¿Hay alguna web donde vengan comparativas sobre todas las distribuciones?

2000-02-22 Thread dbaranda
Pues eso. Me gustaría saber de pagínas en las que se publiquen comparativas entre las distintas distribuciones de Linux. Por supuesto, en estas comparativas tiene que aparecer la Debian. Y si la pagína se actualiza con cada nueva versión que sale de cualquier distribución, mejor. Gracias

Re: Netscape y acentos.

2000-02-22 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Gorka Olaizola wrote: On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 07:40:00PM +0100, hcl wrote: El netscape composer ( en slink ) no quiere saber nada de los acentos, recuerdo que hace un par de meses sea habló del tema. He estado buscando en los mailbox que tengo guardados pero lo he debido

Linux por satelite

2000-02-22 Thread Ricard Pillosu
Buenas, Intentare hacer una pequeña contribución explicando como instalé una conexión via Satelite con Linux: - La cosa funciona de una manera bastante sencilla: Debes tener ya una conexión a internet de alguna manera. Debes pedir una instalación de una parabólica y hacer llegar el cable a la

Re: Linux por satelite

2000-02-22 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, feb 22, 2000 at 11:42:10 +0100, Ricard Pillosu wrote: - Precios? unas 20.000 de parabolica (para los instaladores), 50.000 de targeta (para telemann) y 3.500/mensual de conexion (apara europeonline). Si teneis alguna pregunta no dudeis en consultarme. JoDer (perdón), explicate más

Re: Linux por satelite

2000-02-22 Thread dfm
Acabas de dar a luz a un monstruo, ya puedes darnos detalles a mansalva :) Saludos Daniel

Re: ¿Hay alguna web donde vengan comparativas sobre todas las distribuciones?

2000-02-22 Thread Luis Calero
Me gustaría saber de pagínas en las que se publiquen comparativas entre las distintas distribuciones de Linux. Esto salio en Cnet hace un par de meses: http://home.cnet.com/software/0-3721-7-1473248.html?tag=st.cn.1.tlpg.3721-7-1473248 Tampoco te fies mucho ;-) Bye! -- · Luis Calero

Re: ¿Hay alguna web donde vengan comparativas sobre todas las distribuciones?

2000-02-22 Thread fasanti
On 22 Feb, Luis Calero wrote: Me gustaría saber de pagínas en las que se publiquen comparativas entre las distintas distribuciones de Linux. Esto salio en Cnet hace un par de meses: http://home.cnet.com/software/0-3721-7-1473248.html?tag=st.cn.1.tlpg.3721-7-1473248 Tampoco te fies

Re: Fwd: Re: Tema del Kde

2000-02-22 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 21 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 13:27:50 +0100, Jordi contaba: Qt 2.0 no es libre, aunque mucha gente intente hacer creer que sí lo es. Sin embargo está en main. Puede que no sea libre ni GPL, pero cumple con la Debian Free Software Guideline. -- Just do it. David

Re: Problemas con conexión a internet

2000-02-22 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 21 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 16:05:04 +0100, Barbie Dominatrix contaba: Feb 19 18:05:46 d5118sp pppd[292]: remote IP address Prueba ping a la IP que salga aquí. Si no funciona, seguramente será problema de rutado. Ejecuta 'ifconfig; route -n' a ver qué

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Cosme P. Cuevas! El día Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 05:21:06PM CET Debian, hasta el infinito y más allá! :-DD este si que me gusta ;) -- Nos leemos... .--. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

RE: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread Alexandre Maneu i Victòria
| El día Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 05:21:06PM CET | Debian, hasta el infinito y más allá! :-DD | | este si que me gusta ;) siguiendo este estilo podríamos poner Debian, para ir valientemente donde ningún pingüino haya llegado jamás!

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread Jaime E. Villate
SKaVeN wrote: Hell-o Cosme P. Cuevas! Debian, hasta el infinito y más allá! :-DD este si que me gusta ;) Pero si comienzas a encontrar Apache, hasta el infinito y mas allá, PHP3, hasta el infinito y mas allá, Linux, hasta el infinito y mas allá, etc. etc., se va a volver un poco cansón. Lo

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread dfm
Yo propongo algo más literal Powered by Debian = Impulsado por Debian Saludos Daniel debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 22/02/2000 17.04.41 Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO) Asunto:

RE: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread Alexandre Maneu i Victòria
| Yo propongo algo más literal Powered by Debian = Impulsado por Debian otra posibilidad, basado en el powered, podría ser potencia Debian, potencia Apache, etc

Re: Linux por satelite

2000-02-22 Thread Gustavo CR
On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 11:42:10AM +0100, Ricard Pillosu wrote: Buenas, Intentare hacer una pequeña contribución explicando como instalé una conexión via Satelite con Linux: Sólo una duda me corroe ¿Quién es el cliente que contrata esta bonita publicidad (en cristiano spam)?. ¿europeonline?.

Cuaderno de bitácora (¿soft de diario en Debian?)

2000-02-22 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
A cuento de un mensaje que puse sobre plip, he recibido preguntas sobre mi cuaderno de bitácora :), en vez de hacerlo por privado, les respondo por aquí, porque además me interesa saber si algún otro lo hace de otra manera y cómo. Yo simplemente lo hago con el vi, empleando tags SGML y con una

Re: PC's conectados en paralelo

2000-02-22 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 22:24:03 +0100, Antonio Tejada Lacaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ¿Sabemos si hay algún howto por ahí para enchufar dos máquinas con cable paralelo en linux/Debian? Para serie tienes el serial-howto y para paralelo el plip. Con el serial y los dispositivos slX está tirado

RE: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread Diego Bote
Yo no quería opinar aquí pues para eso se creó ORCA, iniciativa que merece todo mi respeto y apoyo, pero en vista de que se siguen haciendo comentarios en la lista dejadme ofreceros mis consideraciones. Yo he pensado en un Tux escultural, estilo deidad griega o romana, sujetando

RE: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-22 Thread Saxa Egea
Piensa por un momento en ese logotipo impreso en una papel... como haces para q siga girando la bola del mundo!?!? ;) Si quereis pensar en un logotipo tendria q ser reproducible en color, b/n, negativo... en pequeño, en grande... bueno... pensar en TODAS las posibilidades... No es facil llegar a

Disco scsi

2000-02-22 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola a todos De nuevo con el mismo problema, pero ahora desde otro punto de vista. Como dije en otro mensaje el Kernel del Slink no reconoce la tarjeta controladola UltraWide Scsi da error al tratar de detectarla. En ftp.advansys.com/pub/linux Esta linux.tgz que contiene advansys.h y

Problemas al navegar por Internet

2000-02-22 Thread juancburgos
despues de solucionar el problema con el modem, ahora ocurre que cuando me conecto a Internet no puedo navegar ni encontrar ningun servidor ya le agrege en el resolv.conf las direcciones de los DNS de mi isp si reviso el ppp.log apaceren las direcciones tanto la de mi proveedor como la que me

Ayuda urgente actualizando Slink a Potato

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel
No se que estaré haciendo mal, pero me instalé slink 2.1r4 en el nuevo equipo y mediante dselect con el método apt, en el sources he actualizado para que se traiga todos los paquetes de potato, hasta ahí bien, se tira más de tres horas bajando todos los paquetes actualizados y por fín, cuando ya


2000-02-22 Thread Marcus Ahlfors
Jag försöker installera min hpdj 870Cxi men lyckas inte alls. Jag använder gs-aladdin apsfilter och lprng nyaste versioner. Men apsfilterconfig hittar ingen printer driver för 870:an. Varifrån kan jag få tag på den drivern eller vad ska jag ta mig till? Har printer support i kernel (2.2.13) och

Re: HP870Cxi

2000-02-22 Thread Johan Björklund
Marcus Ahlfors wrote: Jag försöker installera min hpdj 870Cxi men lyckas inte alls. Jag använder gs-aladdin apsfilter och lprng nyaste versioner. Men apsfilterconfig hittar ingen printer driver för 870:an. Varifrån kan jag få tag på den drivern eller vad ska jag ta mig till? Har printer

Unix Domain Sockets

2000-02-22 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Estive procurando documentacão relacionada com esse assunto, mas não tive sorte. Alguém pode me indicar onde encontrar documentacão que fale sobre o que é e/ou como funciona? --- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What *is* Gnome/KDE?

2000-02-22 Thread kmself
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 04:00:35PM -0600, Christian Dysthe wrote: Hi, I have been playing around with Gnome and KDE and I do not understand what they really are! Crutches for weak-minded lusers. ...ok, that's enough gasoline, where'd I put the matches... Seriously, they've both user and

Re: How to define vi keys for Netscape (hjkl cursor movement)?

2000-02-22 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 11:07:10PM -0800, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote: Does anyone here know how I can configure things so the 'hjkl' keys are the same as the left, down, up, and right arrows in Netscape? I read somewhere that this is possible, but cannot find the reference. I don't know excatly


2000-02-22 Thread Oki DZ
The following is from /usr/share/gnome/help/gdm/C/daemonov.html: Remote displays can connect to the XDMCP port on the GDM host. gdm will grant access to hosts specified in the gdm service section in your TCP Wrappers configuration file. GDM does not support remote display access

Re: creating a bootdisk

2000-02-22 Thread Sean Johnson
Attila wrote: I'd prefer a method based on 'dd' and 'cp'. It is possible? If you have the debianutils package installed, you will have a spiffy little program (shell script actually) called mkboot whose sole purpose in life is to make a boot disk. Sean

Re: creating a bootdisk

2000-02-22 Thread Oki DZ
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Attila wrote: I'd prefer a method based on 'dd' and 'cp'. It is possible? Thanks Attila On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 21:57, Attila Csosz wrote: How could I create a new bootdisk like created the debian installer after the installation? I think it is not enough

Re: enlightenment control-panel?

2000-02-22 Thread Oki DZ
On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Robert L. Harris wrote: I just nuked my RedHat box and installed Debian. Since I installed debian I've been re-installing things like Enlightenment. I can't seem to find the enlightenment configuration tool though. I checked enlightenment.org but no sign of it there.


2000-02-22 Thread Longmire, JD
can debian do ip_alais? Thanks, JD Longmire Sys. Admin. Groen Ind. MIS Dpt. ext. 5101

Re: Rationale behind the groups dip and dialout

2000-02-22 Thread John Hasler
Viktor writes: pppconfig is not mentioned in the HOWTO, so it's obviously something Debian-specific. It's only available in Debian, but it isn't really Debian-specific. The way pppconfig sets up ppp is in line with the recommendations of the upstream ppp maintainers. I had to modify the

Re: creating a bootdisk

2000-02-22 Thread Attila Csosz
Where is the syslinux program? This program is it on the debian boot disk! Attila On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 07:44:45AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote: dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/your_root_partition rdev -R /dev/fd0 1 --

Re: Linux and PS/2

2000-02-22 Thread Mike Werner
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 06:23:22PM -0500, Brendan O'Brien wrote: Mike-- Sorry, being the newbie I am I have little or no understanding of the difficulties I face as yet. Anyway, what I can tell you right now is that I do not have a mouse at all when Linux boots into a command line

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 09:33:53PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote: If there is an exploitable cgi, then there is web access to all of the owning user's files. If it is not run via the suEXEC mechanism, then the permissions are that of www-data, which are close to nothing.

GRUB Anyone?

2000-02-22 Thread Parrish M Myers
Has anyone tried to use grub on a potato dist? I just downloaded and installed the package (wich seems to co-exist with lilo) but I haven't rebooted yet... I'm a little apprehensive to reboot. Any problems I can learn from? thanks. =

Re: GRUB Anyone?

2000-02-22 Thread Marshal Wong
I don't believe that installing the package makes grub as your boot-loader. At least, that was when I tried quite a few months ago. I was also unable to got grub to boot Linux, but I didn't try very hard. I was more interested in booting HURD. Now, that wasn't very helpful at all! :) Marshal

printcap help please

2000-02-22 Thread Steve Brown
Starting with the slink base system, I installed packages lprng, magicfilter, gs. Then did magicfilterconfig --force I ended up with the following in /etc/printcap lp|hpdj|HP Deskjet540:\ :lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hpdj:\ :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\

How to smail

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel Yang
Does anyone suggest some documents on how to configure smail to send and receive emails. Thanks. Daniel

Oreiley.net on Linux.com compares Linux distributions

2000-02-22 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
The O'Reilley.net part of the Linux.com site includes a comparaison of the Linux distributions (including Debian) you might want to have a look at. http://oreilly.linux.com/pub/q/linux_dist -- Jean-Philippe Guérard

Re: Netscape 4.72 Where to get?

2000-02-22 Thread aphro
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, John Foster wrote: jfoste The Netscape web site indicates that there is a newer version of jfoste Netscape for Linux. -- Netscape 4.72 with 128 bit encryption. However jfoste the link does not locate the file. Additionally I looked at several of jfoste their ftp mirror sites

[no subject]

2000-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, i can't install Netscape .deb package on my debian 2.1. What is the correct procedure? Where to find info? Fab

Re: Oreiley.net on Linux.com compares Linux distributions

2000-02-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/22/00 09:19AM, Jean-Philippe Guérard wrote: The O'Reilley.net part of the Linux.com site includes a comparaison of the Linux distributions (including Debian) you might want to have a look at. http://oreilly.linux.com/pub/q/linux_dist Interesting. From the page on Debian:

Re: Soundblaster AWE64

2000-02-22 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote: Hi Nils-Erik, the Tip using ALSA was great, now it works more or less. But two problems remain, perhaps someone can help me solving these: 1. I can't use programms like gmix anymore, even the volume-control in xmms doesn't work. Before you told

Netscape Installation, how?

2000-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, i can't install Netscape .deb package on my debian 2.1. What is the correct procedure? Where to find info? Fab

SOLVED: eth0: unknown interface

2000-02-22 Thread Armin Wegner
It is fine now. My /etc/init.d/network looks like this #! /bin/sh ifconfig lo route add -net netmask lo I added the netmask to avoid the SIOCADDRT: invalid argument message at boot time. This has been a last years subject. Thank you. Armin

SOLVED: mouse with gpm and X

2000-02-22 Thread Armin Wegner
I have set repeat_type= in /etc/gpm.conf. The equal sign is the last character of that line. I now have a working mouse on the console and in X. Thank you. Armin

Re: your mail

2000-02-22 Thread kmself
On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 10:35:43AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, i can't install Netscape .deb package on my debian 2.1. What is the correct procedure? Where to find info? Fab What are you doing (what specific commands)? What error message(s) are you getting? If you have the .deb

Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread GECOS
The meaning of the Subject is that, of three different distributions of Linux on my system, only Corel Linux gets me to the Internet. My pleasure with CL's ease of install, but my frustration with its nonstandard configuration, led me to buy McCarty's Learning Debian book. It came with a Debian

Re: samba reexported ncpfs and WinNT

2000-02-22 Thread Madarasz Karoly
Change kernel to 2.0.38 solves the problem. That contain some ncp patches. I have samba 2.0.5a server on slink, kernel 2.0.36 and ncfs With ncfsmount I mount o netware 4.1 volume, and with samba I re-export some directories from that. Now everything is fine from Win9x clients. From

Re: tpqic02 question

2000-02-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting steve doerr ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): Does anyone know how I can prevent the kernel from doing this device search? I can't seem to find where to turn it off in the kernel configuration. I take it you're running an installation kernel, and they're all stuffed with drivers that people might

Re: your mail

2000-02-22 Thread Ron Rademaker
Try: apt-get install netscape That 'll give you a list of netscapes you can install. Or use dselect with apt (or ftp) access and select the needed netscape packages (dselect will tell you what they are.) Ron On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, i can't install Netscape .deb

URGENT: Gateway problems (again, more information added)

2000-02-22 Thread Ron Rademaker
Some time ago I've send a mail about this to this mailinglist but no one gave any reaction, so here it is again with more info: The problem is that there is this server that is being used for (main tasks) : gateway, dns-server and samba. The gateway calls using ISDN (which works fine), but keeps

Re: please help with new samba

2000-02-22 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Chris R. Martin wrote: thanks for the file.. unfortunately it didn't solve my problem. The big thing I want to get rid of is the password to connect to IPC$.. I don't understand why Win98 keeps prompting for that. Also I want the shares to be publically browsable.

ISDN question

2000-02-22 Thread Ron Rademaker
I know that you can configure diald in a way that requests on certain ports cannot cause a connection to open or to remain open, but does anybody know how I can use this with ISDN (I guess ISDN uses ipppd to dial, not sure). Ron

Linux Router Project

2000-02-22 Thread Louis Byrne
Hi folks! My name is Louis Byrne and I am the network administrator for a company in Toronto, Canada. I am working on a project that will use the Linux Router. As a feedback, the Linux Router Project started back in 1997 as an open source variant of the Debian distro and intended to fit into a

Re: Netscape 4.72 Where to get?

2000-02-22 Thread John Foster
aphro wrote: where exactly did you see this? when i went to their site the latest is 4.7/128bit. its not available on FTP because of export controls(maybe its changed since that new law passed..) im running 4.7/128bit for glibc and it works pretty good. 4.72 for win* i think has bee out for a

Re: GRUB Anyone?

2000-02-22 Thread Lars Weber
Marshal Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I don't believe that installing the package makes grub as your boot-loader. At least, that was when I tried quite a few months ago. It still does not do so. To get yourself started you should read /usr/share/doc/grub/README.debian and the grub

Re: Netscape Installation, how?

2000-02-22 Thread Kent West
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, i can't install Netscape .deb package on my debian 2.1. What is the correct procedure? Where to find info? Fab Because of licensing issues, Debian doesn't have the Netscape binary; it does have a .deb installer that will install the Netscape binary and

Wordperfect segmentation fault

2000-02-22 Thread Johann Spies
I use Wordperfect from time to time and suddenly today I get a segmentation fault every time try it. I worked a few days ago. I have during the past weeks upgraded some packages on my slink system to potato. How can I find out what is causing the problem? Maybe one of the new packages has

Re: Netscape 4.72 Where to get?

2000-02-22 Thread aphro
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, John Foster wrote: jfoste It may be for windows, but it did say that it was for Linux: jfoste See This: http://cgi.netscape.com/cgi-bin/upgrade.cgi must've been a typo or some automated script that did it. the netscape i have on this machine is 56bit only and it says 4.72

Re: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread Keith G. Murphy
GECOS wrote: The meaning of the Subject is that, of three different distributions of Linux on my system, only Corel Linux gets me to the Internet. My pleasure with CL's ease of install, but my frustration with its nonstandard configuration, led me to buy McCarty's Learning Debian book.

Re: oracle8i 8.1.5

2000-02-22 Thread Remco van 't Veer
runInst.sh reads: /usr/local/jre/bin/jre -ss4m -oss4m -ms32m -mx64m -Doracle.installer.nlsEnabled=TRUE -Doracle.installer.startup_location=. -Doracle.installer.library_loc=../../stage/Components/oracle/swd/oui/ -cp

after slink re-install, undefined RGetXImage (wmaker problems)

2000-02-22 Thread John Miskinis
Hello, Well, I managed to get slink re-installed, but I can't a newer wmaker to work. The old version on the slink CD works OK, but I have tried various newer versions that used to work and they all fail when loading sharable libraries, and spit out an undefined symbol RGetXImage. (I used

Re: oracle8i 8.1.5

2000-02-22 Thread Vincent Murphy
= Remco van 't Veer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2222 1532]: My guess: add /usr/local/jre/lib/classes.zip (be sure it exists) to the -cp argument and try again. I got it to install but don't remember how.. classes.zip doesn't exist in /usr/local/jre/lib/classes.zip. i copied one in from /usr/lib

Re: Linux and PS/2

2000-02-22 Thread Kent West
Brendan O'Brien wrote: Phil-- Thanks for the note. Indeed I did try your suggestion and received the error message: can't locate module psaux If indeed the PS/2 port is not enabled how do I go about doing this? Also, how does one determine which kernel of Debian I'm using? When the

Re: Netscape Installation, how?

2000-02-22 Thread John Miskinis
Hi, I have only installed netscape 4.5 , on slink, and never had to download it by hand. I used apt-get as follows: apt-get install communicator-smotif-45 apt-get install netscape-java-45 You will only need the second package if you wish to run java. My sources.list in case I have

default options

2000-02-22 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? Thanks! --- tcp

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread Grendel
** On Feb 22, Timothy C. Phan scribbled: Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? less /boot/config-2.2.14 marek pgp9H95YaljAm.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Sierra Screamin' 3-D (Rendition Verite 1000)

2000-02-22 Thread Mark Small
I have installed various versions of linux on my old system and I have never been able to run X in anything other than 640X480 with this video card. Has anyone worked with this card and overcome this problem? The monitor is a Compaq Presario 140. Make sure that you are running a

My own bootlogo

2000-02-22 Thread Lars Weber
Greetings, Has anyone here ever succeeded in installing their own bootlogo? I've tried to do this for some time now, but somehow I don't get it. I use ppm2logo from the logo-select kernel patch[1]. The problem is that it segfaults every time after printing out half of the converted file. I

Re: Netscape 4.72 Where to get?

2000-02-22 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, aphro wrote: 4.7/128bit. its not available on FTP because of export controls(maybe its changed since that new law passed..) im running 4.7/128bit for glibc and it works pretty good. 4.72 for win* i think has bee out for a while but havent seen it for linux nate

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi Grendel, I could not find it in /boot/config-2.2.14. However, I found /usr/share/kernel-package/Config directory that has various flavors of the config. Thanks! Grendel wrote: ** On Feb 22, Timothy C. Phan scribbled: Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to find out


2000-02-22 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi, Could someone show me where can I get information on how to build the IP MASQ into the kernel (potato 2.2.14)? TIA! --- tcp

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread Kent West
Grendel wrote: ** On Feb 22, Timothy C. Phan scribbled: Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? less /boot/config-2.2.14 marek I have no such file.

Re[2]: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread Lane Lester
Keith wrote: I have seen several postings on this list about your problem, but never any response when asked (by John Hasler) for details. Maybe you go offline with gurus with your problem, but I suspect you'd be better served, if you are sincerely interested in getting Debian to do this, if

New netbase, with ifup/ifdown!

2000-02-22 Thread Adam Goode
Looks like woody and potato got the new netbase, adding use to the /etc/network/interfaces file (and taking away the need for /etc/init.d/network). Looks to me like /etc/init.d/pump and /etc/init.d/dhcp-client should be going as well. Any comments on this? Are updates to pump and dhclient going to

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread Grendel
** On Feb 22, Kent West scribbled: I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? less /boot/config-2.2.14 marek I have no such file. I assumed you have the 2.2.14 deb installed. It includes that


2000-02-22 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Timothy C. Phan wrote: Hi, Could someone show me where can I get information on how to build the IP MASQ into the kernel (potato 2.2.14)? TIA! --- tcp install ipmasq package and check the docs inside - there is IP MASQ url with info. Related question:

Re: creating a bootdisk

2000-02-22 Thread Sven Gaerner
Have a look at the Bootdisk HowTo Sven Attila Csosz wrote: How could I create a new bootdisk like created the debian installer after the installation? I think it is not enough 'dd if=zImage of=/dev/fd0' only because I see some syslinux related files. Thanks Attila --

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Timothy C. Phan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? AIUI you have to know/guess the version of the kernel-image deb that was used to build the boot-floppies. If you then

ip masq performance

2000-02-22 Thread Stuart Ballard
I just successfully got ip masquerading set up on my home network (two computers, one debian, one win98... debian box does the masquerading, of course). As a first pass at configuring this thing (I don't plan on leaving it like this, but I'm at the stage where I just want *something* that works)

Re: Re[2]: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread fred1
Quoting Lane Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED]: The attraction of wvdial was that it provides a running report of what it\'s doing, so I thought it would be better for diagosis. wvdial has worked well under Corel Linux, too. I agree with Lane on this. The attraction of wvdial is that right out of

STILL Configuring x-windows for EGA- can anyone help with this?

2000-02-22 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can anyone help with this or at least tell me if it's not feasible? --- Eric Hagglund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 07:40:20 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Hagglund [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Configuring x-windows for EGA To: Debian User Lists User Lists

Re: Linux and PS/2

2000-02-22 Thread Peter Palfrader aka Weasel
Hi Kent! .. Debian 2.0 was based on the Linux kernel 2.0.36, and I believe Debian 2.1 is likely to be based on the Linux kernel 2.4, but I don't keep up with that so I'm not for sure. Now I'ld really like potato comming with kernel 2.4 but I doubt that they change such a critical

Re: creating a bootdisk

2000-02-22 Thread Bart Szyszka
How could I create a new bootdisk like created the debian installer after the installation? I think it is not enough 'dd if=zImage of=/dev/fd0' only because I see some syslinux related files. Hmm... I haven't seen this mentioned yet: /usr/sbin/mkboot /vmlinuz Would that work? I do it

Re: Re[2]: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread TaoX { Brian Hinson; }
the redial is a feature and can be turned off... look for the wvdial config file... TaoX -- www.muhri.net/TaoX [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: '61511769' AOL IM: 'TaoX 0x1' - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Debian Users

Re: New netbase, with ifup/ifdown!

2000-02-22 Thread Radim Gelner
I've installed the new netbase right now. One question: in /etc/rc.S there's still one link pointing to /etc/init.d/network. Can I delete it? Radim On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Adam Goode wrote: Looks like woody and potato got the new netbase, adding use to the /etc/network/interfaces file (and

Re: printcap help please

2000-02-22 Thread Steve Brown
steve I ended up with the following in /etc/printcap steve steve lp|hpdj|HP Deskjet540:\ steve:lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hpdj:\ steve:sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\ steve:if=/etc/magicfilter/dj500-filter:\ steve:af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:

Re: Exim: frustrations configuring a satellite system (Solution)

2000-02-22 Thread Jean Orloff
Hi, I finally cooked up something, that should maybe be added by eximconfig. To recap my problem: I have a machine (call it debsat) that sort of sits behind a firewall, gets mail from an imap server (clrmail.in2p3.fr) and sends mail via smtp through the same. This is the situation of 95% of

Frontpage Apache

2000-02-22 Thread Sven Gaerner
Hi, here are my experiences with the compilation of the Apache webserver and the Frontpage Server Extension module. If you have any suggestions that I should add please reply. Please reply if you have any comments. Bye, Sven --

Re: default options

2000-02-22 Thread Kent West
Grendel wrote: ** On Feb 22, Kent West scribbled: I'd like to know if there is a way to find out what were the options built in to the default debian/potato kernel 2.2.14? less /boot/config-2.2.14 marek I have no such file. I assumed you have the 2.2.14 deb

video viewer

2000-02-22 Thread pplaw
debs, is there a linux viewer (debian or otherwise) to play video clips in mpeg or real player format? ia, t. bentley taylor. //

Re: Re[2]: Thank you, Corel, for PPP

2000-02-22 Thread fred1
Quoting \TaoX { Brian Hinson; }\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]: the redial is a feature and can be turned off... look for the wvdial config file... I know it can be turned off generally, but the problem was I want it on most of the time, and kill -9 pid doesn\'t kill it. The other thing I liked about

loopback routing - just curious

2000-02-22 Thread da Bobstopper
hiya, i've noticed that route add -net doesn't seem to work anymore and, even more curiously, doesn't seem to be needed. i can still ping but the route isn't evident in my route -n output. i gather that this is kernel related, not debian related since it only

balsa locks cause crashes

2000-02-22 Thread da Bobstopper
heya why does balsa try to lock mailboxes, and why does it always seem to crash when i do it? here's the error i get when i run it from a terminal: Locking mailbox ** WARNING **: fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37) Unlocking mailbox Locking mailbox Sentbox Unlocking mailbox and then it

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-22 Thread Alex Schuster
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hilliard) wrote: Another option is to get a CD of the unstable distribution. While no commercial distributors offer silver CDs of unstable, there are a number of Debian developers (some listed on the web page) who will burn gold CDs to order. This will cost more

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-22 Thread Alex Schuster
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randy Edwards) wrote: But how do I, for example, install a newer version of windowmaker or netscape? There are several .deb packages, and I don't know which of them to use. Just use dselect, browse through the various descriptions of the *.deb files. But how do I

Re: balsa locks cause crashes

2000-02-22 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 03:47:24 +0800, da Bobstopper wrote: why does balsa try to lock mailboxes To prevent corruption caused by multiple processes working on them simultaneously. This is necessary with unix mbox format mailboxes and MMDF mailboxes. HTH, Ray -- Obsig: developing a new sig

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