CS: Admin-oops

2000-08-31 Thread Steven Kendrick
Folks, I've made a major error which means you haven't received any mail for the last few days. Don't worry, I'll have it sorted out soon, continue sending stuff to me for publication. BTW, I am going to start using a new heading for the crime stories, i.e. "crime", I used to use "pol" because

CS: Pol-BBC Radio Wales Programme

2000-08-31 Thread david
From: "david", [EMAIL PROTECTED] snip Gill Marshall-Andrews was invited to speak first. I have to admit that she is an accomplished public speaker but, as one would have expected, had nothing sensible to add to any debate on firearms control. During her 'opening speech' Joe Kelly interjected

CS: Legal-Lawful Orders

2000-08-31 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unfortunately police in several areas scored own goals during the hand-in. One of our local forces had the firearms team, complete with body armour and holstered handguns, manning the hand in office. Intimidating? Yes several people I know who

CS: Pol-Expanding bullets UK police

2000-08-31 Thread Jonathan
From: Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Because the police ammunition has caused such a high fatality rate among the invaders, they withdraw and subsequently loose the conflict. Country 'B' sues country 'A' in the world court for violation of the Geneva convention. What

CS: Legal-Hague Convention

2000-08-31 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Only lethal gases banned? No it isn't! All gases are banned if my memory of my university degree serves me all right. -- Hence Section 5(1)(b) of the 1968 Act, I assume. Steve. Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL

CS: Legal-ECHR

2000-08-31 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Regarding the 'misuse' of the ECHR some of the ones that have come to light or might be tried in the near future (according to the press and some comments from the legal profession) :- Car owners refusing to declare who was driving when an

CS: Legal-Senate Bill SB-2099

2000-08-31 Thread jrickards
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I personally pulled this off of the Senate Web Page. Go to http://www.senate.gov/search/index.html and search for "SB-2099" for yourself. Tell you Congress critters, not only "NO", but "Hell NO". JR * Handgun Safety and

CS: Misc-Useful Quotes

2000-08-31 Thread John Hurst
From: "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED] "A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace." -- James Madison, The Federalist Papers

CS: Misc-Tony Martin on TV

2000-08-31 Thread Nik
From: Nik Jones, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Channel 4, 9pm, Tuesday next week (5th Sept?), 'A Very British Murder' or some such title. Apparantly has an interview with Tony Martin, seems to be examining public views on this case. Sorry for vague details - it's past my bedtime. Nik Jones

CS: Pol-Expanding bullets UK police

2000-08-31 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: "E.J. Totty", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have an interesting question - hypothetical as it is: Knowing the particular laws about using certain ammunition types, suppose nation 'A' and nation 'B' go to war -- against each other. Both are

CS: Pol-Airgun Misuse

2000-08-31 Thread jim.craig
From: "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The business of selective reporting and categorisation of crime in the police statistics is not a new phenomenon. It depends on what they or their political masters are trying to prove at any given moment. Thus if the local cops want to prove whar a good

CS: Pol-SAGBNI alert

2000-08-31 Thread SA Mail
From: "SA Mail", [EMAIL PROTECTED] FAX NETWORK TRANSMISSION 30-08-00 The following was received at our Headquarters by Email yesterday afternoon from The Countryside Alliance. ... URGENT: ACTION REQUIRED: PLEASE COPY THIS INFORMATION TO

CS: Legal-Riot gases in war

2000-08-31 Thread Nick
From: Nick Steadman, [EMAIL PROTECTED] As Jerry Howells says, the Americans used CN/CS riot gas in the Vietnam war - it was typically employed in artillery ammo to get the North Vietnamese and/or VC out of their bunkers, whereupon they would be shelled with conventional ammo. This is now an

CS: Misc-Handgun used in rolex raid

2000-08-31 Thread RustyBullethole
From: RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rolex robbers shoot three in doorstep raid BY ELIZABETH JUDGE AND TIM REID A GANG robbed a millionaire businessman and his wife of Rolex watches worth L26,000, then shot the woman, her son and his girlfriend on the doorstep

CS: Pol-Tony's Promise.

2000-08-31 Thread KiPng
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is from the Manifesto Commitments page of the 10 Downing Street Site: Quote: 74. Free vote on handgun ban "In the wake of Dunblane and Hungerford, it is clear that only the strictest firearms laws can provide maximum safety. There will be legislation to allow

CS: Pol-Blair on Dunblane

2000-08-31 Thread KiPng
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Also from the 10 Downing Street web site: Quote: LARRY KING LIVE INTERVIEW [04 May 1999] INTERVIEWER: I would be remiss if I didn't ask you your thoughts on what happened in Colorado, and could that happen in your country? PRIME MINISTER: Of course it did happen

CS: Legal-Steed Case

2000-08-31 Thread Neil Francis
From: "Neil Francis", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I spoke to David Steed about this previously, he told me not to tell anyone but the cat is out of the bag now. Er - pardon. What is this supposed to mean - not to tell anyone? Is this the guy we were all waiting the outcome of a court case from to

CS: Pol-BBC Radio Wales Programme

2000-08-31 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gill Marshall-Andrews was invited to speak first. I have to admit that she is an accomplished public speaker but, as one would have expected, had nothing sensible to add to any debate on firearms control. During her 'opening speech' Joe Kelly

CS: Legal-Anonymity etc

2000-08-31 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think one of our other contributors provided that one - misfeasance in public office as the criminal charge and neglect of duty as the disciplinary offence. Should it be a more direct failure to uphold the law, say a police officer deliberately