Re: [CTRL] Outing Spies

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

The book also reveals extensive KGB operations including:

--Attempts to implicate the CIA and wealthy right-wing Americans in the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As part of these efforts,
the book says the KGB in the 1970s forged a letter from Kennedy's
accused killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, to E. Howard Hunt, the former CIA
agent who was convicted in the Watergate break-in.

Is anyone else noticing that, little by little, the carefully considered
conclusions of Conspiracy Theory are being identified as a product of
Communist disinformation?

How long before we are all likewise blacklisted as "Communists" or, at the
very least, charged with sedition for being disseminators of propaganda from
an enemy state?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jim Keith - Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas

1999-09-18 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Steve Wingate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 22:20:16 -0700
Subject: SNET: Re: Jim Keith - Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas

- SNETNEWS Mailing List

--- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent:
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 22:12:17 EDT Subject: [MC] re: Jim Keith - Secret and
Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden
History To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi !

I heard Jim Keith died a few days ago. I wanted to post this article I
previously published in an issue of my newsletter.

Sincerely, Neil Brick

From SMART Issue #7

This was written by a subscriber. Please use caution while reading this
article. It may be triggering for survivors.

Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim Keith,
1993 Feral House, Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208 , $12.95

In his preface to Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith states that "the people
who direct and control the world's financial resources are, to a very large
extent, the same people who control and direct the world's media." Secret
and Suppressed is a guidebook to alternative views of contemporary events
and world history... (which) confronts the reader with disquieting
revelations on mind control, secret societies, media disinformation, cults
and elite cabals. The hard evidence supplied by many of the articles is

About half of the articles in this anthology expose Masonic activity, how it
has shaped society in the past and its influence in our lives today.

In his article "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Political
Control," James Shelby Downard writes, "For years I have been trying to draw
attention to Masonic sorcery and its (alleged) relation to political
control." He states that "Benjamin . was initiated into Freemasonry at
St. John's Lodge in Philadelphia and ... is credited with publishing the
first Masonic book in America."

He identifies the "House of the Rising Sun," a Masonic meeting place for
powerful political figures such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and
George Mason, located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, which as the earliest
known record of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree of York, listed in the city
annals on December 22, 1753. He discusses the roots of the anti- mason
political party that challenged Freemason Andrew Jackson for the presidency
in 1826, and the murder of the Mormon prophet which resulted in the men of
the Mormon church withdrawing from Freemasonry.
(S.M.A.R.T. note: For more information on the Mormons and their connection
to the Masons, see Issue #6)

He delves deeply into the JFK assassination which he believes is suffused
with Masonic symbolism having to do with violence, perversion, conspiracy,
death and degradation (specifically, Masonic Greening Rituals). "Masonry
does not (allegedly) believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in
the JFK assassination, it went to incredible lengths and took great risks to
make this heinous act correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of The
Killing of the King."

He identifies the three hoboes arrested at the time of the assassination as
"at least as important symbolically as operationally, and they compromise
the 'three unworthy craftsmen' of Masonry... and a mirror or doppelganger of
the three assassins who executed the actual murder." He notes that Dealy
Plaza is the site of the First Masonic Temple in Dallas and home of the Blue
Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout, and that important security strategy was
planned for Dealy Plaza by the New Orleans CIA station which was
headquartered in a Masonic temple building.

He points out that Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to
investigate the death of Catholic President John Kennedy; 33rd degree Mason
Gerald Ford was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a
conspiratorial nature reached the Commission; 33rd degree Mason J. Edgar
Hoover was responsible for supplying information to the commission; and
former CIA Director and 33rd degree Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for
most of his agency's data to the panel. And he asks,
"Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate
the death of a Jew, or to suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to
investigate the death of a Negro?"

In his article "Subliminal Images in Oliver Stone's 'JFK' " which follows,
Dean Grace identifies Downard's Three Craftsmen; "A man in a dark suit
passes three hoboes being taken into custody by police. There is a hint that
the hoboes give a secret hand sign.. later.. .A man in a dark suit passes by
the three tramps and gives a secret hand sign for the tramps' benefit. "Also
(while) patrolman Smith is testifying on the witness stand... a tall young
man wearing a dark suit... turns toward the camera and clearly gives a
Masonic sign of distress... holds the palm of the left 

[CTRL] Outing Spies

1999-09-18 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Yea, good example of their fear of "conspiracy" is CEMB  ( COMMITTEE TO END
MEDIA BIAS) CEMB banned discussion  of conspiracy.and postings are being

CEMB is a Bush site...only  non conspiratorial favorable items to  Bush are

 They got problems.  Censorship is imposed when there is something to hide.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-16 18:54:02 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Could you give us some specific examples of what you suggest folks can do
against global corporationalists besides whine. Perhaps some examples of
what you,
specifically, are doing would be helpful.

I have no suggestions, at this particular point.  But when I DID have
suggestions-- the most concretely practical program I could come up with-- 20
years ago, everyone with whom I discussed it recognized its value "in theory"
but weaselled out because it would be "too much trouble," demanding too big a
change in one's lifestyle, asking too many sacrifices of the things that are
REALLY important to people (never mind FREEDOM!)
I came to realized that 95% of people --ESPECIALLY those who "whine" and
"complain" about the increasing threat to liberty posed by State
totalitarianism-- really prefer the "security" of a prison to the effort and
the risks involved in becoming free.  When a choice between the two becomes
inescapable, as a life-or-death dilemma, they might surprise even themselves
by WHICH alternative they actually choose.  But no surprise to ME, because
I'm a student of history and the sociological precedents for making the
"wrong" choice are almost endless.  So, you're on your own, I'm afraid.  I'm
no longer in the "solutions" business.  All my energy goes into just trying
to survive the times.

Are you suggesting armed revolt? mass suicide?

Use your own judgment.  What will be, will be.  Whatever happens, ultimately,
won't be due to any "suggestions," mine OR yours.  Whatever *I* might think a
proper response is meaningless.  Where do you see anybody acting on my
instruction or following my example?  I'm not a leader and don't want to be.
Not MY job to decide for others.

BTW, which of the two, in your view, is more "mass suicide," ACCEPTING life
as one of the walking dead under a fascist dictatorship or dying in an armed
revolt AGAINST it?

Frankly, I'm a little surprised at this coming from you. In part, it sounds a
bit like Adolph's view of  Germany's Jews.

Yes, I hope it WAS surprising!  I INTENDED it to be shit-disturbing.
Rhetorically, it was rather exhilirating to speak through the persona of an
opposite type, looking at people through the eyes of those I consider my
opponents -- whose attitudes I know pretty well, from having had powerful
people confide in me and speak freely as if I were a "protege."
In the master/slave world of "us and them," I've several times come close to
becoming one of "them" ("them" from YOUR point of view) as one of "us," your
de facto Masters.
Due to my own moral and ethical values, I chose to REJECT that path and to
become instead an adversary and critic, a "traitor to my 'class' " as I was
once actually called!
Now, IRONICALLY, whenever I tell "prey" factually what our "predators" REALLY
think of them and say about them behind closed doors, they simply refuse to
BELIEVE it, instead persisting in the same delusions that MAKE them "prey,"
diehard "suckers" whose Self is so exasperatingly lacking that EVEN I begin
to feel contempt for them
and I have to consider, bitterly, after all this. that maybe I'd made a
mistake CARING.

Could there be anything more disillusioning than ACTING on one's highest and
purest motives, to genuinely try to "save" others ... only to discover that,
for the majority of people, ethics or principles is all just HYPOCRISY, a
game of WORDS and ONLY of words, and SINCERITY is the very thing that
"spoils" that game for them -- because it exposes, simply by way of contrast,
the deep, dark, dirty secret of hypocrisy CENTRAL
to their ego-structure?  Nothing could be more ABSURD than trying to "save"
those who --come the test, with its just price-- in the depths of their souls
WANT to be "lost" -- as demonstrated by their choices, proving how COMMITTED
they are to HOLDING ON to the very conditions which cause them "suffering"
(or so they SAY) and from which therefore they want to "escape" (or so they
SAY), appealing to others for "help" in doing so.  The true measure of
AUTHENTICITY in a person's desire to change (or to solve any social problem)
is their degree of willingness to ACT on that desire.  Thus, if his or her
actions are more than fifty percent to the CONTRARY --OPPOSING feelings
(expressed in action) being stronger-- then it's totally hopeless -- such
division is SELF-defeating.
In most people, FEAR of pain and death (fear often of RISK, even of EFFORT)
is so much stronger than the DESIRE to LIVE--in any worthwhile sense-- that
there's not enough soul-stuff or will or PURPOSEFUL thought to justify even
thinking of them as HUMAN, as anything other than CATTLE.  Where *I* differ
from our human predators
(like Adolf, to whom you compare me for stating this) is in wanting to CHANGE
condition in myself and others around me, rather than EXULT in it and PROFIT
from it by playing the game as the secret rules for "winning" require -- by
telling you only 

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation [rant]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-13 18:43:50 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Revolution with guns is self defeating,  they would just love that.
A recipe for self destruction. This is 1999 not 1799.

Agreed.  But remember, for Russians, 1909 to 1917 wasn't 1709 to 1717 EITHER
Nor was it for the more modern European satellites of the USSR just over a
decade ago, when, as the Berlin Wall came down, Communist officials were
dragged out of their legislatures and literally torn to pieces by their newly
"capitalist" subjects.  I have to wonder if the same savage spectacle will
repeat itself when World Capitalism falls.

When the pinball game of Society goes TILT, people stop thinking of what
"practical" goals are to be accomplished by "revolution" and what constitutes
its victory or defeat.
Imagine "road rage" multiplied by the millions, "Falling Down" occurring not
only in the workplace, directed toward petty-tyrant bosses and the
bureaucracies closest at hand, but toward all institutions similar in
character, across the board, constraining people's lives.  I'm not talking
about anything RATIONAL here, much less anything with concrete programs for
social change or defined by some ideological dogma.  Which is why I've
deliberately invoked the image of the French Revolution, rather than, say,
the Russian Revolution.  A populist mass-revolt against the overcentralized,
militarized power of the State in America would, in my opinion, likely be an
NIHILIST-ANARCHIST repudiation of "legitimate" authority in ALL its forms, by
ordinary people rather than by intellectuals, because, in the common man's
experience here, even the very concept of "authority" has been discredited
--can no longer be trusted-- and the realm of the "rational" as we experience
it --all its buzzwords, slogans, "ideals," promises, and platforms, all just
WORDS (opposed to ACTION for significant change) employed HYPOCRITICALLY, to
DECEIVE and MISDIRECT the popular will-- has by now become every bit as

The whole structure of governance, high and low, has become so corrupt that
it makes more sense to DESTROY it, in toto, than attempt somehow to "repair"
it, piecemeal, at a snail's pace, in the face of its apparent momentum toward
ultimate totalitarian evil -- and in that sense, there's an unacknowledged
purposefulness in apparently "random" acts of individual destructiveness --
in the common man's frustration come to a boil, in free-floating "rage
against the machine" at last overwhelming the tinselly "rational" ego which
has failed us --betrayed us-- through its sheeplike clinging to safety and
security  and its fear of danger, pain, or sacrifice, blind to the "laws of
the jungle" in effect all around it.  Such a sea-change in collective
behavior may not seem "logical" or "rational" to "intellectuals" such as you
or me, but it may indeed make "sense" in the opposing mode of dealing with
reality, the EMOTIONAL, dominant in the other 95% of humanity.
In fact, it's possibly a SANER response than OURS, which is merely to
nit-pick, weigh and analyze, judge and categorize (words, words, words!), in
our splendid ivory-tower isolation from the more common world of SURVIVAL
instincts, wherein blood, sweat and tears are the rule, lacking the luxury of
"philosophizing" about human suffering.

Like it or not, we "intellectuals" are nothing but "back seat drivers" in
times of change.  It's the PEOPLE --wisely or foolishly-- who MAKE history,
meandering where they will, whether at a trot toward greener pastures,
turning tail at the smell of predators, or when kicking down manmade
(=mind-made) fences with their hooves, in order to remain wild and free, in
expression of their god-given nature, following instincts sounder than ours.
The world, on our scale, is still a Newtonian one, driven by "forces of
nature" -- and the force of a thousand angry men acting in sympathy (even if
unknown to each other) is still more effective than any force exerted by the
words of a thinker, just "observing."

Revolutions are non-rational -- that fact is fundamental.  A revolution is
basically a riot writ large, with a riot's violence and looting.  Its
purpose, initially, is to break through all restraints imposed on frustrated
desires and impulses (including HIGHER desires and impulses, i.e., SOCIAL
needs) by a structure of ideas and a system of enforcing them through
"authority" which has become intolerably oppressive -- i.e., more inimical
than protective, evoking increasing outrage rather than our assent and
willing participation.  A revolt-become-revolution is an entirely sensible
effort to break those bonds that persist only as chains and destroy the walls
of what most people experience only as a prison.

And since no societal structure exists purely in the abstract --without
flesh-and-blood human beings whose WILLS make it real in practice-- a
revolution demands personal hand-to-hand combat against all those among one's
fellow men who are committed to 

[CTRL] Roomservice in Asia.

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

A Trip in the East

Be warned, you are going to find yourself talking "funny" for a while

after reading this.

It was nominated the "best email of 1997". The following is a
telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service, at a hotel
in Asia   which was recorded and published in the Far East
Economic Review.

ROOM SERVICE: "Morny, Ruin sorbees"
GUEST: "Sorry, I thought I dialed Room Service"
ROOM SERVICE: "Rye..Ruin sorbees..morny! Djewish to odor sunteen??"
GUEST: "Uh..yes...I'd like some bacon and eggs"
ROOM SERVICE: "How july den?"
GUEST: "What?"
ROOM SERVICE: "How july den?pry, boy, pooch?"
GUEST: "Oh the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, Scrambled please."
ROOM SERVICE: "Ow july dee bayhcem...crease?"
GUEST: "Crisp will be fine."
ROOM SERVICE: "Hokay. An san tos?"
GUEST: "What?"
ROOM SERVICE: "San tos. July san tos?"
GUEST: "I don't think so"
ROOM SERVICE: "Judo one toes??"
GUEST: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo
one  toes' means."
ROOM SERVICE: "Toes!  toes!..why djew don juan toes? Ow bow
singlish moppin we bother?"
GUEST: "English Muffin! I've got it! You are saying 'Toast.' Fine.
Yes , an english muffin will be fine."
ROOM SERVICE: "We bother?"
GUEST: "No..just put the bother on the side."
GUEST: "I mean butter... just put it on the side."
GUEST: "Sorry?"
ROOM SERVICE: "Copy...tea...mill?"
GUEST: "Yes, coffee please, and that's all."
ROOM SERVICE: "One Minnie. Ass ruin torino fee, strangle ache,
crease bayhcem, tossy singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and
GUEST: "Whatever you say"
ROOM SERVICE: "Tenjuberrymud"
GUEST: "You are welcome"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Proud to be an Americam (?) Das Goat said...

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

From Joshua2-

In a message dated 99-09-15 08:29:29 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Your Congress likes it the way it is.  The corporate elite like it the way it
is.  When are you all going to believe that those who have don't care at all
about the have nots?  They really don't.  They would hope that not all of
them die at one time, because the stench is annoying, but otherwise, they
don't care about the poor, the hungry, the children or the infirm.  They
really, really don't.

[Two days ago Das Goat said ... -J2]

How true.  But to give the devil his due, how on earth COULD anyone who is
privileged, rich, and powerful have any concern --much less respect-- for
those who are SO gullible and thick-witted, SO lazy, SO timid, SO lacking in
the basic survival instincts that one finds even in the lowliest insect, that
they are perfectly willing to ACCEPT not just years but centuries and even
millennia of enslavement to the likes of THEM -- a quite readily identifiable
CRIMINAL class, which owes all it has to its ability to lie, steal, cheat and
kill without hesitation or remorse, with no camouflage greater than
DISSIMULATION, simply PRETENDING that what they are doing is NOT that but
indeed the OPPOSITE?

Self-deluding FOOLS are unworthy of respect.  WEAKLINGS incapable of
self-defense are unworthy of respect.  Proud, self-righteous HYPOCRITES are
unworthy of respect.  ASS-KISSERS and BUCK-PASSERS are unworthy of respect.
This recital of negative human characteristics unworthy of anything but
CONTEMPT could go almost endlessly, and these descriptions, my friends, can
be accurately applied to OURSELVES -- for if it were NOT true, how can you
explain the incredible phenomenon of our SUBJECTION to a class of moral
monstrosities, these ugliest of human predators whom we, their prey, HONOR
rather than DESPISE and reward with the POWER to rule us --power WE give
them, abdicating OUR power-- snip

I don't know who this person (below) is or where she is from, but it's
quite clear that people are dying all over the world because American
Citizens don't have the brains or the balls to stop electing to the Corporate
Capitalist Criminal Class the power to Loot, Shoot, and Pollute no matter
what the consequences.  ---  Joshua2

This is what others think of Americans... ( J2 )




This is why... (J2)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, 16 September 1999 09:32
Subject: Infofrom CIABASE files on the background to events in East Timor.

Activist Mailing List -

Below is some information from CIABASE files on the background
to events in East Timor.

Ralph McGehee

East Timor, Indonesia. in 1993 Philip Liechty, a former senior CIA ops
officer based in Jakarta at the time of the invasion [of East Timor],
told me: "Suharto was given green light [by] Kissinger to do what he
did. there was discussion in the [U.S.] embassy and in traffic with
state department about problems that would be created if public and
congress became aware of the type of [American] military assistance
that was going to Indonesia at that time. rifles, ammunition, mortars,
grenades, helicopters you name it was going straight into Timor. it
was covered under the justification that it was for "training purposes
only" [but] without heavy us logistical support Indonesians might not
have been able to pull it off". leaked minutes of a meeting between
Kissinger and his senior staff in dc clearly show Kissinger
recommending illegal export of American arms to Indonesian military
for use in East Timor. the secret history of Suharto's bloody rise.
john pilger. new statesman and society, 9/22/95

East Timor,  75-81  U.S. supplied Indonesian military with weapons
used in counterinsurgency ops: rockwell ov-10s which are slow moving
planes specifically designed for ci missions against an enemy lacking
in anti-aircraft capability. used in vn for search and destroy ops and
scorched earth missions. they can carry a heavy load of ordnance (3600
lbs) including bombs, rockets, napalm and machine guns, as well as
infra-red detectors. described as one of the deadliest and most
versatile light strike and ci craft in world; v-150 armored cars
effective in ci ops where enemy has only small arms; bell uh-1
helicopter armed with 40 mm. grenade launchers and miniguns; and the
beechcraft t-34 armed trainer aircraft that can carry 1800 lbs
ordnance and be adapted for ci role. other equipment named. bulletin
of concerned asian scholars v15, #2 1983 49.

Re: [CTRL] Outing Spies

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 The book also reveals extensive KGB operations including:
 --Attempts to implicate the CIA and wealthy right-wing Americans in the
 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. As part of these efforts,
 the book says the KGB in the 1970s forged a letter from Kennedy's
 accused killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, to E. Howard Hunt, the former CIA
 agent who was convicted in the Watergate break-in.

 Is anyone else noticing that, little by little, the carefully considered
 conclusions of Conspiracy Theory are being identified as a product of
 Communist disinformation?

Yes. I have noticed it. How convenient. Does anyone doubt that Western
Intelligence had first crack ( no pun intended ) at the old KGBs secrets?
If so, couldn't they take advantage of leaking disinformation on any subject
what so ever as KGB secrets? Of course they could.

This is a golden opportunity for them to rewrite history, and clean up old

As our old friend says all the time...

Caveat Lector


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Indonesia-Timor double agent reveals reconciliation 'charade']

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Indonesia-Timor double agent reveals reconciliation 'charade'
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:22:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
Organization: PACH
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

/** reg.easttimor: 3766.0 **/
** Topic: Indon double agent reveals reconciliation 'charade' **
** Written  7:13 PM  Sep 15, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in cdp:reg.easttimor **
Subject: Indon double agent reveals reconciliation 'charade'

Thursday, September 16, 1999


Double agent reveals reconciliation 'charade'


Rui Lopes could count former president Suharto's son-in-law, Prabowo
Subianto, and General Gleny in Jakarta among his closest friends.

They have been fighting and working together since the Indonesian invasion of
East Timor. Since 1985, Mr Lopes, 47, had also been working for Xanana
Gusmao's resistance guerillas.

Yesterday he revealed the extent of the Indonesian military's plans for the
political cleansing of East Timor, and for the arrival of foreign

While "reconciliation" meetings were being organised throughout East Timor
this spring between pro-Jakarta militia chiefs and bishops and
pro-independence leaders, a massive military build-up was taking place over
the border, the East Timorese agent said in Macau.

At least 20 battalions - a total of 15,000 soldiers - were stationed in West
Timor by June. Some were in Tamrasi and had a secret base in a mountain
called Laser, which the Australian military had also used as a clandestine
refuge during World War II.

The Indonesian military brought in a sophisticated radar from Bandung, West
Java, that could track ships in the South Sea. Marines and tanks were taken
to the Indonesian island of Kisar, off the eastern tip of East Timor. These
had now been driven up through Lospalos in East Timor, Mr Lopes said. "They
prepared all this," he said, "because they knew the Australians would

A strategic triangle was set up. There were bases at Balibo on the West Timor
border; Kupang, the West Timor capital, would be used for the refugees coming
in after the cleansing; and military training was carried out in Atambua,
just inside West Timor. Troops would go to the border at night to spy,
dressed as civilians.

Mr Lopes was president of a pro-autonomy campaign based in Suai, East Timor.
He was trusted enough to attend an annual meeting in Austria organised by the
United Nations to bring about reconciliation between the two sides. Mr Lopes
arrived in Macau on Saturday after fleeing Jakarta.

** End of text from cdp:reg.easttimor **

This material came from the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a
non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services provider.
For more information, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you will get
back an automatic reply), or visit their web site at .
IGC is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SWAT Nation [rant]

1999-09-18 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Whew! In general I agree...but some comments.

l.  Too late for rational solution, yes.   What I am concerned about is a
bunch of irrational hotheads fomented by "agents provocateurs" kicking off a
self defeating fight against the State.  Let events unfold naturally.

2.  the situation is now the individual vs the State. and  is being carried
by events
We are essentially the tide of future history.

3.  However some recent revolutions have been very much a small group
sparking the masses.   Many years ago I was digging around in the Hoover
Institution Tower and found a bundle of papers relating to the Sun Yat Sen
revolution in China (1912)  All the ingredients for a fomented revolution:
names of Wall Street bankers, agreements for concessions, Chinese request for
funds, even lists of arms shipped, expenditures neatly itemized,above all the
names of people involved Chinese and American  These were not intellectuals
they were entrepreneurs who wanted mineral and railroad concessions.  the
papers show a business arrangement rather than anything else.  .

Second the Bolshevik  Revolution was a small group Lenin, Trostsky with maybe
10,000 followersand with outside funds..  Same with Hitler, outside help.
 In fact Putzi Haenfstengl,  Roosevelt's college friend, was right at the
core of the Nazi movement.

4.  There has to be a mass movement for revolution but up to now it has been
influenced rather than controled by "leaders" and by outside influences,
usually funding.
Today I suggest the mass participatory Internet has become a leader along
with a more (semi-) "educated" audience.  This still leaves intellectual
leaders essentially sitting on the sidelines as hypnotized observers..

This revolution in some ways is more like the 1933 Nazi revolution ( and I
wonder about Waco and similarity to the Reichstag fire)... A docile general
population, outside funding ( cocaine billions), jackbooted thugs.  On the
other side the Internet and a somewhat more alert educated citizenry. What
are the techies in Silicon Valley going to do?   These are quite different
people to the 1933 German burgers.   It may not pan out the same it
has before  One hacker may be more significant than an M ll tank.  This is
more of a "mind revolution" than physical revolution.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ellis McKenzie--Barry Seal

1999-09-18 Thread Linda Minor

Forwarded from CIA-Drugs post from Daniel Hopsicker
Re:  Chip Tatum

From: Daniel Hopsicker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

beneath the flickering glow of a torch light
last night on a gulf coast beach i met a man
who's a good friend of chip tatum.

tatum is alive and well, i learned, living within
a stone's throw of jimmy buffett and hand-stitching
pirate's flags in his spare time in anticipation of the
opening of "jolly roger-land,"
.florida's newest attraction.

incidentally, i have never received one piece of bad
information from tatum, and a story he wrote on
ellis mckenzie over TWO years ago just recently
began making sense to me, after i received a box
of court documents authenticating every damn thing
tatum wrote in the post appended...


They traveled fast and furious on horseback through the high
wilderness, trying to lose those who were tracking them.  From the top
the bluff, hiding behind a group of boulders, they stared in amazement
the dust from the hooves of their pursuers horses told the story.  They
hot on Butch and Sundance's trail.
"Who are those guys?!" one of them exclaimed, more than
But it really didn't matter who these pursuers were.  The
fact was simple: they were.  You may call them what you want.  You may
them what you will.  It doesn't really matter because it's only a name.
As a spy, a covert operative, a talent, an asset or a deep cover

operative, your name is your cover.  This alias is the thin layer of
that protects you from the enemy.  In my career I have used over twenty
aliases in order to conceal my true identity.  This applies, not only in
world of espionage, but also in the dark world of crime.
One of the most renowned drug pilots of the 1980's was a man
Barry Seal.  Even Barry used an alias when he dealt with his friends in
South America.  But, unfortunately for Seal, a/k/a Ellis McKenzie, the
Kevlar cover of an alias was not enough to prevent his assassination in
1986.  Barry Seal, a/k/a Ellis McKenzie, was shot to death outside of a
federal half-way house in Baton Rouge.  It was not until 1988 that I
hear his name again.
The tasking came in to go to La Ceiba, Honduras, and debrief a
informant.  As I looked at the tasking, my heart jumped.  The name of
informant I was to debrief was Ellis McKenzie.  Could it be that Barry
was still alive?
Looking at the remainder of the mission dossier, I realized that

this man, Ellis McKenzie, was not Barry Seal.  McKenzie was, however, a
member of the Seal smuggling organization.  Seal had commissioned
to assemble a small fleet of boats, capable of smuggling drugs to
destinations.  It was this man that provided Barry Seal with an alias.
dossier explained McKenzie's relationship with U.S. Customs, among other

governmental agencies.  To avoid prosecution after Seal was compromised
the DEA, several members of the Seal organization aligned themselves
various law enforcement agencies.
McKenzie was recruited into the informant side of the drug
operation by Seal's ex-brother-in-law, William Bottoms.  This
Bottoms/McKenzie alliance provided a useful tool for continued drug
smuggling.  Bottoms and McKenzie assured their contacts in Colombia that

shipments would remain safe, while assuring their various U.S. law
enforcement contacts that they (Bottoms/McKenzie) had and would provide
information that would devastate the drug smuggling trade.  McKenzie and

Bottoms continued smuggling cocaine and heroin into the United States
the protection of U.S. Customs agents.  In return, the traffickers would

sacrifice shipments and competing drug smugglers in order to appease
government contacts.  It was with this data, fresh on hand, that I, as
Duncan, a US Army Intel Officer attached to the Defense Intelligence
met with Ellis McKenzie to receive his information.
McKenzie explained that the information he had concerned
from Colombia to Mexico.  That is why he was referred to U.S.
instead of his normal contacts in U.S. Customs or the DEA.  McKenzie got

right to the point.  He explained that members of the Honduran Air Force

were "in bed" with cartel leaders.  Drug shipments were being flown from

Colombia, over-flying Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras,
Guatemala, or
El Salvador and into Mexico.  He stated that Colonel Castro Cabus, the
Commander of the Honduran Air Froces in La Ceiba, and Captain Santiago
Perdomo, the Director of Civil Aeronautics in Tegucigalpa, were on the
cartel's payroll.  McKenzie claimed that Cabus and Perdomo controlled
air space over Honduras and allowed drug over-flights rather than
fighters in the air when these over-flights were reported by radar
I thanked Mr. McKenzie for his information and departed.  I

[CTRL] (Fwd) New World Order Crisis Factory Retools, Stirs Up Troubl

1999-09-18 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 17 Sep 1999 14:17:10 -0700
From:   Bob Djurdjevic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:"New World Order Crisis Factory Retools, Stirs Up Trouble in
Russia, Asia" - TiM GW Bulletin 99/9-4 (Sept. 17, 1999)


Violence Flares Up in Russia, Indonesia


MOSCOW, Sept. 17 - Greetings from Moscow!  Wish it were a
postcard.  Instead, it could be an e-mail echo of a bomb exploding
somewhere in the Russian capital, as the New World Order's
proxies from the Caucasus unleash a reign of terror against the
innocent Russian civilians.  And whoever else happens to be in the
apartment building when the bomb goes off, of course.

On our way today from the Sheremetyevo airport into the center of
city, several Moscow police vehicles could be seen pulling suspects
over and searching the trunks of their cars.  Which brought back
memories of Paris and London in the 1970s, when the Arab and
the IRA
terrorists used to blow up trains and buildings.  And of Germany
Italy at about the same time, when the "Red Brigades" and other
factions killed innocent people for a lost cause.

But the color of terror is green these days.  The Islamic green.
in Russia and in Indonesia, as it is now in Kosovo during NATO's
"peace farce."  Different countries, different bombs and bullets;
similar hatreds stirred up by the NWO Crisis Factory.  One
the world-over is the color of innocent blood.  Which is flowing in
increased volume as the deadliest century in human history draws
to a

Meanwhile, Indonesian protesters launched a wave of sometimes
demonstrations on Sept. 16 as news broke that a multi-national
peacekeeping force of about 8,000 troops would soon be landing in
Timor.  Australians will lead this NWO expedition. volunteering
4,500 candidates for body bags in the cause of global imperialism.

Bill Clinton announced that about 200 US troops would be ready to
in 48 hours to support the international peacekeeping mission in
Timor.  Although no aircraft will fly into East Timor, and the role of
ground troops will be limited, US forces will help provide
"communications and logistical aid, intelligence, airlifts of
personnel and material and coordination of the humanitarian
to the tragedy," Clinton said, according to the Associated Press.

The American troops will be drawn from regional military
installations, including Japan, Hawaii, and Guam.  Half will be
stationed in Darwin, Australia, and half will be placed in East Timor.
Nations already committed to sending troops include Australia,
Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Portugal.

Reaction in Indonesia to the news of the U.N. intervention was swift
and negative.  Crowds gathered outside the Australian and British
embassies in Jakarta, but were held in check by police. "There is a
genuine feeling among elements of Indonesian society that the
is being treated unfairly by the outside world," the London Telegraph
reported on Sept. 16.

There is particular resentment at the moralizing human rights
being delivered by Portugal, the former colonizer of East Timor,
abandoned the place abruptly in 1974 having ruthlessly exploited its
population for four centuries, the Telegraph notes. There is also
anger at the similarly lofty tone adopted by Australia, which
the Indonesian army's invasion of the territory in 1975 and
its annexation as a province.

The East Timorese question appears to occupy the same place in
Indonesia as Northern Ireland does in Britain, or Kosovo does in
Serbia - a hope beyond hope that the problem would somehow go

Analysts say this is what drove President B. J. Habibie to make his
startling offer, first of autonomy, then of independence to the
800,000 inhabitants. An observer said: "The idea was to get rid of it
once and for all." But that attitude failed to take account of the
peculiar place that the scrap of land, inconsequential in the context
of the vast 13,677 island archipelago, holds, especially for the

Relations between Australia and Indonesia hit a new low as Jakarta
cancelled on Sept. 16 a four-year-old security agreement between
two countries over the East Timor crisis.

The decision coincided with a wave of anti-Australian sentiment
was sweeping through Indonesia as the Australian-led
force prepared to enter the province to restore peace. Intimidating
telephone calls, including bomb threats, have been received by the
Australian embassy in Jakarta, the consulate in Bali and a number
businesses, some of whom have begun withdrawing staff from
as a precaution.

Diplomatic ties between Australia and Indonesia were dealt a further

[CTRL] State, UW apologize for radiation tests---testicles were bombarded with rad.

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
Subject: [DOEWatch] State, UW apologize for radiation tests---testicles were
bombarded with rad.
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 13:50:04 EDT


State, UW apologize for radiation tests

By The Associated Press and the Herald staff

The state and the University of Washington have apologized for any harm that
may have been done to Walla Walla prison inmates whose testicles were
bombarded with radiation in a Cold War experiment.

The apology is part of a settlement of a $5 million class-action lawsuit
filed in 1996.

Details of the settlement are confidential until it is approved by U.S.
District Judge Robert Whaley later this month, lawyers for both sides said
a joint statement to a Spokane newspaper.

The experiments were conducted in the 1960s on 63 Washington State
Penitentiary inmates by Dr. C. Alvin Paulsen of UW.

Paulsen did the research under an Atomic Energy Commission contract to study
radiation's effects on fertility.

Hanford was one factor in prompting the experiments.

A 1962 Hanford radiation flash led to testicular problems in three workers.
That highlighted that little knowledge existed then on radiation's effects
sperm generation.

The state Department of Corrections allowed Paulsen to use prisoners for the
experiments until March 1970, when the tests were ordered stopped by the
of the department's research division.

"The plaintiffs allege that the research involved improper human radiation
experimentation," the statement says. "The University of Washington and the
Department of Corrections deny all liability but nevertheless regret that
research may have caused the alleged harm and concerns that the prisoners
have expressed in their lawsuit."

The settlement will include cash payments to a number of prisoners or their
estates, depending on how many make valid claims, said lawyer Bradley Keller
of Seattle, who worked on the plaintiffs' case.

Several prisoners, including lead plaintiff Robert White of Spokane, said
they developed severe health problems from the experiments, including

The experiments, which included a similar program at the Oregon State
Penitentiary in Salem, were condemned in 1995 by a Clinton administration
review panel.

Of the 63 original participants, some 23 had died by the time the defendants
were ordered in 1997 to release a list of men who were subjects of the

Whaley earlier dismissed two Hanford contractors - General Electric Co. and
Battelle - plus the federal government, which paid for and administered the
experiments, from the lawsuit.

General Electric used to be Hanford's lead contractor. And Battelle took
operating Pacific Northwest Laboratory in 1965 from General Electric
- inheriting a technical support role in those experiments.

Hanford documents from that time indicated Battelle was uncomfortable with
the experiments.


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"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one...
I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds."
-Oppenheimer July 16, 45 at Trinity from 5,000 year old Bhagavad-Gita

"We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world.  It
may be the fire destruction prophesized in the Euphrates Valley Era, after
Noah and his fabulous Ark.  Anyway we think we have found the way to cause
the disintegration of the atom."
  -Quote from Truman's diary July 25, 45 after Pottsdam and the "baby was
born" and grew into "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" and the hydrogen bomb
delivered by bomber named  "Dave's Dream."  Enola Gay's pilot, after
Hiroshima,  enters "My God' in the log.

"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his
patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease."
-Attributed to Thomas Alva Edison

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
-George Orwell

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or 

[CTRL] Reforms Reach Nigeria's Gas Pumps

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Rev. Khandi Konte-Paasewe" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Reforms Reach Nigeria's Gas Pumps
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:49:23 -0500 (CDT)

The Black List -

September 9, 1999

Reforms Reach Nigeria's Gas Pumps


LAGOS, Nigeria -- The humble gas station, once the defining image of
Nigeria's seemingly willful collapse, has undergone a striking
transformation since the military rulers handed over power to civilians
three months ago.

Gone are the mile-long lines that choked roads, made fistfights part of the
Nigerian streetscape and turned gas stations into high-security zones
swarming with soldiers, police officers, thugs and the long-suffering
ordinary Nigerians, citizens of the world's sixth-largest producer of oil.

Now most gas stations operate the way an Agip station on Iju Road here does:
motorists pull up to a pump and drive away a minute later.

"There is fundamental change in things," said Abiodun Akinloye, 34, an
attendant at the station for six years. "Before, the tension was too high.
People were begging to buy fuel and sometimes had to wait for days. Now you
buy fuel at the actual price and at your own convenience. Everything has
become fine. Everybody is feeling fine."

Three months after Africa's most populous nation inaugurated its first
civilian Government in 16 years, gas stations offer perhaps the clearest
promise of what could become one of the most remarkable political
transformations on the continent.

Only 15 months ago, Nigeria was in the grip of a rapacious military regime
that had turned the country into an international pariah and manipulated oil
supplies so that Nigerians often had to pay several times what Americans do
for a gallon of gasoline.

Today, after a year of traumatic events that pushed this fragile nation to
the brink of civil war, Nigeria is intact, but its President, Olusegun
Obasanjo, has quickly pushed reforms that are altering its face. Nigerians,
an industrious people paralyzed until last year by the brutally repressive
military under Gen. Sani Abacha, are now even talking of freedom.

"It is like Joseph getting out of the pit to get to the palace in Egypt,"
said Baba Adi, a lawyer and prominent member of the governing People's
Democratic Party.

Even the Government's fiercest critics, who argue that it has yet to make
lasting changes, acknowledge that there is greater individual freedom.

"Even if it's temporary," said Beko Ransome-Kuti, a well-known human rights
campaigner who spent three years in jail under General Abacha, "it's a nice

While it may be too soon to talk of democracy, the end of the military state
has visibly affected daily lives here. President Obasanjo forbade
politicians to drive in convoys with sirens blaring, once a common practice.
Several streets in Lagos were renamed for slain prodemocracy activists.

The notorious security forces that patrolled cities with unchallenged
authority -- known here as Operation Sweep -- have grown tamer. In Lagos,
the forces now go by the less sinister title of Rapid Response Squad.

On Iju Road, once frequently impassable because of motorists waiting at its
many gas stations, the soldiers and policemen once posted at checkpoints
every two miles have disappeared. Now, no one shakes down Isaac Bodunrin,
45, and his fellow cab drivers for the equivalent of 20 cents every two

"If we can continue like this, there will be progress in this country," said
Bodunrin, who often used to end the day with nothing but now makes about
$10. "If we can drive free, I can do my job."

President Obasanjo has already made changes in many of Nigeria's vital
sectors. He established a panel to investigate human rights violations since
the mid-1980's and another to look into Government contracts awarded since
1976. He has sent an anticorruption bill to the National Assembly, though
many say the proposal goes too far in potentially invading people's privacy.

On the burning issue of the Niger Delta, the source of Nigeria's oil wealth
but still profoundly poor, President Obasanjo proposed legislation toward
its development. In addition, in a highly symbolic act, he permitted the
family of Ken Saro-Wiwa, the writer who was hanged in 1995 for criticizing
the Government's oil policies, to claim his body.

In the oil industry, the source of almost all of Nigeria's hard currency, he
has cut out shadowy middlemen from sales of crude oil and rescinded
prospecting contracts awarded to cronies of the military regime.

The President, a retired general who was Nigeria's military ruler from 1976
to 1979, shook up the military by forcing about 100 top officers to retire.
Most were northerners who dominated the military and ruled the country for
all but 10 years since independence from Britain in 1960, and their
successors were chosen from diverse regions. His Government also announced
plans to 

[CTRL] Toxic Mercury Rains on U.S. Midwest

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
Subject: [DOEWatch] Toxic Mercury Rains on U.S. Midwest
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:17:36 EDT


Environment ENS --
Environment News Service

Toxic Mercury Rains on U.S. Midwest

CHICAGO, Illinois, September 14, 1999 (ENS) - A new report reveals that the
rain and snow falling on cities in the American Midwest contains levels of
mercury that far exceed what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
considers safe. The National Wildlife Federation and 21 state and local
partner organizations are launching a Clean the Rain Campaign today to help
reduce the health risks from toxic mercury.

The report by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) compares mercury
contamination levels in rain to EPA safe levels for human health in 20
Midwestern cities and towns. Among the report's findings are mercury levels
in rain over Chicago, Illinois that are as high as 42 times EPA safe levels;
Detroit, Michigan rain with 65 times safe levels; and rain along the
Illinois/Wisconsin border as high as 56 times safe levels.

Though emissions from factories and power plants have been cut significantly
since this photo of Indiana Harbor was taken around 1960, emissions are
still a major source of mercury pollution.

"We usually think of rain as pure and clean, and that's the way it should
be," said Mark Van Putten, president  CEO of the National Wildlife
Federation. "But this report reveals that rain falling over Midwestern
cities such as Detroit, Chicago and Duluth contains as much as 65 times the
EPA ‘safe' level of mercury, which holds out extremely serious health
implications for both humans and wildlife."

Mercury is a potent toxin. When ingested in even tiny amounts can cause
devastating effects on the human nervous system, especially for children and
the unborn. Associated illnesses include brain, lung and kidney damage and
even death in humans. In wildlife, mercury is a reproductive hazard that can
cause harmful effects on species such as frogs, rainbow trout, zebra fish,
mallard and American black ducks, loons and terns.

"With so much at stake for both people and wildlife, decisive action is
needed right now to limit mercury emissions, because once mercury pollution
goes up into the atmosphere, rain carries it right back down into the very
water humans and wildlife depend on," said Peter Morman, of the
Environmental Law and Policy Center.

The report is based on scattered monitoring of rain from various Midwestern
sources. In Chicago, the University of Michigan Air Quality Laboratory
collected 65 samples of rainwater from the Illinois Institute of Technology
campus and measured mercury levels ranging from 5.4 parts per trillion to
74.5 parts per trillion. Average mercury levels were 12 times higher than
EPA’s standard, and even the lowest level measured was more than four times
higher than EPA safe levels.

"Nationally, more than a third of mercury emissions come from coal fired
power plants, with the remainder coming from municipal waste incinerators
and medical waste incinerators," said Morman. "In the Great Lakes region,
coal combustion causes over half the mercury emissions."

Coal contains trace amounts of mercury that are released into the air as it
is burned for energy. Rain droplets can form around tiny particles of smog
and soot, including mercury contaminants, and carry them back to the earth.

The technology to measure the traces of mercury captured by raindrops has
only existed since the mid-1990s.

There are currently no limits on how much mercury coal burning power plants
can emit, but the EPA is studying mercury pollution from the plants with an
eye to setting limits.

When medical devices such as thermometers and blood pressure cuffs or
household items like fluorescent lights, lamps and thermostats are discarded
and burned, the residual mercury is emitted into the atmosphere.

"A drop of mercury as small as 1/70th of a teaspoon can contaminate a 25
acre lake to the point that the fish in it are unsafe to eat," said Beverly
McClellan of the Lake Michigan Federation. "When you consider a typical 100
megawatt power plant emits about 25 pounds of mercury a year, the potential
for tremendous ecological and human health problems becomes alarmingly

The Clean the Rain Campaign calls on major industry to drastically reduce
emissions and asks citizens to help cut mercury pollution by conserving
energy, not purchasing consumer products that contain mercury, or if they do
purchase them, disposing of them properly at EPA approved recycling centers.

The Campaign also calls on federal and state governments to more closely
monitor mercury levels in rainfall. In several key locations, the National
Wildlife Federation 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Encryption: EU Report: U.S. Uses Key Escrow To Steal Secrets]

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Encryption: EU Report: U.S. Uses Key Escrow To Steal Secrets
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:19:28 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Technology News

Report: U.S. Uses Key Escrow To Steal Secrets (05/18/99, 9:27 a.m. ET)

By Madeleine Acey, TechWeb

European plans for controlling encryption software are nothing to do with
law enforcement and everything to do with U.S. industrial espionage,
according to a report released by the European Parliament on Friday.

The working document for the Scientific and Technological Options
Assessment panel said the United States has tried to persuade European
Union countries to adopt its key escrow or key recovery policies --
allowing backdoor access to encryption programs -- saying this was
necessary to read messages exchanged by criminals.

But the report details how the UKUSA alliance -- made up of the United
Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand -- has used its
secret Echelon global spying network to intercept confidential company
communications and give them to favored competitors. Thomson S.A., located
in Paris, and Airbus Industrie, based in Blagnac Cedex, France, are said
to have lost contracts as a result of information passed to rivals.

"The U.S. government misled states in the EU and [Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development] about the true intention of its
policy," the report adds.

"Between 1993 and 1997 police representatives were not involved in the NSA
[National Security Agency]-led policy-making process for key recovery.
Despite this, during the same period the U.S. government repeatedly
presented its policy as being motivated by the stated needs of
law-enforcement agencies."

The document went on to detail how the agencies specifically studied
Internet data. Apart from scanning all international communications lines
-- using 120 satellites, microwave listening stations, and an adapted
submarine -- it said they stored and analyzed Usenet discussions. "In the
U.K., the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency maintains a 1-terabyte
database containing the previous 90 days of Usenet messages."

The "NSA employs computer 'bots' (robots) to collect data of interest,"
the report adds. "For example, a New York website known as JYA.COM offers
extensive information on cryptography and government communications
interception activities. Records of access to the site show that every
morning it is visited by a bot from NSA's National Computer Security
Center, which looks for new files and makes copies of any that it finds."

According to a former employee, NSA had by 1995 installed "sniffer"
software to collect traffic at nine major Internet exchange points.

The report offered evidence that a leading U.S. Internet and
telecommunications company had contracted with the NSA to develop software
to capture Internet data of interest, and that deals had been struck with
Microsoft, Lotus, and Netscape to alter their products for foreign use.

"There can't be any doubt any longer that there's an economic imperative
to these policies," said Simon Davies, director of Privacy International.
"We have been lied to for years. But it will be up to companies like
Airbus to take legal action to force a definition of national security in
the context of the European Union. Then we can establish a legal framework
and appeals process."

Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported on Monday that the U.K. government
had agreed to take key escrow "off the agenda" and had accepted industry
proposals for a "largely voluntary program of co-operation with the
security services".

Government officials could not confirm the report.

But Caspar Bowden, director of the Foundation for Information Policy
Research, questioned how far any compromise would go. "Will they persist
with statutory licensing [of trusted third parties] and criminal
legislation on decryption warrants?" he asked.

Andrew Dornan of Data Communications International contributed to this

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and 

[CTRL] Horror in Moscow Makes Worst Fears True

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: RUSSIA: Horror in Moscow Makes Worst Fears True
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:56:14 -0500 (CDT)

/** ips.english: 443.0 **/
** Topic: POLITICS-RUSSIA: Horror in Moscow Makes Worst Fears True **
** Written  9:08 PM  Sep 13, 1999 by newsdesk in cdp:ips.english **
Copyright 1999 InterPress Service, all rights reserved.
   Worldwide distribution via the APC networks.

   *** 13-Sep-99 ***

Title: POLITICS-RUSSIA: Horror in Moscow Makes Worst Fears True

By Sergei Blagov

MOSCOW, Sep 13 (IPS) - The horror pictures of destroyed apartment
buildings in Moscow made gloom mongers' most pessimistic scenarios
suddenly look increasingly realistic Monday, in the wake of an
indiscriminate terrorist campaign.

Now the horrors can be found not only on Russia's southern fringe,
where bandits and militants from neighbouring breakaway Chechnya are a
constant threat, but also in the Russian capital.

Together with the images of a destroyed residential block in southern
Moscow - where 140 people lived and at least 50 were killed by a
powerful explosion -, Russian television announced the city's morgues'
phone numbers.

Nikolai Kovalyov, chief of Moscow's police department said the attack
was carried out by the same group that had destroyed another apartment
building on 9 september, killing 94 people.

Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin urgently returned from the
Asia-Pacific Economic summit in New Zealand. He announced a tough
response, but rejected the imposition of the state of emergency.

The second deadly blast in five days fuelled rumours that president
Boris Yeltsin was going to decree the state of emergency, which would
automatically suspend parliamentary elections due in December.

Yeltsin introduced tough security measures, but promised that ''all
actions will be in accordance with the Constitution,'' apparently
clearing up doubts about the issue.

The President chaired Monday an emergency meeting with Interior
minister Vladimir Rushailo, Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the head of
the Federal Security Service (FSB), Nikolai Patrushev.

Yeltsin ordered Luzhkov - one of his main political foes - to have all
of Moscow's estimated 30,000 apartment blocks checked by police to
prevent further bombings. The Mayor had already linked both blasts to
Chechen terrorists, and promised tough action against their supporters
in Moscow.

Yeltsin also ordered to tighten security measures at nuclear power
stations, oil depots and other sensitive sites across Russia. ''We have
to join efforts when facing a common enemy,'' Yeltsin said in televised
remarks, apparently sending a conciliatory message to his political

However, the message apparently fell on deaf ears. For instance, the
leaders of the Federation Council and the State Duma - upper and lower
chambers of Russian parliament - made it clear Monday that even in the
aftermath of the bombings in Moscow they would not back a  decree on
emergency rule.

Members of the Russian parliament argue that a law on the state of
emergency is yet to be approved, and under the circumstances the
emergency rule by decree could throw Russia into lawlessness.

The state of emergency requires a strong national leader, and none is
available at the moment, argued Guennady Zyuganov, chairman of Russian
Communist party.

Russian former prime minister and presidential hopeful Yevgeny Primakov
has also opposed emergency rule in Russia, because it could be used not
to combat terrorism but ''to achieve political goals.''

''We have been pressed into a terrorist war, and we have turned out to
be unprepared to this war,'' he said.

Only Vladimir Ryzhkov, leader of a pro-Kremlin ''Our Home Russia''
faction in Parliament has said he would probably support emergency
rule. A ''de-facto state of emergency has been introduced in combat
zones of Dagestan,'' he argued.

Russian officials speculated that the latest bombing was in fact the
militant's retaliation for the seizure of rebel strongholds in Dagestan
by the Russian army.

On 12 September Russian troops dislodged the rebels from the villages
of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi, the main stronghold of Islamic
fundamentalism in Dagestan, where local leaders announced in September
1998 that they would no longer recognize Russian authorities and
pledged to live by the Islamic Sharia law.

The two villages had come under intense bombing and shelling over the
past three weeks. In a bid to support Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi
enclave, hundreds of Chechen rebels crossed last week over into Novo
Lak, another Dagestani district, vowing to set up an independent
Islamic state.

A rebel leader, a Jordanian militant known as Khattab, reportedly
threatened Moscow to unleash a terrorist campaign in all Russian

Furthermore, the blasts seem to have revived the Kremlin's
international support, which had been 

[CTRL] A Plan To Reform Earth Day

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: A Plan To Reform Earth Day
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:22:44 -0500 (CDT)

/** headlines: 399.0 **/
** Topic: A Plan To Reform Earth Day **
** Written 11:12 PM  Sep 13, 1999 by econet in cdp:headlines **
/* Written 5:48 AM  Sep 13, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in ef.general */
/* -- "Usual Suspects#17- Earth Day, A Reform Plan" -- */

THE USUAL SUSPECTS LIST - writings for activists by Jim Britell

To unsubscribe from this list, simply "Reply" to this message with the
word "Unsubscribe" anyplace. Some email programs and servers truncate
long posts. This post is long, and ends with the word END.

SUMMARY: Because of the near total corporate control over Earth Day,
it has deteriorated into the kind of corporate greenwashing that gives
a polluting pulpmill a plaque for printing their annual report on
recycled paper. But, instead of being the one day of the year
polluters can depend on to be "criticism-free", it could be an
occasion for community groups and students to do practical, hands-on
projects that give people the tools, resources and motivation to solve
the most important environmental problems facing their communities -
instead of just gumming them.

A PLAN TO REFORM EARTH DAY by Jim Britell, 9/11/99

For many years Kalmiopsis Audubon has observed Earth Day by totally
ignoring it. Many grassroots, environmental-activist groups do nothing
to observe this event and the area of Southern Oregon and Northern
California has become known as an "Earth Day Free Zone."

The Southwest Environmental Center in Arizona boycotted Tucson's 1999
Earth Day celebration after being told that participants were not
permitted to criticize the event's sponsors: Raytheon Missile Systems,
Waste Management, and HBP Copper. Earth First! actually crashed the
downtown parade with a banner proclaiming: "Raytheon Presents: Kill
The Earth Day."

The reason many activists avoid Earth Day is that in most cities in
the United States, corporations have gained control of local Earth Day
planning committees through contributions of time and money. They use
their influence to make sure local groups don't do anything to
embarrass local polluters or corporate "bad guys". The entire event
has become safely diffused, suitably vague, uncontroversial and
solidly focused on promoting green consumerism. Earth Day is the one
day of the year corporate polluters know they will be practically

Earth Day has become an embodiment of the mindset which watches a
local watershed clear-cut and destroyed, devotes volunteer weekends to
replanting trees donated by the clear-cutter, then gives everybody
awards for "working together". Or has groups of school children taking
water samples in a damaged stream channel to collect "monitoring
data," while another clear-cut begins on the ridge above them. Or
gives an award to a local polluting pulpmill for printing its annual
report on recycled paper. A "real" Earth Day would give people the
tools, resources, and motivation to stop clear-cuts and clean up
pulpmills in the first place.

Through a clever exploitation of "what YOU can do," Earth Day
displaces citizens' concerns about pollution, environmental
degradation, and over-development into a focus on personal behavior
and personal consumption patterns. Of course all of us have to improve
our personal habits, and recycle more, promote solar energy, use
bicycles, and "work together." But "all of us" are not responsible for
the clear-cutting of Oregon's forests, the pollution run-off from
industrial pig and chicken farms in Virginia, and the pervasive
non-enforcement of our environmental laws everywhere. "A few of us"
are responsible for really horrific environmental problems and Earth
Day could and should be the one day where "bad actors" are called out
and named and shamed into cleaning up their acts; instead of the day
they get environmental awards.

"Acceptable" environmental education, financed by corporations and
implemented by local governments and schools (of which Earth Day is
merely the most prominent example) is now dedicated almost entirely to
insuring the widespread and growing concerns about the environment,
pollution, over-development, and sprawl are channeled into harmless
activities and dissipated.

Corporate sponsors' goals for Earth Day and all environmental
education are simple: an individual company's behavior must never be
singled out for scrutiny and environmental concern must never be
expressed as environmental activism. If they can accomplish this, they
are willing to furnish unlimited seedlings, paper bags with green
writing, and funds to print brochures on how to recycle product
containers that shouldn't have been produced or purchased in the first

Of course grassroots activists should never discourage activities just
because they are non-controversial. It is necessary to find 

[CTRL] Anti-Gun Corporations/Corporate Heads

1999-09-18 Thread Bard

The following listing includes the most prominent national corporations that
have lent their corporate support to gun control initiatives or taken
position supporting gun control.

Folks, You should try not to patronize these traitors to the 2nd Amendment.
Note to Non-Browser users.  Will furnish text if requested;  is too long
to include herein.


Are you... beginning to think violent rebellion might be the ultimate,
dreaded answer? Stop! Wait! There are a lot more things you can do!
--from Don't Shoot the Bastards [Bitches] (Yet) by Claire Wolfe

Crooked politicians, illegal aliens, a country in moral decay . . .
all of that and more made Steve Vaus mad.
So mad that he decided to write a song.

The song has become a rallying cry for "patriots" from coast to coast.
It is probably the most popular recording on talk radio.
Listen and you'll understand why.

The music video which was prominently featured on The Nashville Network
and Country Music Television is available at Steve Vaus' web site.

 A & M Records.url

[CTRL] New Discovery

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

This is exciting.  Rational thinkers everywhere are
learning that anarchy is NOT synonymous with chaos.
More below:


as defined by Grolier's Electronic Encyclopedia
Anarchism is an ideology that regards abolition of
government as the necessary precondition for a free
and just society. The term itself comes from the Greek
words meaning "without a ruler." Anarchism rejects all
forms of hierarchical authority, social and economic
as well as political. What distinguishes it from other
ideologies, however, is the central importance it
attaches to the state. To anarchists, the state is a
wholly artificial and illegitimate institution, the
bastion of privilege and exploitation in the modern

Anarchist Thought
Although the roots of anarchist thought can be traced
at least as far back as the 18th-century English
writer William GODWIN, anarchism as a revolutionary
movement arose in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. Its immediate objective was annihilation of
the state and of all authority imposed "from above
downward." Once liberated from political oppression,
society would spontaneously rebuild itself "from below
upward." A multitude of grass-roots organizations
would spring up to produce and distribute economic
goods and to satisfy other social needs. Where
necessary, these primary associations would form
regional and even nation-wide federations. The state,
with its impersonal laws and coercive bureaucracies,
would be supplanted by a dense web of self-governing
associations and free federations.

Like other radical ideologies of its time, anarchism
intended to complete the "unfinished business" of the
French Revolution. It placed special emphasis on the
third of the values expressed in the rallying cry
"liberty, equality, and fraternity." Anarchists had an
enduring faith in the natural solidarity and social
harmony of human beings. They believed that the
creation of the future society should be entrusted to
the free play of popular instincts, and any attempt by
anarchists themselves to offer more than technical
assistance would impose a new form of authority. They
tended to concentrate, therefore, on the task of
demolishing the existing state order rather than on
social blueprints of the future.

While battling the established order, anarchists also
battled the alternatives proposed by liberalism and
socialism. Like Marxism, anarchism was anticapitalist
and scorned liberalism's dedication to political
liberty on the grounds that only the propertied
classes could afford to enjoy it. They rejected with
equal vehemence, however, the Marxist "dictatorship of
the proletariat," the idea of capturing and using the
capitalist state to achieve a classless society.
Political institutions were seen as inherently
corrupting, and even the most selfless revolutionaries
would inevitably succumb to the joys of power and
privilege. Instead of the state "withering away," as
the Marxists anticipated, it would simply perpetuate a
new bureaucratic elite. This disagreement led to a
bitter conflict between Marx and the Russian anarchist
Michael BAKUNIN in the early 1870s, after which
Marxism and anarchism went their separate ways.

Anarchism in Practice
Anarchism attracted a following mainly in the
countries of eastern and southern Europe, where the
state's repressiveness was especially pronounced and
communal traditions remained strong. There were some
exceptions: the ideas of the French anarchist
Pierre-Joseph PROUDHON left a permanent mark on the
French industrial labor movement, and Bakunin's views
found adherents among the watchmakers of Switzerland's
Jura region. Anarchism had its greatest impact in
Russia, where numerous anarchist groups participated
in the revolutionary movement both before and during
1917. The two outstanding anarchist theorists also
were Russians: Bakunin, whose advocacy of popular
revolution had considerable influence, and Prince
Peter KROPOTKIN, whose writing spelled out some of the
constructive sides of the anarchist social vision.
Spain and Italy also had vigorous anarchist movements.
In only two instances did anarchists have a real
opportunity to put their social ideals into practice.
During the Russian civil war of 1917-21, (see RUSSIAN
REVOLUTIONS OF 1917), the peasant partisan movement
led by Nestor Makhno in the Ukraine tried to implement
anarchist principles, and in the SPANISH CIVIL WAR of
1936-39 anarchism was a significant force in the
regions of Catalonia and Andalusia. The results of
these experiments were limited and inconclusive. In
the United States, anarchism's influence was confined
largely to some of the European immigrant communities,
but it did produce a striking representative of
American radicalism in the person of Emma GOLDMAN.

Because anarchism regarded doctrinal and
organizational discipline as contradictions of its
principles, it 

[CTRL] Advocacy Group Puts Toxic Disaster Information on Internet

1999-09-18 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Mark Graffis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Advocacy Group Puts Toxic Disaster Information on Internet
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:48:28 -0500 (CDT)

EarthVision Reports

WASHINGTON, September 14, 1999 - A coalition of environmental
advocates has decided not to wait for the government to publish
information on toxic materials stored throughout the United States.
Instead, the groups have taken the initiative to put it on the
Internet themselves. The New York Times reported that the public
disclosure of information on the risks of chemical accidents,
outflanks a new law that suppresses this kind of information on the
ground that the details could help terrorists. Now, anyone visiting
the site can see a published list of state-by-state summaries of
"worst-case scenarios" presented by thousands of companies in the US
to the US EPA. The companies originally provided the information as
part of an effort to help government agencies and people who live near
factories prepare for toxic catastrophes like explosions at chemical

The article points out that EPA originally intended to make the
information available online. The US Congress, however, intervened and
vetoed the initiative in response to warnings by security specialists
that electronic dissemination of the information could provide
terrorists with a road map to sensitive domestic targets. Because the
information was not classified, it was made available through
legislated right-to-know policies.

The website where the information is posted is called the
Right-to-Know Network. It claims to provide free access to numerous
databases, text files, and conferences on the environment, housing,
and sustainable development.

Associated Link:

[1]The Right-to-Know Network


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
of information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: I too sent my Son]

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Reply from the horse's mouth... Joshua2

Mark McHugh wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Bob Stokes wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  In a message dated 99-09-17 11:57:25 EDT, J2 writes:
I know two Christians, one a German, and one an Argentine
   who went for a summer and converted to Hasidic Judaism of
   all things. 
   A coworker of mine a few years ago was telling me he used to be a Jew
  (religion) but quit when the elders told him he could go no further toward
  becoming a Rabbi because he was not a full-blood Jew, only half Jewish.

Sounds like bullshit to me. If his mother was Jewish, and he considered himself
Jewish he could become a Rabbi. Any fool who is a Jew can become a Rabbi, and
many do. If, on the other hand, his father was a Jew, and his mother was not,
then he is not a Jew, and therefore can not become a Rabbi until he goes
through the process of conversion as any non Jew can do.

  quit and said he enjoyed eating a cheeseburger.

That's dedication for you. He would have had to give up a lot more than
cheeseburgers to become a Rabbi. Turning him down was the right decision.

Jews don't eat
  cheeseburgers?  That has always confused me.  Do you have to be of Jewish
  blood to be Jewish?

No. Just a member of the religion, or born into the culture. There is no
Jewish " race."

I could give up cheeseburgers, but never pizza.

You wouldn't have to. Pizza is only non-kosher if made with non-kosher
cheese. Mozzarella is a non-kosher cheese, but there are kosher replacements.
In my opinion, non-kosher pizza is much better.

  Bob Stokes

 Amen, Bob!  I could never be a Kosher Jew, anyway.  That no meat and cheese
 together clause would break the contract.  A Jewish friend of mine told me it
 had to do with one of the sacrificial proscriptions, something to do with
 boiling lambs in milk.

 Mark McHugh

If I remember correctly, it's a calf in its mother's milk. It has to do with
cruelty to animals. It goes something like this... Milk is produced by the
mother cow as a source of life sustaining food for the cow's child. It would
be too painful to the cow mother to see its child killed and made into food
in its milk. This of course is antropomorphication, but the intent is

Then the religious establishment took over that kind and simple concept and
turned it into a labyrinthine mish mosh of neurosis inducing rules that drive
otherwise healthy Jewish females insane.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Larry Patterson Interview 2pm ET FNC

1999-09-18 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Trooper Rocks New York Media with Tales from Clinton's Crypt

From an early morning appearance on the Howard Stern Show to a taped
interview on Fox News Channel twelve hours later, recently retired Arkansas
State Trooper Larry Patterson took New York by storm on Wednesday, revealing
new details about his six year stint guarding Arkansas' first family.

Much of bodyguard Patterson's account is unknown to most Americans, thanks
to the President's "real" political bodyguards, the nation's mainstream
press. The trooper says he tried to share some of the information with
reporters back in 1993, but most weren't interested.

Even shockmeister Stern and his jaded K-Rock entourage seemed surprised by
some of what Patterson had to say, as the 32-year law enforcement veteran
told listeners one startling insider account after another.

How much did Hillary know about her husband's Arkansas sexcapades? Stern
wanted to know.

"When Bill was coming on to some woman," claimed Patterson, "I've heard
Hillary tell him, 'Bill, zip up your pants. You can't do anything here.'"

"Wow, wow," replied the incredulous shock jock.

"He's hornier than me," the king of radio raunch observed, after Patterson
explained how Clinton would inquire about the security staff's sex life.

Patterson's interrogation on Clinton's personal peccadillos gave way to an
exploration of one of the most vexing political questions of the 1990s,
during the Clinton bodyguard's afternoon appearance on Sean Hannity's WABC
radio show.

Why did Ross Perot re-enter the presidential race in the final months of the
1992 campaign, thereby tipping the election to Bill Clinton?

The former Arkansas state policeman doesn't claim to know what the Texas
billionaire's actual motivation was. But he told Hannity that Clinton and
the Bush-a-phobic Perot chatted by phone some "25 to 30" times in mid-1992,
an unusual amount of personal contact for two supposed political rivals.

From WABC radio the Arkansas trooper made his way to Fox News Channel's
mid-Manhattan studios, to tape an appearance on "Hannity  Colmes" that will
run as soon as Hurricaine Floyd permits the resumption of regular Fox

Patterson's first full day of press interviews since released
his story ended on Alan Colmes' WEVD late night radio show, as Patterson's
long embargoed account continued to spice up the ever-simmering pot of
Clinton allegations.

  All Rights Reserved ©


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vote for the Party of your choice...The Big Business Party.

1999-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Vote for the Party of your choice... --J2

Business Groups Giving to Democrats
By Jonathan D. Salant
Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, September 15, 1999; 3:47 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- With control of the House up for grabs, business groups
that overwhelmingly favored Republicans during the Gingrich years have
begun spreading more political money to Democratic candidates.

Eight of the 10 biggest corporate political action committees have anted up
a larger than usual share of their donations to Democrats in 1999, an
Associated Press analysis of Federal Election Commission records shows.

In many cases, Democrats -- needing just five more seats to regain a House
majority -- are getting their largest percentage of business PAC
contributions since the 1994 election, when they lost control of Congress
to the GOP.

PACs are the donating arms of special interest groups and can give up to
$5,000 per election to each federal candidate. That compares with a $1,000
limit for individual donors.

PAC directors say they are not boosting donations to Democrats because they
expect a change of control in 2000. But they say some new Democratic
members who picked up seats in the last two elections are more moderate
than more veteran Democrats and more likely to vote with business.

``We normally give to people who support our positions. That includes
people on both sides of the aisle,'' said Gary Lytle, vice president of
federal relations for Ameritech, which gave 41 percent of its PAC donations
to Democrats during the first six months of 1999, compared with 37 percent
during the 1998 elections.

Added Dan Danner, vice president of federal public policy for the National
Federation of Independent Business: ``At this juncture, there are probably
more Democrats, at least in the House, who have voted with us than in the

Danner's group gave 11 percent of its 1999 donations to Democrats compared
with 7 percent during the 1998 elections. ``Certainly, there are many more
people who campaigned as moderates. I don't think there were a heck of a
lot of people out there in '98 who campaigned as extreme liberals,'' he said.

Another factor is that Democratic lawmakers have made an effort to reach
out to the business community.

``Business' success means jobs for our constituents,'' said Rep. John
Dingell of Michigan, the Commerce Committee's top-ranking Democrat who led
the outreach effort.

The increased giving to Democrats by business PACs is further evidence that
ideology aside, the business of political giving is often driven by
practicality, experts said.

``As long as control of the House is in doubt, we're going to see PACs
giving to both Democrats and Republicans,'' said Candice Nelson, an
American University associate professor of political science.

Republican officials predict things will turn in their favor closer to the

``While the PAC community may be hedging bets early, we believe that as the
election draws near, the PACs will come to realize that it's actually the
labor unions that control the Democrat agenda, not business,'' said Jill
Schroeder, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional
Committee that raises money for GOP House candidates.

While Republican lawmakers traditionally are viewed as more sympathetic to
business concerns, corporate PACs tilted only slightly in the direction of
the GOP during the 1994 elections, when the Democrats were still in charge
of the House and Senate. In those elections, they gave the Republican's
congressional candidates a total of $33 million, compared with $31 million
for Democrats. In House races, corporate PACs sided with the majority
Democrats, giving them $24 million to $20 million for Republicans.

But after the GOP takeover of the House, corporate PACs turned decisively
Republican in their giving. In the 1998 elections, corporate PACs gave $48
million to Republican candidates and just $23 million to Democrats.

Now the pendulum appears to be swinging back a bit. During the first six
months of 1999, United Parcel Service gave 28 percent of its PAC money to
Democratic candidates, compared with 21 percent during the 1998 election

Philip Morris, the tobacco and food conglomerate, gave 42 percent to House
Democrats this year, compared with 31 percent in 1997-98.
Telecommunications giant SBC Communications, which gave 40 percent of its
PAC money to Democrats in 1997-98, increased its Democratic giving to 49
percent between January and June of this year.

``Business PACs are probably the most pragmatic givers there are,'' said
Larry Makinson, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a
nonpartisan research group. ``They know that there's a chance the Democrats
will take control of the House in 2000 and they're preparing for that
eventuality by covering their bets.''

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

CTRL is a 


1999-09-18 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-







Cleveland, OH-- In  Canada on Saturday, August 21, 1999, American, Boyd
E. Graves stunned the international medical community when he presented
the AIDS FLOWCHART; the 'research logic flow' of a "hidden" federal
program entitled, "Special Virus". The "Special Virus program began in
1962 and produced at least fifteen progress reports that correspond to
the schematic. "The flowchart IS the 'missing link" in the definitive
proof of the laboratory origin of AIDS. It has already met and exceeded
the scrutiny of some of the world's top microbiologists and scientists,
including Dr. Garth Nicholson", Graves said.

Graves presented the flowchart during his videotaped presentation at the
international conference of the Common Cause Medical Research
Foundation. In May, 1999, the Foundation appointed Dr. Graves as its
Director-AIDS CONCERNS.  "We believe we now have an ear or two in
Congress", said Graves, " I firmly believe our population control
policies should be "open" policies". "We are hopeful for a bipartisan
review of the flowchart. The American people, particularly those
afflicted with HIV/AIDS, have a constitutional right to exposure and
closure on this, the darkest chapter in the history of the world. The
flowchart  leaves no doubt as to the state's premeditation to kill its
own people."

Dan S

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AIDS Bioengineering on trial

1999-09-18 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

Fowarded from Boyd Graves
September 17, 1999

Dear Professor Boyle:

Judge Wells has issued an Order directing me to refile by October 15th with
respect to the federal HIV discrimination issues but to exclude defendant,
Secretary Cohen, et al, and the collateral issue of the laboratory origin of

I AM going to submit a 'motion for reconsideration' within ten days of this
9/16/99 Order. I need a legal beagle right now! I intend to submit every
thing I have to show this judge just how wrong she is. In the face of the
progress reports and the flowchart of the Special Virus program, it is
to conclude that the origin of AIDS is a frivolous issue, unworthy of
judicial adjudication.

As best I can put together, please send me some legal cites on the issue of
setting aside direct evidence and reaching a finding of frivolity under
Section 1915(e), because I filed in forma pauperis. In other words, because
did not pay the filing fee, the judge was allowed to use a screening
mechanism under 1915 to determine if a poor person's case is worthy of
further adjudication. As you know it is commonly used by the federal court
dismiss primarily "prisoner complaints" that might appear to be

If this motion for reconsideration fails, Dr. Garth Nicolson has suggested
rebringing this in the World Court. I thought the U.S. Court of Claims
France sued the U.S. over Gallo and AIDS).

The current EEO battle with Department of Justice coincides with the actions
of the federal court. The Court's Order was a big surprise! WOW, we get
another shot to watch justice peek under the blindfold and rule in
with the tilt of the field.

The longer you play on a tilted field, the more level it seems
issue of eugenics is essentially racism. It is reflected in NSSM-200,
July 18, 1969 "Special" Message to the Congress on Problems of Population
Growth, and a number of other official documents. It is reflected in the
activities of the United Nations' Agency for International Development (AID)
whose only purpose is to coordinate the depopulation efforts. The United
States has been sending money to AID for 32 years!

Please let me know if you've got an honest lawyer in tow. However, give my
email address to some third year moot courter with a heart. I need a ton of
research to improve our chances. Thanks for any immediate input.

The people have another shot and I intend to take it, unless, perhaps you
might want to enter your appearance? PLEASE let me know, thanx, Ed Graves

ps. the case is Graves v. Cohen 1:98 CV 2209, filed 9/28/98, U.S. District
Court, Northern District of Ohio. eg

Dan S

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] court decision

1999-09-18 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find information about a recent court decision.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Excerpts from :

Tuesday, August 31, 1999
Home Edition Section: PART A Page: A-1

Rescinding of Molestation Case Deadline Upheld


The California Supreme Court decided Monday that a defendant may be charged
with child molestation even if the alleged crime took place years or decades
before a complaint was made to police.

In a 4-3 ruling, the state high court said a 1994 state law that virtually
eliminated the statute of limitations for child molestation can be applied
retroactively to child molestation cases in which the legal deadline for
prosecution had expired.

The ruling, described as the first of its kind in the nation, is expected to
unleash a barrage of prosecutions against defendants whose victims kept their
molestations secret for years. It also could encourage other states to
rescind statutes of limitations retroactively for child sexual abuse.

Previously, many such victims went to civil court and obtained monetary
compensation but could not seek criminal prosecution if the statute of
limitations for child molesting, generally six years in California, had

The ruling stems from a state law enacted five years ago that said suspects
may be prosecuted for child molesting within one year after a complaint to
law enforcement has been made.

Some California courts refused to apply the law to cases in which the statute
of limitations for prosecution had expired. The Legislature responded by
passing another provision in 1996 that clearly stated that the new child
molestation law was to be applied regardless of when the alleged crime was

Justice Marvin Baxter, writing for the majority, noted that lawmakers across
the country in the 1980s began to increase the time in which child
molestation charges could be filed.

Lawmakers "became increasingly aware that young victims often delay reporting
sexual abuse because they are easily manipulated by offenders in positions of
authority and trust," Baxter wrote.

"Prosecutors have wide latitude in . . . determining whether and when
indictments should be filed," wrote Baxter. "Such discretionary decisions
offend the United States Constitution only where unfair tactics or improper
motives are involved."

Mendocino Deputy Dist. Atty. Beth Normansaid victims have varied reasons
for waiting many years to report that they were molested as children. She
said some fear retribution or are embarrassed. "For many years, there is just
too much shame attached to report it," Norman said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: *X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR Ley Lines

1999-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

*X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR "Ley Lines"

The following was received from a NewsHawk respondent. We've correlated
the information she brings up with some other sources, who confirm her statements.

The two lines which make up the *X* along which many mass shooting
incidents have occurred in the past 2-3 years, are in fact considered to
be major, very powerful "earth grid" or "ley" lines. Such lines would
correspond to major acupuncture meridians in the human body according to
the principals of acupuncture.

Certain locations along these lines would be especially strong "power spots".

NewsHawk Inc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: *X*  MARKS THE SPOT!
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:24:49 -0700
From: "Jane"

This is going to sound extremely off-the-wall, but I looked at the plot of
the "line of destruction" angling down across the map from Oregon to
Alabama, and was struck by the fact that I have seen that line before.  I
have a friend who is a ley-line enthusiast who also works for the USGS
as a
mapmaker.  She showed me *this same line* plotted on the map, as a master
force line.  It seems it's a hidden rift/fault line that is only visible if
you're using satellite maps of the US and know the signs to look for.  She's
used to looking at aerial photos for doing topographic maps, so it
jumped right out at her.

If you extend the OTHER line up through Ohio and upstate New York, it
follows the path of a ley line that some other folks I know mapped out,
years back.

Ley linetheory claims that the ancients tapped "dragon force" by performing
rites and sacrifices at sacred sites of power adjoining (but not directly
on) the ley, and at sites at ley meeting points such as Glastonbury.  Or
Washington DC, which was laid out according to ley theory and Masonic
symbology.  (And for that matter, ever wonder why the Pentagon is a
pentagon?  I don't.)  For some reason, geomantic traditions have been
big in
the power circles for centuries.

Food for thought.


[CTRL] Letters From Ft. Worth Killer Point to CIA MindControl

1999-09-18 Thread Lloyd Miller

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 3:55 PM
Subject: [MC] Fwd: [RuMills] Letters From Ft. Worth Killer Point to CIA

In a message dated 99-09-17 01:15:28 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


To Rumor Mill News Readers:

Matt Drudge obtained the following letters which were written by the man who
killed the people in the Ft. Worth church.

After reading the letters written by Larry Gene Ashbrook, I am convinced
he was a victim of CIA mind control. I believe he was programmed as an
assassin. Each time one of these mass murders occurs, there are the tell
signs of mind control. The contolled media will never investigate this. We
must go around them and barage our Congressmen and Senators and demand that
they open an investigation into the goverment's use of mind controlled
"sleepers" as assassins and agent provocatuers. (Don't bother writing
Dianne Feinstein, (D) CA, she has been covering up the mindcontrol operation
at Jonestown for 20 years now.)


According to publishing sources, Larry Gene Ashbrook, the madman who
slaughtered seven parishioners at the Wedgwood Baptist Church Wednesday
evening, sent two letters to the FORT-WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM over the summer --
letters the paper plans to reprint in Friday editions!

The STAR-TELEGRAM'S Karen Rouse reports that the letters describe "bizarre
tales of encounters with the Central Intelligence Agency, psychological
warfare, assaults by co-workers and druggings by police."

Stephen Kaye, a city editor and one who received the letters, said on
Thursday that they contained "outlandish things", and described the letters
as "hard to follow."

"My immediate reaction was that there was not much we could do for him."

Ashbrook even came by the STAR-TELEGRAM's offices and visited Kaye -- who
described the killer as "the opposite of someone you'd be concerned about...
He couldn't have been any nicer."

The eerie letters, which are dated July 31 and August 10, were handed over
the Ft. Worth police on Thursday.


City editor Stephen Kaye
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
400 W. Seventh St.
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
July 31, 1999


I am interested in relating to you some events I have experienced. If these
events are true, then they would indicate a serious injustice against me.
Specifically: the denial of due process for me in the investigation of me as
a suspected serial murderer. I use the term -investigation- loosely. It was
not so much an investigation as it was a continuous intereference in my life
and employment for a period of possibly twenty years.

Three operative terms apply to this situation: First; rumor control, this
one method by which those investigating me used to create problems for me:
Second: Psychological warfare, this was the general mode of of operation:
Third: Plausible deniability, the ideas those involved would proffer in
to divert blame from themselves.

The first experience I had which became a clue to my future problems occured
in July of -79.- Soon after reporting to a deployment site with the U.S.
squadron, I attended a social event. While there I was pulled aside by a
young man who was in that squadron and he asked me some odd questions. The
questions involved the murder of someone I had no knowledge of. The tone of
his questions became almost accusatory. This was the first of three similar
events which occured during my active duty with the Navy from -79- to -83.-
What I eventually began to wonder was if there were any reason for me to be
suspect in any murder. As I now know, there were several abductions or
murders of young women in Fort Worth and Arlington during the -70s- when I
lived in the area.

After I moved back to Fort Worth in -84- the odd events became a major
problem in my life and occurred both on and off the job. The seriousness of
the events and the humiliation I sufered made it impossible for me to keep a

The most pronounced situation began soon after I began work at the
Company in 1986. Shortly after I was hired as a machinist I was put on the
evening shift with another employee who was hired about a week after me. We
were the only workers at the company during that shift. At some point around
September of that year in the evening I was taking a break when the other
employee walked up to me and made a somewhat veiled indirect threat. It went
like this: -I have a lot of friends on the police force, in fact I know a
woman police officer who can kick your (deleted) all over the place.- This
was the beginning of continuous troubles on the job at that company. When I
attempted to remedy the problems through the proper channels I got no where.
The troubles included minor physical abuse and general disrespect by 

[CTRL] capitalist wit and wisdom (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message ---

 Attitudes of the Rich and Famous...

 The American system of ours, call it Americanism, call it Capitalism,
 call it what you like, gives each and every one of us a
 great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most
 of it.
 Al Capone

 The point is that you can't be too greedy.
 Donald Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal (written with Tony Schwartz,

 Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out
 why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.
 Walter Bagehot, 19th Century English economist

 Greed is all right, by the way . . . I think greed is healthy. You can
 be greedy and still feel good about yourself.
 Ivan F. Boesky, U.S. financier. Commencement Address, 18 May 1986,
 School of Business Administration,
 University of California, Berkeley. Boesky's words were later picked up
 in Oliver Stone's film, Wall Street (1987),
 spoken by Gordon Gecko. Boesky himself was later convicted of conspiring
 to file false documents with the
 federal government, involving insider trading violations, and agreed to
 pay $100 million in fines and illicit profits.

 The rights and interests of the laboring man will be protected and cared
 for not by our labor agitators, but by the Christian
 men to whom God in his infinite wisdom has given control of property
 interests of the country, and upon the successful
 management of which so much remains.
 George F. Baer (Railroad Industrialist)

 They don't suffer. They can't even speak English.
 Baer, answering a reporters' question about the suffering of starving

 Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the
 nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the
 benefit of us all.
 Economist John Maynard Keynes

 I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it. I love it as a
 musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords
 and harmonies.
 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), French general, emperor. Quoted in:
 Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life (1923).

 Respectable means rich, and decent means poor. I should die if I heard
 my family called decent.
 Thomas Love Peacock (1785-1866), English author. Lady Clarinda, in
 Crotchet Castle, 1831

 Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened
 selfishness that to-day is at the basis of all human
 labor and effort, enterprise and new activity.
 William Howard Taft, U.S. Republican president, Popular Government,

 I wasn't satisfied just to earn a good living. I was looking to make a
 Donald Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal, (1987; written with Tony

 We are not concerned with the very poor. They are unthinkable, and only
 to be approached by the statistician or the
 E. M. Forster, British novelist, essayist. Howards End, 1910.

 A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.
 Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, 1514.

 The Führer is always quite cheerful, cheerful with all his heart, when
 he is having tea with his friends during the night, or
 when he is training his dogs!
 Martin Bormann, German Nazi leader. Annotations to letter, Dec. 25,
 1943, from his wife Gerda (published in
 The Bormann Letters, ed. by Hugh Trevor-Roper, 1954).

 Today, almost forty years later, I grow dizzy when I recall that the
 number of manufactured tanks seems to have been
 more important to me than the vanished victims of racism.
 Albert Speer, German architect, Nazi official. The Slave State, (1981).

 I tell you, sir, the only safeguard of order and discipline in the
 modern world is a standardized worker with
 interchangeable parts. That would solve the entire problem of
 Jean Giraudoux, French writer, diplomat

 Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out
 why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.
 Walter Bagehot, 19th Century English economist

 Any man who pays more for labor than the lowest sum he can get men for
 is robbing his stockholders. If he can secure
 men for $6 and pays more, he is stealing from the company.
 Stockholder of American Wollen (Lawrence, Massachusetts) 1911
 Told to the Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick

 We'll drive the goddamned sons-of-bitches into the river and drown them.
 We'll starve them. We'll kill every damned man
 of them or drive them, together with the Socialists, from the city!
 Judge Davis, Minot, North Dakota, 1912,
 Referring to striking Wobblies.

 I don't believe that it's true that the poor will always be with us. I
 think that kind of pious fatalism is just an excuse for
 keeping things the way they are.
 Margaret Culkin Banning, The quality of Mercy, 1963

 The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as
 poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of
 a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich.
 Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied . . . but
 written off as 

[CTRL] Wal-Mart busts organizers (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

September 16, 1999

Wal-Mart Gets Restraining Order

By The Associated Press
BENTONVILLE, Ark. (AP) -- An Arkansas judge ordered union organizers to
stop distributing leaflets at Wal-Mart stores nationwide after the
company complained they were disrupting workers and entering private

Wal-Mart argued that the United Food and Commercial Workers Union handed
out literature to employees while they were working and that organizers
entered prohibited areas of stores, such as meat-cutting rooms.

Benton County Chancellor Don Huffman, in an order issued Wednesday, told
the union to stay off Wal-Mart's property ``throughout the United

A spokeswoman in the union, which is based in Washington, had no
immediate comment Thursday.

The union and Wal-Mart have been at odds for some time. Last December,
nearly 1,000 union protesters swarmed Bentonville's city square after a
march from Wal-Mart's headquarters.

Wal-Mart's court action says union representatives have trespassed at 160
of its more than 600 Supercenters.

``We're usually pretty accommodating when it comes to unions wanting to
protest or leaflet,'' said Wal-Mart spokesman Mike Maher. ``They've gone
too far and we're not going to stand for it.''

While the judge ordered the union off Wal-Mart property nationwide, legal
experts questioned whether the order would stand in other states.

``The validity of this order outside Arkansas is questionable,'' said
University of Arkansas law professor Howard Brill. ``The judge can
enforce this order if it's violated inside Arkansas by holding the union
in contempt of court.

``But the court has limited power to enforce it outside Arkansas, and it
would be up to the discretion of another state whether to recognize the

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Allan Nairn's Arrest Situation and Statement, and the Fate of Timor , and the Timorese (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:56:34 +0100
From: Michael Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ZNet Free Update -- Allan Nairn's Arrest Situation and Statement, and the 
Fate of Timor and the Timorese


Another Update from ZNet regarding Timor


Please go to ZNet's Timor Pages at for regularly
updated information and analysis bearing on the events in East Timor

If you want one preferred piece to get up to speed and inform yourself as
quickly as possible, ZNet's best overarching effort to succinctly situate
the events and our responsibilities is our Question and Answer Article, the
work of Shalom, Chomsky, and Albert:


You may have heard, already, that U.S. journalist Allan Nairn, arrested a
few days ago seemingly solely for deportation, is now facing prosecution in
Indonesia. Benny Mateus, the chief justice of Nusa Tenggara Province intends
to prosecute Nairn for two violations of Indonesian immigration law, a local
immigration official in Kupang, West Timor has informed Nairn. Nairn is to
be charged with engaging in unauthorized activities and overstaying his
two-month visa. Both acts are considered illegal under sections 50 and 52 of
the Indonesian immigration laws. If convicted, Nairn could face 10 years in
prison. Nairn, who was arrested in Dili on September 14, was one of the last
journalists reporting from East Timor. Indonesian forces transferred him to
Kupang in West Timor, a part of Indonesia. A local immigration official, Mr.
Zurya, has been interrogating Nairn at the immigration facility in downtown
Kupang for several days. According to Indonesian officials in Kupang, while
Mateus is seeking to charge Nairn, the Minister of Justice, Dr. Muladi, and
the Minister of Information, Yunus Yosfiah, are inclined to deport Nairn.

The detainment and possible prosecution of a U.S. journalist, the only one
on the scene, is of course generating tremendous concern in the United
States. The key point about Nairn's arrest, however, and our efforts to free
him, for those who are informed and have broad and consistent moral values
is that we need to work to free Nairn while at the same time continuing to
address the plight of the Timorese, and, for that matter, while we work to
convince those aroused only by Nairn's situation that they need to broaden
their focus.

For example, approximately 100,000 East Timorese have been driven from their
country into West Timor, which is a part of Indonesia. These folks are under
the auspices of the Militia and Indonesian Army and there are no observers.
Their plight is unknown, but there is every reason to fear for their lives.
All efforts of virtually any sort to publicize and arouse concern for Allan
Nairn and outrage at his incarceration will help him and also all East
Timorese. But, such efforts will be that much more effective, on both
counts, if they occur in context of continuing attention the lot of the
worst off and most defenseless...and if they emphasize not solely a
violation of a Western Journalist by the Indonesians, but their quarter
century-long willful violation, abetted by their U.S. sponsors, of the
rights and lives of the Timorese. Nairn himself has no confusion on these
matters. He is not only courageous, but consistent, not only a fine
reporter, but also a moral, socially concerned and consistent person. In
fighting for Nairn's freedom we should learn from his focus and courage and
keep the broader context and issues always forefront.

Here then is Nairn's Own Statement to his captors (point l8 of the
interrogation report on Allan Nairn, the part where the Immigration chief
asks him to handwrite his position).

Nairn's Statement in West Timor to his Captors

I know that the army has put me on the black list. They did this because I
watched their soldiers murder more than 271 people at the Santa Cruz
cemetery. This crime was the responsibility of the Indonesian army
commander, General Try Sutrisno and the Minister of Defense, General Benny

The murders were committed with American M-16 rifles. The American
government also bears some of the responsibility because they have armed,
trained, and given money to the TNI/ABRI, even though they knew the TNI/ABRI
is led by murderers and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of Timorese, Acehnese, West Papuan and Indonesian civilians.

Because I survived the massacre and denounced the crime to the outside
world, the TNI/ABRI and the Suharto government banned me as a "threat to
national security." That ban has been reaffirmed by each subsequent TNI/ABRI
commander, including General Tanjung and General Wiranto.

I do not think that I am a threat to the Indonesian or Timorese people, but
I hope that I am a threat to General Wiranto and General Tanjung, and the
other present and former 

[CTRL] Women's Campaign Keeps Mother Out of Jail (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 09:39:37 -0400
Subject: DAMN: 18-SEP-1999: Women's Campaign Keeps Mother Out of Jail

Title: Women's Campaign Keeps Mother Out of Jail
Date: 18-SEP-1999
Author: Kathy Durkin
Source: Workers World, Sept. 23, 1999 issue (by way of Diane
Style: News story

Tabitha Walrond, a young Black woman who lost her two-month-old son,
Tyler, and was then wrongfully prosecuted for responsibility in his
death, received five years probation from New York State Supreme Court
Judge Robert H. Straus on Sept. 8.

The state and media had attacked Walrond from the time the state brought
charges against her in a racist, anti-poor, anti-woman campaign. She was
vilified for being a poor, teenaged mother. The prosecution was
determined to imprison her; she faced up to four years in jail.

But a campaign by women's groups, community activists and international
supporters stopped the state from jailing her. Picket lines, publicity
and a letter-writing campaign demanded the charges be dropped and no
punishment be leveled against Walrond.

Nine hundred people from as far away as Japan had written letters,
postcards and e-mails to the court on Walrond's behalf, asking that she
not be punished.  Many were women who had had similar problems with
breast-feeding their infants but had received medical help from private
physicians and health-care workers. When Tabitha Walrond sought medical
help for her baby, she was turned away from a clinic for lack of a
Medicaid card.

According to Susan Tipograph, Walrond's attorney, "The letter-writing
campaign made a big difference. Every one of the 900 letters supported
Tabitha Walrond. Some were read by the judge into the record, especially
from mothers with similar experiences. Not one letter was unfavorable.
The support meant a great deal to all of us."

This case exposed the hypocrisy of a system that will prosecute a young,
oppressed, single mother while denying her child medical care. It showed
that while the state is quick to persecute and vilify poor people, it
exonerates the government officials responsible for providing decent
health care. It also showed that health care itself is in jeopardy for
many and that there are limitations and dangers inherent in privatized
medical care.

Women's rights and health-care advocates brought the policies of
Medicaid, New York City hospitals and health maintenance organizations
under public scrutiny for limiting care. They pointed out the
responsibility of the Human Resources Administration, which administers
welfare and Medicaid programs.

A report issued by the Committee on Women's Issues of the New York City
Council stated that there is a "pattern of restricting accessibility to
medical care for infants and young children."

States that have cut welfare now have fewer children receiving Medicaid
coverage than need it. The restrictions and privatization of the
health-care system are part and parcel of the cuts in the welfare
program made under the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. That bill has been
accompanied by cuts in all social services, including public education
and public housing, that affect poor people.

Workfairness is a group that fights for the rights of people receiving
public assistance and those on workfare. It sent over 100 letters to the
judge supporting Tabitha Walrond. William Mason, co-chair of
Workfairness, said, "How many mothers and other poor people will face
the same situation and be blamed in the future for the faults of the
health-care system?"

For more information, contact:

Workers World
55 W. 17 St.,
NY,  NY 10011

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] Stockholm Demonstration Against the Marketplace (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 09:58:26 -0400
Subject: DAMN: 15-SEP-1999: Stockholm Demo Against the Marketplace

Title: Stockholm Demo Against the Marketplace
Date: 15-SEP-1999
Author: A-Infos News Service
Source:  kurt svensson [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Jay

11 September--During the Swedish national elections last year, 1998, a
group of libertarian activists in Stockholm initiated a collaboration
under the name of "Against the Dictatorship of the Marketplace". Amidst
all the political hype, the group cemented relations with the entire
extra-parliamentary left resulting in a demonstration 2000 people
strong. The initiating group has continued their organising during the
past year.

And today it was time to repeat the success. Under a sunny sky, and
amidst busy Saturday afternoon consumers, circa 1500 anarchists,
libertarian socialists, environmental activists, immigrants and diverse
leftist groups gathered in central Stockholm. They marched together
behind the common demand that the "Dictatorship of the Marketplace" be
demolished, through revolutionary action if necessary, so that the
rising needs and desires of the ever-disenfranchised working class be

Extra-parliamentary political speakers, poets, theatre groups and
musical ensembles entertained the gathering before they began marching
towards the Stockholm Bourse House. Along the way Saturday shoppers were
meet with high spirits, reverberating slogans and colourful banners (ok,
they were mostly black and red!). As the demonstration passed the Royal
Palace, a large portion of the anarchist block broke away from the
demonstration to "storm" the bulwarks of this overbearing building which
is a symbol of class oppression - all to the roaring cheers of the rest
of the demonstration and the dismay of the palace guards and
ever-present police forces.

Upon reaching the Bourse House, two activists scaled the walls and hung
up a banner decorated with the well-known anarcho-symbol "SaboCat" and
the slogan "Environmental Struggle - Class Struggle".  More speeches and
music rounded-off the event.

As is usual on these occasions, preparedness for fascist provocation was
high and only a few of these scum dared to show themselves. They were
quickly and neatly dispatched.

The overall picture of the event can be said to be an astounding success
as, despite a lower number of participants, the political hype in
society (such as was coupled to the elections last year) has been
minimal and the demonstration has only been noted in the leftist press.

For more information, contact:

kurt svensson
c/o brand
box 150 15
s-104 65 stockholm
[pgp keys available upon request]

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More on East Timor and the unions (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
In a message dated 9/17/99 4:54:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Subj: More on East Timor and the unions
 Date:  9/17/99 4:54:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (LabourStart)

 LabourStart -

 "The bans will stay until the voilence stops," says the acting national
 secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in a statement linked
 to on LabourStart today.  The MUA has been blocking all shipping to and
 from Indonesia in Australian port.

 Even as UN peacekeeping troops prepare to enter East Timor, the global
 trade union campaign continues unabated.

 LabourStart's special new page on East Timor has a new and much simpler
 URL now:

 Please add this link to your union's website today!

 I also wanted to share the following article with you -- passed on from
 the labor-l mailing list:

 International Labor Solidarity Actions Put Pressure On Indonesia

 By Elaine Bernard

 In contrast to organized labor's division over what should be done about
 the Kosovo crisis, the current mayhem and mass killing in East Timor has
 galvanized a powerful and unified response from unions internationally.
 Organized labor, and most especially unions in Australia, Canada, and
 Europe have not only fired off press statements, but they have also been
 urging their members to join with other groups in protest. Additionally,
 where possible, they have urged unions to take political, financial and
 even industrial action to pressure their own governments and the
 Indonesian government to stop the killing and recognize the results of the
 August 30th
 referendum which voted overwhelmingly for independence of East Timor. Even
 the historically cautious and somewhat conservative international labor
 central, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) has
 sprung into action, condemning the Indonesian government and military and
 calling on their members -- 213 member organizations in 143 countries --
 to take action.

 It's unfortunate and a long forgotten tragedy that the labor movement had
 not rallied support to the people of East Timorese 24 years ago when
 Indonesia first invaded and occupied the territory -- waging a genocidal
 campaign against the indigenous population and crushing their human
 rights. But a Cold War-driven approach to international relations within
 the labor movement prevented most national labor federations and the ICFTU
 from taking effective action against Indonesian aggression. Today,
 however, as unions rally to the cause of peace, democracy and the rule of
 law for the people of East Timor, labor is taking important steps in
 forging a new, international solidarity, based on universal human and
 labor rights. And
 that's why it is so important for labor to join forces with its allies in
 the community on behalf of the rights of the people of East Timor.
 Universal rights, whether labor or human rights, need to be observed and
 movements need to be organized and mobilized to see that they are
 enforced. Without human rights there can be no labor rights.

 The ICFTU, in a statement dated 10th September 1999, "invited its
 affiliated organisations thoughout the world to join a large mobilisation
 campaign aimed at isolating Indonesia politically and economically at the
 world level and ensuring the immediate despatch of an international force
 to East Timor in order to halt massacres and enforce the sovereign
 decisions' of the Timorese people and of the United Nations."
 Additionally, the ICFTU announced that it was preparing plans for a
 "large-scale, world-wide mobilization" for September 30th, one month to
 the day after the referendum in which the
 East Timorese chose independence.

 In its most recent statement issued on September 13th, Bill Jordan,
 General Secretary of the ICFTU, asked trade unions to continue their
 pressure on "their national governments in order that they formally
 recognise East Timor independence." Jordon further urged, "the suspension
 or cut of all military aid and/or co-operation to Indonesia" and for
 unions "to keep the pressure on Indonesia."

 This week alone, unions in Australia, Canada, Italy, Germany, the
 Netherlands, Israel, San Marino, Portugal and Spain have all mounted
 protests or actions. In a press release dated September 13th, Jennie
 George, President of the Australian labor central, the Australian Council
 of Trade Unions (ACTU) and titled "union action to continue until peace
 restored in East Timor" outlined the "Campaign for Peace" which calls for
 "bans to be placed on all Indonesian government and commercial interests
 in Australia; the withdrawal of services (other than those considered
 essential) from Indonesian government and commercial interests; and a
 consumer boycott of Indonesian products and services." The ACTU has also
 called for the Australian 

[CTRL] HateWatch News and Updates (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 16 Sep 1999 23:22:18 -
From: HateWatch Updates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: HateWatch News and Updates

HateWatch Updates -

HateWatch is a nonprofit, educational and activist resource combating the
growing threat of online bigotry. After four years, HateWatch has become a
leader in the fight for online civil rights. If you would like to stay up
to date on HateWatch's activities and to learn how you can help, sign up
for HateWatch's mailing list by sending the following information to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] It is by our education and participation which will
help make the web a more tolerant community.

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How you found out about HateWatch:

HateWatch News for September 16,1999

**Skinhead murder suspects might be in area**
Two neo-Nazi skinheads wanted in connection with a bludgeoning death near
Philadelphia may be in the Spokane area or North Idaho, authorities say.
Paul Minton, 23, and Keith James Pearce Jr., 21, told associates they
intended to flee to the West, detectives in Norristown, Pa., said Wednesday

**Attack treated as hate crime**
Santa Cruz police have arrested two self-described ``skinheads'' on
hate-crime charges for allegedly beating up a young Latino man and
woman Tuesday night. Police said the attack marks the first hate-crime
arrests this year in Santa Cruz, whose residents hope to declare the town
a ``hate-free zone.''

**German Soldier Fined for Video**
A former soldier who filmed other soldiers acting out rapes, killings and
neo-Nazi skits was convicted Thursday of inciting public violence and
displaying banned symbols.  Judge Petra Beuther fined 26-year-old Mike
Rueggeberg $2,075, saying said the videos, made public in 1997, had
severely damaged the military's image.

**Coats criticizes Klan rally report**
The head of City Council's Public Safety Committee says Mayor Michael R.
White's administration has "insulted" council by failing to provide
complete information on what it cost the city to provide extensive
security during August's Ku Klux Klan rally. "Those are not the true
figures," Councilman Roosevelt Coats said after a committee hearing
yesterday at which administration officials handed out a document showing
the "cost for KKK" as $340,871 in overtime pay to police, fire and
Emergency Medical Services workers.

**Legislature approves $500,000 for facility to promote tolerance**
Gov. Gray Davis pledged Tuesday to sign a bill that would help create a
California Unity Center here to promote racial and religious tolerance and
help law enforcement track hate groups. ``We are one America; we are one
state,'' Davis said. ``And if we teach people at a very young age that
value, I think that is the surest and best way to combat the hatemongers
that terrorize young people and terrorize society.''

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 18SEP99 Press Release, Global Peace Walk2000 Berkeley Benefit Gathering

1999-09-18 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

Global Peace Walk2000
Berkeley Benefit Gathering
Press Release
of Saturday, September 18, 1999

Regarding EVENT on September 26th Sunday

Please Re-Cycle, Re-Copy  Pass-It-On...

Global Peace Walk
P.O. Box 170245
San Francisco, CA 94117-0245
(415) 863-2084
(413) 895-8588 (e-fax)


Living on the Globe with All Our Friends

Global Peace Walk 2000 Benefit Concert

Living on the Globe with All Our Friends, Global Peace Walk 2000 Benefit
Concert will be at the Berkeley Community Theater (1930 Allston Way / Martin
Luther King Jr. Way) on Sunday, September 26th, 1999 from 6 - 11pm.

Featured artists are:  Bernie Worrell  The WOO Warriors, P-Funk Guest Star
Extravaganza; Dr. Loco’s Rockin’ Jalapeño Band, Rockin' musical cruise
blending the funky Latino ritmos of San Francisco and East L.A. with the
gritty Tex-Mex blues; Chaksam-Pa, Tibetan Dance  Opera Company; All Nation’
Singers  Dance Group, Traditional Native American Singers  Dancers; and
Will Scarlett, Harmonica Player, recorded with the “original” Hot Tuna 
toured with Brownie McGee.

There will be a “Global Peace Now” Human Resolve Ceremony by Rev. Yusen
Yamato, Global Peace Walk Initiator. Berkeley’s Mayor Shirley Dean will make
an appearance. MC for the event will be Dennis Jennings, Native American
activist, artist  cultural leader. There will also be a Navajo Rug Sale 
Raffle that benefits Hopi  Navajo Resistance at Big Mountain, Arizona.

Tickets are $20 (balcony); $25 (lower floor). Kids are welcome (12  under
FREE). Tickets will be available at the Berkeley Community Theater Box
on the day of show starting at 4pm. Tickets are also available at BASS
outlets: 415-478-BASS,, Tower Records, The Wherehouse...
For more information, call 415-267-1877.

The Public is encouraged to bring donations for Global Peace Walk 2000:
Food, Survival Supplies, Cash/Checks, Support Vehicles, Cell Phones, Camping
Goods, Clothing  Shoes, Office Equipment, and Lap Top Computers. Those who
would like to be a part of Global Peace Walk 2000 in any way and volunteer,
can contact us at: 415-267-1877, PO Box 170245, San Francisco, CA 94117;

Global Peace Walk 2000 will take its first step from the War Memorial
Building in San Francisco on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday on
15, 2000 bringing out the prayer of “Global Peace Now!” as a universal human
resolve to spread across the United States.

Along the way, the Peace Walkers will be carrying petitions, messages 
information to educate  network with people  groups on the following
issues:  Abolition 2000 - A Call to Ban Nuclear Weapons Worldwide;
our Land  Life  other Environmental  Social issues; Native American
(i.e., Leonard Peltier, Big Mountain, Az., Ward Valley, Ca); Sustainable
Global Economy (i.e., Permaculture, Hemp); Creating a Culture of Peace and a
Spiritual United Nations; the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace
Movement; as well as other issues that people bring to us along the way.

On October 9, 2000 (Columbus Day), the Global Peace Walk will arrive in
Washington DC and bring the petitions  a “Message of Peace” to our
governmental leaders. The walk will arrive in New York City at the United
Nations on October 24th, 2000 (United Nations Day) bringing the petitions 
“Message of Peace” to our world government leaders, and reaffirm the
principle of the United Nations Charter, to “save succeeding generations
the scourge of war” and to “reaffirm faith in the dignity of human rights”
and to “live together in peace.”

Since the Global Peace Walk project was initiated in 1995 walking from New
York City to San Francisco for the United Nations 50th anniversary, the
Global Peace Walk has received hundreds of  letters and proclamations of
support from religious, political, community and cultural leaders towards
creation of a worldwide Global Peace Zone.

Global Peace NOW!

# # #

Please Re-Cycle, Re-Copy  Pass-It-On...

[fwd by]

David Crockett Williams  18SEP99
Chartered Life Underwriter,
Bachelor of Science of Chemistry,
New-Energy Technology Designer
20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi CA 93561
Phone: 661-833-3309;  Fax 561-658-2735

Global Emergency Alert Response

Capital Hills Research Center

Global Peace Walk Project

Global Peace Walk2000 Zone2000 Year2000

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different 

[CTRL] Borden of Yale '09

1999-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Borden of Yale '09
Mrs Howard Taylor
China Inland Mission
No date - pps.286
William Whiting Borden was a wealthy gentleman, who passed on young. He had
some interesting things to say about Bones and secrecy.

May 24, 1906.

This was Tap Day, rather an interesting event to witness for the first
time.[1] On the first stroke of five o'clock the tapping began, and continued
for about three-quarters of an hour. Tapping is rather a misnomer, for they
hit the men most tremendously and rush them off to their rooms. B.C. went
Scroll and Keys and B.B. [William McCormick Blair] was the last man tapped
for Skull and Bones. Bill Barnes also went Bones. This is a great honour, as
it means lie is bead of that Society for next year. It's all very well in a
way, but they make entirely too much of it, it seems to me.

Well as a result of this excitement I haven't done my work as I should, and
must get busy now.

'The day when the senior societies make known their elections-the most
coveted honour in an undergraduate's career. Skull and Bones, Scroll and Keys
and Wolf's Head are the senior fraternities. As, collectively, they only take
in about forty-five new members each year, the large majority of aspirants is
necessarily disappointed.

p. 119




1906-1907. Æt. 18-19

"His lamps are we,
To shine where He shall say:
And lamps are not for sunny rooms
Nor for the light of day;
But for dark places of the earth
Where shame and wrong and crime have 'birth;
Or for the murky twilight grey
Where wandering sheep have gone astray,
Or where the lamp of faith burns dim
And souls are groping after Him."

WAS it one result of the step taken at the Lakeville Conference that in
sophomore year Borden was drawn into most unexpected and fruitful] work for
others? The Living Water was flowing out in new, unlooked-for channels.

But first be bad to face the, fraternity question which bad been causing him
a good deal of exercise of mind. There were five junior (Greek letter)
societies at Yale, as well as the three senior fraternities already referred
to in Borden's letters. Unless a man had been elected in sophomore year to
membership in one of the five, the senior societies would as a matter of
course pass him by. Each of the junior societies received thirty new members
annually, and as with the senior fraternities, the greatest possible secrecy
was observed in all their proceedings. A fraternity man would "keep still" if
his society were even mentioned. It was this secrecy and the exclusiveness of
the system that troubled Borden, whose uncle had been one of the founders of
Wolf's Head, of which his brother wasa member. "He could have had anything
here that be wanted wrote Dr. Kenneth Latourette in this connection. But,
though feeling no less than others how hard it would be to be shut out,
Borden had his misgivings. His friend Charles Campbell recalls:

Shortly before College opened, Bill asked me to come to Poughkeepsie[1] to
talk over the society question. He invited James _,%T. Howard and E. F.
Jefferson at the same time. The discussion centred about such questions as
these: Could we as Christians go into a secret society? Would such action
harm or help our work for Christ? It was a new thought to most of us. We had
taken the society system -,-cry much for granted, and had never questioned
whether it was right or wrong for us to join one of the fraternities. But
Bill took nothing for granted. He was a servant of Jesus Christ, and
everything must be tested and bear the stamp of Christ's approval before be
would enter upon 1

The element of secrecy was one of Bill's difficulties with regard to joining
a fraternity. As a Christian be felt that he should not go into anything that
be did not clearly understand beforehand. Then he feared that the fraternity
system led to the forming of cliques in the college. He did not wish to be
set apart from the class, Further, Bill did not wish to have anything come
between him and God. He bad given himself wholeheartedly to Christ, to be His

follower pure and simple, and he wanted that relation kept always real.
Therefore he felt he had no right to vow allegiance to any secret, man-made

This attitude is entirely comprehensible to the thoughtful Yale man who
thinks back to his freshman year and remembers bow certain men lose their
beads and set out to make a fraternity as the be-all and end-all of
existence. I remember Bill's telling me of one classmate who said that be
should consider his college course a failure unless he made Delta Kappa
Epsilon among the first ten elected. Happily such insanity does not continue
long after the verdant stage. This man, as I remember, never made Delta Kappa
at all, but another fraternity in its second election, and I am sure he did
not, as a senior, think his course a failure -certainly we, his classmates,
did not.

[1] A place on one of the most beautiful 

Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

DasGoat has given us quite a large pill to swallow!  I wish to state that
many of his views are shared by me.  In other areas of life it is apparent to
me (he is coming from a political perspective for the most part, though not
exclusively, my experience is sociologically, with people in personal
relationships and group dynamics) that people really do, for the most part,
fit the mold that DasGoat iterates for us so baldly and so correctly.  People
desire some indefinite change; "Let's get more freedom." (How is it defined?
They don't know themselves.)  "I hate the government, just look at what
happened in (with). . . . Waco; Ruby Ridge, TWA800, the burdensome taxes, the
terror tactics of the police, drug laws, mind control, media manipulation,
the war in Kosovo, the bombing of Iraq, and on and on I could go.  Each issue
is not fully understood by those who cry the mantra of opposition.  What do
they want?  They don't know, they just whine that "something's got to be
done."  Will they actually get off of their asses and DO something, ANYTHING
AT ALL?  In my experience the answer is NO.  Now it is fair to add that in
many, if not most or all, cases the people who do actually DO something are
the first targeted with real weapons, be they physical, political, or
emotional/manipulative.  Having said that though, if one was REALLY serious
about something needing to be done then the possibility, admittedly very
real, of dying, or getting put away should be no cause for a total paralysis
of action.  That is the case in my experience, not as wide and impressive as
MR. Goat's.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Borden of Yale '09

1999-09-18 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

Maybe all the "Christians" flocking to Bush should ask these same questions
or at least ask Bush to answer can they support a candidate with
satanic associations?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation [rant]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-18 10:35:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

l.  Too late for rational solution, yes.   What I am concerned about is a
bunch of irrational hotheads fomented by "agents provocateurs" kicking off a
self defeating fight against the State.  Let events unfold naturally.

It's a sad fact indeed that you, being as astute as you are, must agree with
But yes, what most of us are concerned about here on CTRL is that there at
least *appears* to be some effort by the government, through its "agents
provocateur," to foment random acts of mass violence IN ADVANCE of the more
rationally-directed equivalent occurring, in order to justify exactly the
kind of repressive government measures that would be needed if the latter
were to manifest -- with the support of a frightened or angry public, which
would NOT be the case should the latter occur.
I can't decide whether such incidents as the Columbine mass-murder or the by
now stereotypical "falling down" of unbalanced losers like Buford Furrow are
products of a government program to create "mind controlled" assassins
--time-bomb "agents in place"-- or just natural "random" expressions of
free-floating collective rage in a populace starting to reach the breaking
point thanks to the cumulative weight of all our culture's social and
economic injustices, in which the government plays a major role.
In other words, there's no telling whether such incidents are DIRECTLY or,
through a pile-up of unfortunate social circumstances resulting in individual
psychotic breakdowns, only INDIRECTLY connected with government strategy
common in a pre-revolutionary period.  But the government is certainly
responding as if they WERE, if only in how the opportunity is seized in
calculated fashion to institute such programs as gun control, pre-emptive
"profiling" of those who MIGHT revolt (for less psychotic reasons), and mass
surveillance of the citizenry beyond what is justifiably needed in a free
That impression is even stronger when we note how the mechanisms for
repression were already being put in place a decade ago, under the presidency
of George Bush, back when such acts of random mass violence were
statistically rare -- only continuing the "contingency plans" drawn up during
the Nixon era, and later the Reagan era, for
"martial law" to control domestic resistance to the State's imperialistic
foreign policy
and muzzle a citizenry increasingly recognizing and distrusting its Nazi-like
The government today is behaving exactly as J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon
when faced with rational dissent or legitimate protest -- it's promoting a
(the "Communist menace" back then, the threat of "foreign and domestic
terrorists" nowadays) to justify its own authoritarianism and absolutism,
altogether self-servingly.
If domestic covert ops (MK-Ultra, "Operation Chaos," etc) and "agents
provocateurs" were standard operating procedure back then, why should we
think they aren't NOW,
under roughly analogous circumstances?  You're correct, in my opinion, about
Waco (and the World Trade Center and Murrah Building bombings) being
"Reichstag fires."
The government is acting systematically as if preparing to head off a
NOT "terrorism" (foreign or domestic) and psychotic breaks in "lone nuts"
with guns.

Of course, the government is no doubt also trying to "provoke" what might
APPEAR to be a "revolution," as a preferred alternative to the REAL thing,
and government agents (Ollie North and Gordon Liddy come to mind, and perhaps
"militia" types like Bo Gritz)
have already infiltrated the milieu from which the public has been led to
believe a real "revolt" MAY come, hoping to steer such a "revolt" safely back
under fascist control.

BTW, when in history has a ruling oligarchy ever "let events unfold
naturally"?  LOL

2.  the situation is now the individual vs the State and is being carried by
We are essentially the tide of future history.

The best we can hope for, IMHO, is that an influential segment of the general
public will be able to RECOGNIZE what's going on and at least not be
"hoodwinked" by the State..

3.  However some recent revolutions have been very much a small group
sparking [for] the masses.   Many years ago I was digging around in the
Institution Tower and found a bundle of papers relating to the Sun Yat Sen
revolution in China (1912)  All the ingredients for a fomented revolution:
names of Wall Street bankers, agreements for concessions, Chinese request for
funds, even lists of arms shipped, expenditures neatly itemized,above all the
names of people involved Chinese and American  These were not intellectuals
they were entrepreneurs who wanted mineral and railroad concessions.  the
papers show a business arrangement rather than anything else.  .

Second, the Bolshevik  Revolution was a small group Lenin, Trostsky with
10,000 followersand with outside funds..  Same 

[CTRL] Texas Tragedy/Mind Control

1999-09-18 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Texas Tragedy/Mind Control?
From: "NewsHawk Inc." Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: NewsHawk

9.16.99 September Massacre-- Dallas/Fort Worth Location No Surprise

NewsHawk made public last month information given to us by a professional,
well-respected and highly-credible resident of Denver, Colo.

This information indicated that rumors were rampant within the goth
underworld of both Denver and Dallas/Forth Worth that a shooting massacre
was going to occur at a school in one of these locations sometime in early

Our source in fact indicated that the Dallas/Forth Worth area, according to
his knowledge, was MOST likely to be the target location for yet another
horrifying episode of mass murder and mayhem, enacted by mind-controlled
"Manchurian Candidate" killers subjected to extensive 'MK-Ultra"-type
mind-manipulation techniques by rogue government intelligence agencies who
are beholden to globalist, New World Order power brokers.

On Wednesday, September 15, just before 7 p.m. (Central Time) one of
POSSIBLY TWO gunmen stormed into the Wedgwood Baptist Church in a quiet
middle-class neighborhood on the southwestern edge of Forth Worth. He
shouted anti-religious curses, tossed at least one pipe bomb up the isle of
the church and ordering his victims to "stay still" while he pumped a hail
of bullets into hymn-singing teenage worshipers in the crowded church,
killing seven people and himself, officials said.

So, it DIDN'T happen at a school; but it DID take place in a school-like
setting in which hundreds of teenagers were present; and once again, as at
Columbine, severe anti-religious/anti-Christian sentiments were expressed by
the shooter(s?).

Again the objective is to terrorize and stampede American society--in
PARTICULAR Christians, who have as a group so far been strongly AGAINST gun
control--into supporting more stringent gun control/registration laws in the

No doubt this incident of mass murder was ALSO designed to both turn the
nation's attention away from the constantly unraveling Waco monstrosity AND
send a message to Texas officials that perhaps they can find something else
to do but force the Pandora's Box of Waco wide open.

No doubt this is a message to "Dubya" as well, who has been rather slow to
completely endorse severe, extensive gun control in either Texas or in the
nation, of which he hopes to soon be President.

We're sure Dubya got the message this time. Watch for him to show some
sudden support for restrictive gun control legislation in the VERY near

Some "oddities"-- There are reports of another gunman or participant being

An unidentified firearm NOT belonging to the known shooter was found near
his body.

Thursday morning Forth Worth city official Pat Svacina made a peculiar and
rather troubling statement about the mass murder Wednesday night; saying,
"there are some indications that something may not be right."

And a BIGGIE: according to some reports ATF agents were on the scene at
Wedgewood Baptist within a few MINUTES of the outbreak of the shooting
(shades of Columbine!). NO WORD of pipe bombs having apparently been
utilized had yet been made public. WHAT WAS ATF DOING THERE?!

More inconsistencies, contradictions and irregularities will doubtless arise
in the hours and days to follow regarding this latest scripted, planned
staged and implemented covert government massacre.

More as the story develops.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

From: "NewsHawk Inc." Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Organization: NewsHawk Inc.
Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no 

[CTRL] Internment Camps are real! Read and Learn! Billy Dee Reports!]

1999-09-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

It pays to be persistant! One more from Mark too.

  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Try our website:
for some photos.

 Original Message 
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Internment Camps are real!  Read and Learn!  Billy
Dee Reports!
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 22:58:34 -0500

I have put my report and reply to this reply  below.

Billy Dee

Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Thu, 16 Sep 1999 23:23:15 -0400
Subject:[TheEagle-L] Re: Internment camps BS


 These pictures have been around the net for a couple of years now.  They
 don't prove squat.  Your statements are completely unsubstantiated.
 Give me a quote from a person who is qualified to make such statements
 that I have some way of verifying.

  Well, this is your lucky day!  I am a qualified person on the
subject of
American detention center's.  In fact, for your information, our
organization was the one that blew the whistle on the government secret
project called, "Operation Garden Plot", which started in the late 50's
the early 60's.And it was our organization that put pressure on the
government to own up and fess up to the over 100 detention center's that
exist in this country today.  They each house 20,000 people (although
they are empty accept they are fully staffed and ready).
About 4 years ago I sent one of my director's in the field to
get as
much information as possible about these alleged (at that time they were
alleged) detention center's that were allegedly being built for such
as political dissindent's, militia people, Right wing Christian,s only
name but a few.  Obviously, I was just shocked to hear such
 Do my director set out for a weekend, under the directions of a close
political friend and source (who told here where to look.) and she
those the camps that are in Georgia.  And, she also gave excellant road
direction's to the camp.  On top of that, I was sent by a congressmen
about 4 years ago a file called "Operation Garden PLot".  This file is
where it all began and we started to piece together a very unbelievable
situation.  Could it be that our government has been secretly building
detention center's for future us to house those that they feel are
dangers towards the government, among other reasons?  Well, so began
our almost 1 year investigation and research.  Finally after we had all
information in, we sent out press release's of this information and
demanding answers from our government.  None came!  Then in the
summer of about 4 years ago, there was a CNN clip on tv that I saw a
CNN spokesmen twice question Slick Willy (Clinton) about the alleged
detention center's.   Clinton shot back both times he was asked with a
very angry and upset look in his face and voice and refused to make any
comments on that.  Well, that alone showed me that he knew this was
true!   Keep in mind that the CNN spokesmen had read our posts on our
research and investigation's on the alleged D.Camps (alleged still at
Then in October of that year, Congressmen Gonzales made a
public appearance on tv (hopefully at least some of you will remember
that), and he stated that the Detention center's were indeed truth!  And
that these center's have been built.  And he further stated publically
is was part of a secret project since the early 60's.
 And there you have it!  If that is not enough for you, then I
be happy to send you a copy of that file called "Operation Garden
I have sent that file out at least about 600 times so far in the past 4
years.  Plus, I do have other file's on the camps that our director
Your welcome to get copies of those.
 Maybe someone else on the list recalls exactly what I am
about with these detention center's.  This is old information by the
But I guess there still many people who have not heard about it.  I
think it
would be a good idea to repost our original posts on the detention
center's to educate and enlighten those still unaware of the truth and
reality of the d.t. center's.

Thank You
Billy Dee
Founder Of UFOSSI

   Pow camp built in Kingwood WV!

The first picture is of a pow camp set up in Fort Dix New
   Jersey(courtesy of Newswatch Magazine) It is here for
reference only. The rest are original Kingwood WV pictures. It
   is not finished as of yet. The barbwire is not up.
Compare to the one in Fort Dix. This camp is part of a
   $6.8million expansion project at Camp Dawson Army Base
   near Kingwood WV. These will be used to hold the people deemed

[CTRL] [Fwd: [Fwd: SNET: Bad Vibes: HAARPing over Littleton]]

1999-09-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Thought you may be interested in the news that HAARP was involved in the
Littleton shootings as well.


 Subject: SNET: Bad Vibes: HAARPing over Littleton
 Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 23:24:37 EDT
 To: undisclosed-recipients:@[EMAIL PROTECTED];

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 Please send as far and wide as possible.


 Robert Sterling
 Editor, The Konformist

 Bad Vibes: HAARPing over Littleton
 From Kent Steadman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 1. HAARP-spike coincided precisely with the shootings.  As far as I
 The east-west peak (HAARP) occurred at 10:40 PDT and the north-south
 occurred at 1:20 PDT. The shootings began between 11:00 and 11:30 PDT.
 See overlay at:
 General info:

 2. We caught two radar anomalies, after the fact, in the Mountain
 West, with
 perhaps some we missed, still sleuthing.
 General info:

 3. On the 4/16 was the most awesome and unprecedented magnetic event
 seriously compressed the earth's atmosphere.  See:
 Also see current CMEs the most powerful upsurge yet in Cycle 23:

 4. Plasma fireball reported over Missoula, Montana area.  See:

 5. EMAIL: Over the last week many people here on Hatteras Island, NC,
 been aware of a low frequency rumble that we feel as pressure on our
 ears as
 much as hear.

 Kent Steadman

 If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist
 please visit and sign up. Or,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject: "I NEED 2
 (Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool catch phrase.)

 Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

 - Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [Fwd: HAARP went WILD on Day Of Texas Church Shooting]]

1999-09-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Fwd: HAARP went WILD on Day Of Texas Church Shooting]

 Will they be using HAARP to stimulate the religious
sector of the brain when they get the holograms up and running?


 Original Message 
Subject: HAARP went WILD on Day Of Texas Church Shooting
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 07:34:32 +
From: "NewsHawk Inc." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: NewsHawk Inc.

HAARP went WILD on Day Of Texas Church Shooting

The "HAARD" evidence is in. The covert government's ultra-powerful
global-wide HAARP project, KNOWN to have mind, mood, and
THOUGHT-manipulating capabilities and agendas according to REAMS of
official internal documentation, was transmitting at MAJOR peak levels
on the evening of September 15, when the shooting massacre broke out at
Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth.

Magnetic variations, as shown by charts from the official HAARP website,
went absolutely BONKERS on the 15th, with fluctuations going literally
off the scale in both directions.

See the charts at this webpage --

Magnetic fluctuations of such magnitude are some of the telltale signs,
as described in official government HAARP documentation, of mind
altering transmissions being broadcast by the system.

Such a massive, widespread transmission would have an impact on
virtually EVERYONE within a targeted area to some extent or other; but
would have an even greater influence on any "pre-programmed" mind
controlled operatives (victims) being impacted by the transmissions.

Such as one Larry Ashbrook, the very guy who was never the same after
returning from his NAVY stint (HAARP has been under total control of the
Navy for 2 years now); who had complained--quite coherently and
lucidly--for quite some period of time to a number of people that he was
being subjected to "psychological warfare" experiments, drugged against
his will and subjected to other forms of bizarre harassment by the CIA,
law enforcement etc..

We think Larry Ashbrook was right. And it seems damn likely that HAARP
transmissions were part of the mind control techniques the shadow
government used to trigger the Fort Worth church massacre.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] *X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR Ley Lines]]

1999-09-18 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Fwd: *X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR "Ley Lines"]

 Original Message 
Subject: *X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR "Ley Lines"
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 07:42:52 +
From: "NewsHawk Inc." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: NewsHawk Inc.

*X* MARKS THE SPOT--Made Up Of MAJOR "Ley Lines"

The following was received from a NewsHawk respondent. We've correlated
the information she brings up with some other sources, who confirm her

The two lines which make up the *X* along which many mass shooting
incidents have occurred in the past 2-3 years, are in fact considered to
be major, very powerful "earth grid" or "ley" lines. Such lines would
correspond to major acupuncture meridians in the human body according to
the principals of acupuncture.

Certain locations along these lines would be especially strong "power

NewsHawk Inc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: *X*  MARKS THE SPOT!
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:24:49 -0700
From: "Jane"

This is going to sound extremely off-the-wall, but I looked at the plot
the "line of destruction" angling down across the map from Oregon to
Alabama, and was struck by the fact that I have seen that line before.
have a friend who is a ley-line enthusiast who also works for the USGS
as a
mapmaker.  She showed me *this same line* plotted on the map, as a
force line.  It seems it's a hidden rift/fault line that is only visible
you're using satellite maps of the US and know the signs to look for.
used to looking at aerial photos for doing topographic maps, so it
jumped right out at her.

If you extend the OTHER line up through Ohio and upstate New York, it
follows the path of a ley line that some other folks I know mapped out,
years back.

Ley linetheory claims that the ancients tapped "dragon force" by
rites and sacrifices at sacred sites of power adjoining (but not
on) the ley, and at sites at ley meeting points such as Glastonbury.  Or
Washington DC, which was laid out according to ley theory and Masonic
symbology.  (And for that matter, ever wonder why the Pentagon is a
pentagon?  I don't.)  For some reason, geomantic traditions have been
big in
the power circles for centuries.

Food for thought.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The glorious capitalist free market economic system.

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-18 17:53:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DasGoat has given us quite a large pill to swallow!  I wish to state that
many of his views are shared by me.  In other areas of life it is apparent to
me (he is coming from a political perspective for the most part, though not
exclusively, my experience is sociologically, with people in personal
relationships and group dynamics) that people really do, for the most part,
fit the mold that DasGoat iterates for us so baldly and so correctly.  People
desire some indefinite change; "Let's get more freedom." (How is it defined?
They don't know themselves.)  "I hate the government, just look at what
happened in (with). . . . Waco; Ruby Ridge, TWA800, the burdensome taxes, the
terror tactics of the police, drug laws, mind control, media manipulation,
the war in Kosovo, the bombing of Iraq, and on and on I could go.  Each issue
is not fully understood by those who cry the mantra of opposition.  What do
they want?  They don't know, they just whine that "something's got to be
done."  Will they actually get off of their asses and DO something, ANYTHING
AT ALL?  In my experience the answer is NO.  Now it is fair to add that in
many, if not most or all, cases the people who do actually DO something are
the first targeted with real weapons, be they physical, political, or
emotional/manipulative.  Having said that though, if one was REALLY serious
about something needing to be done then the possibility, admittedly very
real, of dying, or getting put away should be no cause for a total paralysis
of action.  That is the case in my experience, not as wide and impressive as
MR. Goat's.

Thanks for "getting it," dude.  As I hope everyone else has understood by
now, my post was a "Devil's Advocate" piece, expressing sentiments that I
don't ENTIRELY share (but share just enough to understand completely), to
give you all the otherwise improbable experience of being addressed, face to
face and with brutal honesty, by those on the opposite side of the equation
reflected in Conspiracy Theory.  An encounter with your "Shadow," you might
say.  There's something important EMOTIONALLY as well as INTELLECTUALLY to be
learned from such a "wake-up call," the equivalent of finding oneself one day
on a real battlefield in real war, stripped viscerally of all candy-coated
buffers against seeing the life-or-death realities of the "law of the
jungle," suddenly inescapably aware of what frighteningly thin ice the
artificially manufactured oasis of "security" in our society really rests on.
  Better to face such a realization early, in order to steel oneself
emotionally, than too late -- when already enveloped by it without any
opportunity to prepare oneself fully for coping with the exigencies of "fight
or flight."

If it's any consolation to readers who may have felt antagonized by it,
unfairly so, this "bitter pill" is something I MYSELF have to swallow TOO and
it's just as unpleasant to ME.  We can afford the luxury of being casually
indifferent to the Serpent in our Garden, but NOT when the same creature we
THINK we know rears its ugly head in full strength as a fire-breathing
Dragon.  As no doubt some of you do now too, I fear for the future of our
nation and the fate of our (at least theoretical and tentative) "free
society, and it's becoming REAL fear, gut-level, not just a sentiment in the
head -- and I hope to God (or whatever the operative determinative of space,
time and personal fate is)-- that we, all of us, can be spared the ordeal of
experiencing life as it can be in a worst case scenario.

What should we DO?  I'm more of a THINKER than a DOER, in case you hadn't
I've got no no easy answers, even for myself; but it's necessary, IMHO, to
begin asking that question with a much more serious tone than we've been
doing up until this point.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FW: Mobilizing against globalization could bring revolution to Seattl

1999-09-18 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Toward Freedom

Sept/Oct 1999


Mobilizing against globalization could bring revolution to Seattle


Should countries have the right to set health and safety standards for the
food their citizens eat? Should they be allowed to exclude
foreign-produced foods that don't meet national standards? Or should these
questions be decided by the World Trade Organization (WTO)? Like it or
not, these issues are being decided right now. In the latest trade dispute
between the world's two largest trading partners, the US placed sanctions
worth about $117 million on European goods in late July. The goal is to
force the Europeans to import US beef that is raised with growth hormones.

Ordinarily, the decision to place 100 percent tariffs on French truffles,
foie gras, and other delicacies that most of us have never tasted would
violate our international trade agreements. But, in this case, the US has
the backing of the WTO, a 134-nation body that was created four years ago
to negotiate and govern world trade. Ruling that Europe's ban on
hormone-treated beef is illegal, it authorized the US to impose
retaliatory trade sanctions against the European Union. Consider the
arguments: The Europeans don't allow beef that is treated with growth
hormones to be sold in their markets, regardless of where it's produced.
They just don't think it's all that safe to eat. But most US beef is, in
fact, treated with these hormones. So the government, at the request of
the US beef industry, filed a complaint at the WTO, arguing that the ban
was an unfair restriction on trade. The WTO's rules say that any health or
environmental standard that affects trade must be supported by scientific
evidence. Thus, it appointed a three-judge panel, which decided in March
1997 that there wasn't enough scientific evidence to justify Europe's ban
on hormone-treated beef.

An independent panel of scientists, assigned by the European Commission to
consider these questions, reached a different conclusion. They found that
one of the six hormones commonly found in beef is a "complete carcinogen."
For the other five, they concluded that further study would be needed -
although anyone reading the 142-page report would undoubtedly wonder why
the US allows these drugs to be pumped into its livestock.

Well, if most people actually knew what they were eating, they probably
wouldn't - especially those most susceptible to the effects of the
hormones, such as children and pregnant women. But there are no labeling
requirements for these extra ingredients in US hamburgers. Regardless of
how one assesses the scientific evidence, shouldn't the Europeans be
allowed to err on the side of caution if they so choose? Most people would
say yes. This case is particularly outrageous because everyone agrees that
the law against hormone-treated beef was designed to protect Europe's
consumers, not its domestic cattle industry. And the law applies without
discrimination to both domestic and foreign producers. Yet, the WTO
insists that an unaccountable, three-judge panel, meeting in secret, can
overturn a European law - simply because it has an adverse impact on

Clearly the tail (trade) is wagging the dog here. And this is exactly what
environmental, consumer, and labor groups warned would happen when the WTO
was created four years ago. Its track record has validated these warnings.
In 1997, for instance, the US Environmental Protection Agency weakened its
regulations on contaminants in imported gasoline, in order to comply with
a WTO ruling that found these rules to be an unfair trade barrier. The
enforcement of the US Endangered Species Act - specifically, the
protection of sea turtles - has also been compromised by recent WTO

From the point of view of big business, and especially large multinational
corporations, these aren't disturbing developments. For them, it's only
natural to see human beings and the environment as mere instruments for
expanding global trade and commerce. They are quite comfortable with
having these decisions made by a tribunal of an international organization
where they can have the predominant influence - unencumbered by any
congress, parliament, or other elected officials that might have to care
what ordinary citizens think. The WTO is their creature, and so it has
been pretty consistent in taking the side of business against the rights
of citizens and the global community. As more people are beginning to see,
this is the crux of the problem. Institutions like the WTO, the
International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank - as well as commercial
agreements embodying the same principles, like NAFTA or the recently
derailed Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) - are deliberately
designed to transfer power over economic decision-making from 

[CTRL] Founding Fatherhood

1999-09-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 Editorial Note: Today in History

 September 17, 1999

 On this day in 1787, the United States Constitution was signed by a majority of
 the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, in Philadelphia. How the
 Founders would have been horrified by the federal monstrosity that has succeeded
 their labors: a federal government that has been bloated, out of all proportion,
 beyond their wildest imaginings. Also on this day, in 1796, President George
 Washington – having declined a third term – issued his Farewell Address in
 Philadelphia. That historic speech is as relevant today as the day it was
 written and delivered – perhaps it is even more relevant. For today, America
 reigns over a vast empire far more powerful than that lorded over by King George
 III – and the danger to our republic has never been greater. We seem to have
 forgotten the advice left to us by the Father of our country, and sorely need
 reminding. And so here is a portion of Washington's Farewell Address for the
 delectation of our readers, who may or may not be familiar with its sage advice.

 Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony
 with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct. And can it be that good
 policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and
 at no distant period a great nation to give to mankind the magnanimous and too
 novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence.
 Who can doubt that in the course of time and things the fruits of such a plan
 would richly repay any temporary advantage which might be lost by a steady
 adherence to it? Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent
 felicity of a nation with its virtue? The experiment, at least, is recommended
 by every sentiment which enobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible
 by its vices?

 In the execution of such a plan nothing is more essential than that permanent,
 inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for
 others should be excluded, and that in place of them just and amicable feelings
 toward all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another an
 habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave
 to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it
 astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another
 disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight
 causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable when accidental or trifling
 occasions of dispute occur.

 So, likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a
 variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of
 an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and
 infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a
 participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement
 or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of
 privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the
 concessions by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and
 by exciting jealousy, ill will, and a disposition to retaliate in the parties
 from whom equal privileges are withheld; and it gives to ambitious, corrupted,
 or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation) facility to
 betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country without odium, sometimes
 even with popularity, gilding with the appearances of a virtuous sense of
 obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for
 public good the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or

 Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me,
 fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake,
 since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most
 baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be
 impartial, else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided,
 instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and
 excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on
 one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other.
 Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become
 suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and
 confidence of the people to surrender their interests.

 The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending
 our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as
 possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled

[CTRL] Tb or not TB / Heartfelt

1999-09-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From the BBC

 Friday, September 17, 1999 Published at 23:45 GMT 00:45 UK
 World: Europe
 Russian TB threatens the world
 One in 10 Russian prisoners is thought to have TB
 By Madrid Correspondent Daniel Schweimler

 World experts in the treatment of tuberculosis have warned that the
 disease in Russian prisons is a timebomb waiting to go off.

 Speaking in Madrid at the International Conference on Lung Health, they
 said that unless urgent measures are taken to stop what they call "the
 prison TB pump", the incidence of the disease in Russia will keep
 growing and inevitably spread to the rest of the world.

 The incidence of tuberculosis in Russia has more than doubled since 1991
 and a quarter of those cases are in Russian prisons.

 TB breeding grounds

 The conditions in these under-heated, under-resourced, overcrowded
 buildings is ideal for the spread of the disease, which is killing about
 5,000 prisoners a year.

 Picture: [ image: Scientists are testing traditional herbal remedies as
 they search for new cures]Scientists are testing traditional herbal
 remedies as they search for new cures The head of Russia's prison
 medical service, Colonel Alexander Conets, told delegates that thanks to
 a greater openness in Russian society, they could firstly admit that
 there is a problem and secondly seek help in trying to deal with it.

 But 100,000 prisoners are released from Russian jails every year, many
 of them infected with TB.

 Lee Reichman from the National Tuberculosis Centre in the United States
 said the problem would not remain confined to Russia. "Tuberculosis is
 an infectious disease, it spreads from person to person," he said.

 "So it must spread and it's being incubated in Russian prisons, and
 unless we do something about this incubation, when it gets out it's
 going to be a disaster."

 Resistance spells danger

 But what is also worrying health experts is the increase of a new form
 of drug resistant TB which has developed because of widespread misuse of
 antibiotics. This new strain of the disease is expensive to treat and is
 also finding a perfect breeding-ground in Russian jails.

 Picture: [ image: Cold, crowded and underfunded - Russian prisons
 provide ideal conditions for spreading TB]Cold, crowded and underfunded
 - Russian prisons provide ideal conditions for spreading TB A number of
 international organisations, with the backing of the World Health
 Organisation (Who), have launched a pilot project in the central Russian
 region of Tomsk to try to deal with this new strain of TB. It is
 expensive and there are fears that funding for the project could be

 Hopefully the World Bank is going to come in with a major loan, but the
 local problems in Russia - where there's currently chaos and worse -
 will make it difficult to receive the loan or use it properly," said Mr

 According to speakers at the conference, there is no time to lose - the
 accelerating spread in Russian prisons of HIV, the virus that can lead
 to Aids, will they say lead to an explosion of TB among inmates.

 The message from the Madrid conference is clear: that as we enter the
 new century, Western countries and international organisations must
 provide the commitment and the financial resources to address public
 health threats on a global scale.

From the Telegraph (UK)

 ISSUE 1576Saturday 18 September 1999

 Hearts taken from 11,000 babies
 By Sean O'Neill

 HOSPITALS have removed and retained, without parents' consent,
 the hearts of at least 11,000 children who died of cardiac disease in the past
 40 years.

 Large collections of damaged and malformed hearts are stored at major hospitals
 across the country. The organs were removed from the bodies of children during
 post mortem examinations for which consent was given.

 But permission was not sought from families to store the hearts for decades to
 carry out medical research. Relatives did not know that they were burying their
 children without their hearts. The largest collection is held at Alder Hey
 Children's Hospital in Liverpool, which has amassed 2,500 hearts since the late

 In London, the Royal Brompton Hospital and Great Ormond Street Children's
 Hospital have catalogued and stored some 2,000 hearts each. There are 1,500 kept
 in Birmingham and a further 1,000 in Leeds. Hospitals in Southampton, Newcastle,
 Manchester and Bristol have retained about 500 each.

 The widespread practice of tissue retention came to light following the scandal
 of high death rates in paediatric cardiac surgery at the Bristol Royal

 Helen Rickard, who uncovered the practice when she discovered that her daughter
 Samantha had been buried without her heart, will give evidence on Monday to the
 public inquiry into events at Bristol. Mrs Rickard, whose 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Campaign to End Media Bias [CEMB]

1999-09-18 Thread Andy C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

No, that's simply not true.

If you check out the site
you'll see that the Coalition To End Media Bias [CEMB] is against any and all
media bias in the political process. The one against GWB --re the coke question--
is only one of many.  Just ask any of the folks who have already joined the CEMB
effort.  It's been a great surge lately. Folks are coming up with tons of
instances of media bias, etc. It's a completely volunteer grassroots effort at the
national level.

Check it out for yourself. Don't believe the conspiracy against CEMB.



  -Caveat Lector-

 CEMB is only interested in "bias" against Bush...nobody else is in the race
 according to CEMB..from CEMB postings so far anyways.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [MC] RUMOR? Fwd]

1999-09-18 Thread Andy C. Szul Jr.


E-mail Rumor Completely Untrue

A completely false rumor concerning the U.S. Postal Service is being
circulated over the Internet via e-mail.

The e-mail message claims that a "Congressman Schnell" has introduced "Bill
602P" to allow the federal government to impose a
5-cent surcharge on each e-mail message delivered over the Internet. The money
would be collected by Internet Service Providers
and then turned over to the Postal Service.

No such proposed legislation exists. In fact, no "Congressman Schnell" exists.

The U.S. Postal Service has no authority to surcharge e-mail messages sent
over the Internet, nor would it support such legislation.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
MINDCONTROL-L Mind Control and Psyops Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the following text: "unsubscribe MINDCONTROL-L" or "subscribe
 Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED], list moderator

Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation (Rant)

1999-09-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Das Goat wrote:

BTW, when in history has a ruling oligarchy ever "let events unfold
naturally"?  LOL

2.  the situation is now the individual vs the State and is being carried
We are essentially the tide of future history.

The best we can hope for, IMHO, is that an influential segment of the
public will be able to RECOGNIZE what's going on and at least not be
"hoodwinked" by the State.

Since I'm not nearly as articulate or poetic as Goat, I'd just like to post
the following excerpt from an article one of LaRouche's associates wrote
about his research into how the oligarchy of Venice controlled the destiny
of the age in which it lived, and has actually perpetuated itself into the
present day.  The evil that we see everywhere we looked is the same evil
that existed in the 15th Century, the 14th and back as far as you want to

The problem in dealing with this evil is that "normal" people conceive of
evil in terms of minor vice and cannot conceive of the massive proportions
to which an oligarchy will go to preserve its mode of existence.

Below is a small excerpt only from the article, but I recommend reading it
in its entirety.  The site will also take you to other articles in the
series written by Don Phau, who, by the way, was one of the LaRouche
associates imprisoned for several years by LaRouche enemies.

Linda Minor

"The Venetian method is the method of not taking sides, but playing sides
against one another, to one's advantage. You go into a country, you go among
a people, you go to an individual person, and you corrupt them by knowing
the principle of corruption which is imbedded in every person. That
principle of corruption is the person's self-ego as an autonomous ego, as a
microcosm, in counterposition, in struggle, against the macrocosm. Not the
individual as a part of a macrocosm, as a reflection of the macrocosm; not
the individual as imago Dei--in the image of God the Creator--but the
individual as a sensual creature in war against not all but the all, to
correct the ordinary reading of Hobbes.
Once you understand that method, you can see the examples of how that method
is consciously applied by the Venetians, in philosophy and elsewhere. That
is what empiricism is, what materialism is, in the form in which people like
Pompanazzi, Gasparo Contarini, and so forth, introduced it [into western
philosophical thinking]. "  ---Lyndon LaRouche

Venice: The Methodology of Evil -- Part I
by Donald Phau
Printed in The American Almanac, May 16, 1994.

Venice's navy was the power which was the basis for its domination of world
trade from the thirteenth century to the beginning of the sixteenth century.
With its geographical location, Venice controlled all commerce between the
East and the West. All trade with India, China, and the Mideast, unless it
went on dangerous routes over land, went through Venice. The Venetian State
controlled all commerce, i.e., it was hardly an example of free enterprise.

Clement writes:

``Private owners of vessels were not allowed to send cargoes to ports where
Venice sent fleets. Vessels were built and fitted out by the State, and put
up at auction to be bidden for by the merchants, the voyages all being made
according to regulations, and a good share of the profits paid to the State.
Private owners were licensed before freightening a ship, and no ship not
commanded by a Venetian was permitted to sail from the lagoons. Ships of war
guarded the mouths of the rivers, and all foreign vessels were liable to
inspection. All kinds of goods carried in Venetian ships were obliged to be
taken to Venice before they could be sent to any other port.''
Venice used every trick and deceit to try to play off one nation against the
other to regain her empire. Her main weapon was her diplomats. At the
beginning, Venice formulated one strategy to ally with France against the
Holy Roman Emperor, Maximillian. In return, France would aid her in
reconquering her lost cities. Part of her strategy, which we will focus on,
was to keep England, a growing power, neutral.
In 1515, the Serenissima sent one of her most capable diplomats, Sebastian
Giustinian, to London. Giustinian's diplomatic dispatches provide an insight
into the ``principle of evil'' at work. The ambassador's task was to profile
England's new King, Henry VIII, and his court, gain Henry's confidence and
manipulate him to Venice's ends. In one of his first dispatches from London,
he acknowledges his instructions to act with deceit to accomplish his
mission. He writes:

``I shall keep well on the watch to learn everything, and will endeavour to
ingratiate myself well with these lords, and of the result, my letters shall
inform your sublimity.''
Guistinian's assignment to England came at a transition point in Venice's
strategy for control of Europe. With the opening of the route around
southern Africa in 1498, the 

Re: [CTRL] SCOOP: This Week In [... Hypocrisy]

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-15 17:00:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

G.W.Bush sending all those people to prison for cocaine possession is
comparable to J.Edgar Hoover condemning all homosexuals. By doing so, it
gives the "impression" that they would never stand for, nevermind partake in
such activity.

It's just a smokescreen for them to hide behind from the public's view. While
all along they are as "guilty" as the ones they persecute/prosecute. They
were and are the biggest of hypocrites; and neither deserved to be in any
elected or assigned office-ever!

 "Among the cases of hypocrisy [Larry] Flynt has documented:
 "[Item 2:]  A high-ranking Republican who had phone sex with a woman;
she recorded it
 " 'I dont't have moral values,' the politician boasted, 'I just talk
about them on TV.' "

 The above from "Inside Flynt," by Denise Hamilton, "an inside look into
what makes Flynt's investigative team tick," in the SF Weekly, Sept 15-21,
1999, text available at:

 It also includes certain intriguing factoids such as this:
 "These days, he has a wide variety of friends ... Flynt was the late
John F. Kennedy Jr's [personal] guest this year to the annual White House
correspondents' dinner ..."

 "Flynt has long aspired to be a Washington player.  His short-lived
magazine 'The Rebel' sought to do investigative political journalism on a
grand scale ... [until it] was shut down after Flynt was shot and paralyzed
in 1978 ..."

 His current goal?  "To expose the HYPOCRISY [of our "reputable" leaders]
and let people know that it crosses party lines and no [institution] has a
monopoly on it."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Plutocrats and the WTO

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-


"A shadowy international group increasingly tells governments
what they can and can't do.  Activists are taking on the World
Trade Organization at its first ever U.S. meeting this fall."

 by Daniel Zoll
 San Francisco Bay Guardian, September 15, 1999

 When [California] state assembly members Patricia Wiggins
(D-Santa Rosa) and Tom Torlakson (D-Martinez) introduced
legislation requiring government contractors to use U.S.-made
materials, they hoped to give a boost to domestic industry. The
legislature passed the "Buy American" bill last week.
 Now it just has to pass muster with an unelected panel of
trade representatives based in Switzerland.
 In approving the bill, California lawmakers withstood heavy
lobbying from the California Council for International Trade,
which represents Chevron, Boeing, the Gap, and some of the other
biggest corporations doing business in the state. Those
corporations say giving preference to local companies is illegal
under rules passed by the Geneva-based World Trade Organization.
They should know: they helped devise the WTO in the first place.
 Thanks to the WTO, the Buy American bill, now sitting on
Gov. Gray Davis's desk, faces an uncertain future. It could be
the latest victim of global "free trade" measures that are tying
the hands of national, state, and local governments. Since its
founding in 1995, the WTO has weakened the U.S. Clean Air Act,
ruled against European food safety laws, and watered down a U.S.
environmental law protecting endangered sea turtles -- all in the
name of free trade and corporate profits.
 Although the WTO's sweeping authority is still unknown to
most Americans, the backlash against free trade rules is gaining
momentum. When the WTO holds its first ministerial on U.S. turf,
in Seattle in November, it will be greeted by protesters from
around the world: AIDS activists, organic farmers, food safety
defenders, environmentalists, union members, and hundreds of
others. The activities are set to include rallies, a teach-in,
press conferences, an anti-WTO daily newspaper, street theater,
and general civil disobedience; organizers are billing it as the
"protest of the century."
 "It's like a carnival against capitalism," Kevin Danaher of
San Francisco-based nonprofit Global Exchange says of the
anti-WTO events planned for Seattle. "The whole rainbow is going
to be there: the labor groups, the environmental groups, the
sweatshop groups. This is the Woodstock for the global economy."

Consistently corporate

 The WTO consists of 134 member countries, along with 33
nations with "observer" status. Under the WTO's dispute
settlement process, countries can challenge each other's laws and
regulations as trade barriers. Decisions are made in secret by a
panel of unelected, unaccountable trade bureaucrats who are not
subject to conflict-of-interest laws.
 Since its founding in 1995, the WTO has been remarkably
consistent: virtually every single time a public health or
environmental law has been challenged, the WTO has ruled it
illegal. In its very first decision, the WTO ruled in favor of
foreign oil refiners and against the U.S. Clean Air Act, which
required refiners to produce cleaner gas.
 The WTO can also be counted on to lower public health
standards at every opportunity. Under WTO rules, countries are
not required to have minimum food safety standards -- but they
can be penalized for setting standards that are higher than
guidelines allowed under global trade rules. Last year the WTO
ruled on behalf of the Clinton administration that Europe's
import ban against beef from cattle treated with certain growth
hormones was illegal. As a result, the E.U. must change its law
or face harsh trade sanctions.
 Sometimes, the mere threat of a challenge in the WTO is
enough to induce a country to change a law or policy designed to
protect health or the environment. That's what happened when
Guatemala, in accordance with UNICEF guidelines, tried to ban
baby formula packaging that associated formula with healthy, fat
babies. After the U.S. State Department, at the behest of Gerber
Products, threatened to challenge the regulation at the WTO,
Guatemala dumped the law.
 If multinational corporations and other WTO boosters get
their way, those rulings are just the beginning. Free traders
hope the Seattle meeting will launch a "Millennium Round" of
trade talks that would dramatically expand the WTO's authority
into areas such as investment, competition policy, and government
procurement. Also planned is a global agreement on deregulating
the trade in forest products, which activists are calling the
"free logging" agreement. There is even talk of negotiating a
so-called Multilateral Agreement on Investments, which would
restrict governments' ability to regulate foreign investment and
currency speculation.

Global government

 Activists are seizing the WTO ministerial as a 

[CTRL] Enter the Devil...

1999-09-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Venice: The Methodology of Evil -- Part II
by Donald Phau
Printed in The American Almanac, May 23, 1994.

In the first part of this series, we introduced the reader to the Italian
city-state of Venice, also called the Serenissima or ``most serene
republic.'' This small city on the Adriatic Sea was, for over 600 years a
major European empire. We learned how its methodology of evil, practiced by
its ambassadors throughout the world, targeted, profiled, and corrupted the
kings and the courts of Europe. We saw that an alliance of European nations
with the Vatican wiped out Venice's empire between 1509-1513. Venice
responded and rebuilt, by turning nation against nation through the
perfected use of the art of ``divide and conquer.''
In this second part we hope to give the reader an understanding of how the
Serenissima's methodology of evil sought to reach into and steal mankind's
very soul. We will see how Venice instigated the religious wars of Europe
during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, killing millions and
devastating nations.

As in Part I of this series, we will make extensive use of the contemporary
reports written by the ambassadors of Venice, using their own words to
illustrate one point: Venice's strategy was to never take sides, especially
in the very battles they provoked. In the wars between Catholics and
Protestants, Venice's goal was to turn the victims of both sides into a
mindless, pagan mob. Such a mob could then be easily used as a battering ram
against the institutions of Venice's enemies. Reflecting this knowledge are
the words of one Venetian ambassador, who, commenting on the spread of
Protestantism, said that ``as a result, doubts and uncertainties arise in
men's minds; they don't know which is the true faith, and, not satisfied
with any of them, they end up believing in none.''

Alarmed by Venice's near-annihilation by the League of Cambrai, a faction of
the Venetian nobility decided to regroup, and to formulate a new war
strategy. A network was formed, consisting of young nobles from the
University of Padua, and another group which had decided to become
Camaldolese monks, an order of the Benedictines. Together, these cultural
warriors laid the ideological groundwork for radical Protestantism as the
new weapon of religious warfare.

The Vatican and the Catholic Church, the one institution which could unite
the Christian nations of Europe, was especially targeted by Venice. The
strategy was twofold: to penetrate and corrupt the Church itself, while
simultaneously creating a mass anti-Catholic movement to destroy the Church
from the outside. Venice, of course, would be on both sides.

Venice's targeting of the Roman Catholic Church was on the level of
epistemological warfare. Venice's real enemy was the concept that man is
made in the image of God, and is therefore endowed by the Creator with a
spark of divinity which separates men from the beasts. The Church's
responsibility was to protect this spark given to man. Venice's strategy was
to snuff out this spark forever or, like the Devil in Christopher Marlowe's
play The Tragical Historie of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus, to steal
man's soul. Once this was accomplished, the Vatican would be just one more
tool in Venice's policy of divide and conquer.

Enter the Devil...
Venice's key agent in its new strategy was the Venetian nobleman Gasparo
Contarini. Let's take a quick trip back in time to learn more.
The year is 1501 and we are sitting in a gondola on one of Venice's canals.
We watch, as Gasparo Contarini, his belongings packed, leaves his palace for
the day's trip to Padua. Gasparo is 18 years old and he is going to complete
his education at the University of Padua.

All the noble families of Venice had been sending their brightest sons to
Padua for many years. Gasparo's brothers had entered business or were
managing the family's extensive land holdings. But he was being prepared for
other things. The family itself dated its ancestors to the Roman tribunes of
the fifth century. Throughout Venice's history, the Contarinis would give
the city of Venice eight doges and 22 bishops.

Venice by this time had grown from a city of 65,000 people a century earlier
to an empire of millions. But as Gasparo took the road to Padua, Venice was
on the decline and the power of Spain, England, and France was growing. The
discovery of the trade route around the Cape of Good Hope of Africa in 1486,
15 years earlier, had already shifted trade centers to the northern cities
of Europe. Venice's role as the crossroads between East and West was being

At Padua, Contarini threw himself into his studies, especially of Aristotle.
Four years before his arrival, the Venetian Senate had voted up funding for
the first chair dedicated to the study of Aristotle, and 

[CTRL] China Conference Exhibition (fwd)

1999-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [OPPORTUNITY-LIST] China Conference  Exhibition
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 13:43:31 -0700
From: Bob Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On November 1-3, 1999, the California Energy Commission will
conduct the 1999 China Energy Conference and Exhibition in
Irvine, California. This is an opportunity for California energy
technology and service companies to meet with more than 120
directors and managers of Chinese enterprises and government
decision-makers. The Chinese participants want to make their
facilities energy efficient, reduce air pollution and explore
options for on-site power, steam generation and chilled water.

For details, please go to:

Bob Aldrich

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] SWAT Nation (Rant)

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-09-18 22:55:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd just like to post the following excerpt from an article one of
associates wrote about his research into how the oligarchy of Venice
the destiny of the age in which it lived, and has actually perpetuated
itself into
the present day.  The evil that we see everywhere we looked is the same evil
that existed in the 15th Century, the 14th and back as far as you want to go.

Hell, let's be thorough and go all the way back to the first High
Civilization in SUMER -- which is also where Buckminster Fuller's analysis of
our ULTIMATE problem led him.

Otherwise, thanks, Linda, for keeping readers up to speed on the principles
of genuine power, which today are no different than as earlier given in
Machiavelli and Sun Tzu, only more sophisticated as applied also through our
new technological, industrial, and scientific (not to mention sociological
and psychological) tools used as weaponry..

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Reagan under the Bush Regency

1999-09-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 A look back at the "Reagan" administration, with Ronnie a
ventriloquist's dummy.
 "Reagan was fading throughout his eight-year presidency, and the decline
began with the assassination attempt in 1981, Reagan's first year in office.
 "``His thoughts became slower, his speech became slower, he deliberated
more, he hesitated more when he spoke,'' Morris said in an interview last
year. ``He lost his quickness. And for the rest of his presidency it was a
very, very slow and steady mental and physical decline.''

Reagan Biography Stirs Controversy

WASHINGTON (AP) - After 14 years of researching former President Ronald
Reagan, a prize-winning biographer is stirring controversy even before the
book is released to the public.

Some historians, writers and Reagan associates are questioning Edmund Morris'
decision to use a fictional narrator who interacts with Reagan as part of the
narrative, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The 860-plus-page book, ``Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan,'' is scheduled to
be released Sept. 30.

Although Morris is only 59, he depicts himself in the book as a Reagan
contemporary who, for example, caught a glimpse of Reagan as a teen-ager
playing in a 1926 high school football game. The fictional Morris traces
Reagan's life from his birth in 1911 through the 1990s.

``I was expecting the definitive book on Ronald Reagan,'' former Reagan aide
Lyn Nofziger told the newspaper. ``But how am I going to get the definitive
book if there's a fictional character in it? Maybe if I read the whole book I
would be pleasantly surprised. But just the idea of mixing fact and fiction
is something that's disturbing me.''

``Edmund has either engaged in an act of genius or a most remarkable leap off
the precipice,'' Anthony Doland, the Reagan administration's chief speech
writer, told the Times.

The Times said it viewed the book on the condition that direct quotations
from it not be used.

Morris did not return a message left Saturday at his Washington home

Reagan aides granted Morris unusual access to Reagan over the years, allowing
him to interview the president an average of once a month and travel overseas
with him.

Morris, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1980 for his only other book, ``The
Rise of Theodore Roosevelt,'' signed a contract for a Reagan biography in
1985. It originally was scheduled to be released in 1991.

Morris reportedly received a $3 million advance from Random House.

Morris has said little about what he saw while observing the Reagan
presidency. Among the few insights he has offered: Reagan was fading
throughout his eight-year presidency, and the decline began with the
assassination attempt in 1981, Reagan's first year in office.

``His thoughts became slower, his speech became slower, he deliberated more,
he hesitated more when he spoke,'' Morris said in an interview last year.
``He lost his quickness. And for the rest of his presidency it was a very,
very slow and steady mental and physical decline.''

The Times said Random House apparently has not released many copies of the
book. Employees at a Washington bookstore specializing in political works
said they had not received any copies, which they said was unusual for a book
scheduled to go on sale in only a matter of days.

In Random House publicity material, the publisher tells readers that the
narrator is ``not quite Edmund Morris'' in the early parts of the book, the
Times said. ``He is in effect a literary projection of the author back
through time,'' it said.

The newspaper said early copies of the book circulating privately include
references to the fictional Morris' early diaries. Those early copies do not
provide any explanation of the fictional character.

``I understand that a lot of what historians do incorporates techniques that
fiction writers do,'' said Mark Gilderhus, author of the college textbook
``History and Historians. ``But there still is a difference and that is that
historians should be constrained by the evidence,'' he told the Times.

Random House has granted Newsweek exclusive rights to an excerpt set to
appear in its Sept. 27 issue.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Rauchen Verboten !

1999-09-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From The Independent (UK)


 WHEN HITLER and Eva Braun committed suicide on 30 April 1945, a little ceremony
 was held at the Fuhrerbunker. Liberated at last from the tyrannical house rules,
 the residents lit up. Then they poured petrol on the corpses and set fire to
 them, too.

 Even by his own standards, Hitler's hatred of smoking was extraordinary. Braun,
 Joseph Goebbels and the other unfortunate addicts who shared a roof with the
 Fuhrer in the last days of the war had to sneak out into the smouldering ruins
 of Berlin for a few furtive drags. Braun covered up her guilty secret by chewing

 Half a century later this first smoking ban at a public place seems enlightened,
 at least from an American perspective. A US scholar has assembled compelling
 evidence to prove that, largely because of Hitler's obsession, not only the
 bunker but wartime Germany as a whole was at least 20 years ahead of the rest of
 the world in nailing tobacco as the cause of lung cancer and in attempts to curb
 the filthy habit.

 The implications are enormous. Millions of people puffed on after the war,
 oblivious to the dangers. On proper medical advice, some might well have given
 up smoking and lived a good few years longer.

 A reappraisal of German medical science is also in order. The experiments of
 Josef Mengele and his ilk debased the work of an entire generation of German
 scientists. It has been assumed no worthwhile work was done by Third Reich
 biologists, so tainted were they all by their search for racial purity and
 related pseudo-science projects. The Nazis could build rockets - curing human
 ailments was not their forte.

 The historian Robert Proctor, author of The Nazi War on Cancer, explodes that
 myth, only to raise more questions: how did the knowledge gathered in the Third
 Reich become lost, and why did it take the medical establishments in Britain two
 decades and in the US even longer to rediscover it? Or did they know it all

 First, the evidence. It all goes back to the day the young Adolf Hitler chucked
 his last packet of cigarettes into the Danube. Smoking, he decided, was bad for
 him, and therefore bad for Germans. Tobacco was one of the first things he would
 try to wipe off the face of the Earth.

 Soon after he reached power, millions of posters proclaiming nicotine as "poison
 for the Aryan race" were printed. Measures were promulgated, restricting the
 sale of cigarettes to women, cutting soldiers' rations on the Eastern Front and
 banning smoking in cars, trains and buildings. Members of the Hitler Youth were
 drafted in to spread the message with their inimitable subtlety.

 At the same time, money was poured into research. A link between rising
 consumption of alcohol and tobacco and the incidence of stomach and lung cancers
 had long been suspected. The first breakthrough came in 1939, when a PhD student
 at Cologne University demonstrated for the first time a connection between
 smoking and lung cancer. In 1942 Hitler helped to set up the Institute for the
 Struggle Against the Dangers of Tobacco at Jena with 100,000 Reichsmarks from
 his own budget.

 A year later the Jena scientists came up with the goods. Two researchers,
 Eberhard Schairer and Erich Schoniger, had carried out a statistical analysis of
 the correlation between tobacco and lung cancer, using a group of smokers as
 well as a control group.

 Their study, described by Professor Proctor as the "crown jewel of 20th- century
 epidemiology", established that smokers ran an increased risk of lung cancer.

 To put this finding into perspective, Britain's Medical Research Council claims
 to have been the "first national institution in the world to accept formally the
 evidence that tobacco is a major cause of death". The research council took that
 leap of faith in 1957.

 Germany did not just investigate, it acted on its findings. As early as 1939 the
 Nazis convened a congress on the dangers of tobacco, attended by 15,000
 scientists. In the same year Hermann Goering forbade soldiers from smoking on
 marches, in the streets or on patrol. Cigarettes could not be sold to women,
 drivers faced lawsuits for criminal negligence if found smoking at the wheel.
 Research continued, with mixed success. Hitler was convinced of tobacco's
 lingering genetic effects.

 But scientists did not dare to report the results of their fertility studies,
 which showed that nicotine was, if anything, making laboratory rats more randy.
 Like the rest of German life sciences, much of the tobacco research was
 motivated by the Nazis' preoccupation with "racial hygiene" and inevitably ended
 up in blind alleys. Stomach cancer also drew a blank. But the rest of their
 research has stood the test of time. "If it hadn't been for the war and the fact
 that this research had ideological grounding, the Jena study would be considered
 a classic early epidemiological work," 

[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary / Sept 19 / Nikos Raptis / European Labo

1999-09-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


European Labor
By Nikos Raptis

The Building

The German word "Reichstag" means parliament. In colloquial German it also
means the parliament building. It is not an exaggeration to say that this
building, the Reichstag, is a very important part of the history of the
20th century.

On the evening of February 27, 1933 Putzi Hanfstaengl, a Harvard educated
German-American friend of Hitler (see ZNet Commentary of June 4, '99) was
in bed from a heavy cold and high temperature. "In mid-evening he was
awakened by the cries of the housekeeper: the Reichstag was on fire. He
shot out of bed looked out of the window, saw the building in flames and
immediately rushed to ring up Goebbels, saying, breathlessly, that he
urgently had to speak to Hitler. When Goebbels asked what it was about,
and whether he could pass on a message, Hanfstaengl said: 'Tell him the
Reichstag is burning.' 'Is that meant to be a joke?' was Goebels reply.
(Source: Kershaw, Ian, "Hitler," W.W. Norton, N.Y., 1998, p. 457)

Hitler and Goebbels set off at once for the blazing Reichstag. "When they
arrived, they found Hermann Goering,...already inside the building giving
orders - the first of which, characteristically , had been 'Save the
tapestries!' The valuable Gobelin, which were his personal property,...
Goering had been president of the Reichstag since the end of August
1932... Hitler's first comment on arriving at the blazing Reichstag had
been: 'Good riddance to the old shack.' The 'old shack' was, of course,
hardly ancient, being exactly forty years old - but he put its burning in
excellent use." (Source: Read, Anthony  Fisher, David, "The Fall of
Berlin," W.W. Norton, N.Y., 1992, p.25,26)

On Feb. 28 1993, the day after the fire, Hitler's dictatorship began with
the enactment of a decree "for the Protection of the People and the State"
(in our days, "For reasons of National Security"), which dispensed with
all constitutional protection, of political, personal, and property
rights. But "the rounding up of Communist deputies and functionaries had
already been set in train during the night in raids carried out with
massive brutality. Communists were the main target. But Social Democrats,
trade unionists and left wing intellectuals... were also among those
dragged into improvised prisons, often in the cellars of SA or SS
headquarters, and savagely beaten, tortured, and in some cases murdered."
(Source: Kershaw, p.460) All these happened only one week before the
national elections. Hitler got 43.9 % of the vote and the Left 30.6% (the
Social Democrats 18.3 % and the Communists 12.3 %, in spite of the

The man arrested as the arsonist was Marinus van der Lubbe who "came from
a Dutch working-class family, and had formerly belonged to the Communist
Party youth organization in Holland. He had eventually broken with the
Communist Party in 1931 He was twenty-four years old, intelligent, a
solitary individual, unconnected with any political groups, but possessed
of a strong sense of injustice at the misery of the working class at the
hands of the capitalist system... he was determined to make a lone and
spectacular act of defiant protest... in order to galvanize the working
class into struggle against their repression." (Source: Kershaw, p.456-7)
Others believe that the fire had been organized by Goering and Goebbels
and that van der Lubbe was a simple minded young Dutch communist. Van der
Lubbe, after a long imprisonment and a show trial, was eventually
beheaded. The Reichstag fire is the subject of continued debate and
research. "The consequences of the Reichstag fire were, of course, always
more important than the identity of whoever instigated the blaze."
(Kershaw, note 112, p.732)

 The Greek Construction Workers

After the German government decided to move the capital of Germany from
Bonn back to Berlin it was inevitable that the Reichstag would be
restored. (or rather rebuilt). Also inevitably, the rebuilt Reichstag in
1999 should have a garage. The contractor of the 3-level underground
garage is the German construction company ARGE ROHBAU. As usual there is
one or more subcontractors. One of the subcontractors is the Greek
construction company OCTOPUS. The Greek construction workers according to
the contract should have been paid 48 German Marks (about US $ 26) per
hour, instead they were paid 15 German Marks (about US $ 8) for the
unskilled worker and 18 German Marks (about US $ 10) for the skilled

Last November there was a report in the Greek press (ELEFTHEROTYPIA, Nov,,
20, '99, p.17) that 50 Greek workers of OCTOPUS had not been paid for
months by ROHBAU, the German contractor. The Greek owner of OCTOPUS claims
that the Germans owe him about half a million US dollars. The Germans
accused the Greek subcontractor of 

Re: [CTRL] Rauchen Verboten !

1999-09-18 Thread ASu2431426

 -Caveat Lector-

You can push this argument too faranybody in Germany in 1945 will tell
you that
the currency used was not marks or the allied money but coffee and
cigarettes...especially cigarettes..


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Steven Barry (ret.), WACO

1999-09-18 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

Steven Barry was on Drudge, Fox News Channel, 10PM PacTime 9/18
According to Matt he is the second person to come forward
regarding the use of Delta Force.

Two years ago in these pages ("Quartered Among Us," September 1, 1997), U.S.
Army Sergeant First Class Steven Barry (ret.), who at the time was an active
duty Special Forces soldier, pointed out that the Waco episode illustrates
the danger of "fusing … military and law enforcement operations." SFC Barry
noted that the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team is a carbon copy of the Combat
Action Group (CAG) of the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command: "HRT
uses the same equipment, the training is identical, and HRT uses CAG’s
training facilities, instructors, and standard operating procedures."

"Trial Balloon"

"Waco was not an aberration," concluded SFC Barry. "It was a ‘trial balloon’
sent up by those who perceive a ‘coalition’ of military and law enforcement
to be a good thing. It was, therefore, a portent of the future. And the
military’s involvement in that unspeakable outrage, along with its
subsequent cover-up of its involvement, bodes ill for America’s future."

Vol. 15, No. 20
September 27, 1999
Table of Contents More on Waco

Waco Deception Up in Smoke
by William Norman Grigg

Clinton Administration scandals display a common pattern. The initial
disclosures of wrongdoing are indignantly denied. Pleas are issued by
Administration spokesmen for people to "stay calm" and wait for "all the
facts" to come out. A cover-up of the relevant facts is then undertaken.
When damaging facts leak, Administration spin-controllers minimize their
significance, or — if necessary — preside over a controlled release of
further facts over a protracted period of time. When the full truth about
criminal misbehavior, or some significant portion thereof, is finally made
public, Administration spinners and their media allies insist that the
public has grown weary of the matter and that it’s time to "move on."

This approach has served the Administration well in its efforts to surmount
the Chinagate treason scandal, the Lewinsky affair, and numerous other
episodes. Not surprisingly, the FBI has followed a similar approach in
managing disclosures about its conduct in the 1993 slaughter of the Branch
Davidian sect in Waco, which is the subject of a federal wrongful death
lawsuit by survivors and families of the victims. An order from U.S.
District Judge Walter Smith requiring federal authorities to turn over all
relevant evidence left from the April 19, 1993 siege turned up a shell
casing from an M-651 CS canister, a 40 mm incendiary grenade "that releases
tear gas with a burning explosive capable of sparking fires," observed the
Dallas Morning News.

Spin Strategy

Confronted with inescapable facts, the Justice Department followed standard
Clinton Administration procedure. First came the admissions of proven facts
that had long been denied. In late August, Danny Coulson, a founder of the
FBI’s "Hostage Rescue Team" (which was involved in both the Davidian
massacre and the murder of Randy Weaver’s wife and son at Ruby Ridge) told
the Dallas Morning News that pyrotechnic grenades had been used by the FBI
during the final assault on the Mount Carmel church. After stalling for a
news cycle by issuing further half-hearted denials, the FBI, in the words of
the August 26th New York Times, "backed away from six years of unqualified
denials to Congress and to the public" and admitted that the canisters —
which were "‘pyrotechnic’ only in a limited sense," the Bureau hastened to
specify — had indeed been used at Waco. (The "limited sense" qualification,
which savors of Bill Clinton’s equivocation over the meaning of the word
"is," offers another example of sophisticated dishonesty.)

The coinage of new euphemisms is a major Clinton Administration industry,
and FBI spokesmen enriched the vocabulary of double-speak by allowing that
they would have to "recant or modify" the previous unqualified denials that
FBI personnel had fired upon the Branch Davidians on that tragic April
morning. This provided a segueway into the next step of the Administration’s
familiar spin strategy — playing for time to devise a new cover story: "We’
ve seen the reports, and we’re trying to get to the bottom of them," stated
Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin. Attorney General Janet Reno and
FBI Director Louis Freeh, clinging to the story that they have been the
helpless victims of unreliable information, promised a new, comprehensive
investigation of the matter — which is to say that they began the search for
a subordinate who would be a credible scapegoat.

Unfortunately for the FBI and the Justice Department, the chosen spin for
the "discovery" of the pyrotechnic shell casings undermines their case. The
Bureau’s official line is that