Re: SRFI-143 Fixnums (was Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1)

2024-04-22 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 4/22/24 22:20, Diego wrote:

On Monday, April 22nd, 2024 at 11:56 PM, Jeremy Steward  

Sorry to reply to myself, but I've provided some better patches now, see

Whoops, I got this in the middle of pushing the previous change. I'll try and 
apply the new patches. Thanks for this.


Thanks for applying those patches and pushing up v1.0.0.

I tested the re-exports locally and they seem to no longer cause 
performance problems on transducers or generalized-arrays, and new 
versions of those should be up shortly.

Jeremy Steward

Re: SRFI-143 Fixnums (was Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1)

2024-04-22 Thread Jeremy Steward
Sorry to reply to myself, but I've provided some better patches now, see 

I went ahead and fixed the Makefile and SVNWiki pages as well. I can't 
run test-new-egg but salmonella passes just fine.

Jeremy StewardFrom 0fe5cff9482bc6a11594d907128ddbcad562976c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Steward 
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:54:21 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update svnwiki page with appropriate docs

 srfi-143.svnwiki | 43 +--
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/srfi-143.svnwiki b/srfi-143.svnwiki
index 7f326e9..fd4be26 100644
--- a/srfi-143.svnwiki
+++ b/srfi-143.svnwiki
@@ -52,11 +52,9 @@ in the same way as {{(chicken fixnum}}).
 === Deviations from the specification
-In the CHICKEN implementation, {{fx+}}, {{fx-}}, and {{fx*}} are variadic,
-implemented with {{foldr}}, {{foldl}}, and {{foldr}}, respectively. For
-completeness, a variadic {{fx/}} is provided as well, implemented with
-{{foldl}}. It's not clear that this is much more useful than the SRFI's
+All procedures in this library are 2-arity wherever possible. The original
+SRFI-143 document lists these procedures as variadic, but for compatibility
+with {{(chicken fixnum)}} these are kept to 2-arity and re-exported.
 === Specification
@@ -105,23 +103,23 @@ Bound to the value {{-2^w-1}}, the smallest representable fixnum. (R6RS
 Returns {{#t}} if obj is an exact integer within the fixnum range, and {{#f}}
-(fx=? i ...)
+(fx=? i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{=}}.
 Semantically equivalent to {{<}}.
-(fx>? i ...)
+(fx>? i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{>}}.
-(fx<=? i ...)
+(fx<=? i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{<=}}.
-(fx>=? i ...)
+(fx>=? i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{>=}}.
@@ -145,21 +143,21 @@ Semantically equivalent to {{odd?}}.
 Semantically equivalent to {{even?}}.
-(fxmax i j ...)
+(fxmax i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{max}}.
-(fxmin i j ...)
+(fxmin i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{min}}.
  Basic arithmetic
-(fx+ i ...)
+(fx+ i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{+}}.
-(fx- i ...)
+(fx- i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{-}}.
@@ -167,11 +165,11 @@ Semantically equivalent to {{-}}.
 Semantically equivalent to {{-}}, but accepts exactly one argument.
-(fx* i ...)
+(fx* i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{*}}.
-(fx/ i ...)
+(fx/ i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{(foldr quotient i rest-args)}}.
@@ -243,15 +241,15 @@ are dropped for brevity and compatibility.
 Semantically equivalent to {{bitwise-not}}.
-(fxand i ...)
+(fxand i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{bitwise-and}}.
-(fxior i ...)
+(fxior i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{bitwise-ior}}.
-(fxxor i ...)
+(fxxor i j)
 Semantically equivalent to {{bitwise-xor}}.
@@ -331,17 +329,17 @@ Jaffer, Taylor Campbell, and the R6RS editors.
 === Copyright
  Copyright (C) John Cowan (2016). All Rights Reserved.
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
  this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
  the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
  use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
  of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
  so, subject to the following conditions:
  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@@ -352,6 +350,7 @@ Jaffer, Taylor Campbell, and the R6RS editors.
 === Version history
+* 1.0.0 - Convert egg to R7RS library & convert variadic procedures to 2-arity procedures.
 * 0.4.1 - Fix bug due to calling fixnum procedures with wrong number of arguments
 * 0.4 - Implement variadic arithmetic operators, use fixnum operations internally
 * 0.3 - Reorganize and reduce files

From c9e35def19b4f7c0753180ac395eb0f009b0ac60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Steward 
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:29:41 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Add chicken-lint to Makefile / clean up makefile

Some of the commands were a bit ??? so I did a bit of cleanup on the
 Makefile | 36 
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d613d59..7deea33 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,37 @@
-CHICKEN_CLEAN		:= chicken-clean
-CHICKEN_INSTALL		:= chicken-install
-SALMONELLA		:= salmonella
-SALMONELLA_LOG		:= salmonella.log
-SALMONELLA_LOG_VIEWER	:= salmonella-log-viewer
-SRFI   			:= srfi-143.scm

Re: SRFI-143 Fixnums (was Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1)

2024-04-22 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 4/22/24 14:55, Diego wrote:

Hi all,

Sorry to be very late/unresponsive to this discussion. As I understand it from 
reading the email thread, there are several optimizations and changes to 
SRFI-143 that would make it more performant or inline with the intent of the 
original SRFI.

Heyo! Better late than never!

I think there's two things being discussed:

1. SRFI-143 as it exists is rather slow compared to (chicken fixnum)
2. There seems to be an errata / post finalization note in SRFI-143 (the 
text) that needs to be brought up regarding 2-arity vs. variadic 
procedures in the spec. John mentioned he would pursue this, although 
looking at the archives I haven't seen it yet.

I have unfortunately not had much time for scheme in the past couple years, and 
though I'd love to get back to it eventually, I'd hate to simply sit on the 
sources for this (or any other eggs I maintain) without allowing for it to 

I understand this feeling. Look at generalized-arrays (thread topic), I 
sat on it for years!

I'd be happy to give Jeremy and anyone else interested in this effort 
read/write access to the sources at, or 
transfer the egg to a different maintainer/repo entirely if that approach is 


I don't have a SourceHut account, but from what I know of SourceHut I 
believe either approach can be made to work (I may need to set up 
git-send-email). For what it's worth, I've done the hard work of 
converting everything to an R7RS egg as well as fixing the tests / arity 
of every procedure to match that of (chicken fixnum) and what I presume 
to be John's original intent with the SRFI.

See the attached file for the full patch. One thing I did not do was 
update the svnwiki page in the repo. I can definitely do this but I only 
spent about an hour or so on this and some plugin in my editor is 
messing with the formatting. (classic excuse right?)

Anyways, happy to continue to get this out to folks. I don't know to 
what extent users are currently using SRFI-143 so I'd be wary to push 
this out, but I went to the liberty of bumping the version to 1.0.0 
since this would definitely be a major breakage of the API.

Jeremy StewardFrom d9d3a770afc54faf12558f59e37a33db7a016587 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Steward 
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:56:03 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Convert egg to R7RS egg & variadic procedures to 2-arity

 carries.scm   |  63 ---
 srfi-143-impl.scm |  98 -
 srfi-143.egg  |  12 ++-
 srfi-143.release-info |   1 +
 srfi-143.scm  | 246 +++---
 srfi-143.sld  |  83 ++
 tests/r6rs-test.scm   | 176 --
 tests/run.scm |  34 +++---
 8 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 443 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 carries.scm
 delete mode 100644 srfi-143-impl.scm
 create mode 100644 srfi-143.sld
 delete mode 100644 tests/r6rs-test.scm

diff --git a/carries.scm b/carries.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c2253c..000
--- a/carries.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- Generic implementation of carry functions from the R6RS standard.
-;;; These implementations of fx+/carry, fx-/carry, and fx*/carry
-;;; are very inefficient, and should be replaced by proper
-;;; assembly language operations if at all possible.
-;;; Furthermore, there are no tests for them,
-;;; because of their dependency on fx-width.
-(define exp-width (expt 2 fx-width))
-(define (fx+/carry i j k)
-  (let*-values (((s) (+ i j k))
-((q r) (balanced/ s exp-width)))
-(values r q)))
-(define (fx-/carry i j k)
-  (let*-values (((d) (- i j k))
-((q r) (balanced/ d exp-width)))
-(values r q)))
-(define (fx*/carry i j k)
-  (let*-values (((s) (+ (* i j) k))
-((q r) (balanced/ s exp-width)))
-(values r q)))
-;;; Helper functions from SRFI 151
-(define (floor-/+ n d)
-  (let ((n (- 0 n)))
-(let ((q (quotient n d)) (r (remainder n d)))
-  (if (zero? r)
-  (values (- 0 q) r)
-  (values (- (- 0 q) 1) (- d r))
-(define (ceiling-/- n d)
-  (let ((n (- 0 n)) (d (- 0 d)))
-(let ((q (quotient n d)) (r (remainder n d)))
-  (if (zero? r)
-  (values q r)
-  (values (+ q 1) (- d r))
-(define (euclidean/ n d)
-  (if (and (exact-integer? n) (exact-integer? d))
-  (cond ((and (negative? n) (negative? d)) (ceiling-/- n d))
-((negative? n) (floor-/+ n d))
-((negative? d)
- (let ((d (- 0 d)))
-   (values (- 0 (quotient n d)) (remainder n d
-(else (values (quotient n d) (remainder n d
-  (let ((q (if (negative? d) (ceiling (/ n d)) (floor (/ n d)
-(values q (- n (* d q))
-(define (balanced/ x y)
-  (call-with-values
-  (lambda () (euclidean/ x y))
-(lambda (q r)
-  (cond ((< r (abs

Generalized Arrays v2.0.0

2024-02-17 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hello all,

It was brought to my attention that the v1.x series of 
Generalized-Arrays broke some things due to a name collision with the 
functional arrays egg <>.

To remedy this, I fixed the imports to now be (import 
generalized-arrays) and released a v2.0.0 (since this is a breaking 

@Mario: I've also changed my default branch to be called 'main'. I'm not 
sure if you need to update the URL for the release-info file, but you 
can find it here:


Apologies for the inconvenience in the meanwhile.

Jeremy Steward

Re: Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1

2024-02-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 2/4/24 05:11, wrote:

1. The egg itself is not compiled with -O3, whereas if I link to
(chicken fixnum) I believe that these procedures will be inlined by the
CHICKEN compiler when the arrays egg is compiled with -O3 or higher.

That's correct. As -O3 implies "unsafe", the compiler can just ignore
type checks and always inline numeric primitives.

Awesome, glad my intuition about this wasn't unfounded. This is probably 
the biggest factor.

2. There may be some rewriting rules that the compiler uses for
procedures in the (chicken ...) namespace that optimizes these directly
into their equivalent optimized C procedures. I'm not sure the compiler
has the same visibility if you re-export these from behind a module, and
especially not if you link dynamically (any hope of inlining those is
thus gone forever).

As a general rule all renamings and rexports preserve the run-time
semantics - as long as a procedure definition is not wrapped inside
another procedure, the original procedure gets compiled and any
optimizations and inlinings the compiler performs for "known" primitives will be
applied. Syntax- and module-specific expansions perform renaming
only and never introduce run-time code that wasn't explicitly given by
the user.

Aha, so as long as something is wrapped we don't see the same kind of 

In fact on the latter point above, this raises an interesting question I
had for the mailing list: if I re-export a CHICKEN-specific procedure,
does the way the compiler handles translation units prevent certain
optimizations from applying? I've somewhat noticed that to be the case
but I haven't seen any writing about it nor have I understood the extent
to which that might affect certain SRFIs or eggs.

See above - unless something is wrapped, you get the inlining. But as
I see in the SRFI-143 spec, their operations take any number of
arguments, where the ones from (chicken fixnum) have arity 2,
so I assume the srfi code wraps the primitives into multi-argument
procedures and thus preserves imports from the srfi-143 module to be inlined.

And yup, that's probably it. From what I can tell from the source 
locally they are wrapped e.g.:

(define (fx+ . args)
  (foldr chicken:fx+ 0 args))

If you have time/energy, it would be useful to make Chicken's
implementation do what it was originally intended.  See the
"Implementation" section in the SRFI, or feel free to ask me for
explanations of details.

One approach would be to extend those exports from (chicken fixnum)
that match the multi-argument operations from srfi-143 and make the
compiler aware of these, internally expanding the multi-arg cases into
nested applications of inline calls to the 2-argument C runtime primitive

So what would this look like? I can see fx+ above, which uses 
`chicken:fx+` (prefixed, 2-arity) and foldr to accomplish its multi-arg 
case. Is adding `(inline-file)` to the srfi-143.egg enough for this? I 
suspect partly that the foldr and `(fx+ . args)` form in general is 
going to be hard to optimize out, but perhaps a case-lambda is faster?

I suppose in pretty much all cases since I'm using the 2-arity versions 
in the generalized-arrays library there's very little pushing me to use 
the SRFI-143 versions, but any improvement to SRFI-143 is probably 
worthwhile considering the kinds of performance differences I was 
measuring with chicken-profile.

It might also be a good idea to enforce SRFI-143's behaviour around
overflow / underflow as part of CHICKEN's default behaviour in CHICKEN
6, but I don't really know how I would get started having that discussion.

The SRFI-page doesn't seem to specify any behaviour. The runtime system
is compiled with "-fwrapv" in the hope to preserve wrapping semantics for
integer arithmetic, but I'm not sure how reliable that is.

Interesting! I believed the SRFI-143 was specifying twos-complement 
behaviour, but I now see that I was wrong. I would think in general that 
if -fwrapv is passed, we should assume that twos-complement is used. 
Recent C standards have codified this explicitly, but pretty much every 
major compiler I've used over the last 10 years has all-but-standardized 
twos-complement as well.

I guess as long as the runtime system is always using -fwrapv it isn't a 
concern. It would be undefined behaviour without that flag though, which 
I suppose someone could maybe force, with great effort?

Either way, probably not worth worrying about.

Thanks for the really informed reply Felix, this was very helpful in 
understanding what's happening with SRFI-143. I can hopefully start 
crafting a patch for this now.

Jeremy Steward

Re: Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1

2024-02-03 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 2/3/24 16:03, John Cowan wrote:

On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 5:39 PM Jeremy Steward <>> wrote:

  Likewise, I opt to use (chicken fixnum) but this is
because I discovered that SRFI-143 is so egregiously slower than
(chicken fixnum) that it was causing serious performance regressions in
many of the array APIs.

That's very odd. The Chicken-specific library wrapper for SRFI 143 at 
GitHub (srfi-143.scm, which needs to be updated to Chicken 5) makes use 
of Chicken's native fx* procedures.  I don't know how the Chicken (srfi 
143) egg was built, though; it may be using rubber-chicken.scm and 
fxcore.scm, which are slow emulations meant for complete portability.

From what I understand on the SRFI page it is in fact re-exporting 
these procedures and not handling the overflow / underflow of some of 
the operations.

There's this note on overflow on the docs page:


Differences from the intended implementation details aside, I think the 
core of what was a performance hazard (at least as far as I looked into 
it) could have been one of two things (maybe both?):

1. The egg itself is not compiled with -O3, whereas if I link to 
(chicken fixnum) I believe that these procedures will be inlined by the 
CHICKEN compiler when the arrays egg is compiled with -O3 or higher.

2. There may be some rewriting rules that the compiler uses for 
procedures in the (chicken ...) namespace that optimizes these directly 
into their equivalent optimized C procedures. I'm not sure the compiler 
has the same visibility if you re-export these from behind a module, and 
especially not if you link dynamically (any hope of inlining those is 
thus gone forever).

In fact on the latter point above, this raises an interesting question I 
had for the mailing list: if I re-export a CHICKEN-specific procedure, 
does the way the compiler handles translation units prevent certain 
optimizations from applying? I've somewhat noticed that to be the case 
but I haven't seen any writing about it nor have I understood the extent 
to which that might affect certain SRFIs or eggs.

If you have time/energy, it would be useful to make Chicken's 
implementation do what it was originally intended.  See the 
"Implementation" section in the SRFI, or feel free to ask me for 
explanations of details.

I might have the time/energy for this, so I'll let you know if I stumble 
into anything soon. I think a CHICKEN-specific implementation probably 
wants to use the FFI since fixnums are guaranteed in their representation:


It might also be a good idea to enforce SRFI-143's behaviour around 
overflow / underflow as part of CHICKEN's default behaviour in CHICKEN 
6, but I don't really know how I would get started having that discussion.

In any case, I've cc'd Diego (SRFI-143 maintainer), maybe together we 
can find a way to improve the situation :)

Jeremy Steward

Generalized-Arrays egg v1.0.1

2024-02-03 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hi all!

After about ~6 months of work, I've finally rewritten the 
generalized-arrays egg and am today releasing v1.0.1. You can find the 
repo at:


I learned a lot from this rewrite, but here's a few highlights:

1. The egg is MUCH faster now, thanks to generous use of chicken-profile 
and the statistical profiler. I've left -d2 on the egg so that others 
can profile as well.

2. The egg now heavily relies on my transducers egg. This is 
intentional, and is part of why the egg was able to be made so much 
faster than it previously was. While one could use generalized-arrays 
without transducers, it is certainly easier to leverage transducers as 
much as possible.

3. The egg now has tests and even runs these tests in GitLab CI. 
Previously, this was not true, and many APIs were just broken or 
incoherent in ways.

4. Every API is documented and has examples to demonstrate how to use it.

5. The library is now an R7RS library. The main dependencies that aren't 
R7RS (that are used) are read-syntax extensions, as well as the 
check-errors egg. Likewise, I opt to use (chicken fixnum) but this is 
because I discovered that SRFI-143 is so egregiously slower than 
(chicken fixnum) that it was causing serious performance regressions in 
many of the array APIs.

There were a ton of smaller lessons about CHICKEN, profiling, and 
thinking about array APIs in general in there as well; however, I might 
save those for a future blog post.

In any case, if you've used this egg at any point in the past and been 
disappointed, I hope you'll give it a second chance. I've even added 
some cool examples of how to use this with BLAS in the docs.


A note to Mario: since this was a rewrite, I reran test-new-egg and 
noticed that my URI in the release-info file was wrong. This was 
probably some artefact of GitLab changing their URI scheme, but it 
should be working now (I have run this with test-new-egg).

Beyond that, the egg is now CHICKEN-5 only. If it's possible, can we cut 
CHICKEN-4 support from 1.0.0 onwards? If not, let's cut out CHICKEN-4 
support entirely, since pre-1.0 versions of this egg should probably not 
be used, ever.


Thanks, and happy hacking! I hope this provides a better arrays API than 
I had previously shipped. I am definitely more proud of my egg now.

Jeremy Steward

Transducers v0.4.0 - Mappings

2023-04-16 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hello CHICKEN users,

I've just released Transducers v0.4.0. This adds support for using 
transducers with SRFI-146 mappings / hashmaps. See the CHANGELOG:


As always, let me know if you find any interesting uses for the library 
or have any requests for how to support your own datatypes with the 

I think my next big focus will be away from this library for a bit, 
outside of maybe writing more documentation / tutorials.

Jeremy Steward

Re: Transducers v0.3.0 - R7RS edition

2023-04-16 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hey Damian, I must have missed this message when I announced v0.3.0.

On 4/3/23 00:08, Damien Mattei wrote:


does this transducers implementation add some significant speed to code
when using them? i ask the question because i used transducers with
Guile with very poor speed improvement compared to normal code.

This question is going to be difficult to answer in any meaningful way. 
For starters, I'll assume you're using SRFI 171 with Guile?

Relative to the SRFI-171 base implementation, I'm not sure that the 
transducers library I've written is ever going to be "faster" than a 
hand-written / hand-optimized loop. I assume this is what you mean by 
"normal code." I believe SRFI 42 can be significantly faster, but is 
considerably different in terms of both purpose and implementation.

Nevertheless, I think there's a problem with the way the question is 
posed. Some thoughts:

- "normal code" is ill-defined here, and I think it's counter-intuitive 
to think about libraries relative to code with zero abstractions in 
terms of performance alone, especially in Scheme. Generally speaking, 
I'd say that if you can get good performance with what code you have and 
you don't see a maintenance problem, then maybe an abstraction isn't 

- Asking about SRFI-171 in Guile relative to transducers in CHICKEN 
seems like it has a bunch of problems on its own. CHICKEN can generally 
be faster than many Scheme implementations but there's a wide number of 
reasons that code on Guile may perform worse or better.

- You've provided no real indication of what you were doing. It would be 
difficult to say how transducers might help improve (or not improve) 
performance for some nebulous set of problems.

Anyways, this is not to lambast you for the question -- I'm sure it 
comes from a genuine place. I'd encourage you to try the library out and 
use CHICKEN's profiler (call your application with the argument "-:p" 
without quotes, see 
It's often better to measure what you can and then make a decision from 

I'd also encourage you to read the documentation for transducers if you 
haven't already - it should give you an idea of what is being done and 
what kind of performance to expect 

Jeremy Steward

Transducers v0.3.0 - R7RS edition

2023-04-02 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hey all,

Just wanted to ping the list to tell you all that Transducers v0.3.0 
should soon be available. This version won't mean much if you're already 
using the transducers egg in your code anywhere, because the main change 
is that I've transitioned the egg into an R7RS module. See:


I haven't made this compatible with any other Scheme implementation yet, 
but if others want to upstream a patch to do so I'd be more than happy 
to review & accept it. :)

For now I'll leave the project name as `chicken-transducers` since that 
is part of the URL for the release-info file, but know that it is a full 
R7RS library and that it should be pretty easy to port as long as you 
have a few SRFIs available (srfi-1, srfi-133, srfi-143, srfi-160).

Looking into other active issues 
(<>), I think 
I'll start seriously aiming to support transducers across more data 
types. I'd appreciate any feedback on which common Scheme eggs / data 
types are most useful to folks.

Otherwise, I'll keep hacking away. :)
Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-13 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/11/23 16:20, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

thank you for interesting reading.

Thank you for taking the time to go through it :)

On Wed 04 Jan 2023 at 18:48, Jeremy Steward  wrote:


My main problem with generators and accumulators is that they
basically replace all our existing data types with a new type
(generators) that can then be mapped / filtered over in a unified
way. After one is done with gmap / gfilter / etc. they can then
convert this generator back into some kind of type using an
accumulator or one of the built in generator->type procedures. This
solves a problem of abstraction by routing around it. Rather than
worry about what operations are defined on a type, we instead just
create a type that has all operations work on it.

What are the procedures reduced? and unwrap in your example?
Don't they point to similar issue with transducers?

|reduced?| is a predicate that checks if a value has been wrapped by 
|make-reduced|. |unwrap| unwraps a value that has been wrapped by 
|make-reduced|. A "reduced" value isn't particularly special, but it's 
using a unique record type (and predicate) to identify a particular kind 
of value.

This is how early termination is done with transducers. We could use 
call/cc, but that would involve injecting call/cc somehow through all 
the transducers / collectors / etc. Instead, if a transducer (e.g. 
|take|) wants to stop folding over the collection early, it can just 
wrap the current result in |make-reduced| which will tell the folder 
"hey, I'm fully reduced" and the folder will stop.

It doesn't really point to the same problem. See, transducers are still 
monomorphized to the specific type. There is no polymorphism in 
transducers as the library currently exists. So there's no type 
deflection going on here.

This kind of approach is a good first abstraction, but fails because
it is generally impossible to make this fast. It also doesn’t solve
the fact that we have type->list and list->type proliferation. If
anything, it makes it worse because most libraries are not
generator-aware, and writing generators correctly can be
tricky. That’s not to say writing any code cannot be tricky, but the
obvious ways to write a generator are often using
make-coroutine-generator which uses call/cc4 and as a result is
pretty slow on most Schemes.

It seem that the problem is with the way people write generators in scheme.
Not that generators are "generally impossible to make fast".

Generators are "generally impossible to make fast." If you accept a 
generator as an argument to a procedure, then you don't know (from 
within that procedure) if that generator produced values directly or is 
the result of several layers of (gmap ... (gmap ... (gmap ... 
generator))). Note this isn't true of lists and vectors and other 
collection types: getting a value from a vector is O(1), and getting all 
values sequentially is O(n).

Because of that, you can very quickly end up with generators that call 
generators that call generators that call generators and so on. This 
isn't inherently slow, but those functions aren't local and it's a lot 
more expensive than a simple fold / named-let over the data.

Now, for a lot of code that may not be a problem. You might keep things 
simple or only use generators that directly generate values and aren't 
chained through several intermediate processes / mappers like above. 
Alternatively, you might find that a generator is doing something 
expensive anyways, like a network call. In such cases, maybe the 
difference between transducers vs. higher-order generator functions 
don't matter.

For me though, I don't really want to work off that assumption. 
Transducers are plenty fast and there's not really the same issue of 
non-locality of the data / functions that one has with generators. The 
general advice of "benchmark your code and target performance 
improvements" applies, but if I write a function that accepts a 
generator, I'd like to be able to guess at what I'm dealing with.

Fun experiment: for any given set of procedures over a generator I'd 
wager that transducers will probably be faster. You can test this yourself:

(transduce reader-fold
 ;; All variants of map / filter / etc

I am willing to bet this will be faster than almost any combination of 
gmap / gfilter / etc. I say almost because I know if your generator is 
doing a lot of IO or some kind of expensive network call then the 
differences will be completely dwarfed.

So in the most general case, I'd say yeah - generators are pretty much 
impossible to make fast. Compared to iterating over a list or vector, I 
can't know upfron

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-10 Thread Jeremy Steward
streams sub-modules and write whatever extension you wanted extant to 
that. This to me is why I came to settle on transducers in the first 
place - it allows this extension without requiring it in the core 
library itself. ;)

You actually do reference this later in your reply, but I wanted to 
underscore it here. It's an important point!

By implementing iterator-fold and the type->iterator functions
everything works OOB with the transducers egg. With some small changes
to the egg[0] (especially [1]), it can be improved (IMO) to this:

So I looked at the changes required here - regardless of the point on 
collect & sentinel vs. (collect #!optional sentinel), I am unsure that I 
want to change |transduce| too much.

I think the transduce you've provided, i.e.:

(define (transduce folder xform collector iterable . iterables)
  (let* ((xf (xform collector))
 (sentinel (collector))
 (result (if (null? iterables)
   (folder xf sentinel iterable)
   (apply folder
  (cons iterable iterables)
(xf result)))

is probably better implemented as syntax (to avoid the apply, as was 
mentioned in the TODO comment), and probably best to call |transduce*|. 
That section for (if (null? iterables) ...) can easily distinguish 
between single collection and multi-collection variants, assuming they 
all use the same folder.

From an API perspective that to me seems more uniform / less 
special-case-y. I have to experiment with this though, because I'm 
biased towards believing that such code isn't really worth the extra 
complexity. With |chain| and |zip| transducers being available I think 
you can accomplish this in a more generic way (not requiring that all 
collections have the same folder), and I seldom find myself writing code 
where I need to collate / work across multiple collections.

I know Scheme is dynamic and that enables this, but 99% of my code will 
always tend towards using a single collection kind. In CHICKEN's type 
terminology, that's usually (list-of T) or (vector-of T). The example of:

(transduce iterator-fold
   (map (cute apply * <>))
   (iterator-zip (list->iterator '(0 1 2 3 4))
 (vector->iterator #(5 6 7 8 9))
 (range->iterator 5
;=> (0 6 28 72 144)

seems a bit strange to me. I cannot rightly remember a time where I'd do 
something like this across a lot of types. Even thinking of code I've 
written in Rust -- it would be strange to do it this way. I struggle to 
think of a scenario where I'd have 3 different collection types that 
needed to be all zipped together like this. Enumeration is an obvious 
use-case, but |enumerate| is already a transducer.

I'm not fully convinced that this code is what I'd steer people towards, 
but I do appreciate that you've gone through the trouble / learning 
process on this one though. It has definitely helped me think about it 
more deeply. I still have to give it more consideration but there may be 
something here for a future version of the library.


If it's alright with you, I will probably go ahead and grab at least the 
(test-exit) patch from above and apply it to transducers today. I can't 
believe I forgot that.

PS: great work on the docs, Jeremy, they look very comprehensive!

Thank you. This is probably the best compliment I could have received.

Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/5/23 09:45, Walter Lewis wrote:

On 1/4/23 8:48 PM, Jeremy Steward wrote:

And I've written a short blog post outlining some of my frustrations
that led me to writing this egg:


Happy to engage with the rest of the community on what the next
priority for such a library should be.

Great post. I would love to see a portable R7RS library, which you
mention as a possibility. For example, I am working on an R7RS
containers library and it would be straightforward to include
transducers as part of it.

Excellent. I'll keep this on the radar then. I'll probably need to read 
(or perhaps if I choose to whip myself enough, write) a guide for what 
needs to happen to go from CHICKEN -> R7RS.

I doubt it's too much, but I do use the check-errors egg so a portable 
shim is necessary, and I think I need whatever the fixnum SRFI is.

Either way, I'll post here to the list if and when that is completed.

Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/5/23 05:49, siiky wrote:

Awesomesauce, thanks for the egg and the post! This is a smnall-ish pain
point of mine too. I'm still processing the post as well, but I can tell
I'll start using this frequently!

That's great to hear. I appreciate that you enjoyed the post and will 
start using transducers.

First a couple of typos: In footnote 4 it should be `call/cc` and not
`call-cc`? And "its not the Scheme I reach for" :p

Oof. Thanks for doing the editing work for me. It should be updated now.

About question (1) of "Some open problems ...": IMO (transduce type-fold
...) is a good compromise, and it seems better to me than
(type-transduce ...) though it means a tiny bit more typing. My
reasoning is that (intuitively, without having looked at an impl of
either) type-fold is easier to implement than type-transduce, and thus
it should also be easier for someone to extend the transducers egg with
their own fold+collect rather than transduce+collect.  An usecase of
extending the transducers egg is e.g. if I have an egg where I define a
data structure foo and would like users of my egg to use transducers on
(with?) foo, but without having to change the transducers egg itself.

Indeed, and this has been the reasoning in why I have left it for the 
most part. An egg like this is nothing if it cannot be extended easily. 
Noticing the distinction between implementing fold, collect, or some 
entire abstraction that tries to do both was something I realized about 
halfway through writing it (specifically, when I started adding fold / 
collect procedures outside of the list variants).

There is always the possibility to use the wrong fold with the wrong 
datatype or some-such, but there's really no way for me to get around 
that without a full object system and types, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Regarding (4) and strings: if we survived without transducers until now,
I think can survive until transducers for strings until C6 too and use
string->list+list-fold :) (I'm assuming UTF-8 will only become core in
C6, maybe I'm wrong)

If there were enough of a strong signal to just go UTF-8 only I'd 
probably just do that. The problem is that transduction happens on an 
item-by-item basis and I'm not sure that any string-fold will work the 
way you expect it to. In my experience you don't want individual unicode 
code-points, you want the full character.

I guess if I had a special transducer (similar to chunks or 
chunks-exact) and a collector to take individual code-points and 
generate a full grapheme, then I could get something that approximates 
useful unicode transducers.

But as it stands, I think anything regarding strings is going to be 
hairy and icky, because locales suck and internationalization means that 
any string logic will always be (somewhat) fragile.

My kingdom for a day in which users can use strings in any locale as 
easily as some of us abuse ASCII.

Small nitpick comment: I think it makes more sense to have either
type-fold+type-collect or fold-type+collect-type. It's more common in
Scheme to name type-operation so I'd give preference to that, but the
other is more natural and equally good IMO.

I figured this criticism would come up. My thinking was that keeping 
collectors prefixed with `collect-` helps autocomplete and gives you an 
interesting symmetry:

(transduce list-fold (compose ...) collect-vector (list ...))

Notice how you start with list- on the left and -vector on the right? 
The transducer is in the middle and so you have list-transducer-vector 
if you squint at it hard enough.

But that said: I'm completely willing to change that if I get enough 
people telling me they get it backwards and it's incoherent. Ping me so 
I can keep a count of how many times / how many individuals this trips up.

Regards, and thanks again for the comments, I really appreciate the 

Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/5/23 06:11, siiky wrote:

There are some things I would still use SRFI 42 for, at least for now
that I'm new to transducers. For example:

(list-ec (:list x lst1)
   (:list y lst2)
   (if (even? (* x y)))
   (cons x y))

Which is similar to  (filter even (map * lst1 lst2))  but more
performant because there's no intermediate list. I have no idea how to
do this with transducers.

I think the easiest way for this would be to just zip the list together:

(transduce list-fold
 (zip-list lst2)
 (filter (lambda (p)
   (even? (* (car p) (cdr p))

Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/5/23 04:22, Chris Brannon wrote:

Jeremy Steward  writes:

And I've written a short blog post outlining some of my frustrations
that led me to writing this egg:


That was a fantastic post.  I'm still digesting it.  How about SRFI 42?
Here's your example from the transducer benchmark, written with SRFI 42:

(import srfi-42)
(time (fold-ec 0 (:range x 1) (if (odd? x)) (* x 3) +))

Thank you as well for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed reading it.

You are not the first to bring up SRFI-42! There was someone on Mastodon 
earlier who made a similar point. I don't think it's a bad library, but 
it seemed to have a handful of things going against it:

1. Locked in stone: same argument for SRFI-171 really, although SRFI-42 
is a lot older and more battle-tested.

2. Macro-based: This makes it pretty difficult to extend, especially if 
you don't have a clear "standard" or "winning" data structure that the 
community can rely on. Not that it's impossible, but I'd have an easier 
time as a user writing a custom fold procedure (and maybe a collect?) 
and working with transducers than extending eager comprehension macros 
to support new types.

A corollary to that: transducers are a bit more general because they 
separate the collection from the primary form (transduce, or fold-ec in 
your example). This isn't really a strong argument to dismiss it though.

3. Aesthetics: related to syntax / macro based solutions, I have 
strongly religious (read that as: entirely subjective) reasons to prefer 
to keep my Scheme code mostly syntax free. Transducers are a bit more 
"functional programming" in some ways (we still use set! though?), which 
is acceptable to me.

To put it in perspective: if the SRFI community said "we're not writing 
new fold operations, no more (f k x) nonsense, and everyone has to learn 
SRFI-42 or write their procedures in their own Scheme modules" I'd 
probably still find that acceptable. The thing is that eager 
comprehensions aren't really pointed out or taught or talked about 
really all that often, especially with regards to newbies learning the 
language, or to try and guide "best practices" in Scheme. Of course, we 
don't want to tell people too much how to program, but I think 
encouraging code that is more performant or easier to "fix" (or debug) 
when things go wrong is probably better than not.

So if I had to decide between transducers and SRFI-42, I'd be sad 
because both work well. But I'm happy that we can choose either. I just 
have a stronger preference for the transducers approach (and 
|collect-vector| variants are extremely underrated relative to how 
useful I believe they are).

And here is a comparison of performance characteristics:

Script started on 2023-01-05 03:14:57-08:00 [TERM="screen.linux" TTY="/dev/pts/4" 
COLUMNS="80" LINES="30"]
$ ./transducer-bench
12.278s CPU time, 0.002s GC time (major), 1/108400 GCs (major/minor), maximum 
live heap: 879.61 KiB
$ ./srfi-42-bench
3.5s CPU time, 0/70231 GCs (major/minor), maximum live heap: 478.02 KiB
$ exit

Oof, I'm surprised to see such a differential. On my machine it's still 
faster, but it's:

transducers: 3.540s
srfi-42: 1.623s

Still though, looks like I have my work cut out for me.
Jeremy Steward

Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-05 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 1/5/23 00:44, Peter Bex wrote:

And I've written a short blog post outlining some of my frustrations that
led me to writing this egg:


Excellent observations, especially regarding the fold argument inconsistency,
that's so cringeworthy it isn't even funny.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading
the post.  Even if it's critical of Scheme, it's done in a loving way,
as you mention ;)  I also agree with you that SRFI has probably had its
best time.

Thanks for the kind words, I do hope it is recognized that what I am 
saying in the post is with love for Scheme. The fold thing gets me every 
time in every language I ever work in, so it was somewhat cathartic to 
write that down.

Happy to engage with the rest of the community on what the next priority for
such a library should be. My hope is that this library helps us all move
away from XXX-map and XXX-filter procedures for each individual type.

Well, like I said I kinda prefer having the type-specific procedures.
I rarely deal with situations where I don't know the type on which I'm
operating.  I usually treat generic code with suspicion, as it's not
going to be as fast as it could be, and higher-order code tends to be
more difficult to follow than necessary.

Well, the final transducers produced /are/ type-specific. The input and 
output types are parameterized by the folder and collector, 
respectively. This is a bit different than Clojure where protocols are 
used to paper over the types entirely. E.g.

(transduce list-fold
   (map add1)
   (list 1 2 3))

You will get a type error here from |list-fold| if you pass in a vector 
in place of a list in the last position, for example. Likewise, 
|collect-vector| can only ever collect a vector, and how fast it is 
depends on the size & number of re-allocations (hence why it collects in 
amortized O(1) time, and has an optional size-hint).

I tried my best to avoid any of the higher-level performance pitfalls 
that would come about with transducers. Of course, this doesn't mean bad 
code can't be subbed in, but this is a library with versions and an 
issue tracker and a repo, not just a spec. :) I fully welcome anybody to 
tell me how to make things more performant or easier to debug if there's 
good ideas lying around.

You are right though that higher-order code does tend towards being more 
difficult to follow. My hope is that as long as the parameterizations in 
transducers (as they currently exist) remain explicit that this can be 
mostly avoided.

However, transducers offer one thing that the type-specific procedures
do not - pipelining without accumulating lots of intermediate results.
For me that's the killer feature of transducers.

Yes, the ability to avoid intermediates is perhaps the main advantage. I 
also think that the fact that collection is distinct from folding and 
transducing is a separate advantage -- e.g. if you know that you need a 
vector at the end there's no need to worry about whether that aligns 
with the input / processing steps.

Regards, and thanks again for the thoughtful reply,
Jeremy Steward

New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

2023-01-04 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hey all,

I've been somewhat bothered by the fragmentation in a certain aspect of 
Scheme / Lisp: notably that there isn't really something akin to Rust's 
Iterator trait in Scheme, and as a result working across various 
collections and data types is a pain.

So I introduce to you - Transducers! These are very similar to Clojure's 
transducers, but add one more parameter: a fold procedure. I was unhappy 
with SRFI-158 (Generators & Accumulators) and also unhappy with SRFI-171 
(mostly because of how sparse the API is).

test-new-egg passes with the following release-info:


I've already added extensive documentation to the wiki page:


And I've written a short blog post outlining some of my frustrations 
that led me to writing this egg:


Happy to engage with the rest of the community on what the next priority 
for such a library should be. My hope is that this library helps us all 
move away from XXX-map and XXX-filter procedures for each individual type.

First things first: I'll probably keep trying to add more common data 
type support (SRFI 146 mappings and SRFI 69 hash-tables come to mind) as 
I can. Let me know if you find this useful!

Jeremy Steward

Re: generalized-arrays egg, array-read fails on array written with array-write

2022-12-15 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hey Matt, author here:

On 12/15/22 10:28, Matt Welland wrote:

This seems like a bug (unless I'm missing something?):

(module justtesting *
(import scheme chicken.base generalized-arrays storage-classes)

(define (testit)
   (let* ((size (vector 100 100))
  (ary  (make-array vector-storage-class size 0)))
     (with-output-to-file "testarray.dat"
       (lambda ()
  (array-write ary)))
     (print "wrote array to testarray.dat")
     (let* ((readdata (with-input-from-file "testarray.dat"
       (print "read data into readdata: "readdata


wrote array to testarray.dat

Error: Expected a char representing a digit.: #\#

Call history:

array-write-read.scm:1: ##sys#with-environment
array-write-read.scm:1: ##sys#register-compiled-module
array-write-read.scm:4: chicken.load#load-extension
array-write-read.scm:4: chicken.load#load-extension
array-write-read.scm:34: testit
array-write-read.scm:23: generalized-arrays#make-array
array-write-read.scm:24: scheme#with-output-to-file
array-write-read.scm:27: generalized-arrays#array-write
array-write-read.scm:28: chicken.base#print
array-write-read.scm:29: scheme#with-input-from-file   <--

Is this with CHICKEN 4, or 5, or both? I can test on my own but I want 
to be sure I get the environment right. I suspect it is a bug and you 
are indeed not mistaken, and I should probably take this egg down until 
I get time to do a proper v2.0 or whatever.

For context for the list: there are at least two bugs I know of (this 
being one of them now) that exist within the library as it currently 
exists. The other is an indexing bug in array-fold I believe, but I need 
to go back and check. Once upon a time I undertook a redesign of the 
underlying API to evaluate different ways to work with indices so as to:

1. Provide faster iteration AND
2. Improve clarity / correctness of the code

But ended up never finishing that work. I do still want to fix this and 
make it useful, but I haven't been as active in the CHICKEN community in 
the past couple years, mostly due to being too engrossed with work.

I appreciate the bug report though. Is there a ticket on 
<>? I believe the official repo is now on GitLab 
<>, but I can 
throw an issue up and think about better ways to solve this.

Since writing this egg many years ago I've implemented various array / 
math libraries and now think I have a better appreciation for how to do 
it better. I really just need to make time for it, and I've not done a 
great job here.

In the meanwhile, I'm happy to collect any other bug reports or test 
cases. Either in the above repo or the CHICKEN bug tracker are fine, I 
keep notifications on both and try to remain active on the list even if 
I'm not being as good a maintainer in other ways.

Jeremy Steward

Re: New C5 egg: SRFI-145: Assumptions

2020-11-09 Thread Jeremy Steward
>> SRFI-121 is only in the C4 coop and likewise SRFI-158 only in the C5
>> one, so I don't see any need for removal.  A deprecation notice could
>> added for SRFI-121 to the C4 wiki page.   If you insist you could add
>> stub C5 wiki page pointing out the existence of SRFI-158, much like
>> was done with readline/breadline:

Actually, CHICKEN 5 support for SRFI 121 was added earlier this year, so it 
should be in the coop?

>Second, I think it's a good idea for Chicken to have more eggs rather
>than less because some people may look at the list of libraries or
>SRFIs as one of their considerations when choosing which language to
>so it just looks good for Chicken to have more eggs, when looked at
>comparison tables like these:

I would disagree, in that sometimes less is more. SRFI names are baroque and 
hard to parse in the first place, and presenting a (mostly false) choice to 
users can create confusion and anxiety. I am completely on board with updating 
the 121 docs to point to 158 over completely removing it from the coop, though, 
so as not to yank the library out from anyone who may currently be using it 
(and doesn't want a harsh transition). 

I guess in essence, I don't want to pull a leftpad.js :-)
Jeremy Steward 

Re: New C5 egg: SRFI-145: Assumptions

2020-11-09 Thread Jeremy Steward
Ooh boy, is SRFI 158 ready to go?

If that's the case, should we deprecate / remove SRFI 121 from the coop?

I am currently the maintainer, but am happy to focus efforts on 158 over 121. 
Jeremy Steward 

[Chicken-users] Chicken 5 support for srfi-113

2019-02-27 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hello again!

Seems I also added chicken 5 support for srfi 113 (sets and bags) some time 
ago, and never bothered to add it to the coop.

Can someone add this too?

Jeremy Steward 

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[Chicken-users] Chicken 5 support for generalized-arrays egg

2019-02-27 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hey all,

Spent some time to update and add support for my generalized-arrays egg today. 
Find the release info file at:

Since there isn't yet a salmonella for C5 I haven't been able to test with 
that, but this repo should be working if my tests today are any indication.

Jeremy Steward 

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] srfi-128 - almost

2018-08-18 Thread Jeremy Steward

On 08/18/2018 06:12 AM, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:

On Aug 18 2018, Jeremy Steward wrote:

Hey Joerg,

I'm the maintainer for that egg.

I know; we talked about that before as I had packaged the same srfi under
the name of "comparators" before.

Ah, right. Now I remember :)

I'd be happy to review the pull request,
but just haven't had time. I can look it over tomorrow if necessary to
get things merged in properly.

I did not want to be pushy. It's just a nice example of a situation where
I'd like to consult alternative sources than those baked into

No worries, I needed to get on this (and several other eggs). I've 
reviewed the PR, and tested with both CHICKEN 4.12.0 and 5.0.0rc1, and 
it all seems to be in working order. I've merged the PR and we should be 
good to go. Couple of questions in general though:

 * How does updating the .release-info file work now, if you want to 
support CHICKEN 4 and 5 at the same time?

 * What do I need to do to add SRFI 128 to the coop?

Jeremy Steward

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] srfi-128 - almost

2018-08-17 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hey Joerg,

I'm the maintainer for that egg. I'd be happy to review the pull request, but 
just haven't had time. I can look it over tomorrow if necessary to get things 
merged in properly.


On August 17, 2018 11:44:17 AM MDT, "Jörg F. Wittenberger" 
>Let's try an example.
>I forked the srfi-128 repo here and ported it to chicken 5
>The .release-info still points upstream where the pull request went.
>This appears to install and work.
>Brings back the question: how would I tell chicken to temporarily
>other locations for egg distributions? E.g. I'd like to use
>in a fresh location outside the source directory of the egg to check
>the whole download picks the correct files and all of them. Or maybe I
>want to install an egg I deem not good enough to release.
>Chicken-users mailing list

Jeremy Steward 

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New Egg: Generalized Arrays and Storage Classes

2017-11-26 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hello everyone!

I hope the weekend is going well! I'm sending a message to announce that 
a new egg is available: Generalized Arrays and Storage Classes. This egg 
provides a data type for generalized multidimensional array types, which 
are backed by a set of storage classes that define how objects are 
stored (and what types they may be). You can think of this as providing 
a set of procedures and data types that mirror APL, and to a lesser 
extent Numpy.

Go ahead and give it a whirl, the docs are up at Currently the egg 
is in somewhat of a beta state, and I currently have not written any 
tests for it. I plan to continue to write tests over the next while and 
hopefully gain some robustness as a result. I have continued to test 
while developing and think I've ironed out a good number of bugs, but 
any test contributions would be welcome.

The easiest way to get started is:

$ chicken-install -s generalized-arrays

Please do let me know either through this mailing list or on IRC (DeeEff 
in #chicken on Freenode) if you notice anything missing or if something 
is wrong.

My ultimate plan with this is to eventually integrate the arrays API 
with another high level interface that is powered by BLAS / LAPACK, 
opening CHICKEN up to a world of numerical libraries and / or scientific 
computing that hasn't been as possible up until now. If you'd be 
interested in helping me do this, I'd be happy to talk to you.

Best regards, and Happy Scheming,
Jeremy Steward

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [ANN] CHICKEN 4.12.0 release candidate 1 available

2017-01-29 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

Hello all,

I ran the following installation tests and got the following results:

Operating system: Devuan (Debian) sid
Hardware platform: i686, amd64 (x86_64)
C Compiler: GCC 6.3.0
Installation works?: yes
Tests work?: yes
Installation of eggs works?: yes (readline, blas)

Operating system: Windows 7 32-bit
Hardware platform: i686 (virtualbox)
C Compiler: GCC 6.1.0 from MinGW (no MSYS)
Installation works?: yes
Tests work?: yes
Installation of eggs works?: yes (pastiche)

Surprisingly, everything worked quite well compared to the last few
times I tried installing on Windows 7. Even feathers installed
correctly on Windows this time, whereas with 4.11.0 it would always
fail somehow. Good job to whoever fixed this!

Note that in the case of my Devuan / Debian installations I think that
my version of readline is too new, and thus the readline egg may need
to eventually be updated (rlwrap works well enough otherwise). I get
the following error:

~readline: rl_catch_signals: unknown variable name

I don't think this has to do with CHICKEN 4.12.0rc1, since I can
recreate the issue on CHICKEN 4.11.0.

Let me know if there's anything else I should try testing.
- -- 
Jeremy Steward



Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Switching over SRFI URLs

2016-07-25 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

To Mario or Peter or anyone who can edit henrietta-cache,

After some talk with Arthur Gleckler, he decided that it would be best
if the CHICKEN community maintained their own parallel fork of the
SRFI repos, as the burden of updating the SRFI repos is too much when
I have to bump the CHICKEN versions every time an errata is introduced
or if he makes any changes to the README files.

That said, I'm maintaining forks for SRFI 113, 116, 117, 121, 127,
128, and 133. In order to accommodate Arthur's request, I only had to
point the release-info URLs to my repository (
instead of to

So I've done just that. Could someone point henrietta-cache to the
right release-info file? The URLs for the repositories can be found

This should not affect anyone using these eggs, as this should just
change the source where they are downloaded from.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New Eggs: SRFI-121, SRFI-127, SRFI-133

2016-07-24 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

On 07/24/2016 05:59 AM, Peter Bex wrote:
| On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 01:28:25PM +0200, Mario Domenech Goulart
| wrote: Hi Jeremy,
|> The repositories can be found below:
| Installation of srfi-127 fails because "lseqs/lseqs-impl.scm" is
| referenced but it is not in the list of files to be fetched (it is
| in the repository, but not listed in .meta's `files').
| Error: (open-input-file) cannot open file - No such file or
| directory: "lseqs/lseqs-impl.scm"

Ah! Curses, this was the third one I did yesterday, so I can see why I
messed it up. I fixed the typo in .meta and submitted a PR to the
repo. If you try again in a few hours (maybe tomorrow at latest) I
suspect it will have been merged and the egg can be added successfully.

| Generally speaking, I would avoid using "meta-file" as a
| distribution mechanism, precisely for this reason: it's too easy to
| forget adding particular files.  The targz distribution method
| works fine with GitHub.

Well, yes. I originally packaged SRFI 116/117/113/128 using the targz
method, but the SRFI editors add some extraneous files to the
repository (strangely enough, a targz of the entire repo is... in the
repo). In any case, rather than have users download a few extra MB of
extra files, I think this works better.

| We talked on IRC about using meta-file, but that was in an attempt
| to avoid forking the upstream eggs, but that didn't work out.

I do recall some discussion along these lines. However, here it's not
to avoid forking, but rather to avoid downloading files that might
pertain to other scheme distributions or may be unnecessary to provide
through `chicken-install` (the targz in the repo as the prime example).

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New Eggs: SRFI-121, SRFI-127, SRFI-133

2016-07-23 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

Hello all,

I've taken the opportunity to package SRFI-121 (Generators), SRFI-127
(Lazy Sequences), and SRFI-133 (Vectors [R7RS-compatible]) for
CHICKEN. The eggs all pass salmonella and shouldn't contain any
errors. The repositories can be found below:

Thanks again to John Cowan, Arthur Gleckler, and the SRFI committee
for the reference implementations of these libraries. For those who
don't know, these three libraries were recently voted in to be
included as part of R7RS-large. While I don't think that CHICKEN
strives for R7RS-large compatibility, having these libraries working
with CHICKEN is a pretty good step towards making R7RS compatibility a
trivial effort.

Cheers, and let me know if (when?) you find any bugs, either in the
installation / setup or otherwise.
- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] generate numerical list

2016-07-11 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

On 11/07/16 08:57 PM, John Cowan wrote:
| Jeremy Steward scripsit:
|> Note that iota annoyingly does not work well with the numbers egg
|> ->
| This is a general problem with the numbers egg and all other
| Chicken code, whether part of the main build or an egg.  If the
| code is not *compiled* with the numbers egg, it will not know
| anything about ratios, bignums, or complex numbers.

You are indeed correct on this. I apologize if I made it seem
otherwise, as IIRC you can get many things working with the numbers
egg by using the following:

~$ csc -X numbers ...

| Chicken 5 will have a full numeric tower natively and won't have
| this problem.

And thanks to Peter for this and many other great things.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] generate numerical list

2016-07-11 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA256

Note that iota annoyingly does not work well with the numbers egg ->
it cannot figure out what an exact rational should be. So:

~ (use srfi-1 numbers)
~ (iota 1 10 (/ 3 2))


~ Error: (iota) bad argument type - not a number: 3/2

Instead, you could define your own `iota` procedure after importing
the numbers egg using `unfold`, or you could define something like
MATLAB's `linspace`:

~ (define (my-iota count #!optional (start 0) (step 1))
~   (unfold (lambda (x) (>= (/ (- x start) step) count))
~   (lambda (x) x)
~   (lambda (x) (+ x step))
~   start))

~ (define (linspace base limit n)
~   (unfold (lambda (x) (> x limit))
~   (lambda (x) x)
~   (lambda (x) (+ x (/ (- limit base)
~   (- n 1
~   base))

~ (linspace 1 10 10) ;=> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
~ (linspace 0 50 5)  ;=> (0 25/2 25 75/2 50)

I'm sure I'm omitting some error checking in the above (for sequences
that would end up infinite), but it should get you on the right track
if you do find that SRFI-1 does not suffice when using exact rationals.


On 11/07/16 08:21 PM, Evan Hanson wrote:
| Hi Jinsong,
| SRFI-1 provides `iota' --
| Cheers,
| Evan
| ___ Chicken-users
| mailing list

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Installing chicken on windows

2016-07-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA256

Hi Kashyap,

Welcome to the mailing list! In my own experience, using CHICKEN through
Cygwin has always been the best bet. I believe Cygwin has a package for
CHICKEN, so installing it should be fairly easy. I've also managed to get
CHICKEN to work quite well with Emacs (geiser) / vim (slimv) by adding the
binaries for Cygwin to my user account's PATH in Windows.

Have you tried installing using Cygwin whatsoever? Is there any particular
reason why Cygwin would be undesirable for your purposes (aside from well,
having to install it)?

Let me know if something doesn't make sense :)
- -- 
Jeremy Steward
Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New Eggs: SRFI-113 and SRFI-128

2016-05-02 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA1

On 02/05/16 11:06 PM, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:
| Hello Jeremy, ...
| Some comments on the packaging:
| * (version ...) in .meta files is not used by chicken-install.
| Only the form in .setup is used.  I'd suggest removing (version
| ...) from .meta, otherwise people may start copy'ing it, and
| we'll end up having one more file to update in case of version
| update (or one more place with inconsistent information, in case it
| is not properly update).

Duly noted. I didn't think it was used, as I've never written it in
meta before; however, when I packaged SRFI-128 there was a version tag
in the meta file that already existed in the repo. In the future I
will not use them, in this case I opted to leave it as I did not want
to change too many things.

| * instead of (author "foo, egg by bar"), you can use (author
| "foo") (maintainer "bar")

This is interesting to know. I'll put it on the roadmap for future
versions. I can update them quite easily, however to actually put the
tag on Github requires me to message Arthur Gleckler (maintainer of
the scheme-requests-for-implementation account on Github), and ask him
to throw new versions up.

| * Why do we have a tarball into the git repository?

I do not know. You could do the same thing with a git tag, but for
some reason all the SRFIs on Github do this (so I presume there are
hysterical raisins of some kind behind this, potentially due to
mirrors that don't use git). I didn't include the tarball into the
meta file, so it shouldn't impact the egg.

Thanks Mario.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New Eggs: SRFI-113 and SRFI-128

2016-05-02 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

Over the weekend I've taken John Cowan's work on SRFI-113 (Sets and
Bags) and SRFI-128 (Comparators (reduced)) and packaged them up nicely
into eggs. The URLs are below, I think it'd be great if we could add
them to the coop. Salmonella reports all tests passing and
installation working correctly, with one caveat: Since SRFI-113
depends on SRFI-128, I cannot yet run Salmonella independently on
SRFI-113, however I expect there to be no errors.

I plan to package SRFI-133 (Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)),
SRFI-121 (Generators), and SRFI-127 (Lazy Sequences) as time permits
over the next couple of weeks. Any feedback into which (if any) new
SRFI's that haven't been packaged for CHICKEN are desired would be
great, so I can focus on those additionally, provided the work isn't
too severe.

Best regards, and thanks again to the work that John Cowan, Arthur
Gleckler, and the SRFI committee has put in to make these libraries
- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [ANN] CHICKEN 4.11.0 release candidate 2 available

2016-04-28 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA256

Hello all, tested and verified the following:

Operating system: Debian Sid (unstable)
Hardware platform: x86 (Debian i686)
C Compiler: gcc version 5.3.1 20160424 (Debian 5.3.1-16)
Installation works?: yes
Tests work?: yes
Installation of eggs works?: yes

The following eggs were tested for installation:

* arrays
* matchable
* lazy-seq
* coops
* bind
* graphs
* utf8
* numbers
* readline
* hahn
* slime
* chicken-doc
* apropos
* make
* mini-kanren
* fmt
* format

- -- 
Jeremy Steward
Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New Egg: miniKanren

2016-02-20 Thread Jeremy Steward
noise. This is made somewhat worse by the fact that (else fail) is
used heavily in the book, which makes no sense. If no branch succeeds,
failure is implicit, so (else fail) can be pretty much removed for
this reason in all instances.

| 4. the latest version introduces disequality constraints (=/=) as
well as some type-constraint operators (absento, numero, symbolo,

These are the most interesting change, because they allow you to do
some neat things that weren't possible using miniKanren from The
Reasoned Schemer. William Byrd has an entire chapter dedicated to =/=
in his dissertation, which is pretty brilliant in it's own right.
Using the constraint operators, there's even implementations of
relational interpreters built on miniKanren

Nonetheless, how to use these is pretty simple, but I'll just stick to
=/= for now since it's probably the most useful. The easiest way to
get to know it is to play with it, so here's the simplest example:

~(run 1 (q) (=/= q 5))  ;=> ((_.0 (=/= ((_.0 5)

This tells us q can be anything, as long as it's not 5. On it's own,
not very useful; however this turns out to be useful for rembero,
defined in The Reasoned Schemer, which normally looks like this:

~(define (caro l a)
~  (fresh (d)
~(== `(,a . ,d) l)))

~(define (rembero x l out)
~  (conde
~((== '() l) (== '() out))
~((caro l x) (cdro l out)) ; The car of l is equal to x, or unify
~((fresh (a d res)
~   (== `(,a . ,d) l)
~   (== `(,a . ,res) out)
~   (rembero x d res)

This is the definition (slightly modified) that is given in the book.
However, if you run it:

~(run 3 (q) (rembero 5 '(5 5 3 4 5) q))

~;=> ((5 3 4 5) (5 3 4 5) (5 5 3 4))

Which is incorrect, because rembero should act like rember, which only
removes the first instance of the atom 5 from the list '(5 5 3 4 5).
The only answer here should be the first one (every other 5 removed
would be an error).

So the fix is easy, tell rembero that before it can recurse, x cannot
be equal to a. Since we only want to enter the last branch if the
first and second branch fail, then we need to be explicit about this.
Thus, the proper way to implement rembero:

~(define (rembero x l out)
~  (conde
~((== '() l) (== '() out))
~((caro l x) (cdro l out)) ; The car of l is equal to x, or unify
~((fresh (a d res)
~   (== `(,a . ,d) l)
~   (=/= a x)  ; The car of l is not equal to x
~   (== `(,a . ,res) out)
~   (rembero x d res)

To be more explicit we could also throw (=/= '() l) above our fresh
clause but (== `(,a . ,d) l) does this already. Now our example:

~(run 3 (q) (rembero 5 '(5 5 3 4 5) q))

~;=> ((5 3 4 5))

Only one answer appears. You really need to play with these features
to grasp how to use them best. The idea of using disequality to be
explicit about branch selection is weird, especially since it doesn't
match similar behaviour to cond, but that's just a part of relational
programming. I apologize for the long mail, but hopefully this
summarizes the majority of the changes between the languages.

William Byrd even discusses some of this history throughout the
following two videos from 2014: (part 1) (part 2)

Unfortunately they are quite long and I don't have timestamps for any
specific references or quotes. They're fun to work through though, as
part 2 he actually goes into detail into how to build a relational

Hopefully that clears things up, sorry to the mailing list if this is
too long and too wordy. I only looked at the length after writing it,
and probably could have turned this into a blog post of it's own.


- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New Egg: miniKanren

2016-02-16 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA256

Hello all,

Hope you all find yourselves well. I am sending this today to announce the
1.0 release of the latest miniKanren implementation. There's a bit of history
here, so I'll try to summarize. However, if you're interested in seeing the
implementation use the following link:

We already have the "Kanren" egg, which provides the old Kanren language as
well as the miniKanren implementation from "The Reasoned Schemer" (Dan
Friedman, William Byrd, Oleg Kiselyov, MIT Press.). While this egg is great
for working through the examples in the book, it does not provide the latest
implementation of the miniKanren language (as it has evolved over the years).

The latest implementation of miniKanren (found is unfortunately both very
different and incompatible with the language of the same name used in The
Reasoned Schemer. Although they are both similar, there are some notable change

  1. condi no longer exists
  2. conde now behaves like condi (to provide stronger termination guarantees)
  3. else is removed as syntax from conde, conda, and condu
  4. the latest version introduces disequality constraints (=/=) as well as
 some type-constraint operators (absento, numero, symbolo, booleano).

After some discussion with the current maintainer (Alex Shinn), we have both
decided it is probably better to packaged the canonical implementation as a
separate miniKanren egg, while he has agreed to rename the mini-kanren module
in the "Kanren" egg to `reasoned-schemer` or some such. This means that
people working through The Reasoned Schemer can still use the implementation
that works with the book, while users coming from Clojure's core.logic or
Racket's miniKanren implementation can still use all the facilities that
they'll be used to in the latest version of the language.

I would be happy to answer any questions if there are any. Mario, could this
be added to the coop, or are there additional steps I must take first?

Best regards,
- -- 
Jeremy Steward
Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [ More SRFI reviewers needed.]

2016-01-06 Thread Jeremy Steward

Hash: SHA1

| SRFI 127: Lazy Sequences

Sorry as I do not have much to say towards the other SRFI's, as I am
somewhat ignorant as to their process, however I noticed this one and
could only think of the lazy-seq egg by Moritz Heidkamp
( I've had a lot of
good experience with the egg (although at first I will admit its usage
confused me quite thoroughly).

Nonetheless, I noticed that the SRFI document mentions implementing
lazy sequences in a different way (utilizing SRFI 121: Generators,
which is also on your list). I was wondering if the lazy-seq egg has
been brought up whatsoever regarding this SRFI, and if there's some
difference I'm not seeing here. My understanding is that the lazy-seq
egg wraps the lazy-list in a record type that encapsulates the first
element and the generating expression, but I may be wrong. Other than
being able to use (car lazy-lst) and (cdr lazy-lst) normally, is there
a specific reason for the difference here?

Apologies if this comes off as noise on the list, this is purely my
curiosity speaking.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New SDL2 eggs; help wanted

2015-11-04 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA1

Hi John,

I'd be very interested in this egg, especially if I can use it as a
means to learn SDL, but I do not believe I can directly commit to
using it, as I don't yet have a use case (though I have always wanted
to use SDL to visualize point cloud / LIDAR data if possible).

In any case, I'll watch as the development progresses, and re-evaluate
whether or not I can afford some time to sink into learning SDL and
using it within CHICKEN.

> Currently the project needs people to help with:
> - Manual testing (installing, running examples) on different
> platforms - Writing unit tests and semi-automated test programs -
> Writing API reference docs, guides, and tutorials - Creating
> detailed installation instructions for different platforms -
> Creating feature demos and example games/programs

Some basic tutorials for setup would go a long way here, so I don't
have to worry as much about getting SDL to work as I do learning the
API and how to manipulate data. Bear in mind I don't consider myself
either a clueless beginner nor an expert in the community, but
something basic would certainly help. If you're willing to walk me
through it on IRC sometime (find DeeEff in #chicken), I could even
write a "hello world" style tutorial myself. I would venture that it
would be better to get a more solid API before something like that,
but it's up to you.

That said, I'll keep watching this on the mailing list if it pops up,
so please continue your work. I'm not in the business of making games,
but SDL can be used for more than that if I understand correctly.
Exciting times to be a part of this community indeed!

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Hypergiant egg install fails, and some other eggs

2015-10-04 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA1

I suppose as one of the few people who has used / uses CHICKEN on
Windows I should chime in :)

On 02/10/15 12:57 PM, Peter Bex wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 03, 2015 at 02:29:35AM +0800, Robert Herman wrote:
>> Maybe Termbox is too reliant on a linux terminal as the target,
>> but how come Blas fails, when I have the Blas libraries
>> installed, and working in other language implementations?
> Hard to say without more info.  The Blas egg is a bit of a pain to
> get working, even on *nix.  It has its own attempt at
> "auto-detection" of how it should invoke the compiler & linker,
> which is quite error-prone and probably very Linux-oriented anyway.
> The reason behind this seems to be that Blas itself is a bit of an
> old-fashioned library, and doesn't have a way to discover how to
> link against it (no pkg-config, for example).

BLAS is problematic not because it is old, but because it is made
available through multiple implementations. For example, BLAS can be
made available through Intel's MKL, ATLAS, OpenBLAS, and of course the
original reference implementation. Keep in mind BLAS is
often implemented in Fortran and then exported to C, so depending on
your implementation you might also need to expose `-lgfortran` to csc
as well.

The "auto-detection" code is more or less attempting to figure out
which BLAS library you're using, and tries to deduce which files to
link into the build process. You can, for example, try the following:


int main() {
cblas_ddot(0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
return 0;

You'll then want to compile this as follows:

gcc test.c -o test -lm -lblas


gcc test.c -o test -lm -lcblas

If either of those work, you should be good to go with regards to
installing BLAS automatically. Otherwise, you may need to figure out
where libblas.dll or libcblas.dll reside and you'll need to expose
those libraries in your INCLUDE path.

If you're getting weird errors with blas or atlas-lapack, you can post
here and I can try to help. I did some work with atlas-lapack earlier
this year (and I mean to do more), but I've had good success with it
on Windows thus far.

>> I will try and see why other eggs fail and look into tracing
>> them, and share what I find. I really want to be able to make
>> CHICKEN my platform on Windows.
> Don't give up!  It's just that you're charting new territory; not
> many people are currently using CHICKEN on Windows.  Most egg
> authors will be happy to patch their eggs to make things work, if
> you can inform them what is needed to make things build on
> Windows.

Agreed, please do not give up. Currently the way I use CHICKEN on
Windows is through Cygwin, because it is currently the easiest way to
install and link things (using plain MinGW64 is an exercise in
patience, IMO). Hopefully the midipix project (
picks up, which will provide a much better way to use CHICKEN (and
other C libraries / programs) on Windows.

I suppose midipix / musl-libc support should be it's own thread though.


- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Hypergiant egg install fails, and some other eggs

2015-10-04 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA1

On 04/10/15 11:09 AM, Peter Bex wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 10:50:24AM -0600, Jeremy Steward wrote:
>> I suppose as one of the few people who has used / uses CHICKEN
>> on Windows I should chime in :)
> Thanks for this!
>> On 02/10/15 12:57 PM, Peter Bex wrote:
>>> The reason behind this seems to be that Blas itself is a bit of
>>> an old-fashioned library[...]
>> BLAS is problematic not because it is old, but because it is
>> made available through multiple implementations. For example,
>> BLAS can be made available through Intel's MKL, ATLAS, OpenBLAS,
>> and of course the original reference implementation.
>> Keep in mind BLAS is often implemented in Fortran and then
>> exported to C, so depending on your implementation you might also
>> need to expose `-lgfortran` to csc as well.
> Thanks for explaining this.  It's good to know about that.  Do
> none of the BLAS implementation offer pkg-config support, though?
> Even if you only support one BLAS library, it can still be
> installed in several different locations, depending on the platform
> and packaging system used.

As far as I can tell, none of the ones I mentioned above do. The
OpenBLAS guys would do it, but their issue tracker on Github suggested
they don't know how to write pkg-config files [1]. As for Intel's MKL,
it's proprietary. This means 1) I haven't utilized it much, and 2) I
have never seen it play nice with FOSS tooling. It could very well
export pkg-config bindings, but I doubt it.

As for ATLAS and netlib BLAS, they both suffer from being maintained
by a single developer who hasn't updated the software much (beyond
architecture compatibility) in years. That isn't to say that ATLAS is
out of date or bitrotted (it is in fact quite optimized and useful),
but the code itself is robust and well-tested, and prioritizes
platform compatibility over new features (IMO, I don't know or talk
with the developer, but this is the impression I get).

>> Agreed, please do not give up. Currently the way I use CHICKEN
>> on Windows is through Cygwin, because it is currently the easiest
>> way to install and link things (using plain MinGW64 is an
>> exercise in patience, IMO). Hopefully the midipix project
>> ( picks up, which will provide a much better
>> way to use CHICKEN (and other C libraries / programs) on
>> Windows.
> Wow, this Midipix project sounds very promising!  Definitely
> something to keep an eye on, so we can (eventually?) get rid of the
> mess that is cygwin & mingw.
> Cheers, Peter

Indeed, it would be a great day when Windows is as easy to support as
Linux or BSD!


- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug in readline 4.0 egg; missing function (Erik Falor)

2015-08-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA256

Would libreadline versions factor into this?

On the machine where I am experiencing this error, I am using GNU
libreadline7 ver 6.3.8-1 from Cygwin. Further, I'm using libncurses 4.9.

Let me know if any more information is necessary.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward
Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug in readline 4.0 egg; missing function

2015-08-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA512

As of today I installed CHICKEN 4.10, and have encountered this problem as 
well. However, unlike Erik Fair, I have not even been able to install the egg 
with chicken-install.

Is there a workaround in the meantime to get this working, such as reverting to 
an older version? I find readline pretty crucial to most of my work flow when 
using CHICKEN.
- --
Jeremy Steward
Version: APG v1.1.1


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CHICKEN 4.10.0 has been released

2015-08-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA512

I'll just chime in here on the side, but I believe I made an edit to the wiki 
quite some time ago about switching to mingw-64, since at the time I had some 
issues using the bind egg.

Moreover, while I have not tested CHICKEN 4.10 yet, I compiled CHICKEN 4.9.1 
myself on cygwin64 with no error,so it's unlikely any changes need to be made 
on that front.

- --
Jeremy Steward
Version: APG v1.1.1


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug in readline 4.0 egg; missing function

2015-08-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA512

Would it be possible to replace readline with linenoise in your

Unfortunately the main benefit of readline currently is that it supports 
history (linenoise does not, at least when I last checked).

It's not the worst break in the world, as I can always use the SLIME egg, but 
that does not preserve history across sessions quite as well.
- --
Jeremy Steward
Version: APG v1.1.1


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug in readline 4.0 egg; missing function

2015-08-07 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA256

Thank you! This does solve my problem for the time being.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward
Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New Egg: chicken-graphs

2015-07-03 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA512

Hi Mario,

Thank you for the detailed feedback. I've taken the steps you've listed, and as 
far as I can tell salmonella is not complaining (outside of lacking qwiki 
documentation). With regards to documentation, do I just add it to the wiki 
once the egg has been officially registered? That should be simple enough, I 
believe I've made edits to the wiki before, anonymously.

Cheers, and thanks again for the helpful feedback!
- --
Jeremy Steward
Version: APG v1.1.1


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New Egg: chicken-graphs

2015-07-02 Thread Jeremy Steward
Hash: SHA1

Hey all,

For those of you who do not know me, I also go by DeeEff on #chicken.
I'd like to announce an egg I've recently put together which provides
a small set of functionality for graphs, digraphs, multigraphs, and
multidigraphs. I am aware of the digraph egg as it stands, but I
developed this both as a learning exercise (as I am currently studying
graph theory), and in addition, that egg does not support the entirety
of graph types as I have listed above.

The code can be found at,
and the license is the LGPL3+.

I plan to add more functionality in the future, I'm currently
attempting to implement some way to test for isomorphism, but am not
quite at that point yet. Things on the TODO list are as follows:


- - Documentation (I know nothing of qwiki format, but am using hahn
(partially) in the code
- - Tests (this will be smoother once I implement isomorphism?, as I am
using test-generative and a solid isomorphism predicate will be useful
for that)
- - Users. I need users to use the code or at least browse it and let me
know if something smells. :)

If there are any issues, I would appreciate if users could email
(mailing list or otherwise) or use the issue tracker on Github.

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] IDE for Beginners

2015-04-22 Thread Jeremy Steward
, programatically ff-paths - $PATH-like searching in
 C-x C-f; filladapt - enhances Emacs's built-in adaptive fill; 
 floatbg - slowly modify background color; framepop - display
 temporary buffers in a dedicated frame; graphviz-dot-mode.el -
 mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att). 
 highlight-beyond-fill-column - highlight lines that are too
 long; highlight-completion - highlight completions in the
 minibuffer; highlight-current-line - highlight line where the
 cursor is; home-end - alternative Home and End commands; htmlize
 - HTML-ize font-lock buffers; initsplit - split customizations
 into different files; joc-toggle-buffer - fast switching between
 two buffers; joc-toggle-case - a set of functions to toggle the
 case of characters; keydef - a simpler way to define key
 mappings; keywiz - Emacs key sequence quiz; lcomp -
 list-completion hacks; maplev - major mode for Maple; map-lines -
 map a command over lines matching a regexp; markdown-mode - major
 mode for editing Markdown files; marker-visit - navigate through
 a buffer's marks in order; matlab - major mode for MatLab dot-m
 files; minibuf-electric -  electric minibuffer behavior from
 XEmacs; minibuffer-complete-cycle - cycle through the
 *Completions* buffer; miniedit - enhanced editing for minibuffer
 fields; mutt-alias - lookup and insert the expansion of mutt mail
 aliases; muttrc-mode - major mode for editing Mutt config files; 
 obfusurl - obfuscate an URL; pack-windows - resize all windows to
 display as much info as possible; perldoc - show help for Perl
 functions and modules. (Depends on perl-doc); pod-mode - major
 mode for editing POD files; pp-c-l - display Control-l characters
 in a pretty way; projects - create project-based meaningful
 buffer names; prot-buf - protect buffers from accidental
 killing; protocols - perform lookups in /etc/protocols; quack -
 enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code; rfcview -
 view IETF RFCs with readability-improved formatting; services -
 perform lookups in /etc/services; session - saves settings
 between Emacs invocations and visits to a file; setnu -
 setnu-mode, a vi-style line number mode; shell-command - enables
 tab-completion for shell-command; show-wspace - highlight
 whitespaces of various kinds; silly-mail - generate bozotic mail
 headers; slang-mode.el - a major-mode for editing S-Lang
 scripts; sys-apropos - interface for the *nix apropos command; 
 tabbar - Display a tab bar in the header line; tail - tail -f a
 file or a command from within Emacs; tc - cite text with proper
 filling; thinks - quote texts in cartoon-like think bubbles; tlc
 - major mode for editing Target Language Compiler scripts; tld -
 explain top-level domain names; todoo - major mode for editing
 TODO files; toggle-option - easily toggle frequently toggled
 options; twiddle - mode line hacks to keep you awake; under -
 underline a region with ^ characters; upstart-mode - mode for
 editing upstart files; xrdb-mode - mode for editing X resource
 database files. . See /usr/share/doc/emacs-goodies-
 el/README.Debian.gz for a short description of all files, or
 the Info node `emacs-goodies-el' for details.
 ___ Chicken-users
 mailing list

- -- 
Jeremy Steward

Version: GnuPG v2


Chicken-users mailing list