camping-mural.rb Re: Rack, Camping 2.0++

2008-05-25 Thread Ernest Prabhakar

Hi Z,

On May 25, 2008, at 5:47 AM, zimbatm wrote:

I haven't touched camping.rb at all, do we really need to prove  
that it's a
micro-framework? It just makes development/releasing harder. Let's  
just forget
about the abridged version and rename camping-unabridged.rb to  

This is not that hard to do. Maybe I should add some shortening  
tricks document.

I propose platterizing to be done only before release.

The short version should live in the camping-mural.rb file, like the
long version lives in camping-unabridged.rb . `rake release` and `rake
devel` symlink or symlink those files to camping.rb. This should avoid
having to move things around constantly.

I think that's a great suggestion!

-- Ernie P.
Camping-list mailing list

obfuscation Re: Rack, Camping 2.0++

2008-05-22 Thread Ernest Prabhakar

Hi Magnus,

On May 22, 2008, at 11:01 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:

I must agree that the obfuscation is really impressive (specially in a
presentation where you can include the full source on one slide). I  
just don't like

to touch it.
And unfortunately it doesn't evolve by itself.

I'm just tired of renaming camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb in  
order to test

the apps, and then back again when I commit stuff.

I'll be perfectly fine if someone else creates the obfuscated  
version :-)

So, it sounds like there's a few options:

a) Automate the creation of the obfuscated version from the unabridged  

b) Tweak the system to run from "camping-unabridged.rb" (or a short  
name thereof, e.g. "campsrc")

c) Make the obfusc version "camping4k", and make camping-unabridged.rb  
the default camping.rb

Any of those seem viable?

-- Ernie P. 

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 5:50 PM, _why <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 07:27:18AM +1930, AnĂ­bal Rojas wrote:

4. Renaming camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb?

I haven't touched camping.rb at all, do we really need to prove  
that it's a
micro-framework? It just makes development/releasing harder.  
Let's just forget
about the abridged version and rename camping-unabridged.rb to  

Keeping Camping away from the bloat goes far beyond an arbitrary  
weight limit.
It is a nice way to promote Camping. It is catchy saying "In Less  

4K", period.

Instead of saying the obfuscation "just makes development/releasing  

try saying obfuscation "just makes flippancy/esotericism easier."

Camping-list mailing list

Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Rack, Camping 2.0++

2008-05-21 Thread Ernest Prabhakar

Hi Magnus,

On May 21, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Magnus Holm wrote:
This is just some proposals, the community (aka YOU) have to decide  
what we

should do. So what are your thoughts?

Awesome work!  I say go for it. :-)


Camping-list mailing list

Re: WEBrick Re: Next camping release

2007-09-27 Thread Ernest Prabhakar
Hi Jonas,

On Sep 27, 2007, at 1:44 AM, Jonas Pfenniger wrote:
> I didn't get into testing the various web servers yet. Ref 277 is the
> base to do that, since those apps can be tested against the various
> web servers. I know there are some issues with FastCGI too so I'll
> have to get into it anyways.

Thanks.  The problem was a typo in webrick.rb, but it looks like it  
is fixed in trunk, so I won't worry about it.

If I run into other issues, I'll be sure to fix them.

-- Ernie P.


Camping-list mailing list

WEBrick Re: Next camping release

2007-09-26 Thread Ernest Prabhakar
Hi all,

I was looking at the test cases on the changeset:

However, I didn't see anything about testing with different web  
browsers; which is a concern since there was a nasty WEBrick bug in  
the last version.  Is there test coverage for that?

-- Ernie P.

P.S. I mean to file the bug, but got into a fight with the trac  
system. ;-(
Camping-list mailing list

Re: Extending Markaby for SVG - done!

2007-07-12 Thread Ernest Prabhakar
Hi Tim,

On Jul 11, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Tim Fletcher wrote:
>My opinion would be to keep it seperate so that in can be  
> usedelsewhere, but provide a hook into Markaby. So something along the
> lines of this (completely untested):

Thanks!  That's exactly what I needed.  The whole implementation is  
now at:

This uses an Markaby::SVG11 tagset, which is at:

The only ugly bit is that Markaby defines "text" as the output  
command, which conflicts with the SVG tag named "text." I remember  
_why saying he was going to rename that method to "out" or something.  
Is that still planned?

To use it, simply make sure that builder_svg is loaded, and do  
something like:

> html do
>   head {title "Testing HTML+SVG"}
>   body do
>   p "Below is a wonderful example of"
>   a "SVG", :href => "";
>   svg do
>   title "Slide Title"
> rect({:x=>2,:y=>2,:width=>508,:height=>318,:fill=>"aqua"})
>   end
>   end
> end

I have a test suite, if anyone is interested. I haven't done anything  
fancy yet, but it seems to all work.

Is this something I should submit as a patch to Markaby itself?

-- Ernie P.

Camping-list mailing list

Extending Markaby for SVG

2007-07-11 Thread Ernest Prabhakar

Hi all,

I love the elegance of Markaby for HTML generation. I'd like to do  
something similar for SVG, e.g.:

svg11 do
  title "Slide Title"
stroke:black", :transform=>"translate(17,-38)"}) do

circle({:cx=>70, :cy=>100, :r=>50})
=>"150", :y=>"50", :rx=>"20", :ry=>"20", :width=>"135", :height=>"100")

line(:x1=>325, :y1=>150, :x2=>375, :y2=>50)
	polyline(:points=>"50, 250 75, 350 100, 250 125, 350 150, 250 175,  

polygon(:points=>"250, 250, 297, 284, 279, 340, 220, 340, 202, 284")
ellipse({:cx=>400, :cy=>300, :rx=>72, :ry=>50})

I've hacked a custom subclass of Builder (SVGBuilder) that can handle  
this, but that's probably the wrong approach -- since most users will  
want to embed SVG inside HTML.

Any Markaby experts here who can help me figure out the best way to  
integrate SVG support into Markaby?

-- Dr. Ernie

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