Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

This is not an unpleasant sound, but I always found the dream sounds in STW fascinating. Especially the bit with the girl who sounds like she's trying to teach a child something but not having an easy time of it. Her acccent sounds like she's from the North West of England, very close to where I live. Always wondered what that clip is taken from.And Aaron's post about electric chairs reminded me of the electric chairs you used to get in funhouses at the fairground. It was like a mock-up of an electric chair in an execution chamber, and if you sat in it and put your arms down on the arm rests, you got a mild electric shock through both your arms that was very unpleasant, like hitting your funny bone. It was hardly the most popular thing in the funhouse, but being a child, curiosity meant you had to sit in it at least once, even though it wasn't a nice feeling.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

would someone just read this reviewmy brother plays this game with some friends sometimes. And whenever they start its just nonstop yelling the "oh my god oh  god, no no no no!" sort of style. Sometimes those screams are accompanied by shaking, trembling, you name it. I wonder why don't we have something like this for audio games. Yes, I tend to flinch when jumping in arcade style games, but not even the gate scares me. Pretty much the only ones that sort of did scare me are the ones in packman talks, when you get inside the ghost house. I remember wanting to mute the speakers right then and there because that was totally unexpected.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

This is not an unpleasant sound, but I always found the dream sounds in STW fascinating. Especially the bit with the girl who sounds like she's trying to teach a child something but not having an easy time of it. Her acccent sounds like she's from the North West of England, very close to where I live. Always wondered what that clip is taken from.And Aaron's post about electric chairs reminded me of the electric chairs you used to get in funhouses at the fairground. It was like a mock-up of an electric chair in an execution chamber, and if you sat in it and put your arms down on the arm rests, you got a mild electric shock through both your arms that was very unpleasant, like hitting your funny bone. It wasn't the most popular thing in the funhouse, but being a child, curiosity meant you had to sit in it at least once, even though it wasn't a nice feeling.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

This is not an unpleasant sound, but I always found the dream sounds in STW fascinating. Especially the bit with the girl who sounds like she's trying to teach a child something but not having an easy time of it. Her acccent sounds like she's from the North West of England, very close to where I live. Always wondered what that clip is taken from.And Aaron's post about electric chairs reminded me of the electric chair you used to get in funhouses. It was like a mock-up of an electric chair in an execution chamber, and if you sat in it and put your arms down on the arm rests, you got a mild electric shock through both your arms that was very unpleasant, like hitting your funny bone. It wasn't the most popular thing in the funhouse, but being a child, curiosity meant you had to sit in it at least once, even though it wasn't a nice feeling.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Hi,Since you did not specifically mention audiogames, and just games, I've got some arcade stories for you, two specifically. Unfortunately, both games are gone now.I don't have a link to this specific sound, but there's a game called cosmo gang which is mechanical. HOwever, it had an attract mode where the thing whistled and then laughed at you and I was scared of that thing for a while when I was younger. However, there's a double whammy to this.Just when I thought I'd conquered it, and everything was going fine several years later and several cosmo gang sessions after, suddenly it did not work properly. It's supposed to say "we made it, we made it!" a couple of times, before ending with "goodbye" and everything stopping at the end. Well, the game got stuck in an endless loop of "we made it, we made it", with the mechanical parts moving around all over the place, and not stopping for a minute. Well eventually it stopped but it never completed it's loop, and unfortunately I don't think the game was ever fixed from that point.The second story is of a machine that I did find the correct version on YouTube.In the arcades you sometimes have these electric chair machines that just vibrate and make different sounds depending on the variant you are playing.Well the first one I ever encountered had a noise that was just... scary. You can actually hear it's demo mode in the video and then you hear someone put the coin in after a few seconds. Now, for me, this is more like nostalgia because I was able to conquer this fear but it literally took me beyond a decade, I did not conquer the electric chair types until I was 17 or so, and it was a different sound variant. By the time I'd conquered it, our local variant's sound was, and still is, broken which is a shame. In the meantime, here's a video of someone else taking it on. This particular variant is called The Shocker, although it's at a place I have still never ventured to as I'm not in the US, but maybe one day. It'll be great to experience one of these in it's full glory now, and you can bet I'd do the high power.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

I don't like vomiting sounds in general, unless it's the one without the burp or the vocal when one forces vomit out. Vomit sounds in any games either scare me or make me feel uneas. The first thing I do if I have a game and it has vomiting sound is delete that sound before I play, otherwise I'm screwed.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

the goblin sounds in the gate scared me a lot when i was 13, and last year i was playing a game called the evil within 2 that had some scarey sounds too. these are the only games that were able to scare me well the only ones I can remember, not scared of them anymore though.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The pits in q9 scared me until I learned how to jump over them. I still flinch in higher difficulty levels.Battlezone blades do the same as well, it's pits too.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Adina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Hello.The death sound in Survive The Wild scared me a lot too. Once I forgot the game open and went to eat something. When I got back, I thought wow, I left this open so I'll keep playing! I took a few steps... And I died because of the thirst. I had the volume turned all the way up. I play with my volume pretty lowered since then.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

hahahahah talking about swamp, I had a kind of same situation. I got swamp when I was just a kid(of course younger than my current age. Am still a kid). And god damn those zombie sounds and the death sound scared me as hell that I went replacing the zombie sound with weird stuff that I recorded myself that weren't scary at all, and replacing the death sound(Yeah, I think I did the last one as well). But about something like stw. You know sometimes the hatred towards the sound of deaths in games comes from previous experiences. For instance, I don't like that sound when is played after the actual death sound which is like ripping someones lungs (lol! ), because I died and lost my valuable items before and heard that sound. Not only once, but probably a lot that now it has become a hated situation for me. Haha. Or the losing of death free card sound. It always means you lost something that you can't get in any way except paying or beg others to give you.Oh let's not forget the death sound in redspot. God a lot of people did hate it


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

1, q9 fallpit sound, mad that's scarry as shit2, the gate, i played that one at 3 am when it got releaced, well, the falling pit sound again, o god.3, 6th sense, the one that charging tward you yelling something like hurah


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Well, when i was 10 years old and i found out about bakurano 2, the death robot scared me. Then, the most scary zombies for me in audio defense are chainsaws. Adventure at C death sound freaked me out when i was younger. A blind legend? no, there's no scary sounds, absolutely.And maybe something that i don't remember now. Oh, and also the death sound in all bk's freakes me out pritty baddly and i don't like dying in there, at all.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Pretty much all the zombie sounds in Sixth sense are top notch and creep me the hell out, especially when you've just died and they still get real close and surround  you for a bit.  Worst would be that creepy running fast breathing guy, the slowly crawling sliding one, and the giants with chainsaws.For the longest time as a kid I was terrified of falling in fans on Super Liam, until I figured out it was just an apple being sliced up and then I thought it was pretty neat.  Same goes for dieing to fire because of the scream he made...  I'd take tiny, careful steps to avoid it.Of a similar high level of fear was the electricity death in pipe 2, the electricity level voice (awesome filter) freaked me out, and the death just brought it all the way at a time when I was paranoid about power lines.When I got older, I really disliked the cutscene in Battlezone when your character gets flayed alive.  Even though it was just Espeak and supposed to be funny, it was just too much with his mom and everything, but that made me more sad/filled with dread than purely afraid.Falling in the Superliam sewer wasn't great either, because it was so sudden and loud, but not as loud as falling suddenly into a pit by accident on a quiet cave level in Q9.The death welcomes you message in monkey business used to kinda freak me out as well, particularly if you fell in the acid, as that messed with my toxiphobia which was stronger at the time.Ape bot's low grunts and sudden appearance while swinging also made me jump LOL.And some of the matriarch, giant, and reaper's growls freaked me out for a while.  The Amorphous as well, but less so as I'd been playing swamp for a long time by then.Basically, I was scared of lots of stuff... LOL


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Pretty much all the zombie sounds in Sixth sense are top notch and creep me the hell out, especially when you've just died and they still get real close and surround  you for a bit.  Worst would be that creepy running fast breathing guy, the slowly crawling sliding one, and the giants with chainsaws.For the longest time as a kid I was terrified of falling in fans on Super Liam, until I figured out it was just an apple being sliced up and then I thought it was pretty neat.  Same goes for dieing to fire because of the scream he made...  I'd take tiny, careful steps to avoid it.Of a similar high level of fear was the electricity death in pipe 2, the electricity level voice (awesome filter) freaked me out, and the death just brought it all the way at a time when I was paranoid about power lines.When I got older, I really disliked the cutscene in Battlezone when your character gets flayed alive.  Even though it was just Espeak and supposed to be funny, it was just too much with his mom and everything, but that made me more sad/filled with dread than purely afraid.Falling in the Superliam sewer wasn't great either, because it was so sudden and loud, but not as loud as falling suddenly into a pit by accident on a quiet cave level in Q9.The death welcomes you message in monkey business used to kinda freak me out as well, particularly if you fell in the acid, as that messed with my toxiphobia which was stronger at the time.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

oh dude in stw, once me and my friend was playing this game, and straight of us, died someone i was so scared.Again one day, i was going in campground, and in desert, i was not waiting my death and suddenly boom! damn i was so scared of this voice lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Pretty much all the zombie sounds in Sixth sense are top notch and creep me the hell out, especially when you've just died and they still get real close and surround  you for a bit.  Worst would be that creepy running fast breathing guy, the slowly crawling sliding one, and the giants with chainsaws.For the longest time I was terrified of falling in fans on Super Liam, until I figured out it was just an apple being sliced up and then I thoguht it was pretty neat.  Same goes for dieing tof ire because of the scream he made...  I'd take tiny, careful steps to avoid it.Falling in the sewer wasn't great either, because it was so sudden and loud, but not as loud as falling suddenly into a pit by accident on a quiet cave level in Q9.The death welcomes you message in monkey business used to kinda freak me out as well, particularly if you fell in the acid.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Think that vomit sound is from a library. Kind of wonder where the death sound came from though. It really is chilling.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Speaking of Audio Defense, the whisperer and snuffle hog gave me chills. I also cannot play Audio Speed because the sounds when they are modulated on pitch freaked me out.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The vomiting sound made me feel uncomfortable too. Another sound that used to really make me feel Queezy was in the first tomb raider game when Lara fell onto a spike and was impaled . Combined with the graphics of the bloody spike, it was pretty nauseating.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The vomiting sound made me feel uncomfortable too. Another sound that used to really make me feel Queezy was in the first tomb raider game when Lara fell onto a spike and was impaled . It was horrible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The vomiting sound made me feel uncomfortable too. Another sound that used to really make me feel Queezy was in the first tomb raider game when Lara fell, and was impaled on a spike. It was horrible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The vomiting sound made me feel uncomfortable too. Another sound that used to really make me feel Queezy was in the first tomb raider game when Lara fell and was impaled on a spike. It was horrible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

The vomiting sound made me feel uncomfortable too.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Quite a few Japanese players were afraid of the vomitting sound of stw. Wonder how he recorded it.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Quite a few Japanese players were afraid of the bomitting sound of stw. Wonder how he recorded it.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

I don't really like Q9 because it is not only a side scroller, but some of the blood noises just, wow. So violent.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

It has happened that I refuse to play Q9 for 1 year due to being scared of the edge of the cliff.So one day I decided to give the game another chance and see if I could overcome this problem, and fortunately, I succeeded.I am very happy for this, since for me the game is one of the best achievements.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

It has already happened that I refuse to play q9 for 1 year because I get scared by the edge of the cliff.Then, one day, I decided to give another shot to the game and see if I could overcome this problem, and fortunately, I succeeded.I'm very happy about this, since apra me the game is one of the best achievements.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Depending on the deat sound  or when attacked in some games I get scared too.As a good news: One day I died every time in Q9 and played the cene of the pit   I admit that in 1 year I refused to play the game with because it made me terrified. I decided to give it a chance and I got used to it, today I find even strange to the cene


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Sad to see Audio defense go, however when I was playing it, the stupid chainsaw zombie gave me chills oh my, when he started laughing and the music it just was a cool sound, however, it just gave me chills when I heard it. The clown circling around me just, well, gave me an adrenal rush as well.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

I used to intensely dislike the sound of the snuffle hog in the original Papa Sangre when it attacked you. The way it rips you apart...just ugh. Didn't precisely scare me, though it's quite loud and overdone, so it's a bit of a jump scare.In Papa Sangre 2, the underwater level and the second house-fire level both apparently make me breathe faster. A previous partner I had said I sounded scared when playing those levels. Both tie into fears I already possess, such as drowning and fire (though I love to swim, so go figure).Other than that...not much really, at least not in audio games.In the Wheel of Time RPG, made almost twenty years ago, there's a level where you play in Shadar Logoth, and one of the elements of that environment is a deadly fog called Mashadar. This fog, in the game I mean, tends to hiss and whisper as it moves, and sometimes you can't see it or don't know where it is. The environment itself is otherwise fairly quiet unless you're being attacked, so both my sighted friend and I got creeped out by that.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

About 7 years ago I used to play Swamp quite extensively. I also have high blood pressure and back then I didn't take the meds for it. Not the wisest thing to do, but I was kind of afraid of the sideeffects, addiction or whatever. Yeah, of course you kind of depend on them, but what's better, take a pill every day or run the risk of a bloodvestle in your hed going kaboom.But back to the topic. I listen to quite a lot of stuff in my headphones and sometimes fall asleep with them still on. As it was also quite stressful time in my life back then, my bp probably got quite high. So when I woke up with my headphones on, I quite a lot of times heard my blood rushing in my ears. My heartbeat had quite the same tempo as the Zombies walking in Swamp and the closed back headphones I had also made the sound feel louder. Add in the fact that I was just waking up. So it was quite strange and creepy experience.


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

Yeah, the death sounds on both STW and Swamp are unpleasant in a way that took a bit of getting used to.


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frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


frightened by the sounds of games

Hello guys!When I played stw and I died, pretty much every time I got scared by the sound of death.Today, for example, I was playing a blind legend on the part of the lava, draylands, and at the time it makes a crash and starts beeping I jumped upIf I see a video on YouTube with the gameplay for example and I know that the sound will play I end up not scaring me, but unexpectedly as today ends up taking me by surprise and it is really strange my behaviorHas anyone had this?


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frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


frightened by the sounds of games

Hello guys!When I played stw and I died, pretty much every time I got scared by the sound of death.Today, for example, I was playing a blind legend on the part of the lava, draylands, and at the time it makes a crash and starts beeping I jumped upIf I see a video on YouTube with the gameplay for example and I know that the sound will play I end up not scaring me, but unexpectedly as today ends up taking me by surprise and it is really strange my behaviorHas anyone had this? f


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Re: frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frightened by the sounds of games

I hate that damn sound, if it is still the same one... God do I hate it. It doesn't scare me but I don't like it.


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frightened by the sounds of games

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


frightened by the sounds of games

Hello guys! When I played stw and I died, pretty much every time I got scared by the sound of death. Today, for example, I was playing the blind legend on the part of the lava, draylands, and at the time it makes a crash and starts beeping I jumped up If I see a video on YouTube with the gameplay for example and I know that the sound will play I end up not scaring me, but unexpectedly as today ends up taking me by surprise and it is really strange my behavior Has anyone had this? f


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