[crossfire] Improving IRC availability with a chat bridge

2019-01-30 Thread DraugTheWhopper
Hi all,

In the IRC there's been talk of making it easier to join and
contribute in the chat by setting up a bridge between the IRC channel
and another chat service. Both Slack and Discord have been mentioned
as possibilities. In the last 24 hours, I just set up a basic
functional bridge, so we know its possible, and that it works
relatively well. However, Nicholas pointed out (rightly so) that we
should proceed with caution, and ensure we get everything down pat
before we consider it finalized.

The Freenode policies (freenode.net/policies) state that to "publish
logs", we must follow several guidelines:

"If you operate a service that scrapes internal channel content or
publishes logs, always make sure to obtain permission from the channel
owner or freenode staff before you start publishing logs or other
data, and ensure that there is an easy way for projects to
opt-out later and to request removal of previously published logs or
data. You must respect the opt-out requests in a timely manner."

There appears to be no other specifics about operating bots or bridges
to other services.

So, with that being said, I understand that mwedel is the "official"
CF project manager, and Leaf is the IRC "owner". Could I get one or
both of you to weigh in with thoughts on whether this is something
that we want to do, and if so, what limitations should be imposed? In
particular, some things that should be addressed:

* Which bridge services should be acceptable
* Chat history retention time
* Either querying or notifying the "active people" on IRC to ensure they consent
* Moderation and regulating access to the Discord (will there be a
need to appoint moderators, for anti-spam or other reasons?)

Of course, input from all others is welcomed as well!

And now, my personal thoughts: I think that one of CF's greatest
problems is that of attracting and retaining new players. After all,
the bigger the community is, the more likely it is to survive, and
have active development. Currently, there are several issues that make
it more difficult for new players to pickup the game, enjoy it, and
join in the community, but one of those issues is that communication
is handled almost exclusively through ingame chat, IRC, and the
mailinglist. Unfortunately, the mailinglist web server is down, and
IRC is not a popular chat system these days, so new community members
find it difficult to engage using either of those methods. Many people
who play videogames are already familiar with other chat services, in
particular Discord, so I believe it would greatly increase the ability
for others to join if we had a bridge set up to such a service.

There are other things that I think it would help too, such as those
who do not have an IRC client running perpetually in a shell account,
or or those who would like to communicate using their smartphones
while away from their computer. For example, if my machine crashes, or
I reboot and forget to relaunch my IRC client, I may miss some hours
of discussions in chat, but with a service like Discord, I can access
it from any device, and simply scrollback to see what I missed.

There are certainly valid objections to be made, and so I would like
to hear what everyone has to say. One of the biggest items is that of
privacy, and rightly so. From my perspective, Discord as a company is
minimally different from that of Freenode, I have to trust them to
keep my chat history private, and to "not be evil". Some people may
take offense at Discord's desktop app being a bloated Electron-style
system, but remember, they also have mobile apps and a web interface
as well. And besides, for those who prefer IRC, this is merely a
bridge, not a replacement. Another common objection is that of stored
history; IRC traditionally has the feeling of being rather ephemeral.
I personally enjoy having all the scrollback on tap (and searchable),
possibly more so because I never really assume privacy on the internet
anyway. However, if the amount of material contained in the scrollback
becomes a problem, then there are certainly some solutions available,
depending on what chat platform we would be integrating with.


crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] building very old versions

2016-06-27 Thread DraugTheWhopper
> Use polymorph spell on the summoned pet until they morphed in to the

It took enough tries to get a hyperkobold that it usually helped to first
summon an entire "cloud" of pets, on the order of 15 or 20, so you could
polymorph half a dozen with one bolt.

Also, me and my brother (who also toyed with Linux in the day) could never
get much past level 20 or 30, since we weren't particularly smart players.
This may have been on a later version, but I also recall petering out
around 10 or 15 before we realized how to use the old restoration potions
(I think?) to counteract stat depletion.
crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] building very old versions

2016-06-27 Thread DraugTheWhopper
> A question would be what exactly are you looking for in those old
versions? The retro graphics, old maps, old gameplay, etc?

Like many things Linux, I cut my teeth on whatever was included with SuSE
7.2 Pro. I think it was something in the .90 era, probably color. Some

The layout of cfclient remains my favorite to this day. About the best
improvement since then was splitting the message window into high/low
priority. Sorry to whoever heads it up, I still can't bring myself to
stomach the JXclient.

The tileset was much more cohesive (than it is now), including the
environment, monsters, and items. The art style was simple, and the
isometric look was implemented well.

The gameplay was much different, even "twitchy". I'm sure this stems from
various reasons, including the metalforge-style melee balance, the lack of
latency when running the server on my own machine (no internet access back
in the day), and other quirks like spellcasting taking little or no time.
Regardless, I'd love to see a more responsive gameplay experience, although
I understand that there are such things as technical constraints and design

Polymorph. Just polymorph. Although there were some interesting exploits,
like polymorphing your pets until you got a hyper kobold.

crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Version bump request?

2014-12-28 Thread DraugTheWhopper
On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Kevin Zheng  wrote:

> On 12/27/14 18:38, DraugTheWhopper wrote:
> > Now that some more time has passed with (I assume) more mainline
> > changes, is there a chance of cutting a new release again? Wouldn't hurt
> > to have a Windoze release this time too, since it looks the last one may
> > have been at 1.60.
> The latest release is 1.71.0, available from SourceForge. For some
> reason the JXClient is stuck at 1.60, I'm not sure why.
> We haven't been keeping up with Windows builds for various reasons.
> Windows support in the GTKv2 client has greatly improved since the last
> build. You can find some experimental client binaries here:
> http://partmedia.users.sourceforge.net/
> They're not official because they're missing important pieces; in this
> particular client build it's because metaserver support is missing.
Thanks, I hadn't even checked SF. crossfire.real-time.com only lists the
new client for Linux, I assume this is leaf's responsibility?
crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Version bump request?

2014-12-27 Thread DraugTheWhopper
Now that some more time has passed with (I assume) more mainline changes,
is there a chance of cutting a new release again? Wouldn't hurt to have a
Windoze release this time too, since it looks the last one may have been at

More thoughts: What is the current dominant client? I heard someone say
once that GTKV2client had fallen by the wayside in favor of JXClient, but I
hope that's not the case, as I much prefer the cfclient layout, etc. Has
any thought been given to using GTK vs QT? Are there any thoughts on
portability to Wayland/Weston?


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Richard Tanner  wrote:

> On 3/31/14 1:47 AM, Mark Wedel wrote:
> >
> > I'm pretty sure I wrote a wiki doc on
> > the release process that describes all the steps.
> Yes, it was documented at:
> http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_release_guide
> And some info on release numbers:
> http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_release_cycle
> As always.. updates, clarifications and updates are always welcome.
> ___
> crossfire mailing list
> crossfire@metalforge.org
> http://mailman.metalforge.org/mailman/listinfo/crossfire
crossfire mailing list

Re: [crossfire] Game change proposals

2014-12-27 Thread DraugTheWhopper
> What about "mini-games"?
> For instance, instead of a mere lockpicking, you actually have to use the
> picks in the right order in a limited time to pick a lock - if you fail,
> you
> trigger the traps, of course.

Don't think I like this. Maybe as some people suggested about using a
minigame for important doors, but I don't think minigames are very
conducive to CF's atmosphere.

> What about changing alchemy (including the jeweler etc. variants)?
> For each formulae you start with a ~3% chance of success. You succeed? Get
> 3
> to 5 points. Failure? Get 0-1 point (failure is a valuable lesson, after
> all
> :)). Capped to ~90%. And maybe not giving global experience.
> What about random (ie player-dependant) parameters? You have more success
> during certain hours, or outside vs inside, or...?

Nice. I'm interested in ways to revamp crafting.

Then reduce the dropped items. I mean, so much junk!

All part of the fun! After all, real adventurers would need to wade through
corpses, body parts, and paraphernalia to find the valuables.

> Then, slowing (a lot) combat, making it more tactical. Instead of a zillion
> monsters, some hard to defeat monsters, where you can use all your skills
> and
> items, and attempt various combinations.
> Then various effects on weapons: stun, knock back, confuse, slow, etc.
> Reduce the zillion elemental attacks to a lower number (6? 8?), other
> things
> are side effects.
Interesting, but I fondly remember the twitchy, fastpaced nature of CF in
the old days(think monochrome cfclient). Granted, I was playing that on a
LAN server rather than internet, and that was before spell casting took
time, etc.

Just my two cents. I have strong feelings about many things, so I have to
be careful how I let them out. :)

crossfire mailing list

[crossfire] Version bump request?

2014-03-28 Thread DraugTheWhopper
*Tap* *Tap* *Ahem* (Is this thing on?)
Right, so assuming that this email gets to the intended place [crossfire],
here's a request: is there any chance of getting a new official upstream
release? So the story is as follows: I do no coding or developing, but know
enough about Linux to run Debian Testing. However, the current upstream
version of CF is 1.70.0, which as of a week ago, is about two years old. If
i understand correctly, all trunk improvements since then are not in any
official upstream release, therefore never get packaged for Debian, and so
are not seen by the casual people who merely "apt-get dist-upgrade"
occasionally. Is there a chance a version 1.70.x could be released
periodically, or is there a 1.99 that could be packaged separately, or
should someone just start packaging nightly builds as
"crossfire-client-unstable"? Please pardon my ignorance and correct me as
crossfire mailing list