Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-30 Thread Martin Buchholz
I agree with  "tempest in a teapot".  The practical effect either way will
be small. We seem unlikely to convince each other with new arguments.

My thinking may be influenced by my growing belief that having
ConcurrentModificationException in the core libraries at all was a mistake
- they belong in a special "debug" version of the core libraries.  I have
never regarded CME as a *service* to *my* java programs.

Since ConcurrentModificationException can also occur inside a single
thread, there are valid (recursive) (admittedly rare) calls involving
ArrayList, not just Vector.

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Stuart Marks 

> I've collected my thoughts on this issue into a document I've placed here:

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-30 Thread Stuart Marks

On 5/22/18 2:58 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 5/22/18 8:50 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

We seem to have enough consensus to change the modCount behavior of

Sorry, I don't agree that there is such consensus. There are about half a dozen 
different issues all at play, spread across several messages throughout the 
thread. Instead of responding to the individual messages piecemeal, I'm trying 
to gather them into a unified reply. And I'm still digesting the emails that 
came in over the weekend. More to come on this.

I've collected my thoughts on this issue into a document I've placed here:

I've also placed a link into the CSR request, JDK-8203704.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-23 Thread David Holmes

On 23/05/2018 4:40 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 3:41 PM, joe darcy  wrote:

The specification of CME is not sacrosanct. We can and do evolve the
specification of types all the time, even ones that have been in the
platform for many years. We certainly have constraints on that evolution
to maintain compatibility (
However, given the first and last sentence of the main CME javadoc:

 "This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected concurrent
modification of an object when such modification is not permissible.
 ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs."

having a CME thrown during replaceALL seems well within the general
intended semantics of the CME exception type.

Specifications of exception classes are (naturally) more general and vague
than the specification of concrete classes and methods that throw them.
The spec for  ConcurrentModificationException does not mention the concept
of "structural modification" but e.g. the spec for Vector states
"""if the vector is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is

Which is exactly the point I made in response to John's email and prior 
to Joe's.

CME is not the definitive source of knowledge on when to throw CME. You 
can throw a CME any time it's general/vague description matches your 
usecase. You're not required to throw it just because someone else 
thinks a particular usecase fits its description!

The key part of the CME spec with regard to intended use is "when such 
modification is not permissible". Granted "permissible" then becomes 
highly subjective. But to me this relates to a decision the designer - 
not user - of the data structure makes as to whether a modification will 
lead to an error condition or not, regardless of the semantic context of 
use for the data structure.

The fact there has been "misuse" of modCount modifications since JDK 8 
and no one has complained does not lead to a conclusion that therefore 
this throwing of CME is perfectly acceptable, it more likely means noone 
has run into it because they don't use their Collections that way 
anyway, and all this is a storm in a teacup from a practical development 
perspective. But the lack of consistency is the problem.

I don't think I have any cycles left for this regardless of what Stuart 
comes back with.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-22 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 3:41 PM, joe darcy  wrote:

> The specification of CME is not sacrosanct. We can and do evolve the
> specification of types all the time, even ones that have been in the
> platform for many years. We certainly have constraints on that evolution
> to maintain compatibility (
> However, given the first and last sentence of the main CME javadoc:
> "This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected concurrent
> modification of an object when such modification is not permissible.
> ...
> ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs."
> having a CME thrown during replaceALL seems well within the general
> intended semantics of the CME exception type.

Specifications of exception classes are (naturally) more general and vague
than the specification of concrete classes and methods that throw them.
The spec for  ConcurrentModificationException does not mention the concept
of "structural modification" but e.g. the spec for Vector states
"""if the vector is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-22 Thread joe darcy

Hi John,

On 5/19/2018 3:54 PM, John Rose wrote:

On May 19, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:

I like thinking of ArrayList as just an optimized HashMap, Lua-style, and
HashMap.replaceAll also does not increment modCount, supporting our
"structural modification" position.

The thing that bothers me most about the status quo is the *inconsistency*
- between root list and subList, between default implementation and
concrete implementation, and between ArrayList and HashMap.  And there
seems to be no reason for users to expect any such inconsistency.

FWIW my $0.02.

I'll take your $0.02 and raise you another $0.02.

Commenting on your commentary rather than on the particular merits or 
demerits of whether replaceAll should throw CME, I think a more holistic 
approach should be used to evaluate CME and replaceAll and similar issues.

The specification of CME is not sacrosanct. We can and do evolve the 
specification of types all the time, even ones that have been in the 
platform for many years. We certainly have constraints on that 
evolution  to maintain compatibility 
( However, given the 
first and last sentence of the main CME javadoc:

    "This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected 
concurrent modification of an object when such modification is not 

    ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs."

having a CME thrown during replaceALL seems well within the general 
intended semantics of the CME exception type.

Specifications are updated for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they just 
need refinement. Sometimes our understanding of the problem space 
changes. And sometimes the needs of the platform change and the existing 
types need to be adapted.

The replaceAll methods under discussion have been coded to throw CME 
since they were introduced in JDK 8. To my knowledge, there have been no 
bugs filed complaining about this behavior.

If as stewards of the platform we conclude it is useful for replaceAll 
to throw CME, I think we should not stop ourselves from doing so on the 
mistaken belief that our use of CME cannot be evolved. I do think it is 
reasonable to have consistent use of modCount and CME in the different 
replaceAll implementations.



Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-22 Thread Stuart Marks

Hi Martin,

On 5/22/18 8:50 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

We seem to have enough consensus to change the modCount behavior of

Sorry, I don't agree that there is such consensus. There are about half a dozen 
different issues all at play, spread across several messages throughout the 
thread. Instead of responding to the individual messages piecemeal, I'm trying 
to gather them into a unified reply. And I'm still digesting the emails that 
came in over the weekend. More to come on this.

But let's leave that to a future change and get this integration in by
(temporarily) reverting to the status quo: [...]

Thanks, I appreciate your taking this approach.

I've filed JDK-8203662 to cover the future change, and I've assigned it to you. 
The CSR request can also be linked to that issue.

I've also filed JDK-8203663 to cover the broader issue of any spec changes and 
the inconsistency of CME policy across the different collection fail-fast 
collections in the JDK.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-22 Thread Martin Buchholz
We seem to have enough consensus to change the modCount behavior of
But let's leave that to a future change and get this integration in by
(temporarily) reverting to the status quo:

Index: src/main/java/util/
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.61
--- src/main/java/util/ 18 May 2018 03:48:34 - 1.61
+++ src/main/java/util/ 22 May 2018 15:40:27 -
@@ -1737,6 +1737,7 @@
 public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) {
 replaceAllRange(operator, 0, size);

 private void replaceAllRange(UnaryOperator operator, int i, int
end) {
Index: src/main/java/util/
RCS file: /export/home/jsr166/jsr166/jsr166/src/main/java/util/,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50
--- src/main/java/util/ 5 May 2018 18:29:53 - 1.50
+++ src/main/java/util/ 22 May 2018 15:40:27 -
@@ -1411,6 +1411,7 @@
 es[i] = operator.apply(elementAt(es, i));
 if (modCount != expectedModCount)
 throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
 // checkInvariants();

Index: src/test/tck/
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -u -r1.54
--- src/test/tck/ 6 May 2018 22:33:06 - 1.54
+++ src/test/tck/ 22 May 2018 15:40:27 -
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
 } catch ( acceptable) {}

-public void testReplaceAllIsNotStructuralModification() {
+public void DISABLED_testReplaceAllIsNotStructuralModification() {
 Collection c = impl.emptyCollection();
 if (!(c instanceof List))

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-20 Thread David Holmes

Hi John,

On 20/05/2018 8:54 AM, John Rose wrote:

On May 19, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:

I like thinking of ArrayList as just an optimized HashMap, Lua-style, and
HashMap.replaceAll also does not increment modCount, supporting our
"structural modification" position.

The thing that bothers me most about the status quo is the *inconsistency*
- between root list and subList, between default implementation and
concrete implementation, and between ArrayList and HashMap.  And there
seems to be no reason for users to expect any such inconsistency.

FWIW my $0.02.

Just to add ...

Sadly I don’t have time to read this whole CME thread, but it seems to
me that the written spec. has to lead here, not the de facto spec. of
how stuff throws CME today.

And we have to start with the javadoc in  Sadly, it is more
allusive than definitive but we have to work with what we have.  When

My understanding from Java 2 days is that CME was not intended to 
specify exactly when it should be thrown. It was provided as an 
exception type to be used when the various kinds of example conditions 
were encountered. It was then up to specific concrete collection 
implementations (not the abstract interfaces - as these are 
implementation concerns) to specify when that implementation would 
attempt to detect such problems and throw CME.


read closely, as if it were a true spec instead of a mere handful of
examples, supports a pretty narrow interpretation of when CME can be

A. When race conditions are detected (not done today at all, but would
be with thread-confined data!).

B. When a backing collection is modified between calls to an iterator
over it.

C. Overlapping cases A and B, when an iterator may experience
“arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior” at some later point.  (This
points, at least, to dangling pointers to inactive backing storage
after a resize, and also to buffering of values in the iterator which
duplicates the backing state.)

D. Finally, a catch-all “sequence of method invocations that violates
the contract of an object”.

The catch-all case D has (maybe) been treated as grounds for adding
lots of additional ad hoc checks in various implementations, but (to
follow the written spec) those ad hoc checks must be clearly
documented as “violating the contract of the object”.  And that means
that the object itself, in its subclass, must have documented a
contract that could be violated by an invalid sequence of calls to
various methods on that object.

At the same time, List (for example) is a very general-purpose object
and as such has a very simple (I’d say “categorical”) contract.  A
subtype of List might have a more rigorous contact and throw more CMEs
but the default for List as a whole the criteria should be as narrow
as possible, subject to the goals A, B, C, above.

This CME thread (the parts on the side of more CMEs) appeals to the
List specification where it says “otherwise perturb it in such a
fashion that iterations in progress may yield incorrect results”,
saying that when we spot a result that seems obviously incorrect, we
are permitted to throw a CME.

But I think in order to follow the spec. we need to insist that the
phrase “incorrect results” has a definite and documented meaning, or
else that it refers (as does) to some hypothetical subtype of
List that has additional contracts.  The phrase “incorrect results” in
List cannot be carte blanche to add checks where we are afraid the
programmer might have made an error even if we cannot prove one; that
would be just officious mind-reading.

I don’t know whose side this favors more, but I think we all can agree
that a careful and disciplined reading of the spec. will sort us out,
and that a narrow construction of the spec. evidence is probably safer
than a broad one.

Final point: Since the CME spec. says it is a best-effort bug
detection, we have nothing to lose from removing CME throws, if
consistency is the most important goal.  Adding new CME throws surely
must be justified by a careful, conservative reading of the existing
spec., which is what I have tried to provide in this note.

— John

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-20 Thread Peter Levart

On 05/20/18 00:54, John Rose wrote:

The phrase “incorrect results” in
List cannot be carte blanche to add checks where we are afraid the
programmer might have made an error even if we cannot prove one; that
would be just officious mind-reading.


I'm all for adding checks that prevent programming errors, but not for 
the price of preventing a legal and perfectly logical usecase, such as 
the one Martin has demonstrated.

Regards, Peter

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-19 Thread John Rose
On May 19, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> I like thinking of ArrayList as just an optimized HashMap, Lua-style, and
> HashMap.replaceAll also does not increment modCount, supporting our
> "structural modification" position.
> The thing that bothers me most about the status quo is the *inconsistency*
> - between root list and subList, between default implementation and
> concrete implementation, and between ArrayList and HashMap.  And there
> seems to be no reason for users to expect any such inconsistency.

FWIW my $0.02.

Sadly I don’t have time to read this whole CME thread, but it seems to
me that the written spec. has to lead here, not the de facto spec. of
how stuff throws CME today.

And we have to start with the javadoc in  Sadly, it is more
allusive than definitive but we have to work with what we have.  When
read closely, as if it were a true spec instead of a mere handful of
examples, supports a pretty narrow interpretation of when CME can be

A. When race conditions are detected (not done today at all, but would
be with thread-confined data!).

B. When a backing collection is modified between calls to an iterator
over it.

C. Overlapping cases A and B, when an iterator may experience
“arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior” at some later point.  (This
points, at least, to dangling pointers to inactive backing storage
after a resize, and also to buffering of values in the iterator which
duplicates the backing state.)

D. Finally, a catch-all “sequence of method invocations that violates
the contract of an object”.

The catch-all case D has (maybe) been treated as grounds for adding
lots of additional ad hoc checks in various implementations, but (to
follow the written spec) those ad hoc checks must be clearly
documented as “violating the contract of the object”.  And that means
that the object itself, in its subclass, must have documented a
contract that could be violated by an invalid sequence of calls to
various methods on that object.

At the same time, List (for example) is a very general-purpose object
and as such has a very simple (I’d say “categorical”) contract.  A
subtype of List might have a more rigorous contact and throw more CMEs
but the default for List as a whole the criteria should be as narrow
as possible, subject to the goals A, B, C, above.

This CME thread (the parts on the side of more CMEs) appeals to the
List specification where it says “otherwise perturb it in such a
fashion that iterations in progress may yield incorrect results”,
saying that when we spot a result that seems obviously incorrect, we
are permitted to throw a CME.

But I think in order to follow the spec. we need to insist that the
phrase “incorrect results” has a definite and documented meaning, or
else that it refers (as does) to some hypothetical subtype of
List that has additional contracts.  The phrase “incorrect results” in
List cannot be carte blanche to add checks where we are afraid the
programmer might have made an error even if we cannot prove one; that
would be just officious mind-reading.

I don’t know whose side this favors more, but I think we all can agree
that a careful and disciplined reading of the spec. will sort us out,
and that a narrow construction of the spec. evidence is probably safer
than a broad one.

Final point: Since the CME spec. says it is a best-effort bug
detection, we have nothing to lose from removing CME throws, if
consistency is the most important goal.  Adding new CME throws surely
must be justified by a careful, conservative reading of the existing
spec., which is what I have tried to provide in this note.

— John

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-19 Thread Martin Buchholz
I like thinking of ArrayList as just an optimized HashMap, Lua-style, and
HashMap.replaceAll also does not increment modCount, supporting our
"structural modification" position.

The thing that bothers me most about the status quo is the *inconsistency*
- between root list and subList, between default implementation and
concrete implementation, and between ArrayList and HashMap.  And there
seems to be no reason for users to expect any such inconsistency.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-19 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 4:30 PM, joe darcy  wrote:

> Hello,
> On 5/17/2018 8:51 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>> Given that the replaceAll methods have incremented modCount since they
> were introduced in JDK 8, changing that behavior in widely-used classes
> merits a CSR to be filed for JDK 11.

OK, we can file a CSR but we should achieve "rough consensus" first.

> The modCount aspect of the changeset could be split out if you want to
> proceed with the rest.

I'll do that if consensus remains elusive.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-19 Thread David Holmes
Sorry Paul but all this does is endorse the second camp: they want 
structural and content modifications to trigger CME. Further it assumes 
that doing a replaceAll while an iterator is active is always an error 
which need not be the case. CME is about the safety of the 
implementation, not the semantics of concurrent observation.

Also it is not just a "belief" that CME is only for structural 
modifications on ArrayList, it is clearly specified as such.


On 19/05/2018 7:25 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:


My CME budget is definitely in the red now :-) but i would like to attempt to 
summarize the different positions and suggest a solution. If that does not get 
traction i believe a graceful retreat is in order.

We appear to be in two different philosophical camps with regards to the 
interpretation of modCount (i suspect what both camps believe is compatible 
with what CME specifies [*]).

One camp believes AbstractList.modCount should only (on a best-effort basis) be 
incremented on structural modifications that change the size (even if the size 
change cannot be externally observed, like the example Doug presents).

The other camp believes there are other forms of modification that perturb the 
list leading to incorrect results since those forms can affect yet to be 
traversed elements. It is argued that bulk operations such as replaceAll and 
sort fit in this category, regardless of the implementation.

I hope that is an accurate representation, and if that is so here is a rough 
proposal bring those camps together. The specification of AbstractList.modCount 
could be modified as follows:

  * The number of times this list has been structurally modified
  * or globally modified.
  * Structural modifications are those that change the size of the
  * list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in
  * progress may yield incorrect results.
  * Global modifications are those where the size may not change but the
  * list is perturbed as a whole in such a fashion that iterations in progress
  * may yield incorrect results.



[*] on CME
* Note that this exception does not always indicate that an object has
* been concurrently modified by a different thread.  If a single
* thread issues a sequence of method invocations that violates the
* contract of an object, the object may throw this exception.  For
* example, if a thread modifies a collection directly while it is
* iterating over the collection with a fail-fast iterator, the iterator
* will throw this exception.
* Note that fail-fast behavior cannot be guaranteed as it is, generally
* speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of
* unsynchronized concurrent modification.  Fail-fast operations
* throw {@code ConcurrentModificationException} on a best-effort basis.
* Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this
* exception for its correctness: {@code ConcurrentModificationException}
* should be used only to detect bugs.

On May 16, 2018, at 4:04 PM, Doug Lea  wrote:

Sorry Stuart, but I'm joining the no-modCount barrage.
To pick on the main issue...

On 05/16/2018 05:21 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

Suppose that a replaceAll() on another thread occurs, and that this is
allowed. Does the application care whether the eventual printout
contains partly new values and partly old values? How can you tell? It
seems to me that this is more likely a programming error than a valid
use case.

There are many data-races that are never detected via CME. CME was
designed to trap only some of them (and even at that, only heuristically
because modCount operations are not strictly ordered). ModCount
mechanics only deal with insertions and removals. Failing to catch a
race in replaceAll is no different than failing to catch one with
multiple concurrent setValues. It might be "nice" to adjust modCount on
any operation that might contribute to a datarace, but no reason to
single out replaceAll.

Having said this, I don't think that anything in the spec (vs default
implementation) prohibits an implementation of replaceAll from removing
and then re-inserting each element, in which case an implementation
would modify modCounts.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-18 Thread joe darcy


On 5/17/2018 8:51 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
I owe all of you replies on this, but I don't have time to continue 
the discussion, and I suspect you all want to get on with things.

Let me have a quick chat with Paul tomorrow and then I'll propose a 
path forward.

I've spoken about this proposed change with Stuart and Paul.

Given that the replaceAll methods have incremented modCount since they 
were introduced in JDK 8, changing that behavior in widely-used classes 
merits a CSR to be filed for JDK 11.

The modCount aspect of the changeset could be split out if you want to 
proceed with the rest.

Separately, it would be worthwhile to have a general discussion and 
review of the desired semantics for modCount and consistency of the 
various replaceAll implementations, including reviewing Map.replaceAll​.



Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-18 Thread Paul Sandoz

My CME budget is definitely in the red now :-) but i would like to attempt to 
summarize the different positions and suggest a solution. If that does not get 
traction i believe a graceful retreat is in order.  

We appear to be in two different philosophical camps with regards to the 
interpretation of modCount (i suspect what both camps believe is compatible 
with what CME specifies [*]).

One camp believes AbstractList.modCount should only (on a best-effort basis) be 
incremented on structural modifications that change the size (even if the size 
change cannot be externally observed, like the example Doug presents).

The other camp believes there are other forms of modification that perturb the 
list leading to incorrect results since those forms can affect yet to be 
traversed elements. It is argued that bulk operations such as replaceAll and 
sort fit in this category, regardless of the implementation.

I hope that is an accurate representation, and if that is so here is a rough 
proposal bring those camps together. The specification of AbstractList.modCount 
could be modified as follows:

 * The number of times this list has been structurally modified
 * or globally modified.
 * Structural modifications are those that change the size of the
 * list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in
 * progress may yield incorrect results.
 * Global modifications are those where the size may not change but the 
 * list is perturbed as a whole in such a fashion that iterations in progress 
 * may yield incorrect results.



[*] on CME
* Note that this exception does not always indicate that an object has
* been concurrently modified by a different thread.  If a single
* thread issues a sequence of method invocations that violates the
* contract of an object, the object may throw this exception.  For
* example, if a thread modifies a collection directly while it is
* iterating over the collection with a fail-fast iterator, the iterator
* will throw this exception.
* Note that fail-fast behavior cannot be guaranteed as it is, generally
* speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of
* unsynchronized concurrent modification.  Fail-fast operations
* throw {@code ConcurrentModificationException} on a best-effort basis.
* Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this
* exception for its correctness: {@code ConcurrentModificationException}
* should be used only to detect bugs.

> On May 16, 2018, at 4:04 PM, Doug Lea  wrote:
> Sorry Stuart, but I'm joining the no-modCount barrage.
> To pick on the main issue...
> On 05/16/2018 05:21 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>> Suppose that a replaceAll() on another thread occurs, and that this is
>> allowed. Does the application care whether the eventual printout
>> contains partly new values and partly old values? How can you tell? It
>> seems to me that this is more likely a programming error than a valid
>> use case.
> There are many data-races that are never detected via CME. CME was
> designed to trap only some of them (and even at that, only heuristically
> because modCount operations are not strictly ordered). ModCount
> mechanics only deal with insertions and removals. Failing to catch a
> race in replaceAll is no different than failing to catch one with
> multiple concurrent setValues. It might be "nice" to adjust modCount on
> any operation that might contribute to a datarace, but no reason to
> single out replaceAll.
> Having said this, I don't think that anything in the spec (vs default
> implementation) prohibits an implementation of replaceAll from removing
> and then re-inserting each element, in which case an implementation
> would modify modCounts.
> -Doug

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-17 Thread Stuart Marks
I owe all of you replies on this, but I don't have time to continue the 
discussion, and I suspect you all want to get on with things.

Let me have a quick chat with Paul tomorrow and then I'll propose a path 


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread Doug Lea

Sorry Stuart, but I'm joining the no-modCount barrage.
To pick on the main issue...

On 05/16/2018 05:21 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:

> Suppose that a replaceAll() on another thread occurs, and that this is
> allowed. Does the application care whether the eventual printout
> contains partly new values and partly old values? How can you tell? It
> seems to me that this is more likely a programming error than a valid
> use case.

There are many data-races that are never detected via CME. CME was
designed to trap only some of them (and even at that, only heuristically
because modCount operations are not strictly ordered). ModCount
mechanics only deal with insertions and removals. Failing to catch a
race in replaceAll is no different than failing to catch one with
multiple concurrent setValues. It might be "nice" to adjust modCount on
any operation that might contribute to a datarace, but no reason to
single out replaceAll.

Having said this, I don't think that anything in the spec (vs default
implementation) prohibits an implementation of replaceAll from removing
and then re-inserting each element, in which case an implementation
would modify modCounts.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread David Holmes

On 17/05/2018 4:25 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 5/15/18 7:37 PM, David Holmes wrote:
I'm still with Martin on this. It makes no sense to me to allow 
replacing one element to not cause CME, but replacing more than one 
does cause CME. This is inconsistent and confusing and the end result 
is the programmer won't know what to expect when or why.

This is the fallacy of composition, that if a single operation has some 
property, then an arbitrary composition of those operations must also 
have that property. This is decidedly not true for many things. Consider 
atomicity for example. My claim is that the setting of an individual 
element is qualitatively different from a bulk operation.

No it's not "the fallacy of composition". Just because some operations 
can not compose it does not follow that no operations can ever compose.

The original intent of CME, from my recollections back in 
lead-up-to-Java-5 days, was to prevent iterators from breaking i.e. 
throwing exceptions, due to the occurrence of the "concurrent" 
operation that changed the structure. It was not intended as an 
indicator of a semantic programming error. Replacing one element 
whilst there is a live iterator can be just as semantically wrong as 
replacing them all.

CME, iterators, and the fail-fast concept were introduced in JDK 1.2 

Yes but believe me it was discussed a LOT when we introduced the 
concurrency utilities! :)

with the Collections Framework. The platform has evolved a LOT since 
then, so I don't think it's worthwhile to make a stand on original 

That seems an attempt at legitimising straying from the original intent, 
rather than recognizing that straying away from that intent should have 
been considered a bug.

Besides, ArrayList clearly documents that original intent: "if the list 
is structurally modified ...".

The wording around CME and fail-fast is very pragmatic, so it 
sense to be pragmatic about this issue.

I think I am being pragmatic. A change in content is not a change in 
structure. CME is inappropriate in such circumstances IMHO.

It seems to me that inconsistencies have been allowed to creep in wrt. 
concurrent "modifications" and throwing CME. Now that is recognized we 
have the dilemma of undoing past mistakes or embracing a stronger 
(undocumented) notion of "concurrent modification" and applying it 
uniformly. Neither path is smooth unfortunately.



Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:21 PM, Stuart Marks 

> On 5/15/18 8:02 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> How many times the lock is acquired is an implementation detail, a
>> non-obvious tradeoff even.
>> vector.replaceAll holds the lock throughout, but vector.subList(0,
>> size).replaceAll holds the lock for each element (sigh ... racily (really a
>> bug!)).
> In Vector's case it's specified, not an implementation detail. You can't
> perform certain bulk operations on a Vector without holding the lock
> externally.

What is specified?  Vector is synchronized, but it's unspecified whether
external synchronization via synchronized (vector) {...} works

Vector.replaceAll simply inherits spec from List.replaceAll - it seems
unspecified whether bulk operations like replaceAll on Vector are atomic.
(In fact they are not atomic on the subList).

> Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task
>> that
>> optimizes all the elements of a Vector
>> vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
>> That should not break any iterations in progress.
>> I don't think it's possible to do that correctly without holding a
>> lock
>> around the entire iteration.
>> I don't see why.
>> If the lock is held, CME can't occur, as a concurrent replaceAll()
>> will
>> occur before or after the iteration, never in the middle.
>> I don't see why - iteration is inherently non-atomic, so replaceAll could
>> be called in the middle.
>> If an iteration over a Vector doesn't hold a lock, any
>> read-modify-write
>> operations (consider a loop with a ListIterator on which set() is
>> called)
>> can be interleaved with bulk operations (like replaceAll) which is
>> clearly
>> incorrect. In such cases, CME should be thrown.
>> Imagine your iterators are all read-only, and don't care whether they see
>> an element or its replacement.
> You're imagining an incredibly narrow use case. You're choosing Vector,
> not ArrayList; the replaceAll() operation must an optimization that doesn't
> affect the semantics of the object (say, the outcome of any logic); the
> iteration must be read-only, not read-modify-write; and the logic within
> the iteration "doesn't care" whether it gets old or new values.
> I don't find it compelling that it's possible to imagine such a case. Most
> code won't conform to it. And in fact it's really hard to tell whether it
> does.
> Consider an example like this:
> for (T t : vectorOfT) {
> print(t);
> }
> Suppose that a replaceAll() on another thread occurs, and that this is
> allowed. Does the application care whether the eventual printout contains
> partly new values and partly old values? How can you tell? It seems to me
> that this is more likely a programming error than a valid use case.

Vector is unloved and there are few good uses for it at all - the List
interface is concurrency-hostile.  BUT one good use case for concurrency
here seems to be when there are no structural modifications, when an index
unambiguously identifies a "place".  Sort of like AtomicReferenceArray.  We
could aim towards making Vector and AtomicReferenceArray and
ConcurrentHashMap more useful and cross-compatible (e.g.

> Also, this use case cannot be written today, because CME is thrown.
>> ??  Imagine there's only one writer thread, with some Iterating reader
>> threads.  Every midnight, the writer thread optimizes all the elements
>>for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vector.set(i, optimized(vector.get(i))
>> This code has worked well since the '90s without CME.  One day the
>> maintainer notices shiny new Vector.replaceAll and "fixes" the code.
>> """It's perfectly safe""".
>> The CME is rare and so only caught when the maintainer has gone on to the
>> next job.  The CMEs only happen at midnight!
> By "cannot be written today" I mean that the following:
> for (T t: arrayList) {
> if (condition) {
> list.replaceAll();
> }
> }
> has ALWAYS thrown CME, since the introduction of replaceAll().

But that's a bug (!) and the variant below has never thrown CME, and I
don't want to compound the existing bug.

for (T t: arrayList) {
if (condition) {
list.subList(0, list.size()).replaceAll();

Sure, there are cases such as you describe where CME gets thrown only
> rarely. That's preferable to getting incorrect results equally rarely.
> That's the point of fail-fast.
> **
> (subsequent email)
> (We don't seem to be moving towards consensus ...)
> Apparently
> At the very least, having replaceAll increment modCount (inconsistently!)
>> is surprising to users and is not documented anywhere.
> Maybe it should be documented then.
> **
> Why are you placing so much emphasis on *removing* the CME behavior? It's
> been this way since Java 8 was delivered. Is this causing a probl

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread Stuart Marks

On 5/15/18 8:02 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

How many times the lock is acquired is an implementation detail, a non-obvious 
tradeoff even.
vector.replaceAll holds the lock throughout, but vector.subList(0, 
size).replaceAll holds the lock for each element (sigh ... racily (really a bug!)).

In Vector's case it's specified, not an implementation detail. You can't perform 
certain bulk operations on a Vector without holding the lock externally.

Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task that
optimizes all the elements of a Vector
vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
That should not break any iterations in progress.

I don't think it's possible to do that correctly without holding a lock
around the entire iteration.

I don't see why.

If the lock is held, CME can't occur, as a concurrent replaceAll() will
occur before or after the iteration, never in the middle.

I don't see why - iteration is inherently non-atomic, so replaceAll could be 
called in the middle.

If an iteration over a Vector doesn't hold a lock, any read-modify-write
operations (consider a loop with a ListIterator on which set() is called)
can be interleaved with bulk operations (like replaceAll) which is clearly
incorrect. In such cases, CME should be thrown.

Imagine your iterators are all read-only, and don't care whether they see an 
element or its replacement.

You're imagining an incredibly narrow use case. You're choosing Vector, not 
ArrayList; the replaceAll() operation must an optimization that doesn't affect 
the semantics of the object (say, the outcome of any logic); the iteration must 
be read-only, not read-modify-write; and the logic within the iteration "doesn't 
care" whether it gets old or new values.

I don't find it compelling that it's possible to imagine such a case. Most code 
won't conform to it. And in fact it's really hard to tell whether it does.

Consider an example like this:

for (T t : vectorOfT) {

Suppose that a replaceAll() on another thread occurs, and that this is allowed. 
Does the application care whether the eventual printout contains partly new 
values and partly old values? How can you tell? It seems to me that this is more 
likely a programming error than a valid use case.

Also, this use case cannot be written today, because CME is thrown.

??  Imagine there's only one writer thread, with some Iterating reader threads.  
Every midnight, the writer thread optimizes all the elements

   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vector.set(i, optimized(vector.get(i))
This code has worked well since the '90s without CME.  One day the maintainer 
notices shiny new Vector.replaceAll and "fixes" the code.

"""It's perfectly safe""".
The CME is rare and so only caught when the maintainer has gone on to the next 
job.  The CMEs only happen at midnight!

By "cannot be written today" I mean that the following:

for (T t: arrayList) {
if (condition) {

has ALWAYS thrown CME, since the introduction of replaceAll().

Sure, there are cases such as you describe where CME gets thrown only rarely. 
That's preferable to getting incorrect results equally rarely. That's the point 
of fail-fast.


(subsequent email)

(We don't seem to be moving towards consensus ...)


At the very least, having replaceAll increment modCount (inconsistently!) is 
surprising to users and is not documented anywhere.

Maybe it should be documented then.


Why are you placing so much emphasis on *removing* the CME behavior? It's been 
this way since Java 8 was delivered. Is this causing a problem? What will be 
solved by removing it?


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Stuart Marks 

> On 5/15/18 7:37 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> I'm still with Martin on this. It makes no sense to me to allow replacing
>> one element to not cause CME, but replacing more than one does cause CME.
>> This is inconsistent and confusing and the end result is the programmer
>> won't know what to expect when or why.
> This is the fallacy of composition, that if a single operation has some
> property, then an arbitrary composition of those operations must also have
> that property. This is decidedly not true for many things. Consider
> atomicity for example. My claim is that the setting of an individual
> element is qualitatively different from a bulk operation.

(We don't seem to be moving towards consensus ...)

atomicity is "obviously" a non-composable property of an operation, but
contrarily "does not modify" is "obviously" composable.

Having replaceAll increment modCount is almost as wrong as having forEach
increment modCount, even though """forEach is qualitatively different from

Incrementing modCount is introducing a subtle race into plausible user code
that would otherwise be correct.

At the very least, having replaceAll increment modCount (inconsistently!)
is surprising to users and is not documented anywhere.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-16 Thread Stuart Marks

On 5/15/18 7:37 PM, David Holmes wrote:
I'm still with Martin on this. It makes no sense to me to allow replacing one 
element to not cause CME, but replacing more than one does cause CME. This is 
inconsistent and confusing and the end result is the programmer won't know what 
to expect when or why.

This is the fallacy of composition, that if a single operation has some 
property, then an arbitrary composition of those operations must also have that 
property. This is decidedly not true for many things. Consider atomicity for 
example. My claim is that the setting of an individual element is qualitatively 
different from a bulk operation.

The original intent of CME, from my recollections back in lead-up-to-Java-5 
days, was to prevent iterators from breaking i.e. throwing exceptions, due to 
the occurrence of the "concurrent" operation that changed the structure. It was 
not intended as an indicator of a semantic programming error. Replacing one 
element whilst there is a live iterator can be just as semantically wrong as 
replacing them all.

CME, iterators, and the fail-fast concept were introduced in JDK 1.2 with the 
Collections Framework. The platform has evolved a LOT since then, so I don't 
think it's worthwhile to make a stand on original intent. The wording around CME 
and fail-fast is very pragmatic, so it sense to be pragmatic about this issue.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 5:34 PM, Stuart Marks 


> Bringing replaceAll() to the public API exposes it as a single operation,
> with its own semantics.

> Note that Vector.replaceAll() holds the lock for the entire operation, not
> merely around individual set() operations. It really is different from
> performing individual set() operations.

How many times the lock is acquired is an implementation detail, a
non-obvious tradeoff even.
vector.replaceAll holds the lock throughout, but vector.subList(0,
size).replaceAll holds the lock for each element (sigh ... racily (really a

> Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task that
>> optimizes all the elements of a Vector
>> vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
>> That should not break any iterations in progress.
> I don't think it's possible to do that correctly without holding a lock
> around the entire iteration.

I don't see why.

> If the lock is held, CME can't occur, as a concurrent replaceAll() will
> occur before or after the iteration, never in the middle.
I don't see why - iteration is inherently non-atomic, so replaceAll could
be called in the middle.

> If an iteration over a Vector doesn't hold a lock, any read-modify-write
> operations (consider a loop with a ListIterator on which set() is called)
> can be interleaved with bulk operations (like replaceAll) which is clearly
> incorrect. In such cases, CME should be thrown.
Imagine your iterators are all read-only, and don't care whether they see
an element or its replacement.

> Also, this use case cannot be written today, because CME is thrown.

??  Imagine there's only one writer thread, with some Iterating reader
threads.  Every midnight, the writer thread optimizes all the elements
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vector.set(i, optimized(vector.get(i))
This code has worked well since the '90s without CME.  One day the
maintainer notices shiny new Vector.replaceAll and "fixes" the code.
"""It's perfectly safe""".
The CME is rare and so only caught when the maintainer has gone on to the
next job.  The CMEs only happen at midnight!

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread David Holmes
I'm still with Martin on this. It makes no sense to me to allow 
replacing one element to not cause CME, but replacing more than one does 
cause CME. This is inconsistent and confusing and the end result is the 
programmer won't know what to expect when or why.

The original intent of CME, from my recollections back in 
lead-up-to-Java-5 days, was to prevent iterators from breaking i.e. 
throwing exceptions, due to the occurrence of the "concurrent" operation 
that changed the structure. It was not intended as an indicator of a 
semantic programming error. Replacing one element whilst there is a live 
iterator can be just as semantically wrong as replacing them all.


On 16/05/2018 10:34 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:

(TL;DR - replaceAll incrementing modCount is a bug.)

I acknowledge that statement is the one in dispute.

Hmmm ... my previous convincing arguments have failed to convince ?!

Your argument above applies to List.set just as much as 
List.repladeAll, because the latter is nothing more semantically than 
a bunch of calls to the former. They should have the same behavior.  
Not having the same behavior leads to inconsistency, seen today in 
subList operations on ArrayList and Vector having different modCount 
behavior than on the root list.

Right, I read those arguments, and I'm not convinced.

Just because an individual operation has some characteristic doesn't 
necessarily imply that an aggregate operation must have the same 
characteristic. (This is variously called a fallacy of composition, or 
in U.S. tax law, the step transaction doctrine.)

Bringing replaceAll() to the public API exposes it as a single 
operation, with its own semantics. Note that Vector.replaceAll() holds 
the lock for the entire operation, not merely around individual set() 
operations. It really is different from performing individual set() 

Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task that 
optimizes all the elements of a Vector

vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
That should not break any iterations in progress.

I don't think it's possible to do that correctly without holding a lock 
around the entire iteration. If the lock is held, CME can't occur, as a 
concurrent replaceAll() will occur before or after the iteration, never 
in the middle.

If an iteration over a Vector doesn't hold a lock, any read-modify-write 
operations (consider a loop with a ListIterator on which set() is 
called) can be interleaved with bulk operations (like replaceAll) which 
is clearly incorrect. In such cases, CME should be thrown.

Also, this use case cannot be written today, because CME is thrown. I'm 
not aware of an actual use case that's been prevented because CME is 
thrown. Of course, as API designers we have to anticipate needs and not 
just react to complaints. My view of this kind of situation 
(interleaving of bulk operation(s) with an iteration loop) is much more 
likely to be a programming error than an actual use case.

To strengthen that, the default method List.replaceAll is specified to 
be equivalent to

 final ListIterator li = list.listIterator();
 while (li.hasNext()) {

and incrementing modCount breaks "equivalent to".

Note carefully: that is an "Implementation Requirement" on the default 
implementation of List.replaceAll(). It doesn't govern implementations 
in implementing classes such as ArrayList.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread Stuart Marks

(TL;DR - replaceAll incrementing modCount is a bug.)

I acknowledge that statement is the one in dispute.

Hmmm ... my previous convincing arguments have failed to convince ?!

Your argument above applies to List.set just as much as List.repladeAll, because 
the latter is nothing more semantically than a bunch of calls to the former.  
They should have the same behavior.  Not having the same behavior leads to 
inconsistency, seen today in subList operations on ArrayList and Vector having 
different modCount behavior than on the root list.

Right, I read those arguments, and I'm not convinced.

Just because an individual operation has some characteristic doesn't necessarily 
imply that an aggregate operation must have the same characteristic. (This is 
variously called a fallacy of composition, or in U.S. tax law, the step 
transaction doctrine.)

Bringing replaceAll() to the public API exposes it as a single operation, with 
its own semantics. Note that Vector.replaceAll() holds the lock for the entire 
operation, not merely around individual set() operations. It really is different 
from performing individual set() operations.

Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task that optimizes 
all the elements of a Vector

vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
That should not break any iterations in progress.

I don't think it's possible to do that correctly without holding a lock around 
the entire iteration. If the lock is held, CME can't occur, as a concurrent 
replaceAll() will occur before or after the iteration, never in the middle.

If an iteration over a Vector doesn't hold a lock, any read-modify-write 
operations (consider a loop with a ListIterator on which set() is called) can be 
interleaved with bulk operations (like replaceAll) which is clearly incorrect. 
In such cases, CME should be thrown.

Also, this use case cannot be written today, because CME is thrown. I'm not 
aware of an actual use case that's been prevented because CME is thrown. Of 
course, as API designers we have to anticipate needs and not just react to 
complaints. My view of this kind of situation (interleaving of bulk operation(s) 
with an iteration loop) is much more likely to be a programming error than an 
actual use case.

To strengthen that, the default method List.replaceAll is specified to be equivalent to 

 final ListIterator li = list.listIterator();
 while (li.hasNext()) {

and incrementing modCount breaks "equivalent to".

Note carefully: that is an "Implementation Requirement" on the default 
implementation of List.replaceAll(). It doesn't govern implementations in 
implementing classes such as ArrayList.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 11:35 AM, Martin Buchholz 

> Your argument above applies to List.set just as much as List.repladeAll,
> because the latter is nothing more semantically than a bunch of calls to
> the former.  They should have the same behavior.  Not having the same
> behavior leads to inconsistency, seen today in subList operations on
> ArrayList and Vector having different modCount behavior than on the root
> list.

To strengthen that, the default method List.replaceAll is *specified* to be
equivalent to

 final ListIterator li = list.listIterator();
 while (li.hasNext()) {
and incrementing modCount breaks "equivalent to"

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:19 AM, Stuart Marks 

> I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work
>> since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” 
>> basis
>> and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might 
>> help.
>> Spec says:
>> """protected transient int modCount
>> The number of times this list has been structurally modified.
>> Structural modifications are those that change the size of the list, or
>> otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may
>> yield incorrect results."""
>> replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.
> Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in
> progress may yield incorrect results”.
> Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i)
> which is also not a structural modification.
 I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside)
 the bulk operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of
 the modCount definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet
 to be traversed elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track
 down bugs that CMEs are designed to help flag.
 I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to
 agree to disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I
 would prefer it remains but it's your call.

>>> FWIW I agree with Martin - sorry Paul :)
>> That’s ok. Its clear i am out numbered here, and overspent my budget on
>> debating CME for the month :-)
> Don't give up so quickly, Paul. :-)
> I remember working on the bulk operations back in JDK 8 (with Mike
> Duigou?) and we discussed the issue of bulk operations vs. concurrent
> modification.
> Even though operations like replaceAll() and sort() don't "structurally
> modify" the list, our interpretation was that they did perturb in-progress
> iterations. These operations potentially change every element, thus an
> in-progress iteration is likely to observe some unspecified mixture of the
> "before" and "after" states of the list. That sounds like a programming
> error. The intent of CME is to prevent programming errors, so we focused on
> that instead of on "structural modification." The "perturb" clause seemed
> to cover this behavior, so we left that part of the spec unchanged.
> Note that in JDK 8, both ArrayList's and Vector's replaceAll() both will
> cause CME to be thrown by an in-progress iteration. I think the onus should
> be on Martin to show why replaceAll() should no longer trigger CME.
(TL;DR - replaceAll incrementing modCount is a bug.)

Hmmm ... my previous convincing arguments have failed to convince ?!

Your argument above applies to List.set just as much as List.repladeAll,
because the latter is nothing more semantically than a bunch of calls to
the former.  They should have the same behavior.  Not having the same
behavior leads to inconsistency, seen today in subList operations on
ArrayList and Vector having different modCount behavior than on the root

Again, imagine this use case: there is a periodic background task that
optimizes all the elements of a Vector
vector.replaceAll(x -> optimized(x))
That should not break any iterations in progress.

(I also lean to removing the modCount increment in sort, but there the
argument is much weaker, since that likely WILL perturb any iteration in

> An alternative would be to adjust the specification of modCount to clarify
> that it accommodates bulk modifications that aren't strictly structural
> modifications.
> s'marks

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-15 Thread Stuart Marks

I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work since 
we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis and if 
it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.

Spec says:

"""protected transient int modCount

The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural modifications are 
those that change the size of the list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that 
iterations in progress may yield incorrect results."""

replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.

Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may 
yield incorrect results”.

Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which is 
also not a structural modification.

I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside) the bulk 
operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of the modCount 
definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet to be traversed 
elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track down bugs that CMEs 
are designed to help flag.
I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to agree to 
disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I would prefer it 
remains but it's your call.

FWIW I agree with Martin - sorry Paul :)

That’s ok. Its clear i am out numbered here, and overspent my budget on 
debating CME for the month :-)

Don't give up so quickly, Paul. :-)

I remember working on the bulk operations back in JDK 8 (with Mike Duigou?) and 
we discussed the issue of bulk operations vs. concurrent modification.

Even though operations like replaceAll() and sort() don't "structurally modify" 
the list, our interpretation was that they did perturb in-progress iterations. 
These operations potentially change every element, thus an in-progress iteration 
is likely to observe some unspecified mixture of the "before" and "after" states 
of the list. That sounds like a programming error. The intent of CME is to 
prevent programming errors, so we focused on that instead of on "structural 
modification." The "perturb" clause seemed to cover this behavior, so we left 
that part of the spec unchanged.

Note that in JDK 8, both ArrayList's and Vector's replaceAll() both will cause 
CME to be thrown by an in-progress iteration. I think the onus should be on 
Martin to show why replaceAll() should no longer trigger CME.

An alternative would be to adjust the specification of modCount to clarify that 
it accommodates bulk modifications that aren't strictly structural modifications.


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Paul Sandoz

> On May 14, 2018, at 5:51 PM, David Holmes  wrote:
> On 15/05/2018 7:56 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> On May 14, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Paul Sandoz >> > wrote:
 On May 14, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Martin Buchholz >>> > wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz >>> > wrote:
> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which 
> is cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, 
> and this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list 
> (just like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the 
> middle of iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances 
> rather than be silent.
> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, 
> especially given its name, but that's different from the historical 
> behavior and design of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and 
> implementations is the biggest argument.
 I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work 
 since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” 
 basis and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it 
 might help.
 Spec says:
 """protected transient int modCount
 The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural 
 modifications are those that change the size of the list, or otherwise 
 perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield 
 incorrect results."""
 replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.
>>> Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress 
>>> may yield incorrect results”.
>>> Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which 
>>> is also not a structural modification.
>> I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside) the 
>> bulk operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of the 
>> modCount definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet to be 
>> traversed elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track down bugs 
>> that CMEs are designed to help flag.
>> I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to agree 
>> to disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I would 
>> prefer it remains but it's your call.
> FWIW I agree with Martin - sorry Paul :)

That’s ok. Its clear i am out numbered here, and overspent my budget on 
debating CME for the month :-) 


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread David Holmes

On 15/05/2018 7:56 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

On May 14, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Paul Sandoz>> wrote:

On May 14, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Martin Buchholz>> wrote:
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz>> wrote:

A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which is 
cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and this 
operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just like sort) 
causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of iterating. IMHO 
its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be silent.

It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, especially 
given its name, but that's different from the historical behavior and design of 
these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and implementations is the 
biggest argument.

I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work since 
we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis and if 
it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.

Spec says:

"""protected transient int modCount

The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural modifications are 
those that change the size of the list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that 
iterations in progress may yield incorrect results."""

replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.

Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may 
yield incorrect results”.

Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which is 
also not a structural modification.

I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside) the bulk 
operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of the modCount 
definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet to be traversed 
elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track down bugs that CMEs 
are designed to help flag.

I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to agree to 
disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I would prefer it 
remains but it's your call.

FWIW I agree with Martin - sorry Paul :) CME is not about changing the 
contents, it's about changing the structure.

I can also see the case for wanting operations that invalidate all 
existing iterators, but that's not how CME is defined.



For ArrayList and Vector in particular, List.replaceAll is as safe as 
And if there was a List implementation for which that was not the case, it 
would probably be a bug in replaceAll implementation.

Think ordinary array assignment or AtomicReferenceArray assignment.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Paul Sandoz

> On May 14, 2018, at 2:04 PM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Paul Sandoz  > wrote:
>> On May 14, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Martin Buchholz > > wrote:
>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz > > wrote:
>>> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
>>> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which 
>>> is cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and 
>>> this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just 
>>> like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of 
>>> iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be 
>>> silent.
>>> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, especially 
>>> given its name, but that's different from the historical behavior and 
>>> design of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and 
>>> implementations is the biggest argument. 
>> I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work 
>> since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis 
>> and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.
>> Spec says:
>> """protected transient int modCount
>> The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural 
>> modifications are those that change the size of the list, or otherwise 
>> perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield incorrect 
>> results."""
>> replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification. 
> Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may 
> yield incorrect results”.
> Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which 
> is also not a structural modification.

I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside) the bulk 
operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of the modCount 
definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet to be traversed 
elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track down bugs that CMEs 
are designed to help flag.

I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to agree to 
disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I would prefer it 
remains but it's your call.


> For ArrayList and Vector in particular, List.replaceAll is as safe as 
> List.set(int).
> And if there was a List implementation for which that was not the case, it 
> would probably be a bug in replaceAll implementation.
> Think ordinary array assignment or AtomicReferenceArray assignment.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 1:45 PM, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

> On May 14, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz 
> wrote:
>>> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications
>>> it could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification,
>>> which is cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual
>>> operations, and this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of
>>> the list (just like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in
>>> the middle of iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances
>>> rather than be silent.
>> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications,
>> especially given its name, but that's different from the historical
>> behavior and design of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and
>> implementations is the biggest argument.
>> I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work
>> since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis
>> and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.
> Spec says:
> """protected transient int modCount
> The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural
> modifications are those that change the size of the list, or otherwise
> perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield
> incorrect results."""
> replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.
> Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress
> may yield incorrect results”.

Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which
is also not a structural modification.
For ArrayList and Vector in particular, List.replaceAll is as safe as
And if there was a List implementation for which that was not the case, it
would probably be a bug in replaceAll implementation.

Think ordinary array assignment or AtomicReferenceArray assignment.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Paul Sandoz

> On May 14, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz  > wrote:
>> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
>> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which is 
>> cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and 
>> this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just 
>> like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of 
>> iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be 
>> silent.
>> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, especially 
>> given its name, but that's different from the historical behavior and design 
>> of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and implementations is the 
>> biggest argument. 
> I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work 
> since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis 
> and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.
> Spec says:
> """protected transient int modCount
> The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural 
> modifications are those that change the size of the list, or otherwise 
> perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield incorrect 
> results."""
> replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification. 

Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may 
yield incorrect results”.

> A user can semi-reasonably decide to call ArrayList.replaceAll while an 
> iteration is in progress (in the same thread).
> Or for Vector, imagine occasional gc-like vector.replaceAll(x -> 
> optimizedDropInReplacementFor(x))
> If we implicitly revised the definition of modCount, that seems like a bug to 
> me.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Paul Sandoz 

>> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it
>> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which
>> is cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and
>> this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just
>> like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of
>> iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be
>> silent.
> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications,
> especially given its name, but that's different from the historical
> behavior and design of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and
> implementations is the biggest argument.
> I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work
> since we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis
> and if it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.
Spec says:

"""protected transient int modCount

The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural
modifications are those that change the size of the list, or otherwise
perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may yield
incorrect results."""

replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.  A user can
semi-reasonably decide to call ArrayList.replaceAll while an iteration is
in progress (in the same thread).

Or for Vector, imagine occasional gc-like vector.replaceAll(x ->

If we implicitly revised the definition of modCount, that seems like a bug
to me.

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-14 Thread Paul Sandoz

> On May 11, 2018, at 9:33 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:06 AM, Paul Sandoz  > wrote:
>> On May 9, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Martin Buchholz > > wrote:
>> Time to do this, since Claes is also touching ArrayList.
>> 8202685: Improve ArrayList replaceAll
> —
>   @Override
>   public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) {
>   Objects.requireNonNull(operator);
>   final int expectedModCount = modCount;
>   final Object[] es = elementData;
> ! final int size = this.size;
> ! for (int i = 0; modCount == expectedModCount && i < size; i++)
>   es[i] = operator.apply(elementAt(es, i));
>   if (modCount != expectedModCount)
>   throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
> - modCount++;
>   }
> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which is 
> cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and this 
> operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just like 
> sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of 
> iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be 
> silent.
> It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, especially 
> given its name, but that's different from the historical behavior and design 
> of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and implementations is the 
> biggest argument. 

I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work since 
we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis and if 
it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.

> You can argue that the very idea of structural modifications was a bad idea, 
> but it's still there in 

> (Personally, I think checking for concurrent modification at all is not worth 
> the small improvement in safety)

I tend to agree, the cost of specifying and implementing is quite high (i have 
been saved once by this functionality).

>> 8201386: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-05
> PriorityQueue
> —
>  587 public E poll() {
>  588 final Object[] es;
>  589 final E result;
>  590 
>  591 if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {
>  592 modCount++;
>  593 final int n;
>  594 final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];
>  595 es[n] = null;
>  596 if (n > 0) {
>  597 final Comparator cmp;
>  598 if ((cmp = comparator) == null)
>  599 siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n);
>  600 else
>  601 siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp);
>  602 }
>  603 }
>  604 return result;
>  605 }
> Why inline the siftDown method?
> There is an effort here to remove gratuitous implementation differences 
> between PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue.  Maybe this one should go 
> the other way - refactor the corresponding code in PBQ into siftDown. But can 
> we trust the VM to not re-read the queue and size fields?

If it inlines it probably won’t :-)


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-11 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 9:06 AM, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

> On May 9, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> Time to do this, since Claes is also touching ArrayList.
> integration/overview.html
> 8202685: Improve ArrayList replaceAll
> integration/replaceAll/index.html
> —
>   @Override
>   public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) {
>   Objects.requireNonNull(operator);
>   final int expectedModCount = modCount;
>   final Object[] es = elementData;! final int size = 
> this.size;! for (int i = 0; modCount == expectedModCount && i < size; 
> i++)
>   es[i] = operator.apply(elementAt(es, i));
>   if (modCount != expectedModCount)
>   throw new ConcurrentModificationException();- 
> modCount++;
>   }
> A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it
> could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which
> is cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and
> this operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just
> like sort) causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of
> iterating. IMHO its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be
> silent.

It's tempting to treat modCount as a count of ALL modifications, especially
given its name, but that's different from the historical behavior and
design of these classes.  Consistency with existing spec and
implementations is the biggest argument.  You can argue that the very idea
of structural modifications was a bad idea, but it's still there in

(Personally, I think checking for concurrent modification at all is not
worth the small improvement in safety)

> 8201386: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-05
> integration/miscellaneous/index.html
> PriorityQueue
> —
>  587 public E poll() { 588 final Object[] es; 589 final E 
> result; 590  591 if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {
>  592 modCount++; 593 final int n; 594 
> final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)]; 595 es[n] = null; 596   
>   if (n > 0) { 597 final Comparator cmp; 598   
>   if ((cmp = comparator) == null) 599 
> siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n); 600 else 601 
> siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp); 602 } 603 }
>  604 return result;
>  605 }
> Why inline the siftDown method?

There is an effort here to remove gratuitous implementation differences
between PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue.  Maybe this one should go
the other way - refactor the corresponding code in PBQ into siftDown. But
can we trust the VM to not re-read the queue and size fields?

Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-11 Thread Paul Sandoz

> On May 9, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Martin Buchholz  wrote:
> Time to do this, since Claes is also touching ArrayList.
> 8202685: Improve ArrayList replaceAll
  public void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) {
  final int expectedModCount = modCount;
  final Object[] es = elementData;
! final int size = this.size;
! for (int i = 0; modCount == expectedModCount && i < size; i++)
  es[i] = operator.apply(elementAt(es, i));
  if (modCount != expectedModCount)
  throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
- modCount++;

A CME is not necessarily associated with just structural modifications it 
could, on a best effort basis, be associated with any modification, which is 
cheaper to do for bulk operations rather than individual operations, and this 
operation can be used to perturb all the elements of the list (just like sort) 
causing strange and hard to track bugs while in the middle of iterating. IMHO 
its better to fail under such circumstances rather than be silent.

> 8201386: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-05


 587 public E poll() {
 588 final Object[] es;
 589 final E result;
 591 if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {
 592 modCount++;
 593 final int n;
 594 final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];
 595 es[n] = null;
 596 if (n > 0) {
 597 final Comparator cmp;
 598 if ((cmp = comparator) == null)
 599 siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n);
 600 else
 601 siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp);
 602 }
 603 }
 604 return result;
 605 }

Why inline the siftDown method?


Re: RFR: jsr166 jdk integration 2018-05

2018-05-11 Thread Claes Redestad

On 2018-05-09 20:17, Martin Buchholz wrote:

8202685: Improve ArrayList replaceAll

This looks reasonable to me.

Removing modCount increments from replaceAll seems like the right call 
as it doesn't change the structure of the list (compare 
ArrayList#set(int, E))

