Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Felipe Sanchez
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote: Hola, Estoy pensando en comprarme un portatil y me gustarma que alguien que ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo. Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido (!malditos ladrones!) pero

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread jon
un colega tiene un toshiba 2540cds,va bien menos el modem,que parece que es un winmodem,qunque en los manuales no dice nada de eso. por lo demas le tira perfecto.. Rafael Cordones Marcos escribió: Hola, Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que ya tenga uno

Re: Port`til para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Felipe Sanchez
Hola de nuevo Rafael, Existe un sitio dedicado especialmente a linux en portatiles. Hay tanta informacion y sobre tantos modelos que de mirarlo unos se cansa, pero creo que ahi encuentras lo que necesitas. Incluso salen consejos e historias exitosas de como pedir un reembolso por lo que pagas

Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-14 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Ignacio J. Alonso wrote: Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero por más que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido solucionarlo.. Supongamos que estoy como usuario ijalonso y arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a la consola virtual 2

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
jon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: un colega tiene un toshiba 2540cds,va bien menos el modem,que parece que es un winmodem,qunque en los manuales no dice nada de eso. por lo demas le tira perfecto.. ya que va de recomendaciones, alguien por aquí tiene una Dell (un modelo reciente, pero

Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Ignacio J. Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Me parece que mi duda de hoy es de las muy, muy elementales, pero por más que he buscado en man y /doc no he podido solucionarlo.. Supongamos que estoy como usuario ijalonso y arranco las X-window (startx), ahora me paso a la consola

Re: mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-14 Thread horacio molina
en el setup elijo MouseSystems, no le habilito la opcion Emulate3Buttons, tampoco ChordMiddle y en el XF86Config me queda esto: Section Pointer ProtocolMouseSystems Device /dev/mouse le he agregado ClearDTR y ClearRTS por las dudas y tampoco. /dev/mouse apunta a /dev/ttyS1 y esto es

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 01:47:15PM +0200, César Talón wrote: [...] Perdonar esta disertación, pero realmente me parece que éste es un tema realmente importante para el futuro de la distribución. Si partimos de la base de que una de las bazas

Re: Nombres de Archivo (errata)

1999-06-14 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 18.30 11/6/99 +0100, you wrote: Jaime E. Villate wrote: Pues ese tema fue discutido en Septiembre del año pasado y sugerimos várias soluciones diferentes; la solución que mas me gustó fué la que dió Enrique: for i in *; do j=`echo $i | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`; move -i $i $j; done Donde

RE: Red e Internet

1999-06-14 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Cuando dices que ve a todo el mundo en tu red, te refieres a que puedes hacer ping, telnet o ftp a estas maquinas desde la tuya, ¿no?. Si es asi, esto significa que los paquetes saben como ir y volver a tu maquina... Pues eso sí. De hecho tengo un server ftp en un SCO y me conecto tan

Re: Diccionario Ingles-Español

1999-06-14 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
¿Conoces dict? Es un estándar para acceso a diccionarios. Más info en Está dividido en dos partes. Un servidor que es quien realmente maneja los diccionarios, y un cliente que interaccioan con el usuario. Permite, por ejemplo, consulta remota, y hay varios clientes.

Re: Reflexion sobre Corel+Debian. AKA KDE/Gnome

1999-06-14 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 10:10:36AM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote: On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote: Tambi?n tenemos desde hace un par de meses un frontend gr?fico para la primera parte de la instalaci?n (hasta cuando se reinicia el sistema y pide la contrase?a de root), sin que

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote: Hola, Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo. Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido (¡malditos ladrones!) pero no

Sobre NFS

1999-06-14 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola a todos, me gustaría aprender cómo se instala en un ordenador con Debian 2.1 el NFS, y cómo podría conectarme desde otra máquina con Debian 2.1 al NFS de dicho sistema. Podríais orientarme sobre dónde obtener información sobre este tema. Gracias y un saludete. Manolo.

Re: Impresoras y Tarjetas Gráficas

1999-06-14 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Jun 10, 1999, ~ Miguel P.C. ~... ¿Ha salida ya el sevidor de X para S3 Trio 3D 2X en paquete Debian? Yo tengo una AGP de 4Mb con ese chip, y de momento solo me funciona el servidor VGA a 16 colores, :-( Me pasé por la web de XFree y para la versión actual no dan soporte

Re: Sobre NFS

1999-06-14 Thread daniel
Creo que hay un howto sobre el tema en, míralo, en cualquier caso y para que vayas empezando, el soporte NFS en linux va a través del kernel, has de compilar el kernel con soporte para NFS... Saludos Daniel PD: Un saludo para Hue-Bond..

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Barbwired
Rafael Cordones Marcos escribió: Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo. Dell Inspiron 3000. Va muy bien. En mi página explico cómo configuré las cosas más imprescindibles y tengo links a otras

Re: mouse bajo X no responde

1999-06-14 Thread Barbwired
horacio molina escribió: que mas hay por hacer? xf86config es un script muy sencillo y potente. Tal vez tengas más suerte. -- Dear Lord: Please make my words sweet and tender, _ for tomorrow I may have to eat them. Barbwired (The

Re: Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-14 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [990612 18:22] Xose Manoel Ramos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia: Hola!! Desde que he cambiado de Hamm a Slink me han comenzado a surgir problemas con la hora de mi ordenador. Desde entonces es casi una casualidad de que mi ordenador esté en hora. O está una hora atrasada o unos minutos. Atrasa

Re: modem -------------------- pci

1999-06-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 03:25:16PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Me acabo de comprar un modem motorola pci interno de 56Kb. es un motorola maxsenger? es un winmodem, no funciona con linux. Marcelo

Re: Portàtil para Debian

1999-06-14 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 08:41:43PM +, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote: Estoy pensando en comprarme un portátil y me gustaría que alguien que ya tenga uno que le funcione con Debian me diga la marca i el modelo. Lo de comprarlo con Mierdows preinstalado ya lo tengo asumido (¡malditos

Re: el FTP de DEBIAN español tiene problemas o que?

1999-06-14 Thread RESET
En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: daniel Hola, daniel Os escribo para preguntar si todos teneis los mismos daniel problemas que yo cas= i todas las semanas con el daniel, si no es con un paquete en = concreto daniel es

Re: copia correo saliente con exim

1999-06-14 Thread RESET
En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jon Noble [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: Jon Hola, alguien sabe si es posible guardar una copia del correo Jon saliente en algun sitio? Como MTA utilizo exim. Jon Un saludo, Jon Jon Hola. Hay muchas formas distintas de hacer esto según el

Problemas con Sendmail 8.9

1999-06-14 Thread Neko No Guchi
Y es que al intentar arrancar el demonio del sendmail la cosa queda bloqueada. Simplemente eso, bloqueada. En principio, como no quería problemas nada más empezar, simplemente instalé los paquetes de dependencia y el sendmail. Y cuando intenta correr el demonio... ¿Alguien sabe porqué

Impresora HP

1999-06-14 Thread Benet Pomes
Tengo un impresora HP Lasserjet 4 L Como se hace para confirarla bienporque no me escriba bien Tambien tengo un modem RSDI ASUSCOM TA-200ST-D en el ttyS0 pero no creo que funciona demasiado bien o al maximo que puede ir Ya lo tengo


1999-06-14 Thread Andre Leao Macedo
Olá, Estou com um problema. Estou usando o Mutt como leitor de email e gosto muito dele. Entretanto o fato de ele não ter um AddressBook às vezes incomoda. Alguém sabe de alguma solução para que eu não tenha que digitar o endereço toda vez que eu for mandar o mail para alguém?

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Jose Carlos Benfati
Parece que o pine precisa do patch para compilar. Você poderia: 1. instalar o patch (dpkg -i patch*.deb) 2. levantar um bug contra o pine para que o patch entre na lista de dependências. Jose Carlos Benfati ZZP Consultoria On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Andre Leao Macedo wrote:

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Andre Leao Macedo writes: Olá, Estou com um problema. Estou usando o Mutt como leitor de email e gosto muito dele. Entretanto o fato de ele não ter um AddressBook às vezes incomoda. Alguém sabe de alguma solução para que eu não tenha que digitar o endereço toda vez que eu

Re: Debian-br?

1999-06-14 Thread Christiano Anderson
Eu prefiro BR []s Anderson Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: E aí pessoal? pt ou br? Abracos,PH Quoting Hugo Cisneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Ola pessoal, Fiquei pensando aqui sobre as mensagens e respostas para a minha, vi que existe

Re: Debian-br?

1999-06-14 Thread Vinicius De Mario
Voto pelo br, ja que a ideia e uma distribuição brasileira Vinicius Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: E aí pessoal? pt ou br? Abracos,PH Quoting Hugo Cisneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Ola pessoal, Fiquei pensando aqui sobre as mensagens e

Re: 4º Encontro Carioca de Usuários de Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Lalo Martins
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 07:55:52PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: Desculpa se voce nao e' do Rio e esta recebendo essa mensagem... Dia 13/06 no Shoping Tijuca, 1º piso, praça de alimentação às 14:00 horas acontecerá o 4º encontro de usuários de Linux do Rio de

Re: Mutt/Pine

1999-06-14 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 08:59:37AM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote: De /usr/doc/mutt/examples/sample.muttrc.gz : # Aliases # # alias name address [ , address ... ] #alias exam \# to annoy michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] E para adicionar alguém aos aliases sem editar o muttrc,

Re: 4º Encontro Carioca de Usuários de Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi, foi mal. :) na verdade esses encontros sao com poucas pessoas. E sao anunciados na lista [EMAIL PROTECTED] e no [EMAIL PROTECTED] e na melhor pagina de Linux do Brasil ( Linux Club - :). Abracos,PH Quoting Lalo

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Colin Marquardt
* OhkumaTadayoshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Alisdair McDiarmid wrote: Do you know the way to do this with emacs? i don't, no; sorry. have a look at though, there might be some configuration files there to do so. I have found that crypt++el package do that.

Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Alisdair McDiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I heard that there are OpenGL drivers for the Matrox Millennium G200 available for Linux, but I've looked on and everywhere else I can think of, and I can't find them anywhere. Does anyone know where they are? Just two links I

Re: how do you 'unstable' a machine?

1999-06-14 Thread Shiraz Sayani
Robert Graham Merkel wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ... edited Now, I'd like to also install the GNOME package, and it's not available in the unstable distribution. How do I make it install from the stable distribution? Can I? Won't there be missing parts? Should I just wait

Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-14 Thread Min Xu
Hi, there: How about the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* stuff? If I want to keep the xemacs20 style, i.e., automatically source these starting up files, how can I do that? -- Min Xu City College of NY, CUNY Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL

Problem with tape backup

1999-06-14 Thread William R Pentney
I have Bleeding Edge 2.0.34 installed, and I wish to use taper to back up. But when I tried, I received a message saying Operation not supported by device. I tried cat /dev/ftape and received the same message. Any ideas? - thanks, Bill

Re: /var permissions ???

1999-06-14 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 03:49:46PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It looks like you should have cp -a (same as -dpR?) to preserve the ^^^ (a little ignarance goes a long way :( permissions for the subdirectories of /var. Consider this: bart:~$ ls -ld /var

Re: access beyond end of device

1999-06-14 Thread Peter Christensen
I wonder if my problem is related to this. I've gotten the following messages three times: Partition check: HDA: HDA1 HDA2HDA5HDA3 HDA4 attempt to access beyond end of device 03:02: rw=0, want=2, limit=1 ext2-fs: unable to read superblock attempt to access beyond end of device

Re: equivs

1999-06-14 Thread Martin Bialasinski
LC == Lex Chive [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: LC So, did I miss something? How am I supposed to use equivs, I just LC put the package name in /etc/equivs.conf and run debian/rules LC binary, right? The equivs package in slink doesn't work with apt too well. You would have to bump up the version.

New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Jeremy W.
Hello all, My new system, which I'll describe later in detail to see if there are any compatibility inconsistencies, is being shipped to me, and my intent it to put the Debian distribution on it, as I've heard it's probably the best (though not most user-friendly) distribution. First,

xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Horvath Robert
Hi, I have a problem I tried to compile the following c program: #include X11/StringDefs.h #include X11/Intrinsic.h #include X11/Xaw/Command.h void main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { Widget toplevel; Widget command; void quit(); toplevel =

Re: Matrox G200 and ATI 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread ferret
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, scratch wrote: On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm also looking for the G200 drivers. : Unfortunately, I no longer have my G200 machine, but I hope to be getting it again soon. Now to get OpenGL drivers for my Mach64. ; I presume that last one

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Carl Mummert
You need to specify to gcc the X library that contains all those functions. Try something like: gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib file.c -lXt -lXaw The profileration of those -l options isone reason that makefiles are so popular. Carl

Re: How to get stats on modem?

1999-06-14 Thread Matt Garman
On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 07:24:21PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote: I like WMppp in WindowMaker. Another WindowMaker dock application that may be of interest: wmnet. It works for ppp/modem connections, but also for ethernet connections. -- Matt Garman, [EMAIL PROTECTED] And though the window in the

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
I'm a relative newbie, but here's what I know On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 06:30:01PM -0700, Jeremy W. wrote: 1: How easy is it to install, and where can I find complete installation instructions? Expect afew iterations before you get everything they way you want it, you shouldn't have any MAJOR

Re: access beyond end of device

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
On 13 Jun 99, at 20:08, Peter Christensen wrote: Partition check: HDA: HDA1 HDA2HDA5HDA3 HDA4 attempt to access beyond end of device ... isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 03:02 iso-blknum 16 block 32 kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 03:02 One thing that springs

Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
As root I moved a directory structure. So that any user could read/write files I recursively changed modes for all files and directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *). Dumb me, eh? I now need to recursively change all directories only to xr instead of rw. What is an easy and quick way to do

bz2 hypermail archive of debian-user

1999-06-14 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
Hello : Do visit the site The debian-user mails have been put up by me starting from January 1999. The hypermail archive has been bzipped and categorized according to month. Hope someone finds this useful ! Can anyone who has got a T1 connexion send me the

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Horvath Robert
Thanks for your help Carl! You have solved my problem. Bye Robert Horvath On 14 Jun 1999, Carl Mummert wrote: You need to specify to gcc the X library that contains all those functions. Try something like: gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib file.c -lXt -lXaw The profileration of those -l

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote: Had the same (under 2.0.36), its because the executable version on CDz is 2.0.36-3, but when you compile, the version number is, by default 1.00. Change your revision number (read man make-dpkg) to a correct value, and remove the original kernel. Ah, that makes

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Bob Nielsen wrote: The best way I've found around this is to use epochs when compiling my own kernel with make-kpkg: make-kpkg --revision=1:custom.1.0 kernel_image This is discussed in the kernel-package docs. Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but what are epochs? Hmmm. I'm off to change my

Re: Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Dpk
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote: As root I moved a directory structure. So that any user could read/write files I recursively changed modes for all files and directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *). Dumb me, eh? I now need to recursively change all directories only to

debs for WindowMaker sound stuff?

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Since I've managed to get sound working to some degree, I thought I'd play with some of the sound options of WM, only I can't seem to find any debs for them. Does anyone know where I might find debs for WSoundPrefs, wmsoundconfig, and WMSound? If not, then I guess I'll roll 'em myself. TIA --

Re: Recursively changes rights for directories only?

1999-06-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 13 Jun 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote: : : As root I moved a directory structure. So that any user could read/write files I recursively changed modes for : all files and directories to rw (i.e. chmod 666 *). Dumb me, eh? I now need to recursively change all directories only : to

Re: ppp don't work

1999-06-14 Thread ktb
Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote: Subject: ppp don't work Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:41:17 -0600 From: Camilo Alejandro Arboleda [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: Ascom Colombia To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Help! I am trying to configure PPPD in Debian 2.1, using wvdial as dialer. I edited all

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
On 13 Jun 99, at 18:30, Jeremy W. wrote: 1: How easy is it to install, and where can I find complete installation instructions? I've installed three distributions, and I think the Debian install is the most logical. It's fairly simple (doesn't take you through much of any system

Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :)

1999-06-14 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 13 Jun, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote about Re: New Win Convert--needs some help :) TNT2: Make sure you get XFree86 3.3.3 not 3.3.1 the newer version is in the potato distribution (current stable Debian 2.1 is Slink unstable is Potato) or you can get the tar balls from

A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread John Gay
I've been following this list fro a while and currently have 2.1 installed on my PC at home. I got a CD from a friend who provides various CD's for the asking here in Ireland. I choose Debian because I like the philosophy, though I don't subscribe to some of the extremist views I've heard RE:

Re: xlib6g-dev problem

1999-06-14 Thread Eric G. Miller
You probably need to tell gcc where to look for the X libraries and probably where to look for the includes as well. You need to pass it flags like -lXaw (or something for libraries) and -I/usr/X11/include (or some such) to tell it where the header files are. This question is probably more on

Re: Moving a kernel

1999-06-14 Thread Lazarus Long
On Monday, June 14, 1999 at 00:20:59 +0200, Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote: Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.6 [en] (Win98; I) X-UIDL: 92f8e3956fb9ea94493b1ff93821dcdf you'd better give a hi level version number to your kernel, to avoid downgrading if you're kernel as a

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little advocacy)

1999-06-14 Thread wcurry
As mentioned below, Infomagic put 1.3.1 on the CDs because they couldn't wait for 2.0. It was really a hassle because they still sent out the first set (at least) with packaging stating that 2.0 was in the collection. I took it to my folks' house to load on their new computer 2 weeks after

Re: apt-get upgrade tries to replace my kernel-image

1999-06-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 06:31:40PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: Bob Nielsen wrote: The best way I've found around this is to use epochs when compiling my own kernel with make-kpkg: make-kpkg --revision=1:custom.1.0 kernel_image This is discussed in the kernel-package docs.

NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Julienna Chu
Guys, My NIC is not detected properly whe nI boot up. I have to pass the irq, etc. options thorugh lilo to make Debian recognize it properly. i.e. At the lilo prompt O enter, lilo=linux ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 Can I just stick in ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in lilo.conf and make it work?

Re: NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
Julienna Chu wrote: Guys, My NIC is not detected properly whe nI boot up. I have to pass the irq, etc. options thorugh lilo to make Debian recognize it properly. i.e. At the lilo prompt O enter, lilo=linux ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 Can I just stick in ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in

Re: echo connections

1999-06-14 Thread Matus fantomas Uhlar
- What is an echo connection? - I have never seen this type of connection in my logs, and I seem to be getting - them from root servers. Is this a bad thing? /etc/services: echo7/tcp echo7/udp /etc/inetd.conf: echo stream tcp nowait rootinternal echo

IP Masquerading

1999-06-14 Thread rnewton3
Is there any Debian specific documentation on IP Masquerading? I've read the mini how-to, but debian seems to have this extra /etc/ipmasq.conf file so I'm looking foe the correct way to configure debian IP Masquerading before I start asking any stupid questions. If there isn't any should we

[LINUX] PPTP server for Linux

1999-06-14 Thread Nico De Ranter
Howdy, is there a PPTP server for Linux available? I know there is a client for Linux bould I'd prefer not to run the server on Windows (actualy I'd prefer not to run anything on Windows :-) Nico -- How do you tell when you run out of

Upgrading My Encarta Encyclopedia 99

1999-06-14 Thread Batro49
To Who this my concern, I have tried my hardest to up grade my Encarta Encyclopedia. But, I never could find a way to do it,even though, I followed all of the instructions. Would you please, try to help me out.

Exim / sending mail from dial-up machine w correct sender address

1999-06-14 Thread Endrey Balint
Hello, I have Slink on my home machine. I used eximconfig to set up exim for a dialup system using smarthost, and I accepted the default values. The parameter qualify_domain defaulted to 'mikszath' which is the home-made name of my machine and is not related to any real domain names. When I

Source Depends

1999-06-14 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all, I got a new machine at home (k6-350) and have only slink. So I begin to use debget for fetching source packages of potato and compile. I have only a small question: How to know what packages depends on other using debian sources? For example, I want go compile gimp 1.1.5,

[LINUX] VPN software?

1999-06-14 Thread Nico De Ranter
Howdy, I'm looking for a VPN solution that would preferably be free :-) and has a server for Linux (or UNIX in general) and clients for Linux and Windows. (SSH tunneling won't do the trick) Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Nico -- How

Re: NIC woes

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Julienna Chu wrote: Can I just stick in ether= 11,0x300,0,0,eth0 in lilo.conf and make it work? THere's got to be a more efficent way to make this work. from the BootPrompt HOWTO: --- the LILO append= command is of

Re: Matrox G200 and ATI 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Not at all a joke. I know right where on ATI's website where they say the 3D API for the mach64/mach128 cards is propriatery and private. On the other hand, I recently received email from ATI's marketing department which insinuates that the 'developers' (Xfree and/or

Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread John Lines
According to about half the packages in the base Debian system are not known to be Year 2000 compliant. While I realise that the probably are, I am having a very hard time trying to get a Debian system installed due to it not being year 2000 compliant. (as compared to

Re: A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
John Gay wrote: I've been following this list fro a while and currently have 2.1 installed on my PC at home. I got a CD from a friend who provides various CD's for the asking here in Ireland. I choose Debian because I like the philosophy Welcome! I'll try to answer a couple of your

RE: Upgrading My Encarta Encyclopedia 99

1999-06-14 Thread Ted Harding
On 14-Jun-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To Who this my concern, I have tried my hardest to up grade my Encarta Encyclopedia. But, I never could find a way to do it,even though, I followed all of the instructions. Would you please, try to help me out. Does this mean you have got

Re: A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Just a correction: apt-get install communicator-smotif-45 communicator-nethelp communicator-spell For Communicator 4.5, the spell checker package name is communicator-spell-45, and the help file is communicator-nethelp-45 Tom

Re: do I have to use Redhat?

1999-06-14 Thread Graham Seaman
There are no install disks for potato yet. I also had trouble with this very problem a while back. My solution was to borrow a supported controller for installing slink and then building a new kernel and swapping the controllers back. There was really no other way. BTW, the 2.0.37-pre

Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-14 Thread Hans van den Boogert
My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates, especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox? I suggest you subscribe to debian-user-digest, as I do. You'll recieve few big messages

Re: Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Wait a while. In six months no-one will care.

Re: where is xemacs21?

1999-06-14 Thread Jan Vroonhof
Min Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: How about the /etc/*emacs/site-start.d/* stuff? If I want to keep the xemacs20 style, i.e., automatically source these starting up files, how can I do that? You need to copy the Debian specific code that does that (not sure where that is, I am not near a

Re: [LINUX] VPN software?

1999-06-14 Thread Remco van de Meent
Nico De Ranter wrote: I'm looking for a VPN solution that would preferably be free :-) and has a server for Linux (or UNIX in general) and clients for Linux and Windows. A quick search on Freshmeat for 'vpn' gave 12 results.. -Remco

°hµ|®½¤½¯q ½Ð¤ä«ù¥»·|

1999-06-14 Thread Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
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Re: [OT] Matrox G200 3D acceleration

1999-06-14 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ; X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:37:59 +0100 From: Alisdair McDiarmid [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mail-Followup-To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Resent-From:

Contents file [was Re: BE MORE SIMPLE!!!!]

1999-06-14 Thread Marc Mongeon
But certainly this was intended to be an automated feature, right? Is it a flag that you give to dpkg, or the compiled default in some later version (I'm running, and have no Contents), or just the result of a bunch of Debian users deciding it was a Good Idea to schedule a cron job to

Re: kernel append options

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Lazar Fleysher wrote: Could some one tell me how to find if a given kernel release supports certain append option. In particular, I am interested in 2.0.36 supports ide-scsi option. I use 2.0.35 and it has it. I use it for my IDE PD-CD drive, and have been for about two

Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-14 Thread rp941372
My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates, especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox? Well, there are several sorts of solutions to this kind of problem. A simple one is

I compile crappy kernels

1999-06-14 Thread Craig McPherson
Well, I can't seem to compile a kernel that doesn't generate an endless stream of error messages when I try to boot. Here's what I get (repeated until I reboot): kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c,errno=8 request_module[binfmt-464c]: fork failed; errno 11 It would help if I

Re: Year 2000 status of debian

1999-06-14 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 10:12:52 +0100, John Lines wrote: I am having a very hard time trying to get a Debian system installed due to it not being year 2000 compliant. (as compared to Redhat ( - whose statement is actually useless for knowing

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little a

1999-06-14 Thread Pollywog
On 13-Jun-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Infomagic should put Debian back on their CDs, but its useless to put so little care into the quality of the product. I guess they figured Debian users aren't real customers. I *used* to be. Not anymore. Hope someone from Infomagic reads this thread,

pb w/ man

1999-06-14 Thread Andre FAURE
Hi, I'm using slink that I've upgraded to kernel 2.2.9 Suddenly I can't use the man command. It yields can't be loaded! ldd man responds - Not Found This is stupid because the system wouldn't start if so. Besides I can list the libs and the links in /lib and I can compile

Debian on HP netserver 5/100 with aic7770

1999-06-14 Thread Anders Eliasson
I have an old HP Netserver 5/100 with a buildt in aci7770 controller but when i boot debian the kernel says 'BUG!' , anyonw tried to install debian on this machine, or is there a bug in adaptecs aic chip ? Anders

Two installations on the same system

1999-06-14 Thread Bruno Goncalves Russo
Is it possible to install two different versions of Debian on the same system (in different partitions, of course!) ? If I do that, do I need a second swap partition? TIA, Bruno.

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Steve Lamb wrote: On Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:13:06 +0900, OhkumaTadayoshi wrote: I still wish to have site policy of installing ungziped documents :-) I don't care to waste a little disk space... find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Steve Lamb
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:18:35 -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote: find . -name \*.gz | xargs gunzip Of course, if he did this, he shouldn't expect the system to upgrade cleanly anymore, and worse, remocving the packages won't delete the uncompressed

Re: default ungziped /usr/doc/*/* ?

1999-06-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Carl Mummert wrote: I am wondering about way to grep or to view with editor /usr/doc/*/* files. Of course, these files are gziped, according to debian policy. Is there any way to choose to install these docs in ungziped as default? I can ungzip these, but also want to leave these under

Re: Debian not included in Infomagic's June LDR (plus a little advocacy)

1999-06-14 Thread David Teague
Several have written as WCurry has that Infomagic should put Debian back on their CDs, but its useless to put so little care into the quality of the product. I guess they figured Debian users aren't real customers. I *used* to be. Not anymore. Hope someone from Infomagic reads this thread,

Re: A simple weird question

1999-06-14 Thread rp941372
Hi, I'm a fan of Debian, and soon i'll have to give a speech at University talking about Linux and Debian. As our native language is not English we always have this problem... So the simple question is: How is Debian pronounced? I think pronouncing it as you would in Portuguese will be

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