Re: >spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest -- deadline extended up to 01/10/18

2018-09-17 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
The deadline to submit your code, sound and image has been extended up to the 
1st of October. 
Good luck! 

De: "Jérôme SUEUR"  
Envoyé: Mercredi 27 Juin 2018 13:50:23 
Objet: >spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest 

-- sorry for cross-posting -- 

Dear all, 

It is my pleasure to announce the contest >spectro(2018) , a friendly and 
informal contest for the best spectrogram generated with R code. 

The spectrogram is a 2D/3D key visualisation tool for bioacoustics, 
ecoacoustics and other sound related disciplines. The spectrogram is not only 
useful for science, it can also be a nice graphical object with delicate shapes 
and colours. 

The aim of this contest is to share the beautiful sounds, R codes and 
spectrograms you may have in your files so that it can help others to produce 
nice graphics and figures. 

But overall, the idea is to join science, fun, and maybe the arts! 

Here are some information about the organization of the contest: 

. deadline : 15 September 2018 
. application: a single submission per candidate; send wav sound + R code + png 
image to with the email title ">spectro(2018)" 
. sound: .wav file / no limits, any recording (animal, habitat, voice, music, 
etc) or synthetic sound built with R 
. code: .r file / only within R language, any package but no call to external 
software, the code should be fully repeatable 
. image: static .png file / no limits in the choice of colour and size but 
should be readable on a web page 
. rights: you accept that your material appears on [ | seewave webpage ] 
. international voting committee: Fanny Rybak (France), Nadia Pieretti (Italy), 
Susan Fuller (Australia), Stefanie LaZerte (Canada), Tess Gridley (South 
. publication of the results: October-November 2018 
. prize: 1 printed sample of the book [ | Sound analysis and synthesis 
with R ] for the winner, 1 electronic version of the same book for the second 
and the third, kindly offered by [ | Springer, Berlin 

Have fun and good luck! 


Institut Systematique Evolution Biodiversite (ISYEB) & Ecole Doctorale 227 
Museum national d Histoire naturelle 
CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, EPHE 
45 rue Buffon 
75005 Paris | France | + 33 1 40 79 33 98 
[ | ] 
[ | ] 

BOOK Sound analysis and synthesis with R 
[ | ] 

Re: >spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest

2018-09-03 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
This is a kind reminder for those who would like to participate to this 
friendly contest. 
The deadline is the 15th of September. 

De: "Jérôme SUEUR"  
Envoyé: Mercredi 27 Juin 2018 13:50:23 
Objet: >spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest 

-- sorry for cross-posting -- 

Dear all, 

It is my pleasure to announce the contest >spectro(2018) , a friendly and 
informal contest for the best spectrogram generated with R code. 

The spectrogram is a 2D/3D key visualisation tool for bioacoustics, 
ecoacoustics and other sound related disciplines. The spectrogram is not only 
useful for science, it can also be a nice graphical object with delicate shapes 
and colours. 

The aim of this contest is to share the beautiful sounds, R codes and 
spectrograms you may have in your files so that it can help others to produce 
nice graphics and figures. 

But overall, the idea is to join science, fun, and maybe the arts! 

Here are some information about the organization of the contest: 

. deadline : 15 September 2018 
. application: a single submission per candidate; send wav sound + R code + png 
image to with the email title ">spectro(2018)" 
. sound: .wav file / no limits, any recording (animal, habitat, voice, music, 
etc) or synthetic sound built with R 
. code: .r file / only within R language, any package but no call to external 
software, the code should be fully repeatable 
. image: static .png file / no limits in the choice of colour and size but 
should be readable on a web page 
. rights: you accept that your material appears on [ | seewave webpage ] 
. international voting committee: Fanny Rybak (France), Nadia Pieretti (Italy), 
Susan Fuller (Australia), Stefanie LaZerte (Canada), Tess Gridley (South 
. publication of the results: October-November 2018 
. prize: 1 printed sample of the book [ | Sound analysis and synthesis 
with R ] for the winner, 1 electronic version of the same book for the second 
and the third, kindly offered by [ | Springer, Berlin 

Have fun and good luck! 


Institut Systematique Evolution Biodiversite (ISYEB) & Ecole Doctorale 227 
Museum national d Histoire naturelle 
CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, EPHE 
45 rue Buffon 
75005 Paris | France | + 33 1 40 79 33 98 
[ | ] 
[ | ] 

BOOK Sound analysis and synthesis with R 
[ | ] 

>spectro(2018): best R spectrogram contest

2018-06-27 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
-- sorry for cross-posting -- 

Dear all, 

It is my pleasure to announce the contest >spectro(2018) , a friendly and 
informal contest for the best spectrogram generated with R code. 

The spectrogram is a 2D/3D key visualisation tool for bioacoustics, 
ecoacoustics and other sound related disciplines. The spectrogram is not only 
useful for science, it can also be a nice graphical object with delicate shapes 
and colours. 

The aim of this contest is to share the beautiful sounds, R codes and 
spectrograms you may have in your files so that it can help others to produce 
nice graphics and figures. 

But overall, the idea is to join science, fun, and maybe the arts! 

Here are some information about the organization of the contest: 

. deadline : 15 September 2018 
. application: a single submission per candidate; send wav sound + R code + png 
image to with the email title ">spectro(2018)" 
. sound: .wav file / no limits, any recording (animal, habitat, voice, music, 
etc) or synthetic sound built with R 
. code: .r file / only within R language, any package but no call to external 
software, the code should be fully repeatable 
. image: static .png file / no limits in the choice of colour and size but 
should be readable on a web page 
. rights: you accept that your material appears on [ | seewave webpage ] 
. international voting committee: Fanny Rybak (France), Nadia Pieretti (Italy), 
Susan Fuller (Australia), Stefanie LaZerte (Canada), Tess Gridley (South 
. publication of the results: October-November 2018 
. prize: 1 printed sample of the book [ | Sound analysis and synthesis 
with R ] for the winner, 1 electronic version of the same book for the second 
and the third, kindly offered by [ | Springer, Berlin 

Have fun and good luck! 


Institut Systematique Evolution Biodiversite (ISYEB) & Ecole Doctorale 227 
Museum national d Histoire naturelle 
CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, EPHE 
45 rue Buffon 
75005 Paris | France | + 33 1 40 79 33 98 
[ | ] 
[ | ] 

BOOK Sound analysis and synthesis with R 
[ | ] 

Sound analysis and synthesis with R: book

2018-06-12 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
- sorry for cross-posting -- 

Dear all, 

A new Springer book entitled "Sound analysis and synthesis with R" is now 
available as an eBook [ | here ] 
, and soon as a "true" book. 

The book was written so that anyone who has no knowledge in sound and/or R 
could read it. 

Most of the examples deal with bioacoustics and ecoacoustics. 

With the hope this can be useful, 

Best regards, 


Institut Systematique Evolution Biodiversite (ISYEB) & Ecole Doctorale 227 
Museum national d Histoire naturelle 
CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, EPHE 
45 rue Buffon 
75005 Paris | France | + 33 1 40 79 33 98 
[ | ] 
[ | ] 

BOOK Sound analysis and synthesis with R 
[ | ] 

Analysis of ecoacoustic recordings, session at International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Germany, September 24-28 -- DEADLINE EXTENDED to APRIL 15

2018-03-20 Thread Jérôme SUEUR

Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce a session entitled "Analysis of ecoacoustic 
recordings: detection, segmentation and classification" at the next 
International Conference on Ecological Informatics to be held in Jena, 
Germany, September 24-28. All information about conference organisation is 
available at 

This session mainly aims at sharing technical developments in sound analysis 
for ecoacoustic research (see abstract below). 

We are very keen on reading your abstracts that should be submitted before 
March, 18 at 

Do no hesitate to contact us if you have any query. 

We look forward to meeting you in Jena, 

Best regards, 

Jérôme Sueur(1) and Dan Stowell(2) 

1 - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, France 
2 - Queen Mary University of London, UK 

Abstract - Ecoacoustics is a newly emerged discipline that aims at tackling 
ecological research questions through the lens of sound analysis. Ecoacoustics 
covers several questions in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments 
dealing with biodiversity monitoring, population ecology, community ecology and 
landscape ecology. One of the key approaches of ecoacoustics consists in 
identifying sounds of ecological importance in environmental recordings that 
were collected in an unattended way by automatic recorders. This search task is 
made difficult by the occurrence of background noise due to human activities, 
the co-occurrence of several sounds of interest, the degradation of the sounds 
of interest related to their propagation in the environment, a high-degree of 
variability of the sounds of interest, a large amount of data, and a lack of 
reference archives. Solutions including computer processes are currently in 
development to try to get around these difficulties. This session will be the 
occasion to report and share new techniques involving signal analysis, machine 
learning, deep learning and high dimension statistics for advances in 
detection, segmentation, supervised and unsupervised classification of sound 

Analysis of ecoacoustic recordings, session at International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Germany, September 24-28 -- DEADLINE IS APPROACHING

2018-03-07 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Dear colleagues, 

We take the liberty to remind you that the deadline for the abstract submission 
for the session we organised at the next International Conference on Ecological 
Informatics is the 18th March . 

Best regards, 

Jerome Sueur and Dan Stowell 


Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce a session entitled "Analysis of ecoacoustic 
recordings: detection, segmentation and classification" at the next 
International Conference on Ecological Informatics to be held in Jena, 
Germany, September 24-28. All information about conference organisation is 
available at 

This session mainly aims at sharing technical developments in sound analysis 
for ecoacoustic research (see abstract below). 

We are very keen on reading your abstracts that should be submitted before 
March, 18 at 

Do no hesitate to contact us if you have any query. 

We look forward to meeting you in Jena, 

Best regards, 

Jérôme Sueur(1) and Dan Stowell(2) 

1 - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, France 
2 - Queen Mary University of London, UK 

Abstract - Ecoacoustics is a newly emerged discipline that aims at tackling 
ecological research questions through the lens of sound analysis. Ecoacoustics 
covers several questions in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments 
dealing with biodiversity monitoring, population ecology, community ecology and 
landscape ecology. One of the key approaches of ecoacoustics consists in 
identifying sounds of ecological importance in environmental recordings that 
were collected in an unattended way by automatic recorders. This search task is 
made difficult by the occurrence of background noise due to human activities, 
the co-occurrence of several sounds of interest, the degradation of the sounds 
of interest related to their propagation in the environment, a high-degree of 
variability of the sounds of interest, a large amount of data, and a lack of 
reference archives. Solutions including computer processes are currently in 
development to try to get around these difficulties. This session will be the 
occasion to report and share new techniques involving signal analysis, machine 
learning, deep learning and high dimension statistics for advances in 
detection, segmentation, supervised and unsupervised classification of sound 

Analysis of ecoacoustic recordings, session at International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Germany, September 24-28

2018-02-01 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce a session entitled "Analysis of ecoacoustic 
recordings: detection, segmentation and classification" at the next 
International Conference on Ecological Informatics to be held in Jena, 
Germany, September 24-28. All information about conference organisation is 
available at 

This session mainly aims at sharing technical developments in sound analysis 
for ecoacoustic research (see abstract below). 

We are very keen on reading your abstracts that should be submitted before 
March, 18 at 

Do no hesitate to contact us if you have any query. 

We look forward to meeting you in Jena, 

Best regards, 

Jérôme Sueur(1) and Dan Stowell(2) 

1 - Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, France 
2 - Queen Mary University of London, UK 

Abstract - Ecoacoustics is a newly emerged discipline that aims at tackling 
ecological research questions through the lens of sound analysis. Ecoacoustics 
covers several questions in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments 
dealing with biodiversity monitoring, population ecology, community ecology and 
landscape ecology. One of the key approaches of ecoacoustics consists in 
identifying sounds of ecological importance in environmental recordings that 
were collected in an unattended way by automatic recorders. This search task is 
made difficult by the occurrence of background noise due to human activities, 
the co-occurrence of several sounds of interest, the degradation of the sounds 
of interest related to their propagation in the environment, a high-degree of 
variability of the sounds of interest, a large amount of data, and a lack of 
reference archives. Solutions including computer processes are currently in 
development to try to get around these difficulties. This session will be the 
occasion to report and share new techniques involving signal analysis, machine 
learning, deep learning and high dimension statistics for advances in 
detection, segmentation, supervised and unsupervised classification of sound 

Audio and video monitoring @ European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Paris, March 2018 -- deadline extended

2017-12-20 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Dear all, 
The deadline for abstract submission to Society for Tropical Ecology meeting 
has been extended to January 12, 2018. 
We received already a nice list of interesting papers so do not hesitate to 
Best regards, 


Dear bioacousticians, 

The Society for Tropical Ecology organises its annual meeting in 2018 in Paris, 
March 26-29: 
[ | 

There will be a session dedicated to Audio and video monitoring you might find 
interest in (see the Abstract pasted below) . 

Please do not hesitate to forward the information or to join us in Paris next 

Very best regards, 


Audio and video monitoring of tropical animal diversity: new insights and new 

Jérôme Sueur, Alice C. Hughes, Patrick A. Jansen 

Monitoring animal diversity is a key challenge of tropical ecology, as getting 
reliable information on 
species ecology in a standardised manner across space and time is challenging. 
Furthermore the 
rarity of some species and challenging landscapes and ecosystems can make 
direct observations and 
captures difficult. Yet understanding species distributions, their populations 
and their movements and 
the communities or landscape they belong to is essential information to not 
only understand their 
ecology bit also to ensure they are adequately protected into the future. 
However, recent noninvasive techniques based on audio and video autonomous 
sensors open the 
possibility to sample tropical environments over large areas and long time 
periods in a consistent and 
reliable manner. Such digital data acquired remotely and automatically returns 
valuable information on 
animal behaviour, animal distribution, animal community composition, and even 
landscape structure. 
In this session, we will report the most recent finding in terms of audio and 
video monitoring and 
discuss about the possible challenges in terms of data collection, sampling 
design, supervised and 
unsupervised automatic identification of species, and ecological indices. We 
will also show that these 
data can be used as an attractive media to raise public awareness about 
tropical diversity and 
conservation. We will aim to conclude the session with a presentation of the 
integration of these 
different types of techniques to obtain a holistic understanding of the 
potential of these technologies. 

Audio and video monitoring @ European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Paris, March 2018

2017-12-06 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Dear bioacousticians, 

The Society for Tropical Ecology organises its annual meeting in 2018 in Paris, 
March 26-29: 
[ | 

There will be a session dedicated to Audio and video monitoring you might find 
interest in (see the Abstract pasted below) . 

Please do not hesitate to forward the information or to join us in Paris next 

Very best regards, 


Audio and video monitoring of tropical animal diversity: new insights and new 

Jérôme Sueur, Alice C. Hughes, Patrick A. Jansen 

Monitoring animal diversity is a key challenge of tropical ecology, as getting 
reliable information on 
species ecology in a standardised manner across space and time is challenging. 
Furthermore the 
rarity of some species and challenging landscapes and ecosystems can make 
direct observations and 
captures difficult. Yet understanding species distributions, their populations 
and their movements and 
the communities or landscape they belong to is essential information to not 
only understand their 
ecology bit also to ensure they are adequately protected into the future. 
However, recent noninvasive techniques based on audio and video autonomous 
sensors open the 
possibility to sample tropical environments over large areas and long time 
periods in a consistent and 
reliable manner. Such digital data acquired remotely and automatically returns 
valuable information on 
animal behaviour, animal distribution, animal community composition, and even 
landscape structure. 
In this session, we will report the most recent finding in terms of audio and 
video monitoring and 
discuss about the possible challenges in terms of data collection, sampling 
design, supervised and 
unsupervised automatic identification of species, and ecological indices. We 
will also show that these 
data can be used as an attractive media to raise public awareness about 
tropical diversity and 
conservation. We will aim to conclude the session with a presentation of the 
integration of these 
different types of techniques to obtain a holistic understanding of the 
potential of these technologies. 

Special Issue of Ecological Informatics dedicated to ecology and acoustics

2014-05-26 Thread Jérôme SUEUR

Dear colleagues,

Ecological Informatics has just published a special issue dedicated to  
ecology and acoustics  

You will find hereafter the table of contents.

Please contact directly the authors or go to Science Direct to  
download the papers  

Best regards,


 Ecological Informatics, 2014, 21, pp. 1-144 

. Ecology and acoustics at a large scale
by Michael Towsey, Stuart Parsons, Jérôme Sueur

. Applying bioacoustic methods for long-term monitoring of a nocturnal  
wetland bird

by Karl-Heinz Frommolt, Klaus-Henry Tauchert

. Semi-automatic long-term acoustic surveying: A case study with bats
by Tórur Andreassen, Annemarie Surlykke, John Hallam

. A comparison of similarity-based approaches in the classification of  
flight calls of four species of North American wood-warblers (Parulidae)
by Sara Keen, Jesse C. Ross, Emily T. Griffiths, Michael Lanzone,  
Andrew Farnsworth

. Random Forest for improved analysis efficiency in passive acoustic  

by Jesse C. Ross, Paul E. Allen

. Classifying insects on the fly
by Ilyas Potamitis

. Modelling the effects of chorus species composition and caller  
density on acoustic masking interference in multispecies choruses of  
crickets and katydids

by Rohini Balakrishnan, Jimmy Bahuleyan, Diptarup Nandi, Manjari Jain

. Integration of passive acoustic monitoring data into OBIS-SEAMAP, a  
global biogeographic database, to advance spatially-explicit  
ecological assessments

by Ei Fujioka, Melissa S. Soldevilla, Andrew J. Read, Patrick N. Halpin

. Assessing the cross platform performance of marine mammal indicators  
between two collocated acoustic recorders
by Samuel L. Denes, Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds, David K. Mellinger,  
Jeffrey A. Nystuen

. Assessing marine ecosystem acoustic diversity across ocean basins
by Susan E. Parks, Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds, Samuel L. Denes

. Variation of ocean acoustic environments along the western North  
Atlantic coast: A case study in context of the right whale migration  
by Aaron N. Rice, Jamey T. Tielens, Bobbi J. Estabrook, Charles A.  
Muirhead, Ashakur Rahaman, Melania Guerra, Christopher W. Clark

. Visualization of temporal change in soundscape power of a Michigan  
lake habitat over a 4-year period

by Stuart H. Gage, Anne C. Axel

. The use of acoustic indices to determine avian species richness in  
audio-recordings of the environment

by Michael Towsey, Jason Wimmer, Ian Williamson, Paul Roe

. Sonic environment and vegetation structure: A methodological  
approach for a soundscape analysis of a Mediterranean maqui

by Almo Farina, Nadia Pieretti

. Temporal and spatial variability of animal sound within a neotropical forest
by Alexandra Rodriguez, Amandine Gasc, Sandrine Pavoine, Philippe  
Grandcolas, Philippe Gaucher, Jérôme Sueur

Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
UMR CNRS 7205 Institut Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB)
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris - FRANCE
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98

Bioacoustic paper in Prc B

2010-04-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

7 June 2010; Vol. 277, No. 1688

The Table of Contents below is available online at:

The dynein–tubulin motor powers active oscillations and amplification in 
the hearing organ of the mosquito

Ben Warren, Andrei N. Lukashkin, and Ian J. Russell
Proc R Soc B 2010;277 1761-1769



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in JEB

2010-04-18 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 May 2010; Vol. 213, No. 9

Aversiveness of sounds in phocid seals: psycho-physiological factors, 
learning processes and motivation

   Thomas Götz and Vincent M. Janik
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1536-1548

Frequency tuning and intensity coding of sound in the auditory periphery 
of the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens

   Michaela Meyer, Richard R. Fay, and Arthur N. Popper
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1567-1578

Frequency coding of particle motion by saccular afferents of a teleost fish
   Zhongmin Lu, Zemin Xu, and William J. Buchser
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1591-1601

Sonation in the male common snipe (Capella gallinago gallinago L.) is 
achieved by a flag-like fluttering of their tail feathers and consequent 
vortex shedding

   A. van Casteren, J. R. Codd, J. D. Gardiner, H. McGhie, and A. R. Ennos
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1602-1608


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in ProcB

2010-03-28 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   7 May 2010; Vol. 277, No. 1686

The Table of Contents below is available online at:

The energetic basis of acoustic communication
   James F. Gillooly and Alexander G. Ophir
   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 1325-1331

bioacoustic papers in JEB

2010-03-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 April 2010; Vol. 213, No. 7

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Fibre architecture and song activation rates of syringeal muscles are 
not lateralized in the European starling

   A. M. Uchida, R. A. Meyers, B. G. Cooper, and F. Goller
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1069-1078

Functional study of the pectoral spine stridulation mechanism in 
different mochokid catfishes
   E. Parmentier, G. Fabri, I. Kaatz, N. Decloux, S. Planes, and P. 

   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1107-1114

The relationship of head movements to semicircular canal size in cetaceans
   Benjamin M. Kandel and Timothy E. Hullar
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 1175-1181



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in Biol Letters

2010-03-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Biology Letters is available online:
23 April 2010; Vol. 6, No. 2

The Table of Contents below is available online at:

Complex vocal imitation during ontogeny in a bat
Mirjam Knörnschild, Martina Nagy, Markus Metz, Frieder Mayer, and 
Otto von Helversen
Biol Lett 2010;6 156-159

Frequency matching of vocalizations to inner-ear sensitivity along an 
altitudinal gradient in the coqui frog
Sebastiaan W. F. Meenderink, Mirja Kits, and Peter M. Narins
Biol Lett 2010;6 278-281


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

Bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2010-03-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert

A new issue of
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online:
   22 April 2010; Vol. 277, No. 1685

Multiple signals and male spacing affect female preference at cocktail 
parties in treefrogs

   Christina Richardson and Thierry Lengagne
   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 1247-1252


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic papers in Proc B

2010-02-24 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   7 April 2010; Vol. 277, No. 1684

Zebra finches exhibit speaker-independent phonetic perception of human 
   Verena R. Ohms, Arike Gill, Caroline A. A. Van Heijningen, Gabriel 
J. L. Beckers, and Carel ten Cate

   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 1003-1009

Female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) chirps advertise the 
caller's fertile phase
   Benjamin D. Charlton, Jennifer L. Keating, Li Rengui, Yan Huang, and 
Ronald R. Swaisgood

   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 1101-1106



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in ProcB

2010-02-08 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   22 March 2010; Vol. 277, No. 1683

Resonating feathers produce courtship song
   Kimberly S. Bostwick, Damian O. Elias, Andrew Mason, and Fernando 

   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 835-841

Birds adjust acoustic directionality to beam their antipredator calls to 
predators and conspecifics

   Jessica L. Yorzinski and Gail L. Patricelli
   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 923-932


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2010-01-30 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 February 2010; Vol. 213, No. 4

Echolocation call production during aerial and terrestrial locomotion by 
New Zealand's enigmatic lesser short-tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculata

   Stuart Parsons, Daniel K. Riskin, and John W. Hermanson
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 551-557


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

Bioacoustic papesr in Biol Letters

2010-01-12 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Affective responses in tamarins elicited by species-specific music
   Charles T. Snowdon and David Teie
   Biol Lett 2010;6 30-32

Exposure to seismic survey alters blue whale acoustic communication
   Lucia Di Iorio and Christopher W. Clark
   Biol Lett 2010;6 51-54


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2009-12-23 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Urban noise and the cultural evolution of bird songs
   David Luther and Luis Baptista
   Proc R Soc B 2010;277 469-473

Merry Christmas!



Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

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bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-12-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 January 2010; Vol. 213, No. 1

The Table of Contents is available online at:

Outside JEB
   James Usherwood
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 iv

Scanning sonar of rolling porpoises during prey capture dives
   T. Akamatsu, D. Wang, K. Wang, S. Li, and S. Dong
   J Exp Biol 2010;213 146-152


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

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Lab Page

bioacoustics papers in JEB

2009-11-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Note: in this JEB issue you will find papers that were reported during 
the last Invertebrate Sound and Vibration meeting held in Tours, 2008 


JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 December 2009; Vol. 212, No. 24

Invertebrate sound and vibration
   Jérôme Casas, Michael D. Greenfield, Claudio R. Lazzari, Jérôme 
Sueur, and the organizing committee for ISV 2008

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3935

Moths are not silent, but whisper ultrasonic courtship songs
   R. Nakano, T. Takanashi, T. Fujii, N. Skals, A. Surlykke, and Y. 

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 4072-4078

The next step in cicada audition: measuring pico-mechanics in the 
cicada's ear

   J. F. C. Windmill, J. Sueur, and D. Robert
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 4079-4083

Acoustical mimicry in a predatory social parasite of ants
   F. Barbero, S. Bonelli, J. A. Thomas, E. Balletto, and K. Schönrogge
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 4084-4090

Evaluation of amplitude in male song: female waxmoths respond to 
fortissimo notes

   D. Limousin and M. D. Greenfield
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 4091-4100



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

sound analysis with R

2009-11-16 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention on the release of a new version of
seewave, an R package dedicated to sound analysis.

Since its first release almost 3 years ago, seewave has been
significantly improved including now around 80 end-user functions.

If you are interested and wish to get details, please visit the
dedicated seewave

seewave, as any R package, is free and open-source. Any new
contribution will then very welcome. Please note that R can import C,
C++ and FORTRAN code.

Best regards,


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 December 2009; Vol. 212, No. 23

Vocally correlated seasonal auditory variation in the house sparrow 
(Passer domesticus)

   K. S. Henry and J. R. Lucas
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3817-3822


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Biol Letters

2009-11-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Biology Letters

Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Biology Letters is available online:
   23 December 2009; Vol. 5, No. 6

Stress, song and survival in sparrows
   S. A. MacDougall-Shackleton, L. Dindia, A. E. M. Newman, D. A. 
Potvin, K. A. Stewart, and E. A. MacDougall-Shackleton

   Biol Lett 2009;5 746-748



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-10-30 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online
Table of Contents Alert 

  A new issue of Proceedings of the
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is available online:
  7 December 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1676 

  The Table of contents below is available online at:

  Flights of fear: a mechanical wing whistle sounds the alarm in a
flocking bird
  Mae Hingee and Robert D. Magrath
  Proc R Soc B 2009;276 4173-4179


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-10-30 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 November 2009; Vol. 212, No. 22

Vocal and anatomical evidence for two-voiced sound production in the 
greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus
   Alan H. Krakauer, Maura Tyrrell, Kenna Lehmann, Neil Losin, Franz 
Goller, and Gail L. Patricelli

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3719-3727




Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustics papers in JEB

2009-10-18 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 November 2009; Vol. 212, No. 21

Potential mechanism of sound production in Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae)
   Nicolas Longrie, Sam Van Wassenbergh, Pierre Vandewalle, Quentin 
Mauguit, and Eric Parmentier

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3395-3402

Ultrasound detection in the Gulf menhaden requires gas-filled bullae and 
an intact lateral line

   Maria Wilson, Eric W. Montie, Kenneth A. Mann, and David A. Mann
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3422-3427

Auditory mechanics and sensitivity in the tropical butterfly Morpho 
peleides (Papilionoidea, Nymphalidae)
   Kathleen M. Lucas, James F. C. Windmill, Daniel Robert, and Jayne E. 

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3533-3541

Acoustical properties of the swimbladder in the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau
   Michael L. Fine, Charles B. King, and Timothy M. Cameron
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3542-3552





Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-10-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 20

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Reproductive and diurnal rhythms regulate vocal motor plasticity in a 
teleost fish

   Tine K. Rubow and Andrew H. Bass
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 3252-3262


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

two (!) bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Please ignore my previous post, there are two papers in the last JEB 
issue. Best, Jerome

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 19

Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture
Stacy L. DeRuiter, Alexander Bahr, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Sabina
Fobian Hansen, Jakob Højer Kristensen, Peter T. Madsen, Peter L. Tyack,
and Magnus Wahlberg
J Exp Biol 2009;212 3100-3107

The influence of ambient temperature and thermal acclimation on hearing 
in a eurythermal and a stenothermal otophysan fish
 Lidia Eva Wysocki, Karen Montey, and Arthur N. Popper
 J Exp Biol 2009;212 3091-3099

Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 October 2009; Vol. 212, No. 19

Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture
Stacy L. DeRuiter, Alexander Bahr, Marie-Anne Blanchet, Sabina 
Fobian Hansen, Jakob Højer Kristensen, Peter T. Madsen, Peter L. Tyack, 
and Magnus Wahlberg
J Exp Biol 2009;212 3100-3107

Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   22 October 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1673

Tool use in wild orang-utans modifies sound production: a functionally 
deceptive innovation?
   Madeleine E. Hardus, Adriano R. Lameira, Carel P. Van Schaik, and 
Serge A. Wich

   Proc R Soc B 2009;276 3689-3694


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic papers in Biol Letters

2009-09-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Biology Letters is available online:
23 October 2009; Vol. 5, No. 5

The Table of contents below is available online at:

Western scrub-jays conceal auditory information when competitors can 
hear but cannot see
Gert Stulp, Nathan J. Emery, Simon Verhulst, and Nicola S. Clayton
Biol Lett 2009;5 583-585

Female mice respond to male ultrasonic ‘songs’ with approach behaviour
K. Hammerschmidt, K. Radyushkin, H. Ehrenreich, and J. Fischer
Biol Lett 2009;5 589-592 (EXiS Open Choice)

Why do shrews twitter? Communication or simple echo-based orientation
Björn M. Siemers, Grit Schauermann, Hendrik Turni, and Sophie von Merten
Biol Lett 2009;5 593-596

Vocal discrimination of potential mates by female giant pandas 
(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
Benjamin D. Charlton, Yan Huang, and Ronald R. Swaisgood
Biol Lett 2009;5 597-599


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 56 79

Home Page
Lab Page

bioacoustic paper in ProcB

2009-08-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   22 September 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1671

Acoustic mate copying: female cowbirds attend to other females' 
vocalizations to modify their song preferences

   Grace Freed-Brown and David J. White
   Proc R Soc B 2009;276 3319-3325



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-07-20 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 August 2009; Vol. 212, No. 15

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Song competition changes the brain and behavior of a male songbird
   Keith W. Sockman, Katrina G. Salvante, Danielle M. Racke, C. Ryan 
Campbell, and Buddy A. Whitman

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 2411-2418


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in Proc B

2009-07-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:
22 August 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1669

The Table of contents below is available online at:

Song learning in domesticated canaries in a restricted acoustic environment
Sandra Belzner, Cornelia Voigt, Clive K Catchpole, and Stefan Leitner
Proc R Soc B 2009;276 2881-2886

Mobbing calls signal predator category in a kin group-living bird species
Michael Griesser
Proc R Soc B 2009;276 2887-2892

Effects of urban noise on song and response behaviour in great tits
Emily J. Mockford and Rupert C. Marshall
Proc R Soc B 2009;276 2979-2985

Monkeys crying wolf? Tufted capuchin monkeys use anti-predator calls to 
usurp resources from conspecifics
Brandon C. Wheeler
Proc R Soc B 2009;276 3013-3018


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Biol Letters

2009-07-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Biology Letters is available online:
   23 August 2009; Vol. 5, No. 4

The Table of contents below is available online at:

Sonar-induced temporary hearing loss in dolphins
   T. Aran Mooney, Paul E. Nachtigall, and Stephanie Vlachos
   Biol Lett 2009;5 565-567


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2009-06-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 July 2009; Vol. 212, No. 14

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Inside JEB
   Kathryn Knight
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 i

Research Articles
Naïve bats discriminate arctiid moth warning sounds but generalize their 
aposematic meaning
   Jesse R. Barber, Brad A. Chadwell, Nick Garrett, Barbara 
Schmidt-French, and William E. Conner

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 2141-2148



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-06-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   7 August 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1668

The Table of contents below is available online at:

Experimental evidence for group hunting via eavesdropping in 
echolocating bats
   Dina K.N. Dechmann, Silke L. Heucke, Luca Giuggioli, Kamran Safi, 
Christian C. Voigt, and Martin Wikelski

   Proc R Soc B 2009;276 2721-2728


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page
Lab Page

Bioacoustic papers in JEB

2009-06-12 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 July 2009; Vol. 212, No. 13

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Hearing ability in three clownfish species
   Eric Parmentier, Orphal Colleye, and David Mann
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 2023-2026

Four-choice sound localization abilities of two Florida manatees, 
Trichechus manatus latirostris
   Debborah E. Colbert, Joseph C. Gaspard, 3rd, Roger Reep, David A. 
Mann, and Gordon B. Bauer

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 2105-2112



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

Bioacoustics papers in Biol Letters

2009-05-12 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Biology Letters Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Biology Letters is available online:
   23 June 2009; Vol. 5, No. 3

The beluga whale produces two pulses to form its sonar signal
   Marc O. Lammers and Manuel Castellote
   Biol Lett 2009;5 297-301

Tiger moths and the threat of bats: decision-making based on the 
activity of a single sensory neuron
   John M. Ratcliffe, James H. Fullard, Benjamin J. Arthur, and Ronald 
R. Hoy

   Biol Lett 2009;5 368-371


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page
Lab Page

Bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(10)

2009-05-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 May 2009; Vol. 212, No. 10

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Dolphins maintain cognitive performance during 72 to 120 hours of 
continuous auditory vigilance
   Sam Ridgway, Mandy Keogh, Don Carder, James Finneran, Tricia 
Kamolnick, Mark Todd, and Allen Goldblatt

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 1519-1527



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-04-23 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Online Table of 
Contents Alert
A new issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 
is available online:

   7 June 2009; Vol. 276, No. 1664

Losses of female song with changes from tropical to temperate breeding 
in the New World blackbirds

   J. Jordan Price, Scott M. Lanyon, and Kevin E. Omland
   Proc R Soc B 2009;276 1971-1980


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
UMR CNRS 7205 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page
Lab Page

Bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(9)

2009-04-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 May 2009; Vol. 212, No. 9

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Adaptive echolocation behavior in bats for the analysis of auditory scenes
Chen Chiu, Wei Xian, and Cynthia F. Moss
J Exp Biol 2009;212 1392-1404



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in JEB 212(8)

2009-03-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 April 2009; Vol. 212, No. 8

Biosonar adjustments to target range of echolocating bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops sp.) in the wild
F. H. Jensen, L. Bejder, M. Wahlberg, and P. T. Madsen
J Exp Biol 2009;212 1078-1086

Amplitude and frequency modulation control of sound production in a 
mechanical model of the avian syrinx
Coen P. H. Elemans, Mees Muller, Ole Næsbye Larsen, and Johan L. van 
J Exp Biol 2009;212 1212-1224


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(7)

2009-03-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 April 2009; Vol. 212, No. 7

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Acoustic scanning of natural scenes by echolocation in the big brown 
bat, Eptesicus fuscus
Annemarie Surlykke, Kaushik Ghose, and Cynthia F. Moss
J Exp Biol 2009;212 1011-1020



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB 212(6)

2009-02-27 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 March 2009; Vol. 212, No. 6

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Echolocation by two foraging harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Ursula K. Verfuß, Lee A. Miller, Peter K. D. Pilz, and Hans-Ulrich 
J Exp Biol 2009;212 823-834



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustics papers in JEB 212(5)

2009-02-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 March 2009; Vol. 212, No. 5

Plasma membrane calcium ATPase required for semicircular canal formation 
and otolith growth in the zebrafish inner ear
Shelly Cruz, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Bo-Kai Liao, Chang-Jen Huang, and 
Pung-Pung Hwang
J Exp Biol 2009;212 639-647

A complex mechanism of call recognition in the katydid Neoconocephalus 
affinis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Sarah L. Bush, Oliver M. Beckers, and Johannes Schul
J Exp Biol 2009;212 648-655



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Proc B

2009-02-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1659 / March 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Voice pitch alters mate-choice-relevant perception in hunter–gatherers 
p. 1077
Coren L. Apicella, David R. Feinberg

bioacoustics paper in JEB 212(4)

2009-01-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 February 2009; Vol. 212, No. 4

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Innate or learned acoustic recognition of avian predators in rodents?
   Teresa Kindermann, Björn M. Siemers, and Markus Fendt
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 506-513


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustics papers in Proceedings B

2009-01-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1658 / March 07, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Echolocating bats emit a highly directional sonar sound beam in the 
field  p. 853

Annemarie Surlykke, Simon Boel Pedersen, Lasse Jakobsen

A female songbird out-sings male conspecifics during simulated 
territorial intrusions  p. 981

Anya E. Illes, Laila Yunes-Jimenez



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic papers in Biol Letters

2009-01-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 5 Number 1 / February 23, 2009 of Biology Letters is now 
available on the web site at

Vocal cues of ovulation in human females  p. 12
Gregory A. Bryant, Martie G. Haselton

Fish ears are sensitive to sex change  p. 73
Stefan P.W. Walker, Mark I. McCormick

Parallels between playbacks and Pleistocene tar seeps suggest sociality 
in an extinct sabretooth cat, Smilodon  p. 81
Chris Carbone, Tom Maddox, Paul J. Funston, Michael G.L. Mills, Gregory 
F. Grether, Blaire Van Valkenburgh


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

bioacoustic papers in Proc R Soc B

2009-01-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1657 / February 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

Recognition of other species' aerial alarm calls: speaking the same 
language or learning another?  p. 769

Robert D. Magrath, Benjamin J. Pitcher, Janet L. Gardner

Acoustic experience shapes female mate choice in field crickets  p. 787
Nathan W. Bailey, Marlene Zuk


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

A bioacoustic paper in PLoS ONE

2009-01-06 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Sorry for doing my own advertisement...

Read the open-access, full-text article here: 

Rapid Acoustic Survey for Biodiversity Appraisal
by J Sueur, S Pavoine, O Hamarlynck, S Duvail

Biodiversity assessment remains one of the most difficult challenges 
encountered by ecologists and conservation biologists. This task is 
becoming even more urgent with the current increase of habitat loss. 
Many methods–from rapid biodiversity assessments (RBA) to all-taxa 
biodiversity inventories (ATBI)–have been developed for decades to 
estimate local species richness. However, these methods are costly and 
invasive. Several animals–birds, mammals, amphibians, fishes and 
arthropods–produce sounds when moving, communicating or sensing their 
environment. Here we propose a new concept and method to describe 
biodiversity. We suggest to forego species or morphospecies 
identification used by ATBI and RBA respectively but rather to tackle 
the problem at another evolutionary unit, the community level. We also 
propose that a part of diversity can be estimated and compared through a 
rapid acoustic analysis of the sound produced by animal communities. We 
produced α and β diversity indexes that we first tested with 540 
simulated acoustic communities. The α index, which measures acoustic 
entropy, shows a logarithmic correlation with the number of species 
within the acoustic community. The β index, which estimates both 
temporal and spectral dissimilarities, is linearly linked to the number 
of unshared species between acoustic communities. We then applied both 
indexes to two closely spaced Tanzanian dry lowland coastal forests. 
Indexes reveal for this small sample a lower acoustic diversity for the 
most disturbed forest and acoustic dissimilarities between the two 
forests suggest that degradation could have significantly decreased and 
modified community composition. Our results demonstrate for the first 
time that an indicator of biological diversity can be reliably obtained 
in a non-invasive way and with a limited sampling effort. This new 
approach may facilitate the appraisal of animal diversity at large 
spatial and temporal scales.



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2009-01-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1656 / February 07, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

Migration strategy and divergent sexual selection on bird song  p. 585
Sarah A. Collins, Selvino R. de Kort, Javier Pérez-Tris, José Luis Tellería

bioacoustics paper in JEB 212(2)

2008-12-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 January 2009; Vol. 212, No. 2

Mechanical phase shifters for coherent acoustic radiation in the 
stridulating wings of crickets: the plectrum mechanism
   Fernando Montealegre-Z, James F. C. Windmill, Glenn K. Morris, and 
Daniel Robert

   J Exp Biol 2009;212 257-269


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

[Fwd: Phd-position in Bioacostics]

2008-12-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur

I forward this message from Annemarie Surlykke.

*Ph.d. stipend available (NB, deadline January 5 2009):***

*Echolocation in bats – the role of ear and face morphology for sound 
emission and perception *

Supervisors: Annemarie Surlykke Institute of Biology, SDU and John 
Hallam, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU.

SDU, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Denmark.

Bats use echolocation or “bio-sonar” to orient and find prey in the 
dark. They emit short high frequency sound pulses and listen for the 
echoes reflected from surroundings to orient in space. Bats from 
different families emit sounds either through the mouth or through the 
nose. Bats emitting sound through the nose have elaborate skin folds or 
“nose-leaves” around the nostrils. The shape and size of the sound 
emitting structures (mouth or nose) is believed to strongly affect the 
directionality or shape of the emitted sound beam. The shape of the 
sound beam will subsequently strongly affect the reflected 
“echo-picture” of the scene. A broad beam will ensonify objects within a 
wide angle, whereas a narrow beam will restrict the bat to a narrow 
angle of view, but perhaps reach further ahead than the broader beam. 
Thus, the received echo is dependent on the outgoing sound. However, the 
returning echo also depends on the shape and size of ears. This 
filtering is referred to as “head-related-transfer-function” (HRTF) and 
is well described for human listening, but not at all for bats in spite 
of the obvious importance, which is reflected in the very diverse and 
sometimes bizarre morphology of bat faces.

The goal of the project is therefore to record and use echolocation 
sounds from real bat species to determine the effect of morphology on 
directionality of the emitted beam and HRTF of returning echoes. Based 
on these data we want to develop algorithms to effectively simulate the 
sound in 3-D. 3-D simulations of sounds fields will be used for 
implementing bio-mimetic robots using sound (echolocation) to orient in 
space and to discriminate between objects.

An EU-funded (FP7) project, ChiRoPing ( 
 ) focuses on the engineering aspects of 
building bio-mimetic bat-robots, using as models four bat species with 
different morphology and echolocation sounds, but overlapping prey 
capture strategies. The ChiRoPing project seeks to build physical and 
mathematical models of the bats and compare structure, function and 
performance to the real bats. Thus, this present project will interact 
with and complement the ChiRoPing project. Biology, SDU, also has a 
Marine Research Facility, “Fjord and Baelt”, with captive trained 
porpoises, which gives a unique opportunity to compare performance of 
bio-sonar systems in air and water and study how structure is linked to 
function in two media posing different constraints on the systems.

This project is offered within the research training programme SNAK. The 
project is conditioned on funding from the Danish Agency for Science, 
Technology and Innovation.

*NB: Deadline for “Declaration of Interest” is January 2009* – 
Project 7, see general description:

*Declaration of Interest - PhD Research Fellowships in Natural Sciences 
– Job ID 083021 *

*Job description:*

The Faculty of Science offers 7 PhD Research Fellowships at the Faculty 
of Science available as of 1 April, 2009.

The fellowships may be sought by students who wish to obtain a PhD 
degree, either with or without a previous Master's degree, in a field 
relevant to one or more of the below mentioned PhD projects.

The PhD programme at the Faculty of Science can be completed as a 
three-year study with a previous Master’s degree or as a four-year study 
without a previous Master’s degree. Applicants without a relevant 
Master's degree must have passed a minimum of 240 ECTS-points 
(Bachelor’s degree plus one year (60 ECTS-points) of graduate study).

The fellowships are available within the following seven projects:

Project 1) Intercalating triplex systems and their application in 
detection of ribosomal RNA 

Project 2) Triplex formation of labelled probes for use in COMBO-FISH 

Project 3) Domain patterns in bio-membranes 

Project 4) Bio-production and bioenergetics - bio-reactor production of 
microalgae and growth of filter-feeding bivalves 

Project 5) Sensory physiology and ontogeny o

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-12-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 January 2009; Vol. 212, No. 1

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Intense echolocation calls from two `whispering' bats, Artibeus 
jamaicensis and Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae)

   Signe Brinkløv, Elisabeth K. V. Kalko, and Annemarie Surlykke
   J Exp Biol 2009;212 11-20


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

bioacoustic paper in Proc Royal Soc B

2008-12-10 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 276 Number 1655 / January 22, 2009 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Assessing visual requirements for social context-dependent activation of 
the songbird song system  p. 279

Erina Hara, Lubica Kubikova, Neal A. Hessler, Erich D. Jarvis


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

bioacoustics paper in JEB 211(24)

2008-12-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 December 2008; Vol. 211, No. 24

Surviving cave bats: auditory and behavioural defences in the Australian 
noctuid moth, Speiredonia spectans
   James H. Fullard, Matt E. Jackson, David S. Jacobs, Chris R. Pavey, 
and Chris J. Burwell

   J Exp Biol 2008;211 3808-3815

Abstract book of Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting

2008-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Dear Colleagues,

The abstract book and the pictures of the Invertebrate Sound and 
Vibration Meeting 2008 are now online.

Please go to:

Best regards,



Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

Bioacoustics paper in Biology Letters 4(6)

2008-11-07 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 6 / December 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now 
available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Predation increases acoustic complexity in primate alarm calls  p. 641
Claudia Stephan, Klaus Zuberbühler

Learning decreases heterospecific courtship and mating in fruit flies 
p. 645

Reuven Dukas

Signaller: receiver coordination and the timing of communication in 
Amazonian birds  p. 651

David A. Luther

Seasonal variation in sonic muscles in the fawn cusk-eel Lepophidium 
profundorum  p. 707

Thanh Kim Nguyen, Hsung Lin, Eric Parmentier, Michael L. Fine

Reliable coding of small, behaviourally relevant interaural intensity 
differences in a pair of interneurons of an insect  p. 711

Jürgen Stradner, Heiner Römer



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustic paper in JEB 211(22)

2008-11-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 November 2008; Vol. 211, No. 22

Mother–young vocal communication and acoustic recognition promote 
preferential nursing in sheep

Frédéric Sèbe, Thierry Aubin, Amélie Boué, and Pascal Poindron
J Exp Biol 2008;211 3554-3562

Hearing and spatial behavior in Gryllotalpa major Saussure (Orthoptera: 

Daniel R. Howard, Andrew C. Mason, and Peggy S. M. Hill
J Exp Biol 2008;211 3613-3618



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

Bioacoustic papers in Proc Roy Soc B

2008-10-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1651 / November 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Automatic imitation in budgerigars  p. 2547
Rosetta Mui, Mark Haselgrove, John Pearce, Cecilia Heyes

Acoustic experience shapes female mate choice in field crickets  p. 2645
Nathan W. Bailey, Marlene Zuk


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris, France
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98 | Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-09-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 October 2008; Vol. 211, No. 19

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Foraging bats avoid noise
   Andrea Schaub, Joachim Ostwald, and Björn M. Siemers
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 3174-3180 Open Access


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98
Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Museum Page

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting, Tours, France, october 2008

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R SOc B

2008-09-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1649 / October 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Life history constrains biochemical development in the highly 
specialized odontocete echolocation system  p. 2327

Heather N. Koopman, Zoey P. Zahorodny

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting: last call for registration and abstract submission

2008-09-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Tours, France, October 27-30 2008

Dear Colleague,

We remind you that the final registration and abstract submission
deadline for the next ISV meeting is the 15th of September 2008.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please visit webpage for registration
and abstract submission before the deadline:

The meeting will cover all topics regarding invertebrate acoustic
communication through air, water and solid substrate. We thus invite all
papers regarding the use of sound by insects, arachnids, crustaceans and
others. Laboratory or field studies in biomechanics, behavioural
ecology, physiology, physics, systematics, genetic, or ecology are all
welcome. Technical reports for the study of sound, such as recording
equipment or analysis software, will also be appreciated.

We hope to welcome you in Tours in october!


The Organizing Committee
Jerome Casas*
Jerome Sueur°
Michael Greenfield*
Claudio Lazzari*
Dominique Lidoreau*


* Institut de Recherche en Biologie de l'Insecte, IRBI UMR CNRS 6035,
Universite de Tours 37200 Tours, France
° Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Departement Systematique et
Evolution, USM 601 MNHN & UMR 5202 CNRS, 45 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France

bioacousitc papers in JEB 211(7)

2008-08-22 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 September 2008; Vol. 211, No. 17

Predicting acoustic orientation in complex real-world environments
   Natasha Mhatre and Rohini Balakrishnan
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 2779-2785

Cues for acoustic detection of prey: insect rustling sounds and the 
influence of walking substrate

   Holger R. Goerlitz, Stefan Greif, and Björn M. Siemers
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 2799-2806


Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
Departement Systematique et Evolution
USM 601 & UMR CNRS 5202 - CP 50
45 rue Buffon - 75005 Paris
Tel. + 33 1 40 79 33 98
Fax. + 33 1 40 79 36 99

Museum Page

Home Page

Seewave: an R library for sound analysis

Semin-R: talks, slides and mailing-list for R environment (in French)

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting, Tours, France, october 2008

bioaoustic paper in JEB

2008-08-08 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Phonotactic selectivity in two cryptic species of gray treefrogs: 
effects of differences in pulse rate, carrier frequency and playback level

   H. Carl Gerhardt
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 2609-2616

Bioacoustic papers in JEB 211(15)

2008-07-15 Thread Jérôme SUEUR

A new issue of Journal of
Experimental Biology[3] is available online:1 August 2008; Vol. 211,
No. 15

Sexual dimorphism in auditory mechanics: tympanal vibrations of Cicada orni
Jérôme Sueur, James F. C. Windmill, and Daniel Robert
J Exp Biol 2008;211 2379-2387[15]

The neuroethology of song cessation in response to gleaning bat calls
in two species of katydids, Neoconocephalus ensiger and Amblycorypha  

Hannah M. ter Hofstede and James H. Fullard
J Exp Biol 2008;211 2431-2441[21]

bioacoustic paper in Proc Roy Soc B

2008-07-14 Thread Jérôme SUEUR
Volume 275 Number 1646 / September 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the  
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

Evolutionarily conserved coding properties of auditory neurons across  
grasshopper species	 p. 1965

Daniela Neuhofer, Sandra Wohlgemuth, Andreas Stumpner, Bernhard Ronacher

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-07-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 July 2008; Vol. 211, No. 14

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Vocal identity and species recognition in male Australian sea lions, 
Neophoca cinerea

   Jessica Gwilliam, Isabelle Charrier, and Robert G. Harcourt
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 2288-2295

Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting: reminder for registration

2008-06-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Tours, France, October 27-30 2008

Dear Colleague,

We remind you that there is still time to benefit from the lower
registration fee, which will hold until 30 June; the fee for ISV 2008
increases on 1 July.

Please visit the meeting webpage:

The meeting will cover all topics regarding invertebrate acoustic
communication through air, water and solid substrate. We thus invite all
papers regarding the use of sound by insects, arachnids, crustaceans and
others. Laboratory or field studies in biomechanics, behavioural
ecology, physiology, physics, systematics, genetic, or ecology are all
welcome. Technical reports for the study of sound, such as recording
equipment or analysis software, will also be appreciated.

We hope to welcome you in Tours in october!


The Organizing Committee
Jerome Casas*
Jerome Sueur°
Michael Greenfield*
Claudio Lazzari*
Dominique Lidoreau*


* Institut de Recherche en Biologie de l'Insecte, IRBI UMR CNRS 6035,
Universite de Tours 37200 Tours, France
° Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Departement Systematique et
Evolution, USM 601 MNHN & UMR 5202 CNRS, 45 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France

bioacousitcs paper in JEB

2008-06-16 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
1 July 2008; Vol. 211, No. 13

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

The responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) to ultrasound-emitting 
predators: stress, behavioural changes or debilitation?

Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte, and Peter T. Madsen
J Exp Biol 2008;211 2079-2086

Front leg movements and tibial motoneurons underlying auditory steering 
in the cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus deGeer)

T. Baden and B. Hedwig
J Exp Biol 2008;211 2123-2133

Vocal fold elasticity of the Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) 
– producing high fundamental frequency vocalization with a very long 
vocal fold

Tobias Riede and Ingo R. Titze
J Exp Biol 2008;211 2144-2154



Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-06-03 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 June 2008; Vol. 211, No. 12

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Comparing passive and active hearing: spectral analysis of transient 
sounds in bats

   Holger R. Goerlitz, Mathias Hübner, and Lutz Wiegrebe
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 1850-1858

Two-voice complexity from a single side of the syrinx in northern 
mockingbird Mimus polyglottos vocalizations

   Sue Anne Zollinger, Tobias Riede, and Roderick A. Suthers
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 1978-1991

bioacoustics paper in JEB

2008-05-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 June 2008; Vol. 211, No. 11

A false killer whale adjusts its hearing when it echolocates
   Paul E. Nachtigall and Alexander Y. Supin
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 1714-1718

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2008-05-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 3 / June 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available on 
the web site at

This issue contains:

Local song elements indicate local genotypes and predict physiological 
condition in song sparrows Melospiza melodia  p. 240

Kathryn A. Stewart, Elizabeth A. MacDougall-Shackleton

Nocturnal activity positively correlated with auditory sensitivity in 
noctuoid moths  p. 262

Hannah M. ter Hofstede, John M. Ratcliffe, James H. Fullard


Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-04-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 May 2008; Vol. 211, No. 9

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Acoustic pressure and particle motion thresholds in six sciaenid fishes
   Andrij Z. Horodysky, Richard W. Brill, Michael L. Fine, John A. 
Musick, and Robert J. Latour

   J Exp Biol 2008;211 1504-1511

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2008-04-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1640 / June 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Developmental plasticity of mating calls enables acoustic communication 
in diverse environments  p. 1243

Oliver M. Beckers, Johannes Schul

Informational conflicts created by the waggle dance  p. 1321
Christoph Grüter, M. Sol Balbuena, Walter M. Farina

Bioacoustic paper in Proc R Soc B

2008-03-11 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 275 Number 1638 / May 07, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal 
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Sheep in wolf's clothing: host nestling vocalizations resemble their 
cowbird competitor's  p. 1061

Katie Pagnucco, Liana Zanette, Michael Clinchy, Marty L. Leonard


Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Département Systématique et Evolution
UMR 5202 CNRS & USM 601 MNHN
Case Postale 50
45 rue Buffon
F - 75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel + 33 (0)1 40 79 33 98
Fax + 33 (0)1 40 79 36 99

Bioacoustic papers in Biology Letters

2008-03-06 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 4 Number 2 / April 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now available 
on the web site at

Integrating cues of social interest and voice pitch in men's preferences 
for women's voices  p. 192
Benedict C. Jones, David R. Feinberg, Lisa M. DeBruine, Anthony C. 
Little, Jovana Vukovic

Temporal patterns in the acoustic signals of beaked whales at Cross 
Seamount  p. 208
D.W. Johnston, M. McDonald, J. Polovina, R. Domokos, S. Wiggins, J. 

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2008-01-21 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 February 2008; Vol. 211, No. 3

How to identify dear enemies: the group signature in the complex song of 
the skylark Alauda arvensis

   Elodie Briefer, Thierry Aubin, Katia Lehongre, and Fanny Rybak
   J Exp Biol 2008;211 317-326

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2008-01-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Volume 4 Number 1 / February 23, 2008 of Biology Letters is now
available on the web site at

Ultrasonic signalling by a Bornean frog  p. 19
Victoria S. Arch, T. Ulmar Grafe, Peter M. Narins

Bioacoustics paper in Proc Royal Soc B

2007-11-26 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Volume 275 Number 1631 / January 22, 2008 of Proceedings of the Royal
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Echolocation behaviour adapted to prey in foraging Blainville's beaked
whale (Mesoplodon densirostris)  p. 133
M. Johnson, L.S. Hickmott, N. Aguilar Soto, P.T. Madsen

Bioacoustic paper in Behav Ecol Sociobiol 62(2)

2007-11-17 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 62 Number 2 of Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology is now 
available on the SpringerLink web site at

Pups crying bass: vocal adaptation for avoidance of age-dependent 
predation risk in ground squirrels?
Author(s)Vera A. Matrosova, Ilya A. Volodin, Elena V. Volodina, 
Andrey F. Babitsky

Online sinceAugust 01, 2007
Page181 - 191

bioacoustic papers in Biology Letters 3(6)

2007-11-13 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 3 Number 6 / December 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now 
available on the web site at

This issue contains:

Interspecific audience effects on the alarm-calling behaviour of a 
kleptoparasitic bird  p. 589

Amanda R. Ridley, Matthew F. Child, Matthew B.V. Bell

On the use of cellular telephony for audio interaction with animals 
p. 603

Dale Joachim, Eben Goodale

Heterospecific alarm call recognition in a non-vocal reptile  p. 632
Maren N. Vitousek, James S. Adelman, Nathan C. Gregory, James J. H. St Clair

A multiple-site similarity measure independent of richness  p. 642
Andrés Baselga, Alberto Jiménez-Valverde, Gilles Niccolini

Voice pitch predicts reproductive success in male hunter-gatherers 
p. 682

C.L. Apicella, D.R. Feinberg, F.W. Marlowe

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-11-02 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 November 2007; Vol. 210, No. 22

Sound production and spectral hearing sensitivity in the Hawaiian 
sergeant damselfish, Abudefduf abdominalis

   Karen P. Maruska, Kelly S. Boyle, Laura R. Dewan, and Timothy C. Tricas
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 3990-4004

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-10-05 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 October 2007; Vol. 210, No. 20

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

The acoustic mechanics of stick–slip friction in the California spiny 
lobster (Panulirus interruptus)

S. N. Patek and J. E. Baio
J Exp Biol 2007;210 3538-3546

Phonotactic walking paths of field crickets in closed-loop conditions 
and their simulation using a stochastic model

Natasha Mhatre and Rohini Balakrishnan
J Exp Biol 2007;210 3661-3676

bioacoustic paper in JEB 210(19)

2007-09-14 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 October 2007; Vol. 210, No. 19

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Orientation towards prey in antlions: efficient use of wave propagation 
in sand

   Arnold Fertin and Jérôme Casas
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 3337-3343



Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2007-08-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur
Volume 3 Number 5 / October 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now available 
on the web site at

This issue contains:

‘Megapclicks’: acoustic click trains and buzzes produced during 
night-time foraging of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) p. 467
Alison K. Stimpert, David N. Wiley, Whitlow W.L. Au, Mark P. Johnson, 
Roland Arsenault

bioacoustic paper in JEB Sept.

2007-08-31 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 September 2007; Vol. 210, No. 18

Flight and hearing: ultrasound sensitivity differs between 
flight-capable and flight-incapable morphs of a wing-dimorphic cricket 

   Gerald S. Pollack and Ruben Martins
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 3160-3164

PhD Studentship in Bristol, UK

2007-08-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Announcement from the University of Bristol, UK
Contacts below (not me!)

PhD Studentship:

Modelling of the tympanal membrane in locusts

Hearing and correct reading of sound is an important feature for all
animals as it can determine the survival of the species.

The ear of the locust has been one of the most studied among biologists.
Sound detection in locusts is achieved through a thin, clamped membrane
backed with an air cavity located on the abdomen of the animal, which acts
as a pressure sensor. It has been known since the 60's that the locust ear
can perform some kind of frequency discrimination. Yet, the exact process
by which sound energy is transformed into a mechanical wave that propagates
along the membrane, and is then transferred to the sensory organs is still
very much an open question.

The aim of the project is to understand the process by which the locust can
hear through a combined modelling and experimental approach.

Successful applicants are expected to have obtained a 1st class or upper
2:1 degree in pure or applied mathematics, physics, mechanical engineering
or related discipline, with an interest in modelling and mutidisciplinary
work. Full funding (fees and maintenance) is available to UK nationals
(fees only for EU nationals).

For further details contact:

Dr C. Remillat
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
University of Bristol
University Walk
BS8 1TR Bristol
Tel: 0117 9289705

Dr M. Homer
Dept of Engineering Mathematics
University of Bristol
University Walk
BS8 1TR Bristol
Tel: 0117 9288654



bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-08-29 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 September 2007; Vol. 210, No. 17

Preferences based on spectral differences in acoustic signals in four
species of treefrogs (Anura: Hylidae)
   H. Carl Gerhardt, Carlos C. Martínez-Rivera, Joshua J. Schwartz,
Vincent T. Marshall, and Christopher G. Murphy
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 2990-2998

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-08-09 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
15 August 2007; Vol. 210, No. 16

Male discrimination of receptive and unreceptive female calls by
temporal features
Taffeta M. Elliott and Darcy B. Kelley
J Exp Biol 2007;210 2836-2842

bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-07-20 Thread Jérôme Sueur

A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   1 August 2007; Vol. 210, No. 15

Mechanics of a `simple' ear: tympanal vibrations in noctuid moths
   J. F. C. Windmill, J. H. Fullard, and D. Robert
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 2637-2648

Bioacoustic paper in JEB

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

JEB Online Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Experimental Biology is available online:
   15 July 2007; Vol. 210, No. 14

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Acoustic feature recognition in the dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera
   James H. Fullard, John M. Ratcliffe, and Christopher G. Christie
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 2481-2488

[Not really acoustics but might be interesting...]

Stimulus frequency differentially affects chirping in two species of
weakly electric fish: implications for the evolution of signal structure
and function
   Johanna A. Kolodziejski, Sara E. Sanford, and G. Troy Smith
   J Exp Biol 2007;210 2501-2509

Bioacoustic paper in Biology Letters

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Volume 3 Number 4 / August 22, 2007 of Biology Letters is now available
on the web site at

Daytime noise predicts nocturnal singing in urban robins  p. 368
Richard A. Fuller, Philip H. Warren, Kevin J. Gaston

Female red deer prefer the roars of larger males  p. 382
Benjamin D. Charlton, David Reby, Karen McComb

Bioacoustic paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

2007-07-01 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Volume 274 Number 1621 / August 22, 2007 of Proceedings of the Royal
Society B: Biological Sciences is now available on the
web site at

Song repertoire size varies with HVC volume and is indicative of male
quality in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)  p. 2035
Jeremy A. Pfaff, Liana Zanette, Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton,
Elizabeth A. MacDougall-Shackleton

Bioacoustics Paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

2006-09-28 Thread Jérôme Sueur

Volume 273 Number 1601 / October 22, 2006 of
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
is now available on the web site at .

This issue contains:

Evidence that female preferences have shaped male signal evolution in a 
clade of specialized plant-feeding insects  p. 2585

Rafael L. Rodr��guez, Karthik Ramaswamy, Reginald B. Cocroft

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