URLs, etc

2003-07-23 Thread Dave Robison
At 09:01 AM 7/23/2003 -0700, you wrote: > >PS Have u checked out www.union.org ? what is that all about ?? > > Sorry, it eludes me. Can someone else help? -Allan I noticed something similar when Michael Fields let their domain registration lapse. Someone else can then grab the URL registration. T

email Etiquette

2003-07-14 Thread Dave Robison
Greg, We know you feel frustrated because your message is not being heard. But that is no reason to call another person names nor to threaten a lawsuit. Let's all please maintain a level of civility that encourages the frank exchange of ideas and facts. David Robison __

radionics, voodoo

2003-07-14 Thread Dave Robison
Graeme, can you elaborate? Now, as I have said,i think people are mistaking subtle energies and forces for life forces, i.e. Life Forces, the bio in "biodynamics". They aren't the same thing and I reckon you and the other radio guys know that, or ought to if you don't. Da

Merla's spray

2003-05-29 Thread Dave Robison
Merla-- What a task! Now you see why farmers have developed stirring machines. Some comments: I went to my BC cache and it was teeming with creatures--very young earthworms and rolly-polly bugs, Probably not a good way to store. The critters may be disrupting things. Better to store in an earthenw

OT: World of Weeds

2003-03-13 Thread Dave Robison
Off topic: David Quammen is one of my favorite nature writers. I was glad to see this article posted, on the dismal topic of how we are destroying the natural world. http://www.well.com/user/davidu/weeds.html David Robison

On topic: physical and etheric bodies of plants15

2003-03-10 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 3/9/2003 -0500, Christy wrote: So a really basic question (s) - The etheric body of a plant is its own, along with the physical body, but it has no astral body (otherwise it would have mobility and what else? Organs. Little bits of the outside captured inside the physical body. Like

BD content

2003-03-10 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 3/8/2003 -0500, you wrote: I'm serious: get out the scanner and send up a page or two of bd stuff you find of interest or would like to discuss. Copyright law offers a fair amount of leniency for educational use of printed materials, so you don't have an excuse. Drown us in content and

Re: BDNOW digest 1403

2003-02-25 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 2/25/2003 -0500, flylo wrote: Subject: Mildred Cowger I was looking thru SSE yearbook at tomatoes and ran across "Mildred Cowger's Belgium" and mentions she was a Master Biodynamic Gardener. running Google, I can find some Belgium Cherry tomatoes developed by the late M Cowger, as

OT: DU munitions

2003-02-21 Thread Dave Robison
Is the server down? I haven't received any emails from you lately. Off topic: here is a link on depleted uranium from Yes! magazine http://www.futurenet.org/25environmentandhealth/rokke.htm David Robison

Erbe preps

2003-02-13 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:02 PM 2/13/2003 -0500, SStorch wrote: This fall we will make every effort to make the Hugo Erbe clay preparation.  Can you tell us more? What about his other preps? We are still waiting for the book to come on Erbe. David Robison


2003-02-12 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 2/12/2003 -0500, roger wrote: When I first talked about BD with a good friend of mine, he looked at me with the now-familiar 'steer caught in the headlights' look, laughed and said "You can't be serious, falling for something like that. Cow shit buried in a cow horn after dancing backw

mushroom compost

2003-02-12 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 2/12/2003 -0500, flylo wrote: We have a mushroom plant nearby that practically gives away it's spent mushroom compost to gardeners I had a paper on mushroom compost from the Vancouver, BC group, can look for it there's interest. The gist was that it's "dead" humus, having been subject

Oregon BD

2003-02-11 Thread Dave Robison
Theres another new posting for more advanced practioners --- "Planetary Processes in the Preparations" based on Lievegoed from www.oregonbd.org select the "Community Page", then the article David Robison

Oregon BD

2003-02-10 Thread Dave Robison
In response to the lot, 'Introduction to Biodynamics' is posted at www.oregonbd.org Select the "Introductory Class" from the menu to left. Best to go thru the menu so you have all the frames. There are download buttons now at the ends of each chapter. These deliver a .doc file so you don't have to

Intro class

2003-02-10 Thread Dave Robison
It's an option off http://oregonbd.org/class Be careful when you download it. I suggest you use Microsoft Internet Explorer even if normally you use another browser (such as Netscape, like I do) because MIE will keep the images in their right places after you save the files, and there are a lot o


2003-02-07 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 2/7/2003 -0500, roger wrote: 'Introduction to Biodynamics', Class of 2001. In my opinion this is the finest and easiest to read and understand book about BD in existence today. That it has not been published is a real shame because it means it's only available to people with an interne

tree paste

2003-02-07 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 2/7/2003 -0500, Allan wrote: Someone remind me: where does 'water glass,' or whatever it was, fit into this recipe? (Instead of sand?? instead of equisetum) AND, is 'water glass' a liquid? Sodium silicate Na2SiO3. It's a reasonably soluble silicon compound, available as aqueous solutio

Subject: Peace Seeds

2003-02-06 Thread Dave Robison
Does anyone know if Alan Kapuler is still running Peace Seeds, and if he or the company has email or a web address? I think you want http://www.abundantlifeseed.org/index.htm Note they have some BD seeds! David Robison Stellar Processes 1033 SW Yamhill Suite 405 Portland, O

OT: biodiesel

2003-02-05 Thread Dave Robison
I guess biodiesel is off topic. For those interested, there is a pretty active list group at "Alternative Energy List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> also check http://www.homepower.com/ The oil isn't burned directly as fuel, but goes thru a process of esterification that involves treatment with harsh chemic

compost tea

2003-02-04 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 2/4/2003 -0500, Merla wrote: This is my year for my own BC & 500 AND for 24 hr aerobic compost tea. Exactly in what proportion do you combine them?  Allan's post answered your questions very well. Compost tea has been used by BD farmers for a long time and no one bothered to get all t


2003-02-03 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 2/3/2003 -0500, Jane wrote: I just found out tonight when our smoke alarm kept beeping after changing the battery & then taking it down from the ceiling, that it contains a small part with the old radioactive symbol on it and warnings about it containing radioactive material, which if


2003-01-31 Thread Dave Robison
Roger, thanks for bringing up an interesting thread. At 12:02 PM 1/31/2003 -0500, Roger wrote: 1. Did Steiner really intend BD502-507 to be used solely in compost manufacture? That's how he introduced it in the lectures, Pfieffer and others used it for seed baths etc. 2. Did he identify equisetum

BD Now! Audio Files

2003-01-16 Thread Dave Robison
I haven't noticed a lot of interest in the audio files that are posted at www.ibiblio.org/biodynamics Case in point: I made a call for other people's tapes and have received to replies. Let me know, ok? We'll count lurkers in this poll also. Allan, a couple of points. 1) I'm surprised that you a

Copper sulfate

2003-01-02 Thread Dave Robison
Steve-- What are you trying to do? What is the desired influence? What is your source? Copper sulfate is a potent algaecide and I assume would have injurious effects on other microbes. Obviously it affects fungi, presumably even the beneficial ones. I'm not keen about using it as a spray -- I use

Science article on BD

2002-12-23 Thread Dave Robison
For those interested in objective science reporting see http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/296/5573/1694?ijkey=Fh/EYrZtSiFKc&keytype=ref&siteid=sci European researchers examined several ag systems including BD. "Organic" and BD are pretty similar in yield, lower than conventional ag, but

nettles, trees ,etc

2002-12-19 Thread Dave Robison
A lot of good questions! flylo wrote: Nettles! I was lamenting my nettles a few years ago, and now I'm not sure, but I think I should be happy to see them appear. I saw a photo on the www.oregonbd.org site of a wheelbarrow full of nettles being turned with a shovel before sending off to the co

Re: BDNOW digest 1339

2002-12-16 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 12/16/2002 -0500, Patti wrote: My brain and butt had both caved in by the time we reached the glossary in the back.  Must return there soon as likely many of the puzzlers will be put into placeMaybe the Oregon folks could have made that part of the course available in the beginnin


2002-12-02 Thread Dave Robison
PS If there are any webdesigners on the list who'd like to help get all the BD-related files I have that should be linked to www.gardeningforthefuture.com, please contact me off-line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - AB What do you need help-wise? I will be off on a yoga retreat for a few weeks, but usually

What is Willard Water?

2002-11-26 Thread Dave Robison
The e-group has posted a book describing Willard water. It's mostly anecdotal information of folks' experiences. Reports of good results to heal burns, restore animal health,etc. What makes me think of 501 is one story of inducing premature fruiting in corn plants. They can't say exactly what it i

What is Willard Water?

2002-11-25 Thread Dave Robison
Good question. I've been following various discussions on the subject on an "alternate health" e-group. It is a proprietary catalyst type water, derived by a geologist originally. Seems to have silicate in it, perhaps in a potenized form like 501. See http://www.dr-willardswater.com/whatis.html A


2002-11-15 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:05 PM 11/15/2002 -0500, Allen wrote: What we want, Dave, is to get many, many people interested in biodynamically grown food because of it's quality and it's superior taste and the restorative nature of this sort of agriculture. What we want to do is alert people to HOW LITTLE federal organi


2002-11-14 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 11/13/2002 -0500, Allen wrote: It would be great if others have similar programs and we could get some synergy going with our materials. Also, as I'm sure most already know, there is a "market" for web-based education in this country and around the world. If we had a short web-based ed

OFF: conspiracy

2002-11-01 Thread Dave Robison
This off-topic thread is a bummer. I just saw Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine", a black-humor documentary asking why Americans are so violent. You have to laugh to keep from crying. Moore's point is that our culture is unique in emphasizing fear. No wonder we go off the deep end. But the r


2002-10-14 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 10/13/2002 -0400, Allen wrote: There's a good photo display of hyemale at http://members.eunet.at/m.matus/e_berkley.html Gee, Allen. No wonder you had trouble identifying the plants. I did recognize a couple of the homo sapiens but found it rather difficult to focus on plant characteri


2002-10-14 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 10/13/2002 -0400, Allen wrote: I remain pretty confused about identifying the varities of equisetum. As far as I can determing, both Hymale and Arvense appear in BOTH forms, the bush 'pine tree' and the leaveless 'snake grass' or 'joint-grass.' Chadwick says that arvense is the only eq


2002-10-11 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 10/11/2002 -0400, Sharon wrote:  Equisetium arvense is the recommended one for biodynamics, we had the other hymale growing in our garden and did an experiment, with fermenting it. The hymale did not have the strong potent smell as does the arvense, although it is similar. it seems wor


2002-10-10 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 10/10/2002 -0400, Daniel wrote: Could some one please list or point me in the direction of instructions on making equisetum tea.  My understanding is that there are two types of equisetum, can you use either? There are many species -- E. arvense or field horsetail is the one indicated.

Re: BDNOW digest 1272

2002-10-08 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 10/8/2002 -0400, Allan wrote: >>Elaine revealed the > >results of testing some BD preps earlier in the year. I'll leave it > >to attendees who actually had a chance to attend the presentation to > >fill in the details. OK, Allan, we are all waiting David Robi

Forward: Questions on preps

2002-09-30 Thread Dave Robison
Forwarded re) prep making Subject: Re: Forward: Questions on preps From: "walivia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> This is all very interesting.  Certainly more communication between prep makers is in order. We have dehydrated intestine and I believe a mesentery too, in the fall, and rehydrated and stuffed th

new prep pics

2002-09-30 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 9/28/2002 -0400, Cheryl wrote:   I was interested in your peeling the mesentary - taking the fat off it.  WE have been getting fatter and fatter mesentarys and were wondering how to deal with it.  I was curious as to why they were so fat - as the ones we used to get  in NZ when I first

new prep pics

2002-09-27 Thread Dave Robison
New pictures that is, not new preps. Take a look at the process during recent fall prep making. Posted at www.oregonbd.org Select the BD Community page and then the Prep Making page David Robison

BDA conf

2002-09-25 Thread Dave Robison
BDA has mailed the conference brochure but the info hasn't been posted to the web. Here's some info: BDA National Conference Our Animals & Their Plight. Kingdom of Nature or Industrial Production: How do we keep and treat our domestic animals. November 8-10, 2002. The national biodynamics confere

solar dryers

2002-09-23 Thread Dave Robison
Any thoughts or pointers? We have the sunshine and I'm keen to add value by dehydrating a portion of our produce. Thanks... Rex There was a Small Farm Energy Project back in the '70's. Bob Steffen was part of it. They had some folks using a large air collector, like 10 ft X20 ft to substitute for

cover crops

2002-09-23 Thread Dave Robison
Dave - Have you found an affordable source for fava as a cover crop? What about mache? thanks, -Allan I've grown my  own seed for years, easy to do for garden scale plantings. Obviously you need more for a CSA operation. You might buy a bulk order for the first year and grow it out. Both set copi


2002-09-20 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 9/19/2002 -0400, Teresa wrote: Could anyone suggest a cover crop to shelter this ground and hold it together over the winter? Something to establish quick, or have I left it too late? Will rye germinate this late? I lie rye/vetch because the grass sets a huge amount of root hairs, addi

solar dryer

2002-09-20 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:03 PM 9/19/2002 -0400, Rex wrote: Has any listee built and used the solar dehydrator developed by Lea? I'm interested in any feedback on its performance. I built the one that was based on a 55 gallon metal drum, encased in fiberglass. Is that the one you mean? It worked -- sort of. My concl


2002-09-04 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:04 PM 9/4/2002 -0400, Patti wrote: >Dave, >I have tried to access www.oregonbd.com but just get a message "unable >to locate server". Has this site moved? Oops. My mistake. It's www.oregonbd.org. David Robison

Prep container

2002-08-29 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:01 PM 8/29/2002 -0400, sharon wrote: > . last time i tried 504 there wasn't much left in the ground. >the worms must have et it. We make 504 in a piece of earthenware pipe. Likewise, we bury the other preps in an earthenware flower pot. Otherwise, it's difficult to find them after the s

Egg shaped

2002-08-28 Thread Dave Robison
At 12:00 PM 8/28/2002 -0400, Ron wrote: >Teresa, or anyone; >I wondered, in your research if you came across any information on the >correct proportions of the egg shape - something that one could construct >something from? Probably the form would be enclosed by a double cube, but >its the differe


2002-08-26 Thread Dave Robison

War on Iraq?

2002-08-26 Thread Dave Robison

Steiner Books Free Forum

2002-08-26 Thread Dave Robison

Storing Preps

2002-08-19 Thread Dave Robison

Kolisko's work

2002-08-15 Thread Dave Robison

Kolisko's work

2002-08-13 Thread Dave Robison
be a major task. I think it would be great if someone wants to undertake the task, but it will be a lot of work. I have the book too, maybe we could share some of the scanning or proofing tasks. Anyone else interested in piecing out the work? == Dave Robison

wider use of bd remedies

2002-08-13 Thread Dave Robison
an see the low voltage A.C. anomalies. == Dave Robison


2002-07-23 Thread Dave Robison
sed to live on plants, collecting aphids -- but I am willing to accept that there may be other species. == Dave Robison

Rattailed maggot and 501-5x

2002-07-22 Thread Dave Robison
get the tea out. As it says above, the adults are beneficials. The same maggots show up in the compost pile if there is too much wet, sloppy foodstuff -- I get them if I add a lot of apple pomace without sufficient aeration/heat. Once again, I don't consider them harmful, they break down the material and prepare it for digestion in the pile. == Dave Robison

Steiner Books

2002-07-16 Thread Dave Robison
While we are on the subject ... A lot of Steiner books are on line, see http://www.elib.com/Steiner/WhatsNew.php3 == Dave Robison

BD remedies

2002-07-05 Thread Dave Robison
would guess that one classifies the "year" according to the month when the prep is placed/retrieved. Or then again, it could be the sign when the year starts. like at Easter? Comments, Steve? ====== Dave Robison


2002-06-18 Thread Dave Robison
ld be that strong. But maybe there is a source ====== Dave Robison


2002-06-05 Thread Dave Robison
it but it sounds appropriate. Dunno if it addresses your problem. ========== Dave Robison


2002-06-05 Thread Dave Robison
7;s a lot easier to store the dried stuff. == Dave Robison

compost tea list

2002-05-24 Thread Dave Robison
I noticed a new compost tea list http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/compostteas I see Allan is already signed on. == Dave Robison

urban manure

2002-05-23 Thread Dave Robison
y they are equivalent to cows -- nothing else is -- but similar. At one point, our local zoo was marketing "ZooDoo" and it was pretty good stuff. == Dave Robison

Urban manure

2002-05-22 Thread Dave Robison
track it. So you need to assume that any purchased hay or straw can be contaminated. Thus ruling out a lot of stable bedding. I don't know if such ag commodities are shipped to you. As always, the more you can rely on self-produced compost materials, the better. == Dave Robison

Re: BD Qs

2002-05-20 Thread Dave Robison
t spraying the dandelion prep on snowpeas, reported in Applied BD, I posted a summary chart in the www.oregonbd.org  class, chapter 4. One of the rare examples of measured results. Pam asked Subject: New 501? Dave Robison! Last fall you wrote about making new style 501, mixing in local soil, with And


2002-05-16 Thread Dave Robison
t are really not optimized for stirring. OTOH, you can make your own and expect that it is good enough. We have a local farmer who made his own forms by casting the belly of his pregnant partner. Now there's an earthmother approach! ====== Dave Robison

Soap Sheild

2002-05-09 Thread Dave Robison
involving fertilizing with horse manure compost that I have not been able to try. Someone else suggested crab apple blossom essence but didn't explain how it is applied. == Dave Robison

compost tea

2002-04-28 Thread Dave Robison
an important issue because the scare factor from these cases resulted in the gov't developing completely unrealistic regulations regarding compost turning etc. == Dave Robison

Re: BDNOW digest 1114

2002-04-26 Thread Dave Robison
A in the area, tho I think Paul has demonstrated that you can make a lot better living with a high-value crop like flowers. == Dave Robison

Business Opportunity

2002-04-25 Thread Dave Robison
tails contact: Paul Sansone, Here & Now Garden, phone 503 357-5774, FAX 503 357-3858 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED].  ====== Dave Robison

Oh my, a farm! and elementals

2002-04-22 Thread Dave Robison
I went out hiking with him once, and I would see something, and he >would shoot it, and develop it, and it would be just exactly what I saw. No >trick except the focus change, and the rocks would have rock people, undines >in rivers, it was wild! == Dave Robison

OFF: kid's science project

2002-04-18 Thread Dave Robison
Wait! Don't bother. Yahoo has deactivated this account as an anti-spam measure. I guess this is some sort of a science lesson. == Dave Robison

OFF: kid's science project

2002-04-18 Thread Dave Robison
ience project, we are trying to demonstrate how > fast and how > far information can travel on the Internet in a six week > period. > > If you receive this e-mail after May 1, 2002, please > disregard it, since > the project will be over. > > Thank you VERY much for your help! == Dave Robison

Fwd: RE: [Gardening Feedback] lunar calendar?

2002-04-16 Thread Dave Robison
FYI. BBC no longer posts the lunar calendar. Guess it was too outrageous for them. >From: Ceri Thomas - Interactive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "'Dave Robison'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: RE: [Gardening Feedback] lunar calendar? >Date: Mon, 15 Apr


2002-04-04 Thread Dave Robison
ball jersey' caterpillars).  Tansy ragwort Senecio spp. is the host for cinnabar moth, at least over here. not to be confused with common tansy Tanacetum vulgare ====== Dave Robison

Prep Questions!

2002-04-03 Thread Dave Robison
r supplies the preps includes an instruction sheet. I suggest that you check with the Koepf text http://www.soilandhealth.org/01aglibrary/010114koepf/bda.html == Dave Robison

Re: BDNOW digest 1086

2002-03-28 Thread Dave Robison
shtml I notice that they are redesigning the site so location may change. Remember we are eight hours behind their time (seven hours during daylight savings months). == Dave Robison

Merla and the Weed Board

2002-03-25 Thread Dave Robison
, you would save on registration expense. == Dave Robison

Merla and the Weed Board

2002-03-22 Thread Dave Robison
our own BC and weed peppers, if there is an exception for locally made or non-purchased materials (which I didn't see in Chapter 22). == Dave Robison

Merla and the Weed Board

2002-03-21 Thread Dave Robison
documented by local gardeners. I'm not sure the extent to which farmers use the chemical, non-organic straw bedding may be affected. One more reason to make your own compost on-site and avoid brought-in stuff ====== Dave Robison

Re: BDNOW digest 1078

2002-03-20 Thread Dave Robison
Frank van Steensel (M.Ag.Sc., B.Ag/Hort) > Research Manager of the Research and Development Group of > the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening ass. ====== Dave Robison

Testing Preps?

2002-03-20 Thread Dave Robison
or anyone else in the area, the Oregon group will have it's spring meeting May 5 to unearth last fall's preps. See www.oregonbd.org == Dave Robison

roadside weed control

2002-03-11 Thread Dave Robison
ganic techniques and try the BD ideas slowly in order to gain an understanding of what's working and why. == Dave Robison

Re: BD 508 equesetum

2002-02-27 Thread Dave Robison
ts pretty smelly when you do that, giving off H2S. Now we know why. == Dave Robison

Re: BDNOW digest 1047

2002-02-18 Thread Dave Robison
with the following in the body SET BDNOW MAIL DIGEST ====== Dave Robison

Re: CEC Balancing

2002-01-30 Thread Dave Robison
anyone on the BDA board re) their lack of contact with constituents and no response from Heinz on my offer to help with reviewing articles. Oh well. == Dave Robison

CEC balancing

2002-01-25 Thread Dave Robison
ather than broadcasting to the entire list. == Dave Robison

intro class on-line

2002-01-15 Thread Dave Robison
me with it. Details are on the website. I took this occasion to re-write the introductory course that is posted on-line at www.oregonbd.org It is available to all. Thanks to Glen and Hugh and all the others that have contributed. ========== Dave Robison

Re: SFW!: Sprayers for teas

2002-01-12 Thread Dave Robison
ession for the bugs when they emerge? I don't think it's a problem or Elaine's users would have observed it. ====== Dave Robison

Re: SFW!: Sprayers for teas

2002-01-12 Thread Dave Robison
kind I'm thinking of has an adjustable nozzle on the end, you just set it for a largish droplet size. From what Elaine said, I don't think there is a problem with the size of microbes, nematodes are the largest. ====== Dave Robison

Re: SFW!: Sprayers for teas

2002-01-12 Thread Dave Robison
ler drops, you can use a conventional hand sprayer, like what is used for weed sprays -- of course, you would never want to use any pesticides in your BD sprayer. I also use a trombone sprayer to reach up into fruit trees. Either is about $30 at your local hardware store. =

Re: Question for Elaine

2002-01-11 Thread Dave Robison
At 02:18 PM 1/11/02 -0500, you wrote: >Re: the horse nettle, I'm looking for a picture/info on Equisetum, as >opposed to what Dave has correctly sent (the "other" horse nettle is a >nightshade). See the intro class at www.oregonbd.org chapter 4 ========== Dave Robison

No virus. Don't delete this file!

2002-01-11 Thread Dave Robison
ng 5.) it has a black, ugly icon which you'll see, Don't Open It!!! 6.)  right click on the file and then choose "delete file" thereby sending it to the recycle bin 7.)  empty recycle bin, now you're ok 8.) let everyone else in your address book know too as evidently they got it if you do RB == Dave Robison

Re: Question for Elaine

2002-01-11 Thread Dave Robison
leaved nightshade; white horse nettle; bull nettle; oliveleaf nightshade search at http://www.vth.colostate.edu/poisonous_plants/report/search.cfm Why would you want them? == Dave Robison

Re: Soil Foodweb Questions?

2002-01-09 Thread Dave Robison
surfaces serve as inoculation sites for "bad" organisms? What are the problems with surface-dwelling organisms? == Dave Robison

Re: Hydoponic BD 2

2002-01-09 Thread Dave Robison
an makes the point that etheric forces extend further out of the soil in tropical latitudes. Better read up on BD first. == Dave Robison

Re: Albrecht System and plant brix testing

2002-01-07 Thread Dave Robison
le lab, make sure they give you the Calcium and >Magnesium base saturation levels. Calcium should be about 68% and >Magnesium should be about 13.5%. That example is 5 to 1. My recollection is Albrecht said 7 to 1 is the ideal. 9 to 1 is high. ====== Dave Robison

BD system

2002-01-02 Thread Dave Robison
this stuff in a rational way on the BD Intro at www.oregonbd.org == Dave Robison

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