Re: [CTRL] Holocaust - Reports Of Israelis Slaughtering Palestinian Men

2002-03-31 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Now what are they celebrating in the passover - the murder of the first born? The blood of the lamb was put on doors of those where the killers would not attack - like Rahab with the red cord.the spies and the "angels of death". Herod and the slaughter of the innocents? Gyp

Re: [CTRL] Baxter's family wants suicide note kpet private

2002-03-31 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well you want the tape write Morley Sater for I did not tape it..some 13 million or so people saw it and a good number called was done in fun, but was dead serious too. I took a day off work the next day because my phone did not stop ringing and everybody was talkin

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Anti-Semitism of Aum Shinrikyo

2002-03-31 Thread saba
Interesting item - drew my attention as of late the Feds are disposing of sarin gas in Arkansas, along with mustard gas, etc. But it seems this AUM group was only a threat at it became more powerful - for these were Doomsdayers...who believed in a Jewish Masonic Royal Conspiracy.further t

Re: [CTRL] Baxter's family wants suicide note kpet private

2002-03-31 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- This note is not intended for public consuption for entertainment. If the case goes to Court then the note could be made available in any Court of Law. Meanwhile trying cases in the news media is a favorite passtime. We once had a guy here make 60 Minutes the same day I did - h

[CTRL] Nobel Peace Award Winner Arafat's Guards Murdered

2002-03-31 Thread saba
So today is Easter Sunday - the The Slauhtermen Cometh.. Well what else would one expect on Easter day - all safe houses no doubt marked with the blood of the lambs. A Nobel Peace Award winner is in isolation, he security executed and they aim for the head - and these Israelis remember have

[CTRL] Fwd: - Pope urges Arafat to end violence - August 2, 2001

2002-03-30 Thread saba
See the date - see the truth? Arafat was begging for International Monitors to come to his aid and the aid of his people. His please were ignored. One month later, plus a few days, the Twin Towers fell - demolition squads and Osama bin Laden was blamedreally? Typical in this country no


2002-03-30 Thread saba
So Larry Silverstein the man who was bankrupt in 1991 and now will receive 7 billion dollars in insurance monies, plus the 124 million or so he received for building 7 where all that fuel oil was stored - 6,000 gallons contrary to law - and some of the men who no doubt died in the Twin Towers had

[CTRL] RIP and May Allah Bless Thee Arafat Who Won Nobel Peace Award

2002-03-30 Thread saba
"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 1994, in alphabetical order, to Yasir Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." But then look what happened to Rabin - now who murdered Rabin a man of peace who had

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. keeps distance in Mideast mess

2002-03-30 Thread saba
What? Nobody believes that "We Come In Peace" crap anymore? So here we have a man who won a Nobel Peace Award sitting all alone by his telephone - don''t work, for another curse has befallen this great Palestinian Leader - the curse of darkness, they turned of fhis electricty.they turned of

[CTRL] Here We Are UN Murder Inc. and Uganda included

2002-03-30 Thread saba
What was that old song Drinking Rum and Coca Cola working for the Yankee Dollah... So here we have it, organized crime, about to reorganize crime. This article is almost laughable..wonder can we get Meyer Lansky and these Mafia Dons or whatever they call them on any Geneva Conference Vio

[CTRL] Fwd: - International - Palestinians fear backlash as Israel rejects Saudi peace plan

2002-03-29 Thread saba
Did anyone really believe Ariel Scheinman aka Sharon would accept any peace plan when it was he who started this war and his reign of terror has killed how many innocents and butchered children? Nice story here (take from Euphorian's E Mail)..and I wonder - ever have a feeling the Arab Nation

Re: [CTRL] Israel's Gene Pool and the Nation of 1,000,000 Atheists

2002-03-29 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Such a thing Dr. Poley as killing softly with lovelike say I am sick of all the love in the world on one hand, while a gun is in the other The lover who comes as a thief in the night - the soft spoken Jeffrey Dahmers in the night, or the Mr. Wonder, the Ghoul of Georgia C

[CTRL] Ronald Reagan - The President They Could Not Kill

2002-03-28 Thread saba
Nor could they murder the Pope that year, for surely it was a bad year for the Assassins... And note, Reagan, Kennedy, McKinley all assassinated, were Irish (McKinley Scotch Irish)..Ambrose Bierce it is said was run out of the country (on his own) for a curious little quantrain he wrote f

[CTRL] Fwd: - Man who shot pope pardoned in Italy - June 13, 2000

2002-03-28 Thread saba
they are after.but now at least the Church can flush out the homosexuals who broke their vows - kind of like that crooked cop - the one rotten apple in the barrel who would destroy the rest, unless weeded out...for the enemy operates from within and without. Saba      world > eur

[CTRL] Bojinka Back in News

2002-03-28 Thread saba
not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. **Peters Big Bang or Bojinka here (saba note) 10: But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which t

[CTRL] Janet Reno Is Six Foot Two

2002-03-28 Thread saba
In high heels that would make her big enough to play basketball. Can't you see her but which shower room would she use, the girls or the boys. For you see once off list someone sent me a letter - a person I did not even know and said check it out for yourself, that Janet Reno was really a man.

[CTRL] Fwd: EU imposing steel taxes of their own

2002-03-28 Thread saba
Won't dealing with this EU be just lovely; and just think they get to form their own little army. Next time they want the yanks to save their asses, remember - their boots were made for walking all over us. Well they never got Ireland into this cess pool and give them time - won't this be lovely

Re: [CTRL] Do Freedom of Information Act Files Prove Foreknowledge Of Pearl Harbor? (1 of 2

2002-03-27 Thread saba
nd go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. (symbolism of The Rising Sun or Son" saba note) "8": And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and

[CTRL] Lies, Lies and More Lies......Or this guy Daschle is getting senile

2002-03-27 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- There has been a Shadow Goveernment since WWII.that I know of for sure. Used to be in cities there would be bomb shelters but when it comes to direct hit don't know how safe . Hub Taft had bomb shelter in Cincinnati, Ohio (my sister had worked for Tafts) but one day in th

Re: [CTRL] Britain accused on terror lab claim

2002-03-27 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Knew that was a lie too whenI read it - furthere there are so many anthrax germs in Afghanistan - none too fatal of course, but it is a land of camels, sheep, goats and goat hair now used for certain materials for importing purposes must be loaded with the stuff. USA and Russian

[CTRL] Public Schools Rehired Sexual Pervert

2002-03-27 Thread saba
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 N.Y. Times Ignores School Molestations The New York Times, like the Boston Globe and other members of the leftist, anti-religious media establishment, has prominently run numerous articles about pedophiles and homosexual molesters among the Catholic clergy - but is str

[CTRL] Inside Cover Story

2002-03-27 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These a

Re: [CTRL] More on the "Black Water" Phenomenon

2002-03-26 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Andrew remember we were warned the year of la Nina and el Nino and I believe they heat up these streams some way so what if they like Mt St. Helene set off something under there with same effect. Psalm 46 the Baconian Cypherthere is a river but this time is it underground jet

Re: [CTRL] More on the "Black Water" Phenomenon

2002-03-26 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- So Edward and Andrew is this the heating up of the water someway for the weather control program this el nino and la nina? Remembr the little sea animals used these jet streams in the waters to travel.when the lemmings disappear in the water they do not drowned - for they en

[CTRL] Fwd: CTRL] Majesty Twelve: By William Cooper

2002-03-26 Thread saba
ever" so that they will calmly await without opposition to the new world order the workings of "the hand of God". After all... who could oppose the bringing to fruition of the inspired prophetic Revelation of God. There is more... much more... as you will come to realize on your own

Re: [CTRL] The Jesuit Oath Exposed

2002-03-25 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Bill had to laugh on this one - it is put out by Ian Paisley - the hated preacher and the one who pushed to get Bernadette Devlin shot - for he said she was demon seed. Remember her? The Church sent her out like a Joan of Arc and when she was shot, thought, she did not leave t

[CTRL] Fwd: Inside Cover Story

2002-03-25 Thread saba
Well after watching Rosie on TV tonight I can see why this lound mouthed Joan Rivers took a couple of digs at her. Not sure what she said exactly except when Rosie came out of the closet her alleged paramour left her for she did not know Rosie was a lesbian Tonight Rosie was on FOX with O'R

Re: [CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-25 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Okay Neuropsychotic to each his own - I do not bother anybody that does not bother me first - for instance the idea is to forever destroy the white race and these blue eyed blonde haired children and oh how jealous some of these people have always been of the blonde chilren. In f

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Report of de Mohrenschildt's suicide was missing.

2002-03-25 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- A lot of these documents are sold and put on black market; for instance Elvis Presley's autopsy report disappeared and Bob Pope, Head of the National Enquirer offered $50,000 for it.this was the original reportso some who had the copies of this might have made a few bucks.

Re: [CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-25 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Joshua Tinnin is a low browtoo and I do pronounce you and June man and wife. Here we have it, a marriage made in hell. OSaba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagand

[CTRL] Forsooth - Are the Gideons Coming to Steal more Gold

2002-03-25 Thread saba
coth. "17": And he beat down the tower of Penuel, and slew the men of the city. (Wonder of wonders - another Tower beaten down and by whom and what? Maybe like Twin Towers - saba note - and boy there was a lot of gold at the bottom of the Twin Towers which belonged to the Ishmalaites - Sa

[CTRL] Was there a Leak on Noah's ARK? Mass Exodus in Israel

2002-03-25 Thread saba
at Sabra but tell me think he will ever live long enough to be tried as War Criminal - Saba E-mail message From: xx Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2002, 6:06am The Next 72 Hours "No man knoweth the hour" - but the next 72 could be exciting. A mass exodus is occurring

Re: [CTRL] Whose Got The Funk? (was: opposition to Israel)

2002-03-24 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- I imagaine June and Neuropsychotic absolutely fall apart when Fats Domino sings "I got a whole lot of lovin"..such a romantic figure however does not appeal to me - not my cup of tea. Different strokes for different folk and there is no accounting for individual taste. Prefe

[CTRL] Fwd: S. Africa report blasts AIDS science

2002-03-24 Thread saba
e of Africans as "immoral, diseased and sexually depraved animals." SABA NOTE: Tell me are they still slaughtering White Farmers in South Africa - let them come to Georgia Crematorium and see what fine upstanding citizens we have down there - why one made Chairman of Democrat Party..u

[CTRL] Fwd: Spy Vs. Spy

2002-03-24 Thread saba
see in order to collect some of the oney they got - they had to sign waivers to any lawsuits - really. SABA REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY Spy Vs. Spy April 16, 1993 - Si Frumkin Here are a few a appropriate quotes, proverbs and clichés: "People In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stone

[CTRL] Fwd: sues U. South Florida prof over claims of conspiracy with Saudi Arabia

2002-03-23 Thread saba
Note a lawsuit in Oklahoma was filed against Iraq and you can imagine what inspired this..this is big bu$ine$$ for this Lomas is out to steal the Arab gold and consider the Twin Towers and the Saudi gold at the bottom and then ask again cui bono? Larry Silverstein a man who was bankrupt in 1

[CTRL] Fwd: WABC Special - Interview With Esther Pollard

2002-03-23 Thread saba
publishing houses in America.. Saba WABC Special - Interview With Esther Pollard Justice4JP Release - July 27, 2001 Originally aired on WABC Radio 77 NYC - June 23, 2001 The John Batchelor and Paul Alexander Show PART I Click here to go straight to Part II. John Batchelor and Paul Alexander, later

[CTRL] Fwd: buying info: The Secret War Against the Jews : How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People

2002-03-23 Thread saba
rida against Al-Arian that would lay out the ties among him, the International Institute, various of its affiliates and Saudi interests.        Customs and Treasury officials hustled to prepare their raids for March 20, the day that Loftus filed his lawsuit claiming various frauds by Al-Arian, L

[CTRL] World Trade Center

2002-03-23 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- So Neuropsychotic - the throne upon which Saturn date could this be Satan Satand this 7th Gate is this September using another calendar? 7th - March to some is beginning of year - right? But is this 7th gate opening to September - the three gates masonic meaning? Further th

[CTRL] Fwd: BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Flashback: Sabra and Shatila massacres

2002-03-22 Thread saba
Now isn't it wonderful, there is a beer bellied Israeli in Florida training D Platoons to "protect" Americans and the chief spokesman standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder with this fat slob, was an American Negro who looked a wee bit uncomfortable. Is this what happened at Waco? Nobody s

Re: [CTRL] Cheney Says U.S. Will Attack Iraq "For Israel's Sake"

2002-03-22 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- This is a rather self serving story..if this be true neither Cheney or Sharon will be long for this world. Their deceit and treachury surely will not be overlooked by Bush. Murder of more Iraqi children for "Israel's Sake"how about Suffer Little Children and for Christ's

[CTRL] Fwd: Half Brother Says bin Laden Is Alive And Well

2002-03-22 Thread saba
And O'Saba still says Osama bin Laden did not pull off that Twin Towers job - not his style. Further it is about time the people were told the truth about Danny Pearl and maybe his Merry Widow who professes to be a "journalist" will tell us for whom she has worked - for even PBS seems to beome a

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Spy Ring-THE TRUTH, AT LAST

2002-03-22 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Wonder Bill if by the time they got to Phoenix they were gone? OSaba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! T

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mauling trial jurors explain verdicts

2002-03-22 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Get on the web and look it is there for all to beholdeven unto the perfume at the inception of this case prior to the trial as this woman tried to say the perfume drove the dog to sexual madness evidently.This Miglin sells some of this crap an evidently it drove

[CTRL] Fwd: Investigative Report: Cloud of Corruption Around Democrats’ Union Patron

2002-03-22 Thread saba
This is the Union Jerry Wurf once headed - beating Arnold Zander whom I had the pleasure to meet. Wurf then joined the CFR and had no doubt always been part of it, fo rmy old boss told me he had fought him before in New York, and the guy was a communist. He had expensive tastes, however but he

[CTRL] Fwd: Mauling trial jurors explain verdicts

2002-03-22 Thread saba
al attack, did this woman order them to kill? Saba Maul Mauling trial jurors explain verdicts Marjorie Knoller, left, reacts as the guilty verdict on the count of second-degree murder in read Thursday. At right is her attorney, Nedra Ruiz. March 22 -- Don Newton, jury foreman in the dog-maul

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Kansas City Star | 03/21/2002 | Principal,teacher removed from Pitcher Elementary while districtinvestigates alleged strip search

2002-03-22 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- June go back to your "level" and ho huread one line of this and your usual slop - nothing original, nothing witty, in fact nothing - just your usual line of crap and frankly June you must leave a trail of crap wherever you go. OSaba";> DE

[CTRL] Fwd: Kansas City Star | 03/21/2002 | Principal, teacher removed from Pitcher Elementary while district investigates alleged strip search

2002-03-22 Thread saba
and homosexual teachers for it is SHOW TIME. Now remember the little kiddies are being condiioned and for what? Potential targets for what? Smile - you are on camera and do not know it? Saba Click here to visit other RealCities sites   Help Contact Us Site Index Archives Place an

[CTRL] Pakistan Government to let US Troops into Pakistan

2002-03-21 Thread saba
And No Wonder - recent tax increases in Pakistan, they need the added protection for without a doubt this government is riding for a big fall - will the USA save their worthless hides. Will their police kidnpa maybe a few USA Army Generals or something that is if any of them these days to to war

[CTRL] Fwd: Building Big: Databank: World Trade Center

2002-03-21 Thread saba
Here is original story - now June take note you are a liar. Saba --- Begin Message --- --- End Message ---

[CTRL] So Einstein Worked in Patent Office Collecting Ideas Perhaps?

2002-03-21 Thread saba
ife, for international peace. Einstein was cremated at Trenton, New Jersey at 4 pm on 18 April 1955 (the day of his death). His ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place. (Saba note: It is said his brain is in a Mason jar somewhere and it was lost; but can we really be sure it was Einstein w

[CTRL] Fwd: FBI closes in on Anthrax Terrorist - Prime suspect is a Zionist

2002-03-21 Thread saba
Note all this activity in Florida, Israeli hoodlums holding training for D Platoons to "protect" the American people? Strange, this Florida connection always. So Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair and then consider this - Sadaam Hussein once offered the USA Cheap oil, but if the Israe

[CTRL] Fwd: Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Body parts found in Spanish car

2002-03-21 Thread saba
HOme Directors permitted this garbage to make out death certificates and pick up bodies? And pocketed the money, right? Saba   Body parts found in car boot of Spanish funeral parlour worker Giles Tremlett in Madrid Wednesday March 20, 2002 The Guardian Spanish police have arrested a former

[CTRL] Fwd: A Rush to Fix Ground Zero's Damaged Dike

2002-03-21 Thread saba
s, rough and dirty, over a legion of heavy equipment involved in cleaning up debris far below street level. (saba note: according to one report, the World Trade Center was built on "landfill"?) Over the last 10 days, workers have begun excavating the southeast corner of the site. "We&#x

Re: [CTRL] Paddywhackery

2002-03-20 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- I agree Andrew for the English loves us as much as I love Mohammed Ali who claims he had an Irish Father. If he had an Irish ancestor I am a monkey's Uncle. Yuk. OSaba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational

[CTRL] Fwd: Zionist Racists, War Criminals and Fanatics

2002-03-20 Thread saba
Found this in the Michael Huffman story re his site. Now why in Joel 3 has the word Palestine been stricken from the bible - the new revised edition has removed the last refernece to Palestine from the bible. Also in verse 9 where they call for the Gentiles to come over and save their asses, this

[CTRL] Pentagon's Top Cuba Expert Pleads Guilty to Espionage

2002-03-20 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! T

Re: [CTRL] Saddam's Oppositions Opposes Offensive

2002-03-20 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Now here is a story about a guy, who was so busy tending to other people's business, he did not tend to his own businessand as a result - well, is history repeating itself? Think anybody really cares about "collateral", and further, I hate black. OSaba Song

[CTRL] Fwd: Pravda.RU Ukrainian knight of science disproves Einstein and prepares himself for solving gravitation’s mystery

2002-03-19 Thread saba
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Feb/2002 Web-publishers Add PRAVDA.Ru headlines to your site for free! Search Search WWW Search Culture Konstantin's Palace: in Search of the Original Ukrainian knight of science disproves Einstein and

Re: [CTRL] Scientism Religious Conspiracy

2002-03-19 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Joshua Tinnin you would be a home in Georgia nowcan see you out there stomping for those negros this oh so refined respected family for one even headed up what was once the Democrat Party? Got a little scam going there. I think you are one big ignoramus and your theor

[CTRL] Fwd: 90 Are Arrested in Inquiry Into Internet Child-Sex Ring

2002-03-19 Thread saba
InternationalNational-ColumnsNation ChallengedPoliticsBusinessTechnologyScienceHealthSportsNew York RegionEducationWeatherObituariesNYT Front PageCorrectionsEditorials/Op-EdReaders' Opinions ArtsBooksMoviesTravelDining & WineHome & GardenFashion & StyleNew York TodayCrossword/GamesCartoonsMagaz

Re: [CTRL] Scientism Religious Conspiracy

2002-03-19 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- 1 Kings, chapter 10 Chapter "22": For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, zionists, and peacocks. So here is the creation - zionists and apes walk hand in han

Re: [CTRL] Scientism Religious Conspiracy

2002-03-19 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Joshua Tinnin if you are waiting have a nice wait. I do not think Dr. Poley is going to be your step and fetch it. His intellectual level is well over your head - so have a nice wait Bagal Hole 2. You are ridiculous.Have a nice wait..cannot imagine Dr. Poley wasti

Re: [CTRL] Scientism Religious Conspiracy

2002-03-18 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Dr. Poley - what do you think about this Thalimonide back on market - causing birth defects. Babies born with virtually little wings? Like a step in the evolution of man was virtually wiped out. As George Wallace used to say, redbirds had redbirds, bluebirds have bluebirds, and

[CTRL] Fwd: Online child porn ring busted

2002-03-18 Thread saba
Wonder why Michael Jackson tries to make a comback . noted his new nose is grotesque. OSaba Onli Online child porn ring bustedDozens of kids allegedly molested; priests among 27 jailedBREAKING NEWS NBC NEWS WASHINGTON, March 18 — At least 36 kids were molested by members of a nationwide

[CTRL] Fwd: Action #14 - Thalidomide Never Left Us

2002-03-18 Thread saba
ore. These happenstance connections begged for research by scientists."  saba note: Here is a group of victims some thought would just go away and note here: It was Israel who has tried to push this drug for "leprosy" use and other uses, and maybe they will pass it on to the Pale

Re: [CTRL] Huge rise in babies born with defects (UK)

2002-03-18 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well UK no doubt has opened doors to Leprosy as has the USA with their multicultural life styles. This item note is old but there are later items where New YOrk and New Jersey has oh so many uses for this drug - you knowo the one where little babies were born with flippers instea

Re: [CTRL] Fw: paddy ashdown's criminality

2002-03-17 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Slobodan Milosevic is giving them all a good run for the TRUTH for the truth will set him free and then I hope he sues the bastards. Nobody is perfect - but today Yugoslavia is gone sold to the EU? So EU soon the drums will beat for War for they are doing what the Zionists and H

[CTRL] Maryland, the Green Fir Tree - the Mother State

2002-03-17 Thread saba
Happy St. Patrick's Day You All...and remember St. Patrick carried the Fitzgerald Coat of Arms so do not say athere is not a Day for John Fitzgerald Kennedy (for my father was a Fitzgerald, a Neville, a Fleming an a Walsh) Here's to you all. (with few exceptions) OSaba Chairmana of the Boar

[CTRL] Israel Setting America Up for the Kill????

2002-03-17 Thread saba
Words of Ehud Bark in his plan for America: ""There will be some limitations on civil liberties," Mr. Barak said. "But there is a need for government to go to this extreme." Then consider this despot's heels were already on the shore where we are now told by his new Texas Boss : "So it seemed o


2002-03-17 Thread saba
--- Begin Message --- View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum ISRAEL'S 9-11 CONNECTION EXPOSED Posted By: Rayelan Date: Tuesday, 12 March 2002, 3:06 a.m. Hello Rayelan, You are


2002-03-17 Thread saba
--- Begin Message --- Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg More news here Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum BRITISH INTELLIGENCE IS GETTING WORRIED Posted By: UselessEa

[CTRL] Fwd: Chemtrails - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater

2002-03-16 Thread saba
Well yesterday there were Chemtrails only this time closer in - I advised my roofmen that the weather would now change and they saw these chemtrailsbut the Contractor said no we are to have nice weather next few days. My daffodiles previously had been lying on ground prostrate with grief and

Re: [CTRL] Curbs on Sharon

2002-03-16 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Think we ought to arm up the Palestinians. Further see what has happened - this Zionist element works day and night to disarm white America? In particular I should say white America? These Palestinians fight back one soul will take the lives of many soldiers - they are believe

[CTRL] Fame Can't Excuse a Plagiarist

2002-03-16 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! T


2002-03-16 Thread saba
Read all about it - Scandal in the White House and hey let's check out that Democrat Party in Georgia - the one where the familiy of Ghouls ran the Crematorium - a big time Tri State Crematorium service - only thing, it should be called Tri State Waste Disposoal..looks like this bunch big time

[CTRL] Fwd: Senate panel OKs body-parts bill

2002-03-16 Thread saba
Another nice reference to the body parts salesmen CRYOLITE, located in Georgia, and believe Alabama with Florida connections. So what was this Ghoul in Georgia doing with bodies piled high - but this grave with the body parts. so keep in mind the horrible Burke and Hare in England for songs

Re: [CTRL] PseudoPsychic

2002-03-15 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well like this story and am reminded way back in 1969 when I filed a soothsaying with out license and practicing astrology charge without license against Jean Dixon which while it hit the fan, and she lost her "divine status" as well as had Ted Kennedy too late, direc her boss Kin

[CTRL] Generation of Vipers

2002-03-15 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- It is strange, predators drooling over the boy scouts or even little cub scouts, an alleged preacher in Florida assaulting a you gay mail not quite of legal age, priests then held on 25 year old charges for assault on young boys, Michael Jacksons oh he is just a peodophile nothing

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] XXIV.  The Killing of the Divine King

2002-03-14 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Boy after reading this stuff, that Bush better watch his step. And that Sharon - sure he is not dead and that is really a dead man walking taking revenge - he looks like a stuffed penguin. So as the Harvest Moon is sure to be, and the guns of Autumn is still a seasonal things wh

Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News returns

2002-03-14 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Deara Sonic Boom Rick: Just think Oh Great One - Oh Englightened One - this is one gentle reader who welcomes you back. Just like Home Again Rose - or who is that who always returns to the scene of his greatest crimes? OSaba";> DECLARATION & DI

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] "rumor has it danny boy..."

2002-03-14 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Danny Boy...let us say rumor might have it they are more afraid of you than you of them. Once I was told if I went to Washington DC to meet with Jimmy Hoffa as he had invited me (then he disappeared) - that I would be found shot to death, my throat cut, arms and legs bro

Re: [CTRL] Raiding the Flock

2002-03-14 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- That is not Church down there; that is a front. I can imagine what fun it would be to run a check on this man, and I wonder if his church approves of sodomy? This man is no preacher. OSaba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discus

[CTRL] Fwd: Art of William Hogarth - Four Stages of Cruelty - Reward of Cruelty

2002-03-14 Thread saba
ad all this stuff out today as my electricity has been off while work being done in my home. Thanks for the story on the Masons But remember their favorite color is plaid, for they come in many different colors and fly many different flags. Further, Saba sayeth naught. So much for

[CTRL] Suspect indicted in Pearl’s slaying

2002-03-14 Thread saba
Find it most interesting this Rubaiya or Omar or whatever his name is - the mastermind if you can call him that of the murder and kidnapping of Dannny Pearl, seems very very concerned and fearful of his own life. Sort of the your life for mine stuff as he warns if taken to America he will bring d

[CTRL] Fwd: Israel's Tactics Prompt a Fiery Disagreement in the Cabinet and Censure Abroad

2002-03-14 Thread saba
So Neuropsychotic - can't tell the difference between lies and the truth? Maybe it is the way a truth is manipulated where a person says one thing and does another? Interesting item here in the Truth - note the reference to going over the cliff, falling into the abyss - the FOOL in the Tarot Ca

[CTRL] Fwd: Who Benefits from the World Trade Center/Pentagon Attacks?

2002-03-13 Thread saba
Note this DEBKA news again revealing US secrets but also lies for the Israelis are the ones with these little nuclear back packs and note, while an American General who received the Congressional Medal of Honor was searched, stripped, and agents were going to take his Medal from him for scrap - bu

[CTRL] INC News Center - 11/12/2001: "Bin Laden-Saddam nuclear pact?"

2002-03-13 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid m

Re: [CTRL] Rosie: 'I Am Gay Parent'; Invites Bush to Spend Weekend :-)

2002-03-13 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- So Rose should take that picture of the then 2 year old who had her front teeth knocked out, and who was oh so accident prone but Rosie would tell us about their accidents...this little 2 year old "accidently" hit her little nose damaging same, blood, etc., while trying to ope

[CTRL] Slaughterman Cometh: Gaza raid, civilians killed too

2002-03-13 Thread saba
Al Q'aida - wonder how the Aida Refugee Camp was given its name..RACHE RACHE RACHE - vengance was the call of over 1,000 mourners when the body of a 14 yeara old kid was buried .this was April 2000 this call was heard. Slaughter of more innocents. What wer the words again Timothy McVei

Re: [CTRL] Story of the Maps

2002-03-13 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- I am more interested in why the King James Bible in Joel - why Palestine was stricken out of the book, rather like blotting someone's name out of the book - right? Masonic stuff or what? Who permitted this one and last reference to be taken out of the King James Bible? Maps I

[CTRL] Der Fuhrer Mayor Bloomberg

2002-03-13 Thread saba
Speer by a few wav-files. Please click below...      speer1.wav (244 kB) >From his first speech, as Minister of Armaments, held in a snowstorm. (The death march music for Todt has been dubbed in the background). (Music always added for propaganda purposessaba note) "No matter how great o

[CTRL] Light Show Stirs Dark Memories

2002-03-12 Thread saba
d Washington DC while von Braun was working on beating Russia to the Moon which he did. Had he gone to the Russians, well maybe we would be sining Russia My Native Land? Saba Light Show Stirs Dark Memories by Steve Kettm Light Show Stirs Dark Memories by Steve Kettmann 3:00 a.m. Dec. 14, 1999

Re: [CTRL] This This Guy is Really a Moslem???

2002-03-12 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- And I suppose Neuropsychotic wearing your fish net shirts does not make you a fag either? OSaba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance

[CTRL] Was Jesus an Arab Muslim Killed by the Jews?

2002-03-12 Thread saba
e World Trade Center will it be called in the future "The Silverstein Buildings? Well 7 billion dollas in insurance money is a lot of money for leasing "air space" . No way Jesus Christ was a Jew. No Way . Saba Was Jesus an Arab Muslim ? A Muslim is some one who Submi

Re: [CTRL] This This Guy is Really a Moslem???

2002-03-12 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- so Mermaid will try to find picture later today - have men working in my home today installing new bathroom and the works, but this one kid stands down the hall and reads my TV screen - for this comes up on 27 inch screen. The one man is a Mason or was - and told me not to worry

[CTRL] This This Guy is Really a Moslem???

2002-03-12 Thread saba
fag or cross dresser when you take good look at him but note ohis photographs have been "touoched upon" and we are not permitted to see his face.and then we have John Walker Lindh with his phoney french accent and of course this Reid - what the hell he is is something straight out o

[CTRL] My Name Is Legion

2002-03-11 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- And Sherman drove the people to the sea one of the most hated men in the South. Further look to Georgia and the Valley of the Dry Bones and wonder about the graves with the "body parts" and wonder more then about 1,000,000 chickens left to die who were diseased some 50 percent an

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Burnet's solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia

2002-03-11 Thread saba
buildings FREE for the insurance of 7 billion dollars - 7 billion dollars plus the money from 7 World Trade Center as well, which flourised in the flames thanks to the Mayor causing to be placed 6000 gallos of fuel by its door. Time to wake up. OSaba --- Begin Message --- Saba,   Have you

Re: [CTRL] Firefighters Protest Appearance in Gay [Homosexual] Pride Parade

2002-03-11 Thread saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Andrew I agree; and further all the firemen I have known, have had one thing in common - they were REAL MEN and brave men. As for this Gay Pride CRAP - now that we have a war going and shortly before, it was said the Gays did not like the service and wanted out - maybe they

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