Re: Trabajo en grupo?

2000-11-02 Thread Amaya
Roberto Meyer dijo: Quisiera saber si alguien ha pasado por el proceso de escoger algun software para trabajo en grupo (correo, tareas, citas, reserva de recursos, c.), preferentemente orientado a la web y OS por supuesto :) PHPGroupware en El proyecto más activo! Y a mí me

Re: pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-02 Thread Amaya
Faraox dijo: hola, he configurado el e-mail con fetchmail pero al intentar bajarme el correo me aparecen estos mensajes de error: fetchmail: Fallo en la conección SMTP a localhost fechmail:error Transacción SMTP durante recepción fetchmail:Query status=10 (SMTP) Si alguien

Re: Acceder a internet en windows a través de un linux

2000-11-02 Thread pfragosom
Ya lo conseguí de una manera muy, muy, pero que muy sencilla, instalé el paquete tinyproxy y a volar no tuve que recompilar el núcleo, ni configurar absolutamente nada. Muchas gracias a todos los que me habéis ayudado con el tema, no se que haría sin vosotros

Re: ¿Programa de bolsa?

2000-11-02 Thread pfragosom
En efecto Xose Manoel, ese es el programa que actualmente utilizo!!, solo tiene un problema es para windows, estoy buscado algo similar para linux y precisamente esa es el motivo por lo que inicie este hilo ... Gracias. IJAS [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/01/00 07:05 p. m.$ Por favor, responda a

Re: Lista de correo sobre C

2000-11-02 Thread J.L. Trivino
Lista de correos no, pero si grupo de news. Aunque la verdad es que nunca lo he visto tan activo como esta lista de Debian. Hasta mas bits, On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Luis Arocha -data- wrote: ¿Conoce alguien una lista de correo sobre programación en C? Preferiblemente en español.

Problema con ratón

2000-11-02 Thread victor
Pues eso, que no funciona el raton en las X. He trabajado con XF86Setup y nada... también he hecho pruebas con el gpm y nada... Tengo creado un link desde /dev/styS0 a /dev/mouse el ratón es un antiguo acer 2 botones (va muy bien y le tengo gran cariño : ) Alguien sabe algo sobre

Re: Samba y carácteres 8bit

2000-11-02 Thread Virgilio . Gomez
Hola Jordi: Creo que había una opción para decirle el tipo de caracteres que estás usando. Ahora mismo no me acuerdo cuál es, pero en el manual Using Samba sí que viene. Saludos. Virgilio On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Jordi Mallach wrote: Hola, Mi servidor de Samba debe estar haciendo algo

RE: Problema con ratón

2000-11-02 Thread Jose Mª Gálvez Aguiló
Toda la razon: Perdon por la metedura de pata. Ya estaba rectificando BYE -- _ __ __ | |/ ___/ ___| \/ | José María Gálvez Aguiló. [EMAIL PROTECTED]_ | | | | | | |\/| | TFNO: +34 925 247 338 | |_| | |__| |___| | | | Organizacion e Informática. Consejería de Educación\___/

Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux

2000-11-02 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola David... decías, el 26 de oct de 2000, a las 09:49 +0200: El foro debian en Hispalinux, ¿hay algún moderador? ¿de qué hablaremos? Hola... Soy del GUL y miembro del comit´e organizador del Hispalinux. Si no me equivoco, el moderador del Foro Debian es Javier Fdez. Sanguino Peña,

Re: [Offtopic] Asado de chuletas

2000-11-02 Thread jvicente
En realidad, el machete en argentina es un método para hacer trampa en los exámenes... ;-) Algún minusculo papelito con las respuestas, el pupitre/escritorio donde uno se sienta escrito/codificado en lapiz, y otros tan extremos como llegar a grabar con un diamante un par de anteojos (!!), entran

Re: [Offtopic] Asado de chuletas

2000-11-02 Thread JFreak
Guatemala : Chivos, (si son muchos... Rebaños ;) ) Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez ha escrito: Hola a todos, siendo el offtopic pero es que me parece que este es uno de los hilos más geniales de los últimos meses. Resumo los sinónimos y el lugar de uso que han aparecido en los últimos dos o tres

Re: Samba y carácteres 8bit

2000-11-02 Thread Quique
Jordi Mallach wrote: On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 09:15:21PM +, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote: Alguna idea? Sospecho que puede que no sea cosa de Samba, sino del sistema, que no está exportando bien los carácteres o vete a saber. Dejame adivinar: ¿Tienes los juegos de caracteres

RE: Futuro de las chuletas (era Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel)

2000-11-02 Thread Antonio Rueda
Manel tuvo a bien escribir: Coña, os podiais unir al LDP (Linux Documentation Project) y añadir documentos (o crear las fichas estas si no existe un tipo de documento como este). Al ser especificas de Debian no les veo fácil integración en el LDP (Linux Documentation Project),

Cambiando de foro de recetas (antes chuletas)

2000-11-02 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Reenvio este mensaje mio de ayer porque creo que a más de uno se le habrá perdido en la espesura de alguno de los hilos relativos a chuletas (y otros sinónimos puesots en común). Saludos. - Forwarded message from Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez vigu - Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 11:08:35 +0100

problemas con crypt del php

2000-11-02 Thread Jaume Sabater
Enas Toy pasando unas webos de un server viejo a otro nuevo. Pues reulta que el crypt del php no encripta de la misma forma, y eso me impide usar las mismas bases de datos. ¿Hay alguna forma de decirle al php que use el mismo logaritmo para encriptar que la versión tal? ¿Alguna otra solucion?

Re: OFTOPIC??? pregiuntilla sb pgp/gpg

2000-11-02 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Juande wrote: A ver si me explico; yo habitualmente usaba pgp 2.6 (ya desde antes de conocer linux, lo usaba en DOS). Pero ahora no tengo claro cual usar, porque veo un huevo de usuarios usando PGP 5, y otros usando gnupg. Que yo sepa (corregidme si me equivoco),

Re: /dev/audio: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado (Failed to open sound device)

2000-11-02 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Jon Noble wrote: $ cat /dev/audio /dev/audio: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado Alguna otra aplicación está utilizando ya el mismo dispositivo. Esto se puede arreglar con lsof para averiguar quién es y matar el proceso aunque sea a mano.

Gestion manual de listas de correo

2000-11-02 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
Hola: He leido tu articulo de gestion de listas de correo en la revista nº2 de Linux actual, y creo que contiene algnos errores, creo que tipograficos, que si es posible me gustaria que me aclarases. en el fichero /etc/aliases en la ultima linea dices que el administrador debe de poner

Re: Nombchuletas XML en discusión en la espiral (era re p ara las chuletas de Manel)

2000-11-02 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 12:23 a.m. 2000-11-01 +0100, Manel Marin wrote: [...] Estamos discutiendo en la espiral el formato, me insisten en que debe ser XML, no es dificil y es facilmente convertible a cualquier formato y archivable en una base de datos Y por que no usar DocBook (SGML o XML, da igual)?. De ahi se

Problemas varios con IPSEC

2000-11-02 Thread void
Os remito una consulta de un problema que tenemos en el curro: Hola, estoy intentando montar un servidor seguro utilizando FREESWAN y queremos que hable con PGPNET freeware,obtengo los siguientes mensajes: 1.- Ignoring Vendor ID payload 2.- Initial Main mode message from IP X.X.X.X but no

Re: Samba y carácteres 8bit

2000-11-02 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 03:11:52PM +0100, Quique wrote: Al final conseguí hacerlo sin meterlo en kernel. Pero bueno, va. Una cervecita :) Oye, chacho. ¿Y si nos explicaras como lo conseguiste? ¿O es que te lo quieres guardar para ti solito? Err, sí, ya me lo dijo Correcaminos en el IRC.

User ID, Group ID en ejecutables

2000-11-02 Thread Carlos
Hola: Alguien me puede explicar para que sirve eso ¿? He estado leyendo la doc de las gnu fileutils, pero no lo he acabado de entender. Gracias

Impresora usb

2000-11-02 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Alguien sabe si se puede usar una impresora usb bajo linux es una HP810C Gracias por anticipado.

Re: User ID, Group ID en ejecutables

2000-11-02 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 07:51:42PM + Sujeto: Carlos Comunicaba sobre: User ID, Group ID en ejecutables Alguien me puede explicar para que sirve eso ¿? He estado leyendo la doc de las gnu fileutils, pero no lo he acabado de entender. UID hace que el programa al

Re: ¿Programa de bolsa?

2000-11-02 Thread Amaya
Xose Manoel Ramos dijo: Yo lo que utilizo es el GStalker 1.1 (que venía en Slink) porque no quiero instalarme Gnome, y me bajo las cotizaciones automáticamente con un pequeño script Perl. El de Woody da un segmentation fault de no te menees :-( Tendré que buscar el de Potato o el de Slink!

problema con correo2

2000-11-02 Thread Faraox
El problema persiste aunque introduzca el comando ifconfig lo ¿teneis alguna otra idea de que pueda ser?

Re: Problema con ratón

2000-11-02 Thread Benjamin Encuentra
yo hago gpm -k antes de entrar a las X. la verdad es que apenas utilizo gpm.. Saludos, B. Encuentra - Original Message - From: victor To: debian Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 10:29 AM Subject: Problema con ratón Pues eso, que no funciona el raton en las

RE: xserver-svga 3.3.6 ¿alguien ha notado algo raro?

2000-11-02 Thread Ricardo Villalba
-Mensaje original- De: carlos saldaña [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: Lista Debian Fecha: miércoles 1 de noviembre de 2000 21:24 Asunto: Re: xserver-svga 3.3.6 ¿alguien ha notado algo raro? Ricardo Villalba dijo: A mi

Re: ¿Programa de bolsa?

2000-11-02 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, nov 02, 2000 at 08:38:46 +0100, Amaya wrote: Sería un detallazo. Yo me curro el MiniComo para ;-) Ya estás tardando :-P Hoy he decidido jugar a ciberbroker, aunque me da más pánico que otra cosa crujirdedientes :-?? /crujirdedientes -- Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL

Re: Nombchuletas XML en discusión en la espiral (era re p ara las chuletas de Manel)

2000-11-02 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, nov 02, 2000 at 01:18:23 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote: Y por que no usar DocBook (SGML o XML, da igual)?. Porque desde La Espiral se pretende que cualquiera en menos de diez minutos pueda ponerse a escribir lo que sea. El estilo de LE es 100% compatible con Doocbook, es un

Re: Lo de colaborar con paquetes deb con la espiral (era RE: Mis chuletas y una posible Guia practica de uso de Debian Potato)

2000-11-02 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, nov 02, 2000 at 11:59:25 +0100, Ricardo Villalba wrote: Aunque claro, habría que decidir qué programas se admitirían y cuales no, porque puede haber programas que les interesen a muy poca gente, y además el espacio de alojamiento del que dispongais no será infinito. Esto es tann

Pedir informacion URGENTE

2000-11-02 Thread Julio Cesar Caballero


2000-11-02 Thread Wilebaldo Santana
Hola, espero y me puedan ayudar con unas dudas que tengo acerca de PGP: 1.- Qué es PGP? 2.- Donde lo consigo? 3.- Cómo lo instalo? De antemano, muchas gracias. Atte. BlackBird

Seguridad en casa y ¿que hacemos con lpd?

2000-11-02 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos, ¿Que opinais de lo que sigue? ¿Me podeis ayudar con los *POR HACER*? S-en-casa: (0.02) (potato) SEGURIDAD: Porque asegurar una instalación Debian en casa Cambios: 0.01 1.11.00 primera versión 0.02 2.11.00 retoques *POR HACER* ¿Que hacemos con el demonio de impresión

Re: fetchmail-fel

2000-11-02 Thread peter karlsson
Carl Winbäck: När jag kör fetchmail får jag detta meddelande: reading message 1 of 21 (1020 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed: Förbindelse vägras Du måste installera en lokal SMTP-server (något av paketen som erbjuder mail-transport-agent). -- \\// peter -

mirror i Sverige?

2000-11-02 Thread Helgi Örn
Hej! Kan någon tipsa mig om en bra Debian mirror i Sverige för apt-get? Tack, Helgi Örn -- - *** Helgi Örn ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] * SuSE 7.0 * Debian/GNU * ** Caldera eDesktop 2.4** -

Re: mirror i Sverige?

2000-11-02 Thread Helgi Örn
Ojoj, de va snabba ryck, tackar tackar. Helgi Örn Ingemar Fällman wrote: Hej ftp: deb stable main non-free contrib deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free deb-src stable main

Re: mirror i Sverige?

2000-11-02 Thread Ingemar Fällman
Hej :) Från vår sida spelar det ingen roll vilken du använder. Kolla vilken som går snabbast för dig och använd den. Det kan ju va bra att veta att det finns fler mirrors än om den skulle vara hårt lastad nån gång. /I Karl Hammar wrote: Hmm, vill ni på Umdac att man


2000-11-02 Thread anders
Hej! Hur lägger man in i /etc/groups att man vill ha en dip på sig eller hur de nu heter? Alltså jag vill som anders komma åt pon och då måste jag ju in i /etc/groups och rota. Hur skriver jag? /anders

Re: DIP.

2000-11-02 Thread Thomas Hultgren
prova att änra på följande sätt: dip:x:30:user1,user2,user3,userN borde för dig alltså bli: dip:x:30:anders /Thomas On Thu, 2 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hej! Hur lägger man in i /etc/groups att man vill ha en dip på sig eller hur de nu heter? Alltså jag vill som anders komma åt

Re: rättigheter Nu= nya frågor

2000-11-02 Thread Helgi Örn
Tack, detta fungerade utmärkt, nu har jag både isländska och svenska tecken i terminal, då kan jag åtminstone använda lynx där. Men i textläge kan får jag inte svenska tecken än. Emacs fixar faktiskt bägge språkens symboler utmärkt plötsligen, utan att jag behövde konfigurera den på något sätt!

Re: MailMatic

2000-11-02 Thread Carlos Laviola
É para casos como esse que é útil. Vou ver quem é responsável pelo spam agora mesmo. P.S.: O mais engraçado é que o cara nem tem idéia de como o produto dele (um programa pra spams) é odiado e malfeito. Aliás, essa tal lei não existe no Brasil (isso foi traduzido de algum spam em

Re: Instalar sshd.

2000-11-02 Thread jclaudio
Eu estou usando o IMP e estou gostando bastante. Queria saber como fazer para ativar o corretor ortográfico para língua portuguesa usada no Brasil. Obrigado.

Documento sobre firewall

2000-11-02 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Pessoal, Por enquanto deixei o documento em; Nesta url podem ser vistos os fontes (em TeX), o Makefile que usei para gerar tudo, as versões em dvi, ps e pdf, assim como em html. Críticas são bem-vindas.

+ sobre documentação

2000-11-02 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Nos mesmos moldes que o anterior:; Descrição sobre configuração de um servidor ftp (usando o wu-ftp). Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro Unix System Engineer FreeBSD,

Consegui! mas ainda falta muito!

2000-11-02 Thread Ademar Sousa
Olá Pessoal, Devido a ajuda de vcs consegui colocar meu modo gráfico para rodar belezinha! Agora tenho outras dúvidas :-) lá vai: 1) como colocar cores no modo texto e no vi? 2) não consigo instalar o xmms, aliás nem sei se o som já funciona ou se tenho que instalar algum servidor de som.

Re: /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin? (reality check)

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
just to nit a pick before someone else does in my little trojan... On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 06:58:41PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote: do you always type /usr/bin/sudo instead of just sudo? #! /bin/sh ## this is a fake sudo stty -echo printf 12 Password: stty echo read password echo


2000-11-02 Thread Tino Ionescu
Hi I installed tkdvi but - does not execute, basically nothing happens At installation time(via dselect) no dependencies were asked for. I assume that some dependencies are missing . Any ideeas please? Thanks , Florentin.

Re: Chapter one *Securing and optimizing Linix*

2000-11-02 Thread guran remberg
Ted Nackad wrote: Dear friend: Hi Well, I like your book very much, but it has more to offer than I was looking for. So I have concluded 'to do it my way'. Background: I have been using Linux exclusively for three years, but in a very restricted manner. Mainly LyX, XFig and scilab for my

Help: GKrellm themes funny biz

2000-11-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Hi, I finally found the great monitor on so many screnshots and find that whatever theme I use I still have the same basic default green panel backgrounds (where teh text is). My dl Bluesteel theme had blue panels like the original, but the rest is green. I read what little there is for FAQ and

Re: Question about terminals

2000-11-02 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:07:28PM -0400, Casey Henderson wrote: Hi all, it's me again! I did something rather silly and now I don't know how to undo it. I was using Gnome as root to do some adminstrative tasks, and I decided that I wanted to copy my Gnome settings and customizations to my

ppp problem (again)

2000-11-02 Thread Petteri Heinonen
Hi there. I've been strugling with my null modem-ppp-configuration, and last night I gained some progress: I found pppd option 'local', and with that I managed to make pppd's on both machines to send ConfReq packets. They didn't do that without 'local', they propably just waited for 'carried

World's largest mailing list?

2000-11-02 Thread John Conover
Its not exactly a Debian/Linux question, but does anyone know how many email addresses are on the world's largest mailing list, and the OS/HW it runs on? Average messages per day? Thanks, John -- John ConoverTel. 408.370.2688 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 631 Lamont Ct. Cel.

Re: [OT?] XFree86 4.0.1 / apm / DPMS problem

2000-11-02 Thread Krzys Majewski
Carel Fellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: not sure it helps, but I understood that it was frowned upon to use the BIOS for apm, better let linux take care of it, so specify BlankTime SuspendTime and OffTime in /etc/X11/XF86Config. Oh I do. Apm is in my hands.. well, except for the screen

Re: /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin?

2000-11-02 Thread Krzys Majewski writes: I use a fairly liberal sudoers setting for my personal account. Yes, this means that I'm usually only a few keystrokes away from being root -- but that's what I'm after. And a password is still required. If you need a password, then why not just su? -chris

Re: /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin?

2000-11-02 Thread Krzys Majewski
Martin WHEELER [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 wrote: I become root about a hundred million times a day. So why not just log on to VC1 (Alt+Ctrl+F1) as root; and VC2 (Alt+Ctrl+F2) as user? Then just hot-key between them, as required. Because

Bastille-Linux and Debian

2000-11-02 Thread m_g_m
I'd like to know if Bastille-Linux (which was intended for Red Hat 6.x-Systems) works fine on Debian, too, if anyone has experiences with it already and / or if there's an equivalent for Debian aswell. What do you think/know? greetings, Michael -- Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: Debian crashes: sw, hw or malicious hacker/virus problems?

2000-11-02 Thread Björn Elwhagen
HELO, Please check the mailing list archives. If i don't remember wrong i've heard about a package that breaks after a certain time, a bug that is resolved now. I don't remember which package it was but you could at least try to find something about it. I know this reply is very vague but maybe

Re: make install, great, now make uninstall??

2000-11-02 Thread Björn Elwhagen
Tip, make -n install doesn't install a program, only shows what it is about to do. Use this to find out what files to remove if there are no uninstall target in the Makefile. Regards, Björn On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:43:00AM -0400, Jason Hammerschmidt wrote: So let's say you did a make

Windowmaker themes?

2000-11-02 Thread Glyn Millington
Good morning! I've tried Gnome and KDE 2 but am utterly hooked on Windowmaker. But in these dark damp English autumn days it would be nice to have something brighter on the desktop than the tasteful and elegant but quiet themes that came with my Potato CD's - but I don't want to mess up my

Re: Debian crashes: sw, hw or malicious hacker/virus problems?

2000-11-02 Thread Andre Berger
Björn Elwhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Please check the mailing list archives. If i don't remember wrong i've heard about a package that breaks after a certain time, a bug that is resolved now. I don't remember which package it was but you could at least try to find something about it. On

Re: Debian crashes: sw, hw or malicious hacker/virus problems?

2000-11-02 Thread Robert Waldner
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 08:57:59AM +0200, Jean Orloff wrote: I have happily used debian since 1995 (0.93R6 if I recall?). But since I installed 2.1 on my new PC at work, about a year ago, that machine undergoes about a crash per month in average. Nothing to scare a windblows user, of

Re: ip-up: slrnpull does not work.

2000-11-02 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 01 Nov 2000, Johann Spies wrote: There is a slrnpull script in my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d directory, but it does not work. I have to do a sudo slrnpull every time I want to download news while online. It seems that the other ip-up scripts are working. How can reconfigure slrnpull to download

Re: dpkg perl-base problem

2000-11-02 Thread Klaus Stylianos Ade Johnstad
I think what you need to do is upgrade the perl-base that you alredy have installed. Had the same problem when instaling, read the different versionnumbers very carefully. Klaus On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Jesper Abrahamsen wrote: I am trying to instal the perl-base package, but it gives me the

Re: Voice recognition (ViaVoice Dictation?)

2000-11-02 Thread Francesco Bochicchio
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:29:11AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote: Is anyone doing anything with voice recognition under Debian? I purchased ViaVoice Dictation for Redhat and I've tried to install it under Debian with no success. If anyone's succeeded at this I'd be interested in hearing from

Re: Bastille-Linux and Debian

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 09:26:27AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd like to know if Bastille-Linux (which was intended for Red Hat 6.x-Systems) works fine on Debian, too, if anyone has experiences with it already and / or if there's an equivalent for Debian aswell. What do you think/know?

Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Pap Tibor
Hi! I would like to run Mozilla M18 on my Pentium 100 MHz potato box. I've just downloaded the M18 binary build from, but I realized it was compiled for Pentium II processors. I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18 package either .deb or tgz which can run

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Andrew Sullivan wrote: On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 06:04:52PM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: That depends on whether you consider you can trust helixcode or not. arbitrary to me means selected at random, but that might just be my bad English, I suppose. Actually, 'arbitrary'

dead hoarse, crawling away.

2000-11-02 Thread guran remberg
Hi I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to switch to Red Hat as many experts advises can be used to secure it. There are a few remarks I want to make as a sign off: Let me paraphrase a chap called

Re: Oracle 8i R2 on a mixed potato-woody box WILL WORK!

2000-11-02 Thread Jaume Teixi
Damian Gerow wrote: I'm having some problems creating databases with Oracle 8i (8.1.6) on a freshly-installed woody box. Oracle works fine on Potato!!! but you can turn it running on Woody by 2 ways: A. (tested) On a mixed potato-woody box, it will work! you should install following package

Re: dead hoarse, crawling away.

2000-11-02 Thread Jason Quigley
Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete bollocks? On Thursday, November 2, 2000, at 12:05 PM, guran remberg wrote: Hi I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:48:19AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: Perhaps a better description of how to use go-gnome might look a bit like this (just guessing - please don't try this unless Ethan says it is OK!): $ lynx -source /usr/bin/go-gnome don't put stuff

Re: Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi! Hi, Tibor... I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18 package either .deb or tgz which can run on Pentium and potato? In this case I recommend downloading the standard Mozilla build directly from

Re: dead hoarse, crawling away.

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:12:44AM +0100, Jason Quigley wrote: Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete bollocks? its a troll, don't feed it or it will never go away. On Thursday, November 2, 2000, at 12:05 PM, guran remberg wrote: [trolling] -- Ethan Benson

KDE2 and key bindings in emacs

2000-11-02 Thread Thomas Halahan
Dear users I have asked the following to the KDE user mailing too. I have updgraded to KDE2 (which is very good) and found that there are global keybinding in KDE that prohibit the use of the ALT key in emacs and bash. This is very inconvenient. I have gone into global keybinding of the KDE

Re: Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Pap Tibor
On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Kristian Rink wrote: Hi! Hi, Tibor... I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18 package either .deb or tgz which can run on Pentium and potato? In this case I recommend downloading the standard Mozilla build directly from

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-02 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I know I said it's time to close this thread, but Ethan came up with some good points, so I'll just answer them, and (hopefully) be done. Ethan Benson wrote: On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:48:19AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: Perhaps a better description of how to use go-gnome might

Re: dead hoarse, crawling away.

2000-11-02 Thread Ard Righ
([ On 2 Nov 2000, some witty mortal wrote: ]) Was there a point in there? Or, was that just an exercise of complete bollocks? I guess someone was just exercising their keyboard... as you do... ;o) Ard Righ S' Rioghal Mo Dhream!

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:53:48AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: $ lynx -source /usr/bin/go-gnome !-- Snip -- but then again you should not run lynx as root! Actually, the root login comes later down in my suggestion ;-) pedant [EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ls

Re: tkdvi

2000-11-02 Thread Shaul Karl
Hi I installed tkdvi but - does not execute, basically nothing happens What exit code is reported (echo $? from the shell prompt)? Any reports in ~/.xsession-errors? At installation time(via dselect) no dependencies were asked for. Probably all dependencies that are required by the

Re: ppp problem (again)

2000-11-02 Thread Shaul Karl
Hi there. I've been strugling with my null modem-ppp-configuration, and last night I gained some progress: I found pppd option 'local', and with that I managed to make pppd's on both machines to send ConfReq packets. They didn't do that without 'local', they propably just waited for 'carried

Q: Apt-get as reliable as dselect?

2000-11-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Ho, I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as what is checked installed? Thanks, Jonathan

Q: Best partition breakdown one OS?

2000-11-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Hi, Right now I have a dual boot system setup on a 5Gig drive. I gave W98SE 2Gig, then set up Linux in the extended partitions with: /boot 15MB /swap/100MB / 2gig /home 500MB The question I have is when I finally pull off Windows, how do I partition, especially bearing in mind the present

Re: Which editor for programming?

2000-11-02 Thread Damien
I started programming in C and I would like to know whether there is an editor which is especially good for writing and editing source code. At the moment I am using vi at the command line. Besides I would like to know where to start reading about using the shellvariables, e.g. PATH . by

Re: Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Damien
On that page I've found Linux-i686 binaries only! This is the case, or I've missed something? I suppose so that i686 binary won't run on simple old pentium. as far as i know, it's merely aligned for that architecture - meaning it runs fastest on a ppro/II++ etc - but it can be run on something

Re: Q: Apt-get as reliable as dselect?

2000-11-02 Thread Damien
I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as what is checked installed? they use the same backend. what problem are

Netscape crashing (even more) when using junkbuster

2000-11-02 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
Hello. I've read the threat on Junkbuster, and decided to try it. It works fine with Netscape 4.75 here, but Netscape began to crash a lot since then. Not that it didn't crash before... But that didn't happen often. Actually, I can't remember any occasion in which Netscape crashed in the last 2

Libraries for aout-binaries

2000-11-02 Thread Walther, Christoph
Hi, Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute /usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard. But then I'll get back: ./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout: cannot execute binary file and exec format error Does somebody knows,

Re: Q: Apt-get as reliable as dselect?

2000-11-02 Thread Colin Watson
Jonathan Gift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've been using apt-get to do my installs, taking its suggestions for additional dependencies, but have run into a few problems of late and was wondering if dselect was more thorough? Or is there no difference as far as what is checked installed? They are

Re: Q: Best partition breakdown one OS?

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 12:37:21PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote: Hi, Right now I have a dual boot system setup on a 5Gig drive. I gave W98SE 2Gig, then set up Linux in the extended partitions with: /boot 15MB /swap/100MB / 2gig /home 500MB The question I have is when I finally pull off

Re: Netscape crashing (even more) when using junkbuster

2000-11-02 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:32:01AM -0200, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote: Hello. I've read the threat on Junkbuster, and decided to try it. It works fine with Netscape 4.75 here, but Netscape began to crash a lot since then. Not that it didn't crash before... But that didn't happen often.

Libraries for aout-binaries

2000-11-02 Thread Walther, Christoph
Hi, Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute /usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard. But then I'll get back: ./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout: cannot execute binary file and exec format error Does somebody knows,

Re: Libraries for aout-binaries

2000-11-02 Thread Colin Watson
Walther, Christoph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Debian Linux 2.2 basically installed, now I want to execute /usr/X11R6/bin/Xsetup to configure my Matrox MGA Impression-graficcard. But then I'll get back: ./Xsetup: /usr/lib/X11/AcceleratedX/arch/LINUX/Xaccel-aout: cannot execute binary file and exec

Re: Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Colin Watson
Pap Tibor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I would like to run Mozilla M18 on my Pentium 100 MHz potato box. I've just downloaded the M18 binary build from, but I realized it was compiled for Pentium II processors. I don't want to upgrade my box to woody yet. Is there a Mozilla M18 package

Re: Mozilla M18 on potato (pentium100)

2000-11-02 Thread Colin Watson
Damien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: as far as i know, it's merely aligned for that architecture - meaning it runs fastest on a ppro/II++ etc - but it can be run on something below. debian still compiles everything on m486 iirc. i386, I think. You can use the pentium-builder package to help build

XMMS hangs gdm

2000-11-02 Thread Helgi Örn
Hi, I just installed the latest version of xmms on my potato box everytime I play some music while working gdm Midnight Commander stops working and hangs in the end. Someone who knows what's going on? Thank's, Helgi Örn -- - *** Helgi Örn ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Which editor for programming?

2000-11-02 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 11:43:24PM +1100, Damien wrote: by my extremely rough estimates, emacs is more popular than vi - they being the most popular of the editors. having said that, there's a saying: 'for any given large body of people, the majority are stupid' can you tell i'm a vi

Re: dead hoarse, crawling away.

2000-11-02 Thread Helgi Örn
Why not give us a link to this 'article'? Helgi Örn guran remberg wrote: Hi I have just read an article by a chap named Kurt Seifrieds, which was mainly about security on Debian. I was alarmed and have decided to switch to Red Hat as many experts advises can be used to secure it.

Re: Sawmill config Gnome CC

2000-11-02 Thread Jonathan Wheelhouse
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 05:46:55PM +0100, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote: Sawfish (as it is called by now) is configurable in GCC itself (look a little bit further down ...), so I guess, the config tool is disabled there. Well, I upgraded to sawfish-gnome; the config tool came up in Gnome CC. But

How to start sgml?

2000-11-02 Thread Kai Weber
Hi, I just installed the task-sgml package for learning and using sgml. But where do I start? There is no hint from where I should start learning the sgml syntax and so on. Any tips for me? Kai. -- + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

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