Re: Open Source AHRS project: giving away hardware

2014-05-10 Thread Ben Wong
Sounds like a fun challenge. I'd take it up if I wasn't already so
busy. After all, who in their life hasn't at one point wanted to write
an Unscented Kalman Filter? ;-)

Just out of curiosity, is not a viable solution?


On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Pascal Gosselin  wrote:
> Hello,
> With the idea of spurring interest in the development of a software Attitude
> Heading Reference System for the GTA02, I am going to be giving away twelve
> (12) Golden Delicious NavBoard V2s to developers that are willing to work on
> this idea.
> I have been frustrated by lack of an available AHRS for Linux-based systems
> for many years now.  The closest thing available is the FoxAHRS:
> I believe it runs on the ARM-based G20 board:
> I might be wrong but anyway the idea is to get a working 100% open
> source AHRS than can run on the GTA02 and GTA04.  Ideally it should be
> entirely self-calibrating (i.e. figure out what's level and calibrate the
> compass via GPS track by an easy calibration or self-calibration method).
> This is what the boards look like:
> It has a 3D ITG-3200 Rate Gyro, the HMC 5843 magnetometer and BMP 085
> barometric sensor.  It's a board you must solder internally to the GTA02.
> Anyone that actually ends up contributing to this project will also be given
> a Navboard V3, which has a better magnetometer, to make sure it works that
> one as well (I paid good money for the V3 boards so I don't want to give
> them away to people who may not ever end up installing them).
> If anyone that is a serious contributor needs some help, I would be more
> than willing to help out with stuff like free brand new GTA 02s (850Mhz or
> 900Mhz, I have both brand new in stock) , new batteries.   Serious hackers
> don't need to worry about damaging their GTA02, I will provide replacement
> units to anyone who does and is serious about this project.
> I also have a early GTA04 fully assembled with new case/screen/battery to
> give away to a serious contributor who would be willing to ensure that the
> AHRS code would run properly on this platform as well.
> You may reply to me privately or via this list.
> Pascal Gosselin
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: mounting FR in car for GPS usage

2014-03-13 Thread Ben Wong
Years ago I found a cheap magnet mount at a truck stop and have been
very pleased with it. A round, rubberized magnet is adhered to the
dashboard (just pull off the backing, like a sticker) and a thin,
flat, hardly noticeable plate sticks to the back of the Freerunner.
Easy to snap on and easy to grab and go. This looks like something


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Matthias Apitz  wrote:
> Hello,
> Has someone a good idea or solution how to mount the FR device in the
> car, visible by the driver to be used as GPS && maps? I think the best
> place would be near the windshield in the drivers corner.
> Thx
> matthias
> --
> Sent from my FreeBSD netbook
> Matthias Apitz, , f: +49-170-4527211
> UNIX since V7 on PDP-11, UNIX on mainframe since ESER 1055 (IBM /370)
> UNIX on x86 since SVR4.2 UnixWare 2.1.2, FreeBSD since 2.2.5
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA04 work (was: Openmoko's downfall (was changing IMEI))

2014-02-22 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:03 AM, Bob Ham  wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 08:54 +0100, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>> We ... are working on a 3.14 kernel and getting things mainline
> Why?  The GTA04 is not usable as a daily phone.  Why would you waste
> time on the kernel instead of working on the problems that prevent the
> board being used?  Why are you not spending this time working on the
> power drain?
> When you start working on the master or PhD thesis to resolve the power
> drain, I'm sure you'll find the community will be more supportive

After much study, I have discovered that the biggest power drain
appears to be coming from certain posts on the mailing list which
ridicule and demoralize the people actually doing the work in this
community. When people volunteer to work on free software/hardware
projects, they are doing something to make the world a better place
and they should be paid back with, at the least, our respect.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] new svg keyboard

2013-12-31 Thread Ben Wong
I love it. I hadn't known it was missing before, but I am glad
*somebody* finally put a "tea" key on a keyboard. :-) (Err... I mean☺)


On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Francesco De Vita
> Hello everybody
> I took advantage of the holidays and I made a new SVG keyboard, cute,
> only qwerty, not so finger friendly but nail&stylus friendly for sure.
> Why I did that?
> - no matter what, the Freerunner screen it is what it is (not so finger
> friendly)
> - no existing finger friendly keyboard suits my fingers
> - I only use qwerty
> - I wanted a better looking keyboard
> Screenshots here [1], here [2], here [3] and here [4].
> It is a replacement for the existing svgkbd, if you want to try it make
> sure to backup the contents in /opt/qtmoko/etc/im/svgkbd/ and then
> copy-past there the files in the archive [5] (don't wget it, it couldn't
> work with dropbox). Restart QtMoko and enjoy.
> For now the keyboard is designed for the italian language. If you're not
> able to DIY and want a help for a different character set, I could help
> on request.
> Happy holidays and happy new year!
> Joif
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Larger capacity battery

2013-12-22 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 7:39 AM, joerg Reisenweber  wrote:
> Maybe useful background can be found in:


That's a pretty handy page. I hadn't realized LiIon batteries varied
much by manufacturer. Is there a similar script for the Freerunner
which can perform the same battery capacity test?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v58 - best way to upgrade

2013-12-22 Thread Ben Wong
I've got v58 working now (thanks to the logging kludge) and have not
had a problem with resuming yet. I did have a lot of reports initially
of people trying to call me and my phone not ringing, but after I
turned off multiplexing in Neocontrol things seem to be better. (I've
never had to turn off multiplexing before, so I'm not sure why that
helped this time.)

Speaking of kernel bugs, I did have a kernel panic when a second call
came in while I was already on the phone. [Fortunately, (thanks to the
nifty design of the Freerunner) I was able to keep talking on the
phone even with a hung kernel!] By the way, call waiting did work in
the previous version of qtmoko, but it had a bug such that I wouldn't
be able to hear the other person until I put them on speaker phone.


On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> On Sunday, December 22, 2013 06:47:05 PM Nick wrote:
>> Many thanks Radek for keeping QtMoko going! My FreeRunner has been
>> my daily phone for about the last year thanks to it, and it
>> generally works really well.
>> Can I upgrade to v58 by just doing a 'apt-get update && apt-get
>> dist-upgrade', or should I flash it afresh?
> Hmm there have been a lot of changes, e.g. in apt sources.list, so reflash is
> IMO better. It should be ok to backup and restore your /home/root dir.
> Btw i have doubts that our 2.6.39 kernel is really bug free. My Freerunner
> failed like 3 times to resume during those 6 days i am using it :( I wonder if
> it is just my phone or others seen it too?
> Regards
> Radek
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Use of a FreeRunner

2013-12-22 Thread Ben Wong
I'm sure it could; your FreeRunner is a complete computer.

The question is if you have the time (or money to hire someone) to
write the glue script that will put all the pieces together. Let's
see, the parts you'll need are:

1. Check your mail account (fetchmail or python's imaplib)
2. Do a regex check to see if it's "important" (egrep/python/perl/awk/...)
3. Convert it to SMS format
3a. MIME extract (munpack or python's email package)
3b. Optionally remove HTML markup (lynx -dump or Beautiful Soup's
get_text() function)
4. Send it as an SMS messages (dbus to FSO works but may not be "best


On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Philip Rhoades  wrote:
> People,
> I have not used my FreeRunner for ages and probably should donate it someone
> who can make use of it but a thought occurred to me:  It would be good to
> have something that could act like a SMS server eg I have a demand where if
> an (urgent) email comes into a particular account, that the contents of the
> email are able to be resent as an SMS out through a mobile device gateway to
> a number of phones - could OpenMoko be rejigged to do this somehow?
> Regards,
> Phil.
> --
> Philip Rhoades
> GPO Box 3411
> Sydney NSW  2001
> Australia
> E-mail:
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-16 Thread Ben Wong
> There must be some timing problem. It can be quite tricky to debug it,
> because with logging it works and with debugging enabled it works too.

Timing with the AT communications? Would that be the chat script?

> 3/ implement better screen locking. Now if you lock screen and receive phone
> call the screen unlocks and never locks again. I'd like to have it locked
> once the call ends.

That would be a nice one to fix. If I don't notice that I've received
a text message or call, I'll sometimes find later that the phone is
very warm and the battery nearly dead even though I haven't been using

> 4/ maybe fix the wifi dialog

It would be nice if it was sane. But even just ditching it and having
something simple, even trivial like OpenWRT's ewoc-cli script, would
be an improvement.


P.S. I've got my phone working again with v58. Apparently my kernel
hadn't flashed correctly. And like everyone else, I had to enable
logging to get past the number pad screen.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-14 Thread Ben Wong
Weirdly, I'm getting a panic on boot with the JFFS2 images for rootfs
and u-boot. I'll try resending with dfu-util again.


P.S. When I mentioned using 'dd' before to write directly, I meant to
say 'nandwrite'.

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Francesco De Vita
> Thank you Radek, the jffs2 image works on NAND!
> But, as happened for the uSD version, the system stops at the PIN
> screen. However, as you suggested, enabling the modem logging solves the
> problem.
> Regards
> Joif
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-13 Thread Ben Wong
> The size should be ok. NAND is IIRC 256MB. Would you be interested to try
> jffs2? I can do it and upload quite easily.

Sure, I'd give that a shot if it's easy for you to do. I seem to have
more corruption problems from ubifs than jffs2, so wouldn't mind going


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-13 Thread Ben Wong
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> On Friday, December 13, 2013 02:59:01 AM Ben Wong wrote:
>> What's the checksum supposed to be for the QTMoko files?
> a76072c1c9dce4eb2b07235f7cc307fe qtmoko-debian-gta02-v58.ubi
> 50baec96657802b5a053fa0ef6b777a2 uImage.bin-2.6.39-qtmoko-v58

Yup, that's what I'm getting.

> This is strange - it works for me.

Are you using dfu-util or dd to write to the NAND?

> Are you booting with qi-v58.udfu? Is the tarball ok at least?

I tried qi-v58 first then qi-v56 as a test. Neither worked. Haven't
tried the tarball; I don't have an SD card handy and (correct me if
I'm wrong) there's no way to unpack the tarball onto the NAND unless
you've already booted from SD.

I notice that v58's .ubi file is 101MiB. This is probably a
red-herring, but is there any known problem with crossing the 100MiB
threshold? [Oh wait, ignore that, I just checked and v54's .ubi was


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-12 Thread Ben Wong
This is my main phone, so I've reverted to v55 (the latest one I could
find on sourceforge) and it seems to be working.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Jorge  wrote:
> Yup, same here. No booting from NAND.
> On 12/12/13 23:59, Ben Wong wrote:
>> Hey Joif,
>> You're not alone. I get the same message with v58 in NAND; haven't
>> tried on SD yet.
>> I thought it might be DFU transferring the file system incorrectly,
>> but seeing that you have the same problem, I think perhaps the image
>> on sourceforge is corrupted.
>> What's the checksum supposed to be for the QTMoko files?
>> —B
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Francesco De Vita
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Flashing QtMoko v58 I discovered that I'm not able to boot any more
>>> from NAND. This is what I receive after pressing the power button:
>>> UBI error: process_eb: bad image sequence number 1588845893 in PEB 1971,
>>> epxected 1933142073
>>> slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): cache `ubi_scan_slab': Can't free
>>> all objects
>>> UBI error: ubi_init: cannot attach mtd6
>>> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
>>> unknown-block(0,0)
>>> [] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf0) from []
>>> (panic+0x58/0x174)
>>> [] (panic+0x58/0x174) from []
>>> (mount_block_root+0x1d4/0x294)
>>> [] (mount_block_root+0x1d4/0x294) from []
>>> (prepare_namespace+0x8c/0x1c8)
>>> [] (prepare_namespace+0x8c/0x1c8) from []
>>> (kernel_init+0xfc/0x130)
>>> [] (kernel_init+0xfc/0x130) from []
>>> (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
>>> With v55 it seems to boot correctly but the process stops after the
>>> first configuration, and rebooting gives just a black screen.
>>> With v56 I have similar errors like above.
>>> Any hints on what's going on? I'm so sad...
>>> Joif
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [gta02] cannot boot from NAND

2013-12-12 Thread Ben Wong
Hey Joif,

You're not alone. I get the same message with v58 in NAND; haven't
tried on SD yet.

I thought it might be DFU transferring the file system incorrectly,
but seeing that you have the same problem, I think perhaps the image
on sourceforge is corrupted.

What's the checksum supposed to be for the QTMoko files?


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Francesco De Vita
> Hello
> Flashing QtMoko v58 I discovered that I'm not able to boot any more
> from NAND. This is what I receive after pressing the power button:
> UBI error: process_eb: bad image sequence number 1588845893 in PEB 1971,
> epxected 1933142073
> slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): cache `ubi_scan_slab': Can't free
> all objects
> UBI error: ubi_init: cannot attach mtd6
> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
> unknown-block(0,0)
> [] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf0) from []
> (panic+0x58/0x174)
> [] (panic+0x58/0x174) from []
> (mount_block_root+0x1d4/0x294)
> [] (mount_block_root+0x1d4/0x294) from []
> (prepare_namespace+0x8c/0x1c8)
> [] (prepare_namespace+0x8c/0x1c8) from []
> (kernel_init+0xfc/0x130)
> [] (kernel_init+0xfc/0x130) from []
> (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
> With v55 it seems to boot correctly but the process stops after the
> first configuration, and rebooting gives just a black screen.
> With v56 I have similar errors like above.
> Any hints on what's going on? I'm so sad...
> Joif
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v58 with 2.6.39 kernel and improved power management

2013-12-12 Thread Ben Wong
Thanks for the update, Radek and Paul! I'm downloading v58 now and
looking forward to having a stable system.

By the way, I'm glad to see two big user interface bugaboos for me
(vibration when resuming and hanging up when hitting "answer" twice)
have been fixed. I think my only other bothersome bug is the way the
Terminal interacts with the onscreen keyboard; almost always when
switching applications the keyboard disappears and so does the button
for showing the keyboard! I have to close the app and restart it to
get a keyboard again. (Alternately, I can use one of the themes, like
Finxi, that have a "toggle keyboard" icon builtin, but I prefer the
look of Mokofaen.)


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Radek Polak  wrote:
> Hi,
> QtMoko v58 for Freerunner is now out! You can download here [1] and visit
> our homepage [2] for more info.
> Here is list of changes since last Freerunner release:
> * gta02 kernel upgrade to 2.6.39
> * hack to stop vibrating after resume
> * show end call button after 2s to avoid unwanted press
> * improved colors in qmplayer encoding
> * better name of encoded movie in qmplayer
> * using emdebian for some packages
> * using glamo-mplayer as package
> * suspend in locked screen is now after 3s
> * accelerometers are now in module and disabled by default (see below)
> 99% of the credit for this release goes to Paul Ferster. He managed to find
> the suspend/resume problem and finally after years we have stable kernel.
> Many thanks!
> As a side effect while playing with the new kernel i have discovered power
> management bug in lis302dl (accelerometer) driver. The module seems to eat
> ~6mA in suspend. So by default the module is now not loaded and
> accelerometers are not working. On the other side, the current in suspend is
> now between 4..6mA which gives ~200 hours in standby! If you want to use
> accels you do:
> echo lis302dl >> /etc/modules
> echo joydev >> /etc/modules
> As for the other changes. I plan to start using Freerunner as my daily phone
> now so i had to fix one old problem. When i answered phone call i often
> accidentaly pressed the "Accept call" button twice. After first press the
> button changed to "End call" and the second press ended the call
> immediately. This is now fix and there is 2s interval where second press is
> ignored.
> Another problem noticed was that sometimes the phone would start vibrating
> after resume. So there is now hack that stops vibrations after each resume.
> Another nice thing is that i am now using emdebian and i have rebuild a few
> packages with useless python dependencies. The result is that tarbal size
> went from 161MB -> 88MB and ubifs 146MB -> 102MB.
> So if you are still using Freerunner i hope it can work for you nicely.
> Cheers
> Radek
> Btw - anyone has working GPS on Freerunner? I cant get fix and it seems it's
> not SW problem. It would be nice to have it working again...
> [1]
> [2]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SIM card backup

2013-08-23 Thread Ben Wong
Four years ago this worked for getting data from a SIM card:

qtmoko SMS messages are saved in an sqlite3 file under Applications/qtopiamail/

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Алексей  wrote:
> 1) How may I backup and restore all the data including sms messages and
> phonebook from a sim card?
> 2) How to backup qtmoko sms messages and phonebook?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone

2013-08-23 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:21 PM, arne anka  wrote:

> i am still undecided if i should admire or pity the thread starter, if he
> honestly believed that this community would be able to succeed where ubuntu
> failed -- and on top of that to jump from todays GTA04 to the device as
> imagined by ubuntu ...

Go with "admire". :)

I'm not saying we'd succeed, I'm just suggesting that we could do with
"failing" the way Ubuntu did. By putting out a bold idea, Ubuntu moved
the idea of an open source phone forward from the standard "it's gotta
be Android" mentality, spurred themselves to innovate, and proved
there was a demand for something else.

Of course, what that something "else" is is different for everybody,
but we don't have to please everyone. Our community's niche is not in
being the most whizbang or the cheapest or the prettiest. I believe
the folks in this community have the ability to offer the only
free-as-in-freedom phone/computer and that's worth something. Not to
everybody, but to some percent.

Ubuntu's "failure" included over 5000 orders for units at $700 each.

Could we have 5% as much fail as Ubuntu? Yes. But we'd need to get the
word out and I'm just suggesting now might be a good time, while
people are still wondering what to do with that extra $700 PayPal just
refunded to them. :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-08-22 Thread Ben Wong
Well, the deadline is up. The pledges rolled in and they got $12.8
million, which sounds amazing until you see that their goal was for
$32 million. I guess that means all that money is getting refunded and
there will be no Ubuntu Edge.

Here's Shuttleworth's upbeat closing comment:

I wonder if OpenPhoenix has an opportunity now, with all those
frustrated would-be buyers out there.


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Patryk Benderz  wrote:
> [cut]
>> what will happen with all that funded money if Ubuntu fails to reach
>> their goal?
> OK, finally found it:
> --
> Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
> Linux Registered User #377521
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\   - against proprietary attachments
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] Battery

2013-08-22 Thread Ben Wong
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:57 PM, NeilBrown  wrote:

> On the GTA04 I just read
> and
> and divide one by the other.
> Does the GTA02 not have something similar?

Did anyone ever figure this one out? On my GTA02 (Linux 2.6.34), I see
/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full, but no


Openmoko community mailing list

Bluetooth Keyboard

2013-06-24 Thread Ben Wong
On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 1:36 AM, Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani <> wrote:

>  Thank you Radeck,
>I'm glad to have the "Docked keyboard" back: it is priceless when
> sending SMS via vnc!
Nice tip, Giacomo.

That reminds me that my biggest bugaboo with QtMoko is that I have never
been able to get my bluetooth keyboard to work. It's quite frustrating to
have to plug my Neo into a PC just so I can ssh into it with a proper

I seem to remember Radek saying about a year ago that the issue was not too
hard to fix, but I think nobody has stepped forward to do it. I started
reading the QT documentation myself, but was daunted. I suspect "simple"
for Radek is still too hard for lesser-mortals. ;-)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: how big is the advantage of the gta02s and gta04s regarding private data?

2013-06-24 Thread Ben Wong
On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 1:04 PM, robin  wrote:

> and if you were into facebook it would NOT matter which device you'd be
> using.

True enough. I'm getting kind of tired of "The Cloud" knowing everything I
share with my friends.

I've heard that Diaspora ( has better privacy. Does anyone
here use it? What's a good Diaspora program for the Neo?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: how big is the advantage of the gta02s and gta04s regarding private data?

2013-06-24 Thread Ben Wong
Ask them if they have actually read the contracts they have signed in order
to use their device. I have, and I actually like the ones I'm bound by
(e.g., GNU GPL).

Most people nowadays assume that there is no alternative to a lopsided
contract in which the user must cede all rights. To me, one of OpenMoko's
greatest successes was proving that it is possible to have  a sane,
understandable contract and still use a cell phone.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 12:57 PM, robin  wrote:

> hi,
> I was just wondering what facts one would/could/should have at hand when
> arguing with an iphone or android owner regarding privacy in respect to
> the latest news on information harvesting?
> gta02/gta04 surely give you root rights right from the beginning but as
> far as I understand calls still are going the standard way and if you
> were into facebook it would matter which device you'd be using. so what
> is the main benefit which may be used as a selling point for gta04?
> r
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko packages for old input methods

2013-06-09 Thread Ben Wong
Thank you for doing this. As nifty as the idea of the translucent keyboard
was, I think I would go back to the predictive keyboard (as used in SHR) if
I could.


On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Radek Polak  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have started packaging old input methods for QtMoko. You can find armel
> (Neo) packages here:
> The packages are still unfinished and some input methods dont work yet.
> Here
> is current status:
> - Big landscape keyboard: unusable - quite strangely stretched
> - Docked keyboard: usable, package is missing icons for arrows and other
> symbols
> - Finger friendly keyboard: usable, same as docked
> - Non docked keyboard: same as above
> - Predictive keyboard: makes QtMoko hang on startup
> Maybe some of the issues can be made by manually copiing files from old
> QtMoko
> tarball [1].
> I'll try to finish up the packages in next few days and also provide armhf
> variants.
> Regards
> Radek
> [1]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] Mokofaen red signal strength icon

2012-11-14 Thread Ben Wong
Yes, I too had thought red meant "super duper must be 110%" signal strength.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Neil Jerram  wrote:
> I've been wondering for some time what it means when the GSM signal
> strength icon goes red, and whether/how that's different from the icon
> disappearing altogether, and whether/how either of those are related to
> modem crashes.
> After consulting the code, I see that:
> - disappeared completely => 0% signal strength
> - all red => 1-20% signal strength
> - 1 blue bar => 21-40%
> - 2 blue bars => 41-60%
> - 3 blue bars => 61-80%
> - 4 blue bars => 81-100%
> Now that I know that, I suggest that the all red icon is quite
> unintuitive, and that it would be more intuitive if changed to the same
> grey colour as used in the blue bar icons.
> Thanks,
> Neil
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] MokoFaen theme, update

2012-08-23 Thread Ben Wong
Theming *is* a critical task. I use only the MokoFaen theme because
(a) it looks much better and (b) the default Finxi theme had a bug (at
one point) where if you hung up the phone with the number pad showing,
the menu was messed up the next time you were in a call. MokoFaen has
always worked great for me.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 7:45 AM,   wrote:
> Hi list!
> I'm going to work to an update for the MokoFaen theme for QtMoko.  I'm
> planning a few changes to it but I really would like to have some
> feedback from the community.
> Usually I just follow my taste, but I admit that my work sometimes
> lacks beauty and functionality. So I'm asking you to give me some
> hints, to tell me what you like, what you don't like, what features do
> you want.
> For now I found some aspects that I would like to change:
> - The theme became heavy, if you use a GTA02 you can notice a less
>   responsiveness of the system, compared to the default Finxi theme.
>   I have to lighten the graphical elements;
> - The theme became also "heavy" from an aesthetic point of view, maybe
>   a more minimal style could be pleasant;
> - In the home screen there are a lot of infos displayed, maybe they
>   can be regrouped in a more efficient way, I'm thinking about
>   something like conky [1] or conky-colors [2];
> - After a series of test, at least on my GTA02, the use of the
>   lock-screen button in the home screen causes several freezes. So now
>   I'm using the power button to put my GTA02 in suspend and I'm going
>   to remove the lock-screen button from the homescreen.
> I know that theming is not a critical task, for me it's just an
> amusement, but your opinions and help could be really useful.
> Regards
> Joif
> [1]
> [2]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-26 Thread Ben Wong
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:21 AM,   wrote:
> I don't know how to tell my procmail to discard completely off topic
> messages like these.

It's been awhile since I used procmail, but I believe the recipe to
add to your procmailrc is:

* ^From:.*
* ^Subject:.*\bOT\b
trash   # Save to a file named "trash". Could use /dev/null.

For those who use Gmail, here's an image of how to mute the


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-15 Thread Ben Wong
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Brolin Empey  wrote:
>  This subject is covered in Ellen Spertus’s 1991 paper titled “Why are
> There so Few Female Computer Scientists?”:

Thanks for the link.  Reading it reminds me of the time I was writing
a  paper which had many examples of computer users.  For half of them
I used female pronouns.  I was amused and slightly disturbed that my
co-author (from the Netherlands) fixed my "mistakes" by changing them
all to male.


P.S. To gmail users: Never want to see this thread again? Click "More
Actions" -> "Mute".

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to transfer SMS from your old phone?

2009-11-23 Thread Ben Wong
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Paul Fertser  wrote:
> When the calypso is off (and it's always off unless GSM resource is
> requested), it's perfectly ok to swap SIM cards.

Thanks, Paul!  That's exactly the information I was looking for.  I'll
try this next time,

$ mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ousaged /org/freesmartphone/Usage \
  org.freesmartphone.Usage.SetResourcePolicy GSM disabled

[ Swap SIM here, unless previous command failed ]

$ mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ousaged /org/freesmartphone/Usage \
  org.freesmartphone.Usage.SetResourcePolicy GSM auto


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to transfer SMS from your old phone?

2009-11-20 Thread Ben Wong
My older brother, a world traveler, had a box full of SIM cards from
which he wanted to back up all the old SMS and address books.  We used
my FreeRunner to do it using a quick hack script I wrote that dumps
the info to a text file.  The result was not in UTF-8, so I wrote a
tiny C program to fix it.  I'm sure my method could be vastly
improved, but this works.  I've pasted them below for everyone's

By the way, the slowest part of the process was rebooting the
FreeRunner between each SIM.  I didn't want to risk my FreeRunner by
hot-swapping the SIM (and SD card since that's in the way).  Does
anyone know if it would have been safe to do that?


- Start -

exec 1>simbackup-$(date '+%Y-%h')

echo "GetSimInfo"
mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd \
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device \

for book in $(mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd \
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device \
 org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.ListPhonebooks \
| tr ',' '\n' | egrep -o "'\w*'")
echo $book
mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd \
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device \
 org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.RetrievePhonebook \

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd \
/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device \
 org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.RetrieveMessagebook 'all'

 End of 

 Start sim2utf8.c 

main() {
  int c;
  char h[3];

  while ((c=getchar()) != EOF) {
if (c== '\\') {
  if (c!='x') {
  c=hexme (getchar(), getchar());

int hexme(int x, int y) {
  if (x>= '0' && x<='9')

  if (y>= '0' && y<='9')

  return x+16*y;
 End of sim2utf8.c 

P.S.  I pasted the text instead of using MIME attachments (or an
external web site) because I'd like this to be google-able.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Jan Vlug  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to transfer my old SMSes from my previous Windows Mobile
> phone to my Openmoko FreeRunner. I vaguely remember to have seen
> instructions on a user page on the wiki about how to do this. But I
> cannot find this page any more.
> Please, let me know how to do this if you know.
> Thanks,
> Jan.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SHR clock reset

2009-10-02 Thread Ben Wong
Bizarrely, my Freerunner also got the wrong time yesterday.  Is there
something special about October 1st?

I'm running SHR testing, but I booted into an old copy of SHR unstable
and it also go it wrong.  The first time the date was 1970 (the
epoch), the second time it thought it was 1933! (Negative time? I'm
curious how that happened.)

I'm hoping it was just that I was near a badly configured cell tower.
When I checked it again later, after I got home, the time and date had
reset itself correctly.  On the other hand, I have *never* seen a cell
in the US with the time misconfigured.  I'll test it again when I head
back to the same area next week.


2009/10/1 Vasco Névoa :
> I've started experiencing the same in the last few days.
> The Neo's clock had always been impeccably correct, until now.
> Now it was half an hour late and I set it by hand.
> It appears the clock is drifting, and otimed isn't keeping it in sync with
> the GSM.
> The only hints in frameworkd.log are:
> 2009.10.01 18:05:25.88 otimed   INFO loaded timesources
> [, ]
> 2009.10.01 18:05:25.124 otimed   INFO loaded zonesources
> []
> 2009.10.01 18:05:25.138 frameworkd.subsystem INFO subsystem otimed took
> 1.53 seconds to startup
> 2009.10.01 18:06:27.163 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 18:06:27.357 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 18:16:39.457 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 18:16:49.835 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 19:18:44.462 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 19:19:20.392 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 19:19:48.627 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 19:20:40.194 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 19:20:58.312 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 20:49:58.117 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 20:53:14.628 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 22:18:28.542 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> 2009.10.01 22:48:41.491 otimed   INFO GSM: multiple zones
> found
> Does this "GSM: multiple zones found" situation create a problem?
> I looked at the hwclock, but it seems it's not even in use / not related to
> the time shown to user:
>     r...@om-gta02 ~ $ hwclock -l
>     Thu Oct  1 21:52:35 2009  0.00 seconds
>     r...@om-gta02 ~ $ date
>     Thu Oct  1 23:15:20 WEST 2009
> Any hints on what the problem is?
> Vikas Saurabh escreveu:
> Timezone from GSM is already implemented for ages ;)
> I have often got wrong timezones reported by cell (thereby resetting
> my phone's clock and making me reach late somewhere :(...but thats a
> different story)
> I was wondering if shr-settings can get something like:
> Use cell timezone:
> * yes
> * no
> * ask
> --Vikas
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: fatfingershell ?

2009-09-24 Thread Ben Wong
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 9:01 AM, pike  wrote:
> I'm not in favor of "one char commands" - i
> like the fact that the terminal would
> literally type out "call" if you type c[tab].
> This way, getting familiar with the available
> commands is really easy. Ofcourse, it implies
> there should be no other commands with a "c"
> on your path.
> [...]
> - a 3rd keyboard for special chars
>(1 is keys, 2 is numbers, 3 is "*") -
>I'm short on screen estate already :-)

I would like to see a third keyboard that is programmable.  That way,
I could have a "Call" key that types the word "call ".

Also, I second the request for arrow keys, though I admit the vi
bindings do have advantages and I could probably learn to live with
them.  I realize the primary fat finger shell keyboard doesn't have
room for four more keys, but I think we can get away with just one

I'd be happy with a single, grand-unified-cursor button that, when
held, moves the cursor in the direction I tilt the phone (relative to
initial position).  Editing or perusing a file would be like playing
mokomaze in ASCII.  Alternately, when not pressed, the icon and action
of the single cursor button could change depending upon the absolute
tilt (left, right, up down, page up, page down, home, end) and it
would otherwise work as a normal button.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2009-09-16 Thread Ben Wong
Hello Brolin,

I showed your post to a few geek girls and asked them what advice they
would give.  I'm CC'ing the list with their (edited) responses because
I have a hunch that there are more "Brolins" out there.



Overall, my advice isn't profound - but simple.  I would recommend he
think about what things he likes that he can share with others.
Surely there is some activity/event/gathering that he feels
comfortable in - and surely there must be girls there.  I am always
amazed at the meetups that exist for all kinds of unusual interests.
Generally, I feel (and have seen others) find it easiest to meet new
people and open up when there is common ground.



I don't think I have any advice that is worth passing along to Brolin.
He has Asperger's and will struggle with social interactions.  It's
not hopeless for him, but he needs to find a way to meet other women
who have similar struggles as him.  He needs to find someone who
understands and admires his attention to details, for example.

I think he probably already knows this, so I wouldn't have any new or
different advice for him, unfortunately.  I hope he is in therapy for
his Asperger's and can learn to live on his own!!  (That's step one.
Girls and dating come after that.)

I have a lot of sympathy for those on the autism spectrum because of
my niece.  Social interactions are so hard for them!

Mary Beth


[Commentary by Ben: I agree with MB that Brolin needs to find someone
who admires the traits he has, but I don't think that it will
necessarily be someone with similar struggles.  It could be someone
complementary, someone who will balance him.  I know a few geek guys
who have found that their soul mate is a spiritual, intuitive,
earth-mother-type, well grounded in her body and emotions.]


Wow. Two thoughts come to mind:

1) It sounds like he has no in-person friends. I think that you
need to get the hang of friendship before you can have a romantic
relationship. Also, once you have friends, some of them know
geekgirls, and you can meet them that way. He might have good luck
with local gaming groups or conventions (Comicon, Defcon, PAX,

2) I'm not sure how well his Asperger's is being treated. That's
going to be a prerequisite for a relationship, like hygiene. If
he's always feeling overwhelmed and unable to make choices, there
might be a medication that could help.

Good luck to him. I realize it must have been very difficult for
him to ask for help, and I hope he continues to try.



After reading Jina's email, it occurred to me that you probably could
craft a nice email to him with some friendly advice.  He definitely
needs to be in treatment for his Asperger's.  After a brief search on
the internet, I found which is geared towards adults on
the autism spectrum.  This site could help him find therapists or
others who can help him.

By sending his long email, Brolin has indicated that he needs help and
that his life is not what he wants it to be.  Getting treatment can
help him live on his own and feel better about himself.  And, getting
better connected with support groups and adult autism networks, he
might be able to meet a girl whom he could date.  But, it's one step
at a time for him.  Treatment and support groups first, girls second.

Mary Beth


Hi Brolin,

My friend Ben forwarded my your post, and I have many thoughts about
it. Some are in direct response to questions you pose, and some are
responses to what I perceive as the underlying context. If my
perceptions are wrong, I apologize. Hopefully some of what I say will
be useful to you.

As a woman with a background in philosophy and computer science, I can
definitely say that there are women who relate to your interests and
personality. I am older than you, but there are women your age who
love xkcd, and share your other interests as well. Are there as many
women as there are men who overlap closely with your description?
Unlikely, but that's not a problem. A good relationship is one where
each person "gets" the other enough to appreciate them and relate to
them, but where they can also learn from their partner's different
interests and ways of thinking.

So how do you meet women with whom you may be compatible? Well, it's a
question of luck, but only in the sense that you make your own
luck. On any given occasion when you try to meet someone, it may well
not pan out, but the point is to increase the frequency of such
encounters. Joining local groups which interest you, and attending
local events is a good way to start. Online dating sites may be worth
exploring as well, especially if you feel more comfortable expressing
yourself via the keyboard

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2009-09-12 Thread Ben Wong
Hello Brolin,

Wow.  That's quite a bit of information.

I have many thoughts about your specific endeavours, moving out,
priority inversion, social anxiety, finding a geek girl, but I think
there may be a broader, more important goal that you're missing.  It
occurs to me that you may find it helpful to learn moderation and
appreciation of imperfection.  Western culture doesn't have a long
tradition of doing that, so I recommend studying Eastern philosophies.
 Particularly, Buddhism, wabisabi, and mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation is the art of focusing one's mind on what is
actually present now and letting go of thoughts.  For example, try
sitting still and just paying attention to the sensations in your
body, such as your breath going in and out, without thinking, without
judging.  It's a lot harder than it sounds, but it is a skill that can
be learned, and it can be valuable for people like us who can get lost
in our "head-space".


On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Brolin Empey  wrote:
> Hello list,
> Like most of the members of this list (AFAICT from the first names I
> recognise as sex/gender-specific), I am male.  I am 22 and still live with
> my parents.  I have never lived away from my parents.  I am planning to hire
> a support worker to help me live away from my parents (I have another
> meeting later today) because I continue to indefinitely defer trying to live
> away from my parents.  I named my form of procrastination “priority
> inversion” because what is, in practical terms, my lowest priority, becomes
> my highest priority.  For example, I choose to spend my free time playing
> with my computers, including my FreeRunner, instead of learning about human
> biology and/or nutrition, which will affect me every day of my life, and at
> least trying to live away from my parents.  When I say I play with my
> computers, I do not mean gaming:  I almost never play games anymore.  Even
> when I decide I want to play a game again, I spend all of my time reading
> about games, viewing screenshots and videos, and trying to decide which of
> the endless games I should play (or rather, obtain if I do not already have
> a copy and make work on my PC) instead of actually playing a game.  I feel
> like I am always overwhelmed and/or overloaded with information and
> stimulation in the Too Much Information Age.  I always feel like the NET
> Effect is that there is Never Enough Time because time flies faster than
> ever because I am always overthinking, overwhelmed with overchoice, etc.  I
> recognise my mind is a word and pattern recognition engine, which is
> constantly adding new stimulations/experiences to its database.  I have
> Asperger’s Syndrome, but can function much better, at least in terms of
> interacting with people in person, than when I was in high school, for
> example.  I used to often feel like I had social anxiety disorder because I
> would get so anxious and/or worried even when calling someone on the phone
> (on my parents’s landline because I did not have a cell phone until 2008)
> that I could not speak clearly enough for the person on the other end to
> understand me, so I would always have to repeat myself at least once for
> every turn of the conversation.  I am a purist and have been called the most
> pedantic person in the world by Jamie Zawinski, of Lucid Emacs/XEmacs and
> Netscape/Mozilla fame. :)  Imprecise usage and redundancy bothers me even if
> know what is meant from the context.  For example, I am bothered by people
> mentioning a “standard” transmission in a vehicle (it is a manual
> transmission.  Standard depends on the vehicle.  Automatic is standard for
> some vehicles.), calling an LCD monitor (a flat panel) a “flat screen”
> (high-end CRTs have flat glass too!), common redundancies, such as PIN
> number, ATM machine, LCD display, people who assume all cars use crappy
> gasoline engines and use fuel-specific terms, such as gas station (it is a
> service station), gas tank (it is a fuel tank), gas pedal (it is an
> accellerator), gas pump (I have used a diesel pump at Shell that told me to
> “select octane” instead of “select ctane” (sp?) or “select fuel grade”.  My
> car has a diesel, not gasoline, engine.  I have been highly influenced by my
> father, Brian Empey.  Brian is a Professional Engineer (Electrical
> Engineering).  He founded Technical Solutions Inc. (Techsol) in 1996 with
> his second wife (my step-mom), Karen Empey (nee Schellenberg).  Techsol is
> an embedded computer hardware company specialising in Linux on ARM
> architecture.  I am very fortunate to be able to work at Techsol.  I am a
> Linux + Windows System Administrator/Web master/IT person/general computer
> person.  I think my responsibiles are more important than my title(s).  I
> know I am very dependent on my parents, but at least I own my own car (which
> I bought from my dad), have a Class 7 driver’s licence (the Novice stage of
> the Graduated Licensing Program in 

Re: ZAGG invisible sheild for Neo Freerunner

2009-08-07 Thread Ben Wong
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Mikhail Umorin wrote:
> It's a bit of a pain, especially the full body one. You need steady hands and
> a lot of patience. The installation takes about an hour, then ZAGG recommends
> to leave it overnight. Then the plastic snugs like a glove on the device. It's
> shiny, so it looks a little cheesy (but my wife thinks the opposite).  Also,
> Zagg undersupplies the SHIELD spray for the full body option, so use
> sparingly, but liberally when installing the screen piece because any
> fingerprints will be visible (like on mine :) ) -- even if you wash you hands
> really well.

Mikhail is completely correct.  Leave a lot of time for doing the
install.  If you want it done right, it is not a quick task.
Personally, I did the back cover first (several times because I kept
messing up with bubbles and such) so that I'd have practice before
doing the screen.  Fortunately, it is true that you can remove and
reinstall the shield before it dries.  Just be careful when you're
pulling it up not to let the sticky sides touch, it left a small blur
on the corner of my screen that I can't get off.  (I'll probably
exchange my front piece with Zagg, since I'm something of a

As for the "SHIELD spray", I also ran out very fast and had to search
Zagg's FAQ.  They say that it is "mostly water" and that you can
refill the spray bottle from the tap.  Unfortunately, they don't
mention what the other secret ingredient is.  (Thousand island

Someone mentioned that the shield is a dust magnet.  That's probably
true, but my screen stays cleaner since I'm no longer worried about
wiping it off on something possibly abrasive, like my shirt.


P.S. Mikhail is also correct that the shiny look is cheesy.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Can my FreeRunner remind me to shut it down if it is still running at 22:00?

2009-07-29 Thread Ben Wong
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Brolin Empey wrote:
> 2009/7/27 Ben Wong 
>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Brolin Empey wrote:
>> > I prefer to shut down my cell phone before going to bed, but I
>> > frequently
>> > forget to do so.
> That could be interpreted as meaning I frequently forget to go to bed too.

Heh.  I actually *do* have an alarm that goes off every night to
remind me to go to bed.  I got the idea from an old Superman "Bizarro
World" comic.

> No, the phones I have do not wake me.
> A phone that literally rings (i.e., has a real bell instead of an electronic
> tone) may wake me, though. :)

I suggest this rotary ring, which I use as my default ring "tone":

>> I'd use a cron job that calls shutdown, but that first checks if your
>> phone is off the hook (well, I guess we already know the Freerunner is
>> "off the hook").  I'd probably also check if there had been any recent
>> screen input.
> In this case you literally meant off the hook, but at first I thought you
> meant “no longer responsible for”. :)

Yeah, language is funny.  For some reason the slang in my part of the
US (I don't know about elsewhere) has evolved so that "off the hook"
now means "fantastic!"  Perhaps a confusion with "off the charts"?

>> To save the battery in case you forgot to plug it in?
> Yes, this is what I was thinking of.  I am afraid to leave battery-powered
> devices plugged in (line-powered) all the time, though, because doing so
> seems to kill laptop batteries.

That's a good question, whether constant charging shortens the
lifespan of a Li battery, which I'm sure someone more knowledgeable on
this list will answer.  From personal experience, I believe that to be
true, but my feeling is that I'll just keep it charging and replace
the batteries once in a while.  They're not as expensive as laptop
batteries.  Also, I've heard that lithium batteries have a limited
lifespan even when they're not being used.

>>  A cron job
>> would work to shut it down, but you could add a couple lines in the
>> script to skip it if the battery is already charging.
>  Or if I am using the phone. ;)

It should inject audio into the conversation.  "Pardon me for
interrupting, this is your Freerunner talking. I just wanted to let
you know that it is now past your bedtime."  ;-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Can my FreeRunner remind me to shut it down if it is still running at 22:00?

2009-07-27 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Brolin Empey wrote:

> I prefer to shut down my cell phone before going to bed, but I frequently
> forget to do so.

Hmmm... I think the solution depends on why you're shutting down your
cell phone at night.

To prevent calls from waking you?  Try a cron job that changes your
default ring style to silent (and resets it in the morning).

To save electricity, and thus the earth from global climate change?
I'd use a cron job that calls shutdown, but that first checks if your
phone is off the hook (well, I guess we already know the Freerunner is
"off the hook").  I'd probably also check if there had been any recent
screen input.

To save the battery in case you forgot to plug it in?  A cron job
would work to shut it down, but you could add a couple lines in the
script to skip it if the battery is already charging.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: tango and the missing map tiles

2009-07-23 Thread Ben Wong
Oops, that didn't work.  That's what I get for trying to cleanup the
error checking before posting.  This version actually works.


# Look for OpenStreetMap tiles that are size zero (TangoGPS has a bug)
# and download the correct tile.  Based on a one-line script by
# Rask Ingemann Lambertsen ,  June 2009,
# Modified by Ben Wong to work with BusyBox's wget.

cd ~/Maps/OSM || exit 1

find -size 0c -print \
| cut -c3- \
| awk ' { print ""; $0 " -O " $0; }' \
| xargs -n3 wget -U "UpdateTiles"

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Ben Wong wrote:
> Finally got around to trying Rask's one-liner.  Thanks for posting it,
> it worked great once I modified it to work with BusyBox's version of
> wget.  I also had to fake the UserAgent; apparently
> is no longer allowing wget.  I've appended my modifications, which
> should work on any system, below.
> --Ben
> #!/bin/sh
> # Look for OpenStreetMap tiles that are size zero (TangoGPS has a bug)
> # and download the correct tile.  Based on a one-line script by
> # Rask Ingemann Lambertsen ,  June 2009,
> # modified by Ben Wong to work with BusyBox's wget.
> cd ~/Maps/OSM || echo "Cannot cd to ~/Maps/OSM" >&2 && exit 1
> find -size 0c -print \
> | cut -c3- \
> | awk ' { print ""; $0 " -O " $0; }' \
> | xargs -n3 wget -U "UpdateTiles"
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Rask Ingemann
> Lambertsen wrote:
>>   Running Yaouh! didn't update the about 15 empty map tiles I had. What I
>> did afterwards to update them was:
>> $ (cd ~/Maps/OSM && find -size 0c -print) | cut -c3- | \
>> awk ' { print ""; $0; }' | \
>> (cd ~/Maps/OSM && xargs wget --force-directories --no-host-directories -N )
>> --
>> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
>> Danish law requires addresses in e-mail to be logged and stored for a year
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: tango and the missing map tiles

2009-07-23 Thread Ben Wong
Finally got around to trying Rask's one-liner.  Thanks for posting it,
it worked great once I modified it to work with BusyBox's version of
wget.  I also had to fake the UserAgent; apparently
is no longer allowing wget.  I've appended my modifications, which
should work on any system, below.



# Look for OpenStreetMap tiles that are size zero (TangoGPS has a bug)
# and download the correct tile.  Based on a one-line script by
# Rask Ingemann Lambertsen ,  June 2009,
# modified by Ben Wong to work with BusyBox's wget.
cd ~/Maps/OSM || echo "Cannot cd to ~/Maps/OSM" >&2 && exit 1
find -size 0c -print \
| cut -c3- \
| awk ' { print ""; $0 " -O " $0; }' \
| xargs -n3 wget -U "UpdateTiles"

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Rask Ingemann
Lambertsen wrote:
>   Running Yaouh! didn't update the about 15 empty map tiles I had. What I
> did afterwards to update them was:
> $ (cd ~/Maps/OSM && find -size 0c -print) | cut -c3- | \
> awk ' { print ""; $0; }' | \
> (cd ~/Maps/OSM && xargs wget --force-directories --no-host-directories -N )
> --
> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
> Danish law requires addresses in e-mail to be logged and stored for a year
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anti-Whining: Happy Moko Moments

2009-07-23 Thread Ben Wong
I've got a simple success to share.

My nine year old niece and her family expressed an interest in
geocaching.  I said, "Oh, my phone does GPS!"  which led to this
series of Happy Moko Moments:

* Used Midori over GPRS to create an account on and to
look up the latitude and longitude of the closest cache to their home.
* Showed a map with TangoGPS.
* Downloaded the SimpleCaching application from
* As a family outing, we followed the arrow in SimpleCaching to a
park, to a statue named "Sensei", to a nearby tree, and finally to a
rock under the tree.
* Found the hidden treasure, put some items inside.
* My niece and her family had a lot of fun, all thanks to my neo.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Warren
Baird wrote:
> There seems to be a repeated theme of people posting how crappy the
> Freerunner is and how nothing works for them.  Usually a number of people
> then jump on the thread and talk about how the FR works well for them.
> I like to try turning that around and start a thread for people to talk
> about their successes.   Maybe if we get enough good ones we can push it
> onto the wiki.
> Here are a few of my own:
>   - the GPS with tangogps has been really useful to me a number of times,
> especially on business trips
>   - Pidgin over GPRS has come in quite handy several times, either when I
> didn't have my laptop with me, or didn't have wifi coverage
>   - It's very useful as a PDF reader - with the high-res screen I've been
> able to read documents while walking or while standing on a metro or bus,
> when getting out a laptop wouldn't have worked well.
>   - I was able to show off the client software from my 'day job' - a quite
> complex j2se application - running on a cell phone, which definitely
> impressed people.
> What are your successes with the Freerunner?
> Warren
> --
> Warren Baird - Photographer and Digital Artist
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: why openmoko is so slow? Is it a joke?

2009-07-13 Thread Ben Wong
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
> Hello mobiphil,
>>and use those phones as reference...Again, M800 has
>>keyboard, very usefull for a linux phone. Only drawback, it has only
>>64megs memory, but better have less applications running smoother, than
>>several slower... So ... whatsoever would be the device...
> Stating this you show that you completely misunderstood the goals of the
> Openmoko project.  Porting the Linux kernel and having the upper levels
> of software interface available on a phone designed and manufactured by
> Samsung is completely different than having software running on hardware
> platform that is completely community driven, open in design and
> manufacturing specification, changeable and freely licensable to many
> manufacturers.

Thank you, Maddog, for your trenchant comment.  I was having trouble
verbalizing a response to mobiphil, but you've hit it exactly.  To
consider Openmoko a failure for having lower GPU performance is to
misunderstand what Openmoko is about.  From my point of view, Openmoko
is a success that is still unfolding.  I have exactly what I want, a
free as in freedom phone and an active community of people to hack
with.  That's what I paid my money for.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GOT MY PHONE!!! :) Doesn't work... :(

2009-07-09 Thread Ben Wong
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:08 PM,  wrote:
> OK, this is part of the problem (I think)
> My sim card is:
> 63513    G       3001    64k smartchip   does not respond to at+cimi
> Which is listed as:
> "SIM cards that don't work with original gsm firmware"
> Now, I read it somewhere, but how do I open an SSH session into this thing
> so I can follow those steps?

I agree with the others that it makes sense to replace the SIM,
especially if it might be damaged.  However, if you want to upgrade
your GSM firmware (which isn't a bad idea anyway), you can do so
fairly easily without needing to ssh.  The instructions are here:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Rustling noise on phonecalls

2009-07-09 Thread Ben Wong
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Adam Jimerson wrote:
> On Thursday 09 July 2009 12:54:15 am Ben Wong wrote:
>>   mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
>> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume 68
> Are you sure that mdbus call is correct I got two different error messages

I have no idea what the "pending_return [...] is deprecated" error
means, but it doesn't prevent the mdbus call from working.

"Service name not found" means that you're not running frameworkd, I
think.  I actually received the same error the first time I tried it
on SHR-unstable as well.  I fixed it by restarting frameworkd:

/etc/init.d/frameworkd restart

Oddly, the next time I rebooted into SHR-unstable, frameworkd started
correctly on its own.

By the way, running "mdbus -s", with no other options, lists what
services are on the D-Bus.  You can grep for "freesmartphone" to see
if the services provided by frameworkd are there.


> r...@om-gta02 ~ $ mdbus -s
> org.freesmartphone.ogsmd/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Deviceorg.freesmartph
> one.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume 68
> Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without
> pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
> Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without
> pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
> Service name not found
> r...@om-gta02 ~ $ mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd
> /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Deviceorg.freesmartp
> hone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume 68
> Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without
> pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
> Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without
> pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged
> Object name not found
> Now I may just be doing it wrong but can someone check it for me?
>> And this line will show you the current volume:
>>   mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
>> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.GetSpeakerVolume
>> Please experiment with different values by changing the volume during
>> a call.  I'm interested to know what values work the best for you all.
>>  And does 100% actually work for anybody without distortion?
>> --Ben
>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Michael 'Mickey'
>> Lauer wrote:
>> > FWIW, against my personal experience (where this setting lead to
>> > suboptimal results), people have forced me to uplevel the speaker volume
>> > in the phone to the maximum in ogsmd. It's very possible that this
>> > contributes to the distortion. Try lowering it, e.g. via
>> > org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume( percentage ).
>> >
>> > :M:
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Openmoko community mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> --
> "We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason
> than only freedom can make security more secure."  Karl Popper
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FreeRunner A7, GSM 850?

2009-07-08 Thread Ben Wong
> Has the GSM-900 version been determine to work just as well in North America?

Well, my "international" version works fine in North America.  I
actually asked T-mobile (my carrier) and they said that they don't use
850MHz in their network.  They said they *might* have roaming partners
who use 850, but even that is unlikely.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Rustling noise on phonecalls

2009-07-08 Thread Ben Wong
Mickey: Please set the default volume back down.  I just confirmed (by
talking to a human) that when the Speaker Volume is set to 100%, the
other party hears an annoying echo of their own voice.

Thank you,


P.S. I don't know if it matters, but I'm using a Revision A06
Freerunner, buzz-fixed.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Ben Wong wrote:
> Mickey: It seems a very bad idea to default to maximum volume if it
> causes distortion.  I'm not sure yet that that's the sole audio
> problem in SHR-unstable, but I can say that when I turned the speaker
> volume down to what it was in SHR-testing (68%), I was understood
> perfectly, for the first time, by Google's voice recognition
> (1-800-GOOG-411).
> For anyone wondering how to use D-Bus to set the volume to 68%, you
> can do it by cutting and pasting this line:
>  mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume 68
> And this line will show you the current volume:
>  mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.GetSpeakerVolume
> Please experiment with different values by changing the volume during
> a call.  I'm interested to know what values work the best for you all.
>  And does 100% actually work for anybody without distortion?
> --Ben
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Michael 'Mickey'
> Lauer wrote:
>> FWIW, against my personal experience (where this setting lead to
>> suboptimal results), people have forced me to uplevel the speaker volume
>> in the phone to the maximum in ogsmd. It's very possible that this
>> contributes to the distortion. Try lowering it, e.g. via
>> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume( percentage ).
>> :M:
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Rustling noise on phonecalls

2009-07-08 Thread Ben Wong
Mickey: It seems a very bad idea to default to maximum volume if it
causes distortion.  I'm not sure yet that that's the sole audio
problem in SHR-unstable, but I can say that when I turned the speaker
volume down to what it was in SHR-testing (68%), I was understood
perfectly, for the first time, by Google's voice recognition

For anyone wondering how to use D-Bus to set the volume to 68%, you
can do it by cutting and pasting this line:

  mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume 68

And this line will show you the current volume:

  mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device

Please experiment with different values by changing the volume during
a call.  I'm interested to know what values work the best for you all.
 And does 100% actually work for anybody without distortion?


On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Michael 'Mickey'
Lauer wrote:
> FWIW, against my personal experience (where this setting lead to
> suboptimal results), people have forced me to uplevel the speaker volume
> in the phone to the maximum in ogsmd. It's very possible that this
> contributes to the distortion. Try lowering it, e.g. via
> org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device.SetSpeakerVolume( percentage ).
> :M:
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Rustling noise on phonecalls

2009-07-05 Thread Ben Wong
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Michael Zanetti wrote:
> Judging from the time when other people complains started I think it happened
> after an upgrade of my SHR unstable. But I'm not really sure.

Yes, SHR-unstable is the culprit.  I'm currently dual booting
SHR-testing and SHR-unstable, and SHR-unstable is utterly unusable
because people can't understand me.  (Which I'm not complaining about,
by the way.  It is called "unstable" for a reason.)  I'd bet that if
you revert to SHR-testing, everything will be hunky-dory again.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009 t5] Some issues & ideas

2009-07-05 Thread Ben Wong
> As for me, I'm the casual Joe Hacker guy with some C++ experience, so if
> there are any easy fixes (eg for the set date thing mentioned above) and
> some guidance, I can try to help out a bit; same for translating.

One easy fix for setting the date is to just do it from the command
line (terminal) using the "date" command.

   date [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]

For example,

   date 070513302009

Would set the date to July 5th, 1:30pm, 2009.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anyone know a store that sells FreeRunner accs in the US

2009-07-05 Thread Ben Wong
> I have redone it several times, but no luck. I also hoped, that it
> will disappear,
> after couple of day. But didnt happened either.
> I also used up all the spray (all the 20ml spray;-)
> To have a clue how it looks like, here is a picture:

Yikes!  Is that lint stuck under the shield?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: External GPS antenna question

2009-07-05 Thread Ben Wong
> and if you are carrying the FR in a pocket, yes it gets a lock most of
> the time, but the track wobbles all over the place - up to a hundred
> meters.  And if driving through an "urban canyon", similar track errors
> can occur.  Ive wanted a small external powered antenna for some time to
> improve this.

I've noticed the same wobbles, but only when I'm not moving very
quickly.  Does anybody know if setting the GPS to "Pedestrian" instead
of "Car" mode helps?  Or is an antenna the only solution?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [omgps] collect feature requests

2009-07-05 Thread Ben Wong
Hi Laszlo,

Thanks for all the hard work you've been putting in.  I have two questions:

1) If the filesystem is crashing, doesn't it seem like we should fix
the filesystem instead of making a new file format?

2) You mentioned that fsck takes an hour for you.  I'm having trouble
reproducing that.  It always takes less than a minute for me.  Here is
what I'm doing, let me know if I'm testing it incorrectly:

a) tangogps & find /media/mmcblk0p5/Maps | wc -l
b) Download maps (+4 levels) in tangogps (just to further stress it)
c) While that is running, I remove all power sources, causing a crash
d) At reboot, the filesystem is automatically recovered (I'm using
ext3 journaling)
e) I force a fsck and check how long it takes, like so:
   umount /media/mmcblk0p5
   time e2fsck -f /dev/mmcblk0p5

For me, it's always 42 seconds.


P.S. Did you try that clock speed suggestion from BillK?

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Laszlo
KREKACS wrote:
> Noone experienced whole filesystem crash because of *that* many open
> file descriptors?
> It would be really strange. ITs really simple to test it:
> While using tangogps/omgps remove the battery.
> Almost 90% percent and the whole filesystem crashes
> (the tiles are no more availables)
> You can test it, with: find /home/root/Maps -name *.png |wc -l
> I bet it will hang.
> So I request the following feature:
> Instead of having 75000 file for 118MB, compress the
> tiles into reasonable 1MB files. So 118 files in total in place of
> 75000 files.
> Anyone agree?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: dfu_download error -62

2009-07-04 Thread Ben Wong
Do you have a 64-bit machine?  It sounds like -62 is error message one
gets when using the 32-bit dfu-util.

By the way, you may have tried to Google for 'dfu download error -62'
and didn't find the answer.  The reason is that the minus sign tells
Google to NOT show any web pages that contain the number sixty-two.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Tim
Vangehugten wrote:
> Hi,
> Im currently experiencing some trouble.
> I get a dfu_download error -62 when I tried to flash the kernel and
> the root filesystem.
> Any ideas on how to solve this?
> Best Regards
>   Tim
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [shr, others?] Flash drive mounted with "sync" option

2009-06-29 Thread Ben Wong
> Since users don't like to manually unmount their devices, and developers
> really don't like when users blame them for unrecoverable data loss,
> default is to mount sync.

Thank you for reminding me of that.  You might be right that it is was
a developer's choice, but if so it was a very poor design decision.
The benefit of avoiding an fsck is quite modest, especially with
journaled file systems.  And, unless there's something I'm missing, a
sync'd flash filesystem is unusably slow on the Freerunner.

Here is an example of how I installed SHR onto a free partition on my
SD card today:

  zcat openmoko-shr-image-*-om-gta02.rootfs.tar.gz | ssh -v
r...@ tar -C /media/mmcblk0p2 -xf -

  With "sync":  All day to untar the distribution (no exact time, xfr canceled)
  Without "sync":  570 seconds to untar the distribution


Openmoko community mailing list

[shr, others?] Flash drive mounted with "sync" option

2009-06-29 Thread Ben Wong
Hi!  Can anyone help me to figure out if the following behavior is a bug or not?

Under SHR (both testing and unstable), drives and partitions not
listed in fstab are automounted using the "sync" option which is
*very* slow and possibly damaging to flash media.

Slowness: While attempting to untar a file onto a partition mounted
using the "sync" option, my card could only handle 4KBps.  When I
removed the sync option, the data rate increased by a hundred fold to

Damage: Quote from the man page for mount (from Debian):

   sync   All I/O to the file system should be done synchronously. In case
  of  media  with  limited number of write cycles (e.g. some flash
  drives) "sync" may cause life-cycle shortening.

I'd like to submit a bug report with a suggestion to remove the "-o
sync" option, but before I do, I wonder if anybody can tell me if
there is a valid reason to be using sync on all automounted drives.


P.S.  I believe this bug/feature is controlled by /etc/udev/scripts/

automount() {   
  ! test -d "/media/$name" && mkdir -p "/media/$name"

  if ! $MOUNT -t auto -o sync $DEVNAME "/media/$name"
#logger "" "$MOUNT -t auto $DEVNAME
\"/media/$name\" failed!"
rm_dir "/media/$name"
logger "" "Auto-mount of [/media/$name] successful"
touch "/tmp/.automount-$name"

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: input method : dasher

2009-06-23 Thread Ben Wong
That's a pretty awesome idea.  It'd make "typing" fun.


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Fabian Killus  wrote:
> I had the same idea over and over again. I thought it would be cool to
> have such a thing controlled by the accelerometers ;)
> I also took a quick look at dasher's sources. Maybe it would be better
> in this case to write a new lightweight app specially designed for the
> freerunner.
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 14:55:44 +0200
> swap38  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > At the end of this article [1], there's a comment about Dasher [2].
> > It's a strange but simple funny input method that can be very fast
> > ("39 words per minute").
> >
> > Dasher support numerous languages and the source code is open.
> > A version for mobile device (ARMv4 / Windows Mobile) is in developed
> > by Glen Femandes.
> >
> > Do you think Dasher can be useful for the Neo Freerunner ?
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

2009-06-21 Thread Ben Wong
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Joerg Lippmann wrote:
>> > Then the Freerunner is not for you.
>> > It may sound harsh, but it's definitely *not* suitable for daily use.
>> > Period.
>> I must respectfully disagree with Joerg's advice to you.  [...]

> OK, maybe I should explain. My mail should not be taken as FUD.

I hope I didn't give the impression that I thought Joerg's message was
FUD.  I think calling "FUD" can too often be an ad hominem attack.
Although I disagree with some of Joerg's statements, it's clear that
he's trying to help and is being honest about the Freerunner's value
to him, personally.

I want to thank Joerg for taking the time to give a clear list of
reasons why a person might consider the Freerunner unsuitable as a
phone.  I think it'd be helpful if these and other points were put on
the wiki so that potential buyers can see the arguments against the
Freerunner, and what the community response is.  (E.g., Solved?
Kludged?  In progress?  Unfixable?)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?

2009-06-19 Thread Ben Wong
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Joerg Lippmann wrote:

> Then the Freerunner is not for you.
> It may sound harsh, but it's definitely *not* suitable for daily use. Period.


I must respectfully disagree with Joerg's advice to you.  There are
flaws, including the ones Joerg points out, but they do not
necessarily make the Freeruner unsuitable as a daily phone.  I think
it depends on the person.  I use mine daily as my only phone and it
works well for me.  From your description of yourself, I suspect you
would be happy with a Freerunner as well, as long as you don't expect
it to do everything you want out of the box.

Battery life?  Yes, Joerg is correct that it's mediocre.  I do charge
it every night, but that's not a big deal, especially since it charges
off of any USB port.

The sound quality is "terrible" according to Joerg, but that has not
been my experience.  Perhaps I'm just lucky, having bought a later
model unit, but people have actually been telling me how crystal clear
I sound compared to my old Samsung phone.  The one thing I don't like
about the sound on the Freerunner is that the default volume is too
low, but it's not been enough of a problem for me to even look into
how to increase it.

Joerg also mentioned that the device is "lame".  I'm not quite sure
what he means.  The Freerunner is certainly lacking features that some
proprietary phones boast, such as a multitouch interface and 3G/4G
data transfer.  Since I live in a big city and have WiFi nearly
everywhere I go, the lack of 3G is not a disadvantage for me.  And
multitouch?  Well, somehow I survive without.

The one thing that jumps out at me in your request, Brolin, is keeping
your SMS messages on the microSD card instead of the SIM.  I know that
the SHR distribution, which I'm using, stores everything on the SIM by
default.  Perhaps David Ford's improved SMS app will do what you want?
 Alternatively, if you are happy with simply archiving your SMS to a
text file, David Ford sent out a one line script to do so about a
month ago.  (I can dig it up if you need.)


> 2009/6/17 David Murrell 
>>Fundamentally, at this point, my Openmoko Freerunner fails the Not
>>Interested in Technology - Significant Other Acceptance Procedure,
>>otherwise known NIT-SOAP.

> That is not a problem for me because I am single. :)

P.S. You may not be single for long.  One little known feature of the
Freerunner is that it is an Ultra-Powerful Magnet for Attractive
People.  They will sidle up to you and exclaim, "OMG!  Is that a
Debian box in your pocket?!"  ;-)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: US triband vs EU triband

2009-06-17 Thread Ben Wong
Wow, thanks for checking that out.  I had no idea that was even
possible.  I'm in the US but I have a world version (900/1800/1900)
for when I travel.  Unfortunately, the network I'm on (T-mobile)
doesn't use 850 anywhere in the US, so I can't contribute similar

Oh wait, maybe I can.  Does anyone know the command (dbus or AT) to
scan for available networks and query which ones are on the 850MHz
band?  I won't be able to join, but I can at least let you all know if
it works and maybe even what the signal strength is.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> I just confirmed basic functionality of 850/1800/1900 devices (US Freerunner)
> for 900MHz networks. RF sensitivity is poor, but sufficient for areas with
> good coverage.
> For Germany a US device (850/1800/1900) worked flawlessly with German operator
> T-Kom (in urban area), and rather poor with Vodafone. Both are 900MHz
> networks.
> Please notice I didn't yet check for the actual band used, so *if* T-Kom *and*
> Vodafone both had 1800MHz BTS here in the tested area, then this report might
> be moot. Anyway the result meets expected behaviour and 1800MHz BTS are not
> known for either operator.
> cheers
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to get started with Openmoko phone?

2009-06-16 Thread Ben Wong
> Well, when the salesperson tells you that they will not transfer the phone
> number unless you sign up for a contract there's not much you can do... At
> least, that's what I got.

Which carrier told you that?  I just transferred my number and didn't
have to sign up for a contract with T-mobile.  They didn't even try to
sell me one when I told them I already had a phone.  They also allowed
me to transfer my number a couple weeks after activating the SIM, so I
was able to have a temporary number for the Freerunner while I tested
calling it with my old cell phone.

On the other hand, Sprint, who I was switching from, did send me a
huge bill for quitting before my contract expired, even though it had
expired years ago.  I called Sprint up and, to make a long story
short, after I reminded them that they are big dummies, they
apologized and dropped the charges.  :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some questions before buying FreeRunner

2009-06-15 Thread Ben Wong
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> With the full body cover, can you still easily remove the back cover to
> replace the uSD card/batery/SIM ?

Yes, the shield comes precut in pieces that fit the front back and sides.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some questions before buying FreeRunner

2009-06-15 Thread Ben Wong
> There is an invisibleSHIELD model made just for the Freerunner:
> Price is $25 for full-body, $12 for just the screen.  However, Zagg
> almost always has 20% off coupons available, if you're willing to
> spend a bit of timing searching the net.

Okay, to save you all some time, one of the current discount codes is
PROTECT20.  I just tested it and it works.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some questions before buying FreeRunner

2009-06-15 Thread Ben Wong
> Does a particular model of invisibleSHIELD fit FR or you had to cut an
> oversized one to shape?

There is an invisibleSHIELD model made just for the Freerunner:

Price is $25 for full-body, $12 for just the screen.  However, Zagg
almost always has 20% off coupons available, if you're willing to
spend a bit of timing searching the net.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some questions before buying FreeRunner

2009-06-14 Thread Ben Wong
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:10 PM, a dehqan wrote:
>   How much  is Fr SAR ?

In another thread on this list somebody mentioned that the specific
absorption rate for the Freerunner is average, not significantly
higher or lower than any other cell phone.  Specifically, "the Neo
FreeRunner SAR tests at 1.07 W/kg GSM and 1.17 W/kg DCS."

>>I do not advise you to fix the Freerunner yourself.  Just purchase a 
>>buzz-fixed version.
> Would you explain more ?why ?

I did not know that the buzz-fixed version is more expensive.  Still,
I *strongly* suggest that you not attempt to solder the Freerunner
yourself.  The circuit is very small and you need special tools.  An
ordinary hand soldering iron will not work.  Have you soldered
cell-phones before?  If not, I recommend not treating your Freerunner
as a learning experience.  Remember the old adage, experience is
proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed.  If you still want
to do the buzz fix yourself, I think Paul's suggestion was excellent,
try soldering an SMD (Surface Mount Device) onto an old video card

> It is long time just debian based have been used on pc ,there is not
> problems and knowing linuxs .

Wonderful!  You will feel at home on your Freerunner.

> but important question , does FR catch owner time each day for any reason
> ?e.g for almost all activity with FR should users  spend time each day ?

I am sorry.  I don't understand your question.  Are you asking if the
Freerunner requires daily maintenance?  If so, the answer is "no".
You can simply use the Freerunner as a phone, if you wish.

>>The pouch protects the screen from getting scratched up
>   So why dont you use invisible shield ?

I did not have an InvisibleShield before.  I have ordered one now and
I may stop using the pouch.  On the other hand, the InvisibleShield
looks to be a sticker and it might peel off in my pocket.

> just trousers has packets ,How much
> are lenght and width sizes of FR ?

The Freerunner is a bit thicker than the latest cellphones, but
comfortably fits in my blue jeans (denim trousers) front pocket, even
with the pouch.  I've also carried the Freerunner easily in the breast
pockets of my shirt and coat.

> Do you advice using invisble shield ,wont invisble shield make screen
> sensitivity to be decreased ?

I've read, and believe, that sensitivity will be the same.  The
InvisibleShield is extremely thin (0.2mm).  The Freerunner I purchased
came with a clear plastic sheet covering the screen that was thicker
than an InvisibleShield.  The stylus worked fine through that sheet
with no apparent loss of sensitivity.


P.S.  In America we are wishing you, and all Iranians, a happy outcome
to your country's recent troubles.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: some questions before buying FreeRunner

2009-06-12 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 1:29 AM, a dehqan wrote:
> Do you mean without that 47k resistor ,Fr will detect current lower or
> higher ?what will happen after that (detect incorrectly) .

Without the 47k resistor, it will charge more slowly so as to not
overload the charger.  However, your Freerunner will probably come
with the correct charger.  Mine did.

> Another questions ;
> 1- Should pouch be bought ,Without pouch ,ISn't there any problem with
> carring FR with ourself without pouch ?

I wouldn't have paid extra for the pouch,  but my Freerunner came with
one and I use it.  I keep it in my pocket, clipped to a belt loop.
The pouch protects the screen from getting scratched up with the other
random things I have in my pocket.  I also use the pouch to store my
stylus, which would get lost pretty quickly otherwise.  (Suggestion
for whoever designs the next Openmoko Pouch: Include a small pocket or
loop on the outside for a stylus.)

> 3- So  ,do you advice to fix FR ourslef ? is there any common problems for
> those want to fix their self ?

I do not advise you to fix the Freerunner yourself.  Just purchase a
buzz-fixed version.

> 3-What other things and issues ,Do you advice to be attended before and
> while buying FR ?

If you do not yet have GNU/Linux on your desktop computer,  I
recommend that you start now.  It is not strictly necessary, but it
will make using your Freerunner easier and more enjoyable.  You may
also want to join a local Linux User Group (LUG).  Here are some
starting points:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Paroli: correct pronunciation

2009-06-10 Thread Ben Wong
I was kind of hoping Paroli was Italian for "parolee", a convict who's
been let out of jail early on condition of good behavior.  That is,
someone who's (mostly) free without having to commit a "jail break"
first.  ;-)


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:31 PM, tammaro "pamdirac"
palombo wrote:
> I read in the FAQ page of paroli project [1] that Paroli is an Esperanto
> word.
> how to pronounce Paroli in Esperanto? This site have the answer :)
> c
> [1]
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-08 Thread Ben Wong
> Thanks alot for your attention ;
> Would you send a farsi sms to me ? to this number 00989131561030 .
> To know if sms will look fine here or not .

Okay, I've sent you an SMS.  However, I don't know if my carrier
(T-mobile) allows me to send SMS outside of the United States.  Please
let us know if you receive the message and if it looks okay.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to get started with Openmoko phone?

2009-06-08 Thread Ben Wong
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Mike wrote:
> Thanks, Rene --
> I just ordered the freerunner -- very exciting!

  Excellent.  You may want to check the GSM firmware version when you
get it.  I received my phone recently and it had an old firmware on it
(version 8 instead of 11, I think).  The phone mostly worked, but I
couldn't do GPRS until I flashed the GSM firmware.

Here's the page for how to update it:

Note that, although the web page describes the procedure as a
lobotomy, it's not nearly so scary, even using the step-by-step
method, which I did.  Even easier, there's a microSD image you can
download that automates the procedure for you.

  By the way, the advice to just buy a SIM card instead of a whole
plan is the right one.  That way you won't be locked into a year long
contract.  I'm using T-mobile and it works great; data is unlimited
and the price is fair.  I've heard T-mobile's coverage is not as good
as AT&T's in the US, but it hasn't been a problem for me.  My only
complaint is that ping times are often over 1000ms, and I'm not even
sure that that's T-mobile's fault.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-07 Thread Ben Wong
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:52 AM, a dehqan wrote:
>> Thanks alot for your attentions ;
>> So there is a persian layer yes ?so is not possible to change layer in
>> another way except input methode suchlike a command or a script ?
> I'll be thankfull if anyone answer the above question ?
> and 2- Is arabic ready and complete ?

Yes, the Arabic keyboard layout works, but you have to install a
package like so:

  opkg install

However, when writing an SMS the letters don't connect with each other
(as is standard with the Arabic alphabet).  This might just be a
problem with the way my Freerunner displays fonts.  The SMS you send
will probably look fine on your friend's telephone.

There is a Persian keyboard layout listed at:

but the link is broken.  Hopefully someone else on this mailing list
will know where it can be found.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-06 Thread Ben Wong
On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Sebastian
Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> Well, it works good for me ;x Do you have latest -unstable?

Ah, that's my problem.  I'm using shr-testing.  Thanks, again!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-06 Thread Ben Wong
> You can copy'n'paste in messages app. Just long press in place, where
> you want to select, cut, copy or paste :)

Oh, neat.  That's the way I had expected it to work.  I think there
may be a small bug.  If I press in the empty part of the text box,
nothing happens.  I had to click very close to the insertion cursor to
make the menu pop up.  I'm surprised the text box widget doesn't treat
any blank space at the end as being the same as the very last
character of text.  Is this a known bug/feature?

Thanks for the tip!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-06 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:28 PM, a dehqan wrote:
> I was a c++ & PHP programmer before but now i'm not ;
> and should someone be a pro programmer to use openmoko ?

You do not need to be a professional programmer to use the Freerunner.

> How about keyboard? Is it possible to use farsi or at least arabic key
> board without problem?

That's something I don't know.  You may have to create one yourself.

> so how did you send that message ?
> you can test with arabic keyboard .

I did not type in the message.  Instead I used a web browser to view a
page that was written in Farsi, selected some text, copied it, and
then pasted the text into an SMS message to myself.

> what is input method ?

"Input method" just means a way of typing characters that are not on
your keyboard.  For example, in Debian GNU/Linux, one can run this
command to use a standard US keyboard to type Persian[1] using the
Iranian standard for keyboards[2]:

  setxkbmap -v -rules xfree86 -model pc104 -layout "us,ir" -option
"grp:alt_shift_toggle" -option "grp_led:caps"

When I run that on my desktop computer, I am then able to hit
ALT+SHIFT to toggle between Farsi and English input.  Now when I type
ABCabc123 on my keyboard I get ؤ‌ژشذز۱۲۳.  Of course, that doesn't
help you on the Freerunner, which doesn't have a physical keyboard.
Someone (perhaps you?) needs to design a Farsi onscreen keyboard.
Another person on this thread said that it was relatively easy, but I
don't know having never done it.


[1]  I copied the setxkbmap example from , with the
slight modification that I changed the layout from "us,ar" to "us,ir".
 That is, I'm using the Iranian layout instead of the Arabic.

[2]  ISIRI 2901:1994

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-05 Thread Ben Wong
> My biggest disappointment has been the fact that my Openmoko Freerunner
> (which I've had since helping form the Austin buying group) is still
> not _nearly_ as reliable as any cheap simple handset I can get for 10%
> of the cost.

Not to disagree, I'd like to share that in the short time I've been
using my Freerunner as my only phone it has been much, MUCH, more
reliable than my previous "smart" phone.  I had a Samsung SPH-N400
which, besides having some incredibly brain dead bugs, which I could
go on for hours about, had terrible problems with non-reentrant code.
That is, when two events would happen nearly simultaneously, say
answering the phone and unplugging it from the power, it would often
crash.  I even managed to get it to crash by simply pressing the same
button too rapidly.  I got very practiced at removing and replacing
the battery quickly.  Now mind you, the N400 is a phone that was
offered by a major carrier (Sprint) in the US and was supposedly fully
supported.  I exchanged the N400 several times and also had them try
flashing different firmware on it.  It didn't help, it simply shifted
the bugs around.

> The Freerunner had (has?) great potential, but we
> couldn't realize that potential without basic reliable functionality.
> If the concerted efforts of many talented (in some cases even paid)
> engineers couldn't achieve that basic milestone, it seems unlikely
> that it will be achieved by a loosely-organized group of unpaid (and
> demoralized) volunteers.

The present tense is correct, the Freerunner *has* great potential.
It is still the only device even close to being a _Free_ phone, and it
will reach that in time.  As for what can be achieved by a
loosely-organized group of unpaid volunteers... well, do you really
need me to list all the Open Source success stories which started with
even less than we have?

I believe the Freerunner will be a success story.  The freeing of the
cell phone is a revolution on the order of the personal computer
revolution.  The only question is, Will the Freerunner be more like
the MITS Altair 8800, which led by inspiration or will it be like the
IBM PC, whose framework was widely copied to become a de facto

--Ben Wong

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about Openmoko cellphones ..

2009-06-05 Thread Ben Wong
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Sebastian
Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 21:25, Ken Young wrote:
>> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> I'm not programmer and maybe can not  do anything for that .
>> I think it is very unlikely that you will be able to get an Openmoko
>> phone to work for you with Farsi text unless you able to do some
>> programming, or at least port some code.   (Afsoos mikhoram!)
>> Ken Young
> SHR supports UTF-8 and RTL languages. Isn't that enough?

I just partially tested this out and, yes, Farsi SMS can be sent and
received with SHR.  Now, I don't speak Persian, so I just cut and
pasted a bit of Obama's Nowruz address from the web (via Midori).  The
SMS sending program doesn't have a Paste menu item, but Ctrl+V works.
Although the text was left justified, the characters were received in
the proper right-to-left order.

Of course, I say "partially" tested, because I didn't try out an input
method.  If someone could do that, I'd be curious to know if it works.
 By the way, I believe SCIM can handle Persian transliteration from a
QWERTY keyboard, so that might be a quick work around until someone
makes a Farsi keyboard.


P.S. This is what I sent:
‫سخنان پرزیدنت باراک اوباما‬
 ‫جشن نوروز‬
   ‫واشنگتن دی سی‬

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Neo FreeRunner GTA02 versions A5 & A6 Audio Buzz - Quality Enhancement Service

2009-06-05 Thread Ben Wong
I know it's unlikely somebody will accidentally send their phone to
Cranberry, PA, but I'd like to point out that the SDG page for the
rework says,

Send phone(s) to:

SDG Systems
Attn: FreeRunner Rework Program
114 W. Grandview Ave., Suite 1
Zelienople, PA 16063


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Richy wrote:
> from the website:
> Location:
> SDG Systems, LLC
> 219 Glen Rape Road
> Cranberry Township, PA 16066
> Seems to be in the USA, according to googleMaps.
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 07:19, Max  wrote:
>> Great to hear that...
>> Btw, where do you actually situated?... at least information about
>> continent you're in would greatly help in estimating shipment costs :)
>> cheers,
>> Max.
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: boxar : New Audio Application (download or watch video)

2009-06-02 Thread Ben Wong
Nice!  There should be more fun applets like this.  Do you have plans
to make it run any faster?  Right now there's significant lag before I
hear the notes (perhaps due to ESD?).  Also, the sound stutters
whenever the pointer (my finger) moves, even if I'm not pressing a
different note.

Thanks for the nice port!


On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:06 PM, RzR
> Dear openmoko users
> Here is an other Audio Application for Openmoko platform :
> Boxar is a kind of piano using the full surface of the touch screen to
> display scales
> It was created by Sampath Jagananthan on the Nokia n8x0
> but I built it for the openmoko (GTA02 Running SHR) as well.
> Head to this page for download it or watch video demo :
> URL:
> I'll make an other release if it can be supported on other OM distributions 
> ...
> Find me online or contact:
> --
> Related Obsession :
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: usb0 vs eth0

2009-06-01 Thread Ben Wong
> i don't know which interface udev will assign to the neo.. for
> example when i connect it i get eth1, suddenly renamed to eth7 by udev, but
> am i sure it will always get eth7?

I believe it depends on which distribution you run.  Some
distributions, like Debian, use a persistent-net-generator script
which will always give a particular ethernet device a consistent name
in /dev whenever it is plugged in.  Personally, that drives me batty;
I'm a tidy person and I don't like seeing my first ethernet card be
named eth7 simply because I used several other cards in the distant
past.  But it's good for you in this case, your Freerunner should
always have the same device name.

> The page explain how to setup
> nat and routing, but all the examples use usb0. The problem is that each
> different udev installation will assign a possibly different interface name
> to the neo, so what should one do? setup nat and routing for all the
> interfaces being attached? seems strange.. I just would like to see an
> example, because it's not clear to me, and i think for many like me..

Yes, the usb0/eth1/eth7 problem is very annoying from a documentation
point of view.  It would be nice to have a single example on the wiki
which people can use without editing.  I don't have the answer to that
one, but I'd love to see it if someone else does.


P.S. If you're using Debian, you can check the file
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to see the mappings between
the MAC address and device name.  I believe OpenMoko devices always
have a MAC address that starts with 00:1F:11

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cronjobs

2009-05-31 Thread Ben Wong
Sure, I've whipped up an example for you based on the documentation
located here:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Schedule::Cron;

# Dummy subroutine, to make Cron constructor happy.
sub dispatcher {
  print "ID:   ",shift,"\n";
  print "Args: ","@_","\n";

my $cron = new Schedule::Cron(\&dispatcher);

# You can print out a date from a single line...
$line='*/5 3 * * 5,6';
print "The crontab entry '$line' will be next executed on ";
print scalar(localtime($cron->get_next_execution_time($line)));
print "\n\n";

# ...or you can iterate through a crontab file.

my @entries = $cron->list_entries();
foreach $e (@entries) {
# time in original cron format, "*/5 * * * *"
print $$e{'time'} . "\t";

my $nexttime=$cron->get_next_execution_time($$e{'time'});

# time in seconds since the epoch
print $nexttime . "\t";

# time in human readable format
print scalar(localtime($nexttime)) . "\t";

# the rest of the line from the crontab file
@command = $$e{'args'};
print $command[0][0];
print "\n";


On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> Ben Wong wrote:
>> Did  you try  $cron->get_next_execution_time($cron_entry,[$ref_time]) ?
>> --Ben
> No, i had no idea i could !
> But now that i try it i get:
> Can't call method "get_next_execution_time" on an undefined value at
> ./ line 11.
> Can you make an example perl script? a real simple one?
> Thanks !
> Kind regards,
> Ed
>> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
>>> Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 29 May 2009 15:49:27 +0200, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
>>>>> i need a script/program that will read a crontab line
>>>>> ( * * * * * some_action) and output the date and time the job will run.
>>>>> Does anyone know of such a tool?
>>>>> This way i can un-suspend the FR a few seconds prior to the start of
>>>>> that cron job.
>>>>> I already made a script that sort of works, but it is limmited at best
>>>>> and i hate to reinvent the wheel again.
>>>> You might want to look at this:
>>> Hi Alexey and all the others
>>> I did take a look at perl, but i am a real perl noob.
>>> This is what i have so far:
>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>> use Config::Crontab
>>> $event = new Config::Crontab::Event( -data => '*/5 3 * * 5,6 /bin/blech' );
>>> print $event->minute . "\n";
>>> print $event->hour . "\n";
>>> print $event->dom . "\n";
>>> print $event->datetime . "\n";
>>> print $event->command . "\n";
>>> print $event->dump . "\n";
>>> And if i run that i get:
>>> */5
>>> 3
>>> *
>>> */5 3 * * 5,6
>>> /bin/blech
>>> */5 3 * * 5,6 /bin/blech
>>> Perhaps i am missing the obvious here.
>>> Is there someone out there who can make a script that can read a
>>> crontab line and give the time and date  of the next time it will be
>>> executed ?
>>> output in the form:
>>> secs_since_epoch,-mm-dd,hh:mm,command would be *great*
>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>> Ed
>>> ___
>>> Openmoko community mailing list
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cronjobs

2009-05-30 Thread Ben Wong
Did  you try  $cron->get_next_execution_time($cron_entry,[$ref_time]) ?


On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
> Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
>> On Fri, 29 May 2009 15:49:27 +0200, Ed Kapitein  wrote:
>>> i need a script/program that will read a crontab line
>>> ( * * * * * some_action) and output the date and time the job will run.
>>> Does anyone know of such a tool?
>>> This way i can un-suspend the FR a few seconds prior to the start of
>>> that cron job.
>>> I already made a script that sort of works, but it is limmited at best
>>> and i hate to reinvent the wheel again.
>> You might want to look at this:
> Hi Alexey and all the others
> I did take a look at perl, but i am a real perl noob.
> This is what i have so far:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Config::Crontab
> $event = new Config::Crontab::Event( -data => '*/5 3 * * 5,6 /bin/blech' );
> print $event->minute . "\n";
> print $event->hour . "\n";
> print $event->dom . "\n";
> print $event->datetime . "\n";
> print $event->command . "\n";
> print $event->dump . "\n";
> And if i run that i get:
> */5
> 3
> *
> */5 3 * * 5,6
> /bin/blech
> */5 3 * * 5,6 /bin/blech
> Perhaps i am missing the obvious here.
> Is there someone out there who can make a script that can read a
> crontab line and give the time and date  of the next time it will be
> executed ?
> output in the form:
> secs_since_epoch,-mm-dd,hh:mm,command would be *great*
> Many thanks in advance,
> Ed
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing release 4

2009-05-29 Thread Ben Wong
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:25 AM, Mirko Lindner  wrote:
> Ben Wong wrote:
>> 2d) There is too much latency between pressing the AUX button during a
>> call and any indication that the system is working on changing the
>> volume.  Ideally, what I'd like the GUI to show me is not what the
>> current volume is, but what it will be once it has finished processing
>> all the button presses.
> This is an issue happening in several places in paroli. The interface is
> very honest in the sense that it only shows what actually happened. Of
> course this means that changes are visible a bit later than in other
> interfaces. Should this paradigm be changed?

Yes, I believe so.  As others have said, "honesty" includes not only
the past but what is planned for the future.  I think changing the
gauge immediately (40%, 60%, 80%) but having it be grayed-out would be
a good way to represent that the volume change is queued up for later

>> 2e) When ending a call, pressing END CALL does light up the button,
>> but then it unlights before the call is actually ended making one
>> think it needs to be pressed again.  I suggest changing the text to
>> "ENDING" after the button has been pressed.
> The relates to the last point. Paroli could remove the call window as soon
> as the user ends the call and it could also stop all sounds and just don't
> worry whether or not the call is actually ended.
> I agree sth has to change here, which way is better
> a) showing that the call is ending and keeping the call window until the
> call is actually ended
> or
> b) closing the window right away and letting the user move on before the
> call is actually finished

Plan A would be acceptable, but B would be better.  The user interface
should waste as little of the user's time as possible.  However, plan
B also sounds like it'd be tricky to do correctly.  What happens if
the user immediately tries to make another call (or use GPRS or SMS)
and the previous call hasn't yet finished?

Thanks for your detailed response, Mirko.  I look forward to testing
your next release.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Help with gstreamer for python needed

2009-05-29 Thread Ben Wong
Does gstreamer lock up when you use it from the command line?

Here's a little shell script that will call gstreamer to play any
media file.  (This probably needn't to be said for something so
trivial, but this code has no copyright).  You can use it like so:

  playbin  foo.ogg  barf.mp3  /usr/local/share/music/Artists/Freezepop/*



# Simplistic gstreamer front-end.
# Ben Wong,  May 2009
# Public Domain

# Usage:  playbin [ file ... ]
# E.g.,  cd /usr/share/sounds; playbin *

# When the user hits ^C, wait a bit and then continue to next song.
inthandler () {
  trap reallyexit INT
  echo "Skipping song. Hit ^C twice to quit."
  sleep 1 || reallyexit   # GNU sleep fails on SIGINT
  trap inthandler INT

# If the user hits ^C while we're already in the INT handler, quit.
reallyexit () {
  exit 1

 Main routine

trap inthandler INT

for f; do

  case "$f" in
/*) # do nothing
*) f="`pwd`/$f"

  echo gst-launch playbin '"'uri=file://$f'"' >&2
  gst-launch playbin "uri=file://$f"


# End of script

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Andreas Hennig
> Hi All!
> Does one of you have expirience with gstreamer?
> I use gstreamer for my music player pyRok. Initialy it works fine but after a 
> while it locks up and i don't see a reason.
> There is no error message ot something. The music just stops.
> I compared pyRok with pythm but i cant see any difference regarding gstreamer.
> PyRok  uses pygame as UI. Maybe pygame interfeares with gstreamer somehow...
> Maybe somebody have an idea...
> rgds
> Andreas
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing release 4

2009-05-22 Thread Ben Wong
Thanks for the update.  Unfortunately Om2009 is still not a usable
phone out of the box for me.  I realize that this is probably my fault
for not persevering, but I will be reverting to SHR since this is my
only phone.

Here are my issues, in order of importance:

1) Horrible audio distortion during calls.  People tell me that I
sound like I'm being played back over a blown-out speaker.  I tried
calling +1800GOOG411 (google's speech recognition phone directory) and
it was unable to understand me.  I bet this is something tweakable
with the ALSA settings, but I'm surprised that Om2009t4 gets the
default wrong when SHR-testing works fine.  I don't know if it's
relevant but I have an A6 model of the Freerunner.

2) There should be immediate feedback during all operations.

2a) When searching for a GSM signal, the Paroli interface is presented
but frozen and there is no notification which is quite frustrating.
Even just the simple word "searching..." would have helped.

2b) The suspend button should blink the LED immediately when waking up
or suspending.  Two seconds is too long to wait for feedback that a
button has been pressed.

2c) From the contacts menu, when clicking on a phone number, a call is
made but there is no visual indication of this until the Dialer
program appears.  The number should at least light up when clicked.

2d) There is too much latency between pressing the AUX button during a
call and any indication that the system is working on changing the
volume.  Ideally, what I'd like the GUI to show me is not what the
current volume is, but what it will be once it has finished processing
all the button presses.

2e) When ending a call, pressing END CALL does light up the button,
but then it unlights before the call is actually ended making one
think it needs to be pressed again.  I suggest changing the text to
"ENDING" after the button has been pressed.

3) There is no way to reset Paroli if it gets wedged.  At one point,
it refused to allow me to make a call because it thought there was
already one in progress.  Not only was there not one, but the Dialer
program didn't have the red END CALL button so I had no recourse but
to reboot.

I should mention that there are many things that I rather like about
Om2009t4.  I hope you find my comments constructive.   I look forward
to trying the next release of Om2009.

--Ben Wong
Seattle, WA
FreeRunner A6, T-mobile

P.S. A quick message on interface design from Douglas Adams:  "It's
the wild colour scheme that freaks me," said Zaphod whose love affair
with this ship had lasted almost three minutes into the flight, "Every
time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are
labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights
up black to let you know you've done it. What is this? Some kind of
galactic hyperhearse?" The walls of the swaying cabin were also black,
the ceiling was black, the seats -- which were rudimentary since the
only important trip this ship was designed for was supposed to be
unmanned -- were black, the control panel was black, the instruments
were black, the little screws that held them in place were black, the
thin tufted nylon floor covering was black, and when they had lifted
up a corner of it they had discovered that the foam underlay also was
black. "Perhaps whoever designed it had eyes that responded to
different wavelengths," offered Trillian. "Or didn't have much
imagination," muttered Arthur. "Perhaps," said Marvin, "he was feeling
very depressed."

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Angus Ainslie  wrote:
> Hi All,
> As I think we've fixed more things than we broke it's time for another testing
> release. As usual there are additional instructions here.
> There is also a new page for community involvement. Many of these wishlist
> items need someone to implement them. If you are interested in in owning one
> of the wishlist items come and join #paroli or send me an email
> Don't bother trying to do an opkg update opkg upgrade to do the upgrade.
> Chances are you won't get the dependencies right ( I know I didn't ). If you
> want to preserve your settings use the bind-home method and flash the full
> image.
> New in feeds
> callrec
> claws-mail
> dictator
> dillo
> midori
> mokomaze
> omnewrotate
> pyring
> sms-sentry
> webkit-efl
> New features
> Improved call handling - should limit races in oeventsd
> Better list handling
> More consistent interface
> New paroli-illume theme
>        - only change so far is to remove desktop switcher
>        - wanted volunteer to change analog clock to digital
>        - wanted diff