Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

four Lines of text... Four lines of text with zero context. this is absolutely a bullshit tactic I've seen used time and time again by people who've fallen afoul of staff across various games, It's not me that's the dick... it's them! What's always missing are the few hundred lines of text where they act like abrasive cunts, slowly backing the member of staff into a corner until they end up snapping back. I don't doubt for a second this is what happened here and why should I? There's zero evidence to prove otherwise, just the same dummy spitting we see from your average banned MUD/MOOer. You can see this playing out in the other thread that seems to be related to this, where Caccio72 attempts to play the part of a poor harmless gamer persecuted by the community wherever he goes. He is then willfully obtuse to the extreme, knowing that it will piss everyone else off and that the mods will obediently step in and start handing out warnings. After warnings are handed out, suddenly the guy goes silent and the cycle repeats again.Isn't the community failure clause  supposed to take care of this kind of thing here? I'm willing to bet that this is what got his ass slapped on wayfar1444, but he keeps doing the same thing here again and again.


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Re: Can I use ps3 emulator just like I use PCSX2?

2021-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can I use ps3 emulator just like I use PCSX2?

What kind of CPU do you have before we go any further? PS3 emulation requires quite a beefy CPU to hit playable speeds before we even get to graphics.


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Re: I need to rant at you about your behavior in mainstream communities

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need to rant at you about your behavior in mainstream communities

That's the thing with the word cunt, It's a word that's always without fail going to piss someone off, not slightly piss them off, but all the way up to 11 pissed off. Cunt is used as a term of endearment here more than it is an insult ("I love that cunt he's a fuckin legend," for example) but someone is always going to overhear the word being said and flip their shit accordingly. Maybe don't use cunt on the internet though, unless you genuinely want to insult someone by calling them a cunt and if you do then go nuts.Re: I'd really like to see a whole lot less armchair psychology and espousing of grand theories of humanity from this forum.Are you a psychologist? If yes, yay for you... Now quit with the fucking gatekeeping.If no, Then still yay for you... but don't attempt to gatekeep stuff that you know dick about.The amount of times I've seen what essentially boils down to you're not X, so should not be putting forth your opinions on Y and should only say Z is fucking astounding.I'm no meteorologist, but if one were peeing on me, then telling me that there was in fact a 100% chance of precipitation today and that armchair meteorologists such as myself are wrong and just need to stop then I'd be putting Pissy McPissface right pretty sharpish.


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Re: I need to rant at you about your behavior in mainstream communities

2021-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need to rant at you about your behavior in mainstream communities

The OP is a very valid point though... could have quadruple the swearwords in it and still be valid. There are MUDs/MOOs that I'll never reveal my visual impairment on because blindies came, blindies blindied, made a complete tit of themselves, pissed off staff that were attempting to accommodate them and basically made blind players a complete fucking cringe factor for the rest of the playerbase. Once a group of players or a MUD/MOO get's that reputation, it will rarely get the chance to shed it. Take a look /r/MUD where to this day Cosmic Rage is still considered to be a typo ridden mess.Then there are the blindie heartlands of Alter Aeon, where it's wall to wall roflroflrofl spam and everyone is weird AF. I can't even imagine how many people took a look at that and just noped the fuck out of there post haste.


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Re: Pokemon Go should be banned.

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokemon Go should be banned.

This thread reminds me of  this chatterbox FM call.Also who cares if the thread doesn't serve a purpose? If it's pissing you off that much just ignore the thing instead of acting like babies that need  big daddy moderator to make the forum safe for them again. The fact that they haven't really done anything should tell you that while kind of pointless, the thread doesn't break any rules.If someone can come on here and talk a bunch of pointless crap about nursery rimes, then this should be allowed to exist also.


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Re: Minecraft as a totally blind player.

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Minecraft as a totally blind player.

The elephant in the room is really just how much you need the mouse for everything... the entire UI is crafted around it just like say... Second Life. This feels like entirely the same discussion, remember that one?


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Re: Minecraft as a totally blind player.

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Minecraft as a totally blind player.

The elephant in the room is really just how much you need the mouse for everything... the entire UI is crafted around it just like say... Second Life. This feels like entirely the same discussion


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Re: Accessibility Update

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility Update

re: EA. Is there actual solid evidence to prove that the forum drove them off? I only ever see people  using the we drove off EA thing like a club to shut people up for criticizing games, but they never back it up with anything.


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Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

2021-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

10: So close! It's


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Re: Again out in the hunt: story-driven video games

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Again out in the hunt: story-driven video games

The narrow stereo field in Soulcalibur is down to the camera placement I think, as it constantly rotates with the fighters as they circle each other. It's been that way since II at any rate and most likely the original Soulcalbur as well, I have no idea about soul blade though. You'll hear more stereo panning in the knockout replays though, because the camera get's in closer.


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Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

The so called copied areas from alter aeon are stock zones and quests that were due to be overhauled. More MUDs use stock zones than you realize (New Thalos for example). Do we accuse aardwolf for copying Alter aeon because it has a New Thalos? I think not.


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Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playable or accessible cyber dystopian games

The so called copied areas from alter aeon are stock zones and quests that were due to be overhauled. More MUDs use stock areas than you realise (New Thalos for example). Do we accuse aardwolf for copying Alter aeon because it has a New Thalos? I think not.


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Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

Wayfar1444 got so much of this stuff so right... and none of these space moos will ever come Miriani's asshole playerbase.When you grief someone off the game on miriani, the accepted in world explanation for that person no longer existing is they died. So a massive chunk of the playerbase are highly celebrated mass murderers in charge of some of humanity's most powerful technology. I've always been amazed by that.Edit:Also giant fucking family's with massive amounts of brothers/sisters/uncles/goldfish that sprout out of nowhere all carting around small armies of crotch goblins. Does miriani have a birth control problem?


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Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

Wayfar1444 got so much of this stuff so right... and none of these space moos will ever come Miriani's asshole playerbase.When you grief someone off the game on miriani, the accepted in world explanation for that person no longer existing is they died. So a massive chunk of the playerbase are highly celebrated mass murderers in charge of some of humanity's most powerful technology. I've always been amazed by that.Edit:Also giant fucking family's with massive amounts of members that sprout out of nowhere all carting around small armies of crotch goblins. Does miriani have a birth control problem?


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Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

2020-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are Miriani and Star Conquest Worth Playing?

Wayfar1444 got so much of this stuff so right... and none of these space moos will ever come Miriani's asshole playerbase.When you grief someone off the game on miriani, the accepted in world explanation for that person no longer existing is they died. So a massive chunk of the playerbase are highly celebrated mass murderers in charge of some of humanity's most powerful technology. I've always been amazed by that.


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Re: the-knight mud

2020-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the-knight mud

You pan for gold, Pan for gold, pan for gold, get the ingame version of an iPhone all while you wear clothes you'd never be seen dead in irl. You humbly suggest to staff that you should have the ability to customize a set of blank clothes so you don't feel like you're dressed like a colossal tit and receive a hostile and bitchy response in return.In conclusion:10/10 def try it out if you like shitty panning for gold simulators./s


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Re: ps5 vs xbox series who wins

2020-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ps5 vs xbox series who wins

5:I'd get about 4-5 hours out of a new ds4 controller before it would have to go on charge, the ds3 was miles better and my two ds3s are probably in better condition as far as the battery goes than the ds4s. So many deep discharges and full recharges have taken their tole on the ds4s to the point where I just keep them hooked up to power banks if I'm playing for more than a couple of hours to avoid disconnects.


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Re: ps5 vs xbox series who wins

2020-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ps5 vs xbox series who wins

controller still needs battery's:Seems like a con, but it's not.  My launch model xbox's controllers  are still going strong because there are no sealed in battery packs to render them obsolete, I have xbox 360 controllers from 12 plus years ago that still work fine for the same reason.Playstation controllers though? I've gone through a few because of the constant charge cycles you're subjecting the sealed batteries to. I hope Microsoft never takes away the ability to do this, as trading such a killer feature for a tiny bit of convenience just is not worth it at all.


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Re: Xbox S and Xbox X accessibility

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Xbox S and Xbox X accessibility

Why is it that when it's a youtuber abusing jump cuts their always loud and annoying as fuck? The jump cuts really don't help them at all. There's no natural pauses between each line yelled out at ear splitting volume, so you just get this unending barrage of hyperactive loud noise drilling it's way into the centre of your skull. It pisses you off in ways that you didn't think you could be pissed off in... and basically fuck people who do xbox accessibility: I agree with Liam, we'll be getting more of the same but the boost in CPU power is really gonna help out here. Narrator could be a tad laggy on the xbox one, but when you take into account that it was running on only 2 of the CPU cores, those CPU cores were low end laptop grade CPU cores, those cores were shared with the OS and that OS could only access 2.5GB of the ram then it was pretty impressive that it was able to run at the speed it did. I am looking forward to what the new hardware will bring to the table.


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Re: Vast Horizon

2020-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon

I remember suggesting that all of the needless busywork you have to perform to enter a ship in cosmic rage should be automated purely for QoL, but they legit wouldn't do it because they were unique and that's what all the other space moos did. For those who never played you had to unlock your ship with a command, open the hatch with a command, enter with a command, close the hatch behind with a command and lock with a command. I have no idea if this is still the case because I stopped playing after blueprints became  one time use items (another dumb AF change) but it wasn't the only basic system that was needlessly bloated with extra commands. If this game can avoid that kind of uniqueness and implement stats, classes and skills that allow players to take different paths through the game then it'll be on to something. If has any of the following things: player military police, stun guns, babies, enough food to feed an army, prisons that prevent you from playing the game as a punishment, entire zoos of animals following people about and massive capital ships launching and landing like it's nothing then it's DOA. The people who wand that kind of shit are already being catered to.All that being said they are following a trail that is overflowing with the shit that other space moos left behind when they blazed it, I seriously do wish them all the best.


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Re: Vast Horizon

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon

getting heavy cosmic rage vibes from this one... rip.


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Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

-no-dwrite still has it's uses, as it will  make parts of the UI that aren't rendered by chromium kind of visible to NVDA. The system tray icon's context menu being a good example. You can totally get by without using it though. As for dark's issues? It honestly sounds like you've got steam stuck in Russian, but I'd need to see an example of your OCR output. Another good way of verifying this is disabling your automatic login, launching steam and then OCRing the entire desktop window. You'll hear your desktop icons and the rest read out properly, but the steam login window will be a mess of garbled text with the od English word thrown in.If this is the problem then you'll have to uninstall steam, remove the steam folder in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local, remove valve's registry entries  from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\ and then finally re-install checking the english checkbox that looks like it's already checked.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

-no-dwrite still has it's uses, as it will  make parts of the UI that aren't rendered by chromium kind of visible to NVDA. The system tray icon's context menu being a good example. You can totally get by without using it though. As for dark's issues? It honestly sounds like you've got steam stuck in Russian, but I'd need to see an example of your OCR output. Another good way of verifying this is disabling your automatic login, launching steam and then OCRing the entire desktop window. You'll hear your desktop icons and the rest read out properly, but the steam login window will be a mess of garbled text with the od English word thrown in.If this is the problem then you'll have to uninstall steam, remove the steam folder in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local, remove valve's registry entries  from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\ and then finally re install checking the english checkbox that looks like it's already checked.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I said here  that you were leaving out tons and tons of information and that this act was creating a false expectation of what a blind person can expect to do in Radegast and I still stand by this. Like ironcross, I don't believe you're doing it to be malicious in any way. You're just excited and happy that you can have a good time in SL and that's awesome. You deserve that and so much more... Maybe people will join in with you and end up having just as good a time as you and that is also awesome. However...You've done such a killer job getting people all hyped up and they're all going to come rushing into SL being like "ohmygod where can I go to fly spaceships! Whooosh! Let's go!" Only to find out that they... can't.Radegast's commands and buttons are just poorly equipped to deal with a complex 3d world, using the tools the viewer gives you to navigate such a world would be like attempting to fly a 747 with a playstation controller.To be crystal clear:We are not attacking you, we are not telling people not to go on second life, and we are not telling people not to use radegast. All we want is people to really know what they're getting themselves into.It would be nice if you could have a proper dialogue with us about this instead of burying your head in the sand and hand waving away very serious bugs while dismissing large and integral parts of second life (see:3d Viewer comments)It would also be nice if you dropped the I've been using radegast longer than all you plebs that only used it for 3 hours attitude, I've used it for 5 years and told the radegast teachers a thing or two that they themselves didn't even know about,  I can also back up everything I covered and then some.


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I said here  that you were leaving out tons and tons of information and that this act was creating a false expectation of what a blind person can expect to do in Radegast and I still stand by this. Like ironcross, I don't believe you're doing it to be malicious in any way. You're just excited and happy that you can have a good time in SL and that's awesome. You deserve that and so much more... Maybe people will join in with you and end up having just as good a time as you and that is also awesome. However...You've done such a killer job getting people all hyped up and they're all going to come rushing into SL being like "ohmygod where can I go to fly spaceships! Whooosh! Let's go!" Only to find out that they... can't.Radegast's commands and buttons are just poorly equipped to deal with a complex 3d world, using the tools the viewer gives you to navigate such a world would be like attempting to fly a 747 with a playstation controller.To be crystal clear:We are not attacking you, we are not telling people not to go on second life, and we are not telling people not to use radegast. All we want is people to really know what they're getting themselves into.It would be nice if you could have a proper dialogue with us about this instead of burying your head in the sand and hand waving away very serious bugs while dismissing large and integral parts of second life (see:3d Viewer comments)It would also be nice if you dropped the I've been using radegast longer than all you plebs that only used it for 3 hours attitude, I've used it for 5 years and told the radegast a thing or two that they themselves didn't even know about,  I can also back up everything I covered and then some.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

Yikes!I suggest you avail yourself with a mirror,  champ. The irony of you doing the very things you accuse me of is not lost on me at all.This is also the second time you started snarling at me like an ill tempered dog, the last time you were attempting to imply that I was a quote unquote Spaz.You want to go on about me tossing barbs at people? Never in  all the time on here have I ever told anyone that their being a spastic.I suppose you're going to attempt to twist me correcting grryfindore's spelling of my username into me being a dick? Thing is... I see people doing that kind of thing on here all the time and noone bats an eyelid.To grryfindore, if this has caused you offence in any way then I apologize and will remove that part of my post if you wish. If I'm due any punitive action, then lay it on me. My chin is ready.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

Accept defender is attempting to paint me as an unreasonable edgelord to devalue the valid criticism that I am 100% allowed to post. It's not personal attacking per say, but obvious  bullshit is obviousCan you point out in any posts by exodus (e x o d u s) stating that I disliked the game? I can wait... Have all the time in the world... Oh yeah. You're not going to find anything like that.That is because I think the game is fair to middling, but I am completely not comfortable with it going out on to a mainstream console. A large chunk of mainstream gamers already think that we sit in our blind chairs, in total darkness, playing our blind games, listening to the blind radio and if we just so happen to be playing something with graphics in it then our carers must be right on hand to make sure we don't end up poking our eyes out. This game won't challenge that idea in any way what so ever and may end up reinforcing it.A final observation/question I find myself with after a second demo play through. Are the graphics supposed to represent what Alex's vision is like? If so then that's another can of worms right there.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

You finding my posts edgy is an absolute scream  honestly, but you do you.Stacking all these mechanics onto bop it is  putting lipstick on a pig though and given that this is going to launch onto a mainstream console, the criticism it will face will be much more harsh than our little corner of the internet or any of the questions I asked. That's a wider internet that hasn't been fed the same type of gameplay system for years and a wider internet that doesn't relentlessly shit on others for handing out valid criticism.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

Accept it's not unreasonable to point out that we've been served up this stile of combat system for years now, 0/10 try again.All the extras in the world aren't going to make a lick of difference if the underlying combat system (Bop it) is already limited as it is. I'd argue that piling all this stuff onto bop it is really straining the combat stile to the extreme limits.Imagine that every hack and slash game developed ever played like the first devil may cry and that every developer ever just piled stuff like extra swords and armor on top of that, without touching the underlying combat engine.People would have gotten bored of this extremely quickly and we would probably not have any hack and slash at all.In case it wasn't obvious from my original post, the lack of text in my posts  such as  "this game sucks," "I had more fun at the dentist" etc. Means that I actually think the game is just okay. I don't hate it the way defender seems to think I do, but the YoU'rE BlInD LoL stuff needs to go... yesterday. Bop it combat aged about as well as a glass of milk on a hot day, so I hope FallingSquirrel abandons it for their future games.


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Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

The dialogue in this demo is top tier cringe for sure, the protagonist constantly demanding to have her surroundings described to her is also cringe af. At least she's not feeling peoples faces I guess... but still.I find myself asking myself the following:1. Have FallingSquirrel spent time around blind people? It certainly seems like they may have not.2: Are they an offshoot of the people behind a blind legend/ all the other bop it fighters out there? If yes, then they really have to go do some homework on us. If no, then.3: Why are all these developers arriving at the conclusion of the bop it fighter?


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Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I just have to point out that it'll take way... w more than just fixing the arrows to make vehicle driving, and by extension interacting with the world actually work. Massive parts of radegast would probably have to be rewritten from the ground up to make this possible as it is currently just a chat/inventory management client that you use to run bots on potato PCs. The client currently has several problems that get in the way of world interaction at the moment and we're gonna cover them right here.First of all... the 3D scene viewer (AKA the mode that every other second life viewer starts up in by default)It's missing support for lots of things for starters:HUDs do not render, meshes do not render most of the time, alpha layers are not rendered  so on the off chance that your mesh attachments render, you're base shape will not be hidden and you just show up as a fucked up mess. There is no lighting support so stuff just  kind of exists  in this weird state where everything is kind of lit the same way regardless of the time of day. The default camera placement leaves... a lot to be desired but we'll come back to this. Loading the 3D scene with a screen reader active will simply just lag the  everloving shit out of your machine to the point where the time between you pressing something and it happening can take tens of seconds.Why would I want 3d mode active anyway? I here you ask. You want it active because as I mentioned before, its the primary mode that every other viewer uses. Its the only way of directly moving your avatar and directly interacting with the world by clicking on things. Radegasts movement and teleport commands are cool and all, but they should be supplementary commands that we use for navigation along side WASD the mouse and the extra keys for jumping and flight.Next... The camera:Oh boy... I've already mentioned the default camera position. It isn't very good and you can't change it at all because Radegast grabs that camera and will not let go. This is a huge issue because many seats, directly drivable vehicles and automated vehicles like trains all have their own camera positions that override the default camera view when you board or sit on them. What this means is that if you board the badass bike of badassery, start the engine, hit w to go forward you'll just drive out of shot while the camera stays pointed in some random direction. To further muddy the waters, sound in radegast and we'll talk more about sound in a minute is relative to the camera, not your avatar so stuff that's happening on your avatar's left will sometimes sound like its coming from a completely different direction.The 3d Viewer also positively chugs along, even on powerful graphics cards you'll never see anything over 10 FPS. I have to set all the sliders to max in firestorm and uncap the draw distance to get radegast like framerates and this is a viewer rendering all the shit that radegast can't. Successfully firing up radegast's 3D view is a complete crapshoot also. On NVIDIA  GPUs you have to use vertex buffer objects, on intel graphics you can't and on AMD you have to keep toggling the option until it eventually launches.Now let's touch on sound:Sound is broken... I mean it doesn't sound like it is broken at first you'll hear birds singing and bees buzzing when you switch it on but as you start moving around and stuff judders about all over the place you'll realize that panning as broken as hell. You'll come across ghost sounds also that are usually left behind by temp rezzed objects that will keep playing on loop for days and days after their gone or you leave the sim. Other viewers will attenuate or not play sounds that are a bit further away from you also, radegast does not. The result of this is that if someone farts on the other side of the sim... you're going to hear it. If someone is engaging in a bit of sexytimes... you'll hear that too. If aforementioned sexytimes includes temp rez objects that play the sound part? potential ghost fuck sounds.Finally, the information and commands that radegast gives you.Firstly, you'll never use the move command. If you use it to move to another avatar, you'll be crashed into them and will push them in push enabled sims. In no push you'll just be all up in their business and it just looks fucking awkward. If you use the commands  to turn and move then radegast will just up and screw you over at random, sending you hurtling off in a random direction or you'll fall through the world and get stuck at 0 0, 0. If you use the move command to walk you to an object and there's an obstacle in your way such as a wall, you'll just  walk constantly into the wall until radegast thinks you've walked the distance to the target object.This means you're pretty much forced to teleport as Ironcross  pointed out already, but teleportation has its limits also:Don't teleport to other avatars, the outcome of doing so will be the sa

Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Radegast and Accessibility Discussion

I just have to point out that it'll take way... w more than just fixing the arrows to make vehicle driving, and by extension interacting with the world actually work. Massive parts of radegast would probably have to be rewritten from the ground up to make this possible as it is currently just a chat/inventory management client that you use to run bots on potato PCs. The client currently has several problems that get in the way of world interaction at the moment and we're gonna cover them right here.First of all... the 3D scene viewer (AKA the mode that every other second life viewer starts up in by default)It's missing support for lots of things for starters:HUDs do not render, meshes do not render most of the time, alpha layers are not rendered  so on the off chance that your mesh attachments render, you're base shape will not be hidden and you just show up as a fucked up mess. There is no lighting support so stuff just  kind of exists  in this weird state where everything is kind of lit the same way regardless of the time of day. The default camera placement leaves... a lot to be desired but we'll come back to this. Loading the 3D scene with a screen reader active will simply just lag the  everloving shit out of your machine to the point where the time between you pressing something and it happening can take tens of seconds.Why would I want 3d mode active anyway? I here you ask. You want it active because as I mentioned before, its the primary mode that every other viewer uses. Its the only way of directly moving your avatar and directly interacting with the world by clicking on things. Radegasts movement and teleport commands are cool and all, but they should be supplementary commands that we use for navigation along side WASD the mouse and the extra keys for jumping and flight.Next... The camera:Oh boy... I've already mentioned the default camera position. It isn't very good and you can't change it at all because Radegast grabs that camera and will not let go. This is a huge issue because many seats, directly drivable vehicles and automated vehicles like trains all have their own camera positions that override the default camera view when you board or sit on them. What this means is that if you board the badass bike of badassery, start the engine, hit w to go forward you'll just drive out of shot while the camera stays pointed in some random direction. To further muddy the waters, sound in radegast and we'll talk more about sound in a minute is relative to the camera, not your avatar so stuff that's happening on your avatar's left will sometimes sound like its coming from a completely different direction.The 3d Viewer also positively chugs along, even on powerful graphics cards you'll never see anything over 20 FPS. I have to set all the sliders to max in firestorm and uncap the draw distance to get radegast like framerates and this is a viewer rendering all the shit that radegast can't. Successfully firing up radegast's 3D view is a complete crapshoot also. On NVIDIA  GPUs you have to use vertex buffer objects, on intel graphics you can't and on AMD you have to keep toggling the option until it eventually launches.Now let's touch on sound:Sound is broken... I mean it doesn't sound like it is broken at first you'll hear birds singing and bees buzzing when you switch it on but as you start moving around and stuff judders about all over the place you'll realize that panning as broken as hell. You'll come across ghost sounds also that are usually left behind by temp rezzed objects that will keep playing on loop for days and days after their gone or you leave the sim. Other viewers will attenuate or not play sounds that are a bit further away from you also, radegast does not. The result of this is that if someone farts on the other side of the sim... you're going to hear it. If someone is engaging in a bit of sexytimes... you'll hear that too. If aforementioned sexytimes includes temp rez objects that play the sound part? potential ghost fuck sounds.Finally, the information and commands that radegast gives you.Firstly, you'll never use the move command. If you use it to move to another avatar, you'll be crashed into them and will push them in push enabled sims. In no push you'll just be all up in their business and it just looks fucking awkward. If you use the commands  to turn and move then radegast will just up and screw you over at random, sending you hurtling off in a random direction or you'll fall through the world and get stuck at 0 0, 0. If you use the move command to walk you to an object and there's an obstacle in your way such as a wall, you'll just  walk constantly into the wall until radegast thinks you've walked the distance to the target object.This means you're pretty much forced to teleport as Ironcross  pointed out already, but teleportation has its limits also:Don't teleport to other avatars, the outcome of doing so will be the sa

Re: The last of us to, a story of revenge and... that's it.

2020-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us to, a story of revenge and... that's it.

I give it a 5/10 for accessibility features, voice acting and the graphics which are some of the best of the generation.The story is complete dogshit though and just like how when you're at a restaurant and are served a crappy meal, you don't have to consume the entire thing to come to that conclusion.Warning! Spoilers lie beyond this point! Turn back now, or be spoiled.It was fairly obvious looking at the reviews and the limitations placed on critics that something was amiss, alarm bells really started ringing when they all came out in lockstep saying the same things pretty much copy pasted from review to review. Masterpiece! best game of the decade! naughty dog hit out the park! yadda yadda.When you're two hours in and established characters are doing things they'd never do just because the plot needs them to do these things, you know that this ship is going down. As Druckmann's self-insert character spits on the freshly brutalized, still warm corpse of Joel you know that not only is the ship going down, but we're looking at titanic levels of ship sinkage.You're forced to kill an innocent dog and then the game spends the next few hours bludgeoning you over the head in an attempt to make you feel bad. You're forced to play as Joel's killer  for 10 plus hours in a shitty attempt to humanize one of video game's most fucking repulsive characters that the Druckmann self-insert graphically fucks  in a mocaped sex scene that makes the ones from ride to hell: retribution look tasteful.When you think the misery is over and the game is at an end, you're pulled back in for another 8 hour slog only to be served up the most piss poor ending ever and the narrative is made abundantly clear. Joel bad! Ellie bad! Abby good! Old characters bad! must be punished! New characters good! Must be allowed to get away with murder!Spoilers end.Naughty dog desperately want you to believe this game is high art, that it's story is deep and insightful. When in reality it's an average game using cheap parlor tricks to mess with your emotions.Let's also not forget about the people who burned themselves out, ruining their physical and mental health to develop this miserable slog because I think it's amazing just  how many critics fell over themselves to give this thing perfect tens while ignoring the crunch culture surrounding the game's development.


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Re: Dolphin Emulator No Longer Accessible

2020-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolphin Emulator No Longer Accessible

7 You totally can. Dolphin emulates more than just the wii also. The developers of dolphin say that apparently it's the fault of changes in Qt 5.14.1 breaking screen readers, but I'm finding it difficult to find information on that.So in terms of why should we care? If this is down to Qt, then it's more than just access to dolphin we'll lose. Pretty much every modern emulator now uses Qt, so we stand to lose access to all that when they update same for anything else.


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Re: Dolphin Emulator No Longer Accessible

2020-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolphin Emulator No Longer Accessible

7 You totally can. Dolphin also emulates more than just the wii also. The developers of dolphin say that apparently it's the fault of changes in Qt 5.14.1 breaking screen readers, but I'm finding it difficult to find information on that.So in terms of why should we care? If this is down to Qt, then it's more than just access to dolphin we'll lose. Pretty much every modern emulator now uses Qt, so we stand to lose access to all that when they update same for anything else.


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Re: Anyone have their old Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 playthroughs around?

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone have their old Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 playthroughs around?

Don't make the twin snakes your first time play through.  The shitty voice acting alone will outright ruin a lot of the game's bigger moments.Sure it's graphically nicer, sure you can do metal gear solid two things and sure... snake back flips off a fucking missile in the twin snakes but it's voice acting is atrocious. You'll want  to play the PSX version, under something like Beetle PSX HW in retroarch also, as the PC port suffers from lower quality sounds during gameplay plus cut scene audio is all fucked up. Beetle manages to get the psx reverbs pretty much spot on, and metal gear solid makes heavy usage of the psx reverbs.


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Re: Last of us 2 blind accessibility announcement

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Last of us 2 blind accessibility announcement

39: The game is still on the blue ray, it's just stored in a highly compressed format that has to be decompressed onto the drive before you can play. Shipping just an authorization key on blue ray disk would be costly as all hell. Buying the physical version will not magically stop the game from taking 150 GB of space, it just means you can install the game offline. Granted it may be missing the multi player component.That aside, yay for accessibility features, b for everything else naughty dog have being doing of late. I won't be touching this poison chalice after the way they've been treating their staff, the fans and the way they've been abusing the copyright strike system on youtube to silence content creators. Not to mention the harm their hamfisted story could do to inclusivity in general.


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Re: Next gen consoles and accessibility

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Next gen consoles and accessibility

I'm expecting more of the same shit from Sony to be honest, and that's the best case scenario. They could always say that the companion app is accessible now, so people should use that.They'll continue their collaboration with able gamers because it makes them look good and they can claim those sweet sweet woke points,  but their actions regarding accessibility for the blind make it abundantly clear that they don't give a single fuck at all.


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Re: UOSS Mud Job Combinations

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UOSS Mud Job Combinations

Attuning gives you both empower and strike in an element, so you use them to change the Damage of your big swdtech strikes. A fair bit of swordsman attacks will carry the element you have attuned and I think the only attacks that don't are stunner, slash and empowerer. This also works with attacks in other jobs. Wild swing in knight for example. I'm not entirely sure if the breaks carry elements also and I want to say that stock break does , but can't remember 100 percent.


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Re: UOSS Mud Job Combinations

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UOSS Mud Job Combinations

The fact that they keep nerfing other jobs for being too good, but yet will not touch mech anoys the hell out of me.Berserker used to be one of the only jobs that could keep up, so it's no surprise to me it was nerfed.I have not played in a long time, but have experienced uosmud's hamfisted nerfs. There are usually a string of them, each one supposedly being the final one.Swordsman samurai is a good combination though, investing in oblivion, tempest and charge levels turns you into a monster AoE hitter and if you're an Eternian you can attune elements to hit enemy weaknesses for even more damage.


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Re: Looking for a new mud to play

2020-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a new mud to play

A few more things atop those few more things before my things:1. Take control of when you level.When you first start out, it is shockingly easy to over level yourself to the point of being level 30 but only having a couple of job levels in a couple of jobs.  Stats and hp are nice, but if you only have the piddling start attacks from your jobs at your disposal you're going to have a terrible time.  I'd recommend asking for a rotten experience egg right off the bat..Rotten experience eggs stop you gaining experience from kills and militia raids as long as you have them equipped and can be bought from the chocosquare in the golden saucer for 400 choco coins.  Players usually amass stacks and stacks of these coins doing races to level their chocobos and have no problem handing you an egg if you ask.While not gaining experience and not leveling sounds counter intuitive, this allows you to comfortably sit at say... level 15 for as long as you like, gaining AP in as many jobs as you like, to whatever job levels you like.2. Fill out the job tree early on:Higher end jobs require you have job levels across a bunch of other jobs (TempleKnight fuck you) this means that you'll be grinding out job levels in jobs that you're really not optimized for at level 60 or so.  Doing this later on is garbage, as death is much more costly at this stage, stuff hits harder and so on.3. Exploit chemist early on:Seriously... Knot of rust kills it at low levels as the attack doesn't scale off of stats that you don't have.  If you spend your AP that you get from the tutorial on squire's gained AP up, go kill a few rabites, learn knot of rust from chemist and use both these things you'll have a pretty effective setup to carry you through the first few levels.  Combine with your rotten experience egg for best results.4. Level chemist:Chemist's late game combat abilities are basically broken and not in a good way, but it's utility abilities  more than make up for it. You'll want to learn the hell out of everything as this job as a secondary will become a life saver when you have to farm battle points in the battle arena for the nice items there.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

You're handed devices to heal Carla with that you can use on her from range ((you could also say remotely) and there are more to pick up lmao.She can also withstand more than a couple hits from the falling rocks, as I replayed this stage a bunch of times just to be sure and deliberately didn't heal her one time through.Perhaps I was lucky like 6 times in a row? Or maybe you're onto something with the double damage bug but I can't make myself play it again. I've had enough Carla for one day.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

Have never had two rocks fall on me either, and you can just remote heal Carla if she walks into anything. I pretty much just run through that level with the needle launcher and it's easy af.The rocks damaging Carla provide the challenge here, please don't change.


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Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

2020-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some BK3 suggestions, and a rant.

I don't see what's so bad about the Carla thing, you take a speed drink, get in front of her, grapple up to the top of the rock platforms, collect the goodies up there and drop down again. Keep mowing down the baddies in front of you. Lather, rinse and repeat for each platform.She'll even take care of the stuff behind you while she trundles along.  Just keep her health up and  you'll win the level no prob.Not only that, you'll have won the level without getting the game changed! Go you!


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Re: Why are People Still Posting Links to Unauthorized Forks

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why are People Still Posting Links to Unauthorized Forks

As long as the trolls can continue to play you and by extension people who have the same mind set as you like a fiddle, this will just keep happening. Don't engage the trolls, not even to tell them to fuck off. Let the mods handle it and divert your time and energy towards something else.


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Re: Ever seen a big game studio release an audio-described trailer?

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ever seen a big game studio release an audio-described trailer?

To be fair, this trailer is suffering from a couple of things:It's a teaser trailer for a teaser trailer for a teaser trailer for the main trailer for a game that we know next to bugger all about, so never trust a trailer applies here big time.Like a bunch of  audio-described content, it also suffers from the issue of the original audio  track being waaay too far down in the mix compared to the descriptive vocal track.Sound effects are in the original trailer, but the audio-described mix buries them.The volume issue is a deal breaker for me when it comes to audio-described content, it almost seems like it is designed for users of headphones and I already wear those enough as it is. Give me a good  surround mix any day, I can usually pull out enough detail from something like that to follow most things.Anyway... No I have never seen an audio described game trailer done by the studio before so this is cool, even if it is just a hype generator.


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Re: Flarestar FREE and introducing Blind Quest, a new audiogame RPG!

2020-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flarestar FREE and introducing Blind Quest, a new audiogame RPG!

Oh boy... Imagine that every mainstream game had to have the word sighted or sight in it some place?Metal Gear Sighted, Sight night Round III and so on.It's 2020 so can we please move beyond shoehorning blind into game titles? We can seriously do better than this.Pulling random titles out of my ass I humbly suggest:HEROES OF AETHERNA: Nathan's Quest.If name dropping the protagonist in tit title is undesirable, then how about:LEGENDS OF AETHERNA: The Enchanted Castle.I'm probably going to be branded entitled, whiny and overly negative by the usual mob, but I honestly believe that a name change could do wonders here.


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Re: Blind people can't beat Samurai Shodown 2019 story mode

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind people can't beat Samurai Shodown 2019 story mode

So... You say this.When I went to set up RetroArch for the first time. The instructions did not say press enter twice to get the voice working.Then this.However I actually take some time to explore the items. It is after I have tried a while before I begin to ask for some help.Are you really sure about that taking the time and exploring thing? If an extra press of the enter key was enough to defeat your mad exploring skillz, I honestly doubt you do what you say you do.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

LMAO.Cloverbit played this community like a damn fiddle, that much was obvious from long before the actual release date, when they shat out that low effort press demo.They put more effort into the fucking trailer than they did their shitty little game, knowing they could hype things up and that a community that is relatively starved for content would be all over it like flies on a corpse.Cloverbit knew they could hoist a half arsed pile of unfinished garbage onto everyone, because most of this community is just too afraid to speak out against the bullshit it is put through. I need only point to  Metalppop for a fantastic example of what I'm getting at.A few people contacted Metalppop to say nasty things, make demands and just act like dicks in general. Unfortunately; We live in this thing called reality and reality has it's fair share of dicks that you just can't get away from. No matter how hard you try.Metalppop responded by making a thinly veiled threat along the lines of:If you all don't STFU, we'll just stop developing accessibility for our idle games.A bit like that cliché seen of a mobster threatening someone's life/business/car, but with 0 mobsters and done entirely in text.Instead of sticking up for itself, pointing out that this was a total dick move and making all the noises about vocal minorities not representing a community; the community virtually fell over itself attempting to capitulate and apologize.Amidst a see of grovelling, I think I saw a single post that was super uncomfortable with being threatened and that was it.If we continue to let ourselves be so thoroughly spanked, Cloverbit will be back under a different name after a while. They had an easy time of it after all and they even got money.Fuck Cloverbit, they knew exactly what they were doing, fuck Metalppop for using the threat of no accessibility  to bludgeon this community into submission and finally... Fuck this community for being a bunch of pushovers with a tendency for self-flagellation.If we're all still playing immersive (TM) High quality (TM)  Three-Dimensional (TM) audio games powered by the Unicorn Semen engine in 30 years time and they turn out to be garbage. We'll have no one but ourselves to blame.I'll never settle for table scraps, you shouldn't settle for table scraps but unless this community grows some actual balls...It's Table scraps all the way.


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Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

Popping back in to leave this for amerikranian and anyone else who wants it. If it isn't obvious, the above link contains spoilers by the bucket load. I'm pretty sure the game's staff know this exists and that everyone, everyone's moms and everyone's moms dogs use this document as it is the first result you get for googling uossmud qinfo.


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Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

When it comes to the question of qinfo, I'm coming at this as someone who's been staff on a MUD. Someone who's spent shit loads of time building an area from nothing, spending massive amounts of time filling that area with little details to enrich the quest lines that will run through that area, so it's not just a kill 50 goblins to win experience.Some builders are perfectly happy cranking out areas that you just breeze through, get teh epic lootz and never come back to again. It's a box to tick off, you don't pay attention to the room descriptions, you don't care about the back story or anything like that.I've always been the type that really wants the player to care about the journey as well, not just the shiny shit at the end.That means you'll have to read room descriptions in my zones, you'll have to find hidden documents, listen in on conversations, sometimes go through flashback sequences and generally interact with the surrounding area beyond murder fucking everything and unlock a door at the end. More importantly? I'd really like it if every player that comes through the stuff I build to have that same feeling of discovery, that holy shit moment when they figure out the puzzle and are able to progress.Every builder is going to have their own artistic vision of how they want their content to turn out, it's our only chance to take you on a journey that is a little different from the normal smash shit and gain power  cycle that everyone is used to.So if someone spent 6 months sweating over an extremely detailed zone, spends further time scripting and playtesting it to make sure it's the best that it can be and at the end turns around and asks that no one spoils it for anyone else, I'd have to respect the hell out of that.It's an incredibly shit feeling watching someone who's obviously following a guide just shoot through something you've sweated over and they'll usually have the Gaul to make passive aggressive comments afterwards about how hard you made it for them to tick their tick box.I've seen players that are terrible with quests that just so happen to be best in class when it comes to other aspects of gameplay. They may be PK demons, or fantastic group leaders but they realize they aren't the best when it comes to quest solving, but sometimes you're just not going to be able to win everything. Most of these people understand this... the rest resurrect the dead horse that's the gate keeping argument Ad nauseam.


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Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

Uossmud staff:Job quests have been banished from space and time. All you need to do to switch into these jobs is to ask the  vortex of pink clouds and hugs in recall. It will switch you into that job, boost you to job level 21 and grant you 20 trillion exp.Jayde:So do I appreciate that change is happening? Yes I do. But that doesn't mean that all mistakes and issues are forgiven and forgotten either. They could have done far, far more.


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Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

Uossmud staff:Job quests have been banished from space and time. All you need to do to switch into these jobs is to ask the  vortex of pink clouds and hugs in recall. It will switch you into that job, boost you to job level 21 and grant you 20 trillion exp.Jade:So do I appreciate that change is happening? Yes I do. But that doesn't mean that all mistakes and issues are forgiven and forgotten either. They could have done far, far more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

Uossmud staff:Job quests have been banished from space and time. All you need to do to switch into these jobs is to ass the  vortex of pink clouds and hugs in recall. It will switch you into that job, boost you to job level 21 and grant you 20 trillion exp.Jade:So do I appreciate that change is happening? Yes I do. But that doesn't mean that all mistakes and issues are forgiven and forgotten either. They could have done far, far more.


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Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

2019-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Unofficial Squaresoft Mud-who's playing?

Yeah. This is one of the more fair MUDs I've played honestly.Death is the right levels of punishing without being overly bullshit. Compared death on here to something like Alter Aeon where You'll lose stacks of experience, skill progression is flushed down the toilet and as a final fuck you some of your gold just magically vanishes then it's clear to see who's better here. I'll take 30% experience loss any day over that steaming heap of turds. You'll get that experience back in time, while you get more AP in whatever job you wish and you'd have to be mighty salty to see that as a bad thing.More often that not you'll earn your death in uossmud by picking a fight with something you shouldn't have, but the ultra powerful assholes of the game will basically never aggro you ever. I can't even begin to put into words how enjoyable that is, because you'll never die a bullshit death from going east one too many times.You can get experience however the hell you like in this game, no developer is going to discover you running figaro desert over and over again, have a bitch fit and code in game systems that will reduce your experience because you're not playing the game how they want you to..Missions are fine honestly, I mean it's not like the game doesn't have plenty of things to do while you wait the 15 minutes for an area to repopulate, plus you're always working towards accessing nice things in the fame shop.Anyone who thinks these missions are unfair/grindy, I challenge you to build the harbinger auto cannon in cyber assault, then we can talk overly padded quests.


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Re: a hidden racist message in Super Egg Hunt Plus?

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hidden racist message in Super Egg Hunt Plus?

It's all down hill from here all right.I hope someone is making several backups of the game in it's current form.It sounds like OP is pushing for censorship


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Eh...  macs are more or less blindie status items at this point.  Everything that can be done on them can be done in Windows/Linux.  With the exception of ProTools/logic, you can probably get your shit done and in some cases get it done faster on other platforms. The windows out of the box experience is solid at this point, Cortana will even ask you if you want narrator switched on if the device your setting up windows on has a microphone. All the momentum and potential apple had with voice over has been long ago pissed up the wall in the infuriating pursuit of becoming iOS like.Normally the default response to the question of "Who uses a mac?" is anyone who works in the field of content creation but apple seem determined to shit on these users (who were their bread and butter) at every single turn.It's not even like the hardware is especially good any more, Apple does not want to sell you a piece of gear that you'll still want to use 5 years down the line, they want you to be pissed off with the thing you spent thousands on a couple of years ago, this will insure that you're obediently salivating over the new shiny.They have been caught doing this to their phones and the utter garbage they're spewing in the courts to defend themselves is laughable at best. The new t2 chip is slowly making it's way into  all of the mac line and although apple will tell you they're doing this for... S E C U R I T Y, couple this move with the fact that they are fighting against your right to repair and a different picture gets painted.Apple seem to be set on the course of  shafting their potentially dwindling consumer base as hard and as much as possible and you're going to get developers who will flat out not want to develop for mac OS/iOS purely because of this.It is a sad state of affairs honestly.


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Re: MK11 Announced!

2018-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MK11 Announced!

Dear god the music in this trailer is hot garbage and just shat all over the presentation for me. Combine this with knowing that the new generation of kiddies that take selfies and shit like that are probably going to be the focus in this game and I'm left cold.   f


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Re: Mainstream playable Games: Non-Fighting?

2018-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mainstream playable Games:  Non-Fighting?

If you have the patients and drive space, Rock band 3 can be played on the PC through emulation with DLC. The sad thing being that this ends up being a more complete version than rock band 4 at the end of the day. If you want to scratch your rhythm gaming itch but can't be bothered setting up dolphin, There is a community mod of guitar hero world tour that crams about 800 songs into the game that also plays fine on windows 10. Both of these can be set up to use keyboard controls should you lack the hardware.


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Re: Echoes from Levia: Soulbound is getting near!

2018-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echoes from Levia: Soulbound is getting near!

sounds really sloppy tbh. I'll be avoiding this one


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Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

so here's a thing that's been bothering the hell out of me for a while now. People seem to sling about the word clone like it's some sort of insult. Don't like someone's game? Durr ur gams a clone lolz.  It's almost like these people think that because a game borrowed a feature or two from another game, it's automatically worthless and should be treated with the utmost disdain. Granted, some games have really taken the piss, claiming that they are doing revolutionary things never seen before(TM) and it turns out that they've just completely ripped off another game and just changed the name of things. There are also the games like crazy party, that make no secret of the fact that they are clones, Crazy party has music from just about every mario game I can think of as well as other 90s platformers like crock. That's cool it makes no secret out of the fact that this is the game it's emulating It is right there in the gameplay, the music and the sound effects.  Then you have games like AHC, that lean on their RPG tropes and that's completely fair to do that kind of thing. This is out of sight's first game, and joseph pretty much came out and said I want this to emulate KOTOR/ jade empire in some ways, because I loved those games and want people to get a taste of what they were like.  KOTOR leant on those RPG tropes, jade empire leant on those tropes and did you see the sighted gaming community whipping themselves up into a rage because you could form a party in those games like you could in final fantasy/ xenogear/persona/whatever I think you get the picture? You didn't because in general people realised that every game is going to have a bit of another games DNA in it, because that's generally how humans work. We see things, think hey that thing is cool and then incorporate that thing into our thing. Now, people in this community seem to think that every single game that gets released ever is going to be some special unique kind of snowflake and if it's not, it has to be ripped apart and shat on. These type of people need to STFU and get a grip on reality, because it really does not work like that. To be honest, that type of person contributes literally nothing and makes this place in general a crappier place to be in.


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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2017-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

Your save data and configs are probably being stored in C:\ProgramData\Socialclub\Player\. Why this has all of a sudden changed for the steam version I have no idea, but it never used to be like this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Echoes from Levia: Soulbound is getting near!

2017-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Echoes from Levia: Soulbound is getting near!

not trying to be funny or anything here, but do you think we could have some actual gameplay? This just all sounds like cut scene audio, Which tells us nothing beyond our cut scene audio is pretty.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

most games have an agreement that you have to agree to that says  among other things that they are going to use X, Y, and Z to identify you. You are perfectly free to disagree and not play. If they update and begin to use a new method of tracking, you have to agree to an amended agreement. Anyway... for the second time, it's not about what the code did it's about how it was introduced that's  the real meat of the thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

2017-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your future on Alter Aeon: a Discussion of game trends

regarding the mush-z tracking thing, it's not so much what's being tracked that's bothering everyone, it's the fact that said tracking was enabled silently and no one was told. It wasn't in the changelogs, mush-z users weren't informed in any way and had to find out through third parties. The tracking could have been sending something completely harmless and stupid like "I heart John Legend forev3r xoxoxoxoxo" and the fact of the matter is that people would still be right to be annoyed about it. It was done without user's permission and they were not informed. For that reason, the people that put that stuff in there in the first place don't get to shrug it off and go leave us alone gawd it wasn't that bad jees. Developers get caught with their pants down doing this sort of thing all the time and they rightly get roasted for it. Had the developers talked to the user base and been so here's what we're going to do about multiplaying, I'd be willing to bet the majority would have been completely on board. If they had put a line in the changelog about about this, the majority of people would have kept right on and not have bothered at all. Basically, if you hide code that's sending off information and don't tell your users and they then discover it, you absolutely should expect to take flak for it given that you weren't honest and up front about it in the first place.


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Re: Assumptions devs can make about blind gamers

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Assumptions devs can make about blind gamers

honestly? I'd say forget about the  blind people will not use a mouse thing. If I were a developer of an FPS/third person shooter, I'm not going  to chain it to an entirely keyboard based control scheme. Kbm, or keyboard plus mouse control has remained the dominant control scheme for these types of games this entire time for a reason. The precision afforded by splitting movement, input and aiming between two hands is literally unmatched. Game controllers can't touch it, so you get aim assists in  console games to make up the loss in accuracy. Keyboard only controls are limited by the fact you can only press so many keys at once on a keyboard, unless your targeting boards with n-key rollover. At this point you'd be alienating an enormous part of your userbase that don't want to invest in a high end board. This means building your game round a terrible controler that'll let you press 3 or 4 keys at once, so good luck adjusting your aim up
  and slightly to the left while sidestepping out of the way of incoming fire while returning fire yourself.  For the best over all game, naturally I'd use KBM it allows for the full range of movement, aiming as well as  spreading button presses over two different devices. This neatly sidesteps the key rollover limitations I've mentioned already. If people wouldn't play because you needed a mouse, well that's entirely on them. I'm sure some of you will find this opinion assholeish and elitest but here's the thing. Mainstream developers have had these things called system requirements and have had them since day one. If you don't meat the requirements, you don't get to play the game... simple. Mice are also not that expensive, a seven button programmable mouse with adjustable DPI can be had for around 10 pounds. I do have a suggestion that I'd like to see on the list though.  Just because  your developing for blind peopl
 e, it doesn't mean you should neglect graphics. Blindness isn't a binary state where you see or don't, there are all kinds of types between and as one of those in between folks, I like me some graphics. Graphics might also be the thing that helps that sighted friend of yours pick up the game your playing. It's also why I hope the guys from out of sight games really pull off their game as I really think they are on to something there.


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Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

2017-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My Road to rage server: How to handle the cheaters?

what on earth is a susi. Is their a story behind how this weapon got it's name? Or are people legitimately having issues spelling Suzie.


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Re: Legally blind Vs fully blind

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Legally blind Vs fully blind

I've got a bit of vision left myself. If it's for testing out high contrast menus though, I'm perhaps not the best for that. I usually have to magnify things to a stupid extent, get real close and squint.


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Re: question about cloud OCR.

2017-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question about cloud OCR.

in theary? yes it's just standard NVDA review after NVDA's done with cloud OCR. In reality? no. For whatever reason, mouse routing has never worked for me after NVDA was made DPI aware. Tested across a bunch of display resolutions from 720P to 1440P the mouse would either end up on the desktop,  in completely the wrong place or in some situations it'd fuck up and click controls in programs behind the focused window. If someone has this working for them, it may help to share their display configuration.


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Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

2017-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

the TTS is blocked using hardware identifiers unique to each ps4 SKU. It's not a location based thing, so you can't spoof your location to gain access. This means that within the lines of code that make up theTTS or the ps4's OS it's self there are checks being made  as to what hardware your using. If it's non us hardware, the option for the tts is dummied out. That's the anoying thing. The code is probably sitting on the hardwrives of every ps4 user round the world, unable to be accessed by english speakers outside the US


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

2017-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantastic news regarding Sony PS4 Text to Speech

this is my opinion also. I think sony are doing the bare minimum here, to insure they aren't in breech of regulations. Their lack of regard for countries outside the US is the biggest reason that leads me to believe this, as well as the way they've blocked the TTS. If your outside the US, they just don't care. More accurately, they don't have to care. There are no regulations that say they do have to care.


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Re: Rock Band 4 discussion

2017-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rock Band 4 discussion

No multi track stems for danger zone... The disappointment is strong.


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2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector



so if desafio mortal get's the goahead here, and is allowed to use the code in question I think they should be allowed a completely fresh thread. I think the origenal thread should be either removed or be allowed to be buried over time. I'm certainly not comfortable with the thaught of it being constanyly bumped up  on the first page of new releases, given the toxic posts contained within.


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Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

pcsx2 has been developed a ton since this emulator pack was made. I don't know how well the version that's included here will run things


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

oh god... just oh god.This is comedy gold. Steve jobs told everyone that they were holding their iPhone 4s wrong. What nintendo should have done here, instead of writing an entire article was say your  house is wrong.


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

if sony bothers improving anything it'll be confined to the US, business as usual. Based on their current track record. This is a complete and utter disgrace imo.


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

just about all of the Isometric dungeon crawlers would see a huge boost in their playability through this. I can't say for sure as far as path of exile goes, because I haven't gotten round to trying that one yet


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Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nintendo Switch: Thoughts?

honestly? I think nintendo's screwed up again. They launched the thing at way too high a price, 280 pounds without a game isn't going to cut it in todays market where you can have a ps4, three months of plus and Horizon Zero Dawn for 50 pounds cheaper. That's strike 1. Strike two, When the payed online services does launch the monthly games you get with it are 1: going to be emulated snes/nes games, most likely downloaded from your site you get roms from and 2: you only get them for a month. Contrast that with games with gold where I've managed to get a large chunk of KI for free and it's mine until I let my subscription laps. Strike 3, they are charging full price for what should have been the pack in game, one two switch. If nintendo had packed this game in with the switch and given us a sub 200 pound pricetag I'd have been impressed. that's nintendo struck out but it keeps going... Strike 4, the dPad on the bundled controler is terrible so if 
 you wanted the thing for fighters, forget it. You can of corse, have a better dPad for... you guessed it, More cash! An extra 65 pounds to be exact. That's us up to 345 pounds, UK pricing and we still haven't managed to get a game. We have also entered the ballpark of the launch price for the ps4 and you were getting a game with that. Strike 5: In console mode, it's still not that powerfull and developers won't like that. They won't like having to cut the game down to run on the switch they didn't like doing it on the WiiU, they won't like doing it here. I feel like it's going to be the WiiU all over again. Third party developers will be on board first, they'll release half arsed ports of multiplatform games, then just give up on it all together. The switch will get more zelda, more mario cart, more smash etc and the fans of the brand will buy into that while the rest of us think that we'd like to play, but will not pay the price. I 
 do want this post to be proved wrong though


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Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

Diablo. I mean it's already beatable withouth the spoken menue, but it'd be really nice to be able to optamise and craft gear without gamestreaming the game over to windows and using OCR to read things


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monumental news out of GDC

2017-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monumental news out of GDC

sony, eat your heart out


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Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

Valve might also come across this and threads like this, see the page long poorly spelled bitch fests and get turned right off. Justsayin. VR tech might have also stood a better chance if Oculus and others hadn't been so set on max cash extraction, given that the plan was to sell the HMD for a low price originally, before things got totally bollocksed up


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Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam might have just revolutionized VR for visually impaired people.

never mind vr, this could be the kind of thing that makes an audio game sound really... really good.


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Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

This doesn't really solv anything I'm afraid. Three K hp would just become the new low end and you'd still have guys with 10, 20 times that running about wrecking everything.  The RedRum vs Highenddouchebag sonario would still work here. This is why we need caps and resets. This would balance the game and further to that, keep it balanced so that you can work on other things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

you know, take out the hurr durr get gud scrub posts and this thread would be 1: about 3 pages shorter and 2: be about ideas for balancing a game. That's just the damndest thing!


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Re: For Honor?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Honor?

eh. I'm not too concerned over the traps and stuff. We've played and got through games like that before. Now,  there seems to be a tactic of just rushing headlong at people and knocking them off cliffs that's proving highly unpopular witheveryone, so maybe the maps will see a reduction in these elements as it sort of defeats the entire purpose of a game centred around duels if you can just simpley knock you're oponent off a cliff in a couple of seconds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

member quake deathmatches? member when item hording wasn't a thing? Do you member? I member!


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Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VIP Mud VS Mushclient

only thing  I'll say here is that VIP mud's handling of audio was pretty piss poor from what I remember. Particularly busy games, where you'd get a lot of sounds triggered at once would bring the client to it's knees. Just something to be aware of, if you're in a busy fight or what have you, expect the client to slow down or outright crash.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

heh,I pretty much said the majority of this thread consisted of Git Gud, Scrub! back in post 33


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

"This is an fps, and it used to be a casual one. Go check with call of duty, team fortress, whatever you want. All of their multiplayer modes either do the following:1: Rotate maps based on a set amount of time by the server, resetting all player's kills, items and whatnot.2: Regularly just reset everyone and the entire map, basically the same as above but without new maps to play on.3: If they do have buildings or constructs to build, their health is either limited, or you can't reinforce them at all and live with what the server gives you." Still waiting for this to be addressed, tbh, Also... This game isn't an FPS, there... I said it. It may have been... once but it's now  a game of grinding for numbers. When you have those numbers, you set them against other numbers in the hope of your numbers being bigger. That was never the point of an FPS, the point of an FPS was that your reflexes and coordination got you by. There
  may have been pickups like quad damage, invisibility or health, but they were instant use. You could not hord hundreds and use them to gain an advantage over someone that just joined the server. The question the developer's got to ask himself is... does he want his game to be a numberfest? Or a classic, fast paced, frantic first person deathmatch shooter. Right now it's  falling into the omg numbersnumbersnumbers grindgrindgrind camp because here's the thing, the game allows massive gulfs in power to be obtained. Here's an example, Player RedRum joins the server, moves out and manages to obtain 8 or so pickups, player highenddouchebag spots RedRum and moves to engage. RedRum's good though, spotting highenddouchebag and immediately begins to strafe, attempting to get into highenddouchebag's blindspot. Highenddouchebag's turning though so RedRum jumps over him, changing orientation in mid air. Now behind highenddouchebag, RedRum blasts that suc
 ker in the back with his shotgun once, twice before leaping off to the left and shooting down some of highend douchebag's projectiles in mid air.  RedRum lands again, blasts highenddouchebag and leaps over him. This game of cat and mouse continues for say, another 30 seconds or so before RedRum's running dry. highenddouchebag isn't though, having some 10 health left in the tank as well as ammo and countless items. RedRum immediately begins to haul ass, knowing he has to get more stuff if he's even supposed to stand a chance. He's moving as fast as he can, weaving left to right to throw off highenddouchebag's aim but yet somehow, highenddouchebag's closing, aand it's over he got tagged with one of those stunning projectiles well, three of them actually highenddouchebag's been throwing them out like they were nothing the entire time. Rip, a skilled, mobile player defeated by overwelming numbers. My point? this could have played
  out any number of ways but skill only carries you so far against vastly superior numbers. This is why we have map resets, health caps, item caps and one time use items. This way the playing field is level and is kept constantly level


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

hello? yes? am I posting in a different thread. Maybe, my posts are, in fact, headed into a different dimention where noone can read them due to the fact that they are all strapped to dentist chairs being tortured with endless renditions of rick astley songs. They can't possibley be showing up here, despite  looking like that's the case. I say for the third and final time... Timed deathmatches! How's about we discuss that, instead of the constant git gud scrub posts?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

I can't help thinking that this entire thing could be fixed with deathmatches like I y'know, suggested back in post 3? Literally every first person shooter has, or is doing this spacifically to stop the I've amassed massive numbers of everything and have become the untouchable and bored endgame douchbag syndrome from setting in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

I can't help thinking that this entire thing could be fixed with deathmatches like I y'know, suggested back in post 3? Literally every first person shooter has, or is doing this spacifically to stop the I've amassed massive numbers of everything and have become the untouchable and bored endgame douchbag sindrome from setting in.


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Re: For Honor?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Honor?

In this game, attacks come from three directions left, up, and right. You block by moving the stick in the direction the attack comes from. Origenally, I thought you'd have to aim with the right stick to block, given that ubisoft were saying it was a shooter with swords. Everything i've watched though, makes it seem more Bushido Blade like than a shooter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: operation redspot. The final debriefing.

this... This would explain many things. So I started messing with this game a few days ago, just whenever I get a bit of time to myself. My experience so far? You'll spawn, maybe get the time to pick up a couple of things, then someone invisible shows up, and murders you. You never hear them coming, and they don't show up when you check nearby. It was always the same people. It's sad to find out that it's just people that have amassed large piles of items  and who are probably macroIng the crap out of everything. There is a quite simple solution to this though, Timed matches! Instead of one map that just runs 24/7 365 days a year, The day could be split into a series of deathmatches that run for a pre-determined amount of time. At the end of the match, your kills are added up and everyone get's positioned on a leaderboard. After that, the map changes or resets, every player is reset and everyone starts with the same base amount of health and items. Th
 is solves people amassing all teh itemz and dominating the game for ever and ever.


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Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

ah. good ole oranges... Don't we just love them. speaking of love, as it's going to be valentine's day here soon, here's how you can win your way to the heart of the gentalman or lady in your life. We'll be keeping things orange themed by... making a BLOOD ORANGE PAVLOVA! WITH WHITE CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM.The ultimate date night or Valentine's Dessert, Wouldn't you agree? now, Let's get started!15 minPrep Time 25 minCook Time 40 minTotal Time IngredientsPavlova:• 50 ml / 1/4 cup / 4 large egg whites• 1/4 cup fine (berry) white sugar• 1/2 tsp vinegar• 1 1/2 tsp cornstarch (cornflour)• zest from a blood orange (or whichever citrus you're using for curd)Blood Orange Curd:• 1 cup Blood Orange Curd  or other citrus curd*White Chocolate Whipped Cream:• 1/4 cup whipping cream• 1 tbsp sugar• 2 tbsp white chocolate chipsInstructionsPavlova:1. Preheat oven to 250° F and line a baking sheet with non-stick paper.2. Using an electric whisk, mix egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gradually add 1 tbsp of fine sugar at a time, beating in each batch of sugar thoroughly until eggs become glossy and stiff peaks form.3. Sift cornstarch over beaten egg whites and add zest and vinegar. Fold until just combined (avoid over-folding and losing the air in the egg whites).4. Place in a mound about 3" high on lined baking sheet. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until exterior is starting to firm up and bottom has only the slightest amount of browning to it. Remove from oven and let completely cool on tray.White Chocolate Whipping Cream:5. Melt white chocolate in the microwave in short bursts, 20-30 seconds long. Stir until completely smooth and set aside to cool slightly.6. Whisk whipping cream and sugar together until stiff peaks form, about 2-3 minutes in a stand mixer. Add cooled melted chocolate and whisk briefly to combine.Pavlova:7. Top pavlova with blood orange curd and white chocolate whipped cream. Serve immediately.What a way to finish off a meal, just add candles and you're golden. That's my helpfull post for the day, if anyone tries this and likes it, remember and thank the oranges.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The redspot drama with lord london (andreas)

1When a male penguin falls in love with female penguin, he searches the entire beach to find the perfect pebble to present to her.2New Zealand will deny people residency visa’s if they too high of a BMI and there are cases where people have been rejected because of their weight.3It is illegal to climb trees in Oshawa, a town in Ontario, Canada.4Brown eyes are blue underneath, and you can actually get a surgery to turn brown eyes blue.5When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.6A bolt of lightning is six times hotter than the sun.7The random facts article this was pulled from was split over 10 plus pages, the author couldn't be arsed with that so they end here.8You could click here and read the rest, if you want. Warning, It's a long read.


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Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

I' probably going to bet bitched at to high heaven for this, but someone has to say it. This game seeks to bring together the sighted and blind gaming communities. Outside of here, sighted people do not call themselves sightlings, sighties, all-seeing ones, watchers or any other stupid terms. At best, a sighted gamer who stumbled on a post littered with words like blinks, blindies or sightlings is probably going to be confused but shrug it off. More likely though, they'll think the entire thing is wierd, that all blind gamers think of them as a sightling, a term that sounds mildly insulting if you read it outloud and avoid these wierdos with there wierd terms for things and their strange nack of righting smileys as full words. Now that that's out the way, joseph said He'll be pushing the envelope, That's good enough for me! I'll leave the chef alone now. 


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Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

I'd be down for steam distrobution especially if the special items become available for people who didn't get the chance to back on kickstarter. Recovering from buying christmas presents plus the usual bills meant I had to sit this one out, but if we could show support through buying the DLC that'd be good. Of corse people will nash their teeth because steam seems to be kind of a dirty word to some even though it's usable. Regarding your post phil, I wasn't saying every audio game ever didn't have environmental audio, it just seems to be the case most of the time. I'd forgot about the GMA engine.


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Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kickstarter Project for "A Hero's Call" from Out of Sight Games

no. no. no. Please not yet another game where the protagonist can't see/is trapped in the dark/exists in a world of no light/bla bla. The trope has been done to death... and we need to move on from it now. I'm firmly in the make the graphics as good as they can be for the money camp, This game's all about including everyone and if it comes out the door screaming we don't really care about how you folks that can see play, then it's just sending a really bad message from the start, potentially dooming any further efforts at inclusion that would follow. As for the audio side of things, super high quality sound effects and soundtracks only carry everything so far. What I'd like to see is DSP being used to simulate environmental effects. Don't get what I mean? load up gameplay videos of mk x, the witcher, GTA IV or V, battlefield. The list goes on. Listen to how cars doppler passed you when you really put your foot down in GTA V, giving you that sence
  of really going fast. Listen to the suddle stereo reverb that kicks in when you enter a tunnel. Notice how when a car window is shattered, the game adjusts the filters on all the ambient city sounds to allow a little more of them to bleed into the vehicle. When the player get's out, notice how you can still heare other car radios as they drive passed, but they've been downmixed to mono, ran through a low pass filter to emulate the sound as you would heare it from the other side of a physical barrier such as a wall, or window or in this case, the body of a car. Sound design in mainstream games is killing it, often I see people on this forum saying it's because developers have the coolest, shineyest sound libraries that money can buy. I disaggree, Sound in mainstream games is that good because developers are doing their best to emulate actual real life acoustics. are they achieveing 100 percent audiorealism? No, but what they do is convincing enough... Your brain does 
 the rest. We don't have this in audio games unfortunately. Every audio game I've played has been sounds happening in a completely dead, non-reverberent space. We have some outstanding examples of sound design here, they just don't get to reverberate through tunnels, be muffled by walls or be changed by their environment in any way what so ever. Fire a gun outside, in a house between two buildings or in a sewer and it's always going to sound the same. So my voat goes not purely for the highest quality sounds ever ever, but for ways to make those sounds that we do have more immersive. I want to be underground in some dungeon, making my way along, footsteps echoing in the corridor I walk down. As I press on, some muffled muttering starts up, off in the distance and off to the left slightly. As I press on, bravely attempting to discover the source it get's louder, closer. Round the bend and open this door... wam! filters change, right infront of you is some insa
 ne cultist, you can hear his chanting clearly now that the door is open He was summoning something and now you've appeared, it's going to be set on you. If we can get this kind of immersion not just from the quality of the sounds, but how they sound based on your environmen then I'll be a happy gamer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2017-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector



can't remember what thread it was on here, but someone definitely mentioned launchbox being accessible. Having been looking for a frontend for a potential arcade cab build I was planning, I downloaded it, let it import my mame romset and configured my emulators of choice.  Importing and configuring went super smoothly, I even added a couple steam games just for the hell of it. The problem lys in browsing, NVDA reads nothing as you move through the games. It is moving between different games for sure, I can see the boxart for each game change on the screen. So my question, What did you launchbox users have to do to get  your screen readers to play nicely with launchbox?


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