Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-13 Thread Ed Gerck

Read in an email from a website:

You'll need to send us your CC information via regular email or fax.  I
would suggest splitting up your CC info if you send it to us via email in
two separate emails for security.

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-13 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Paul Hoffman wrote:
> In many deployments of "SSL first, then authenticate the user with a
> password", the "site" consists of two or more machines. Many or most
> high-traffic secure sites use SSL front-end systems to terminate the SSL
> connection, then pass the raw HTTP back to one or more web servers
> inside the network.
> The reason I bring this up is that the SSL server generally does not
> have access to the users' credentials. It could, of course, but in
> today's environments, it doesn't. Changing to TLS-PSK involves not only
> changing all the client SSL software and server SSL software, but also
> the what the SSL server's role in the transaction is.

this is relatively straight-forward on the server side ... most
webservers have stub-code for client authentication. frequently you see
places writing roll-your-own code for accessing a password flat file
(and comparing passwords for authentication).

 another approach is to have the webserver client authentication
stub-code call kerberos or radius interface

where the clients credentials are managed and administrated ...
including authentication, authorizations and also potentially accounting

the original pk-init draft for kerberos had public keys registered in
lieu of passwords ... and kerberos doing digital signature verification
with the on-file public key. similar implementations have existed for

basically use the extensive real-time administrative and operational
support for integrated authentication, authorization and even accounting
across the whole infrastructure. ISPs and/or corporations that currently
use something like radius for their boundary authentication in places
like dial-in routers ... could use the same exact administrative and
operational facilities for providing client authentication,
authorization and accounting for any webhosted services they might
provide (aka ... the integrated administrative and operational support
could include very dynamic and fine-grain authorization information ...
like which set of servers during what portions of the day).

the other advantage of the integrated real-time business,
administrative, and operational of a radius type approach is that it can
select the authentication technology used on a client-by-client basis
... it doesn't have to be a total system-wide conversion. the
radius/kerberos solution could be rolled out on all the servers ... and
then technology selectively rolled on a client-by-client basis ...
continueing to use the same exact integrated business, admnistrative,
and management real-time characteristics with large co-existance of
different client technologies (for instance ... when clients setup their
dial-in PPP connection to their server ... they may be offered a number
of different authentication options ... a server-side radius operation
can concurrently support all possible authentication technologies ...
appropriantly specified technology on a client by client basis.

kerbersos and radius are extensively used for doing real-time integrated
administrative and management of authentication, authorization and even
accounting information. registering public keys in lieu of passwords is
a straight-forward technology operation upgraded ... preserving the
existing business, management, and administrative real-time integrated

it wouldn't introduce new business, management, and/or administrative
operations ... like frequently occurs with pki-based operations.

with the use of the appropriate business, management, and administrative
real-time infrastructure ... straight-forward new technology roll-outs
addressing various authentication, authorization, and/or accounting
requirements doesn't have to be a syncronized, serialized, system-wide
change-out ... all the servers could be upgraded to a real-time
business, management, and administrative infrastructure that is
relatively technology agnostic as to the specific technology used by any
specific client.

then the specific technology used by any client then becomes an
individual client decision coupled with possible infrastructure overall
risk management requirements for that specific client when doing
specific operations.

one could imagine a wide-variety of clients ... all accessing the same
identical infrastructure ... possibly concurrently using password,
challenge/response, digital signature with and w/o hardware token
protected private keys.

specific authorization features might only be made available when the
digital signature is believe to have originated from a private key that
has been certified to exist in a hardware token with certified integrity
charactistics (keys generated on the token, private key never leaves the
token, token evaluated at EAL5, etc). Certain fine-grain entitlement
permissions might conceivably even requi

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-13 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 3:52 AM +1200 9/11/05, Peter Gutmann wrote:

Sure, but those issues have already been addressed by pretty much every site
that needs to use passwords or user authentication for any reason.  That's the
point I was trying to make, that the standard response to use of passwords (or
PSKs) is they don't work, they don't scale, you can't handle revocation,
distribution is a problem, etc etc etc.  However, despite all of these issues,
all the sites that need to authenticate users are using passwords, and they
seem to be doing OK with that.

In many deployments of "SSL first, then authenticate the user with a 
password", the "site" consists of two or more machines. Many or most 
high-traffic secure sites use SSL front-end systems to terminate the 
SSL connection, then pass the raw HTTP back to one or more web 
servers inside the network.

The reason I bring this up is that the SSL server generally does not 
have access to the users' credentials. It could, of course, but in 
today's environments, it doesn't. Changing to TLS-PSK involves not 
only changing all the client SSL software and server SSL software, 
but also the what the SSL server's role in the transaction is.

I think it depends on how much pain banks and
merchants are willing to endure due to phishing attacks.

Exactly. So far, the banks have not found it that painful. If they 
had, they would be spending much more money on reducing the problem. 
Banks are extremely good at measuring risks and costs, and then 
counterbalancing them. Banks do not feel like the costs are that high 
yet. They haven't even started any significant anti-phishing efforts. 
Said another way, the anti-phishing efforts so far have been cheap 
and mostly ineffective.

Yeah, that's still a possibility, although I think you can probably train most
users to not do this.

Even though pretty much all of our user security training efforts 
have been a dismal failure so far, you assume that we'll get this one 
right? If we don't, then the large cost of upgrading everyone's SSL, 
and the banks' SSL processes, is wasted. That's a interesting risk.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
James A. Donald wrote:
 > For PKI to have all these wonderful benefits, everyone
> needs his own certificate.  But the masses have not come
> to the party, in part because of the rather Orwellian
> requirements.  Obviously I cannot get a certificate
> testifying that I am the one true James Donald, because
> I probably am not.  So I have to get a certificate
> saying I am the one true James Donald SS xxx-xx- -
> the number of the beast.

the real issue in the early 90s ... was that the real authoritative
agencies weren't certifying one true identity ... and issuing
certificates representing such one true identity ... in part because
there was some liability issues if somebody depended on the information
... and it turned out to be wrong.

there was talk in the early 90s of independent 3rd party trust
organizations scene and claimed that they would check with the official
bodies as to the validity of the information ... and then certify that
they had done that checking ... and issue a public key certificate
indicating that they had done such checking (they weren't actually
certifying the validaty of the information ... they were certifying that
they had checked with somebody else regarding the validaty of the

the issue of these independent 3rd party trust organizations was that
they wan'ted to make money off of certifying that they had checked with
the real organizations as to the validaty of the information ... and
they way they were going to make this money was by selling public key
digital certificates indicating that they had done such checking. the
issue then came up was what sort of information would be of value to
relying parties ... that should be checked on and included in a digital
certificate as having been checked.  It started to appear that the more
personal information that was included ... the more value it would be to
relying parties ... not just your name ... but name, ancestry, address,
and loads of other characteristics (the time of stuff that relying
parties might get if they did a real-time check with credit agency).

one of the characteristics of the public key side of these digital
certificates ... was that they could be freely distributed and published
all over the world.

by the mid-90s, institutions were starting to realize that such public
key digital certificates ... freely published and distributed all over
the world with enormous amounts of personal information represented
significant privacy and liability issues. you can also consider that if
there was such enormous amounts of personal information ... the
certificate was no longer being used for just authenticating the person
... but was, in fact, identifying the person (another way of viewing the
significant privacy and liability issues).

as a result, you started seeing institutions issuing relying-party-only
certificates in this time frame

which contained just a public key and some sort of database or account
lookup value ... where all the real information of interest to the
institution was kept.

the public key technology ... in the form of digital signature
verification, would be used to authenticate the entity ... and the
account lookup would establish association with all the necessary
real-time information of interest to the institution.

this had the beneficial side-effect of reverting public key operations
to purely authentication operations ... as opposed to straying into the
horrible privacy and liability issues related to constantly identifying
the entity.

however, it became trivial to prove that relying-party-only certificates
are redundant and superfluos ... with all the real-time information of
interest for the instittution on file (including the public key) ... and
the entity digitally signing some sort of transaction which already
included the database/account lookup value ... there was no useful
additional information represented by the relying-party-only certificate
... that the relying party didn't already have (by definition, the
public key was registered with the relying party as prelude to issuing
any digital certificate ... but if the public key had to already be
registered, then the issuing of the digital certificate became redundant
and superfluous).

this was also in the era where the EU data privacy directive was pushing
that names be removed from various payment card instruments doing online
electronic fund transactions. If the payment card is purely a "something
you have" piece of authentication ... then it should be possible to
perform a transactions w/o also requiring identification.

as to the 2nd part ... passwords are a shared-secret, based,  intrenched
institutional-centric technology. it requires lot less technology
infrastructure to support a shared-secret password based operation. this
was ok back in the mar, 1970 ... when i got my first permanent home
terminal with userid/password login to the office computer ... and i

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-11 Thread James A. Donald
Peter Gutmann
> Long before the discussion on this list, there were
> already missionaries coming to the ietf-tls list to
> enlighten the heathens who dared to mention PSK and
> remind them of their duty to support PKI in all its
> infinite perfection, and not to take any false gods
> before it.

For PKI to have all these wonderful benefits, everyone
needs his own certificate.  But the masses have not come
to the party, in part because of the rather Orwellian
requirements.  Obviously I cannot get a certificate
testifying that I am the one true James Donald, because
I probably am not.  So I have to get a certificate
saying I am the one true James Donald SS xxx-xx- -
the number of the beast.

Capitalism 101:  The customer is always right.  The
customer wants to use passwords.  The customer has
decided.  So shall it be.

So we are going to base identity and security on
passwords.  If we are going to supplement the users
password with a nicely random number stored in his
computer, we should put the random number in his
bookmark, so that the the user conceives of it as his
secret web page, rather than his certificate. 

 James A. Donald

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-10 Thread Peter Gutmann
Stephan Neuhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I think you're talking about me here,

Oh no, I wasn't focusing on any one person, it was a characterisation of the
general response from security people when this sort of thing is mentioned.
Long before the discussion on this list, there were already missionaries
coming to the ietf-tls list to enlighten the heathens who dared to mention PSK
and remind them of their duty to support PKI in all its infinite perfection,
and not to take any false gods before it.

>I also didn't say that passwords didn't *work*, I said that they had *storage
>and management issues* that certificates did not have and that their
>deployment would be problematic because of that, and I stand by that.

Sure, but those issues have already been addressed by pretty much every site
that needs to use passwords or user authentication for any reason.  That's the
point I was trying to make, that the standard response to use of passwords (or
PSKs) is they don't work, they don't scale, you can't handle revocation,
distribution is a problem, etc etc etc.  However, despite all of these issues,
all the sites that need to authenticate users are using passwords, and they
seem to be doing OK with that.

>Rather, it is my impression that a switch to TLS-PSK would not just be a
>client-side thing, but that server code would have to be changed also, and
>that it is this issue which will prevent widespread deployment of TLS-PSK.

Sure, that will be an issue.  I think it depends on how much pain banks and
merchants are willing to endure due to phishing attacks.  The problem with
current authentication methods is that the authenticated is in completely the
wrong direction to prevent phishing, and the phishing industry has developed
in response to the fact that TLS server cert-based auth is useless against it.

TLS-PSK addresses this problem.  Not only does it authenticate the server, but
it authenticates it in a manner that proves the server has direct knowledge of
the client, not merely that they've shelled out all of $7 for a server cert.
So in other words I could be directed by phishers to dozens of sites all
claiming to be XYZ Bank, some even with TLS certs proving this, but only one
will be able to authenticate itself to me as my bank.

If you look at this in terms of attack surface reduction, it's gone from:

  The software I use will hand my password over (in plaintext) to anything
  claiming to be my bank.


  An attacker will have to get to me during the enrolment phase, or compromise
  the bank's server to steal the passwords.

This is an *enormous* reduction in attack surface.  Compromising the enrolment
phase would typically require a huge spoofing effort or powerful MITM, much
more than the "spam out a plausible password-renewal request" type of attack
that's been so successful against the current way of doing things.

>If I were a phisher, I'd set up a web site having normal text boxes for
>username and password.  On it, I'd put a link "why isn't the URL bar blue?"
>and use some technical mumbo-jumbo about how for technical reasons, the
>feature needed to be disabled in the browser,

Yeah, that's still a possibility, although I think you can probably train most
users to not do this.  I only know about NZ banking practices here, but every
one of them provides a best-practices way to do things (don't do banking from
an Internet cafe, check for the padlock, when logging on check that the last-
logon time display was when you actually logged on, etc etc).  Drilling it
into people that if they don't see the blue flashy bits there's a problem
shouldn't be that hard.  Sure, there'll be some margin-of-error group who
still won't get the message, but these same people would also hand out their
credit card details over the phone to someone claiming to be from their bank.

The thing is, TLS-PSK provides major attack surface reduction, and that's a
big win in the fight against phishing.


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-10 Thread Thierry Moreau

Stephan Neuhaus wrote:

James A. Donald wrote:


That's because PSKs (as I have understood them) have storage and 
management issues that CA certificates don't have, [...] 
that the issue of how to exchange PSKs 
securely in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader (good 


Incidentally, TLS-PSK protocol standardization proposals has been around 
in the IETF for some time, and it is the mobile telephony development 
momentum made it pass the standardization process (e.g. drafts by 
Nokia). In the mobile telephony world, the physical distribution of 
"subscriber identity mudules" (i.e. integrated circuits with 
secret/private keying material) is physically distributed to subscribers.

( [...] for the secure exchange 
of PSKs, which is IMHO unresolvable without changes to the business 
workflow). [...]
But the server side?  There are many more server applications than there 
are different Web browsers, and each one would have to be changed.  At 
the very least, they'd need an administrative interface to enter and 
delete PSKs.  That means that supporting PSKs is going to cost the 
businesses money (both to change their code and to change their 
workflow), money that they'd rather not spend on something that they 
probably perceive as the customer's (i.e., not their) problem, namely 

The incremental operating cost can be resaonable only for organizations 
that already incur the *authorization* management overhead.




- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
Canada   H2M 2A1

Tel.: (514)385-5691
Fax:  (514)385-5900

web site:

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e: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-10 Thread James A . Donald
From:   Alaric Dailey
> So we are now switching gears? PUBLIC KEYS are now 
> PSK?

Indeed they can be.  The question is, on what basis do 
we know a public key is the right one?  That it has been 
pre-shared, or that an authority has vetted it, as with 
CA certs.

Suppose that when I establish internet access to my bank 
account, I make up a password for my bank account, and 
the client software on my computer generates a private 
key from that password.  I then tell the bank the public 
key corresponding to my password.  (The public key is
not in fact public, but a shared secret) When I next I
log into the bank, the bank must first prove to me
knowledge of a public key corresponding to my password,
without revealing that public key, and I prove to the
bank knowledge of the corresponding private key.  Then I 
cannot log in to a phishing site, and if I did, it would 
do the phishers no good.

Assume the bank has a public elliptic curve, and a
public generator point G on that elliptic curve.  I have
a secret number p, constructed by my computer from my
password, and a shared secret elliptic point,  pre
shared between my bank and me.  I calculated this
elliptic point my multiplying the generator by my secret

When next I log into the bank, the bank invents a random
number r, and sends me the elliptic point rG in the
clear.  I invent a random number s, and send the bank
the elliptic point sG in the clear.  At this point the
bank knows r, sG, and pG, but not s or p.  I know s, p,
and rG, but not r.  The bank knows pG, because we
constructed that when setting up the passwords for my
account, and the bank has stored it ever since.

I calculate (s+p)(rG)

The bank calculates r(sG+pG)

Which are of course equal.  I and the bank now share a
transient secret, which we will use to encrypt
communications following this particular login, until
logout   The evesdropper, man in the middle, or phishing
site, does not have that secret.  The fact that we can
understand each other proves that the right parties are

 James A. Donald


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Re: [Anti-fraud] Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Ian G

Alaric Dailey wrote:

Thus ATMs and the weak 2 factor authentication system they use are
untrustworthy, I knew that already, but as I said, its better than not
having the multifactor authentication.  The fact that many cards may be
used as credit card and you thus bypass the second factor, is a HUMAN
failing, the entity accepting the cards are supposed to check the
signature, against a photo id, ESPECIALLY if the card says "See ID".

But this overabundance of text doesn't solve my problems with the
assertion that PSKs are somehow more secure than Public/Private key
encryption with a trusted third party as verifier, and specifically the
X.509 Certificate Authority System that is the backbone for SSL.

This statement is only plausible if you consider
the paper cryptography domain.  When applied to
the business / user world, the statement fails
due to the way that real life breaks the assumptions.

No one is touching on the key issues
 sharing of keys securely and how to validate that they haven't been

Generally, for most apps, there is already a way
to share stuff.  Just to look at one particular
application such as online banking, the bank and
the user generally communicate through post and
other means such as email at a minimum so as to
set up a relationship.  These methods may not be
secure (according to paper crypto metrics) but
they are multi-factor and are uncorrelated with
the threats.  So they work;  so the keys can be
shared securely, according to some risk measure.

 how a user is supposed to keep track of the secure keys (kind of a side


 how the validation of identity of these systems would work

Shared keys validate in that they are shared; the
keys themselves aren't sent over the wire in the
setup, and if the other party doesn't have the key,
then the setup fails.  This amounts to validation
of identity being measured by "has a copy of my key

Now, you'll probably think this is woefully insecure
because it falls to MITM.  True, but so does most every
other system.  online browsing fails to MITM by means
of phishing in such an evidently purile fashion that
heads should be hung with shame .. if not lopped off.
Even if the browser were to do more here, the MITM is
still possible within the ivory tower of the CA,
which have't exactly inspired of late given that
they now sell lots and lots of domain-certs for
bargain basement prices.  ($7 was the latest I saw!)

So, in a business context, PSK does identity validation
more or less as well as anything else, at least on
paper (coz it hasn't been tried yet!).

Unless the issues I pointed out are addressed , PSK is a much WORSE
solution than trusting a third party for verification of the other
entities identity.  Especially since you profess that certs are
"redundant and superfluous standin for the real information", how I am
to verify that a given website in Timbucktoo, is owned and operated be
the entity making the claim without going there myself, with SSL we have
SOME assurance that someone verified it. 

Not really.  With SSL in the browser you have
approximately zero assurance that anyone verified
it.  If you look at the browser, and find a padlock
that gives you maybe 5% of what you need.  If you
go searching into the cert then you might be able
to establish the CA which would perhaps give you
5-20% of what you need, but to actually work out
whether a website is really the right one, you
are going to have to go elsewhere for assurance.

Its no different than trusting that the people at the DMV did their jobs
when a drivers license was issued, but even drivers licenses aren't
acceptable authoritative proof that someone is who they profess to be. 
Here in Nebraska we have one of the most difficult drivers licenses to

forge, so what did the criminals do? they stole the machines, so they
could make perfect forgeries.

Sure.  When it matters, expect phishers to set up
SSL sites, to steal domains, to steal email confirmations,
to do all sorts of things.  Right now, they are dealing
with low hanging fruit.

Trust must lie somewhere, if you have a
structure that gives some assurance of that the entities are who they
say they are, that is a world better than lacking those arrurances. 

No, I'd challenge your underlying assumption here that
the intention is to deliver trust.  Trust cannot be
delivered, it can't be sent, it can't "lie" anywhere.

Trust is something that only each individual can find
for themselves on their own checks.  Trust never leaves
a person.

What the system can do is make statements and present
evidence.  It's up to the user to decide whether to
trust those statements and whether to seek further
evidence or risk it with what she has.

The difference in these two approaches is immense.  In
your view you have to get it right;  except you have no
way to establish "trust" that actually makes sense and
hence you're trapped into an ever increasing quality
cycle, while the businesses sel

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Alaric Dailey
Thus ATMs and the weak 2 factor authentication system they use are
untrustworthy, I knew that already, but as I said, its better than not
having the multifactor authentication.  The fact that many cards may be
used as credit card and you thus bypass the second factor, is a HUMAN
failing, the entity accepting the cards are supposed to check the
signature, against a photo id, ESPECIALLY if the card says "See ID".

But this overabundance of text doesn't solve my problems with the
assertion that PSKs are somehow more secure than Public/Private key
encryption with a trusted third party as verifier, and specifically the
X.509 Certificate Authority System that is the backbone for SSL.

No one is touching on the key issues
 sharing of keys securely and how to validate that they haven't been
 how a user is supposed to keep track of the secure keys (kind of a side
 how the validation of identity of these systems would work

Peter brought up ATMs and I wasn't going to go out on a limb and say
they aren't trustworthy before, but the truth is, they aren't
trustworthy.  That being said, its a completely beside the point.

Unless the issues I pointed out are addressed , PSK is a much WORSE
solution than trusting a third party for verification of the other
entities identity.  Especially since you profess that certs are
"redundant and superfluous standin for the real information", how I am
to verify that a given website in Timbucktoo, is owned and operated be
the entity making the claim without going there myself, with SSL we have
SOME assurance that someone verified it. 

Its no different than trusting that the people at the DMV did their jobs
when a drivers license was issued, but even drivers licenses aren't
acceptable authoritative proof that someone is who they profess to be. 
Here in Nebraska we have one of the most difficult drivers licenses to
forge, so what did the criminals do? they stole the machines, so they
could make perfect forgeries.   Trust must lie somewhere, if you have a
structure that gives some assurance of that the entities are who they
say they are, that is a world better than lacking those arrurances. 

So, my point is very simple, how am I to verify that a website, that I
have no control over, that has the proper PSK is who they say they are? 
I have seen no answers, and I still see the same flaw, with ATMs
websites or anything else, a shared key isn't a secret, and if you are
professing it is, how are you to know it hasn't been comprimised?

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

>Alaric Dailey wrote:
> > ATMs would be infeasible if they were not a 2 factor authentication
>>system, and every day we see more cracks in the way that system is
>>implemented.  Starting with the way the PSKs are shared. 
>ATMs use "something you have" authentication ... a card with a magstripe
>that is sent out. There is a 2nd factor, PIN, that is also distributed
>... as a countermeasure to lost/stolen cards.
>note that both credit cards and many debit cards can be used in non-PIN,
>signature mode (i.e. if the card is lost/stolen, crook may still be able
>to use it w/o PIN).
>multi-factor authentication presumes that the different factors are
>subject to different kinds of vulnerabilities and exploits.
>PINs are a form of shared-secrets ... security requirements typically
>mean that there is a unique shared-secret for every environment. the
>result is vast proliferation of PINs and passwords leading to people
>writting down their pins & passwords (there was some study that claimed
>30percent of atm cards have pins written on them). As a result,
>multi-factor infrastructure is undermined because of shared-secret based
>environments has led to scores of shared-secrets that people are
>required to keep track of.
>the short-coming of shared-secret environment, is that a shared-secret
>can be used for both origination as well as verification (the same value
> used for authentication can also be used for impersonation), which has
>led to requirement that there are large number of unique shared-secrets,
> which has led to the huge proliferation in the number of shared-secrets
>... which has also led to underminning principle of multi-factor
>authentication ... having unique failure modes  sorry for that ... I
>spent some large amount of time producing  high availability systems ...
>where security exploit/vulnerabilities were just another kind of system
>it isn't so much that the key distribution/sharing mechanism is flawed
>... it is that there are flaws in shared-secret based infrastructures
>(including swamping nominal human factors with an impossible number of
>different things to memorize).
>The other short-coming in current ATM environment is skimming that can
>go on at the POS or ATM terminal ... where the attac

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Alaric Dailey wrote:
 > ATMs would be infeasible if they were not a 2 factor authentication
> system, and every day we see more cracks in the way that system is
> implemented.  Starting with the way the PSKs are shared. 

ATMs use "something you have" authentication ... a card with a magstripe
that is sent out. There is a 2nd factor, PIN, that is also distributed
... as a countermeasure to lost/stolen cards.

note that both credit cards and many debit cards can be used in non-PIN,
signature mode (i.e. if the card is lost/stolen, crook may still be able
to use it w/o PIN).

multi-factor authentication presumes that the different factors are
subject to different kinds of vulnerabilities and exploits.

PINs are a form of shared-secrets ... security requirements typically
mean that there is a unique shared-secret for every environment. the
result is vast proliferation of PINs and passwords leading to people
writting down their pins & passwords (there was some study that claimed
30percent of atm cards have pins written on them). As a result,
multi-factor infrastructure is undermined because of shared-secret based
environments has led to scores of shared-secrets that people are
required to keep track of.

the short-coming of shared-secret environment, is that a shared-secret
can be used for both origination as well as verification (the same value
 used for authentication can also be used for impersonation), which has
led to requirement that there are large number of unique shared-secrets,
 which has led to the huge proliferation in the number of shared-secrets
... which has also led to underminning principle of multi-factor
authentication ... having unique failure modes  sorry for that ... I
spent some large amount of time producing  high availability systems ...
where security exploit/vulnerabilities were just another kind of system

it isn't so much that the key distribution/sharing mechanism is flawed
... it is that there are flaws in shared-secret based infrastructures
(including swamping nominal human factors with an impossible number of
different things to memorize).

The other short-coming in current ATM environment is skimming that can
go on at the POS or ATM terminal ... where the attackers can record the
card and pin information. This results in both 1) common vulnerability
for two factor authentication ... defeating purpose of having
multi-factor authentication and 2) that existing technology is quite
vulnerable to replay attacks (aka creating copy of magstripe in
counterfeit card and being able to reproduce the pin).

So fundamental public key operation can address a number of these
short-comings w/o resorting to PKI infrastructure and/or changing the
key and card distribution operation.

1) upgrade magstripe to hardware token that does digital signature
authentication. the digital signature is unique each time and is
therefor resistant to existing replay vulnerability, threats and attacks

2) since public key is not a shared-secret based infrastructure ... it
is practical to record the same public key in multiple different
environments, in theory transitioning to a person-centric environment
(from the existing institutional-centric environment). this also is more
resistant to data breaches ... since any exposure of the recorded public
key can't be used for impersonation.

3) there is still the issue of using a PIN as countermeasure to
lost/stolen token ... which is a significantly lower threat compared to
crooks being able to harvest tens of thousands or millions of pieces of
information for purposes of account fraud (skimming recording devices at
ATM & POS terminals or data breaches).

4) with hardware token, the PIN can be used directly with the token for
token operation ... as opposed to be transmitted and recorded in the
infrastructure. That eliminates the PIN as a shared-secret. In theory a
person-centric environment can use the same PIN/token with multitude of
different infrastructures and/or use the same PIN with multitude of
different tokens. This last becomes a trade-off between remembering lots
of PINs (and threat of having them written down) vis-a-vis compromise of
single PIN can expose several tokens. However, in person-centric
environment, it is possible to leave such a threat trade-off decision to
the individual.

The issue of PKI, certificatin authorities, and digital certificates
were that the original digital certificate design point was for first
time communication between strangers where the relying party also had
not timely, direct (possibly online) access to a trusted party. The
digital certificates filled this trust void in a manner siumilar to
letters of credit from the sailing ship days.

In an environment where relying parties have long-standing and extensive
relationship management operations keeping track of 

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

Alaric Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In my opinion, PSK has the same problems as all symmetric encryption, its
great if you can share the secret securely, but distribution to the masses
makes it infeasible.

Exactly, PSK's are infeasible, and all those thousands of web sites that have
successfully employed them for a decade or more are all just figments of our
imagination.  By extension, ATMs are also infeasible.

I don't know about New Zealand, but in Germany, ATM PINs (and 
homebanking TAN lists) are sent in special envelopes that you can't see 
through, even when holding them against a light.  That's exactly the 
sort of distribution method that would be needed for PSKs to have 
desirable security properties and to make them feasible, and that's 
exactly the distribution method that Joe's Used Condoms can't use 
because it's too expensive.  Also, it would preclude doing business with 
someone you don't already know.

Also, phishing isn't done on "all those thousands of web sites that have
successfully employed [passwords] for a decade or more"; it's just done 
on those where there's money to be had.  Where it's done, it very often 
works.  How is that a "successfuly employed" security model?

Sarcasm aside for a minute, several people have responded to the PSK thread
with the standard "passwords don't work, whine moan complain" response that
security people are expected to give whenever passwords are mentioned.  It's
all the user's fault, they should learn how to use PKI.

I think you're talking about me here, so I think I should clear some 
things up.  First of all, I don't think that users should learn how to 
use PKI.  I don't use PKI (much) because I think it's too bloody 
complicated, and I am certainly an educated user.  I wouldn't dare foist 
 PKI on uneducated users.  (There is a great parody by Stenkelfeld, a 
German radio comedy show, about the difficult HBCI procedure then in use 
at Haspa, the largest German savings bank.  It's in German, but I can 
get you an MP3 if you want.  And there isn't even that much I in HBCI's 
PKI.) But I'm no expert on PKI, so I asked a question instead, namely 
whether PKI wasn't going to make it for the web.  Second, I also didn't 
say that passwords didn't *work*, I said that they had *storage and 
management issues* that certificates did not have and that their 
deployment would be problematic because of that, and I stand by that.

The reason for my opinion has nothing to do with any knee-jerk standard 
reaction in relation to passwords, except perhaps for the problem of 
transferring them securely; see above.  (I think the problem is real 
under many threat models; you may disagree.) Rather, it is my impression 
that a switch to TLS-PSK would not just be a client-side thing, but that 
server code would have to be changed also, and that it is this issue 
which will prevent widespread deployment of TLS-PSK.  This has nothing 
to do with what users want or can do, and it has nothing to do with the 
technical feasibility of passwords.

The failing is in the security community.

We completely agree.  We have failed to produce practical and secure 
solutions.  To repeat, I especially agree that PKI is a solution in 
search of a problem, and that it's not practical for web commerce.

I also agree that password authentication is not inherently poor, and if 
we could turn the clock back ten years, that's what we should do.  I 
also agree that passord-based authentication was trivial to 
implement---ten years ago!  Today it's not going to be anyway near trivial.

Here's my proposal for an unmistakable TLS-PSK based authentication mechanism
for a browser: [...]

If I were a phisher, I'd set up a web site having normal text boxes for 
username and password.  On it, I'd put a link "why isn't the URL bar 
blue?" and use some technical mumbo-jumbo about how for technical 
reasons, the feature needed to be disabled in the browser, but that the 
passwords were of course secure (there was a posting on this list to the 
effect that a bank actually did this or something very similar).  Or 
maybe that this particular browser isn't supported with TLS-PSK (DiBa 
doesn't support anything but IE, for example, and logins will 
mysteriously fail if attempted with any other browser).  I bet that'd 
work, no matter how unspoofable the TLS-PSK password entry were.

It doesn't solve *all* phishing problems, but it's a darn sight better than
the mess we're in now.

OK, I'm willing to concede that I probably don't understand many of the 
issues, technical or otherwise, and that I don't have a solution to 
offer myself, so I'll shut my trap (except if directly challenged, or in 
private email) until someone has made a decent try to get browser makers 
to support both TLS-PSK and to include unspoofable password entry 
methods.  Then we'll see how merchants react to this and what the 
ultimate consequences are.



Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Alaric Dailey
Peter Gutmann wrote:

>Alaric Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>While I admit that PKI is flawed, I don't see anyway that PSK could used
>>How are PSKs going to be shared in a secure way?
>>are we talking about generating a new key for every connection?
>>   if so how do you validate the key?
>>   if not, how do you validate that the key hasn't been compromised by
>>someone who put up a phishing site?
>Gosh, I don't know.  How about the way we've already been doing it for the
>past decade or so on every single passworded web site in existence, and for
>another decade before that with ATM PINs.
>>In my opinion, PSK has the same problems as all symmetric encryption, its
>>great if you can share the secret securely, but distribution to the masses
>>makes it infeasible.
>Exactly, PSK's are infeasible, and all those thousands of web sites that have
>successfully employed them for a decade or more are all just figments of our
Show me one sight that uses PSKs to secure its connection to the masses. 

>  By extension, ATMs are also infeasible.
ATMs would be infeasible if they were not a 2 factor authentication
system, and every day we see more cracks in the way that system is
implemented.  Starting with the way the PSKs are shared.

>Sarcasm aside for a minute, several people have responded to the PSK thread
>with the standard "passwords don't work, whine moan complain" response that
>security people are expected to give whenever passwords are mentioned.  It's
>all the user's fault, they should learn how to use PKI.  Well we've had ten
>years of that and it seems to be making bugger-all difference in protecting
>users, based on the universal success of phishing attacks.
>What's happened is that security people have said "Here's our perfect
>solution, PKI, and we're not budging an inch on that", the masses have said
>"We can't manage anything beyond usernames and passwords and we're not budging
>an inch on that", and the phishers have leaped in and filled the gap between
>the two while both sides are sitting there holding their breath to see whose
>face goes blue first.
>The failing is in the security community.  Security practitioners (by which I
>mean people who build secure systems, not ones who merely go out and
>pontificate about them) have 30 years of research in authentication mechanisms
>to fall back on, and yet the state-of-the-art in use today is to hand out the
>plaintext password to anyone who asks for it: "Hi, I'm your bank, or Paypal,
>or something, please give me your password".
>Instead of using a decent (and trivial to implement) challenge-response
>mutual-authentication mechanism, we're using the worst possible one there is,
>the one that every security textbook warns against, while sitting back and
>waiting for PKI to start working.
>My mother (to use my favourite canonical non-technical user) has figured out
>how to use a username and password to authenticate herself.  She hasn't, and
>never will, figure out PKI, and nor will most of the rest of humanity.  The
>users have amply demonstrated to us what they're capable of handling.  It is
>the failing of the security community to not use that effectively - password-
>based authentication is bad because the security community (or at least
>security application developers) have made it bad, not because it's inherently
>Here's my proposal for an unmistakable TLS-PSK based authentication mechanism
>for a browser:
>  When connecting to a TLS-PSK protected site, the URL bar (or something else
>  very obvious, say the top border of the page) is set to a colour like blue,
>  matching what Mozilla currently does with its yellow for SSL sites.  The
>  blue bar then zooms out into a blue-marked dialog box asking for the
>  username and password (I'm assuming here that you can't spoof this sort of
>  thing in Javascript).  Once the mutual auth of client and server has
>  occurred, the blue-marked dialog box zooms back to the blue-marked web page,
>  providing a clear connection between all stages of authentication and secure
>  display.  All that users have to learn is to never enter their password on a
>  non-blue-marked site.
>It doesn't solve *all* phishing problems, but it's a darn sight better than
>the mess we're in now.
Your "solution" doesn't cover any of the problems with phishing, come
on, if all we have is a preshared key, how is a user who can't even
verify the details of a cert going to know if the site they have
connected to is legitimate, all those wonderful AOL users will be easily
duped into putting in their 1 weak password of "love", "sex", "god" or
"money" and the phisher will have their info.   And we won't even get
into the fact that easy to guess PSKs are the one real weakness 
symmetric encryption systems that actually can keep the secret of their
PSK. I also won

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
Alaric Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>While I admit that PKI is flawed, I don't see anyway that PSK could used
>How are PSKs going to be shared in a secure way?
>are we talking about generating a new key for every connection?
>if so how do you validate the key?
>if not, how do you validate that the key hasn't been compromised by
>someone who put up a phishing site?

Gosh, I don't know.  How about the way we've already been doing it for the
past decade or so on every single passworded web site in existence, and for
another decade before that with ATM PINs.

>In my opinion, PSK has the same problems as all symmetric encryption, its
>great if you can share the secret securely, but distribution to the masses
>makes it infeasible.

Exactly, PSK's are infeasible, and all those thousands of web sites that have
successfully employed them for a decade or more are all just figments of our
imagination.  By extension, ATMs are also infeasible.

Sarcasm aside for a minute, several people have responded to the PSK thread
with the standard "passwords don't work, whine moan complain" response that
security people are expected to give whenever passwords are mentioned.  It's
all the user's fault, they should learn how to use PKI.  Well we've had ten
years of that and it seems to be making bugger-all difference in protecting
users, based on the universal success of phishing attacks.

What's happened is that security people have said "Here's our perfect
solution, PKI, and we're not budging an inch on that", the masses have said
"We can't manage anything beyond usernames and passwords and we're not budging
an inch on that", and the phishers have leaped in and filled the gap between
the two while both sides are sitting there holding their breath to see whose
face goes blue first.

The failing is in the security community.  Security practitioners (by which I
mean people who build secure systems, not ones who merely go out and
pontificate about them) have 30 years of research in authentication mechanisms
to fall back on, and yet the state-of-the-art in use today is to hand out the
plaintext password to anyone who asks for it: "Hi, I'm your bank, or Paypal,
or something, please give me your password".

Instead of using a decent (and trivial to implement) challenge-response
mutual-authentication mechanism, we're using the worst possible one there is,
the one that every security textbook warns against, while sitting back and
waiting for PKI to start working.

My mother (to use my favourite canonical non-technical user) has figured out
how to use a username and password to authenticate herself.  She hasn't, and
never will, figure out PKI, and nor will most of the rest of humanity.  The
users have amply demonstrated to us what they're capable of handling.  It is
the failing of the security community to not use that effectively - password-
based authentication is bad because the security community (or at least
security application developers) have made it bad, not because it's inherently

Here's my proposal for an unmistakable TLS-PSK based authentication mechanism
for a browser:

  When connecting to a TLS-PSK protected site, the URL bar (or something else
  very obvious, say the top border of the page) is set to a colour like blue,
  matching what Mozilla currently does with its yellow for SSL sites.  The
  blue bar then zooms out into a blue-marked dialog box asking for the
  username and password (I'm assuming here that you can't spoof this sort of
  thing in Javascript).  Once the mutual auth of client and server has
  occurred, the blue-marked dialog box zooms back to the blue-marked web page,
  providing a clear connection between all stages of authentication and secure
  display.  All that users have to learn is to never enter their password on a
  non-blue-marked site.

It doesn't solve *all* phishing problems, but it's a darn sight better than
the mess we're in now.


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-02 Thread Damien Miller

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Peter Gutmann wrote:

- A non-spoofable means of password entry that only applies for TLS-PSK
 passwords.  In other words, something where a fake site can't trick the user
 into revealing a TLS-PSK key.

This sounds like a solution replete with all the problems that passwords 
have had all along: users choosing bad ones, using the same ones for 
different sites, never changing them, servers getting hacked (disclosing 
the probably-shared passwords of thousands of users), etc. ad nauseum...

The last threat is particularly pertainent because it appears there is a 
requirement for servers to retain the PSK in cleartext. (To be fair, the 
draft does RECOMMENDED that implementations provide a way to generate 
random PSKs, but this has been recommeded for passwords in general for 
decades, to little effect.)

Given the complete lack of good password management practice in the vast 
majority of websites, what will make them start doing things right with 

Maybe some of this could be solved with a good UI in the web browser (e.g. 
by treating the PSK as a key rather than a password), but arm-waving about 
UI refinements applies to improving certificate handling too.


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Alaric Dailey wrote:
> If I may inject my humble opinion(that isn't necessarily a response to
> this peticular email), I may not be as informed as some but
> While I admit that PKI is flawed, I don't see anyway that PSK could used
> effectively.
> How are PSKs going to be shared in a secure way?
> are we talking about generating a new key for every connection?
> if so how do you validate the key?
> if not, how do you validate that the key hasn't been compromised by
> someone who put up a phishing site?

on the business/server side ... where x.509 identity certificates
represent horrible privacy and liability issues ... and they've migrated
to relying-party-only certificates

by definition, the institution needs to have already registered the
clients public key ... in order to even issue a relying-party-only
certificate ... they client/customers "public key" has been preshared
(otherwise it would have been impossible for the institution to have
issued the certifivate).

at this point it is trivial to demonstrate that the issuing of the
relying-party-only certificate is redundant and superfluous ... since by
definition the institution has the PSK.

so if you look at existing business process where "pre-shared" passwords
are part of an authentication administration infrastructure that is
integrated with the permissions and authorization administrative
infrastructure ... say like either radius or kerberos

it is possible to register public keys in place of password, retaining
the existing business process and integrated administration of
authentication and authorization.

one of the issues when we started dealing with this small client/server
startup that wanted to do payments on their server platform

had this new thing called SSL which were dependent on PKI, certification
authorities, and digital certificates. As part of that effort, we had to
 do various kinds of business process and end-to-end audits of these
things called certification authorities. There was a lot of discussion
in these audits about certification authorities having very little to do
with security and technology ... and primarily involved in a traditional
service operation with loads of administrative work.

One of the characteristics of businesses that have existing relationship
management administrative relationship management operations ... like
financial institutions with accounts or business with accounts payable
and accounts billable or ISPs ... is that they have tried to provide
some amount of administrative scaleup and integrity to the operation.

Frequently it is possible to show a trivial toy PKI demo as an add-on
w/o impacting the core authentication and authorization business
processes. The big expenses quickly dawns on them when it starts to
appear that PKI operation might have some impact on real business
operations. At that point of time, it becomes quickly apparent that any
full-scale PKI authentication infrastructure deployment will have an
enormous cost duplication (especially after there has been possibly
scores of years developing scaleable and integrated authentication and
authorization infrastructures).

At that point, the ongoing duplicate PKI operational costs totally
dominate ... any trivial software technology deployment issue. Part of
the issue is that the promise of having x.509 identity certificates
groslly overloaded with enormous amounts of privacy information along
with authorization and permissions ... has been shown to be false. That
the organization isn't able to use the deployment of a X.509 PKI
operation (with the digital certificates containing enormous amounts or
privacy and senstive information) to eliminate their existing integrated
relationship management and administrative infrastructure costs ... it
possible turns out to be possibly doubling the actual business costs (in
any sort of full-scale production deployment used for actual business
purposes.). It may actually be worse than doubling ... the basic PKI
administrative infrastructure may be replicated ... doubling the costs
... however the actual costs may be tripled if the existing production
business operation and the replicated PKI administrative operation then
has to be kept in sync.

>From a business/server standpoint ... upgrading an existing integrated
authentication/authorization/permission infrastructure to use digital
signature authentication with public key registration ... conforms to
existing business practices and doesn't introduce duplicate and
unnecessary administrative operation.

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
in fact, the first time i heard the term relying-party-only certificates
was in a presentation by somebody from a german bank at a nissc
conference ... describing all the horrible privacy and liability
problems represented by x.509 identity certificates.

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Stephan Neuhaus wrote:
> That's because PSKs (as I have understood them) have storage and
> management issues that CA certificates don't have, four of which are
> that there will be a lot more PSKs than CA certificates, that you can't
> preinstall them in browsers, that the issue of how to exchange PSKs
> securely in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader (good
> luck!), and that there is a revocation problem.
> To resolve any of those issues, code will need to be written, both on
> the client side and on the server side (except for the secure exchange
> of PSKs, which is IMHO unresolvable without changes to the business
> workflow).  The client side code is manageable, because the code will be
> used by many people so that it may be worthwhile to spend the effort.
> But the server side?  There are many more server applications than there
> are different Web browsers, and each one would have to be changed.  At
> the very least, they'd need an administrative interface to enter and
> delete PSKs.  That means that supporting PSKs is going to cost the
> businesses money (both to change their code and to change their
> workflow), money that they'd rather not spend on something that they
> probably perceive as the customer's (i.e., not their) problem, namely
> phishing.
> Some German banks put warnings on their web pages that they'll never ask
> you for private information such as passwords.  SaarLB
> ( even urges you to check the certificate
> fingerprint and provides well-written instructions on how to do that. In
> return, they'll assume no responsibility if someone phishes your PIN and
> TANs. They might, out of goodwill, reimburse you.  Then again, they
> might not.  I believe that SaarLB could win in court.  So where is the
> incentive for SaarLB to spend the money for PSK support?

an alternative view of the server side is to recognize that the two most
widest used authentication infrastructures are radius and kerberos

furthermore both radius and kerberos not only have facilities for
abstracting authentication function ... but also abstracting
authorization functions.

one of the short-comings of PKIs, CAs, and digital certificates was the
issue of encorporating authorization information along with the
authentication information into a single paradigm ... for one thing
digital certificates tended to be publicly available .. and
authorization information frequently tends to be sensitive.

frequently then the issue is that attempting to replace existing
authentication infrastructures with PKIs, CAs, and digital certificates
still leaves the rest of the infrastructure for authorization in place.
It is then frequently trivial to demonstrate that the stale, static
digital certificates are redundant and superfluous ... and it is more
efficient and less expensive to have an integrated authentication and
authorization environment by simply registering public keys in lieu of
passwords in an existing integrated authentication/authorizatin environment.

for example ... the original pk-init draft for kerberos specified
registering public keys in lieu of passwords ... giving a integrated
authentication/authorizatin environment using digital signature
verification in place of passwords for authentication. later PKI, CAs,
and digital certificate operation was added to the pk-init draft.

Another aspect was that in the early 90s ... certification authorities
were started to wonder just what set of information would really be
useful for unknown and undefined relying parties ... as a result there
was some direction to start grossly overloading x.509 identity
certificates with huge amounts of personal information.

It was in the mid-90s that some institutions were starting to realize
that x.509 identity certificates, grossly overloading with huge amounts
of personal information represented significant privacy and liability
issues. As a result you started to see the apperance of
relying-party-only certificates (in fact, it may have been a german bank
that started producing the first relying-party-only certificates)

A relying-party-only certificate basically contains some sort of
database lookup value (like userid, account number, etc) where the real
information is kept and a public key. However it is trivial to
demonstrate that a relying-party-only certificate is redundant and
superfluous when the real information has to be directly accessed ... by
demonstrating that the body of the signed message/transaction can also
include the same database index value ... and the real information will
be where the registered public key is recorded. That makes the public
key in the digital certificate redundant and superfluous. Simple
scenarios like transactions have to include the identifier ... and in
certificate-based scenarios ... the identifier

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Alaric Dailey

If I may inject my humble opinion(that isn't necessarily a response to
this peticular email), I may not be as informed as some but

While I admit that PKI is flawed, I don't see anyway that PSK could
used effectively.

How are PSKs going to be shared in a secure way? 
are we talking about generating a new key for every connection? 
    if so how do you validate the key? 
    if not, how do you validate that the key hasn't been compromised by
someone who put up a phishing site?
In my opinion, PSK has the same problems as all symmetric encryption,
its great if you can share the secret securely, but distribution to the
masses makes it infeasible.

>From the way I see it, if site logins were done using a client
certificate, like the USPS
electronic postmark site allows and should enforce, then the
security issues wouldn't be issues, as there would be nothing usable
handed off to an attacker. Furthermore the site could be sure of the
users identity, something none of the other solutions I have seen

Pengdows eMail Signature





   Alaric Dailey
  Everyone deserves privacy.




  Thawte ‘Web of Trust’ Notary
‘Web of Trust’ Assurer
Notary Public


Some versions of these products have trouble replying to digitally
signed emails, like this one.
For more information on this error, and how to fix it please visit Mark
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Stephan Neuhaus wrote:
A. Donald wrote:
  But does not, in fact, prevent. 
Let me rephrase that.  Are we now at a point where we must admit that
PKI isn't going to happen for the Web and that we therefore must face
the rewriting of an unknown (but presumably large) number of lines of
code to accomodate PSKs?  If that's so, I believe that PSKs will have
deployment problems as large as PKI's that will prevent their
widespread acceptance.
That's because PSKs (as I have understood them) have storage and
management issues that CA certificates don't have, four of which are
that there will be a lot more PSKs than CA certificates, that you can't
preinstall them in browsers, that the issue of how to exchange PSKs
securely in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader (good
luck!), and that there is a revocation problem.
To resolve any of those issues, code will need to be written, both on
the client side and on the server side (except for the secure exchange
of PSKs, which is IMHO unresolvable without changes to the business
workflow).  The client side code is manageable, because the code will
be used by many people so that it may be worthwhile to spend the
effort. But the server side?  There are many more server applications
than there are different Web browsers, and each one would have to be
changed.  At the very least, they'd need an administrative interface to
enter and delete PSKs.  That means that supporting PSKs is going to
cost the businesses money (both to change their code and to change
their workflow), money that they'd rather not spend on something that
they probably perceive as the customer's (i.e., not their) problem,
namely phishing.
Some German banks put warnings on their web pages that they'll never
ask you for private information such as passwords.  SaarLB
( even urges you to check the certificate
fingerprint and provides well-written instructions on how to do that.
In return, they'll assume no responsibility if someone phishes your PIN
and TANs. They might, out of goodwill, reimburse you.  Then again, they
might not.  I believe that SaarLB could win in court.  So where is the
incentive for SaarLB to spend the money for PSK support?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 9:39 AM +0200 9/1/05, Stephan Neuhaus wrote:

Are we now at a point where we must admit that PKI isn't going to happen

s/happen/happen in a widely useful fashion/

 for the Web

s/Web/Web and email/

 and that we therefore must face the rewriting of an unknown (but 
presumably large) number of lines of code to accomodate PSKs?

Self-signed certificates that are fingerprinted out-of-band are 
better than PSKs in some situations, worse in others.

  If that's so, I believe that PSKs will have deployment problems as 
large as PKI's that will prevent their widespread acceptance.


--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-09-01 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

James A. Donald wrote:
But does not, in fact, prevent. 

Let me rephrase that.  Are we now at a point where we must admit that 
PKI isn't going to happen for the Web and that we therefore must face 
the rewriting of an unknown (but presumably large) number of lines of 
code to accomodate PSKs?  If that's so, I believe that PSKs will have 
deployment problems as large as PKI's that will prevent their widespread 

That's because PSKs (as I have understood them) have storage and 
management issues that CA certificates don't have, four of which are 
that there will be a lot more PSKs than CA certificates, that you can't 
preinstall them in browsers, that the issue of how to exchange PSKs 
securely in the first place is left as an exercise for the reader (good 
luck!), and that there is a revocation problem.

To resolve any of those issues, code will need to be written, both on 
the client side and on the server side (except for the secure exchange 
of PSKs, which is IMHO unresolvable without changes to the business 
workflow).  The client side code is manageable, because the code will be 
used by many people so that it may be worthwhile to spend the effort. 
But the server side?  There are many more server applications than there 
are different Web browsers, and each one would have to be changed.  At 
the very least, they'd need an administrative interface to enter and 
delete PSKs.  That means that supporting PSKs is going to cost the 
businesses money (both to change their code and to change their 
workflow), money that they'd rather not spend on something that they 
probably perceive as the customer's (i.e., not their) problem, namely 

Some German banks put warnings on their web pages that they'll never ask 
you for private information such as passwords.  SaarLB 
( even urges you to check the certificate 
fingerprint and provides well-written instructions on how to do that. 
In return, they'll assume no responsibility if someone phishes your PIN 
and TANs. They might, out of goodwill, reimburse you.  Then again, they 
might not.  I believe that SaarLB could win in court.  So where is the 
incentive for SaarLB to spend the money for PSK support?


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
adr;quoted-printable:;;Postfach 15 11 50;Saarbr=C3=BCcken;;66041;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-31 Thread James A. Donald
From:   --
From:   Stephan Neuhaus
> If I have understood the draft correctly, using PSKs
> means that the server and the client have a shared
> secret that they must communicate securely beforehand,
> and that they use some form of ZKP to assure the other
> party that they know that secret without revealing it.
> If that's indeed so, wouldn't this have key management
> and storage issues that PK was designed to prevent in
> the first place?

But does not, in fact, prevent. 

 James A. Donald

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-31 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 01:44:25PM +0100, Ian G wrote:

> Not only is there this distance, it is duplicated
> across all languages and all the different auth
> regimes and also for "homegrown" password auth,
> over every application!  I'd wonder if given these
> barriers it will ever be possible to get change to
> happen?

At least here, the front-end servers handle a plethora of authentication
types including client certificate (so client password in TLS should work
too) and the authentication context is then propagated via cookies to
the deep stack of applications behind the perimeter servers. This said,
indeed this is a challenge. Any site that can get client certs working,
can handle variations on the theme, if their authentication happens
deep inside the system (say AD Domain controller behind the webservers)
it won't work.


 /"\ ASCII RIBBON  NOTICE: If received in error,
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-31 Thread Ian G

James A. Donald wrote:

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter

TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual
authentication of client and server as part of the key
exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of- possession
of the password (without actually communicating the
password), if either side fails to do this then the
TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside is that it
isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added
to OpenSSL, and who knows when it'll appear in
Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,

This will take out 90% of phishing spam, when widely

Having read this now [1] I wonder if it is too hopeful
to expect TLS-PKS to be "widely adopted" in browsing.

( I've guessing that you mean that the user's password
and username will be used to bootstrap the secure TLS
session - notwithstanding the comment in section 8 that
this is not the intention [2]. )

The issue I see here is that while the browser may have
access to this data, the server doesn't necessarily
have access to it.  In these days and times, major
websites are constructed with a plethora of methods
to do authentication, and they use a lot frameworks
to handle all that.  In any given framework, the
distance (in code and layers and backends) between
the TLS code and the password code can be quite
large.  One artifact of this is the use of straight
forms to deliver the password rather than use the
inbuilt underlying unix-style password mechanism;
it is far too popular to implement the password
authentication of a user over the top of any
framework as it is - in the application code - as
the framework never quite does what is needed.

Not only is there this distance, it is duplicated
across all languages and all the different auth
regimes and also for "homegrown" password auth,
over every application!  I'd wonder if given these
barriers it will ever be possible to get change to

Or have I misunderstood something here?

(Note that this shouldn't be interpreted as saying
anything about the general utility of TLS-PSK in
other environments as per [2]...)


[1] Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
[2] "However, this draft is not intended for web password
authentication, but rather for other uses of TLS."

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-30 Thread Stephan Neuhaus

Peter Gutmann wrote:

And that's it's killer feature: Although you can still be duped into handing
out your password to a fake site, you simply cannot connect securely without
prior mutual authentication of client and server if TLS-PSK is used.

If I have understood the draft correctly, using PSKs means that the 
server and the client have a shared secret that they must communicate 
securely beforehand, and that they use some form of ZKP to assure the 
other party that they know that secret without revealing it.

If that's indeed so, wouldn't this have key management and storage 
issues that PK was designed to prevent in the first place?  Also, the 
prior secure exchange of secrets would seem to preclude communication 
between entities that don't know each other.  That, however, is how many 
businesses (including ebay, in whose name much phishing spam is 
generated) operate.  Additionally, I don't think that this is just a UI 
issue; after all, both the client and the server must somehow manage the 
PSKs.  There are probably expiration and revocation problems: what if my 
computer gets stolen and I can't get at my PSK? Does this mean that I 
can't do business with my bank anymore? What if I suspect that someone 
has stolen my PSK (for example with the same javascript attack that 
phished my password)? And so on and so on.

I'm not saying that the idea is bad, far from it; I'm just saying that 
there are probably many practical problems to be solved before this can 
be widely deployed.

Or perhaps I haven't understood the draft correctly.

What'd be necessary in conjunction with this is two small changes to the
browser UI:

...and the PSK management code in the server and in the client.


fn:Stephan Neuhaus
org;quoted-printable:Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes;Department of Informatics
adr;quoted-printable:;;Postfach 15 11 50;Saarbr=C3=BCcken;;66041;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-30 Thread Peter Gutmann
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann)
>> TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual
>> authentication of client and server as part of the key
>> exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of- possession
>> of the password (without actually communicating the
>> password), if either side fails to do this then the
>> TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside is that it
>> isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added
>> to OpenSSL, and who knows when it'll appear in
>> Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,
>This will take out 90% of phishing spam, when widely adopted.

And that's it's killer feature: Although you can still be duped into handing
out your password to a fake site, you simply cannot connect securely without
prior mutual authentication of client and server if TLS-PSK is used.

What'd be necessary in conjunction with this is two small changes to the
browser UI:

- Another type of secure-connect indicator (maybe light blue or light green in
  the URL bar instead of the current yellow) to show that it's a mutually
  authenticated connection, along with a "Why is this green?" tooltip for it.

- A non-spoofable means of password entry that only applies for TLS-PSK
  passwords.  In other words, something where a fake site can't trick the user
  into revealing a TLS-PSK key.

Anyone know how to communicate this to the Mozilla guys?  The only mechanism
I'm aware of is bugzilla, which doesn't seem very useful for this kind of


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread James A. Donald
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter
> TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual
> authentication of client and server as part of the key
> exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of- possession
> of the password (without actually communicating the
> password), if either side fails to do this then the
> TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside is that it
> isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added
> to OpenSSL, and who knows when it'll appear in
> Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,

This will take out 90% of phishing spam, when widely

We also need support for measures of key persistance,
like trustbar, but there seems to be lot of resistance
to this, for no reason I understand.

In its current incarnation, trustbar takes up too damn
much real estate, and requires too much manual support.
We need a less obtrusive key persistance measure.

Petname is less obstrusive, and requires less manual
support, but still too much.  The trustbar logos are the
way to go, and logos of about that size are becoming a
standard feature of web pages.  If it could look as cool
as trustbar, while needing even less manual intervention

Also petnames need to be linked to favorites.  When you
are on a site that is on your favorites list, you should
see that it is on your favorites list.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Nick Owen
I would appreciate your thoughts on WiKID.  We use asymmetric keys to
encrypt PINs and one-time passcodes between a client and the server. The
server talks to various network clients using protocols such as LDAP,
Radius, or using our own SSL-tunneled wAuth protocol.  We believe that
replacing passwords is the right economic model to fund PK deployment
widely to consumers.  The client can then be extended to provide
encryption for apps such as the credit card app described below.

We have just released version of WiKID under the GPL.  The GPL client
uses RSA encryption.  The non-GPL version uses Ntru, making it suitable
for wireless clients (RSA key gen on a java cell phone is a bitch).

We have set up as our open source home page
and is the sourceforge
project page as well - which includes a white paper and documentation.
Comments and contributions are much appreciated.



Ian G wrote:
> Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>> the major ISPs are already starting to provide a lot of security
>> software to their customers.
>> a very straight forward one would be if they provided public key
>> software ... to (generate if necessary) and register a public key in
>> lieu of password ... and also support the PPP & radius option of having
>> digital signature authentication in lieu of password checking
> Right.  And do the primary authentication of the key
> using some other mechanism that is outside the strict
> crypto.
> (IOW, Dave, your plan will work, as long as it is
> built from ground up with no prior baggage!  IMHO!)
> This is such a no-brainer that when I first came
> across the solution over a decade ago now, I never
> gave a thought as to how it could be anything but
> the one way to do things.  It just works, and very
> little else works anywhere as well.
> Yet, we are still grubbing around like cavemen in
> the mud.  And then there is this:
> $5M  Mobile ID for Credit Card Purchases
> WHO: John Occhipinti, Woodside Fund, Redwood Shores, Calif.
> WHO HE IS: A former executive at Oracle and Netscape, Occhipinti is a
> managing director and security specialist, leading investments in
> BorderWare and Tacit.
> WHAT HE WANTS: Fraudproof credit card authorization via cell phones and
> PDAs.
> WHY IT'S SMART: Credit card fraud is more rampant than ever, and
> consumers aren't the only ones feeling the pain. Last year banks and
> merchants lost more than $2 billion to fraud. Most of that could be
> eliminated if they offered two-part authentication with credit and debit
> purchases -- something akin to using a SecureID code as well as a
> password to access e-mail. Occhipinti thinks the cell phone, packaged
> with the right software, presents an ideal solution. Imagine getting a
> text message on your phone from a merchant, prompting you for a password
> or code to approve the $100 purchase you just made on your home PC or at
> the mall. It's an extra step, but one that most consumers would be happy
> to take to safeguard their privacy. More important, Occhipinti says, big
> banks would pay dearly to be able to offer the service. "It's a killer
> app no one's touched yet," Occhipinti says, "but the technology's within
> reach."
> WHAT HE WANTS FROM YOU: A finished prototype application within eight
> months. "I'm looking for the best technologists in security and
> wireless, the top 2 percent in their industry," Occhipinti says. The
> team would need to be working with a handful of banks and merchants
> ready to start trials, in hopes of licensing the technology or selling
> the company.
> The funniest part of all is that even though we
> know how to do it in our sleep, Paypal actually
> built one as their "original offering" and threw
> it away...
>> at that point your public key is now registered with your ISP ... and
>> possibly could be used for other things as well ... and scaffolding for
>> a certificateless trust infrastructure.
> Yup.  But this will only work if you go back to
> basics and build the structure naturally around
> the keys.  IOW, not using anything from PKI.
>> lots & lots of past postings on SSL landscape
> Watching security thinking advance is like watching
> primates evolve from close distance.  Either we die
> of old age before anything happens, or we get clubbed
> to death...
> iang
> -
> The Cryptography Mailing List
> Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nick Owen
WiKID Systems, Inc.
404.962.8983 (desk)
404.542.9453 (cell)
At last, two-factor authentication, without the hassle factor


Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Ian G

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:

the major ISPs are already starting to provide a lot of security
software to their customers.

a very straight forward one would be if they provided public key
software ... to (generate if necessary) and register a public key in
lieu of password ... and also support the PPP & radius option of having
digital signature authentication in lieu of password checking

Right.  And do the primary authentication of the key
using some other mechanism that is outside the strict

(IOW, Dave, your plan will work, as long as it is
built from ground up with no prior baggage!  IMHO!)

This is such a no-brainer that when I first came
across the solution over a decade ago now, I never
gave a thought as to how it could be anything but
the one way to do things.  It just works, and very
little else works anywhere as well.

Yet, we are still grubbing around like cavemen in
the mud.  And then there is this:,17925,1096807,00.html

$5M  Mobile ID for Credit Card Purchases
WHO: John Occhipinti, Woodside Fund, Redwood Shores, Calif.
WHO HE IS: A former executive at Oracle and Netscape, Occhipinti is a managing 
director and security specialist, leading investments in BorderWare and Tacit.
WHAT HE WANTS: Fraudproof credit card authorization via cell phones and PDAs.
WHY IT'S SMART: Credit card fraud is more rampant than ever, and consumers aren't the only ones 
feeling the pain. Last year banks and merchants lost more than $2 billion to fraud. Most of that 
could be eliminated if they offered two-part authentication with credit and debit purchases -- 
something akin to using a SecureID code as well as a password to access e-mail. Occhipinti thinks 
the cell phone, packaged with the right software, presents an ideal solution. Imagine getting a 
text message on your phone from a merchant, prompting you for a password or code to approve the 
$100 purchase you just made on your home PC or at the mall. It's an extra step, but one that most 
consumers would be happy to take to safeguard their privacy. More important, Occhipinti says, big 
banks would pay dearly to be able to offer the service. "It's a killer app no one's touched 
yet," Occhipinti says, "but the technology's within reach."
WHAT HE WANTS FROM YOU: A finished prototype application within eight months. "I'm 
looking for the best technologists in security and wireless, the top 2 percent in their 
industry," Occhipinti says. The team would need to be working with a handful of 
banks and merchants ready to start trials, in hopes of licensing the technology or 
selling the company.

The funniest part of all is that even though we
know how to do it in our sleep, Paypal actually
built one as their "original offering" and threw
it away...

at that point your public key is now registered with your ISP ... and
possibly could be used for other things as well ... and scaffolding for
a certificateless trust infrastructure.

Yup.  But this will only work if you go back to
basics and build the structure naturally around
the keys.  IOW, not using anything from PKI.

lots & lots of past postings on SSL landscape

Watching security thinking advance is like watching
primates evolve from close distance.  Either we die
of old age before anything happens, or we get clubbed
to death...


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Dave Howe wrote:
>   Indeed so - however, if Google makes it "just work" then there will be
> a large swathe of people out there wondering "what does this DIGITAL
> SIGNATURE" button do in gmail?" plus a smaller subset who have google
> talk and can perform secure e2e voip using x509 certs that they don't
> even know they have.
>   Its not ideal, but its not a bad thing either - a little more
> security, using a known method, without any individual user having to
> know or care how it works (and lets face facts here, no solution that
> requires an end user to get his finger out and do something without
> being forced to, no matter how trivial the task is, ever had a decent
> update)

the major ISPs are already starting to provide a lot of security
software to their customers.

a very straight forward one would be if they provided public key
software ... to (generate if necessary) and register a public key in
lieu of password ... and also support the PPP & radius option of having
digital signature authentication in lieu of password checking

at that point your public key is now registered with your ISP ... and
possibly could be used for other things as well ... and scaffolding for
a certificateless trust infrastructure.

in much the same way i've commented about some of the implications of
the SSL certificae industry backing for having onfile public keys in the
domain name infrastructure (and anybody being able to do real time
retrieval of public key) ... something similar could happen with onfile
public keys for general public with their ISP (and possibly allowing
real time retrieval of public keys).

so it would be convenient if such public keys were then integrated with
various client email programs as part of the address book (automatic
process for adding email addresses to address book, then possibly also
automatically add public key as part of the same address book entry).
you could then, at least have a button that would cross-check that the
public key that came with the email was the same public key onfile with
the sender's ISP. it would still be up to the recipient to provide a
mapping/binding between an email address and an entity in the real world
(if they so desired).

the automatic add to the address book ... can work the same way
automatic add to address book works today.

part of the issue might be considered separating the trust
infrastructure from the standard addressing infrastructure.

one of the downsides (compared to some of the downsides in the domain
name infrastructure onfile public keys) for the certification authority
industry ... is that public keys no longer require independent
certification ... they just become part of the general addressing landscape.

lots & lots of past postings on SSL landscape

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Dave Howe

James A. Donald wrote:
SSL works in practice, X509 with CA certs does not work 
in practice.  People have been bullied into using it by 
their browsers, but it does not give the protection 
intended, because people do what is necessary to avoid 
being nagged by browsers, not what is necessary to be 
  Indeed so - however, if Google makes it "just work" then there will be a 
large swathe of people out there wondering "what does this DIGITAL SIGNATURE" 
button do in gmail?" plus a smaller subset who have google talk and can perform 
secure e2e voip using x509 certs that they don't even know they have.
  Its not ideal, but its not a bad thing either - a little more security, using 
a known method, without any individual user having to know or care how it works 
(and lets face facts here, no solution that requires an end user to get his 
finger out and do something without being forced to, no matter how trivial the 
task is, ever had a decent update)

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread james hughes
In listening to this thread hearing all the hyperbole on both sides,  
I would suggest that we may need more fuel to the fire.

There was a rump presentation at the recent Crypto on the use of  
"Ceremonies" (which, pardon my misstatement in advance, is claimed to  
be computer protocols with the humans included). The presentation  
states, "Design a great protocol, prove it secure; add a user, it’s  
insecure". This specifically discusses SSL.

The entire rump session is at

scroll down to
   Ceremonies by Carl Ellison

The presentation and video

The video is about 50MB.



On Aug 28, 2005, at 10:32 PM, James A. Donald wrote:

From:   Dave Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2) Google got into the CA business; namely, all
GoogleMail owners suddenly found they could send and
receive S/Mime messages from their googlemail
accounts, using a certificate that "just appeared" and
was signed by the GoogleMail master cert. Given the
GoogleMail user base, this could make GoogleMail a
defacto CA in days.

3) This certificate was downloaded to your GoogleTalk
client on login, and NEVER cached locally

Ok, from a Security Professional's POV this would be a
horror - certificates all generated by the CA (with no
guarantees they aren't available to third parties) but
it *would* bootstrap X509 into common usage,

That horse is dead.  It is not going into common usage.

SSL works in practice, X509 with CA certs does not work
in practice.  People have been bullied into using it by
their browsers, but it does not give the protection
intended, because people do what is necessary to avoid
being nagged by browsers, not what is necessary to be

 James A. Donald

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Gilles DEMARTY
2005/8/29, Dave Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> So, the solution to nobody using the existing (but adequate) solution is 
> another
> existing (but barely implimented and also unused) solution?

I think the good solution is the one chosen by some bank ... :

How can they have accepted such a security flow ?

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Dave Howe

Peter Gutmann wrote:

TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual authentication of client and
server as part of the key exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of-
possession of the password (without actually communicating the password), if
either side fails to do this then the TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside
is that it isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added to OpenSSL,
and who knows when it'll appear in Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,
So, the solution to nobody using the existing (but adequate) solution is another 
existing (but barely implimented and also unused) solution?

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread Peter Gutmann
Dave Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Nicolas Williams wrote:
>> Yes, a challenge-response password authentication protocol, normally
>> subject to off-line dictionary attacks by passive and active attackers
>> can be strengthened by throwing in channel binding to, say, a TLS
>> channel, such that: a) passive attacks are not possible, b) MITMs below
>> TLS get nothing that can be attacked off-line, and c) server
>> impersonators can be detected heuristically when the attacker can't
>> retrieve the password in real-time (such an attack is indistinguishable
>> from password incorrect situations, but...).
>Indeed. The main problem with TLS is lack of PKI support; in principle, this
>isn't true - TLS uses X509 certs, just like any other SSL based protocol - but
>in practice, everyone uses self signed certificates and nobody checks them or
>even caches them to see if they change.

TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual authentication of client and
server as part of the key exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of-
possession of the password (without actually communicating the password), if
either side fails to do this then the TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside
is that it isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added to OpenSSL,
and who knows when it'll appear in Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-29 Thread James A. Donald
From:   Dave Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2) Google got into the CA business; namely, all 
> GoogleMail owners suddenly found they could send and 
> receive S/Mime messages from their googlemail 
> accounts, using a certificate that "just appeared" and 
> was signed by the GoogleMail master cert. Given the 
> GoogleMail user base, this could make GoogleMail a 
> defacto CA in days.
> 3) This certificate was downloaded to your GoogleTalk 
> client on login, and NEVER cached locally
> Ok, from a Security Professional's POV this would be a 
> horror - certificates all generated by the CA (with no 
> guarantees they aren't available to third parties) but 
> it *would* bootstrap X509 into common usage,

That horse is dead.  It is not going into common usage.

SSL works in practice, X509 with CA certs does not work 
in practice.  People have been bullied into using it by 
their browsers, but it does not give the protection 
intended, because people do what is necessary to avoid 
being nagged by browsers, not what is necessary to be 

 James A. Donald

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-28 Thread Dave Howe

Nicolas Williams wrote:

Yes, a challenge-response password authentication protocol, normally
subject to off-line dictionary attacks by passive and active attackers
can be strengthened by throwing in channel binding to, say, a TLS
channel, such that: a) passive attacks are not possible, b) MITMs below
TLS get nothing that can be attacked off-line, and c) server
impersonators can be detected heuristically when the attacker can't
retrieve the password in real-time (such an attack is indistinguishable
from password incorrect situations, but...).
  Indeed. The main problem with TLS is lack of PKI support; in principle, this 
isn't true - TLS uses X509 certs, just like any other SSL based protocol - but 
in practice, everyone uses self signed certificates and nobody checks them or 
even caches them to see if they change.

  So - interesting idea time. what if

1) Talk strongly authenticated *all* connections, even p2p ones, using a 
GoogleMail master certificate and a Googletalk.Googlemail single-use certificate 
to authenticate the GoogleMail server.

2) Google got into the CA business; namely, all GoogleMail owners suddenly found 
they could send and receive S/Mime messages from their googlemail accounts, 
using a certificate that "just appeared" and was signed by the GoogleMail master 
cert. Given the GoogleMail user base, this could make GoogleMail a defacto CA in 

3) This certificate was downloaded to your GoogleTalk client on login, and NEVER 
cached locally

  Ok, from a Security Professional's POV this would be a horror - certificates 
all generated by the CA (with no guarantees they aren't available to third 
parties) but it *would* bootstrap X509 into common usage, and takeup of s/mime 
certificates was always the bottleneck for getting encrypted mail to go 
mainstream (PGP has the same problem, but in addition has the WoT issues and up 
to recently actual obtaining of the software to contend with)

  I can only hope that if this *is* in the gameplan, that the certificates be 
marked "autogenerated" so that in the longer term a more conventional, 
clientside-generated certificate can be used instead.

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Re: e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-27 Thread Dave Howe

Ian G wrote:

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
Really?  You know that the public key you're talking to corresponds to 
a private key held by the person to whom you're talking?  Or is there 
a MITM at Skype which uses a per-user key of its own?

yes, this is the optimisation that makes Skype work,
it is (probably) vulnerable to an MITM at the center.
Almost certainly though, the authorities of whatever government holds a VoIP hub 
are going to start insisting that traffic is interceptable at that hub. of 
course with SIP, unless you are proxying both ends, you are doing direct 
client-to-client links anyhow (so any crypto must be e2e, by definition); again 
however, unless there is some sort of PK retention in place, mitm attacks and 
attacks on the initial key negotiation are possible.

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-27 Thread Ian G

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

But this underscores one of my points: communications security is fine, 
but the real problem is *information* security, which includes the 
endpoint.  (Insert here Gene Spafford's comment about the Internet, 
park benches, cardboard shacks, and armored cars.)

*That* makes much more sense, ignore my earlier email.

  "Secure web servers are the equivalent of heavy armored cars.
  The problem is, they are being used to transfer rolls of
  coins and checks written in crayon by people on park benches
  to merchants doing business in cardboard boxes from beneath
  highway bridges. Further, the roads are subject to random
  detours, anyone with a screwdriver can control the traffic
  lights, and there are no police."


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Re: e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-27 Thread Ian G

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the
computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need
to get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's
beyond the ability of most people.

I don't think it is that hard to do e2e security.  Skype does it.
Fully transparently.

Really?  You know that the public key you're talking to corresponds to 
a private key held by the person to whom you're talking?  Or is there a 
MITM at Skype which uses a per-user key of its own?

yes, this is the optimisation that makes Skype work,
it is (probably) vulnerable to an MITM at the center.

This is a tradeoff.  What it means is that the center
can do an active attack.  But it can't do a passive
attack (this is speculation but it seems reasonable
or at least achievable).

That's a good deal for users, when you consider their
alternative.  Fantastic value for money, really, it's
really very hard to criticise...

Another option: I would prefer ssh style cached keys and warnings if
keys later change ("opportunistic encryption") to a secure channel to
the UTP (MITM as part of the protocol!).

Ssh-style is definitely not hard.  I mean nothing is easier no doubt
than slapping an SSL tunnel over the server mediated IM protocol,

The evidence suggests that if you just slap an SSL
tunnel in place, you end up with an ongoing mess of
key management - ref - what this thread started with
from google.  If you do the thing properly, and
build it opportunistically, with the option of
upgrading to signed certs for those that really
want that, you can avoid all that.  But few do, for
some reason, or maybe those successful cases we just
never hear about because they work without fuss...

When SSL is your hammer, everything gets nailed as
a server.

Here's the problem for a protocol designer.  You want to design a 
protocol that will work as securely as possible, on a wide range of 
platforms, over a reasonably long period of time.

On this I think we'd all agree.  Although I'd also
add that it should be economic - if it doesn't deploy
then it does not good.

What do you do?  If 
you engineer only for e2e security, you end up in a serious human 
factors trap (cue "Why Johnny Can't Encrypt" and Simson Garfinkel's 
dissertation).  Instead, I recommend engineering for a hybrid scenario 
-- add easy-to-use client-to-server security, which solves at least 75% 
of most people's threats (I suspect it's really more like 90-95%), 
while leaving room in the protocol for e2e security for people who need 
it and/or can use it, especially as operating environments change.  
This is precisely what Jabber has done.

It's fascinating that you see this and I wish you'd
share the threats you see.  I see only node threats,
you see only wire threats.  Why is this?

(I can quote reams and reams of news articles that
point to merchant data losses and PC malware and virus
attacks... but it would be boring.  Just ask Lynn for
his feed ...)

My view of the p2p threat model:

  other party - 70%
  own node- 20%
  center  - 10%

To an accuracy of +/- X%.  Obviously, the wire
threats - that are protected by Jabber's SSL and the
like - are in the noise somewhere there (but I expect
them to get much more aggressive in the future).

Another way of looking at this is to ask what the damage
is.  If your chat traffic is breached by some random
threatening outsider, what does he gain?  Nothing, so
it doesn't take a PhD to realise nobody's interested.
But if your listener is a *related* other party and
has your messages, then that's a whole other story...
This is why for example the most popular IM security
system is the discarded nym.


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-27 Thread Aaron Whitehouse
Ian G wrote:

> Using SSL is the wrong tool
> for the job.  It's a chat message - it should be
> encrypted end to end, using either OpenPGP or
> something like OTR.  And even then, you've only
> covered about 10% of the threat model - the
> server.
> But, if people do use the wrong tool for the
> job, they will strike these issues...

Wasn't this the reason that Silc ( was born?
Because the attempts to add security as an overlay onto existing IM was
the wrong way to approach the problem?

Personally I use Silc for my secure conversations; I wouldn't feel much
safer at all if my connection to the Microsoft server was the only part
of my message encrypted.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-27 Thread Eric Rescorla
Dave Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ian G wrote:
>> none of the above.  Using SSL is the wrong tool
>> for the job.
> For the one task mentioned - transmitting the username/password pair
> to the server - TLS is completely appropriate.  However, hash based
> verification would seem to be more secure, require no encryption
> overhead on the channel at all, and really connections and crypto
> should be primarily P2P (and not server relayed) anyhow.

Well, it's still attractive to have channel security in order to
prevent hijacking. (Insert usual material about channel bindings 


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Dave Howe

Ian G wrote:

none of the above.  Using SSL is the wrong tool
for the job.  
For the one task mentioned - transmitting the username/password pair to the 
server - TLS is completely appropriate.  However, hash based verification would 
seem to be more secure, require no encryption overhead on the channel at all, 
and really connections and crypto should be primarily P2P (and not server 
relayed) anyhow.

> It's a chat message - it should be

encrypted end to end, using either OpenPGP or
something like OTR.  And even then, you've only
covered about 10% of the threat model - the
yeah. you have a unencrypted interchange point - the server. There are aspects 
to that which make it both a good and bad thing, mostly bad. for example you 
allow interception at the server (may be a requirement for an american based 
company, but still bad), and you provide a single point of failure for hackers 
(very bad)
Most of the good aspects revolve around only having to support one client cert 
you can embed in your own client (or make available on your website) and not an 
entire PKI infrastructure.

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Re: e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam Back writes:
>On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 11:41:42AM -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam Back writes:
>> >Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
>> >end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third
>> >party)!
>> >
>> What is security?  What are you trying to protect, and against whom?
>Well I think security in IM, as in all comms security, means security
>such that only my intended recipients can read the traffic.  (aka e2e
>I don't think the fact that you personally don't care about the
>confidentiality of your IM messages should argue for not doing it.
>Fair enough you don't need it personally but it is still the correct
>security model.  Some people and businesses do need e2e security.  (It
>wasn't quite clear, you mention you advised jabber; if you advised
>jabber to skip e2e security because its "too hard"... bad call I'd

On the contrary -- I did say that I support and use e2e security.  I 
simply said that user-to-server security solves a lot of many -- most? 
-- people's security needs.
>> Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the
>> computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need
>> to get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's
>> beyond the ability of most people.
>I don't think it is that hard to do e2e security.  Skype does it.
>Fully transparently.

Really?  You know that the public key you're talking to corresponds to 
a private key held by the person to whom you're talking?  Or is there a 
MITM at Skype which uses a per-user key of its own?
>Another option: I would prefer ssh style cached keys and warnings if
>keys later change ("opportunistic encryption") to a secure channel to
>the UTP (MITM as part of the protocol!).
>Ssh-style is definitely not hard.  I mean nothing is easier no doubt
>than slapping an SSL tunnel over the server mediated IM protocol, but
>if the security experts are arguing for the easy way out, what hope is
>there.  I'm more used to having to argue with application
>functionality focussed people that they need to do it properly -- not
>with crypto people.
I'm not arguing for the easy way out; I'm saying that security is an 
engineering matter, and that there are tradeoffs, including in the 
human factors.  People who click "yes" to every download aren't going 
to understand when to accept a key change notice.  Btw, I regularly 
use 3 different machines when talking to my Jabber server.  Is your 
client going to cache all 3 keys for me?  Will all of my correspondents 
know when to click "yes" and when not to?  My son sometimes uses AIM 
from public web browsers.  What then?

I'm sure you're itching to type that my keying material should be on a 
smart card of some sort, so that I could carry it with me and use the 
same key from any machine I choose.  If so, you'd be 100% right.  I'll 
note that for about 99.99% of people, that's just not feasible; they 
don't have a smart card and their OS doesn't have an interface that 
makes it easy to do the right thing.  Heck, I don't have a smart card; 
I don't even know of any smart card readers that talk properly to 
NetBSD, my OS of choice.

Here's the problem for a protocol designer.  You want to design a 
protocol that will work as securely as possible, on a wide range of 
platforms, over a reasonably long period of time.  What do you do?  If 
you engineer only for e2e security, you end up in a serious human 
factors trap (cue "Why Johnny Can't Encrypt" and Simson Garfinkel's 
dissertation).  Instead, I recommend engineering for a hybrid scenario 
-- add easy-to-use client-to-server security, which solves at least 75% 
of most people's threats (I suspect it's really more like 90-95%), 
while leaving room in the protocol for e2e security for people who need 
it and/or can use it, especially as operating environments change.  
This is precisely what Jabber has done.

To sum it up in one sentence: "design for the future *and* the present".

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Kuethe writes:
>On 8/26/05, Steven M. Bellovin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...
>> If you don't trust your (or your correspondents') IM servers, it may be
>> a different situation.  I haven't read Google's privacy policies for
>> IM; if it's anything like gmail, they're using automated tools that
>> look at your messages and add to your behavioral profile.  As Peter
>> said, though, you can always run your own server or find one that you
>> do trust.
>Got a nice little surprise yesterday when I [ge]mailed someone, and
>moments later gaim beeps at me. Checking gaim, I see that suddenly
>these users had been added to my gaim/gtalk buddies list without my
>intervention. Grr

Yup -- documented in the Googletalk pages.
>Anyway, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if somewhere down the
>road a folder called "archived gtalk" shows up in gmail where you can
>search through all your old conversations.
That wouldn't be a surprise at all -- a number of IM programs, 
including at least Gabber and Psi, keep local logs.  Given Google's 
core competency of retaining searchable data, one would expect them to 
do that.

But this underscores one of my points: communications security is fine, 
but the real problem is *information* security, which includes the 
endpoint.  (Insert here Gene Spafford's comment about the Internet, 
park benches, cardboard shacks, and armored cars.)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-26 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Adam Back wrote:

Well I think security in IM, as in all comms security, means security
such that only my intended recipients can read the traffic.  (aka e2e

I don't think the fact that you personally don't care about the
confidentiality of your IM messages should argue for not doing it.
Fair enough you don't need it personally but it is still the correct
security model.  Some people and businesses do need e2e security.  (It
wasn't quite clear, you mention you advised jabber; if you advised
jabber to skip e2e security because its "too hard"... bad call I'd

No one advised any such thing, and e2e was a requirement addressed 
within the IETF by the XMPP WG, resulting in RFC 3923.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Enzo Michelangeli wrote:

Remember that Jabber and similar protocols also trust servers to some
extent. Servers store and distribute valuable information like
presence data -- it is architecturally hard to do otherwise.

Well, not really: the buddies on the list can be located through a
Distributed Hash Table such as Kademlia, and, once their IP addresses are
known, their presence can be checked by ping/pong exchange of UDP packets
every few seconds. The biggest problem is represented by NATs, but there
are techniques that can alleviate it (hole punching or, in stubborn cases,
relaying through non-NATted nodes).

We don't expose IP addresses in XMPP, instead we use logical addresses 
managed by servers. That's a different approach from what you've 
described, but of course you're free to build an alternative presence 
and messaging protocol and network if you'd like. :-)

I agree that you *also* want end to end, such as pgp over Jabber
provides. I really wish Gaim supported the pgp over Jabber stuff the
way PSI does...

Why not get OTR then?

OTR encrypts only the message text, but XMPP can be used to send all 
sorts of interesting XML traffic (such as SOAP, XML-RPC, etc.) in 
addition to simple IM. So we want to encrypt more than what in XMPP is 
the XML character data of the  child of the top-level message 
stanza. RFC 3923 enables XMPP implementations to encrypt the entire XML 
stanza, but no one has implemented that yet and it doesn't support 
perfect forward security etc. Another possible approach being discussed 
is here:


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Chris Kuethe
On 8/26/05, Steven M. Bellovin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> If you don't trust your (or your correspondents') IM servers, it may be
> a different situation.  I haven't read Google's privacy policies for
> IM; if it's anything like gmail, they're using automated tools that
> look at your messages and add to your behavioral profile.  As Peter
> said, though, you can always run your own server or find one that you
> do trust.

Got a nice little surprise yesterday when I [ge]mailed someone, and
moments later gaim beeps at me. Checking gaim, I see that suddenly
these users had been added to my gaim/gtalk buddies list without my
intervention. Grr

Anyway, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if somewhere down the
road a folder called "archived gtalk" shows up in gmail where you can
search through all your old conversations.


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
periodically, some of the PKI related comments remind me of some stories
about power production from the 70s.

some of the '70s energy stories focused on the different quality of
support for power generation technologies based on whether they were
institutional centric (and would be able to charge for delivery)
vis-a-vis individual oriented generation technologies (even when they
involved identical/same/similar solar, wind, etc energy sources). one of
the issues from the energy stories of the 70s was that institutional
centric solutions frequently collected a lot more backing because
proponents were willing to put the effort into the activity in
anticipation of revenue flows.

however, there are sometimes significant differences between the PKI
institutional centric operations and institutional power generation
operations. The power being generated (and delivered) tends to be
relatively standard and individuals may view it a reasonable trade-off
to have it supported by large institution rather than being responsible
for their own power generation installations.

There tends to be a much larger variation in the types of things which
PKI relying-parties are interested in haved certified by some PKI
certification authority (somewhat different from bland uniform power
production operation).

Furthermore, PKI relying-parties frequently may still operate a
significant relationship management infrastructure of their own ...
where the information being certified by a trusted 3rd-party
certification authority represents a tiny fraction of the information
that a production relying party will be keeping. In these situations,
once a relying-party has to operate their own relationahip management
infrastructure of any significance, then the benefit of any
certification added value by a trusted 3rd-party certification authority
becomes marginal at best.

Once a relying-party is operating any significant relationship
management infrastructure of their own, any certification done by some
3rd party certification authority frequently becomes redundant and
superfluous. It then follows, if the certification by some 3rd party
certification authority becomes redundant and superfluous, the associaed
digital certificate (representing that certification operation) then
also becomes redundant and superfluous.

A trivial example in p2p ... is an individual doesn't necessarily know
that the presentation of a "John Smith" x.509 identity certificate in
any way corresponds to a specific "John Smith" that the relying-party
individual is familiar with. They are frequently going to still rely on
some locally maintained repository as well as additional out-of-band
and/or other communication processes. Once they have done that ... then
the incrmeental effort to also include the other individual's public key
becomes trivial (at least from a high-level business process and
information theory standpoint). This, in turn, renders any added value
from a trusted 3rd party certificate authority (and their digital
certificaes) marginal at best.

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e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-26 Thread Adam Back
On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 11:41:42AM -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam Back writes:
> >Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
> >end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third
> >party)!
> >
> What is security?  What are you trying to protect, and against whom?

Well I think security in IM, as in all comms security, means security
such that only my intended recipients can read the traffic.  (aka e2e

I don't think the fact that you personally don't care about the
confidentiality of your IM messages should argue for not doing it.
Fair enough you don't need it personally but it is still the correct
security model.  Some people and businesses do need e2e security.  (It
wasn't quite clear, you mention you advised jabber; if you advised
jabber to skip e2e security because its "too hard"... bad call I'd

> Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the
> computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need
> to get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's
> beyond the ability of most people.

I don't think it is that hard to do e2e security.  Skype does it.
Fully transparently.

Another option: I would prefer ssh style cached keys and warnings if
keys later change ("opportunistic encryption") to a secure channel to
the UTP (MITM as part of the protocol!).

Ssh-style is definitely not hard.  I mean nothing is easier no doubt
than slapping an SSL tunnel over the server mediated IM protocol, but
if the security experts are arguing for the easy way out, what hope is
there.  I'm more used to having to argue with application
functionality focussed people that they need to do it properly -- not
with crypto people.

I do think we have a duty in the crypto community to be advocates for
truly secure systems.  We are building piecemeal the defacto privacy
landscape of the future; as everything moves to the internet.  Take
another example... the dismal state of VOIP security.  I saw similar
arguments on the p2p-hackers list a few days ago about security of p2p
voip: "who cares about voice privacy" etc.


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Adam Back writes:
>Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
>end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third

What is security?  What are you trying to protect, and against whom?

I use Jabber extensively, and I utterly rely on the SSL encryption to 
the server.  I sometimes use end-to-end GPG encryption, but only when I 
need to discuss something very private.  In general, I don't bother, 
because of my threat model.

The biggest threat I face, in many situations, is people eavesdropping 
on my wireless link, or playing ARP-spoofing games on my wired link.
SSL to the server combats that nicely.  (I run psi, because it's the 
only open-source client I've found that actually checks the server's 
certificate against a pre-configured list.  I have no idea what the 
default list is, since I just replace it with my own...)

I'm not particularly worried about the server end.  I and most of my 
Jabber correspondents use one of about four different Jabber servers.  
I run one myself; the other three are also very tightly administered.  
Sure, there could be a problem with any of them; given how bad typical 
endpoints are today, I'd guess that the servers are actually safer.

I'm not even slightly worried about eavesdropping on the backbone.  
I assume NSA can do that if they really want to.  But I *know* that 
it's hard enough that they're not going to waste their time without a 
reason, and I doubt if my IM conversations are high enough on their 
list.  (They're pretty boring, as a rule...)

I'm much more worried about implementation bugs.  A previous version of 
psi had the bad habit of silently falling back to unencrypted mode if 
it couldn't find the local crypto library, and due to some glitches in 
my environment this could happen fairly easily.  I was forced to resort 
to firewalling the unencrypted port on my machines...  (The 
implementation has since been changed to make that failure much less 

If you don't trust your (or your correspondents') IM servers, it may be 
a different situation.  I haven't read Google's privacy policies for 
IM; if it's anything like gmail, they're using automated tools that 
look at your messages and add to your behavioral profile.  As Peter 
said, though, you can always run your own server or find one that you 
do trust.  The protocol itself is quite nice, and was designed with
due attention to privacy.  (Aside: the Jabber RFCs were some of the 
best I dealt with while I was Security AD.  They were remarkably easy 
to read, given their length and the complexity of the protocol.)

Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the 
computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need to 
get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's 
beyond the ability of most people.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Enzo Michelangeli
- Original Message - 
From: "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Back" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Peter Saint-Andre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame

> Remember that Jabber and similar protocols also trust servers to some
> extent. Servers store and distribute valuable information like
> presence data -- it is architecturally hard to do otherwise.

Well, not really: the buddies on the list can be located through a
Distributed Hash Table such as Kademlia, and, once their IP addresses are
known, their presence can be checked by ping/pong exchange of UDP packets
every few seconds. The biggest problem is represented by NATs, but there
are techniques that can alleviate it (hole punching or, in stubborn cases,
relaying through non-NATted nodes).

> I agree that you *also* want end to end, such as pgp over Jabber
> provides. I really wish Gaim supported the pgp over Jabber stuff the
> way PSI does...

Why not get OTR then?


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Alaric Dailey wrote:

I am aware of Jabbers support for GPG/PGP, but did I miss their support
for user certificates? I have seen no indication of such support, what
client supports it?

RFC 3923.

But no clients support that yet to my knowledge.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Adam Back wrote:

Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third

Well, in the Jabber/XMPP world you can run your own server (just as you 
can in the email world). I see no harm in e2m channel encryption in that 
(or any other) case if you've got a client-server architecture. Granted, 
e2e security is also desirable.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Peter Gutmann
John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Recently, Earthlink's webmail server certificate started showing up as
>expired. (It obviously expired a long time ago; I suspect someone must have
>screwed up in changing keys over or something, because the problem wasn't
>happening up until recently.)

This is now the third time in the last few months in which invalid/expired SSL
server certs have totally failed to have any effect, at least until a security
person noticed that there was a problem.  Maybe one of the HCI people reading
the list could be persuaded to investigate whether SSL server certs have any
real security value and/or what changes to the UI need to be made to make them
useful.  Alternatively, how long can you get away with a $19.95 cert from
Honest Joe's Used Cars and Certificates that expired several years ago?


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Alaric Dailey

> Think "end-to-end"..  Even jabber has a way to encrypt messages
> end-to-end using
> user certificates (or PGP).
> -derek
I am aware of Jabbers support for GPG/PGP, but did I miss their support
for user certificates? I have seen no indication of such support, what
client supports it?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> Most chat protocols (and Jabber in particular) are server-oriented
>> protocols. So, the SSL certificate in question isn't that of your
>> buddy but rather of your Jabber server. 

Adam Back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
> end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third
> party)!

Remember that Jabber and similar protocols also trust servers to some
extent. Servers store and distribute valuable information like
presence data -- it is architecturally hard to do otherwise. That
means that you also want to be sure you're talking to the right
server (and that the server wants to be sure it is talking to an
authenticated client).

I agree that you *also* want end to end, such as pgp over Jabber
provides. I really wish Gaim supported the pgp over Jabber stuff the
way PSI does...


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Adam Back
Thats broken, just like the "WAP GAP" ... for security you want
end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third


On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 02:09:48PM -0700, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> Most chat protocols (and Jabber in particular) are server-oriented
> protocols. So, the SSL certificate in question isn't that of your
> buddy but rather of your Jabber server. 

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Eric Rescorla
Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Quoting Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Most chat protocols (and Jabber in particular) are server-oriented
>> protocols. So, the SSL certificate in question isn't that of your
>> buddy but rather of your Jabber server.
> Think "end-to-end"..  Even jabber has a way to encrypt messages
> end-to-end using
> user certificates (or PGP).

Absolutely, but that's not the scenario in which this particular
check is occurring...


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Derek Atkins

Quoting Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Most chat protocols (and Jabber in particular) are server-oriented
protocols. So, the SSL certificate in question isn't that of your
buddy but rather of your Jabber server.

Think "end-to-end"..  Even jabber has a way to encrypt messages 
end-to-end using

user certificates (or PGP).



  Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
  Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Trei, Peter wrote:
> Ironically, Peter's message above kicked off warning
> dialogs from MS Outlook, since it was signed using a keypair
> signed with Peter's own self-signed root, which was not in 
> MSO's list of trusted
> roots.
> Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
> set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
> any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
> to anything.

basically somebody may eventually load the public key from the
self-signed digital certificate into their local trusted public key
repository ... possibly based on some out-of-band trust process.

that isn't any different than almost every certification authority
public key that is in use today. almost every certification authority
public key is represented by some sort of self-signed certificate and is
loaded into the trusted public key repositories of relying parties.

in that sense, it is frequently possible to show (from an information
theory standpoint) that such digital certificates are redundant and
superfluous  ... they however may not be not useful (double negative?)
or may not be unsueful.

given that there exists deployed software that thinks that it requires
some sort of digital certificate in order to perform some processing ...
then even if the digital certificates are redundant and superfluous
(from an information theory standpoint) they can still serve some useful
when attempting to have compatibility with existing deployed software.

recent posting in sci.crypt on slightly related subject

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Eric Rescorla
Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Trei, Peter wrote:
>> Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
>> set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
>> any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
>> to anything.
> Perfectly acceptable over chat, no?  That is,
> who else would you ask to confirm that your
> chatting to your buddy?

Most chat protocols (and Jabber in particular) are server-oriented
protocols. So, the SSL certificate in question isn't that of your
buddy but rather of your Jabber server. 


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Ian G

Tim Dierks wrote:

[resending due to e-mail address / cryptography list membership issue]

On 8/24/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
password will be safely transferred.

iChat pops up the warning dialog whenever the password is sent to the
server, rather than used in a hash-based authentication protocol.
However, it warns even if the password is transmitted over an
authenticated SSL connection.

I'll leave it to you to decide if this is:
 - an iChat bug
 - a Google security problem
 - in need of better documentation
 - all of the above
 - none of the above

none of the above.  Using SSL is the wrong tool
for the job.  It's a chat message - it should be
encrypted end to end, using either OpenPGP or
something like OTR.  And even then, you've only
covered about 10% of the threat model - the

But, if people do use the wrong tool for the
job, they will strike these issues...


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Ian G

Trei, Peter wrote:

Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
to anything.

Perfectly acceptable over chat, no?  That is,
who else would you ask to confirm that your
chatting to your buddy?


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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Trei, Peter wrote:

Ironically, Peter's message above kicked off warning
dialogs from MS Outlook, since it was signed using a keypair
signed with Peter's own self-signed root, which was not in 
MSO's list of trusted roots.

You may trust CAcert's root more or less than a root that is trusted by 
Microsoft. Personally, I find CAcert to be an interesting experiment in 
webs of trust.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 9:42 AM -0400 8/25/05, Trei, Peter wrote:
>Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
>set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
>any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
>to anything.

Oddly enough, the same could be said for a hierarchically signed certificate.



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Steve Furlong
On 8/25/05, Trei, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
> set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
> any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
> to anything.

Which is just fine. Pseudonymity is good.

If, hypothetically, I were interested in writing and distributing
cypto source code which skated right at the edge of current US export
regs, I might want to let users verify that the updates came from the
same source as the original, without giving them or any gov't
busybodies the ability to trace the code back to me.

There are no bad teachers, only defective children.

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RE: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-25 Thread Trei, Peter

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter Saint-Andre
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame
> Tim Dierks wrote:
> > [resending due to e-mail address / cryptography list 
> membership issue]
> > 
> > On 8/24/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >>Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk 
> service, you may
> >>receive a warning message that states your username and 
> password will be
> >>transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; 
> your username and
> >>password will be safely transferred.
> > 
> > 
> > iChat pops up the warning dialog whenever the password is 
> sent to the
> > server, rather than used in a hash-based authentication protocol.
> > However, it warns even if the password is transmitted over an
> > authenticated SSL connection.
> > 
> > I'll leave it to you to decide if this is:
> >  - an iChat bug
> >  - a Google security problem
> >  - in need of better documentation
> >  - all of the above
> >  - none of the above
> It seems Google is assuming that SASL PLAIN is acceptable once you've 
> completed STARTTLS on port 5222 (or if you've connected via 
> SSL on the 
> old-style port 5223). Decide for yourself if that's "secure" 
> and whether 
> the iChat warning is justified.
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Saint-Andre
> Jabber Software Foundation

Ironically, Peter's message above kicked off warning
dialogs from MS Outlook, since it was signed using a keypair
signed with Peter's own self-signed root, which was not in 
MSO's list of trusted

Self-signed certs are only useful for showing that a given
set of messages are from the same source - they don't provide
any trustworthy information as to the binding of that source
to anything.

Peter Trei
(not digitally signed, and not pretending to be)

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-24 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Tim Dierks wrote:

[resending due to e-mail address / cryptography list membership issue]

On 8/24/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
password will be safely transferred.

iChat pops up the warning dialog whenever the password is sent to the
server, rather than used in a hash-based authentication protocol.
However, it warns even if the password is transmitted over an
authenticated SSL connection.

I'll leave it to you to decide if this is:
 - an iChat bug
 - a Google security problem
 - in need of better documentation
 - all of the above
 - none of the above

It seems Google is assuming that SASL PLAIN is acceptable once you've 
completed STARTTLS on port 5222 (or if you've connected via SSL on the 
old-style port 5223). Decide for yourself if that's "secure" and whether 
the iChat warning is justified.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-24 Thread Alaric Dailey
Tim Dierks wrote:

>[resending due to e-mail address / cryptography list membership issue]
>On 8/24/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
>>receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
>>transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
>>password will be safely transferred.
>iChat pops up the warning dialog whenever the password is sent to the
>server, rather than used in a hash-based authentication protocol.
>However, it warns even if the password is transmitted over an
>authenticated SSL connection.
>I'll leave it to you to decide if this is:
> - an iChat bug
> - a Google security problem
> - in need of better documentation
> - all of the above
> - none of the above
> - Tim

Judging by the log (captured using Trillian), google talk is using TLS, 
thus the Legacy SSL support isn't there, but plain text authentication is ok

[14:23] *** Creating connection "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Trillian"
[14:23] *** Server supports TLS encryption...
[14:23] *** Negotiating XMPP SSL connection...
[14:23] *** Connection established using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA (TLSv1/SSLv3)
[14:24] *** Attempting to authenticate using PLAIN
[14:24] *** Authenticated.
[14:24] *** You have successfully connected to Jabber.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-24 Thread Tim Dierks
[resending due to e-mail address / cryptography list membership issue]

On 8/24/05, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
> receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
> transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
> password will be safely transferred.

iChat pops up the warning dialog whenever the password is sent to the
server, rather than used in a hash-based authentication protocol.
However, it warns even if the password is transmitted over an
authenticated SSL connection.

I'll leave it to you to decide if this is:
 - an iChat bug
 - a Google security problem
 - in need of better documentation
 - all of the above
 - none of the above

 - Tim

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-24 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
Quoting Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
> receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
> transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
> password will be safely transferred.
> -=-=-
> hmm

Also noted in Psi.  Google's instructions for Psi say to leave "Use SSL
encryption" and "Allow Plaintext Login" unchecked, but both need to be checked
for me to successfully login.  I'm guessing Google is counting on the SSL
tunnel to protect the plaintext logins.
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFT

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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-24 Thread Ian G

In another routine event in the adventure known as
getting security to work in spite of the security,
I just received this ...


When creating a google talk compatible IM personality in Apple's iChat you
get the following warning on the Google Help pages:
12. Check the boxes next to 'Connect using SSL' and 'Allow self-signed
certificates.' You don't need to check the box next to 'Warn before
password is sent insecurely' -- your password is always secure with Google

Congratulations! You are now ready to connect to the Google Talk service
using iChat.

Once you've configured iChat to connect to the Google Talk service, you may
receive a warning message that states your username and password will be
transferred insecurely. This error message is incorrect; your username and
password will be safely transferred.


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Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-23 Thread John Kelsey

Recently, Earthlink's webmail server certificate started showing up as expired. 
 (It obviously expired a long time ago; I suspect someone must have screwed up 
in changing keys over or something, because the problem wasn't happening up 
until recently.)  So, I contacted Earthlink's technical support, and I got this 
really encouraging reply

Dear John Kelsey,

Thank you for contacting us.

I understand that you are having problems viewing Webmail and that it send out 
error on SSL certificate.

I suggest that you try lowering the security settings of your Internet Explorer.
Please follow the steps below on how to lower the security settings on your 

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. On the Task panel click on Internet Options.
3. Click on the Advance Tab.
4. Scroll down and uncheck [Warn about invalid site certificates].
5. Remember to click on Apply.
6. Click on OK.

You have successfully lower your Internet Explorer settings.

Should you have any other concerns, please get back to us. You will receive a 


Therese B. 3613
EarthLink Electronic Customer Support
EarthLink, Inc.
Case ID 69080634

Looking for easy access to news, stocks, sports, and your favorite links?
With the EarthLink Personal Start Page you can customize everything from
the background colors to your local weather. For more information please

Resolve your customer service questions on-line at our Account maintenance
web site. To add email mailboxes, change passwords, or update your credit
card information, go to:

You can also trade real-time messages with one of our friendly Live Chat

Or email us and get a response that day:

Original Message Follows:

*   Presented Article: 142454
*   Name: John Kelsey
*   Account Type: EarthLink Experience
*   Issue: Spam/Internet Fraud Problem
*   Detailed Issue: Report an Issue
*   Article Title: Protecting Yourself Against Email/Internet Fraud
*   Message Body: The SSL certificate for is
expired. The certificate is fine, it's just
the certificate.

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