Re: Fuentes Woody en Potato

2000-12-15 Thread Fernand0
Hola, salvo paquetes que dependan de librerías (bibliotecas) que también tengan cambios (y esos cambios se usen, típicamente gnome, gtk, etc..., en cuyo caso también tendrías que actualizarlas), lo normal es que te bajes el fuente debian (orig.tar.gz .dsc y diff.gz o lo que sea) y te puedas

Re: Fuentes Woody en Potato

2000-12-15 Thread jose
Ricardo Pérez writes: Bien, ahí va otra: Yo uso potato, pero hay paquetes en la woody que me interesan mucho. Si los intento instalar, las dependencias me obligan a actualizar cosas como la glibc, cosa que no pienso dejar que se haga (ya lo hice hace unas dos semanas con

Re: Problemas con módulos

2000-12-15 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola jmimora... decías, el 14 de dic de 2000, a las 10:26 +: El sistema no está colgado, pero de nada me sirve, ya que la repetición del mensaje no me deja hacer nada. Esto con la slink, no me pasaba. Tenéis alguna idea? Se te ha olvidado copiarte el del nuevo kernel a

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-) (Lo siento pero no he podido evitarlo)

2000-12-15 Thread Fernando
\ | / \\ \ | | / // \\\ \\ // /// \\\ ### ///

Re: Problemas con módulos

2000-12-15 Thread Fernando
Daniel Payno wrote: Hola jmimora... decías, el 14 de dic de 2000, a las 10:26 +: El sistema no está colgado, pero de nada me sirve, ya que la repetición del mensaje no me deja hacer nada. Esto con la slink, no me pasaba. Tenéis alguna idea? Se te ha olvidado copiarte el

Re: Problemas con módulos

2000-12-15 Thread victor calzado
El sistema no está colgado, pero de nada me sirve, ya que la repetición del mensaje no me deja hacer nada. Esto con la slink, no me pasaba. Tenéis alguna idea? Cuando me ha ocurrido eso en alguna ocasion con mensajes de ese tipo lo mejor es darle a [ bloq despl ] y una vez que se ha

Re: pseudo-image-kit

2000-12-15 Thread Alfonso Cepeda Caballos
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 12:35:22PM +0100, Alfonso Cepeda Caballos wrote: Hola. Tengo un pequeño problema con el pseudo-image-kit. Al ejecutarlo (en una debian potato) no me descarga nada y me aparece en pseudo-image.log lo siguiente: *** Error getline(): not interactive, use stdio.

¿Como personalizar la primera sessión de Gnome+Sawfish?

2000-12-15 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos: Pues eso, se trata de personalizar un desktop para Gnome+sawfish (iconos, barra de tarreas, comportamiento del foco, etc) y que se lo encuentre cada usuario en la primera sesion. ¿Donde está todo esto documentado? Por cierto, en lo referente al modem PCMCIA, el culpable es el

Re: Fuentes Woody en Potato

2000-12-15 Thread Pablo Dorronsoro
Buenas, Sí. Bueno, creo que la última es la 2.2-5. En cualquier caso, tuve problemas con los 'locale' al actualizar la versión de la librería. Muchos programas que antes salían en castellano, se empeñaban en salir en inglés. Y muchos programas que antes sacaban acentos, se negaban en

Re: Fuentes Woody en Potato

2000-12-15 Thread Santiago Fernandez
On vie, 15 dic 2000, Pablo Dorronsoro wrote: Otra cosa... ?Cómo se hace un downgradeo? Hay algún método automático? Supongo que no que es cuestion de un apt-get remove --purge de todos los paquetes, modificar el sources.list para que apunte a la rama estable, apt-get update y... a instalar!!!

Escaner USB

2000-12-15 Thread dbote
Un amigo se ha comprado un escaner sobremesa USB. El otro día le instalé Debian y ahora me pide que le configure el escaner. Sé que existe SANE pero todo lo que me indiqueis será bienvenido antes de enfrentarme con la recompilación. Saludos y gracias por las sugerencias.

Re: emulador de windows

2000-12-15 Thread dbote
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 12:09:22PM +0100, Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez wrote: On mié, dic 13, 2000 at 09:00:23 +0100, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote: El Vmware funciona muy bien. Para solucionar el problema de licencias de versiones antiguas 2.0.xx, echa un vistazo en

URgente !!!!! Tarjeta RDSI

2000-12-15 Thread Carlos López
Hoal a todos Tengo un pc que tiene insertada una tarjeta rdsi, de la cual no sé ni modelo ni carácterísticas ni nada. El motivo es que la persona que trabajaba anteriormente en el puesto no dejó ninguna información ... ¿Como puedo saber el modelo exacto ?? Creo que es una Teles pero no estoy


2000-12-15 Thread Gerard
...sabeis si han abandonado el desarrollo de kvirc? Gerard

Re: URgente !!!!! Tarjeta RDSI

2000-12-15 Thread Carlos López
No funciona. Me he olvidado un pequeño detalle. Sé que es una animalada pero no es culpa mia. Me lo he encontrado así. Es una debian 2.0 con kernel 2.2 compilado para SMP. Una bestialidad, lo sé. Y no dispongo de la paquetería de esa distro --- first last [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:Si

Re: Impresora

2000-12-15 Thread dbote
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 11:54:06PM +, Miguel Angel Vilela wrote: Hola Esta es mi primera pregunta en esta lista, espero no pecar de torpe :-) Todos empezamos así. Por favor, quien sepa que me explique un poco como configurar una impresora sencilla en Debian

kernel sin módulos

2000-12-15 Thread egene
hola, en un mensaje anterior expliqué que empiezo con Debian (animado por la myor facilidad de instalación de Potato) y algunas cosas me resultan poco familiares; no pude recompilar el núcleo (aviso de no encontrar as8, al acabar make bzImage) y gracias a algunas respuestas, supe que no se

Modulo D-Link DE-220E

2000-12-15 Thread JFreak
Hola a todos, cual es el modulo que se utiliza para una tarjeta de red D-Link DE-220E ISA ?? es el 'ne' ?? porque no encontre ninguno DlinkXXX o algo parecido. Saludos a todos. _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: Fuentes Woody en Potato

2000-12-15 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 15 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 11:09:42 +0100, Pablo Dorronsoro contaba: Otra cosa... ?Cómo se hace un downgradeo? Hay algún método automático? Supongo que no que es cuestion de un apt-get remove --purge de todos los paquetes, modificar el sources.list para que apunte a la rama

Re: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-) (Lo siento pero no he podido evitarlo)

2000-12-15 Thread Daniel H . Perez
Hola On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 09:57:00AM +0100, Fernando wrote: Has recibido la primera cyberbola de nieve ¡¡¡La primera de este invierno!!! No no, lo que esta por empezar es el verano :) Saludos -- Daniel H. Perez

Re: URgente !!!!! Tarjeta RDSI

2000-12-15 Thread Saxa Egea
Abre el PC... saca la tarjeta i mirate el chip q lleva. es lo mas efectivo. El cat /proc/pci no siempre te da TODA la informacion necesaria. Saxa At 05:47 15/12/00 -0600, Carlos López wrote: Hoal a todos Tengo un pc que tiene insertada una tarjeta rdsi, de la cual no sé ni

limpiador de HTML

2000-12-15 Thread Jaume Sabater
Enas... Sabeis de algun programa que limpie el codigo HTML? Lo digo porque el Dreamwaver y todos esos programas para hacer webs sin saber nada de HTML te crean un código lleno de mierda, espacios en blanco, tags que se abren y se cierran sin nada (p.ej: b/b), y al final una página que podria

Re: Problemas con módulos

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Seguro teneis las fuentes de k bien. Es mas, cual fue el procedimiento seguisteis (que configuracion del k, que comandos para la fabricacion, etc) On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, jmimora wrote: Recompilo el kernel, arranco, todo bien hasta que empieza a cargar módulos, justo al final del arranque.

Re: Joystick.

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Leete la parte de joysticks en el nucleo y hay sacas tus conclusiones de cial usar, aunque una ayuda por parte de un usuario te vendria bien. On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Miguel Angel Vilela wrote: Hola Gracias a quienes me han dado respuestas, en cuanto pueda las pondré en práctica.

Re: kvirc

2000-12-15 Thread Victor Romero
El Viernes 15 Diciembre 2000 11:57, Gerard escribió: sabeis si han abandonado el desarrollo de kvirc? No se ha abandonado... de hecho esta disponible en su version 2.0.0 para kde2 compilando sus fuentes Su autor q yo sepa esta algo ocupado ahora pero no lo ha

Re: Staroffice5.2 y postgresql7

2000-12-15 Thread Victor Romero
El Jueves 14 Diciembre 2000 16:58, David Charro Ripa escribió: Estoy intentando acceder a postgresql desde el staroffice de una potato y no lo consigo. He instalado el paquete postgresql-odbc. Con el staroffice de un windows me conecto al servidor de postgres pero se me resiste mi patata.

Re: Escaner USB

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Imagino que es tu amigo quien te pide que configures el escaner ;). El kernel 2.2.18 trae soporte para USB, empieza por hay. Un amigo se ha comprado un escaner sobremesa USB. El otro día le instalé Debian y ahora me pide que le configure el escaner. Sé que existe SANE pero todo lo que

Re: kernel sin módulos

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Moviste los modulos de la version anterior del nucleo, es mas, utilizaste make-kpkg (viene en kernel-package) en un mensaje anterior expliqué que empiezo con Debian (animado por la myor facilidad de instalación de Potato) y algunas cosas me resultan poco familiares; no pude recompilar el

kernel sin módulos,2

2000-12-15 Thread egene
hola de nuevo, no aclaré en mi mensaje que después de make modules hago make modules_install; ¿cómo es posible que el nuevo /lib/modules/versión_núcleo esté casi vacío (un módulo en /net) o vacío (una carpeta build, que es enlace a /usr/src/kernel-source-versión), y que tampoco aparezca la

Re: Escaner USB

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
A mi con el 2.4.0-test12 no me funciono modconf. Un amigo se ha comprado un escaner sobremesa USB. El otro día le instalé Debian y ahora me pide que le configure el escaner. Sé que existe SANE pero todo lo que me indiqueis será bienvenido antes de enfrentarme con la recompilación.

Re: kernel sin módulos,2

2000-12-15 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Trata de usar los scripts de kernel-package. ? Existe algun motivo especial para que no lo quieras utilizar? hola de nuevo, no aclaré en mi mensaje que después de make modules hago make modules_install; ¿cómo es posible que el nuevo /lib/modules/versión_núcleo esté casi vacío (un módulo en

Despues de instalar Debian

2000-12-15 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
que ya por fin lo conseguí (aunque novato tengo que reconocer que no era tan fieroo... :- Pero tengo un problemilla En las X entro en el windowsmaker que supongo que se instala por defecto... ´No me desagrada pero me gustaría lerr algo sobre él ¿Que me recomendais?... Tambien

Re: Despues de instalar Debian

2000-12-15 Thread Eugenio Muñoz Doyague
On Vie 15 Dic 2000 17:17, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano wrote: que ya por fin lo conseguí (aunque novato tengo que reconocer que no era tan fieroo... :- Pero tengo un problemilla En las X entro en el windowsmaker que supongo que se instala por defecto... ´ En efecto. Puedes poner el que mas te

Módulos, modutils y demás zarandajas

2000-12-15 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
Hoka, me gutaría saber si existe una lista completa de todo lo que hay que hacer para que los *·$·%·% módules funciones con kmod. Entiendo que hay que poner entradas del tipo alias, options y demás, pero... ¿dónde está toda la información referida a qué hay que poner? Por ejemplo, si

Error de gcc

2000-12-15 Thread Amaya
Tengo un disgusto... Estoy intentando compilar un servidor de SyncML en mi Debian (Woody): /usr/include/linux/irda.h:116: storage size of `dev' isn't known make[2]: *** [irTransport.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [all] Error 2 make: *** [xpt] Error 2 He visto en que el error es muy

Re: Error de gcc

2000-12-15 Thread Victor Romero
El Viernes 15 Diciembre 2000 18:12, Amaya escribió: Tengo un disgusto... Estoy intentando compilar un servidor de SyncML en mi Debian (Woody): /usr/include/linux/irda.h:116: storage size of `dev' isn't known make[2]: *** [irTransport.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [all] Error 2 make: *** [xpt]

Re: Error de gcc

2000-12-15 Thread Amaya
Victor Romero dijo: RedHat usa egcs Debian lo normal es q usa gcc pero puedes poner egcs q yo sepa Qué rapidez! :-))) Voy a probarlo! -- I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk. Amaya Rodrigo Sastre[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ºº) - Networking

Re: Tripwire y Plex86 (dos cosas diferentes)

2000-12-15 Thread Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras
first last wrote: ?Donde esta el paquete de fuentes? Llevo un rato buscando y no lo encuentro. Igual hasta podria hasta aprender a hacer un paquete con eso (si, a la manera dura). Simplemente no esta, o yo no supe encontrarlo. Pero te lo puedes bajar con CVS, yo no lo habia usado nunca,

Acentos en kde

2000-12-15 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
Hola: Cuando arranco el kppp para configurarlo no me salen los acentos. Me salen caracteres extraños. Como lo corrijo? Gracias Jose Antonio Ortega GarciaDebian-2.2 Gnu/linux Potato E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conexion con kppp

2000-12-15 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
Hola: Me puedo conectar con kppp a internet como root pero no como usuario. El pppd tiene permiso 4000, pero no puedo.Tambien he añadido el usuario al grupo dip. Como lo consigo? Jose Antonio Ortega GarciaDebian-2.2 Gnu/linux Potato E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Escaner USB

2000-12-15 Thread Mario Teijeiro Otero
El Vie 15 Dic 2000 12:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: Un amigo se ha comprado un escaner sobremesa USB. El otro día le instalé Debian y ahora me pide que le configure el escaner. Sé que existe SANE pero todo lo que me indiqueis será bienvenido antes de enfrentarme con la recompilación.

Re: kvirc

2000-12-15 Thread Mario Teijeiro Otero
El Vie 15 Dic 2000 11:57, Gerard escribió: ...sabeis si han abandonado el desarrollo de kvirc? Creo que no, aunque va perfecto. Si bien es cierto que desde mayo no sacan una versión. Quizás sea que la 2.0 va perfecta -- Procuro ser siempre muy puntual, pues he observado que los defectos de

Re: Módulos, modutils y demás zarandajas

2000-12-15 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, José Luis Gómez Dans wrote: ¿Dónde están todas esas definiciones? (Por favor, sed un poco específicos, algunas están en la documentación del kernel, pero no todas). Parece haber una lista en /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [EMAIL

Re: kvirc

2000-12-15 Thread Gerard
Mario Teijeiro Otero escribió: El Vie 15 Dic 2000 11:57, Gerard escribió: ...sabeis si han abandonado el desarrollo de kvirc? Creo que no, aunque va perfecto. Si bien es cierto que desde mayo no sacan una versión. Quizás sea que la 2.0 va perfecta Pues no se, se me ha colgado alguna vez

Re: Despues de instalar Debian

2000-12-15 Thread B. P.D.
Hola Aurelio, Mozilla no hace falta instalarlo. Tan solo teclea './mozilla' en el directorio donde este (usuario/tmp/package) y ya esta. Por lo menos yo lo instale asi :-)Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Sparc 5 Debian

2000-12-15 Thread Jimmy Lantz
Hej, jag håller på att försöka att installera debian på en sparcstation 5, jag vet tyvärr inte om det är en 170 turbo(har förstått att den är problematisk, vet någon hur jag kollar vilken processor som fins i sparcstation.) Mitt mål är att få in Linux med en apache webserver med php/mysql stöd.

Re: Sparc 5 Debian

2000-12-15 Thread Fredrik Bjurenfors
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:35:44 Jimmy Lantz wrote: Hej, jag håller på att försöka att installera debian på en sparcstation 5, jag vet tyvärr inte om det är en 170 turbo(har förstått att den är problematisk, vet någon hur jag kollar vilken processor som fins i sparcstation.) module-info i

RE: Sparc 5 Debian

2000-12-15 Thread David Hardne
Mitt mål är att få in Linux med en apache webserver med php/mysql stöd. Är det någon som vet om det går att få in på sparcstation 5 ? Ja, det ska inte vara några problem. Jag har en liten Sparcstation LX, (skokartongen med sun4m 50MHz, 48Mb ram) som just kör apache/php4/mysql. Använder den

RE: Sparc 5 Debian

2000-12-15 Thread David Hardne
Ett annat bra tips som jag glömde nämna är att kolla UltraLinux FAQ som finns på Där hittar du svar på mängder av problem som kan dyka upp när man installerar Linux på sun. ,. \ David Härdne - [EMAIL

Re: gtk-config and glib-config?

2000-12-15 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
libglib1.2-dev libgtk1.2-dev On Fri 15 Dec 00, 12:58 AM, Ken Weingold said... I am trying to install gaim, but configure can't seem to find gtk-config and glib-config. What packages do these come with? I am wondering if I don't have them. -- Just upgraded to Woody? Don't have permission

mkttfdir is segfaulting on me

2000-12-15 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
hello all, mkttfdir is segfaulting on me. i'm posting this before contacting the package maintainer. i think i recall reading a post that truetype fonts can't have internal spaces in their names. is this true? could be caused by entries in font.dir like: suckgolf.ttf -misc-I suck at

Using apt-get upgrade-Any way to get list first? Solved!

2000-12-15 Thread Jonathan Gift
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 04:54:20PM -0500, Mullins, Ron wrote: I don't see anyone having replied yet, so If you use APT, you can 'apt-get upgrade -u' which will show you the packages to be upgraded. You can then say no to continuing and put on hold anything that you don't want coming down

Re: php4-postgresql problem

2000-12-15 Thread Rino Mardo
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 04:15:53PM +0100 or thereabouts, Knud S?rensen wrote: Rino Mardo wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:20:42AM +0100 or thereabouts, Knud S?rensen wrote: Rino Mardo wrote: which source file did you use php4 or php4-mysql there's no such thing. just get

Re: exim outgoing addresses...

2000-12-15 Thread Rino Mardo
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:36:59AM -0600 or thereabouts, Gregory Guthrie wrote: I have my system setup as a satellite, which forwards all email to a sh\marthost, who delivers it. But when it arrives, I'd like the addresses to show where they came from, e.g. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh question / 2nd post first did not work

2000-12-15 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Andrew Hall wrote: This may be silly, but here goes. I have downloaded the new version os ssh due to the security announcement a little bit ago. Looking at its depends I see that it requires libz1 but I can not find that package anywhere on the debian site. I do

Re: mkttfdir is segfaulting on me

2000-12-15 Thread Bernhard Josef Rieder
hello all, mkttfdir is segfaulting on me. on me too :( It was also the reason for X not to run (at least with xtt, freetype works but I would prefer xtt) and making me buy a new graphics card (Ok. Having an old S3Virge-PCI card it was time for this step anyway) i think i recall reading a

Re: exim outgoing addresses...

2000-12-15 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Rino Mardo wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:36:59AM -0600 or thereabouts, Gregory Guthrie wrote: I have my system setup as a satellite, which forwards all email to a sh\marthost, who delivers it. But when it arrives, I'd like the addresses to show where they

Re: what is ?

2000-12-15 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 11:08:49PM -0500, Harry Henry Gebel wrote: On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 07:41:01PM -0700, cls-c/s wrote: in bash, i sometimes hit ' at the end of a command and i then get on the next line. what does do? [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ top' [EMAIL

Re: Network Monitoring recommendation

2000-12-15 Thread Leen Besselink
On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, sena wrote: On 14/12/2000 at 17:26 +, Craig Coles wrote: I am looking for a tool to monitor the through-put of my connection to the internet. I want to know if my connection is maxing out, or my users just have slow connections to the internet. Is there a

Re: [OT] Apple IIe help please

2000-12-15 Thread will trillich
On Sat, Dec 02, 2000 at 10:53:45AM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote: Lo, on Friday, December 1, Lizard did write: At 06:25 PM 12/1/2000, D-Man wrote: Hi all. I apologize for the off topic-ness of the message and the cross-post. I have a friend who has a program she likes (written in

Re: remote management

2000-12-15 Thread Leen Besselink
Would this be a dial-in connection to the computer to manage it? What I need is to manage the computer remoteley all the way back to the lilo prompt. Are there Withut special hardware it's impossible to get to the Lilo prompt, after all Linux manages it's own serial ports and it hasn't

Re: Linking Recursively

2000-12-15 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 01:17:06PM -0600, Robert Guthrie wrote: On Thursday 30 November 2000 12:51, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote: This is Unix, so you use several tools together to accomplish whatever you want: $ mkdir collapsed $ cd collapsed $ find /original/path -print0 | xargs

Re: remote management

2000-12-15 Thread Nico De Ranter
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:51:30PM -0600, Matt Fair wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 05:31:57PM -0600, Matt Fair wrote: :I am managing my server remotely using ssh. If my network connection :goes down for some reason, I have no control over it, is there a way :where I could check to see if

Re: gtk-config and glib-config?

2000-12-15 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 12:58:48AM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote: I am trying to install gaim, but configure can't seem to find gtk-config and glib-config. What packages do these come with? I am wondering if I don't have them. I have the Contents* files of my debian CD's in /potato on my system


2000-12-15 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 09:23:26AM -0500, Debian Ghost wrote: Hey Steve, Thanks for the reply. I did what you suggested and didn't find anything I am missing. Can you look at this and tell me if I am missing what I am missing ? :) p.s- is the second package acronym a joke ? (pathologically

Re: I'm Confused with SBLive!

2000-12-15 Thread Rob VanFleet
Well, one way I guess the creative drivers could be different is that fact that there are always daily builds at, so if there are any recent changes, they would be there first. -Rob On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 12:11:41AM -0500, S.Salman Ahmed wrote: stef == stef iso-8859-1

Re: remote management

2000-12-15 Thread Matt Fair
I looked at, I could not see a place where you could purchase The PC Weasel 2000 on the site, where can you purchase this product. I tried the demo, it is exactly what I need. Thank you, Matt zOn Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:51:30PM -0600, Matt Fair wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at

Debian problem on UltraSparc

2000-12-15 Thread Tommy Wu
1. I've 1024MB RAM on my box. But when I use kernel 2.2.18, it won't boot correctly except I add a append=mem=512m to let kernel use only 512MB. Is there any configuration that I miss ? (I've try 2.4.0-test9 to test12, they will use all 1024MB RAM correctly) 2. Does

Re: remote management

2000-12-15 Thread Nico De Ranter
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 02:49:15AM -0600, Matt Fair wrote: I looked at, I could not see a place where you could purchase The PC Weasel 2000 on the site, where can you purchase this product. I tried the demo, it is I don't know, I haven't bought any yet (I'm planning to). Try

Re: Using apt-get upgrade-Any way to get list first? Solved!

2000-12-15 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 07:10:23AM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 04:54:20PM -0500, Mullins, Ron wrote: I don't see anyone having replied yet, so If you use APT, you can 'apt-get upgrade -u' which will show you the packages to be upgraded. You can then say no to

Re: LaTeX and PDF-files

2000-12-15 Thread Joerg Johannes
Well, thanks for everybody's suggestions. I have tried out this way: \pdfoutput=1 \documentclass[a4paper, pdftex]{report} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.jpg} \begin{document} \includegraphics{somepicture} \end{document} That worked for me (not only with .jpg but also

Continuing sound saga (es1370, etc.)

2000-12-15 Thread Ron Hale-Evans
I'm unable to get my SB PCI64 (es1370) card to play. It worked for a couple of days, then quit while I was running a game in Wine. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the es1370 and soundcore kernel modules several times. Right now I also have the sound and soundlow modules installed. But every time

mysterious messages

2000-12-15 Thread Jim McClosky
Does anyone know what the crud below is? It was printed to the first virtual terminal while I was doing apt-get dist-upgrade (to 2.2r2) on VT2. This is on a brand new box, recent install. It's not in the logs anywhere that I can find, Jim

VM, iso-latin1 and uptating emacsen packages

2000-12-15 Thread Frodo Baggins
Hi debianers, I got no answer on a preceeding mail on almost the same subject, so I try again. The basic problem is that I have some problem with vm under xemacs. More precisely, it does not handle well messages containing accents: it always put a Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

[ proxy domain name resolution]

2000-12-15 Thread Rob
Hello, I am using Apache as a proxy server, and I would like to run multiple instances of the proxy server, each one resolving names differently. Unfortunately, Apache does not seem able to resolve domain names based on anything but the /etc/hosts file and the /etc/resolv.conf .. If there is a

Cannot read HDDs, help!

2000-12-15 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou
Hi, I am having a very bad problem now. I got a multibay carrier to add a second HDD on my Compaq LTE 5200 laptop, so I was trying to back up the filesystem to another HDD. Then, I shutdown the system, and the message said the system has been halted. I then pulled out the multibay carrier

Re: Using apt-get upgrade-Any way to get list first? Solved!

2000-12-15 Thread Jonathan Gift
BTW, do you know the deb ftp address for sources.list? I only have the http one and the ftp would be faster. there's just been a thread recently about ftp vs. http, and how http should be faster. to see if it's true for you, munge your sources.list to use FTP, and do apt-get update and

Re: Debian problem on UltraSparc

2000-12-15 Thread Joshua Uziel
* Tommy Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001215 00:56]: 1. I've 1024MB RAM on my box. But when I use kernel 2.2.18, it won't boot correctly except I add a append=mem=512m to let kernel use only 512MB. Is there any configuration that I miss ? (I've try 2.4.0-test9 to test12, they will use

Re: mysterious messages

2000-12-15 Thread Christoph Simon
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:56:48 -0800 Jim McClosky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anyone know what the crud below is? It was printed to the first virtual terminal while I was doing apt-get dist-upgrade (to 2.2r2) on VT2. This is on a brand new box, recent install. It's not in the logs anywhere

Re: Cannot read HDDs, help!

2000-12-15 Thread kmself
on Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 05:20:48AM -0500, Fu-Dong Chiou ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hi, I am having a very bad problem now. I got a multibay carrier to add a second HDD on my Compaq LTE 5200 laptop, so I was trying to back up the filesystem to another HDD. Then, I shutdown the system, and

Re: scanning SCSI-bus on a running system

2000-12-15 Thread Joerg Johannes
# echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 0 0 /proc/scsi/scsi # echo scsi remove-single-device 0 0 0 0 /proc/scsi/scsi Well, I tried that out, to the result that the scanner is listed in /proc/scsi/scsi, but I still cannot access it. Nevermind, I'll turn it on whenever I start the system,

Re: Exim, RBL/ORBS, fetchmail and POP3

2000-12-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 10:41:11PM -0500, John Bacalle wrote: On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 08:23:50PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote: exim's blackholing only works if the messages are delivered direct to your computer and not via fetchmail. Are you absolutely sure? I ask because the fetchmail man

Re: problems after upgrade to progeny

2000-12-15 Thread Andre Berger
Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Andre Berger wrote: I've just upgraded my potato box to progeny. There's a problem with xserver-xfree86 (4.0.1-12), the mga driver, and geometry. Vertical window borders are partly gibberish, like waves, and the text of lines between these parts

Choose debian archive path, what is it

2000-12-15 Thread horelacy
To: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:debian archive path Hi there, I recently bought debian2.2 and am having trouble installing it. Everything goes well right up to 'install operating system kernal modules'. I select this option and then

SBLive working but something is missing

2000-12-15 Thread Kai Weber
Hi, my sblive works well with Kernel = 2.2.17. But I think, there shoul be some more devices for sound than /dev/dsp*? Sometimes I read errors in logfiles about missing /dev/sndstat or similiar. What does this mean and how can I get it working? $ cat /dev/sndstat cat: /dev/sndstat: No such

Netscape update brocken?

2000-12-15 Thread Kai Weber
Hi, today after updating my system (woody) following error occured: The following packages have been kept back communicator netscape Why? They seem to depend on Netscape 4.75 but now 4.76 is installed. Can I savely remove these packages without missing further Netscape updates?

Re: Signal 11 when using 'ps'

2000-12-15 Thread Ed Cogburn
Thanks guys for the help. Ok first, my CPU is not overclocked. My hardware is all fairly new though, so I'll list the major components: Athlon Thunderbird CPU, 1Ghz Asus A7V mobo Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI card 18Gb Seagate SCSI drive Geforce

Re: SBLive working but something is missing

2000-12-15 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 12:15:46PM +0100, Kai Weber wrote: Hi, my sblive works well with Kernel = 2.2.17. But I think, there shoul be some more devices for sound than /dev/dsp*? Sometimes I read errors in logfiles about missing /dev/sndstat or similiar. What does this mean and how can I get


2000-12-15 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Hi! I am curious about how does Partition Magic work under Debian ext2 filesystem. Thanks Marcelo _ Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: partitionmagic

2000-12-15 Thread Cory T. Echols
On 12/15, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: Hi! I am curious about how does Partition Magic work under Debian ext2 filesystem. I have used partition magic 4.0 on a limited basis w/ext2 partitions, and had no problems with it. It actually caused me more problems with FAT

Kernel patches (Was: make-kpkg question)

2000-12-15 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
you definitely do not want use the patches for 2.2.18 with any other kernel, unless you really know what you are doing (you would have to make sure that the files that the patch changes are unchanged between 2.2.18 and whatever you will use). This brings up another question: According to what

Re: Re: SBLive working but something is missing

2000-12-15 Thread romain lerallut
Begin Original Message From: Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 12:15:46PM +0100, Kai Weber wrote: Hi, my sblive works well with Kernel = 2.2.17. But I think, there shoul be some more devices for sound than /dev/dsp*? Sometimes I read errors in logfiles

Re: SBLive working but something is missing

2000-12-15 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 02:00:11PM +0100, romain lerallut wrote: I think it would be a good idea to clearly define what is OSS-related and what isn't, so one wouldn't look for a bug that isn't really there. True. Let me make it clear then that I am using Creative-Labs' driver, not OSS.

Porting applications to Debian

2000-12-15 Thread Simon Broad
I'm pretty new to Linux, but have been asked by a customer to port a Unix product to Debian. This may sound daft to a lot of you, but would I need to port the product on a Debian box or, as I already have SuSE and RH available will a port on one of these be OK? I'm sure there are many

Re: Kernel patches (Was: make-kpkg question)

2000-12-15 Thread Alson van der Meulen
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 01:50:34PM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: you definitely do not want use the patches for 2.2.18 with any other kernel, unless you really know what you are doing (you would have to make sure that the files that the patch changes are unchanged between 2.2.18 and

Re: more apt-get help please??

2000-12-15 Thread Xucaen
--- will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: try the apt-get-intro.html file there may be it. that's one i've hobbled together and got mostly good feedback on. it's mostly a scratch-the-surface kind of thing, but it might be what you need.

Re: partitionmagic

2000-12-15 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 07:51:06AM -0500, Cory T. Echols wrote: On 12/15, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: Hi! I am curious about how does Partition Magic work under Debian ext2 filesystem. I have used partition magic 4.0 on a limited basis w/ext2 partitions, and had no

Still no luck with modversions (compiling alsa)

2000-12-15 Thread Andrew Perrin
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Dec 15 05:59:06 2000 Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 05:59:06 -0800 (PST) From: Andrew Perrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Subject: Re: alsa and modutils Fcc: sent-mail In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Network cards

2000-12-15 Thread garyjones
I have seen network cards which plug into the serial or parallel port (I forget which, now). Basically I want to connect a laptop to a network (both of which are running Debian), and a) there is no room to fit a card in inside; and b) the PCMCIA slot seems to be bug^H^Hroken. Does anyone have

Where do I go from here? was: HT configure an IDE/ATAPI ZIP drive?

2000-12-15 Thread Dan Griswold
Seeing as my thread has peetered out, I was wondering if anybody had any ideas of where else I might ask the question. I have searched on Google and Northernlight, and none of the information retrieved there has gone beyond the good suggestions offered here. For those new to this thread, my

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