[cia-drugs] Giant UFO Attacks George W. Bush’s Texas Ranch

2008-07-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

The last time the object was seen on radar at 8
p.m., it was continuing on a direct path to the Crawford Ranch and was
only 10 miles away.


Giant UFO Attacks George W. Bush’s Texas Ranch

Force logs and government radar reports released under the Freedom of
Information Act reveal that a massive, terrible mystery aircraft
barreled through the skies of Central Texas on January 8 — and it was
headed for George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch at 2,100 miles per hour!
The Mutual UFO Network
just released a long
investigation (PDF) of the “Stephenville
Lights” incident,
which briefly won the attention of our attention-challenged nation six
months ago, until Americans again remembered that a black dude was
running for president.
The National Weather Service and Federal Aviation Administration
released radar reports from around the Waco/Dallas/Ft. Worth areas
where people reported seeing a mile-wide brightly lit aircraft that
could hover silently, vanish “as if someone turned off a light switch,”
and zoom across the sky while jet fighters tried and failed to keep up.
Carswell Air Force Base logs were heavily redacted, MUFON reports,
but showed three groups of jets from the 457th Fighter Squadron were in
the air that night and that several veered off to the Stephenville area
for unknown reasons. Also, an AWACS surveillance plane flew in a wide
circle over the area for several hours that night, “as if it were on a
search or monitoring mission.”
Radar returns show the mystery object flying as slowly as 49 mph,
sitting stationary in the sky, and accelerating at up to 2,100 mph. The
radar data seems to support the 17 eyewitness reports of the thing
collected by the investigators.

  The object was traveling to the southeast on a direct
course towards the Crawford ranch, also known as President Bush’s
western White House. The last time the object was seen on radar at 8
p.m., it was continuing on a direct path to the Crawford Ranch and was
only 10 miles away.
  During this entire episode of over an hour, there is no indication
that any of the military jets reacted to this unknown aircraft, that
was without a required transponder, and that was headed directly to
the Western White House. 

Why did the military allow the space monsters to attack George W.
Bush’s stupid brush-clearing ranch?
tracked unidentified craft near Crawford, group’s report says
UFO: Radar
shows large, fast, unexplained object in Texas [KBMT-12 News/AP]
Military Escorting UFOs Over Texas

[cia-drugs] Clark(1)ACLU(2)Carville(3)Tex(4)Pelosi(5)Noriega(6)Co-Sponser(7)

2008-07-16 Thread Quechick Barnyard


[cia-drugs] Re: Please Express Your Opinion

2008-07-16 Thread muckblit
Mind-control and the law, an appropriate juxtaposition.

Dr. Ewen Cameron, CIA MKULTRA, McGill U, used drugs and electroshock and
isolation. Earl Brian, Phoenix, Hill 451 Gang, visited Cinque in prison,
with ref to the Patty Hearst and Symbionese Liberation Army cult.
Muhamad & Malvo, cultic mind control. Manson and CIA cult. Jim Jones'
building in the US, People's Temple, was owned by KKK and there were CIA
aspects to the slaughter in Guyana.

I just wrote here about HBO The Wire's creator David Simon's vid
interviews on Youtube. The last link I gave was for his interview at a
law school. He talked mostly about journalism, but what he said about
non sequitur journalism is what has happened in law. Nobody pursues the
truth in fact OR law, mocking both in the Muhamad trial. As a matter of
fact, Simon talks about exactly the kind of journalism that covered the
Muhamad trial without seeming to notice anything they witnessed. The OJ
Dream Team would have gotten Muhamad off, so he represented himself at a
critical juncture to assure his conviction, his credit for mission
accomplished, like Tim McVeigh acquiescing to his role of lone crazed
operative. Reporters almost seem to make themselves co-conspirators by
failing to state explicitly if the prosecution was saying the shot came
from Pargo's or Bob Evans restaurant. The Muhamad trial reads like a
five page transcript, not 10,000 page Warren Commission Report, but the
press still can't digest those five pages and tell us anything. If the
facts were so bad, and they were, it comes to a matter of law, but there
the judge simply stated for the record that the case was the best
presented he had ever heard, which was totally wrong but assured child
minds that Santa Claus is real and a fragmented bullet could be traced
to the Bushmaster and like JFK the bullet made a big hole on entry and
never exited, not one particle, and all sorts of folly from there,
concerning reversed directions and angles and whether there was a small
hole and ultimately whether the shot was fired by Malvo at Pargo's or
could have come from Red Roof  Inn balcony. The Zapruder film should
have been enterred as evidence, and a melon on a fencepost shot and
videotaped in slow mo for the benefit of the jury.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>From time to time I write a letter. Wrote to the lawyer defending the
younger of the two. It was copied with a cover letter to the Virginia
I pointed out that if mind control is not used as a defense he is
all ethics.

> I would like to hear your opinion on one idea.
> John Muhamad of Muhamad and Malvo, DC-area snipers during Iraqwar
> voting, was only tried for one murder, that of Dean Meyers.
> Muhamad only represented himself for part of that trial. While he was
> representing himself, a witness perjured herself to place him at the
> scene of the crime. Muhamad did not attack her testimony.
> What do you think of that?
> The witness was a woman who worked at First Virginia Bank. I put the
> mapquest map in cia-drugs photos, showing that the bank is a mile from
> the crime scene. Why play lawyer yet pass up the opportunity to crush
> a softball and send it over the outfield fence as Matlock or Perry
> By crush a softball, I mean it was this easy. Matlock: "You say your
> bank is in the same shopping center as SUNOCO. What is the name of the
> shopping center?"
> "The bank is not actually in a shopping center"
> "What is the name of the shopping center SUNOCO is in then?"
> "SUNOCO is not actually in a shopping center either".
> "You said they were in the same shopping center, and then you said
> that neither is actually in any shopping center. Are they in the same
> parking lot?"
> "No"
> "Do you realize that your bank is exactly one mile from SUNOCO?"
> "If you say so"
> "Your bank and SUNOCO are on opposite sides of six lanes of highway, a
> grass median strip, two sidewalks, and two parking lots. Neither is in
> a shopping center. Did you tell the prosecution before this trial that
> you saw the defendant in the same shopping center where you worked?"
> "No, they told me to say that"
> "The prosecution suborned you to perjure yourself by claiming to have
> seen the defendant at the scene of the crime?"
> "Exactly, yes."
> "Were your two co-workers lying here today when they called you a liar
> about events the day of the murder?"
> "I guess not"
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/44045

[cia-drugs] Re: McCain Obama Budweiser Sale to Beck's Belge

2008-07-16 Thread muckblit
" why the Washington Post just announced the sale of Budweiser
to a Belgian company without mentioning McCain, while mentioning Obama

43002  Fwd: McCain fortune traced to organized crime
... Republic that Hensley's beer-distribution empire was the fifth
largest in the nation, "a Budweiser franchise whose bigwigs hold the No.
2 spot on Sen. John McCain's all-time career list of corporate donors."
Since 1982, according to the Center for ...   Kris Millegan
Feb 28, 2008
11:44 pm31821  THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE American Title Company's
Friggin Back <../../../../message/31821>
... meant nothing to Marley. When Gene Hensley got out of prison Marley
arranged a BUDWEISER distributorship for Hensley which is now in the
hands of Senator John McCain and reported to be worth $50 million! The
best source for an introduction to the ...   judson witham
Oct 12, 2005
... meant nothing to Marley. When Gene Hensley got out of prison Marley
arranged a BUDWEISER distributorship for Hensley which is now in the
hands of Senator John McCain and reported to be worth $50 million! The
best source for an introduction to the ...   Bob
Oct 12, 2005
11:21 am
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wonder why the Washington Post just announced the sale of Budweiser
to a Belgian company without mentioning McCain, while mentioning Obama
instead? Which has more to do with $40 Billion in Budweiser sale
funds, McCain, or Obama?

I wonder if the sale of Budweiser right now gives McCain more money
for his campaign, like CIA Crack gave Clinton $250 million to win in
1992 and smokescreen the shutting down of Iran-Contra investigation
before anybody asked what GHWB knew about CIA Crack War and when did
he know it.

What did GHWB know about the death of Barry Seal, about Frigorificos,
Danilo Blandon, George Morales, Ricky Ross, Chico Brown, Rayful
Edmonds, and the Whole Bay of Pigs Thing. What did J. Edgar Hoover
tell "George Bush, CIA" about the Whole Bay of Pigs Thing? How many
presidents of Honduras were assassinated by CIA in connection with
GHWB demanding the Honduran government to host Felix Rodriguez and
Luis Posada Carriles for CIA Crack War?

No better time than the meltdown of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae. Where
are the four trillion dollars?

So Clinton was given $250 million in CIA Crack War loot to get elected
and bring his scandals in view between the posse and the escaping
Poppy Bush of Russell Opium Trust (ROT).


[cia-drugs] Re: HBO The Wire: End of US Empire

2008-07-16 Thread muckblit

recbo    (25 seconds ago)

Simon has one Greek tragic hero with a flaw in the sum of dying
Stringer, DeAngelo, Bodie, Omar, Prop Joe. Their story must be told.
Simon says the Metro section fails to tell it.

Witnesses and Five Weapons Company embedded occupation reporters only
come out for innocent victims, "mushrooms" popping up in front of a
bullet. Only those deaths base fund-raising propaganda for failed
programs and policies!!!
That kind of embedded propaganda is what Simon calls Impact Journalism,
a non sequitur at best, or a fund-raising banner for failed policy, as I
call it.

In DC there is a church called Homicide Church, on Nanny Burroughs
Boulevard. You would think that every funeral there would move the
Washington Post to put a few words in the Metro section. Not so, Five
Weapons Company media is too embedded in the same occupation as Iraq.
Total Information Awareness extends from Iraq to DC to Baltimore. Info
control is too tight to personalize CIA Crackwar victims or Five Weapons
Company white phosphorus victims in Iraq.

Simon was wrong about one thing. There was an internet reporter in
Faluja. He sent himself, though. What was his name, Mike something, the
diver, who met the Faluja hospital's female ambulance driver who was
shot by US Marines because Five Weapons Company editors had classified
civilian white phosphorus victims as The Enemy of propaganda.  Marines
seized the hospital and shot up ambulances to censor a group picture of
civilian white phosphorus victims by preventing that group from forming
at the hospital emergency waiting room.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


David Simon, creator of the long-running HBO series The Wire,
described Maryland as a commonwealth of laws written by others, not a
commonwealth of people by people for people, in his own terms saying
what I just gaves examples of from Virginia's injustice system. He
says name a government institution and he will recount how it does the
opposite of what it is supposed to do, to the detriment of people,
with loss of dignity. His main theme in this first part is about a
system which increasingly regards people as overstocked surplus.

I saw the death of Bodie episode a few nights ago on BET. My friend
Dennis Smith was shot in the back of the head like that in Mayfair,
Kenilworth, DC. I watched him die without a craniotomy to relieve the
swelling, though his Glasgow score was 9 to 11 an hour after he was
shot. He talked, stood up, walked, made sense, recognized what he saw
with his eyes. You didn't see that with Bodie, because most of the
headshot victims die within five minutes. You didn't see his family.
You didn't see the gangster funeral. You don't know how many old
gangsters age 22 and up are killed when they try to get out of CIA
covert ops. Simon does better than any other artist at telling it like
it is, especially if we include these three video interviews. I am
talking about identifiable humanity, not the depersonalized indians
for your cowboy to shoot a hundred at a time, and Simon says he is
talking about humans pushed into inhumanity but never completely
losing their humanity to the extent that their overlords have in order
to dig for one-bid treasure under the Big (unelected) Dubya the Bushes

Simon notes that Baltimore is a good city to examine for what is
coming around the corner to the rest of the US, as there is no other
city where the ghetto and best part of town are on the same block or
same street. I have driven and walked in and out of the Baltimore
ghetto and best neighborhoods six or twelve times in a mile. You could
almost run home to mommy and make it there, while three tiers of
maximum security cells jeer you on. Baltimore is small with big city


Simon notes that after Roosevelt we have been led to believe that The
Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Good.


Simon notices that the fake drugwar has alienated police from the
people they are supposed to serve, and they do not do real police work
or solve crimes any more, because pro-active thought-criming is all
they have time for.


[cia-drugs] HBO The Wire: End of US Empire

2008-07-16 Thread muckblit
David Simon, creator of the long-running HBO series The Wire,
described Maryland as a commonwealth of laws written by others, not a
commonwealth of people by people for people, in his own terms saying
what I just gaves examples of from Virginia's injustice system. He
says name a government institution and he will recount how it does the
opposite of what it is supposed to do, to the detriment of people,
with loss of dignity. His main theme in this first part is about a
system which increasingly regards people as overstocked surplus.

I saw the death of Bodie episode a few nights ago on BET. My friend
Dennis Smith was shot in the back of the head like that in Mayfair,
Kenilworth, DC. I watched him die without a craniotomy to relieve the
swelling, though his Glasgow score was 9 to 11 an hour after he was
shot. He talked, stood up, walked, made sense, recognized what he saw
with his eyes. You didn't see that with Bodie, because most of the
headshot victims die within five minutes. You didn't see his family.
You didn't see the gangster funeral. You don't know how many old
gangsters age 22 and up are killed when they try to get out of CIA
covert ops. Simon does better than any other artist at telling it like
it is, especially if we include these three video interviews. I am
talking about identifiable humanity, not the depersonalized indians
for your cowboy to shoot a hundred at a time, and Simon says he is
talking about humans pushed into inhumanity but never completely
losing their humanity to the extent that their overlords have in order
to dig for one-bid treasure under the Big (unelected) Dubya the Bushes

Simon notes that Baltimore is a good city to examine for what is
coming around the corner to the rest of the US, as there is no other
city where the ghetto and best part of town are on the same block or
same street. I have driven and walked in and out of the Baltimore
ghetto and best neighborhoods six or twelve times in a mile. You could
almost run home to mommy and make it there, while three tiers of
maximum security cells jeer you on. Baltimore is small with big city


Simon notes that after Roosevelt we have been led to believe that The
Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Good.


Simon notices that the fake drugwar has alienated police from the
people they are supposed to serve, and they do not do real police work
or solve crimes any more, because pro-active thought-criming is all
they have time for.
