Re: redspot review

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Then why are you posting in it?


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Can the mods just close this topic already? No good has ever or will ever come out of it, and although it was amusing for a while, that has long since warn off. Its now just annoying.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Hi,I wanted to stay silent on this, but I must address one point. Sam has said before that he doesn't feel good about Ivan paying money to use the code, but that's what he agreed on just to settle the matter or some such. So it's more like stealing the phone from the Apple store and then a few days later being like, hey, I won't send this phone back but I'll pay you a fraction of the price for it as a token of good will.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Yep, stolen is even used when Ivan has rights to that source code. How ever it's not the point if he has a right to the source code or not, it's that he's using someone else's work to make his own better. Sam worked this on months, maybe even years while Ivan only worked for 2 to 10 weeks. And, as regards your phone shotgun, bought is an other thing that people like to use. When you buy a phone, you actually buy the licence for that phone, not the phone it self. If you said that you have bought the phone, it will be like you can edit that phone, like you have the right to edit it. At leest I think that it's like that.Kind regards,Aleksandar


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

One other thing. I love how people love to use the term stolen even though the guy paid Sam for the code. I guess I shouldn't buy another IPhone and use it because I'm stealing from apple even though I'm paying for the phone I just got.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@39agreed with the first part. However, its just as sorressean says. I keep trying to point this out. The key word here is stolen, stolen, stolen. I need a drink, lol.Almost sure the main reason there's vastly different opinions is because this wasn't really a public matter, thus public knowledge is lacking. I'm sure I can speak for Sam, Sorressean, and others by saying yes, the matter has been dealt with, however none of us condemns stolen code in any way, shape, or form. Neither will I support such a developer. In the long run, you make your own choices. You decide if this matters to you, or isn't a factor what so ever.For those who're still reading the topic, and I've got a strange feeling that's a relatively high number, I'll have you know that we've taken a special point of talking about the major issues presented here. All I'll say is the possibility of being inpersonated, while always their no matter the 
 game, has gotten much more difficult lately, same with balance.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

have to agree with the last poster. just ignore it like it never existed, and nobody forces you to reply.@35 May I ask you a same question that you asked  someone before? do you have any personal problem with blink. I am sorry but you are using this topic to blame blink when it's all about Sam. and, poster didn't even menschen Ivan so I don't get it why did he post something in here in the first place.But now, guise, I am going to do something mutch better then replying to this boolshit, and maybe we all can have some peace.Kind regardsAleksandar


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

shotgunshell wrote:Then you'd all be happy, and I would too, because I wouldn't have to look at anymore topics like this.Quit wining, you know you can ignnore the topic if you wish too.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@Post36 Well, I guess you're right, it is amusing to hear people tare their heads off over trivial things. Here's something to think about guys. Maybe if you argue enough, Redspot will implode on itself. The players who hate the admins will be happy because there's no game for them to moderate anymore, and the admins will be happy because they won't have to deal with constant complaining anymore. Then you'd all be happy, and I would too, because I wouldn't have to look at anymore topics like this.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Post 33, let it continue. It's pretty funny to watch from the side.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'm kind of astonished at this. If you have to steal code to make a game and then admit it, it proves you're not worth all that much. I respect people who create things without ripping off others, then making money from it. The fact that you had to steal sam's work and now attempt to shove it under the rug is pretty pathetic. You can try to pretend that you add items (just because players ask for things doesn't mean they're a good idea), but the reality is, you wouldn't be where you are without your dishonesty and theft. You can view that however you may, but if you could've written your own engine you would have done so without stealing from someone else.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I have to agree with ShotgunShel. Off corse, we cant blame the poster of this topic, for this we only can blame our selvs.; @32 I was online all time online when there was no redspot. and, when I have found out that so mutch sounds and features were coppyed from redspot, it just made me sick. @blinkwizard, owe, didn't know that some players suggested it,  thought that those were your ideas.Kind regards,Aleksandar


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Oh my god, another Redspot topic. The only thing that's different about this 1 is that I agree with what the guy wrote, well accept him quoting names, but oh well. Honestly, I'd report whoever started the drama, but the problem is, I can't tell who started it. You're all being stupid right now, arguing about the same shit over and over again, you're all like a broken record. timrswan, when you post a review, please post it in the articles room so these people can't argue about it. As for you guys, if you want to think Redspot is shit, great! If you want to think it's the best game on the planet, great! Now stop, right now! This is bullshit!


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

blink_wizard wrote:BigGun wrote:blink_wizard wrote:Of course...this again. First of all, before I go on, I would like to state that yes, TK is using Redspot's engine, go look at the readme. But really, that situation was dealt with a long time ago, so no need t whine about that. You're just gonna be mad at yourself and whoever else doesn't have the same beliefs you have about redspot vs TK. I honestly like both games, hell people know very well that Iplay redspot, and I even openly say Redspot's better in its own way, so is TK. I will say this though, the thing that bothers me about redspot is yes, the admin team and the fact that it can be really unfair at times. I was on a few days ago, and someone launched a few robots, and the client started lagging really bad. I kept shooting grenades at the robots, but the client cou
 ldn't keep up with the server, there for making me die. I spent about 1 hour collecting and grabber. Also one of the Uka members just comes up to me, and starts sending projectiles which  do the same things robots do. I don't think that should be remotely acceptable.Sam has all reddy set a limit of how mennyy robots can you have running at the same time, so I  don't see how connection could have bin lagging. and, I have never said that I don't like people playing TK, I only don't like  how mutch work has bin put into redspot and now you get that all for just a few dollars? and you did add loads of things that come from redspot.Kind regardsAleksandarWell, I add most of those items because people ask me to add them. What am I gonna do, ignore them? Sorry, but I value the players and if they enough people tell me to add something or change something, I will. As soon as people tell me
  about a bug I try as quick as possible to fix the problem.See? That's one of the reasons why I favour TK, because Ivan actually cares about his playerbase, while Sam, at least from my viewpoint, doesn't (well, only about the People he likes).To Carter: Theft? It has been explained multiple times that Sam's Code was BOUGHT by Ivan. So, ...Still, I give you the advice: Play TK and then bitch about it.And to Big Gun: First you Play TK (I saw you online), then you say that you wouldn't Play such a game. What logic is that?Sorry for the really Long Quote from Blink_Wizard,Have a nice dayJulian


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I bet you are one of those who say: "Oh my god, stolen Code! better not Play it at all!".Even if TK is based on RS's Code (because that is what Sam stated on the Forum in the topice from braile (the Name Braille is followed by some numbers, don't remember them) called TK, how to make it one of the worst or something), I don't really care because A: It doesn't feel like RS at all and B: Ivan made a game that is worth playing out of this Code, while RS is just crap. You should really Play GAmes before stating an opinion like this.I don't know weather to laugh or cry at this awing, utter, complete stupidity. I'm gonna mostly keep comments to myself on this one, however I will say this.I bet your one of those who don't care about common courtesy, just playing a game no matter what. To use your logic.I have respect for those who refuse to support projects if they
  were stolen(take (another person's property) without permission or legal right). If theft happened to you, I'm sure it'd be easy to keep going on with your day and smiling, especially when said individual was making money off your work. When this happens, please let me know how wrong I am on this one.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

BigGun wrote:blink_wizard wrote:Of course...this again. First of all, before I go on, I would like to state that yes, TK is using Redspot's engine, go look at the readme. But really, that situation was dealt with a long time ago, so no need t whine about that. You're just gonna be mad at yourself and whoever else doesn't have the same beliefs you have about redspot vs TK. I honestly like both games, hell people know very well that Iplay redspot, and I even openly say Redspot's better in its own way, so is TK. I will say this though, the thing that bothers me about redspot is yes, the admin team and the fact that it can be really unfair at times. I was on a few days ago, and someone launched a few robots, and the client started lagging really bad. I kept shooting grenades at the robots, but the client couldn't keep up with the server, there for making me die. I spe
 nt about 1 hour collecting and grabber. Also one of the Uka members just comes up to me, and starts sending projectiles which  do the same things robots do. I don't think that should be remotely acceptable.Sam has all reddy set a limit of how mennyy robots can you have running at the same time, so I  don't see how connection could have bin lagging. and, I have never said that I don't like people playing TK, I only don't like  how mutch work has bin put into redspot and now you get that all for just a few dollars? and you did add loads of things that come from redspot.Kind regardsAleksandarWell, I add most of those items because people ask me to add them. What am I gonna do, ignore them? Sorry, but I value the players and if they enough people tell me to add something or change something, I will. As soon as people tell me about a bug I try as quick as possible to fix the problem.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

blink_wizard wrote:Of course...this again. First of all, before I go on, I would like to state that yes, TK is using Redspot's engine, go look at the readme. But really, that situation was dealt with a long time ago, so no need t whine about that. You're just gonna be mad at yourself and whoever else doesn't have the same beliefs you have about redspot vs TK. I honestly like both games, hell people know very well that Iplay redspot, and I even openly say Redspot's better in its own way, so is TK. I will say this though, the thing that bothers me about redspot is yes, the admin team and the fact that it can be really unfair at times. I was on a few days ago, and someone launched a few robots, and the client started lagging really bad. I kept shooting grenades at the robots, but the client couldn't keep up with the server, there for making me die. I spent about 1 hour collecting and grabber. Also one of the Uka 
 members just comes up to me, and starts sending projectiles which  do the same things robots do. I don't think that should be remotely acceptable.Sam has all reddy set a limit of how mennyy robots can you have running at the same time, so I  don't see how connection could have bin lagging. and, I have never said that I don't like people playing TK, I only don't like  how mutch work has bin put into redspot and now you get that all for just a few dollars? and you did add loads of things that come from redspot.Kind regardsAleksandar


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Of course...this again. First of all, before I go on, I would like to state that yes, TK is using Redspot's engine, go look at the readme. But really, that situation was dealt with a long time ago, so no need t whine about that. You're just gonna be mad at yourself and whoever else doesn't have the same beliefs you have about redspot vs TK. I honestly like both games, hell people know very well that Iplay redspot, and I even openly say Redspot's better in its own way, so is TK. I will say this though, the thing that bothers me about redspot is yes, the admin team and the fact that it can be really unfair at times. I was on a few days ago, and someone launched a few robots, and the client started lagging really bad. I kept shooting grenades at the robots, but the client couldn't keep up with the server, there for making me die. I spent about 1 hour collecting and grabber. Also one of the Uka members just comes up to me, and starts sending projectiles which&
 nbsp; do the same things robots do. I don't think that should be remotely acceptable.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@24 FBI aren't mutch better then any other team out there. UKA is helping them allot, and today even twice they had fights with uka over chat about someone attacked someone wich makes me laph. Come on, I have managed mutch, mutch more then they did by asking UKA for help. only thing that they do is ask uka for loads of bidkoins and item  grabbers, make some kind of contract, someone from UKA attacks them or someone from there team attack uka, anyway they start to fight, and while they were fighting, I have managed to build a solid team, make a bace last time when I checked it had around 650k health, and I was being the best player with  about 30 kills. @26 , TK is only an alternative  for those who are banned from redspot, but no, no, tk is only a clone of stw, redspot and up, and nobody knows how mutch Sam and mason have put there time in making those games, and now someone buys that for 1000 dollars. I am sorry but that's not the thing that I would like 
 to play.Kind regards,Aleksandarps: @21 this time I have to Agree with you.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@25 FBI aren't mutch better then any other team out there. UKA is helping them allot, and today even twice they had fights with uka over chat about someone attacked someone wich makes me laph. Come on, I have managed mutch, mutch more then they did by asking UKA for help. only thing that they do is ask uka for loads of bidkoins and item  grabbers, make some kind of contract, someone from UKA attacks them or someone from there team attack uka, anyway they start to fight, and while they were fighting, I have managed to build a solid team, make a bace last time when I checked it had around 650k health, and I was being the best player with  about 30 kills. @26 , TK is only an alternative  for those who are banned from redspot, but no, no, tk is only a clone of stw, redspot and up, and nobody knows how mutch Sam and mason have put there time in making those games, and now someone buys that for 1000 dollars. I am sorry but that's not the thing that I would like 
 to play.Kind regards,Aleksandarps: @24 this time I have to Agree with you.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@25 FBI aren't mutch better then any other team out there. UKA is helping them allot, and today even twice they had fights with uka over chat about someone attacked someone wich makes me laph. Come on, I have managted mutch, mutch more then they did by asking UKA for help. only thing that they do is ask uka for loads of bidkoins and item  grabbers, make some kind of contract, someone from UKA attacks them or someone from there team attack uka, anyway they start to fight, and while they were fighting, I have managed to build a solid team, make a bace last time when I checked it had around 650k health, and I was being the bestplayer with  about 30 kills. and, TK is only an alternative  for those who are banned from redspot, but no, no, tk is only a clone of stw, redspot and up, and nobody knows how mutch Sam and mason have put there time in making those games, and now someone buys that for 1000 dollars. I am sorry but that's not the thing that I would like t
 o play.Kind regards,Aleksandarps: @24 this time I have to Agree with you.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

First, I am NOT forcing TK down anyone's throat, I am just saying that TK is better.@5: I bet you are one of those who say: "Oh my god, stolen Code! better not Play it at all!".Even if TK is based on RS's Code (because that is what Sam stated on the Forum in the topice from braile (the Name Braille is followed by some numbers, don't remember them) called TK, how to make it one of the worst or something), I don't really care because A: It doesn't feel like RS at all and B: Ivan made a game that is worth playing out of this Code, while RS is just crap. You should really Play GAmes before stating an opinion like this.Now, some other Things:I am sorry: the char that was reported bullying was called stoner, but maybe it was a different Person. Sorry about my mistake.And about other Devs: Sam really NEEDS to get additional devs, otherwise RS is going to be completely going to shit, because he just can't develop and ma
 nage both his online games at a time.Have a nice dayJulian


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

For me RS is good for a quick play and kill someone.But the amount of drama that is on the game and on the ag forum makes me feel very disappointed, because I don't want to be a part of this drama.About bug fixing: look at the Great Software Development, the company responsible for The Return Of The King. You ask them about feature? Unless its not anything huge you'll have it added, for example the NVDA support. I asked the edveloper about this, and in the next client update I saw NVDA support. The immaturity of the admin team? Oh yes, I agree with that, I fucking have to agree. I would even say, that just players like me and many others are more mature than the admin team.Ah, and I would forgot about the game balance.Sam, I know you don't have to be a pro-gamer to develop games, but at least try to read something about the game genre you're trying to develop.Ban me, do what you wantRegards,N


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@22We don't allow anyone to play fairly?We do have a shit ton of base health, however our experience with some cheaters and even some good determined players has taken down our item count considerably. And the reason we have a lot of health in the first place?You say:"its just impossible to maintain a base with you uka pricks comstently destroying any other teams who come into existence, its impossible to get one going."Have you ever heard of CAT? Maybe FBI? There's plenty more. Going after our base? Great strategy, especially when there's team members there to keep killing you when you do it. If only you could use those resources to attack us. Hmm, or if that's not the stile, wait till we're item grabbing and have fun with item carying projectiles.I feel like this topic has gone down to slinging personal insults, those which in some cases aren't necessary in getting the point across. It doesn't seem 
 to me that was the original posters intent, but what can you expect?


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

There is currently a base with somewhere between 18 and 28 mil hp (they fought someone last night, not sure where that stood). Sending random explosives is not the solution, nor is grenading our base. You can keep insulting us and saying we have no lives, but the reality is you suck and bluster doesn't account for skill.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Sorressean, I don't know why you say I have no stratigy. Just because I single handedly come after you with grenades and crap doesn't mean I have no stratigy, I just don't have a good team. But why, you ask? Well, your team has made the game communist by being the strongest team ever to exist in the game and all of you having no life witch allows you to constantly upgrade your base. You love the feeling of power so much that you don't allow anybody to play the game farely. So yes, because i'm a single person and your all way, way too over powered, it may seem like I have no stratigy, but its because your so powerful that it seems that way. I have even done things like send item carrying projectiles to your base with explosives but its your bases seeming unlimited health that causes me to seem like a weak moron. And I could have a team, its just impossible to maintain a base with you uka pricks comstently destroying any other teams who come into existence, 
 its impossible to get one going.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'm an ass because I'm tired of people suggesting that just because they don't have the skill to damage our base means we're cheating. I also have many many years and official jobs as a developer. I know what it's like to manage a team and to be a solo developer, and these are things that I think sam grasps as well. It's not as simple as creating a team, anyone can do that. A dev team needs to be handled properly. It's not just about letting people change your code, it's about reviewing that code to make sure that there are no security implications, and making sure that the code is what you want. The simple fact that you say you can "just remove it" shows your experience in this field, and I don't say that to be rude. Managing a team of developers is hard work for the most part and if sam doesn't want to do that, then Sam shouldn't have to answer to someone throwing around assertions about what a good developer does.
  He starts off by saying:"People rave about Sam and his supposed amazing product development skills and forget that just because someonecan develop something does not immediately make that particular someone better than someone else, or the best developer in an entire community of approximately23,076 members."This right off the bat tells me he has an issue with Sam, which is fine, but don't be quite so obvious about it. The initial poster's topic didn't talk about sam's skills, and using "supposed amazing product development skills" is already right off the bat setting the tone for the rest of the message. nor does the initial post (or any other post but #4) talk about whether or not sam is the best developer in a community of . This in and of itself is not even an accurate statement, as all of the registerd users of this forum are not developers and as I've
  previously stated, sam's skills are not being called into question by the initial poster, certainly not to the extent of discussing whether or not his skills are amazing or whether or not he's the best developer in this community.He says: "And I'd like to add that good developers do notdevelop sloppy things (i.e. things that have lots of bugs that are easily fixed, etc)."I'm not really sure where any of this comes from, but I guess we have vastly different ideas on what makes a good developer a good developer. What might appear easily fixable from the outside might not be an easily fixable bug on the inside and vice versa. So again we're casting aspersions at sam's skills by saying that "good developers fix bugs right away."he says:"Sam may have developed an online game, but he certainly isn't the first who's done this, nor is he the greatest (thefact that he fails to fix bugs that 
 degrade the games overall quality when he is notified about their existence proves this)."We keep discussing whether or not sam is the greatest, which leads me to think #4 didn't bother reading the initial post, or he's taking this as an opportunity to attack Sam. Just because he does not fix bugs right away does not make him or anyone else a bad developer. See also: real life.I'm not going to cover the rest of the post, as it's just useless bluster to bolster the initial invalid points to begin with while trying in vain to establish #4 as the authority on a topic of which he clearly is clueless. The fact that we're attacking the character of a developer of a game and insinuating that they are not good developers because they do not immediately fix bugs is a problem, so I hope you'll excuse me for being a bit irritable.As someone who has spoken to sam, who has written a tiny bit on redspot and who has heard and discussed some of 
 the proposed solutions for certain bugs, I understand that it can be frustrating to deal with them in the game. I get frustrated myself and I know that things are coming eventually, so I fully realize what this feels like to most people. Complaints thus far to my experience fall into three categories: troll, unskilled and issues that need to be fixed. You can place the first two in a group together, because it's people like BlindJedi who lose or who fail to employ a modicum of strategy in a game, then suggest Sotto voce that the reason they're losing is not because they could get better at the game, but because everyone is cheating. While I understand that people do cheat (and everyone here admits that), it's also worth realizing that most games that are of any complexity are of the type that can be started and where you can become master within 30 seconds or even 30 minutes. It took me a decent amount of time to learn Redspot, and it took everyone on UKA a while as w
 ell; many of our members are still getting better.It's really easy to suggest that the solutions could 

Re: redspot review

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Have to agree with defender. I have never had any problems with blaze, but he sounds a strange customer as an admin. I also understand that Sam actually earns something from STW, while from redspot he gets absolutely nothing. @18  I simply don't know why do you have to an ass in this topic. No afence, but some of your points are rong in the deepest. Anyone can try to get froo those baracade bombs, and that's not a reason to attack someone like that. About taking new devs, I think that it's just  not practical I meen, if you are going to have someone to help you , you musst  accept others ideas and make your own. Everyone in the production has the right to edit that source code, and if someone disagrees just change something or remove it.Kind regards,Aleksandar


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Blaze is a pretty bad admin, he should have been canned after the first week, he has too much indecision and too little social maturity.Stoner doesn't bully people on purpose, he just doesn't give a shit, he's a good admin though.Nakon's base is so powerful because nakon has no life and will literally spend all night getting grabbers, using them, and putting wood on the base, it's actually kind of sad, he's even said he likes resource management games allot more than fps's most of the time.Nakon's team has some assholes on it, in terms of how they treat other players, jazzy jay, blaze, etc, it's a game about killing people, so to some extent you get what you get, but they still make them selves useful enough in terms of resource collecting that Nakon isn't willing to put his foot down and filter out the trash, even though he outwardly dislikes the same kinds of people when they aren't on 
 his team. So these spammy fuckers with big mouths who don't like to have a good fight most of the time get tons of resources that they wouldn't usually be able to get on their own to help overcome  any gaps in their skillset, combine that with a lack of respect and an easily amused simpleton attitude and you reap what you sow.Sam doesn't want a dev team because he is terrified of getting his code stolen, it's happened multiple times, but allot of the problem is his shit security which he doesn't seem to want to work on, even though he admits that it's a problem, his code has also been described as very haphazard by other coders, and though he is open to it on the surface, I think he very much dislikes being told what he's done wrong and how he could improve it, which kind of sucks for the players, but from the standpoint of a young dev who's already done so much more than most, it makes sense.Sam's point abo
 ut getting hounded to add sloppy systems is a good one, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, I've seen it first hand, and he's faster at fixing bugs than several other devs I've seen in this community, but he also adds his own personal whims, basically what he thinks would be cool, which often messes up the balance of the game and or has allot of bugs associated with it, he does usually get around to fixing the problems that he's created, but it does take him a while.Sam just isn't going to care as much about redspot as he does about stw, because one makes him money and the other doesn't, money which he does use mostly for improving his games by the way, I give him props for giving a shit at all, actually, so don't expect nothing, but also don't expect allot.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@15: you made a lot of assertions, most of them beginning with "a good developer does" and pushed your viewpoints. Have you stopped to consider what creation of a development team would mean? It means that you have to trust implicitly everyone with your code so that there's not another TK, it means that you have to do a code review to make sure that everything is up to your standards and works the way you want, and it means more code is added that you need to be aware of. It simply converts the time spent working on code to time spent managing a team that can work on code. I've been in a position where I had to choose to make a development team, and I simply did not want the hastle of dealing with that and relying on others.@16: you talk about trying to damage our base, yet everything you've done thus far has been pathetic. When you say that one barricade goes down and 10 go up, that's simply not true, because we have a pattern to place our barr
 icades. The only thing you've ever done is land on our barricades and talk a lot of trash to the team, then whine when you get killed. Get some skill, gain some strategy and attack and then we'll talk. Until then, your attacks show you know little to nothing of game mechanics, and your claims that you're respected, a great player and you will single handedly destroy this base because you've supposedly done so to others is blatantly false and your very loud persistent complaints back that up.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

So basicly here it is. Most things are true. I have to agree with Sam that job on the game isn't easy, and that menny people press him, etc. I am, my self making something in bgt, at the moment and I don't need to tell you all how it was problematic. So I understand Sam's position. How ever, I agree that he should have some help. Survive the wild is mutch more difficult project then redspot, and bugs in stw take longer then in rs. I may be rong, but it stands, Sam is doing as mutch as he can. As for admins or devs on the team, as farr as I know, only things that makes admins different from other players is that they can kick or ban, or maybe restart the server. As regards stoner, he's a very good player, and I simply don't know what do you meen by boollying. As for blaze, I have to agree that he is of a type who kicks or banns before thinking. That doesn't meen that he's cheeting, as I have all reddy said only thing that they can do is kick/bann.
  I have to agree with conner about the teams. trust me, I have managed a few times to reach about 27 health by my self. I have asked nothing from uka, maybe someone attacked me, but I have easyly send them away. As for uka cheeting, that's only child's storry. I know well enough, every 30 seconds, someone from uka starts to use an item grabber. I have never bin in it, but if we ask naken to give us the history of team chat, I am quite shoor that he won't give it  But anyway, we all see that they are workiing well as the team. But now, my thoughts. review is quite good, fumbs up for that. There is a very grate point in wich disagree. That thing about afk, you just need to make shoor that nobody is around so nobody can say that you have gon afk in a fight. But, I agree with that thing about mussn't loos health for 30 seconds, then you can go afk. Maybe if t
 here was an acception that you can go afk if you are loosing health from hunger, or that you an go afk anyway in a bace. In short, redspot is fun, but it needs better management. Kind regards,AleksandarPs: to last post, I have to agree. They are very quick, and even if you explode about 10 ov them, there come 20 more.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

Who ever said that I said baracade bombs were unbeetable, I didn't. What I ment was, baracade bombs can be destroyed, but with uka, when one gets destroyed another 10 are put in place right away. Somebody even laughed at me for destroying them and said they could be replaced within seconds.As for who I am on the game, i'm Blind Jedi, the one who constantly goes after you when i'm online.One more thing, please, please for the love of god, change that god damn death sound! Its not at all realistic, and sounds fake. Please change it! I can't stand it, and I know many others who can't either.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@sorressean:First, when did I ever say Sam had to be perfect. When did I ever say he had to be Mr. Perfect, flawless, superlative Sam? I never said that. I did, however, say that a good developer does respond to bug reports as soon as they here about them or discover it themselves. However, that statement is open for debate and is definitely open for exceptions.Second, I understand that Sam may have chosen to work alone. Perhaps he's more efficient when he works alone. Perhaps he isn't. But I never said that he absolutely must always follow my recommendations without question or objection. That's why it's called a recommendation. It's not an order, a demand, a command, or any other type of directive. It's a simple recommendation. Whether Sam chooses to follow it -- hell, whether anyone chooses to follow it -- is their opinion and decision. I simply recommended that he get a development team together, people he trusts, to help him code the 
 game. As I said before, it would speed up development of the game, get bugs fixed faster... really, must I outline every single benefit that a development team has to offer, when you no doubt already know, you being a developer yourself? I admit -- Sam is a great developer for his age. But as many of us have pointed out on this topic, he has a lot to learn. I'd say that for all of us on this entire forum -- we have a lot to learn in lots of different areas and fields. But (and correct me if I'm wrong) it seems as if, judging by post 7, Sam is starting to feel the pressure of a user base and the work that is involved with it; he is starting to strain under the load of maintaining the game and responding to user suggestions as they come; and administering the game at the same time. While the third one is already dealt with, the first and second aren't. As you have said, he has school, homework... an education to pursue along with developing two projects simultaneously. 
 That's why I suggested, or recommended, a development team, maybe even too. It would not only take off a lot of the load he's got on his shoulders at this time, but it would also free him to pursue other activities that may be far more important than a game or project he's working on.Also, whether my views are skewed is a matter of opinion. If you think so, send me a PM on how you personally think I could "improve" them. But after reading this post, I'd advise you (again, I am just advising you) to reconsider your opinion of my supposed skewed views.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

ok, so to the person who was complaining about barricades, you obviously don't know about the fact that concussive grenades are a cheep, and from what I can gather, ledgit way to break through them. Step near a bomb, use the concussive, use a parachute, and there you go. The bombs detonate without you losing any health. Also, I'm backing up uka members here. On the times I fight with them, they don't cheat. When they defend their base against attacks, they don't cheat at least from what I can see. Do I still attack them? Yeah, sure. But that's mostly to have something to do, because unlike many others on the game I don't feel like going around with 300k health and murdering people with 1000 health, just to wait for them to respawn so I can do it again. When I do this, its only to get our team some kills if we're lagging behind, but ultimately I want a challenge, and the occasional run against the uka base is the perfect one just to see how much h
 ealth I can take away from it by myself. What nakon says about other teams is unfortunately very true, and I've seen it happening far too often. This is why I usually don't team, unless I know the people in it the team. Most of the time I like to go it solo because of this, and I'm mostly more efficient then. And before people call me out for acting hypocritical to what I said about a year ago, that's something that really shouldn't be an issue anymore. If you can't get past last year's events, you should probably look into getting a mature mindset.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I'd like to point out one more thing in response to post #6. Our team as the initial post has lost items due to cheats. We have not gotten the items back and had to work to get them back. Someone at one point cheated to get themselves into our base and dropped tons of barricade bombs. I know we worked up to full strength again because I helped item grab for 5 hours straight after we repaired all the equipment with -70 hp. We have been hit harder than anyone because of these cheats and exploits, and it's utterly absurd to suggest that admins could cheat, because I wouldn't have had to spend 5 hours grabbing. Of course if you're going to by default believe that the admins cheat, you're probably not going to believe anything I'm saying and I'm just wasting space typing all of this out, but my points still stand.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

@post 6, I want to address your say:"Sam is part of a team on his game, so its clear thatthat team is the best team in the game."Just because sam is part of the team doesn't make it the best team. I and many others have put hours of work into building the team and building the base. Just because Sam is on (sam hardly plays to be honest) does not make it the best team, nor the fact that we have stuff from hours of work does not mean that we cheat. If you're going to say so, please provide proof. I agree that admins should not play as admins and most systems have a way to deal with this, but RS does not, so therefore admins have to play as themselves. It's important for those who work on a game to also play, otherwise it will be say: >"Sam knows this, but continues to constantly have somebody online from uka guarding their base, and there's always so many baracade bombs around it that nobod
 y could even try to attack it."First of all, Nakon stays around because Nakon wants to stay around, not because Sam requests it. He built the team before Sam or anyone else joined, and he continues to run the team. If nakon says something about how UKA runs, Sam, and any admins listen to him because it's his team. There are times when people attack that we don't even do anything simply because it's not worth leaving. In regards to the barricade bombs, every team puts bar bombs around their base. People can and do get through them, almost daily if not much proclaim: "Honestly i'm starting to thinkthe admins abuse their powers so that they can basicly have unlimited health and items."What gives you that impression? Post #1 already suggested it, and I'll verify that admins do not have the abillity to give themselves items. It's sort of funny that they're being accused of all kinds of things they didn
 9;t do. We work to get the items, and just because you don't understand the basics of a game (and it's clear you don't because you speak of barricade bombs being unbreakable), does not mean by any stretch of the imagenation that the team is cheating and that Nakon stays afk to keep the team alive at Sam's bidding. As I've said before and as I'll say again, these are very weighty claims you're making, and I would like to ask that you don't accuse people of cheating simply because you don't know game mechanics.


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Re: redspot review

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: redspot review

I agree with ethin though and post 1. This game really is only good for players starting out. Not exactly fare, but still playable. There's things to acomplish. Get items, and more items, and on. But once we get into the teams and bases, that's where its crap. Sam is part of a team on his game, so its clear that that team is the best team in the game. This is also where the imature factor comes in, as in most fps games, call of duty, modern warfare, etc, the main developers don't actively play and constantly make sure no other team can take them down. Sam knows this, but continues to constantly have somebody online from uka guarding their base, and there's always so many baracade bombs around it that nobody could even try to attack it. Honestly i'm starting to think the admins abuse their powers so that they can basicly have unlimited health and items. The game is very, very severely unbalanced and will continue to be unless something is done, witch judgin
 g by how things or now? Nothing will be done. Redspot was fun for a time, but its turned into a game where no matter how hard you try, no matter how many items you get or players you kill, you'll always get killed by a uka member and this continues in an endless cycle of frustration. Teams get formed, bases built, but with in 30 minutes at most, the base is destroyed. This game is very immature.


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