Re: [Bacula-users] Anyone written any handy queries (query.sql)???

2009-08-12 Thread Russell Howe
John Lockard wrote, sometime around 11/08/09 19:39:
 I have modified my query.sql to include some queries that
 I use frequently and I thought maybe someone else would
 find them useful additions.  Also, I was wondering if anyone
 had queries which they find useful and would like to share.

Some of mine may only work on PostgreSQL - I dunno..

:List the most recent full backups
SELECT DISTINCT jobname, endtime, volumename from (
 lastfullbackups.JobId, JobName, ScheduledTime, StartTime, EndTime, 
 jobid AS JobId, AS JobName,
 job.schedtime AS ScheduledTime,
 job.starttime AS StartTime,
 job.endtime AS EndTime
 name as Job, max(endtime) AS EndTime
 ON = JI_jobname
 type = 'B'
 AND level = 'F'
 AND jobstatus = 'T'
 AND ji_old = false
   GROUP BY name
 ) lastfullbackups
   lastfullbackups.Job =
   lastfullbackups.EndTime = job.endtime
 ) lastfullbackups
 lastfullbackups.jobid = jobmedia.jobid
 jobmedia.mediaid = media.mediaid
 ) foo

:List last 20 Full Backups for a named job
*Enter Job name:
  FROM Client INNER JOIN Job on Client.ClientId = Job.ClientId INNER 
JOIN JobMedia ON Job.JobId = JobMedia.JobId INNER JOIN Media on 
  WHERE Job.Name='%1'
  AND Level='F' AND JobStatus='T'
  ORDER BY Job.StartTime DESC LIMIT 20;

Also, I wanted to know which tapes needed to be offsite when I was 
running a full  differential combination. To do this, I created a table 
listing all the jobs and whether they should be included or not as I 
have quite a few old jobs in the catalog which I don't really care about:

CREATE TABLE jobinfo (
ji_primary SERIAL,
ji_old  boolean DEFAULT FALSE,
ji_jobname  varchar(45)

List the last completed full backup for each job, and the tape it is on:

CREATE VIEW lastfullbackuptapes AS
  SELECT DISTINCT foo2.jobname, foo2.endtime, foo2.volumename
FROM ( SELECT lastfullbackups.jobid, jobname, scheduledtime, 
starttime, endtime, volumename
FROM ( SELECT jobid, lastfullbackups.job AS jobname, 
job.schedtime AS scheduledtime, job.starttime, job.endtime
FROM ( SELECT ji_jobname AS job, max(endtime) AS endtime
FROM jobinfo
   LEFT JOIN ( SELECT, job.endtime
FROM job
   WHERE job.type = 'B'::bpchar AND 
job.level = 'F' AND job.jobstatus = 'T') fulljobs ON 
jobinfo.ji_jobname =
  WHERE ji_old = false
  GROUP BY ji_jobname) lastfullbackups
   LEFT JOIN job ON lastfullbackups.job = AND 
lastfullbackups.endtime = job.endtime) lastfullbackups
   LEFT JOIN jobmedia ON lastfullbackups.jobid = jobmedia.jobid
LEFT JOIN media ON jobmedia.mediaid = media.mediaid) foo2
   ORDER BY foo2.jobname, foo2.endtime, foo2.volumename;

List all completed differential backups since the last full backup for 
each job and the tape they are on (uses the above view):

CREATE VIEW lastdiffbackuptapes AS
  SELECT DISTINCT, res.endtime, media.volumename
FROM lastfullbackuptapes
JOIN ( SELECT job.jobid, job.job,, job.type, job.level, 
job.clientid, job.jobstatus, job.schedtime, job.starttime, job.endtime, 
job.jobtdate, job.volsessionid, job.volsessiontime, job.jobfiles, 
job.jobbytes, job.joberrors, job.jobmissingfiles, job.poolid, 
job.filesetid, job.purgedfiles, job.hasbase
 FROM job
WHERE job.type = 'B' AND job.jobstatus = 'T' AND 
job.level = 'D') res ON lastfullbackuptapes.jobname = AND 
lastfullbackuptapes.endtime  res.starttime
LEFT JOIN jobmedia ON res.jobid = jobmedia.jobid
LEFT JOIN media ON jobmedia.mediaid = media.mediaid
   ORDER BY, res.endtime, media.volumename;

List all tapes which should be offsite in order to maintain the most up 
to date complete backup (for each job the most recent full and all 
subsequent differentials):

  SELECT DISTINCT res.volumename
FROM ( SELECT lastfullbackuptapes.volumename
FROM lastfullbackuptapes
  SELECT lastdiffbackuptapes.volumename
FROM lastdiffbackuptapes) res
   ORDER BY res.volumename;

Russell Howe, IT Manager.
BMT Marine  Offshore Surveys Ltd

Re: [Bacula-users] How to automate Windows installer for a large number of hosts?

2009-01-26 Thread Russell Howe
Brian Debelius wrote, sometime around 26/01/09 17:05:
 You could try WinInstall to do this.

Also take a look at AutoIt - I think the Unattended project 
( uses it quite a bit.

That said, NSIS isn't very complicated - I remember using it ages ago to 
package openphone for internal use

Russell Howe, IT Manager.
BMT Marine  Offshore Surveys Ltd.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Clustering the win32 FD

2007-10-19 Thread Russell Howe
Robert LeBlanc wrote:
 I was just thinking about this. And this might be what you described below.
 Create a config with with same password for blue and green. Create three
 jobs and two filesets. Have one job back-up blue (except for data disks),
 one job back-up green (except for data disks) and then another job that
 points to the cluster IP address that only backs up the data. One fileset
 can be used for blue and green and the other for the data. So you would have
 three clients for two machines. The only hang-up I can see is that the fd
 name on the dir and client would not match, but I'm not sure if it does
 password plus name or just password for auth. It would required
 or you could possibly get away with multiple IP address statements in the fd
 or comma separated addresses.

That's the way I'm currently doing it (with listening 
addresses (the default).

But, I'd really like it as a clustered service, and it shouldn't be that 
hard to do. I'll have another stab at it next week.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Clustering the win32 FD

2007-10-19 Thread Russell Howe
Robert LeBlanc wrote:
 I don't think you want to cluster the bacula FD. Each node of the cluster is
 very unique and if you try to fail over the back-up program, you will get
 some really strange results. All of a sudden a computer that you think has
 one name and identification and config in the cluster now has another. This
 is assuming that you are backing up the entire machine. If you are only
 backing up the data disk, this might be ok. In such a situation you will
 probably want a client on each node and then one that fails over.

Yes, this is the configuration I'm looking for.

Let's take a clustered file server, for a simple example. Maybe with two 
cluster groups.

Server #1 called 'green'
Server #2 called 'blue'

Cluster group called 'User  Dept filestores' with a disk or two, 
network name ('usrdeptsrv'), IP address ( and file shares 
('homedrives', 'deptstore').

Cluster group called 'Archive storage' with another disk or two, and 
again a network name ('archivesrv'), IP address ( and file 
share ('archive')

Plus a group for the quorum, which isn't really relevant to the backup 

Now, what I'm aiming for is to be able to back up green and blue's 
system state and configuration, so I can install a filedaemon on them, 
calling them something like green-fd and blue-fd.

However, I can't really use those to back up the clustered file stores, 
as I don't know whether green or blue will have the drives. I could just 
run the backups for the clustered drives on both the servers, and the 
one which has the drives will succeed and the one without the drives 
will fail, but it's not an ideal scenario.

The other thing you can do is to set green-fd and blue-fd with the same 
password, then create another Client resource in the director's config 
called (say) 'archivesrv-fd' with the IP address which is linked to the 
archive storage. That way you can be sure that the connection is being 
made to the node which has the files, and you'll be able to authenticate 
as the credentials are the same for both nodes.

Still, that's not ideal and it isn't really obvious what's going on.

 I've done for clusters is just put the client on each node and which ever
 one has the data disk backs it up. All of our clusters have fail back so the
 data usually resides on the primary node, but if it doesn't then I can
 restore it from the standby node job if the job ran when the standby node
 owned the disk. You can easily restore to the standby node if the primary
 node is dead. Honestly, I think you are go through a lot more work than it
 is worth. If you have a really good reason, I'd like to know.

Well, my reason is that it really shouldn't be hard, and it should be 
the Right Way(tm) to do it.

Install green-fd to listen on green's IP address, blue-fd to listen on 
blue's IP address (instead of having them listen on!), and 
then one fd per cluster group, failing over with the cluster. It keeps a 
clean separation between the director and the config of the servers.

It looks like it should be relatively easy, but I think maybe with my 
messing around trying to get it to work, I may have left trails of 
destruction in the parts of the registry to do with service 
registrations and got Windows all confuddled.

Russell Howe

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[Bacula-users] Clustering the win32 FD

2007-10-19 Thread Russell Howe
Has anybody ever run bacula-fd under the Windows cluster service?

I've been trying to create it as a Generic Service without a whole lot 
of success.

Still, I haven't exhausted all troubleshooting options as yet, so I 
might get it going...

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Backing up MS SQL server with Bacula?

2007-10-11 Thread Russell Howe
Robert LeBlanc wrote, sometime around 11/10/07 12:03:
 We put MS SQL in full recovery mode, then have a maintenance schedule in MS
 SQL that does a full back-up. We exclude the actual data files and include
 the log files (full and transaction). We have the schedule run about 15 min
 before bacula runs on the client. I think the RunBefore Client would be a
 better option though.

I currently have a maintenance plan which does a consistency check and 
then database backup followed by log backup (the latter is needed if you 
don't want your log files to grow to infinite size when a database is in 
'Full' recovery mode).

This currently runs asynchronously w.r.t. bacula, so I just make sure 
that I schedule the bacula job to run at a time by which the database 
server will have dumped its backups.

I also have a client run before job script (shell script executed with 
cygwin), which prunes backup dump files older than a week, and gzips the 
remainder (SQL Server backup files gzip rather well, I find). I think I 
trust gzip to do a better job than the tape drive's hardware compression.

If you look at the maintenance plan, all it does is call a stored 
procedure with some arguments. It should be trivial to call this from 
the client run before job too, making the whole process synchronous.

I also saw someone having some success running backups over named pipes 
and streaming them directly to tape, avoiding the middle step of dumping 
databases to files before backing up. I like having an online copy of 
the database backups though, as it makes restoring in the common case 
(something went wrong and we need last night's backup now!) much 
easier. Backups are handy for recreating test copies of databases too.

I've posted the prune  compress script here before, so it should be in 
the archives somewhere. It's nothing fancy.

Russell Howe, IT Manager. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BMT Marine  Offshore Surveys Ltd.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Database odbc or one more driver.

2007-08-21 Thread Russell Howe
Chris Hoogendyk wrote, sometime around 20/08/07 21:24:
 my gut reaction was ... I suppose you could write such an interface, but
 why? If someone insists on a commercial database, why would they not
 insist on a commercial backup solution? Or, alternatively, if someone
 was willing to accept an open source backup solution, then what's the
 big deal about doing a simple install of mysql? Seems like the audience
 for bacula using DB2 would be miniscule.

One reason might be that if you've shelled out megabucks on a commercial 
database, you've probably also bought some decent hardware to run it on. 
Setting up a second database server when you've gone to the trouble to 
configure one for decent performance is quite a bit of work (not to 
mention somewhat costly). I'd love to get working on SQL Server support 
for bacula - then we could drop our postgres server and free up quite a 
bit of capacity on one of our Xen hosts. We're soon to set up a 
clustered install of SQL Server and once that's in, and things quieten 
down, maybe I'll finally get chance to look at it. SQL Server isn't 
going away any time soon (at least a couple of critical apps here are 
written to work with SQL Server and SQL Server alone - even to the point 
of using encrypted stored procedures, no less!).

ODBC would seem like the way to go, although it could just use the TDS 
libraries directly I suppose..

Russell Howe, IT Manager. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BMT Marine  Offshore Surveys Ltd.

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Re: [Bacula-users] bacula 2.0.3 for Win32 can't backup top level Chinese folder!

2007-05-16 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:

 If anyone on this list knows of a Win32 tool that will write UTF-8 (not 
 Unicode or UTF-16), please let me know.

It's not really a win32 tool, but jEdit (text editor, written in Java) 
can output in pretty much any character set.

See Buffer Options for the character set selector (you can also switch 
between different line terminators).

I think even Windows notepad is unicode-aware these days, although 
whether it uses UTF8 or one of the other encodings, I don't know.

Russell Howe

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[Bacula-users] Coping with brief network outages when talking to clients

2007-03-17 Thread Russell Howe
Morning all,

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but I'm looking at
running the Windows version of the FD within the Windows 2000 cluster

This looks to be possible, with the cluster service handling the
stopping  starting of the process and if the configuration is stored on
a drive which the cluster has control of, then the config can fail over
with the process.

Windows lists the requirements for a cluster-unaware application to be
clustered as follows:

 * The application must be able to store its data in a configurable

Check - config file is a command line parameter

 The application must use TCP/IP to connect with clients. 


 Clients must reconnect in the event of intermittent network failure. 

This might be a problem - in my experience, a reset of the TCP
connection will cause the job to terminate. There is an option to rerun
failed jobs, but it would be nicer if the director and sd could hold off
terminating the job for a minute or so whilst they try to re-establish
the connection.

If a job is re-run, presumably it is re-run from the beginning, so if we
were doing a backup of 190GiB of data onto a 200GiB tape, and it got to
180GiB and then the cluster node went down, when bacula reruns the job
and connects to the fd again (now running on the backup cluster node)
presumably it will begin the job from the start and overflow the tape
(although I suppose it could rerun it as a differential...).

Has this ever been considered, and how much work would it be to

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] alternative postgres config

2007-02-15 Thread Russell Howe
Hans Manz wrote, sometime around 14/02/07 20:36:
 Hello, folks!
 I've found an alternative way to configure postgres than in the doc.
 I've installed an identd on my postgrest/bacula-dir server. In
 pg_hba.conf I wrote the line:
 local bacula bacula ident bacula

I don't think you need identd for this - when using unix sockets, 
postgres gets the other user's uid via a syscall on the socket, IIRC.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Hierarchical storage systems?

2007-02-14 Thread Russell Howe
Alan Brown wrote, sometime around 14/02/07 12:52:
 I know this is outside the scope of the list, (despite someone having this 
 on the wishlist), but I'm looking for a *nix-compatible (pref linux) 
 hierarchical storage system.

I don't know if it's of much help, but XFS has an API for Hierarchical 
Storage Management (HSM) apps called DMAPI. It's an SGI thing, and there 
must be at least one or two HSM apps out there.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] WOW

2006-09-11 Thread Russell Howe
Janco van der Merwe wrote, sometime around 11/09/06 15:23:
 Yes but now you have to have a 3rd party app and requires subscription but 
 Vodacom still has the e-mail to SMS but that is limited to 6 a day which will 
 work but we are currently using the MTN network with our Zabbix which is on 
 another machine and I hoped that there was a possibility that I could some 
 how configure Bacula to use Zabbix which will solve this but I mean this is 
 not a necessary thing just a nice to have, at least when jobs fail I have 
 prior notice so that when my boss corners me I at least know and give him 
 that all wonderful IT answer of  I know and I'm busy working on it 

You'll be needing a commandline application which can send an SMS, given 
some text to send, and a number to send it to (this could be hardcoded 
into the application).

Something like

./sendsms --to +4477123123123 This is an SMS

Once you have that, it's easy enough to interface to Bacula, in the same 
way that job results are emailed.

You'll probably find the same tool useful for a bazillion other things 
(pushing your bill up in the process :)

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] WOW

2006-09-11 Thread Russell Howe
Alan Brown wrote, sometime around 11/09/06 16:05:
 Personally: I have my phone on an unlimited data tariff

I wasn't aware such a thing existed in the UK, and certainly isn't all 
that common around the world. A friend of mine was charged about £200 
for 6MiB when living in Canada recently! Admittedly, he probably wasn't 
on the best of tariffs, but still.. £200!

  and just use a Symbian imap client to check mail every 15 minutes
 No message length limits, no overly long delays (SMSes usually deliver 
 within seconds, but I have seen even local network ones take 6 - 24+ hours 
 to deliver, depending on network load) and no stratospheric SMS charges 
 (10c/message * 160 bytes maximum = $625/MB!!!)
 Granted, this doesn't work with el-cheapo handsets, but many phones have 
 some form of pop3/imap client onboard these days.

Yup - I got a new one this Saturday, and it does POP3, IMAP and SMTP, 
all with SSL as an option (it even validates the certificate!). Most 
impressed, I was, until I saw what Orange wanted to charge me for GPRS 
on my tariff :)

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] FileList scripting help

2006-08-09 Thread Russell Howe
Davis, Jacob wrote, sometime around 09/08/06 14:16:
 It appears that a crucial line break was missing from my original post.
 To be clear, accepts a single path argument and
 returns the fully qualified path to a single filename like so:
 $ /usr/local/backups/ 
 Any ideas why Bacula does not like my FileList?
 File = '| /usr/local/backups/'

 Could not stat '| /usr/local/backups/': 
 ERR=No such
 file or directory

Bacula is looking for a file called:

| /usr/local/backups/

Take out your single quotes

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Estimate + Exclusion Question

2006-08-04 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 20:56:
 On Thursday 03 August 2006 20:45, Erich Prinz wrote:
   2. How do we determine if the exclusions are working?
 Try the following:
 estimate job=job-name listing level=Full

Wow, Kern I love you!

If I'd known about that (presumably if I'd read the documentation a bit 
more carefully), I could have saved many many an hour of messing around 

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 12:10:
 I have a machine that is no longer with us.
 I wish to restore one or two files from the backup set, but obviously,
 without that machine, I am stumped - bacula wants to restore to the
 client it read from, i'd rather it gave me the files in /tmp on my
 server. Can I do this? How?

Choose the 'mod' option when running a restore job and alter the client. 
That one's gotta be in the manual, surely? :)

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 12:44:
 On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 12:15 +0100, Russell Howe wrote:
 Choose the 'mod' option when running a restore job and alter the client. 
 That one's gotta be in the manual, surely? :)
 thanks, did not read what that one's for.
 Tried it, but on my debian system it says my file daemon won't support
 win32 streams. On remote windows systems I get

Aha, another gem hidden in the documentation.

Unless you specify that Windows backups are written in 'portable' 
format, the Windows backup API is used which writes data in its own 
'special' (for 'special' read 'proprietary'). Bacula doesn't (yet, but 
it's on the todo) parse this data, just storing it and returning it to 
the Windows backup API for decoding.

This effectively means that you need to restore to a Windows machine, or 
you need to perform a backup of your ex-machine with the portable option 
set. See the docs for more information:

I doubt you'd be able to run the win32 FD under wine as a way around 
this, but the wine folks do implement all sorts of esoteric parts of the 
Windows API so anything is possible, I guess..

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 15:05:
 On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 14:57 +0100, Russell Howe wrote:
 It should be a path which exists on the target client.
 Tried C:/tmp which I *know* exists, but still getting the same errors.
 Starting to really get me down this one.

 From your previous message - Socket error from Filed on Include 
command: ERR=Connection reset by peer

It said the fd closed the connection - anything in the FD's logs (on the 
Windows box) explaining why?

Do you have any kind of firewall in the way? (including the built in 
Windows XP firewall!) - looking at your email address, one would assume 
you knew to check for packet filters ;)

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 14:44:
 Any idea why it fails to back up to another windows XP box? effectively

Do you mean restore (files) to instead of back up to?

 one of its siblings... should I change the path from /tmp?

It should be a path which exists on the target client.

e.g. I have a 'restored files' on a drive lettered T:, so I restore to:

T:/restored files


Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 15:19:
 On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 15:11 +0100, Russell Howe wrote:
 It said the fd closed the connection - anything in the FD's logs (on the 
 Windows box) explaining why?
 Where might I find such a log?

Hmmm.. I thought it kept one, although I fail to see where now that I'm 
actually logged into one of our Windows boxes. Is there anything which 
looks promising on the right click menu for the filedaemon's tray icon?

I'd run tcpdump on the intermediary firewall and see if you spot the TCP 
connection being closed - that will at least potentially help you to 
debug this..

Also, look at netstat -ano output and match the pid of bacula-fd.exe 
(get it from Task Manager - you'll have to add in the PID column using 
'View' - 'Columns' or somesuch) to see which ports it is listening on.

Once you know the port numbers, you should be able to telnet to them 
from the director and the fd and get a connection (along with warning 
messages from the fd about weird connections :)

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 13:54:
 On Thursday 03 August 2006 13:56, Russell Howe wrote:
 Unless you specify that Windows backups are written in 'portable' 
 format, the Windows backup API is used which writes data in its own 
 'special' (for 'special' read 'proprietary'). Bacula doesn't (yet, but 
 it's on the todo) parse this data

 Parsing this data *is* implemented in 1.39.18.

... and bacula continues to astound!

Thanks all who contribute

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 16:04:
 Actually.. there is a reset comes from the FD - the last packet with any
 data contains:
 ..2000 O K Job Wi
 0050  6e 64 6f 77 73 20 58 50  2c 4d 56 53 2c 4e 54 20   ndows
 anyone want to see a dump?

Hm, not me :)

Still, it looks like the FD is closing the connection for some reason - 
are you running the exact same versions of bacula on director, file 
daemon and storage daemon? If you're not, things can get 'interesting'...

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] restore to local file

2006-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Tom Newton wrote, sometime around 03/08/06 16:13:
 On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 16:07 +0100, Russell Howe wrote:
 are you running the exact same versions of bacula on director, file 
 daemon and storage daemon? If you're not, things can get 'interesting'...
 Ah! You may be onto something! The version of bacula I have is debian
 sarge 1.36.2-2sarge1 (ie about 30 years old) but the windows client is
 1.38.4 - are my backups likely to be worthless? If I install an older fd
 will that work, or should I compile a new director from source?

Try an older fd on Windows (replacing the .exe file whilst the service 
is stopped should be sufficient - I don't think the configuration format 
has changed much).

Stop the bacula service, take a copy of the current bacula-fd.exe 
program and extract a 1.36.2 (or .3) bacula-fd.exe from the archive 
which presumably is up on sourceforge somewhere and then start the 
bacula service. See if you can restore then.

I would expect your backups to be restorable, but well, you never know 
until you try :)

Russell Howe

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[Bacula-users] Feature request - SQL Server (freetds? odbc?) support for catalog database

2006-07-27 Thread Russell Howe
I didn't see a feature request on the site for extra database support, 
so here goes:

Origin: Russell Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   26 July 2006

What:   It would be nice for the database backend to support more 
databases. I'm thinking of SQL Server at the moment, but I guess Oracle, 
DB2, MaxDB, etc are all candidates. SQL Server would presumably be 
implemented using FreeTDS or maybe an ODBC library?

Why:We only really have one database server, which is MS SQL Server 
2000. Maintaining a second one for the backup software (we grew out of 
SQLite, which I liked, but which didn't work so well with our database 
size). We don't really have a machine with the resources to run 
postgres, and would rather only maintain a single DBMS. We're stuck with 
SQL Server because pretty much all the company's custom applications 
(written by consultants) are locked into SQL Server 2000. I can imagine 
this scenario is fairly common, and it would be nice to use the existing 
properly specced database server for storing Bacula's catalog, rather 
than having to run a second DBMS.

I haven't seen Bacula's database routines, but it seems like it's fairly 
modular and so I'm guessing that adding another database wouldn't be too 
much work. What would be involved?

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Feature request - SQL Server (freetds? odbc?) support for catalog database

2006-07-27 Thread Russell Howe
Dan Langille wrote, sometime around 27/07/06 16:29:
 On 26 Jul 2006 at 11:55, Russell Howe wrote:
 I haven't seen Bacula's database routines, but it seems like it's fairly 
 modular and so I'm guessing that adding another database wouldn't be too 
 much work. What would be involved?
 I wrote the PostgreSQL module.  Things get added because the person 
 adding it *wants* to add it.  The result: SQL Server will not get 
 added until someone codes it.  I'm not interested in SQL Server 
 support, so it will not be me.

Of course - I should perhaps have sent the email as an I'd like SQL 
Server support for the catalog - anyone interested in helping me do it? 
email instead of a feature request.

 This is the way it is.  Nothing personal against anyone. It's just 
 how things work.

Oh I wasn't expecting others to really do it, but since Kern wanted all 
feature requests submitted as per his template, and I want SQL Server 
support, I figured I'd submit it.

It's something I plan to do, but I haven't had time to do anything but 
fill in the feature request form.

I was more after feedback on how to go about adding support for another 
database and how much trouble was involved.

 It would take knowledge of C coding, knowledge of SQL Server, and 
 good debugging skills.

The C I can handle, the SQL Server I can probably figure out (with the 
help of freetds etc) and the debugging is mostly a matter of dedicating 
time to it.

I'd love to contribute something back to bacula, and as soon as the 
opportunity presents itself, I will.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Problem with the list???

2006-05-24 Thread Russell Howe
Robert W Hartzell wrote, sometime around 23/05/06 22:06:
 Has anyone else noticed a problem with delivery of the list messages? I
 seem to be getting messages today that are 4 or 5 days old and 2
 messages that I sent never showed up on the list.

That'll be me, then...

I haven't been going through the held postings daily, as I ought to be.

Essentially, if you want your postings to show up on the list in a
timely fashion, it's best to subscribe and send from your subscribed
address. Otherwise, you'll be relying on me or Kern to let your postings
through. If you don't want to be deluged with messages, you can
subscribe and set yourself to nomail.

As to the two which got lost, I guess it's possible I discarded them by
accident, but I try to be careful..

It could be possible that Sourceforge is having problems, although I
haven't seen anything to suggest that.

Your friendly local list admin,

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Problem with the list???

2006-05-24 Thread Russell Howe
Martin Simmons wrote, sometime around 24/05/06 15:56:
 Looking at the Received: headers might show where the delay occurs.
 FWIW, the delayed messages that I see are usually duplicates, possibly because
 they are resent by the poster on the original date after subscribing and then
 the original is flushed from the held queue later.

Back in those heady days when I could actually find time to read all the
postings to the list, I'd notice these duplicates and discard them from
the held messages queue.

As it is, I just let everything that's a legitimate message through, as
I can't find time to keep up with everyone's messages on the list (this
is a good thing - a nice healthy, active user community!).

Russell Howe

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Fully trained technicians. The highest number of Red Hat certifications in
the hosting industry. Fanatical Support. Click to learn more
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backups too big, and other questions

2006-05-08 Thread Russell Howe
Eric Warnke wrote, sometime around 27/04/06 03:42:
 Unfortunately I have looked high and low, there is just no good way to
 read sparse files intelligently.  Whoever though of providing the
 functionality without an API to step through the block mapping was a
 moron.  It is truly a brain dead technology.  At least there is a fcntl
 under Win32 to deal with it with some intelligence.

As far as I know, there is no cross-platform way to do it, and in Linux,
no filesystem-agnostic way to do it.

XFS has a special ioctl, XFS_BMAP, or something like that. It returns a
list of extents occupied by the file, and from there you can work out
where the gaps are.

I think there were whispers on the linux-xfs/l-k mailing lists about
genericising this across all file systems, but I don't know if it
actually got taken up as a serious proposition.

Anyway, at least in XFS, it's possible.

# dd if=/dev/zero seek=50 of=foo count=100
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
51200 bytes (51 kB) copied, 0.000916 seconds, 55.9 MB/s
# xfs_bmap foo
0: [0..47]: hole
1: [48..151]: 20688..20791

Here we can see that the first 48 blocks are hole, and the next 103
blocks contain data (in this case, zeros). Presumably bacula would have
read this entire file as being one big hole, had it been backed up with
sparse turned on? If so, this could lead to a substantial disk space
discrepancy on a system if you back up with sparse turned on, and then
restore. (you'll have 'gained' any disk space previously occupied by zeros).

And no, you don't need to be root to perform the ioctl.

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] backing up msexchange or mssql

2006-05-02 Thread Russell Howe
James Harper wrote, sometime around 29/04/06 06:11:
 Is anyone doing this now? Would there be any value in developing an fd
 module specifically to back up these databases?

I do backups of MS SQL 2000 to files and then gzip them (reduces the
backups to about 10% of their original size). Doing this, I keep about a
week's worth of backups on the disk, which are all backed up every
night. It's worked well for over a year now.

I have this little shell script to handle gzipping the files and pruning
the them when they get too old. I wrote it to use Cygwin, but it would
probably be better written in perl or python etc.

Russell Howe
Description: application/shellscript

Re: [Bacula-users] FOSDEM 2006

2006-02-27 Thread Russell Howe
Jo wrote:
 Russell Howe schreef:
 Is anyone else going to FOSDEM 2006 in Brussels?

 I'm living 30 kilometers from Brussels. I'll probably be there on Sunday
 and maybe Saturday afternoon. My cell phone number is +32 (0)478-33 76 27.
 Maybe we'll meet there,

Oh, sorry - I just received your email now!

Hope you enjoyed the conference - I certainly did.

Russell Howe

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that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] A script to ease the pain of switching from SQLite to PostgreSQL

2006-02-23 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Monday 06 February 2006 18:04, Russell Howe wrote:
Well, the time is nigh. Our SQLite database has hit 1.3GB and creates a
900MB dump file, which is big enough to cause our bacula Xen virtual
machine to run out of space when running a catalog backup.

We have a Postgres (7.4) server with plenty of space, so I thought I'd
try importing the catalog into that.. things didn't go so smoothly, so I
ended up knocking up a script to do the import.

I haven't actually tested this yet, so it's probably broken and riddled
with bugs. Still, enjoy :)
 I've added this to the examples/dbdump directory -- perhaps not the most 
 obvious place.  If you ever have an update, please send it to me.
 Thanks for the contribution, in addition to your regular Bacula list spam 
 filtering work :-)

heh, I should add that the script is pretty broken. I've got a more up
to date version at but
it's still not quite right.

Still, it may make the transition slightly less painful for anyone else
who has to do it. In the end, I blew our catalog away after getting
complaints from SQLite about the database file being corrupt. I started
afresh with Postgres. We were switching to a new drive and a whole new
set of tapes, so the catalog was only of historical interest in case we
needed to restore from a while back. In about 4 months, it would be
rendered completely useless.

I'm tempted to knock up yet another web interface to the database,
however, so you might see some Java stuff from me in the not too distant

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] FOSDEM 2006

2006-02-23 Thread Russell Howe
Is anyone else going to FOSDEM 2006 in Brussels?

I'll be arriving Friday afternoon, and will stay until sometime Sunday

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: JobSet, Batch, or Aggregate Concept / Max tape usage per (WAS: Re: [Bacula-users] Hit me w/ a Clue-by-Four (Amanda user))

2006-02-13 Thread Russell Howe
Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 10:37 +, Russell Howe wrote:
Bacula will do this. Check you don't have Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 in
 I do.  This is because I'm trying to enforce a specific threshold of a
 single-tape-per-day policy. 

Ah, but this is a single-tape-per-job policy.

 I can manage volume capacity myself.  I'd like to override Bacula's
 default behavior of auto-picking a tape based on status/capacity/recycle
 I'd essentially like to Micro-Manage it perhaps.
 I want my tapes to be written to by the scheduled jobs for their daily
 assignment, by all the jobs scheduled to run at that time, and then be
 marked Used.
 The trick is, if all the jobs run at the same time, don't mark the
 volume Used or Full until after they've all run.

When it comes to marking tapes as Used or Full, there seem to be two
ways to do it currently:

* Maximum Volume Jobs
* Volume Use Duration

So, you can either say 23 hours after the first job which wrote to this
tape {started,finished}, mark it as used to get you a new tape every
day (I'm not sure which of those two options applies, but I guess it's
in TFM somewhere)

Or, you can say After n jobs have been written to this tape, close it
off/mark it used

The latter is what I do. I run 10 jobs every night, most of them on the
same schedule, so they start at the same time, although they don't run
concurrently - I have Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 set for the storage
device, so that jobs get written sequentially.

After the last job completes (the Catalog backup), I get this:

11-Feb 21:43 bacula-dir: Start Backup JobId 26,
11-Feb 21:43 spanky-sd: Volume PoolA_Weekly_1 previously written,
moving to end of data.
11-Feb 21:47 spanky-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume
PoolA_Weekly_1 at file=95.
11-Feb 21:47 bacula-dir: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume
PoolA_Weekly_1 as Used.

This does mean that if I change the number of jobs which get written, I
have to remember to update the catalog's record for the media, and
update the Pool definitions in the director's configuration file. I have
this comment in the configuration to remind anyone who might inherit
this setup:

If you're not seeing the above behaviour, I guess there could be some
kind of race condition whereby when two jobs run concurrently, and both
try to incrememnt the number of jobs field in the catalog for the
media table, both jobs update it to n+1 instead of the first updating it
to n+1 and the second adding one to that (making it n+2)... I find it
hard to believe that such a bug would go unnoticed, though... maybe
nobody uses Maximum Volume Jobs with concurrent backups?!

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: JobSet, Batch, or Aggregate Concept / Max tape usage per (WAS: Re: [Bacula-users] Hit me w/ a Clue-by-Four (Amanda user))

2006-02-13 Thread Russell Howe
Russell Howe wrote:
 I have this comment in the configuration to remind anyone who might
 inherit this setup:

# In the database, the media entries have a MaxVolJobs setting. This is
# what determines that a tape is full.
# Current values are:
# Cases tapes: 10 (Cases, Cases2, Artemis, Zetafax, Thor, Zeus, Users 
# Depts, Bankside, SQL Server, Catalog)
# This is changed much like the above, i.e.
# UPDATE media SET MaxVolJobs = 1 WHERE VolumeName LIKE 'PoolA%';

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: Date/Time poll'ing ? (WAS: Re: [Bacula-users] Simulate/Test Scheduler?)

2006-02-13 Thread Russell Howe
Martin Simmons wrote:
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 16:18:01 -0500, Brian A. Seklecki [EMAIL 

How often does the Director poll the system date time?  How often does
the Storage director? I don't see any options in the config to control
this.  Specifically, for periodic maintenance like
recycling/pruning/volume status flagging.
 AFAIK, these maintenance operations are never run on their own.  They are
 always triggered by other operations such as a job running or 'status dir'
 when Bacula needs to decide which volume to use.

You can trigger them by running a job of type Admin

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] user complains bacula slows his laptop

2006-02-10 Thread Russell Howe
Alex Finch wrote:
 Dan and Michel,
  Thanks for the helpful comments and suggestions. Next time the user is
 here I will try some of them out!
  I believe he is running Windows XP professional, not sure of the exact
 spec. of the machine but I imagine it is fairly good.

One other thing he can try (assuming he has permission to do so - he
might not) is lowering the process priority of the FD when it's running.

You can do this from Windows Task Manager, although if it's running
under the local SYSTEM account, you might not be able to change it, even
as Administrator...

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] A script to ease the pain of switching from SQLite to PostgreSQL

2006-02-06 Thread Russell Howe
Well, the time is nigh. Our SQLite database has hit 1.3GB and creates a
900MB dump file, which is big enough to cause our bacula Xen virtual
machine to run out of space when running a catalog backup.

We have a Postgres (7.4) server with plenty of space, so I thought I'd
try importing the catalog into that.. things didn't go so smoothly, so I
ended up knocking up a script to do the import.

I haven't actually finished it yet, and I know there are some
optimisations which could be made, but I hope this is useful to someone:

What could be better:

* Automatic reorganisation of CREATE statements so that they execute in
the correct order
* Commandline parameters
* Handling of arbitrary conversions (Postgres - MySQL, MySQL -
Postgres, SQLite - MySQL, MySQL - SQLite, Postgres - SQLite)

Note that it would be a good idea to turn off the fsync stuff on
Postgres while you do the import - I haven't benchmarked, but it should
make things go a good bit quicker.

I haven't actually tested this yet, so it's probably broken and riddled
with bugs. Still, enjoy :)

Russell Howe

# Import an SQLite dump of a Bacula catalog into Postgres
# Designed for v1.63.3 (as found on Debian sarge)
# v0.5
# Copyright (c) 2006 Russell Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# Tables, in order of size
TABLES=(File Filename Path Job Media Pool CDImages Counters Version Client 
FileSet JobMedia NextId UnsavedFiles BaseFiles)
# Tables, in insert order
TABLESINSERT=(Pool CDImages Client Counters FileSet Filename Job Media JobMedia 
NextId Path File UnsavedFiles Version BaseFiles)

importdata() {
if [ x == x$1 ]; then
echo Error: importdata() called without an argument. Aborting.
exit 1


if [ ! -r $SQLFILE ]; then
echo Error: Cannot read from $SQLFILE. Aborting.
exit 1

echo -n Loading $SQLFILE into database $DBNAME...
psql -d $DBNAME -f $SQLFILE || (
echo Failed to load $SQLFILE into database $DBNAME. psql 
exited with return code $?. Aborting.
exit 1

# Go through each of the table names, splitting the INSERT statements off
# into seperate files
for table in [EMAIL PROTECTED]; do
if [ ! -f $FILE.other ]; then
if [ ! -f $$table ]; then
echo -n Separating $table table from database dump...

echo BEGIN TRANSACTION  $$table.tmp
grep $PATTERN $SRC  $$table.tmp
echo COMMIT  $$table.tmp

mv $$table.tmp $$table
echo done. ($$table)
echo -n Stripping matched lines from the source file to speed 
up the next round...
grep -v $PATTERN $SRC  $FILE.other.tmp
mv $FILE.other.tmp $FILE.other
echo done.
echo $$table already exists. Assuming this table has 
already been split
echo off from the main dump. Not regenerating.

echo Seperating DDL statements from INSERT statements

grep -v ^INSERT $FILE.other  $FILE.ddl
echo DDL statements are now in $FILE.ddl

grep ^INSERT $FILE.other  $
echo Any remaining INSERT statements are now in $

echo Fixing up datatypes used in the DDL...

sed -e 's/TINYINT/SMALLINT/g' \
-e s/\ DEFAULT\ \\/\ DEFAULT\ \'\'/g \
-e s#\ TIMESTAMP\ DEFAULT\ 0#\ TIMESTAMP\ DEFAULT\ \'1/1/1970\'#g 

Re: [Bacula-users] Please remove me from the list

2006-01-27 Thread Russell Howe
If you're really stuck with usage of the list, email the list admin at

Don't bother the list with administrivia.

Russell Howe, bacula-users moderator

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Don't run as root if you can avoid it.

2006-01-16 Thread Russell Howe
James P. Kinney III wrote:
 bacula is a member of the disk group.

Isn't being a member of the disk group effectively the same as being
root, since you can gain access to the block devices containing the
local filesystems?

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] DLT tape errors suddenly start

2006-01-10 Thread Russell Howe
On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 07:59:05PM -0500, Dan Langille wrote:
 My DLT tape drive has been going along nicely for almost a year.  
 Tonight, the day before I head away for a trip, it starts giving 

You did, presumably, try a cleaning tape in it? :)

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] single instance storage?

2005-12-08 Thread Russell Howe
Mordechai T. Abzug wrote:
 Does bacula support storing only one instance of a file that is
 identical accross multiple machines?  Ie. if the contents of, say,
 /bin/ls are the same on a bunch of different hosts, is bacula smart
 enough to only store it once on the volume?

If you look at the recent Project voting email, I think this is what
Kern terms Base Jobs. In short, no, not yet, but it's planned I think.

 If you DO support such features, does bacula also support some sort of
 logarithmic repitition for popular instances?  Ie. if the file is
 present on, say, 3 different systems, I might only want one copy of
 it.  But if it's on 50 different systems, I might want a few copies of
 it, so if one of them has a media error, I don't lose this (very
 important) file.  Do you have this feature, too?

Might be a nice tweak on the implementation of 'base jobs', although the
restore code would need tweaking to handle the fact that data for a file
could be found in multiple places.

 Also, is bacula hard link aware?  Ie. if I have a whole bunch of large
 files with a bunch of hard links to them, and I restore, is the hard
 link structure preserved?

As far as I know, yes. I'd check with the manual on this (I think there
used to be performance issues with large numbers of hard links or
something - not sure).

What I presume you're thinking of doing is using backuppc (or whatever
the hardlinking backup software thingie is called) to provide a
hardlinked backup of your boxes, and then back that up with bacula to
save space. I think that should be possible in the absence of base jobs.

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] single instance storage?

2005-12-08 Thread Russell Howe
Mordechai T. Abzug wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 12:05:40PM +, Russell Howe wrote:
If you look at the recent Project voting email, I think this is what
Kern terms Base Jobs. In short, no, not yet, but it's planned I think.
 Ah, thanks.  I've only just joined the list, but the archives have it.
 Base jobs sounds similar, but not quite the same -- the intent of
 this is to catch not only OS and apps, but even data files that are
 identical (ie. a bunch of users have a copy of the same 50MB
 powerpoint presentation), and it (should be) automatic.

If things were implemented the way you describe below, then it would
seem that base jobs would be possible as a specific case, with no code
changes needed.

 Ie. after
 archiving any file, you store the file size and the crypto checksum in
 a DB, right?  If you later encounter another file with the same size
 and crypto checksum, instead of backing it up, you put a reference in
 your DB that says it's the same content as the earlier file.  Restores
 may take longer, because files are spread out, but if the restore
 software is smart, it should be able to reorder its queries so it only
 needs to make a single pass over the backup media.

I think this would be a lovely feature to have, but it's not the way
bacula works at the moment, and it would probably require quite some
code changes, and changes to the way restore behaves. I guess care needs
to be taken here - restores are not something you want to break :)

 I've been using AMANDA for a while, particularly because it can easily
 support bare-metal-recovery and it's free.  But I'd like something
 that supports single instance storage, and has better support for
 multiple volumes per backup.  Guess bacula isn't it, at least not yet.

No, although you could possibly emulate it by sticking whatever backupPC
commands you need to use as a ClientRunBeforeJob and then backing up the
 backupPC tree, although restores would be irksome.

The multiple volumes per backup bit is quite a 'selling point' for
bacula in the open source backup world at the moment I think.

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: FW: [Bacula-users] Performance testing and tuning

2005-11-08 Thread Russell Howe
Ribi Roland wrote:

 With spooling it takes arround 10-20min to spool data and write them down to
 tape at 2MB/s. But the save of the attributes (writing to the catalog) needs
 2h or more!

Looks like the catalog database is underperforming, although maybe 2h is
reasonable if you have millions of tiny files (which will be relatively
quick to back up, but will take a long time to record in the catalog).

 I tried many combinations and recompiled bacula also with Postgres 8.1,
 Postgres 8.0, with CFLAGS=-O2/CXXFLAGS=-O2
 I compiled it with gcc 3.4.4, which I compiled myself, because on solaris 10
 there is'nt any binary distribution.

I would recompile as a last resort, not as a first one...

 I think that there are 2 Problems, one is the performance of Bacula or
 Postgres itself

Postgres, by default, does an fsync (or fdatasync, can't remember) after
every write operation. This can kill performance, especially when you
don't use transactions (bacula doesn't).

Since the bacula database is backed up, and since it can be recreated
with bscan, I think I would be happy turning the fsync behaviour off and
leaving my database open to corruption in the event of a system crash or
power loss.

This information, and a lot more, can be found in the Postgresql
performance tuning FAQ, linked to from the Postgresql website.

 and also some problems with the tape. I did'nt get more
 then 2.6Mb/s with the ufsdump from solaris.

Are the only devices on the SCSI bus the drive and the controller? Not
knowing anything about Solaris, I don't know what you can do with the OS
to query/test the bus performance.

Russell Howe

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[Bacula-users] Error with win32 fd caused director to block, awaiting manual intervention on the client

2005-11-07 Thread Russell Howe
After seeing people post about performance improvements with a larger
network buffer size, I thought I'd give it a try on one of our Windows
file daemons.

My attempt failed, but more worryingly than the configuration change not
having the desired effect (this may be due to lack of RTFMing on my
part), the failure of the Windows file daemon caused all further jobs on
the same storage device to block, waiting for me to hit 'OK' on the
console of the Windows server.

The director was showing this:

1920 FullArtemis.2005-11-04_22.05.05 is waiting on max Storage jobs
1919 FullZetafax.2005-11-04_22.05.04 is waiting on max Storage jobs
1918 FullThor.2005-11-04_22.05.03 has terminated

Thor being the job which had errored.

Presumably thor-fd was still holding the connection to the sd open, and
so Zetafax couldn't get started.

The message the fd was logging was this, from bacula/src/lib/bnet.c:

  if (dbuf_size % TAPE_BSIZE != 0) {
 Qmsg1(bs-jcr, M_ABORT, 0,
   _(Network buffer size %d not multiple of tape block

Could the win32 fd not log this message either to the director, or to
the Windows Event Log instead of popping up a dialog box and waiting for
operator intervention?

Luckily, the machine was local, and intervening wasn't difficult, but
had it been remote, things could have been trickier.

It worries me that a failure on a client can affect jobs queued for
other clients in this way.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] mail notifications

2005-10-31 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Monday 31 October 2005 15:38, Viktorija Almazova wrote:

He will be shocked and every day will ask email description. So if is there
a way to make these messages like this:

Hello, Dear user!

 This is possible if you intercept the emails, process them, and send your 
 or if you write a Python script that checks the job status and knows where to 
 send the email -- of course, this would require 1.38.0

Can't he just set a mailcommand which takes the necessary information on
the commandline and which calls bsmtp/sendmail/mailx/ssmtp/etc with the
appropriate options?

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Database Must Be Broken - Was Restore Doesn't List Any Files?

2005-10-27 Thread Russell Howe
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 09:49:11AM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
 On 10/27/2005 8:47 AM Drew Tomlinson wrote:
 A little more poking around and I find that basically nothing works in 
 bconsole so I suspect my database is extremely corrupted.  So now I'm 
 off to Google in search of the recommended method to wipe out the 
 current corrupted database and restore from my nightly catalog backups.  
 However if someone could nudge me in the proper direction, I'd really 
 appreciate it.

You don't say which database you're using, which affects the specifics
of the restore process somewhat!

I think there's a dbcheck program which is part of bacula, which will
check your database for consistency, although someone did mention that
with a large catalog it can eat an extraordinary amount of RAM (kinda
like xfs_repair does on a large XFS filesystem, I guess).

I think the procedure would be something along the lines of:

* Torch your existing database (or rename it)
* Run make_bacula_$dbname_tables (or whatever the script is called) to
  create a fresh, blank, database. You could create it under a different
  name to the corrupt one if you can't rename an existing database...
* Make sure your director configuration is the same as before (not sure
  if this is necessary, but it can't hurt), with only the name of the
  database changed if necessary
* Use bscan to repopulate the database so that it holds information
  about the tape containing your latest catalog backup.
* Restore the catalog backup (probably a single text file containing SQL
  statements to repopulate the database)
* Import the database dump, checking to see what it's going to import
  into, and that it isn't going to clobber anything important
* Hope that the catalog backup you restored wasn't corrupted.

You may be able to use bextract instead of bscan+restore to extract just
the database dump, which would probably save you considerable time and

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

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Re: [Bacula-users] *Extreme* low MySQL performance when prunnig or purging jobs/volumes

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Florian Schnabel wrote:

 i'm using postgresql now ...
 database cleanup usually takes 5-10 minutes, CPU less that 1, seems to
 be only limited by HD speed ...

Check to see if Postgres is issuing an fsync() after every operation or
not, and then decide if you need it to.

If you can disable that, things should get a *LOT* faster. I posted a
link to some Postgresql performance tuning documents a while back -
they're linked to from the postgres website too.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] dev open failed

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:
 sourceforge holds mail again? Anyway, I've just got a bunch of mail
 dated 21 October...

List moderator had an oh crap moment and had a clearout of the posts
held for moderation (there were over 40 scam emails in there, as well as
a bunch of held posts).

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] BackupCatalogue errors

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:
 On 26.10.2005 15:20, Chris Boyd wrote:
  hq-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:276 Fatal connect
 error to localhost: ERR=Connection refused

 This looks like either a permissions problem or a full disk to me.

Looks more like there isn't a mail server running on the host, or if
there is, it's not listening on

I assume the error is coming from the host running the director (neither
the sd nor the fd seem to have the ability to send email alerts).

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd service doesn't respond

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 October 2005 17:15, Shawn Wilson wrote:
Has anyone been able to get the bacula-fd service to work on a win2k3
server?  I ran the default install routine and had it install itself as
a service but when I run 'netstat -an', nothing is listening on port

Have you checked to see if the installed service is being started
automatically by Windows?

Check the 'Services' MMC snapin.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] *Extreme* low MySQL performance when prunnig or purging jobs/volumes

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Paul Heinlein wrote:
 At the risk of being somewhat off-topic, I'll add that the same is true
 of SQLite. In SQLite 2.8, setting the default_synchronous flag to OFF
 will speed things up markedly:
   echo 'PRAGMA default_synchronous=0;' | sqlite bacula.db

I posted about this previously:

Looks like they just removed the option to default all databases to
non-synchronous operation in SQLite 3.0, requiring you to manually set
your databases to be asynchronous. A good decision, I would say.

I think the 'default_synchronous' setting will only apply to databases
when they're created (or, to put it another way, changing it will not
affect any existing databases).

Since you're taking backups of the database, and you can restore the
catalog by using bscan, I don't see the need for synchronous operation,
unless you absolutely cannot have your database server down for the time
it would take to restore the catalog in the event of a power failure or

I'll be turning it off tonight, to see what difference it makes to

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Compile on XP Instructions. (64 bit offer)

2005-10-26 Thread Russell Howe
Mark Bober wrote:
 As an addendum to this; I've access to Win64 machines, and any version of 
 Visual Studio necessary.
 I'd offer some time in running a compile (I'm totally oblivious about V 
 Studio, however) but looking through the README.vc8 on VS 2005, it doesn't 
 quite look like all the support libraries are available for Win64 anyway...?

I don't think mingw supports 64 bit Windows yet, and I don't think the
developers are planning to support it without extra help.

(I'm assuming the windows port of the fd uses mingw...)

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Ensuring tape is not appended

2005-10-24 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:
 On 22.10.2005 17:07, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
 is there some
 way to label a volume and have it available on all pools?
 No way. Each volume is always part of exactly one pool.

What about the scratch pool? Wouldn't putting it in there allow bacula
to 'promote' it into the correct pool for whichever job required it?

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Suggestion for a REALLY handy enhancement, shouldn't be hard either...

2005-10-21 Thread Russell Howe
Sherwood McGowan wrote:
 It does accept STDIN, but wouldn't that just allow a one line command? Or do
 you mean something like:
 Cat batchcommands | /etc/bconsole


Or bconsole EOF
status storage=Tandberg DLT8000
status director

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] write error

2005-10-14 Thread Russell Howe
Josh Fisher wrote:
 I have occasional problems with Sony AIT drives on 2940UW controllers. I
 believe it's the tape drive that gets confused, because when it happens,
 (it being the drive stops communicating), even a reboot of the server
 doesn't fix the problem when the drive is left powered on. Power cycling
 the drive does fix the problem. I've tried different SCSI cables,
 terminators, etc. I believe the culprit to be Sony's firmware. It may be
 possible to work around this by tweaking aic7xxx module parameters. I
 haven't gotten around to trying any yet, but have considered trying
 aic7xxx=periodic_otag and/or increasing the tag queue depth for that LUN.
 Anyway, in my case, I don't see how it could be a bacula problem. Seems
 to be SCSI related.

Have you checked for updated firmware for the drive? Several times I've
seen Improved SCSI compliance or other such catch-all terms in the
changelog for drive firmware updates.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Reality Check: Multiple fd's on a machine

2005-10-14 Thread Russell Howe
nathan r. hruby wrote:
 Yes, but this requires a seperate bacula-fd for each HA service address

True, if you have many services then it could get a bit messy, but I
don't mind having lots of jobs... it makes it easy for me to see where
disk space is being eaten most rapidly, for example.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] special characters

2005-10-13 Thread Russell Howe
Maurizio Santini wrote:
 Hi all,
 I trying to exclude a directory from the backup but I cannot because of
 the accent on ó.  How could I achieve that?

If Arno's suggestion on character sets doesn't sort you out, you could
replace the ó with a ? (or a . if you were using RegexFile, which
doesn't yet work on the Windows fd, IIRC)

  File = C:/Documents and Settings/mperez/Configuración local/Historial

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] bconsole questions

2005-10-05 Thread Russell Howe
Phil Stracchino wrote:
 Arno Lehmann wrote:
I guessed that was part of your patch, but wasn't sure.

Concerning internationalization - I don't think that results codes are
the most important thing, but it's probably the easiest part to change...
 Yes, we can just load the table from a language-specific file during

Or just add an extra attribute to the tuple, say, language and include
that when looking up the string. It would bloat the table somewhat, but
it'd be insignificant compared to the size of the average catalog db, I

select statuslong from statustext where code = 'C' and lang = 'en';

or something..

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Understanding Priority

2005-10-05 Thread Russell Howe
Ross Boylan wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 10:14:57PM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Tuesday 04 October 2005 20:51, Phil Stracchino wrote:

Ross Boylan wrote:

The description of the priority option for Job says that
If by chance Bacula treats a lower priority first, then it will run
before your high priority jobs.  To avoid this, start any higher
priority a few seconds before the lower ones.

I don't understand what good priorities do then.  If I schedule the
jobs in the sequence I want them to run, that alone should determine
their sequence (at least if I follow the recommendation for one job at
a time).  The  discussion seems to imply that priority is relevant
both with and without concurrent jobs.

I believe the answer is that the prioritizing code doesn't actually work
as well as it is intended to.

A suggestion here, Kern:  Since the Director already preschedules
upcoming jobs, could it not sort and queue them in order of priority at
that time?

I believe that it already does exactly that.  It is just that it is *very* 
hard to guarantee something 100% if the times are identical.

If someone wants to invest the time to look at this, and if it is broken, 
submit a patch, great.  Otherwise, I stick to my (perhaps poorly worded) 
advice above.

 Given jobs scheduled at different times, does priority add anything to
 when they are run?

If a higher priority job is running, a lower priority job will not start.

higher priority means a low value for Priority
lower priority means a higher value for Priority

So, let's say you want your catalog backup to run after all your other
jobs have finished. Give the Catalog job a priority of 40 and all your
other jobs a priority of 30.

What doesn't seem to be guaranteed is that *if* you schedule all your
jobs to start at the same time, the catalog backup doesn't get started
before the other jobs.

What I think bacula does is this: when a job is starting, it looks at
the priority of that job and if any jobs are running with a lower value
for their priority, it waits until those jobs are done before starting
the new job.

So, Priority is useful when you want to impose order on a set of jobs,
but when the concurrency levels don't allow the control you require.

I run 8 jobs daily. They're called

* Bankside
* Thor
* Artemis
* Users_and_Depts
* Zeus
* Zetafax
* Cases
* BackupCatalog

I have two DLT8000 drives, holding 40GiB each uncompressed.

Bankside, Users_and_Depts, Zeus and Cases all come off the same server.
Zetafax wants to be backed up last, as it needs to wait for SQL Server
to dump its databases to disk and then for my script on the server to
gzip those backups. The Cases job fills a whole tape by itself.

So, I have 4 groups of jobs:

Group #1: Bankside, Thor, Artemis, Users_and_Depts and Zeus
  - backed up to drive #1, first
Group #2: Cases
  - backed up to drive #2, first, and concurrently with group #1
Group #3: Zetafax
  - backed up to drive #1, after group #1 has finished
Group #4: BackupCatalog
  - backed up to drive #1, after ALL OTHER backups have finished.

So, group #1 and group #2 are scheduled to start at the same time with
the same priority (I want them to run concurrently).

Group #3 is scheduled to start a few minutes after group #1 with the
same priority (it will wait on max storage jobs until all the jobs in
group #1 have finished)

Group #4 has a larger priority value so that it waits until the other
jobs have finished before starting.

So, after thinking it through, you only need to use the Priority setting
to impose execution order on jobs which you can't impose order upon any
other way (normally you can do it just by scheduling them a little
later, and they'll wait on max storage jobs or max client jobs, etc).

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Differentials Jobs referencing obsolete Full Job

2005-10-03 Thread Russell Howe
Maria McKinley wrote:

 Since Phil couldn't tell me what does happen when there are two jobs at
 the same time with the same priority, I haven't changed added that, but
 would be glad to if someone else knows.

I remember scouring the manual for this, and couldn't find a definitive
answer. There's a bit just above here:

which states:

If you have several jobs of different priority, it is best not to start
them at exactly the same time, because Bacula must examine them one at a
time. If by chance Bacula treats a lower priority first, then it will
run before your high priority jobs. To avoid this, start any higher
priority a few seconds before lower ones. This insures that Bacula will
examine the jobs in the correct order, and that your priority scheme
will be respected.

I take the by chance to mean that the order of execution for jobs
started simultaneously is not guaranteed

The documentation for the Run directive in the Schedule resource
states If you have two Run directives that start at the same time, two
Jobs will start at the same time (well, within one second of each
other)., but gives no indication of ordering.

Documentation for the Priority directive in the Client resource
states that

The clients are ordered such that the smaller number priorities are
performed first (not currently implemented).

So, going by the documentation (which isn't the same as going by the
code, by any stretch..), it appears that the execution order of jobs
started simultaneously is non-deterministic and as such, if you want to
be sure that jobs are executed in a specific sequence, you should have
multiple schedules staggering their start times. Then you can use job
priorities to control which jobs run concurrently.

This is what I do, anyway.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] error in event log

2005-09-27 Thread Russell Howe
Viktorija Almazova wrote:
 i have many computers on Windows XP, which are backuped by bacula. All 
 proceses are
 running ok, but every time when 
 computer starts there is an entry in the Event log saying
 Bacula error: 1063 at ..\..\filed\win32\winservice.cpp:325;
 StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed.; The service process could not connect to
 the service controller.

Search the list archives. It seems that this is caused by an erroneous
(from what I can see...) registry key added by the bacula-fd installer.

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Run (I think) contains a key to launch
the fd with a switch which isn't actually even mentioned in the source code.

The code matches it against the '/service' switch, and the fd tries to
start as a service which it can't do as it was started by the logon
sequence, not by the service controller. It then dies.

Deleting the registry key seems to have no ill effects at all.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] client update

2005-09-26 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:
 I've been thinking about that lately... may be one way. You also might be able to package
up bacula into an MSI file and install that way (perhaps even using
Active Directory for the deployment).

Failing that, stop the bacula service remotely, copy the bacula files to
\\servername\c$\bacula (need to have administrative rights to do this,
usually), and start the bacula service remotely. Test that the fd is up
and running by doing an estimate or something. Should be fairly
scriptable. I don't think there's any fancy registry keys which need
creating once you've installed it once, although you can't really rely
on this being the case forever.

Remote service stop/start can be done either via the Services thing, or
via the 'net' command in a script, I think.

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[Bacula-users] Moving from SQLite - Postgresql performance

2005-09-22 Thread Russell Howe
Just a quick note, in case you see worse performance with Postgres than
with SQLite...

Postgres (by default) does an fsync() or an fdatasync() (can't remember
which) after every write to the database files, (similar default
behaviour to SQLite 3.0) which can hamper performance, but with
increased resiliency.

Since you can (in case of disaster) recreate the catalog using bscan, I
would be tempted to run the catalog database without this option, and
take my chances (assuming I saw a noticeable performance increase with
the sync option off).

See the Postgres FAQ How do I tune the database engine for better

Pay special note to the Server configuration section.

By tuning your DBMS, you should be able to get a noticeable performance
boost (the same applies to MySQL, and probably to SQLite too).

Note that I'm still using SQLite 2.x here.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula and Postgreql-PITR

2005-09-20 Thread Russell Howe
Marc Schoechlin wrote:
 I.e. you can define such a hook in postgresql in that way:
 archive_command = 'cp -i %p /mnt/server/archivedir/%f /dev/null'

 How can I continuously backup these files to a spoolfile and write
 this file to a tape at the end of the day ?

Run a job at the end of every day which backs up /mnt/server/archivedir

You might want to run a script which prunes old archive files either
before or after the job (I'd suggest after, just in case your script
goes crazy and deletes too much!)

Russell Howe

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[Bacula-users] SQLite 2.8 vs 3.0

2005-09-16 Thread Russell Howe
While browsing the SQLite docs, to see how to find out what indices are
on a table ( the answer is '.schema tablename' ), I came across this.

Kern, perhaps this is why SQLite 3.0 seems so slow for you?

PRAGMA synchronous;
PRAGMA synchronous = FULL; (2)
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL; (1)
PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; (0)

Query or change the setting of the synchronous flag. The first (query)
form will return the setting as an integer. When synchronous is FULL
(2), the SQLite database engine will pause at critical moments to make
sure that data has actually been written to the disk surface before
continuing. This ensures that if the operating system crashes or if
there is a power failure, the database will be uncorrupted after
rebooting. FULL synchronous is very safe, but it is also slow. When
synchronous is NORMAL, the SQLite database engine will still pause at
the most critical moments, but less often than in FULL mode. There is a
very small (though non-zero) chance that a power failure at just the
wrong time could corrupt the database in NORMAL mode. But in practice,
you are more likely to suffer a catastrophic disk failure or some other
unrecoverable hardware fault. With synchronous OFF (0), SQLite continues
without pausing as soon as it has handed data off to the operating
system. If the application running SQLite crashes, the data will be
safe, but the database might become corrupted if the operating system
crashes or the computer loses power before that data has been written to
the disk surface. On the other hand, some operations are as much as 50
or more times faster with synchronous OFF.

In SQLite version 2, the default value is NORMAL. For version 3, the
default was changed to FULL.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] how to speed up directory tree building?

2005-09-16 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:

 However, given some of the recent discussions, I'm not 100% what is the best. 
 I suspect that forgetting about the FileId key, something like:
index JobId
index JobId, FilenameId, PathId
 would work the best for both databases (SQLite too).

I wouldn't think light of dropping the primary key constraint (and
inherent index, on all RDBMSs I know of) on the *Id attributes. You
really don't want the possibility of two entries with the same (say)
FileId in the File table, surely?

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Strategies

2005-09-14 Thread Russell Howe
Gilberto Nunes Ferreira wrote:
 Hi again...
 I'm sorry to return for this question, but I have find some solution for this.
 May be I'm not understand some think about bacula.
 Please explane for me, how can I set my bacula to use 5 tapes only one week
 and another 5 tapes in another week.

Why not just set it to use a single pool of 10 tapes and run a backup
every weekday night?

If you put the tapes in in order, you'll use tapes 1-5 the first week,
then 6-10 the next week, then 1-5 again...

If you hit a public holiday then you can either mess around with purging
volumes or just let the rotation skew by one day (e.g. tapes 10 and 1-4
one week, then 5-9 the next).

I don't understand why you *MUST* use alternate sets of 5 tapes each
week... bacula will keep a database record of which tapes were used
when, so you really don't need to concern yourself about the rotation at
all! Just let bacula do its job, and use the pool parameters to tune it
so that it works smoothly.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] ms-sql database backup

2005-09-12 Thread Russell Howe
Dan Goldberg wrote:

   I just got an MS-SQL database dropped in my lap (yech). Anyone have a
 working strategy to backup ms-sql with bacula? It does not need to be a
 hot backup

Best way I've found is to use MS SQL's built in database backup settings
to dump databases (and transaction logs - a backup seems to be about the
only way to stop these growing ad infinitum...) to files and then direct
bacula to backup those.

You'll find that if you compress the SQL server backups (using gzip,
say) then they'll shrink to around 10% of their original size. Doesn't
matter so much if your tape drive does hardware compression, which ours
do, but I use this so that we can keep a week or so of SQL Server
backups available 'online'.

My setup is as so:

Under Maintenance Plans I have a plan which does a complete database
backup to disk (J:\SQLBACKUP) of selected databases (I don't bother
backing up test databases) with a verify and a 'remove files after 7
days' option. This runs at about 11pm, the same time bacula kicks in. It
doesn't take very long to dump the databases to disk - the server's
never very busy. At this point, bacula's off backing up other servers.

At quarter past midnight I run a script which gzips and prunes all files
in J:\SQLBACKUP (this could be run as a ClientRunBeforeJob, but it takes
a while to run and I expect it'd hold other jobs up while it ran). This
removes all *.gz files which are more than 7 days old (SQL Server
probably won't do this, despite the setting in the maintenance plan, as
gzip will have renamed the file to $file.gz) and then compresses any
.BAK and .TRN files it finds (using nice gzip -9 - without nice, it
*really* slows the server down).

I think I've posted the script which compresses and prunes SQL Server
backups here in the past.. if you can't find it in the archives, give me
a shout. I have Cygwin installed on the SQL Server machine so that I can
write the script in bash (although you could install a win32 port of
gzip and write it in Javascript or VBScript, I guess)...

This setup seems to work well for me. If we need to restore a database,
then we have a week's worth in J:\SQLBACKUP and they just need
gunzipping and restoring. If we need to go back more than a week, then
we can pull out a tape, restore the .gz file, gunzip it and then restore
it to the database server.

If I didn't want to keep the online archive of databases then there
wouldn't really be much point in gzipping the backups, but I feel that
going to tape should be a last resort. As it is, I think I've had to
restore a database exactly once in the last year, because someone did
something silly.

Russell Howe

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Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Strategies

2005-09-12 Thread Russell Howe
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 04:17:41PM -0300, Gilberto Nunes Ferreira wrote:
 So, can I specify 1st mon 1st tue 1st wed 1st thu 1st fri for Job run in
 this days, right?!?!

I think you'll find that just putting all 14 tapes in the same pool and
switching to a new one each day will do what you want.

Since you have Accept any volume on, just put in the tape which was
used the longest time ago...

Then your Schedule becomes really trivial and so does your tape

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

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Re: [Bacula-users] Replacing Arcserve Enterprise server

2005-09-12 Thread Russell Howe
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 05:49:36PM -0300, fabricio bianco abreu wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I must replace an Arcserver Enterprise 6.5 (wich is very old an now faillig a
 lot) with some other backup service.

Just because a piece of software is old shouldn't mean it should start
failing all of a sudden...

 As for now I believe I would have to:
 1. for each client set up a bacula-fd agent


 2. for each client have a specific file set

For each unique set of files you need a FileSet. If you back up the same
stuff from more than one client, then you can use the same FileSet
definition for backup jobs running on both clients.

 3. on the Bacula server, which will hold the AIT3 tape drive, have a bacula-sd


You'll also need a bacula-dir agent installed somewhere, from the sounds
of it, this is going to be on the same machine as the -sd, which is

 Would anyone provide me a schema for a bacula-dir.conf for the Bacula server
 that would do the trick, i.e, backup all seven clients to a single tape
 according to the schedule?

If only it were that easy. Have a go yourself and if you hit upon any
specific problems, try asking here.

You might want to set up a test system. Install the fd's on the machines
and set up bacula-dir and bacula-sd on a test PC, running backups to
hard disk. Then you can test your configuration (and, more importantly,
your retention times, tape rotatations and restorations).

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Advice needed: Adaptec 29160 card giving errors

2005-09-10 Thread Russell Howe
On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 12:45:16PM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
 I've got three SCSI cards here:
 An old one:
 Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 6.2.36
 Adaptec 2940 Ultra2 SCSI adapter
 aic7890/91: Ultra2 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
 And two identical newer ones:
 Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 6.2.36
 Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI adapter
 aic7892: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
 I never have had the slightest problem with any of them.

The SCSI setup on our sd box (well, part of it) is like this:

sym0: 825 rev 0x2 at pci :00:0a.0 irq 10
sym0: No NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-10, SE, parity checking
sym0: SCSI BUS has been reset.
scsi0 : sym-2.1.18n
  Vendor: TANDBERG  Model: DLT8000   Rev: 0255
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 target0:0:2: Beginning Domain Validation
sym0:2: wide asynchronous.
 target0:0:2: Domain Validation skipping write tests
sym0:2: FAST-10 WIDE SCSI 20.0 MB/s ST (100.0 ns, offset 8)
 target0:0:2: Ending Domain Validation

scsi1 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.2.36
Adaptec (Compaq OEM) 29160 Ultra160 SCSI adapter
aic7892: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs

(scsi1:A:3): 20.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 15, 16bit)
  Vendor: QUANTUM   Model: DLT8000   Rev: 0250
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Attached scsi tape st2 at scsi1, channel 0, id 3, lun 0
st2: try direct i/o: yes (alignment 512 B), max page reachable by HBA 1048575

Neither SCSI chipset has given us any problems, although we don't
exactly push them hard (the box can't!):

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
model name  : Pentium 75 - 200
cpu MHz : 133.634

processor   : 1
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
model name  : Pentium 75 - 200
cpu MHz : 133.634

# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   108105  2  0 55 13
-/+ buffers/cache: 36 71
Swap:  406  2403

Lowest spec production sd out there, perhaps? :)

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Delay between Pruning and Purging

2005-09-07 Thread Russell Howe
Jesus Salvo Jr. wrote:
 Why is there a large delay between a Pruning and Purging of a volume ??
 Take for example below. all of the jobs from volumes DailyPool-03 and 
 DailyPool-04 were pruned at 10:18,
 but they were only marked as purged at 11:15

Maybe it took almost an hour to prune the database of records?

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] client fileset

2005-08-30 Thread Russell Howe
Danie Theron wrote:

 Not sure where I'm going wrong seeing as all seems fine. Any help will
 be greatly appreciated

Wild stab in the dark... try converting the text format on the Windows
box to UNIX line endings...

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Use Any Volume = No

2005-08-26 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Wednesday 24 August 2005 20:34, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
What I want is for 
bacula to use the tape with the lowest ID that is writable. I definite
writable as any volume that is in a state that will allow it to be
written to (including a tape that contains data but whose retention time
has passed). I have 11 daily tapes, and after my full backup, I want
tape #1 to be used. However, Bacula often wants tape 10 or 11 as they
did not get used during the last cycle at all. If I want the drive to
take tape 1, I have to disable the higher numbered tapes.

Is there a way to do what I want without scripting? It's not readily

It sounds like you want to replace Bacula's tape selection algorithm
(which is probably roughly which of the usable tapes in the pool has
the oldest 'last used' date?) with one that says Which of the usable
tapes in the pool has the lowest id?. I'm not quite sure what you mean
by id, but let's assume you mean 'label'.

Also, since you talk about doing this for your daily tapes after a full
backup, I assume your daily tapes form a pool used for incremental or
differential backups.

In a later email you talk about recycling all recyclable volumes.
Bacula does this already. What I think you meant was recycle (or even
purge?) all volumes in the incremental/differential pool after a full
backup has taken place, effectively wiping out your
incremental/differential pool once you've got a full backup onto tape.

It might sound like a good idea (and certainly makes it easy to know
which tape to put in next), but really you're best off letting bacula
decide which tape to use next. The tape selection algorithm it has
should ensure that at any one time, you can make best use of the data on
your backup tapes. If you purge a tape several days before you reuse it,
then you can't make use of the data for those few days - sounds a bit
silly, really... (well you can, if you bscan it in, but let's assume
bscan is for disaster recovery only).

If you want to implement your tape selection strategy, then, well,
Bacula is open source, go ahead and edit away :)

It might even be an idea to allow tape selection strategy to be
pluggable (perhaps using the python interface?), although I doubt
Kern'll feel like implementing it. He may well accept a patch to do so,

Basically, your idea for tape selection doesn't agree with the way
bacula does things. You might be able to fudge it using a runafterjob on
your full backups (to purge all incremental/differential tapes,
shouldn't be hard to do - think sqlquery, update media set
status=something where ..., and then run a prune volumes or something),
but ultimately you are probably better off with using the retention
schema bacula's trying to get you to use!

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula 1.37.36 fileset and vss

2005-08-26 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:
 Kern Sibbald wrote:
 Since I don't know anyone
 that is running multiple simultaneous FD jobs (i.e. in one FD), I hope
 this won't be a problem.
 I do :-)
 But on a linux FD.

I do too, on a Windows FD :)

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Re: [Bacula-users] Strange popup from Win32 client

2005-08-26 Thread Russell Howe
Davide Bolcioni wrote:

 I found this registry key
 which launches bacula-fd with the /servicehelper argument, but I guess
 this is the tray icon.
 The problem only occurs with the (administrative) user I originally used
 to install the client; it does not occur with another, ordinary, user.

Delete the registry key - it appears to be superfluous (since bacula
installs as a service). /servicehelper isn't even a valid option (IIRC I
checked the source code a while back). You'll also notice that it causes
warnings in the Windows Event Log.

Search back through the mailing list and you should find a thread on this.

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] status director and pruning

2005-08-04 Thread Russell Howe
Chris Lee wrote:
 Aren't the AutoPrune and VolumeRentention fields written to the volume when
 it is labelled?  I seem to remember something in the manual about having to
 update your volumes if you change certain attributes regarding

Yes, they get written to the database at label time, but the database
seems to reflect my autoprune settings.

I'd tell you exactly what the database looks like, except bacula has
hung, and I'm trying to find out why :)

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
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Re: [Bacula-users] status director and pruning

2005-08-03 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 August 2005 14:18, Russell Howe wrote:
Should it be possible (via 'AutoPrune = no' options in all the right
places, together with 'Prune {Job,Volume,File}s = no') to stop status
director from doing a prune operation when it lists which tapes it
thinks it will need for upcoming jobs?
 In principle, yes.  If you can find a case where it goes off and prune (quite 
 possible since it is not a job as such), then I'll be happy to fix it.

It seems to prune every time for me. I'll take a look at the database
and check what the code's doing... IIRC it was a fairly simple sequence
of steps that ran when status director was issued. I started looking
before, but got sidetracked...

Russell Howe

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Problems with VSS snapshots

2005-08-01 Thread Russell Howe
meska wrote:
 Hi all ,
 So i'm testing the VSS enabled bacula, and want to backup an outlook
 data file ( .pst). But bacula returns with an error :

I wouldn't expect that Outlook supports VSS. It would be one less reason
for people to buy Exchange if it did...

Russell Howe

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: disaster recovery windows

2005-07-12 Thread Russell Howe

Have you any solution for disaster recovery for windows on line ?

My suggestion would be to use something like the Unattended project to 
allow you to reinstall your Windows boxes with minimal effort.

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Speed of concurrent jobs

2005-07-11 Thread Russell Howe
Nicolas Stein wrote:

 - A Sata drive is 150MB/s, not counting the RAID, again, even with all
 software losses, it is still much higher...

The SATA bus may be 150MB/s, but I think you'll have trouble finding a
drive that does much more than 30-50MB/s except from its cache :)

Doesn't look like the drive is your bottleneck though. My guess would be
your tape drive or database.

As a quick test, you could possibly use sqlite and store the database
files on a ramdisk (you'll need a fair sized ramdisk, but nothing too
crazy if you're just doing a quick test).

You could also try out the spooling options, if your boxes running the
SD (I think this is where the data gets spooled, would need to check the
docs to be sure) have the space.

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula 1.37.25 and Volume Shadow Copy Service?

2005-07-11 Thread Russell Howe
Jonte Norman wrote:
 Hi Bacula-users,

 And what if I only have enabled VSS on one of the partitions (the one
 holding the MSSQL or Exchange DB files) on my Windows machine, what
 happens then?
 Also, does anyone know if he has implemented VSS restore yet? As I
 understand this is a must have if one are going to do a proper restore
 of an MS Exchange database...

I'm not sure this would work for things like Exchange. You would need to
tell it to do something like this:

* Flush changes to its database files
* Back up those files, without them changing in the process
* Tell Exchange that it's free to write to the files again

Anything else, and you will end up with an inconsistent Exchange
database (even if VSS does something like 'snapshotting', unless all
writes by Exchange to its database are transactional you will still end
up with an unclean database backup and you'll have to become more
familiar with eseutil than you would ever wish).

Your best bet here is to use ntbackup to dump the Exchange database to a
file and back that up, much like the system state backup described in
the manual.

You will of course need the space for this dump, but disk space is
cheap. There's not usually any need to have RAID for scratch disks like
this, etc.

The same principle applies to MS SQL Server.

It would be like backing up a live filesystem in Linux by dumping the
block device directly. It will probably work, but you will have to fsck
it, and there is *NO* guarantee that you won't lose data (in fact, it's
very likely that you will).

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Regex

2005-07-05 Thread Russell Howe
Stephen Reynolds wrote:
 Please help
 How do backup *.doc file only? I cannot get the regexfile to work
 FileSet {
   Name = Full Set
   Include {
  Options {
 wildfile = *.doc
  Options {
 Exclude = yes
 RegexFile = ^.?*$

This regex matches everything. It's the same as saying .*

  File = c:/My Documents/*

Why not just say

Options {
Exclude = yes
RegexFile = .*\.[^Dd][^Oo][^Cc]$


It's not pretty, but should do what you want.

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: Security issues? was: Re: [Bacula-users] exclude by files time

2005-06-30 Thread Russell Howe
Arno Lehmann wrote:

 Thinking about directories ending with \n - in the few minutes I thought
 about this I couldn't find a solution for this. Except, and that's the
 reason for my other suggestions, encouraging the backup admins to really
 take care for their filesets - like making sure that file names are
 quoted, when necessary.

That would require the script to quote everything, and then make sure
all embedded quotes were escaped (I assume), which sounds pretty messy.

Then again, if bacula required pathnames returned by the script to be
separated by something like \0, I would imagine that would make the
scripts pretty messy too unless the output was purely from find (and, of
course, it would break all existing setups that use the File = |foo
construct, which I doubt is acceptable somehow).

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] mssql backup with bacula

2005-06-30 Thread Russell Howe
Kilaru Sambaiah wrote:
 Hello All,
   I am looking for mssql database backup using bacula.
   Is it possible using some third party softwares? 
How to go about it?

Here I define a maintenance plan which dumps the databases to files, and
then tell bacula to back up those files.

I also have a little bash script which I run via Cygwin which gzip's the
 database backups first (you can typically get 10:1 compression on them!)

The script is something like this (might not be quite the version in
use, but you get the idea):


# Script to compress and prune old SQL Server backups
# 2004/08/25  (c) Russell Howe

# 2004/10/12 - Updated to compress transaction log files (*.TRN)

# Where the backups live (D:\SQLBACKUP)

# How many days of backups to keep (this is real days, not weekdays!)
# FIXME: Change to How many copies of each database to keep



# PATH not set?!

# Time in seconds since start of 1970 (GNU extension to date(1))
NOW=$(date +%s)

# Convert KEEPDAYS to seconds
KEEPSECS=$((KEEPDAYS * 24 * 60 * 60))

# Anything before this time gets torched.

# To the backups!

# Only delete backups which have been compressed.
# This way, if the script goes nuts, it won't delete things until at
least one
# day later (day 1, this script runs, compresses .bak file. Day 2, sees
a .gz
# file, which it 'processes').

# If there are no .gz files, then for file in *.gz behaves oddly.
Check explicitly.

ls *.gz  /dev/null 21

if [ $? == 0 ]; then
for file in *.gz; do
FILEMTIME=$(stat -c %Y $file)
if [ $FILEMTIME -lt $DEATHPOINT ]; then
echo Deleting $file! It is $(( ( DEATHPOINT - 
FILEMTIME ) / 3600))
hours too old!
rm -vf $file
echo $file is less than $KEEPDAYS days old. Keeping.
echo No compressed backups found!

# Database backups are .BAK files, transaction log backups are .TRN files.

# You might think this is possible in one ls command, but it isn't. ls
*.bak *.trn
# only returns a success code iff there are both *.bak files AND *.trn
files, so we
# have to do the listing twice and compare both response codes.

ls *.[Bb][Aa][Kk]  /dev/null 21


ls *.[Tt][Rr][Nn] /dev/null 21


if [ $bakret == 0 -o $trnret == 0 ]; then
echo Compressing new backups
# If we don't nice this, the server grinds to a halt running
# gzip. Crappy process/IO scheduler?

# Silly case-insensitive Windows
nice gzip -v9 *.[Bb][Aa][Kk] *.[Tt][Rr][Nn]
echo No backups to compress!

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] exclude by files time

2005-06-29 Thread Russell Howe
marco wrote:
 Is there a method to exclude files from backup that have no change 
 since specific time or date?
 for example, if I want exclude all files that are not changed 
 before -mm-dd , how can I do?

Search for Any name beginning with a vertical bar (|) is assumed to be
the name of a program.

You can specify the file list in the FileSet as the output of a command.

Simply write a short script or pipeline (probably using find(1)) which
returns the names of files you wish to back up.

Kern, find(1) can output null-terminated strings, which may help when
there are files with weird names. Would it be possible for bacula to
somehow support this format of output? I guess it may be useful...

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] exclude by files time

2005-06-29 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:

 I guess my reaction is that if someone really wants \n s in their filenames 
 (i.e. is crazy enough), then I prefer that they write their own little script 
 that encloses the names in quotes then Bacula should handle them fine.

I suppose you are not worried about the possibility of a malicious user
causing files to be unintentionally backed up isn't of any grave concern

I would tend to agree, that it's not much of a problem, but it could be
classed as at least a privacy breach, if not a security flaw (although
it's really stretching things...)

Russell Howe

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Bacula-users] pics of Bunny

2005-06-27 Thread Russell Howe

Russell Howe

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Bacula-users] Winbacula StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed

2005-06-24 Thread Russell Howe
Gary Kopp wrote:
 Bacula error: 1063 at ..\..\filed\win32\winservice.cpp: 325,
 StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed. The service process could not connect
 to the service controller.
 Any ideas on where I can look to find out what the service control
 dispatcher is having a problem with?  I don't even know what the service
 control dispatcher is :-)

This error is a seemingly harmless artifact caused by bacula being
started at bootup.

Basically, delete the entry under
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run that starts the fd.

It should be started as a service, and the HKLM entry just seems to
create noise.

The failure for the FD to start up is likely something else - can you
start it as a service, using the 'Services' entry under Administrative
tools? (or the 'Services' entry under 'Computer Management')?

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Is there a way to split the dir-conf file ?

2005-06-20 Thread Russell Howe
Romain wrote:
 So i'd like to know if there were a way to split the bacula-dir.conf
 in several files, i.e clients definition files, filesets file, ...

If you look at the manual, there is a section in here called Including
other Configuration Files

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] RE: Database creation

2005-06-18 Thread Russell Howe
On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 08:21:11PM +1000, Rowdy wrote:
 ./make_mysql_tables -u bacula -ppassword
 Note that there is no space between -p and password - this is a MySQL 

By convention, I assume you mean arbitrary design choice that makes
little to no logical sense...

MySQL seems to be good at these :)

Russell Howe   | Why be just another cog in the machine,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | when you can be the spanner in the works?

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Storage status seems to be per-sd, rather than per storage device

2005-06-16 Thread Russell Howe
We have two tape drives, connected to the same box. When I request the
status of one of the corresponding storage devices, I get the status of
both returned - is this how it should be?

Also, the name of the storage device isn't shown for the jobs - only the
device names on the sd box. So, unless you know the actual device names,
you can't tell which jobs are running on which storage devices...

Status available for:
 1: Director
 2: Storage
 3: Client
 4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 2
The defined Storage resources are:
 1: Tandberg DLT8000
 2: Quantum DLT8000
Select Storage resource (1-2): 1
Connecting to Storage daemon Tandberg DLT8000 at

spanky-sd Version: 1.36.3 (22 April 2005) i386-pc-linux-gnu debian 3.1
Daemon started 14-Jun-05 17:44, 11 Jobs run since started.

Running Jobs:
Full Backup job Zeus JobId=643 Volume=ServersDAILY_4 device=/dev/nst2
Files=6,463 Bytes=185,051,727 Bytes/sec=761,529
FDReadSeqNo=62,530 in_msg=43220 out_msg=5 fd=9
Full Backup job Cases JobId=639 Volume=CasesDAILY_4 device=/dev/nst0
Files=174,093 Bytes=31,014,128,986 Bytes/sec=1,814,010
FDReadSeqNo=2,445,496 in_msg=1923352 out_msg=5 fd=6

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level   Files  Bytes Status   FinishedName
   633  Full 28,390  1,702,043,519 OK   14-Jun-05 22:51 Zetafax
   634  Full166,490 20,935,981,074 OK   15-Jun-05 01:53
   635  Full 11,463  1,120,329,888 OK   15-Jun-05 02:09 Zeus
   636  Full 26,960  4,794,734,218 OK   15-Jun-05 02:48 Artemis
   631  Full270,986 44,365,758,889 OK   15-Jun-05 03:50 Cases
   637  Full  0  0 Cancel   15-Jun-05 09:50
   638  Full 25783,763,497 OK   15-Jun-05 10:25
   640  Full  0  0 Other15-Jun-05 22:33 Thor
   641  Full 28,475  1,705,147,367 OK   16-Jun-05 11:25 Zetafax
   642  Full166,522 20,738,229,725 OK   16-Jun-05 14:35

Device status:
Device /dev/nst0 is mounted with Volume CasesDAILY_4
Total Bytes=31,048,204,978 Blocks=481,278 Bytes/block=64,511
Positioned at File=31 Block=779
Device /dev/nst2 is mounted with Volume ServersDAILY_4
Total Bytes=22,655,677,964 Blocks=351,187 Bytes/block=64,511
Positioned at File=23 Block=2,874

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Storage status seems to be per-sd, rather than per storage device

2005-06-16 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 On Thursday 16 June 2005 15:44, Russell Howe wrote:
We have two tape drives, connected to the same box. When I request the
status of one of the corresponding storage devices, I get the status of
both returned - is this how it should be?
 The status is given for all the drives known to the SD.

Should it be, though? Especially if you use the syntax Arno mentioned

status storage=Tandberg DLT8000

for example, also displays details of the Quantum DLT8000 device.

If the syntax were:

status storage=spanky-sd

Then the output would seem more logical...

 This is a problem not only for the reason you cite, but in addition, 
 one is printed in SD messages, and sometimes the other.  
 In version 1.37, the device name is systematically printed as 
 Device name (Unix name)  e.g. DDS-4 (/dev/nst0).

Nice :)

Russell Howe

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Raw LVM2 partition backup

2005-06-10 Thread Russell Howe
Jeff Amen wrote:

 10-Jun 09:23 baksvr-sd: Alert: cannot open SCSI device '*None*' - No
 such file or directory

?? I'd look into why the sd can't open its device...

   FD Files Written:   1
   SD Files Written:   1
   FD Bytes Written:   0
   SD Bytes Written:   101

Maybe bacula is just backing up the device node, rather than the
contents of the block device?

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Re: bacula message ressource

2005-06-09 Thread Russell Howe
Kern Sibbald wrote:
I am missing a possibility to put the date of the backup into to subject
line of a notice message. So %t or similar, would paste the start time
of the backup into the subject. Maybe it is usefull to have start time
and end time of a backup.
 Yes, good idea. I've added it to my todo list.  I'm not sure when it will be 
 implemented. Perhaps 1.37 ...

How about a field for backup duration, too?

If not in the subject line, then in the message body, perhaps after
Start Time and End Time?

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
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[Bacula-users] Are your catalog backup sizes looking a little too constant?

2005-06-08 Thread Russell Howe
Mine were. Then I noticed that after moving the sqlite files to another
directory, I hadn't updated make_catalog_backup.

I'd been backing up a partial database dump from April for the last 2
months :)

make_catalog_backup seemed to be failing silently when it couldn't find
the sqlite database.

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Event Viewer errors

2005-06-06 Thread Russell Howe
Jos Luis Gmez Ferrer de Couto wrote:
 Hi Russell,
 My name is Jos Luis (Spain). Ive the same problem with
 bacula running on Win2K Server. Ive in my event viewer erros the next
 line Bacula error: 1063 at ..\..\filed\win32\winservice.cpp:325;. Do
 you know if I can resolve this problem?. I hope that you say me your
 experience. Thanks for all and Im sorry, but my English isnt good.

The errors are harmless.

It seems that you can make them go away, without hurting functionality
by removing the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run entry
which references Bacula. It isn't needed if the FD is installed as a

At least, that was the impression I got.

I Cc'ed the bacula-users list, as I believe this to be generally useful,
and it could do with some verification too!

Russell Howe

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61 plasma display: 
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Suppressing autopruning

2005-06-06 Thread Russell Howe
OK, well I think I'm getting there with AutoPrune = no set everywhere,
and admin jobs set to run to prune stuff, but there are still times when
bacula wants to do lengthy database operations, which I can only assume
are pruning.

I just brought up the console and did:


to view the director's status

Using default Catalog name=DefaultCatalog DB=bacula
Status available for:
 1: Director
 2: Storage
 3: Client
 4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 1
spanky-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) i386-pc-linux-gnu debian 3.1
Daemon started 02-Jun-05 17:46, 38 Jobs run since started.

Scheduled Jobs:
Level  Type Pri  Scheduled  Name   Volume

then it just sits there, and I can picture the drive lights flashing
away in the server room behind me. Once it's finished what it's doing,
it will display the tapes it expects to be using for the next jobs, and
carries on as usual.

As far as I can tell from the manual, I have AutoPrune = no in all the
right places, but it's still doing something. The admin jobs do
sometimes prune stuff (I posted an example earlier), but most of them do

I include below my rather large director configuration file - can anyone
see anything obviously screwy?

Volume retention times in the file may not quite match what is set in
the database, but they are certainly similar.

No need to rush any replies - I can't touch bacula for a good couple of
hours now it's started on its pruning :)

Another thing I find odd is this:

04-Jun 17:06 spanky-dir: Start Admin JobId 546,
04-Jun 17:06 spanky-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 04-Jun-2005 17:06
  JobId:  546
  Start time: 04-Jun-2005 17:06
  End time:   04-Jun-2005 17:06
  Termination:Admin OK

04-Jun 17:06 spanky-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
04-Jun 17:06 spanky-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
04-Jun 17:06 spanky-dir: Begin pruning Files.
04-Jun 20:55 spanky-dir: Pruned 852,405 Files from 10 Jobs for client
zeus-fd from catalog.
04-Jun 20:55 spanky-dir: End auto prune.

It started at 17:06, and finished at 20:55, according to the message
log, but the End time value above is the same as the start time.

Russell Howe
# Default Bacula Director Configuration file
#  The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more
#   file or directory names in the Include directive of the
#   FileSet resource.
#  For Bacula release 1.36.1 (26 November 2004) -- debian 3.1
#  You might also want to change the default email address
#   from root to your address.  See the mail and operator
#   directives in the Messages resource.

Director {# define myself
Name = spanky-dir
DIRport = 9101# where we listen for UA connections
QueryFile = /etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql
WorkingDirectory = /usr/bacula
PidDirectory = /var/run/bacula
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Password = *** # Console password
Messages = Daemon

JobDefs {
Name = ServersDefaults

Type = Backup
Level = Full
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard

Storage = Quantum DLT8000
Schedule = ServersGFS

# These 3 shouldn't be needed, but I'm trying to make as sure as
# possible that I have control over when pruning occurs.

Prune Jobs = no
Prune Files = no
Prune Volumes = no

JobDefs {
Name = CasesDefaults

Type = Backup
Level = Full
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard

Storage = Tandberg DLT8000
Schedule = CasesGFS

Prune Jobs = no
Prune Files = no
Prune Volumes = no

JobDefs {
Name = ServersPruneDBDefaults

Type = Admin
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard

Storage = Quantum DLT8000
Schedule = ServersDatabasePrune

Prune Jobs = yes
Prune Files = yes
Prune Volumes = yes

JobDefs {
Name = CasesPruneDBDefaults

Type = Admin
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard

Storage = Tandberg DLT8000
Schedule = CasesDatabasePrune

Prune Jobs = yes
Prune Files = yes
Prune Volumes = yes

Job {
Name = Cases

JobDefs = CasesDefaults

Client = zeus-fd
FileSet = K: Drive
Write Bootstrap = /usr/bacula/Cases.bsr

Priority = 30

Job {
Name = Thor

JobDefs = ServersDefaults

Client = thor-fd
FileSet = Windows 2000
Write Bootstrap = /usr/bacula/Thor.bsr

Priority = 30

Job {
Name = Zetafax

Re: [Bacula-users] bconsole freeze

2005-05-26 Thread Russell Howe
l'Alessio wrote:

 I run bconsole and interact with director, storage and clients without
 problem. I run jobs too wothout problem but sometime, and with different
 command, bconsole freeze and ctrl-c is whe only way to go out. retrying
 uning bconsole is unusefull and a restart of the director let bconsole
 work again.
 probably a problem in the director?

Check the disk and CPU activity. Could your commands be triggering
automatic pruning of the database (which can take a while)?

Russell Howe

Today's Nemi:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Bacula-users] bconsole freeze

2005-05-26 Thread Russell Howe
l'Alessio wrote:
 cpu about 0%
 disks ... mumble ... i use a sata raid and i don't have any led :), the
 storage is racked around 80 noisy server, ther are a cmd line tool to
 check disk activity?

try vmstat 1 and check the bi and bo values (blocks in and blocks
out). You want to do this on the machine that houses the database bacula
is using for your catalog.

Russell Howe

Today's Nemi:

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