HSE to SV (X4): Welcome

2001-03-26 Thread Peter T Davies
Cher Spinache (if I may be so bold)   I write to welcome you to Paris. Like yourself, I am newly arrived in these parts, having just had time to join the illustrious Grand Duke Max Dragoons before the summer campaign. I also have, shall we say, a family background of limited pecuniary resourc

Re: Banana: GAlS to AdM; lost soldier.

2001-03-26 Thread Paul Vernon Lydiate
Lieutenant-General le Marquis Alain de Mylcandonai, to Captain Garcon Avec la Siens, Greetings! Captain la Siens, It is but a few short years ago that I myself arrived in Paris, friendless and penniless with not even an uncle to guide my way. My subsequent rise in society was greatly aided by th

Re: RH to AvS AdM and JSJ

2001-03-26 Thread Joel M. Halpern
Minister of State: It seems that you would consider disagreeing with a minister the same as disagreeing with the King. That is a rather grandious statement. The King has appointed you Minister of State. Note however, that our sovereign appoints the Minister of War and the Foreign Minist

Re: AvS to AdM and JSJ

2001-03-26 Thread Joel M. Halpern
Duc Axel von Fersen, I trust you will not take offense at a comment from one who does not share your social and political connections. If the question were only whether the Minister of State were allowed to meddle (in the sense of give advise and comment on) military affairs, I would

Banana: Anonymous - At the Stonemasons Yard...

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Mason: Patron! Patron! I am so happy!! [Smothers the Patron in kisses in the true Gallic fashion which would leave a Scandinavian aghast] Master Mason: Control yourself, Jacques. Whatever has gotten into you? Mason: A Royal Commission at last! I know only too well how many years you've been wai

Banana: Anonymous: The Fromage Conspiracy....

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
[From the CPS file relating to the 'Fromage Conspiracy' - messages secretly intercepted and copied before delivery] -- Vodcheese to Cheddar: Vasterbotten will soon be in Paris on a secret state visit to Lou Pevre. We will receive further orders

Banana: More Anonymous Press

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Axel, What a cad you are! Not only do you leave me in Paris, alone and untended, while you go off gallavanting on the Spanish Frontier, but you reduce my friends to tears by your hateful actions. Princess Louisa has been inconsoleable since she found out. Poor Michelle had assured her that you wo

Banana: Anonymous: At the CG Bivouac...

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
At the CG Bivouac... 1st Voice: I'm not sure that I _can_ depend on Guy actually. I'd far rather that Coward had got the job. How was it that you could be so sure of Duc Robert? 2nd Voice: Serving for so many long years under a Colonel of absolutely no ambition who shows no thought whatsoever fo

Re: Banana: DdC to JSJ

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer currently fills the slot that would be for the Minister of Education. Greg "George W.

SA to the craven GG

2001-03-26 Thread helios
Grosscanard, I am afraid that you have gone too far. While I fight for the King, you sit in Paris and covet my mistress, Steffi! Had you the courage to be a man and fight for your country, this would never have occurred. I hope you will not insult me further by suggesting that you did not k

Banana: Summer Campaign Results

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Summer Campaign Results A King's Blessing: Elevated: Duc: AdM, DdC Marquis: CdA, FlF Comte: AdS, GlV, RRD Vicomte: CdC, GdA, GdJ, RH Baron: ACdE, OdlS, ZZ Ennobled: Chevalier: DdlV, JC, JD, NdP, PNdZ, QdC, RlB A Soldier's Death: Valiant Deaths: Odl

Banana: Greasy Pole - Aug 1672

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Aug 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 32 BBG CG/Minister of War8Fleur 4 Duc Jean Senior, Jr 2