RE: [0-7203000025673] Manage the relationship between accounts

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, To further investigate this, could you confirm if you will still encounter the error when you try to run other Google Ads API service? If yes, could you provide the complete JSON request and response logs when you encountered the error? If you haven't enabled logging yet, you could enable it

RE: How To Select Existing Product Partitions

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, You may refer to this section of our shopping campaigns guide and also to this example code

RE: Google Ads API Batch Question

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jack, When Google Ads API v1 was released, the MutateJobService was introduced. You could refer to this guide

RE: [3-4581000025939] Downloading XML and CSV reports using the new Ads API

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Adam, It means that you could implement this on your end by using the tools and libraries that are available in the language(Java, Python, Ruby, etc). Should you have further clarifications, feel free to write back. Regards, Dave Paurillo Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: Quality History Scores (Ad level)

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Bala, I'm afraid that the QualityScore field is currently not available at the ad level and can only be retrieved in the report types listed in the link. You may follow our blog

RE: ADGROUP_PERFORMANCE_REPORT does not display the metric SearchRankLostImpressionShare correctly

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Juliana, With regards to your issue about the *SearchRankLostImpressionShare* metric, there is a known bug about this which our team is currently looking. Rest assured that I will provide updates when I receive any. Regards, Ejay Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: "No status received" Error

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Fabian, I replied to the other thread regarding the last issue. Please continue the discussion on that thread to avoid duplicates. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=

RE: Migration to Google Ads API - Get list of all accounts under MCC

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, The manager field will give you a value to whether or not an account is a manager account. Regards, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our bl

RE: PROHIBITED_METRIC_IN_SELECT_OR_WHERE_CLAUSE for conversion_last_conversion_date

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, As I mentioned: To determine what metrics are selectable with a given entity type, we actually need to look at that entity type's documentation. For example, for customer, look here: The "selectable with" drop d

RE: What status is required to have CustomerService.getCustomers return data

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chuck, The CustomerService.getCustomers() will return the details of all the customers directly accessible by the user authenticating the call. If the user does not have access to the account, this will not be returned. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: GAQL: Filter CustomerClients by Impressions

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Michael, Your approach is correct. The customer_client resource does not support any metrics. You will need to use the customer to check if the

RE: Quotas?

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Fabian, The QuotaCheckError.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED will occur if you are sending too many requests in a short period of time. There is no scope for this error but rather the server will throw this error once i

RE: Get descriptive_name Customer

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Could you please share the email address of the user authenticating the API call? Also, could you please share the customerId you are passing in the *forcustomer* function to fetch the customer data? Please use reply privately to the user option while sharing the information requested. R

RE: USER_PERMISSION_DENIED with Google Ads API V1 and no errors with AdWords API V201809

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Sergei, It is not possible to get the manager account Id via API. @Chirag, As per the blog post mentioned here , you have to pass login-customer-id and client-customer-id in your API call. The logi

RE: "No status received" Error

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Regret the delay. This could be related to the error codes listed here . Could you try making another request? If it fails, please share the grpc logs for the respective client library? You can reply back via Reply privately to

RE: Change Campaigns Target-ROAS

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Michael, That's right. Please refer to this code sample to update an Ad group. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also f

RE: Changing campaign targeting settings through Google Ads API: immutable fields

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Ernst, The fix went live yesterday. Please try your request again and let me know if you still encounter issues with the updates. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog:

RE: Quality Score History

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Bala, If you are using AdWords API, you can use the field HistoricalQualityScore . If you are using Google Ads API, you can use the field metrics.historical_quality_score

RE: Conservative Targeting in AdWords API

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Joe, Don't worry about being *that* guy -- it's a perfectly reasonable question! :) I'm following up with the targeting team and will post back when I have more details on the plans for this setting in the new Google Ads API. Thanks, Josh, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

RE: PROHIBITED_METRIC_IN_SELECT_OR_WHERE_CLAUSE for conversion_last_conversion_date

2019-04-09 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, To determine what metrics are selectable with a given entity type, we actually need to look at that entity type's documentation. For example, for customer, look here: And then expand the "Metrics" section. You'll

RE: Get descriptive_name Customer

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, When you know the client customer Id of that created account, you could use the customer resource to pull the customer.descriptive_name

RE: Accept an invitation for linking client accounts

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, You could use the customerService.getCustomers operation without specifying the client customer id in the request using the credentials acquired, which returns details of all the customers d

RE: USER_PERMISSION_DENIED with Google Ads API V1 and no errors with AdWords API V201809

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Sergei, As per the blog post mentioned here , It is required to mention the login-customer-id in your

RE: Attribute an installation to a particular Google Ad campaign

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Behrad, We will not be able to pass a comment on the third party tools used for testing. To get started with Google Ads API, you may refer to this guide on how to get started. This guide

RE: How to partiotion google shopping adgroups (Python)

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Ben, A ProductPartition can be any of several subclasses of the ProductDimension type. You can add a ProductScope

RE: Query campaigns and metrics, segmented by the Geographic location

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Karam, Could you please elaborate on what you're trying to achieve along with the report query? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: difference in data of Keywords_Performance_Report downloaded from API and Google-ReportsUI

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Harish, The data between the Google Ads UI and API should match. Can you please *reply privately to author *your report query and the results from both the UI and API? Thanks, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discu

RE: Changing ConversionTrackingSettings via API

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Ido, It is currently not possible to change the ConversionTrackingSettings via API. It is a read only field and will be ignored through the API. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: https://googleadsdevelope

RE: AdGroupAd service mutate

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi TuyenVu, When you remove and create a new ad using the AdGroupAdService, you will not retain the historical data (including ID) of the ad. You can use the AdService to update your ads. Cheers, Anthony Google Ads

RE: How to get contents of shared negative lists

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Charles, You will be able to use the Shared Set Report to get the details of the shared sets available in the account. You can then use the Shared Set Criteria Report

RE: Google Ads API Python Client Library Pagination

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Dimitri, Thanks for creating the issue. Someone from our team will follow up with you on that issue soon. Regards, Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

RE: The GetCampaigns.php returns empty response!

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Amiri, Usually, if you make a query to the manager account then it will return no records as the campaigns are associated to the client accounts under the manager account. If that is not the case, please share the customerId you are using in the API call to pull the queries? Please use rep

RE: 비공개 메시지 주제: I want to import only the Enabled data.

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, It looks like the shared request do not contain any predicates. This query will return all the campaigns which includes both Enabled and Paused. Please find below on how the sample query looks like:";> Id Status EQUALS ENABLED Let

RE: Internal error occurred when getting feed mappings using google ads api

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Wang, This issue has been resolved. Could you please give this a try and let me know if you're still facing an issue? Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: https://ads-developers.googleblog

RE: PROHIBITED_METRIC_IN_SELECT_OR_WHERE_CLAUSE for conversion_last_conversion_date

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Thanks for reporting this issue. Our documentation also states that this field should be selectable with customer, so it looks like this is unintended. I am investigating and will post here again when I have any information to share. Regards, Mike, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: Retrieve impressions of each headline in Responsive Search Ad

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alex, I am afraid that this is currently not possible in AdWords API. Kindly continue to follow our blog to receive future updates and new releases. Regards, Ejay Google Ads APi Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

RE: Authorized redirect URIs - Google API Console

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, The redirect URI will no longer be visible once you have created your credentials. Should you require further assistance with the Google API Console Credentials page, you may contact their support team via this link instead. Thanks

RE: What is the best way to get list of non-mcc accounts?

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alex, Upon further investigation, the result appearing in the query you are using is indeed correct. The result should return all accounts (including sub-MCC and client accounts). However, there is no field to determine whether the customer_client

RE: What is the best way to get list of non-mcc accounts?

2019-04-08 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alex, If you are running this query in the root MCC account, then it should return all accounts under that MCC account (including sub-MCC's and client accounts under the sub-MCC account). Upon replication, I was able to get all the accounts of my root MCC hierarchy. However, the customer.mana

RE: Retrieve impressions of each headline in Responsive Search Ad

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alex, Unfortunately, the *ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines* fields can only fetch the asset text, pinning, and performance label of the said ads. Also, retrieving the impressions accumulated on the headlines of the *Responsive Search Ad *is currently not possible in *AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT* as

RE: Could not find _DATA_DATE and _LATEST_DATE columns in any reports, where are they?

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Yang, The link that you sent appears to contain modified implementations of reports, citing combined AdWords data. That being said, my apologies as I cannot further comment as this is outside of our expertise. In the AdWords API perspective, only the Date

RE: Pin headlines in RSA ?

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Firas, Yes, it is possible in AdWords API. You can set that *AssetLink* to have a *pinnedField* of *HEADLINE_1* if you want a specific headline to always show first. You may refer to this link to read more about the

RE: Python 2 for google adwords API

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, If you are using AdWords API, it is recommended that you migrate to Google Ads API directly as AdWords will be deprecated soon. However, if you still wish to continue using AdWords API v201809, you should update your Python library to at least v3.6. You may refer to this blog

RE: v201806: CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND when calling CustomerService.getCustomers without a customer id

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Eric, To better investigate the issue, could you confirm if the OAuth2 credentials you used were created using an email address which has access to your AdWords account(s)? Also, could you send to me the said email address

RE: [3-4581000025939] Downloading XML and CSV reports using the new Ads API

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Stepanian, Upon checking with the team, this feature will not be supported in Google Ads API as it can be done using the languages utility functions. This said, you would have to implement this on your end using the tools provided in the client library. Should you have any other concerns, fe

RE: in-app actions UAC reporting

2019-04-07 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, My apologies as currently, statistics of in app actions of UACs are currently not supported in the AdWords API. You may follow our blog for updates. Thanks and regards, Peter Google Ads API Team On 04/05/19 21:47:11 aleksey.f

RE: Google-Ads API - unable to set UploadClickConversionsRequest.Conversions & MutateConversionActionsRequest.Operations

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Priya, You have to create ConversionActionOperation and assign it to the MutateConversionActionsRequest

RE: Google Ads API Python Client Library Pagination

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Dimitri, When you specify the page limit as 50 only 50 elements will be displayed per page even though the LIMIT mentioned is 51. I tried the same scenario at my end and I was able to get the 51th row in second page. If you are still facing the issue, please raise an issue in our client li

RE: Adwords API Python retrieve user list id of existing audience

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Francisco, You may use the AdWordsUserListService.get() operation to pull the User list Id. If you're using the Google Ads API, you can use the User List

RE: How to partiotion google shopping adgroups (Python)

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Ben, From the error, it looks like the subdivision creation is failing as there is already a product partition. The subsequent nodes seems to fail as the subdivision creation failed. Could you please confirm if you were creating the ad group via Google Ads UI? If so, you will need to first

RE: Change Campaigns Target-ROAS

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Michael, Regret the delay. I was checking with the team regarding this. The FIELD_NOT_FOUND error is because the field mask is incorrect. You can also calculate this using fm = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, campaign) Please refer to our code sample

RE: onAdFailedToLoad code 3 while showing ads

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Neeraj, Could you please confirm the API you are using to upload the Ads? Please share the complete SOAP logs of the error and scenario you are trying to do to investigate further. Regards, Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on ou

RE: With PHP Library, Getting\examples\BasicOperations/../../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory warning error

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, You might be missing some dependencies while installing the client library. If you haven't installed client libraries using composer, then follow this guide to install them with all the dependencies. If the

RE: Image media urls in google ads api

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Alex, The LegacyResponsiveDisplayAdInfo will include the marketing_image which is the MediaFile resource name. You can then use the media_file resource to pull the s

RE: Fetching the for a customer

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Noemi, Can you try the following query: SELECT, customer.resource_name, customer_client.level, customer_client.client_customer, customer_client.resource_name FROM customer_client If you still face issues, please share your request and response through *reply privately to

RE: Call Only Ads has data missing through Ad Performance Report

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Chirag, The HeadlinePart1 and HeadlinePart2 fields are available in the Google Ads API using the and You can use the report query below to pull these details: "SELECT, ad_gro

RE: Automatic placements report

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Vasanth, Regret the delay as I was checking this internally with the team. The Automatic Placements Report in the AdWords API maps to the group_placement_view in the Google Ads API. Please refer to this guide

RE: Template Ad As Image

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Javier, Preview URL for HTML 5 template ad is currently not supported via the AdWords API, however, you may try and use the adAsImage field to get the template ad rendered as an image.

RE: Click Performance Report - GCLIDs of YouTube video campaign views

2019-04-05 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, To further investigate the issue, could you provide to me the clientCustomerId, the complete report definition used to generate the reports in the AdWords API and the sample YouTube video campaign

RE: [3-8016000026082] Regarding setting the dynamic budget for the Campaign

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Abhay, Thank you for reaching out. Upon checking, the error that you are encountering seems to be related more to the client library. You can reach out to the python client library owners through this link in Github as they are better eq

RE: Google adwords and Youtube ads

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Luca, Unfortunately, video campaigns are not yet supported in Google Ads API . Also, in AdWords API perspective, video campaigns (such as TrueView) are also not supported

RE: Request from a specific Ad Group returns wrong keywords, bug in AdGroupCriterionService?

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Cem, To further investigate the issue, could you provide the complete SOAP request and response logs with the CID and the filter that you've used in the API call via *Reply privately to author*? If you haven't enabled SOAP logging yet, kindly enable it by following this guide

RE: Retrieve Campaigns from youtube ads with google adwords API

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Unfortunately, video campaigns are not yet supported in Google Ads API . Also, in AdWords API perspective, video campaigns (such as TrueView) are also not supported in th

RE: What is the best way to get list of non-mcc accounts?

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alex, You could use a filter for the field customer.manager and set this to *FALSE* to return only client accounts in your query. Let me know if this helps. Regards, Dannison Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=

RE: Code sample for the creation of Responsive Display Ad with Google Ads API

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Luca, I was able to create a ResponsiveDisplayAd successfully by passing just the values as below in Java: ResponsiveDisplayAdInfo responsiveDisplayAdInfo = ResponsiveDisplayAdInfo.newBuilder() .setShortHeadline(StringValue.of("I am short headline")) .setLongHeadline(StringValue.of("I am

RE: Migration to Google Ads API - Get list of all accounts under MCC

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Marcel, You can have a look at the resources page to get a description between Customer, CustomerClient and CustomerClientLink. Your response should r

RE: Fetching the for a customer

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Noemi, Descriptive name for the customer is not available in the customer_client resource. You have to make another API call to the customer resource. You could use the available customer fields in the customer resource and can pass each customer Id to get the respective details of that custo

RE: Add and get invitations

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, You will need to use ManagedCustomerService.mutateLink to invite a client account or manager account, accept or decline the invitation to be managed. The ManagedCustomerService.mutate()

RE: Image media urls in google ads api

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Alex, You will be able to use the Media Field to pull the details specific to the asset. If you're looking to get the Ad specific attributes, you may use the ImageAdInfo

RE: Could not see products in campaigns which created through API

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Can you please *reply privately to author *your SOAP request and response that you used to create the campaign as well as the campaign Id of the one you created through the UI? Thanks, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog

RE: SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED after developer token is approved

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, The SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED error usually occurs when the developer token is approved for a different product and trying to use for the Google Ads API. You could share the Manager account's customer Id that is having the developer token to see if the developer token is approved for Google A

RE: sending email through API

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Reshma, I'm afraid that sending emails through the AdWords API is not supported. You may follow our blog for updates. Best regards, Peter Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on ou

RE: [1-4073000025608] How to pull conversion_actions from new google ads api?

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello All, The engineering team is aware of the issue and working on it. Best, Thanet, Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: https://developers

RE: [1-1567000026135] Adwords' CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT mapping in Google Ads API

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Michael, Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, The CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT from AdWords API has no exact equivalent in Google Ads API. For your concern about the GAQL returning 0 rows as opposed to the AWQL returning 3800 rows, I would need to check this with the team. I will get bac

RE: [5-3994000025934] Adwords express

2019-04-04 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available in Google Ads API. For now, I would suggest you to keep an eye on our blog for the latest news and updates. Should you have any other concern, feel free to write back and we

RE: [0-9967000026246] Google ads API balance

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Thank you for reaching out. The Google Ads API has limited access when it comes to billing and payments. You may refer to this guide to give you a detailed information about what the API could fetch that has concerns wit

RE: Cannot Create a Manager Account

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Could you please confirm if you are trying to create an MCC account by referring to this guide ? Also, could you please provide the screenshot of the error message you are seeing? With regards to API Center, it will be visible on

RE: [0-5880000025905] Data Issue : Receiving unexpected Enum value for AdGroupType from New ads api

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Darshan, Thank you for reaching out. Upon checking the screenshot, you are using adGroup.getStatus() and according to this guide there is no UNRECOGNIZED enum value. However to further

RE: [5-4145000025899] Import Assisted Conversions into Google Ads through API

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Manni, Thank you for reaching out. Importing data for assisted conversion from Google Analytics to Google Ads is not possible using Google Ads API. I would recommend that you open your concern to the Google Ads Community Forum

RE: Impression metrics in Data Studio?

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kristian, Our team specializes in AdWords / Google Ads API related concerns only. That said, my apologies as I cannot further comment on any matters involving the Google Data Studio as it is already outside of our expertise. Regarding the fields that you mentioned, you should already be able

RE: Do Api support integration with UAC ?

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kingston, Asset level information of UACs are currently not supported in the AdWords API. You may follow our blog for updates. Thanks and regards, Peter Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Als

RE: Criterion id to edit hotel groups

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Rafa, Kindly refer to my response below. - Is it possible to mutate an AdGroupCriterion without getting the criterion_id previously? The criteria_id is a required field when indicating the resource_name in the AdGroupCriterion

RE: Calling AssetService with large files

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Clint, Apologies for the delay. We currently have no documentation available that discusses what the actual file size upload limits are and how they are managed by the MediaService. However, once they indeed reach the said limit, the FILE_TOO_LARGE

RE: First call error using

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Your concern appears to be more related to the Python client library. With this said, you could open your concern to the Python GitHub Issue Tracker as the client library owners are better equipped in assisting you with your concern. R

RE: [3-4581000025939] Downloading XML and CSV reports using the new Ads API

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Unfortunately, I could not provide any comment about the upcoming features with regards to the Google Ads API. I have filed a feature request on your behalf. Take note that this will not guarantee that the feature will be implemented. Should you have any other concerns, feel free to write ba

RE: Add sitelink to campaign - Google Ads API

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Zied, As of now the code example for the new Google Ads API is not available. I will let my team know regarding your request. Meanwhile you could keep an eye on our blog for information related the future releases. Regard

RE: InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR when creating MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAd in an existing Campaign

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Steven, I have not seen any other reports of this issue. Could you please provide your SOAP request and response through *reply privately to author *so I can take a look? Thanks, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discu

RE: Date_time data type in Ads API

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Alexander, The DATE type returns as -mm-dd hh:mm:ss. Are you seeing any issues with this? If so, please provide some more details. Regards, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: https://ads-develo

RE: Change Campaigns Target-ROAS

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Michael, Can you make sure that your campaign is meeting the eligibility requirements as mentioned in this help center article ? It could be one of the reasons as to why the error is being triggered. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Tea

RE: Is Shared Set ID globally unique

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Joachim, Yes, the Ids of shared sets will be unique. You can run the Shared Set Report to get the details of the shared negative lists for each account including the ones shared by its manager accounts.

RE: Migration to Google Ads API - Get list of all accounts under MCC

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Marcel, You can try using the GoogleAdsService and set the query to the one that I provided earlier. You can find a similar API call here

RE: I want to import only the Enabled data.

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Could you please share the API SOAP request and response logs to check this further? You can find the steps to enable logging here . You can share the logs privately via Reply privately to author option. Regards, Bharani, Google Ads

RE: Google Ads API: Turn off canonicalization of keywords for STATS

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Si, Unfortunately, there is no way to not use canonical sets of keywords using Google Ads API since it uses the same functionality as the Keyword Planner in the UI. Regards, Anthony Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion

RE: [5-4985000025990] Use Ads api and Adwords api to get campaigns return different response

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us. The AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED occurs when there is no link between the manager account and the client account. Could you confirm

RE: [1-3729000025976] Downloading XML and CSV reports using the new Ads API

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello, Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, downloading CSV or XML reports is not yet available in Google Ads API. For now, I would suggest you to keep an eye on our blog post for the latest news and updates. Should you have further clarificat

RE: [パスワード][Password] About ImpressionShare Values

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Tsuyoshi, It seems that the issue you are encountering is an ongoing issue that we are currently investigating. As soon as we have more information on the issue, I will provide updates to you on this thread. Regards, Hiroyuki Google Ads API Team =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: Isssue with change All product group type

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jimit, To further investigate the issue, could you please provide the code and complete SOAP request and response logs together with the customer ID and the error messages via *Reply privately to author*? If you haven't enabled SOAP logging yet, kindly enable it by following this guide

RE: Can TargetingIdeaService return search volume grouped by location?

2019-04-03 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Sebby, Unfortunately, the response of the *TargetingIdeaService* cannot be broken down into states, DMAs, counties, cities and others just like in the UI where you can easily see the top 10 US cities or US counties or whatever location which have the highest search volume for particular keywo

RE: [9-8765000026134] Getting data from CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2019-04-02 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out. My apologies but we could only provide support with regards to the AdWords API. Getting data from the campaign performance report and inserting it into your local database is already outside of our expertise. Should you have additional concerns specific to the Ad

RE: Adding Hotel AdGroupCriterion without bidding value

2019-04-02 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Didier, The field negative is immutable, once it is set you cannot modify it via update operation. If you want to bid value you have to remove the criterion and add it with negative field to false. Please give it a try and let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Sai Teja,

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