[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights - Correction

2017-08-19 Thread Sandy Wold
Thanks, Ann. There was a guy from Brooklyn there who said it was Clapper
Rail and got a good photo of it when it came out from behind the reeds.
Then when I checked my Peterson's Guide, it seemed to match the
description, but you are right!  I forgot to check its region!  Boy, the
power of suggestion (and intimidation of those honking-big bazooka
cameras!) Gotta always check region, no matter what!  Thanks for the


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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights

2017-08-19 Thread Sandy Wold
I took a visitor from France to Montezuma today, and we saw the following:

--6 immature Bald Eagles (someone else there counted 15)
--immature Red-tailed Hawk
--killdeer, sandpiper, yellow leg
--Common Gallinule and juveniles were everywhere!
--Clapper Rails and juveniles (seemed also to be everywhere)
--huge raft of Coots (about 150)
--female Wood Duck
--immature Blue-winged Teal (?)
--2 willets? (flying and in the water, dark bill, white rump)
--2 immature Caspian Terns and 3 adults
--many juvenile Pied-billed Grebes

*---Sandy Wold*
Author/Originator of Cayuga Basin Bioregion Map
(for sale at Wegmans, Autumn Leaves, Cornell Book Store, Cornell
Plantations, and Visitor's Bureau)

*"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE, for what
the world needs is people who have come ALIVE."  **- Dr. Howard Thurman,
American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist (1900-1981) *


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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma highlights today. Rough-legged Hawk. many habitat changes from rain

2016-10-26 Thread Michael Tetlow
Visiting Montezuma today it was a whole new world from last week pre-rain.
There were no shorebirds at the visitor center. It's too deep for all but
the biggest if someone gets lucky. 50 plus No. Shoveler and only a couple GW
Teal and No. Pintail. The Solitary spot is full and water is in Larue's so
teal are dropping in to complete hiding. Seneca Flats is the only shorebird
habitat and was empty except a few ducks. The main pool had even higher
number of Ring-necks, Coot, Am. Wigeon and Gadwall. I found only one
lingering Common gallinule. A large group of about three hundred Redheads
with 50ish Lesser Scaup joined the increased number of Ruddies. My first
pair of Canvasback and a single Bufflehead were new for me. I couldn't find
Snipe at Benning or along the north shore. The graylag type domestic goose
has moved over to the pond by the eagle sculpture. The only shorebird was a
dunlin that flew north  over the wildlife drive. Tschasche had the
highlights where a light morph Rough-legged Hawk harassed one of the 10
Northern Harriers until it dropped its rodent. The Rough-leg disappeared for
a while as it ate but reappeared soaring only to be harassed by a young
probably male peregrine that passed back and forth not even flushing ducks.
There were no teal there to flush but 8ish hundred No. Pintail some
Mallards, Black Duck and again good numbers of Wigeon and Gadwall. I suspect
the Eurasian Wigeon was there as it was reported there yesterday and May's
Point had a few less but still good numbers of Wigeon, Gadwall and
Shovelers. There were a couple hundred GW Teal hiding in the back edges of
May's Point so looking there for that rarity is probably a good idea. Many
Rusty Blackbirds were in the trees above the deck. 22 Sandhill cranes were
along the  dike at Tschasche and another 8 were along route 89 between East
road and the 31 mucklands. They are just cutting the corn on the mucklands
and one field had the lone Snow Goose waiting for his friends to return. The
fields on both sides of Armitage road west of 89 are now flooded with a few
Trumpeter Swans mixed with the geese and mallards. A nice flock of 15 wood
ducks were in the SE corner on the south side of the road. Likely the same
Peregrine appeared and was in pursuit of, maybe, that same dunlin. They
disappeared to the south. 1 Greater yellowlegs calling from there was the
only other shorebird.  Knox-Marcellus and Puddler's have water but most
ducks were invisible unless they flushed. Hunter were scattered around
Carncross and Marten's tract so the only highlight was a singing young male
Purple Finch at eh beginning of Carncross. Good birding,  Mike Tetlow 



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RE: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights/rarity timing.

2014-11-09 Thread Bill Mcaneny
A footnote to the Tetlow's report: one of the Trumpeter swans in a group of
5 at K-M had a blue patch on its left wing.  From where Shirley and I were,
we could not read a number.  Also, we counted Sandhill cranes three times
and got a different result each time. Our high count was 52, very close to
Tetlow's 48.  We heard them calling before we found them.

Bill McAneny, TBurg



From: bounce-118376782-7495...@list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-118376782-7495...@list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 9:41 PM
To: geneseebird...@geneseo.edu; cayugabird...@list.cornell.edu
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights/rarity timing.


 Our afternoon trip through Montezuma started with the Eared grebe along
the wildlife drive in the first opening after the channel unlike earlier in
the day reported further up the drive. It would be very easy to miss as for
every 2 seconds it was up it spent 8 seconds underwater.  

 Both the adult and immature ibis were out preening around 2pm but
quickly split up; one disappearing into the reeds to the north and the other
into the back edge cattails to the south. The Am. Avocet was very

 The biggest change from last week was the large number of Lesser Scaup(
with a few Greater's and Redhead mixed in) on the north end of the main

 At Knox-Marcellus 48 Sandhill cranes were very active. When we arrived
around 3 pm there were 7 Ross's Geese among the 500 or so Snow Geese.
Several groups flew out and we could not find a Ross's among the100 or so
remaining. There were a few Trumpeter swans mixed in with 100 plus Tundras
there and a larger group(maybe 15) of Trumpeter's on Armitage Road, one of
which had a green wing tag. Way back at Puddler's  there were at least 2 of
both Greater and Lesser yellowlegs. No Great Egrets.  Mike and Joann Tetlow 


 p.s.On a sad note here is a post from Oneida Birds as I know some have
regularly  checked on this bird.


Subject: Route 31 Snowy Owl
Date: Sun Nov 9 2014 10:22 am
From: oneidabirds-noreply AT yahoogroups.com 

I talked to Jean and Leonard Soprano of Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife

Rehabilitation Center this morning. They informed me that the Snowy Owl

that has been hanging around the shopping plaza on Route 31 in Clay is now

at their facility. It was brought to them this morning. The owl was

struck by a car and is underweight.

Jim Tarolli

- See more at:


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 <http://www.northeastbirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME> Welcome and Basics

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Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights/rarity timing.

2014-11-09 Thread Michael Tetlow
 Our afternoon trip through Montezuma started with the Eared grebe along
the wildlife drive in the first opening after the channel unlike earlier in
the day reported further up the drive. It would be very easy to miss as for
every 2 seconds it was up it spent 8 seconds underwater.  

 Both the adult and immature ibis were out preening around 2pm but
quickly split up; one disappearing into the reeds to the north and the other
into the back edge cattails to the south. The Am. Avocet was very

 The biggest change from last week was the large number of Lesser Scaup(
with a few Greater's and Redhead mixed in) on the north end of the main

 At Knox-Marcellus 48 Sandhill cranes were very active. When we arrived
around 3 pm there were 7 Ross's Geese among the 500 or so Snow Geese.
Several groups flew out and we could not find a Ross's among the100 or so
remaining. There were a few Trumpeter swans mixed in with 100 plus Tundras
there and a larger group(maybe 15) of Trumpeter's on Armitage Road, one of
which had a green wing tag. Way back at Puddler's  there were at least 2 of
both Greater and Lesser yellowlegs. No Great Egrets.  Mike and Joann Tetlow 


 p.s.On a sad note here is a post from Oneida Birds as I know some have
regularly  checked on this bird.


Subject: Route 31 Snowy Owl
Date: Sun Nov 9 2014 10:22 am
From: oneidabirds-noreply AT yahoogroups.com 

I talked to Jean and Leonard Soprano of Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife

Rehabilitation Center this morning. They informed me that the Snowy Owl

that has been hanging around the shopping plaza on Route 31 in Clay is now

at their facility. It was brought to them this morning. The owl was

struck by a car and is underweight.

Jim Tarolli

- See more at:


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma highlights

2013-05-10 Thread K. Hartquist
Pat Martin and I  explored Montezuma today, finding many good things for the 
day, including the three highlight species reported. Several folks gave us good 
tips - thank you!

Seneca Trail/Main pool - Tricolored Heron - we missed it early in the day but 
came back to the Seneca trail around 4:30 where another birder had it and 
called us over. The heron was in and out of the brush right along the bank next 
to the trail instead of  the opposite side. Great close binoc looks. Also 
cerulean singing. In the wet area in front of the visitor center was a lone 
blue morph snow goose (8:00 am)

NY90 near Kip Island (@9am) - Ruff & Glossy Ibis. We were with the group that 
saw it before the Ruff moved across the thruway. Beautiful breeding plumage. 
Same bird later at Larue's?

Armitage - No sign of Prothonotary here yet. Yellow-throated vireo, Red-eyed 
vireo, Nashville and Redstarts.

Van Dyne Spor rd. - American Bittern in plain sight not too far from road. It 
never moved, other than to move it's head once or twice. Not good hiding on its 
part, great for us.

Carncross - Here we had 4 Eagles - 3 juveniles and one adult. Would they still 
be a family from last year, or new fledglings? Also at least 50 Lesser 
Yellowlegs, several Greater YL, 2 Dunlin, many least sandpipers, one Am. Pipit, 
one N. Pintail.

Know-Marcellus was pretty empty of birds (full of water) except for 6 snow 
geese on the dike between the two pools.

Mays Point had two beautiful rust colored Sandhill cranes.

Tasche pool had 5 more non-rust colored cranes and 6 Black terns, along with a 
few ring-necked, gadwall, redhead and ruddy ducks.

Kim Hartquist & Pat Martin
Rochester, NY


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re:[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma highlights [10/18/12] & upcoming field trip

2012-10-19 Thread Dave Spier
Looking at the digest version, it seems that this got pretty messed up, so I 
took out the eBird report links.
I was with Ed Norman scouting the Refuge & Towpath -- Visitor Center 
highlights: 3 harriers, grtr & lsr YL, 1 semipalm sand, 15 pec's, 1 dunlin... 
LaRue's highlights: shovelers, 25 Green-wings + 1 Blue-winged Teal... 
Main Pool highlights: 5 coots... 
Shorebird Flats highlights: juv. PEREGRINE, snipe, SNOW BUNTING... 
Benning highlights: 4 Gadwall, pintails, green-wings... 
Wildlife Drive along Thruway - highlights: 2 P-b Grebes... 
Tschache highlights: 30 Wigeon, 30 pintails, 2 Turkey Vultures [one with 
injured wing on ground], 1 RUSTY close... 
May's Point Pool: no highlights [very little water]... 
Towpath Rd. - Knox-Marsellus highlights: 28 Snow's, 2 woodie's, 25 pintails, 15 
cormorants, 2 harriers, 2 B. Eagles, 1+ Northern ROUGH-WINGED, 1+ Tree Sw., Am. 
Pipits, 5+ Yellow-rumps, 2 White-crowns [first winter]... 
Puddler's highlights: 6 Black-bellied Plovers... Dave SpierEaton Birding 
Society field trip to Montezuma -- 
Date: Saturday October 20, 2012 -- 
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am -- 
Location: Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge -- Meet at Visitor's Center -- 
Notes: Looking for migrating waterfowl

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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma highlights today & upcoming field trip

2012-10-18 Thread Dave Spier
With Ed Norman scouting the Refuge & TowpathVisitor Center highlights: 3 
harriers, grtr & lsr YL, 1 semipalm sand, 15 pec's, 1 dunlinLaRue's: shovelers, 
25 Green-wings + 1 Blue-winged TealMain Pool highlights: 5 cootsShorebird Flats 
highlights: juv. PEREGRINE, snipe, SNOW BUNTINGBenning highlights: 4 Gadwall, 
pintails, green-wingsWildlife Drive along Thruway - highlights: 2 P-b 
GrebesTschache highlights: 30 Wigeon, 30 pintails, 2 Turkey Vultures [one with 
injured wing on ground], 1 RUSTY closeMay's Point Pool: no highlights [very 
little water]Towpath Rd. - Knox-Marsellus highlights: 28 Snow's, 2 woodie's, 25 
pintails, 15 cormorants, 2 harriers, 2 B. Eagles, 1+ Northern ROUGH-WINGED, 1+ 
Tree Sw., 5+ Yellow-rumps, 2 White-crowns [first winter]Puddler's highlights: 6 
Black-bellied PloversDave SpierEaton Birding Societyhttp://eatonbirds.webs.com
Field Trip Date: Saturday October 20, 2012 Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am Location: 
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge Notes: Looking for migrating waterfowl - 
Meet at Visitor's Center field trip to 

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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma highlights: Dunlin #s, Armitage Rd No.Waterthrush, Rusty Blackbirds

2012-04-29 Thread Michael and Joann Tetlow
Montezuma highlights this afternoon:

  Visitor Center: 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 2 Dunlin

  Larue Lagoon: 1 Snipe, 8 Pectoral Sandpipers

  Benning Marsh: 78 Dunlin

  Armitage Road: 1 Northern Waterthrush west of bridge.  Just a guess; bare
minimum 200 Rusty Blackbirds all over the wet woods both sides of the
bridge.  Mike and Joann



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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Highlights

2011-10-23 Thread Brad Carlson

Gary Chapin and I birded Montezuma for half a day today and we had a 
number of nice birds.  We did not have any species that have not been 
reported in recent days or weeks, but if you would like to hear the 
details, then feel free to read on.

We started at the Visitor's 
Center at 7:30am where we spent an hour watching the massive morning 
flight of icterids and waterfowl.  There were at least 10,000 Red-winged
 Blackbirds, Grackles and Starlings lifting out of the marsh as we 
arrived, and this was a loud and impressive sight.  Six (6) NORTHERN 
HARRIERS were swirling amongst the blackbirds making for an exciting 
show.  We had continuous flocks of Canada Geese flying south over the 
refuge, as well as geese lifting off of the Main Pool also heading 
south.  Highlights in these geese flocks were a single GREATER 
GEESE that we saw today.  Hundreds of geese landed in the Visitor Center
 impoundment, however the three geese of interest continued south out of
 the refuge.  Two COMMON LOONS flew over heading south, and we scoped 

>From here we headed north 
to Martens Track where we located at least four (4) NELSON'S SPARROWS.  
This is a conservative estimate since this was the high count that we 
had in view simultaneously.  I posted a NELSON'S SPARROW photo at my 
Flickr site at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brad_carlson/  We had one 
male RING-NECKED PHEASANT here and four (4) SANDHILL CRANES flew over 
heading south.  Gary had an AMERICAN TREE SPARROW on the road just 
before the parking lot, while I was photographing the Nelson's 
Sparrows.  A few AMERICAN PIPITS flew overhead here, and we had a couple
 overhead at most stops throughout the day. 

There were seven (7) TRUMPETER SWANS (4 adult and 3 immature) on the north side 
of Savannah Spring Lake Road east of Rt. 89.  

 Puddler's Marsh we had the continuing AMERICAN AVOCET, along with three
 and a couple of dozen TREE SWALLOWS were flying overhead.

only spent a few minutes at May's Point Pool where we had our second 
SNOW X CANADA GOOSE hybrid of the day.  This goose had much less white 
on the front and underside of it than the one we observed flying over 
the Visitor's Center in the early morning.  One LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER 
and numerous YELLOWLEGS were foraging amongst the waterfowl.  There was 
one BALD EAGLE perched here, as well as another overhead.

We left
 Mays Point after a few minutes because we heard that a Hudsonian Godwit
 had arrived at the Visitors Center.  We headed over to the Visitor 
Center, and were able to relocate the HUDSONIAN GODWIT foraging in the 
center of impoundment.  We also relocated what we presume was the first 
SNOW X CANADA GOOSE hybrid that we originally saw fly over in the 
morning.  The hybrid  goose was resting with thousands of Canada Geese 
in the impoundment.  This hybrid had a white head, neck breast and 
belly, and a mantle with similar plumage as a Canada Goose.

All in all, a beautiful Fall day to be out in the field.

-Brad Carlson
Honeoye Falls, NY


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