[ansible-project] Running local play with winrm config

2016-06-16 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi I am having issues trying to create a play that will setup a Windows EC2 instance and then install software once it is up. For linux instances I do the following to create a new instance on the localhost and then run the other roles on the new instance once it is ready. --- - name: create

[ansible-project] Re: Running local play with winrm config

2016-06-16 Thread Jordan Borean
Thanks for the suggestion, the trouble I am having is that I want to create the instance from ec2 and all my hosts are gotten dynamically. Are you suggesting I split up my config so the aws variables are in one file and then my tagged application details are in another which contains the

[ansible-project] Re: win_share Module Failure - no real error message?

2017-03-23 Thread Jordan Borean
The the win_share module currently catches all exceptions and doesn't output the exception message in the final JSON output. I've raised a PR to add this feature as I've come across it just recently https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22763 On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 3:40:49 AM UTC+10,

[ansible-project] Re: ansible winrm : the specified credentials were rejected by the server

2017-03-26 Thread Jordan Borean
You definitely can allow a non admin account to run through WinRM but it is definitely not something that is enabled by default and would require some fiddling with the SSDL and endpoint ACLs. This issue has most of the information that is required to add a non admin

[ansible-project] Kerberos Auth - the specified credentials were rejected by the server

2017-03-29 Thread Jordan Borean
Are you able to set ansible_winrm_transport to Kerberos and see if that works out. I also believe in 2.4 there was a change made where ansible will get the Kerberos ticket for you removing the need for getting it manually beforehand. Another thing that would be good to know is the output of

[ansible-project] Re: the connection plugin 'kerberos' was not found

2017-03-28 Thread Jordan Borean
I believe this error appears if you are setting the ansible_connection var to an invalid connection in this case Kerberos. If you are wanting to use Windows with kerberos your vars should have ansible_connection: winrm ansible_winrm_transport: kerberos On Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 10:08:42 PM

[ansible-project] Re: Using configurationName in powershell module

2017-04-05 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi Vincent I don't believe this is possible right now as Ansible uses an older protocol than Enter-PSSession. What is the configuration that you need to use, potentially it can be covered with different arugments. Thanks Jordan On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 10:08:48 AM UTC+10, Vincent

[ansible-project] Improved Windows Pipelining in 2.3

2017-04-15 Thread Jordan Borean
It should be enabled by default. If you run with a high enough verbosity you will see whether it is running with the exec wrapper or if it is still copying the modules across. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible failing while connecting to Windows using AD credentials.

2017-04-20 Thread Jordan Borean
Looks like you are on the right track where you can get a valid Kerberos ticket using kinit but your Ansible config needs a few more settings so it runs through Kerberos. Looking at the error message it is still trying to authenticate using Basic auth "plaintext" and not Kerberos. Also

[ansible-project] Re: Import excel file values to ansible

2017-04-20 Thread Jordan Borean
You are probably best off using a flat text file for this as Ansible can't natively parse Excel files. A very basic (can't guarantee to work) example of using JSON for this would be JSON File: [ { "path": "HKLM:\\Software\\MyCompany", "name": "hello", "data":

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible Windows

2017-04-19 Thread Jordan Borean
A list of authentication options that are available to a Windows host through WinRM are shown here http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_windows.html#authentication-options. In short if you need to authenticate with a domain account Kerberos is recommended as it is the most secure but NTLM and

[ansible-project] Re: Alternative to win_msi

2017-04-19 Thread Jordan Borean
There were plans to deprecate win_msi in the 2.3 release in favour of win_package but win_package was never hardened as a core module so it never became official. That being said win_package is the recommended of the 2 but there have been a few cases where I still favour win_msi over

[ansible-project] Ansible WinRM allow unencrypted connections - extra step ?

2017-04-19 Thread Jordan Borean
If you are using the Configure...ps1 script to set up your Windows host and WinRM you should set your port to 5986 so Ansible uses TLS to encrypt your traffic. When doing this you will also need to uncomment the ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation entry as the Configure...ps1 script created a

[ansible-project] Re: failing while connecting to Windows using AD credentials

2017-04-23 Thread Jordan Borean
I can't see the output of your execution with Ansible but your main issue is around the error message you get when running kinit with your domain account. It is unable to get the Kerberos ticket for your user as it can't connect to your domain/realm. You will need to solve this issue first if

[ansible-project] Re: Is this possible?

2017-04-02 Thread Jordan Borean
The group is still alive, you would find most people don't work on a weekend hence the unanswered questions. I haven't looked too closely at your code but it seems to be on the right track. yiu have various options around getting file contents such as using slurp to retrieve the contents of a

[ansible-project] Using docker_* modules on Windows

2017-08-01 Thread Jordan Borean
The docker modules won't run on a Windows host as they are written in Python and Windows runs Powershell modules. The error does seem to indicate something else is wrong but you won't be able to do this regardless. Are you on a particular version or are you just running from devel? Thanks

[ansible-project] Re: Install Docker on Windows Server 2016 using win_shell module

2017-08-01 Thread Jordan Borean
It's interesting that is worked over a PSSession but still failed with Ansible. PSSession is run over WinRM which is the same protocol Ansible uses so if it didn't fail there there must be something else going on. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[ansible-project] Re: win_command installing application on window machine

2017-08-02 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey Cindy You look at using win_package to install your exe, the only downside is that you need to know the product id of the application to run the task. Details on the module are at http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/win_package_module.html, there are also some examples on that page to

[ansible-project] Re: win_package unable to install .exe Chart Director

2017-08-03 Thread Jordan Borean
You would need to find out what the install arguments for a silent install are. I believe InstallShield uses '-s' but you would need to determine if that is the case with this particular ex. Once you have found out what the silent argument is add it to your task like so - name: install

[ansible-project] Re: Using docker_* modules on Windows

2017-08-04 Thread Jordan Borean
It isn't a goal at this point in time. The decision was made to use Powershell for Windows modules as that gives us the ability to tap into the .NET framework where Python would be pretty limited in. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible

Re: [ansible-project] Re: Not able to ping windows machine through Ansible (winrm using credential option as CredSSP is being used)

2017-08-04 Thread Jordan Borean
This seems like it could be an SSL wedging issue I've seen from time to time. It is a weird issue where the combination of the OpenSSL version (usually older ones) that Python is compiled to use and the cipher suite selection on the remote server causes the SSL connection to lock up. Depending

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible winrm to connect to windows guest via certificate.

2017-08-04 Thread Jordan Borean
Certificate auth is a bit of a pain with WinRM, I found the best article to get this working would be http://www.hurryupandwait.io/blog/certificate-password-less-based-authentication-in-winrm. Personally I would say NTLM is more secure than Basic auth as you are not sending the actual

[ansible-project] Re: Need an Intro section for "become" for Windows

2017-08-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Become support for Windows is currently in an experimental state and because of some of the existing limitations like only working over Basic and CredSSP may change once it is bedded down. I believe because the way it works may change in the future we are trying to hold off on documenting it

[ansible-project] Re: Not able to update windows using ansible win_update

2017-08-15 Thread Jordan Borean
Are there any updates available on that host, Ansible is reporting that the task didn't change so it didn't detect and updates to install. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible Windows: Add account to group administrators FR/US

2017-07-10 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey One thing you can do is use the win_region module https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/win_region_module.html to change the region of your hosts to a common value. If this isn't what you can do, you can also run an adhoc command to determine the group name based on the SID. Give the below

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible on Windows (with credssp) running into issues.

2017-08-23 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi ansible_connection should be 'winrm' and you can set the auth mode using ansible_transport. So ultimately your vars should be; ansible_user: Administrator > ansible_password: RandomePassword > ansible_port: 5985 > ansible_winrm_scheme: http > ansible_connection: winrm >

[ansible-project] Re: win_get_url terrible performance, help on metric gathering and troubleshooting?

2017-08-23 Thread Jordan Borean
That's weird, I've used win_get_url to download files in the gigabyte range without any performance issues. One thing I would recommend is to try the powershell command below and post the results in the github issue. )New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("put the URL here", "put the

[ansible-project] Re: NTLM Auth fails for WinRM

2017-06-12 Thread Jordan Borean
Thanks for the info from what you have given me there is a chance that your NTLM level is set to NTLMv2 only and the libraries installed on your Ansible host don't support that. You can verify that by running in Powershell (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa

[ansible-project] Re: Windows Kerberos Issues

2017-06-12 Thread Jordan Borean
The switch to enable CredSSP when running ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 is powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -EnableCredSSP You can also just enable it manually by running Enable-WSManCredSSP -role server -Force As for your Kerberos I find if

[ansible-project] Re: Run powershell script on Windows servers which require Powershell to be run with admin privilages

2017-05-22 Thread Jordan Borean
I could be wrong but when calling script it looks locally on the Ansible box and not the windows one. Can you specify your script without using win_copy and see what happens? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe

[ansible-project] Ansible support for Windows Server 2016

2017-05-18 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey At home and for dev work I use Windows 10 and WSL to run Ansible and that works pretty well for me. While this works this method is not supported by Ansible at all and if you come across issues you will usually be asked to replicate it on and actual unix box. The other issue with this is

[ansible-project] Re: HOWTO edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER that's not the ansible user?

2017-06-16 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey Windows unfortunately doesn't have the concept of sudo like unix so to be able to run a process as another user you need to set the password as well as the username. Going by the error message you need to set 'ansible_become_password' to the password of the account you are wanting to run

[ansible-project] Re: WinRM error: ntlm: (u'http', u'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500')

2017-06-15 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey Looks like you are trying to connect over port 5985 which is defaulting to http://hostname:5985/wsman instead of https://hostname:5986/wsman and Ansible by default doesn't allow you to talk through HTTP unless you have disabled some security restrictions on the Windows host itself. For a

[ansible-project] Re: win_dsc using PolicyFileEditor DSC Module: failed to convert String to SINT32

2017-06-15 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey Thanks for the info you've posted, win_dsc has only been recently merged. Without knowing too much about how it works it seems like this is a bug with the module and it would be beneficial to raise an Issue at https://github.com/ansible/ansible. Thanks Jordan -- You received this

[ansible-project] Re: NTLM Auth fails for WinRM

2017-06-12 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey There is a myriad of reasons why this might not work but here is where I would start. Run the following commands in Powershell and paste the info here and we should be able to help a bit more Write-Host "WinRM Service Settings" winrm get winrm/config/service Write-Host "WinRM Listener

[ansible-project] Re: ansible error HTTPSConnectionPool

2017-05-07 Thread Jordan Borean
This looks like your WinRM listener isn't configured properly or something is blocking your Ansible host from connecting over that port. You can verify what listeners are online by running this command on your Windows host winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener You should see a listener that

Re: [ansible-project] get value from command line in playbook

2017-05-02 Thread Jordan Borean
Add a variable in your group vars for the environment you are targeting, e.g. Have a structure like group_vars/ prd.yml - variables for your production environment uat.yml - variables for your uat environment sit.yml - variables for your sit environment app.yml - application

[ansible-project] Re: Not able to connect to windows machine using Ansible.

2017-05-02 Thread Jordan Borean
>From the error message it seems like the WinRM endpoint is not enabled on the remote server hence the Failed to establish a new connection error. Try and use this script to set up the WinRM endpoint on your server

[ansible-project] "kerberos: (u'http', u'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500'), plaintext: the specified credentials were rejected by the server"

2017-05-02 Thread Jordan Borean
WinRM is an annoying mechanism with very unhelpful error messages so this could potentially be a few things that could be causing your issue. The first thing is that pywinrm doesn't play nice wth HTTP end points unless you disable the majority of the security configurations like

[ansible-project] Re: "kerberos: (u'http', u'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500'), plaintext: the specified credentials were rejected by the server"

2017-05-04 Thread Jordan Borean
Can you post the results of "winrm get winrm/config/service" here to show us your WinRM configuration. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

[ansible-project] Re: "kerberos: (u'http', u'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500'), plaintext: the specified credentials were rejected by the server"

2017-05-04 Thread Jordan Borean
I would only allow unencrypted messages for testing and debugging purposes and never in any production capacity due to the security risk when running over HTTP. Useful in this case to see if the HTTP endpoint works but should be turned back off eventually. Some other things to try - use a real

[ansible-project] Re: specifying targets for win_psexec module?

2017-09-21 Thread Jordan Borean
You can have multiple plays in a playbook so your playbook could look something like this. - name: setup PS requirements on all hosts hosts: firsthost tasks: - name: install psexec win_chocolatey: name: sysinternal state: present - name: setup PS with psexec

[ansible-project] Re: Targeting Windows & Linux Machines from One Role

2017-09-21 Thread Jordan Borean
In your main.yml put in include_tasks: windows.yml when the host is Windows and include_tasks: unix.yml when it is not. You can use the gathered facts to do this or you can have a variable that can be set when running on Windows by the end user. Personally I think you should still split the

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible Windows MSI

2017-10-10 Thread Jordan Borean
There are no plans to do this, the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script does what we need so far and is only meant to be used for development purposes. When running in a production environment you should have your own process that fulfils your requirements both on a technical and security

[ansible-project] Re: Raise Exception("Cannot import pyOpenSSL")

2017-09-08 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey The package pyOpenSSL is used by the requests-credssp package. Even if you are not using CredSSP it will try and load the library if it is there and fail if it doesn't exist. There is a newer version of requests-credssp that doesn't fail outright if you aren't using credssp auth so try pip

[ansible-project] Re: Conditional run of win_feature with ansible

2017-08-30 Thread Jordan Borean
You can create a custom "facts" module to iterate all the features installed and then return what you want for further iteration in Ansible. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

[ansible-project] Re: Unable to do basic win_ping from CentOS7 to Windows 2012

2017-08-30 Thread Jordan Borean
If you have configured WinRM using the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script I would highly advise you to use HTTPS over port 5986 instead of HTTP. For one HTTP is sent over in cleartext and your credentials can be seen by anyone listening in. The other warning you are getting is because the

[ansible-project] Re: WinRM Not listening on all IPs even though configured that way

2017-08-30 Thread Jordan Borean
Networking isn't my forte but my netstat looks like yours on hosts with multiple adapters. I believe in this context means all IP addresses are listening on that port but could be wrong. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project"

[ansible-project] Re: win_package with no path in 2.3.2

2017-09-10 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi The win_package module was overhauled in 2.4 and it now allows you to uninstall a package when you just specify the product id. In the end you should be able to run just - win_package: > product_id: '{7D7C80AF-58D6-4C3F-912B-8B5B4D50A71B}' > state: absent This works the way you

[ansible-project] Re: win_command not able to execute command file on win 2008

2017-09-07 Thread Jordan Borean
Apart from updating the Server OS to 2008 R2 the only way I know how to get the output of a batch script is to use win_shell while changing the active code page. An example of running a valid and failing command can be found - name: create test batch file > win_copy: > dest:

[ansible-project] Re: Copying file from a remote windows share

2017-09-28 Thread Jordan Borean
Any path outside of the computer you are connecting with will not be accessible unless * You are using credential delegation (CredSSP or Kerberis with `ansible_winrm_kerberos_delegation: true`) * You use become * You use a scheduled task * You manually map the drive and copy the files Looks

[ansible-project] Re: Win custom modules don't work after update to 2.3.1/2.3.2. How to proceed?

2017-08-24 Thread Jordan Borean
2.3 changed the way that we handled dictionaries from pscustomobjects to hashtables and the way that scripts were executed were dramatically changed to decrease the execution time. As jhawkesworth has mentioned there is a newer guide available for developing on Windows modules which isn't on

[ansible-project] Re: Connecting to Domain Controller without using a Domain Admin account

2017-08-28 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey I haven't tested it when running on a non DA account (my test environments are very basic) but have tested running it on a non DC host with a DA account. I would assume it would be possible to run this on a non DC and non DA account if that is what you wish but believe you would need to

[ansible-project] Re: powershell version upgrade on windows server 2008 R2

2017-08-31 Thread Jordan Borean
The example you gave to install .net 4.5 is an MSU file that is installed with Windows update. There is no easy way to install update files but I've been able to install .net 4.5 using the offline installer that is packages as an exe. The link for it is here

[ansible-project] Re: WinRM Not listening on all IPs even though configured that way

2017-08-31 Thread Jordan Borean
There is an IIS extension that can be used when IIS is intercepting the WinRM traffice https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd759166(v=ws.11).aspx. I've never had to deal with this situation before so can't help much further sorry. -- You received this message because you are

[ansible-project] Re: How to install Window packages that install into the user's home profile

2017-08-31 Thread Jordan Borean
That installer sounds like the way to go. The latest devel branch has made some changes with become so it works with NTLM and Kerberos authentication but going that route probably isn't recommended as you would need to know the credentials for all the accounts you want to install slack on. --

[ansible-project] Re: win_shell - What's the proper way to use a command with a flag in ansible playbook or adhoc command.

2017-10-11 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi The win_shell module actually executes a command in the PowerShell where dir is an alias for Get-ChildItem. Get-ChildItem (and other PS cmdlets) do not have parameters or switches in the form of /* which is why you are getting this error. You can either change your task to use the

[ansible-project] Re: Does Ansible support inclusion of no-op/empty/placeholder tasks?

2017-10-12 Thread Jordan Borean
The easiest way is to use the debug module and you can output an empty string, it would work like this - name: test 1 debug: msg: "" - name: test 2 debug: msg: "" You can also use meta: noop but it isn't recommended for general use, it would work like this - name: test 1 meta:

[ansible-project] Re: Playbook for windows updates.

2017-09-27 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey Sunil You should be using the win_reboot module to handle updates. It reboots the server and waits for it to come back online so it should be seemless and won't continue until it is ready for another task. Your playbook would look something like this - name: install updates hosts:

[ansible-project] Re: Find and Fetch Files on Windows Hosts to Ansible Controller

2017-10-10 Thread Jordan Borean
The issue you have is that you have a invalid YAML document, if you use a site like http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ it can test it for you. In your case, you with_items is indented by too many spaces and should be in line with fetch. When you fix that, the return value you are using in

Re: [ansible-project] How to add become password in a task?

2017-11-15 Thread Jordan Borean
This can still be done, you can set the ansible_become_password variable using the vars argument like so; - command: whoami become: yes become_user: user vars: ansible_become_password: password The vars key can be used to set any variable for that particular task and it can even

[ansible-project] Re: Problem with ansible winrm

2017-11-15 Thread Jordan Borean
Make sure you meet the requirements for Ansible as documented here http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/windows_setup.html#host-requirements. It requires at least PowerShell v3 which is when the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet was added. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[ansible-project] Re: win_Shell or win_command executing a variable taken from win_reg_stat

2017-12-13 Thread Jordan Borean
We would probably need some more information and not just a blank variable called uninstall. You can omit names but keep the structure and arguments the same so we can see what exactly is the value from the registry key. Are you also able to share the registry path you are querying as you might

[ansible-project] Re: Querying Registry and Using Output

2017-12-15 Thread Jordan Borean
If it is just one software you want to uninstall use win_package with the product id, e.g. - name: ensure Splunk x.y is uninstalled win_package: product_id: '{CF2BEA3C-26EA-32F8-AA9B-331F7E34BA97}' # note this ID will be unique to the Splunk version state: absent IIRC correctly

[ansible-project] Re: Issue with running Ansible playbook against windows.

2017-12-15 Thread Jordan Borean
For some reason the ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore var is not being set for your Windows host hence the error. Can you test out the following before your win_stat task when running on the Windows host. - debug: var: ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation -- You received this

[ansible-project] Re: Issue with running Ansible playbook against windows.

2017-12-18 Thread Jordan Borean
I believe I may know what is happening and this was fixed in the latest devel branch so you can try that out if you like. Looks like it is failing to gather facts before it gets to your debug task, can you set *gather_facts: no* in your playbook as I'm really curious if the cert validation is

[ansible-project] Re: (Windows) Service Fails to Stop in Actual Play - But Actually Stops On Test Server

2017-12-19 Thread Jordan Borean
Ansible is a declarative language where you put the state of a resource, in this case you want a service to be stopped. If you were to run it again then it would just try to set the service to stopped or skip the task if it is already stopped. This situation is a bit more difficult as Ansible

Re: [ansible-project] Re: (Windows) Service Fails to Stop in Actual Play - But Actually Stops On Test Server

2017-12-19 Thread Jordan Borean
The Windows Event Log, I believe the service information is stored in either the System or Application event log and usually gives you more details as to why a service started or failed to stop. Unfortunately Ansible is limited to what info Powershell returns which in this case was "Cannot

[ansible-project] Re: ansible_host and delegate_to behavior

2017-12-20 Thread Jordan Borean
delegate_to is a tricky one and I've come across a few pitfalls. One thing to note is that delegate_to is meant to replace the connection vars for the host specified, in this case I would have expected ansible_host to be localhost in every instance. What I would suggest is infinitely easier

[ansible-project] Re: How can I run a powershell script locally?

2017-12-18 Thread Jordan Borean
It is definitely possible but you will probably be coming up with other errors because you either need to use CredSSP, Kerberos with credential delegation, become, or psexec to install SQL Server. For the case around running a powershell script I would try the following - win_command:

Re: [ansible-project] Re: Querying Registry and Using Output

2017-12-17 Thread Jordan Borean
No worries, unfortunately package management in Windows is in a pretty poor state as there is no first class manager like yum or apt. Chocolatey is pretty good and I would recommend using it if possible as it abstracts a lot of the information away to the point where you can just mention the

[ansible-project] Re: ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES location on windows target?

2017-12-17 Thread Jordan Borean
Ansible used the TEMP environment variable to determine the path to the temporary folder, so you can just type in *%TEMP%* in Windows explorer to get there for the current user. When doing this through RDP you might be redirected to a folder called 1, 2, 3, ... but that's just an Explorer

[ansible-project] Re: win_Shell or win_command executing a variable taken from win_reg_stat

2017-12-17 Thread Jordan Borean
While you can use win_shell I find it is better to use win_command when it comes to running executables, this way you don't fall prey to the shell specific escaping, e.g. when using win_shell you usually have to do it like; - win_shell: &"C:\Program Files\someapp\app.exe" compared to -

[ansible-project] Re: Not repeatable login error with winrm

2017-12-12 Thread Jordan Borean
If the previous task before the copy one is to install some features and reboot then potentially the WinRM service comes back online but it reboots one more time that isn't caught. What I would potentially do is - name: install problematic features win_feature: name: ... register:

[ansible-project] Re: Not repeatable login error with winrm

2017-12-12 Thread Jordan Borean
Actually after looking at the error it does still seem to be a fatal error so I don't think the block/rescue will work in this case so I think putting wait_for_connection after your reboot stage might be best. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[ansible-project] Re: Utilizing win_iis_webbinding to update IIS certs

2017-11-17 Thread Jordan Borean
That's weird I was able to get this task working in an optional integration test when developing these changes here https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/test/integration/targets/win_dsc/tasks/destructive.yml#L62. Are you able to open a GitHub issue about this and I'll try and look

[ansible-project] Ansible ad-hoc win_ping fails for Windows hosts where direct pywinrm request works

2017-11-16 Thread Jordan Borean
It is showing it tried to connect through ssh because there is a typo in your group vars. Change ansible_connexion: winrm to ansible_connection: winrm and it should start to use the correct connection plugin. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[ansible-project] Re: Utilizing win_iis_webbinding to update IIS certs

2017-11-14 Thread Jordan Borean
The win_iis_* modules are fairly old and have a few bugs associated with them. I started to rewrite them but haven't really been able to continue due to time commitments and the fact that DSC is probably better suited towards this task. My recommendation is to; * Ensure PowerShell 5.0 is

[ansible-project] Windows Server 2016 non-domain server, Ansible setup module issue

2017-11-17 Thread Jordan Borean
2.1 is 3 releases old and is no longer supported by Ansible. There has also been massive improvements and bug fixes for Windows since then and I would highly recommend you upgrade to at least 2.3 and try again. I don’t know why it failed but unless you can verify it is still happening on the

[ansible-project] Re: fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! when installing IIS on Windows Server 2016 ec2

2017-11-07 Thread Jordan Borean
As Jon is saying you are trying to run the win_feature module on localhost and not the newly provisioned EC2 server. Here is a very mock playbook that you need to follow to get working. Note this is not tested and some things could potentially be wrong --- - name: provision new EC2 server

[ansible-project] Re: Running exe on windows from a batch file

2017-11-09 Thread Jordan Borean
I don't think win_shell is necessary, you are truly trying to run an executable and don't want to confuse issues that may be related to how the shell handles things and how a command handles it. In your case you will need to enclose the full command with a single quote ', you tried this but I

[ansible-project] Re: Running exe on windows from a batch file

2017-11-08 Thread Jordan Borean
Where is the setup-x86_64.exe located? By default commands run from win_command and win_shell are run in the user's home directory which means it will be trying to execute *C:\Users\pkmbuilder\setup-x86_64.exe*. If the exe is located in another directory you will either have to reference the

Re: [ansible-project] Re: Running exe on windows from a batch file

2017-11-08 Thread Jordan Borean
Personally, I would bypass the batch file and just call the executable directly like - name: install Cygwin win_command: C:\Users\pkmbuilder\setup-x86_64.exe --root C:\cygwin64 --quiet-mode --site http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com --packages "openssh,rsync,zip,vim,wget" # Note if you are

[ansible-project] Re: winrm or requests is not installed: No module named winrm

2017-12-11 Thread Jordan Borean
Hi It's definitely possible to install the winrm requirements with Ansible, a few things to note regarding your outputs * Look at upgrading your host to a new version so that it at least has Python 2.7 installed by default (2.6 is old and not supported by Python itself but it should still

Re: [ansible-project] CLI "choco install rsat" works win_chocolatey install rsat fails

2018-05-04 Thread Jordan Borean
Yep, looks like we should update the docs to be correct, you can just do *- win_shell: whoami* to test it out. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email

Re: [ansible-project] CLI "choco install rsat" works win_chocolatey install rsat fails

2018-05-04 Thread Jordan Borean
No idea on that, looks like an issue in the install script for the rsat package. You can try to just become an existing user and not SYSTEM account like so - win_chocolatey: name: rsat state: present vars: ansible_become: yes ansible_become_method; runas

Re: [ansible-project] What is recommended version???

2018-05-08 Thread Jordan Borean
That link is specifically for the docs of the 2.4 version. To always get the latest docs, change 2.4 to latest like so http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html. Thanks Jordan -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[ansible-project] Re: What is recommended version???

2018-05-08 Thread Jordan Borean
The docs side is somewhat new so some pages in Google might be pointed towards older versions. Making sure the URL is set to latest will always be the latest version while setting to devel will point to the current devel version. Thanks Jordan -- You received this message because you are

[ansible-project] Re: Unable to install Windows Updates using Ansible 'win_update' Module

2018-05-13 Thread Jordan Borean
This sounds like it could be an issue with the whitelist functionality of win_updates. I know I had it working for single updates but can't fully remember if I tested it with multiple updates but I thought I did. Can you raise an issue with these details at

Re: [ansible-project] Re: Setting up kerberos

2018-05-13 Thread Jordan Borean
I've created a role that can do what you are looking for but it includes things outside of Kerberos and more specific for that task at hand https://github.com/jborean93/ansible-windows/tree/master/vagrant-linux/roles/kerberos. What you really need is 2 tasks; 1. Install the kerb/gssapi

[ansible-project] Re: Whats the right way to protect a backup script in windows?

2018-05-13 Thread Jordan Borean
Deny rights always override Allow rights in Windows ACLs. If a user is a member of the Administrator group *AND* the Users group the deny you applied on the 2nd win_acl task will cause an access is denied message. I'm pretty sure by default an Admin account is a member of both and that's

[ansible-project] Re: "requests_ntlm is not installed", when it appears to be in place

2018-05-13 Thread Jordan Borean
I would try and import the requests_ntlm package and try and find out why it is failing to be imported. It could be that a required package like cryptography isn't installed. To do this run python -c "from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth" If the import fails it will give you an error saying

[ansible-project] Re: "requests_ntlm is not installed", when it appears to be in place

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Are you still getting the import error when trying to manually import cryptography, you need to solve that first before using Ansible. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails

[ansible-project] Re: Best way to run Python scripts against Managed Cygwin nodes

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
I'm a bit confused, do you need to use Cygwin to run this script, everything would be so much simpler if you ignored Cygwin and used something like PowerShell or pure Python? For your current playbook there are a few issues I see; - Windows modules, like win_template, do not support the

[ansible-project] Re: "requests_ntlm is not installed", when it appears to be in place

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
What about import requests_ntlm? If that works but Ansible doesn't it sounds like Ansible is using a different Python interpreter to the one you tested on. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and

[ansible-project] Re: "requests_ntlm is not installed", when it appears to be in place

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Pycrypto is not the same as cryptography, the package is literally called cryptography and should be installed. Thanks Jordan -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from

[ansible-project] Re: "requests_ntlm is not installed", when it appears to be in place

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Looks like the python on your PATH is at /Users/anthony/ansible/bin/python but the Ansible command is on /Library/Python/2.7 which is different. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ansible Project" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop

[ansible-project] Re: Best way to run Python scripts against Managed Cygwin nodes

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Hmm, looks like your host vars isn't matching which what I expect, it is actually connecting over SSH and not WinRM when your original post said you defined ansible_connection: winrm. Is there a reason why you are using SSH/Cygwin on Windows, we don't support it currently as a valid

[ansible-project] Re: File copy/Create folder on Windows server based upon json output from Powershell

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
The issue you are seeing is that you are using the stdout_lines return value which is the stdout of the script that was run but split into a list on each newline. You want to use the stdout return value from the script which would be the full stdout of your json. The task's would look

[ansible-project] Re: File copy/Create folder on Windows server based upon json output from Powershell

2018-05-14 Thread Jordan Borean
Hey There are a few ways to do this, they usually revolve around using filters to "filter" the value into something else. Ansible has a few filters available outside of the standard Jinja2 functions which can be found here

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