[CTRL] Owners of the Bank of England: Royalty or Court Jews?

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from the New Paradigms Discussion List:
-Original Message-
From: Lee Markland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [prj] Re: Owners of the Bank of England

Exercise Your Health Freedom in the Teeth of FDA Tyranny Through the Life
Extension Foundation Click:
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At 02:02 PM 12/28/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Exercise Your Health Freedom in the Teeth of FDA Tyranny Through the Life
Extension Foundation Click:
http://www.lef.org/cgi-local/welcome.cgi?id=214<<  END
>Lee Markland wrote:
>> Lloyd Miller wrote:
>> >Of course, this means nothing as the previous owners of the Bank of
>> >own the government.  Remember, the Rothschilds, contrary to popular
>> >are Court Jews, agents of the Monarchy and subservient to it. The
>> >Rothschilds were rewarded with a position on the prestigious "Acceptance
>> >Committee" of the Bank of England after the Napoleonic Wars.  The Royal
>> >Family and their relatives and allies owned the Bank of England.
Remember a
>> >point seldom mentioned, investment bankers act as agents for the super
>> >richthey are not the "Rich", themselves.
>> Poor Rothschilds, victims and pawns, not the "Rich" themselves - LOL,
>> the opposite is true, through Rothschild Inc, in Paris, they provide seed
>> money to aspiring family members to buy up companies and corporations
>> throughout the world. Duly reported in Business Week, circa 1982 -1983,
>> someone with access to a public library and the Guide to Periodicals
>> be able to run down the article.

Lloyd Responds:  The Rothschilds buy-up comapnies for their sponsors and
investors...mainly, the world's Royalty as they have for several Centuries
now.  By no means poor, but not the ultimate string pullers.  Investment
bankers are middlemen.  The Rothschilds, Warburg, and other Court Jews are
not admirable.  They serve the Ruling Class Powerful in the exploitation and
victimization of the ruled class.

>> They own Dutch Royal Shell, British Petroleum, Lazard Freres in Paris.

Lloyd Responds:  No, Royal Dutch Shell is owned primarily by the House of
Orange.  The Rothschilds are _their_ bankers.  British Petrol was owned by
the British Government 'till privatised by Thatcher, I believe.  The
Rothschilds do own their banking houses, of course.  However, the
Rothschilds left France with great fanfare some years ago when the
Socialists took over.

>On page 2 of Post-Industrial Society by Peter Drucker can be found the
>statement that "by 1815, the Rothchild's had become the great power,
>overshadowing kings and princes."  Given the available evidence on the
>Rothschilds, along with the Schiff's, Warburgs, Loebs and so on, it would
>seem there is merit to Drucker's view.

Lloyd Responds:  Of course, this is the common view.  All around the world
the real rulers of this world, primarily the Dynasties founded by Viking
conquerors use Jews as front men and scapegoats.

>One also has to ask if the Monarchy would choose
>to be in the glare of public scutiny if it were the true power.

The best place to hide is right out in the open...they work on creating the
atmosphere of misinterpretation through the fraud of democracy.  They know
they cannot hide, but they can induce misinterpretation.

>I am aware
>of other elements, such as the Weft?

Welfs, I believe, from whom descend the British Monarchs and West German
Princes from which they sprang.

>family, but fail to see how they
>could control the so-called Court Jews (Zionists).

You control what you create!

With a very few exceptions, the Court Jews opposed Zionism until Lord
Balfour gave them the green light with the Balfour declaration, a clever
plot to gain uniform Jewish support for WWI and use the Jews as an Imperial
sword point in the Middle East.  Lord Balfour was a Cecildescending from
the Normans (Vikings).

>The inverse
>case, often stated, that financial assistance to a Monarch's rivals
>provides great leverage for a small rich clique, seems to be the more
>believable one.
>Then there is the groundbreaking allegations by the highest elements
>of the Russian government about Zionist responsibility for their sad
>state of affairs.

Lloyd Responds:  Jews as agents of the Anglo-American Establishment no doubt
helped and are helping bring down Russia!   The Brits did these peviously
with Anarchists and Communists to prevent Russia from becoming a real
independent capitalist power and therefore a real threat to AngloAmerican

>Another issue to keep in mind here is Rothchild's
>share of BIS, which started operations as a collection point for the
>Treaty of Versaille reparations and is now the Bank of Banks.

The BIS was set-up as a Central Bank of Central Banks, by Central Banks.
The Bank of England and other Central Banks had/have shares, not the
Rothschilds themselves.  J. P. Morgan held shares though to represent the US

[CTRL] US Govt. On Lookout For Deadbeat Dads

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

This is really uproarious. Bill Clinton and the govt. do
the stern look: "We're after you, you deadbeat dads."
Then it looks like (not yet proven) that Bill Clinton,
our illustrious supremo, is himself a deadbeat dad. I'm
laughing even as I type this.

  Government Collects From Deadbeats

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government reports a significant increase in
   collecting overdue child support payments from deadbeat parents.

   The total number of delinquent payments that the government collected
   rose seven percent this year to a record $14.4 billion, an increase of
   80 percent over the past six years. The number is a compilation of
   both federal and state efforts nationwide.

   Federal seizures of income tax refunds contributed greatly to the

   Thousands of deadbeat parents across the nation opened their tax
   refund envelopes only to find that the money they were expecting was
   used to pay their delinquent child support, officials said.

   The Department of Health and Human Services seized $1.1 billion in tax
   refunds from parents who were delinquent in their child support
   payments. More than a million American families in all 50 states
   received money owed to them by delinquent parents through the program.

   Under the program, state governments report the names of parents who
   owe child support payments to HHS, which then notifies the delinquent
   parents of the impending tax refund seizure. If the parents do not pay
   their debt, the amount is deducted from their refund. HHS can also
   report the failure to pay to credit agencies.

   The White House also announced that next year's budget proposal will
   include funding to find and prosecute violators under new, strict laws
   that make moving across state lines to avoid paying child support a
   federal offense.

   Coordinating collection and prosecution efforts between state and
   federal agencies has been very successful -- increasing the number of
   federal convictions 18-fold since the program's inception in May.

   The program, currently in five states, would be expanded to 17 more
   states. The White House budget proposal asks for $34 million from
   Congress to support legal staff in U.S. Attorneys' offices to deal
   specifically with deadbeat parents. Another $12 million will be
   reappropriated by HHS to hire and train investigators.

   A state-by-state breakdown of the $14.4 billion in collections will be
   released later in the winter.

   AP-NY-01-01-99 0156EST

   Copyright © Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
   not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt Blackmailing Clinton?

1999-01-01 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On  1 Jan 99 , Lloyd wrote:

> December 25, 1998 Tom Flocco

This is getting so convuluted, my head is spinning. I mean what was
all that business with the Fifth Estate that so many of us liked so
much--the business that sent so many scurrying to retire and "spend
more time with the kids." I think that was essentially blackmail,

And why are so many of these guys--right, left, and center--so
vulnerable to blackmail.

The best possible outcome is that they might all be sent packing and
we could start over with a "clean slate." However, that's just not
gonna happen.

Personally, I tend to think of Larry Flynt as far more sinned against
than sinningand up to now we have had free speech which did allow
adult pornograph6y. (Not sure about pornography, whether I think it
promotes or prevents violence against women. Whether all that fantasy
stuff precludes much acting out. ) And most action against Flynt has
surrounded political action--like the JFK assassination and now this
Clinton business. I think the sanctimonious Right Wing Radicals
deserve to be "outed." And the Knights of the Golden Circle or KKK or
whatever they call it today, need to have their sheets ripped. If
Larry Flynt can do that, God Bless him. Let him rip away!!!  The
upshot will probably be that they'll shoot him again. And this time,
they'll shoot him good and dead.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Happy New Year, One and All!!

1999-01-01 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On  1 Jan 99 , Edward wrote:

> May God bless and keep you safe throughout this new year! Let us dearly
> hope that 1999 brings us better news regarding the fellowship of humanity
> than any other year in recorded history!
> Congratulations! Thanks to the blessings of the Almighty, in league with
> the technologies of humanity, this post will reach 11, 374 persons on-line!
> There are no limits to our endeavor as long as we work together!

Thanks for those wonderful blessings and wishes. Lest we forget how
miraculous the times we have lived in--so far--truly are!!


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton: Deadbeat Dad?

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   "I just want to know who my dad is."

>   The story of Danny Williams and his mother Bobbie Ann has been
>   circling in Arkansas for years. Williams told a tabloid in 1992 that
>   her son was conceived during a paid sex encounter with Bill Clinton.
>   [The mother passed a lie-detector test.]
>   The current DNA cliffhanger is not the first time that Gooding has hit
>   a gusher on the Clinton scandal front. STAR's Gooding caused
>   pandemonium back in 1996 when he exclusively exposed Dick Morris'
>   relationship with a prostitute.

I wonder if this is something that is done for (to?) every potential
president just in case he decides to become independent.

For example, Madeleine Duncan Brown (author of TEXAS IN THE MORNING), who
was LBJ's mistress for many years, also had a child she swore was fathered
by Lyndon.  Her maiden name was Duncan, and her paternal grandparents
("whose ancestral roots could be traced back to the Scottish royal family of
Duncan") were from East Texas.  Her mother's father was Joe G. Lee, who "was
closely related to the heroic Confederate General Robert E. Lee."  The Lees
were close friends of Speaker of the House, and as Madeleine says about her
grandmother:  "I knew she had experienced great feelings for Mr. Sam."

Madeleine had one son by her first husband, James Glynn Brown, who had been
a Marine in World War II, and returned home to become institutionalized in a
V.A. hospital the rest of his life for alcoholism and "chronic paranoid

To support herself and her son, Madeleine got a job at the Republic National
Bank in Dallas working for Fred Florence.  She was later given the
opportunity to work for Glenn Advertising Agency, located in Suite 1725 of
the same bank building. (According to the Houston Post, February 26, 1967,
the Republic National Bank was trustee for a number of trusts used as
conduits for CIA funds.  Other persons with offices there, according to the
1956 Dallas City Directory, included George DeMohrenschildt, Suite 1639-40;
Robert Strauss (senior partner of Vernon Jordan's law firm) at Suite 2232;
George McGhee, later Ambassador to Germany, in Suite 2420; Dresser
Industries, where Neil Mallon worked on the 60th floor; and its subsidiary
Ideco, where George Bush was given his first job in 1949.  There was also a
Schlumberger office on the 10th floor.

She was introduced to Lyndon at a party to which she was invited by Jesse
Kellam, an employee at a Johnson-owned TV station, for which the Glenn
Advertising did work.  Jesse always arranged their meetings, often at the
Lamar Hotel in Houston, where the "Suite 8-F Crowd" composed of Texas'
richest and most powerful men hung out.  Once she became pregnant, she was
contacted by a Dallas lawyer named Jerome Ragsdale, who set up a trust and
handled all the payments to her and the child, including a house and a
live-in maid and nanny during the pregnancy.  As the boy grew up, Ragsdale
even stood in for his dad at school functions.  In 1969 Madeleine says she
wanted to acknowledge Lyndon as her son's father, but Johnson would not
permit it.  More likely it was the existence of the illegitimate son that
caused LBJ to step aside for Nixon in 1968.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Euro (Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head)

1999-01-01 Thread Che

 -Caveat Lector-

At 12:52 PM 1/1/99 EST, Gerald Harp wrote:

>IMHO, the Euro will prove the most popular.  This is because the US is
>becoming less modern as time passes.  The key to societal (national) strength
>is for knowledge and wealth to widely exist over the entire population.

Could you please quantify this?  A quick check of census figures and the
C1A World Factbook he difference in average income between Germany and
Greece is greater than the difference between Connecticut and Mississippi
(the difference between west & east Germany is even greater).

Or were you referring to the difference in income levels between the
richest and poorest within a country?  In Europe these are held lower by
high rates of taxation and social welfare, i.e. income redistribution.

Europe will never be as cohesive as the US due to differences in language.
But I don't see this as being much of a factor in the Euro being a popular
trading currency.  Trading ties and currency stability will factor much
higher.  Look for the Euro to be popular in Europe, Africa, possibly
Western Asia, and the Dollar to maintain its strength in Eastern Asia and
the Americas.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Poll Conspiracy - Public Opinion Conspiracy - Voting C...

1999-01-01 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 12:39:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

>  And, you are on a conspiracy research list, and you're putting out the bunk
>  that Clinton is the one responsible for the economy? He's giving the
>  Alan Greenspan crowd, The Ruling Elite, what they want, and Greenspan keeps
>  the interest rates down. Also, the economy is only great for the Vultures
>  on Wall Street, the average working man is groaning under unnecessary debt
>  artificially created by even the "low" interest rates we have, and the
>  ungodly tax burden.

OK, Lloyd, you don't trust the polls and you don't trust the election.
Perhaps you would trust the polls and elections only if they came out as you

Where i find a major disconnect in your opinions that you assume Clinton is
the boy of the ruling elite.  However, the ruling elites must constantly check
him such as paring back the initial request for increasing the minimum wage or
setting up an expensive and extensive propaganda barrage against national
health insurance.  I fully agree that although GDP keeps climbing and the
number of millionaires in the nation grows, the average guy is not sharing in
the prosperity of the rich.  I hardly think that the answer is to vote against
the one presidential candidate and party which consistently proposes and works
for a more inclusive society.  I don't buy the quasi-nihilistic notion of
they're all the same.

History is clearly on our side.  The march of history has been toward a
greater sharing of power and wealth.  The SOBs that have recently reversed
this trend are going to be rolled over.  Contrary to popular opinion on this
list, people are not stupid.  They do catch on and begin to vote for and work
for their own interest and for the values they share.

I do get a little tired of constantly seeming to defend Clinton when it is
merely a matter of choosing to be led by a brilliant talented leader who has
ideas and spiritually based ideals or a wholly cynical gang of power hungry
hypocrites who can only view society as something to manipulate.

Cheers and have a happy new year.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] Listen Up! Clinton Supporting Scum!

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

The Clinton elections was a Rockefeller coup d'tat.  Ross Perot got his
start with contracts from Nelson Rockefeller.  Rockefeller used Perot and
his press power to throw the election to Clinton a CIA-Rockefeller tool.
Now we have a Rockefeller National Security dictatorship under
Clinton...thank God the Anglophile
conspiracy isn't going to let the Rockefeller cabal winthey want to
maintain an Oligarchical Establishment, with some semblance of the rule of
law not a stinking dictatorship.
-Original Message-
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [prj] Listen Up! Clinton Supporting Scum!

Exercise Your Health Freedom in the Teeth of FDA Tyranny Through the Life
Extension Foundation Click:
http://www.lef.org/cgi-local/welcome.cgi?id=214<<  END
BF>Mr. Miller.  I present to you a challenge.  In your opinion, IS this a
coup d'tat?  If so, and if it is London and/or Rockefeller supported,
then should it be supported even if it truly is on Constitutional
I am not a Clinton-supporting scum.  I am a finer sort of scum
than that. <-:
I present this to you as an open-ended challenge, and probably
will not comment so I release it to the list.
Please Patronize PRJ's Advertisers: http://home.msen.com/~daugh/store.htm
Many Pay Even If You Just Look and Don't Buy!  <<  END

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Grapevine Publications Jan 1999 Newsletter

1999-01-01 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-


Page one is shown below.  Sorry - we will no longer be sending the entire
newsletter via email - only page one.

Government Is Here To Control You - Not to Serve You

If you thought past issues of Network Newsletter were a threat to your hope
of a happy and secure future - this one may change your mind. This issue
contains information about looming events that most people would never have
imagined could happen in the United States. While 98% of the population
haven’t a clue, governments around the world are preparing for chaos.

Forget the Y2K issue for one moment. Many people are fed-up with the apathy
of the American people. Privacy issues, excessive regulations,
over-taxation, immorality, greed, corrupt politicians, weak preachers, phony
compassion, terrorism etc. have some groups and individuals tense and
up-tight. Groups are fed up with the media and its propaganda and see the
downward spiral America is headed if something isn’t done - and soon. They
are feeling a need to act. The few that realize this are getting prepared
for a worse case scenario - citizens, law enforcement and governments alike.
One quote I heard: "It’s too late to work within the system and too early to
shoot the b*#%&?*s."

And Y2K will only add fuel to the fire. "If you are not part of the solution
- you are part of the problem." Sadly, most people are so entrenched in
their own self-interests that anything outside their sphere of understanding
is never considered. Public education has successfully taught what to learn
- not how to learn. Society is providing a dream without consideration of
the consequences.

Is America a principled nation of high standards? Watching the television,
listening to the radio and reading the papers - I would say no. Who are the
heroes? Politics sounds like pornography. Women no longer respect men - men
never grow up and both are filled with resentments and confusion. The
pretence of strength, expertise, salvation will fall - and social problems
will intensify. If citizens are weak and without principle in the good
times, what will they be like in bad times?

Y2K - or any other disruption in society - will topple a society unable to
defend its universal belief. The Ten Commandments used to be the American
standard. But today America has none. Reality and truth has also lost
definition. Anything goes. Feelings loom higher than truth - reality is
anything you want it to be. Propaganda, stupid sitcoms, the drowning beat of
popular music and sports have turned Americans into zombies. Let the good
times roll!

And who can we look to, but government, to maintain our lifestyle? To the
masses, that have depended on government from daycare to Medicare, mommy
government will always be there - but at the cost of their freedom - and
yours. Countries, all over the globe, are about to see big government step
in to solve different Y2K scenarios. It is no secret because the stories are
found in Business Week, Associated Press, The Ottawa Citizen, and USA Today.
Pages 4 - 8 may shock some into a truly frightening reality. Some of us have
been sounding the alarm for years. The masses, however, will continue to
scorn and scoff the reality of dictatorship coming to a neighborhood near you.

Add to the horror of lost freedom a comparison of a similar struggle in Nazi
Germany. I will likely generate some outrage from this comparison - but the
parallels are shockingly real. See pages 9 and 10.

Facing fear is the subject addressed on page 11. Not the fear of looming
events but the fear of standing on principle. This piece was sent by a
woman, written by a woman and men should read it and weep. In a moral
society it wouldn’t take a women to correct men - but today’s American male
is so wimpy and shallow that they lust for the leadership of women. Few men
in America today could even hope to fill the shoes of America's founding

I have included a few articles on Y2K for your information. See pages 2, 3,
& 13.

Because I live and publish this newsletter from Idaho, I want to briefly
address an article republished on page 5 - FBI Battles Terrorism In
Northwest. This piece is total propaganda. Idaho is perceived to be a white
supremacist, anti-government state simply because the media and one
left-wing socialist (Bill Wassmuth) sensationalizes a small Aryan-Nation
group as representing all of Idaho. Those of you who have read Network
Newsletter know where I stand on this issue. Limited Constitutional
government as the founding fathers established with freedom of association
with whomever one desires so long as others constitutional rights are not
violated has always been my position. This is also where Idaho stands.

The feds are using the perception that Idaho is a racist/anti-government
state as an excuse to move in and take control of the state. Idaho does not
need federal help and t

[CTRL] Report of Investigation

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

There is now no doubt that Volume II of the CIA Inspector General's
investigation of Contra Drug trafficking is a part of the impeachment
calculus. Various sources are reporting on the net that Bill Clinton is
threatening to bring down the entire government with Volume II hearings
which are supposed to occur within the next three weeks. As described in the
October and November issues of my newsletter From The Wilderness,
Volume II, released October 8th is a virtual confession by
the CIA that it criminally conspired, with premeditation, to traffic in
cocaine during the Contra war.


>From Linda: Here are a few excerpts I found interesting:

1074.The analyst who drafted a Memorandum for Vice President Bush in
April 1986 that related to potential Contras' involvement in drug
trafficking recalls that OGI analysts who worked on counternarcotics issues
were not aware of those reports at the time--October to December 1984--that
they were first disseminated inside and outside the Agency. However, she
says that CATF Chief Fiers did make the reporting available to her in April
1986, stipulating that it could be used only for the Memorandum she was
preparing for Vice President Bush.

1081.CIA only disseminated three finished intelligence products during
the 1980s that related at all to potential Contra involvement in narcotics
trafficking. These were: (i) a 1985 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
concerning the international narcotics trade; (ii) an April 1986 Memorandum
for Vice President George Bush; and (iii) the January 1987 Memorandum from
Acting DCI Robert Gates to Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and
Research Morton Abramowitz.

1084.1986 Memorandum for Vice President Bush. On April 6, 1986, a
Memorandum entitled "Contra Involvement in Drug Trafficking" was prepared by
CIA at the request of Vice President Bush. The Memorandum provided a summary
of information that had been received in late 1984 regarding the alleged
agreement between Southern Front Contra leader Eden Pastora's associates and
Miami-based drug trafficker Jorge Morales. Morales reportedly had offered
financial and aircraft support for the Contras in exchange for FRS pilots to
"transship" Colombian cocaine to the United States. CIA disseminated this
memorandum only to the Vice President.

1085.The DI/OGI analyst who drafted the Memorandum says that there was
no follow-up. Furthermore, the analyst recalls no further DI discussion of
the Contras' alleged involvement in drug trafficking until the Memorandum
that was written for Assistant Secretary of State Abramowitz in 1987.

1086.1987 Memorandum for Abramowitz. The most comprehensive discussion
of alleged Contra narcotics trafficking was included in a January 21, 1987
Memorandum from Acting DCI Robert Gates to DoS Assistant Secretary for
Intelligence and Research Morton Abramowitz. The genesis of this Memorandum,
entitled "Assessment of Alleged Connections Between Drug Traffickers and
Anti-Sandinista ('Contra') Groups," was a January 9, 1987 memorandum from
Abramowitz to then-Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Gates indicating
that Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams had expressed concern about
the possible involvement of Contras in narcotics trafficking and had
requested an Intelligence Community study "on an urgent basis." The
memorandum from Abramowitz indicated that Abrams wanted the study "to pull
together all foreign and domestically-generated information that is
available, rumors and all, and provide an assessment of the credibility of
the charges." Further, the memorandum to Gates indicated:

The Assistant Secretary believes that it is essential that we know before
the rest of the world if any of those whom we have funded are engaged in
this business so that they can be expelled from the ranks of the resistance.

1100.According to a May 7, 1986 MFR prepared by Louis Dupart of CATF,
CIA representatives met with Richard Messick, Chief Counsel of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), on May 7, 1986. Messick reportedly
called the meeting to "permit members of Senator [John] Kerry's staff to
outline in greater detail information which they had uncovered that pointed
to violations of U.S. law"--primarily related to the activities of John
Hull. According to this MFR, William Perry of the SFRC staff, Charles
Andreae of Senator Richard Lugar's staff, and Ronald Rosenblith, Jonathan
Winer and Dick McCall from Senator Kerry's staff represented the Congress.
CIA was represented by John Rizzo, OCA Legislative Affairs Chief; George
Jameson, Counsel to the DDO; and Louis Dupart, CATF Policy and Plans Chief.
DoS was represented by William Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
for Inter-American Affairs; Ambassador Duemling, Director/NHAO; and a
representative from the DoS Office of the Legal Advisor. Representatives
from Justice, FBI, and 

Re: [CTRL] Happy Perestroika Comrades!

1999-01-01 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 1/1/99 3:22:41 AM, you wrote:
> >After all they have these kiosks in France and Indonesia so putting such
> >a system into place would be a piece of cake for a billionaire/computer
> >"expert" like Perot. Or is he as phoney as Bill Gates who got lucky, and
> >rich from an OS like Windows while a give-away (freeware) like Linux is
> >vastly superior? So much for the integrity of "US capitalism".
> Yes indeedily-do. Corporatization was the worst thing to ever happen to
> software and computing in general, and it happened right when shareware had
> the potential to really get interesting (ironically co-inciding with the
> advent of the web). That potential is still there, as you pointed out with
> Linux. Java had potential for a while, but it's been squandered.
> There are a lot of small start-ups that are doing some interesting things.
> I'll pay $35 for a good filter or utility from an independent software
> publisher, but I'd cut out a testicle before paying $600 for a copy of
> QuirkXpress or Adobe PlagueMaker. Talk about your capitalist conspiracies...
> the most powerful media tools are always the most expensive, especially when
> you start getting into video editing systems.
Thanks for that second opinion. I really enjoy the ed tv specials about
the history of the (D) ARPA net. It is amazing how many unsung heroes
there are while a few shysters seem to have acquired reputations and bank
balances far out of proportion to their contributions. Gates is even
identified as "Mr. Internet" by some yet his R&D director was on tv a
month ago and said that five years ago they didn't think internet was
going to be such a big deal. Recently Gates was on the PWL tv show here
and she asked him about AI. What a joke. Is he now going to be
identified as "Mr. AI"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Happy Perestroika Comrades!

1999-01-01 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 3:22:41 AM, you wrote:

>After all they have these kiosks in France and Indonesia so putting such
>a system into place would be a piece of cake for a billionaire/computer
>"expert" like Perot. Or is he as phoney as Bill Gates who got lucky, and
>rich from an OS like Windows while a give-away (freeware) like Linux is
>vastly superior? So much for the integrity of "US capitalism".

Yes indeedily-do. Corporatization was the worst thing to ever happen to
software and computing in general, and it happened right when shareware had
the potential to really get interesting (ironically co-inciding with the
advent of the web). That potential is still there, as you pointed out with
Linux. Java had potential for a while, but it's been squandered.

There are a lot of small start-ups that are doing some interesting things.
I'll pay $35 for a good filter or utility from an independent software
publisher, but I'd cut out a testicle before paying $600 for a copy of
QuirkXpress or Adobe PlagueMaker. Talk about your capitalist conspiracies...
the most powerful media tools are always the most expensive, especially when
you start getting into video editing systems.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Bill Clinton: Deadbeat Dad?

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-



   **World Exclusive**

   "I just want to know who my dad is."

   He's been told all of his life that Bill Clinton is his father, and
   late last month, 13-year old Danny Williams of Arkansas underwent a
   DNA test to find out the truth!

   STAR MAGAZINE and ace investigative reporter Richard Gooding have
   exclusively signed Williams and his family for the paternity test of
   the century!

   Word of the shocking new DNA showdown spread through the ranks inside
   of the White House on Friday, causing near blind chaos!

   "It's the stained dress all over again," one well-placed source
   reveals. "We've been here before."

   The results from the DNA test are not known as this transmits.


   The results from the DNA test are not known.

   But Danny Williams and his immediate family have reportedly been moved
   to a secure location, away from media onslaught.

   The Williams DNA will be compared to Clinton DNA results that were
   previously obtained, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

   And Gooding has been building the story for sometime, according to

   "He's maintained a good relationship with the family," says a source.
   "They trust him. They just finally want to know the truth!"

   Williams' guardian, his aunt, Lucille Bolton, could not be reached for

   The story of Danny Williams and his mother Bobbie Ann has been
   circling in Arkansas for years. Williams told a tabloid in 1992 that
   her son was conceived during a paid sex encounter with Bill Clinton.
   [The mother passed a lie-detector test.]

   The current DNA cliffhanger is not the first time that Gooding has hit
   a gusher on the Clinton scandal front. STAR's Gooding caused
   pandemonium back in 1996 when he exclusively exposed Dick Morris'
   relationship with a prostitute.

   Developing Hard...

   Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
   (c)DRUDGE REPORT 1998
   Not for reproduction without permission of the author

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Martin H. Katchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lee Markland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 3:45 PM

Why don't they just federalize all the courts and police and have done with
-Original Message-
From: Alexandra H. Mulkern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 2:34 AM

>Fair Use/Non-commercial only
>Rehnquist Criticizes New Laws
>By LAURIE ASSEO Associated Press Writer
>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist criticized
>Congress on Thursday
>for making federal crimes out of offenses already covered by state law.
>In his annual year-end report on the federal judiciary, Rehnquist blamed
>the trend on pressure
>in Congress to ``appear responsive to every highly publicized societal
>ill or sensational
>This pressure must be balanced against consideration of whether states
>are adequately
>handling such cases and ``whether we want most of our legal
>relationships decided at the
>national rather than local level,'' he said.
>Rehnquist, the nation's top judge, did not mention his impending duty to
>preside over a Senate
>trial for President Clinton, who has been impeached by the House. On
>Thursday, the chief
>justice toured the Senate chamber and its anterooms for about an hour
>under tight security.
>Rehnquist's report said the trend of federalizing crimes has contributed
>to a double-digit
>increase in the number of criminal cases in federal courts and
>``threatens to change entirely the
>nature of our federal system.''
>``Federal courts were not created to adjudicate local crimes, no matter
>how sensational or
>heinous the crimes may be,'' Rehnquist said. ``Matters that can be
>handled adequately by the
>states should be left to them.''
>Rehnquist said the number of federal criminal case filings rose by 15
>percent -- to 57,691
>cases -- in 1998. ``Not since 1972 have the criminal filings risen by
>double digits,'' he said.
>As an example of a federalized crime, he listed a 1994 law that allows a
>large number of
>arsons to be prosecuted as federal crimes. Also, he listed three 1992
>laws: the Anti-Car Theft
>Act, which federalizes carjacking offenses; the Child Support Recovery
>Act, which makes it a
>federal crime to fail to pay support for a child living in another
>state; and the Animal
>Enterprise Protection Act, which makes it a federal offense to travel
>interstate to disrupt zoos
>or circuses.
>The chief justice also urged Clinton and the Senate to end a ``political
>impasse'' of ``stunning
>proportions'' that has crippled a commission responsible for setting
>standards for federal
>criminal sentences.
>The U.S. Sentencing Commission -- which since October has had no members
>-- ``is unable to
>perform some of its core and crucial responsibilities,'' Rehnquist said.
>``The president and the
>Senate should give this situation their immediate attention.''
>Created by Congress in 1984, the sentencing commission's main purpose
>has been to establish
>guidelines for meting out punishment for those convicted of federal
>crimes. It was created to
>reduce disparity in federal sentencing and to help develop an effective
>and efficient crime
>The commission's seven members are to serve staggered six-year terms.
>Federal law requires
>that at least three commissioners be federal judges, and no more than
>four be members of the
>same political party.
>The commission lost its last member when a frustrated Chairman Richard
>Conaboy quit in
>October. The terms of the last three commissioners had expired that
>Republicans in the Senate have had a hard time agreeing on selections
>for the three GOP slots,
>and some of their choices have been rejected by the White House. In
>retaliation, Republicans
>have balked at the Clinton administration's selections.
> AP-NY-01-01-99 0002EST
>This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If
>you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  In the message body put: unsubscribe cas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to H

[CTRL] Iraqiana: Aziz

1999-01-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Agence France Presse

Friday January 1, 9:46 PM

Iraq's Aziz is a "liar": Saudi paper

RIYADH, Jan 1 (AFP) - A Saudi newspaper on Friday said Iraq's Deputy Prime
Minister Tareq Aziz was a "liar" for claiming that Saudi Arabia was
responsible for postponing an Arab League meeting on the situation in Iraq.

"Tareq Aziz, deputy prime minister of a fascist regime, claims that the
Saudi kingdom is responsible for the postponement of the meeting, while the
whole world knows that Riyadh is not opposed to Arab unanimity," said the
Okaz daily, which like all Saudi papers reflects official government

"The Iraqi regime cannot keep telling lies to its people about how defeats
are transformed into victory, or else the Iraqi people will no longer be
able to tell the difference between victory and defeat," it said.

"Arabs know ... the Iraqi regime's leaders are not ashamed to lie," Okaz

Aziz wrote in Thursday's edition of Iraq's Ath-Thwara daily, the mouthpiece
of Baghdad's ruling Baath party, that the Saudis had been behind the
decision to postpone a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers on the
situation in Iraq, due to take place last Wednesday, until January 24.

The Arab foreign ministers had been scheduled to discuss the convening of a
full-fledged Arab summit to discuss the situation in Iraq following
US-British air strikes.

The decision to postpone the meeting was taken "on the demands of only one
country, Saudi Arabia, without consulting those countries who had agreed to
attend," Aziz said.

"If the meeting had taken place ... it could either have responded
favourably to the pressure on the Arab street, denouncing the aggression
and calling for the lifting of the embargo," imposed on Iraq eight years

Or it could have "unmasked the plotters," who are opposed to these
decisions, Aziz wrote.

Arab League Secretary General Esmat Abdel Meguid announced Monday that the
meeting had been postponed at the request of the six Gulf states.

Arab diplomats said the delay was demanded by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which
strongly opposed being pressured into joining a summit also attended by

Saudi Arabia said Wednesday it does not oppose the holding of an Arab
summit, so long as the meeting is prepared thoroughly so as to ensure its

Diplomats said that Riyadh was against convening an Arab summit because it
did not want to see the adoption of resolutions supporting the regime of
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Republicaninny: 01-01

1999-01-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Saturday, January 2, 1999

Republican on Impeachment Tightrope

Lott Presses for Speed, Angering Right Wing

By Thomas B. Edsall Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - In floating a trial balloon aimed at bringing a swift
conclusion to impeachment proceedings, the leader of the Senate Republican
majority, Trent Lott of Mississippi, has embarked on a risky political path
that has already provoked the Republican right.

Mr. Lott is gambling that it is worth angering hard-line House members, his
party's conservative wing and Republican activists in his home state to
protect vulnerable Republican senators facing tough re-election fights in
2000, according to Republicans and Democrats involved in the process.

The majority leader has consulted with more than two dozen Republican
senators in recent days as part of an outreach campaign that has had his
''phone lines burning,'' in the words of an aide, but not yet produced a
workable consensus on how Republicans will proceed with the politically
incendiary impeachment issue when they return to Washington on Wednesday.

Adapting a bipartisan proposal crafted by Senators Joseph Lieberman,
Democrat of Connecticut, and Slade Gorton, Republican of Washington, Mr.
Lott hopes to encourage a speedy end to an impeachment drama that polls say
the public long ago grew weary of by dividing the trial into two distinct

In the first phase, the Senate would hear the equivalent of opening
arguments from House prosecutors and President Bill Clinton's defense team,
then cast votes on whether the alleged offenses - even if true - warrant
the president's removal from office. Only if two-thirds of the Senate voted
''yes,'' which most vote-counters regard as unlikely, would the trial enter
a second phase with a presentation of evidence. The most likely option,
senators say, would be a motion to end the case with a resolution of
censure against Mr. Clinton.

Critics of Mr. Lott's still tentative decision said it would allow Mr.
Clinton to avoid a lengthy Senate trial and the embarrassment of direct
testimony by Monica Lewinsky and others, preventing an opportunity to make
a more convincing case to the public of Mr. Clinton's culpability and the
legitimacy of removing him from office.

Mr. Lott remains in seclusion from the press and his aides have little to
say about the rationale of his impeachment strategy. Others, however, were
not so reticent.

''This is very discouraging,'' said Clark Reed, a driving force in
build-ing the Mississippi Republican Party over the past three and a half
decades and who is a close associate of Mr. Lott's. ''Frankly, I'm torn my
own self as to which way to raise hell.''

Connie Cochran, executive director of the Mississippi Republican Party,
said many voters had called headquarters to complain that because of Mr.
Lott there may be no full-scale examination of the charges against Mr.

Gary Bauer, head of the conservative Family Research Council,
simultaneously criticized Mr. Lott while giving an indirect boost to his
own prospective Republican presidential bid: ''I've been concerned overall
about a lack of leadership in the party for some time now. I think the
vacuum left by Ronald Reagan has never been filled both in commitment to
ideas and in courage in pushing against the tide.''

In Mr. Lott's political calculus, however, the irritation of Mr. Bauer and
Mr. Reed are far outweighed by the need to protect the re-election
prospects of such Republican senators as Rod Grams of Minnesota, John
Ashcroft of Missouri, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, Spencer Abraham of
Michigan and James Jeffords of Vermont.

Partisans on both sides of the aisle pointed out that these and a number of
other Republican senators up in 2000 face re-election in states where
Democratic challengers could capitalize on impeachment proceedings.

''He is acting in behalf of his most immediate constituency, his 55
Republican senators. He is acting as leader of his own party,'' a senior
Democratic Senate aide said. In the states likely to have close races for
Republican incumbents, impeachment ''is not a popular position with general
election voters.''

The aide contended that conservatives and strong Republican partisans
''can't hold a grudge when at the end of the day you have some vote that a
member will be accountable for.''

Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, incoming chairman of the
Rules Committee, defended Mr. Lott.

''He views his role here as majority leader of the whole Senate,'' Mr.
McConnell said. ''Almost no one is viewing this as a partisan exercise.''

In fact, one Senate source close to the negotiations over impeachment
proceedings contended that one of Mr. Lott's goals was to prevent a
repetition of the kind of battle that turned impeachment into 

[CTRL] Fw: [CIA-DRUGS] CIA and Drugs part of Impeachment Calculus

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

>From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CIA-Drug Report Now A Part of the Impeachment Battle
>Michael Ruppert Receiving Death Threats
>There is now no doubt that Volume II of the CIA Inspector General's
>investigation of Contra Drug trafficking is a part of the impeachment
>calculus. Various sources are reporting on the net that Bill Clinton is
>threatening to bring down the entire government with Volume II hearings
>which are supposed to occur within the next three weeks. As described in
>October and November issues of my newsletter From The Wilderness,
>(www.copvcia.com) Volume II, released October 8th is a virtual confession
>the CIA that it criminally conspired, with premeditation, to traffic in
>cocaine during the Contra war.
>Long time Clinton critic, Larry Nichols, released a newsletter yesterday in
>which he acknowledged this scenario and attempted to cut the issue off from
>reaching former president George Bush. In that newsletter he stated that
>although Oliver North and John Poindexter (both implicated by Vol. II) were
>guilty of dealing drugs, they were, "rogue elements who were not a part of
>the 'racquet club'." This is a patently false and absurd statement intended
>to separate George Bush (hence his sons) from guilt in CIA's fifty years of
>drug dealing. Nichols is reportedly aligned politically with Pat Robertson
>and Jerry Falwell who are both supporting George W. Bush for president in
>the year 2000.
>Evidence linking George Bush, the National Security Council and the White
>House directly to Contra era drug trafficking is abundant and irrefutable.
>It includes (just to list a few items):
>I. Executive Order 12333 and National Security Decision Directives 2&3
>placed Bush directly in control of all national security operations
>including drug interdiction and the contra war.
>II. Direct links to George Bush's staff arising from investigations into
>Barry Seal.
>III. The investigation by former Federal Public defender John Mattes which
>located the phone number of Bush aide Col. Menarchik in the possession of
>alleged gun runner connected to drugs.
>IV. Gary Webb's magnificent book, Dark Alliance.
>V. Terry Reed's book Compromised and his witness statements to the effect
>that Bill Casey (i.e. George Bush) had anointed Clinton to become president
>if he behaved himself.
>VI. The written testimony of Celerino Castillo (DEA retired)
>in which Cele was told by U.S. Ambassador Edwin Corr that CIA drug dealing
>out of Ilopango airfield in El Salvador was a "White House operation."
>VII. The written testimony of Michael C. Ruppert www.copvcia.com  in which
>was told by a former NSC staffer that decisions to deal drugs were made at
>the NSC (White House) level.
>VIII. The investigation of Col. Albert Vincent Carone www.copvcia.com which
>shows that Oliver North's and George Bush's chief bagman had direct links
>both Geo. Bush and Bill Casey.
>IX. The written record of Senator John Kerrey's investigation into CIA drug
>trafficking of eleven years ago which produced mountains of evidence
>directly to Donald P. Gregg, Geo, Bush's national security adviser.
>Even the CIA report itself describes special briefings for then Vice
>President Bush which indicate his culpability.
>CIA drug dealing is not an isolated or rogue event. In the U.S. v. Roy
>Reagan, Tucson (1998) former CIA pilot and special independent counsel Gary
>Eitel testified that CIA was flying drugs into Mena, AK as far back as
>In my opinion Bill Clinton is threatening to scorch the earth and to bring
>down the entire government. This becomes even more likely as Rep Chris
>House Committee looking into technology transfers to China raises the
>specter of treason in connection to the Clinton administration. It should
>remembered that many of these transfers began under Geo. Bush and that the
>Bush family has extensive business investments in China.
>Note that Volume II of the CIA's Inspector general report www.odci.gov was
>released just one hour after the House Judiciary Committee voted to begin
>the impeachment inquiry. It was released by George Tenet, the CIA Director
>who is a Clinton appointee. I believe that Bill Clinton picked up the phone
>and ordered Tenet to release the more revealing of two versions of the
>report in a clear message which said, "OK, I can play that game too." The
>major media has ignored Volume II because it has been told to.
>In reviewing the events of the past four years, since Gary Webb's
>magnificent stories in The San Jose Mercury News, I notice a pattern which
>indicates that the Webb stories may well have been planted, without his
>knowledge, in preparation for just the scenario we see being played out
>Ken Starr, who authored a memorandum between Reagan Attorney General
>French-Smith and Bill Casey showing premeditation on the part of CIA and
>administration to deal drugs

[CTRL] **BBC report** ``Hard time ahead for Nigerian economy'

1999-01-01 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Original Message Follows
>  Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 19:55:47 -0500
>  From: "MOSOP International Secretariat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: Multiple recipients of list SHELL-NIGERIA-ACTION
>  Subject: **BBC report** ``Hard time ahead for Nigerian economy'
>  Thursday, December 31, 1998 Published at 20:26 GMT
>  BBC report `Hard time ahead for Nigerian economy'
>  Nigeria's military government has warned of a declining economy and a
>  continuing fall in living standards as the country prepares for a return
>  to
>  civilian rule next May.
>  Speaking on the eve of the budget for 1999, the head of state, General
>  Abdulsalami Abubakar, blamed the situation on the fall in oil revenue
>  which
>  is Nigeria's principal source of foreign exchange.
>  He said the unrest in the Niger Delta - the source of most of Nigeria's
>  oil - had exacerbated the situation, and hinted at a tougher policy
>  towards
>  controlling the unrest, saying that his government would "restore
>  normalcy
>  and security in the area".
>  "While respecting human rights, we will not allow people to take order
>  into
>  their hands," General Abubakar said.
>  The country's budget for 1998 was drawn up on the premise that a barrel
>  of
>  oil, of which about two million are produced every day, would sell for
>  US$17. The budget for the coming year is being calculated on an oil
>  price of
>  barely US$9.
>  The BBC Correspondent in Lagos, Barnaby Phillips, says this has meant
>  that
>  some very tough economic decisions have had to be made. Already the
>  government has indicated it will have to climb down from an increase in
>  civil servant's wages that was announced in September, and it has
>  de-regulated the fuel market causing petrol prices to double.
>  The fall in oil prices also means the government will be unable to pay
>  the
>  minimum wage it announced recently, and may have to impose a lower rate.
>  Our correspondent says General Abubakar's government has won plaudits
>  around
>  the world for the manner in which it has transformed the political
>  situation
>  in Nigeria.
>  The government's concern is that the problems surrounding oil production
>  and
>  oil prices should not threaten Nigeria's stability, with state elections
>  due
>  in January and parliamentary and presidential elections in February.
>  The unrest in the oil producing area of Nigeria stems from a desire to
>  have
>  more of the oil-related money invested in local communities, expressed
>  in
>  better amenities and more jobs.
>  Local protestors had given the oil companies until 30 December to
>  withdraw
>  from the Ijaw area until the issue of "ownership and control of
>  resources"
>  are settled. The oil companies have so far responded by asking the
>  government for improved security.
>  [See the BBC report:
>  http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_245000/245642.stm]
>  (c) BBC News, 1998.
>  Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP),
>  20 Station Road,
>  Port Harcourt, Nigeria
>  Tel/ fax. [+234] 84 230 250
>  Tel. [+871] 761 866639 (Inmarsat)
>  Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP),
>  International Secretariat: Suite 5, 3 - 4 Albion Place,
>  Galena Road, London W6 0LT, United Kingdom.
>  Tel. (+44) (0)181 563 8614
>  Fax. (+44) (0)181 563 8615 http://www.oneworld.org/mosop/
>  e-mail: MOSOP International secretariat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  "Lord take my soul, but the struggle continues"
>  - Ken Saro-Wiwa, the gallows, November 10th 1995.
>  'Ogoni is a land of half a million people in the Niger Delta region of
>  Nigeria. Since 1958, oil companies such as Shell have exploited Ogoni's
>  oil
>  wealth, while the Ogoni people have suffered economic deprivation, the
>  environmental devastation of our land and the discriminatory policies of
>  successive Nigerian governments'.
>  'The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People demands economic
>  justice,
>  human rights - including the right to choose the use of our land and its
>  resources - and to a future free of violence. MOSOP is the democratic
>  voice
>  of the Ogoni people'.

Original Message Follows
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 19:55:47 -0500
From: "MOSOP International Secretariat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list SHELL-NIGERIA-ACTION
Subject: **BBC report** ``Hard time ahead for Nigerian economy'

Thursday, December 31, 1998 Published at 20:26 GMT

BBC report `Hard time ahead for Nigerian economy'

Nigeria's military government has warned of a declining economy and a
continuing fall in living standards as the country prepares for a return
civilian rule next May.

Speaking on the eve of the budget for 1999, the head of state, General


1999-01-01 Thread Agent Smiley

>  Original Message Follows
>  Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:20:00 -0500
>  From: Steve Kretzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: Multiple recipients of list SHELL-NIGERIA-ACTION
>  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 31, 1998
>  CONTACT: Steve Kretzmann, or Anne Rolfes: (510) 705-8981 or (510)
>  653-0914 -h
>  Three Ijaw youths were killed yesterday during a nonviolent
>  demonstration
>  yesterday in Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State in the Niger Delta.
>  Human Rights Watch reports another twelve deaths but their names not
>  confirmed.  Following the demonstration, which was to demand the
>  withdrawal
>  of oil companies operating in Nigeria, Military Administrator of Bayelsa
>  State declared a state of emergency, imposed a dusk to dawn curfew, and
>  banned all meetings.  At least twelve demonstrators were arrested and
>  taken
>  to an army camp outside Port Harcourt.
>  The Nigerian military authorities have created a Naval Special Security
>  Task
>  Force to police the Delta to "protect oil installations against
>  vandalisation."  The creation of this Task Force is eerily similar to
>  the
>  formation of the Rivers State Internal Security Task Force, which
>  preceded
>  the Nigerian government crack down on the Ogoni.
>  The state of emergency was declared in response to the Kaiama
>  Declaration,
>  which called on oil companies operating in the Niger Delta to suspend
>  all
>  operations on December 30, 1998, or face a nonviolent campaign of civil
>  disobedience.
>  Project Underground condemns the killings of the protestors, and holds
>  oil
>  companies continuing their operations in Nigeria today responsible for
>  the
>  ongoing crisis.  "The deaths of nonviolent protestors is not an
>  acceptable
>  cost of doing business" said Steve Kretzmann, Oil Campaign Director for
>  Project Underground.  "If Shell, Chevron, Mobil and others can't
>  continue
>  their operations in Nigeria without military intervention, they should
>  immediately suspend business.  Halting oil activities is the single
>  greatest
>  contribution that oil companies could make towards the interests of
>  peace
>  and reconciliation in the Delta."
>  A report entitled  Shell-shocked Refugees,  released yesterday by
>  Berkeley
>  based Project Underground, tells of  the fate of previous anti-oil
>  protestors in Nigeria. The Ogoni, like the Ijaw, are from an
>  oil-producing
>  region of Nigeria. Their powerful nonviolent protests against Royal
>  Dutch
>  Shell's devastation of their land led to a corporate supported military
>  crackdown in the early 90's. Since 1995, thousands of Ogoni have fled
>  the
>  country. Shell-shocked Refugees tells of the 800 that are now refugees
>  in Benin.
>  There are fears that the deadly pattern of collusion between the
>  military
>  and oil corporations revealed in the Ogoni struggle may be repeating
>  itself
>  in Ijawland. Military helicopters move into Ijawland as the deadline
>  approaches.  "When the Ogoni refugees hear about militarization and
>  violence
>  in oil producing lands in Nigeria today, they scoot over to make room in
>  the
>  refugee camp," said Kretzmann.  "Shell and other oil companies in
>  Nigeria
>  need to heed the demands of communities for compensation, consultation,
>  and
>  cleanup, lest they create more corporate refugees".
>  Shell-shocked Refugees further exposes Royal Dutch Shell's role in
>  forcing
>  the Ogoni to flee Nigeria to a refugee camp in Benin. In October of
>  1998,
>  Project Underground's Anne Rolfes went to Benin and conducted interviews
>  with 33 of the refugees.  "This report gives the refugees' stories,"
>  said
>  Rolfes.  "The men and women of the refugee camp tell of Shell's oil
>  spills
>  and blowouts on their land. When they protested, the military rampaged
>  through their villages, often during midnight raids aimed at destroying
>  the
>  villages. The refugees have nothing to do all day now but remember the
>  terror."
>  ###
>  --
>  Steve Kretzmann
>  "You are the young wonder-tree plant, grown out of ruins"
>   -African Folk Tale

Original Message Follows
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:20:00 -0500
From: Steve Kretzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list SHELL-NIGERIA-ACTION


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   December 31, 1998

CONTACT: Steve Kretzmann, or Anne Rolfes: (510) 705-8981 or (510)
653-0914 -h


Three Ijaw y

[CTRL] Larry Flynt Blackmailing Clinton?

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Danny Clinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics,talk.rumors
Date: Saturday, December 26, 1998 4:33 PM
Subject: Clinton Flynt Connection

found this over in alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater



December 25, 1998 Tom Flocco



While it is not quite so obvious to most Americans, those who are familiar
the modus operandi of the rogue president will not be surprised to hear that
the financing of pornographer Larry Flynt's investigation of Clinton
congressional enemies was possibly a disguised political contribution to
encourage White House support and influence regarding the upcoming
multiple-count interstate pornography indictments facing Flynt and his
Jimmy, in Cincinnati.

The influence is possible as Clinton fired EVERY U.S. attorney and replaced
them with HIS people at the outset of his administration, just as he
politicized the Reno Justice Department in a effort to CONTROL the justice
system in America. Flynt refused to deny MSNBC/ABC questions as to whether
had a relationship to Lenzner, Paladino or Carville--or why he is not

Larry and Jimmy Flynt were indicted in April, 1998 on 15 counts of obscenity
violations, including the pandering of the video, "Pam and Tommy
and Uncensored" to a 14 year old boy at their downtown Cincinnati store and
interstate transportation of obscenity via a common carrier (Federal
according to a November Washington Times piece. The United States Criminal
forbids obscenity to be mailed, transported or sold. Coincidently, the Flynt
brothers porn trial and the Clinton Senate trial BOTH begin in January,

The are a number of other potential areas of recent implied influence
the pornography industry and the Clinton Administration. The Times also
reported that porn prosecutions of obscenity violations plummeted during Mr.
Clinton's first term. And while Janet Reno fights "kiddie porn" on the
internet, the adult hard-core and illegal porn is left UNPROSECUTED. Justice
Department spokesman John Russell said the emphasis is on child exploitation
"because Attorney General Janet Reno wants it there. That is where our money
and manpower are directed."

"President Clinton is a total supporter of the (porn) industry, and he's
been on our team," David Schlessinger of the adult-oriented Vivid Videos
TV Guide. "It's not that Clinton has been outwardly supportive of the adult
industry, but rather that he hasn't tried to quash it the way republicans
in the 1980s." The Times said that Clinton UNEXPECTEDLY OPPOSED the Child
On-Line Protection Act (giving children some protection from Internet smut)
during September and early October, 1998, but finally did sign the Act into
as one of the LAST items agreed to in the recent omnibus spending bill that
passed at the end of the 105th Congress.

And since Flynt markets porn videos, he would have interest in the Free
Coalition desire to mainstream the multi-billion-dollar adult entertainment
industry. The Los Angeles Times reported that the Coalition also filed suit
against the Reno Justice Department, CHALLENGING a law that prohibits the
production of simulated child pornography. For they felt the Child
Prevention Act could brand even R-rated films as obscene. The L.A. Times
a California legislator who branded the suit as "turning perversion into

Is Mr. Flynt blackmailing United States congressmen in order to force a
censure/adjournment? Is he bribing Mr. Clinton to avert a prison sentence
his porn trial? Will the Senate permit Mr. Clinton to offer "information"
provided by taxpayer-funded lawyers/private investigators and undisclosed
illegal possession of confiscated FBI files? And is "senatorial fear" a
facing our sanctimonious symbols of sagacity as they contemplate possible
individual "indiscretions" and why it might be better to bring the
boy-president's trial to a speedy conclusion with censure--presidential
felonies or not.

Democrats will have a choice between facing voters in 2000 as the
party if they choose to acquit; but worse, a conviction risks liberal wrath
the polls. Republicans have relatively little to fear unless they have
moderate-liberal constituencies, have presidential aspirations OR have moral
and/or campaign finance problems.

So it would seem, in light of the above, that the all-around solutio

[CTRL] Warning Against Khmer Rouge Trial

1999-01-01 Thread Hilary Thomas

Friday, January 1, 1999 Published at 14:51 
GMT BBC Online NewsWorld: Asia-PacificWarning against Khmer Rouge 
trial A warning not to put on trial two leading figures 
in Cambodia's reign of terror in the 1970s has been issued by an aide to the 
The aide, Long Norin, said a trial of the two defecting Khmer Rouge leaders 
would expose the role of foreign powers in Cambodia - specifically the United 
States and China. 
"A lot of people are involved and it's very complicated. If they push 
for this, we will dig up the past and present our own case," he said. 

There have been growing calls for the 
two men - Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea - to be tried on genocide charges for 
their actions in the Khmer Rouge government, which is held responsible for the 
deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people. 
The leaders surrendered to the Cambodian Government late last week after 
striking a deal with Prime Minister Hun Sen. 
There has been controversy over the warm welcome given to the two men by the 
authorities. They have been on a trip to the seaside and had lunch at the prime 
minister's residence. 
Hun Sen has said it would not be in the national interest to hold a trial. 
Correspondents say he may be under pressure from states like China and Thailand 
to avoid a hearing. 
However, on Friday he attacked Thailand for hosting the leaders and forcing 
him to accept defections rather than having them stand trial, French news agency 
AFP reported. 
King Norodom Sihanouk and his son, the ousted prime minister Prince Norodom 
Ranariddh, have said they support the idea of an international trial. Several 
members of the king's family were killed by the Khmer Rouge. 
The US, Britain and France have all issued strong statements saying that 
leaders of the Khmer Rouge must be held accountable for their action. 
Experts hired by the United Nations are looking at the possibility of an 
international tribunal, along the lines of those for Rwanda and Bosnia. 
They are due to report next month, but BBC Cambodia Correspondent Caroline 
Gluck says without the full co-operation of the Cambodian Government it will be 
hard to see how that might happen. 
Khieu Samphan, former nominal leader of the Khmer Rouge, and Nuon Chea, the 
movement's chief ideologue, were key figures in Cambodia's reign of 
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Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

1999-01-01 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 3:34:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  that bait is awfully old. no one is going to bite on that anymore. you are
>  obviously an agent for some right wing police state advocacy group. are
>  they still sending you checks? they obviously don't know that you are the
>  list joke here. better hope they don't update your file, you might find
>  yourself knocking on the gate at the russian consulate in bolivia.
>  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I'm not sure what you are objecting to.  Can you be explicit?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Hilary Thomas wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 10:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head
> Brian,
> The "source" in this article also talked about brown envelops.  Is this the
> Firth Column a al Chuck Hayes?
> Hilary

Yes, it sounds like the same.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anticipated Drudge Report: What Will It Be?

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  01/01/98)  --   Speculation   is  rampant  concerning  an
anticipated story by Internet sleuth Matt Drudge.   On  or  about
Dec.  29,  1998,  Drudge  reportedly  stated  he  will  break the
"biggest story ever broken"  in  two  weeks, which would date the
anticipated blockbuster Drudge Report as  breaking  on  or  about
Jan. 12, 1999.

Drudge,  a fairly credible journalist, has broken several stories
in the past which later turned out to be true.

Drudge, according to an article in  Ufoseek News, is on record as
saying his ANTICIPATED STORY "has nothing to  do  with  politics"
and  that  it  will "shake up the whole world."  ("Matt Drudge To
Break 'Biggest Story Ever'", Ufoseek News, 12/30/98)

The obvious guess is  Drudge's  lurking story will have something
to do with Unidentified Flying Objects -- UFOs.

The next-most-obvious guess is that Drudge's fanfared story  will
prove to be a let-down or will even fail to materialize.

Yet hope springs  eternal  in  the  human breast.  Maybe Drudge's
Anticipated Story will be so explosive that it  will  rattle  and
even  bring down the walls of the EDIFICE OF LIES which surrounds
us.  Maybe Truth is about  to  erupt  in  a big way.  Maybe Jesus
Christ has phoned Drudge, tipping him off  on  Christ's  imminent
return.   ("Okay,  Jesus,"  replies  Drudge.   "I'm all booked up
right now, but I can schedule  the  story for, say, Jan. 12?  How
does that sound?")

At this moment, the latest  cryptic  press  release  from  Drudge
states  that  "the White House [is] bracing for possible shocking
and new  revelations  that  could  rival  1998's  scandal scars."
("New Year's Eve Nightmare?", Drudge Report, 12/31/98)

Drudge's "New Year's Eve Nightmare" cannot  be  "The  Anticipated
Story"  previously dramatically announced by Drudge.  "New Year's
Eve Nightmare" is clearly  a  politically-related story and hence
misses a key qualification that the earlier-announced Anticipated
Story "has nothing to do with politics."

There is now some  confusion  between the "Anticipated Story" and
"New  Year's  Eve  Nightmare,"  due  perhaps  to   Drudge's   own
sometimes-breathtaking  style  of reportage.  It can be difficult
to take a moment to calm  down and collect your thoughts when you
have been handed "hot" information.  Many have been  misled  into
equating "New Year's Eve Nightmare" with "The Anticipated Story."

Now, with the release of "Anticipated Story #2"  --  "New  Year's
Eve  Nightmare?"  -- there is DOUBLE ANTICIPATION.  (1) What will
Anticipated Story #1, due on or  about Jan. 12, reveal?  (2) What
will Anticipated Story #2, "New Year's Eve Nightmare", disclose?

It is feared that, before either of the anticipated  stories  get
released, Drudge may issue an "Anticipated Story #3."

CNNS   (Conspiracy   Nation  News  Service)  anticipates  further

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] June Learning About RC teaching on Birth Prevention

1999-01-01 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 3:59:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> God in this world so as to be happy with Him in the next for all eternity.
>  The second, but subordinate, end of marriage is for the mutual support of
>  the spouses and to allay concupisence (libido).

This is the teaching but is it complete?  Catholics are mostly ignoring the
prohibition on artificial means of birth control.  What the Church teaching
does not seem to account for is the benefit of a deepening of psychological
intimacy between responsible adults that comes about through having sexual
intercourse.  The big problem is that folks are not measuring up to the
greater responsibility of sex with birth control.  Society becomes more
hedonistic and unmindful that pregnacies occur even with birth control devices
and that, as the cliche goes, you are sleeping with whoever your partner is
sleeping with so that STDs are having a field day.  Of course the let it all
hang out attitudes especially prevalent among the young unmarrieds of 15-25
years don't help.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/31/98 11:08:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >
>  >Now,  in  her  latest  communique,  Mills'  source  has  revealed
>  >something  so  inherently  obvious  that the wonder is it was not
>  >discerned until now.  He is quoted as saying, "The Euro goes into
>  >effect today.  Once this  happens,  kiss  good-bye to the Federal
>  >Reserve."  With the advent of  the  "Euro,"  a  unified  European
>  >currency,   the  U.S.  dollar/Federal  Reserve  Notes  face  real
>  >competition as the world's reserve currency of choice.

This has been discussed a number of times over the past couple of years in
Business Week, the business section of the NYT, and in US News.  The
conclusion has generally been that both currencies will serve as reserve

IMHO, the Euro will prove the most popular.  This is because the US is
becoming less modern as time passes.  The key to societal (national) strength
is for knowledge and wealth to widely exist over the entire population.  We
are slowly losing ground and Europe is gaining ground in the areas of societal
strength and cohesion.  It is inevitable that we lose ground on a relative
basis.  In fact, we have already lost enormous ground.  Our 800 pound gorilla
armed forces is keeping our prestige up but that is becoming less of a factor
since the fall of the Soviet Union.  In the end, we will look on as the new
big boys make the key decisions.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Clinton's son's DNA test ?

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Kingsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, December 31, 1998 11:34 PM
Subject: [prj] Clinton's son's DNA test ?

Exercise Your Health Freedom in the Teeth of FDA Tyranny Through the Life
Extension Foundation Click:  http://www.lef.org/cgi-local/welcome.cgi?id!4<<
 forwarded message 
From: Carol Zimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998
Subj: [earthchanges] Drudge Report - Update??

Hi Folks -

Matt Drudge just happened to be on local Phoenix TV this
evening.  He is visiting the area to speak at the Republican
conference taking place this weekend.

During the newscast interview, Matt Drudge mentioned the
story he hoped to break Jan 3rd - 'if he can get it.'
All he said was it would be big, that people had moved
to safe houses, he (or someone else?) was waiting on
the results of medical tests, and it was not necessarily
a political story but more of a 'human' story.

If I hear more, I'll post it.



To: Leroy S. Mort

substantial sums of money have been paid to Arkansas hooker
to establish DNA link with Danny boy and Clinton.  Obviously
a story will be told with great fanfare that Bill has not paid
child support.  Chelsea will finally get to see her brother.

From: agentx, 12/28/98 15:37:03 PST

To: imastarr

DNA matching is very possible.  Remember, they have Clinton's
DNA profile from the blood test he took for Starr to verify the
identity of the semen on Monica's dress.  All we need now is
Danny's DNA and a match can be made.  Clinton's son Danny is
the key -- if he'll agree to a DNA test then we can nail Clinton.
Does anyone know if Clinton's specific DNA profile was released
in any part of the Starr report??

From: ClintonBeGone, 12/28/98 16:10:18 PST

To: citizen

If the story is Danny Williams, his approval rating will go
up by 15-20 %.  The American public doesn't have the same
ethical standards that we have.

From: powell, 12/28/98 16:16:15 PST

To: icwhatudo

Danny Williams (Clinton) photo is at:


Scroll down past his mom's picture, her name is Bobbie Williams,
and then scroll to the right and see Danny. Put a photo of
Bill Clinton up right next to it and see the strong resemblance.

From: BuffyT, 09/04/98 23:37:00 EDT


Stephanopoulos Used Threat to Stifle Clinton Son Story
Carl Limbacher, December 28, 1998
© 1998, NewsMax.com

"I guarantee you that if you do this you'll never work in
Democratic politics again."

That was the threat issued by George Stephanopoulos to Steve
Dinari, director of Ross Perot's Illinois campaign, when
Dinari informed him that he was ready to go public with a
credible allegation that Bill Clinton had fathered an
illegitimate son.

It was the day before the 1992 election. Stephanopoulos was
in Clinton's Little Rock campaign headquarters nervously
anticipating the next day's returns when a secretary told
him that Dinari was on the phone and "he wants to talk to
someone confidentially."

Stephanopoulos' side of their conversation was captured on
videotape by a film crew preparing a documentary on the 1992
Clinton-Gore campaign, which was released the next year
under the title "The War Room."

Dinari informed Stephanopoulos, then campaign communications
director, that he had names, addresses, and phone numbers of
people who could back the story up. In a tense moment of
election-eve panic, the Clinton wunderkind barked into the

"It's completely bullshit! If you went on the radio and said
that Bill Clinton is the father of an illegitimate black
child, you will be laughed at. People will think you're
crazy. ... You will be embarrassed before the national press
corps. People will think, nobody will believe you, and
people will think you're scum."

Then Stephanopoulos changed tack, pointing out to Dinari
that his cooperation on the Danny Williams bombshell would
not go unnoticed: "If you don't do it, it will cause you
some temporary pain with people who tomorrow aren't going to
matter. And you have a campaign that understands that in a
difficult time you did something right."

With a video camera rolling just a few feet away,
Stephanopoulos was quick to qualify his hint of possible
favors for Dinari's silence, adding: "I mean, it doesn't
mean anything. We can't do anything for you specifically or
anything like that."


[CTRL] Poll Conspiracy - Public Opinion Conspiracy - Voting Conspiracy

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from the New Paradigms Discussion List:

-Original Message-
From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Conspiracy Theory Research List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 1998 2:37 AM
Subject: [prj] RE: [CTRL] Polls

Exercise Your Health Freedom in the Teeth of FDA Tyranny Through the Life
Extension Foundation Click:
http://www.lef.org/cgi-local/welcome.cgi?id=214<<  END

Hey, Jerry! Polling is a "discipline"??? A discipline in high risk, high
stakes deception maybe -- when practised by the Big 5 TV networks (FOX now
aboard in that elite group). Also, your assertion that "the American
people" "elected" Clinton twice is merely an act of faith on your part, as
it has been made illegal in every state but New Hampshire to exersize
citizen checks and balances on the computerized vote count. That's right,
just like in tin horn dictatorships, or Communist countries, any American
citizen who tries to double check the vote at the neighborhood precinct
will be met with police power and eventually arrested if they insist.

First to polling:

Who are these polling "practitioners" who know the "ins and outs"?? Please
read SuperPollsters: How They Measure and Manipulate Public Opinion in
America by David W. Moore, who himself has been a pollster for 26 years.
The book is endorsed by David Broder of the Washington Post, so it can
hardly be dismissed by people like yourself, who believe that the polls are
"scientific." Here is a sentence from the concluding paragraphs of the
book: "There is still a tendency for media polls to create the illusion of
public opinion, by asking forced-choice questions on some topics that are
unfamiliar to most people. And public opinion about most topics is not as
fully explored as it was for the Persian Gulf War, often resulting in
misleading conclusions about its stability and precision." end of quote.
And then the concluding sentence ends with, " . . . polling can, indeed,
provide a continuous monitoring of the elusive pulse of democracy. More or

This is the polling industry speaking. I charge without doubt that the
polling by the 5 Big TV networks on Clinton is weighted and dishonest. Who
are they polling? Exactly how is the poll conducted? It's permissable to
question and scrutinize ANYTHING in the election process EXCEPT 1) How
polls are done and who is polled; 2) how the votes are "counted" by the
computer programs (I have yet to talk to one county official who signs
election results as "true" who can even name the person who programmed the
computer which counted the votes!!!)  and yet, we are supposed to run
our entire country based on these daily polls, and the computerized vote
counting, -- and also on that complete hoax known as "exit polling" 
The ENTIRE argument of the sorry rabble of Clintonistes on the talk shows
is -- THE POLLS and the COMPUTERIZED VOTE COUNTS of the last two
Presidential elections. What a gullible nation we have become.

I'm sorry to have to refer to my own website, but www.networkamerica.org
contains much much more information on the unverifiable and riggable nature
of exit polls and computerized voting, as well as numerous referrals to
experts and articles (some in the establishment press) which back up the
position I have stated above. I list 4 or 5 of them below for those who
won't have time to do further research. Furthermore:

Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus published that his wife was called
for a poll on Clinton, -- but the pollsters exited the phone call after she
answered to one of the "lead in" questions/comments by stating that she was
not "the lady head of the house", but her husband was head of the house. A
caller on WLW radio (50,000 watt clear channel voice, Cincinnati, Ohio) on
Saturday morning December 26 relayed that his sister in Georgia was called
for a poll about Clinton, but hung up on when she said she had not voted
for Clinton. These are anecdotal, but one would be stretching to dismiss
them out of hand.

Is any rational person supposed to believe that while 60% of the voting
public voted against Clinton, that 70% now support him even after he's
shown to be an adulterer, liar, perjurer . . .? Right. WHO ARE THE BIG
MEDIA-paid POLLSTERS POLLING? The Big Media really blew its cover when it
published on the day after the first wave of recent Iraq bombings -- that
70% of the people thought there was no connection between the imminent
impeachment vote and the sudden Iraq bombings Right. Who in hades are
these big media-paid pollsters polling?

And, you are on a conspiracy research list, and you're putting out the bunk
that Clinton is the one responsible for the economy? He's giving the
Alan Greenspan crowd, The Ruling Elite, what they want, and Greenspan keeps
the interest rates down. Also, the economy is only great for the Vultures
on Wall Street, the average working man is gr

Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head


The "source" in this article also talked about brown envelops.  Is this the
Firth Column a al Chuck Hayes?



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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

According to "Ru Mills" (pseudonym), there are 2 major factions
in the overall intelligence "community": Faction 1 and Faction 2.
Faction 1 is said to favor the internationalist "New World Order."
Faction 2 is said to favor a nationalist stance and is anti-New
World Order. They've reportedly been battling behind the scenes
for years, and Faction 2 seems to have lately won the battle.

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Very interesting article!
> Could you please explain what "Faction1 and Faction2" are? I'm not familiar
> with these terms, but have seen them before in some other article.
> Thanks for your time and effort in responding.
> Sincerely,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread JJSANJ

 -Caveat Lector-

Very interesting article!
Could you please explain what "Faction1 and Faction2" are? I'm not familiar
with these terms, but have seen them before in some other article.
Thanks for your time and effort in responding.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's Fate Decided at Hilton Head (fwd)

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

I just glanced through the article below, but it looks good.
Interesting how "John Huang" said in reverse order sounds
like "Wang Jun."

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:29:50 -0800
From: "Bruce C. Adamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  by Bruce Campbell Adamson
  copyrighted December 1998

Was Adamson correct when he focused in on Wang Jun being tied to the Right
wing conspiracy, Ron Brown's demise and the Santa Cruz Jack Jacobson
bombing December 21, 1996?  See Adamson's Diana The Queen of Hearts and the
CIA/MI6 Princedom of Darkness, copyrighted 1998.

The corrupt side of the CIA as a distraction brought in John Huang which
sounded phonetically Wang Jun in reverse.  Wang Jun is a very close friend
of Henry Kissinger and George Bush.  Both Bush and Kissinger were in the
CIA 1950s/1960s and knew Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend and CIA agent,
(George de Mohrenschildt) very well.

FLASH Wang Jun the Chinese Gun smuggler visited the White House on Feb.
6th, 1996 and had tea with Bill Clinton and Secretary of Commerce Ron
Brown.  Was Jun sent into the White House by right wing Republicans only to
make Clinton?  On April 3, 1996 Ron Brown's plane went down over Yugoslavia
mysterious and about 32 of Clinton's administration were killed.  No
autopsies were performed on the civilians.  An army pathologist Cogswell
claimed that Ron Brown had received a gun shot to his head.

Before this accident Clinton had been on the extreme left, fighting to have
gays in the military,etc.  Yet, his hard line political stance changed
immediately following Brown's demise.  Hillary Clinton had been on the very
same plane a week before.  Was someone telling President Clinton, "Gee
Bill, we like you and if we wanted to we could have taken out Hillary, but
Billy boy, we like you and Hillary" ?

Last night, I spoke to the parents of one of the victims of the Ron Brown
crash, Adam Darling.

(Author's note: Mr. Darling does not know if there is s distant cousin
relation to the CIA agent Frank Darling who was murdered in front of the
CIA in January of 1993 by Mir Aimal Kasi.  He said there may be a possible
cousin relationship but he did not know if there was.  See Steamshovel
Press # 16, 1998).

Mr. Darling said that he was a long time friend of Bill Clinton's from
Arkansas, through the parents of his wife.  They knew Clinton way back.
Hillary Clinton attended the funeral of Adam Darling in April of 1996.
Darling has continued his friendship with President Clinton today and feels
that Kenneth Starr never really had anything on Clinton.

Darling is suspicious on how the Air Force handled the crash. Darling won't
commit to a conspiracy theory in the Brown plane crash.  Yet, Darling
cannot ignore Cogswell's report or the fact that the flight controller
allegedly committed suicide. Or that sixteen top brass, generals and
colonels were disciplined for ordering Ron Brown's plane to fly into a
terrible storm when the flight distance was only 20 minutes away.

I spoke to a VIP pilot for Eisenhower "Mr. Russell" in Aptos, California
shortly after the crash, who was also suspicious.  Russell said that this
was not normal protocol, for one would have waited to let the storm pass
before making the 20 minute flight in the first place.  Or if they did make
the flight they would have remained at 2100 thousand feet until it was O.K.
and clear to land.  For his son Adam Darling a young man had a promising
political future under the Clinton's ahead when his life was cut short.
(Author's note: The rumor that the debris was scattered over 17 miles is
simply not true).
Mr. and Mrs. Darling were shocked when I told them that Wang Jun
who had visited the White House and had been running a Chinse gun smuggling
and explosive operation out of Santa Cruz, California was in reality the
head of the Chinese Communist Secret Police. The company Wang owned was
Poly Tech Inc.
After Jun was arrested on smuggling automatic machine guns he was
allowed to leave the USA and remains in China. Surely these weapons were
used to cause havoc within these United States. James Angleton had always
suspected Jun's good friend Henry Kissinger of being a Communist mole
infiltrating the CIA.  Under the Nixon administration Kissinger and Bush
met in China prior to Bush's taking over as Director of the CIA.
Wang Jun was not only entertained by President Clinton at the White
House, he was also a vistor when President George Bush was in office.
Both Kissinger and Bush were also involved in the Indonesian Bre-x
gold scandal of 1996-97.  Kissinger and Associates were responsible for
investigating gold in 1991 but would not be held responsible as advisers to

Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

E Mael <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>that bait is awfully old. no one is going to bite on that anymore. you are
>obviously an agent for some right wing police state advocacy group. are
>they still sending you checks? they obviously don't know that you are the
>list joke here. better hope they don't update your file, you might find
>yourself knocking on the gate at the russian consulate in bolivia.

I trust you had too much champagne.  This makes absolutely no sense.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pentagon Racing to Prepare for 2000

1999-01-01 Thread Hilary Thomas

Pentagon racing to 
prepare for 2000

Nearly everything in 
military dependent on computers

By Jim 

31 — If you use a computer at all 
— chances are you’ve heard about the year 2000 problem, 
the so-called Millennium Bug — a computer glitch that could 
lead to shutdowns, lockouts and global panic. The American military 
is almost completely reliant on computers and, because of that, 
finds itself in a situation both vulnerable and 

EVERYTHING IN America’s military 
arsenal — whether it shoots, floats, flies, or marches — 
relies on computers.   But a 
once-in-a-century computer glitch, known in the Pentagon as the 
Millennium Bomb, could bring this mighty war machine to a 
halt.   “If we left 
things as they are right now the military would effectively shut 
down,” said Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, who chairs a 
committee on the year 2000 
problem.   1900 OR 
2000?   They would 
shut down because most computers use only the last two digits of the 
calendar year — so when the year 2000 rolls around, 
they’ll read zero-zero as the year 


In high-risk military operations, that could be 
deadly.   “Somewhere, 
someplace, there will be people who die as a result of the Y2K 
problem,” said 
Bennett.   The scope of the 
Pentagon’s problem is mind-boggling — all told, 25,000 
separate computer systems could be 
affected.   “We’re 
doing our best but they’re going to be some nasty surprises 
because the problem is so big,” said John Hambre, a deputy 
Defense Secretary. Aircraft and ships could be sent off course, 
cruise missiles may not find their targets, satellite data could be 
lost.   THE NUCLEAR 

   A priority, of course, 
is repairing the computers that control nuclear weapons. Hambre, 
though, vows that those programs will be 
fixed.   But what about other 
nuclear powers? The North American Air Defense Command, deep beneath 
a Colorado mountain, will stand watch against a missile attack. The 
Pentagon wants to share this early warning information with Russia 
and China, because if their computers go blank at midnight 2000, 
they could accidentally surmise they’re under nuclear 
attack.   “Because of 
anxieties about the possibilities of a sneak attack, forces could be 
ordered to a higher state of alert level that could lead to 
accidental war,” said John Pike, from the Federation of 
American Scientists.   
TAG   The Pentagon 
will spend at least $4 billion to defuse the Millennium bomb and 
officials in Washington are confident they’ll do it. But 
critics claim they started too late and the fixes won’t be 
done in time.   The cost of 
failure could be much higher. 
   If the Pentagon needed any 
reminder, it is the 28 American soldiers killed by an Iraqi scud 
during the Gulf War. The Patriot anti-missile battery that might 
have saved them, failed, in part, because its computer clocks were 
out of sync.   It’s 
something America’s military leaders are determined to never 
let happen again. 
Together We Create Heaven on Earth[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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keeping up-to-date on new technologies, advancements in medicine, environmental 
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Re: [CTRL] Listen Up! Clinton Supporting Scum!

1999-01-01 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 10:07:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

<< <> Why are you harder on Clinton than on the Republicans?

 As Willy Sutton said explaining why he robbed banks, because that's where
 money is. >>

That really is the reason for it all.  The Republicans can bankroll anyone who
can convince them he or she hates Clinton.  I remember the first time I heard
Fred Barnes talk on television.  I wanted to write him a letter, and my
library which can give almost every address in the world, had nothing at all
on the guy.  About six months later, he was editing his own magazine.
Badmouthing Clinton is where the money is.  It makes a great opportunity for
any journalist who wants to increase his or her income.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

All this stuff brings back to mind some stuff I remember reading in

Now, this is TOTALLY 'anecdotal'...I haven't saved the publications (not
feeling the need to)...

But 1992 was a personally traumatic year...and the presidential election
was NOT a priority of mine...I only knew I wanted Bush out, but I
definitely didn't like Clinton -- I didn't know a heck of a lot about him
at the time, but had read the year before that he was 'hand picked' by
the Bildebergers to replace Bush...

As a sort of 'mental vacation' when I took a week's vacation that year
and wanted some 'beach reading', I bought some astrology magazines...
each one was ostensibly published by a separate publisher, and the
articles were ostensibly written by different authors...

...but I noticed they all seemed to be saying the exact same thing
regarding the November elections, and beyond...to the point that the
articles on the election seemed to be written by one person...

Now perhaps this has something to do with any validity of astrology...
if an astrologer looked at the charts of all the 'players' in the
election, one would expect they'd all 'see the same thing'...

But if you ever read any of these rags, it quickly becomes obvious that
they NEVER agree on ostensibly the same subject...like, the month's
horoscope for any one sign is completely different depending on the rag
one is reading...so the fact that they all agreed to the minute detail
seemed 'strange' at the very least...and perhaps reflected an underlying

Anyways, they all agreed that Clinton would win in November...but they
also ALL agreed that he wouldn't finish his term...that if he 'managed'
to make it to the 1996 election, that it would be his 2nd term he
wouldn't complete...

Because of this prediction, they spent a lot of time analyzing Gore's
chart, it was here that some discrepancy in 'interpretation' arose, some
predicting he'd complete Clinton's term and go on to win the next
election, some predicting that Gore himself would have problems
completing his term...

When they conjectured as to WHY Clinton wouldn't complete his term of
office (whether it was the 1st or 2nd term), assassination came in at the
bottom of the list, altho there WAS some feeling that health may have
something to do with it...but all seemed to feel that scandal of some
sort would be the main cause, a scandal which would involve Hillary
Clinton (and perhaps Al Gore)...

So when all this started to 'shake out', I had a strong feeling of 'deja

Now, I'm open minded about astrology...but my gut feeling was (and is)
that all these supermarket astrology rags had an agenda to push, and that
their predictions in 1992 didn't reflect the science/art of astrology as
much as it did 'someone' pulling the strings beyond the sight of the
audience...that whomever had decided that Clinton would run and win in
1992 also was going to make sure he didn't stay in office...

   (Ring out, wild bells to the wild sky.
)The flying cloud, the frosty light;
  ) *  ( The year is dying in the night;
)(  Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
   (  ) (
)*   ))   -- Tennyson:  In Memoriam
   (((  *
)  H ))
  [ ](
   (  *   |-|   * )(
  * ) |_|.  )
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revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politica

[CTRL] Listen Up! Clinton Supporting Scum!

1999-01-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: The Progressive Review <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, December 31, 1998 4:47 PM
Subject: UNDERNEWS Dec 31

The Progressive Review On-Line Report
>From Washington's Most Unofficial Source

Dec 31, 1998

The Progressive Review 1739 Conn. Ave. NW Washington DC 20009 202-232-5544
Editor: Sam Smith  Fax: 202-234-6222 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Progressive
Review On-Line can be found at: http://prorev.com with over 100 articles and

For a free trial subscription to our hard copy edition and e-mail updates
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Copyright 1998, The Progressive Review. Matter not independently copyrighted
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give proper credit.

Because of its volume, we can't answer all the mail we get but post some of
most interesting comments at http://dejanews.com/~prorev. You can post
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Our web site received more than 200,000 hits in 1998, nearly four times as
as during 1997. Our readership is extraordinarily eclectic -- ranging around
the globe and including far-left, far-right, raving moderates,
and post-partisans of various stripes. We have readers in the military (and
presumably civilian spooks as well) who check in daily. We have conservative
and liberal talk show hosts, spinmeisters for Clinton, as well as some of
strongest opponents. We have white rural militia members and black urban
activists. We have Greens and Libertarians. The Review has been cited by
journals ranging from the London Telegraph (which links to our Whitewater
Archives) to the Village Voice. We love you all and you are all great
(except, of course, for those readers who aren't Americans at all but who
undoubtedly would be great Americans if you weren't already great Croatians,
Indians, Nigerians and so forth).

Our aim here is simply to follow (1) the principle laid down by Mark Twain
he said a good newspaper should not only print the news but make you mad
to do something about it and (2) that of Hank Thoreau who said that the
rule of composition was to tell the truth.

Happy New Year!


<> Why are you harder on Clinton than on the Republicans?

As Willy Sutton said explaining why he robbed banks, because that's where
money is. In post-constitutional America most political power is vested in
White House currently controlled by the Democrats.

Besides, in journalistic terms, a congressmember is worth, at most, about
1/435th of a president. Still, if you want to trade Rep. Burton's
for that of Clinton you got yourself a deal.

Anyway, ideology is a lousy clue to scandals. It helps understand how
parties react to a political scandal but not the scandal itself. In fact,
of the most frequent reasons we don't find out about corruption is because
two parties -- which function these days primarily as money laundering
-- have a joint interest in not revealing the information. Hence the
concealment involved in the Cox investigation of trade with China, the
of the GOP to look into Arkansas drug smuggling and its ties to the CIA, the
shoddy  investigations of Vince Foster's death and so forth. History will
probably also show that Kenneth Starr was, in fact, one of Clinton's best
allies by failing to look into all the corners he should have.

<> If this story isn't about sex why do the Republicans keep mentioning it?

The trial of Clinton centers not on sex but Clinton's behavior following
including perjury and obstruction of justice. These felonies were committed
order to deny Paula Jones a fair day in court in her case against the
President. Clinton ultimately paid Jones $850,000 in recompense. He has
absolutely nothing in recompense to the public or Congress for his illegal

In the course of the Jones case, the question came up as to a pattern of
behavior on Clinton's part. As a result a number of other incidents were
investigated as part of that trial and of Starr's subsequent inquiry into
Clinton's obstruction of the trial. This is how the alleged rape came up.

Rape, according to feminist canon, is not about sex; it is about power.
Further, the following acts are not a normal part of sex yet have been
to have occurred to those who had sexual relations with the president: death
threats; vandalism; intimidation, bribery or other inducement to sign false
affidavits; public trashing on national television; use of private
to spy upon, induce and/or threaten; as well as, in at least one case each,
beating or murder of a person wit

[CTRL] Clinton's Fate Decided at Hilton Head (fwd)

1999-01-01 Thread Brian Redman

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 02:03:37 EST
Subject: Clinton's Fate Decided at Hilton Head

January 31, 1998

This morning the offices of Rumor Mill News Agency received a phone call from
a major source we had not heard from in years.

He spent about fifteen minutes on the telephone.  We spent about two hours
deciphering the hastily taken notes.  When RMNews agreed to publish
information coming from Sources within the intelligence Agency, we had to
agree to play by their rules.  Rule number one was to never record their
voices.  This makes it quite difficult when they are long winded.  But I have
learned to take very good short hand.  Then if I can read my own writing, I
can recreate the conversation.  My half of the conversation is recorded.  That
way, I am able to reconstruct almost perfectly, what I have been told.

I knew that I was not going to have the time today to write the article the
way I wanted it written.  That is why I wrote to Brian Redman and gave him the
information.  He wrote an excellent article.  I am attaching it.

Later that night, I turned on my favorite radio show and discovered that my
friend Dr. Stan Monteith, did not have a guest for his Radio Liberty New
Year's Eve radio show. Knowing that it is important to get out the information
given me by this man, I called in and did a two hour program.

We covered everything the Source talked about, and in addition, we went into
the two factions of the intelligence communities, the Federal Reserve Bank,
the royal families of Europe, the Canaris Conspiracy to assassinate Adolph
Hitler, the name "Desert Fox' and  Field Marshal Rommel, plus the real reason
for the savings and loan failures in the early eighties. In the two hours we
also threw in Cecil Rhoads and his Round Table, the Rothschilds, James Baker,
Frank Carlucci, Bill Clinton, George Bush and a whole host of other notable

 http://radioliberty.com/">Radio Liberty Home Page  If you want
to purchase a copy of the tape, or if you want to start hearing, "The story
behind the story and the news behind the news", pull up the Radio Liberty Home
Page and listen in. They have Real Audio. and an 800 number. You will soon
find out, as I have, that Dr. Stanley Monteith is the best informed man in
America on the secret government and the plan to create a New World Order.

Tell the order taker you want a copy of the tape that was made December 31,
1998 with Rayelan (Russbacher). I don't know how much it is. I would guess it
will sell for $15.00. Send them an email and ask them.

I have inserted Brian Redman's story from CNNS (Conspiracy Nation News
Service), I have followed his article with my original letter to Brian, and I
have attached an article published by CNNS in which another researcher from
Aptos, CA has written about the Chinese connection. Bruce Adamson is a
researcher on the Kennedy Assassination. But he also has written a book on
Princess Diana, and he seems to be getting ready to write something on the
Chinese money and arms smuggling connection to the White House.

Subj:Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head (fwd)
Date:   12/31/1998 7:06:41 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Redman)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rayellen Russbacher)


(CNNS, 12/31/98) -- One of the  King's  jobs is to smile and wave
to  the  public,  thereby  reassuring  most  of  them.   So,  the
"commoners" have lately been reassured with film footage of  Bill
Clinton  taking a moody walk along the beach, and of Bill Clinton
playing golf.

Not so reassuring is  the  latest  report  received by "Ru Mills"
(pseudonym) from one of her deep sources.

"Ru Mills" has  communicated  with  this news service (Conspiracy
Nation News Service) the fact that, today, she received  a  phone
call from a source who had seemingly disappeared.  Not heard from
for  years,  Ms.  Mills' source suddenly phoned her and let loose
with a barrage of new information.

Says Mills:  "My Source told me that the final decision regarding
the  POTUS  [President  Of  The  United  States] would be made at
Hilton Head this weekend.  You  know  the Hilton Head bash... the
one that gathers all the movers and shakers of the  domestic  New
World  Order crowd together, and gives them their marching orders
for the next year?"

Mills elaborates further that she asked her source "if that meant
the POTUS was  going  to  step  down.   He  laughed and said, 'Be
prepared for anything.' And again he went silent."

According to Mills' source, "We are at a time  in  history  where
things could begin to unravel very quickly."

Mills writes that she quoted an old Bob Dylan song to her source,
and that her source responded with his own  cryptic  revision  of
another Dylan tune.

  Come congressmen, 

[CTRL] Radioactive Tumbleweeds, Ants, Flies, And Gnats Spreading Radiation

1999-01-01 Thread DrErebus

 -Caveat Lector-

Radioactive Tumbleweeds,
Ants, Flies, And Gnats
Spreading Radiation

RICHLAND, Washington (AP) -- First, radioactive ants, flies and gnats were
found at the Hanford nuclear complex, which for years churned out plutonium
for nuclear weapons.

Now a government report says there has been a dramatic increase in the number
of radioactive tumbleweeds found blowing around the place.

The Department of Energy found 20 contaminated tumbleweeds in the first six
months of 1998, compared with 11 during all of 1995, an increase likely due to
stepped-up efforts to search the area.

With roots that can stretch 15 feet into the soil looking for water, the weeds
suck up contaminated groundwater and spread radioactivity when the top of the
plant is blown away by the wind.

The plants sprout across the 560-square-mile government reservation, which is
one of the nation's most heavily contaminated nuclear sites. When they tumble,
so does radioactivity.

The Department of Energy found that Fluor Daniel, the company that manages
Hanford for the government, and other contractors spent $1.68 million last
year to control vegetation like tumbleweeds, as well as various mice and
insects that also spread radioactivity.

Hanford stopped producing plutonium in the 1980s, but some areas remain highly
radioactive. Billions of dollars are being spent to clean up the site along
the Columbia River.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-01 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Of course, many do not require even common sense to believe most anything.
>Surely the Nobel prize for credulity should be given to those poor souls
>have their bodies or heads frozen in hopes they will be brought back to
>when cures are found for dead brains, kidneys, livers, etc ravaged by a
>of hard living.

good luck

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Progress" Without People

1999-01-01 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

MIT Professor Noam Chomsky makes the point that if you serve power, power
rewards you with respectability. If you work to undermine power, whether
by political analysis or moral critique, you are "reviled, imprisoned,
driven into the desert."

"It's as close to a historical truism as you can find," Chomsky says.

Let's test Chomsky's theory of power and respectability with the case of
David Noble.

Noble is a historian of corporate control over our lives and institutions
-- from technology to universities.

Forces of Production (Knopf, 1984), for example, is a detailed history of
the automation of the metalworking industry. In that book, Noble shows how
technology, in its design and deployment, reflects class and power
relations between workers and owners.

Noble started out his academic career in 1978 at MIT. His first book,
America by Design (Knopf, 1977), focused on the rise of the science-based
industries, the electrical and chemical industry, and how universities
essentially became corporate research centers for these new industries.

Noble believed that corporations should be kept off of university
campuses. In the late 1970s, he wrote a series of articles for the Nation
magazine, including two classics, "Ivory Tower Goes Plastic" and "Business
Goes Back to College."

Then in the early 1980s, Noble wrote a series of articles in praise of
Luddism for the now defunct journal Democracy. (That series has since been
pulled together in book form (Progress Without People, Between the Lines
Press, Toronto, 1995).

In addition, while at MIT, he teamed up with Ralph Nader and Al Meyerhoff
and started an organization called the National Coalition for Universities
in the Public Interest.

MIT, a model of education in the corporate interest, was not pleased. In
1983, MIT fired Noble.

"It was a political firing," Noble told us. "I sued MIT in 1986." After
five years of litigation, Noble forced MIT to make public the documents
shedding light on the firing.

"I got all of the documents and turned them over to the American
Historical Association, which then reviewed them for a year and then
condemned MIT for the firing," Noble said.

Next stop: Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian wanted Noble to be a
curator for an exhibit on automated technology. Noble went to Washington
for two years and produced an exhibit highly critical of technology. He
includes a hammer used by the Luddites in the 1800s to smash machines in
England. George Lucas donates robots R2D2 and C3PO from the first Star
Wars movie. Noble calls the exhibit "Automation Madness: Boys and Their
Toys," in which he documents a history of resistance to automation
beginning in the 1800s. Not what the Smithsonian had in mind. They too
fired Noble.

Most people think that the Smithsonian is a public institution. It started
out that way, but has slowly been taken over by big corporate interests.

When Noble arrived at the Smithsonian in 1983, he figured he would have a
budget to work on projects. No such luck.

"What I had to do was go out and hustle -- to the National Association of
Manufacturers, to the Chamber of Commerce, to various companies, to get
money to put on exhibits," Noble said. "At that time, the fundraiser for
the National Museum of American History was the wife of the president of
the National Association of Manufacturers."

Noble then spent five years at Drexel -- protected with tenure -- and then
headed North to the University of York at Toronto, where he is also
protected by tenure.

Noble doesn't use e-mail or the Internet, but last year after The Nation
magazine turned down an article he wrote called "Digital Diploma Mills,"
he published it and two subsequent pieces on the Internet
. The articles describe how corporations are
using digital technologies to gain control over university course content.

He believes that the Internet can be a useful way to disseminate
information, but not to teach students.

"You can't educate over the Internet, because education is an
interpersonal process," he says.

And he laughs when asked whether the Internet will level the playing field
between activists and their corporate adversaries.

"Have you noticed that -- any leveling the playing field?" he asked
incredulously "Wake me when it is over. It is a joke."

"The key thing about organizing is trust," he says. "You have to have
relations with people, especially if you are asking people to put
themselves on the line in any way. There is no real way of establishing
that over the Internet."

Whether Noble continues to get into trouble with the masters of the
Internet or universities, depends on whether he changes course mid-life
and decides he wants some respect from the powers that be.

Looks like Chomsky is right again.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor.

CTRL is a discuss

Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills

1999-01-01 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Jim Kinney, breaking the sound barrier, commercial airplanes and the
bumblebee are working WITH God's laws of Nature --- not against them. Happy
New Year. :^) Jim Condit Jr.

> -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Jim Kinney
> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 1998 7:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills
>  -Caveat Lector-
> And breaking the sound barrier is impossible too.. as are commercial
> airplanes and bumblebees.  As to the gay population.. as far as I can
> tell they've always been there.. they are just demanding more human
> respect than they used to.
> -Original Message-
> From:   Jim Condit Jr. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Thursday, December 31, 1998 5:27 AM
> Subject:Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control
> pills
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Birth prevention pills so violate the cycles of a woman's body
> that science
> will never be able to fix the side physical side effects. Also,
> someone
> suggested, and it should be investigated based on the incredible
> phenomenon
> in our day of militant homosexuals bursting out all over, that
> the birth
> prevention pills so upset the hormones of the women taking them
> that it also
> upset the hormones of the babies they later birthed, many of
> which babies
> are today gender confused. Jim Condit Jr.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
> Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
> sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] June Learning About RC teaching on Birth Prevention

1999-01-01 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

May I recommend the book "CATHOLIC PROPHECY" by Yves Dupont from TAN books
in Rockford Illinois? This book details a time, which is apparantly our
time, when the poeple of the time our shocked at the teaching that was once
taken for granted throughout Western Civilization.

Yes, using CONDOMS violates human nature and is also detrimental to men and
women. The marriage act should only take place within marriage (that's one's
first valid marriage, not the second, third, fourth, or fifth) and always in
such as way to make the transmission of life possible if God so wills. The
first end of marriage is the raising of children to know, love, and serve
God in this world so as to be happy with Him in the next for all eternity.
The second, but subordinate, end of marriage is for the mutual support of
the spouses and to allay concupisence (libido). ... Now you may think this
is nuts, I'm nuts, or whatever you want to think about what I "dare" to say
about this subject --- but I am accurately conveying the constant teaching
of the Roman Catholic Church, which remains unchanged today.> Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of KA
> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 1998 8:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] nurev learning about birth control pills
>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
> >Most women using birth control of their own choice? So much the
> worse. These
> >women know deep down they're violating their nature,
> One would presume your condemnation extends to women who use the diaphram
> or have their tubes tied, also?
> How DARE you presume to state you 'know' what women's 'nature' is, let
> alone whether we are 'violating' it or not...
> >just as the men who use it,
> Presumably this means using condoms
> >I asked her if everything was OK. She said she had to keep a
> close monitor
> >because of her birth control pills she was taking. Anecdotal?
> Yes. But the
> And only relevant to the late 60s
> To be fair, why don't you also tell us about all the women who have
> severe health problems due to pregnancy?
> June
> *---*
> revcoal AT connix DOT com
> *---*
>  It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
>  address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
>  $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
>  email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
>  terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
>  unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial
>  email.
> **
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
> Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
> sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

1999-01-01 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Of course if an uneducated pedophile can collect a gang
>of same in Waco, why not the clever Knight?

that bait is awfully old. no one is going to bite on that anymore. you are
obviously an agent for some right wing police state advocacy group. are
they still sending you checks? they obviously don't know that you are the
list joke here. better hope they don't update your file, you might find
yourself knocking on the gate at the russian consulate in bolivia.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Happy New Year, One and All!!

1999-01-01 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


May God bless and keep you safe throughout this new year! Let us dearly
hope that 1999 brings us better news regarding the fellowship of humanity
than any other year in recorded history!

Congratulations! Thanks to the blessings of the Almighty, in league with
the technologies of humanity, this post will reach 11, 374 persons on-line!

There are no limits to our endeavor as long as we work together!


Edward B. Britton   ><>
 "Go for goats, Bill.  They don't talk." Yasser Arafat
Talk to the planet. Subscribe to Reality Pump:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Still More on Lader

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


| American Embassy London | Ambassador Philip Lader |

September 12, 1997
The Swearing-in of Philip Lader as Ambassador of the United States of
America to the Court of St. James's

Washington -- Philip Lader was sworn in September 12 as U.S. ambassador to
the Court of St. James's by Vice President Gore.

In a ceremony that attracted more than 200 people to the 8th floor
Diplomatic Reception Room of the State Department, Lader described the U.S.
relationship with Britain as "enduring" and "knit in ways intellect cannot
fully fathom."

Lader follows Ambassador William Crowe Jr., a retired chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.

Following are the Lader's remarks, followed by a poem by Rita Dove, a
personal friend of Lader's and a former poet laureate of the United States,
in honor of the occasion:

Remarks of Philip Lader at his Swearing-in as Ambassador of the United
States of America to the Court of St. James's
September 12, 1997
Mr. Vice President, thank you for taking the exceptional trouble to honor my
family and me today. The degree to which the President and you have worked
together for our country is unprecedented in American history. And in the
hours I have spent side-by-side with you, it has been clear to me that I
have never worked with anyone more conscientious or more honorable.

What has mystified me, though, is that some of my friends believe my
principal role in this Administration has been to make you look less serious
and intense by comparison. Aren't we both fortunate to have friends like
these to help us take seriously our jobs, not ourselves!

I do take seriously, however, the fact that this day would not have come for
me but for the most generous, loving, spirited and spirit-filled person I
have ever known, my best friend and wife, Linda LeSourd Lader. Don't you

When Winston Churchill stayed at the White House for three weeks in 1942,
the President and the Prime Minister met for hours every day; in the
evenings, they would retire to their bedrooms to work late into the night
and freely visit each other. Once, as Roosevelt's aide Harry Hopkins used to
tell the story, FDR was wheeled into his guest's room and entered as
Churchill emerged from the bathroom, "start naked and gleaming pink from his
bath." As Roosevelt tried to leave, Churchill protested, "The Prime Minister
of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United

Though Churchill's recollection was different, the point is well taken. In
that context and in this setting, two words have deeper resonance for me

Relationships: The relationship of Roosevelt's and Churchill's successors in
1997 is one from which our children's children will benefit.

The United States and the United Kingdom have an enduring friendship. It is
as important today as it was during the Second World War, as vibrant today
as any time in history.

The bonds between our two great nations reach far beyond language, history,
and family, far deeper than national security or vast investments. As we
observed in our response to the tragic loss of the Princess of Wales, hearts
in America, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are knit in ways
intellect cannot fully fathom.

I learned this, too, leaving a lecture hall at Oxford three decades ago,
when I was informed, Kathleen, of your father's death. I witnessed Britain
mourning with us in 1968.

Relationships we hold most dear are fragile.

My friends have often heard me refer to the many balls we all juggle in our
lives. Some of us may even take pride in how many we can juggle
simultaneously. Most of those balls are made of rubber; if we drop one of
these, it is likely to bounce back, and we can continue on. But some of
those balls -- particularly the relationships between family and friends,
between allies -- are made of the most precious crystal. If we let one of
these glass balls fall, it may smash and be lost.

I am commissioned today to be one of the stewards of a historic "special

The second word? Gratitude.

I first was given the gift of birth in this country. Now, Linda and I are
deeply humbled by the President's naming a son of immigrants to represent
our Nation and him at the Court of St. James's. We thank the Senate for
swift confirmation. But all of you have helped make this possible.

Mr. Vice President, you recognize our mutual friends from Washington. But
also with us today, from 26 States, are many of Linda's and my most
cherished friends. I thank them for coming here, of course, but even more
for "being there" with me, some for 20, 30 or 40 years.

Classmates and pastors. Linda's high school principal and my favorite
college dean. Our housekeeper and friend from Winthrop. Dozens of South
Carolinians who share with us scars from sundry battles. Friends from a
mountain top in Africa; others from our days in Australia.

I was dorm proctor to one friend here. When he lea

[CTRL] More on Lader

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


| American Embassy London | Ambassador Philip Lader |

Lessons from Walking: Anglo-American Relations for a New Century

The Inaugural John C. Whitehead Lecture
The Royal Institute of International Affairs

By Philip Lader
U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's
London, June 12, 1998

My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is memorable enough, Mr. President, to be welcomed at Chatham House; but
I am especially pleased to inaugurate this lectureship honoring an
individual who has been a model of public service, commercial success, and
personal integrity. . . and who has been a supportive friend of mine over
the years.

Few Americans have excelled in such diverse fields, served so selflessly,
and touched as many lives as John Whitehead. In public roles of long
tradition Deputy Secretary of State, Chairman of the United Nations
Association of the U.S.A., the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Asia Society,
the International Rescue Committee, the Brookings Institution, the
Securities Industry Association he has summoned venerable institutions to
renew their legacies. In private councils of broad reach 38 years with
Goldman, Sachs & Co., its Senior Partner and Co-Chairman, chairman of
another preeminent investment firm, director or trustee of the J. Paul Getty
Trust, Rockefeller University, Lincoln Center Theater, Outward Bound he has
demonstrated a sure grasp of the requisites of success, but also a deep
commitment to public responsibility. In his personal life, this Naval
veteran of the invasions of Normandy, southern France, Iwo Jima and Okinawa,
having experienced both gains and losses, has exhibited steady courage and

To me, John Whitehead personifies stewardship: the capacity and discipline
to employ whatever gifts we have to multiply their returns and apply them to
the good of others. In that spirit we gather here tonight and I ask you to
join me in thanking him not merely for his support of this Institute, but
especially for his personal example.

Thinking Anew About Anglo-American Relations

At Chatham House in 1993, John expressed the hope that his remarks would
challenge the audience to challenge him.

With that recitation of his remarkable career, this relatively new
ambassador tonight is challenged to an uncommon degree. Nine months ago,
when Vice President Gore administered my oath of office, he observed that my
predecessor, Admiral William Crowe, had previously served as chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. This was the first instance in the Vice President's
memory, he said, when a four-star admiral was replaced by a former Army
sergeant. Of course, my Army friends saw nothing inappropriate in that

Whatever an American's rank, what new can be said about Anglo-American
relations? Has not the subject been exhausted by William H. Allen, James
Bryce, Abigail and Henry Adams, my predecessors' writings, and a stream of
British commentators?

Is not the "special relationship" indelibly portrayed by our images of
Churchill and Roosevelt, Reagan and Thatcher, Clinton and Blair?

Thankfully, my task is not so great as John Adams', the first American
Minister to London. Standing before George III, he dedicated himself to
"restoring. . . the old good nature and the old good humour" that had
existed between Britain and America before the Revolution.

Richard Rush, following John Quincy Adams as our envoy to London, described
what Great Britain meant to an American of his time: "He hears of her
statesmen. . . her scholar. . . her patriots. In the nursery he learns her
ballads. . . Her language is his. . . a tie, to use Burke's figure, light as
air and unseen, but stronger than links of iron. Is it not fit that two such
nations should be friends?"

The relationship was little diminished by occasional undiplomatic candor.
Ambassador Walter Hines Page complained, "[The English] have only three
vegetables, and two of them are cabbage." He would envy my daily fare at
your sumptuous tables.

Has the friendship been inevitable? "The British Empire and the United
States," Winston Churchill predicted, "will have to be somewhat mixed up
together. . . I do not view the process with any misgivings. I could not
stop it if I wished; no one can stop it. Like the Mississippi, it just keeps
rolling along. Let it roll. Let it roll on, full flood. . ."

But this opinion has not been unanimous. Samuel Johnson, the curmudgeon from
my old Oxford college, resolved, "I am willing to love all mankind, except
an American."

Nathaniel Hawthorne declared, "I fancy that [the English] would. . .
reciprocate [our regard] in their ungracious way. . . but they are beset by
a. . . bitterness of feeling between themselves and all other nationalities,
especially. . . America. They will never confess it; nevertheless, it is as
essential a tonic to them as their bitter ale."

In 1856, George Mifflin Dallas, the new American envoy who had been Polk's
Vice Presid

[CTRL] Philip Lader - Renaissance Weekend founder

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


| American Embassy London |
Last updated: November 1998
Philip Lader: U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's
| Texts |

South Carolina businessman and educator Philip Lader took the oath of office
as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland on September 12, 1997.

Ambassador Lader had served in President Clinton's Cabinet as Administrator
of the U.S. Small Business Administration and previously was White House
Deputy Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President. Formerly, as Deputy
Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, he worked
closely with Vice President Gore on the Clinton Administration's
"reinventing government" initiatives.

Before entering government service, Ambassador Lader had been president of
Sea Pines Company (developer/operator of award-winning, large-scale
recreation communities), executive vice president of the late Sir James
Goldsmith's U.S. holding company, and president of universities in South
Carolina and Australia. He founded Renaissance Weekends, the family retreats
for innovative leaders, in 1981.

Ambassador Lader is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Chief Executives Organization, and is an Honorary Fellow of Pembroke
College, Oxford University. He formerly served on the boards of the American
Red Cross, Duke University's Public Policy Institute, and several banks and
universities, as well as president of Business Executives for National
Security. He was a candidate for South Carolina Governor in 1986, having
chaired and served on the boards of numerous economic development and
education institutions and projects.

Ambassador Lader's education includes Duke University (Phi Beta Kappa), the
University of Michigan (M.A. in History), graduate studies in law at
Pembroke College, Oxford University, and Harvard Law School (J.D.). He has
been awarded honorary doctorates by a number of other institutions.

His wife, Linda LeSourd Lader, is President of the Renaissance Institute and
has served on the boards of various U.S. and U.K. education and children's
organizations, including Harvard Divinity School's Center for the Study of
Values in Public Life. Ambassador and Mrs. Lader, and their two daughters,
Mary-Catherine (13) and Whitaker (11), maintain their permanent residence on
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

November, 1997

October 29, 1998 A Better New York: The View from London Address by Philip
Lader, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's, to the Association for a
Better New York, New York City.
August 31, 1998 Ambassador Philip Lader's Remarks at the Vital Voices
Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 31, 1998

June 12, 1998 Lessons from Walking: Anglo-American Relations for a New
Century The Inaugural John C. Whitehead Lecture, at the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, by Philip Lader, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St.

May 20, 1998 Ambassador Lader at the Habitat For Humanity House-Building
Project in Belfast, Northern Ireland

December 1, 1997 Partnerships For an Inventive Community An Address by
Philip Lader, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland at Queen's University, Belfast

November 18, 1997 Address to the Pilgrims By Philip Lader, U. S. Ambassador
to the Court of St. James's

September 18, 1997 Interview With New U.S. Ambassador To United Kingdom

September 12, 1997 The Swearing-in of Philip Lader as Ambassador of the
United States of America to the Court of St. James's

| American Embassy London |

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Last Year at Hilton Head

1999-01-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting contrast:  Renaissance vs. Dark Ages:


Wednesday December 31, 1997 2:11 PM EST

Clinton wins convert at Hilton Head
HILTON HEAD, S.C., Dec. 31, 1997 (UPI) _ For years, President Clinton has
celebrated the new year by attending Renaissance Weekend, a touchy-feely
kind of intellectual chatfest with fellow overachievers.

The 17-year-old family retreats are billed as open to all points of view,
although the longtime participation of Clinton and others even more liberal
have turned off many conservatives.

But this year, the president won over one of the poster children of the
other side, along with her 6-year-old daughter.

Conservative commentator Arianna Huffington, who had been part of the
attempted Republican counterpart to the Renaissance Weekend known as the
``Dark Ages'' retreat, said she has had a ``great time'' this year with the
other side.

Huffington in particular described meeting the president as her 6- year-old
daughter Isabella, fearful of Clinton either by natural temperament or by
training, cowered behind her legs.

She said Clinton made a point of waiting out the little girl, then squatted
down to greet her, holding her by both hands and looking in her eyes. As he
had with thousands before her, Clinton completely captivated the child.

Without a trace of disappointment, Huffington _ wife of the multimillionaire
conservative former California Congressman Michael Huffington _ said her
daughter gushed about Clinton afterward, telling her: ``Mommy, when they
have elections at school, I'm going to vote for him.''

Arianna Huffington, who only a few weeks ago produced revelations prompting
the removal from Arlington National Cemetery of Clinton friend and
Democratic party donor Larry Lawrence, called Renaissance Weekend preferable
to Dark Ages because participants are not just from Washington, and because
families are welcome.

Return to archives index "clinton and gore"  Return to archives index

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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