Firewire threat to FDE

2008-03-19 Thread Hagai Bar-El


As if the latest research (which showed that RAM contents can be 
recovered after power-down) was not enough, it seems as Firewire ports 
can form yet an easier attack vector into FDE-locked laptops.

Windows hacked in seconds via Firewire

The attack takes advantage of the fact that Firewire can
directly read and write to a system's memory, adding extra speed
to data transfer.

IIUC, the tool mentioned only bypasses the Win32 unlock screen, but 
given the free access to RAM, exploit code that digs out FDE keys is a 
matter of very little extra work.

This is nothing new. The concept was presented a couple of years ago, 
but I haven't seen most FDE enthusiasts disable their Firewire ports yet.


Microsoft downplayed the problem, noting that the Firewire
attack is just one of many that could be carried out if an
attacker already has physical access to the system.

"The claims [...] are not software vulnerabilities,
but reflect a hardware design industry issue that affects
multiple operating systems," Bill Sisk, Microsoft's security
response communications manager, told Techworld.

It is not *their* fault, but being a company that pretends to take 
users' security seriously, and being at a position that allows them to 
block this attack vector elegantly, I would have gone that extra 
half-mile rather than come up with excuses why not to fix it. All they 
need to do is make sure (through a user-controlled but default-on 
feature) that when the workstation is locked, new Firewire or PCMCIA 
devices cannot be introduced. That hard?


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Re: Open source FDE for Win32

2008-02-14 Thread Hagai Bar-El

Hello Dave,

On 13/2/2008 21:26, Dave Korn wrote:

  Or are you suggesting that it could encrypt each block OTF when it's first
accessed, or run the encryption in the background while the system was still
live, instead of converting the whole drive in one big bite?

Encrypting blocks only when they are used can be risky in terms of false 
sense of security. There is basically no way for you to tell what is 
left out there.

Encrypting the drive while the system is live is what TC currently does. 
Encryption runs in the background while you can do other things (though 
much slower).


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Re: Open source FDE for Win32

2008-02-13 Thread Hagai Bar-El


On 11/2/2008 06:13, Ali, Saqib wrote:

I installed TrueCrypt on my laptop and ran some benchmark tests/

Benchmark Results:

1) Easy to use product. Simple clean interface. Very user-friendly!
2) Free and Open Source
3) Multiple Encryption and Hashing algorithm available.

1) Buffered Read and Buffered Transfer Rate was almost halved after
TrueCrypt FDE was enabled :-(.
2) Access Time for large file (250+MB) increased by 11%.
3) The initial encryption of the 120 GB HDD took 2 hours.

Actually, there is one major (but temporary) limitation to TC5: It does 
not process too well partitions that are not the system partition, but 
which share the same physical drive as the system partition, if you 
elect to encrypt the entire drive.

That is, if you decide to encrypt a whole physical drive that stores 
both C: (system) and D: (another partition), you are going to face a 
situation in which your D: partition is logically gone (until you 
re-decrypt the whole thing back). Next version will fix it, the team 


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Open source FDE for Win32

2008-02-09 Thread Hagai Bar-El


Finally, an open source FDE (Full Disk Encryption) for Win32. It is the 
first one I am aware of:

TC is not a new player, but starting February 5th (version 5) it also 
provides FDE.

Didn't get to try it yet.


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Re: Full Disk Encryption solutions selected for US Government use

2007-11-01 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 30/10/2007 17:13, Ali, Saqib wrote:
> Windows have had FDE (with pre-boot) solutions for a  long while. Here
> is a list:

IIRC, none of the products on this list is open source.


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Re: Full Disk Encryption solutions selected for US Government use

2007-11-01 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 30/10/2007 07:37, Ivan Krsti? wrote:
> On Oct 29, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Hagai Bar-El wrote:
>> Are there at all any open source FDE products for Win32?

A great product, but not an FDE one.

It encrypts contents of logical drives into container files. You still
have to worry about temp files, swap files, hibernation files, tampering
with the OS when you're away, etc.

FDE typically authenticates pre-OS-boot and supports the encryption of
the full disk, including the OS, applications, system storage areas, etc.


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Re: Full Disk Encryption solutions selected for US Government use

2007-10-29 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 08/10/07 13:27, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:57:36 -0700 "Ali, Saqib"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> US Government has select 9 security vendors that will product drive
>>  and file level encryption software.
>> See: 
>>  OR
> Out of curiousity, are any open source FDE products being evaluated?

Are there at all any open source FDE products for Win32?


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Re: Another Snake Oil Candidate

2007-09-13 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 13/09/07 15:14, Ian G wrote:
> Hagai Bar-El wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 12/09/07 08:56, Aram Perez wrote:
>>> The IronKey appears to provide decent security while it is NOT plugged
>>> into a PC. But as soon as you plug it in and you have to enter a
>>> password to unlock it, the security level quickly drops. This would be
>>> the case even if they supported Mac OS or *nix.
>>> As I stated in my response to Jerry Leichter, in my opinion, their
>>> marketing department is selling snake oil.
>> I think there is a difference between a product that is susceptible to
>> an attack and the pure distilled 100% natural snake oil, as we usually
>> define it.
> So, is snake oil:
>* a crap product?
>* a fine product with weaknesses?
>* a marketing campaign that goes OTT?
>* a term used to slander the opposing security model?
>* an adjective that applies to any of the above?

Just like any term, it can have many interpretations.
However, the most useful definition is the one that you can find at and which quite
accurately reflects what the people who first brought this term into use
used it for.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: Another Snake Oil Candidate

2007-09-12 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 12/09/07 08:56, Aram Perez wrote:
> The IronKey appears to provide decent security while it is NOT plugged
> into a PC. But as soon as you plug it in and you have to enter a
> password to unlock it, the security level quickly drops. This would be
> the case even if they supported Mac OS or *nix.
> As I stated in my response to Jerry Leichter, in my opinion, their
> marketing department is selling snake oil.

I think there is a difference between a product that is susceptible to
an attack and the pure distilled 100% natural snake oil, as we usually
define it.

Indeed, the encrypted USB token is susceptible to sniffing of the
password on the PC where it is entered. But in my opinion this is not
the type of flaw that snake oils the product, because:

1. It's a limitation that also exists in the state of the art products
of its type. That is, nobody could ever do better (I think).
2. It therefore does not reflect complete lack of understanding on the
developer's side...

So perhaps it's not pure snake oil but just a product with an attack
vector; most products have at least one.

Actually, this product is (almost) the first one that I saw which
actually bothers to deal with the brute-force attack vector, which does
exist in many other similar products. So it's not perfect, and I would
certainly not bet my life on it, probably not even my life's data, but
it's reasonable.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: Good news on crypto patents:

2007-08-23 Thread Hagai Bar-El
Hello James,

On 23/8/2007 02:25, James A. Donald wrote:
> Good news on patents, particularly crypto patents.
> The CAFC, the US patent court, has recently ruled that the patent holder
> cannot hit you with punitive damages unless, on the preponderance of the
> evidence, you were objectively reckless - that you knew or strongly
> suspected you were violating the patent.
> By and large, the remaining crypto patents are canned uncertainty and
> doubt, intended to muddy the water, patenting everything, anything, and
> nothing.  This previously worked in favor of the patent holder, but now
> it works against the patent holder.
> The way it now works is that if you have an arguable case that you are
> not in violation of the patent, you can barge right ahead and wait for
> the patent holder to spend many millions of dollars and many years in
> court to clarify the situation.  Don't hold your breath.
> This also negates the Microsoft tactic "If you use linux, you are
> violating our patents, but we will not tell you what patents you are
> violating, or what aspect of linux violates them".  Now, genuine
> uncertainty works *against* the patent holder.

The case you quoted seems to apply only for punitive damages. If this is
the case then I'm afraid the impact of this ruling will be to a lesser
extent than you hope...

When you infringe a patent, its owner is likely to sue you for
compensatory damages, claiming that you caused him lack of income, loss
of customers, etc. IIUC, punitive damages generally apply only where
compensatory damages are deemed an inadequate remedy or where some
deterrence effect is required.

With or without punitive damages added to the ruling against you,
compensatory damages alone can end up being a large enough stack of cash
to discourage you from infringing a patent, as long as you suspect its
owner may actually have a case.


P.S. IANAL, of course.

Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: Enterprise Right Management vs. Traditional Encryption Tools

2007-05-12 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 08/05/07 20:16, Ali, Saqib wrote:
> I was recently asked why not just deploy a Enterprise Right Management
> solution instead of using various encryption tools to prevent data
> leaks.
> Any thoughts?

The "encryption tools" function according to simple, well understood,
and more-or-less enforceable security models. Their assumptions are well
understood and, most importantly, match the environments they run on.
They solve a simple problem, and solve it effectively.

Rights management solutions have complex security models, and run in
environments that do not always satisfy the assumptions. They aim at
providing complex functionality, but they often (always?) fail to
deliver due to their over-complexity and unrealistic assumptions.

If your security needs can be met by the simple functional model of the
"encryption tools", then you will prefer to enjoy the assurance and the
reasonable robustness they provide, which is the most desirable feature
after all.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: phone encryption technology becoming popular in Italy

2007-05-05 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 02/05/07 20:12, Dave Korn wrote:
>   Interesting, but of course they're still a good way from 100% secure.  It's
> really great that they issue the source, but unless they also issue the
> toolchain, and the source to the toolchain, so that anyone who wants can
> recompile and reflash their phone, it's less than secure.

I know these devices.

You are right. The source code you get cannot be used for full
assurance, because you don't get everything required to build an image
and replace the existent one with it. The source you get allows you to
check and be convinced that the code has no software bugs that were not
intended by the vendor. It does not aim to assure you against malicious
attempts by the vendor to introduce back-doors into the product.

So, you are "secure", just not against everything... It's still more
than you get with completely closed-source devices, let alone with ones
that implement proprietary crypto...

And, of course, the source code is probably published also because the
marketing guys (probably) said that people skilled in the art will
appreciate this feature when evaluating this product against others.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: More info in my AES128-CBC question

2007-04-25 Thread Hagai Bar-El
Hello Nico,

On 25/04/07 02:18, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> If there isn't a good reason for rejecting what I suggest then one might
> worry that changing the integrity key on every message (but not the
> confidentiality key?) is something that a non-expert might do and that
> there may be other problems with this protocol.  Much experience has
> been gained with other protocols in these areas; do leverage it.

Is there anything wrong with changing the integrity key every message as
means for preventing cut-and-paste attacks between messages or against
taking messages out of their order? It may not be the most efficient
way; adding a message counter to the HMAC does make more sense, but is
there a problem with the way Aram uses now? (I don't see any.)

>>> But be careful.  Simply chaining the IV from message to message will
>>> create problems (see SSH).

What problem does this (chaining IV from message to message) introduce
in our case?

>> The intention would be a new IV with each message begin sent.

> As long as it doesn't repeat.  Also, if it's not random then make that
> IV the first block of plaintext (with a fixed IV) -- that is, use a
> confounder, and make sure it doesn't repeat.

It seems as Aram uses a different IV for each message encrypted with
CBC. I am not sure I see a requirement for randomness here. As far as I
can tell, this IV can be a simple index number or something as
predictable, as long as it does not repeat within the same key scope.

> A legitimate response w.r.t. confounders might be "but that wastes a
> cipher block's worth of bits on the wire," which it certainly does, and
> if you're really hard pressed for bandwidth and use mostly small
> messages then you'd mind the confounder.  But I see no reason not to use
> a random or pseudo-random IV -- a device that can do crypto can and
> should have a decent PRNG (and a true, if low-bandwidth RNG to seed it).

I don't understand the difference between a confounder and an IV in
terms of bits on the wire. After all, in both cases the confounder or IV
need to be passed to the other side, unless they are implicitly known.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: More info in my AES128-CBC question

2007-04-23 Thread Hagai Bar-El
Hello David,

On 22/04/07 00:04, David Wagner wrote:
> Hagai Bar-El writes:
>> What Aram wrote is "many of the attendees have very little security
>> experience", not: "there are no attendees with security experience".
>> There are people at the relevant OMA group who know enough about
>> security, but just like in the real world -- they are outnumbered by
>> plain "feature-set" people, and thus have to come up with very clear
>> arguments to get their way.
> So the people who don't know anything about security are reluctant to
> listen to those who do?  That's not a good sign.  It may be standard
> operating procedure in groups like this, but that doesn't make it right.
> It's still dysfunctional and dangerrous.  If the committee doesn't have
> a commitment to security and is reluctant to listen to the experts,
> that's a risk factor.

The group is not "reluctant" to listen, but it does expect to hear firm
reasoning, so the security consideration weights properly among other,
as important, considerations. Security gurus A' say A, Performance gurus
B' say B, which may partially conflict with A, and UI gurus C' say C. If
the product is broken then it's dead, but also if the product is slow
and annoys people, and also if average people can't use it for UI
reasons. It's easy to make a product that is never used, even if it's
secure. When we look at things, we see them as secure/insecure, but the
market and the economy sees a more complex picture where security is
very important, but is one important factor along with other important
factors that influence the design decision.

As long as security comes for no cost -- sure, why not. However, when
security comes at a cost that may make the product less useful, A' need
to convince (A' U B' U C') that they should have their way.

> If you're sick and you go to a doctor, do you tell the doctor "you'd
> better come up with some very clear arguments if you want me to follow
> your advice"?  Do you tell your doctor "you'd better build a strong case
> before I will listen to you"?  I would hope not.  That would be silly.
> Doctors are medical professionals with a great deal of training and
> expertise in the subject.  They can speak with authority when it comes
> to your health.  So why do people with no training in security think
> that they can freely ignore the advice of security professionals without
> any negative consequences?

As long as what the Doctor says costs you very little (in terms of risk
and/or money), you follow his advice blindly because challenging it will
cost you more. When the doctor tells you that you need a heart surgery
-- you do challenge it: you try to get a second opinion, you ask him to
explain the case in ways you can understand and be able to gain more
information on the subject. At least I hope you do.

People don't ignore security professionals. However, when high costs are
involved, "challengeable rationale" is called for. As long as economy is
not a single-factor B/W, this is how it should be.

>> AND (3) If you don't care about replacement attacks on the (1 to i)
>> blocks that will result only in a (possibly-undetected) corruption when
>> decrypting the i+1 block (rather than two blocks, with a varying and
>> non-attacker-changeable). [...]
> Wait a minute.  This reference to replacement attacks has me concerned.  
> Does the protocol use a message authentication code (MAC)?  I hope so.
> If your protocol uses a MAC, and uses it properly, then replacement
> attacks are not an issue, and the only issue with using a fixed IV is 
> related to confidentiality.  If you don't use a MAC, you've got bigger
> problems, and even random IVs won't be enough.

I generally agree.
Some protocols try to be cheap on MAC, assuming that the strict
structure of the protocol will cause a failure if something goes bad.
For example, if a message has an intrinsic entropy of 2 bits (say, a
return status code), and is sent as one block (you can't send less),
then you don't really need a MAC, as long as the recipient knows not to
crash disgracefully if it receives an invalid status code.

I guess my point is meaningless for the case in question, as MACs are


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: More info in my AES128-CBC question

2007-04-21 Thread Hagai Bar-El
Hello all,

On 20/04/07 08:32, Aram Perez wrote:
> The proposal for using AES128-CBC with a fixed IV of all zeros is for
> a protocol between two entities that will be exchanging messages.
> This is being done in a "standards" body (OMA) and many of the
> attendees have very little security experience. As I mentioned, the
> response to my question of why would we standardize this was "that's
> how SD cards do it".
> I'll look at the references and hopefully convince enough people that
> it's a bad idea.

Relating to the anger at the "random bunch of people [who] design crypto

What Aram wrote is "many of the attendees have very little security
experience", not: "there are no attendees with security experience".
There are people at the relevant OMA group who know enough about
security, but just like in the real world -- they are outnumbered by
plain "feature-set" people, and thus have to come up with very clear
arguments to get their way.

Aram figured fixed IV's is generally a bad idea, and probably so did
others at OMA, but since the security people have to build a case and
not just say "well, it's generally not a good idea", a more descriptive
explanation of possible attacks (a "justification") was sought for.

Now to the subject matter:

I do not know the protocol in question, but in a nutshell: Generally,
CBC with a fixed IV (be it zero or any other value) is to be avoided for
the reason described in previous posts. In some circumstances this
restriction may be relaxed, such as:

(1) if the first unknown (to the attacker) block _always_ follows (not
necessarily immediately) a session-specific block (a block that is not
likely to repeat for the same key, such as a message-id). For example,
if every encrypted structure starts with an id that never repeats among
structures, and all "security-wise meaningful" blocks follow it, you are
_probably_ safe.

(2) if the key is never re-used among structures you encrypt.

AND (3) If you don't care about replacement attacks on the (1 to i)
blocks that will result only in a (possibly-undetected) corruption when
decrypting the i+1 block (rather than two blocks, with a varying and
non-attacker-changeable). For example: If Message #1 and Message #2 are
encrypted with the same key, you can take blocks 1,2,3,..,i of Message
#2 and paste them in Message #1, and only block i+1 will decrypt badly.
If you had protected (attacker unchangeable) and varying IV's, block 1
would have decrypted badly too, for whatever it's worth.
(Comment: block 1 can be any higher index, as long as there are no
earlier blocks that differ between the messages.)

As the others stressed: the implication of these conditions/limitations,
as well as others which I may have not spotted, depend on the protocol...


P.S. Aram, as you know, I am signed on the OMA NDA, so you can send me
the protocol. If other members here are signed on the OMA NDA, I guess
it could be useful if you notified Aram in a private message, so you can
get your copy and examine it too.

Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: DNSSEC to be strangled at birth.

2007-04-06 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 04/04/07 19:51, Dave Korn wrote:
>   The DHS has "requested the master key for the DNS root zone."
>   Can anyone seriously imagine countries like Iran or China signing up to a
> system that places complete control, surveillance and falsification
> capabilities in the hands of the US' military intelligence?  I could see some
> (but probably not even all) of the European nations accepting the move at face
> value and believing whatever assurances of safeguards the DHS might offer, but
> the rest of the world?  No way.
>   Surely if this goes ahead, it will mean that DNSSEC is doomed to widespread
> non-acceptance.  And unless it's used everywhere, there's very little point
> having it at all.

I guess it's mostly a matter of the expectations that non-US nations
have from DNSSEC in the first place.

If I understand this correctly, the situation as it would be once DHS
has the keys will be no different than what it is today. The US will be
able to spoof DNS responses that are resolved within its cloud. To forge
a DNS response you need not only to be able to sign as a DNS server, but
you also need to be (on the path of) the DNS server that is asked. This
is not different than the situation as it is today, and non-US countries
still use the Internet.

The question is whether or not these non-US countries ever expected
DNSSEC to solve their problems with US national surveillance. I have no
facts, but I believe that they never did. After all, there is some
master key somewhere and this master key is kept by someone (I am not
sure if key splitting was ever considered). As far as national
intelligence is concerned, there is no difference between having the
keys held by a ".org" or by a ".gov". The keys are in some nation's
jurisdiction and are thus subject to subpoenas that are enabled by some
government with its own legal system that the community has no control
over. Be it the US, or the EU, or anyone else.

DNSSEC, I think, comes to solve the problem of hackers who fake DNS
responses to phish for your credit card details; not against national
espionage. And; If you don't expect -- you are not disappointed...


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: Governance of anonymous financial services

2007-04-02 Thread Hagai Bar-El

On 29/03/07 21:30, Steve Schear wrote:
> Here is the situation.  An on-line financial service, for example a DBC
> (Digital Bearer Certificate), operator wishes his meat space identity,
> physical whereabouts, the transaction servers and at least some of the
> location(s) of the service's asset backing to remain secret.  The
> service provides frequent, maybe even real-time, data on its asset
> backing versus currency in circulation. The operator wishes to provide
> some assurance to his clients that the backing and the amount of
> currency in circulation are in close agreement.  The mint's backing need
> not be in a single location nor in the sole possession of the operator.
> I realize this is a governance question but I suspect that crypto/data
> security may play a key role.
> Some questions:
> If independent auditors are used do they need to know the operator's
> identity?

Putting the crypto capabilities aside for a moment, what is the purpose
of auditing an anonymous legal entity?

Auditing, as I see it, can be used to serve two systems:

1. An intrinsically-enforced reputation system
2. An extrinsically-enforced legal system

When I take my hard earned money and deposit it with the local branch of
ABC bank, I do it while relying on two things:

1. The bank is part of a national legal trademarking system that
assures me that this branch having this nice red "ABC" logo, is the same
ABC Bank that all my friends use, along with millions of others, and so
far, they haven't been fooled and their money hasn't yet been stolen.

This #1 is something I can get from a pseudonym based system that is
accompanied by some auditing I trust, even if the bank is completely
anonymous. In the optimal installation you try to achieve the auditor I
trust will be able to tell me: "This bank, that you do not know where it
is, and so don't I, has the backing for the currency it has in
circulation." I will also be able to tell it's the same bank my friends use.

2. The bank is part of a legal *enforcement* system, such that if the
bank takes my hard earned money and refuses to give it back to me, the
*human* manager of the bank will be put in *physical* handcuffs and
taken to a physical prison, where he cannot physically exercise his
freedoms, such as go to a pub, see his kids, etc. No web-site extortion,
no reduction of virtual credibility points, not even bad publicity;
jail. Real jail, with non-chosen roommates and bad meals. I want to know
that the enforcement system that the bank is subject to is one that can
lead to real jail before I trust a web-site with my real money. This is
along the lines of the baseball bat that Ian mentioned.

This is something I cannot get from a system in which there may be
auditing, but there is no chain connecting the digital world (as
intrinsically-enforced as it would be), and the physical world, that
offers better enforcement means, better matching my money's worth.

The enforcement that is offered by the legal system is tied to the
physical world and thus requires identifiability and personal (flesh --
not username) accountability. You can have a system do without it; have
only intrinsic enforcement without tying to the physical world, but I
believe its enforcement will never be strong enough to win the trust of
the masses when it comes to hard earned money.

At the end of the day, say everything works perfectly by your model, and
the intrinsic system can prove that there is a coin of gold for every $x
in circulation. How does the user know that he will ever see the sums he
put in circulation. He has a receipt, of course, but a receipt is just a
bunch of bits. These bits may prove to a third party that justice is
with the user, but what will link this justice back to money if the
bank's owner doesn't feel like paying?

I know this is not completely related to the questions you presented,
but more to the rationale of the entire system. I am just trying to
understand this better.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
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Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-31 Thread Hagai Bar-El


At 25/10/05 07:18, cyphrpunk wrote:

>  I believe that for anonymity and pseudonymity technologies to survive
>  they have to be applied to applications that require them by design,
>  rather than to mass-market applications that can also do (cheaper)
>  without. If anonymity mechanisms are deployed just to fulfill the
>  wish of particular users then it may fail, because most users don't
>  have that wish strong enough to pay for fulfilling it. An example for
>  such an application (that requires anonymity by design) could be
>  E-Voting, which, unfortunately, suffers from other difficulties. I am
>  sure there are others, though.

The truth is exactly the opposite of what is suggested in this
article. The desire for anonymous communication is greater today than
ever, but the necessary technology does not exist.
For the first time there are tens or hundreds of millions of users who
have a strong need and desire for high volume anonymous
communications. These are file traders, exchanging images, music,
movies, TV shows and other forms of communication. The main threat to
this illegal but widely practiced activity is legal action by
copyright holders against individual traders. The only effective
protection against these threats is the barrier that could be provided
by anonymity. An effective, anonymous file sharing network would see
rapid adoption and would be the number one driver for widespread use
of anonymity.
But the technology isn't there. Providing real-time, high-volume,
anonymous communications is not possible at the present time. Anyone
who has experienced the pitiful performance of a Tor web browsing
session will be familiar with the iron self-control and patience
necessary to keep from throwing the computer out the window in
frustration. Yes, you can share files via Tor, at the expense of
reducing transfer rates by multiple orders of magnitude.

I agree with what you say, especially regarding the frustration with 
TOR, but I am not sure it contradicts the message I tried to lay out 
in my post.

Secure browsing is one instance of anonymity applications, which, as 
I mentioned, is used. I completely agree that technology may not be 
mature enough for this other instance of anonymity applications, 
which is anonymous file sharing. My point was that there is a lot of 
anonymity-related technology that is not used, especially in the 
field of finance; I did not claim that there are technological 
solutions available for each and every anonymity problem out there. I 
apologize if this spirit was not communicated well.

It's not that we have everything - it's that we don't use most of 
what we do have, although we once spent a lot of efforts designing it.


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Practical Security Mailing List

2005-10-20 Thread Hagai Bar-El


I would like to notify you all of a new mailing list forum which I 
opened. It is called "Practical Security" and is aimed at discussing 
security measures in the context of real problems in real projects. 
It has a much narrower scope than the Cryptography mailing list and 
by no means intends to replace it or to compete with it.

From the mailing list info page:

This forum discusses applications of cryptographic protocols as well 
as other security techniques, such as (but not limited to) methods 
for authentication, data protection, reverse-engineering protection, 
denial-of-service protection, and digital rights management. The 
forum also discusses implementation pitfalls to avoid. This forum 
does not discuss theoretical and/or mathematical aspects of 
cryptography. Neither does the forum discuss particular 
vulnerabilities of commercial products, such as what one may find in BugTraq.
Joining this mailing list is especially recommended to professionals 
who design security systems and to application designers who are also 
responsible for the security aspects of their products.

I confess that at the moment of writing the list has just a few 
participants, but I project that it will grow much larger.

To subscribe visit or send a 
blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Standardization and renewability

2005-08-03 Thread Hagai Bar-El

Dear Colleagues,

I am currently in the process of writing a short position paper about 
standardization of broadcast renewability schemes. Along with the 
usual challenges that need to be addressed when defining renewability 
methods (methods that allow a system to survive successful attacks, 
basically by changing itself throughout its lifecycle), I am trying 
to tackle what I consider to be the biggest problem of standardizing 
a renewability scheme, which is that evolving a standard is too slow 
and cumbersome of a process to be incorporated into another process 
that is all about prompt response. Simply put, if a broadcast 
mechanism is broken there is no time for the standardization 
committee to re-define it - too much content will be lost by the time 
the job is done.

Up till now I could come up with three approaches to solve this problem:

1. Limit renewability to keying.
2. Generalize the scheme (like the SPDC concept, or MPEG IPMP), more 
or less by making the standard part general, with non-standard "profiles".
3. Standardize sets of key management methods at once, so to have 
spares for immediate switching.

If any one of you has any other approach towards solving this issue I 
will be glad if he posts it on the list. Also, if any one of you 
would like to get a copy of this paper when it's done, please let me 
know by e-mailing me directly.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
T/F: 972-8-9354152 Web:

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Opinion on Israeli espionage plot

2005-06-04 Thread Hagai Bar-El


In the following link is an opinion about the espionage act discovered in 
Israel a week ago.
In short: This case is probably one of dozens, but the only one that was 
discovered probably due to three non-typical mistakes that were done.


Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
T/F: 972-8-9354152 Web:

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A new paper: When To Use Biometrics

2003-08-21 Thread Hagai Bar-El

I would like to bring to your attention a short paper I published, called 
"When To Use Biometrics". This paper discusses biometrics reliance on 
cryptographic mechanisms making them harder to deploy securely in many 

Full Paper:
A short recorded lecture about the topic is available in:

Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
Tel.: 972-8-9354152  Fax.: 972-8-9354152

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