[Bucuresti] Dispare inca o emblema bucuresteana

2010-09-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. Articol complet la: http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/prima-toamna-in-bucuresti-fara-piata-obor-90 5391.html C Evenimentul Zilei Vali --- Romania-news http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Romania-News/ societatea_civila http://groups.yahoo.com/group/societatea_civila

[Bucuresti] FW: [societatea_civila] Protest la statuia lui Mihai Viteazu - miercuri, 8 septembrie, ora 16.00

2010-09-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
FYI. Vali --- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RO-maniacs/ Romania-news http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Romania-News/ societatea_civila http://groups.yahoo.com/group/societatea_civila/ ngo_list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list/ Consiliul-Cetatenilor http

[Bucuresti] Un primar devenit faimos (in sens negativ) in presa internationala...

2010-08-26 Fir de Conversatie Vali
in functie, s-au angajat sa il protejeze si sa il puna in valoare. Si cu siguranta este o premiera: unicul primar care se opune includerii in patrimoniul UNESCO a localitatii pe care o conduce. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief

[Bucuresti] RE: Un primar devenit faimos (in sens negativ) in presa internationala...

2010-08-26 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Si inca un articol, ceva mai amplu, despre un primar roman devenit (spre rusinea noastra) faimos... Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know

[Bucuresti] Cadou otravit cu cianura

2010-08-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
documentare in Noua Zeelanda. Deplasarea, care va dura zece zile, este platita de catre Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. http://www.adevarul.ro/actualitate/Cadou-Excursie-Corporation-Rosia-Montana_ 0_321568015.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: Proiect strada Mihai Eminescu 220

2010-08-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.ps2.ro/Pagini/DespreNoi/informatii/DUGT_AC_CU_pdf/AC%20si%20CU%20 2008/CU%20Tabel%20trim%20II%202008.pdf pag. 2, poz. 1005/78 S, 1006/79 S Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love

[Bucuresti] Masoturism si sadonaivitate la Rosia Montana

2010-08-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Un articol foarte bun si care, surprinzator, apare tocmai in Evenimentul Zilei... Vorba unui comentariu: Rar mai citesti un articol bine scris in evz. Asta insa e excelent. Vali * Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness

[Bucuresti] Poveste din Bucurestiul salbatic

2010-07-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
: Robert Schwartz C DW 2010 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o

[Bucuresti] Avizarea proiectului Rosia Montana, reluata in septembrie?

2010-07-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
-urilor, Academiei Romane etc. fata de proiectul RMGC. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

[Bucuresti] RE: Tourist information touch screens, finally functional

2010-07-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
doar brosuri Mai multe aici: http://www.romania-insider.com/archives/3961 Tourist Information Office opened in Universitate passage, touch screens in Romanian only Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When

[Bucuresti] Cum protejeaza premierul Boc proiectul RMGC

2010-07-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
society. If we all couldn’t find real solutions for empowering civil society in Europe, the Treaty of Lisbon will remain only on paper. With consideration, Lavinia Andrei (C) http://wordpress.com/ Blog at Wordpress.com Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune

[Bucuresti] Un test pe care Bucurestii l-ar pica cu brio

2010-07-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
interesului investitorului ci sa si asigure un echilibru cu aspectele culturale, sociale si de mediu ale orasului respectiv. [...] Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love

[Bucuresti] PR-ul RMGC-ului e neobosit

2010-06-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Adrian Fleming: In proiectele miniere, protestele ONG-urilor nu reprezinta o noutate: http://www.administratie.ro/articol.php?id=31703 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes

[Bucuresti] Pozitia Ad Astra privind proiectul de exploatare a aurului de la Rosia Montana

2010-05-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali
/view_profile.php?user_id=884lang=ro Alexandru-Ioan Căbuz 19/05/10 C Ad Astra 2001-2009 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te

[Bucuresti] Mai exista si vesti bune

2010-05-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Rasnov, monument istoric de importanta nationala , provocand mari stricaciuni. Administrarea s-a realizat pe baza unui contract de concesiune, incheiat pe 49 de ani, intre Consiliul Local Rasnov si SC Drumuri Publicitare. C Adevarul Vali Noble blood

[Bucuresti] RE: Fw : Jurnalul National despre Greenpeace CRJ

2010-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
(Trebuie sa ai curaj ca mine! Trebuie s-o iscalesti; o dam anonima!) Iata inca o mostra de prostie, de data asta semnata: http://www.jurnalul.ro/stire-observator/ungaria-saboteaza-interesele-romanie i-prin-rezolutia-de-la-pe-542842.html Vali Noble blood is an accident

[Bucuresti] EBA stie de la taticu' ce nu stie o tara: Salariile si pensiile vor fi sigur taiate

2010-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
sau Jiji (macar asta nu se da in spectacol acolo, prefera sa o faca acasa) datorita romanilor care au votat asa ceva. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

[Bucuresti] CE interpelata in legatura cu pozitia fata de rezolutia PE privind cianurile in minerit

2010-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, respectiv ce se va intampla cu exploatarile miniere care folosesc tehnologii pe baza de cianuri, care ar putea fi deschise inainte de emiterea unei pozitii a Comisiei. C 2008-2009 Financiarul Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief

[Bucuresti] Confirmat. RMGC nu se mai numara intre sponsorii TIFF 2010

2010-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://twitter.com/dragosbucurenci/status/14288689404 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

RE: [Bucuresti] Fw: proiectul Rosia Montana!!

2010-05-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
La Roşia Montană sunt sute de mii de tone de URANIU pur... Nu sute de mii, milioane de tone de uraniu pur! Da, asa e, si mai sunt si catralioane de tone de kriptonite 187,5% pura... Ce prostie gogonata! Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Bucuresti] FW: Pozitie privind interzicerea folosirii cianurii in minerit

2010-05-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali
O pozitie foarte clara exprimata de europarlamentarul Victor Bostinaru. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la

[Bucuresti] PE: pana la sfarsitul lui 2011, interzicerea totala a mineritului pe baza de cianuri in UE

2010-05-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali
va fi disponibil aici (click 5 mai 2010) Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

[Bucuresti] Rosia Montana: Greenpeace si CRJ cer respingerea documentatiei pt. obtinerea acordului de mediu

2010-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
proiectului aici: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+MOTION+ P7-RC-2010-0238+0+DOC+PDF+V0//ENlanguage=EN http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+MOTION+P 7-RC-2010-0238+0+DOC+PDF+V0//ENlanguage=EN Vali Noble blood

[Bucuresti] FW: PROTEST impotriva europarlamentarilor romani carefac lobby pentru cianura in Parlamentul European!

2010-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
_ Dragi colegi de liste, Daca va intereseaza ce se intampla la Rosia Montana, va rog sa trimiteti scrisoarea care urmeaza, conform instructiunilor din mesaj, pana la noapte (rezolutia din PE urmeaza sa fie votata maine). Va multumesc mult,

[Bucuresti] Tanase (RMGC) manjeste cu rahatul lui toxic Parlamentul European

2010-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
the latest technology development and there will be an evaluation in 2012. http://www.theparliament.com/no_cache/latestnews/news-article/newsarticle/pages/copy-nbsp-2010-dod-s-parliamentary-communications-ltd/ © 2010 Dod's Parliamentary Communications Ltd Vali

RE: [Bucuresti] Tanase (RMGC) manjeste cu rahatul lui toxic Parlamentul European

2010-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
soarta mai buna decat distrugere si acoperire cu cianura. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

[Bucuresti] Muzeul Brukenthal, in paragina

2010-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.adevarul.ro/actualitate/eveniment/Sibiu-_Muzeul_Brukenthal-in_par agina_0_246575871.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know

[Bucuresti] Se amana alegerile in Colegiul 19?

2010-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Remus Cernea a reusit sa invinga ironiile si indiferenta generala si sa modifice de unul singur legea electorala, punand alegerile din Colegiul 19 sub semnul intrebarii. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,5488219,00.html Vali Noble blood is an accident

[Bucuresti] O strada din Bucuresti va purta numele profesorului Liviu Librescu

2010-04-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
...@state.gov), Deputy Chief of Mission , U.S. Embassy Bucharest. C 2010 http://www.vt.edu/ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes

[Bucuresti] Perjovschi pune degetul pe ranile Bucurestiului

2010-04-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist

[Bucuresti] Bucurestiul statuilor de milioane de euro

2010-04-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali
... http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/bucuresti-orasul-statuilor-la-doua-milioane- de-euro-bucata-892057.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: Statuia Lupoaicei va fi mutata in Centrul Istoric al Bucurestiului

2010-04-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Eu nu inteleg de ce este mutata de colo-colo si nu se revine la amplasamentul initial, in incinta Arenelor Romane. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

[Bucuresti] Palatul Stirbey

2010-04-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist] Please

[Bucuresti] RE: Alegeri Academia Romana

2010-04-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Academiei Romane care au stiut sa faca o alegere buna! Iata aici si scurtul comunicat al Academiei: http://www.acad.ro/com2010/pag_com10_0408AG.htm http://www.acad.ro/com2010/pag_com10_0408AG.htm Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark

[Bucuresti] Poezia arhitecturii

2010-04-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
in tara si strainatate, fiind recompensat cu numeroase premii de stat. AGERPRES C Eurourbanism Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace

[Bucuresti] RE: dreptate pentru Scoala Centrala

2010-04-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Uite ca mai primim si vesti bune! Este intr-adevar o mare victorie. Felicitari tuturor celor implicati in aceasta lupta! Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: [Cetateni] GENERAL

2010-03-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali
). Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic

[Bucuresti] European Goldfields si-a asigurat finantarea pt. exploatarea de la Certej

2010-03-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/15047/european-goldfields -secures-us125-mln-financing-for-certej-project-in-romania-15047.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love

[Bucuresti] Guvernul, dolarii si canadienii

2010-03-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szYvKS_-1UMfeature=related feature=related Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la

RE: [Bucuresti] inca un reprezentant al unui partid sustine proiectul RM!

2010-03-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la

RE: [Bucuresti] Conacul GRANT - Noutati nelinistitoare

2010-03-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Conform site-ului DGASPC sector 6, mutarea sediului institutiei in Aleea Tibles nr. 64 este temporara ( http://www.protectiacopilului6.ro/document.php?doc=698 http://www.protectiacopilului6.ro/document.php?doc=698). Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Bucuresti] Proiectul Rosia Montana, dezbatut in cadrul colocviului de la Institutul Nicolae Iorga

2010-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali
turismului ca principala ocupatie a locuitorilor zonei, ceea ce implica, evident, construirea unei infrastructuri indispensabile. ©Copyright 2006 - 2009 Hotnews.ro Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When

RE: [Bucuresti] RE: Academia Romana, santajata ....

2010-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist

[Bucuresti] RE: Proiectul Rosia Montana, dezbatut in cadrul colocviului de la Institutul Nicolae Iorga

2010-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, si pana una-alta justitia s-a pronuntat asupra proiectului RMGC. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list

RE: [Bucuresti] Ministrul Culturii vrea alt proiect la Palatul Stirbey

2010-03-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali
toate comisiile de arhitecti unde a fost prezentat. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

[Bucuresti] RE: Academia Romana, santajata ....

2010-03-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali
tocmai cu... groparul patrimoniului istoric in cauza. Asta daca nu cumva contextul modernizarii - permanenta si actualitate o fi insemnand mai pe romaneste conservarea patrimoniului in cianuri si metale grele... Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] RE: Academia Romana, santajata cu Rosia Montana? RMGC a devenit partenerul Academiei!

2010-03-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
romanesc (conservarea urmand sa se faca cu solutie de cianura...) P.S. Apropo, ma intreb daca dr. Paul Damian de la Muzeul National de Istorie nu ar fi trebuit, poate, enumerat printre participantii RMGC... Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] Ministrul Culturii vrea alt proiect la Palatul Stirbey

2010-03-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali
-imobiliar-6548433-soarta-palatului-stirbey -mainile-ministerului-culturii.htm Soarta Palatului Stirbey e in mainile Ministerului Culturii C Copyright 2006 - 2009 Hotnews.ro Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark

[Bucuresti] Academia Romana, santajata cu Rosia Montana? RMGC a devenit partenerul Academiei!

2010-03-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
E grav ce se intampla: http://voxpublica.realitatea.net/politica-societate/academia-romana-santajat a-cu-rosia-montana-rmgc-a-devenit-partenerul-academiei-32096.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When

[Bucuresti] Moment de cotitura in cazul Cathedral Plaza

2010-02-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
=com_contentview=articleid=7217:moment -de-cotitur-in-cazul-catedralei-sf-iosifcatid=154:documentecomunicateItemi d=416 view=articleid=7217:moment-de-cotitur-in-cazul-catedralei-sf-iosifcatid=1 54:documentecomunicateItemid=416 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: [Cetateni] nu asta e solutia!

2010-02-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Si, ce face Papa cand este alarmat? Nu mai papa? Vai, dar cat de spiritual!!! Bancuri de doi lei... Penibil. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

[Bucuresti] Papa, alarmat de soarta Catedralei Sfântul Iosif

2010-02-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.adevarul.ro/locale/bucuresti/Bucuresti-_Papa-alarmat_de_soarta_Ca tedralei_Sfantul_Iosif_0_205179757.html? Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

[Bucuresti] O lucrare de diploma: Bucuresti-Berceni-Bloc

2010-02-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali
://www.cyberarchi.com/actus http://www.cyberarchi.com/actusdossiers/index.php?dossier=189article=131 77 dossiers/index.php?dossier=189article=13177 Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: [Consiliul-Cetatenilor] Ce facem cu Casa Poporului?

2010-02-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali
...) Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist] Please consider

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: [Consiliul-Cetatenilor] Ce facem cu Casa Poporului?

2010-02-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali
-i inventam calitati, altele decat cele care au adaugat-o in Guiness Book of World Records si in atatea topuri si statistici, la categoria cea mai mare Dar oare ce loc ar ocupa la categoria cea mai frumoasa? Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

RE: [Bucuresti] Re: [Consiliul-Cetatenilor] Ce facem cu Casa Poporului?

2010-01-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Noua Bucurestenilor care stam aici ne place. Doamna, vorbiti in numele dvs. CP nu place chiar tuturor bucurestenilor. Iar ideea crearii unui spatiu verde plin de copaci de jur imprejurul mastodontului este extraordinara si cu siguranta ar umaniza CP. Vali Noble

[Bucuresti] Incercati si cu cianura...

2010-01-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
/884616/SENATUL-EVZ-Incercati-si-c u-cianura/ Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

[Bucuresti] Pozitia Grupului Civic Bucuresti ref. Cathedral Plaza: naiva

2010-01-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic

[Bucuresti] Un alt tip de razboi, cel al afacerilor imobiliare, a luat locul demolarilor comuniste

2010-01-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist] Please

[Bucuresti] Nu ne este indiferenta distrugerea istoriei Capitalei

2010-01-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
inalte ale statului adoptarea unor masuri grabnice de aparare si salvare a unui monument al orasului, totodata catedrala a uneia dintre Bisericile de seama ale tarii. AGERPRES C eurourbanism.ro Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] Parlamentul, singurul care poate spune da sau nu cianurilor in Romania

2010-01-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
tana_puteau_fi_derulate_si_fara_stramutarea_localitatii_0_197380669.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr

RE: [Bucuresti] Mobilizare Rosia Montana

2010-01-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Eu am semnat ca persoana particulara. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

[Bucuresti] Rosia Montana: ne pasa?

2010-01-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali
convingator al modernizarii? O decizie luata in stil cazon, la CSAT? Sau o victorie a celor fara de putere din organizatiile neguvernamentale impotriva statului si a politicienilor? © Adevarul Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] FW: Europarlamentarul Adina Valean face lobby la PE pentru Rosia Montana Gold Corporation

2010-01-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.remuscernea.ro/ www.remuscernea.ro Silviu Dumitru - Secretar General al Partidului Verde mailto:off...@verzii.ro off...@verzii.ro http://www.verzii.ro/ www.verzii.ro C 2010 Remus Cernea Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] RE: ROSIA MONTANA : 70 de ONG de mediu contra recentelor declaratii ale presedintelui Basescu si ministrilor Videanu si Borbely

2010-01-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali
! Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist

RE: [Bucuresti] Boicotati National Geographic Gold Corporation!

2010-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Am citit ca de ceva vreme deja, revista NG e falita... Poate de aceea o fi acceptat sa-i faca reclama lui Glod Corporation. Nu spun ca e o justificare, dar e o posibila explicatie. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark

RE: [Bucuresti] Boicotati National Geographic Gold Corporation!

2010-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali
da dovada de corectitudine politica o revista -- varf de lance in domeniul ecologiei si protectiei mediului -- atunci cand face reclama unei companii si unui proiect care, pus in aplicare, ar avea efecte dezastruoase pe termen lung asupra mediului. Vali Noble blood

[Bucuresti] Presiuni asupra Academiei Romane in problema Rosia Montana

2010-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
... :( Intre timp, bugetul a fost votat in Parlament. Cu toate acestea, concluzia articolului de mai jos ramane in picioare: Daca sunt adevarate sau doar barfe o sa ne lamurim in lunile viitoare, in functie de cum vor evolua lucrurile. Vali Noble blood

[Bucuresti] Ambasada Frantei, in conflict cu primarul sectorului 1

2010-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
de a lua toate masurile pentru a impiedica deteriorarea locatiei misiunii diplomatice. C Bucharest Herald Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world

[Bucuresti] In Capitala vor fi mai multe piste de biciclisti

2010-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist] Please consider

[Bucuresti] FW: Remedierea situatiei gropilor din asfalt in Bucuresti...:)

2010-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata

[Bucuresti] 100 milioane de euro aruncate pe apa Dambovitei

2010-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
inaugurare, pana cand primaria va gasi o solutie de gestionare a namolului. [...] Articolul complet la: http://www.evz.ro/articole/detalii-articol/882768/ http://www.evz.ro/articole/detalii-articol/882768/ Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] Ai actiuni la Gabriel Resources? Vinde!

2010-01-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
hold. [...] (Scuze pt. off-topic, insa am remarcat ca subiectul Rosia Montana este de interes pe aceasta lista). Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world

Re: [Bucuresti] O noua veste trista despre Policlinica Batistei

2010-01-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Senatorul-proprietar al Policlinicii Batistei, cercetat penal: http://www.evz.ro/articole/detalii-articol/882078/ Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power

RE: [Bucuresti] Casa Ienachita Vacarescu

2010-01-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali
). Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist] Please

[Bucuresti] Realitatea monstruoasa a unei tiranii nemasurate

2010-01-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, pana astazi, nu se stie cu exactitate cate vieti omenesti au fost zdrobite sub zidurile lui. Nici Sueddeutsche Zeitung nu ne lamureste din pacate in aceasta privinta. [.] Autor: Petre M. Iancu Redactor: Medana Weident C Deutsche Welle Vali Noble blood

[Bucuresti] Videanu, cercetat penal

2009-12-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Fostul primar al Bucurestiului a incercat sa faca exproprieri ilegale: http://www.cotidianul.ro/videanu_cercetat_penal-105826.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love

RE: [Bucuresti] De pe vremea lui Pazvante Chioru'

2009-12-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
-a parut complet off-topic. Oricum, scuze inca o data, promit sa nu se mai repete. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la

[Bucuresti] De pe vremea lui Pazvante Chioru'

2009-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
File de istorie mai putin cunoscute (de unde vine expresia: asta e de pe vremea lui Pazvante Chioru'!) Pazvante Chioru' Acum mai bine de 200 de ani, ispravile unui pasa rebel zguduiau provinciile balcanice ale Imperiului Otoman. Ecouri ale acelor vremuri s-au pastrat pana in zilele noastre

[Bucuresti] Praga in 18,4 Gpixeli

2009-12-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Lasand la o parte realizarea tehnica de exceptie, va invit sa admiram in cele mai fine detalii una din cele mai frumoase capitale europene. Click pe http://www.360cities.net/prague-18-gigapixels. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] Bijuterii arhitecturale, condamnate la demolare

2009-12-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali
/ Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la

[Bucuresti] Proiect de conservare a cartierului bucurestean Mantuleasa

2009-12-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
si sintetizarea imaginilor, materialelor, fotografiilor si hartilor relevante pentru traseele urbane, prezentarea concluziilor si organizarea unor ateliere de dezbatere. AGERPRES (C) eurourbanism.ro Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions

[Bucuresti] Case care plang

2009-11-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
patrimoniu si monumentele aflate in pericol in orasele din tara. Materialul strans pana in prezent cuprinde peste 10.000 de imagini si 4.000 de case care plang. Ele sunt rodul a trei ani de activitate a voluntarilor. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Bucuresti] Din pacate, se intampla si la case mai mari...

2009-10-15 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic

[Bucuresti] RE: Fw: reclama ieftina

2009-10-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist

[Bucuresti] Finantare spatii verzi

2009-09-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
informatii: http://%20http//www.afm.ro/main/info_stuf/spatii_verzi/ghid_finantare_spati i_verzi.pdf http://www.afm.ro/main/info_stuf/spatii_verzi/ghid_finantare_spatii_verzi.pd f (C) PONT Consulting Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark

[Bucuresti] RE: f curand vom avea o SUPER STIRE pt noi si Buc :)

2009-09-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Multumesc, Mariana! De-abia astept confirmarea oficiala! Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list

[Bucuresti] Linie de finantare pentru ONG-uri de la Amabasada Frantei

2009-09-26 Fir de Conversatie Vali
.doc C Copyright FDSC Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o

[Bucuresti] Bucuresti - cea mai poluata capitala europeana

2009-09-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
involve in environment projects. Next on the list of pollution we have: thermal power stations, industry, construction sites and some heating installations of the residences. Copyright http://www.actmedia.eu/ Actmedia News Agency Vali Noble blood is an accident

[Bucuresti] So what are the best five things about Bucharest?

2009-09-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
'the very reasonable price and wide availability of hairdressers' would have almost certainly featured high in the list. So, did we get it right? What are the best things about Bucharest? C 2009 Bucharest Life Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Bucuresti] Monumentele istorice, schilodite de consilierii generali

2009-09-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
http://www.romanialibera.ro/a163841/monumentele-istorice-schilodite-de-consi lierii-generali.html Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know

[Bucuresti] Re: Unde e Biroul de Informatii Turistice?

2009-08-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Multumesc pentru precizare. E bine ca se misca ceva si inspre normalitate. Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la

[Bucuresti] Unde e Biroul de Informatii Turistice?

2009-08-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
de pus muraturi... Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o

[Bucuresti] Bucurestiul, fratele mai mic al Moscovei?

2009-08-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, sora mai mare a Bucurestiului in demolari: http://www.romanialibera.ro/a161318/moscova-sora-mai-mare-a-bucurestiului-i n-demolari.html http://www.romanialibera.ro/a161318/moscova-sora-mai-mare-a-bucurestiului-in -demolari.html Vali Noble blood is an accident

[Bucuresti] Noi proteste fata de situatia Catedralei Sf. Iosif

2009-08-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali
numeroase scrisori si a facut diverse sesizari catre organele in masura sa opreasca aceasta constructie. C 1998-2009 ziua http://www.ziua.ro/ ziua srl Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love

[Bucuresti] Ministerul Culturii, vinovat in scandalul Cathedral Plaza

2009-07-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
vizibilitatea si ii pun in pericol siguranta in caz de cutremur, incendiu sau avarie, au precizat reprezentantii Patriarhiei. C http://www.f5web.ro/ F5 Webcorp / http://www.gruprc.ro/ Grup Realitatea-Catavencu Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Bucuresti] Catedrala Sfantul Iosif in atentia Comisiei Europene

2009-07-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list: o alternativa moderata (un pic) la

[Bucuresti] Patriarhia Romana sprijina catedrala Sf. Iosif

2009-07-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Bucuresti - Patriarhia Romana Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Aboneaza-te la mailto:ngo_list-subscr...@yahoogroups.com ngo_list

RE: [Bucuresti] Stirbey Palace makeover

2009-07-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, pavilionul de vara, biserica si capela, parcul) - toate acestea pot fi vizitate, fara rezervare prealabila si fara plata vreunei taxe, intre ora 10 si ora de inchidere a restaurantului (cel putin asa suna mesajul primit). Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune

RE: [Bucuresti] Stirbey Palace makeover

2009-07-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Si eu mi-am pus aceeasi intrebare. Pe de alta parte, nu-mi vine sa cred ca vizitele pot fi facute intre orele 10.00-24.00... Vali Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness. When the power of love overcomes the love

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