improving ssh

2007-07-16 Thread Ed Gerck

SSH (OpenSSH) is routinely used in secure access for remote server
maintenance. However, as I see it, SSH has a number of security issues
that have not been addressed (as far I know), which create unnecessary

Some issues could be minimized by turning off password authentication,
which is not practical in many cases. Other issues can be addressed by
additional means, for example:

1. firewall port-knocking to block scanning and attacks
2. firewall logging and IP disabling for repeated attacks (prevent DoS,
block dictionary attacks)
3. pre- and post-filtering to prevent SSH from advertising itself and
server OS
4. block empty authentication requests
5. block sending host key fingerprint for invalid or no username
6. drop SSH reply (send no response) for invalid or no username

I believe it would be better to solve them in SSH itself, as one would
not have to change the environment in order to further secure SSH.
Changing firewall rules, for example, is not always portable and may
have unintended consequences.

So, I'd like to get list input (also by personal email if you think your
comment might be out of scope here),  on issues #1-6 above and if you 
have other SSH security issues that you would like to see solved /in SSH/.

Ed Gerck

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ACM CCS Industry Track CFP

2007-07-16 Thread William Enck
My apologies if this is considered spam; however, it may be of interest
to a number of list subscribers. 

We are soliciting proposals for presentations in the Industry track at
the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, which will
be held October 29th to November 2nd in Alexandria, VA. For more
information, see below, or visit the ACM CCS website,




 Call for Proposals

Industry Track Submission Deadline: August 3, 2007

The Industry and Government Track of the 14th ACM Computer and
Communications Conference seeks novel and innovative reports of
experiences in security product development and deployment of products
to meet system security goals.  In addition, reports on the scope and
content of current sponsored research programs in information security
are of interest.

The track will foster active discussion of practical experiences in the
imaginative or large scale deployment of security solutions in
organizational contexts and the relationship of these experiences to
current research initiatives. Particularly of interest are lessons
learned and deficiencies in existing products or systems that might
identify areas in which research is needed. Government or commercial
requirements for future systems are also relevant. Technical
characteristics of novel products may be of interest, but marketing
pitches are verboten! As one of the most influential conferences in the
area, CCS affords industry and government the opportunity to gain the
attention of a capable and energetic set of researchers.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Access control
Accounting and auditing
Applied cryptography
Case studies of computer and systems security design
Commercial and industry security
Cryptographic protocols
Data/system integrity
Database and system security
Digital rights management
DoS detection and mitigation
Embedded systems security
Enterprise security policies
Experimental studies of impact of tools and processes
Information warfare
Intellectual-property protection
Intrusion detection
Key management
Mobile code security
Physical security
Privacy and anonymity
Secure networking
Security issues in administration of large computer systems
Security management
Security measurement and modeling
Security verification
Smart cards and secure PDAs

For this track, we are soliciting panel and presentation proposals.
Proposals accepted for the program will be made accessible prior to the
conference. The track may include invited speakers as space and interest
permit. Submission format and other instructions are available soon.

Presentation Proposals

A position paper or full presentation is appropriate. The paper should
include sufficient motivation and detail to focus and depth of
presentation. Detailed proposals or presentations are highly recommended
and will receive preferential treatment. Expected speakers should be
identified. All submissions should be received by August 3rd, 2007 and
sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Word, .pdf, and powerpoint submissions
will be accepted.

Panel Proposals

A panel proposal should be no longer than three (3) pages in length. It
should include possible panelists and an indication of which panelists
have confirmed their participation.


Information will be posted soon.


Program Co-chairs (Research Track): 
 - Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, University of Milan, Italy
 - Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Program Chair (Industry and Government Track): 
 - Patrick McDaniel, Penn State University, USA
General Chair: Peng Ning, NC State University, USA
Publicity Chairs: Radha Poovendran, University of Washington, USA
Publication Chair: David Evans, University of Virginia, USA
Tutorials Chair: Wenliang (Kevin) Du, Syracuse University, USA
Treasurer: Sencun Zhu, Penn State University, USA
Workshops Chair: Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University, USA

Steering Committee:

Sushil Jajodia (Chairman), George Mason University, USA 
Carl A. Gunter, University of Illinois, USA
Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan, Italy
Ravi Sandhu, George Mason University, USA

Program Committee:

Dave Dorenbos, Motorola, USA
David Du, National Science Foundation, USA
Yong Guan, Iowa State University, USA   
Trevor Jim, AT&T Research, USA  
Hugh Harney, SPARTA, USA
Brian LaMachia, Microsoft, USA
Gary McGraw, Cigital, USA
Shubho Sen, AT&T Research, USA
Patrick Traynor, Pennsylvania State University, USA 
Brian Wies, CISCO, USA


The Crypt

Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread Eric Cronin

On Jul 6, 2007, at 6:20 PM, John Ioannidis wrote:

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to roll your own on top of a 3G- 
enabled smartphone. The "broadband" channel does not have the tight  
jitter and throughput guarantees that voice needs, and some  
providers (Verizon in the USA for example) consider running voice  
traffic over their "broadband" network a violation of the usage  
agreement (no need to blame the government for that, their own  
greed is adequate explanation). There are lots of other technical  
and human-factors issues that have been covered to great extent in  
this and other fora.


The Cryptophone project in Europe  has  
been trying to tackle the QoS issues for four or five years now.  I  
haven't looked at their implementation closely in several years, but  
back in 2002 or so they were using CSD (modem-modem calls) instead of  
the broadband channel, trading bandwidth for low jitter...  With  
current CPUs and audio codecs you can get decent voice quality over  


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Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread Ken Buchanan

On 7/9/07, alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Makes me wonder how this will effect the OpenMoko phone if someone builds
an encryption layer for it. (OpenMoko is a totally open sourced phone.)

Leigh Honeywell and Paul Wouters presented a 'crypto-phone' effort
they have been working on at CCC in Germany last December.

They later presented an update at a meeting in Toronto:

They are building on OpenMoko and the Neo1973 phone
(, because it is the only phone
they could find that allows OS modifications without breaking code

As I understand it, it's not true end-to-end.  It makes a 'VPN'
connection to an Asterisk PBX that you have configured somewhere in
the world, presumably on a phone network trusted more than the
wireless one you are currently on.  If the PBX has to route the call
back into public infrastructure to the other endpoint, then there is
cleartext exposure again.

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Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread Bill Stewart

At 10:59 PM 7/9/2007, Florian Weimer wrote:

Uh-oh, no.  The protocol characteristics don't change depending on
who is selling you the device.

Of course they do, at least in the US,
where the mobile phones are generally carrier-specific,
often locked, and generally don't have open designs.
In particular, they're not usually designed to let the
data applications get at the voice compression ASICs,
but they usually don't have enough CPU to compress voice in Java
if they can get at the voice stream at all.
Some of the PDA phones are more flexible, and I'd expect
OpenMoko to be much more flexible.

Many telcos have an aversion to end-to-end protocols.

They're getting better about it, but the transmission characteristics
from most of the data protocols aren't designed for voice,
unless you're willing to do push-to-talk or equivalent.
So ironically, if you want to get good latency for 5.3kbps voice,
you'll want the fastest data protocols.
HSDPA's latency is 100-200ms, and upstream is 100+ kbps -
you could probably run uncompressed voice which is about 80kbps,
since latency's less of a problem.
(EDGE has upstream of 40-60kbps, but latency is 350+
so the more compressed protocols aren't going to behave.
I don't have the 1xRTT numbers handy, but I think they're similar.)

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Re: FIPS 140-2, PRNGs, and entropy sources

2007-07-16 Thread lists
On 9 Jul 2007 16:08:33 -0600, Darren Lasko wrote:
>>> 2) Does FIPS 140-2 have any requirements regarding the quality of the
>>> entropy source that is used for seeding a PRNG?
>> Yes.  The requirement imposed by FIPS 140-2
>> (
>> are in section 4.7.2:
>>  "Compromising the security of the key generation method (e.g., guessing
>>  the seed value to initialize the deterministic RNG) shall require as
>>  least as many operations as determining the value of the generated key."
>> (which would apply to any RNG output that became a key)
>> and in section 4.7.3:
>>  "Compromising the security of the key establishment method (e.g.,
>>  compromising the security of the algorithm used for key establishment)
>>  shall require at least as many operations as determining the value of
>>  the cryptographic key being transported or agreed upon."
>> (which would apply to any RNG output that is used in a security relevant
>> way in a key establishment scheme)

  For whatever reason, I get asked FIPS 140 questions and this one about
FIPS 140-2 comes up on occasion. It is good someone finally asked in
public and received a public reply. A bit convoluted, and this says
nothing about seeding requirements for a PRNG not used for key
generation/agreement, but it is the logic of FIPS 140-2 with regards to
PRNG seeding.

> Again, good information.  However, it seems pretty nebulous about how
> they expect you to measure the number of operations required to
> compromise the security of the key generation method.  Do you know
> what kind of documentation the labs require?
> SP 800-90, Appendix C.3, states that the "min-entropy" method shall be
> used for estimating entropy, but this method only uses the
> probabilities assigned to each possible sample value.  I'm guessing
> that measuring ONLY the probabilities associated with each sample is
> insufficient for assessing your entropy source.  For example, if I
> obtain 1 bit per sample and I measure 50% 0's and 50% 1's, I have
> "full entropy" by that measure, even if my entropy source always
> produces "1010101010101010".
> Is the "NIST Statistical Test Suite" sufficient for evaluating your
> entropy source, and will the certification labs accept results from
> the STS as an assessment of the entropy source?

 From what I have seen, the labs understand what will pass muster with
NIST/CSE for FIPS 140-2 based on their experience with the many FIPS
140-2 validation efforts performed to this point, so they are a good
gauge of what NIST/CSE will smile upon here, even though there has been
little formal guidance. Most labs are fine with standard techniques for
gathering entropy from a system, such as polling various timings for
things like disk access, plus whitening, such as running the results of
the polling through a FIPS-approved hashing algorithm. Hardware RNGs,
such as a noise source, which can be used either as just another source
in the polling, or as the only source. When using a hardware RNG, most
vendors focus on this as the primary source of entropy, and labs will
often require many details about the hardware RNG as a result.

As far as what to provide, well, you need to describe how the PRNG is
seeded, give code pointers to the seeding and any entropy gathering
routines, include details on any hardware RNGs, and construct a general
rationale for why all this adds up to meeting the requirements. The labs
can take it from there and ask for more information as needed, such as
sample output from the entropy gathering routines to examine. If you are
concerned about not meeting the requirements, chatting with a lab or
consultant about what is required is not out of the question - it might
even provide some metric as to how friendly and responsive the team you
are considering working with for your validation will be.

FWIW, up to this point in time, I have rarely seen formal calculations
of entropy by vendors in the rationale for meeting these requirements
(those few times were mostly with vendors that built their own hardware
RNGs), and I have seen statistical tests used by vendors a little bit as
a part of the rationale behind meeting these requirements.


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Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread John Denker

On 07/10/2007 01:59 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:

It's also an open question whether network operators subject to
interception requirements can legally offer built-in E2E encryption
capabilities without backdoors.

I agree.  It's a tricky question;  see below

JI responded:

You probably meant device vendors, not network operators. 

We all agree we can make a distinction between telcos and phone HW
manufacturers.  But that may not be the relevant distinction.

I know in the US, and I imagine elsewhere, telcos buy phones from
the OEMs and then retail them to customers.  That makes them, in
the eyes of the law, both telecommunication carriers *and* device
vendors, even if they are not device OEMs.

The whole
*point* of E2E security is that network operators are not involved. If
they were, it wouldn't be end-to-end!

Well, that's logical, but who said the law has to be logical?

IANAL but AFAICT the most sweeping parts of the CALEA law apply
to "telecommunication carriers" as defined in section 1001:

Customer encryption is explicitly not included by the terms of
section 1002:
"... unless the encryption was provided by the carrier and
the carrier possesses the information necessary to decrypt
the communication."

I repeat: "... unless the encryption was provided by the carrier
and the carrier possesses the information necessary to decrypt
the communication."

Following this line of thought leads to all sorts of illogical
conclusions, including:
 a) Arguably it might be OK to buy a backdoor-free crypto phone
  from the grocery store, but not OK to buy or lease it from
  the phone company.
 b) Arguably you could buy a phone from the telco with no
  crypto at all, and then take it to Orange County Choppers
  and have them install backdoor-free crypto.
 c) Arguably the OEM could have two product lines, one without
  backdoors, to be sold via telcos, and one without backdoors,
  to be sold otherwise.
 d) Arguably everybody is OK provided the telco doesn't have
  the keys.  Maybe you can use a crypto phone provided by a
  US telco if you have a high-assurance way of changing the
  keys to the back door as well as the front door.
 e) We all know the laws differ wildly from one jurisdiction
  to another ... and the laws can be changed at any time.

The cost of the second product line (item b) might not be too
much higher than the first product line (item a), since it
could be considered a /byproduct/, such that all the big
development costs are attributed to line (a) ... assuming
there is a market for crypto phones of any kind.

As to whether any such market will develop in the near future
is another interesting question.  The fact that only a tiny
fraction of present-day email is E2E encrypted is not an
encouraging sign.  (Email is easier to encrypt than voice.)

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How the Chinese internet is tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino
on a similar topic as Greek.

i was in Shinsen and DongAng, mainland china (right next to HongKong).
i was able to experience GSM/GPRS Internet as well as hotel wired
Internet (both are IPv4, sigh).

in both cases, TCP port 80 (http) was sucked into transparent web proxy
(squid).  i was careful enough not to type offensive words, but was invisible (squid raises some kind of connection
error, always). and were visible.
luckily TCP port 22 was open.  the hotel net was behind NAT so i could
not use IPsec VPN.  i did not have enough time to configure NAT
traversal stuff.

from my past experience with chinese academic network operated in
some university in Beijing (i forgot the name of the network/
university), i know that every connectivity from china goes out of
Beijing.  at least in year 2000-2002 timeframe.
so if it is still true (inject me some clue if you know about the
current situation), all the traffic that go out of china are tapped
in Beijing.  i'm wondering what kind of server farm they are
operating which are able to suck all TCP port 80 traffic from the
entire china...  i forgot to run nmap OS fingerprint :-(

also, my friend in china was using Skype from Tom Online on top of
Windows.  i did not believe it until i see it, but ContentFilter.exe
was really there.  it is the backdoor process for Tom Online Skype
which transmits cleartext content to somewhere, which is likely to be
some law enforcement or government organization.  otherwise, Skype
traffic is totally encrypted - see "silver needle in skype" paper.

i was informed that it is a common practice for south east asian
nations to run censorship on the internet.  for instance, in thai is not accessible.  they have never seen dodolook,
very cute taiwanese girl from canada (IIRC) i guess.

for more info, the following URL would be useful.  Japanese content
and English content are a bit different so if possible be sure to
check both of them (and other languages if possible).  the email is
encoded in iso-2022-jp (Japanese standard encoding for email) but when
you click it please click it Japanese URL in utf-8.

Historical one-way hash functions

2007-07-16 Thread Leichter, Jerry

So, you want to be able to prove in the future that you have some piece of
information today - without revealing that piece of information.  We all
know how to do that:  Widely publish today the one-way hash of the

Well ... it turns out this idea is old.  Very old.  In the 17th century,
scientists were very concerned about establishing priority; but they
also often wanted to delay publication so that they could continue to
work on the implications of their ideas without giving anyone else the
opportunity to do it.  Thus, in 1678, Robert Hooke published an idea he
had first developed in 1660.  Even then, he only published the
following:  ceiiinosssttuu.  Two years later, he revealed that this was
an anagram of the Latin phrase "Ut tensio sic uis" - "as the tension so
the power" - what we today call Hooke's Law of elastic deformation.

(This story appears in Henry Petroski's "The Evolution of Useful
-- Jerry

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Re: How the Greek cellphone network was tapped.

2007-07-16 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| > Crypto has been an IP minefield for some years.  With the expiry of
| > certain patents, and the availability of other unencumbered crypto
| > primitives (eg. AES), we may see this change.  But John's other
| > points are well made, and still valid.  Downloadable MP3 ring tones
| > are a selling point.  E2E security isn't (although I've got to
| > wonder about certain teenage demographics... :)
| It's also an open question whether network operators subject to
| interception requirements can legally offer built-in E2E encryption
| capabilities without backdoors.
It's going to be interesting to see the effect of the iPhone in this
area.  While nominally a closed system like all the handsets that
preceded it, in practice it's clear that people will find ways to load
their own code into the things.  (As of yesterday - less than two weeks
after the units shipped - people have already teased out how to get to
the debugging/code patching interface and have extracted the internal
passwords.  The community doing this would make a fascinating study in
and of itself - an international group coordinating through an open IM
line, tossing around ideas.)  There's plenty of CPU power available, and
a fairly standard environment.  (In fact, recent reports hint that the
chip contains a hardware accelerator for Java.)

Between encrypted VOIP over WIFI and eventually over broadband cell -
keeping people from running voice over their broadband connections is a
battle the telco's can't win in the long run - and just plain encrypted
cell phone calls, I think in a couple of years anyone who wants secure
phone connections will have them.  There will be tons of moaning about
it from governments - not to mention the telco's, though for them that
will be a triviality compared to all the other things they will lose
control over - but no one is going to be able to put this genie back
in the bottle.

Also, right now, the technology to build a cell phone is still
specialized and capital-intensive.  But today's leading-edge chip and
manufacturing technology is tomorrow's commodity.  Ten, twenty years
from now, anyone will be able to put together the equivalent of today's
iPhone, just as anyone can go down to Fry's today and build themselves
what was a high-end PC a couple of years ago.  You can't quite build
your own laptop yet, but can that be far off?  A "gray box" cellphone
might not compete with what you'll be able to buy from the leading-edge
guys of the day, but it will be easily capable of what's needed to do
secure calling.

So - who's going to write the first RFC for secure voice over cell, thus
circumventing the entire government/telco/PTT standards process?  We're
not quite ready for it to take off, but we're getting close.

-- Jerry

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