[CTRL] U.S., Israeli armed forces trade urban-warfare tips

2002-07-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

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Is NATO at war with China?
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*  US-Israeli joint intelligence/training on Urban Warfare
*  Protest Closure of the Office of the Pres. of Al-Quds Univ.
*  Jenin: Watermelons vs. Tanks
*  US Partner in Pakistan Scorns Democracy
*  Israeli Curfew Silences West Bank City
*  Judge Keeps Detainee, Attorney Apart


May 31, 2002

U.S., Israeli armed forces trade urban-warfare tips
American military officials studied attack on Jenin refugee camp

By Christian Lowe
Times staff writer

U.S., Israeli armed forces trade urban-warfare tips American military
officials studied attack on Jenin refugee camp By Christian Lowe Times
staff writer While Israeli forces were engaged in what many termed a
- some even say criminal - campaign to crush Palestinian militants and
terrorist cells in West Bank towns, U.S.  military officials were in
seeing what they could learn from that urban fight.

Likewise, just weeks after the vicious fight in the Jenin refugee
camp that
ended April 15 with 75 Israelis and Palestinians dead and nearly 150
buildings in rubble, a senior Israeli Defense Force intelligence
visited the United States to watch U.S.  Marines experiment with new
urban-warfare tactics.

All this military-to-military contact comes at a sensitive time, one
which the Bush administration is taking pains to appear as an honest
in the Israeli-Palestinian standoff.  Moreover, human-rights groups
State Department officials have expressed concerns about the IDF's
counterterror tactics that U.S.  military officials now are studying.

A top Palestinian representative in Washington said the military
could adversely affect a resolution to the Middle East conflict.

"As far as it affects the Palestinians we think that it is unwise,"
Abdul Rahman, chief PLO representative in the United
States.  "Because at
least the declared objective of the United States is to achieve a
peace in the Middle East.  Therefore they need to judge how it really
enhances this declared objective or hinders it."

The U.S.  and Israeli armed forces were trading urban war-fighting
gleaned from a campaign that even U.S.  Secretary of State Colin
Powell had
labeled "troubling" for its brutality.  In an April 21 interview with
News, Powell said U.S.  diplomats played a leading role in calling
for a
United Nations investigation of potential Israeli war crimes in the
camps - an investigation that ultimately never got off the ground.

Powell told ABC News that reports from U.S.  diplomats who went into
"were disturbing - the loss of life, collapsed buildings, potential
disease.  .  We're doing what we can to relieve suffering" in Jenin.

A State Department official said the department was aware of the
visits, but declined to comment on the potential diplomatic fallout
visits could cause.

Officials from the Israeli embassy, the Pentagon and Marine Corps all
unapologetic about the exchange of information about tactics, saying
are the result of a long-standing partnership.

"The United States maintains an active secu

[CTRL] BU$H pushes for coverup in Indian trust lawsuit

2002-07-17 Thread ulrich stuart
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--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Is NATO at war with China?
Wildfire For Profit?
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July 11, 2002

 Contact: Mia Merrick (402) 878-4244


In stark contrast to President Bush's urgent call for "corporate
responsibility," and to stop the scandals rocking Wall Street, The
White House along with Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney
General are seeking legislation to obstruct the ability of the
United States District Court in the landmark Indian trust lawsuit,
Cobell v. Norton, to uncover the full scope of malfeasance in the
government's mismanagement of billions of dollars of assets held
in trust for 500,000 individual Indian trust beneficiaries.

Specifically, the White House has asked Congress to appropriate
millions of dollars in tax revenue to hire private attorneys to
protect government officials who have breached their fiduciary
responsibilities and have covered-up their misconduct by destroying
tens of thousands of boxes of documents and electronic trust records
throughout the six-year case. Worse still, the government deliberately
has failed to provide adequate information technology (IT) security
for individual Indian trust funds, exposing billions of dollars of
trust monies to theft, loss, and misappropriation.

At the same time, the White House has requested that Congress cut
off funds for judicial officers who have begun to expose the nature
and scope of this massive government financial scandal and has
asked Congress to cut off funds for the full accounting ordered by
United States District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth and the United
States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

The malfeasance committed by the government exceeds in aggregate
the financial losses and document destruction that have been reported
for Enron, Global Crossing and MCI-WorldCom.

Lead plaintiff Elouise Cobell expressed anger and frustration in
this unprecedented effort to protect administration officials who
deliberately violate the law and breach their trust duties:

"It is very strange that the President acts aggressively to prosecute
chief executive officers of public companies for their corrupt
activities at the same time the President attempts to protect
government officials who engage in precisely the same misconduct.
If the President is correct that this behavior is criminal and must
be stopped now, and he is, why is cooking the books and cover-up
acceptable when done by officials in his Administration? Congress
should send a clear message to the White House that this will not
be tolerated. And, the public should be outraged by this naked
abuse of power."

For further information, contact: visit http://www.indiantrust.com
or contact Mia Merrick at (402) 878.4244
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[CTRL] ~HeAdLiNeS~ 07/17/02

2002-07-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

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July 20 forum & film showing; U.S. War Crimes in Korea

Scientists Create a Live Polio Virus

In Tough Times, Halliburton Finds Profits in Terror

Romania: smoke screen to hide ecological disaster

Palestinians Unable to Enter Jordan

Audit Fort Knox

Argentina Orders Arrest of Dictatorship-Era Soldiers

Salvadoran Testifies About Torture

Former UN Undersecretary speaks out on West

West Papua Documentary


Argentina Charges Ex-Dictator, Others in 'Dirty War'

~what ever happened to good old fashioned CLEAN wars~

Greens to Bush: Obey the Nation's Laws

Berkeley Makes Coffee a Political Issue

Israeli Torture - The Hell of Khiam Prison

Jenin: Journalist killed

Casualties of 911: Rights, Liberty & Justice

Argentines Seek to Shake Off IMF

Pilger on attacking Iraq: `The great charade'

Is NATO at war with China?
Wildfire For Profit?
You are being conditioned

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Re: [CTRL] Is NATO at war with China?

2002-07-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
FACT: China bought four hundred million dollars worth of the very 757's that struck the World Trade Center. Someone needs to explain to me why this was done if these jets had just been shown to be vulnerable. Boeing signs huge China deal http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/newsid_1574000/1574486.stm FACT: The international cabals we have been often speaking of (or CLUBS if you prefer) always seem to cross paths with Henry Kissinger. FACT: Last year, in the spring, Kissinger and his CFR buddies presented China with what was allegedly new incriminating evidence regarding the Tiennamen square incident years ago. You've heard a lot of mixed info on Lyndon LaRouche for sure. This is because his research department is phenomenal but his conclusions as to what to do about he world he paints with an accurate brush are questionable. It IS he that reports this information. Here is the url. Take it in context with the following two items. http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2001/2803_cfr.html FACT: Kissinger now sits as "top advisor" to a huge Chines oil firm. What does TOP advisor exactly mean unless he is calling the shots. http://www.cnooc.com.cn/english/news/news_detail.asp?idnews=352 FACT: THIS happened on September 6, 2001: "Chinese authorities shut down an outspoken Internet bulletin board last week after students posted messages about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, officials announced yesterday." http://www.dfn.org/focus/china/baiyun.htm also see: "Hu Jintao was the "democracy" advocate for Tianamen Square who was arrested. I put that in quotation marks because the student's demonstrating were not demonstrating about democracy per se. They were medical student's protesting the US pharmaceutical complex experimenting on Chinese citzens and organ harvesting." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/9815 Do You Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The Weekly Spin, Wednesday, July 17, 2002

2002-07-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

THE WEEKLY SPIN, Wednesday, July 17, 2002
sponsored by PR WATCH (www.prwatch.org)
The Weekly Spin features selected news summaries with links to
further information about current public relations campaigns.
It is emailed free each Wednesday to subscribers.
Feel free to forward this message to others.


1. PR Watch Takes on Big Brother, Inc.
2. Off the Books
3. Fraud, Inc.
4. The Watchdog Didn't Bark
5. PricewaterhouseCoopers Advises Uzbekistan
6. State vs. National Review
7. Don't Scrutinize the Pentagon
8. British American Tobacco Promotes Its "Corporate Social Responsibility"; Critic Say 
It's Just PR
9. APCO Helps WorldCom With "Transparency Initative"
10. PhRMA Supports Seniors Who Support PhRMA
11. Snake Oil Search Engines
12. TV Drug Pushers Include Media and Advertising Lobbyists
13. Bushology Interactive
14. 'Mad Deer Disease'  --  Is It In the Feed?

  The Second Quarter 2002 issue of PR Watch is now available online.
  This issue features a look at corporate spies that specializing in
  infiltrating citizen groups, along with other PR strategies for
  "managing activism." Stories include:
   * Big Brother Incorporated
   * Dumpster Diving to Trash Activists
   * Ecos Corp's 'Win-Win' Spin for Corporate Environmentalism
   * Managing Activism: Book Review
More web links related to this story are available at:

  If you think corporations are doing a bad job of disclosing their
  internal finances, what kind of job do you think they're doing of
  reporting on their public health, social and environmental impacts?
  Attorney Sanford Lewis has been stalking the corporate social
  responsibility front for years, and now he's made a movie about it:
  a 30-minute documentary tha


2002-07-18 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

URL for this article: http://emperors-clothes.com/letters/geopolitics.htm
Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive articles from Emperor's Clothes Website, www.tenc.net
Click here to email the link to this article to a friend. We encourage readers to reprint and re-post any Emperor's Clothes article. Please quote articles exactly and include the original URL and name of author(s).
Dear Emperor's New Clothes, 
Is the move in Central Asia about Oil? No, it's about POWER. And I don't mean "power" as in "energy". 
It's about how you become and remain the world's Dominant Power, and what you have to do to maintain/achieve it - like taking over strategic areas of the world. 
Z.B. [Zbigniew Brzezinski] and his chums come with a theory and ideology to carry it out as well, which is why they behave like a high priestly order. 
We, the Good 'Ole Brits invented it, when we were desperately trying to maintain the position of the British Empire as No. 1 Dominant Power. 
"He who dominates East Europe controls the Heartland, [the pivotal part of Eurasia.] He who controls the Heartland controls the World Island, [Eurasia.] He who controls the World Island controls the World". 
This is the mantra of the theory of Geopolitics, the theory of Sir Halford MacKinder, (he was a Brit and guru of these people). 
In a slightly earlier era, it was called "The Great Game", and British commentators have said immediately, about The current intervention, "It's the Great Game". 
I suggest - sorry about this one - a few articles explaining Geopolitics and how it's the great master plan and ideology of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the heart of the National Security Establishment. 
But how did it turn up in America, - it got taken there by Brits trying to involve America in supporting them, and became the watchword of the CFR after 1943-44 and US. foreign policy since the war.
Richard Roper, Sheffield, Yorkshire UK 
John Flaherty replies: 
It would be most kind of you to write in more detail about these issues. 
Dear Emperor's Clothes, 
[This concerns comments Jared Israel made replying to a reader's letter. See "WHAT ABOUT BUSH'S 'CARPET-OF-BOMBS' THREAT?" at http://emperors-clothes.com/letters/carpet.htm ]
Just a quick correction regarding what Jared wrote about Vivendi. It's a huge conglomerate, of which computer games is only a tiny part of the business. For more info see here: 
It's currently involved in an accounting scandal, as can be seen here: 
Hope this helps. Paul Collins, London UK
Dear Emperor's Clothes, 
Vivendi is called the octopus. Even if at the moment, with the latest scandal, it might loose a tentacle or two. It is a huge and powerful TNC, (amongst the worst). Not only does it hold TV channels, but two of the most influential French mags + medical mags. I strongly encourage you to go to the URL below. http://www.transnationale.org/anglais/sources/information/b10_vu.htm 
Dominique Prédali 
Jared Israel replies to both: 
Thank you. I was so taken with the charming notion of a computer games nerd presenting himself as a Secret Agent that I didn't dig enough on Vivendi. 
Best regards, Jared Israel 
Jared Israel wrote Paul Collins: 
Dear Mr. Collins, 
In his thousand-time reprinted article, Julio Godoy describes Brisard as 

"until the late 1990s director of economic analysis and strategy for Vivendi, a French company." http://www.truthout.org/docs_01/11.17A.Oil.Taliban.htm 
A director of a huge conglomerate "until the late 1990s"? Why so vague? When did he start? When did he stop? What did he do? Imagine putting on a job application: 

"I was until the late 1990s director of economic analysis and strategy at Ford." 
Everybody seems to have reprinted this description without question - that's what's most disturbing - how easily critics of US government policies allow a spokesperson to be appointed for them... 
Anyway, on the inside back of the English version of FORBIDDEN TRUTH, I found that, Lo and behold! Brisard's job description had changed: 

"...Brisard is a consultant on business, corporate and diplomatic intelligence who was special adviser and Vice President of Business Intelligence [?] at Vivendi Universal." 
From director of strategy and economic analysis to "Vice President of Business Intelligence" - meaning he does what? And why, if he is this VP of whatever, is he *also* a "special adviser"? On what? To whom? 
As we say in Brooklyn: Whose dat guy? 
Best regards, Jared Israel
Reply from Paul Collins: 

[CTRL] Implanted Chips That Deliver Your Drugs

2002-07-18 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
JUNE 18, 2002 SPECIAL REPORT: EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Implanted Chips That Deliver Your DrugsCombining microprocessors and pharmaceuticals in devices that reside inside a patient could keep medicine at optimal levels 

Printer-Friendly Version

E-Mail This Story Why Innovations Score -- or StumbleGiving Pilots a New Eye in the SkyFuel Cells Crank Up the PowerImplanted Chips That Deliver Your DrugsTomorrow's Paper-Thin Screen GemsNanotech: Big Dreams, Small StepsSpecial Report Archive 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Bob Langer has spent 25 years trying to solve the puzzle of drug delivery. Every drug has a desirable therapeutic range. Above it, the drug can be toxic. Below, the medication can be ineffective.

 Just how do you get the right dose to a patient at the right time? To find the answer, Langer has customized polymers that allow drugs to seep out into the body, experimented with magnets as a way to control polymer drug release, and worked on patches that slowly pass drugs into the body through the skin. To date, Langer holds 408 patents and has published 711 articles and 13 books. He has also licensed products to more than 75 companies. So when Langer has an idea, it matters. His latest brainchild combines silicon chips with advanced medical-device technology to make drug delivery more intelligent. "This is a paradigm shift," he says. "We're putting pharmacies on a chip." It could also turn out to be big business. The U.S. drug delivery industry produces $38 billion to $40 billion in revenues each year. Mahesh Chaubal, founder of drug-delivery information service Drugdel.com, estimates that the market for computerized delivery systems could be worth $5 billion by 2012, vs. zero today. DRUG WELLS.  The concept of a computerized drug-delivery system came to Langer while he was watching a TV program about chip-giant Intel more than 10 years ago. But it wasn't until John Santini arrived as an MIT summer student in 1993 that the project started to take shape. After completing his PhD at MIT, Santini founded MicroCHIPS, a Cambridge (Mass.) startup that's designing chip-based drug-delivery technology. To date, it has attracted two rounds of venture funding totaling $17.25 million. MicroCHIPS' product is a titanium device, about two-thirds the size of a standard pacemaker -- which itself is the size of a box of Chiclets gum. The device would be inserted in a patient's abdomen during an outpatient procedure. Inside is a silicon chip with as many as 400 tiny "wells" where drugs can be stored. Each well is sealed with a thin gold membrane, which prevents the drug from leaking out of the chip. Releasing a unit of the drug involves sending a small electric voltage that dissolves the cap and allows the drug to diffuse into the tissue. MicroCHIPS is working with a major, though still unnamed, pharmaceutical company and plans to have the device in clinical trials within 18 months. It's likely that the device will be used for large-molecule protein drugs, steroids, or horomones. IT NEVER FORGETS.  A computerized drug-delivery device has several advantages. First, it allows for precise control of drug release, solving the key problem of delivering too much or not enough. Because it has a powerful chip inside, the device can be preprogrammed to release a prescribed dosage at precise intervals. It also can be manually controlled via a wireless device that looks like a supermarket scanner. A system like MicroCHIPS also solves problems that are inherent in complex, combination drug therapies, where a patient needs to take specific dosages of several drugs at once. An implanted device releases drugs on schedule, eliminating the need for patients to remember to inject or swallow the right meds. Finally, it's feasible: Technologists understand how silicon chips and implanted devices work. Cutting-edge gene therapies, where scientists try to coax the body into producing proteins or hormones to cure disease, are exponentially more complex because it isn't always clear what cascading, harmful effect they might have. SKEPTICAL VIEW.  "We're not reinventing the wheel," says Santini. "And that's really important because you don't want a technology where there are eight different new things you have to figure out before you can get a product onto the market. We are building on what has been done in the cardiac area, the wireless area, and the microchip area. We're integrating a lot of known things." Even so, some drug-delivery analysts are skeptical of this approach. Tracy de Gregorio, a director at pharmaceutical research firm Decision Resources in Waltham, Mass., thinks computerized drug delivery could be a niche market at best. She says patients and HMOs may not embrace expensive, invasive procedures just to avoid needle injections, even for large-molecule drugs like proteins that can only be delivered this way. Besides, "the overwhelming preference has always been and will always b

[CTRL] ~HeAdLiNeS~ 07/17/02

2002-07-18 Thread ulrich stuart

-Caveat Lector-

FEMA Preparing for Mass Destruction

9/11 Kin Request Probe of Rescue

Government Mind Games Lawsuit claims LSD was put in

Journalist Arrested at Fort Benning

Biological Warfare in Africa?: A Wouter Basson Reader

Guerrilla Radio

Iraqis Hurt in U.S.-British Air Raids

Where did all the protesters go?

How To See Through Advertising

Is The US Navy and Air Force Controlling Our Weather?

Port Huron Statement

Get the police-man out of your head

October Surprise, Iran-Contra, Noriega, Iraqgate, and

The Texas Mafia's 1st coup this century...the election

Colombia's Drug Problem: Us

FBI Investigates Sex While WTC Burns

Hactivismo Targets Countries That Censor Internet


School of Assassins Protesters Sentenced

SEIU Joins World Bank Bonds Boycott

Israeli planes hit Gaza strip

John Pilger on a not-so-free press (New Statesman)

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[CTRL] ChevronTexaco oil facility takeovers spread in Nigeria

2002-07-18 Thread ulrich stuart
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-07-22 Thread ulrich stuart

-Caveat Lector-

> From: "Trina  Tocco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Take action -- go to
> Background
> Federal legislation has been introduced that would
> lead to widespread
> privatization of the nation's drinking water and
> wastewater treatment
> systems. The Water Investment Act of 2002 (S. 1961)
> has the
> commendable objective of significantly expanding
> funding for the
> nation's drinking and wastewater infrastructure by
> authorizing $35
> billion over the next five years for state revolving
> loan programs.
> However, a provision in S. 1961 would require water
> authorities
> and local governments to consider privatization as a
> condition of
> receiving federal financial assistance.
> AFSCME (www.afscme.org) represents thousands of
> people who work in
> the water and wastewater systems. Every day,
> thousands of AFSCME
> members work to protect our water supply and the
> environment.
> Go to
> and
> let Congress know that they can't sell our water -
> the most precious
> resource of all!
> Summary of Legislation
> Specifically, Sections 103 and 202 of the bill
> require water systems
> to consider forming so-called "public-private
> partnerships or other
> cooperative partnerships" before they can receive a
> loan to upgrade
> water systems or create water conservation projects.
> Such partnerships
> would result in privatizing or contracting-out of at
> least the
> operations of public water systems. While public
> water authorities
> and local governments currently can decide to
> privatize their
> systems, this is a matter of local discretion.
> However, for the
> first time, this legislation would mandate that
> these systems
> consider privatization - a sweeping and unwarranted
> extension of
> federal government authority.
> To find out more info on what AFSCME is doing about
> the privatization
> of water, go to
> http://www.afscme.org/action/legfs07.htm.
>  AFSCME organizers help workers win justice
> on the job.
> Find out more about jobs in NJ, WA, MO, IL, CA at
> www.afscmeorganizers.org
> --- Work for
> Justice
> www.afscmeorganizers.org
> Trina Tocco AFSCME Field Services 202-429-1026
> _ "I
> will not sit down.
> I will not shut up."
> -Rep. Cynthia McKinney

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[CTRL] ~HeAdLiNeS~ 07/19/02

2002-07-22 Thread ulrich stuart

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the Bush Bunch ordered Enron to destroy Taleban

FPL Buys West Virginia Wind Project

Forest destruction may turn Riau into desert in 40

Audio testimony from 911 families

The Peace Process Between Israel and Syria

Bush Policy Undermines Progress on Korean Peninsula

Bush Took Oil Firm's Loans as Director

Wolfowitz: US Campaign in Afghanistan to Last for

Bolivia's Leftwing Upstart Alarms US

Iraqi Opposition Leaders Warn US and Britain Not To

Iraqis Told To Prepare for War

Call in Congress for Full Airing of Iraq Policy

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[CTRL] Disney researcher joins spy agency

2002-07-22 Thread ulrich stuart
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Disney researcher joins spy agencyBy Richard Verrier | Sentinel Staff Writer Posted July 17, 2002
LOS ANGELES -- Eric Haseltine is moving from one top-secret organization to another.Uncle Sam has plucked Walt Disney Co.'s chief of research and development to become head of research for the National Security Agency, which uses highly sophisticated technology to gather intelligence and break codes to protect sensitive government information systems.Haseltine worked for a decade at Walt Disney Imagineering, the company's design and development group. As such, he would seem an unlikely choice for his new government mission. But the worlds of the NSA and Walt Disney Imagineering aren't so dissimilar. Both organizations include a diverse group of top-level scientists and share a penchant for security and secrecy (Disney won't say how many scientists it employees). There's a certain institutional quality to the unmarked, drab buildings that make up the sprawling Walt Disney Imagineering complex in Glendale, Calif.Beyond developing innovative ride systems for theme parks, Disney's research and development team also has expertise in areas with military applications, including virtual-reality technology and information systems. Disney scientists are at the forefront of interactive TV and developing systems for protecting the company against Internet piracy.Haseltine, 50, who holds a doctorate in physiological psychology, also is no stranger to the defense world. He spent 13 years at Hughes Aircraft Co., where he also managed R&D projects and was known as a leading expert on flight simulation. He joined Disney in 1992.His new job will not be built around family fun. His role will be to lead a research and technology team for the spy agency, a division of the Department of Defense that employs 30,000. Neither NSA nor Haseltine will detail his exact responsibilities."I'm taking the job because I want to contribute my skills to helping the country," said Haseltine. "I'm particularly motivated because of what happened on September 11. Under ordinary circumstances, I would never have dreamed of leaving Disney, but these aren't ordinary circumstances."Richard Verrier can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 1-800-528-4637, Ext. 77936. 
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[CTRL] Climate Modification Meets Sept. 11

2002-07-22 Thread ulrich stuart
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Where Climate Modification Meets Sept. 11

"A United States Air Force document from 1996 projected one future scenario where 'the American World View became more Global following a major terrorist attack on the US early in the twenty-first century' . 

Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski argues that the key to world power is in Central Asia with its vast oil deposits, but short of a galvanizing attack by foreigners or terrorists on the scale of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. public lacked the imperial will to seize world dominance."  

Dr. Arnold A. Barnes, Jr. described a key element of Full Spectrum Dominance as "Weather Modification.” 
http://www.columbusalive.com/2002/20020516/051602/05160205.htmlDo You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Wackenhut

2002-07-23 Thread ulrich stuart
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this came up in a search for thailand,heroin,"john birch society"
http://www.cowan70.freeserve.co.uk/miscellaneous/wackenhut_corporation.htmlDo You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] ~HeAdLiNeS~ 07/23/02

2002-07-24 Thread ulrich stuart

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Amateur Cameraman Accuses Prosecutors

Alex Constantine : Operation Mockingbird

Welfare Rolls: On the Rise Again

White House's anti-leak steps questioned

Pilger: "Palast's Information is a Hand Grenade"

Israeli Cabinet backs Jewish-only towns Measure

Jurors in NYPD torture trial want rereading of prosecution testimony

Re-envisioning Mesoamerica | Grassroots Organizing

U.S. Moves to Undermine New Torture Treaty

Nigeria to leave OPEC

Bush's War on Terrorism is Floundering

New list for prison & psych rights activists

White House Still Selling Privatization of Social Security

International Activists Protect Homes and Families Under Threat

Bayer and the UN Global Compact

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[CTRL] Mujahideen Revisited or It's Deja Vu all over again...

2002-07-24 Thread ulrich stuart

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First U.S.-trained soldiers graduate

 By TANALEE SMITH of the Associated Press

 KABUL, Afghanistan - More than 350 Afghan soldiers trained by the U.S. military 
marched briskly
 past President Hamid Karzai and Defense Minister Mohammed Fahim on Tuesday in a 
 ceremony, raising hopes that the country will eventually have a full-fledged army 
that can ensure

 "The whole world is watching you," Fahim told the 350 enlisted men and 36 officers of 
the 1st
 Battalion. "All the people are hopeful of this national army, which should be trusted 
by all the
 people. It is a great day for all the Afghan people."

 The graduation was held at the Kabul Military Training Center, where the bombed-out 
buildings had
 to be rebuilt before training could begin.

 The Afghans were trained by soldiers from the U.S. Army's 1st Battalion, 3rd Special 
 Group. A second similar-sized group is being trained by the French army.

 These groups are the small beginning of an army that the United Nations says should 
 number about 60,000. They currently are far outnumbered by the tens of thousands of 
fighters in
 the private armies loyal to Afghanistan's regional warlords.

 The importance of a well-trained regular army to Afghanistan's long-term stability 
was underlined
 this week by the decision to bring in U.S. soldiers to guard the presidential palace 
in the wake
 rising security concerns raised by the assassination this month of Vice President 
Abdul Qadir -
 second government minister to be killed this year.

 The U.S. soldiers were to replace bodyguards who were part of the estimated 10,000 
fighters loyal
 to Fahim, who has one of the country's largest private forces.

 Karzai was escorted at the ceremony by Afghan bodyguards whose affiliation was 
 Although U.S. soldiers were at the ceremony, none were seen guarding Karzai.

 The president told the soldiers that their job included helping the entire population 
 regardless of ethnic tensions.

 The ethnic mix of the new soldiers - Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks and Nuristanis 
- was seen
 as a positive sign that Afghans can unite as one country. Soldier Mohammad Amon, a 
Hazara from
 Bamiyan province, read aloud a poem celebrating the Afghan culture and reminding his 
 troops: "Though we are from different ethnic groups, we come together as brothers. We 
are all

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[CTRL] connections between sept. 11 and anti-castro cuban-americans

2002-07-29 Thread ulrich stuart
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EVERY link below contains connection between said topics and the anti-Castro bunch that did in Kennedy, the same bunch that ran Iran-Contra and that also, seems to have direct connections to Oklahoma City.
the Bay of Pigs, Operation Northwoods, and LBJhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11081
The Miami 5 and the Bay of Pigshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11125
Cuba and the question of international terrorismhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11134
REFLECTIONS ON SELECTING THE POLITICALLY CONVENIENT TERRORISTShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11135
The Bush-Florida-Cuba connectionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11141
Noriega, Global Crossing, Cuba, and the War on Terrorhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11143
Bay of Pigs and Dealy Plazahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11149
the Venezuelan Coup attempt and the florida terroristshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11150
THE BUSH FAMILY, FLORIDA, and the AMERICAN CIAhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11155
Bushistas and Venezuela: The Coup That Went Southhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11156
Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americanshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11157
Mohamed Atta, Florida, Falwell, and September 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11174
The Serial Terrorist George Bush Freedhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11180
why is the FBI taking the heat for the CIA's errant ways?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11183
Fidel Castro Finds Heir in Chavezhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11186
Bush Sr., Iran-Contra, "Brothers to the Rescue", and the L.A. Crack Explosionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11188
Three Days that Shook the Mediahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11189
Operation Northwoods And The Reichstag Firehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11193
more on florida and september 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11195
JEB BUSH AND RIGHT WING CUBAN EXILEShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11200
Iran-Contra, the Bushes, Al Martin, HUD, Armitage, and Harkenhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11215
Thailand, Heroin, and the Iran-Contra Ganghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11216
if Bushes are Nazis...here is ANOTHER connection to JFK assassinationhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11226
Israel and the Contrashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11227
Bush Pardons Florida-trained assassin: June 2000http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11231
Re: FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh andTerry Nichols OKC casehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11233
Jose Basulto Leon and "Brothers to the Rescue"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11235
Up Against the Beast: High-level Drug Runninghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11238
THE CIA: "COCAINE IMPORTING AGENCY"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11256
The Drug Trade, the Kennedy Assassination, and the War in Vietnamhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11257
Free the Five web sitehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11394
The Clinton Connection: Iran-Contra, OKC's John Doeville, and Mena Arkansashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11395
Bush, Atta Visit Same Florida Island Resort Before Sept 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11398
Orlando Boschhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11400
George II's Dangerous Liaisonshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11401Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] The Rockefeller - Heritage Connection ~ Follow the Money Trail

2002-07-30 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://watch.pair.com/rockefeller.html

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy      
The Rockefeller~Heritage Connection 
The Heritage Foundation 
The Council for National Policy & Rev. Moon 
The John Birch Society & the CNP 
The Council for National Policy 
The Free Congress Foundation 
The Alliance for Reformation & Revival 
The Religious Freedom Amendment 
Freedom from Religious Persecution

Many causes espoused by the Christian Right seem righteous and Biblical. One can hardly find fault with objectives such as producing "men of integrity", a return to "family values," protecting the "right to life," and other worthy ideals promoted by the many politically active Christian ministries. However, it is imperative that Christians look beyond the endearing slogans and outward appearances of religious organizations in order to evaluate their true agenda. (John 7:24) 
Prior to Hitler's election as Chancellor of Germany, many Protestant ministers were naively impressed with Hitler's conservative rhetoric and encouraged German Christians to support National Socialism. In THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, William Shirer wrote the following account of one influential minister who failed to recognize early enough that Hitler used Christian terminology only as an artifice to enlist the Protestant leadership in his service. 
"The Reverend Martin Niemoller had personally welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933. In that year his autobiography, FROM U-BOAT TO PULPIT, had been published. The story of how this submarine commander in the First World War had become a prominent Protestant pastor was singled out for special praise in the Nazi press and became a best seller. To Pastor Niemoller, as to many a Protestant clergyman, the fourteen years of the Republic had been, as he said, 'years of darkness' and at the close of his autobiography he added a note of satisfaction that Nazi revolution had finally triumphed and that it had brought about the "national revival" for which he himself had fought so long -- for a time in the free corps, from which so many Nazi leaders had come.
"He was soon to experience a terrible disillusionment.
"The Protestants in Germany, as in the United States, were a divided faith. Only a few -- some 150,000 out of forty-five million of them -- belonged to the various Free Churches such as the Baptists and Methodists. The rest belonged to twenty-eight Lutheran and Reformed Churches of which the largest was the Church of the Old Prussian Union, with eighteen million members.
"With the rise of National Socialism there came further divisions among the Protestants. The more fanatical Nazis among them organized in 1932 'The German Christians' Faith Movement' ...(which) ardently supported the Nazi doctrines of race and the leadership principle and wanted them applied to a Reich Church which would bring all Protestants into one all-embracing body...
"Opposed to the 'German Christians' was another minority group which called itself the 'Confessional Church.' It had about the same number of pastors and was eventually led by Niemoller. It opposed the Nazification of the Protestant churches, rejected the Nazi racial theories and denounced the anti-Christian doctrines of Rosenberg and other Nazi leaders. In between lay the majority of Protestants, who seemed too timid to join either of the two warring groups, who sat on the fence and eventually, for the most part, landed in the arms of Hitler, accepting his authority to intervene in church affairs and obeying his commands without open protest...
"By the beginning of 1934, the disillusioned Pastor Niemoller had become the guiding spirit of the minority resistance in both the 'Confessional Church' and the Pastors' Emergency League...On the first of July, 1937, Dr. Niemoller was arrested and confined to Moabit prison in Berlin. On June 27 he had preached to the congregation, which always overflowed his church at Dahlem, what was to be his last sermon in the Third Reich. As if he had a foreboding of what was to come he said, 'We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of the authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man's behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.'
"After eight months in prison he was tried on March 2, 1938, before a Sondergericht, one of the 'Special Courts' set up by the Nazis to try offenders against the State, and though acquitted of the main charge of 'underhand attacks against the State' was fined two thousand marks and sentenced to seven months' imprisonment for 'abuse of the pulpit' and holding collections in his church. Since he had served more than this time, the court ordered his release, but he was seized by the Gestapo as he was leaving the courtroom, placed in 'protective custody' and confined in concentration camps, first at Sacchsenhausen and then at Dauchau, whe

[CTRL] Palestinians ignore curfew in Nablus

2002-07-30 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.missoulian.com/display/inn_news/news19.txt
Palestinians ignore curfew in Nablus

Palestinians shop for vegetables during curfew hours in the West Bank town of Nablus on Monday. Thousands of Palestinians defied the Israeli army's curfew and took to the streets of Nablus as shops and banks opened to accommodate them.Photo by NASSER ISHTAYEH/Associated Press 
By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH of the Associated Press
NABLUS, West Bank - Thousands of Palestinians poured onto the streets of Nablus on Monday in defiance of a 40-day-old Israeli army curfew, the strongest challenge yet to the Israeli army restrictions on West Bank cities and towns.

If Nablus residents effectively lift the around-the-clock curfew on their own, such actions could spread to other West Bank cities. Nablus Gov. Mahmoud Aloul, who had urged his people to defy the curfew, said Palestinians should follow the Nablus model.

"People who can't find food and need medicine and treatment should break the doors of their jail," Aloul said in an interview with the Associated Press.

Early Tuesday, a Palestinian entered a house in the Jewish settlement of Itamar near Nablus and stabbed a settler and his wife, seriously wounding them, rescue officials and Israel Radio said, adding security guards at the settlement killed the infiltrator.

Shops, banks and offices opened to accommodate the curfew breakers, who filled the streets of Nablus. "I've been confined to my home for more than a month. I have eight children, we've eaten all we have," said Tamer Adnan, working at his falafel stand. "I'm just fighting to get food for my kids."

Israeli soldiers in armored vehicles ringing the city stood by without response, in contrast to tough reactions to earlier violations in which troops have even opened fire on people because of misunderstandings over the curfew's duration.

"There is a curfew and we are aware of the violations," military spokesman Lt. Col. Olivier Rafowicz said Monday of the situation in Nablus. "For the moment, we are not responding."

In some cities, the curfew is often lifted during the day, and then reimposed before nightfall. But the restrictions have been particularly tight in Nablus, where the curfew has been officially lifted five times, for a few hours at a stretch, in the last 40 days.

On Monday, the curfews were lifted for the day in Tulkarem, Qalqiliya and Hebron.

The restrictions, imposed when Israeli forces took over seven of the eight main Palestinian population centers starting June 20 in response to suicide bomb attacks, have worsened already difficult conditions for Palestinians in the West Bank. International aid agencies warn some are facing malnutrition.

Preliminary figures from a U.S. government report show that 30 percent of Palestinian children are suffering from malnutrition, up from 7 percent since the fighting began.

In response, Israel pledged to release $15 million to the Palestinian Authority on Monday, the first such transfer since fighting erupted in September 2000.

The transfer, the first of three planned installments, is a small fraction of the estimated $600 million in taxes and customs revenues Israel has collected on behalf of the Palestinians. Up to now, Israel has refused to release the money, contending it might be used to finance terror attacks.

Under interim peace accords, Israel collects customs and taxes for Palestinian goods transiting Israel and transfers the money to the Palestinian Authority.

Israel has explained the drastic measures of confining hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to their homes while, in effect, reoccupying towns and cities turned over to Palestinian self-rule in 1994 and 1995 by pointing to dozens of suicide bombing attacks that have originated in the West Bank.

The curfews, added to roadblocks, travel restrictions and a ban on Palestinians working in Israel, have wrecked the Palestinian economy through nearly two years of fighting and left thousands of families dependent on food handouts from international aid organizations.

In Hebron, about 100 people marched through the Palestinian-controlled section of the city with the body of a 14-year-old girl shot to death on Sunday, apparently by Jewish settlers. The settlers were bringing the body of a soldier killed in a Palestinian attack to their cemetery when a riot erupted. Nizin Jamjoum was shot while standing on her balcony, Palestinians said.

Weeping, the girl's brother called the riot terrorism by settlers. "If not today, then maybe tomorrow or after one month, I will avenge the killing of my sister," Marwan Jamjoun said.

Israeli soldiers control part of the middle of Hebron to protect about 450 Jewish settlers who live in three enclaves.

Also Monday, a Palestinian cameraman for Dubai TV was beaten by soldiers when he tried to return to his home in Jerusalem from Ramallah, the station's correspondent said. The Israeli military had no immediate comment.Do You 


2002-07-31 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
while i am sure that street theater has therapeutic and possibly communicative uses, it is primarily deceptive - the deception being that it is spontaneous occurences and not a coordinated campaign...perfect for behavior modification...the following piece suggests the FBI complicit in such yet i suppose that there are other agencies who specialize in such, like the CIA...as i have always said: you will know them by their methods...deceivers are not your friends..
copied from http://juneemoon.8m.net/photo3.html
WHAT IS "STREET THEATER"?Street theater is a term used by people who are affected by FBI and other government surviellence and psyops tactics. People who are surviellenced experience break-ins as well as constant harassment by undercover agents. "Street Theater" tactics is a form of psychological warfare (psyops) tactics which attempt to psychologically break down the person they are hired to surviellence. Agents also relay private or personal information to those whom they follow in general ways (so as to deny it was directed at the person they are following if they were to take the FBI etc. to court)in attempts to embaress those they are hired to surviellence as well as discredit them. Due to the number of agents following the person they are hired too, it causes more stress to the person surviellenced. The person or persons surviellenced may try to explain what is happening to them to others, (because of lack of knowledge) not too many people believe them which also creates more stress and discredit toward the person surviellenced. The FBI and other government agencies also tend to use non lethal ('extreme control') weapons along with the surviellence to cause them pain and discomfort when the surviellenced person does or goes places the surviellencers do not approve of. What the surviellencers may not approve of is letting the person, sleep, relax, have sex, feel happy etc. in efforts to modify the surviellenced person's behavior (by the surviellencers not harming the person when when the person does something the surviellencers approve of).
more at http://juneemoon.8m.net/photo3.htmlDo You Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] Faces of the New War on Iraq

2002-08-01 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
i can't help thinking that all these leaks are too plentiful for my sense of credibility..that they are either meant to drum up iraq whilst lulling some other power particular to their plan so as to increase surprise factor OR they are going to get iraq to start NOT heeding calls of 'wolf' and while simultaneously draining them of energy by keeping them en guardeDo You Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh andTerry Nichols OKC case

2002-08-01 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Prudy L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
-Caveat Lector-I thought they'd find a way. Prudy
this is yet ANOTHER florida connection to terrorism on US soilthis is the OP. NORTHWOODS GANG...THE BAY OF PIGS GANG...THE TEXAS, PROMIS, EARL BRIAN, E. HOWARD HUNT, CARLUCCI, MCNAMARA, BUSHES...oki'll be alright now
please see:
Is it just a coincidence that many of the same players that are in 9:11 and everything from the Bay of Pigs to Operation Northwoods to LBJ to the Miami 5 to JFK's assassination to the Venezuelan Coup to Jeb Bush and the election fraud to Florida Flight Schools to Iran-Contra to BCCI all have Florida connections?
EVERY link below contains connection between said topics and the anti-Castro bunch that did in Kennedy, the same bunch that ran Iran-Contra and that also, seems to have direct connections to Oklahoma City.
the Bay of Pigs, Operation Northwoods, and LBJhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11081
The Miami 5 and the Bay of Pigshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11125
Cuba and the question of international terrorismhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11134
REFLECTIONS ON SELECTING THE POLITICALLY CONVENIENT TERRORISTShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11135
The Bush-Florida-Cuba connectionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11141
Noriega, Global Crossing, Cuba, and the War on Terrorhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11143
Bay of Pigs and Dealy Plazahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11149
the Venezuelan Coup attempt and the florida terroristshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11150
THE BUSH FAMILY, FLORIDA, and the AMERICAN CIAhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11155
Bushistas and Venezuela: The Coup That Went Southhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11156
Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americanshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11157
Mohamed Atta, Florida, Falwell, and September 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11174
The Serial Terrorist George Bush Freedhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11180
why is the FBI taking the heat for the CIA's errant ways?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11183
Fidel Castro Finds Heir in Chavezhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11186
Bush Sr., Iran-Contra, "Brothers to the Rescue", and the L.A. Crack Explosionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11188
Three Days that Shook the Mediahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11189
Operation Northwoods And The Reichstag Firehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11193
more on florida and september 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11195
JEB BUSH AND RIGHT WING CUBAN EXILEShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11200
Iran-Contra, the Bushes, Al Martin, HUD, Armitage, and Harkenhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11215
Thailand, Heroin, and the Iran-Contra Ganghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11216
if Bushes are Nazis...here is ANOTHER connection to JFK assassinationhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11226
Israel and the Contrashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11227
Bush Pardons Florida-trained assassin: June 2000http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11231
FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh andTerry Nichols OKC casehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11197
Re: FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh and Terry Nichols OKC casehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11233
Jose Basulto Leon and "Brothers to the Rescue"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11235
Up Against the Beast: High-level Drug Runninghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11238
THE CIA: "COCAINE IMPORTING AGENCY"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11256
The Drug Trade, the Kennedy Assassination, and the War in Vietnamhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11257
Free the Five web sitehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11394
The Clinton Connection: Iran-Contra, OKC's John Doeville, and Mena Arkansashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11395
Bush, Atta Visit Same Florida Island Resort Before Sept 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11398
Orlando Boschhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11400
George II's Dangerous Liaisonshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11401
Re: connections between sept. 11 and anti-castro cuban-americanshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11406
Re: The Clinton Connection: Iran-Contra, OKC's John Doeville, and Mena Arkansashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11409
Israelism, Harari, and Iran-Contra - the Israeli Connectionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11407
The CIA and the Drugs Tradehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11410
on the Miami 5http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11413
Oklahoma City, Florida, and BCCIhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11414
Re: Oklahoma City, Florida, and BCCIhttp://gro

Re: [CTRL] Media Distortions and the UN Report on Jenin

2002-08-02 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
the UN has bowed to NATO at every turn
 thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
-Caveat Lector-2 quick responses.The Un has not exactly been pro-israel. SO if it does find there was nomassacre, it seems there was no massacre, as given past performance, theywould most happily label it as such if it were.So by this logic, the Arabs can no longer complain about Israel notfollowing UN Rulings, without also mentioning the UN ordered '47 partition?on 8/1/02 6:47 PM, smilicoyoti at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> If Israel claims that UN reports are not credible when they> criticize Israel, it cannot then claim that they suddenly regain> legitimacy when they appear to "exonerate" it. -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - -- -- - -- -I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes meto tremble for the safety of my country corporations have beenenthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the moneypower of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on theprejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands andthe Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safetyof my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.Abraham LincolnNEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~the.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Archives Available at:http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlArchives of[EMAIL PROTECTED]http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ctrlTo subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SIGNOFF CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]OmDo You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] ~HeAdLiNeS~ 08/02/02

2002-08-02 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s Generalhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/115
Global Sweatshop Coalition: Events, INS Detainees Alerthttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/116
Rachel #748: Waste Management Foreverhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/117
Andersen Video Puts Cheney on Spothttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/118
Privatized Primaries?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/119
U.S. Offers Koreans Compensationhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/120
Why Is Travel To Cuba A Crime in the U.S.?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/121
U.S. to Withhold $34M in U.N. Fundshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/122
Cheney Obstructs Justice -Threatens Process Server With Arresthttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/123
Knights of Malta and the CIAhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/124
Dissent in Saudi Arabiahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/125
Korean students attack US troopshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/126
Community Media journalists in Venezuela under threathttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/127
Bush Faces Storm Over 'Enron' Judgehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/128
Societal Cost of Surveillance; Big Pharma, Bad Sciencehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/129
The Bioneers Conferencehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/130
ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, No. 364http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixedmuck/message/132Do You Yahoo!?
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2002-08-02 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
at the author's request, the below is posted without reference to his/her identity
> > As for PROMISE the program is full of hooks into NT.> Many virus program > exploit these hooks. The boys at MIT were supposed> to patch the program and > replace all US high level program while still giving> out the backdoor > friendly copies to other countries. They were never> able to patch the > software.> > I need to make a correction on this.  MIT was to create a new version or program entirely that was to be able to read the old PROMIS programs and be compatible with it but PROMIS could not read it. IN the end they could only patch segments and because of the firmware, everytime they would patch a segment a new hole would open up, As far as I know MIT as never able to accomplish the task. The Chinese may have figured in here too. When the PROMIS software was given to them for the Golden Shield Program, they monitored the interfaces and watched for anyone coming in outside their internal web. I am not sure they are aware of the problems with the software itself. They may only be aware of the existence of certain backdoors.see also http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/messagesearch?query=PROMISDo You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Pakistani link in Florida arms smuggling probe

2002-08-03 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Pakistani link probed in arms case

Federal authorities re-open Florida smuggling probe

A "Dateline NBC" report offers a glimpse into a federal sting operation against U.S. arms dealers with terror ties. NBC's Chris Hansen reports. Watch the full report Friday night.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 —  Federal investigators are reexamining a recent arms smuggling case in Florida to determine whether agents of the Pakistani government tried to buy missiles and nuclear weapons components in the United States last year for use by terrorists or Pakistan’s military.
more at http://msnbc.com/news/789088.asp?0si=&cp1=1Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Vacaville, E. Brian, Sirhan Sirhan, Jack Ruby, "Jolly" West, OK City, Jonestown, and the SLA

2002-08-03 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
what follows is snipped from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/2846
There was just a small news announcement on the radio in early July after a short heat wave, three inmates of Vacaville Medical Facility had died in non-air conditioned cells. Two of those prisoners, the announcement said, may have died as a result of medical treatment. No media inquiries were made, no major news stories developed because of these deaths.  But what was the medical treatment that may have caused their deaths? The Medical Facility indicates they were mind control or behavior modification treatments. A deeper probe into the death of these two inmates unravels a mind-boggling tale of horror that has been part of California penal history for a long time, and one that caused national outcries two decades ago. ~snip~And, alas, his name appears again in the nation's behaviormodification and mind control experiments. Dr. Brian was Reagan's Secretary of Health when Reagan was Governor. Dr. Brian was an advocate of state subsidies for a research center for the study of violent behavior. The center was to begin operations by mid-1975, and its research was intended to shed light on why people murder or rape, or hijack aircraft.~snip~The Director of the Neurophyschiatric Institute and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Louis Jolyon West was selected to run the center. Dr. West is alleged to have been a contract agent for the CIA, who, as part of a network of doctors and scientists, gathered intelligence on hallucinogenic drugs, including LSD, for the super-secret MK-ULTRA program.~snip~Dr. West was further known as the psychiatrist who was called upon to examine Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald's assassin. It was on the basis of West's diagnosis that Ruby was compelled to be treated for mental disorders and put on happy pills. The West examination was ordered after Ruby began to say that he was part of a right-wing conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy. Two years after the commencement of treatment for mental disorder, Ruby died of cancer in prison. ~snip~Some of the planned areas of study for the Center included:Studies of violent individuals. Experiments on prisoners from Vacaville and Atascadero, andhyperkinetic children. Experiments with violence-producing and violent inhibiting drugs. Hormonal aspects of passivity and aggressiveness in boys.Studies to discover and compare norms of violence among various ethnic groups.Studies of pre-delinquent children. ~snip~Westbrook's most prominent client at Vacaville was Donald DeFreeze, who be tween 1967 and 1969, had worked for the Los Angeles Police Department's Public Disorder Intelligence unit and later became the leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Many authorities now believe that the Black Cultural Association at Vacaville was the seedling of the SLA. Westbrook even designed the SLA logo, the cobra with seven heads, and gave De Freeze his African name of Cinque. The SLA was responsible for the assassination of MarcusFoster, superintendent of School in Oakland and the kidnapping of Patty Hearst.~snip~The assassins were conditioned through "audio-visualdesensitization". The process involved the showing of films of people being injured or killed in a variety of ways, starting with very mild depictions, leading up to the more extreme forms of mayhem. Eventually, the subjects would be able to detach their feelings even when viewing the most horrible of films. The conditioning was most successful when applied to "passive-aggressive" types, and most of these ended up being able to kill without any regrets.~snip~more at:http://www.sonic.net/sentinel/gvcon8.html~snip~West also examined Sirhan Sirhan, a controlled hypo-patsy who allegedly killed Robert F. Kennedy. Currently chairman of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute, West headed the American Psychological Association (APA) trauma response team that rushed to Oklahoma City in the wake of the disaster.~snip~In 1968, Dr. Joseph L. Bern of Virginia Polytechnic Institute questioned authorities on hypnosis about whether the creation of a "Manchurian Candidate" was really feasible. As Author Bowart recounted one expert's response to Dr. Bernd: "I would say that a highly skilled hypnotist, working with a highly susceptible subject, could possibly persuade the subject to kill another human?#34; Another believed it was even possible, through posthypnoticsuggestion, to make a subject unable to recall such an act: "There could be a conspiracy, but a conspiracy of which the principal was unaware."~snip~One program for the recruitment of programmed operatives is called Operation OPEN EYES. According to a former Navy Intelligence officer and SEAL team leader attached to the CIA, "Clear Eyes" are the programmed victims of OPEN EYES. The operation involves canvassing the country for individuals who have few close friends or relatives.~snip~Now it must be clear to you the various levels used by the intel commu

[CTRL] Trauma Bonding : The Pull to the Perpetrator

2002-08-03 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/ritual_abuse/50317

Ritual AbuseBy Svali   

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Related Subject(s): Ritual abuse ,  Ritual abuse victims Dewey Code: 616.858369 (362.76) 

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Trauma Bonding : The Pull to the PerpetratorAuthor: Svali Published on: October 12, 2000
 Related Subject(s): Ritual abuse victims -- Anecdotes ,  Post-traumatic stress disorder ,  Ritual abuse victims -- Rehabilitation 



** please note: this article discusses perpetration, trauma, and cult programming. If you are a survivor, do not read if these subjects are triggering unless with your therapist or a safe person.

I will be writing on an extremely difficult subject, that of trauma bonding, also known as bonding to the perpetrator. This is difficult to do for several reasons. As a child, I was in a state of 밹aptivity to my abuser?as delineated in trauma journals. I was raised in an isolative cult, and bonded heavily to my primary programmers, both my parents, and the trainers that worked with me. Then, as an adult, I continued the vicious cycle when I became a trainer, then a head trainer, and bonded others to me.
Trauma bonding is the issue that is left out of the equation when people ask 밯hy do cult members recontact their perps? Why do they keep going back for more abuse??Without understanding chronic trauma, and the effects of trauma bonding, it is impossible to understand the dynamic involved. I will be sharing in this article both from personal memory of methods used, as well as sourcing to the literature on the subject. My greatest hope is that by understanding this often misunderstood subject, that others may be helped to pull out of its insidious pull.
If a person is unable to escape chronic, traumatic abuse, they will eventually begin to bond with their perpetrator(s). This has been well documented in the literature. It will occur because of the dehumanization of the victim, who may reach a state of feeling that they are 뱑obotized?or nonfeeling, combined with a disruption in the capacity for intimacy caused by the trauma.
?Trauma impels people both to withdraw from close relationships and to seeks them desperately. The profound disruption in basic trust, the common feelings of shame, guilt, and inferiority, and the need to avoid reminders of the trauma that might be found in social life, all foster withdrawal from close relationships. But the terror of the traumatic event intensifies the need for protective attachments. The traumatized person therefore frequently alternates between isolation and anxious clinging to others... ?1)
Many victims of severe and unrelenting trauma, whether domestic violence, incest, or ritual abuse, will find that they feel anxious when alone, and fear abandonment and isolation. The over-dependent characteristics are NOT a personality fault, but a result of the chronic abuse. This is often rooted in the fact that as a child, the trauma survivor was not only a CAPTIVE to their abuse, but they depended upon their perpetrator for food, shelter, or other necessities. In addition, with ritual abuse, a small child will often be abandoned for periods of time, to increase their dependency upon the very people who are abusing them. Any two or three year old will be almost insanely grateful to be rescued from a small box that they have been confined within for hours, or from the dark confines of a musty basement where they have been left for a day or two. Even the most abusive perpetrator will then become the child뭩 rescuer, which is the foundation of trauma bonding. In trauma bonding, the person뭩 abuser will be perceived as the one who delivers and rescues from the abuse, as well as the tormentor. This creates a psychological ambivalence that creates dissociation in a young child. The very helplessness and terror that are instilled by the abuse, cause the child (or later, the adult) to reach out to the only available hand for relief: the perpetrator. And the perpetrator WILL rescue and stop the abuse, or take the child out of the confines of their pain, but for a price: their unrelenting loyalty and obedience. This is the traumatic underpinning of all cult programming that I have seen: a combination of abuse and kindness; terror and rescue; degradation and praise.
This will be reinforced by the perceived power of the perpetrator in the cult situation: In situations of captivity, the perpetrator becomes the most powerful person in the life of the victim, and the psychology of the victim is shaped by the actions and beliefs of the perpetrator. (1)
This is survival at its most basic for the child raised in a cult setting, since failure to do this will cause further punishment and pain. The child will have seen people tortured or killed for disobedience, and so, literally, the perpetrator WILL have the per

Re: [CTRL] Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors

2002-08-03 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
a related issue:
copied from http://www.wildrockies.org/wildfire/

The Truth about Logging and Wildfires:Exposing the Bush Administration’s "Thinning" Plan

"Exactly this kind of treatment is what has to happen across the West of the United States.We have only 20 years to treat 30 million acres."— Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth, when visiting the Fort Valley Experimental Forest as reported by the Associated Press on August 9, 2001 

"The removal of large, merchantable trees from forests does not reduce fire riskand may, in fact, increase such risk."— USDA Forest Service and Department of the Interior, September 8, 2000

"The Congressional Research Service (CRS) recently addressed the effect of logging on wildfires in an August 2000 report and found that the current wave of forest fires is not related to a decline in timber harvest on federal lands. In the most recent period (1980 through 1999) the data indicate that fewer acres burned in areas where logging activity was limited."— USDA Forest Service and Department of the Interior, September 8, 2000 

The Bush Administration and Forest Service are playing on the public’s fear of fire to justify massive logging projects across 30 million acres of National Forests throughout the West. These logging projects — which the Administration and Forest Service refer to as "thinning" or "fuels reduction" projects — have the potential to greatly increase logging within America's public National Forests.
The Bush Administration and Forest Service are using the Fort Valley timber sale in the Coconino National Forest near Flagstaff, Arizona as the posterchild for the type of "thinning" they envision over 30 million acres of National Forests.
This photograph of the Fort Valley timber sale represents a graphic example of the type of "thinning" the Bush Administration and Forest Service are proposing for 30 million acres of National Forest lands in the West.

This photo is available for reproduction.Click here for a high resolution version.Please credit to Martos Hoffman 
Bush Fire Plan Portends More Logging, More FiresThe timber industry and its political apologists have praised the Bush Administration’s recently-released 10-year Strategic Plan for managing wildland fires. However, there are several fundamental problems with this picture.Restoration or Exploitation? The Case of Fort Valley Timber SaleThe Fort Valley timber sale in the Coconino National Forest is ground zero in the dispute over how to restore public lands after years of abusive logging, grazing and fire suppression.Click Here for Additional Wildfire ResourcesFor more information, contact:Matthew Koehler Native Forest Network 406-542-7343[EMAIL PROTECTED]Bryan BirdForest Conservation Council 505-466-2459[EMAIL PROTECTED]Chad HansonNational Director, Sierra ClubExecutive Director, John Muir Project626-792-0109[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The Fort Valley timber sale, like all commercial logging projects, focused on the removal of mature trees, not undergrowth. Stands that were previously suitable habitat for Mexican spotted owls and goshawks now have far too little forest cover to support these imperiled species. This photo is available for reproduction. Click here for a high resolution version. Please credit to Martos Hoffman.

What does Science Say about Logging and Wildfires?
"Timber harvest, through its effects on forest structure, local microclimate, and fuels accumulation, has increased fire severity more than any other recent human activity." - Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, 1996. Final Report to Congress 
"Logged areas generally showed a strong association with increased rate of spread and flame length, thereby suggesting that tree harvesting could affect the potential fire behavior within landscapes. In general, rate of spread and flame length were positively correlated with the proportion of area logged in the sample watersheds." -Historical and Current Forest Landscapes in Eastern Oregon and Washington. Part II: Linking Vegetation Characteristics to Potential Fire Behavior and Related Smoke Production (PNW-GTR-355) 
"As a by-product of clearcutting, thinning, and other tree-removal activities, activity fuels create both short- and long-term fire hazards to ecosystems. The potential rate of spread and intensity of fires associated with recently cut logging residues is high, especially the first year or two as the material decays. High fire-behavior hazards associated with the residues can extend, however, for many years depending on the tree. Even though these hazards diminish, their influence on fire behavior can linger for up to 30 years in the dry forest ecosystems of eastern Washington and Oregon." -Historical and Current Forest Landscapes in Eastern Oregon and Washington. Part II: Linking Vegetation Characteristics to Potential Fire Behavior and Related Smoke Production (PNW-GTR-355) 
"Fire severity has generally increased and fire frequency has generally decreased over t

[CTRL] Neuro Linquistic Programming 101

2002-08-08 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Neuro Linquistic Programming 101Posted by: Anonymous on Aug 08, 2002 - 05:40 PM

 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. Obviously, the structure of something so subjective does not lend itself to precise, statistical formulae but instead leads to models of how these things work. From these models, techniques for quickly and effectively changing thoughts, behaviors and beliefs that limit you have been developed. Warning! The following paragraph contains big, ugly, hard-to-understand words developed by a linguist. This is the only downside to NLP I know of and we're staying up nights trying to fix it. Parental guidance is suggested. Many of the models in NLP were created by studying people who did things exquisitely well. Models such as meta-model, metaprogram, sensory acuity, Milton-model, representational systems and submodalities among others, provide a diverse set of tools for creating change in yourself and others. Someone who wanted to create a model for learning to drive a car really well, might approach a expert in the field something like this - Instead of asking an expert driver, " How do you drive?" ("Very well, thank you."), they would be concentrating not on the content of what they did but on the underlying structure such as how they represent driving in their mind, the beliefs and attitudes they had about driving, the strategies they used in making decisions, how often they change their oil, (skip that last one) among other factors. Let's use something called submodalities as an example of how a model works. By understanding how we perceive the world through our five senses, we can then understand how some people can respond very resourcefully in a situation and others do not. Once you learn how those who remain resourceful set up their representations, then it's a simple matter to teach others to do the same thing. The Example: Imagine seeing an enormous spider dangling directly in front of your face. Now clear your mind (sorry, didn't want to leave that image hanging around). A common way for people to have a phobic reaction to spiders or anything related to them, is to picture a spider completely oversized and far too close in their minds. Spiders are tiny, well-mannered creatures that are far more frightened of you than you should be of them but try telling that to someone with that particular phobia. So, why don't these phobic people notice the images they're creating? The popular belief is that we don't pay much attention to what's going on in our unconscious. If you considered the enormous amount of information your brain has to process each day, it's probably best that we don't spend much time dwelling on it (otherwise, we would probably sit around babbling and drooling and eventually starve to death). Well, what do we do about our friend with the phobia, Extra-strength cans of Raid for a house warming gift? NLPers ask the question, "If another person can have fun playing with their pet spider, what can we learn about them that we could teach the phobic person so they can play with spiders, too?" (Or something like that). The spider-lover would most likely have an image representing spiders that was proportionally correct and at a reasonable distance and possibly other factors not worth getting into right now. Knowing the difference, the NLPer can use one of many techniques to help the phobic person relearn their reaction to spiders so that it is similar in nature to the spider-lover's (hopefully less of the lover part). The above example may sound complicated but phobia treatments often take less than half an hour. An powerful change with a minimal investment of time and effort. NLP is based on many useful presuppositions that support the attitude that change is imminent. One of the most important is, NLP is about what works, not what should work. In other words, if what you're doing isn't working, try something else, anything else, regardless of whether what you had been doing should have worked. Flexibility is the key element in a given system, the one who is most likely to do well responds to changing (or unchanging) circumstances. That's one reason NLP has made so much progress in an area where such is not the norm. Innovators try out things with little regard as to its "truth" or "reality", NLP is much more interested in results and giving people what they want from life (sappy yes, but "true" nonetheless). This is the end of the Introduction to NLP. What you have just read is very incomplete but hopefully gives you a taste of what NLP is about. I highly recommend you continue your investigation of how NLP can enhance all aspects of your life from improving your relationships with loved ones, learning to teach effectively, gaining a stronger sense of self esteem, greater motivation, better understanding of communication, enhancing your business or career, bending steel bars in a single bound

[CTRL] 15 killed in Kabul clash

2002-08-09 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://frontierpost.com.pk/main.asp?id=2&date1=8/8/2002

15 killed in Kabul clash

Updated on 8/8/2002 2:45:08 PM
KABUL (Agencies): Attackers struck an Afghan army base on Wednesday in southern Kabul, and 15 people were killed, including 11 guerrillas, authorities reported.The base commander claimed the attackers were Arabs and Pakistanis, but that could not be confirmed. 
It was the most serious battle in the capital in months, and came just a day after U.S. troops killed four men who reportedly opened fire on them in Kunar province, 90 miles to the northeast.
The two incidents, and another involving U.S. troops on Monday, represented an upsurge in violence during a relatively quiet period eight months after the fall of Afghanistan’s Taliban government.
The attack on the Kabul army garrison began about 7 a.m.
when the guerrillas, armed with AK-47 semiautomatic rifles, rushed the post in the Bagram-i District, about six miles south of the center of the capital, said the local police commander, Col.
Haji Rashid.
Soldiers fought back mainly with rocket-propelled grenades, he said.
The base commander, Bismullah Khan, told The Associated Press that in a three-hour battle his men pursued the attackers as they retreated to a nearby mountain, surrounded them and killed 11.
He said three of his men also were killed.
A wounded civilian died en route to a hospital, said Maj.
Angela Herbert, a spokeswoman for the International Security Assistance Force, the multinational force that patrols Kabul.
One guerrilla and four soldiers were wounded, the Afghan officials said.
The guerrillas apparently were trapped by the soldiers and shot against a steep lower slope of the mountain, where large bloodstains could later be seen after their bodies were taken away.
“They were Arabs and Pakistanis,” said Khan, the garrison commander, but he did not say how this had been determined.
Rashid, the police commander, said 20 soldiers and 20 police were involved in the fight.
He said the attackers “came from the south of Kabul, from the direction of the mountains and villages.” None of the U.S. troops in Afghanistan was known to have been involved in the Kabul battle, although unidentified Americans in civilian clothes were later seen inspecting the site.
On Tuesday, American troops patrolling in eastern Afghanistan’s Kunar province killed four men in an automobile who opened fire on them, said Col.
Roger King at Bagram, the U.S. military headquarters.
He said a fifth man in the car also was hit and wounded when the Americans returned fire.
King said the men were believed to be al-Qaida members, and a large amount of cash from a country in the region - which he did not identify was found in the car.
The provincial intelligence chief, Jan Shah, told the AP that the Americans opened fire on the car when it did not stop to be searched in the Shagai area, near the provincial capital, Asadabad.
He said the question of whether the men were armed was under investigation.
Another local leader, tribal chief Haji Rooh Ullah, told the AP that the four killed were Afghans and former Taliban.
He said they were all members of one family, relatives of the former Taliban provincial governor.
Shah, the intelligence official, said the men had not been actively opposing the new U.S.-supported government On Monday, U.S. troops patrolling the same area killed two men who were said to have fired on them from a hilltop.
“Part of the process of doing patrols like this is to attempt to flush out the enemy that may be operating in that area, and then eventually drive the enemy out of an area,” King said Wednesday.
“We view two days of contact as a success.” U.S. forces have been in Kunar province, which borders Pakistan, for more than a month.
King said recent attacks could be a combination of a change of tactics by the adversary and changes in the way the U.S. military is operating, putting more soldiers in the field and being more active in their patrols.
In Kabul, eight months after a U.S.-led military campaign ousted the Taliban government and scattered the al-Qaida terrorist network, the multinational ISAF contingent has generally maintained the peace in the capital.
But fighting has flared in outlying provinces between armed factions vying for power, and the central government has remained on guard against possible attacks by resurgent Taliban or al-Qaida units.
Last week, Afghan authorities reported intercepting a would-be car bomber in the heart of Kabul, before he could set off his half-ton of explosives.
He was said to have come from the region south of Kabul.
Although unidentified gunmen have occasionally fired briefly on patrols by the Kabul multinational force and other targets, the capital has been spared such pitched firefights - and heavy casualties - in the eight months since the Taliban fled from power. 
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[CTRL] 15 killed in Kabul clash

2002-08-09 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://frontierpost.com.pk/main.asp?id=2&date1=8/8/2002

15 killed in Kabul clash

Updated on 8/8/2002 2:45:08 PM
KABUL (Agencies): Attackers struck an Afghan army base on Wednesday in southern Kabul, and 15 people were killed, including 11 guerrillas, authorities reported.The base commander claimed the attackers were Arabs and Pakistanis, but that could not be confirmed. 
It was the most serious battle in the capital in months, and came just a day after U.S. troops killed four men who reportedly opened fire on them in Kunar province, 90 miles to the northeast.
The two incidents, and another involving U.S. troops on Monday, represented an upsurge in violence during a relatively quiet period eight months after the fall of Afghanistan’s Taliban government.
The attack on the Kabul army garrison began about 7 a.m.
when the guerrillas, armed with AK-47 semiautomatic rifles, rushed the post in the Bagram-i District, about six miles south of the center of the capital, said the local police commander, Col.
Haji Rashid.
Soldiers fought back mainly with rocket-propelled grenades, he said.
The base commander, Bismullah Khan, told The Associated Press that in a three-hour battle his men pursued the attackers as they retreated to a nearby mountain, surrounded them and killed 11.
He said three of his men also were killed.
A wounded civilian died en route to a hospital, said Maj.
Angela Herbert, a spokeswoman for the International Security Assistance Force, the multinational force that patrols Kabul.
One guerrilla and four soldiers were wounded, the Afghan officials said.
The guerrillas apparently were trapped by the soldiers and shot against a steep lower slope of the mountain, where large bloodstains could later be seen after their bodies were taken away.
“They were Arabs and Pakistanis,” said Khan, the garrison commander, but he did not say how this had been determined.
Rashid, the police commander, said 20 soldiers and 20 police were involved in the fight.
He said the attackers “came from the south of Kabul, from the direction of the mountains and villages.” None of the U.S. troops in Afghanistan was known to have been involved in the Kabul battle, although unidentified Americans in civilian clothes were later seen inspecting the site.
On Tuesday, American troops patrolling in eastern Afghanistan’s Kunar province killed four men in an automobile who opened fire on them, said Col.
Roger King at Bagram, the U.S. military headquarters.
He said a fifth man in the car also was hit and wounded when the Americans returned fire.
King said the men were believed to be al-Qaida members, and a large amount of cash from a country in the region - which he did not identify was found in the car.
The provincial intelligence chief, Jan Shah, told the AP that the Americans opened fire on the car when it did not stop to be searched in the Shagai area, near the provincial capital, Asadabad.
He said the question of whether the men were armed was under investigation.
Another local leader, tribal chief Haji Rooh Ullah, told the AP that the four killed were Afghans and former Taliban.
He said they were all members of one family, relatives of the former Taliban provincial governor.
Shah, the intelligence official, said the men had not been actively opposing the new U.S.-supported government On Monday, U.S. troops patrolling the same area killed two men who were said to have fired on them from a hilltop.
“Part of the process of doing patrols like this is to attempt to flush out the enemy that may be operating in that area, and then eventually drive the enemy out of an area,” King said Wednesday.
“We view two days of contact as a success.” U.S. forces have been in Kunar province, which borders Pakistan, for more than a month.
King said recent attacks could be a combination of a change of tactics by the adversary and changes in the way the U.S. military is operating, putting more soldiers in the field and being more active in their patrols.
In Kabul, eight months after a U.S.-led military campaign ousted the Taliban government and scattered the al-Qaida terrorist network, the multinational ISAF contingent has generally maintained the peace in the capital.
But fighting has flared in outlying provinces between armed factions vying for power, and the central government has remained on guard against possible attacks by resurgent Taliban or al-Qaida units.
Last week, Afghan authorities reported intercepting a would-be car bomber in the heart of Kabul, before he could set off his half-ton of explosives.
He was said to have come from the region south of Kabul.
Although unidentified gunmen have occasionally fired briefly on patrols by the Kabul multinational force and other targets, the capital has been spared such pitched firefights - and heavy casualties - in the eight months since the Taliban fled from power. 
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[CTRL] Humans are Hive-Dwellers, thanks to Mobile Phones

2002-08-09 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Humans are Hive-Dwellers, thanks to Mobile PhonesPosted by: Anonymous on Aug 06, 2002 - 03:03 PM

 Social swarming involves sharing your life with others in real time. It means pulsing to the rhythm of life with one's posse. It means a nonstop emotional connection to one's swarm.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23395-2002Jul30.html Cell Biology Like the Bee, This Evolving Species Buzzes and Swarms By Joel Garreau Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 31, 2002; Page C01 At the University of St. Andrews, where he studies art history, the royal hottie Prince William can't even go out for drinks with friends without being tracked electronically by a pack of wired women. "A quite sophisticated text messaging network has sprung up," an "insider" told the Scottish Daily Record. "If William is spotted anywhere in the town then messages are sent out" on his admirers' cell phones. "It starts off quite small. The first messages are then forwarded to more girls and so on. It just has a snowball effect. Informing 100 girls of his movements takes just seconds." At one bar, the prince had to be moved to a safe location when more than 100 "lusty ladies," so alerted, suddenly mobbed the place like cats responding to the sound of a can opener. Chalk up another life changed by "swarming," a behavior that is transforming social, work, military and even political lives worldwide, especially among the young. It is the unintended consequence of people, cell phones in hand, learning that they can coordinate instantly and leaderlessly. "It's the search for peak experience, something that's really going to be special," says Adam Eidinger, a District political organizer. "It happened to me just last week. There was a concert at Fort Reno -- Fugazi." His cell rang. "There's this guy, Bernardo, who's one of the biggest swarmer cell-phone people I know." Came the restless call: " 'Where are you? There are all these people here!' And he wasn't just calling us. He called 25 people. Pretty soon everybody he knew was sitting on the grass, and none of them knew they were going to be there that morning." This is the precise opposite of a 1962-style "American Graffiti" world. Then you had to go to a place -- the strip, the drive-in -- to find out what was going on. Now, you find out what's going on by cell phone, and go to the place where it's happening. Swarming is a classic example of how once-isolated individuals are discovering a new way to organize order out of chaos, without guidance. It reverses the idea that geography, in an Internet age, has become irrelevant -- the whole point is to bring people together in one location for face-to-face contact. Swarming is also leading to such wondrous social developments as "time-softening," "cell dancing," "life skittering," "posse pinging," "drunk dialing," and "smart mobs." Movement Made to Order Howard Rheingold is an apostle of swarming. A colorful character who tastefully paints his black dress shoes with moons, stars, planets and flames, Rheingold has for a generation examined the unintended and imaginative uses of new technology by society. He helped pioneer virtual communities -- a phrase he invented -- before most people had even heard of e-mail or seen a cell phone. This was in such a dim and murky past -- 1988 -- that human relationships created simply by typing into the ether were then seen by pundits as preposterous. This was before "fleshmet" entered the lexicon of the early adopters. As in: "Oh yeah, we know each other real well -- although I don't think we've ever fleshmet." As the Internet and mobile communications merge, as cell phones increasingly become something that a teenager gets with her driver's license, and as they shrink from a tool you carry to a fashion item that you wear, Rheingold sees a profound shift in society. "They amplify human talents for cooperation," he says. This is by no means all fun and games. The gear was used by "some of its earliest adopters to support democracy and by others to coordinate terrorist attacks," says Rheingold, whose forthcoming book is called "Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution." Smart mobs are a serious realignment of human affairs, in which leaders may determine an overall goal, but the actual execution is created on the fly by participants at the lowest possible level who are constantly innovating, Rheingold notes. They respond to changing situations without requesting or needing permission. In some cases, even the goal is determined collaboratively and non-hierarchically. It is the warp-speed embodiment of Gandhi's maxim, "There go my people, I must run to catch up with them for I am their leader." The key to the power of mobiles -- including hybrids like two-way pagers, Blackberry e-mailers, personal digital assistants merged with phones, wireless laptops, and phones merged with two-way radios -- is that they liberate people from their desktop telephones and computers, moving the 

[CTRL] Introduction to Memes and Memetics

2002-08-09 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Memetics: In Introduction to Memes and MemeticsPosted by: Memoid on Aug 08, 2002 - 04:10 PM

 "Meme" is a word that was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene. It has been discussed a lot, and it has itself become a meme. When reading Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine, I realized that even in treatises specifically devoted to the meme concept, the fundamentals are not explained very well. This is partly natural since the concept itself is vague and changing. But I decided to write this introduction to memes as an attempted clarification. I am fairly sure that people who talk about memes mean rather different ideas by that word, and saying things as explicitly and simply as possible should help in seeing what those different ideas are and in discussing them. So this is my view on memes, or the particular mutant of the meme concept in my mind. I will try to explain the idea without any reference to genes, or to biology in general. My point is that such a presentation should be possible if Dawkins and Blackmore are right. A meme is an idea, any idea. It is something in human mind. It could be the idea (the essential content) of a joke, or a scientific hypothesis, or the idea that we shouldn't eat meat. The human mind is full of ideas, some of which live a very short lives whereas others might have been adopted in early childhood and kept through the individual's whole life. Some ideas have the property of being either true or false, or perhaps being partly true and partly false, on the basis of their correspondence with the reality outside the human mind. Or perhaps you have a different truth theory. The point, anyway, is that some ideas are propositions in the logical sense; a scientific hypothesis, is a typical example. But most ideas aren't propositions; a joke is just a story, and whether it is based on actual events is irrelevant. The principle "eating meat is wrong", or any moral principle, might be regarded as a proposition by some philosophers. And an idea that merely consists of, say, giving preference to Dom Perignon over other brands of champagne surely isn't a proposition. (It still need not be just a matter of taste; it might be an idea adopted from literature and films, even before tasting any champagne.) Although animals and extraterrestrial beings and man-made systems might conceivably have something that can be called a mind, and thus memes, I'll discuss ideas in human mind only, since we know for sure that there is such a thing as human mind and we live with it. Whether we really know what the human mind is and how it works is a different issue. Several treatises on the meme concept do not make it clear whether a written, drawn or otherwise recorded idea is a meme, too. The terminology isn't that relevant. The relevant thing is to distinguish between an idea in (human) mind and a physical presentation of an idea. The latter can exist independently of human mind, but it has been created by a human mind and it is insignificant unless it will be received and grasped by a human mind. We could say that written texts, for example, contain ideas in dormant state. Similarly, human speech itself is an expression of ideas in the physical word outside one's mind. Although it is common not to make a clear distinction between an idea and its expression, and although no such distinction is usually needed in everyday life, it is essential for an analysis of memes. Consider a joke you have heard. If you didn't find it funny, you will probably forget it. If it was very funny, you will probably remember it and tell it a few times, perhaps even publish it somewhere. And if others find it good too, the joke will propagate very fast. Lots of jokes are told every day, and most of them are either variants of old jokes which thus propagate or else jokes that will be forgotten; only a few new jokes will be remembered and told again. So there is a "struggle for life" between jokes, so to say, and "survival of the funniest". Moreover, between variants of a joke, there is competition too. Some variation of jokes looks fairly irrelevant; it perhaps involves just simple substitutions. When you hear a joke that Englishmen tell about the Irish, you will probably substitute the Swedes or the Russians for the Irish if you tell that joke among Finnish people. After all, most nationality jokes are "portable", since they reflect prejudices and other ideas about neighboring nations or populations. "Localization" of nationality jokes is comparable to biological evolution in small scale: adaptation to the local environment. The pressure towards localization is often strong. A very good joke about three Scandinavians in a falling airplane will hardly survive as such in an Asian country where nobody ever saw a Scandinavian, still less understood the stereotypies that Scandinavian nations have about each other. In the competition of jokes, being funny is important but not the only important f

[CTRL] Introduction to Memes and Memetics

2002-08-09 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Memetics: In Introduction to Memes and MemeticsPosted by: Memoid on Aug 08, 2002 - 04:10 PM

 "Meme" is a word that was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene. It has been discussed a lot, and it has itself become a meme. When reading Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine, I realized that even in treatises specifically devoted to the meme concept, the fundamentals are not explained very well. This is partly natural since the concept itself is vague and changing. But I decided to write this introduction to memes as an attempted clarification. I am fairly sure that people who talk about memes mean rather different ideas by that word, and saying things as explicitly and simply as possible should help in seeing what those different ideas are and in discussing them. So this is my view on memes, or the particular mutant of the meme concept in my mind. I will try to explain the idea without any reference to genes, or to biology in general. My point is that such a presentation should be possible if Dawkins and Blackmore are right. A meme is an idea, any idea. It is something in human mind. It could be the idea (the essential content) of a joke, or a scientific hypothesis, or the idea that we shouldn't eat meat. The human mind is full of ideas, some of which live a very short lives whereas others might have been adopted in early childhood and kept through the individual's whole life. Some ideas have the property of being either true or false, or perhaps being partly true and partly false, on the basis of their correspondence with the reality outside the human mind. Or perhaps you have a different truth theory. The point, anyway, is that some ideas are propositions in the logical sense; a scientific hypothesis, is a typical example. But most ideas aren't propositions; a joke is just a story, and whether it is based on actual events is irrelevant. The principle "eating meat is wrong", or any moral principle, might be regarded as a proposition by some philosophers. And an idea that merely consists of, say, giving preference to Dom Perignon over other brands of champagne surely isn't a proposition. (It still need not be just a matter of taste; it might be an idea adopted from literature and films, even before tasting any champagne.) Although animals and extraterrestrial beings and man-made systems might conceivably have something that can be called a mind, and thus memes, I'll discuss ideas in human mind only, since we know for sure that there is such a thing as human mind and we live with it. Whether we really know what the human mind is and how it works is a different issue. Several treatises on the meme concept do not make it clear whether a written, drawn or otherwise recorded idea is a meme, too. The terminology isn't that relevant. The relevant thing is to distinguish between an idea in (human) mind and a physical presentation of an idea. The latter can exist independently of human mind, but it has been created by a human mind and it is insignificant unless it will be received and grasped by a human mind. We could say that written texts, for example, contain ideas in dormant state. Similarly, human speech itself is an expression of ideas in the physical word outside one's mind. Although it is common not to make a clear distinction between an idea and its expression, and although no such distinction is usually needed in everyday life, it is essential for an analysis of memes. Consider a joke you have heard. If you didn't find it funny, you will probably forget it. If it was very funny, you will probably remember it and tell it a few times, perhaps even publish it somewhere. And if others find it good too, the joke will propagate very fast. Lots of jokes are told every day, and most of them are either variants of old jokes which thus propagate or else jokes that will be forgotten; only a few new jokes will be remembered and told again. So there is a "struggle for life" between jokes, so to say, and "survival of the funniest". Moreover, between variants of a joke, there is competition too. Some variation of jokes looks fairly irrelevant; it perhaps involves just simple substitutions. When you hear a joke that Englishmen tell about the Irish, you will probably substitute the Swedes or the Russians for the Irish if you tell that joke among Finnish people. After all, most nationality jokes are "portable", since they reflect prejudices and other ideas about neighboring nations or populations. "Localization" of nationality jokes is comparable to biological evolution in small scale: adaptation to the local environment. The pressure towards localization is often strong. A very good joke about three Scandinavians in a falling airplane will hardly survive as such in an Asian country where nobody ever saw a Scandinavian, still less understood the stereotypies that Scandinavian nations have about each other. In the competition of jokes, being funny is important but not the only important f

[CTRL] Olson: Relatives Conclude CIA Had a Hand in '53 Fatal Fall

2002-08-10 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

 Note: forwarded message attached.Do You Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Newshawk: M & M Family
Pubdate: Fri,  9 Aug 2002
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 2002 San Jose Mercury News
Website: http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/390
Author: Fredric N. Tulsky, Mercury News
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/people/Frank+Olson

Scientist Was Murdered, Sons Say


FREDERICK, MD. - Relatives of Frank Olson laid out for reporters
Thursday their evidence that the research scientist was the victim of
something far more sinister than a CIA experiment with LSD gone awry
in 1953 when he fell to his death from a hotel.

Speaking to reporters in the back yard of their family home, not far
from the Fort Detrick research facility where Frank Olson worked, his
sons and grandchildren took turns reading a lengthy statement that
contends his fall through a New York hotel window was no accident.

"We have satisfied ourselves that Frank Olson was murdered because of
security concerns regarding his work," said one son, Eric Olson,
citing his father's work both on biological weapons and on
interrogation techniques. It was not, he said, a conclusion that the
family came to easily.

The Olson family has spent years trying to piece together what
happened to Frank Olson, ever since learning through newspaper
accounts in 1975 that an unnamed scientist who jumped to his death out
a New York hotel window in 1953 had been given LSD days earlier.

In July 1975, the family called a news conference at the same backyard
site to announce that they felt "violated by the CIA."

White House officials quickly called family members, saying they would
support their bid to be compensated for the incident. President Gerald
Ford called the family to the Oval Office and then directed CIA
Director William Colby to meet with them and reveal all the
circumstances of Frank Olson's death.

Ever since, the Olsons have struggled to make sense out of what
happened, assembling a series of details that raise questions about
the government version of the story, even if their efforts did not
prove that Frank Olson's research caused him to be killed.

They also discovered through internal White House memorandums that at
the very time the White House was promising to cooperate, key
officials were discussing how to keep the family from learning the
truth about Frank Olson's work.

Soon after the family learned that Olson had been the victim of a CIA
experiment that went awry, the White House began outlining a strategy
"that would ensure that we did not request pertinent information
regarding what had actually happened," said a second son, Nils Olson,

White House officials told the Olsons "they were concerned that if we
went to court we might lose and not obtain what the White House
regarded as appropriate compensation," Nils Olson said. But the real
concern within the White House, he said, was to hide as much
information as possible about Frank Olson's research.

That strategy, said Nils Olson, is evident from reading memorandums,
reported Thursday in the Mercury News, between Ford administration
officials that included Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, now the vice
president and secretary of defense, respectively.

Those memorandums express concerns that the White House might find
itself ordered to reveal details of Frank Olson's work -- details that
the CIA felt should not be revealed -- if the case went to court.

Among those gathered for the news conference Thursday was Dr. James
Starr, who conducted a forensics investigation that led him to
conclude, he said, "that the most likely scenario was that F

[CTRL] Corporate Fraud in Missile Defense Program

2002-08-10 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
 Note: forwarded message attached.Do You Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

President George Bush
The White House
Washington DC 20502
August 1, 2002

Dear President Bush, 

On March 7th, 2002 you stated that "Reform should begin with
accountability, and reform should start at the top. The chief executive
officer has a daily duty to oversee the entire enterprise, the entire
firm, and therefore, bears a unique responsibility for serving
shareholder interests". Furthermore, you stated that the government must
"punish corporate leaders who clearly abuse their powers".
As a private citizen, I was inspired by your speech. On that same day,
as a member of the Independent Assessment Team (IAT) for the Missile
Defense program, I turned in findings and evidence of fraud to General
John Holly. As an IAT Assessor I determined beyond a reasonable doubt
that fraudulent contracts were being issued by the Missile Defense
Agency (MDA) and the Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC). 
I refer specifically to a Site Activation Command (SAC) contract for
about $46 million that was being awarded to a local contractor without
being competitively bid as required. (Solicitation Notice DASG
60-01-0014) This was in violation of the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) and Title10 USC 2304. Additionally, any attempt to commit fraud is
punishable under Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 113. 
After providing this information to General John Holly of the MDA, I was
slandered and defamed for a week, then on March 15th I was fired without
any explanation. As a subcontractor, the federal whistleblower laws do
not apply to me. But as a private citizen who is concerned about
numerous contracts that have been fraudulently awarded, I will not let
this issue die.
I notified you, the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Congressman
Joel Hefley on March 17th, and none of you have done anything to ensure
that the contracting procedures within MDA and SMDC have been fixed.
Fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer funds is widespread and un-audited
by the Missile Defense Agency. Other members of the IAT are afraid to
come forward, for fear that they too will be fired and threatened.
Additionally, I have stayed in contact with Joel Hefley for over four
months and he still has not initiated a criminal investigation into this
President Bush, when you signed the corporate fraud law, you stated,
"This law says to every dishonest corporate leader: you will be exposed
and punished!" As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and the
Chief Executive Officer of the United States, I am formally asking you
to intervene. My request remains the same as I asked of you on March
17th, "I want a formal investigation of every contract in the GMD
Specifically, I am asking you to initiate a Courts-Martial tribunal to
investigate General Cosumano, General Urias, and General Holly who have
participated in either the fraud and/or cover-up of millions in
taxpayer's money. I am also asking for a formal investigation into all
contracting practices by SMDC and MDA as well as their contracting
officers. The Generals and contracting officers are, of course, not
guilty until proven so. To date I have only received lip-service from
Mr. Joel Hefley.
Also, I ask you to work with the Speaker of the House of Representatives
for the removal of Congressman Joel Hefley from the House Ethics
committee. After a dozen emails and letters over four months, as well as
submission of 2 inches of evidence, Mr. Hefley still has not initiated
an investigation into these fraudulent contracts. I was able to
determine that he received contributions from the contractor in
question, which have obviously tainted his judgment in protecting

[CTRL] BAP and control of the public mind

2002-08-10 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
snipped from http://www.centrexnews.com/members/bilderberg/bap.htm
BAP and control of the public mind 
From: roundtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: British American Project - CFR/RIIA Study Group
Ever hear of the British American Project? The British American Project meeting will be held in Harrogate, at the Majestic Hotel, 13-17 November 1999. 
In 1997 Lobster Magazine, a British journal of intelligence, parapolitics, and state research published an article about the British American Project.The article identifies the groups administering the project as:
> The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins>University,> Washington DC, would administer the American side. The Royal Institute of>International Affairs>at Chatham House, London, would serve a similar function in Britain.
The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a Council on Foreign Relations think-tank and spook training school, see Foundations of War http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2807/foundation.html. The SAIS has a branch in Red China that has a greater influence on Chinese policy then the Chinese do.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs is England's CFR sister organization.
Serendipitously, the Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs were formally established at another Majestic Hotel in Paris on March 19, 1919, by a group of Rhodes's secret society members who attended the Paris Peace Conference as diplomats, members of the British Secret Service, or members of the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY. Edward Mandell House, close personal advisor to President Woodrow Wilson, and the first U.S. National Security Advisor, hosted the meeting.
Propaganda, is the effort to alter the picture to which men respond, to substitute one social pattern for another. Propaganda is used to create false reality worlds using sleight of mind. Psycho-political operations are propaganda campaigns. Strategic psycho-political operations focus propaganda at powerful individuals, or small groups of people capable of influencing public opinion or the government of a particular country. Tactical psycho-political operations focus propaganda at the masses by interference in specific events, their comments, and their appeals through mass communication media ( i.e. newspapers, radio, television, textbooks, educational material, art, entertainment, etc. ). Both forms of propaganda are used to manipulate public opinion to attain foreign policy goals in a given period. If the operations are designed to conceal both the operation and the sponsor the operation is clandestine. If the operations are designed to conceal only the sponsor the operation is covert.
The CFR/RIIA has become so successful at scripting, directing, and implementing psycho-political operations that we are now living in an age of rationalized propaganda backed by a powerful press and technical media that consciously manipulates symbols and myths in a calculated manner to suit CFR/RIIA goals. High international tensions are whipped up with astonishing rapidity at the dictate of the controlling groups. Tensions meant to maximize profits of CFR/RIIA controlled medicine, munitions, media, food, and banking industries which profit most during periods of unrest and war. Illusions and delusions are deliberately imposed on large masses on an international scale to conceal real social conflicts of greater significance.
The Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes used "discussion-groups" to generate material used in propaganda campaigns for shaping national policy and influencing public opinion. The Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and other secret-society branch organizations use "discussion-groups," and a more formalized program known as "study-groups" to this day. "Study-groups" are organized to investigate an important national policy issue. A designated expert prepares a draft statement and presents it to a group of fellow experts who often hold widely divergent views. The issue is discussed thoroughly, sometimes at several successive meetings, and the discussion recorded by a research secretary. A digest of the discussion and a position paper with a written analysis and policy conclusions credited to a single author is produced. Material generated is used to shape national policy and influence public opinion.
The British American Project is nothing more than a Council on Foreign Relations/Royal Institute of Internal Affairs, sponsored study-group, meant to generate material for creating covert strategic, and tactical psycho-political operations for influencing public opinion to allow CFR/RIIA industries to maximize their profits at the expense of the public at large, and to further the CFR/RIIA goal of forming one world government run by CFR/RIIA members. Hosting the meeting at the Majestic Hotel is a clue for future historians to credit the formation of the New

[CTRL] Ireland: FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer

2002-08-11 Thread ulrich stuart

-Caveat Lector-

> >From: IFC NewsList <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 18:11:19 +
> >
> >
> >www.irishfreedomcommittee.net
> >-
> >
> >Subject:  FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >Date:  08 11 02
> >
> >In addition to being paid millions for his testimony, and being granted
> >full exoneration from Federal crimes he committed in the United States;
> >it has now emerged that the clandestine activities of informer David
> >Rupert within the Irish Free State were hidden from Irish authorities by
> >the FBI and Britain's MI5 for four years.
> >
> >As the circle of lies and deception which have followed David Rupert
> >since his early years grows ever larger and more apparent in the eyes of
> >the world, it is clear that any statements he has made to earn his keep
> >can only be viewed as pure science fiction.
> >
> >
> >The Irish Freedom Committee®
> >www.irishfreedomcommittee.net
> >
> >
> >
> >Irish Voice
> >08 09 02
> >
> >FBI, MI5 ran Secret Informer
> >-by Liz Walsh in Dublin, Irish Abroad
> >
> >The FBI and the British intelligence agency, MI5, operated American spy
> >David Rupert in the Republic of Ireland for four years without telling
> >Irish authorities.
> >
> >Rupert is the key witness against Michael McKevitt, who will be tried in
> >a Dublin court for directing terrorism. McKevitt is the alleged head of
> >the real IRA, the Republican splinter group that carried out the Omagh
> >bombing.
> >
> >Extensive intelligence documents seen by the Irish Voice reveal that
> >that the FBI and MI5 deliberately withheld information on Rupert's
> >activities from the Irish Garda (police) from late 1996 until 2000. This
> >may prove highly embarrassing for the Garda Siochana when the
> >information emerges in the course of the trial, expected to be the most
> >important terrorist trial in the Republic in decades.
> >
> >One document from October 2000 states, 'The fact that AGS (Gardai) were
> >kept in the dark about source for so long and no authorization from RoI
> >(Republic of Ireland) authorities will have serious implications for
> >future proceedings against target (McKevitt.)' The documents indicate
> >that it was MI5 ' not the Gardai ' who drove the intelligence operation
> >against McKevitt and that initially, Rupert pleaded with the FBI and MI5
> >not to put him on the stand. 'I have no intention of me being used as a
> >witness,' he told his MI5 handlers via e-mail the year before McKevitt's
> >arrest in late March 2001.
> >
> >MI5's response of May 2000 stated, 'We have no plan on asking you to
> >testify . . . That is not to say that we could not plan and execute one
> >of the most meaningful cases in the history of Irish terrorism . . . I
> >want you to read the section on testifying in the new contract. It would
> >be worth your while to consider testifying against McKevitt.' The
> >intelligence documents show that David Rupert ' FBI informant 524854N2 '
> >began receiving payments from the FBI in 1994, initially in the form of
> >expenses. His recruitment followed the investigation into his alleged
> >fraud and smuggling operations which the FBI appeared to be holding over
> >his head.
> >
> >By 2000, he was on FBI and MI5 payrolls and had received the equivalent
> >of $4 million for infiltrating the Real IRA and another dissident group,
> >the Continuity IRA.
> >
> >Rupert was also involved in negotiations with the FBI over a $900,000
> >demand from the Internal Revenue Service. In correspondence with the
> >FBI, he admits to giving the IRS a false address in Bundoran, Co.
> >Donegal 'to keep them at bay.' The documentation suggests that this debt
> >was a major issue and that he was holding out on testifying until it was
> >sorted out.
> >
> >In May 2000, he told the FBI, 'I need you to look at my tax problem
> >before I consider testifying.' It was eventually settled for $25,000.
> >
> >From 1994 until early 1996, Rupert worked for the FBI, reporting to FBI
> >handler Ed Buckley on American Irish support groups, including the Irish
> >Freedom Committee (IFC). The IFC was aligned to Republican Sinn Féin, a
> >Republican splinter group that split with Sinn Féin in 1986.
> >
> >In 1995, he took a lease on a pub in Co. Leitrim while forming links
> >with Republicans, mainly in the Donegal area. The following February the
> >FBI directed him to report to Detective Chief Superintendent (now
> >assistant Garda commissioner) Dermot Jennings at Garda Headquarters in
> >Dublin. Around this time, the FBI began to take a back seat.
> >
> >However, Rupert had a row with the Gardai over payments he falsely
> >claims he was owed. The documentation refers to an argument over money
> >between Rupert and a senior Garda officer that took place in the back of
> >a bread van in October 1996.

[CTRL] Psychic and Political Numbing in Preparations for War

2002-08-12 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.counterpunch.org/shor0812.html
August 12, 2002
Psychic and Political Numbing in Preparations for War
by Fran Shor
While the Bush Administration prepares for war on Iraq with full-scale weapons production and troop deployments, more insidious conditioning for the public acceptance of war continues. In the face of repeated statements by Bush and the hawkish members of his ruling clique of the need for "regime change" in Iraq, international opinion has been forthright in its condemnation of such proposed aggression. However, in the absence of the mobilized outrage of the American people, the Washington power elite will be emboldened to carry out their war plans. Why the American public, so far, has been lackadaisical in its response to this saber rattling may be reflective of the increase of psychic and political numbing opportunistically manipulated by the Bush Administration since 9/11.
Psychic numbing, according to the psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, builds on well-known defense mechanisms, such as repression, denial, and projection, to create an exclusion of feeling and disconnectedness. Aided by the surfeit of stimuli from televisual culture and media-manipulated images, people may tune out those realities and possibilities that threaten their own sense of connection to the world. In the case of 9/11, the Bush Administration quickly exploited the anger of the American people without allowing a grieving process to mature. Drowning out the voices of survivors and their families who opposed retaliation, war on Afghanistan was initiated. Begun as a campaign to seek and destroy Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network, a network created by the CIA in the 1980's, the intervention in Afghanistan quickly became an exercise in imperial politics and the lethal arrogance of power.
In manufacturing consent for the war in Afghanistan, the corporate media deliberately initially excluded scenes of civilian deaths. Now, however, with additional reporting and investigation by world-wide news agencies and the United Nations, the American public is being confronted with the extensive violence visited upon the innocent Afghans. Nonetheless, the desensitizing of the American public to the deaths of these differently constituted others (by ethnicity, class, and nationality) is a form of psychic numbing that may allow for the larger massacre of civilians in Iraq.
Of course, the American public has been bombarded with images and stories about the evil policies of Saddam Hussein. While highlighting his use of chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds and Iranians, one rarely finds any mention of Washington's support for Saddam Hussein during the 1980's when these events happened. Moreover, while the Bush Administration has been busy undermining international treaties dealing with Chemical and Biological weapons, it has hypocritically insisted on unfettered inspections of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, weapons which many experts and former inspectors, such as Scott Ritter, allege have been severely eroded. Nonetheless, the targeting of the truly despicable Saddam Hussein is a convenient propaganda device to exclude consideration of the death and destruction already suffered by innocent Iraqis. A war on Iraq will only further harm massive numbers of civilians without guaranteeing a democratic and stabile post-Saddam regime and region. Since the Bush Administration is more interested in seeking filial retribution and oil while sowing the seeds of further war-making possibilities, it refuses to recognize the catastrophic violent consequences of its intended intervention.
Part of the political numbing that the Bush Administration has visited on the American public is intimately connected to the fear and intimidation launched by the Ashcroft's jack-booted Department of Justice (sic). With overwhelming Congressional support, the USA Patriot Act was passed, establishing a wide variety of legal mechanisms to undermine the Bill of Rights. Although still used against those swarthy others, legislation is in place to deter real opposition to the policies of an increasingly authoritarian government. Added to this is the recent FBI reorganization, a reorganization that facilitates spying on the public without any court orders or even evidence of wrong-doing. Moreover, the Bush Administration has made clear its intent to deny constitutionally-mandated judicial oversight in its refusal to turn over documents to the judge overseeing one of the cases of a so-called enemy combatant."
Perhaps it may be time to raise the whole matter of the "F" word. It certainly seems reasonable to call this erosion of liberties and rights creeping fascism, albeit a postmodern fascism that does not need to rely on mass mobilization for realizing a proto-fascist agenda. In one of the most brilliant analyses of everyday life in Nazi Germany, Detlev Peukert devoted a whole chapter to "The Atomization of Everyday Life" (Inside Nazi

[CTRL] Interpol 'hunts Nepal Maoists'

2002-08-12 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] Interpol 'hunts Nepal Maoists'

Check the Home Page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MAOIST_GUNS/
Interpol 'hunts Nepal Maoists'
The Nepalese authorities say that the international police organisation, Interpol, has issued global arrest warrants against eight Maoist rebels. 
Police say Interpol took the action two months ago and are searching for the rebels in 200 countries. 
Among those sought is the rebel leader, Prachanda. 
Meanwhile, the Nepalese army says it has killed 14 rebels in separate clashes in the country's western districts over the past 24 hours. 
The Maoist rebels have been waging an armed struggle to replace the constitutional monarchy in Nepal with a communist state. 
More than 4,000 people have been killed over the past six years of insurgency. 
From the newsroom of the BBC World Service 

Do You Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Man, the State and Dope

2002-08-12 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://home.attbi.com/~memresearch/econ/dope.htm
Man, the State and DopeKent Heiner
Kenneth Waltz, in the political science standby Man, the State and War, analyzes the causes of war. Waltz divides theories on the causes of war into three categories, which he calls "images." The first image of war is that it is caused by the evil nature of certain men or of mankind. The second image points the finger of blame at the nature of individual states. The third image concerns the nature of the international system in which states interact (Waltz, 1954).
Similar to the three images of war, we may propose three images of the causes of failure of the "War on Drugs," paralleling Waltz’s three images: private greed or self-interest, the demands of the state, and the constraints of the international system. 
Image One
The first image, or private greed, is certainly the simplest to relate to. People deal drugs because there is money to be made from it. Not surprisingly, this is the prevailing perception of America’s drug economy. Unfortunately, the public does not understand the true size and scope of this economy and therefore cannot guess at how highly organized and institutionalized the drug trade has become. By borrowing some concepts from the study of economics, we are better equipped to understand the drug trade’s potential for corruption.
Political Economy is the study of the interplay between politics and economics. The Liberal approach (Liberal in a classical sense, as opposed to the political left) to political economy is to view the political-economic arena as a free marketplace where all parties can exchange goods and services and compete for advantage. Politicians compete for constituency as well as money and power, and the public competes for access to politicians as well as for economic advantage; thus, government action is seen as the result of competition among politicians and among their constituents (Frieden and Lake, 1991:10). This view is also referred to as "public choice."
The Public Choice school of economics deals with, among other things, the influence of special interest groups on public policy. Many economists are dismayed over the inefficient economic policies implemented by the legislature: price supports, prohibitive tariffs, and so on. Such policies benefit special interests at the expense of the interests of the general public. For an outlay of a few thousand dollars in lobbying costs, special interests such as the automobile industry can buy foreign trade legislation which places high taxes on automobile imports and thus takes millions of dollars from the taxpayer (in the form of high prices) and puts that money in the hands of the industry. Public Choice explains that: 1) individual special interests lobby politicians because it is in their interest to do so; 2) individual citizens do not lobby against the special interests - neither do they organize into groups sufficiently large to combat a particular special interest - because they cannot compete with lobbying firms and it is therefore not in their economic interests to do so; and it therefore follows that 3) lawmakers make these policies because it is in their economic interest to do so. For instance, as economist Todd Buchholz has demonstrated, the cost of contacting one’s representative in Congress to complain about any particular special interest legislation is greater than the cost borne by any individual consumer as a result of that legislation (Buchholz, 1989:241-248). Public Choice shows that price supports and other interferences in free-market activity, however annoying economists may find them, are the result of clear economic incentives resulting from the structure of the political system.
At the same time refining and expanding this concept, we will look specifically the illegal narcotics industry as a special interest and its influence on the government bureaucracy as a whole rather than on legislators only. We intend to show that just as surely as the above-mentioned market forces must necessarily result in bad legislation, the forces of the black market must necessarily create large-scale and high-level corruption.
Public Choice, when considering public policy with regard to the open market, shows that the dominance of special interests over the public interest is a matter of economics and rational choice; the same is true of the black market. The syndicates that control narcotics distribution have an economic imperative to illegally influence the officials charged with enforcing the law; and this influence carries a tremendously high dollar value. On the other hand, the resources devoted by other parties to expose and combat this illegal relationship are comparatively small, at least in terms of their effective use. 
This could be because the public does not realize the costs they incur from the failure of public officials to carry out their duty, or possibly because the public feels that

[CTRL] chemtrail or contrail (?)...or atmospheric research?

2002-08-13 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
as you read this below, a short time after i wrote it, coming in from under chontrails galore...i have never seen as much of this experimentation as i do when in boulder, home to the national center for atmospheric research...many disaster relief agencies, conveniently, situate in boulder - i once saw photos someone had taken of the skies over the University of Colorado..they showed, apparently recordable by film but relatively invisible to naked eye, lasers - bright red beams across the sky...this person took his own pictures and, imo, had not the technical capabilities to fake them..he often spoke of his readings that he managed, in trying to decipher his results and he often spoke of mirrors - satellite-bound ones...as i think of that and look at the sky, it sure seems that when these contrails (highly compressed steam?) hit the area of the sky OVER the Univ. of Colorado they take on a wave effect...visibly...like something invisible is hitting it and making them ripple...some portions even seem to be steaming UPWARD...
shh...this MIGHT be classified }:-)~
As a consortium of universities dedicated to education and research toenrich our understanding of the earth system, UCAR manages the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the UCAR Office of Programs(UOP).
Under the primary sponsorship from the National Science Foundation,NCAR and UOP complement and extend the universities' capabilities withcollaborative research and community services and tools.
from http://www.ucar.edu/ucar/
the following is copied from http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/ncar/factsheet.htm

Recent Progress in Climate-Related Research at NCAR 
At the National Center for Atmospheric Research, dozens of scientists are investigating and integrating many facets of climate: its evolution, its relation to other parts of the Earth system, its impact on humanity. Below are some highlights from NCAR's recent climate research. More details on each topic can be found at the indicated Web sites. Much of this work is carried out through the comprehensive NCAR Climate System Model (CSM). It will be succeeded in the winter of 2001-02 by the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). This expansion of the original NSF-funded CSM will enhance the participation of the university community and the U.S. Department of Energy.
New simulations of 20th century climate


> This simulation of 20th century climate incorporates variability from solar output, volcanoes, sulfates, and greenhouse gases. The modeled global average in surface temperature (red) captures most of the major rises and falls in the observed temperature (blue).
Earth's surface warmed more than 0.6°C (1.0°F) in the 20th century. Much of the warming occurred from 1910 to 1940 and after 1970. Other periods showed little or no temperature increase. In an effort to explain this uneven warming sequence, Caspar Ammann (NCAR/University of Massachusetts) and Jeffrey Kiehl and Bette Otto-Bliesner (NCAR), together with Charles Zender (University of California, Irvine), have examined the last century's climate using the CSM. These are among the first global simulations to include each of four major elements: long-term solar changes, volcanic eruptions, anthropogenic sulfate aerosol, and observed greenhouse-gas concentrations. With these factors in play, the model successfully reproduces most of the peaks and valleys in the last century's global temperature record. According to the model, a rise in incoming solar energy since 1970 was offset by the effects of several large volcanic eruptions. This leaves human-produced greenhouse gases as the most likely cause of warming over the past 30 years.
Moving heat to the poles: a fresh look at the atmosphere's role

The latitudinal imbalance in the net radiation reaching Earth (graphic at left) is alleviated more by the atmosphere than by the ocean, according to a new study.
The atmosphere and oceans help to even out the planet's temperatures by carrying vast amounts of solar heat from the equator toward both poles, primarily during winter in each hemisphere. In the late 1970s it was believed the ocean and atmosphere conveyed about the same amounts of heat poleward on a global scale. Through a reanalysis of data gathered in 1985-89, Kevin Trenberth and Julie Caron have now shown that the atmosphere appears to carry a higher proportion of the load than previously thought. Across 35°N and S, the latitudes of peak poleward heat transport, the atmosphere carried 78 percent of the total heat in the Northern Hemisphere (mostly through warm southerly winds and cold northerlies) and 92 percent in the Southern Hemisphere (warm northerlies and cold southerlies). Only between 0 and 17°N did the ocean carry more heat than the atmosphere, according to the study. The atmosphere's role may have been slighted in the past because of a lack of data in the atmosphere above the oceans; satellites have helped to fill 

[CTRL] US Attorney-SD going after Lakota hemp crop

2002-08-13 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
From: phoenix420 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:00:43 -0400Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] US Attorney-SD going after Lakota hemp cropPosted by Bob NewlandCandidate for Attorney General of South Dakotahttp://www.SoDakHEMP.org/http://www.CommonSenseJustice.UsIn 2000 and 2001, Alex White Plume planted industrial hemp legally onhis land within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. InAugust of each of those years, armed paramilitary groups financed by theUnited States invaded the Pine Ridge Reservation, destroyed WhitePlume's hemp crops, then fled back across the border to U.S. strongholds.In 2002, White Plume planted hemp again. Two weeks ago, the White Plumetiospaye (extended family) harvested the hemp, which had been contractedto the Madison Hemp & Flax Co. of Lexington KY. Thus, White Plume becamethe first farmer within the borders of the U.S. to complete the cycle ofplanting, cultivation, harvest, sale,a nd delivery of industrial hempsince 1958.Saturday, August 10, 2002 federal agents served a Summons & Complaint onWhite Plume at his home near Manderson SD. Strangely, the feds decidedto use a civil route this year, rather than the brutal and frighteningtactics they usually seem to prefer.There are a number of ramifications to the civil court approach, many ofwhich are probably not apparent yet.The Summons and Complaint are posted athttp://www.sodakhemp.org/summons.htmYou need to read these documents. Not only do they contain a uniqueperspective and documentation of events since the Oglala Sioux Tribere-legalized hemp on the Pine Ridge Reservation (a sovereign nation) in1998, but they provide a glimpse into the minds of U.S. Attorneys(perhaps a little tired of being required by politics to terrorizepeaceful honest people?).Read and see. Tell us what you think.We think already that this is one of the most remarkable documents everpublished by a US Attorney, in the middle of one of the most dramaticdevelopments in our "war on the war on hemp".Alex White Plume has invited you all to come to Kiza Park, three milesnorth of Manderson SD on Wednesday, August 14, for a ceremonial finalharvest of the Lakota Hemp Project Industrial Hemp Fields. Music, Lakotaceremonies, friendship and fun are promised for all, even DEA agents.With a hempy heart,I amBob Newland-Pubdate: Fri, 02 Aug 2002Source: Rapid City Journal (SD)Author: Heidi Bell GeaseMANDERSON AREA FAMILY HARVESTS HEMP CROPMANDERSON -- The third time was a charm for Alex White Plume and hisfamily as they quietly harvested their first crop of industrial hempthis week."It really felt good," White Plume said Friday. "Just like a sense ofrelief."This was the third straight year the White Plume family planted hempon their land near Manderson. Two years in a row, federal agentsconfiscated the plants before they could be harvested, although theU.S. government did not file any charges against any of the WhitePlumes, who planned to produce and sell hemp oil and other productsfrom the plants.This time, family members beat government agents to the punch. Theyharvested most of the 3.5-acre crop Monday night."They weren't that tall, but they were done pollinating," White Plumesaid. "So we took some out, we cut it and it's dried."The dried hemp already has been sold to Madison Hemp & Flax Co. ofLexington, Ky., which joined with the Kentucky Hemp GrowersCooperative Association to ship a trailer full of Canadian hemp to thePine Ridge Indian Reservation after the White Plumes' first crop wasconfiscated in 2000. That hemp was to be used for bricks in a hemphouse.Industrial hemp is a form of the cannabis sativa plant, also known asmarijuana. Unlike marijuana, hemp cannot be smoked to get high. But itcan be used to make everything from rope to paper to cloth to soap toanimal feed, and itrequires little water. White Plume said the seedsthey planted contained little or no tetrahydrocannabinol, theingredient in marijuana that produces a "high."Federal laws do not distinguish between hemp and marijuana, making itillegal to grow either one (although hemp can be legally imported).But in 1998, the Oglala Sioux Tribal Council voted to legalize hemp.Tribal members say that because the Oglala Sioux Tribe is a sovereignnation, its laws should apply on the reservation.The Kentucky buyers will visit the White Plumes on Wednesday, Aug. 14,to pick up the hemp. That same day, the public is invited to attend aharvest celebration and symbolic harvest of one small hemp plot.All are welcome, White Plume said, and thanksgiving ceremonies willbegin about 10 a.m. He has already heard from people all over thecountry who are interested in attending. "I can't figure out how theyhear about it," he said. "Somebody's spreading the word."This year's hemp crop was not as impressive as in years past, whenplants grew to 12 or 13 feet tall. The drought kept this year's plantsto half that size.But White Plume pointed out that tall prairie grasses grew only abouta foot this yea

[CTRL] Palestinian Banker Making Waves in Washington

2002-08-13 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=702
Palestinian Banker Making Waves in Washington Reading the Middle Eastern & South Asian PressPacific News Service, Compiled & Edited by Sandip Roy, 07/11/2002
Fallout from the war on terrorism is strongly felt in the Middle East and South Asia. Western media often overlook important stories from these nations. This roundup assembles from regional news sources a collage of headlines and viewpoints that have gone missing in action. Palestinian Banker Making Waves in WashingtonHa'aretz, Tel-Aviv, Israel, July 6A little-known Palestinian banker has been involved in secret talks with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and his senior advisers about a post-Arafat Palestine. Omar Karsou moved with his family from Ramallah to New York in the past year and has been engaged in a project -- called Democracy in Palestine -- to establish a "transparent" government system. He claims to represent a sizable but silent group of Palestinians -- especially professionals and businessmen -- who believe Israel knowingly encouraged a corrupt regime under a secular dictator in the hope that Arafat would keep Islamic fundamentalism at bay. Karsou's anti-Arafat message has found an audience in Washington, D.C., as well as with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, who said he represents "the authentic position of the Palestinian middle class." Xerox Admits to Bribery in IndiaThe Times of India, India, July 2Xerox Corporation has disclosed that its Indian subsidiary made "improper payments" over the years to push sales to government customers. Xerox holds a 68 per cent stake in its Indian unit, Xerox Modicorp. Xerox, which just restated its last five years of earnings, said that they estimated the amount of such payments in 2000 -- the year the practice was stopped -- to be about $650,000. The company is now in the process of notifying both the Indian government and U.S. Justice Department about the payments. Sharon's Secret Plan: 15-Year Temporary Palestine Al-Jazeera Television, Doha, Qatar, July 5Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has indicated he has a secret political plan for the region that has been worked out in coordination with Washington. The plan calls for establishing a temporary Palestinian state, covering the eight towns given autonomy in the Oslo Agreement, for 15 years, while Israel gets prepared for final peace negotiations. The temporary state will comprise 49 percent of the West Bank and Gaza, though it was not clear how much security control Israel would cede. Sharon indicated a willingness to dismantle a few settlements, possibly because defending far-flung ones is difficult. Pakistani Paper Defies Government, Praises 'Lion' Bin Laden Gulf News, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 5In a direct challenge to the Pakistani government, a leading Urdu daily ran a front-page advertisement supporting Osama bin Laden, dubbing him the "Lion of Allah." The Ummat published an advertisement stating that more than 1 million U.S. forces failed to get hold of "Allah's Lion." The ad also read, "Promise by God -- the Jihad will succeed." The paper has also refused to publish an anti-bin Laden advertisement sponsored by the Pakistani government. The government had been publishing wanted posters of bin Laden and 17 of his close associates, seeking the public's help for their arrest. Sharon's Son Meets Palestinians in Secret London MeetingAshard-al-Awsat, London, U.K., July 5The office of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon leaked information regarding a secret meeting in London between the prime minister's son, Oumri Sharon, and Mohammad Rashid, economic consultant to Yasser Arafat, and Mohammad Dhlan, the previous leader of the Palestinian security forces in Gaza. However, the Palestinian Authority denied any such meeting. An official from the Palestinian Authority said the officials were in London on a private visit and had requested permission from Arafat to meet Israeli officials, but had been refused.India Removes Land Mines in KashmirKashmir Times, Jammu, India, July 4India denied de-escalation along the India-Pakistan border even as it removed anti-personnel mines from some sectors. An official said that selective de-mining was being done in low areas along rivers and canals, areas prone to flooding during monsoon, which could cause the mines to drift and threaten civilians. The official said any impression that this was a peacemaking move was "erroneous"Pakistan Gets 5 U.S. Helicopters to Hunt Al QaedaThe Nation, Lahore, Pakistan, July 5Pakistan has received five U.S. helicopters to help in its hunt for al Qaeda suspects along the Afghan border. Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider said the helicopters would join Pakistani troops and U.S. forces already in the western tribal region. He said Pakistan would also get equipment and training for police instead of money. He did not give details about the type of helicopters or what othe

[CTRL] updated version: connections between sept. 11 and the anti-castro gang

2002-08-14 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Is it just a coincidence that many of the same players that are in 9:11 andeverything from the Bay of Pigs to Operation Northwoods to LBJ to the Miami 5to JFK's assassination to the Venezuelan Coup to Jeb Bush and the electionfraud to Florida Flight Schools to Iran-Contra to BCCI all have Floridaconnections?
EVERY link below contains connection between said topics and the anti-Castrobunch that did in Kennedy, the same bunch that ran Iran-Contra and that also,seems to have direct connections to Oklahoma City.
the Bay of Pigs, Operation Northwoods, and LBJhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11081
The Miami 5 and the Bay of Pigshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11125
Cuba and the question of international terrorismhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11134
REFLECTIONS ON SELECTING THE POLITICALLY CONVENIENT TERRORISTShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11135
The Bush-Florida-Cuba connectionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11141
Noriega, Global Crossing, Cuba, and the War on Terrorhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11143
Bay of Pigs and Dealy Plazahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11149
the Venezuelan Coup attempt and the florida terroristshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11150
THE BUSH FAMILY, FLORIDA, and the AMERICAN CIAhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11155
Bushistas and Venezuela: The Coup That Went Southhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11156
Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americanshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11157
Mohamed Atta, Florida, Falwell, and September 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11174
The Serial Terrorist George Bush Freedhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11180
why is the FBI taking the heat for the CIA's errant ways?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11183
Fidel Castro Finds Heir in Chavezhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11186
Bush Sr., Iran-Contra, "Brothers to the Rescue", and the L.A. Crack Explosionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11188
Three Days that Shook the Mediahttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11189
Operation Northwoods And The Reichstag Firehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11193
more on florida and september 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11195
JEB BUSH AND RIGHT WING CUBAN EXILEShttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11200
Iran-Contra, the Bushes, Al Martin, HUD, Armitage, and Harkenhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11215
Thailand, Heroin, and the Iran-Contra Ganghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11216
if Bushes are Nazis...here is ANOTHER connection to JFK assassinationhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11226
Israel and the Contrashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11227
Bush Pardons Florida-trained assassin: June 2000http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11231
FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh andTerry Nichols OKC casehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11197
Re: FBI connects Moussaoui to Atta and Mcveigh and Terry Nichols OKC casehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11233
Jose Basulto Leon and "Brothers to the Rescue"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11235
Up Against the Beast: High-level Drug Runninghttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11238
THE CIA: "COCAINE IMPORTING AGENCY"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11256
The Drug Trade, the Kennedy Assassination, and the War in Vietnamhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11257
Free the Five web sitehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11394
The Clinton Connection: Iran-Contra, OKC's John Doeville, and Mena Arkansashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11395
Bush, Atta Visit Same Florida Island Resort Before Sept 11http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11398
Orlando Boschhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11400
George II's Dangerous Liaisonshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11401
Re: connections between sept. 11 and anti-castro cuban-americanshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11406
Re: The Clinton Connection: Iran-Contra, OKC's John Doeville, and Mena Arkansashttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11409
Israelism, Harari, and Iran-Contra - the Israeli Connectionhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11407
The CIA and the Drugs Tradehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11410
on the Miami 5http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11413
Oklahoma City, Florida, and BCCIhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11414
Re: Oklahoma City, Florida, and BCCIhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11430
The Kennedy Assasination: The Nixon-Bush Connectionhttp://www.sumeria.net/politics/kennedy.html
Cuban Missile Crisishttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11069
speaking of BCCIhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/11070
Re: connections between sept. 11 and the anti-castro 

[CTRL] Earthships

2002-08-14 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,54301,00.html?tw=wn_ascii

Be It Ever So Humble: Trash Home By Daithí Ó hAnluain 

Win a 50" HDTV or a Xerox Printer!   

Print this  •  E-mail it Click thumbnails to expand  Courtesy of Earthship Biotecture 2:00 a.m. Aug. 12, 2002 PDT Earthships, the funky home-architecture developed in the United States, are witnessing a major surge in popularity among homebuilders around the world -– and the grudging approval of politicians.
The United Kingdom is the latest country to catch on to Earthship design, and the first country in Europe to build Earthship dwellings with full planning approval. Planning authorities had previously been loathe to approve a building made of trash: bottles, cans and, primarily, old tires stuffed with dirt.

See also:

A World Against Waste

The Great Straw Walls of China

EPA: Old Computers No Longer Junk

There's No Place Like Yurt

Read more Technology news

Two Earthships in the United Kingdom -- one in Fife, Scotland, and the second in Brighton, England -- are designed to prove that affordable, sustainable living is not only possible, but preferable to the typical alternatives. The demonstration model already in action in Fife has proved immensely popular.
"We're bombarded with requests for information, and we've had 500 people visit us to look at the Earthship," says Paula Cowie, project manager at Sustainable Community Initiative in Scotland, the group that built the United Kingdom's first Earthship shell in eight days this June.
And while environmental activists promote these projects, Green politicians are also keen on the building method.
"Earthships use 10 percent of the energy required to build a typical house," says Robin Harper, Green Party MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament). "And it uses 10 percent of the energy typically required to heat, cool and light a typical house. Across the globe, 50 percent of global warming gases are created by construction, more than airlines or cars."
Harper will actively promote alternative construction methods –- like Earthships and straw-bale construction -– in an upcoming revision of Scottish building regulations.
What's more, the Earthships use an array of sustainable techniques and renewable energy systems to allow them to function "off the grid" -- without any connection to water, sewage or electrical supply.
These techniques not only render them cheap to run but also ideal for remote areas devoid of services. Earthships can also be finished with any traditional building methods -- like plaster for the interiors and cladding for the exteriors -- to make them look like a modern home.
"The great thing with these houses is that they can be finished to look like a traditional home; in fact, if you take away the beautiful facade of Edinburgh's building all you have beneath is a bunch of rubble. That's not much different than an Earthship," says Harper.
While Earthships have been built all over the world, Fife's Earthship is the first one built in Europe with an official permit. The U.K. organizers hope it will encourage planning authorities to let more people land their own Earthship.
"We are going to work with building inspectors every step of the way to ensure the structure conforms to the building code," says Daren Howarth, project coordinator for C-Level, who, along with the Low Carbon Network, is promoting Brighton Earthship. 
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[CTRL] sept. 11

2002-08-14 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
The company was working on the developement of remotecontrol aircraft and on Sept 6th I recieved word thatsome of my people may have been released from chinato work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was toldthey had been contacted to be in a work detail in theWTC which was being renovated. Ruppert Murdoch andTimes warner had transferred some schema from theroffice in Guangzhou to the US military for a test ofthe ROTHR radar system to be used on the Air trafficcontrol system based in the naval station in MontaukNY. That magnetic ring in Montauk that controls theATC system for the east coast has malfunctionedseveral times.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/9439Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] sept. 11

2002-08-14 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
did you know that the US military recieved an order for several remote control systems from Hughes in August?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/9439
 ulrich stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
The company was working on the developement of remotecontrol aircraft and on Sept 6th I recieved word thatsome of my people may have been released from chinato work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was toldthey had been contacted to be in a work detail in theWTC which was being renovated. Ruppert Murdoch andTimes warner had transferred some schema from theroffice in Guangzhou to the US military for a test ofthe ROTHR radar system to be used on the Air trafficcontrol system based in the naval station in MontaukNY. That magnetic ring in Montauk that controls theATC system for the east coast has malfunctionedseveral times.

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[CTRL] Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel

2002-08-15 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns2620

Carbon dioxide turned into hydrocarbon fuel 


16:00 02 August 02


Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition


A way to turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons has caused a big stir at an industrial chemistry conference in New Brunwick, New Jersey. Nakamichi Yamasaki of the Tokushima Industrial Technology Center in Japan says he has a process that makes propane and butane at relatively low temperatures and pressures.


Making fuel from greenhouse gases
While his work still needs independent verification, if he can make even heavier hydrocarbons, it might be possible to make petrol. It has carbon chains that are between five and 12 atoms long - butane is four atoms long.
The work suggests the tantalising prospect that CO2, the main greenhouse gas, could be recycled instead of being pumped into the atmosphere.
Many people have tried before to make hydrocarbons by mixing carbon with hydrogen gas in a reaction chamber at very high temperatures, but yields have always been pitiful. Yamasaki has used hydrochloric acid as his source of hydrogen ions. 
He bubbles the CO2 into a reaction vessel (see graphic) where it is heated to about 300 °C at 100 times atmospheric pressure. The heat and pressure are low enough, says Yamasaki, to make it feasible to scale up the reaction so it can run on a power station's waste heat. 
Iron powder 
Using iron powder as a catalyst, Yamasaki says he has made substantial amounts of methane, ethane, propane and butane, which he was able to vent off as gases when the mixture cooled. If he can improve the catalyst's performance he is hopeful of making heavier hydrocarbons such as petrol, too. 
William Siegfried, who has lead similar experiments at the University of Minnesota in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, says his group was only able to make methane at far higher temperatures. But his process also used a nickel-based alloy as a catalyst, rather than iron.
Siegfried's group was investigating whether natural methane deposits might have formed chemically with the metal in rocks acting as a catalyst rather than forming from the decay of rotting biological material over aeons.
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Unless Yamasaki's technology can make the more valuable heavier hydrocarbons such as petroleum, which are liquid at room temperature, it will not be much more use than present-day bioreactors, in which bacteria that like to feed on CO2 are induced to produce methane. "Organisms have a special talent for that kind of reaction," says Siegfried. 

[CTRL] Deja Vu: Musharraf to meet Bush on Sept 12

2002-08-15 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
just like last year...will they toast to their successes? see:
Pakistan's ISI and 9-11 http://www.guerrillanews.com/intelligence/doc198.html
copied from http://frontierpost.com.pk/main.asp?id=20&date1=8/15/2002

Musharraf to meet Bush on Sept 12

Updated on 8/15/2002 1:36:46 PM
NEW YORK (NNI): President Musharraf will meet with US President Bush on September 12, said an embassy official while talking to this news agency here on Tuesday.Another official of the National Security Council NSC at the White House also confirmed the meeting. 
This will be President Musharraf’s third meeting with US President George W Bush since October 12.
The twenty five minutes meeting will be held at the US Mission to United Nations in front of UN headquarters at 11.30 in the morning.
Both the leaders are scheduled to address the UN General Assembly UNGA same day - President Bush the second speaker and President Musharraf the fifth.
President Musharraf who will be reaching United States September 7, will land in Boston where his son Bilal lives.
He will address the Harvard University on September 8th and will fly to Chicago on September 9th.
Arrangements for President Musharraf’s stay with his 12 members entourage in Down Town Hilton Chicago was arranged by New York Consulate last week.
President’s elder brother Dr Naveed resides in Chicago, and a community dinner on September 9th with the Pakistani expatriates living in the mid west of United States is also under consideration.
President would leave for New York on September 10th to attend the commemoration of September 11.
Musharraf will stay at the Pakistan International Airlines PIA owned Hotel Roosevelt.
Prominent world leaders are expected to attend the 911 commemoration.
Both President Musharraf and President Bush might have an handshake meeting at the 911 observance.
On September 12th Musharraf will address the UNGA and will meet with U.S. president.
Same night a dinner meeting with Pakistani natives at Sheraton Towers Hotel .in New York is also confirmed.
Last year the grand dinner was attended by 1600 expatriates.
During his stay in Chicago and New York he might meet with Pakistani professionals and the leaders of prominent Pakistani-American organizations.
President will fly back home on September 13.20 Kindly note that Federal Information Minsiter Nisar Memon was scheduled to come to United States on Sep 15 but his programme was cancelled.
Now he has been rescheduled to reach New York three days before President Musharraf’s arrival.
He will reach New York on September 7th and would meet with Pakistani Local, National, and Foreign Media before the Presidents visit.Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] GW Bush, Jesus and the Manhattan Institute

2002-08-16 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://www.baltech.org/lederman/809bush.html

To a Directory of Mr.Lederman's Essays 

GW Bush, Jesus and the Manhattan Institute

by Robert Lederman[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You have to admire the nerve of G.W. Bush. It takes a kind of goofy audacity to claim that Jesus' teachings and the CIA-derived ideas of the right-wing Manhattan Institute are your twin sources of inspiration. Bush publicly credits the Manhattan Institute with inventing his entire "compassionate conservative" platform and persona.

NY Times June 12, 2000

Bush Culls Campaign Theme From Conservative Thinkers
"Gov. George W. Bush has said his political views have been shaped by the work of Myron Magnet of the Manhattan Institute."

The Dallas Morning Star 4/16/2000 

The Godfathers of 'Compassionate Conservatism
"In Austin that day in 1997, Mr. Bush told Mr. Magnet that his 1993 book The Dream and The Nightmare, had changed his life..."
This past April, G.W. declared a new public holiday will be celebrated in Texas each June 10th-Jesus Day. [See: http://www.governor.state.tx.us] Even many Christians found this unprecedented crossing of the line between church and state to be troubling. It is however entirely in line with the teachings of the MI (Manhattan Institute), which advocates having religious institutions take over many of the present tasks of government.

The Weekly Standard 8/23/2000

The Political Theory of Compassionate Conservatism

by John J. Dilulio Jr. [A theorist for the Manhattan Institute] 
"In every instance where my administration sees a responsibility to help people,"[G.W. Bush] promised, "we will look first to faith-based organizations, charities and community groups."
While Jesus' teachings are well-known even to most non-Christians the ideas of the MI are much less familiar to the public. MI was started in 1978 by Ronald Reagan's CIA director, William Casey, and has become the nation's most influential, though not best known-as befits a CIA operation-right wing think tank. While I personally have great respect for the traditions of the world's religions, including Christianity, the CIA promoting religion may not exactly be what Jesus had in mind.

NY Times Monday May 12, 1997 

Turning Intellect Into Influence Promoting Its Ideas,the Manhattan Institute Has Nudged New York Rightward"Currently housed in an unprepossessing warren on the second floor of a building near Grand Central Terminal, the institute was founded as a free-market education and research organization by William Casey, who then went off to head the Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."
Casey was a top American intelligence operative who, among other endeavors, helped the CIA bring thousands of Nazi SS officials into the U.S. after WWII as part of Operation Paper Clip. These Nazi SS doctors, scientists and intelligence experts who were directly involved in the death camps, in propaganda work and in creating the prototypes for new and better ways to kill masses of people, were installed in private industry, in the CIA, in medical and psychological research programs in universities and in the media, supposedly to fight Communism.
Many of these SS officials professed strong religious convictions, as did Adolf Hitler himself and as do many of the top scholars associated with the MI."Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they call it."[Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 1
While school vouchers and the turning over of public education to religious institutions is being sold by many on the right as a new and very progressive idea, the promotion of religious teachings in public schools was actually a key aspect of the Third Reich.From: http://atheism.about.com/religion/atheism/library/quotes/bl_q_A Hitler.htm"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . we need believing people."Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933
More than simply a violation of the separation of church and state which is an essential part of the Constitution, my concern with Bush's "religious convictions" is that they, like those of the Manhattan Institute, are actually a cover for fascism.
Previous to adopting G.W. as their poster-boy, NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was their most prominent operative in elected office. Like G.W. Bush, the infamously repressive and Constitution-violating Mayor of New York has also publicly acknowledged on numerous occasions that the Manhattan Institute is the source of his policy ideas.
"The mayor has a very close working relationship with the Manhattan Institute," Giuliani's communications di

[CTRL] Collective Intelligence

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
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Books: Collective Intelligence by Pierre LevPosted by: memoid on Aug 17, 2002 - 12:01 AM

 Pierre Levy sees us as moving past an information economy into an economy based on human interactions; a social economy. While the idea may seem startling, given our current emphasis on all things monetary, his reasoning makes you stop and give careful thought to ideas you may not have considered before. As technology advances, Levy points out, it's capable of taking on more and more advanced tasks--first simple labor and now the processing of information. As these capabilities become easier and well within everyone's reach, their value declines.But the one thing that is beyond the reach of pure technology is the construction and maintenance of social interactions. What technology can do, however, is make it easier for humans to interact over greater distances and around obstacles. "Our humanity," Levy writes, "is the most precious thing we have." Levy, who is a professor in the department of hypermedia at the University of Paris, then predicts that we will take greater control of that value and everything related to it as we use technology to organize ourselves into what he calls Living Cities. Here, physical location is less important than the interactions of its members, and not surprisingly, the lack of territorialities will challenge present methods of governance. Levy insists we are in the early moments of an historical paradigm shift of the magnitude of the Renaissance. And yet he avoids wild utopianism, keeping a clear eye on the realities and challenges inherent in any great transformation, complete with ample opportunities for things to go wrong. What emerges, however, is a different way of viewing the possible future, and plenty of reasons for asking why this utopian vision isn't attainable. From Book News, Inc. L<'e>vy (hypermedia, U. of Paris-VIII) describes a model of the emergence of a collective intelligence through the technology of cyberspace, exploring metaphysical and utopian issues related to the impact of computers on society and culture. The model draws on 10th- century Islamic mysticism. For general readers and professionals interested in computers, virtual reality, and philosophy. Originally published in French in 1995 under the title , <'E>ditions La D<'e>couverte/>, Paris. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Choice "A poetic and pleasurable read." --This text refers to the Paperback edition. New Scientist, Richard Barbrook Lévy's book is important because it advocates an alternative future for the Net. As a French intellectual, he doesn't accept free market dogmas. This approach is not simply morally preferable. It is also a precondition for any coherent analysis of what's really happening in the Net. Book Description "Collective Intelligence is incredible. Lvy's ideas shine through like a supernova at the human heart of cyberspace." -Mark Pesce, Cyberspace researcher and theorist, co-creator of VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) The number of travelers along the information superhighway is increasing at a rate of 10 percent a month. How will this communications revolution affect our culture and society? Pierre Lvy shows how the unfettered exchange of ideas in cyberspace has the potential to liberate us from the social and political hierarchies that have stood in the way of mankind's advancement. Anthropologist, historian, sociologist, and philosopher, Lvy writes with a depth of scholarship and imaginative insight rare among media critics. At once a profound historical analysis of the development of human culture and a blueprint for the future, Collective Intelligence is a visionary work. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Book Info Shows how unfettered exchange of ideas in cyberspace has the potential to liberate us from the social and political hierarchies that have stood in the way of mankind's advance. A unique contribution to the growing interest & debate on network communication and the impact on human cognition. DLC: Information technology - Social aspects. About the Author Pierre Lvy is a professor in the Department of Hypermedia at the University of Paris-VIII, scientific advisor to the TriVium company, and member of the advisory board of the Pompidou Center's Virtual Review. He holds advanced degrees in sociology, the history of science, and the sciences of information and communication, and has published numerous works in French on new technologies. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Serbia's Deadly Choppers - U.S. Firm Sold Parts to Milosevic DURING U.N. Embargo

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://news.pacificnews.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=7671ac1b26e3f8246e24f32c24962e73
Serbia's Deadly Choppers - U.S. Firm Sold Parts to MilosevicPacific News Service, Lucy Komisar, 08/16/2002 
Bell Helicopters of Texas sold parts to Serbia during a U.N. arms embargo, a report to the war crimes trial of ex-president Slobodan Milosevic shows. The Milosevic regime, writes PNS investigative reporter Lucy Komisar, paid through a secret offshore financial network that included a byzantine web of global tax havens. At a time when Americans are concerned about U.S. corporate corruption, a tribunal in The Hague has revealed another shadowy deal with international reverberations. Bell Helicopters of Texas sold parts to Serbia during a U.N. arms embargo, when Serbia was involved in a genocidal war using helicopters. The regime of ex-president Slobodan Milosevic paid through a complex, secret offshore financial network.On June 5, 1998, Serbia paid Bell $154,785 for spare parts for helicopters. At the time, Serbia was in dire need of working helicopters to use in Kosovo. In that war, some 8,000 to 10,000 Kosovars died.During the embargo, Milosevic got what he needed -- helicopter parts, weapons, oil and millions of dollars of other supplies through an intricate network of shell companies and secret bank accounts that spread from the offshore financial center Cyprus through Greece and some 50 other countries, including the United States.The Bell sale was revealed in June by Morten Torkildsen, an investigator for the U.N. International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague. His report on the secret financial network that allowed Serbia to evade the embargo was presented as evidence at Milosevic's war crimes trial, in session now.In a telephone interview, a spokesman for Bell Helicopters in Fort Worth, Mike Cox, said, "The parts we sold were fuselage parts for civil and commercial aircraft. There were no weapons involved."Cox said Bell checked with the Commerce Department and "were told we were in compliance." However Marise Stewart, director of international government relations in Washington for Textron, which owns Bell, said: "We don't have to check with anybody. In the case of a civilian commercial aircraft or parts sale, there's no requirement for clearance or review."Was there any discussion inside Bell about the wisdom of selling the parts to Serbia, then conducting a genocidal war?"There would be no reason to discuss the advisability of a commercial civilian sale, unless you think the customer is not going to pay," said Stewart.Helicopters are civilian and military dual-use equipment. Civilian choppers can be retrofitted for military use. The Bell 206B, which carries five persons, is an observation helicopter, used by police departments. The Bell 212, which carries fifteen, is the famous Huey of the type used in the Vietnam War. It is designed as a transport but is easily and commonly converted to military use. The parts sold to Serbia were for both types of Bell helicopters."The U.S. adds arms to its Hueys," said Mark Hiznay of Human Rights Watch. "Serbia had its own weapons industry and could easily do the same."Serbia may well have changed the Hueys in just that way. Radomir Markovic, head of the Serbian State Security (SDB) branch -- the secret police -- told Hague Tribunal interrogators, "We needed to secure foreign currency reserves to provide the SDB with the equipment it needed -- guns for [SDB] helicopters." He said the equipment arrived and was installed on those helicopters.Stewart said Bell had no "legal requirements to look behind the customer's ultimate intention or motivation."The Serbs started their campaign in Kosovo in February and intensified fighting in late May. News reports noted Serbian forces used tanks and helicopters against ethnic Albanian villages. Bell signed its contract in June.There has been no admission or proof that helicopters fitted with the new spare parts were used in military operations either as gunships or to carry troops or war material. What is certain is that the Serbs went to extremes to disguise their Bell purchase. The Hague investigator, a Norwegian forensic auditor, reported that the transaction was handled by the Cyprus-based Abridge Trading Ltd. Bank documents show that Abridge's primary function was purchase of military equipment for Serbia.Abridge was part of a covert Serb network that included eight shell companies with accounts in Cyprus banks that arranged weapons shipments from firms in Israel, Russia, Germany and the United States. Investigators at the U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control believe that at least $1 billion was moved out of Yugoslavia through Cyprus Banks to global tax havens."In my career, I have never encountered or heard of an offshore finance structure this large and intricate," said Torkildsen, the auditor.Why did Serbia and Bell do the deal though this offshore company if they didn't want to hide 

[CTRL] US Asks Charities to Tender for Rebuilding Iraq

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
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The media's Iraq blitz has been debated to be both complete disinformation to distract from the real military activity (the geurrilla warfare being lost by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan) AND as a way to wear down Iraq's nerves.  I submit that it is to get us so used to the idea that when/if a full scale invasion occurs we are not shocked: a morally shocked public is more likely to stand up than one in which such values as pushed by the Bush administration have creeped into our psyches.  I even hear that the Bush administration has already discussed Saddam's replacement.  Do you think he really consulted anyone Iraqi?
copied from http://commondreams.org/headlines02/0816-03.htm

Published on Friday, August 16, 2002 in the Times of London 

US Asks Charities to Tender for Rebuilding Iraq 

by Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor, and Tim Reid in Washington


BY word and action, the Bush Administration signaled clearly yesterday that it was pressing ahead with plans to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the near future.
In spite of growing opposition abroad to an American military operation against Baghdad, Condoleezza Rice, the US National Security Advisor, said that Washington did “not have the luxury of doing nothing” and hinted broadly the Iraqi leader would be gone sooner rather than later.
Her threat coincided with moves by Washington to recruit international relief agencies to work in Iraq, possibly to provide humanitarian aid in the event of a war.
The State Department sent a letter to various charities and non-governmental organizations, inviting tenders to undertake medical care, refugee relief, shelter, water supply, education and sanitation — rebuilding that will be necessary after any military campaign.
The department is linking the bidding to a $6.6-million fund to establish at least five US relief projects in and around Iraq, the first time the US has funded such work since the beginning of the UN sanctions 12 years ago.
The reason for the preparations became clear yesterday when Ms Rice, President Bush’s closest adviser on foreign policy, said that Saddam was a threat to world security and should go. “This is an evil man who, left to his own devices, will wreak havoc on his own population, his neighbors and, if he gets weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, on all of us,” she told the BBC. “It is a very powerful moral case.”
Although she insisted that Mr Bush had not yet made a decision about military action against Iraq, she said that Washington was committed to removing the threat soon.
The fresh saber-rattling in Washington provoked outrage among opponents of the war in London. Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on foreign affairs, said “moral authority” did not justify breaking international law.
“There will be no world order if the most powerful states are entitled to remove other governments at will,” he said. “There is no doctrine of international law which justifies regime change.”
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[CTRL] Blaze allowed to burn in Wyoming

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
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I reported that this fire was, a good FOUR weeks ago, so large that one could see it from Rawlins, Wyoming - A GOOD 350 MILES AWAY.
copied from http://www.missoulian.com/display/inn_news/news15.txt
Blaze allowed to burn in Wyoming
By the Associated Press
Western wildfires

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. - Strong winds caused a remote fire in Yellowstone National Park to grow six times in size over two days, but officials were still allowing it to burn.

The lightning-caused Phlox fire, which is blackening whitebark pine, lodgepole pine and spruce, was at 80 acres early Wednesday but grew to 480 acres by Friday morning.

The blaze, in the southeast corner of the park about 25 miles southeast of Lake Junction, was reported Aug. 10 but may have started as early as Aug. 4.

Because of its remote location, lack of threat to developed areas, the need to reduce further build-up of downed timber, and recent rainy, cooler weather, the fire is being allowed to burn.

"It's well within the parameters," park spokeswoman Cheryl Matthews said.

The Broad fire, which has burned 9,140 acres just east of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, remained 95 percent contained. The blaze broke out June 27 from lightning.


5-week-old Colorado fire triples in size

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. - Hot weather and gusts up to 30 mph hampered efforts to manage a 5-week-old wildfire that tripled in size overnight.

The 1,800-acre fire was sparked by lightning July 8 but was being allowed to burn because it was in the remote Flattops Wilderness Area, 34 miles southwest of Steamboat Springs and 125 miles west of Denver, fire information officer Sue Froeschle said.

Nearly 100 firefighters were pulled off the lines early Friday because of high winds, but had worked to protect 50 structures threatened by the blaze, Froeschle said.

"The likely scenario is the fire will pass around those structures," she said.

Rio Blanco Ranch, Trappers Lake Lodge and Trappers Lake Campground remained evacuated after the fire crept to within a half-mile of the buildings Thursday night. More than a dozen trails were closed.


Burnouts used on massive Oregon fire

GOLD BEACH, Ore. - Firefighters on the northwest flank of the massive Biscuit Fire in southwest Oregon took advantage of calm winds as they prepared to light more backfires along a containment line Friday night.

Tom Lavagnino, fire spokesman, said the fire continued to grow and all eyes were on the weather. A cooling trend is expected to begin Saturday.

Meanwhile, two firefighters were injured Friday morning when their fire engine crashed about one mile from Cavitt Creek while en route to the Tiller Fire Complex near Roseburg.

Both were taken to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, said Barbara Dougan, a spokeswoman at the Tiller Fire.

Firefighter Ryan Rose was released; Joseph Smith was admitted, but was in good condition, said Dixie Williams, a nursing supervisor.
also see:
Wildfire For Profit?
Contral, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?
Oregon is burning
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart

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this is definitely a form of neurosis...psychosis?

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Re: [CTRL] Top 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart
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 ulrich stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

so a video still, released by the DOD, showing the silhouette of a jet fighter hitting the pentagon (the ONLY piece of HARD evidence at all) is not even top 10?

 William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
-Caveat Lector- http://www.the-movement.com/Top_10s/evidence.htmTop 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence Frank Levi (16 Aug 02)Just when you thought it was all doom and gloom, our good old chums at the agencies brought us some of the most hilariously unbelievable crap as proof "the Arabs did it." A lot of this is old hat to 9-11 investigators, some may be new. 1-Mohamed Atta's Luggage 2-Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend 3-The Letter from the Ringleader 4-The Magic Passport 5-Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo 6-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars 7-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere 8-Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits 9-Copies of the Koran left in Strip Clubs 10-Ziad Jarrah builds a replica of a Boeing cockpit in his apartment 1. Mohamed Atta's LuggageMohamed Atta , we are told, brought not one but two suitcases with him on his final suicide trip. Some might say it was a little convenient for the FBI investigators that these two suitcases did not make it from his connecting flight onto his suicide flight. Here is a rarely reported letter from his mother:Dearest Mohamed,    Don't forget to bring your toothbrush and lots of clean underpants on your final suicide trip. You must change your underwear, you might be in an accident and have to go to hospital. It would be very embarrassing to be caught with dirty underpants, wouldn't it dear?    Love, MamaOk, joking aside, what was really in the bags: Numerous documents including a letter of recommendation and education related documents. (In other words, stuff you would bring to a job interview, not a suicide attack). A handheld flight computer, flight simulator manuals, two videotapes about Boeing aircraft, a slide rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, his will and presumably a lot of socks and underpants. All this stuff would have been in the luggage hold, so why bring it? If he was really committing an act of suicidal Jihad he would have brought his Koran on board. http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/atta/resources/documents/fbiaffidavit1.htmThe link above has a scanned copy of the FBI affidavit detailing the contents of Atta's car and his luggage. It doesn't mention the letter he apparently wrote to the other hijackers.2. Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriendhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1664161.stmJarrah apparently wrote a farewell letter to his girlfriend - but in spite of having been with her for several years, he managed to send it to the wrong address. So the letter ended up in the hands of the FBI. How lucky is that !Relatives think that the letter to the girlfriend is a fake.I think perhaps, maybe it might be a fake too.3. The Letter From the RingleaderThis is the letter apparently from Atta giving last minute encouragement to his pals before going to Allah. Conveniently Mohamed left a copy in his suitcase , someone else left a copy in their apartment for the FBI to find, and miraculously, a third copy was found amongst the tiny pieces of debris at the Flight 93 crash site.Robert Fisk wrote an article in the Independent last September which effectively ridicules this particular piece of "evidence"http://www.eionews.addr.com/psyops/news/atta_lastletter_questions.htm - this is a copy of the original article. Read it.4. The Magic PassportMany people have pointed this one out since last September. How is it that the FBI found an intact passport belonging to one of the hijackers "several blocks away" from the World Trade centre when all the indestructible black boxes in the aeroplanes were destroyed or lost?What's really scary is that people actually believe this5. Ziad Jarrah's Passport PhotoA fragment of a hijackers passport photo was found at the flight 93 crash site. Just as a side issue - why did they insist on bringing passports when they were on internal flights - AND on suicide missions???CNN reported it was Jarrah's passport: http://europe.cnn.com/2002/US/08/01/cia.hijacker/6. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in CarsAnother car (not Atta's rental car) was found at Logan airport containing Arabic-language flight training manuals. If Atta was the pilot, why did anyone else need to bring flight manuals with them? A bit of last minute revision?7. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewherehttp://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/091601/ter_124-7402.shtmlBoeing 757 manuals, three illustrated martial arts books and an 8-inch stack of East Coast flight mapsAl-Shehhi checked out last Sunday without taking a three-ring binder full of handwritten notes, an English-Germa

[CTRL] Greenspan's irrational exuberance

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://www.dailycamera.com/bdc/insight/article/0,1713,BDC_2494_1330583,00.html
Greenspan's irrational exuberance 
What caused the current economic debacle? Give the Fed and its chairman a share of the blame 
By William Greider, Washington PostAugust 18, 2002
With New Economy icons falling all around, the next one may be the Federal Reserve and its hallowed chairman, Alan Greenspan.
When anxieties subside and people examine what caused this debacle, they may grasp that the Fed's policies and proclamations are centrally implicated. Notwithstanding his opaque manner, Greenspan became a cheerleader for the financial-market optimism and implicitly ratified its excesses. The chairman failed to take the timely actions that would have instilled more caution in investors, believing as he does that markets can work things out on their own. Well, they have.
This is exactly what you don't want from a Federal Reserve chairman. Central bankers are not supposed to be either optimistic or popular. They are supposed to be the national scold — the economic regulators who worry constantly over what might go wrong and impose restraints before public opinion or the markets see any problem. In that sense, the Federal Reserve went off the rails in the bubbling '90s. Though still celebrated for wise stewardship, the Fed failed its core function as the disinterested governor.
How does Greenspan feel, for instance, about the mega-conglomerates in banking that he helped midwife, now that Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase are in the cross-hairs of criminal investigations? The Fed chairman personally approved Citigroup's creation even before Congress made it legal by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act. He approved the "firewalls" that were supposed to prevent the kind of scandalous conflicts of interest recently revealed. And did the Fed's own bank examiners not notice the funny-money lending to Enron?
A more fundamental critique is that Federal Reserve policy has been a contributing force in producing deep imbalances in the American economy — the growing inequalities of incomes and wealth and other disorders, such as the burgeoning debts of families and business. The Fed helped induce these injurious shifts by essentially favoring the financial system over the real economy of production.
For most of the past 20 years, the central bank continued to fight the last war — inflation — and did so by restraining economic growth artificially. Its brake produced many years of higher unemployment than was necessary, thus ensuring stagnant or falling real wages for ordinary working people.
We will be a long time digging out of the Fed's triumph. The task of reform should begin with a less deferential Congress and media, daring to question the Fed's performance more rigorously. That requires prompt — and more candid — policy disclosure from the Fed.
In the run-up to the current debacle, Greenspan's first pivotal error occurred back in 1996, when he and other Fed governors first recognized a price bubble forming ominously in stock markets. Then-governor Lawrence Lindsey (now the president's economic adviser) urged the chairman to act promptly. Raising margin rates would tighten stock-market borrowing — the easy credit investors use in a speculative binge — and ring a loud warning bell for giddy investors. But Greenspan waved off Lindsey's prescient plea. A few months later, the chairman did speak once of "irrational exuberance," but the markets reacted badly. He dropped the subject.
Taking decisive action would have required courage. The chairman would have needed to set aside his neo-libertarian ideology, which abhors regulatory interventions in the economy. And he would have been compelled to take on the Fed's foremost constituency — Wall Street banks and brokerages — where he is most loved.
Instead, Greenspan's popularity soared with the booming economy. He backed off the Fed's longstanding anti-inflation policy of restraining economic growth and allowed unemployment to fall below the Fed's self-imposed floor. This made everyone feel good, especially the workers whose wages had been depressed for years by the Fed's stringency.
But Greenspan's second great error was joining the celebration himself. He suggested that rising productivity had opened a glorious new era of ever-upward prosperity. His ebullient remarks sounded very similar to the self-congratulations expressed by the Federal Reserve in the late 1920s. Then and now, the Fed's happy talk excited stock-market plungers, large and small.
The third error was the Fed's belated attempt in early 2000 to get some control over frenzied events — an error because it did so by hammering the real economy with interest-rate increases, rather than restraining the financial system directly. Greenspan claimed to detect a phantom price inflation in goods and services. Actually, the only price inflation was in the stock market. The obvious injustice was punishing the many for the 

[CTRL] today at psy-op

2002-08-19 Thread ulrich stuart
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Missile Systems http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12252
SDI, AI, and the Militarization of Space: MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12254
Return of the Burning Times? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12256
Feds attempt take-over of California's Power http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12257
U.S. INTENT ON DESTROYING IRAQI AIR DEFENSE http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12261
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[CTRL] Tesla, NASA Weather Control, and AI

2002-08-19 Thread ulrich stuart
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Tesla was also known for having developed ways to use "Scalar Electromagnetics". The use of which could be for "Good" purposes or "not so good" ones. One of the "Inventions" he had, he called the "Earthquake Machine". He claimed that with the "Press of a button", he could split the Earth in two. There are also variations of this, depending on the frequency used and the ocillating rate. A small tremor could be produced, or a huge catastrophe. http://www.freedomdomain.com/weather.html
The study "Controlling the Global Weather" can be found at NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts under "Funded Studies" in two parts, at these url's: http://peaches.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/589Hoffman.html and http://peaches.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/715Hoffman.html
NASA's AI Programs http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/
The term artificial intelligence or AI denotes the concept of machines capable of intelligent thought.  Since the beginning of the computer science field researchers have been working on developing machines capable of performing higher intellectual processes which are characteristically human.  Such tasks include;  the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. Within the AI field are a multitude of interwoven subfields which include:  expert systems, genetic algorithms or evolutionary computation, image understanding, information navigation and retrieval, intelligent agents, intelligent assistance, knowledge sciences, logic, natural language recognition, neural networks, planning and scheduling, reasoning, robotics, and rule-based systems. http://library.gsfc.nasa.gov/SubjectGuides/ai.htm
Long before the movie coming out next week, smart rovers such as Sojourner used artificial intelligence to traverse Mars in 1997. The rover had the decision-making capability to move around and decide a path for itself without the help of ground controllers. Artificial intelligence software on NASA's Deep Space 1 was tested in 1998, and in the fall of 2002, JPL will fly the latest AI software that will command the mission for a period of three months. http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/whatsnew/pr/010621C.html
1990: A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within Visual Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. The application of AI programming and problem solving methods in the development and implementation of the Computerized Logic For Air-to-Air Warfare Simulations (CLAWS), a second generation TDG, is presented. The Knowledge-Based Systems used by CLAWS to aid in the tactical decision-making process are outlined in detail, and the results of tests to evaluate the performance of CLAWS versus a baseline TDG developed in FORTRAN to run in real-time in the Langley Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS), are presented. To date, these test results have shown significant performance gains with respect to the TDG baseline in one-versus-one air combat engagements, and the AI-based TDG software has proven to be much easier to modify and maintain than the baseline FORTRAN TDG programs. Alternate computing environments and programming approaches, including the use of parallel algorithms and heterogeneous computer networks are discussed, and the design and performance of a prototype concurrent TDG system are presented. http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/90/aiaa-90-3435.refer.html
1989: A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within-Visual-Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/89/aiaa-89-3525.refer.html
Practically endless links on AI at NASA http://search.spacelink.nasa.gov/query.html?col=nasa&col=spacelnk&charset=iso-8859-1&ht=0&qp=&qt=artificial+intelligence&qs=&qc=&pw=100%25&ws=0&la=en&qm=0&st=1&nh=10&lk=1&rf=0&rq=0&si=0
Introduction to Universities Space Research Association http://www.usra.edu/about/history.html from which the following is snipped: "In March 1981. Dr. Paul J. Coleman, Jr. became the third president of USRA, and served until April 2000. Dr. Coleman received numerous awards and appointments during his time with USRA, including the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his contributions to the exploration of the moon, and appointments to two positions at the Los Alamos National Laboratory: Director of the Earth and Space Sciences Division and Director of the Los Alamos branch of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP). In 1984, President Reagan appointed Dr. Coleman to the National Commission on Space."
Each institute or program of USRA is overseen by a Science Council that serves, in effect, as a scientific board of directors: for "Councils under the r

[CTRL] More on Oregon Fire

2002-08-19 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
My earlier post, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/message/12256 refers to the types of communities that happen to live in the fire areas of Colorado, Arizona, and Oregon - a rather independent lot and we all know what the the established powers think of independence.  I should have also mentioned that wild areas where "right"-thinking people live are NOT on fire and that the areas that ARE on fire are areas that are known to be home to a largely environmental populace.  The below quote, taken from the article even further below, talks about the Kalmiopsis Wilderness, a place that has been at the center of environmental battles for many a year.  It just happens to be on fire.
"The fire has burned over much of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area in the Siskiyou National Forest and into northwest California, and it is now threatening homes and businesses in Agness, Ilahe, Oak Flat, upper Pistol River, upper Chetco River, Cave Junction, O'Brien and Selma."
see also Arson and "Salvage" Logging
the following is copied from http://www.missoulian.com/display/inn_news/news02.txt
Oregon fire zone residents in 'wait and see' mode

U.S. Forest Service firefighters Cody Gibney, left, and Kim Hunter, right, both from Prineville, Ore., mop up the Biscuit fire near Agness, Ore., on Sunday. The blaze has blackened more than 435,000 acres and is the largest in Oregon in a century. JOHN GRESS/Associated Press
By JOHN ENDERS Associated Press
Thousands working to gain ground on state's worst blaze in a century
AGNESS, Ore. - Things had calmed down a bit along Oak Flat and the nearby town of Agness, a resort and fishing village on southern Oregon's Rogue River. Homeowners, told to evacuate Thursday, were watching the glow of a massive wildfire burning nearby, hoping for the best.

Then the fire exploded.

Within an hour Saturday afternoon, the northwest flank of the fire blew up, raising huge billowing white and brown plumes of smoke 20,000 to 30,000 feet into the air. The "thwop, thwop, thwop" of heavy-lift helicopters filled the normally placid skies above the river.

People grew increasingly nervous by the hour.

"Normally, it's pretty stress-free living," said Gayle Soule, owner of the Old Agness Store.

"When you go to sleep at night and you hear helicopters, and fire trucks ..." Soule said, her voice trailing off.

These days, stress has filled the lives of those in the path of Oregon's Biscuit fire, the largest wildfire in the state in a century and the largest fire burning in North America.

By Sunday, 435,654 acres had burned and more than 6,500 people were fighting the blaze, including 470 Canadians, 39 Australians and nine fire managers from New Zealand. The fire was 35 percent contained.

Crews gained ground on the fire's northwestern flank Sunday as they finished burning a fire line around Agness. With good wind conditions holding, they were expected to next conduct burnouts along the fire's western side near Pistol River and Gardner Ranch, where residents were under a pre-evacuation notice, fire officials said.

The flames have been eating through the forests of southwest Oregon since July 13 when a lightning storm moved through the area. Officially, the blaze is known as the Biscuit Fire, but some residents have taken to calling it "the Beast."

The fire has burned over much of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area in the Siskiyou National Forest and into northwest California, and it is now threatening homes and businesses in Agness, Ilahe, Oak Flat, upper Pistol River, upper Chetco River, Cave Junction, O'Brien and Selma.

Sunday, it was one of about two dozen major active fires burning in the West. More than 5.7 million acres have burned this summer, and the states of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Oregon have suffered their biggest wildfires on record, according to fire information officer Peter D'Aquanni.

He said predictions of slightly lower temperatures and higher humidity could keep the Biscuit fire from kicking up and help firefighters into the week.

Residents, meanwhile, waited to see if they would have to abandon their homes to the flames over the weekend. About a dozen helicopters buzzed in the air overhead, dumping fire retardant and water.

A half-mile up the road, 40-year old Shawn O'Connor raked and gathered pine needles and other burnable materials from the land around her home. She had been doing the same thing regularly for three weeks.

"Nobody in our neighborhood is leaving" O'Connor said. "We're just kind of waiting to see."

If the fire gets too close, O'Connor will grab her 13-year old son and a neighbor and head out.

She and her neighbors are watching the fire "in a state of controlled hysteria," she said. They also watch the wind, which had picked up but was blowing upstream, away from their houses. They wait. Sometimes wind is a friend; sometimes it's your worst adversary.

"When you feel the wind, you don't know whether to be glad or scared," O'Connor 

[CTRL] Bombshell: Planes of 911 Exceeded Their Software Limits - More evidence of remote hijack !!!

2002-08-19 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: Planes of 911 Exceeded Their Software LimitsPosted by: VALIS on Aug 19, 2002 - 09:58 PM

 Two of the aircraft exceeded their software limits on 9/11. The Boeing 757 and 767 are equipped with fully autonomous flight capability, they are the only two Boeing commuter aircraft capable of fully autonomous flight. They can be programmed to take off, fly to a destination and land, completely without a pilot at the controls. They are intelligent planes, and have software limits pre set so that pilot error cannot cause passenger injury. Though they are physically capable of high g maneuvers, the software in their flight control systems prevents high g maneuvers from being performed via the cockpit controls. They are limited to approximately 1.5 g's, I repeat, one and one half g's. This is so that a pilot mistake cannot end up breaking grandma's neck. No matter what the pilot wants, he cannot override this feature. The plane that hit the Pentagon approached or reached its actual physical limits, military personnel have calculated that the Pentagon plane pulled between five and seven g's in its final turn. The same is true for the second aircraft to impact the WTC. There is only one way this can happen. As well as fully autonomous flight capability, the 767 and 757 are the ONLY COMMUTER PLANES MADE BY BOEING THAT CAN BE FLOWN VIA REMOTE CONTROL. It is a feature that is standard to all of them, all 757's and 767's can do it. The purpose for this is if there is a problem with the pilots, Norad can fly the planes to safe destinations via remote. Only in this flight mode can those craft exceed their software limits and perform to their actual physical limits because a pre existing emergency situation is assumed if this mode of flight is used. Terrorists in fact did not fly those planes, it is totally and completely impossible for those planes to have been flown in such a manner from the cockpit. Those are commuter aircraft, not F-16's and their software knows it. Another piece of critical evidence: the voice recorders came up blank. The flight recorders that were recovered had tape that was undamaged inside, but it was blank. There is only one way this can happen on a 757 or 767. When the aircraft are commandeered via remote control, the microphones that go to the cockpit voice recorder are re routed to the people doing the remote controlling, so that the recording of what happened in the cockpit gets made in a presumably safer place. But due to a glitch in the system on a 757/767, rather than shutting off when the mic is redirected the voice recorder keeps running. The voice recorders use what is called a continuous loop tape, which automatically re passes itself past the erase and record heads once every half hour, so after a half hour of running with the microphones redirected, the tape will be blank. Just like the recovered tapes were. Yet more proof that no pilot flew those planes in the last half hour. Eight of the hijackers who were on those planes called up complaining that they were still alive. I'd bet you never heard about our foreign minister flying to Morocco and issuing an official apology to the accused, did you? No, terrorists did not fly those planes, plastic knives and box cutters were in fact too ridiculous to be true. Any of the remaining accused have certainly been sought out and killed by now. Our information IS controlled The cell phone calls from the aircraft could not have happened. I am a National Security Agency trained Electronic Warfare specialist, and am qualified to say this. My official title: MOS33Q10, Electronic Warfare Intercept Strategic Signal Processing/Storage Systems Specialist, a highly skilled MOS which requires advanced knowledge of many communications methods and circuits to the most minute level. I am officially qualified to place severe doubt that ordinary cell phone calls were ever made from the aircraft. It was impossible for that to have happened, especially in a rural area for a number of reasons. When you make a cell phone call, the first thing that happens is that your cell phone needs to contact a transponder. Your cell phone has a max transmit power of five watts, three watts is actually the norm. If an aircraft is going five hundred miles an hour, your cell phone will not be able to 1. Contact a tower, 2. Tell the tower who you are, and who your provider is, 3. Tell the tower what mode it wants to communicate with, and 4. Establish that it is in a roaming area before it passes out of a five watt range. This procedure, called an electronic handshake, takes approximately 45 seconds for a cell phone to complete upon initial power up in a roaming area because neither the cell phone or cell transponder knows where that phone is and what mode it uses when it is turned on. At 500 miles an hour, the aircraft will travel three times the range of a cell phone's five watt transmitter before this handshaking can occur. Though it is sometimes p

[CTRL] on those "wild" fires

2002-08-20 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Industry lobbyists and their good-old-boy network pundits are arguing that the wildfires wouldn't happen if we just logged with no holds barred.  First, the more feul that is present to burn, the SLOWER IS THE GEOGRAPHIC ADVANCEMENT OF FIRE.  Secondly, more trees means more canopy which, in turn, means more retainment of moisture - fire's arch-rival...water.
Most importantly, as far as the industry's PR goes, the two biggest fires (if not 3 out of 4) were STARTED BY WORKERS CONTRACTED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERMMENT.  These are not "wild" fires.  I have yet to hear the timber industry or their D.C. marionettes talk about the need to restrain these arsonists.  By the way, the prosecution that is taking on Terry Barton (the COLORADO arsonist) have said that the fire looks as if it was "staged to look like a campfire that got out of control."
Burning Agenda - The worst fire season in memory is being used for political purposes, Eugene Weekly
Wildfires and Salvage Logging - The Beschta Report, [PDF] edited by J. Boone Kauffman
Fight Fire With Logging?, MotherJones
Fighting Forests With Fire: A Soldier's Story Timothy Ingalsbee,Ph.D. Director, Western Fire Ecology Center
Logging without limits isn't a solution to wildfires, Oregonian
Arson and "Salvage" Logging
The Truth about Logging and Wildfires
Oregon is burning
More on Oregon Fire
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[CTRL] Focus on Wackenhut

2002-08-20 Thread ulrich stuart
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An Introduction to the Wackehnut Security Corporation http://www.cowan70.freeserve.co.uk/miscellaneous/wackenhut_corporation.html
copied from http://www.lycaeum.org/books/books/last_circle/4.htm
The history of Wackenhut Corporation is best described from its own literature. An outdated letter of introduction typed on Wackenhut letterhead once sent to prospective clients provided me with the following profile: (Excerpted) "Wackenhut Corporation had its beginnings in 1954, when George R. Wackenhut and three other former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed a company in Miami, Special Agent Investigators, to provide investigative services to business and industry.
"The approach was so well received that a second company was formed in 1955 to apply the same philosophy to physical security problems. In 1958 the companies were combined under the name of Wackenhut Corporation, a Florida company. From the outset, George Wackenhut was President and chief executive officer of the enterprise. Wackenhut established its headquarters in Coral Gables, Florida in 1960, extending its physical security operations to the United States government through formation of a whollyowned subsidiary, Wackenhut Services, Incorporated. This was done in order to comply with federal statute prohibiting the government from contracting with companies which furnish investigative or detective services.
"In 1962, Wackenhut operations extended from Florida to California and Hawaii. On January 1, 1966, the company became international with offices in Caracas, Venezuela, through half ownership of an affiliate.
"The Wackenhut Corporation became public in 1966 with overthecounter stock sales and joined the American Stock Exchange in 1967. Through acquisitions of subsidiaries and affiliates, now totaling more than 20, and expansion of it contracts into numerous territories and foreign countries, the Wackenhut Corporation has grown into one of the world's largest security and investigative firms.
"In 1978 acquisition of NUSAC, a Virginia company providing technical and consulting services to the nuclear industry, brought Wackenhut into the fields of environment and energy management. In 1979, Wackenhut acquired Stellar Systems, Inc., a California company specializing in outdoor electronic security.
"The executive makeup of the company reflects the stress Mr. Wackenhut placed on professional leadership. The Wackenhut Corporation is guided by executives and managers with extensive backgrounds in the FBI and other military, governmental and private security and investigative fields. 
"The principle business of the company is furnishing security and complete investigative services and systems to business, industry and professional clients, and to various agencies of the U.S. Government.
"Through a whollyowned subsidiary, Wackenhut Electronic Systems Corporation, the company develops and produces sophisticated computerized security systems to complement its guard services.
"Major clients of Wackenhut's investigative services are the insurance industry and financial interests. These services include insurance inspections, corporate acquisition surveys, personnel background reports, preemployment screening, polygraph examinations and general criminal, fraud and arson investigations.
"The wide variety of services offered by Wackenhut Corporation also includes guard and electronic security for banks, office buildings, apartments, industrial complexes and other physical structures; training programs in English and foreign languages to apply Wackenhut procedures to individual clients needs; fire, safety and protective patrols; rescue and first aid services; emergency support programs tailored to labormanagement disputes, and predeparture screening programs widely used by airports and airlines.
"The company now has some 20,000 employees and maintains close to 100 offices and facilities with operations spread across the United States and extending into Canada, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Middle East, Indonesia, Central and South America and the Caribbean."
On the surface, Wackenhut Corporation seemed innocous enough, but through documents later obtained from Michael Riconosciuto, I learned there was another, darker side to Wackenhut operations, at the Cabazon Indian reservation near Indio, California.
Because Indian reservations are sovereign nations and do not come under federal jurisdiction, Wackenhut International had formed a partnership and entered into a business venture with the Cabazon Indians to produce hightech arms and explosives for export to thirdworld countries. This maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against U.S. weapons being shipped to the Contras and middle eastern countries.
In the early 1980's, Dr. John Nichols, the Cabazon tribal administrator, obtained a department of Defense secret facility clearance for the reservation to conduct va

[CTRL] When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?

2002-08-20 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.ccmep.org/us_bombing_watch.html
U.S. Bombing Watch: When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?

A service of the Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace
901 West 14th Avenue, Suite 7 * Denver, CO  80204 * 720-956-0700
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  www.ccmep.org
* If you know of a US bombing of Iraq that is not listed here, please send info & media source here.

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[CTRL] Dr. Park Deitz

2002-08-20 Thread ulrich stuart
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"A psychiatrist who found notorious killers Jeffrey Dahmer, the Son of Sam and Andrea Yates all sane has concluded that the man who killed four Mexican nationals in Rifle last summer was legally insane."
I saw that snip at about seven a.m. this morning.  I don't suppose that an explanation is necessary as to why I found it necessary to look this guy up.  Guess what.  He is a bad guy.  Seemingly, a REAL bad guy.  After the article are some url's detailing a little of what ELSE he has been up to over the years.
copied from http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/state/article/0,1299,DRMN_21_1336439,00.html
Man who killed 4 in Rifle deemed insane 
3 psychiatrists agree; Steven 'Mike' Stagner won't face jury trial
By Ellen Miller, Special To The NewsAugust 20, 2002
GLENWOOD SPRINGS - A psychiatrist who found notorious killers Jeffrey Dahmer, the Son of Sam and Andrea Yates all sane has concluded that the man who killed four Mexican nationals in Rifle last summer was legally insane.
The upshot is there will be no jury trial to decide if Steven "Mike" Stagner, 43, is guilty of first-degree murder and a host of other charges.
Instead, District Judge Peter Craven will hear testimony Oct. 7-8 to determine if Stagner was insane at the time of the shootings and should be confined at the state hospital in Pueblo.
The findings of insanity by Dr. Park Deitz of Newport Beach, Calif., along with two similar findings of Colorado state psychiatrists, persuaded Garfield County District Attorney Mac Myers to forgo a jury trial.
"We have no evidence to rebut the insanity," Myers said Monday. "It's difficult with the horror of this crime, but the law is clear."
Defense attorney Greg Greer, who had sought an insanity finding from the start of the case, waived Stagner's right to a jury trial.
Stagner, who has a nearly 20-year history of mental health problems, suffers from schizo-affective disorder.
It "significantly impaired his cognitive capacity to distinguish right from wrong" the night he killed four people and wounded three others, Deitz's report says.
"The most salient delusion over the years has been that he is the Archangel Michael and that he is on a mission to rid the world of bad or evil people," Deitz found.
Deitz's report detailed the chaotic course of Stagner's life in the days leading up to the shootings July 3, 2001.
On June 27, he caused a disturbance in the VFW bar in Grand Junction, saying he could kill people and God would forgive him.
On July 2, he asked an acquaintance to read him a Bible passage: "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war."
Stagner then thumped his chest with his fist and said, "That's me."
Twelve hours before the shootings, Stagner caused a disturbance at a Grand Junction convenience store but left after a police officer was called.
Stagner stopped at two Rifle bars and other businesses July 3, 2001, making threats and exhibiting strange behavior, such as sniffing his shoes.
About 11:50 p.m. at the City Market in Rifle, Stagner fatally shot Juan Carlos Medrano Velasquez, 22, and Angela Toscano, 19.
Officials say he walked across the parking lot and fatally shot Juan Manuel Hernandez Carillo, 44, and Melquiades Medrano Velasquez, 23.
He reloaded, entered the park and shot and wounded Medel Ortega-Venzor, 24, and Efren Miramontes-Ortega, and then wounded Rudolfo Beltran-Perez, 29, authorities say.

Oregon school shooting-A programmable murder & was driven to kill in a turning point of society to pursue guns control http://www.sonic.net/kryptox/mcp/part6c.htm
The killing of five children by their mentally ill mother highlights controversial death penalty laws in the US http://www.guardian.co.uk/bush/story/0,7369,652567,00.html
Unabomber Case Experts Discuss Issues in Diagnosing, Evaluating Theodore Kaczynski http://www.psych.org/pnews/98-12-18/k1.html
Kinkel Was On Prozac - Heard 'Voices' In His Head http://www.rense.com/politics5/kinkel.htm
On September 22, 1997 defendant John G. Bennett, Jr. was sentenced to 144 months of custody, followed by three years of supervised release. On March 26, 1997 he had entered a conditional plea...  http://www.paed.uscourts.gov/documents/opinions/98D0540P.HTM
PSYCHOLOGICAL COERCION & HUMAN RIGHTS http://home.att.net/~jon.ruth/can/vrai/capr/capr_psych_coercion_19940419.txt
Suicide by cop http://www.angelfire.com/nm/redcollarcrime/91.htmlDo You Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] Lawrence King jr - currently listed as Executive Editor of the Omaha World Herald

2002-08-21 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Rusty Nelson also stated that, based on his close affiliation with Larry King, he believed King had some association with the Contra ordeal through Michael Aquino, head of the Temple of Set.
Rusty Nelson has reported new evidence on a Franklin and Iran-Contra connection as of June 22, 2000, jeopardizing his life further. Nelson s June 22, 2000, written statement states: An other dark villain was Colonel Akino [Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino] to whom King paid off with a suitcase of bearer bonds and cash earmarked for covert Contra operations. (Further evidence of involvement of Larry King with Lieutenant Colonel Aquino is described below).
Knowledge of the Iran-Contra Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially unpublicized June 3, 2000 alleged suicide of John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee. In 1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton administrations role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian Muslims. The suspicious nature of the recent death of Millis and the lack of media coverage is described in more detail below.
De Camp writes that On the morning of February 7, 1990, Larry King was making plans to attend one of those fund raising events in Omaha, featuring President George Bush. Out of the blue, U.S. Magistrate Richard Kopf suddenly ordered King to be taken to a federal psychiatric facility in Springfield, Missouri, for tests ...The word in Omaha was that King, indicted in Federal court on May 19, 1989 on forty counts of financial wrongdoing, was planning to ask Bush for help. (De Camp, 1986, p. 165-166).
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[CTRL] India Hounds Nepal Maoists

2002-08-21 Thread ulrich stuart
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copied from http://www.rwor.org/A/V24/1161-1170/1164/nepal-india.htm
India Hounds Nepal Maoists
Revolutionary Worker #1164, August 25, 2002, posted at rwor.org
There is a long history of Indian domination in Nepal and now, as the People's War in Nepal intensifies, India is increasingly coming to the aid of the reactionary Nepalese government.
The Maoist insurgency, led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is aimed at overthrowing the oppressive Nepalese government and monarchy and has gained widespread support since it began in 1996.
Soon after September 11, the Foreign Minister of India started calling Maoists in Nepal "terrorists." Then in November, Nepal's government followed India's lead --officially putting the "terrorist" label on the CPN (Maoist) and unleashing the Royal Nepalese Army to wage a brutal "search and destroy" campaign against the People's War. Hundreds of people have been killed, arrested and tortured. And under a "state of emergency" all kinds of constitutional rights have been suspended.
The Indian government quickly sent 11 trucks full of sophisticated weapons and surveillance equipment to the Nepalese government, as well as two Cheetah helicopters.
Arms for a Reactionary Regime

The rulers in Nepal hoped to quickly wipe out the Maoist guerrillas. But government soldiers have found themselves up against a People's Liberation Army that is able to mobilize thousands of trained guerrillas and people's militias to launch successful military raids against the Royal Nepalese Army.
At the end of March, Nepal's Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba went to India for six days with a 100-member delegation. He asked India's top government and military officials for more help to defeat the Maoists.
India responded by delivering 20 trucks full of weapons to Nepal--including new "off-the- assembly-line" armored "light troop carrying" vehicles designed for counter-insurgency missions, with state-of-the-art communications equipment. The India Army has also been training Nepali soldiers in jungle and guerrilla warfare at India's Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS), regarded as one of the best jungle warfare establishments in the world (even U.S. military personnel have trained here.)
According to an Indian official, India initially had plans to train an entire battalion of roughly 1,000 RNA troops at CIJWS. But so many RNA soldiers were being deployed in counter-insurgency operations that Nepal ended up only sending a core group of officers.
In May, India's army chief General S. Padmanabhan went to Nepal to tour some of the Maoist-hit districts. He promised RNA generals even more military hardware and told them, "We can provide training assistance whenever required and anything the RNA requires. India will stand true with Nepal in every possible way. If there is a requirement of military assistance, we will be very glad to share what we have with Nepal."
India's growing involvement in helping to fight the People's War underscores just how much Nepal relies on and is subservient to India--economically, politically and militarily. And the military relationship between Nepal and India is very much stamped with Indian domination. There are more Nepali Gurkhas in the Indian Army today (around 60,000) than in the RNA itself. And since the 1970s, the chiefs of the two armies are made honorary generals of each other's army--ensuring that India's army of over a million soldiers will dictate over Nepal's army of only 40,000 men.
Until a few years ago, all RNA officer cadres used to be trained in India. Only recently Nepal's army set up its own military academy. But Nepal officers and other ranks still undergo training in various defense institutes of India. And in fact, Nepal army personnel constitute the largest number of foreign soldiers training in India.
During the last year, India has given around $35 million to Nepal in military support and equipment for the Royal Nepal Army and the Armed Police Force.
Rounding Up Nepalese Maoists in India

India understands that the People's War in Nepal threatens the stability of the whole region, and the Indian ruling class is very concerned about the Maoist insurgency in Nepal "spilling over" the border. India also faces insurgencies being waged by Maoists. And there are fraternal relations between the CPN (Maoist) and Maoist parties in India.
Increasingly concerned about what effect a successful Maoist revolution would have for the whole region, the Indian government has been stepping up its efforts to hunt down, arrest and extradite Nepalese Maoists in India.
In April, police in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) handed over to the Nepalese government eight injured Nepalese Maoists who were undergoing treatment in private clinics in the capital city of Lucknow. UP police searched the houses of about 150 Nepalis suspected of providing shelter to Maoists fleeing intense army operations against them. In recent months

[CTRL] Interpol "Alert" for Nepal Maoists

2002-08-21 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
Interpol "Alert" for Nepal Maoists
Revolutionary Worker #1164, August 25, 2002, posted at rwor.org
On August 12, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) issued a Red Corner Notice (RCN) against eight top Maoist leaders from Nepal, including Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Chairman Prachanda (Pushpa Kamal Dahal) and Baburam Bhattarai. This RCN serves as an arrest warrant in all the 179 Interpol member countries.
This move by Interpol, which has its headquarters in Lyon, France, allows the Nepalese government to formally ask neighboring countries to find and arrest Maoist leaders. And Interpol's intervention now puts pressure on the Indian government to hunt down and arrest those on the list. Once the Red Corner Notice is issued, member countries are obliged to deport the "criminals" accused to the country where the case against them is originated.
This is the first time Interpol has listed prominent Maoist leaders in a Red Corner Notice. And police say there are more names of Maoist "terrorists" that Nepal's police want on the RCN list, including military commanders of the People's Liberation Army.
Those listed in the RCN are rarely political "criminals" and the listing of Maoists in the Interpol RCN means that CPN (Maoist) will be treated as a "criminal" not a political group. In fact, there was apparently some initial problem in listing Maoist leaders in an RCN before the Nepalese government declared the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) a "terrorist outfit." But once Nepal was put under a state of emergency and the CPN (Maoist) were officially labeled "terrorists"--Nepal got its request that the Interpol Secretariat put the names of Maoist leaders on an RCN.
U.S Targets People's War

The People's War in Nepal is a genuine war of liberation--that has nothing in common with groups like al Qaida. But the government of Nepal has packaged its plea for foreign aid as a request for assistance in the "global fight against terrorism." And the United States, Britain, and other imperialist powers have all rushed to support the Nepalese regime's murderous "search and destroy" campaign and the "state of emergency." Hundreds of people in Nepal's countryside are being killed, and many more rounded up and jailed. All kinds of constitutional rights have been suspended. Newspapers sympathetic to the Maoists have been raided. Editors of mainstream newspapers have been hauled in for interrogation for simply quoting Maoist leaders, and the government is waging a heavy censorship and disinformation campaign.
The United States led the way in making the fight against Maoists in Nepal part of the "global war on terrorism." U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell went to Nepal in January to meet with the King, Prime Minister and head of the army. President Bush invited Nepal's Prime Minister Deuba to the White House to talk in May and then asked Congress to approve $20 in military and economic aid for Nepal.
Recently, Christina Rocca, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs, testified to the House International Relations Committee that, "The Maoists [in Nepal] have shown themselves to be a ruthless enemy by their tactics in the field and through terrorist attacks against both government targets and innocent civilians." And, according to the BBC, the U.S. government has given special training on `Resistance Against Maoist Terrorism' to 20 Nepali officials associated with the security bodies and local bodies.
This is another example of how the U.S. declares "terrorism" to be "anything we say it is," and how its "war on terrorism" is being used to attack any force that is counter to U.S. domination in the world.
British Moves Against the People's War in Nepal

Meanwhile, the British government has stepped to the front of the line to build international support against the People's War in Nepal.
In May, after Nepal's Prime Minister Deuba left his meeting with Bush, he flew to London to meet with British Prime Minister Tony Blair--who pledged strong support to Deuba's fight against the Maoists. Britain has boosted its military aid, including training, equipment and logistics, to Nepal from $1 million to $10 million this year. And back in November, Britain provided the RNA with military equipment and vehicles.
Soon after Blair's meeting with Deuba, General Sir Michael Boyee, Chief of Britain's Defense Staff, went to Nepal to meet with the head of the Royal Nepalese Army, General Prajwalla Shamsher JB Rana, King Gyanendra and Prime Minister Deuba. Boyee discussed British military and development assistance to the RNA and was taken on a two-day trek into the countryside. Boyee was accompanied by half a dozen senior British army officials, who made a list of RNA military needs for the British government.
Boyee's visit came only a few days before an international meeting on June 19-20, sponsored by Britain, to discuss ways to hel

[CTRL] Who Owns the Water?

2002-08-21 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.sfnewmexican.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=5102229&BRD=2144&PAG=461&dept_id=367954&rfi=6

As the World Faces Growing Thirst, a Vital Question: Who Owns the Water? 

By MORT ROSENBLUM | AP Special Correspondent 

ARIS (AP) - In a world fast running short of fresh water, a new debate rages: Private companies are free to exploit oil, "black gold," but what about the infinitely more valuable resource of "blue gold"? Two French companies alone - Suez and Vivendi Environnement - supply water to 230 million people around the globe, from U.S. cities like Atlanta to urban centers across the Third World.Hardly noticed a few years ago, the issue of water privatization is likely to be a big topic at the United Nations' World Summit on Sustainable Development that begins Monday in Johannesburg, South Africa.It raises a deceptively simple question: Is water a human right or a commodity?"The problem is that it's both," said Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute in Berkeley, Calif. Everyone has a right to safe, clean water, he said, but because of government failures, 1.1 billion people lack access to it.A new trend is clear. Both Suez and Vivendi expect double-digit annual growth in their water business, and each already has contracts that add up to more than $10 billion a year. Puerto Rico just hired Suez to distribute its water.RWE, a German energy conglomerate, is buying small water companies to challenge the French companies. Hundreds of other private operators hold concessions to pump, treat and distribute water.Although companies are granted rights to market water - not ownership of the water itself - Gleick and others worry that an inevitable expansion of the private sector might escape essential public control."Privatization has the potential to grow enormously because of the desperate need for water in the developing world, but water is too important to be left in purely private hands," Gleick said.The World Bank, U.N. agencies and a number of governments support a concept they call "PPP," short for public-private partnerships. They encourage companies to invest heavily in the pumps, mains and other infrastructure for delivering water in exchange for profit.In many big cities, up to half the water is lost to leaks and broken mains. Billing is often chaotic. Public water utilities, usually short of cash and expertise, struggle to meet fast-growing demand.Suez and Vivendi each point to cases around the world where they have expanded service, sometimes with lower rates. Both insist that they sell service, not water, and stress that they operate on concessions that must be renewed.They say better systems mean that many poor people now have access to reliable water for much less than they paid itinerant vendors."We have the money and the expertise, and we believe we can manage water better than states can," said Jacques Petry, head of Ondeo, Suez's water division. "We don't own these resources. We manage them and protect them."But Ondeo's American subsidiary faced a storm of protest after it took over Atlanta's water supply in 1999. Consumers reported mysterious cuts, confused billing and long delays for service.Managing water is a business fraught with economic and cultural complexities. A 2000 uprising in Cochabamba, Bolivia, underlines the dangers. Consumers revolted when Bechtel doubled water rates. Seven people died in violence, and the U.S. company lost its concession.Canadian activist Maude Barlow, author of the book "Blue Gold," makes her position clear in its subtitle: "The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water."While agreeing the private sector has some role to play, she says water must remain firmly in public hands with no confusion between human right and commercial asset. "You can't have both as equal in law," she said.In 2000, Barlow praised the Cochabamba uprising in glowing terms. Today, she acknowledges, the current cooperative-run water system is in shambles, with neither capital nor experience."Why can you find money for a private company and not a public company?" she asked, arguing that international agencies should help local authorities run their water utilities.Other activists worry there is a flaw in the logic of privatization: If companies make money by delivering water, won't their incentive be to sell as much as they can rather than to conserve a scarce resource?But William Cosgrove, a Canadian consultant who helped draft the World Water Vision paper for an environment summit last year in the Hague, Netherlands, insists that most people, company executives included, believe water is a basic right."This is controversial simply because it's not understood," he said. "As long as it is accepted that governments set up regulatory frameworks and define objectives, they can make the best use of water they have."Executives at Suez and Vivendi agree.Jean-Luc Trancart, a Suez spokesman with long experience in Fren

[CTRL] UN Evidence of Taliban Massacre: Leaked Report Says 960 Died in Sealed Containers

2002-08-21 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://commondreams.org/headlines02/0819-06.htm

Published on Monday, August 19, 2002 in the Guardian of London 

UN Evidence of Taliban MassacreLeaked Report Says 960 Died in Sealed Containers

by David Teather in New York


The UN has gathered enough evidence to begin a criminal investigation into the allegation that almost 1,000 captured Taliban are buried in mass graves in Afghanistan, it was revealed last night.
A confidential UN memo leaked to the American magazine Newsweek, said disturbing evidence had been uncovered which substantiated the rumors of mass graves in an area called Dasht-i-Laili.
The captives allegedly died after being packed into sealed cargo containers en route from Konduz to the Northern Alliance prison at Sheberghan.
The Newsweek report cites the discovery of bodies with little clothing and no obvious trauma as consistent with the claim that they had died of suffocation in the containers. A witness quoted in the memo put the number at 960.
There appears to be no evidence that the US knew of the deaths, nor that American officials saw or were involved in putting prisoners into unventilated trucks.
The Guardian reported in June that a former chairman of Amnesty International was calling for an independent inquiry into claims that US troops tortured Taliban prisoners and were complicit in the disappearance of thousands of others during the war.
The call by Andrew McEntee, now a human rights lawyer, was based on a British-made documentary which described thousands of Taliban fighters being corralled into the containers after the battle of Konduz in November.
At the time the jail in Sheberghan, in north-western Afghanistan was under American control. The film, Massacre at Mazar, claimed that large numbers of prisoners died on the journey.
The footage showed areas of compacted red sand, apparently caked with blood, traces of bones, including jaws, and pieces of clothing. But only 15 bodies had been found, the program said.
Washington would not be drawn last night on whether it supported a full-scale inquiry.
The militia leader whose forces allegedly carried out the killings is General Abdul Rashid Dostum, reputedly one of Afghanistan's most ruthless warlords. His spokesman told Newsweek that many people had died of suffocation, but he put the total at 100-120. He said some "were seriously injured and had died en route".
He also said that the treatment of the prisoners would have been colored by the uprising of prisoners at Qala Jangi three days earlier.
"If the incident at Qala Jangi hadn't happened, it's possible that the prisoners would have been transferred more peacefully," he said. "There would have been less irregularities."
He added: "They suffocated. Nobody killed anybody."
The details of the transfer of prisoners was left to much lower ranking officials, he said.
During the war US soldiers stayed close to Gen Dostum, but it remains unclear how much US officials knew about the treatment of prisoners.
"Considering the political sensitivity... and related protection concerns, it is strongly recommended that all activities relevant to this case be brought to a halt until a decision is made concerning the final goal of the exercise: criminal trial, truth commission, other etc," the UN report said.
Even if the US knew nothing of the alleged mistreatment, questions will be asked about its responsibilities when training and fighting alongside its allies.
More than 3,000 Taliban were captured at Konduz.
The Newsweek report, which was based on interviews with people who claimed to have seen the transportation, said fighters promised that they would be released but they were packed into the trucks instead.
The first evidence of using abandoned containers for executing captured enemies was noted in a 1997 UN report. About 1,250 Taliban were left in containers in the desert sun after an assault on Mazar-i-Sharif. The dead were later found to have been grilled black. When the Taliban captured Mazar in 1998 they killed several hundred in a similar fashion.
· US officers have yet to discover any senior al-Qaida leaders among the 600 captives held at Guantanamo Bay, a US intelligence source has told the Los Angeles Times.
The unnamed source said the captives are "mostly low and middle-level" fighters not the "big time guys" who could help to fracture al-Qaida.
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[CTRL] followup to Big Brother at Yahoo post--FBI now has info on us

2002-08-26 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
say no to yahoo
 Cameron McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Cameron McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 00:23:59 -0500Subject: [wisk] followup to Big Brother at Yahoo post--FBI now has info on us> 3. Yahoogroups recently cut off the service of several antiwar and > pro-Palestinian list servs in the interest of "national security."  > All the archives, and especially ALL MEMBER INFORMATION for these > groups was transferred over to the FBI.  This is not a rumor or a > joke.  Just three weeks ago, yahoogroups also SOLD all of our emails > to spammers. We should be getting list serv spam in the near future.  > I was advised by the system administrator of riseup.net and resist.net > and a system administrator of tao.ca that we move our list serv over > to an activist friendly server like theirs.  It is free, and they will > always fight any requests from the feds to access our membership list, > or archives.> <<>> I can confirm this. I am a member of a few small yahoo groups myself > and I run a private mail server that does not wind up on spam lists > very often. (since when I fill out surveys I use > [EMAIL PROTECTED] which automatically routes to nowhere on my > server. Suddenly the past week or two I have been getting a lot of > spam. Gee, did yahoo sell me out? This certainly explains things. I'm > seriously considering getting majordormo (an email list server) > running on my computer so we can get off yahoo groups altogether.Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] North Coast EF! Needs your HELP

2002-08-26 Thread ulrich stuart
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Mattole actions ongoing, Treesitters still occupying Freshwater & Gypsy Mtn.

Mattole Forest Defenders have resurrected ongoing protests of Maxxam's liquidation of the Mattole Watershed on the Northcoast of California. The protests had taken a lull since October of 2001 when the logging in the Mattole had ceased. The Rainbow Ridge area has been dubbed the "Headwaters Sacrifice zone" by many in the community who helped to protect the infamous "Headwaters" area in the Elk River watershed. 
One protester was arrested on August 13, 2002, while locking down to a front end loader off of Rainbow Ridge. The loggers grabbed slash and battered the protester along with tying her up, while she was locked down. Apparently, the hands off approach of, "wait for law enforcement policy" established in the wrongful death settlement of David "Gypsy" Chain has been revoked. There was also Forest Peace Alliance established in the Chain settlement to descalate the violence in the woods, but the talks have not developed into any credible policy or sensibility. 
Other actions in recent weeks have included a road blockade off of Rainbow Ridge where a pod sitter was arrested on July 15th, 2002. The lockdown to a log truck on Highway 36 outside of Maxxam/PL's mill in Carlotta on July 25th, resulted in four people being cited on site and given court dates for the charges they face. Prior to August 5th, 2002, forest defenders had requested to open a dialogue with Pacific Lumber regarding their concerns in the Mattole, but the calls went unanswered. They parked a car in front of Pacific Lumber's corporate headquarters door in Scotia where another three arrests took place. 
Meanwhile, the Freshwater tree-sitters remain strong and have vowed to stay up in the gigantic trees they are sitting in. The Gypsy mountain tree-sit has been ongoing since January of 2002, and indicates peoples resistance to Pacific Lumber's ongoing destruction of the environment and disregard for loss of life. 
Mattole struggle continues, treesits ongoing in Humboldt

Recent actions in defense of the forest have included litigation and an early morning road blockade on July 8 on the Long Ridge/Taylor Peak area, where two logging plans are located. One person was arrested. The Taylor peak logging plan, under court challenge but with no injunction, contains old growth trees, like a number of other approved plans in the Mattole. 
Meanwhile in Freshwater, Remedy, a tree-sitter in one of the old growth redwoods has been up for over one hundred days, and is holding strong. Wren, who sits in Everstine, has been up for over thirty days. PL owns over 3/4 of this watershed that has already been subject to flooding and loss of fish habitat. 
On Gypsy mountain, the "Aradia" tree-sit has been going on since January, just up the ridge from where David "Gypsy" Chain was killed on September 17, 1998. Within weeks of the out-of-court settlement of the lawsuit filed by Gypsy's family last year, a new timber harvest plan was marked on Gypsy Mountain. "Aradia" is one of the last legally cuttable old growth redwoods left on Gypsy Mountain, and could be preserved as a living memorial to Gypsy. Full Update from July 21, 2002    Video and Pictures    7/25/02 Lockdown and Images  More Images  08/05/02 Lockdown Action
PL Continues Destructive Logging Practices, Protests Continue
Remedy continues her treesit in the devastated Freshwater watershed southeast of Arcata, Ca. This determined woman has lived in the tree she named Jerry (see photos) since climbing into its upper branches on March 21. Remedy’s shelter is a small platform with a tarp for a roof. She is supplied food and other essentials by local residents who applaud her efforts to stop clear-cut logging in their watershed. An adjacent tree is occupied by other activists. Treesits on Gypsy Mountain, southeast of Eureka, continue in an effort to save the last old growth Redwood trees in that area. In other Humboldt news, a local activist was recently sentenced to 60 days in jail after his arrest while protesting PL/Maxxam logging in the Mattole during the fall of 2001. June 10 update 
Activists Respond to Pacific Lumber Chief's Accusations of Eco-Terrorism
In Humboldt County, activists and residents packed the Supervisors meeting on Tuesday May 7 to refute accusations of PL's president Robert Manne that forest activists "boldly proclaim themselves as eco-terrorists". Manne, at the previous Supervisor's meeting, called on the Supervisors to ask for Homeland Security funds to quell future protests. After the comment period was over, a rally was held under the trees in Freshwater where Remedy and Raven live high in the upper branches, determined to save two of the last old growth trees remaining in this devastated watershed. In breaking news, on May 8 it was reported on local KMUD radio that Robert Manne has yielded to local pressure and sent a letter to county Supervisors retracting his accusations that local activists r