JVM configuration Problem

2011-04-06 Thread erik tom
My CPU is running almost 100%. I am using windows 7 64 bit 6G ram. I have the following arguments set but it is still slow. Please help java.args=-server -Xms1224m -Xmx1224m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=250m -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

Help ColdFusion Output URGENT

2009-06-01 Thread erik tom
I have a query which list all the Team members, their Area MANagers, Region Managers, Locations and so on . What i need to do is to display each managers(name) column2: total number of people in their area column3: and total number of people completed the course in the area I came up with

Re: Help ColdFusion Output URGENT

2009-06-01 Thread erik tom
Thanks. But what what you suggesting is not working. I need to display. 1 area manager on one line and get all the calculation on one line You could do it better with aggregate functions, but this will work, too. Just make the completionDate lookup part of your base query (note the LEFT

ColdFuison Course display

2009-02-19 Thread erik tom
I have a code that i wrote looking for the specific courses and check for the completion. Now the requirenment has changed. 4. Date Rule: This will have a number of possibilities. 0: Ignore start and end dates. Display this course for all EDITs 1: This course will be displayed to an

Dynamic menu system

2008-12-11 Thread erik tom
I got a little problem here. I am using cfform format flash and I cfgrid which list menu items. Also have dynamic set of drop downs (access Levels). What i am trying to is by selecting menu item preload the appropriate drop down. Since it a flash form i need to use Action Script. Also in the

Dynamically prepopulate 18 drop downs based on the cfgrid changed selection

2008-12-03 Thread erik tom
I have i grid where after changing the row the 18 drop downs should get populated. I ahve writen a piece of code but it populate the value to all the drop down. for example i have 2 classes each of them has day assigned to it. so when i click on the grid item i only want to see 1 of the drop

Dynamically prepopulate 18 drop downs based on the cfgrid

2008-12-03 Thread erik tom
I have i grid where after changing the row the 18 drop downs should get populated. I ahve writen a piece of code but it populate the value to all the drop down. for example i have 2 classes each of them has day assigned to it. so when i click on the grid item i only want to see 1 of the drop

Coldfusion 8 related drop down in the flash cfform

2008-11-26 Thread erik tom
I am trying to create a related drop down using flash remoting but it does not work. here is my code cfset memberList = queryNew(accessLevel,description) / cfsavecontent variable=getModel cfoutput //create connection var

Re: Coldfusion 8 related drop down in the flash cfform

2008-11-26 Thread erik tom
I am trying to create a related drop down using flash remoting but it does not work. here is my code Be less vague than it does not work. -- I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. And I wish you my kind of success. The second drop down does not get

Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
I have a cfc that executes just fine. And i am trying to populate cfgrid from the cfc. It works just fine on the localhost but it does not show the data when i execute it on my computer. Below is my form cfset menu =CreateObject(component,Erik.maintenace).LoadMenu() cfdump var=#menu# cfform

Re: Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
No i do not get any erorrs Can you tell us what the output is to the browser when you run it on your computer? Is there an error message, or just not any data? William -- William Seiter IT Web Developer / Consultant Is your income limited by the red tape and

Re: Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
No . I do have cfide in the virtual directory, also /cfide is setup in CF Administrator Could it be you don't have CFIDE available as a virtual dir/vhost? Adrian Building a database of ColdFusion errors at http://cferror.org/ I have a cfc that executes just fine. And i am trying to populate

Re: Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
Also if I change the form and cfgrid format to html then it works but I want to use flaash format and it only works on the localhost. Could it be you don't have CFIDE available as a virtual dir/vhost? Adrian Building a database of ColdFusion errors at http://cferror.org/ I have a cfc that

Re: Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
LocalHost meaNS THAT i AM WORKING DIRECTLY ON THE SERVER When you mention 'localhost' and 'your computer', does this mean that you are on 2 different computer's browsers, or does this mean that the files are being transferred between 2 different hosts? William --

Re: Coldfusion cfc execution in cfgrid

2008-10-15 Thread erik tom
YEs i can do that. I think i got it but it strange. I use IE and it works , on the Google chrome it does not On the domain you're browsing to, can you go to www.domain.com/cfide/? Adrian Building a database of ColdFusion errors at http://cferror.org/ No . I do have cfide in the virtual

Cfdirectory onclick event

2008-09-23 Thread erik tom
I am retriving the file system. From now i need to select a file and populate the name of the file to the input box cfform format=html action=#cgi.Script_Name# cfset test=CreateObject(component,Erik.Navigation).directory() cftree name=Test_Tree width=300 height=300 cfloop query=test

Access level in Dynamic menu in cf8

2008-09-15 Thread erik tom
I am building the dynamic menu. Where based on the access level people will certain buttons on the screen. So i got the menu running which disalys nicely (using cfc). Now based on who the person is i need to show then appripriate menu items. I have a tblEmployeeItems which defines all access

Help constracting optionstring in coldfusion or javascript

2008-09-12 Thread erik tom
In my form i building the number of dynamic select boxes. And it works . The only thing that does not work when i make the selection and save into the databse and then come back it does not do the preselect. How can i do this This it works for dispaly the drop down cfset selectOptions =

CF8 cfc problem

2008-09-10 Thread erik tom
this code get executed on CF7 , but display blank in cf8 cfinvoke component=Erik.navigation method=mainMenu returnvariable=GetMenuHead /cfinvoke cfdump var=#GetMenuHead# sfdds cfoutput query=GetMenuHead a href=?childID=#menuID##label#/abr / /cfoutput PLease help

ColdFusion navigation help

2008-09-09 Thread erik tom
Hi guys I want to design a dynamic menu. For this purpose I written some cfc. cfcomponent hint=get main menu displayname=navigation cffunction name=mainMenu hint=Get the main menu returntype=query cfquery name=mainmenu datasource=cfelsunrise dbtype=ODBC

Re: ColdFusion navigation help

2008-09-09 Thread erik tom
erik tom wrote: On this page I only want to the root menu. After i click on the link it should take me to the child menu where i CAN CLICK ON THE iTEM AND IT SHOULD TAKE ME TO THE NEXT MENU. aND SO ON AND SO FORTH Then don't loop over all the children and output them. Just output

dynamic queries/tables in coldfusion

2008-06-24 Thread erik tom
For example I may have 3 courses . so i want to dynamically generate the query and fill the result into the tdTHe number of courses can change that why I need to dynamically generate the queries I came up with code but does not seems to be working cfoutput query=getReport tr

output employee in one row in coldfusion

2008-06-09 Thread erik tom
I am trying to output the table where I want to list people and their coourse completion . and it working . The problem that I am having It outputs the same Emp Id twice or more becaused each employee can signed up for multiple courses. How can i do that so each employee get to show up once

Re: output employee in one row in coldfusion

2008-06-09 Thread erik tom
tdnbsp;/td tdnbsp;/td /cfif /cfloop erik tom wrote: I am trying to output the table where

do not increase counter is returns 0

2008-05-30 Thread erik tom
I have a problem calculating the average. What i need is if the query does not return returns a record then do not increase the counter (this part is working) Also if the query.hours eq 0 and query.minutes eq 0 also should not increase the counter cfset empCnt2=0 cfset

HElp getting completion in coldfusion

2008-05-17 Thread erik tom
I have the task where I need to check the people completion based on what Quater the enter the program. For example the Q1 required to have Level2 classes to be completed with the passing score of 80% Q2 classes required to complete by the end of the Q2. So if the perosn enter the program in

Re: Format Tables (Was RE: CF to excel)

2008-05-17 Thread erik tom
Can you show us the looping code? It's probably an error in reusing too much of the sample code --- Janine Jakim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks for all the input. Now for the next question. I am having a hard time formatting my html table correctly. I am using TRTH#Skill[1]#/TH


2008-05-16 Thread erik tom

Dynamically prepolate the select box

2008-05-09 Thread erik tom
I am dynamically buildin a select box . How can i prepopluate the data so when it loads it will select the previously submited answer So far i got this cfset selectOptions = selectOptions 'option value=#options#_#id#cfif qryAnswers.answer eq #id#selected/cfif#options#/option'

Re: Dynamically prepolate the select box

2008-05-09 Thread erik tom
Another option is the iif() function ('inline if'). So: cfloop query=ItemQ option value=#Item_ID# #iif(item_ID EQ selectedId, DE('selected=selected'), DE(''))# #Item# /option /cfloop Dominic -- Blog it up: http://fusion.dominicwatson.co.uk Tahnks

Form.fieldnames for textarea

2008-05-08 Thread erik tom
I am building binamic survey . SO when i inserti g the value of the radio buttons all works, but when i am trying to get the id of the textarea it does not . I do not know what to do next CFLOOP LIST=#Form.fieldnames# Index=field cfif #field# neq btnSubmitSurvey

insert /delet problem in coldfusion

2008-05-02 Thread erik tom
OK. I got really stumpped the solution seems to be very simple, but anyway. in my survey form I need . answer question . and then click save. Then If the user go in the modyfy the question i want to delete the prevoius choices and insert the new ones. I have to 2 tables to do that .()

multiple insert in coldfsuion

2008-05-01 Thread erik tom
i am looping through theform and collecting survey answers, if i select multiple answers they get inserted on one line how can i insert the value individulay? How can i modify the code so i can make the code work the way i need cfif isDefined(btnSubmitSurvey) cfoutput cfif

cflloop over the form.

2008-04-30 Thread erik tom
I am trying to gather the result of the survey. so when i click on the submit button I wanto collect the values from the entire form that were checked . Instead i get passed all the id rather than id that was checked CFLOOP LIST=#form.fieldnames# Index=field cfif isDefined(form.fieldnames)

Re: cflloop over the form.

2008-04-30 Thread erik tom
I got this part working. Now I need to insert into questionidfk the value (#Evaluate(field)#, but now it looks like this test2_229 and i only need the 229 . How can i trim this variable cfif isDefined(form.fieldnames) CFLOOP LIST=#form.fieldnames# Index=field cfquery name=qryInsert

Re: cflloop over the form.

2008-04-30 Thread erik tom
Thanks i use this #ListLast(Evaluate(Form.#field#), _)# How can i skip insertion of the button since i am using the form.fieldnames How can i trim this variable Try this: listLast (field, _) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: DYnamic survey design

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
Your query is the unchanged. Instead of running the insert query, just output the query to the screen so you can see what is going on. On a different not, I've also seen your last few questions to the list and don't take this any other way than helpful, but you should really invest in a good CF

ColdFusion query question

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
I have problem updating the DB table. I have 3 text boxes which has specific id. if the value of that boxes changed i wanto compare to DB and update the option for that id and only for that id . Instead it updates for all ids cfif isDefined(btnOption) cfloop index=i from=1

Re: ColdFusion query question

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
The data is the follow : id idoptionsquestionID SurveyID 160test 82 1 161test2 82 1 162test3 82 1 Erik, This is pretty difficult to troubleshoot

Re: DYnamic survey design

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
, 2008 at 9:17 AM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive: http

Re: ColdFusion query question

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
as a duplicate thread? On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:37 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk

Re: DYnamic survey design

2008-04-25 Thread erik tom
and nudge you in the right direction. OK, clearly explain to me what you want this code to do. What are you starting with, and what do you want the end result to be? On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 1:36 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

DYnamic survey design

2008-04-24 Thread erik tom
I am trying to design the dynamic survey. But when i insert question options (label) I get weird behevior. It insert a duplicate but it should not !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd; html

Re: DYnamic survey design

2008-04-24 Thread erik tom
insert into questionOptions values('#variables.this#',#questionID#,#surveyID#) questionID and surveyID never change in your loop... you are just looping the same info into the database. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Bobby Hartsfield http://acoderslife.com http://cf4em.com

Re: DYnamic survey design

2008-04-24 Thread erik tom
insert into questionOptions values('#variables.this#',#questionID#,#surveyID#) questionID and surveyID never change in your loop... you are just looping the same info into the database. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Bobby Hartsfield http://acoderslife.com http://cf4em.com I rewrote the query but

Re: output column average using coldfusion

2008-04-21 Thread erik tom
in almost every situation the same thing can be done in SQL more easily and far more quickly. On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 3:36 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How can i accomplish this ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8

output column average using coldfusion

2008-04-18 Thread erik tom
IN my code I output the query into the table. The is a column that contains time . SAo what i need to do is to get an average to this coumn . tr cfset count=0 td valign=top#RTrim(Lname)#,

Re: output column average using coldfusion

2008-04-18 Thread erik tom
18, 2008 at 12:36 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I need to get totalwhen i am already outside the loop !--- Loop over learners --- cfloop query=getLearners cfif lastlearner is not LID

Problem outputing The table

2008-04-09 Thread erik tom
In the task I need to output the table which contains people and assosiate with this poeople courses. If the course is required and has been taken then leave the cell blank, if the course is required and has not been taken then X, the rest should be N/A CFOUTPUT !--- Report Location Training

Re: Problem outputing The table

2008-04-09 Thread erik tom
I do not get any errors It just does not output it correctly . First of it looping throug the users, then it get the completion. I do not know if I am doing it correctly . I am trying outputing row by row, so get employeeId loop throu the courses required and compare that courses to the array

Re: Problem outputing The table

2008-04-09 Thread erik tom
erik tom wrote: I do not get any errors It just does not output it correctly . First of it looping throug the users, then it get the completion. I do not know if I am doing it correctly . I am trying outputing row by row, so get employeeId loop throu the courses required and compare

ColdFusion table output

2008-04-08 Thread erik tom
In my query I need to loop through the courses and find out wheather or not perosn require to take courses. if the do not require to take any courses then mark the cell N/a. If they do require then check for completion. If they had already taking the course and completed then leave the cell

cfloop problem

2008-04-07 Thread erik tom
In my query I need to loop through the courses and find out wheather or not perosn require to take courses. if the do not require to take any courses then mark the cell N/a. If they do require then check for completion. If they had already taking the course and completed then leave the cell

ColdFusion required and optional

2008-04-04 Thread erik tom
Hi guys. How can i achieve the following. I have 11 courses. I need to determine which course is required for the person and it has been taken or not. For example i have a person he requires to take 3 out of 11 courses. He completed 2 so far . When i do the following It does give me the

ColdFusion array problem

2008-04-03 Thread erik tom
I have a query that output the data. What i need is to be able create a 2 dementional array to store the courseId and EmployeeId assoosiated with this course. The reason i am doing this b/c this query gives the all required info . and then i will have the other query which gives the number of

Re: ColdFusion array problem

2008-04-03 Thread erik tom
The problem is i want to see the employeeId and assosiate with this EMployee courses You haven't said what the problem is (I don't think you have anyway). Also, sort that formatting out, no one needs to see that :O| :OD Adrian I have a query that output the data. What i need is to be able

Re: ColdFusion array problem

2008-04-03 Thread erik tom
the array courses are setup in saparate file . and then i call it through the include cfinclude template=../includes/coursearray2.cfm here the array !--- Setup Course Descriptions --- cfset arryCourses = ArrayNew(2) !--- display name [i][1] ---

Re: ColdFusion array problem

2008-04-03 Thread erik tom
here is my entire code CFOUTPUT !--- Report Location Training Report --- cfset TodayDT = now() !--- variables for standard Header --- cfset hdr_RptID = TTIS-ETR cfset hdr_SysID = TRAINING RECORDS cfset hdr_RptName = Employee Training Report !--- end header variables --- cfparam name = errmsg

Re: ColdFusion array problem

2008-04-03 Thread erik tom
Irewrote a little but it does not outputing correctly cfset newStaff= ArrayNew(2) cfset newStaff[1][1]=#employeeId# cfset newStaff[1][2]=#courseId# !---cfdump var=#newStaff# label=newStaff--- cfset emp=ArrayToList(newStaff[1],,) Emp: cfdump var=#emp#

turn integer list into list of characters

2008-03-26 Thread erik tom
I have a query that returns the EmployeeiD, on the other table i have column employeeId which is varchar datatype. so my question is how can I convert integer list into char list so it looks like this cfste list='1233','12333','333' and so on

turn the coldfusion query into sql stored procedure or view

2008-03-25 Thread erik tom
I have a cooldfusion query that i want to turn into the stored procedure or view . How can I do that cfquery name=getReport datasource=cfelsunrise dbtype=ODBC Select e.employeeid, e.last_name as empLastName, e.first_name as empFirstName, e.middle_name as empMiddleName,

inSERTurl variables into database using coldfusion

2008-03-13 Thread erik tom
Hi guys . I have 2 forms . The first form sending email which provide the link to second form pa href=http://omnilearn.com/sunriseportal/external/addressemail/form.cfm?name=test;Address Form Submission/a/p. When the usr click on the link the second form show up. after the complete the form

Re: inSERTurl variables into database using coldfusion

2008-03-13 Thread erik tom
URL (get) variables are accessed via the URL scope. URL.foo As opposed to form [post] variables, which are accessed via the FORM scope. FORM.foo Ok. But how can i get it fix so it will pass the url by clicking on the link ~|

Re: Add the third column into the table after the cfloop is over using cold Fusion and css

2008-02-27 Thread erik tom
It looks great. Thanks Except I can not allign the entire table in meddle of the screen, and it changes it position based on the browser resolution What I am picturing that you are trying to accomplish is this. Loop from 1 to half and put all results in the left column. Add the 'calendar' in

Add the third column into the table after the cfloop is over using cold Fusion and css

2008-02-26 Thread erik tom
In my form i am outputing the buttons in the column format. What i need is sometimes before or after insert the caledar in between those 2 columns. Whatever i do is executing withing a loop. so I can not get 2 columns of rows (separately can) and the calendar in between. Please help this is

Re: add remove items from the ColdFusion List and Update the dataabse. URGENT

2008-02-21 Thread erik tom
Don't you think it might be better to do at the top of the page the check for the item to delete then delete the item? Rather than at the bottom of the page? Here is how I see your logic 1) retrieve data 2) Display data 3) check for data to be deleted Can you spot it now? If I delete the

insert multiple records based on Identity id in coldfusion

2008-02-21 Thread erik tom
OK . I am trying to insert multiple records into the DB base on the IdentityId found in the insert But it does nor seems to be working . It only insert 1 record cfparam name=form.foundOn default= cfparam name=form.topLevel default= cfparam name=form.txtAreaDesc default= cfparam name=form.link

Re: insert multiple records based on Identity id in coldfusion

2008-02-21 Thread erik tom
for you. On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:36 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I did the dump on the form and it does return multiple values ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get

Re: insert multiple records based on Identity id in coldfusion

2008-02-21 Thread erik tom
then please provide the values.. we can't help what we don't know. output the values and post them On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:52 PM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I found the problem If anybody can help me fix it. When i move the code inside the code it works like a charm, but when i

insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
I have a drop drop where i SELECTING MULTIPLE values and I want to insert those values into the column here is my code but it is only inserting 1 value rather than a list cfif isDefined(form.btnAdd) cfloop index=i from=1 to=#ListLen(form.foundOn)# cfset listItem =

Re: insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
I have a drop drop where i SELECTING MULTIPLE values and I Your CFLOCATION is inside your loop. Once that runs, it aborts the current page. Put it after the loop. Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software http://www.figleaf.com/ Fig Leaf Training: Adobe/Google/Paperthin Certified Partners

Re: insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
I have a drop drop where i SELECTING MULTIPLE values and I Your CFLOCATION is inside your loop. Once that runs, it aborts the current page. Put it after the loop. Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software http://www.figleaf.com/ Fig Leaf Training: Adobe/Google/Paperthin Certified Partners

Re: insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
Then why can't you just save the form field with multiple values to your database? unless I'm misunderstanding you. You can save the list to your DB in a varchar field and then pull it out and set the value to a list.. On Feb 20, 2008 11:03 AM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can you show me

Re: insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
Then why can't you just save the form field with multiple values to your database? unless I'm misunderstanding you. You can save the list to your DB in a varchar field and then pull it out and set the value to a list.. On Feb 20, 2008 11:03 AM, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Never mind I got

Re: insert multiple values into the column using ColdFusion

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
erik tom wrote: That looks great, but what I need is to post multiple values into 1 field called foundOn. So once i select mi=ultiple values the foundOn field will look for example like this 2,4,12 and so depends how many items from drop down was selected I was afraid that is what you

I ma stuck here . In coldfusion query

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
I have a column datatype text. And when i try to run the query I get the error [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int The query is select menuId,label,foundOn from dbo.menu where menuId IN (select foundOn from dbo.menu where

Re: I ma stuck here . In coldfusion query

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
Looking at the query: select menuId, label, foundOn from dbo.menu where menuId IN ( select foundOn from dbo.menu where menuId=#form.selTopLevel2#) order by menuId would indicate that FoundOn is a varchar type field and menuid is an integer. Perhaps you rewrite the query to match

Re: I ma stuck here . In coldfusion query

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
You are trying to select where menuId = foundOn. I'm guessing foundOn is a text field. Check your subselect. --Ben Doom erik tom wrote: I have a column datatype text. And when i try to run the query I get the error [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Operand type clash

Re: I ma stuck here . In coldfusion query

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
On 2/20/08, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a column datatype text. And when i try to run the query I get the error [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int The query is select menuId,label,foundOn from dbo.menu where

Re: I ma stuck here . In coldfusion query

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
On 2/20/08, erik tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The query is select menuId,label,foundOn from dbo.menu where menuId IN (select foundOn from dbo.menu where menuId=#form.selTopLevel2#) order by menuId So you're expecting foundOn to be equal to menuID - if that's the case, why is foundOn

add remove items from the ColdFusion List and Update the dataabse. URGENT

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
I the form i have 2 drop down . from first when i select the item it automatically populate the second drop down. Then if I pick something from the second drop down I want to remove that Item from tHe db. tH EPROBLEM IS IT SHOULD GET REMOVED from the column called foundOn which is the list.

Re: add remove items from the ColdFusion List and Update the dataabse. URGENT

2008-02-20 Thread erik tom
Is this all in one page? If it is then look at your process flow, it is all wrong dude. Yes it is all in one page. Why is it wrong , Can you correct me ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

keep session variable alive

2007-12-04 Thread erik tom
In my application I have session variable throughout the whole application but when i click on the link to get redirected to the first page the session variable get killed, but I need this session variable to be alive ~|

display processing message for 5 sec

2007-11-29 Thread erik tom
In my form I am using AJAX in com=ngunction with CF. Everything is working the only thing that I need is to dispaly the processing message once a user click on the certain buttons , because of the load issue. How can i do that

Re: ajaxcfc framework and CF problem

2007-11-09 Thread erik tom
I 1 drop down from where I would like to populate the data in to the text box. So in order to do this I am picked the ajaxcfc. So the code seems to be working, it gets all the requireq values but doe not populate into the box . Functions that I am usig : function doQuery(id)

ajaxcfc framework and CF problem

2007-11-09 Thread erik tom
I 1 drop down from where I would like to populate the data in to the text box. So in order to do this I am picked the ajaxcfc. So the code seems to be working, it gets all the requireq values but doe not populate into the box . Functions that I am usig : function doQuery(id){

Ajax and ColdFusion

2007-11-08 Thread erik tom
In my form I am trying to implement Up/Down movement and store the changes into database without refreshing the page. In order to accomplish this I would like tio use Ajax . So that what I came up with Hidden variable: cfoutput input type=hidden Name=FieldsSave id=FieldsSave/cfoutput 2

Re: coldfusion query problem

2007-10-23 Thread erik tom
Instead of cast('#form.test#' as int(4)) I'd try #val(form.test)# and a cfqueryparam would probably help the situation as well Original Message --- I have a input box wher I am getting the value for my where clause. INstead I am getting the error Error

how to add a session variable on the tab click

2007-10-23 Thread erik tom
how to add a session variable on the tab click in Coldfusion ~| Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs Forum direct from active programmers and developers.

get the value of the drop down and pass it to the cfquery

2007-10-23 Thread erik tom
I need to be able get the value from the drop down and pass ethis value to cfquery function which located on the second tab of the form. Once i selected the drop down item i clicked on the submit button and going to the second tab but nothing getting passed to the query. Help?

Re: how to add a session variable on the tab click

2007-10-23 Thread erik tom
anything that happens in the browser (e.g. clicking) is client side. coldfusion is server side. the only way to trigger a CF action (e.g. setting a session variable) after a client side event would be: 1) go back to the server (add a link to the tab) that sets the variable on the server and then

Re: get the value of the drop down and pass it to the cfquery

2007-10-23 Thread erik tom
naming your dropdown, and how are you referencing it in the query? --Ben Doom The button supposed to submit so I can set the session variable to the next tab erik tom wrote: I need to be able get the value from the drop down and pass ethis value to cfquery function which located

coldfusion query problem

2007-10-22 Thread erik tom
I have a input box wher I am getting the value for my where clause. INstead I am getting the error Error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int cfquery name=infoNote datasource=X SELECT apr.reqid, apr.requirement,

Re: sort dataset in spry

2007-10-17 Thread erik tom
Moving up and down? What do you mean? Do you mean selecting different items in the dataset? If so - there is a function that will set the current row. Most of the demos show this with a table and a onCLick with the TR. I assume you then want to populate a form. Look at the examples of detail

Re: sort dataset in spry

2007-10-17 Thread erik tom
Oh you want to _move_ items in a DS. Hmm. Not sure if that is something you can do out of the box. You got me there. I have the JS code which does that function Field_up(lst) { var i = lst.selectedIndex; if (i0) Field_swap(lst,i,i-1); } function Field_down(lst) { var i = lst.selectedIndex;

rewrite the action page like a function

2007-10-17 Thread erik tom
I need to rewrite the code so it looks like a function cfif NOT StructIsEmpty(form) cfcontent type=text/xml; charset=UTF-8 reset=Yes / cfloop index=variables.i from=1 to=#ListLen(form.categoryname)# cfset variables.thisCheckbox = ListGetAt(form.categoryname,variables.i)

Re: rewrite the action page like a function

2007-10-17 Thread erik tom
sorry, to call it you'd also pass in the (optional) schoolcode argument. cfoutput#myFunction(myform=form,schoolcode='foo')#/cfoutput :) -- Charlie Griefer ...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they

Re: rewrite the action page like a function

2007-10-17 Thread erik tom
you can call the method right from the form. form action=myCFC.cfc?method=myMethodName ... I know that I can call the methods right from the form but can I do something like this form action=cfif insert'method1cfelsemethod2/cfif'

Re: Spry and IE Caching

2007-10-16 Thread erik tom
try using something like this cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=yes cfsetting showdebugoutput=no !--- Query the database and get all the records from the Images table --- cfquery name=rsImages datasource=dsImages SELECT ID, AlbumName, ImagePath, ImageDescription, UploadDate FROM Images /cfquery !---

sort dataset in spry

2007-10-16 Thread erik tom
I have form with drop down and I need to be able to sort by clicking up and down buttons. I did that in JS but how about spry script type=text/javascript var dsProducts = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet(category.cfm,categories/category,{ useCache: false});

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