Re: Can a perl programmer find jobs today?

2023-02-17 Thread Илья
Hi! Just to add my 5 cents. Theoretically speaking, it is still possible. For example, I've been contacted once about such position recently. Practically speaking, if you're good developer there is a lot of language agnostic positions. For the last 12 month I passed the interviews and succ

Re: controlling Firefox using Perl

2021-03-12 Thread Илья
You can easily use any perl version you want with plenv (my favourite), perlbrew or docker. Check this guides to find details about how to install and use them

Re: Help me with a regex problem

2019-10-25 Thread Илья Рассадин
For example, this regex /(?[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})\s+(?\/.*)/ On 25.10.2019 13:23, Maggie Q Roth wrote: Hello There are two primary types of lines in the log: 60.191.38.xx        / 42.120.161.xx       /archives/1005 I know how to write regex to match each line, but do

Re: Google Sheets API Data Structure

2019-08-16 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! Have you looked on It's newer, so probably It can give you a bit more data from modern Google API On 16/08/2019 14:18, James Kerwin wrote: Thanks Dave and Mike, I am using Net::Google::Spreadsheets and all the associated modules a

Re: perl's anaconda

2019-08-07 Thread Илья Рассадин
There is two main tools to install different versions of perl - perlbrew and plenv If you want different project environments, you can use tools like cpanm For example: cpanm -L local DBI@1.01 will instal

Re: are signatures still experimental?

2019-05-09 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! Yes, they are Try this snippet perl -E 'use feature 'signatures'; use warnings; my $a = sub ($b,$c) { return $b + $c; }' You can find current status for your perl with `perldoc feature` command and then find signatures section. I expected attempts to make them stable from 5.30 version

Re: How to compare timestamp in two different files

2018-10-22 Thread Илья Рассадин
use Time::Piece; my $t1 = Time::Piece->strptime('Feb 23 01:10:28 2018', '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'); my $t2 = Time::Piece->strptime('02/23/18 01:10:33', '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'); if ($t1 > $t2) { ... } On 23/10/2018 09:17, Asad wrote: Hi All ,         first hurdle is how do I extract this Feb 23 01:10:

Re: Perl Email and WuFoo Forms.

2018-10-02 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You can set up javascript handler for the form and submit it automatically if all fields are filled. On 02/10/2018 16:18, James Kerwin wrote: Hi All, I have a Perl script that pulls in some information, generates an email, sends the email to a person and provides a URL to a WuFoo form.

Re: What hash function to use

2018-08-23 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! See encpass from Passwd::Unix On 8/23/18 10:54 AM, Olivier wrote: Hello, I am not sure if my question is really of beginer level. On a system, I have set my password to "t410" and it has ben hashed to: $2b$10$OQBll77HJqnOR.zqK2jx8ukE6m68Azc7nrsgRdcT6

Re: tie a hash to a file

2018-08-01 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! Look at On 8/1/18 2:16 PM, Lauren C. wrote: Do you know how to tie a hash to a disk file thus read by another process? Currently my solution is writing the data to a JSON file and read it from the other program. Thank you. -- To unsubscribe,

Re: about system() call

2018-07-24 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You can resize image with Perl. For example, Imager library can do the thing. See On 7/25/18 4:56 AM, Lauren C. wrote: Thanks for all kind answers. I have another question that, though this is maybe hard

Re: Unfamiliar syntax

2018-07-20 Thread Илья Рассадин
I Found it on github On 7/20/18 6:24 PM, Chas. Owens wrote: All of this is supposition since I can't see anything you haven't shown us. It sounds like this code is part of a larg

Re: Unfamiliar syntax

2018-07-20 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! $c is hash reference with key "can_request_view_document"; The value for that key is anonymous sub. You can call this sub like this $c->{can_request_view_document}->($doc, $r); On 7/20/18 6:04 PM, James Kerwin wrote: Afternoon all, I have been asked to take a look at a .pl file which

Re: help with another regex

2018-07-17 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! I think, m{path/(\w+)?/?$} regex can solve your problem. In general, to parse URL, you can use official regex from rfc3986 (see Appendix B for rfc3986) regex is ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))? $2 is protocol $4 is host $5 is path $7 is query $9 is fragment. Ano

Re: help with a stat script

2018-07-12 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! "m{ pattern }" is regular expression to parse log string. It's equal to just "/ pattern /". Using different delimiter is convenient here because usually symbol "/" must be escaped with backslash "\", but if we use another delimiter - we can left "/" symbol unescaped and reges is more read

Re: Unzipping pkzip archives

2018-05-22 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! According to FAQ Archive::Zip can do it as long as any compressed members are compressed using Deflate compression. If your archive compressed with another compression algorithm, you can use external programm an

Re: ssh::command

2018-02-13 Thread Илья Рассадин
Try to look at Net::SSH::Any On 2/14/18 5:32 AM, Lancelot Mak wrote: do u have any recommendation on module to use? what i wanted is to login ssh using username,password but in script no key, no non-interactive thanks On 13 February 2018 at 23:38, Chas.

Re: alternative to feature 'signatures'?

2017-12-14 Thread Илья Рассадин
Why can't you use 'signatures' feature at the first place? Usually, it means that you tight yourself to system perl, which is not a good decision at all. Don't trust me on this, trust brian d foy Ins

Re: is there a way to shorten these lines?

2017-11-27 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! I see  no reason to squash these lines of code into one. It works, it shows your idea clearly. All technics you can use to reduce this code will make this code less readable. If you need it for production, I don't recommend it. 27.11.2017 12:54, Luca Ferrari пишет: Hi all, I cannot fig

Re: OOP: a class using a class that is descended from it?

2017-08-04 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! It's strange design decision. If FOOR is ancestor for BAR, why can't you just place methods into FOO? 03.08.17 21:44, hw пишет: Hi, suppose I have a class FOO and a class BAR. The parent of BAR is FOO. I would like FOO to /use/ BAR because BAR has some methods needed by FOO. BAR is /

Re: debug perl package

2017-07-17 Thread Илья Рассадин
Perl5 plugin for intelij IDEA has support for built-in Perl debugger. So you may consider it as a gui interface to debugger. 18.07.17 5:48, David Mertens пишет: If you really want a GUI debugger you might consider Padre. I've used it as a debugger once or twice, but recall running into issues.

Re: perl -e 'my $i = 0; $i = defined($i) ? (!!$i) : 0; print "i: $i\n";'

2017-07-07 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You don't need logical string negotiation and logical number negotiation. You just need logical negotioation. Using `!` operator to convert non-empty string to empty string is wrong, so as using `!` operator to convert not zero number to zero. `!` operator is for logical operations only

Re: why moose

2017-04-24 Thread Илья Рассадин
Quote from amazing ModernPerl book "Perl's default object system is minimal but flexible. Its syntax is a little clunky, and it exposes /how/ an object system works. You can build great things on top of it, but it doesn't give you what many other languages do by def

Re: Net::SNMP

2017-04-23 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! It looks like the password issue, maybe password is incorrect or not set properly? This value (16) can be stored on the device. Did you try to reboot and see the value of usmStatsWrongDigest counter? 23.04.17 6:30, lee пишет: Hi, Net::SNMP only gives a useless error

Re: How to delete multiple indices from array

2017-04-12 Thread Илья Рассадин
en we start to splice elements from array indices will be change. If we delete first element, third element became second, fourth became third and so on. 12.04.17 23:19, Uri Guttman пишет: On 04/12/2017 04:08 PM, Илья Рассадин wrote: Hi! You can use splice to delete elements from array. To d

Re: How to delete multiple indices from array

2017-04-12 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You can use splice to delete elements from array. To delete multiple elements you need to do splice in a loop my @indices = qw/2 4 5 7/; my @array; for my $index (reverse sort @indices) { splice @array, $index, 0; } 12.04.17 22:19, Uri Guttman пишет: On 04/12/2017 03:00 PM, David

Re: Equivalents statements using if and unless

2017-03-29 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! First of all, using unless with complex logic inside the condition, especially using negatives (unless not...) is much harder to read and understand than using if. See and of course see original adwise from Conway's perl best practices http://shop.orei

Re: Converting string to float

2017-03-02 Thread Илья Рассадин
See docs You do print Dumper on hash, it stringifies all hash values, so you see such an obscure result for encode_json. If don't dump $hash before encode json you get what you want - work_hours_to_float_try2 is json valid number {"work_hours

Re: script that passes args to subroutine works ok, after I unpack the args. But perlcritic says I'm not unpacking?

2017-01-15 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You forgot arrow operator $args->{'FN'}, not $args{'FN'} 15.01.17 23:45, пишет: Hi On Sun, Jan 15, 2017, at 12:23 PM, Илья Рассадин wrote: I think, you can use this aproach If I use either of those sub modrec { -

Re: script that passes args to subroutine works ok, after I unpack the args. But perlcritic says I'm not unpacking?

2017-01-15 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! I think, you can use this aproach sub modrec { my ($args) = @_; # or my $args = shift @_; use what you like more my $fn = $args->{'FN'}; } 15.01.17 23:09, пишет: Hi, I have a simple script with a subroutine that I pass scalar & array arguments

Re: Data type of attributes

2016-09-29 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi, claus! Actually, I can't understand the question. You can (and should) define type constraint for attribute via Moose predefined types, Types::Standart module or your own type system. use Types::Standard -all; use Moose; has 'attr_name' => ( 'is' => 'ro', 'isa' => InstanceOf['

Re: Question about Beginning Perl by Simon Cozens

2016-09-01 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! For introduction to Modern Perl practicies, read Modern Perl by chromatic 01.09.16 19:52, Walker, Michael E пишет: Hi, even though _Beginning Perl_ dates back to 2000, is it still relevant for learning today? I wondered, becau

Re: Net::RawIP - UDP checksum

2016-08-21 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! According to Net::RawIP docs, checksum will be calculated automatically unless your provide it manually via "check" parameter during object construction. So my guess is you incorrectly construct Net::RawIP objects. But it's a sort of guesswork, so it'll be much easier to help if You send

Re: IPv4/IPv6 parsing

2016-07-14 Thread Илья Рассадин
w/net/; |$port_re = "[.:]|||[1-9][0-9]{1,4}|"; | my $re = qr|/^(||$RE||{net}{IPv4}|$RE||{net}{IPv6})(?:$port_re)?|$/; if ($string =~ $re) { say "$string is valid ip"; } 14.07.16 23:46, Chris Knipe пишет: Hi, On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Илья Рассадин <mailto

Re: IPv4/IPv6 parsing

2016-07-14 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! It's really simple regexp that can handle this, I wrote simple example to illustrate the idea. Of course, this $port_re can match invalid port (all port numbers which higher than 65536). If it's critical to your case, you can adjust strip port function. |use Regexp::Common qw/net/; ||m

Re: Advance OOPs concept

2015-11-29 Thread Илья Рассадин
gt; Shlomi Fish > > Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post > > > -- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > > > > -- С уважением, Илья Рассадин +7 920 652-19-37 skype elcamlost

Re: XML::Rabbit and utf8

2015-09-25 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi, Martin! First, specify UTF-8 binmode for STDOUT, it's good practice if you printing unicode characters. Second and main, problem here is that your umlaut character has not ord 195. More over, the way you construct umlaut character give you not a single character but unicode grapheme. You can

Re: Display a hash in the order of an array

2015-07-20 Thread Илья Рассадин
Why you don't want rebuild you hash into another hash with ip address as a key? Yes, it will cost you additional memory and runtime but it will be more convenient and easy to understand, support and modificate. If memory is not a problem, i think it's best choice in your case. See

Re: Use of uninitialized value $j in numeric eq (==) at myfile line 125

2015-07-06 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi everybody! I think, problem code is ``` if($buf eq chr hex $xhtmlbegin[$j + 1]) { $doread = 1; $j = $j + 1; } else { if($j == 0) { $doread = 1; } else { #this line is very suspicious $j = $

Re: help with Hash of arrays of arrays

2015-07-02 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi Nathalie. Please, next time create gist with updated code, and send link to it. Now your code is messy and its really hard to tell anything about it. One more comment - you mix variable with computerish names and with names from subject area. It's bad, you must always name your variables with

Re: Reading a libconfig config

2015-06-22 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! Look at Config::Any пн, 22 июня 2015 г. в 18:23, Unknown User : > I am using Conf::Libconfig to read a libconfig config file. > - are there any better modules to read it? > - If not, is it possible with Conf::Libconfig to print out all the > entries

Re: Statement failure inside a loop

2015-06-18 Thread Илья Рассадин
I think, even better if initialize magic numbers and symbols use constant NEWLINE_SYMBOL => chr(10); use constant SOME_MEANINGFULL_NAME => ; чт, 18 июня 2015 г. в 16:54, Shlomi Fish : > Hi Marco, > > see below for my response. > On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 15:17:27 +0200 > Marco wrote: > > > Hello

Re: regex capture question

2015-06-18 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi, Tiago! I can't reproduce such behaviour use Modern::Perl '2014'; my $string = 'Crosses misses=50 '; my (@matches) = ($string =~ /(Crosses)(.*)(misses=)(\d+)/s); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@matches; result: $VAR1 = [ 'Crosses', ' ', 'mis

Re: Getting 2/8 as output

2015-06-13 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi! You can use say instead of print (with use v5.10 as minimum) to avoid this strange behaviour. use v5.10; say %hash; but output still be ugly - all keys and values concatenates withoud delimeter. if you want to dump your hash for debugging purpose, module Data::Dumper is a great choice. use

Re: perl function for byte to MB conversion

2015-05-25 Thread Илья Рассадин
Hi You can find suitable solutions at CPAN. For example, This module seems to be exactly what you looking for. пн, 25 мая 2015 г. в 15:37, Sunita Pradhan : > Hi > > Is there any perl module for byte , KB, MB conversion ? > > Thanks > Sunita >

Re: beginners Digest 6 May 2015 07:20:38 -0000 Issue 4811

2015-05-06 Thread Илья Рассадин
rustful an original source, do you need maintain your code or it's one time job. And maybe some of this questions are beyond this mailing list topic )) Thank for your reply and thank for your code review ср, 6 мая 2015 г. в 12:02, Shlomi Fish : Hi Илья, > > some comments on your

Re: beginners Digest 6 May 2015 07:20:38 -0000 Issue 4811

2015-05-06 Thread Илья Рассадин
HI, Anirban. Regexp and hash of arrays can help you. my @a = ('1900-0','1900-1','NULL','NULL','1900-2','1900-4','1902-5','1902-6','1902-7','1902-8'); my %result; foreach (@a) { next if $_ eq 'NULL'; my ($earfcn, $pcid) = /^(\d+)-(.+)$/; push @{$result{$earfcn}}, $pcid;