[AZORES-Genealogy] Do Azores have anything index at all?

2014-12-24 Thread robertaingram
I would like to know if there are any record in Azores that were ever 
indexed? I am starting to believe that a couple of ancestors were not 
Brazilians, maybe they were born in Portugal/Azores or maybe they were 
married in Portugal/Azores.

The second question is: Do Azores have civil registration? Would they have 
grandparents names on the civil registrations? Can we request one?

I see that many places will send you the record if you give them name, 
date, parents, place of birth...I think if you knew all this information 
the record would not be that useful ;) 


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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Help with Baptism - Rabo de Piexe

2014-10-22 Thread robertaingram
It looks like it is Ricardir , it is very unusual name though.


On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:26:30 PM UTC-7, Lee wrote:

 Can someone please look at the baptismal of Francisco - left page, bottom

 I can see that he the son of Francisco Pacheo de Mello and Elena (Helena?) 
 Isabel; born the 15th of February 1853 and baptized on the 28th.

 Paterno of Francisco Ignacio Pacheco (deceased) and Rosa Jacintha

 Materna of Manuel Francisco Rapozo and Mathilda R?

 Also, I see that per the margin note; he married Rosa de Jesus, June 22, 

 Any help, etc. greatly appreciated.


 Lee Estep, 
 Oak Hill, WV

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: I am curious about given name Manuel

2014-10-16 Thread robertaingram
Thank you everyone for your replies. Very interesting information about the 
King Manuel story and the beginning of the use of this given name in 

It is correct that in Hebrew, it would be Emmanuel, which is Portuguese 
spelling at the time would probably be Emanuel, which later turned into 
Manuel or Manoel. 

Another thing I read about baby names in Portugal is that people could not 
use foreign names, only already established Portuguese names. For instance, 
you could not use Hannah, instead, it would have to be Anna and so son. 
Names could not use letters not found on Portuguese alphabet such as W or 
K. I am not sure about Y (no pun intended) because I have seen 
Portuguese names spelled with y instead of i (same sound) before.

I think if one get a list of common names from a certain time, it would be 
easier to read documents since people had limited choices.

By the way, my name is Roberta. Gmail is messing up with my name :) 

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:08:29 PM UTC-7, A Faria wrote:


 I did a little more research it appears that that King Manuel's name 
 became associated with a period of Portuguese economic, artistic and 
 political achievement. 

 This is the earliest Manuel that I have found on my family tree.

 * Manuel da Rosa Vieira 
 born on 27 November 1594, São Roque do Pico

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-16 Thread robertaingram
I translated the wrong person on the other link. 

Please read the other one, it is pretty much the same thing as this one. 
This person was wrapped on the white shroud

Aos treze de julho de mil oitocentos e trinta e trez falece da vida 
presente, sendo da idade de mais ou menos trinta dias, digo* trinta anos 
sem receber o sacramento slgum pella molestia ...(names etc) --- then it 
finishes like the other one I just sent you

On July 13th, 1833 dies , without receiving the sacrament due the disease 
(then add the names here and finishes like the other one

* that was a Oops on the part of the writer

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 5:16:21 AM UTC-7, Maryann Santos wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out the death record for Albina Maria Barbosa (right 
 page center) but can't seem to figure out the last four lines - something 
 about a white shroud? Any help would be appreciated.

 As always, thanks!


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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-16 Thread robertaingram
Aos vinte e nove de maio de mil oitocentos e trinta e trez, falece da vida 
presente, tendo de idade de mais ou menos hum anno, Manuel, filho de Joao 
de Mello Afonso e Rosa de Medeiros, fregueses dessa Paroquia dos Santos 
Reis Magos lugar dos Ferraz de Vera Cruz. E' sepultado o se copro dpois de 
envolto em sua mortalha branca e' acompanhado do Reverendo (?) Colegio dela 
deste (? Igreja ?) na Igreja NOssa Senhora da Ajuda do convento de Sao 
Franciso desde lugar (?) pra constar fio este termo dia e mez e (?Era?).

Sig. Vigario Francisco Jacinto

Translation word for word:

On May 9th, 1833. Fall from this present life, being of an age of about um 
year old, Manuel, son of Joao Mello Afonso and Rosa de Medeiros. 
Members/Clients of this Parish Paroquia dos Santos Reis Magos* location 
of Ferraz de Vera Cruz**. His body was buried after it was wrapped on his 
white shroud. He was accompanied by Reverend (?) Colegio*** of this 
location (? Church ?) of the Church of Nossa Senhora da Ajuda do 
convent of Sao Francisco of this location. I am signing this to attest 
this event on day and month and (?Year?)

* Name of the Church is Parish of the Saint King Maggi (the 3 maggi from 
the nativity story)
** Name of the neighborhood I guess, Ferraz (given name) of True Cross
*** Colegio means school for priests or nuns, which usually do have a built 
in church/chapel, not sure if it has to do with it. Maybe a chapel inside 
the school?
 Name of the Chruch is Our Lady of Help

What I could not understand was because I am not used to this type of 
document, since it is from Portugal. I am more familiar with the ones from 

Hope it helps.

About wrapped on a cloth, it seems that it was common at this location. One 
thing that I would point out, it is that it was a child.


On Sunday, September 28, 2014 5:16:36 AM UTC-7, Maryann Santos wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out the death record for Albina Maria Barbosa (right 
 page center) but can't seem to figure out the last four lines - something 
 about a white shroud? Any help would be appreciated.

 As always, thanks!


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[AZORES-Genealogy] I am curious about given name Manuel

2014-10-14 Thread robertaingram
I read about Azores naming patterns and it seems like all first born boys 
were called Manuel, but I wonder if this is only a Azores pattern or it is 
for all Portugal? I am not sure where my Portuguese ancestors are from, but 
could I ruled out Azores in case their names do not conform to this pattern?

On my family what I notice it is that children are named after their 

My grandfather name was Manuel Candido de Souza, and one of my fathers 
sisters was Candida Candido de Souza and we didn't know why such a ugly 
name. Turned out, Manuel's father's name was Candido Marques de Souza.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-09 Thread robertaingram

About Sebastiao is very difficult, but regarding this other immigrant, the 
singer, you could try the website called Museu da Imigracao de Sao Paulo, 
where you can search for the name or boat. There was where I found the list 
of my great grandparents from Spain. 

Here it is the link: http://museudaimigracao.org.br/en/


On Sunday, September 28, 2014 5:16:36 AM UTC-7, Maryann Santos wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out the death record for Albina Maria Barbosa (right 
 page center) but can't seem to figure out the last four lines - something 
 about a white shroud? Any help would be appreciated.

 As always, thanks!


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-09 Thread robertaingram

I don't know what you mean by nearly 100%, it would depend a lot of the 
custom of the place/people. Catholics, in general, do not have this custom. 
Unless, as someone mentioned, the person was baptized as an adult or maybe 
right before dying. But I never heard of such a custom in Brazil.


On Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:38:44 AM UTC-7, Doug da Rocha Holmes wrote:


 That's how almost everyone was buried - nearly 100%.

 Doug da Rocha Holmes
 Sacramento, California
 Pico  Terceira Genealogist

   Original Message 
 Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Trying to decipher Obitos
 From: MaryAnn Santos ma...@nyu.edu javascript:
 Date: Sun, September 28, 2014 9:32 am
 To: azo...@googlegroups.com javascript:

 How weird. I've never come across that before - just a sentence that they 
 were buried in the public cemetary. She must have died suddenly because she 
 didn't receive the sacraments.

 Thank you for your help!

 On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 10:38 AM, mnk kami...@comcast.net javascript: 

 Yep, that's what it says. Basically her body was wrapped in a white 
 shroud and the priest accompanied the body from home to the church to be 


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-09 Thread robertaingram

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:53:11 AM UTC-7, Maryann Santos wrote:

 Would that be the case if there's no mention of lençol? The phrase used is 
 enamuma sepultado no corpo depois.. what follows depois looks like 
 dum volto en huã mortalha but I can't quite make it out.


 E sepultado o seu corpo depois de envolto em uma mortalha branca.

His body was buried after being wrapped in a white shroud 

Is this a child? If I understood it is a baby of about 1 year old. 

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:44 PM, 'John Raposo' via Azores Genealogy 
 azo...@googlegroups.com javascript: wrote:

 I think we need to be careful about reading too much into burial in a 
 white shroud. I have seen some death records that state the deceased was 
 buried in a white shroud (usually a bed sheet /lençol: she was wrapped in 
 a bed sheet because she had nothing else in which to be buried...) because 
 they simply were so poor they had nothing but rags to wear. I also think 
 that sometimes, providing the deceased with a full set of clothes might 
 have been a luxury, especially if you had a lot of children, some of whom 
 approaching adolesence, who could really benefit from the hand me downs.

   On Thursday, October 9, 2014 1:08 PM, robert...@gmail.com 
 javascript: robert...@gmail.com javascript: wrote:


 I don't know what you mean by nearly 100%, it would depend a lot of the 
 custom of the place/people. Catholics, in general, do not have this custom. 
 Unless, as someone mentioned, the person was baptized as an adult or maybe 
 right before dying. But I never heard of such a custom in Brazil.


 On Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:38:44 AM UTC-7, Doug da Rocha Holmes 


 That's how almost everyone was buried - nearly 100%.

 Doug da Rocha Holmes
 Sacramento, California
 Pico  Terceira Genealogist

   Original Message 
 Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Trying to decipher Obitos
 From: MaryAnn Santos ma...@nyu.edu
 Date: Sun, September 28, 2014 9:32 am
 To: azo...@googlegroups.com

 How weird. I've never come across that before - just a sentence that they 
 were buried in the public cemetary. She must have died suddenly because she 
 didn't receive the sacraments.

 Thank you for your help!

 On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 10:38 AM, mnk kami...@comcast.net wrote:

 Yep, that's what it says. Basically her body was wrapped in a white 
 shroud and the priest accompanied the body from home to the church to be 

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 *MaryAnn Santos*
 Senior Advisement and Student Affairs Administrator
 Department of Art and Art Professions
 ma...@nyu.edu javascript:

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 *Twitter / @NYUart https://twitter.com/NYUartInstagram / @nyuart 
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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Trying to decipher Obitos

2014-10-08 Thread robertaingram
Mary Ann, 

This is a Jewish or Muslim custom, have you read anything about the 
Marranos from Azores? It might interest you. I am Brazilian and I speak 
Portuguese and opened your post to help you with the document, glad to see 
someone else already did. :) 

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 5:16:36 AM UTC-7, Maryann Santos wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out the death record for Albina Maria Barbosa (right 
 page center) but can't seem to figure out the last four lines - something 
 about a white shroud? Any help would be appreciated.

 As always, thanks!


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