CS: Misc-police corruption

2000-11-22 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] We have had members removed from Clubs of which I have been a member, because they were unsafe or became unsuitable in our opinion. Some joined other clubs but most just left the sport. One was a little embarrassing as the member concerned was

CS: Pol-gcn membership

2000-11-22 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] I believe the 'Hole in the Ground in Wales' is a holiday/second home, their main residence is somewhere in South East England. Incidentally I spotted a news report recently that said there is still some hassle over the 'hole in the ground' as it

CS: Pol-Charlton Heston on UK gun law

2000-11-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Charlton Heston criticises UK gun law 'cowardice' Heston: Britain's gun laws are "a subtle form of surrender to the criminals" November 15, 2000 Web posted at: 5:25 AM EST (1025 GMT) November 15, 2000 Web posted at: 5:25 AM EST (1025 GMT) LONDON,

CS: Pol-voting

2000-11-22 Thread IG
From: "IG", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is the strength of the views that counts, you are 100% wrong on that one, because a poll may say 80% of people support the laws but of those people few will base their vote on it. However, if you're a shooter, you are far more likely to take the candidate's

CS: Pol-Canadian Stats on handguns tell the story

2000-11-22 Thread Gunter, Lorne \(EDM_EXCHANGE\)
From: "Gunter, Lorne (EDM_EXCHANGE)", [EMAIL PROTECTED] appeared in the Edmonton Journal (Canada) Wednesday 22 November 2000 headline: Stats on handguns tell the story: They're a murderer's preferred firearm despite 66 years of registration The homicide stats are in. The homicide stats are

CS: Legal-Airsoft guns

2000-11-22 Thread RustyBullethole
From: RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED] This article from the December 2000 issue of Gun Mart might square the circle on the airsoft story. Rusty GunMart December 2000 Toys are not us? It has come to our attention that Sussex Police submitted some Airsoft sub machine gun toy

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-22 Thread IG
From: "IG", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I should also point out that prior to 1922 (can stand being corrected if the date is wrong) british subjects did have unrestricted access to firearms and carried them for self defence, can you point to any research that shows that this was a problem (except to

CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-22 Thread E.J. Totty
From: "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Take a look at http://www.kleasen.org.uk Now, I see that a gun club eventually shopped this guy. Good for them. Yes, it was outrageous that the Police gave him a certificate. No excuses there at all. Total incompetence. However, some of the contributors

CS: Legal-ECHR ruling

2000-11-22 Thread Alex Hamilton
From: "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED] At the AGM of Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association (HBSA) at the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth, London, on 20th November, it was reported that:- The claim for loss of profits pursued in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) by MPC on

CS: Legal-Certificate Holders

2000-11-22 Thread IG
From: "IG", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think this debate has run its course. I cannot, in all honesty, be bothered to repeat myself all the time by responding to individual posts. I have clearly stated my position, which is universally disagreed with. (Venomously and vehemently I might add!) I would

CS: Legal-what the law should be

2000-11-22 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Somewhere around here I have the Home Office report on the setting up of a National Firearms Licencing Authority. The figures were enlightening but it was judged to be too expensive, however that was about 8 years ago and the fees for a FAC or SGC

CS: Legal-US Immigration

2000-11-22 Thread N. L. Cobb
From: "N. L. Cobb", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nigel, and anyone contemplating immigration to the US-- According to Senator Gordon Smith's office, current US immigration law requires that: a) An applicant can establish that he/she is engaged in certain occupational activities vital to the continued

CS: Pol-Mohammed Al Fayed

2000-11-22 Thread Tim Jeffreys
From: "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mohamed al Fayed put up this offer earlier this year, holding a similar level of respect for most ministers, shadow ministers and senior MPs, to that held by shooters, hunting folk, truckers and anybody else who has been alienated by HMG. The chief

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-22 Thread Jeremy
From: Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED] I doubt the Metropolitan Police is relaxing its rules to the extent that they would accept people who had actually served prison terms, and cetainly not three years or more, or any crimes of violence sufficient for a prison term. Having only seen

CS: Pol-The Gun Control Network

2000-11-22 Thread E.J. Totty
From: "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED] We have at least two subscribers who are in that constituency, either of you been to see your MP about the ban, chaps? Steve. I can see this as not being a particularly good idea. We may have all the best argumants, but after a community has had

CS: Pol-Animal rights activists get upset, for a change

2000-11-22 Thread Tim Jeffreys
From: "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There are some good hunting cartoons around already, particularly an old Donegan: A large mounted stag's head hangs over a fire place. In front stand two gentlemen in evening dress, holding drinks. The stag has a great toothy grin on its face and on gent


2000-11-22 Thread owner-rkba-alert
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] NRA-ILA FAX ALERT Vol. 7, No. 47 11/22/00 (EditorÆs Note: This weekÆs FAX Alert is being transmitted tonight, as, NRA will be closed on Thursday and Friday in observation of the Thanksgiving Holiday.) NRA-ILA EVCs LEAD THE CHARGE THIS ELECTION SEASON The 2000

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-22 Thread E.J. Totty
From: "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED] . I ask on the basis that there are offences which would disqualify one from holding an FAC or SGC. Would the same offences be allowed by applicant to the Police ranks? From the limited reporting of this I have seen one would have to say yes. I

CS: Legal-airsoft guns

2000-11-22 Thread nick
From: nick royall, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Some local authorities may be imposing their own rules by virtue of planning laws or possibly via the environmental health officer. Some councils are prone to do this in an attempt to stop "firearms" being sold in their feifdom. An example of planning law

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-22 Thread Norman
From: Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED] The last count the London Evening Standard did there were an estimated 300 murderers walking the streets of London who'd never been convicted. You can estimate the relative rates of conviction for other crimes. The London police are to that extent