is Brin-l active?

2010-01-03 Thread d.brin
is Brin-l active? ___

A guaranteed-unusual set of "suggestions" for Obama etc

2009-01-14 Thread d.brin
One benefit of "change" is my fond hope that politics will be less important in coming years, letting folks like you and me relax enough to go back to stimulating the world with great projects and keen ideas! Anyway, thought I'd let you know that my series of "unusual proposals" -- ways tha

Brin on the telly again

2009-01-05 Thread d.brin
Seems I'll be on the telly again. The two-hour special "First Apocalypse" aka "What Really Killed the Dinosaurs" is scheduled to air on Wednesday, January 07 @ 09:00 PM on History (please check your local listing) They put an hour of my blather in the can, but you never know how much they'l

Re: Brin: Pre-readers?

2008-12-18 Thread d.brin
Hi Brinellers. I recall that some of you were excellent manuscript pre-readers in times past (Julia?) Are any of you interested in doing it again? This time it would be for the first novel of my wife, Cheryl, who's done a 100kword SF novel that's somewhat YA and feminine in tone, about a gir

Epochal media: 200 years ago and next week!

2008-12-03 Thread d.brin
I can't believe it almost slipped by without notice. Right now... give or take a couple of weeks... we are passing through the two hundredth anniversary of one of the greatest events in the history of art. Perhaps of all humanity. The "Winter Concert" of 1808, when Ludwig Von Beethoven unve

my new blog on OpenSalon

2008-09-11 Thread d.brin
At the invitation of the editors at Salon Magazine, I've started an occasional political blog at: I don't know how well it will work out. Certainly better than DailyKos! If you'd like to drop by and leave a comment, cool. He's hoping for good news

Brin facebook fan page!

2008-08-28 Thread d.brin
Reminder to join my Facebook fan page! Hoping U R all thriving! With cordial regards, David Brin ___

David Brin's "The Architechs" plays again May 2 on History Channel

2008-04-28 Thread d.brin
In case you missed "The Architechs"* the first time around, set your Tivo to May 2 5am on the History Channel. Fun & worthwhile. (I sure had fun making it.) And it may be the last chance... Thrive-on! david brin *("Five geniuses are challenged: Design better safety/rescue systems for sk

coming TV appearance

2008-02-28 Thread d.brin
I appear on several episodes of the new History Channel show "The Universe" starting with one on March 11. ___

David Brin on History Channel 1/21/08

2008-01-20 Thread d.brin
Just a heads-up - Catch me on the History Channel's "Life After People" - January 21 at 9pm. A pretty cool show about how all our works may crumble, if we humans ever... well... vanish. I had a much bigger role in "The Architechs". (see: A terrific show t

re: brin: looking for Mark Hillard

2007-11-06 Thread d.brin
Any of you folks know Mark Hillard, a brineller who wrote a Startide Rising script on spec? My interest is related to: he Computer Graphics "challenge" to create "movie trailers" for Greg Bear's book EON. (I provide the story for

My "Ostrich" paper headlined Daily Kos

2007-08-16 Thread d.brin
Yesterday, even as Stephen Colbert had the founder of Daily Kos on his show and O'Reilly railed against the "Kosa-Nazis" - my own Kos posting was a "front-pager." Coincidence? Longer than normal, it's not just a polemic, but a RESOURCE for f

Kiln people fixes?

2006-03-30 Thread d.brin
A quick appeal to any nitpickers out there who spotted errors in KILN PEOPLE. If you have any types or errors noted anywhere, now is the time to tell me. There's about to be a reprint. Thanks! With cordial regards, David Brin

Brin's latest essays

2006-03-22 Thread d.brin
Hi folks. Sorry to have been neglecting brinellers. Here's an update about some of the nonfiction projects I have been up to. Several announcements about some groundbreaking essays and articles now available online... *** The innovative online publishing venture Amazon Shorts continu


2006-02-22 Thread d.brin
On October 19th, 2001, former Halliburton CEO and now current sitting Vice President, Dick Cheney, christened a new term. Describing the curtailment of civil rights taken for granted by American citizens as the "New Normalcy," Mr. Cheney was notifying Americans that constant surveillanc

the ideas site

2005-12-07 Thread d.brin
For those who'd like to browse the 22,000 ideas submitted before deadline to the SinceSlicedBread site, here is their snipped request for lots of people to come, look, and vote. I know some of you submitted ideas. Come and see if you recognize anything that originated here. 1.

Star Wars criticism anthology

2005-11-13 Thread d.brin
Announcement: The (apparent) success of my anthology of essays KING KONG IS BACK has inspired the publishers to go for another -- one taking off from my infamous denunciations of Star Wars. The Politics of Star Wars - A discussion of the underlying politics and of the Star Wars saga Rel

(no subject)

2005-11-07 Thread d.brin
Hi folks, Eventually, we'll get back to a serialized tome. But firstĀŠ 1. Some folks in Australia and Asia have trouble directly accessing Try instead typing http://www.davidbrin.NET for a selection of alternate access options. (Gary and Rob were both helpful setting up this alt

re: Brin: new works

2005-11-02 Thread d.brin
A few announcements. 1. A new program - AMAZON SHORTS ( - will be offering a number of my new essays, articles and short stories for handy download, just like iPod music files. This starts now in the nonfiction category, with my essay on "The Power of Proxy Activism."

re: Brin: predictions

2005-11-01 Thread d.brin
Someone recently pointed to the Technovelgy Site - a very cool attempt to cite technological predictions made in sci fi novels. ( This is nothing like the systematic approach to registering predictions that I am urging but it certainly is a step... though a glance

Re: Brin: A good/smart Pax Americana

2005-10-29 Thread d.brin
(Sharing a recent item at I have long bemoaned the trend for many liberals to simplistically call themselves "anti-war" instead of "anti Stpidwar". Why deliberately accept Karl Rove's "wimpy" label when you can point to recent examples of America actin

Brin: Asia-friendly URL?

2005-10-16 Thread d.brin
An announcement for all you Aussies and Asians out there, who have has trouble accessing my web site at It turns out that recent blog correspondent Rob Perkins has been able to throw together a quick and convenient mirror site that automatically copies my site and

Brin: a mirror site for ?

2005-10-14 Thread d.brin
I am having a problem with my web site and wonder if some of you might have an easy answer. People from Australia and Asia are reporting difficulty accessing my web site It's a very popular site, making me the #12 "David" on the planet. Alas. My ISP has a blanke

David Brin's blog

2005-08-16 Thread d.brin
I thought I'd check in with you brinellers, having neglected you pretty badly in favor of something I long avoided... a blog. sigh. I finally gave in and set one up at ... and right off the bat it won a SciFi magazine hot site of the month award. It's been p

apologies to real brinellers

2005-06-14 Thread d.brin
Sorry to the rest of you for getting sucked in.Fanboy sniping attacks are part of the territory and I generally snub the little gnats. Got fooled this time by the important topic (saving the world). We all depend upon a civilization in which the ratio of citizens to psychopaths gradua


2005-06-14 Thread d.brin
Someone explain to the screeching fagela that I have a lot of experience with obsessive fanboy stalkers. He is welcome at any time to approach and test his theory that I am a sissy. I will give him first shot and then hand him whatever of his body parts he cares to name. Like Jerry P, I

life imitates art imitating life?

2005-06-14 Thread d.brin
Has anyone seen this? I mean, they even call it claytronics! This is the fourth major fictional idea of mine that has been at least partly reified by researchers this year alone. And in not one case did anyone mention where they got the idea. sniff. Somebody oughta tell em... The repl


2005-06-09 Thread d.brin
Buried in the 700-plus page energy bill currently under debate in the U.S. Senate is a provision that provides hundreds of millions of dollars worth of federal loan guarantees for a power project apparently to be built by four former Enron executives. One of the former executives is Thomas Wh

memberships to Glasgow Worldcon for sale

2005-06-09 Thread d.brin
I have a couple of Glasgow memberships for sale - to the World Sci Fi convention Discounted of course. Contact me offline. david brin ___

vote grabbing

2005-06-06 Thread d.brin
This from Russ Daggatt who lives in Washington State: "The decision was just rendered in the challenge by Washington State Republicans to the outcome of the state's most recent gubernatorial election. Judge Bridges (a Republican judge from one of the most Republican counties in the state, ha

Senator Frist on BioWarfare

2005-06-04 Thread d.brin
Let me call attention to Senator Bill Frist's paper on "BioShield" issues at the Harvard Medical School on June 1. Why would I call attention to a recent speech presented by a man who, if he were president, would probably make George W. Bus

See Kingdom of Heaven

2005-05-30 Thread d.brin
It's almost out of theaters and this is one you really have to see on the wide screen. It's not Ridley Scott's best film, but it is by far his most vivid - and that's saying a lot. Entering the theater, I passed posters for "Bewitched", "Mr & Mrs Smith", "Zorro," "Fantastic Four", "Willie

Orwell quotation

2005-05-28 Thread d.brin
Good seeing some of you at the excellent FiRe Conference. I have an article in a new book of critical essays about George Orwell. But the following is cribbed from a recent speech by Bill Moyers. Frankly, I do not always find him "on". But this time he is --- "Without a trace of irony, t

making real vampires?

2005-05-25 Thread d.brin
This just came in from a reader. Some of you may have seen it already. An absolutely brilliant faux scientific talk about the process of resurrecting the lost subspecies of vampires. The callous, smug amorality is exactly how science can and often DOES go wrong.

appealing to old style conservatives

2005-05-24 Thread d.brin
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This story was sent to you by: Nick Arnett> Related to DB's stories of officers being purged... Officers Plot Exit Strategy. This is just one example of how obstinate "conservatives" can be. Where, exactly, is th

Revenge of the REAL George Lucas...

2005-05-19 Thread d.brin
Former brineller Stefan Jones sent this about seeing the new SITH flick: -- My manager surprised everyone on the development team with free tickets to _Revenge_. All of my testing was on automatic today, so why not? Wonderful eye candy of course. But . . . God. The dialog and acting and characteri

National ID cards

2005-05-18 Thread d.brin
How many ways will this administration have to betray conservatism before the nation's old-fashioned conservatives wake up and realize that they have been had? The obstinacy of symbolic allegiance means that the answer is probably never. Reducing deficit spending? Limiting the size and reach

needs sharing

2005-05-16 Thread d.brin
The following article shows how our controlled media have limited discussion of a major scandal... the smoking gun showing that Cheney et al knew they were lying about WMD in Iraq. Unfortunately, Krugman still buys into the notion that going into Iraq to toss out Saddam was a mistake... when th

A very nice futurist scenario about news

2005-05-16 Thread d.brin
1. A colleague pointed me to this intriguing website, which features a look at media history from the vantage point of the year 2014. I mention that every bit of this was forecast in a little novel called EARTH?) 2. Fight the "big lie" of the periodic t

reality based thinking

2005-05-14 Thread d.brin
Some of you have been dropping by my blog where a lively discussion of "The Enlightenment and its Enemies" has been going on. Here's a few items just sent to me by a (admittedly radical) friend. 1. an article that, while liberal, analyses this administration in conservative terms. Alas, the aut

refuting the assault upon science

2005-05-11 Thread d.brin
Elsewhere I have taken on Michael Crichton and others, who are engaged in a full-thrust, antimodernist campaign against modern science. This agenda includes Creationism but the latest aspect is a desperate attempt to armwave away the massive scientific consensus in the existence of some level

coming episode...uh... three?

2005-05-09 Thread d.brin
Once again, my polite suggestion and request. If you think there is anything even *remotely* plausible in my comments about George Lucas's Star Wars universe, please consider waiting two weeks and then seeing his latest toy advertisement during a discount matinee. Notice I am not asking for a

ever more appalling...

2005-05-09 Thread d.brin
I have to share the following items from another correspondent. I chime in with parentheses in one spot. But always, always ask this. "If all of this is the deliberate outcome of intentional policy, which power on Earth benefits from every single administration endeavor?" If you list policie

why thinking bad

2005-05-04 Thread d.brin
The following, psassed on by Joe Miller. Finally I know why "Hulk head hurt!" SERIOUS THINKING PROBLEM It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then -- to loosen up. Inevitably, though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker. I began


2005-05-03 Thread d.brin
Trent seems to have thought that the passages that I was quoting, from that TV show, were a draft article BY me. Actually, I know little about Qutb and was simply passing on these passages so people could go to the link if they wanted more. But yes, Qutb was clearly in part a creature made by

anti modernism blog continues.

2005-05-02 Thread d.brin
Any of you who haven't joined our regular Thursday pm gathering online, using my Holocene Chat interface, are welcome to let me know. Several brinellers participate. Each Thursday 4pm Pacific. --- This from my blog Still too swamped to continue the formal essay. But let me call to your at

Worldcon memberships for sale

2005-05-02 Thread d.brin
Hi. David Brin here. Cheryl & I will not be going to Glasgow for worldcon this August. Anyone want to buy our memberships? Half current price. Thrive all. With cordial regards, David Brin ___

just posted. re "sanity"

2005-04-21 Thread d.brin
Just posted this on my blog... == Here is a short piece on sanity that I recently sent to the organizers of a conference that I'll be attending in June, concerning future threats such as advanced WMD. "100 years ago we were told by confident and educated men that humanity was finally entering

it goes on and on...

2005-04-17 Thread d.brin
Think Tank's Ideas Shifted As Malaysia Ties Grew Business Interests Overlapped Policy By Thomas B. Edsall Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, April 17, 2005; Page A01 For years, the Heritage Foundation sharply criticized the autocratic rule of former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mo

a wee rant

2005-04-12 Thread d.brin
Here's the latest posting at -- Finally, no more Star Wars... Well, wasn't that interesting about SETI? Not exactly my usual stuff. I guess I'm clearing my decks of miscellaneous irritations. I will get back to the serious episodic tome about Modernism and its Enemie

Six devastating issues

2005-04-11 Thread d.brin
--- Russ Daggatt wrote: "Given how extreme the Republican leadership has become, and the fact that Republicans have a solid grip on the presidency and both Houses of Congress, I think it is time that the Democrats began to run as the anti-government party." This would seem to be in the same spi

Crichton satire

2005-04-01 Thread d.brin
Stefan Jones offered the following (From: Doubts about the Advent of Spring A "consensus view" amongst climate scientists holds that the Northern Hemisphere will be warming this month, as spring is coming. This is thought to be due to the Earth's orbit around the su

Contract with America

2005-03-30 Thread d.brin
I've been looking for ways that Democrats could reach out rhetorically, using surprise and jiu jitsu. One that occurred to me seemed tasty... have a fresh look at Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America." Why have the democrats done nothing about re-examining the Contract, 10 years later? In

Brin miscellany + the next Holocene gathering!

2005-03-29 Thread d.brin
Any of you interested in a vivid and lively skim across the surface of "singularity" thinking (the notion that progress is accelerating toward a historical break point in the next few decades) should drop by: Also, see my ongoing ser

DC event

2005-03-22 Thread d.brin
DON'T MISS THE MOST IMPORTANT "BIG IDEA" EVENT OF THE YEAR ! How will you -- and the rest of humanity get through the next decade? With accelerating global warming, cloning of humans, bigger terrorism events, genetic modification of all life forms, extraordinary computer (and Internet) advances


2005-03-22 Thread d.brin
Youch! ___

sci am editorial

2005-03-21 Thread d.brin
I don't know if this is for real. Oughta be. An upcoming* Scientific America editorial: "There's no easy way to admit this. For years, helpful letter writers told us to stick to science. They pointed out that science and politics don't mix. They said we should be more balanced in our p


2005-03-21 Thread d.brin
Some of you may enjoy the following: ___

cool list of scientific quandaries.

2005-03-21 Thread d.brin
Great stuff at: ___

an item from the culture war front

2005-03-20 Thread d.brin
It looks like I will be in DC in late April keynoting a conference about future threats for the Arlington Institute. I'll also be giving a speech at the Progressive Policy Institute, an arm of the DLC. Discussing some of the issues and suggestions at :

the purge

2005-03-17 Thread d.brin
Today. In person. One of the most conservative men I know and former special forces. One of dozens who have told me - when I asked about the purge - "David, it is worse than you can imagine." This is not just the fault of the Straussian fanatics, or even their masters. After all, it was our j

more neocons

2005-03-13 Thread d.brin
Russ Daggatt is an owner of the Seattle Supersonics who gets a little frenetic in his politics. But sometimes his screeds are just too entertaining to pass up. I will share this one with you -- 1/ Anyone who doubted whether the crazed, ideological neoconservatives would continue to dominate

More examples of the incredible

2005-03-13 Thread d.brin
If this had happened under Clinton, heads would have rolled Why Isn't Bob Novak Going to Jail? By Tony Norman Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Friday 18 February 2005 Will someone please explain in simple, easy-to-understand language, why we never see right-wing pundit Bob Novak'

marching toward Iran

2005-03-11 Thread d.brin
The building momentum toward an attack upon Iran is terrifying. It is the diametric opposite approach to what I have been urging for three years. It is based on a self-hypnosis incantation-matra that neoconservatives are repeating over and over again. "The mullahs in Iran are teetering. If

W mentions TS?

2005-03-09 Thread d.brin
In a press conference with President Bush and the President of Romania this morning (March 9) President Bush mentioned "the Transparant Society" while he was discussing government. I'd love to know if anywhere along the speechwriting chain someone thought of my book or me... though it's ironic

snippets of shame...

2005-03-07 Thread d.brin
Have you all known about my ongoing episodic essay about modernism, at ? Oh, here are a couple of items. 1/ It was only last September that the official count of US military deaths in Iraq exceeded 1000. That was roughly 18 months after Bush launched this wa

Hilarious spoof

2005-03-04 Thread d.brin
Have a look at: Hilarious and very well done. Including images from Nuremberg rallies, illuminating the ultimate irony... that an intellectual refugee from ravaged Europe would come over here in the 40s and start preaching FOR the same gen

quantum darwin?

2005-03-03 Thread d.brin
FYI Natural Selection Acts on the Quantum World - (Nature - December 23, 2004) A team of physicists has proved a theorem that explains how our objective, common reality emerges from the subtle and sensitive quantum world. If, as quantum

A very good NYT article on "intelligent design"

2005-02-27 Thread d.brin February 20, 2005 THE WAY WE LIVE NOW Unintelligent Design By JIM HOLT Recently a school district in rural Pennsylvania officially recognized a supposed alternative to Darwinism. In a one-minute statement read by an administrator, ninth-grad

Arise true conservatives.

2005-02-21 Thread d.brin
Where is Barry Goldwater when we need him? "I don't have any respect for the Religious Right. There is no place in this country for practicing religion in politics. That goes for Falwell, Robertson and all the rest of these political preachers. They are a detriment to the country." Barry Gol

scorching hell...

2005-02-20 Thread d.brin
1/ Why do CIA Director, Porter Goss, and the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lowell Jacoby, HATE AMERICA? "Islamic extremists are exploiting the Iraqi conflict to recruit new anti-U.S. jihadists," CIA Director Porter J. Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. "These ji

the budget

2005-02-07 Thread d.brin
For those who still hypnotoze themselves that "Surplus Bill" Clinton was in some way more of an out of control spendthrift than the present gang of looters Bush revealed his fiscal 2006 budget today and, not surprisingly, it is a fraud. The NY Times has an excellent analysis: http://www.

It just keeps getting scarier...

2005-02-06 Thread d.brin
In the following report, I would slightly differ on priorities. For example, I believe that it will come as a rude surprise to Rumsfeld & co how dedicated a majority of our Officer Corps is to constitutional government. On the other hand, the ability of Rumsfeld, Cheney and Rice to throw us i

possible test of Holocene Chat

2005-01-06 Thread d.brin
Trent has suggested that Brin-L might be a good community to test my Holocene Chat invention. (see: I believe you folks do have a weekly realtime session already? We are currently doing a few selected demos of the system. Can't accommodate very many. But if you

stolen elections

2004-12-19 Thread d.brin
The below just posted at: Ukraine levels of electoral fraud? I am still hoping that much of the talk about election fraud in this country is exaggerated. Certainly our lifetimes have never witnessed so many dubious or outrageous twists, warpings and "coinciden

voting irregularities.

2004-12-17 Thread d.brin A group of independent mathematicians, statisticians and computer professionals has formed a new, volunteer scientific research project to objectively investigate the accuracy of elections in America. Voting accuracy is a controversial topic: The "Help America Vote Act"

our steep slide

2004-12-16 Thread d.brin
And it goes on. Accelerating, every day. Oh... I just realized something chilling. The UNDERLYING reasons for putting social security into the stock market has not yet come out. And it's the nastiest thing yet. The tr

Re: Julia's Tommy

2004-12-16 Thread d.brin
Please pass on prayers and good wishes from Cheryl and me. Julia is the best. If there's anything we can do. db Everyone, Julia Thompson (who has been a manager of the Brin list for longer than anyone in history, as far as I know) just called me to say that she'll be off e-mail indefinitely.

Yet another Brin Article?

2004-12-12 Thread d.brin
Agh, somebody make me stop! Here's another philosophical/social essay, trying to put in perspective what I see going on all around. I have GOT to flee from all this into fiction Comments welcome. db Is the Radical Notion of Modernism Relevant for the Twenty-First Century? by David Brin


2004-12-09 Thread d.brin
Ruben passed on (from Taiwan) these citations of interest to those who might want to understand the imbroglio over abortion: "For obvious reasons, a Christian source is better, to prevent the risk of an antisemitic response. So I looked for Christians first: and I found a Christian who is sayin

Call this Security?

2004-12-08 Thread d.brin
To the Brin-L list. Reminder re: my 3rd & final political essay at: It's getting a lot of traffic. Now if only I could get into the heads of the old-style moderate conservatives like George Will, who are looking for a new approach.. Next ar

Big Posting is up

2004-12-05 Thread d.brin
My final big posting about the election is at: It's lengthy, detailed, and (if I may say so) filled with unusual perspectives. Thanks to those of you who offered feedback. Does anybody know the name of the urban planner in New York in the 50s 60s wh

Overwhelming evidence

2004-12-02 Thread d.brin
First funny stuff: Then this from the publisher one of the nation's leading economic trends newsletters. (Hardly a socialist!): After the Nov.2 election, I suggested to my sister that, since there were no paper trails left by electronic voting machines,

Misc stuff

2004-12-01 Thread d.brin
First off, this is to announce my third and final (I hope) big political salvo. That is, till the scandals start hitting that make Watergate look like a playground spat. FOlks are welcome to drop in at: comments & suggestions welcome. (Still some c

Brin: new hypercommentary.

2004-11-20 Thread d.brin
I've finished a first draft of my big post-election essay -- another layered hypercommentary, similar to the one at: As promised, I've tried to look at the results from some unusual new angles. In addition, I've cobbled together a few out-of-the-box

the spoils roll in

2004-11-18 Thread d.brin
I'm still working on my "Big Suggestion" article. But first, off to Denmark in a few days to give speeches about transparency... ironic in light of the great darkness sweeping across America. We can expect to be hammered daily by news of winners raking spoils, consolidating power and eliminati

A miracle in the offing?

2004-11-15 Thread d.brin
I've never been prouder to be a libertarian, see below: Ohio WILL be recounted thank to the Libertarian and Green Presidential candidates & money donated from all over the country to pay for it . I like the idea of citizen initiated electoral review. For the Libertarians see: https://badnari

Wallowing in rants

2004-11-14 Thread d.brin
No this is not my serious set of "suggestions". Still working on that. Some of you have seen this before. This is the email that I promised, containing a compilation of the best - or worst - of the angry rants currently seething across the web. I'll start with the most entertaining, and end wi

Brin: confederacy map?

2004-11-14 Thread d.brin
While working on my new essay, I find I must cite the confederacy map comparison. The old one: doesn't do the comparison. Anybody have the URL? Quibbles about Nebraska and Idaho in 1859 ignore that the map is perfectly accurate circ


2004-11-13 Thread d.brin
Stefan J sent this: "November 10, 2004 A Political Wire reader tries to pull the country together after a hard-fought election: A Unity Poem (From: The election is over, the results are now known. The will of the people has clearly b

var electoral...

2004-11-12 Thread d.brin
The incredible historical lunacy of anyone forgetting the savagery of pro-slavery forces in Kansas and Nebraska territories simply is beyond belief in any educated person. But deliberate delusions are par for the course. "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and c

A delicious rant

2004-11-12 Thread d.brin
The following needs sharing around. It is stronger than I feel...though it certainly needed to be said by somebody. I am going to write up an essay suggesting much gentler ways to win a "culture peace". But it's important to see below the alternative spirit. Having turned the other cheek for

More electoral outrage

2004-11-12 Thread d.brin
I was outraged to learn that Diebold won't allow any outsiders to look at the code programmed into their machines, claiming that it's "proprietary." I think that at the very least this should be challenged: the Diebold code should have independent oversight, just as a hand count has independen

Brin: the new know nothings

2004-11-09 Thread d.brin
See the following correlation between average IQ in red vs blue states. Note while looking at this chart that Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon and Florida were all "close". Bearing that in mind, the correlation is simply stunning. It starkly explains

Brin: The Know Nothings

2004-11-09 Thread d.brin
I'm still wading out from under piles of distractions (ten speeches in two months!) hoping to get around to that longer post-election essay in which I'll offer a few suggestions how to deal with this new world we find ourselves in. Meanwhile, there's this. My initial reactions to the e

Brin: on Modern Marvels

2004-11-08 Thread d.brin
Modern Marvels:Surveillance Tech is airing on History Channel this Wednesday night,November 10th. Please check your local TV listings for air times. I expect I'll be on it. ___

The real translation of Osama's rant

2004-11-02 Thread d.brin
This from Stefan Jones. It's circulating on Slashdot: --- ((Translation may be suspect.)) Infidels, your imperalist hubris is so decedent, you have a baseball tournament full of Americans and Canadians, yet you dare to call it the World Series. Your Simpsons show is not as funny as it used to be

Making Georgia howl...

2004-11-02 Thread d.brin
Oh, ... doesn't "Chief Justice William Jefferson Clinton" have a GREAT ring to it? Har! That'd stick in their craws! It would call for a major blowout, tonight, though. Many new senators. Let's go for it kinda like Sherman having one last bit of fun before Linvoln offers "malice toward

re: Brin: some final notes about the aftermath

2004-11-01 Thread d.brin
Once-and-future brineller Stefan Jones has forwarded the following about dirty tricks and urges everyone to keep their eyes open. Stefan also says: "I hope the folks who think Bush was appointed by God don't take a Kerry win to

A defection from the Wall Street Journal

2004-11-01 Thread d.brin
A Major Supply-Sider Defects... Former chief editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal and one of the architects of Ronald Reagan's "supply side economics" - Jude Wanniski - has written a passionate letter explaining his enthusiastic support for Senator Kerry... while at the same time inten

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