Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread Jon Callas

On Jun 25, 2007, at 7:23 PM, Matt Johnston wrote:

On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 04:42:56PM +1200, David G. Koontz wrote:

  Apple (mis)uses
TPM to unsuccessfully prevent OS X from running on non-Apple  
All Apple on Intel machines have TPM, that's what 6 percent of new  

To nit pick, the TPM is only present in some Apple Intel
machines and isn't used in any of them. See

Their OS decryption key is just stored in normal firmware,
unprotected AIUI.

They've apparently stopped shipping TPMs. There isn't one on my  
MacBook Pro from last November, and it is missing on my wife's new  
Santa Rosa machine.

If you want to see if a machine has one, then the command:

sudo ioreg -w 0 | grep -i tpm

should give something meaningful. Mine reports the existence of  
ApplePCISlotPM, but that's not the same thing.


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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 3:26 PM -0500 6/26/07, Nicolas Williams wrote:

I strongly dislike the WG's name.  Suffice it to say that it was not my
idea :); it created a lot of controversy at the time, though perhaps
that controversy helped sell the idea ("why would you want this silly,
insecure stuff?" "because it enables this other actually secure stuff").

Whereas I was in the camp of liking the name very much for the very 
reason that this thread was started: "because it lets you encrypt an 
arbitrary conversation with essentially no startup cost".

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 01:20:41PM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> >For all the other aspects of BTNS (IPsec connection latching [and
> >channel binding], IPsec APIs, leap-of-faith IPsec) agreeing on a
> >globally shared secret does not come close to being sufficient.
> Fully agree. BTNS will definitely give you more than just one-off 
> encrypted tunnels, once the work is finished. But then, it should 
> probably be called MMTBTNS (Much More Than...).

I strongly dislike the WG's name.  Suffice it to say that it was not my
idea :); it created a lot of controversy at the time, though perhaps
that controversy helped sell the idea ("why would you want this silly,
insecure stuff?" "because it enables this other actually secure stuff").


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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 2:49 PM -0500 6/26/07, Nicolas Williams wrote:

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 10:43:16AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 > This was discussed many times, and always rejected as "not good

 enough" by the purists. Then the IETF created the BTNS Working Group
 which is spending huge amounts of time getting close to purity again.

That's pretty funny, actually, although I don't quite agree with the
substance (surprise!)  :)

Why, are you some sort or purist? :-) (For those outside the IETF, 
Nico is one of the main movers and shakers in BTNS, and is probably 
one of the main reasons it looks like it will actually finish its 

Seriously, for those who merely want unauthenticated IPsec, MITMs and
all, then yes, agreeing on a globally shared secret would suffice.

Well, almost suffice. You also need a way of signalling before the 
Diffie-Hellman that this is what you are doing, but that's a trivial 
extension to both IKEv1 and IKEv2.

For all the other aspects of BTNS (IPsec connection latching [and
channel binding], IPsec APIs, leap-of-faith IPsec) agreeing on a
globally shared secret does not come close to being sufficient.

Fully agree. BTNS will definitely give you more than just one-off 
encrypted tunnels, once the work is finished. But then, it should 
probably be called MMTBTNS (Much More Than...).

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 10:43:16AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> Note that that RFC is Informational only. There were a bunch of 
> perceived issues with it, although I think they were more purity 
> disagreements than anything.
> FWIW, if you do *not* care about man-in-the-middle attacks (called 
> active attacks in RFC 4322), the solution is much, much simpler than 
> what is given in RFC 4322: everyone on the Internet agrees on a 
> single pre-shared secret and uses it. You lose any authentication 
> from IPsec, but if all you want is an encrypted tunnel that you will 
> authenticate all or parts of later, you don't need RFC 4322.
> This was discussed many times, and always rejected as "not good 
> enough" by the purists. Then the IETF created the BTNS Working Group 
> which is spending huge amounts of time getting close to purity again.

That's pretty funny, actually, although I don't quite agree with the
substance (surprise!)  :)

Seriously, for those who merely want unauthenticated IPsec, MITMs and
all, then yes, agreeing on a globally shared secret would suffice.

For all the other aspects of BTNS (IPsec connection latching [and
channel binding], IPsec APIs, leap-of-faith IPsec) agreeing on a
globally shared secret does not come close to being sufficient.


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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-26 Thread John Denker

On 06/25/2007 08:23 PM, Greg Troxel wrote:

>  1) Do you believe the physics?  (Most people who know physics seem to.)

Well, I do happen to know a thing or two about physics.  I know
 -- there is quite a lot you can do with quantum physics, and
 -- there is quite a lot you cannot do with quantum physics.

I also know that snake-oil salesmen can lie about the physics
just as easily as they lie about anything else.

Since it's not clear what is meant by "THE" physics, it would
be more meaningful to ask more-specific questions, namely:
 -- Do I believe in real physics?  Yes.
 -- Do I believe in what Dr. Duck says about physics?  Usually not.


One commonly-made claim about quantum cryptography is that
"it can detect eavesdropping".  I reckon that's narrowly
true as stated.  The problem is, I don't know why I should
care.  The history of cryptography for most of the last 2000
years has been a cat and mouse game between the code makers
and the code breakers.  The consensus is that right now the
code makers have the upper hand.  As a result, Eve can eavesdrop
all she wants, and it won't do her a bit of good.

To say the same thing:  It appears that in this respect, quantum
cryptography takes a well-solved problem and solves it another
way at higher cost and lower throughput.  The cost/benefit ratio
is exceedingly unfavorable, and seems likely to remain so.

Meanwhile, it takes some less-well-solved problems and makes
them worse.  Consider for example traffic analysis.  Since
quantum encryption requires a dedicated hardware link from end
to end, there is no hope of disguising who is communicating
with whom.

I am reminded of a slide that Whit Diffie used in one of his
talks.  It showed a house that was supposed to be protected
by a picket fence.  The problem was that the so-called fence
consisted of a single picket, 4 inches wide and a mile high,
while the other 99.9% of the perimeter was unprotected.  Yes
sirree, no eavesdropper is going to hop over that picket!

One sometimes hears even stronger claims, but they are even
more easily refuted.  I've reviewed papers that claim quantum
mechanics "solves the key distribution problem" but in fact
they were using classical techniques to deal with all the
hard parts of the problem.  It reminds me of stone soup: if
the ingredients include broth, meat, vegetables, seasoning,
and a stone, I don't see why the stone should get credit for
the resulting soup.  Likewise, since a quantum key distribution
system is in no ways better and in some ways worse than a
classical system, I don't see why quantum cryptography
should get credit for solving the problem.

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-26 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 08:23:14PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
> Victor Duchovni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Secure in what sense? Did I miss reading about the part of QKD that
> > addresses MITM (just as plausible IMHO with fixed circuits as passive
> > eavesdropping)?
> It would be good to read the QKD literature before claiming that QKD is
> always unauthenticated.

Noone claimed that it isn't -- the claim is that there is no quantum
authentication, so QKD has to be paired with classical crypto in order
to defeat MITMs, which renders it worthless (because if you'll rely on
classical crypto then you might as well only use classical crypto as QKD
doesn't add any security that classical crypto, which you still have to
use, doesn't already).

The real killer for QKD is that it doesn't work end-to-end across middle
boxes like routers.  And as if that weren't enough there's the
exhorbitant cost of QKD kit.

> The generally accepted approach among the physics crowd is to use
> authentication with a secret keys and a universal family of has
> functions.

Everyone who's commented has agreed that authentication is to be done
classically as there is no quantum authentication yet.

But I can imagine how quantum authentication might be done: generate an
entangled pair at one end of the connection, physically carry half of it
to the other end, and then run a QKD exchange that depends on the two
ends having half of the same entangled particle or photon pair.  I'm no
quantum physicist, so I can't tell how workable that would be at the
physics-wise, but such a scheme would be analogous to pre-sharing
symmetric keys in classical crypto.  Of course, you'd have to do this
physical pre-sharing step every time you restart the connection after
having run out of pre-shared entabled pair halfs; ouch.

> > Once QKD is augmented with authentication to address MITM, the "Q"
> > seems entirely irrelevant.
> It's not if you care about perfect forward secrecy and believe that DH
> might be broken, and can't cope with or don't trust a Kerberos-like
> scheme.  You can authenticate QKD with a symmetric mechanism, and get
> PFS against an attacker who records all the traffic and breaks DH later.

The end-to-end across middle boxes issue kills this argument about
protection against speculative brokenness of public key cryptography.

All but the smallest networks depend on middle boxes.

Quantum cryptography will be useful when:

 - it can be deployed in an end-to-end fashion across middle boxes


 - we adopt hop-by-hop methods of building end-to-end authentication

And, of course, quantum kit has got to be affordable, but let's assume
that economies of scale will be achieved once quantum crypto becomes

Critical breaks of public key crypto will NOT be sufficient to drive
adoption of quantum crypto: we can still build networks out of symmetric
key crypto (and hash/MAC functions) only if need be (with pre-shared
keying, Kerberos, and generally Needham-Schroeder).

> There are two very hard questions for QKD systems:
>  1) Do you believe the physics?  (Most people who know physics seem to.)
>  2) Does the equipment in your lab correspond to the idealized models
> with which the proofs for (1) were done.  (Not even close.)

But the only real practical issue, for Internet-scale deployment, is the
end-to-end issue.  Even for intranet-scale deployments, actually.

> I am most curious as to the legal issue that came up regarding QKD.

Which legal issue?


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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Taral

On 6/26/07, Sandy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It is certainly a problem, but you can get around it partially even if your IP
address is dynamically assigned:

You do need to use a dynamic DNS server to handle your keys, but there
are lots of those, and many do provide that service.

Also, this is limited to "initiate-only" IPsec; it does not handle incoming
connections. However, that may be enough for many client machines that live
in dynamic address space.

I don't get it. Why is it so limited? Reverse DNS is not significantly
more trustworthy than simply querying the remote host on a known port
if you don't have DNSSEC.

"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
   -- Unknown

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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-26 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 08:23:14PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

>  1) Do you believe the physics?  (Most people who know physics seem to.)


>  2) Does the equipment in your lab correspond to the idealized models
> with which the proofs for (1) were done.  (Not even close.)

Does QKD address a real-world risk at a reasonable cost without unreasonable
application constraints?

If I am very concerned about PFS for secrets that must stay secure for
decades and 521-bit ECDH is broken, yes I lose PFS. So there may be a
market for fixed direct circuits used by a small number of agencies, but
if I were a budget director I would spend the money elsewhere...

> I am most curious as to the legal issue that came up regarding QKD.

Indeed, what was the legal question that got us here?


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Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-26 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 08:21:25PM -0400, Leichter, Jerry wrote:
> BTW, on the quantum subway tokens business:  In more modern terms,
> what this was providing was unlinkable, untraceable e-coins which
> could be spent exactly once, with *no* central database to check
> against and none of this "well, we can't stop you from spending it
> more than once, but if we ever notice, we'll learn all kinds of
> nasty things about you".  (The coins were unlinkable and untraceable
> because, in fact, they were *identical*.)  Now, of course, they
> were also physical objects, not just collections of bits.  The same
> is true of the photons used in quantum key exchange.  Otherwise,
> it wouldn't work.  We're inherently dealing with a different model
> here.  Where it ends up is anyone's guess at this point.

This relates back to the inutility of QKD as follows: when physical
exchanges are required you cannot run such exchanges end-to-end over an
Internet -- the middle boxes (routers, etc...) get in the way of the
physical exchange.

This too is a *fundamental* difference between QKD and classical

That difference makes QKD useless in *today's* Internet.

IF we had a quantum authentication facility then we could build
hop-by-hop authentication to build an Internet out of QKD and QA
(quantum authentication).  That's a *big* condition, and the change in
security models is tremendous, and for the worse: since the trust chains
get enormously enlarged.

IMO, QKD's ability to discover passive eavesdroppers is not even
interesting (except from an intellectual p.o.v.) given: its inability to
detect MITMs, its inability to operate end-to-end across across middle
boxes, while classical crypto provides protection against eavesdroppers
*and* MITMs both *and* supports end-to-end operation across middle


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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Hal Finney wrote:
> The idea of putting a TPM on a smart card or other removable device is
> even more questionable from this perspective.  A TPM which communicates
> via an easily accessible and tamperable bus is almost useless for the
> security concepts behind the Trusted Computing Group architecture.

Even if a TPM is soldered to the motherboard it does not mean
that unsoldering is an esoteric art. There is a difference
between what media hypes about TPM and what TCG technical
documents say [1]:

   It is not expected that a TPM will be able to defeat
   sophisticated physical attacks.

> The exception might be if there were additional hardware to encrypt
> the bus, but that is not part of the standard spec.

Encrypted bus requires encryption cores on both ends and key
distribution resistant to MitM attacks. I suspect that if you
system already has so many crypto blocks in it, it would be
cheaper to implement TPM inside.

> So this would allow a removable TPM but it has to be "logically" bound
> to the motherboard via cryptography, presumably something like an
> encrypted bus.

To logically bound TPM to the motherboard it is enough for BIOS
`loader' that hashes the rest of the BIOS, to include unique ID of the
motherboard into the hash.



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Re: ad hoc IPsec or similiar

2007-06-26 Thread Sandy Harris

On 6/23/07, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The general idea is that if you use keys in DNS to authenticate gateways

Aye, that's the rub. Most hosts are in dynamic address space,
and anything involving DNS will not fly.

It is certainly a problem, but you can get around it partially even if your IP
address is dynamically assigned:

You do need to use a dynamic DNS server to handle your keys, but there
are lots of those, and many do provide that service.

Also, this is limited to "initiate-only" IPsec; it does not handle incoming
connections. However, that may be enough for many client machines that live
in dynamic address space.

Sandy Harris
Quanzhou, Fujian, China

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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread David G. Koontz
David G. Koontz wrote:

> I picked on one motherboard, a Gigabyte GA-P3-DQ6 which has the 20 pin
> header for the IEI TPM pluggable. After an extensive investigation I
> found no direct evidence you can actually do as Peter states and roll
> your own building a TPM enabled system. That includes downloading the
> BIOS and trying to search it.  Found evidence of a TPM driver, no hard
> proof though.  Why the emphasis on doing this as an end user anyway?
> Heck you should have seen how hard it was to get DVDs to work with
> Windows98 on an Intel D815 motherboard as an end user.  If took the same
> level of investigation, and I still got lucky.  The information
> necessary is available to OEMs, not generally end users.  Looking across
> various vendors motherboards you see statements in the specifications
> stating TPM v1.2 support which I'd be inclined to think means BIOS
> support.

I found another Gigabyte board GA-N680SLI-DQ6 with TPM, available from
Ascent here in New Zealand.  I looked at the BIOS for it.  It was close
to brand new and mentioned it would take loadable drivers and didn't
have reference to TPM.   This leads creedence to the requirement for OEM
access to enable TPM.  The TPM driver wasn't available on the download
page for the board.  This board has the IEI 20 pin connector on it.

The IEI page provides no links to documentation.  The page shows various
software management interfaces that are specific to TPM chip vendors, so
I looked for them up.  There are three modules based on infineon, atmel
and sinosun TPM chips.

Looking at the Infineon TPM v1.2 page we see the complete information
isn't publicly available.  There is no indication of how to do PC-BIOS
integration, no in depth datasheet/manual, etc.  It's probably not
possible to to implement under windows without a partnership.

I checked the Atmel site and the public information there was sparse.

The Sinosun site has some basic information on management software.
These would require your're are in partnership, although I found an
advertisement for the Sinosun TPM software management tools ($26.99 US)
Orbit Micro is a system integrator and IEI distributor and probably can
provide a white box solution.

You're still at the mercy of the Motherboard/PC vendor for BIOS support.

The Supermicro motherboard with integrated TPM has a BIOS that is TPM
aware..  It probably uses an ST19WP18-TPM-C from Standard Microsystems
(Found by searching their FAQ, another board with TPM).

There is some information on software development environment:

This compares the three TPM chip versions:$$view=table&querycriteria=RNP139=1120.0
and prompted examination of the their pdf files, the sections on the
back on software.

The drivers are actually in ROM on the ST chips, with a flag system for
the host BIOS, allowing the same BIOS to work with or without TPM.  This
may explain  some of the lack of visibility in some BIOS images. The
windows drivers are embedded, too.  The -TMP-C version used by the
Supermicro motherboard talks about the use of Embassy Security Center
suite from Wave Systems.  There is a right to use license transfered
with the chip:
also mentioned:
The last link gives insight into the Atmel software, too.

The IEI pluggable TPM module web page shows software interfaces from
three different vendors for the three different chips it uses.  The
Winbond chip is shown being administered by Wave's ESC.  No indication
of licensing terms.

For open source/linux afficionados there's jtpmtools:  (probably ripe for a tcl wrapper)

And information on the Open Trusted Computing web site:

(  describes the
currently available TPM products from various system vendors.)

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RE: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread Dave Korn
On 26 June 2007 00:51, Ian Farquhar (ifarquha) wrote:

>> It seems odd for the TPM of all devices to be put on a pluggable module as
>> shown here.  The whole point of the chip is to be bound tightly to the
>> motherboard and to observe the boot and initial program load sequence.
> Maybe I am showing my eternal optimist side here, but to me, this is how
> TPM's should be used, as opposed to the way their backers originally wanted
> them used.  A removable module whose connection to a device I establish
> (and can de-establish, assuming the presence of a tamper-respondent barrier
> such as a sensor-enabled computer case to legitimize that activity) is a
> very useful thing to me, as it facilitates all sorts of useful
> applications.  The utility of the original intent has already been widely
> criticised, so I won't repeat that here.  :)   

  If you can remove it, what's to stop you plugging it into another machine
and copying all your DRM-encumbered material to that machine?

  It's supposed to identify the machine, not the user.  Sounds to me like what
you want is a personally identifying cert that you could carry around on a usb

Can't think of a witty .sigline today

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RE: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread "Hal Finney"
Ian Farquhar writes:
> [Hal Finney wrote:]
> > It seems odd for the TPM of all devices to be put on a pluggable module as 
> > shown here.  The whole point of the chip is to be bound tightly to the 
> > motherboard and to observe the boot and initial program load sequence.
> Maybe I am showing my eternal optimist side here, but to me, this
> is how TPM's should be used, as opposed to the way their backers
> originally wanted them used.  A removable module whose connection to
> a device I establish (and can de-establish, assuming the presence of
> a tamper-respondent barrier such as a sensor-enabled computer case to
> legitimize that activity) is a very useful thing to me, as it facilitates
> all sorts of useful applications.  The utility of the original intent
> has already been widely criticised, so I won't repeat that here.  :)

Would that basically be the same as a removable smart card or
crypto token?  Those do exist and I agree that they have many useful
applications.  However their purpose is somewhat different from the TPM,
which is more specialized.

> It also shows those interesting economics at work.  The added utility of
> the TPM module (from the PoV of the user) was marginal at best despite
> all claims, yet it facilitated functionality which was contrary to
> most user's interests.  The content industry tried to claim that the
> TPM module would facilitate the availability of compelling content -
> which they tried to sell as it's user utility - but like most of their
> claims it was a smoke and mirrors trick.

At this point we are reduced to speaking hypothetically.  The TPM has
not provided either much benefit or much harm so far.  It has not (AFAIK)
been used to protect any content, for good or evil.  It has instead only
been used as a sort of glorified, non-removable smart card, which indeed
does not provide much utility.

> Consequently, the razor-edged economics of the motherboard and desktop
> industry has comprehensively rejected TPM except in certain specialized
> marketplaces where higher profit margins are available (eg. Servers,
> corporate desktops).  The chipset manufacturers have also failed to add
> this functionality to their offerings to date.
> Now Vista has added Bitlocker, which arguably adds a user valuable feature
> for which a TPM module is needed (yes, you can run it without TPM, but
> it's painful).  I wonder if we'll start to see more "TPM connectors"
> appearing, or even full TPM modules on motherboards and cores on south
> bridge dies?

I think the focus is likely still to be on laptop systems where the
benefits of an encrypted file system are especially high.  However if
Bitlocker comes down to the lower level Vistas then we may see TPMs
start to appear on lower end laptops.

> Personally, I'd like to see a TPM implemented as a tamper-respondent
> (ie. Self-powered) module mounted on the motherboard in a socket which
> allows removal detection.  That way you get the flexibility of moving
> the module, with the safety of a programmed response to an unauthorized
> removal.

Interesting idea, although it's not clear what you would do with it.
The TPM architecture is enormously complex but it is entirely focused
on binding a TPM to a platform.  Breaking that rule would invalidate so
much of the TPM design that you might do better starting with a new chip
with its own functions and purpose.

Hal Finney

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Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread David G. Koontz
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> "David G. Koontz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> There are third party TPM modules, which could allow some degree of
>> standardization:
> As I said in my previous message, just because they exist doesn't mean they'll
> do anything if you plug them into a MB with the necessary header (assuming you
> have a MB with the header, and it's physically compatible, and electrically
> compatible, and the BIOS is compatible, and ...).
> Which MBs have you plugged one of these TPMs into and had it work?

I don't have the luxury of buying tchotchkes to prove a point.  (Ya,
I have no use for this stuff either).  In view of Peters insistence it
was worth looking harder.

I picked on one motherboard, a Gigabyte GA-P3-DQ6 which has the 20 pin
header for the IEI TPM pluggable. After an extensive investigation I
found no direct evidence you can actually do as Peter states and roll
your own building a TPM enabled system. That includes downloading the
BIOS and trying to search it.  Found evidence of a TPM driver, no hard
proof though.  Why the emphasis on doing this as an end user anyway?
Heck you should have seen how hard it was to get DVDs to work with
Windows98 on an Intel D815 motherboard as an end user.  If took the same
level of investigation, and I still got lucky.  The information
necessary is available to OEMs, not generally end users.  Looking across
various vendors motherboards you see statements in the specifications
stating TPM v1.2 support which I'd be inclined to think means BIOS

I looked for mention of the IEI motherboards, and found distributors, no
mention of anyone actually using them other than for industrial use.
The Fujitsu-Siemens motherboards with TPM were similarly for industrial
use.  The idea of system integrity makes sense for say industrial
robotics.  Wonder if someone thought of using ECC memory?

I found a Foxconn motherboard with the same 20 pin connector.  Didn't
find it on their G33 motherboard (Bearlake).  There was no mention of
TPM support in any documentation for the G33 board.  I downloaded the
BIOS for the board with the connector, de-lharc'd it and searched for
strings indicating TPM support.  Didn't find any references at all.  It
appears to be an older Phoenix BIOS.   Same story for Peter - no proof
you could actually use it, worse still, nothing in the BIOS.

I found a Supermicro C2SBA mother board (another G33 Bearlake) that you
can buy today.  TPM enabled, theres a jumper described in the manual to
enable TPM, which allows the BIOS page for it to show up.  Sounds like
solid support.  The manual only has the topside layout.  The jumper is
near the system front edge, and the closest silicon is the ICH9
Southbridge.  Note that the LPC bus is on the Southbridge anyway and
would interconnect to a TPM chip (as well as BIOS FLASH/ROM), There's a
candidate chip near the front panel stuff not to close to the BIOS chip,
I couldn't find a high enough resolution photo to read the label.  There
is no through hole connector footprint for an external TPM manual visible.

If I wanted to buy a TPM motherboard today, I could, a brand new one,
too.  The manual has pictures of the TPM pages in the BIOS console.  The
BIOS should work.  Around $164 in the U.S., real pretty too with all the
copper cooling on it.

Theres also indication of whitebox integrators using the intel
motherboards with TPM in-built.  No indications of volume, which is
probably the real question.

>> TPM may well end up being present ubiquitously.
> Smart cards may well end up being present ubiquitously.
> Hardware RNGs may well end up being present ubiquitously.
> NIC-based crypto may well end up being present ubiquitously.
> Biometric readers may well end up being present ubiquitously.
> Home taping is killing mus... oops, wrong list.
> Been there, done that, got the tchotchkes to prove it.

> I've seen zero evidence that TPMs are going to be anything other than a repeat
> of hardware RNGs, NIC-based crypto, biometric readers, and the pile of other
> failed hardware silver bullets that crop up every few years.  Wait a  year or
> two and there'll be some other magic gadget along to fix all our problems.

I found a FIPS 140-2 compliance statement from Phoenix dated July 2006,
that mentions all your silver bullets except the biometric readers and
encrypting NIC.

Someone doesn't think they are all relegated to tchotchkes, just yet. I
was surprised to hear Intels random number chip is still marketed, must
still be used in Type 1 COMSEC stuff.

There is indication that TPM is tied to fingerprint scanners on laptops,
they could be a passing fad.  It'd be nice to see someone demonstrating
spoofing one.

Found something else that supports Peters point of view.  Found a web
page claiming that Intels vPRO doesn't require a TPM chip.  It isn't
clear how closely aligned vPRO is to DMTF.  As far as TPM and DMTF, most
of the hits rel

Re: Quantum Cryptography

2007-06-26 Thread Greg Troxel

Victor Duchovni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Secure in what sense? Did I miss reading about the part of QKD that
> addresses MITM (just as plausible IMHO with fixed circuits as passive
> eavesdropping)?

It would be good to read the QKD literature before claiming that QKD is
always unauthenticated.

The generally accepted approach among the physics crowd is to use
authentication with a secret keys and a universal family of has

> Once QKD is augmented with authentication to address MITM, the "Q"
> seems entirely irrelevant.

It's not if you care about perfect forward secrecy and believe that DH
might be broken, and can't cope with or don't trust a Kerberos-like
scheme.  You can authenticate QKD with a symmetric mechanism, and get
PFS against an attacker who records all the traffic and breaks DH later.


for a citation and

for text, for a discussion of a system that uses regular IKE and AH to
authenticate the "control channel" and uses the resulting bits to key
ESP with AES or a one-time pad to get PFS against a DH-capable attacker.
This all ran on NetBSD over 3 sites in the Boston area for several

There are two very hard questions for QKD systems:

 1) Do you believe the physics?  (Most people who know physics seem to.)

 2) Does the equipment in your lab correspond to the idealized models
with which the proofs for (1) were done.  (Not even close.)

Because of (2) I wouldn't have confidence in any current QKD system.
The one I worked on was for research, to address some of the basic
systems issues, because the physics community concentrates on the
physics parts.

I am most curious as to the legal issue that came up regarding QKD.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-26 Thread Peter Gutmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hal Finney") writes:

>The idea of putting a TPM on a smart card or other removable device is even
>more questionable from this perspective.

It's not just questionable, it's a really, really bad idea.  TPMs are
fundamentally just severely feature-crippled smart cards.  That is, they're
optimised for doing DRM/secure boot/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, but in
practice not much good for doing anything else (even if there are paper and
Powerpoint-slide claims to the contrary).  So you have something with all the
drawbacks of a smart card (external widget that needs to be bought at extra
cost and plugged in) and none of the advantages.

>Possibly with Vista's BitLocker disk encryption we will see more use of TPMs.

BitLocker just uses the TPM as a glorified USB key (sealing a key in a TPM is
functionally equivalent to encrypting it on a USB key).  Since BitLocker isn't
tied to a TPM in any way (I'm sure Microsoft's managers could see which way
the wind was blowing when they designed it), it's not going to be TPM's killer


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