[CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Dear Neuromaniac or whatever: Here is someone's rendition of the life of the Illuminati as related to Jacob Schiff and most of the contributors have been labeled jewish, but I am inclined to think all those involved are not necessarily all Jewish but all are Zionists from Adolph Hitler to Jacob S

[CTRL] Fwd: The End Days -- Catholic Prophecy and Doctrine: Mystery of Iniquity

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
More for Neuropsychotic - interesting item and remember I am just the messenger. O'Saba International Order of the Irish Mafia DON"T TREAD ON ME YOU SOB Tribe of Dan You Find US. http://www.trance.org/essentials/apocalyps/enddays/masonry5.html

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Say June you mean they never got you those new shoes? Poor little thing. Saba http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—

[CTRL] Federal Research Rat Hole (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- New from JunkScience.com, http://www.junkscience.com Federal Research Rat Hole By Steven Milloy, Fox News August 17, 2001 Opponents and supporters of medical research involving embryonic stem cells may not agree on the ethics of embryo destruction, but they should be able to fi

[CTRL] For the Children? (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- For the Children? http://www.family.org/cforum/citizenmag/webonly/A0017220.html The National Education Association says it's dedicated to educating children, so why is it so busy promoting abortion, homosexuality and a host of other liberal causes? By Dick Carpenter The teache

[CTRL] World's Fastest Computer Unveiled

2001-08-17 Thread Peat
World's Fastest Computer Unveiled  http://www.reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=technologynews&StoryID=160124 LIVERMORE, Calif. (Reuters) - A U.S. government laboratory unveiled on Wednesday the most powerful computer in the world, programmed to simulate the explosion of a nuclear bomb.   

[CTRL] License PC Users? It's a Thought

2001-08-17 Thread Peat
License PC Users? It's a Thought    http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,46096,00.html By Michelle Delio WIRED In a connected world, we suffer from the consequences of other people's computer ignorance. This summer, inboxes have been filled to overflowing with SirCam-infected e-mails, a h

[CTRL] Racial Gang Rape: Another Diversity Disaster

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- http://www.vdare.com/francis/gang_rape.htm Sam Francis Archive Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster By Sam Francis No doubt because of the influence of xenophobia and nativism in this country, America has not yet

[CTRL] The U.S. of e

2001-08-17 Thread Peat
The U.S. of e   http://www.latimes.com/technology/columnists/techcol/la-66408aug16.story    The feds are online, and they've got the confiscated goods--just name your price. By DAVID COLKER, LA TIMES STAFF WRITER Pssst. Want to buy a donkey? No? How about a helicopter, 3-carat diamond, pi

[CTRL] German Zeppelin Takes to Skies

2001-08-17 Thread Peat
German Zeppelin Takes to Skies    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19529-2001Aug16.html By Burt HermanAssociated Press WriterBERLIN –– A new zeppelin that took to the skies this week over Germany carrying passengers – the first commercial zeppelin flights since the Hindenburg di

[CTRL] Shakedown at the USDA

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- http://www.frontpagemag.com/guestcolumnists/lubinskas08-15-01.htm Shakedown at the USDA By James Lubinskas FrontPageMagazine.com | August 15, 2001 IN DECEMBER 1996, a small group of black farmers held a demonstration outside the White House complaining about su

[CTRL] Vidal Hails McVeigh and to "drop the other shoe"

2001-08-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- Vidal praises Oklahoma bomber for heroic aims Writer applauds executed killer McVeigh and his Revere-like message that 'the Feds are coming' Special report: Timothy McVeigh The writer Gore Vidal yesterday compared the executed Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh to Paul Revere, the

[CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT Foreign Activists Back Palestinians By JASON KEYSER Associated Press Writer AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers stood guard. Israeli soldier

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 17/17

2001-08-17 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
Because of my torture by the government I'm mentally disabled during the torture and the torture is used against me any time I try to talk or write about my case. The heavier torture has been terminated at times like when I'm on the phone.   There can be no justice while one side is using torture a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector- On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote: >So here it is and Joshua dear - I know how very sensitive you are >reading all th is stuff which might appear to be anti Jewish but then, >we all cannot be Irish - can we? I'm Irish, on my father's side, and I find your posts an insult to

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector- On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote: >Say June you mean they never got you those new shoes? No, and that's why my Irish grandmother always commented on my and my sister's bare feet when she came to visit...not that she ever volunteered to buy us slippers, let alone shoes...

Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- Godwins law>I think this is something this list could use: >Godwin's Law prov. >[Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a >comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition >in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is ov

Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector- > -Caveat Lector- > > Godwins law>I think this is something this list could use: > >Godwin's Law prov. > >[Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a > >comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition > >in many groups that, once

Re: [CTRL] Godwins law

2001-08-17 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector- its because stalin did it against his own people, which is somehow seen as more acceptable than taking it on the road but if you are looking for real killers, go no further than pol pot -- -- -- -- -- Planet spins - so do I

[CTRL] NEW! PART II - WASHINGTON, E.T.- Extraterrestrial Politics & Clinton White House

2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday
-Caveat Lector- NEW! PART II - WASHINGTON, E.T. - Extraterrestrial Politics in the Clinton White House (1993 - 2001) FULL STORY AT: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews35.html Part I http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews32.html Thank you. _ EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Conscious

[CTRL] Fwd: The Barefoot Boy

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
John Greenleaf Whittier 1807-1892 THE BAREFOOT BOY Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy with cheek of tan! With thy turned-up pantaloons, And thy merry whistled tunes; With thy red lip, redder still Kissed by strawberrys on the hill; With the sunshine on thy face, Through thy torn brim's

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- June come out of hiding for now we have you lurking on Conspirinoia using what name perhaps - well let someone else figure that one out. John F. Kennedy was Not Illuminati and he was NOT CFR. Period. The Bnai Brith would be more to your liking June right? Then toss in the ADL

[CTRL] State of Siege

2001-08-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4241075,00.html }}>Begin Comment Israel beset by siege mentality Suicide bomb attacks have affected all aspects of daily life, from running a shop to putting on a rock concert, writes Suzanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem Special report: Isra

[CTRL] John F. Kennedy was NOT CFR Illuminati

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
I have he original recordings by Myron Fagan and the documents put out on the web today, are in part let us say improved upon? For Fagan knew the conspiracy behind JFK - the same secret society who murdered JFK and his family, murdered Lincoln. The John Birch Society apologized for calling JFK a

[CTRL] Hey Get a load of this - UN at big trough of plenty

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Talk about chickens coming home to roost - look at the pigs at the trough of plenty - the big cornicopia of revenuelook at the pension plans set up and the allowances and wonder why the USA - why the hell do we pay these pigs to sit back and attempt to make demands on the US Public? Take away

[CTRL] Scientists Block Prions that Cause Mad Cow Disease

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- http://ens-news.com/ens/aug2001/2001L-08-15-01.html Scientists Block Prions that Cause Mad Cow Disease LA JOLLA, California, August 15, 2001 (ENS) - Scientists working at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and at the University of California, San Francisco, have found a prom

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread Joe Gillaspie
-Caveat Lector- > FYI > > AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT > Foreign Activists Back Palestinians > > By JASON KEYSER > Associated Press Writer > > AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed > an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers > stood

[CTRL] Campaign for Disclosure - Vancouver - Sept 9, 2001

2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday
-Caveat Lector- Campaign for Disclosure - Vancouver - Sept 9, 2001 STORY AT: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews36.html Please distribute far and wide. Thanks! _ EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal Exopolitics EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com Emai

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] Film of Stalin Voting Shown on AMC

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin {All of our archived messages starting Jan 10, 2000 are at votefraud.org -- if you are new, there are directions on where to find more information after today's

[CTRL] The Pedophocracy, Part VI: Finders Keepers

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector- from: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/pedo6.html Click Here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/pedo6.html";>pedo6 - The Pedophocracy, Part VI: Finders Keepers By David McGowan August 2001 "Little girls have to learn that their fathers are off limits when it comes to gratifi


2001-08-17 Thread Ecotoday
-Caveat Lector- OPEN LETTER ON ENVIRONMENTAL WAR Open Letter: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews37.html EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal Exopolitics EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vancouver, BC V6M1V8 http://www.ctrl.o

Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/08/2001 1:44:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << Free Congress Foundation's Notable News Now August 8, 2001 The Free Congress Commentary God Forsaken in U.S. Senate by Paul M. Weyrich >> There's something about Paul Weyrich or

Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-17 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 8/17/01 1:19:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: There's something about Paul Weyrich or any of his ilk telling me about God that I find really disgusting.  Prudy well some ones got to get you the message. MUUHAA... sorry couldn't pass up a good straight

Re: [CTRL] Radio journalist assassinated in Costa Rica

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/08/2001 2:00:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << His search for truths that were hardly ever reported by mainstream media led him to work on the latest case he had uncovered at the time of his death. The exposure of the problems of R

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Larry Summers can run but he can't hide from GATA

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan
Lawsuits Continue To Pursue Summers After Leaving D.C. By David H. Gellis Crimson Staff Writer The Harvard Crimson www.TheCrimson.com Cambridge, Mass. Currency bearing University President Lawrence H. Summers' signature isn't the only lingering reminder of his time as Treasury secretary. Thi

[CTRL] Fwd: [SGRA ENews Dispatch!] TWA 800 Case File Reopened

2001-08-17 Thread Kris Millegan
TWA 800 Case File Reopened August 17, 2001       By unanimous vote on August 16, 2001, the Smoking Gun Research Agency has decided to reopen its case file on the crash/downing of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight 800 after the recent acquisition of new evidence and witness reports.      

Re: [CTRL] God Forsaken in US Senate

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- > There's something about Paul Weyrich or any of his ilk telling me about God > that I find really disgusting. Prudy Why? I mean what specifically about Weyrich and his ilk is disgusting? Jamieson http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is

Re: [CTRL] [neah] US Citizen Reported Missing in the West Bank

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/09/2001 2:16:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << > The ADC Legal Department has contacted the State Department regarding > Adnan and is also working closely with Partners for Peace, an > organization that has worked extensively on c

Re: [CTRL] The CIA & The Ben Barka Affair

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/09/2001 7:02:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << Ahmed Boukhari remembers every detail of the acid tank they used to dissolve Ben Barka's body. It was Boukhari, then a young officer in the Moroccan intelligence service, who ordered

[CTRL] Masonic Facility to Repay Medicaid

2001-08-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- Masonic facility to repay Medicaid By KEN DIXON Aug. 17 - HARTFORD -- One of the state's largest health providers improperly billed the state for $12 million over nine years in Connecticut's largest case of Medicaid negligence, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal charged Thursda

Re: [CTRL] Paper Flag Irritates Israelis

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/14/2001 9:51:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << THE ARABS called it a "day of rage" but the Israelis were the ones demonstrating their rage outside Orient House yesterday. The Palestinian youth who dared to hold up a Palestinian fla

[CTRL] [PalestineDiary] Israeli army warns of all-out war/News-Telegraph/UK (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Yardbird
-Caveat Lector- Israeli army warns of all-out war By Alan Philps in Jerusalem (Filed: 17/08/2001) THE violence of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising, could last for five years or lead to a full-scale war, according to an assessment by the Israeli army. The general staff believe that the Pal

Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/14/2001 12:27:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << The blood of these innocents stains all our hands but the hands that it stains the most are Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, American President George Bush, and all the Arab leader

[CTRL] PERFECT ECONOMY - Mathematic PROOF Federal Reserve CAUSED Great Depression, Lou

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- A very good site for Federal Reserve information.AKE http://www.perfecteconomy.com/principal---federal-reserve-system.ht ml begin 666 PERFECT ECONOMY - Mathematic PROOF Federal Reserve CAUSED Great Depression, Louis T. McFadden's Congressional Address.url M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I"05-

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Police And "Routine,Organized Cruelty"

2001-08-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 08/15/2001 3:14:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << The inhabitants of "Palestine" come from many places, but nearly all of them are Semitic/Arabic. Such peoples are universally understood to be/have been nomadic. >> Yes, well most of

Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- "Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote: > > -Caveat Lector- > > In a message dated 08/14/2001 12:27:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > << The blood of these innocents stains all our hands but the hands that > it stains the most are Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,

[CTRL] Capitalism at work: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED. Owning life and health.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- Original Message Subject: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED -- US Officials in Bind Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:15:26 -0500 (CDT) From: "VERACARE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Organization: ? To: undisclosed-recipients:; VERACARE: Alliance for Human Research Protection (AH

[CTRL] It's time to kill off these " persons."

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- http://tompaine.com/opinion/2001/07/12/3.html IS THE CORPORATION OBSOLETE? Corporate Irresponsibility? Predatory Behavior? Blame the Charter -- and Rewrite it Jonathan Rowe is a fellow at the Tamales Bay Institute and a contributing editor of the Washington Monthly. Editor's N

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- flw wrote: > > -Caveat Lector- > > AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT > Foreign Activists Back Palestinians Didn't see YOUR name there buddy. Didn't see Prudy's or Colleen's either. Don't disappoint us now guys. Put you ass where your mouth is and head on down to the Holyland. Show those Isra


2001-08-17 Thread radtimes
-Caveat Lector- http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/goff/goff.htm WHO IS GUILTY? MILOSEVIC OR NATO? by Stan Goff [Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special Forces Master Sargent, an author, Organizer for the North Carolina Alliance for Democracy and a member of the International Committee to Defen

[CTRL] Our leaders are wrong. Globalisation is not delivering for the poor

2001-08-17 Thread radtimes
-Caveat Lector- radman pull quote: "If we are to confront the real threat of anarchy, let us begin with anarcho-capitalists inside the cordon sanitaire, rather than the victims outside." --- Our leaders are wrong. Globalisation is not delivering for the poor Special report:

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/16/01 10:39:51 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you? Are you suggesting that this possibility is absurd? Why exactly are you on this list if not only to parrot the ADL/Zionist line? Bill.

[CTRL] 10000 AA Shells Missing From Russian Storage SIte

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
http://www.allnews.ru/english/2001/08/16/storage/ Updated 16.08.2001 at 18:42:41 Thousands of Anti-Aircraft Guns' Shells Disappear from Storage Some 10,000 shells for anti-aircraft guns have disappeared from a military storage site in the Russian Far East following floods, Interfax news agenc

[CTRL] Bush Should Insist Israel Comply W/ UN Res. 242

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
http://www.mediamonitors.net/index.html Bush should insist Israel comply with UN Resolution 242  by Bassam Abu-Sharif In my last article in the London based Arabic language paper, Asharq Al-Awsad, I mentioned that I have access to credible Israeli sources that indicate that Prime Minister

[CTRL] Barricades

2001-08-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- From }}>Begin August 2001 Contents Latin America: the 30 years' dirty war * Presidents under pressure Malls aren't us * France: his master's voice * Benin: a free press does not come cheap * The Kurds: a fragile spring * Who will be the next pope? * Immigrant Islam * The watche

[CTRL] Keystroke Logging & "The Plan"

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
http://chblue.com/home.pl?&& frameurl=http%3A%2F%2Finterestalert.com%2Fbrand%2Fsiteia.shtml%3FStory%3Dst%2F sn%2F0816aaa040da.nand%26amp%3BSys%3Dchblue%26amp%3BType%3DNews%26amp%3BFi lter%3DOpinions DAN K. THOMASSON: A new means of snooping Scripps Howard News Service WASHINGTON (August

[CTRL] "Onion Routing" & The Pentagon

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,46126,00.html Pentagon Hides Behind Onion Wraps By Declan McCullagh 2:00 a.m. Aug. 17, 2001 PDT Onions may be the secret ingredient in protecting the Pentagon's classified information. During an afternoon presentation at the Usenix Security conferen

[CTRL] Proof Social Security Is Unnecessary

2001-08-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector- Whip-round for prostitute, 82 http://portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/08/18/wbul18.xml&sSheet=/news/2001/08/18/ixhomef. html POLICE in Taiwan have raised money to keep a prostitute aged 82 off the streets. They have collected £400 for the woman, identified on

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 8/16/01 10:39:51 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you? Are you suggesting that this possibility is absurd? Why exactly are you on this list if not only to parrot the ADL/Zionis

Re: [CTRL] Greenpeace worried by 'mystery DNA' (fwd)

2001-08-17 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector- That does not surprise me in the least, William. It is people with points of view that make Greenpeace necessary, and give many of us even more reason to generously support these worthwile environmental causes as much as possible. :-) Steve On 17 Aug 01, at 18:42, William Bac

[CTRL] Fwd: Jonah Goldberg in the Washington Times

2001-08-17 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector- > Jonah Goldberg > A Mexican suicide bomber walked into a pizza restaurant in a > Santa Fe, > N.M., mall this morning, killing at least 15 people, mostly children. > Up to a > hundred others were wounded. > The bodies of two young boys who had been playing hooky from > s

[CTRL] Fwd: PANUPS: DuPont Convicted of Racketeering in Benlate Case

2001-08-17 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector- > === > P A N U P S > Pesticide Action Network Updates Service > === > > DuPont Convicted of Racketeering in Benlate Case > > August 17, 2001 > > A Florida jury has found DuPont Co., makers of the fung

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/17/01 9:45:26 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I was on this list long before you started doodling here cowboy. I'll grant you that pardner'.

[CTRL] Atlanta woman dies of West Nile

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- ~Amelia~ Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 11:40 PM SubjectAtlanta woman dies of West Nile Note the part about six others being tested. One reason this is very serious in the South is that we can have mosquitoes all year 'round. Even in areas where it does get cold, it is usually

[CTRL] Fwd: Aleisha Saba recommends this ADL article

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Note the ADL has a perpetual Beg A Thon and they write letters and it only costs them a budget of $50,000,000 - that is right, 50 million dollars.what a lovely laundering front this could be or is it and consider one of their biggest contributors was Marc Rich and Meyer Lansky and Moe Dalitz a

[CTRL] : Geomagnetic Storm Alert

2001-08-17 Thread Amelia
-Caveat Lector- Maybe Steve would send the link to the graph. Anyone know what HAARP is doing? ~Amelia~ - Original Message - To: "SpaceWeather.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 3:44 PM Subject: Geomagnetic Storm Alert Space Weather News for August 17, 2001 http://

[CTRL] Fwd: I Want to Support ADL in its Fight Against the Haters

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
ADL is holding its daily Beg A Thon and needs your pennies and nickels for hey they blew that 50 million bucks they had last year (and all they could steal and blackmail from Marc Rich and most of their Mafia familes are in slammer - and to tell the truth, people are just beginning to be a little

[CTRL] Fwd: Text of Letter ADL sent to NBC

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now here is where your pennies and nickels will go for the ADL has to earn that 50 million bucks they took in. So now they knock the Great Farrakhan - one man who drew over 1 million people without the use of rock bans and worn out aging movie stars as a lure - So the Great Farrakhan is on the A

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
-Caveat Lector- >June come out of hiding for now we have you lurking on Conspirinoia >using what name perhaps Definitely not "Max"... >The Bnai Brith would be more to your liking June right? Not particularly... >Then toss in the ADL for you make such a good censor for thembut >never tel