Re: [From offlist] Re: FBI Says It Can't Find Hackers to Hire Because They All Smoke Pot

2017-03-26 Thread Александр
*wau!! fucken wau!!​​*

it's one of the best explanations/insights i ever read about
i send it to all of my friends who already understand that "there is
something MORE than the stupid MD approach to a multi-leveled creature like
human being"...
no way i'll send this pearl to the clowny-johny people.

thanks from the depth of my heart, \0xd.

-- Forwarded message --
From: \0xDynamite 
Date: 2017-03-27 0:51 GMT+03:00
Subject: Re: [From offlist] Re: FBI Says It Can't Find Hackers to Hire
Because They All Smoke Pot
To: John Newman 

Okay, since you refuse to argue on reasonable grounds, I won't respond
to all of your attacks which didn't have any real argument except
attempts to demerit the concept of Holistic Medicine.  For the sake of
the list, I'm going to clarify what and why an H.D. is superior an
M.D. which you so fondly massage their crotch for, even though you are
probably overweight, nursing one or more addictions, and have lost
some desire to live exhibitiing some low-level depression.  (This is
the common case for liberal Americans.)

Holistic Health is greatly superior, even if not (to the published
establishment) scientifically more superior, because *logically*
health ITSELF is a factor of the WHOLE (hence HOListic), not the sum
of it`s parts (like reductionist Occidental medicine, who's glory
mostly goes back to the study of dead cadavers and anatomy -- those
who failed at making health).

Do you get this first point (reductionist vs. holistic)?  Holistic
Medicine *includes* the science that reductionism has built, but also
includes a WHOLE other set of data:  the subjective side of health
(how does the placebo affect has such an effect on health, for
example?).  So, it *transcends* the present medical establishment in
everyway, except when it comes to blunt trauma, like I said, where
they have mastery (bone setting and wound dressing).  EVERYTHING else
is 100% better served via holistic medicine.  Unfortunatley, there
just aren't many people trained in it.  I practially had to (re)invent
the field, because it was awash in pseudo-science, naive spiritualism,
and confusions of it's own identity and the use of drugs/supplements
as medical aids.

So I will define it here:  Holistic Health can diagnose and cure ANY
disease that Western medicine CLAIMS to cure but without invasive
procedures, including chemical-based ingestives (or inhalation).
Further, it can avoid the diseases and even mishaps in the first place
by creative a more holistic relationship to self, family, the
environment, and the divine.  I'll define this latter, for the sake of
arguing, as "that which transcends the human mind to grasp or
comprehend, but, nonetheless, exerting a force upon life itself".

Now that wasn't so hard was it?  Is that really difficult to take or
understand.  Western medicine would confound you with specialized
language, multi-million dollar equipment, and colored pillls -- all
types of power you likely have already given away becuase it seemed
impressive, right?

Well, America is one of the most diseased, confused, and destructive
nations on the planet and you and I know it.  It's on the street, it's
on Indian reservations, it's in abortion clinics and cosmetic
enhancement clinics, the larger-than-usual prison population, and it's
in the alarming severity of some brith defects.

So, tell me, why do you keep arguing for THEM?

> Do you know how a mailing list works? Your email was to me, with the
> list copied.

No, it was actually addressed to Razor.  You, please, are in a state
of delusion, arguing with me, holding on to your last little island of
power that America has left you -- you're own voice.

> Specialized language ? What specialized language would that be? Nobody is
> using big words here, "Doctor".

Do you actually understand "neurology"?  No, and I know this because
doctors don't understand it, so how could you?

> But pain is often an accompanied symptom of terminal illnesses. Again, why
> should someone who is dying be forced to suffer? You're a fucking sadist.

They're not forced.  They are feeling the weight of their life decisions.

>>> Fuck you, you don't know shit about me or my health you judgemental
>>> fucking wannabe chump doctor of "holistic health"

You've given me a lot of data by your outbursts.  Do they say
something about you?  About what forces run your life, for example?

> My argument has been clear from the start: what people do in their private
> lives is none of your fucking business!

But it's not private.  If you planted a tree 50 yrs ago and made a
table with your own hands, the table is yours, but you didn't make the
power in marijuana.  Something else did.  Should people be able to
take whatever they want and use anything as they wish?  Is that what
you argue?

> Well bully for you. Did you get your law degree at the same site selling
> the doctorate in holistic medicine?

No, I got it from th

Cryptocat -vs- PGP (

2017-01-05 Thread Александр
 An Open Letter to The New York Times

December 17, 2016
Dear *The New York Times* newsroom and information security staff,

On December 15, 2016, published a new tips page
 that offers
individuals who want to blow the whistle on newsworthy issues ways to do so
without risking their security and privacy. There is no question that this
commendable decision, taken by a newspaper of record, is a significant
asset towards a more effective free press.

*The New York Times* makes itself available to tipsters via cutting-edge
privacy technologies such as *SecureDrop*  and
*Signal* . *SecureDrop* has been deployed in
many of the world's most important newsrooms and has almost certainly aided
in the publication of the most ethically significant leaks of this decade.
*Signal*'s parent company, *Open Whisper Systems*, has indirectly allowed
more than a billion people access to indisputably strong encryption.
Cryptocat's own development was strongly influenced, and has influenced,
these tools: we adopted a variant of *Signal*'s encryption protocol in
March 2016, which was clearly superior to our own, and our early research
on client-side web encryption in 2011 set the stage for *SecureDrop* and
*Mailvelope* (another recommended tool) to follow in using similar
engineering fundamentals, oftentimes by learning through our own early
engineering mistakes and thereby avoiding them.

Cryptocat was also funded by the same primary backer as *SecureDrop*,
*Signal* and *Mailvelope*: the *Open Technology Fund*
, an institution financed by public U.S.
taxpayer dollars which supports independent efforts towards a more secure
and private Internet. As a side-note, Cryptocat was even featured

in a *The New York Times* article back when it (and myself) were quite
young and starting up.

Cryptocat does not offer the services of either *Signal* or *SecureDrop*:
it does not run on mobile devices and its user experience is not directly
focused on the anonymous leaking of documents. Cryptocat is desktop
software that offers a service similar to *Google Talk* or *Yahoo Messenger*:
desktop chat with the ability to send large files, video messages, and
offline messages. Unlike those services, Cryptocat couples these features
with strong encryption, support for multiple devices and advanced security
features  such as certificate pinning,
forward secrecy and future secrecy. When you use Cryptocat, the aim is that
we cannot ever decipher the messages and files you communicate.

However, *The New York Times*'s tips page also recommends a third tool,
*PGP* , implemented through the *Mailvelope* browser
extension, which allows users to send encrypted emails to *The New York

The goal is of letter is to petition for Cryptocat's inclusion instead of
*PGP*. *PGP* does not offer a standard of security that merits its
inclusion, while Cryptocat does provide a clearly higher standard of
security and privacy than *PGP* when used under the same use-case. Here is
the reasoning behind this claim:
Cryptocat vs. PGP: On History

It is best to start with the obvious: in the case that Cryptocat was ever
considered by *The New York Times* for their tips page, it was likely
almost immediately dismissed due to its history of critical vulnerabilities
in different


of its engineering during its early development. In 2012 and 2013,
Cryptocat fell to regrettable lapses in engineering practices that led to a
well-deserved weakening of its reputation. Cryptocat clearly failed its
users on multiple occasions, and for the past three years, I have been
deeply sorry and regretful for these mistakes and I have dedicated all the
effort that is within my capacity to mitigating them and preventing them in
the future.

Nevertheless, every time these vulnerabilities were reported, Cryptocat
responded with full disclosure, immediately issuing security updates and
publicly thanking and crediting the security researchers responsible for
their discovery.

*PGP*, on the other hand, is a well-studied protocol, owing largely to its
initial release in 1991, a clean two decades before Cryptocat's inception.
The *PGP* protocol's maturity notwithstanding, it should be noted that
*Mailvelope* is actually younger than Cryptocat and still uses some of the
engineering practices that Cryptocat was often criticized for, such as
working inside the web browser and even going further than Cryptocat ever
did, by injecting code into web pages th

Re: trigger warning - it's getting worse for the Hillary Clinton mafia

2016-11-05 Thread Александр

it's "classical" black-satanic magic. The most disgusting and cruel thing
on earth.
However.. not surprising at all that H/Killery is related to satanists.
Just listen to her words and watch her eyes carefully...SHE, herself, is a
satanist that spreads Lies and praises Destruction. That's Satan's

Re: had enough of these mafia bozos - [ You have been unsubscribed from the tor-talk mailing list]

2016-10-26 Thread Александр
2016-10-26 13:11 GMT+03:00 zen :

> Sorry guys, Tor Inc's relentless crack down on tor-talk, including cross
> postings and whatever other filters they have, is offensive fascism in
> action - I have unsubbed and so shall no longer forward any (admittedly
> rare) emails I consider worthy of forwarding...
> *"Tor Inc", rot in hell you weak willed pussies and fascist bastards!!*
Totally agreed!

Re: Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube

2016-10-18 Thread Александр
2016-10-19 2:41 GMT+03:00 John Newman :

> Are you also a holocaust denier like your friend Zen?

Oh, johny, johny... poor johny... you fought Juan and you totally lost, so
now you came back to bite Zen you hate Zenaan and the Truth he spreads
so much that you must bite him again and again and again. But the problem
is - YOU ARE A SLANDERER, johny! A fucken SLANDERER!

For the record - Zen has NEVER denied the holocaust, you cock sucker. NEVER!
He published ONE political-historical essay that discussed about A LOT of
things and   that was published on some holocaust denier site.. and
TA-DAM... johny new-man (dick-man) took it as the ONLY and the MAJOR hook
he's got on Zen and now he bites him with it every Monday and Saturday.

You piece of stupid scum, johny.
And whenever i see your post/someone qoutes you, i get a vomit reflex,
because i know it's gonna be super stupid or super ugly (the same refers to
Tanaka's posts, by the way).

So i repeat my reply to one of your attacks on Zen:
SHUT THE FUCK UP and leave this Great Human Being with the name "Zenaan".

Re: QuarkLabs VeraCrypt Audit Results

2016-10-18 Thread Александр

We should take into account, that almost all the critical vulnerabilities
were found in the NEW implementation of encrypting the boot loader that
supports UEFI (it was added a few months ago for the first time to support
encryption for the new Bios type machines). It's still not mature at
all so give it at least 6 more months to become stable.

*The bottom line of the audit (except the UEFI):*
It means that the core code/90% of the features in VeraCrypt are absolutely
strong and great, including encryption of Legacy Bios machines and creating
separated encrypted volumes.

Re: [WAR] [HISTORY] Afganistan, Russia, USSR, Lybia, WW2, pre-WW2 - "Why do they hate us so?"

2016-10-16 Thread Александр
2016-10-16 13:23 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> Those who come to us in peace will be welcome as a guest.
>   But those who come to us sword in hand will die by the sword!
>   On that Russia stands and forever will we stand!


Re: Fwd: [unwanted offlist mail] Re: It's for YOU! Fwd: Re: Jake and Tor article

2016-10-14 Thread Александр
2016-10-14 18:52 GMT+03:00 Razer :

> Is there some part of "Fuck Off" you fail to comprehend troll?
> Or are you simply looking for codependent sympathy from your next
> stalking victims by posting that gibberish?

Razer, i'm sure it's the second option.
Mirmir is already deep inside her web... and now we see more and more
"Medieval Knights" who want to protect "woman's honor". The trouble is..
that there is NO woman here (in the true sense of the word) and, of course,
there is NO honor/dignity. *Just a heap of mud with the name "cici".*

Re: Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube

2016-10-13 Thread Александр
Thank you very much, Zen!
This is very inspiring to see politicians like this one. Of course, he is
still a politician... he is still part of this fucked up system, BUT ...
there is BUT. And he is this "BUT".

With politicians like Rod Culleton, there is still HOPE. Small and faint...
but hope.

2016-10-14 2:50 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> It is rare that any politician gets a standing ovation.
> Here is one:
>Subject: Fwd: RE: Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden
> Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube
> Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 7:16 PM
> Subject: Fwd: RE: Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden
> Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube
> It's been a very long time since we've had a politician in Parliament
> with the sort of passion for Australia that Rod Culleton demonstrated
> yesterday. Be prepared to be moved.
> I ask that you forward, share, like, tweet and generally spread this
> clip as far and wide as you can because every Australian needs the
> opportunity to be inspired by what our Senator Culleton said yesterday.
> Senator CULLETON
>  display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22handbook%2Fallmps%2F266482%22;querytype=;rec=0>
> (Western Australia) (17:20): I stand here in this chamber today to present
> my inaugural speech on oath, to deliver my message to the Australian
> people. What follows will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
> truth before almighty God and the people of Australia.
> To senators, veterans, Indigenous elders of this great land and all
> Australians, Pauline quoted 'I'm back!' My quote is: 'I'm here! Despite all
> attempts to silence the WA voters' choice, I am here—bright-eyed and
> bushy-tailed—despite all attempts to deflate my tyres on the drive over
> from Western Australia.' As one would know, a good farmer always keeps a
> good puncture kit handy in the ashtray of the ute and a good toolbox in the
> back. It is true it can be hard to pull up a cocky.
> Just reiterating a few housekeeping rules: it appears that during other
> speeches certain members are leaving the field before the final siren goes,
> so if any senator wants to leave now is as good a time as any.
> I pay tribute to my party leader Pauline Hanson, the PH in One Nation. A
> good PH balance will grow a healthy Australia, and this 'hung parliament'
> promises to do exactly that. Being a Nationals voter for 35 years, I am
> honoured to be a One Nation senator representing my constituents in WA.
> With the support of my fellow senators Malcolm Roberts, Brian Burston and,
> again, Pauline Hanson, One Nation is the awesome foursome. We will be your
> voice in the Senate. We will work with other crossbench senators and both
> sides of the chamber to ensure Australia is heard and effectively
> represented.
> On my first day of parliament I witnessed members singing out of the same
> hymn book in St Andrew's cathedral in Canberra. This now needs to be
> mirrored in both chambers in the Australian parliament. As a farmer, it is
> true, the only audience I have had to address up until now has simply been
> a mob of sheep in the yards. If I sound a little rough, rest assured I will
> apply a little bit of choke until I get up to running temperature.
> I want my actions in this place to reflect my own personal experiences, and
> having been locked in a financial crocodile roll for the last six years
> with people trying to steal my intellectual property, I have lost all
> incentive to invent anything again. But I have not lost my incentive to fix
> the mess so it doesn't happen to others in the future. Prime Minister
> Turnbull says Australians need to become more innovative. I would say
> innovation raises a flag to attract large corporations to attack the
> innovator of a great idea, so let's fix that first.
> My inaugural question in the Senate on 12 September this year was to the
> honourable the Attorney-General and concerned the inconsistencies and
> unconstitutional behaviour of our courts. I have started in this place as I
> mean to go on, with my inaugural question aiming right at the middle stump
> on constitutional issues. That question was unprecedented and referred to
> the High Court rules review committee. It is on notice that Dennis Lillee
> wasn't the only best bowler to come out of Western Australia.
> The hunted has now become the hunter. Australia is not running on all
> cylinders and it is desperately in need of a tune up, to simply put the
> blue flame out and put it into overdrive. This will be done with the
> support of my team in Western Australia and those of my colleagues who are
> prepared to put the best interests of this country first. During tough
> times, my family always stood firmly by me and reminded me that fail means
> First Attempt In Learning.
> One man's fortu

Re: [WAR] George Soros calls on world to unite against Vladimir Putin

2016-10-10 Thread Александр
2016-10-10 17:56 GMT+03:00 Razer :

> Here's what I have to say now. I've watched your convos with Juan... The
> amount of conflicitng nonsense you post in your over-worded boilerplate
> makes my eyes glaze over.

> You do not and cannot get to the point because
> all you are doing is 'hitting every pin' trying to glean reactions. No
> point necessary.

> How much does Langley pay you by the word to do that?

I think this stupid dick works for free, Razer.

Re: [WAR] George Soros calls on world to unite against Vladimir Putin

2016-10-08 Thread Александр
2016-10-08 13:37 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> George Soros smells war, blood, and profits. Calls on world to unite
> against Vladimir Putin
> profits-calls-world-to-unite-against-vladimir-putin/

Oh, Zen, they are so fucken desperate... so desperate... sometimes it
doesn't even make me angry, but starts amusing me :P :D

Poor poor uSSa. Poor poor bloody oligarchs & other satanists. Your
desperation makes us (sometimes) laugh to tears.

Re: Diary of a Person of Interest (Suzie Dawson @Suzi3d)

2016-09-29 Thread Александр
[UPDATE: September 2016: nearly two years after being written, this piece
has become a documentary of the same name: “*Diary of a Person of Interest*”
which is available for free on  and
also on You Tube . Please
watch it and share it! Documentary release notes are here at this pastebin
link . Thank you!]


*Diary of a Person of Interest*

As for-profit, private sector, sub-contracted “Asset Tracking” (an
Orwellian term that masks it’s true meaning – Spying On You) and related
“investigatory” companies are being brought to light in the mainstream, it
seems useful to share some insight into a day in the life of a subject of
such unsavoury attention.

For no longer is the subject of state surveillance the traditional
‘criminal’ stereotype – but in fact regular people. The Persons of Interest
are anyone with any access to any kind of information that is of even the
vaguest interest to anyone with access to the apparently monolithic state
spying apparatus.

Add in two degrees of separation
 to the “Asset Tracking” –
ie., everyone the Person knows and everyone that *they* know for good
measure, and you have everyone from suburban mothers to doctors to
fishermen to airhostesses to school Principals getting followed around and
having their communications pried into by total strangers.

While it is indeed an issue of immoral and intrusive surveillance, there is
more to it.  Once targeted by the state, there is an all encompassing
psychological warfare as you are systematically conditioned to having the
most intimate parts of your life laid open to all and sundry, for them to
manipulate and, in some cases, profit from.

No act can be undertaken naturally – from the most banal decisions made in
the bathroom to any attempt to have a relationship with another person. The
more you are psychologically poked and prodded, the more you are forced to
sidestep entrapment efforts, the more exacerbated your mental isolation,
living in a world where the only person you can truly rely upon is yourself.

Decisions you make have complex and far-reaching consequences, not just for
yourself but for the numerous people who knowingly or unknowingly will be
affected by any choice you do make, and you live with the constant guilt of
the ways in which you are affecting other people’s lives without ever
intending to.

Some have described being the victim of such comprehensive intrusion and
manipulation as ‘torture’ and suggested it is an issue for the U.N. to

I don’t personally feel qualified to make such a claim because being inside
of it makes it impossible to have the level of detachment required to
reduce it to a single blanket statement.

However I do innately know that the following daily thought processes are
completely tragic and unnatural, and that humankind cannot continue like

Without further adieu: The Diary of a Person of Interest

4.30am – 6.30am: this is the worst time of the day. The entire
neighbourhood is asleep but your neighbour’s dogs bark incessantly and you
get to listen to the sounds of garage doors scraping and cars that
shouldn’t be going anywhere at that time going nonetheless. It pays to be
asleep between these hours.

7.30am:  Awake on the couch where you slept fully clothed so that there
wouldn’t be more footage of you walking around your house naked.  The
morning, which is structured around beautiful, happy and mostly oblivious
children, is the easiest time to forget that you have not enjoyed any
domestic privacy for nearly three years. The shrieks to get up, eat
breakfast and hurry off out the door are normal morning sounds and familiar
to the point of comfortable.

8.30am:  It  is time to go and you grab your keys, already looking at the
cul de sac for the car that will leave ahead of you, and then the other car
which will return behind you again after you have dropped the children at
school.  These cars, and many more, have been trailing you for years now
and were a source of great mystery prior to seeing the documentary ‘Operation
8 ‘ on NZ on Screen and
finally clicking as to what was taking place.  Funnily enough, back at the
beginning, when you were put in the hotseat via Skype to answer 10 fast
questions from a total stranger, one of them was whether you knew any of
the Urewera 4 .
You didn’t.  You had never been an activist or an organiser or an
independent journalist nor had any idea the surveillance state existed let
alone that you’d one day be targeted by it.  Now, after three years of its
unwelcome, immoral attentions, you not only know some of them but are
represented by their lawyer. In a f

Diary of a Person of Interest (Suzie Dawson @Suzi3d)

2016-09-29 Thread Александр

What is it like to be a ‘Person of Interest‘ to major Western intelligence
Why did they target me?
How did they target me?
What do they want?
How should targets respond to the intrusions into their lives?

My first ever full-length film, featuring yours truly, has been released
and answers these questions. It roughly covers the period from when I was
initally targeted in October 2011 to when I went into exile in January
See Diary of a Person of Interest:


Dawn of the Crypto Age

2016-09-28 Thread Александр
-- Forwarded message --
From: Cannon 
Date: 2016-09-29 5:14 GMT+03:00
Subject: [digital-rights-activism] Dawn of the Crypto Age

Hash: SHA512

The Dawn of the Crypto Age
by CANNON C. , in the year 2015

- -An essay on how crypto technologies will shape our world, and why these
technologies are often met with government opposition-

 Throughout all of the chapters of history, civilization struggles in a
constant battle between liberty and tyranny, progression and corruption.
For the world is plentiful in numerous points of its history of a populace
oppressed by governments. Like a beast untamed or loosened, or a fire
fueled and spread, it is the natural tendencies of governments to become
corrupt and to perpetually expand and maintain power. This is not because
government in itself is corrupt, but rather because mankind is corrupt
through greed, in the pursuit of wealth and power at the expense of a
nation while utilizing the powerful body of government as their tool.
Government makes a handsome target of exploitation to the corrupt and
enemies of liberty due to the centralization of power that governments
wield and the position of the tool of government being in the high layer of
power, known as the political realm.

 Until now, the balance of power sat in the hands of governments who have
gone rogue at the conduction of usurpers and tyrants and have been used to
empower themselves while oppressing the populace and liberty, whether
openly or covertly. However, in the modern age, in this dawn of the crypto
revolution which follows the still advancing and parallel technological
revolution, the balance of power in the world is shifting from that of
governments and usurpers to the people.

 Throughout history, humankind has been through various golden ages of
enlightenment, and of technological advancements and progressions. It is
this evolution in the advancement of humankind which has altered the
foundation for which future technology and the direction of civilization is
based. We have had the Age of Enlightenment, the scientific revolution, the
Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the technological/informational
revolution, to name a few. And now, even when the latter is still young, we
enter another age that parallels it: the dawn of the crypto revolution,
which is based upon the infrastructure of the current
technological/informational revolution.

 The context of the word "revolution" in the case of this writing refers to
that of sudden change in the world brought about by advancements in
technologies and discoveries, while "crypto" or "cryptographic" is
referring to the use of encryption (codes) paired with technology to create
systems immune to espionage, control, and takedown by an enemy.

 The newly emerging technology brought about by the crypto revolution is
built on our current technological infrastructure. The advent of our
current computerized cyber-infrastructure makes an easy way to build, host,
and deploy decentralized protocols. It is also cyberspace that connects us
all and breeds innovation through uncensored and decentralized
communications such as the Internet, hence why the crypto revolution began
shortly after the birth of the technological revolution. This new
technology will secure itself and also secure society from the current
flaws in our informational technology infrastructure which that same
society has come to rely upon.

 The crypto revolution will alter the shape of the workings of civilization
in positive ways to advance us towards a more perfect civilization, just as
the technological revolution altered the way we communicate, do business,
interact, etc. And just as how the industrial revolution altered the way we
travel, manufacture, and live, to too shall the crypto revolution shape our
world. This time, this era in human progression will impact the workings of
the economy, politics, banking, governments... all in a way that will make
the workings of the pre-crypto age antiquated and perhaps even scoffed at
by future generations.

 Just as the crypto revolution is based on the technological revolution
which was based on the industrial revolution, so too shall some other
future progressions be based on the crypto revolution. These future
progressions as a result of the crypto revolution I foresee being comprised
of political, economic, and social advancements.

 Although progressions in the advancement of civilization are often
beneficial to the human race, advancement is sometimes met with opposition
by the existing power structure. This opposition by the minority who wield
power over the rest is due to the threat this new technology/discovery
presents to their power. Opposition can also often be due to lack of
understanding of the new technology.

 The future of technology I am describing can be referred to as
decentralized cryptographic protocols - secure, open source

Fwd: [WAR] US government set on complete destruction of Ukraine

2016-09-28 Thread Александр
From: juan wrote:
> I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from the sweet, sweet lovin'
> very long Juan. Some loves are meant to last.

*I just routinely counter the garbage that people like you
routinely vomit. *Don't think your are special. Having pointed
all the mistakes in your mental vomit,
*I'm back to the no "margaritas ante porcos" policy.*

Great knock-out, Juan!
This should be periodically quoted to all the shitbags on this list!

Re: [WAR] US government set on complete destruction of Ukraine

2016-09-27 Thread Александр
2016-09-27 0:04 GMT+03:00 Steve Kinney :

> In the context of the Cold War, now arriving at the boiling point due
> to the Bush/Obama Administration's belligerent posture toward Russia,
> the U.S. annexation of Ukraine via a (literally) Nazi proxy force
> makes strategic sense:  It was a destabilizing military and economic
> provocation against the Russian Federation, and has been followed by a
> massive conventional force buildup on Europe's eastern borders, adding
> pressure to the weight of U.S. controlled strategic nuclear assets
> that were /already/ present on that border.  These deployments must be
> countered, which ties up Russian military assets and reduces that
> country's force projection capabilities in North Africa and the Middle
> East.
> Russia's continuing support of the ethnic Russian enclave on Ukraine's
> eastern border also makes strategic sense:  It prevents full
> consolidation of power by the U.S. installed government, prevents
> routine deployment of East-facing U.S. controlled forces on the
> Ukraine/Russian border, and provides a potential haven for Ukrainian
> insurgents working against the government in Kiev.
> Crimea's value to Russia is self explanatory, and I do not recall
> hearing anything about the populace turning out to protest the orderly
> handover of power to Russia in preference to a U.S. sponsored gang of
> (literal) Nazis.  Rather the opposite, and I saw no evidence that the
> U.S. even /tried/ to retain Crimea.
> The "USA Number One!" mentality of comfortable Middle Class Amerikans
> makes sense of a kind: Their continued material prosperity relative to
> the former Working Class /does/ depend on global terrorism, enforced
> poverty, mass murder, cities reduced to rubble and refugee columns,
> etc. as the U.S. war of global economic conquest continues.  They
> deserve to see the same things happen to their own children and
> families, and if they continue to get their own way they WILL see that
> - - unless they happen to be closer to ground zero "on the day."
> Unfortunately, this cheerful little scenario involves dragging those
> /not/ responsible for all that human misery and heaped, dead burnt
> bodies down into the same hell.
> The real conflict here is not West vs. East or even USA vs. The Rest
> Of The World.  It is the human race, vs. its own parasitic ruling
> class and their faithful servants.  The parasites have already lost;
> if they do not surrender their power voluntarily (impossible),
> environmental limits enforced by the laws of physics will destroy that
> power (inevitable).  Now the only game in town is about reducing the
> final body count, which no rational scenario places at less than a
> couple of billion, and preserving essential long term survival
> resources for the survivors.  And that's where radical populist
> politics enters the scene.  Communication is vitally important in
> political warfare, and providing the best possible tools to Our Side
> is the mission that makes "cypherpunk" bullshit worth doing.

*thank you very much for this email!!!* THANK YOU! I will send it to all my
Russian brothers who speak English to show them a great example of a
Human Being from the bloody-fucken "West".
* (except the emails from Zenaan that i usually send them)

Re: the hacker

2016-09-26 Thread Александр
2016-09-27 5:20 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> Quite a quote:
> "While the crimson eye of Big Brother towers above the world, burning
> through the souls of billions of people, swift hackers, these nameless
> loners, following the biblical wisdom about all the secrets that will be
> revealed, challenge this bloodthirsty monster. Without fear of reprisals
> and threats, they rush into unequal battle with a monster, attacking his
> weak points on their computer "hawks", penetrating, losing soldiers,
> into his Holy of Holies, granting mankind hope for deliverance from the
> totalitarian oppression of information slavery. The shaken evil
> retreats, covered in wounds and holes through which shine the beams of
> victorious light of liberated truth."
> most-powerful.html

Great Cypher-Hacker-Punks i would call these guys.
Hack NOT for the money, NOT for your ego,
For the sake of revealing the TRUTH. And fight the LIE!

Yeah, those guys are the true Cypher-Hacker-Punks. They should be
subscribed to this list. Instead of 50% of the techno-hypocrites we've got
here. (only 50%?)

Re: [RUS] Putin - the most moderate Russian politician acceptable to the Russian public

2016-09-26 Thread Александр
2016-09-27 4:35 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> You can wax lyrically all day long on generalisations and say "they've
> done it here and there, so it's ok that we did it in Ukraine recently".
> *+100!*
> I have a few choice words to that position.
> What the CIA and America has done in Ukraine is despicable towards the
> Ukrainian people, despotic in its specifics, abhorrent re any concept of
> "international diplomacy" and just generally entirely fucked up. On
> every level.
> Go feed your empire apologies to your work mates.




> But Sean, by all means, continue to spout your lunacy.

Re: [RUS] Putin - the most moderate Russian politician acceptable to the Russian public

2016-09-23 Thread Александр
2016-09-24 4:29 GMT+03:00 :

> There are no fucking good guys and bad guys.
> There are just guys, playing chess.
> Good and bad, right and wrong, don't enter the equation.

GOOD and bad, RIGHT and wrong - are THE ONLY VARIABLES in this equation.
Whether in micro = everyone's personal life ___Whether___ in MACRO = in the
geopolitics of the world.

Whose the good guy, and whose the bad guy is the wrong question.
> Who is the Good and who is the bad-evil guy/country -


Thus the attitude to these people-countries-their actions - must be

In simple words:
Putin-Russia ARE the good guys.
And Obama/Hillary/-Usa ARE the bad-evil guys.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-20 Thread Александр
2016-09-21 7:55 GMT+03:00 :

> 1. I act as mentor for some cognitively disabled adults. Mostly in the way
> of
> helping them find coping strategies for their difficulties. Providing a
> measure of friendship and companionship
> 2. I do this on top of my day job, which is in cloud infrastructure type
> shit.
> 3. As a hobby, try to find time to program, keep my skills up somewhat.
> In the past, I've designed deniable encryption protocols, and implemented
> tools to do it.

oh oh oh... so much private information and WHAT an information we
should start LAving you, xorcist. Just lAving you!!! What a holy man we got
on the list... on day three he opens his hErt in front of all of us.
Come on, cia dude. Cut of your bullshit. You are not gonna buy followers by
acting like that.

xorcist to Juan:
> i hit the nerv

Yeah, xorcist! Yeah! That's why you are on this list - hitting the "nerves"
and trying to brainwash people. Well, there were much better attempts
before you, fucker. We got a vast experience and great Hearts and Minds. So
you are not gonna succeed. There are Invincible GUARDS here on the list for
suckers like you. Zenaan and Juan are their names.
So just DIS-appear exactly the way you appeared here.
that's the only way for you.

However, i know that you won't (in the near future), 'cause your masters
won't let you. So, we will enjoy a few more knockouts for you.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-20 Thread Александр
2016-09-21 3:33 GMT+03:00 juan :

> *1. first knockout of xorcist:*
> was from Razer.
> __
> *2. **second knockout of xorcist:*
> from Juan:
> Let's put it another way :
> There are 'benefits' to being a corrupt lapdog who goes along
> with whatever corrupt nonsense is currently fashionable. So? Is
> that what you ( advocate? If that's not what
> you advocate, what's
> the point of bringing it up? Is your point that I 'should'
> 'suck it up' and keep quiet, don't rock the boat, or what?
> __
> *3. Third knockout of xorcist:​*
> from Juan:
> wrote:
> > Indeed, even after they were
> > FREED, many slaves stayed with their former masters, and worked as
> > paid laborers. That's a fact. So they certainly wanted to be there,
> > probably even AS SLAVES.
> lol...Not only a moral relativist, also a slavery apologist.
> You know, the moment you started whining about off topic
> posts and how people in this list were such experts on
> "abuses of power" I knew what to expect from the likes of you...

Oh... what a deadly punch/es, Juan! (one of)
The poor new CIA troll xorcist (substituting the SDW guy) starts to
understand why his fellow man (SDW) failed on the list with his cheap
US/antihuman pseudophilosophical propaganda.

Lets see whom they will send next.

Re: [From xorcist offlist] Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

2016-09-18 Thread Александр
2016-09-18 18:31 GMT+03:00 Razer :

> for those who aren't aware... The point of trolls like this one,
> 'xorcist', and cyberpiggie et all is to stalk individuals posts on lists
> with garbage so people start to think, whenever the one being targeted
> posts, "Oh fuck that means I'm gonna see all that shit from
> again and wish the targeted person would stop posting and just lurk.


Re: Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread Александр
2016-09-17 21:06 GMT+03:00 jim bell :

> Can the name of the network be "Password is password"?

Hold a second, Jim...i'm on the phone with the senior judge from the
European Court now. Well, the judge says
<>,  he claims.

Fwd: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password

2016-09-17 Thread Александр
How nice...

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: douglas rankine 
> Date: 2016-09-17 13:14 GMT+03:00
> Subject: [cryptome] Wifi Hotspots Must have Users Identity and Password
> To: Cryptome Mailing List 
> see url:

> European Court Judgement.  Death of Wifi Hotspots.  Copyright protection
is more important and of a higher priority, than individual privacy, or

> You vill reveal your identity...the state commands it.  Your rights vill
be protected.  The state vill protect your rights. The state vill love you,
hass alvays loved you...and vill continue to love you...and efen
more...your information and metadata...

Re: Cultural Marxism – Social Chaos

2016-09-14 Thread Александр
2016-09-14 19:57 GMT+03:00 John Newman :

> I think Zen is doing an impression of a paid Russian troll living in St
> Petersburg and clocking in at the troll factory to spit out 10k words a day
> at CP ;)
> Or maybe it's not an impression.

OR maybe you, John Newman, will fuck off with your usual shitty comments
about Zen that never change. We got your "great point" 100 comments ago.
Now, either you got something substantial to say about what Zen
writes/posts, either you just SHUT THE FUCK UP and leave this Great Human
Being with the name "Zenaan".

Re: MainStream Media <-> Western Regime Media

2016-09-07 Thread Александр
*REGIME MEDIA* - much more ACCURATE name to this shit propaganda machine.

2016-09-08 4:01 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> Being a fan of accurate naming of those things within our present shared
> common delusion, perhaps we ought consider a new term besides "MSM"?
> ** 'Mainstream' Is a Misnomer, What You're Reading Is Regime Media
> youre-reading-regime-media/ri16304

Re: Cypherpunks Charter

2016-09-05 Thread Александр
2016-09-05 22:44 GMT+03:00 Razer :

> > Regardless of what Tim may or may not have wanted to happen in some or
> > all cases, it doesn't say it in his signature, or in the manifesto.
> He's saying it with his LIFE dude. Maybe you need to get one too?

Oh, this one was good!!!

Re: New list confirmation (Re: cpunks list relocation imminent (was: Re: moving on))

2016-09-05 Thread Александр
forwarding part of my private conversation to the whole list:

The new list is not the preferable solution, you know. It's the only thing
we see right now, but... We should realize, that this splitting up will
KILL the original list. It will kill the whole concept and the core idea of
the Cypher-Punk list/movement.

The Snowden revelations and all the shit going on in the world in the last
10 years has brought us (people with brain & spirit) to a clear and
unambiguous understanding that *"THE CYPHERPUNK LIST-CONCEPT MUST EVOLVE,
Young wrote, cannot be on Apolitical (relatively) crypto-math-numbers only
as it was before...

Times have irreversibly changed -> thus the issues for discussion must be
much much *BROADER*.

Re: New list confirmation (Re: cpunks list relocation imminent (was: Re: moving on))

2016-09-04 Thread Александр
2016-09-05 0:21 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> CCing Juan and Alex now - what do you guys think?

I already told you a year ago, brother, that i am FOR this idea.
In my opinion, it *must* be done, because the tension from the
crypto-freaks and golden caged morrons is all the time "there", as asoon as
we start a serious conversation.
I/you/... we want to publish AND comment without being attacked on a
regular basis about the "offtopic" arguments.

Re: Continual Violation of List Charter

2016-09-03 Thread Александр
2016-09-03 21:41 GMT+03:00 grarpamp :

> Have some respect for that.

Yea Yh!
For that shit, real SHIT of pseudo-respect to some imaginable list rules -
grarpamp gives AND demands respect. YEAH!!! Respect!!! But giving some
respect for some things... you know, a little, just "a little bit" more
important... like Dignity.. or Humanity.. or Virtue.. or Compassion.. or
even this Appelbaums case/thread from today? No way. No fucken way. No
fucken respect.
We are "anarchists" and we do what we want.

grarpamp and alike, with lll the respect - *Go, please go, please
go go go fuck yourself at last! You peace of petty HYPOCRITE(s)!*

Re: Open Public Notice re Tor Inc and Jacob Applebaum

2016-09-03 Thread Александр
2016-09-03 11:18 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness :

> Signed: Zenaan Harkness

Signed: Alexandr (Александр)

And i have (not less) claims not only to the "leaders" of Tor, but to the
whole tor/cypherpunk/tech community of passive and unprincipled people, who
call themselves Humans and some of them even "FightersOfJustice". You have
been *(AND STILL!!!)* "neutrally" watching this inquisition trial on
Appelbaum. Thus, you are part of this crime not less than these bloody

WAS [[tor-talk]] - NOW [bla bla bla & ha ha ha]

2016-09-03 Thread Александр
This thread is/was about one of the ugliest smear campaigns ever against a
Honest Man. Against Jake Appelbaum.
On this thread people with Heart & Soul tried to defend this Man's
Reputation. This Man's Dignity. Man's LIFE.

And what have you done from this thread? A?
Your fucken childish games. bla bla bla & ha ha ha. and more bla bla bla &
ha ha ha. and more bla bla bla & ha ha ha.
*But it's not funny, fuckers. *Go & make your childish pseudo punky
ha-ha-ha on other thread!

Rhetoric question:

*Don't you have some kind of Respect to anything in this life? A?
A_NY_THI_NG?Nope.* you are "anarchists/punks/whatever". you do what you
This is how behave True Human Beings? True Anarchists? True Punks? No. You
are just clowns. Hollow people with no principles.

*bla bla bla & ha ha ha - that's what you are.*And the True Anarchist,
the True Punk and Man of Honor, Jake Appelbaum, who fought in the name of
all of us - is bleeding not only because he saw/sees NO defense of his name
from 95% of you, people, who silently swallowed all this slander. *But he
bleeds even much much more* from seeing this kind of boolshit, ugly circus,
cruel inhumanity, where people make idiotic jokes and talk about debility
issues on this thread the thread which buried his life dep dep
under the ground.

Don't you ha
ve some kind of Humanity/ Integrity/ Respect to anything in this life? A?

*bla bla bla & ha ha ha - that's what you all are.Or more precisely, cruel

Re: [tor-talk]

2016-09-02 Thread Александр
This thread is about one of the ugliest smear campaigns ever against a
Honest Man. Against Jake Appelbaum. On this thread people with Heart & Soul
tried to defend this Man's Reputation. Man's Life.

And what have you done from this thread? A?
Your fucken childish games. bla bla bla & ha ha ha. and more bla bla bla &
ha ha ha. and more bla bla bla & ha ha ha.
*It's not funny, fuckers.* Go & make your childish pseudo punky ha-ha-ha on
other thread!

Rhetoric question:
Don't you have some kind of Respect to anything in this life? A?
*Nope.​​* we are "anarchists/punks/whatever". we do what we waant.
This is how behave True Anarchists? True Punks? No. You are just clowns.
Hollow people with no principles.
bla bla bla & ha ha ha - that's what you are.

Re: distractions

2016-08-31 Thread Александр
2016-09-01 7:11 GMT+03:00 Mirimir :

> Maybe someone ought to resurrect fcpunks ;)

You are the one, Mirmir?
No problem.
Oh... i forgot ... the word "SOME-ONE"
someone else...

To criticize - you don't have to be anything/to have anything in your brain.
But to create something?
Oh... "someone" will.

Come on, dude. CREATE!

I am sure you could never create even a 50% of what Zen has created for
this list.
just another barking dog.


*भक्ति ПРЕДАННОСТЬ друг другу! भक्ति*
*ϟ БОРЬБА СО ЗЛОМ друг во имя друга! **ϟ*

Re: [WAR] ...

2016-08-31 Thread Александр
this has already been discussed dozens of times (on the thread about
"offtopic" posts) -> Zen is NOT talking to himself. There are thousands of
people here on the list. Only~15 of them participate most of the
discussions. The rest - read and/or answer privately.

By the way, if you are so A-political dude, you could always filter
these/all of Zen's letters.

2016-09-01 5:48 GMT+03:00 Mirimir :
>Zenaan, Don't you ever get tired of talking to yourself?