or similar such repository with a copy
> of the Labs sources?  That was even seeing sporadic updates?  I'm sure I
> browsed it last fall, but I can't find it now.

Few years ago, I've made a GitHub repository with full /n/sources/plan9
history, if that's what you're looking for:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
I've just updated /n/sources on with a snapshot from 2017-12-15.

Thanks for the reminding!

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
> Not all up to date, I think.  Patch directory appears to be
> a snapshot from March 2016, and contrib/miller/9/bcm has
> nothing newer than July 2015.

Yes, /n/sources has been still evolving on,
so there are some updates to catch up.

I'll update /n/sources from my latest snapshot.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
On the other hand, is run by Sevki Hasirci.

It has been set up in January 2016, using as a basis,
to serve as a fallback mirror.

However, is not as complete as and doesn't
include services such as FTP, 9P or wikifs.

I don't know about the other mirrors.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-05 Thread David du Colombier
> Everyone is naming sites to check out, but which one has the right contents,
> is being maintained, and will be stable?

I've been running since February 2014.

It's a complete and up-to-date copy of

It includes the following services:

 - HTTP and HTTPS (full content, including personal pages)
 - FTP (full content)
 - 9P (/n/sources, but no /n/sourcesdump currently)
 - wikifs (served from /n/sources/wiki)
 - manual pages and documentation

It has been running with no downtime for four years now.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] R.I.P

2018-01-04 Thread David du Colombier
Take a look to

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Go on amd64

2017-12-21 Thread David du Colombier
Some Go binary packages for plan9/386, plan9/amd64
and plan9/arm are available here:

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] double lock in proc.c

2017-07-25 Thread David du Colombier
This was many years ago (when my now-white beard was still merely grey).
Not worth going back to reconstruct the arguments, but I'll send Giacomo
and Nemo a copy of my proc.c to examine for themselves.

I'd also be interested by your copy if proc.c.


David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] Multicore support ARM RaspberryPi

2017-07-21 Thread David du Colombier
> Does (any flavour of) plan9 / inferno make use of several cores on
> (any flavour of) ARM?

Yes, the current Raspberry kernel developed by Richard Miller
can handle the four cores on the Raspberry Pi 3.

It is available in /n/sources/contrib/miller/9/bcm

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] v9fs authentication question

2017-06-05 Thread David du Colombier
> If I want to be able to use v9fs to mount a plan9 fileserver as a
> specific user, do I need to provide credentials via plan9port
> factotum?
> Drawterm takes an argument about which authentication server to talk
> to, but the directions I see for v9fs seem to only talk about USER
> environment variables, or mounting a factotum interface.

If you want to mount as a specific user, you can specify the
"uname" option of v9fs.

See the documentation:


$ mount -t 9p -o tcp,trans=tcp,uname=djc /n/sources

If you require authentication, you'll need to authenticate
with factotum.


$ factotum -n
$ srv -a -k user=djc
$ mount -t 9p -o unix,trans=unix,uname=djc 
$(namespace)/ /n/sources

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] SHA-1 collision and venti

2017-03-01 Thread David du Colombier
> i believe that rsc worked this out in some work he did based on venti.
> sadly i don't remember the name of the project.

I believe you're referring to Foundation.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] tls 1.2

2016-11-16 Thread David du Colombier
> The libsec-chacha.diff patch is not useful, since it's not used yet.

Just to clarify. The libsec-chacha.diff patch implements ChaCha20
stream cipher in libsec. It was developped by Charles Forsyth.

To make use of it, you have to implement Poly1305 algorithm in libsec
and change devtls and tlshand to support ChaCha20 and Poly1305. These
changes are already available as part of 9front.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] tls 1.2

2016-11-15 Thread David du Colombier
> and rebuild my kernel and upas (where I need TLS1.2).

Just to be sure. Have you rebuilt libsec as well?

David du Colombier

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