Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] New in 7.9: "Don't Stop The Music"

2021-07-17 Thread afriend
Will MIN_TRACKS_LEFT always be a constant or could you imagine letting plugins/mixes set that value (within a certain range) as you do with number of used seed tracks and such? I'm only asking because sometimes I skip tracks very quickly (near the end of the current playlist) and it happens

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] New in 7.9: "Don't Stop The Music"

2021-06-29 Thread afriend
RobbH wrote: > > afriend wrote: > > Michael, > > > > do you think you could add Erland's *DynamicPlaylist* plugin to the > > 'list of mix plugins that DSTM watches out for' > > (

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] New in 7.9: "Don't Stop The Music"

2021-06-29 Thread afriend
mherger wrote: > > do you think you could add Erland's *DynamicPlaylist* plugin to the > > 'list of mix plugins that DSTM watches out for' > > Can you say what class and property name to look for? When does > DynamicPlaylist kick in? How do they conflict? I'm surprised this only > comes up

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] New in 7.9: "Don't Stop The Music"

2021-06-29 Thread afriend
Michael, do you think you could add Erland's *DynamicPlaylist* plugin to the 'list of mix plugins that DSTM watches out for' ( Right now I think DSTM starts to

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Incorrect entries (without content) in menus - LMS bug?

2019-05-26 Thread afriend
Just checking in... now at LMS 7.9.2-1558382969 has anybody else experienced the problem I -tried- to described above and the linked thread? I'm still getting those empty albums in places where they shouldn't be. Thank you.

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Incorrect entries (without content) in menus - LMS bug?

2018-08-23 Thread afriend
DJanGo wrote: > please change the value in the settings for "Various Artists" to > something else like "Artists on Samplers". I did as you said, and I even changed the setting to list compilations as a group under that name. I restarted LMS inbetween to be sure. Unfortunately, it didn't have

[SlimDevices: Beta] Incorrect entries (without content) in menus - LMS bug?

2018-08-23 Thread afriend
Hi. This is a split from 'another thread' ( about a problem which I originally believed to be limited to virutal libraries but which I also find in built-in LMS menus (genre). From my understanding it could be

[SlimDevices: Beta] No log rotation on macOS?

2018-08-05 Thread afriend
Hi. I'm running the latest build of LMS 7.9.2 on macOS 10.13.6 but this particular issue has been around for some time. I just forgot about it. It seems that *LMS logs on macOS are not rotated*, at least not here on my machine. My server.log is now at ~16 MB. And it would probably be even

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Mac: can you please store Installed Plugins somewhere else than in the cache folder?

2018-07-02 Thread afriend
pippin wrote: > it does all kinds of weird stuff True. And not only when running out of disk space (which happens sometimes to me, very small SSD...). And as I've come to know the cache folder as unreliable I guess I was just surprised that LMS stores so much in such a delicate place, esp. the

[SlimDevices: Beta] Mac: can you please store Installed Plugins somewhere else than in the cache folder?

2018-06-29 Thread afriend
Hi. I'm running LMS on a Mac where among many other things LMS stores *installed* plugins in my user's *cache folder*. The problem is: it's not a very safe place to store stuff in because every now and then the entire cache folder gets deleted due to (major) OS updates, trouble shooting and

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] --nomysqueezebox: disable all mysb.comintegration in LMS 7.9

2018-02-21 Thread afriend
I thought about that but decided against it. Not only because you'd have to repeat it after every update. I'd prefer a cleaner (and maybe more romust) way, one that only developers like Michael could provide. So until such a solution comes along one day I'll wait and continue to manually restart

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] wake/sleep issues with LMS 7.9.1 on Mac OS 10.13

2018-02-20 Thread afriend
Ok, I thought I'd post this just for future reference or if I forget it myself :) [macOS 10.12 at present] The contents of my -/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ (yours may have more entries) Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] --nomysqueezebox: disable all mysb.comintegration in LMS 7.9

2018-02-19 Thread afriend
I'm on macOS 10.12. There are 2 LMS restart scenarios: One is where I reboot my entire computer. For that LMS creates a LaunchAgent in my user account which I have modified (read-only) so that it will load with the switch --nomysqueezebox. So that's not a problem. The second is the problem, i.e.

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] wake/sleep issues with LMS 7.9.1 on Mac OS 10.13

2018-02-19 Thread afriend
I'm still on 10.12 but I think I had a similar problem long ago. Do you have a Kernel flag *darkwake=0* in -/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ I set this flag and I use a customized background script (the app 'Narcolepsy'

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] --nomysqueezebox: disable all mysb.comintegration in LMS 7.9

2018-02-19 Thread afriend
@mherger will you add the --nomysqueezebox switch to the settings page eventually as part of LMS? I'm asking because right now when I restart the server from iPeng or after installing a plugin it starts *with* and I always have to restart manually with the switch. Thanks.

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Can I disable html call to

2017-09-09 Thread afriend
Thank you very much, bpa. Really appreciate your help however stupid my little problem may seem. In the end I just disabled/commented most of the retry subfunction in the file. This way the plugin is not broken and it won't endlessly retry to connect to the internet in vain. Sure, I'll

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Can I disable html call to

2017-09-09 Thread afriend
mherger wrote: > you've got a networking issue. Ok, what I meant was "has no internet connection" because it's by design, like a stand-alone setup, only LAN with a local server. I don't use the Radio Menu, was just curious if it's possible to disable what seems to be downloading a radio station

[SlimDevices: Beta] Can I disable html call to

2017-09-08 Thread afriend
Hi. One of my LMS (latest 7.9.1 nightly, macOS 10.12) has no internet connection. To make debugging easier and my log less cluttered, I would very much like to get rid of the error messages that complain (every couple of minutes or so) about timed out connection attempts: Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] --nomysqueezebox: disable all mysb.comintegration in LMS 7.9

2017-09-08 Thread afriend
Just in case anybody runs LMS on macOS and wants to try this - here's how I got ---nomysqueezebox- to work on macOS (10.12): When the server starts it (sometimes?) seems to reset the LMS launchagent (path in my case: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/Squeezebox.plist) to its default state deleting any

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Compilation Tag causing Artist/Album Artist problems

2017-02-20 Thread afriend
WOW! It's working!!! Just installed 7.9.0-1487582706 and now the artist for each compilation track is displayed correctly. Very happy, now I can enjoy my compilations again. Thanks for not giving up on this. *::THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!::*

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Compilation Tag causing Artist/Album Artist problems

2017-02-17 Thread afriend
Mnyb wrote: > Btw do you have the correct artist in the web-UI ? Yes. The web-UI and hardware players like Squeezebox Radio use the format that I set in the LMS settings (in my case 'track artist -- track name -- album name') - which is also what plugins like Custom Browse use/show. I think

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Compilation Tag causing Artist/Album Artist problems

2017-02-17 Thread afriend
Just a screenshot to illustrate the problem in iPeng (with LMS on macOS and Raspian, had no Windows to test): 22142 BTW the same artist (Cyro Monteiro) is listed correctly for one song (Boa campanheira) and replaced by 'Various Artists' for another (Os quindins de laìa). Seems quite random to

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2017-02-14 Thread afriend
Hi. I've justed tested the lastest 7.9 build and it seems the 'compilations/album artist bug' ( hasn't been fixed yet. Am I wrong? You know this bug: if you use iPeng and

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Additional Browse Modes - can I rebuild my CB menus?

2016-11-29 Thread afriend
Thank you for your quick and honest reply. I'm not going to lie, it was a bit of a sobering read :) Anyway, any chance you could maybe someday add these two tiny little totally not very space consuming micro settings to the advanced search menu: a compilations (true/false) setting & a negative

[SlimDevices: Beta] Additional Browse Modes - can I rebuild my CB menus?

2016-11-28 Thread afriend
Hi. I'm trying to rebuild some -Custom Browse Menus- using 7.9 -Advanced Search-, -Library Views-, and -Additional Browse Modes- (ABM). I was hoping that those rebuilt menus would be faster than my CB menus - and also, in case Erland never finds the time to fully adapt CB to 7.9, I would have

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-02-23 Thread afriend
It's certainly not a -huge- issue. Just, you know, when you look at compilation albums in iPeng and half of the tracks feature 'Various Artists' instead of the artist tag... it can be a bit difficult or annoying to guess what's what then. That's all. If it ever gets fixed (I'm not giving up

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-02-22 Thread afriend
afriend wrote: > I have a problem with compilations and artists/album artist tag in > *iPeng* that may be caused by the server (more information & screenshot > 'here' > (

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.9 Problems/Bugs

2016-02-15 Thread afriend
Hi. I have a problem with compilations and artists/album artist tag in *iPeng* that may be caused by the server (more information & screenshot 'here' ( compilations

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Compilation Tag causing Artist/Album Artist problems

2016-02-15 Thread afriend
However all those bugs may be related, I was really only talking about the Various-Artists-randomly-replacing-Artist-tag-in-compilations-in-iPeng bug (as shown in the quoted screenshot). I have done some further testing. Set up a test Linux LMS on a Raspberry Pi and the problem in iPeng is the

Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] Compilation Tag causing Artist/Album Artist problems

2016-02-13 Thread afriend
flimflam wrote: > I’m having major problems when the “Compilation” tag is set to 1 for an > album, LMS appears to go very wrong in handling Artist information. > (…) > In addition on *LMS Mac but not on LMS Win*: > > - in iPeng > Albums > Select the album. *Strangely, some of the tracks > are