Re: [ccp4bb] Comparing conformations using LSQKAB

2011-04-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - I usually work in confunction with the graphics, so you can look at the regions which differ. I start with the rms difference. If that is > 2, I think there are significant changes. So then you have to decide what Q you are asking, and why. Is it that you want to use a model for Molecul

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

2011-04-07 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yes - that is true. Any crystal might be split, and give diffraction with overlapping lattices- ie show non-merohedral twinning. If you are lucky/careful you might only get a few spots which overlap after integration of one of the lattices- not enough to be detected as "twinning" from the stat

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
That translation is interesting - R3 indexed as hexagonal has a crystallographic translation of 0.667 0.333 0.333, so this one indicated by SFCHECK is related. The twinning is not very severe so it should refine OK from the PHASER solution. Is that so? Eleanor On 04/08/2011 05:50 AM, ka

Re: [ccp4bb] Script / program to change chain ID 's in symmetry mates

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/08/2011 12:17 PM, krishan wrote: Dear CCP4BB members, We are using a script written in python to generate symmetry mates for a given pdb file using PYMOL. After generating symmetry mates we want to combine all the symmetry molecules in a single PDB file with all the chains having uniqu

Re: [ccp4bb] Assigning secondary structure

2011-04-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/08/2011 05:19 PM, Cale Dakwar wrote: Hello all, Given a PDB file of a newly solved protein structure, what is the standard procedure for assigning regions of secondary structure? And by this I mean to ask, how does one decide which residues form beta strands, which alpha helices, and so o

Re: [ccp4bb] Comparing two proteins

2011-04-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 04/13/2011 09:18 PM, REX PALMER wrote: Dear All What is the best program to use for comparing two protein structures which are very similar both structurally and wrt aa sequence? ie to get the rms deviations both generally and in selected regions. Rex Palmer Birkbeck College Using CCP4 g

Re: [ccp4bb] AMoRe fails to use model coordinates

2011-04-28 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Hmm - I use this quite a bit. ifier. You cant start Autoamore for a particular model until that has been entered into the model database - the first Q you are asked from the GUI is "Which model?" But you can certainly close the model database once you have entered the model name with a unique

Re: [ccp4bb] mtz2various command line R-free label?

2011-04-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I dont know - it works for me.. That is under Fedora x Eleanor mtz2various HKLIN "./ins_pig_zn_T2_hex-unique_refmac1.mtz" HKLOUT "./ins_pig_zn_T2_hex-unique_refmac1.hkl" OUTPUT CNS labin FP=FP SIGFP=SDFP PHIB=PHIC FREE=FreeR_flag end On 04/27/2011 07:26 PM, Kelly Daughtry wrote: Yes,

Re: [ccp4bb] Map correlation coefficient

2011-04-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I guess one way would be to seperate coordinates.. But doesnt overlapmap do that by default? Eleanor On 04/21/2011 10:25 PM, Maher Alayyoubi wrote: Hi Everybody, I posted a question earlier on the bulletin regarding how to calculate the map correlation coefficient using Overlapamp or any othe

Re: [ccp4bb] phenix.real_space_correlation vs overlapmap

2011-05-10 Thread Eleanor Dodson
This may be too late to be of use, but as one of the authors of the sfall/overlapmap system.. sfall does generate a coded map which flags every grid point with a unique ID of the nearest atom, ie one which is unique providing there are not too many atoms - it is adequate for most molecules tho

Re: [ccp4bb] High B-factor for metal

2011-05-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 05/11/2011 10:30 AM, wrote: Dear users, I have refined a structure in R3 with cadmium bound to it, which was present in the crystallization condition. There are 2 chains in the asu. The structure is twinned. R and Rfree is around 22% and 28%. One of the cadmiu

Re: [ccp4bb] how convert SF to intensities

2011-05-13 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 05/12/2011 08:13 PM, Fulvio Saccoccia wrote: Dear ccp4 users, I need to generate intensities from a model (.pdb). That is, I think that a correct procedure could be to convert model to structure factor and then obtain intensities squaring the SF. Does anyone know how can I do? Thanks in advan

Re: [ccp4bb] problem with LIBCHECK

2011-05-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If you have model coordinates for your CSA, I send those to the PRODRG server and let it generate a REFMAC style dictionary. You will need to make sure it is labelled as a peptide - cf the standatd residue cif files to see how to do that.. Then you need to enter the LINKR record into the pdb fi

Re: [ccp4bb] how to remove part of data with bad signal to noise ratio

2011-05-23 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I dont think there is an Rfree problem.. At 2.7A you expect quite a big difference between R and Rfree Reducing the resolution will a) probably makethe Rfree/R difference greater, and b) degrade the quality of your maps and model. Eleanor On 05/21/2011 02:28 AM, Seema Mittal wrote: Hi Ethan,

Re: [ccp4bb] do we have to exclude Rfree columns when generating the real space density maps?

2011-05-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The default output for REFMAC Missing Data: For those reflections where the FP are missing, mFo is set equal to dFc. Hence the terms become FWT=dFC and DELFWT=0.0. the Rfree reflections are counted as "missing" hence there shouldnt be any bias intoroduced towards those Fobs assigned as free

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems in refinement

2011-05-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
How very odd! I have no ideas on the Zn phenonema - what do the R factor plots look like against resolution - is there some aberrant reflection which was part of the FreeR set? The theory is that excluding 5% of the data should not affect the model seriously at all.. Re the 2nd point. Two

Re: [ccp4bb] confused about ncs in this xtal and local correlation maps with maprot.

2011-05-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I havent used maprot for years. COOT does it very quickly and automatically. But it is tricky to get the matrices correct - can you give some more details and I will try to help Eleanor On 05/27/2011 11:33 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote: Hi all I was just fiddling around with ncs and maps, so I tr

Re: [ccp4bb] 回复:Re: [ccp4bb] High resolution + low resolution data sets from one crystal

2011-05-31 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Use the GUI Just feed the 2 sca files into pointless - choose one as the reference - it really shouldnt match which.. pointless will check the indexing is consistent, then give you an output file with the two sets merged and sorted together, with different batch numbers assigned. scala wil

Re: [ccp4bb] self rotation function

2011-06-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 06/03/2011 02:01 PM, Careina Edgooms wrote: Dear ccp4 members I have question about how to interpret polarrfn log. I wish to know if my crystal display NCS. I am not sure how to interpret the file. I see it have two peak, one is origin and the other is not that high to me. I have attach copy

Re: [ccp4bb] anomalous difference map?

2011-06-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I cant comment on the pictures - but to calculate an anom map - if you have run REFMAC you will need to CAD together the refmac output plus the Dano & SIGdano in the data processed file Use reflection utilies Merge mtz files then Map utilities FFT - select anomalous Fill in columns Dano p

Re: [ccp4bb] How can I calculate the numbers of molecules in the AU?

2011-06-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Is the documentation for Matthews coefficient sufficient? See You obviously need to know what you expect to find in that unit cell.. And before you can work out the volume of a P21 cell you also need to know the beta angle.. Eleanor On

Re: [ccp4bb] Change cell parameter

2011-06-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Reindex your data as -h -k l or h -k -l - this will automatically change the cell to berta = 90.4 eleanor On 06/08/2011 04:10 PM, Vellieux Frederic wrote: Zhiyi Wei wrote: Dear all, I have a P2 derivative dataset with beta=89.6. I try to change the beta to 90.4 to be consistent with t

Re: [ccp4bb] Two different asymmetric units from two different crystallization conditions

2011-06-09 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 06/08/2011 07:19 PM, Shiva Bhowmik wrote: Dear All, I am working on a protein structure that yielded comparable diffraction quality crystals from two different crystallization condition. One of the crystallization condition conatins high conc. of salt pptant whereas the oher one contains hig

Re: [ccp4bb] regarding refinement and structure determination by MR

2011-06-09 Thread Eleanor Dodson
First Q. Checking the refined structure in detail.. This is personal. Basic - run REFMAC with monitor many - that lists really bad bonds, chirality, symmetry clashes etc, but frankly by the time you are at R=20% there shouldnt be many of those.. You need to be sure you have described any CIS pe

Re: [ccp4bb] Program to analyze water mediated interactions?

2011-06-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It helps to keep the same water naming convention in all the complexes. distang is a slow tool but it will list all contacts to a given set of atomic radii. I use that output a lot to check on interesting contacts.. But in the end it boils down to thoughtful book-keeping.. Eleanor On 06/14/

Re: [ccp4bb] Unit cell change - was Re: [ccp4bb] XDS question

2011-06-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It looks like a rhombehedral data set with small deviations from the exact H3 symmetry to give the weak spots. The standard H3 setting has origins at (0,0,0) (1/3, 2/3, 2/3) and (2/3,1/3,1/3) so to get your translation vector to match the conventional H3 one, you will have to reindex the P321

Re: [ccp4bb] Solving the structure

2011-06-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 06/24/2011 08:50 AM, mullapudi edukondalu wrote: Dear Members, I have my first data set on one of my protein crystals, that diffract to 2.7 A, and the space group is I222. According to Mathews coefficient, there should be 4 molecules in the asymmetric unit. But, when I run molecular replacem

Re: [ccp4bb] MR question

2011-06-27 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - it isnt surprising that all your geometry is "good" at the start. You have fitted a refined structure against a a different crystal form, so the first geometry report relates to your starting model which will not be the true model which fits your new data. Refinement has to push that mo

Re: [ccp4bb] The Good and the Bad crystal contact?

2011-06-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 06/29/2011 10:22 PM, Paul Lindblom wrote: Hi everybody, can anybody tell me how crystal contacts are defined? Are there good and bad crystal contacts? They are the most important interactions with impact on the crystal quality, but they are not of covalent nature, aren´t they? With best rega

Re: [ccp4bb] generate large symmetry model

2011-06-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - you have a problem of chain IDS, but pdbset xyzin asymm.pdb xyzout whole-cell.pdb symgen P212121 (say) end will generate a whole unit cell, then pdbset xyzin whole-cell.pdb xyzout whole-cell-+100 symgen x+1,y,z end etc will move that unitcell.pdb You would have to put them all together

Re: [ccp4bb] Error in scalepack(Denzo)

2011-07-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Can you send a bit of the input file and the command script generated by the GUI Eleanor On 07/02/2011 07:48 AM, Sudhir Kumar wrote: Dear all I am trying to convert a scaled file (scaled using Automar) to mtz butit is showing follwoing error : #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 Error from script /o

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning and Free R set generation

2011-07-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
This is a problem not properly addressed - if you generate your FreeRflags in the highest possible Laue group for a system - eg P6/mmm if you SG is trigonal, then add these to the lower symmetry reflection list you are safe. It really should be done at the pointless stage but it isnt.. Here i

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange density in Arg

2011-07-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 07/04/2011 04:24 PM, ruheng wrote: > > Dear all, > > Recently we are working on an archaebacteria protein which was expressed and > purified from E.coli by conventional procedures. After we solved the > structure, we found that there is an extra density in one of the argninine as > shown in

Re: [ccp4bb] Map Using Both Bijvoet and Dispersive Differences with Model Phases

2011-07-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
There are tools out there that calculate such a map. REVISE is one - I guess i is in the list of CCP4 programs. i often do both maps independently and look at them for common peaks The trouble is that dispersive differences are often less reliable than the anomalous ones.. Eleanor 07/06/20

Re: [ccp4bb] Potential Space Group Issuetely..

2011-07-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If there is no indication of twinning and your Rmerge is sensible then it is probably point group P222 Run pointless - that gives you the quality of each of the 2 folds sepera tely.. Deciding on the spacegroup is a bit trickier. That depends on absences along h00 0k0 and 00l, and if there i

Re: [ccp4bb] How to rebuild a molecular only

2011-07-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
On 07/09/2011 03:49 AM, weifeng wrote: > > Dear All, > There are 8 moleculars in an asymmetry unit, but only one molecular should be > rebulit, what can I do ? > Thanks a lot! > Wei Feng > Use coot - average maps over your best molecule, rebuild that - sav

Re: [ccp4bb] "Truncate style Wilson plot"?

2011-08-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
ctruncate style Wilson plot is the old form log / ) I believe "Wilson plot estimated B factor" is am Arp_Warp style plot where ) is replaced by a more sophisticated estimate of expecting scattering. You will have to look at a Arp_warp publication for details.. Eleanor On 08/11/2011 07:4

[ccp4bb] Help with deleting reflections from an mtz file

2011-08-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
There are 2 rogue reflections in a data set I have here. How can I eliminate them? I thought sftools did this but i cant seem to get the syntax right. Short of dumping the whole file, using an editor, then reconstructing it I am stuck.. Eleanor

Re: [ccp4bb] edit mtz cell in header?

2009-11-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
There are many and various programs that do this. As Martin says - cad will do it - you can use the GUI to change each data set in the file.. if there is only one data set the easiest is this: mtzutils hklin old.mtz hklout new.mtz CELL 168.981 168.981 168.981 90 90 90 end eleanor martyn.

Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

2009-11-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
, or refines against the original twinned data like (I believe) phenix and shelxl. Thx, BR -Original Message- From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Eleanor Dodson Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:45 AM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re: [ccp4bb

Re: [ccp4bb] real space correlation coefficients and coot? or a program from CCP4?

2009-11-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
First you must be on the same origin There are various ways to get there - brute force method is to calculate phases from both models, combine them, and use the reflection utility phase match to move one to the other by an appropriate origin shift... Then Use the GUI map correlation. It will

Re: [ccp4bb] Help request: Failed MR using the same molecule as model

2009-11-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I think you have a found a supercell and dont really need to run any MR program to find the solution - just reposition the molecule Your P422 point group cell is 126.514 126.514 76.766 90.00 90.00 90.00 Your I422 point group cellis: 180.096 180.096 152.530 90.00 90.00 90.00 Note c

Re: [ccp4bb] Bad geometry for alt. conformation refined in Refmac5

2009-11-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Hmm - I dont understand that. I ran structure idealisation on both examples and that tidies up the geometry perfectly.. Are there some clashes with pre-existing water molecules or other indicators in the log file that one conformation is suspect?(Look for warnings..) Eleanor John Pasca

Re: [ccp4bb] Arp/wArp error

2009-12-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
One easy suggestion - try buccaneer and refinement! Eleanor The Arp/warp people will have to fix this.. Anita Lewit-Bentley wrote: Dear all, I have a nice MAD map produced by Sharp and would like to trace a chain into it using Arp/wArp. When I input the mtz file via the CCP4i interface, I

Re: [ccp4bb] How to reduce free-R factor

2009-12-07 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Pankaj Chauhan wrote: Hi all, In one of my 2.52 A structure, which is dimeric, the R-factor is 21.4 and free-R is 29.3. I have tried all ways to reduce the free-R including TLS (even by defining the number of TLS group per chain), but still factors are not getting reduced. Even i have tried some

Re: [ccp4bb] Map averaging question

2009-12-07 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Paul will have to answer re 20 NCS operators in coot.. But you dont need to generate the operators yourself. If you have a master coordinate set with all 20 copies you can use coot to build one into the average map, then generate all the others by asking to match chain A to B, A to C etc.. wi

Re: [ccp4bb] Error in CAD during ARP/wWARP run in sharp/autoSHARP - also posted in sharp discuss

2009-12-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - cad cant work with that script so somehow it is being generated wrongly, presumanly in Arp/warp stage.. It would need input such as: LABIN FILE 1 E1=FBshasol E2 = something - presumably SIGFBshasol Eleanor Narayanan Ramasubbu wrote: Hi: Sorry for the same posting in here as well b

Re: [ccp4bb] MR question

2009-12-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The 2nd peak is a shoulder of the origin peak at 1.0 0 0 so should be ignored.. The 3rd peak is 16% of the origin - rather marginal I would say. So I dont think there is clear evidence of translational NCS Eleanor Sylvia Fanucchi wrote: Morning all Apologies for the simple question.

[ccp4bb] H32 or R 3 2 :H

2009-12-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
hypFdemo_28.pdb: CRYST1 58.351 58.351 155.876 90.00 90.00 120.00 R 3 2 :H 1 I dont hold a candle for either of these SGs but Phaser is now outputting the R 3 2 :H and many many other CCP4 programs are then falling over Can the symlib be modified to accept both? Eleanor

Re: [ccp4bb] H32 or R 3 2 :H

2009-12-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
C 2." -- The RCSB I don't understand why specifications aren't consulted. It seems a lot easier to create a record that conforms to the most widely accepted specification than to invent a parser that can read any format one can possibly

Re: [ccp4bb] H32 or R 3 2 :H

2009-12-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Just a correction - ccp4 had NOTHING to do with H32 definitions - just followed the wwwPDB requirements.. there were bitter arguments over accepting it from many! E Peter Zwart wrote: Hi Stephen, R32 H32 R32 :H Correct. These are all hexagonal setting. As far as I know, the hexagonal set

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating R-merge between 2 mtz files.

2009-12-17 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Jason Porta wrote: Hi everybody, I would like to take two mtz files (which are very similar) and calculate the R-merge between them. I tried looking into CCP4 and Phenix, but could not find a direct path. Does anybody know how I can do this R-merge calculation? Best regards, Jason Porta If

Re: [ccp4bb] how to decrease Rfac and Rfree

2009-12-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Can we have more details? Do you only have 3.6A data? If so it is quite likely there is a good deal of real disorder? Or that your MR solution was slightly out for that molecule.. Could you have the wrong soacegroup - one related to the one you are using? Are the two heterodimers related by

Re: [ccp4bb] cell constants in MTZ file after transfer of Rfree flag

2009-12-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Well - it certainly SHOULDnt happen! But there seems to be a bug in CAD I am having trouble testing it but will keep on trying.. Eleanor wtempel wrote: Dear colleagues, trying to be a responsible citizen, I occasionally activate the "Copy Rfree from another MTZ" button in the {Data Reduction|Im

Re: [ccp4bb] number of peaks in molecular replacement.

2009-12-30 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Too many peaks, all with similar Z scores isnt a very good sign - one prefers high contrast but it is hard to make a rule - it depends on many factors; number of molecules in asymmetric unit, similarity of model and new structure, data quality, etc etc.. The automated procedures, MrBump or Bal

Re: [ccp4bb] refmac5 not refining metal ion

2010-01-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
james09 pruza wrote: Dear All, I am using Refmac5 and have metal in the structure. The refmac program is not reading this from the library file and hence not refining this metal ion. What is the way to solve this problem. Thanks in advance. J... Do you have the correct format for the ATOM r

Re: [ccp4bb] Lots of noise in structure

2010-01-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The obvious Q is whether there is some additive in the crystallisation or cryo which could be showing up in the maps.. But in such a high symmetry space group is it possible that the blobs are on some symmetry axis? I sometimes observe awful holes or peaks on 3 fold axes, where I think any "no

Re: [ccp4bb] Phaser: removing H in PDB increases the RFZ ?!

2010-01-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Just to avoid any problem pdbcur xyzin X.pdb xyzout X-nohyd.pdb DELHYD END Eleanor Francois Berenger wrote: Markus Rudolph wrote: Hello, long ago I had a case when HG1 etc. were interpreted as mercury by phaser. Could that be relevant to your case? I hope not. However, as I have alrea

Re: [ccp4bb] Reindexing P21.. the process?

2010-01-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Francis E Reyes wrote: Hi all I have data integrated and scaled to P21 via denzo/scalepack. I'm concerned about the workflow to obtain the alternate indexing arrangement (h,k,l) -> (h,-k,-h-l). I was thinking .sca ( not specifying NO MERGE) -> .mtz -> reindex but the documentation for reind

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D fitting

2010-01-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
PISA will do that - an EBI service or available less prettily from ccp4i Eleanot Miri Hirshberg wrote: Sun., Jan. 17th 2010 EBI Greetings, I am looking for a 3D structure superposition program which takes two structures and superpose them based only on the coordinates X,Y,Z regardless of of re

Re: [ccp4bb] Molecular Replacement

2010-01-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Are you sure you have tested all possible spacegroups? After data processing you will probably know the point group but any decision on the spacegroup is dependent on a few systematic absences. If there is an ambiguity you need to test all spacegroup possibilities.. Eleanor Muhammed bashir Kh

Re: [ccp4bb] verifying a molecular replacement solution (test case where the true structure is known)

2010-01-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Ask Kevn Cowtan for his newest csymmatch ( or is it in ccp4.6.3?) csymmatch -pdbin-ref sol1.pdb -pdbin sol2.pdb It checks origins as well as moving sol2 to the closest symmetry copy of sol1.pdb A brilliant program - should be part of many many pipelines.. Eleanor Martyn Winn wrote: refor

Re: [ccp4bb] Help with MR in P21

2010-01-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
There are a good many coiled coil models available. I suggest you search the pdb for more models yourself, or let a program like BALBES do it for you and do the MR searches as well. IF you get a faint hit (usually marked by both R and rfree dropping a few % on refinement) then Arp-warp or bucc

Re: [ccp4bb] Very high B-factors of some atoms of ligand in Refmac

2010-01-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Those B factors probably mean the atoms are in the wrong place.. eleanor Sangeetha Vedula wrote: Dear all, I am refining a crystal structure with two enantiomers of the ligand lying on a two-fold crystallographic axis (making the density an average of 4 orientations/optical identity). The liga

Re: [ccp4bb] Distinguishing Between Na+ and H2O

2010-02-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Yes - we are puzzling over the same phenomena. Look at this web site set up by Marjorie Harding It lists the likely coordination patterns. We certainly have ideal Na bonding in our structure - but unfortunately we wanted to find Ca which has a very similar pattern!!

Re: [ccp4bb] tls problem in C2221

2010-02-16 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Two possible points. Could there be a problem with twinning, or spacegroup? The Rfactors seem rather high.. You dont say whether you have a non-crystallographic translation, but it is faintly possible with 2 molecules that the SG is actually C222 .. Or that twinning could be present - look a

Re: [ccp4bb] hkl into mtz using f2mtz

2010-02-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I am no expert on CNS files, but do the entries for F_BULK and F_MODEL correspond to an amplitude and a phase - it certainly looks like that.. If so you can read both in: I havent checked the format but your script would look like this title [No title given] format '(6X,3F5.0,6X,F10.0,6X,F10.

Re: [ccp4bb] anomalous difference fourier maps

2010-02-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
CCP4 contributer lets keep it as broad based as possible. Maybe we should subscribe to the PHENIX BB and suggest alternative solutions there! Eleanor Dodson George M. Sheldrick wrote: I am inclined to agree with Gerard. Of course if there is a specific question to CCP4bb about SHELX, I try to

[ccp4bb] LEU VAL rotamers

2010-02-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I accidently read this page.. It explains a nightmare scenario which has been bugging me for some time asw I tried to make a beautifully defined VAL fit the density in COOT.. If by some accident your VAL or LEU have the "wrong" naming

Re: [ccp4bb] 3D fitting

2010-02-25 Thread Eleanor Dodson
would ssm serve your purpose? eleanor ebi or ccp4i Miri Hirshberg wrote: Sun., Jan. 17th 2010 EBI Greetings, I am looking for a 3D structure superposition program which takes two structures and superpose them based only on the coordinates X,Y,Z regardless of of residue/atoms name. (both f

Re: [ccp4bb] Refmac ligand refinement question

2010-03-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Katarina Moravcevic wrote: Dear all, I am refining a structure of a protein in a complex with phosphorylated ligand (inositol ring). My problem is that after restrained refinement with Refmac, the ring is distorted in geometrically impossible ways. Could anybody advise me on how to deal with th

Re: [ccp4bb] about comparing Rwork and Rfree factors of different refinement trials

2010-03-01 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Dirk is right. It isnt so much a GUI bug as a feature! When you press restart for any job the previous parameters are loaded into the script. Usually this saves you work, but if you are changing from TLS with initial B fixed to 20 to restrained refinement it is undesirable to keep that fixed

Re: [ccp4bb] density in LLG maps for heavy atoms sit on xtal axes?

2010-03-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It is common - errors seem to pile up there.. Eleanor Francis E Reyes wrote: Is this a cause for concern? FOM's are over 0.5 and Phasing Power is over 2.0. Thanks FR - Francis Reyes M.Sc. 215 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder gpg --keyserver pg

Re: [ccp4bb] Trouble with P1 data

2010-03-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Twinning just requires some geometric relation between crystal axes to yes - it is possible in p1 othercell will tell you if there is some other indexing which will generate a similar arrangement of axes. It could be possible that it has higher symmetry of course. Eleanor José Trincão wrot

Re: [ccp4bb] Question about modeling SAM into a protein structure

2010-03-04 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I presume you have a dictionary for both SAM and SAH? You need SAM at least to use COOT. My method is to calculate a difference map with the SAM density - xclude all atoms like SAH or waters which might overlap SAM, then manually grad the SAM to the right place and run real space refinement

Re: [ccp4bb] anomalous phase extension to native data

2010-03-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I assume the native and Se-met are isomorphous and indexed on the same convention? pOINTLESS will check the indexing convention for you. Then you must use cad to merge the native and the phased data. I am not sure of PHENIX output but you need an mtz file with h k l Fnat etc F-Semet ... PHI FO

Re: [ccp4bb] solve structure by molecular replacement

2010-03-08 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The best check for what to expect in an asymmetric unit is to run matthews. It works out the volume of your asymmetric unit, the volume your molecule should occupy ( based on mol. wt or number of residues) and indicates whether you could fit one, two and so on molecules into the cells asymmetr

Re: [ccp4bb] Any simple way to scale 2 MTZ?

2010-03-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I think your crystallographic colleague is misled. SCALEIT simply scals two or more sets of ampiltudes to the chosen one. ( labelled FPH1 FPH2 etc scaled to FP..) It knows nothing of the contents of the asymmetric unit.. truncate uses the number of residues in the asymmetric unitr to assign a

Re: [ccp4bb] Cell metric search in pdb

2010-03-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Mark J. van Raaij wrote: apologies for that question - it IS there, two positions about space group search ("X-ray cell dimensions"). Can't figure out why I did not see this...looking with my ears I guess... Mark Doesnt the oca search allow you to set both? Eleanor

Re: [ccp4bb] pdb file deposition

2010-03-15 Thread Eleanor Dodson
When I deposit at the EBI the deposition software moves solvent to assocoiate with a protein molecule. If that has been done, those messages would mean that the solvent is indeed unconnected to anything. It seems a bit unlikely chemically - and I would check the maps.. has something beem miss

Re: [ccp4bb] Equation for combining measurements

2010-03-18 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Isnt it in the scala documentation? Eleanor Jacob Keller wrote: Dear Crystallographers, A basic question: what is the equation currently used to combine/merge multiple measurements of I and sigI? (Or a reference would be fine as well (or maybe better.)) Thanks, Jacob Keller **

Re: [ccp4bb] self rotation education

2010-03-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I absolutely agree with Clemens; self rotation functions can mislead in some cases, and confuse in many more.. A peak in a self rotation does NOT mean you have a dimer or a trimer - just that one molecule in the asu can be related to another by the given operator. So for any peak ther are nsym*

Re: [ccp4bb] Why Do Phases Dominate?

2010-03-22 Thread Eleanor Dodson
It is quite instructibe to draw the 2-d vector representing the amplitude and then the error vector when you assume certain things... Change the magnitude by 50% and see the error vector, then change the phase by a random shift - say 90 degrees and draw the error vector. In general it is much mo

Re: [ccp4bb] orthogonal limits of a protein

2010-03-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Francois Berenger wrote: Hello, Is there a ccp4 tool to find automatically the smallest virtual orthogonal "box" that contain a given PDB ? Even if your favorite tool is not part of ccp4, I would be happy to know about it. ;) Thanks, Francois. pdbset xyzin thisprotein.pdb end This prints out

Re: [ccp4bb] Full B Factor

2010-03-24 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Daniel Bonsor wrote: How do I convert the B-factors from my final structure to full B factors if I did not use TLS refinement? I have been refining isotropic B-factors. Do I switch to overall B-factor refinement, do something else, or have I missed the point altogether? It may be a dumb questio

Re: [ccp4bb] TLS, NCS and refinement

2010-03-29 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Just some ideas. NCS usually good with 2.7A data, TLS only to be used when model is complete.. You say Matthews suggest 11 molecules, but you only find 6 - doesnt this mean you have a very high solvent content? I would check the MR carefully. How are the 6 molecules related - are there dimer

Re: [ccp4bb] Self Rotation function - NCS

2010-04-06 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You need to tell us the spacegroup for us to be very helpful... And I often find the molrep plots less useful than the list of peaks and all the symmetry equivalents.. (It has a weird name - *rf or *doc I think) But I guess all the variant are in point group P222? There are the 3 expected 2

Re: [ccp4bb] Possible sulphate

2010-04-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Rex Palmer wrote: What seems to be a possible sulphate has been identified in our electron density. What steps could/should be taken to confirm or consolidate this assignment that would satisfy referees? Rex Palmer Birkbeck College If you place a sulphate and it refines in a sensible way -

Re: [ccp4bb] Phasing statistics

2010-04-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You can feed the SHELX sites into phaser_er or CRANK both of which will give this sort of information. Or mlphare if you know how to set it up.. Eleanor Harmer, Nicholas wrote: Dear CCP4ers, I've been asked by a referee to provide the phasing statistics for a SAD dataset that I used to sol

Re: [ccp4bb] Follow up to TLS, NCS and refinement

2010-04-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
A thought - are these molecules related by a non-crystallographic translation involving 0.5 along any axes. In such a case it is easy to get the space group wrong, and assign a "1 axis when it is really only a pseudo 21. if that happends your refinement will stick.. I think that at that resolu

Re: [ccp4bb] applying B_factor and scale correction to an MTZ

2010-04-12 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I thought truncate applied the scale but not the B value. you can use CAD to apply a scale - see the documentattion.. And yo can rerun truncate to check that you now have a fle with B =0, nd scale = 1.. but why do you want to do that? All refinement will rescale your output Fs to the model

[ccp4bb] resolution cut offs

2010-04-13 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I know this is a disputed topic, but is there any reference where anyone has systematically tested different res cut offs for refinement? Eleanor

Re: [ccp4bb] Phasing statistics

2010-04-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
..) Eleanor Dodson Soisson, Stephen M wrote: This is an interesting thread, and perhaps I should not dive in on such a heady topic, BUT, I do want to point out my own particular bias regarding FOM that is not entirely consistent with James' point of view. In my experience, the FOM obtained after de

Re: [ccp4bb] To model or not to model...

2010-04-14 Thread Eleanor Dodson
In this lab there are as many takes on this as there are crystallographers I think! It seems to depend on personality - are you a wild optimist who traces connectivity at 0.5 Sigma - or a cautious soul who hates to be wrong.. It seems to me that there are often disordered regions we can never

Re: [ccp4bb] X-Ray films

2010-04-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Wasnt it the tramp whom they beat to death - and the book was R James.. That movie gave the cold shivers.. eleanor Philip Leonard wrote: I have a vague recollection of a student carrying books about crystallography getting beaten up at the start of Clockwork Orange. This might only be in the b

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculation of electron density map for a twinned dataset

2010-04-19 Thread Eleanor Dodson
The newest refmac will deal with this and generate maps with twinning corrected.. Eleanor protein.chemist protein.chemist wrote: Hi All, I have a dataset that shows about 50 % twinning. I was curious what will be the best way for the refinement and calculation of electron density maps, includ

Re: [ccp4bb] sigma cutoff for fitting waters in model

2010-04-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
I am a bit out of touch with the discussion, and this may have been mentioned already. It is important to remember that Sigma is an OVERALL value for the whole map, whereas one is looking for local solutions when fitting any density. Stuff on the surface of the molecule ought to be contoured a

Re: [ccp4bb] Rsym problems...maybe???

2010-04-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
No - no - no! Probably you should have integrated to a higher resolution! Eleanor Daniel Bonsor wrote: Hello again. At first I was not worry but maybe now I am. I have completed a structure and submitted to the PDB. They queried my Rsym value in the highest resolution bin, 2.5-2.37A (may I

Re: [ccp4bb] Shifting twin fraction with refinement - finally zero

2010-04-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
A few comments - you dont give your cell dimensions but if they are more or less the same for the P212121 and P43 21 2 I dont see how a 43 set of absences can turn into a 21 set .. However if there is non-crystallographic translation, then absences an mislead.. Is that true for you - Tw

Re: [ccp4bb] YATQ (yet another twinning question) - may involve pirates

2010-04-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
A general point often overlooked, the Rfactor from twinned refinement at least with SHELX and REFMAC do not use exactly the same formulation as an Rfactor for a mono-crystal and seems consistently lower than expected.. my impression is that they cannot be compared easily. And there may be a pr

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