Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-05-20 Thread Tom St Denis
On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 16:06:05 +0100, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd be interested to hear why he wants to
> "improve" on AES.  The issue with doing that
> is that any marginal improvements he makes
> will have trouble overcoming the costs
> involved with others analysing his work.

Several things

1.  Highlighted [we're talking Feb'04 here] the work I was doing on
FPHTs.  They're much more efficient than an MDS and because of my work
they have known branches.

2.  I also looked into the CS-cipher way of doing things.  I was able
to prove what Vaudenay could only "count" [he never proved the
trail-weight of CS-Cipher] and from that I was able to also prove the
16-point case [e.g. CS^2].

3.  CS^2 is totally meant for a pipeline.  It reuses the round
transform for the key schedule.

So what is CS^2?  It's basically 8 rounds of a 4 layer FPHT with
sboxes mixed in the 2-point transforms.  8*4  == 32 step pipeline. 
The keyschedule essentially is just computed as processing the key one
"layer" ahead of the plaintext.

Load the key in one cycle and the block in the next.  Add some FSM to
determine where the key material comes from for a given stage [e.g.
the fixed sigma function or the key round that is one round ahead].

Why is this cool?

First off, you can get a 2 cycle encrypt.  But that's meaningless
because "cycle" could mean several hundred nanoseconds...   But what
is a "layer"?   a 2-point FPHT [e.g. xors of depth three] and two
parallel sbox applications.  The sboxes are efficiently computable as
well with a xor depth of four [or so].  So effectively a "layer" has a
XOR gate depth of about 8-9 at most.

Second, you can process SIXTEEN different keys at once.  So key
agility is essentially a moot point.

Third, there is no dedicated "key scheduler" like in AES.  You do need
some FSM to select where the round key comes from but that's about it.

Fourth, It resists integration attacks a whole heap better than AES.  

Fifth, it's trivial to prove that classic LC and DC are inapplicable.

Sixth, the sbox was not designed to be too algebraic.  The 4x4 is just
a random 4x4 with max LC/DC resistance for a bijection.  The resulting
8x8 has a decently low LC/DC profile, no fixed points and no points of

Seventh, I wrote it.  Therefore it's cool.


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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-29 Thread Ian G
Dan Kaminsky wrote:
Have you looked at their scheme?

Secure Science is basically publishing a cipher suite implemented by
Tom St. Denis, author of Libtomcrypt.

Aha!  I seem to recall on this very list about
2 years back, Tom got crucified for trying to
invent his own simple connection protocol.  He
withdrew from doing useful work in creating a
new crypto protocol because of criticism here,
and the world is a poorer place for it.
I'd be interested to hear why he wants to
"improve" on AES.  The issue with doing that
is that any marginal improvements he makes
will have trouble overcoming the costs
involved with others analysing his work.
Using AES is just efficient, it allows us all
to say, "right, ok, next question" in 2 seconds
and then easily recommend his product.
Still, even if he hasn't got any good reasons,
I'd still support his right to try.
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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-28 Thread Dan Kaminsky

>Have you looked at their scheme?
>The way to come up with a cipher provably as secure as AES-128 is to use
>AES-128 as part of your cipher -- but their scheme does not do anything
>like that.
>I am very skeptical about claims that they have a mathematical proof that
>CS2-128 is as secure as AES-128.  I want to see the proof.

Secure Science is basically publishing a cipher suite implemented by
Tom St. Denis, author of Libtomcrypt.  Though not the most ...
diplomatic of characters haunting sci.crypt, the guy's quite bright, is
an absurdly prolific author (has quite literally written several hundred
page books documenting use of Libtomcrypt and mechanisms for
multiprecision math), and can be expected to generate cool things in the
years to come.

As for the manner of this cipher's publication...Tom actually did
release the paper some time ago.  See eprint @ .  Lance has Tom on staff, and...well,
sort of blew the announce.  He understands rather well the error of his
ways, and is in all sorts of damage control.

So, quick summary -- yes, that's a very cranky way to announce a
cipher, no, it's not a crank cipher.


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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-28 Thread Lance James
David Wagner wrote:
Seecure Science Corporation writes:
Secure Science is offering a preview of one of the 3 ciphers they will 
be publishing througout the year. [...] This cipher is [...]
provably just as secure as AES-128.

Adam Shostack writes:
Really?  How does one go about proving the security of a block cipher?

Lance James @ Secure Science Corporation writes:
We will be proposing 2 hashes as well.

Well, that is completely non-responsive to the point Adam made.
You used the term "provably".  Where is your proof?
Did you understand the point Adam is making?  In this field, the term
"provably" means that there you have a mathematical proof.  Do you have
such a proof?  I'm awfully skeptical
Will you retract the claim that SS2 is "provably just as secure as AES-128"?
There is a miswording here, we were trying to show that both AES and 
CS2-128 are resistant to the same class of attacks. We definitely did 
not try to state that they are equivalent.

I recommend reading to see for yourself.
As for your future hashes, will you be making similar claims?
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Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corporation
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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-25 Thread Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
Jerrold Leichter wrote:
I can come up with a cipher provably just as secure as AES-128 very quickly
(Actually, based on the paper a while back on many alternative ways to
formulate AES - it had a catchy title something like "How Many Ways Can You
Spell AES?", except that I can't find one like that now - one could even
come up with a formulation that is (a) probably as secure as AES-128; (b)
actually faster in hardware or simpler to implement or whatever...)
You're probably looking for [1] by Barkan and Biham. What they do is 
replacing the irreducible polynomial and all the constants involved in 
Rijndael to get what they call "dual ciphers"; basically those ciphers 
are isomorphic to Rijndael. All in all they get 240 dual ciphers which 
are listed in [2]. What I found more interesting back then was that they 
also give square dual and log dual ciphers of Rijndael. I.e. let E be 
the Rijndael encryption and E' be the encryption function of the 
square/log dual Rijndael construction. Furthermore let f be a function 
that either performs bytewise squaring in GF(2^8) or replaces each byte 
with a logarithmic representation (relative to a generator g. you also 
need to fix log_g(0) = -\infty for this to make sense). Then

 E'(f(plaintext), f(key)) = f(E(plaintext, key))
holds. The squaring construction then also naturally extends to what 
they call "higher-order self dual ciphers": meaning you can apply the 
squaring multiple times.

In 2004 Wu, Lu and Laih then demonstrated that using Barkan's and 
Biham's method can indeed lead to more efficient implementations of 
AES/Rijndael in hardware.

[1] Elad Barkan and Eli Biham:
In How Many Ways Can You Write Rijndael?
ASIACRYPT 2002, Springer
note: also on ePrint as
if you don't have Springer Link access
[2] Elad Barkan and Eli Biham:
The Book of Rijndaels
[3] Shee-Yau Wu and Shih-Chuan Lu and Chi Sung Laih:
Design of AES Based on Dual Cipher and Composite Field
Topics in Cryptology, CT-RSA 2004, Springer
Ralf-P. Weinmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TU Darmstadt, FB Informatik, FG Theoretische Informatik
Tel: +49-(0)6151-16-6628
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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-25 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| Jerrold Leichter writes:
| >They don't claim that:
| >
| > This cipher is ... provably just as secure as AES-128.
| >
| >I can come up with a cipher provably just as secure as AES-128 very 
| Actually, I think Adam is totally right.
| Have you looked at their scheme?
I was responding in jest to the text Adam actually quoted - and indeed was
refering to:

| The way to come up with a cipher provably as secure as AES-128 is to use
| AES-128 as part of your cipher 
[Remind self once more:  Ironic humor doesn't work in mail]

|-- but their scheme does not do anything
| like that.
| I am very skeptical about claims that they have a mathematical proof that
| CS2-128 is as secure as AES-128.  I want to see the proof.
I didn't see that claim on their site, but then again I only glanced at it
quickly.  Unless they have some entirely new kind of reduction, I'm guessing
that what they are really claiming is that the same proofs of security that
are available for AES - against generalized differential attacks, for example -
are also available for CSC2.  *That* much is certainly possible.

-- Jerry

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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-25 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| Really?  How does one go about proving the security of a block cipher?
They don't claim that:

This cipher is ... provably just as secure as AES-128.

I can come up with a cipher provably just as secure as AES-128 very quickly

(Actually, based on the paper a while back on many alternative ways to
formulate AES - it had a catchy title something like "How Many Ways Can You
Spell AES?", except that I can't find one like that now - one could even
come up with a formulation that is (a) probably as secure as AES-128; (b)
actually faster in hardware or simpler to implement or whatever...)

-- Jerry :-) 

| My understanding is that you, and others, perform attacks against it,
| and see how it holds up.  Many of the very best minds out there
| attacked AES, so for your new CS2 cipher to be "provably just as
| secure as AES-128," all those people would have had to have spent as
| much time and energy as they did on AES.  That strikes me as unlikely,
| there's a lot more interest in hash functions today.
| Adam
| PS: I've added the cryptography mail list to this.  Some of the folks
| over there may be interested in your claims.
| On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 05:00:25PM -0800, BugTraq wrote:
| | Secure Science is offering a preview of one of the 3 ciphers they will 
| | be publishing througout the year. The CS2-128 cipher is a 128-bit block 
| | cipher with a 128 bit key. This cipher is proposed as an alternative 
| | hardware-based cipher to AES, being that it is more efficient in 
| | hardware, simpler to implement, and provably just as secure as AES-128.
| | 
| |
| | 
| | -- 
| | Best Regards,
| | Secure Science Corporation
| | [Have Phishers stolen your customers' logins? Find out with DIA]
| | - it's free!
| | 
| -
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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-25 Thread Lance James
Adam Shostack wrote:
Really?  How does one go about proving the security of a block cipher?
My understanding is that you, and others, perform attacks against it,
and see how it holds up.  Many of the very best minds out there
attacked AES, so for your new CS2 cipher to be "provably just as
secure as AES-128," all those people would have had to have spent as
much time and energy as they did on AES.  That strikes me as unlikely,
there's a lot more interest in hash functions today.
We will be proposing 2 hashes as well.
PS: I've added the cryptography mail list to this.  Some of the folks
over there may be interested in your claims.
On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 05:00:25PM -0800, BugTraq wrote:
| Secure Science is offering a preview of one of the 3 ciphers they will 
| be publishing througout the year. The CS2-128 cipher is a 128-bit block 
| cipher with a 128 bit key. This cipher is proposed as an alternative 
| hardware-based cipher to AES, being that it is more efficient in 
| hardware, simpler to implement, and provably just as secure as AES-128.
| -- 
| Best Regards,
| Secure Science Corporation
| [Have Phishers stolen your customers' logins? Find out with DIA]
| - it's free!

Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corporation
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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-03-25 Thread Adam Shostack
Really?  How does one go about proving the security of a block cipher?

My understanding is that you, and others, perform attacks against it,
and see how it holds up.  Many of the very best minds out there
attacked AES, so for your new CS2 cipher to be "provably just as
secure as AES-128," all those people would have had to have spent as
much time and energy as they did on AES.  That strikes me as unlikely,
there's a lot more interest in hash functions today.


PS: I've added the cryptography mail list to this.  Some of the folks
over there may be interested in your claims.

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 05:00:25PM -0800, BugTraq wrote:
| Secure Science is offering a preview of one of the 3 ciphers they will 
| be publishing througout the year. The CS2-128 cipher is a 128-bit block 
| cipher with a 128 bit key. This cipher is proposed as an alternative 
| hardware-based cipher to AES, being that it is more efficient in 
| hardware, simpler to implement, and provably just as secure as AES-128.
| -- 
| Best Regards,
| Secure Science Corporation
| [Have Phishers stolen your customers' logins? Find out with DIA]
| - it's free!

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