Re: Outils pour réaliser un tableau en HTML

2007-12-25 Thread Michel Grentzinger
Le dimanche 23 décembre 2007, François TOURDE a écrit : Moui... En fait je souhaite créer des plages comprenant plusieurs cellules avec une couleur (ça c'est bon, c'est fait) mais dont le quadrillage intérieur est enlevé... Ce n'est pas évident ! Un tableau avec une seule cellule et

Re: port bloqué ??

2007-12-25 Thread mouss
Remys Morrissette wrote: Est-il possible que le site fasse référence à deux adresse IP différentes ? que veux-tu dire? on peut mettre plusieurs IPs dans le DNS (entrées du type A), mais un client (navigateur ou autre) n'ira en voir qu'une. il vaut donc mieux que les deux serveurs servent le

synaptics touchpad dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread Fabien R
Hello, J'ai installé debian/unstable sur mon laptop et j'ai un souci avec le touchpad. Le déplacement du curseur est très lent. Je pense avoir un pb avec les paramètres de mon fichier xorg.conf. Quelles valeurs dois-je modifier ? - Fabien Section InputDevice Identifier Synaptics

hibernate et dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread Fabien R
Bonsoir, J'ai un souci avec la fonction hibernate sur mon laptop sous unstable. J'ai ajouté l'option XkbModel inspiron dans mon fichier xorg.conf et lorsque je tape sur Fn + lune, le portable semble faire ce qu'il faut (message hibernate, sauvegarde du swap...) mais s'éteint au lieu de se

Re: synaptics touchpad dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread debianpmd
essayer avec préférences souris pmd Le Tuesday 25 December 2007 18:30:11 Fabien R, vous avez écrit : Hello, J'ai installé debian/unstable sur mon laptop et j'ai un souci avec le touchpad. Le déplacement du curseur est très lent. Je pense avoir un pb avec les paramètres de mon fichier

Re: hibernate et dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread debianpmd
que dit dpkg -l hibernate ? pmd Le Tuesday 25 December 2007 18:39:56 Fabien R, vous avez écrit : Bonsoir, J'ai un souci avec la fonction hibernate sur mon laptop sous unstable. J'ai ajouté l'option XkbModel inspiron dans mon fichier xorg.conf et lorsque je tape sur Fn + lune, le portable

Re: hibernate et dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread Fabien R
debianpmd wrote: que dit dpkg -l hibernate ? pmd [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l hibernate Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder | État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-installé |/ Err?=(aucune)/H=à garder/besoin Réinstallation/X=les deux (État,Err:

Atheros Wireless Network Adapter

2007-12-25 Thread OpenSource Distributions
Bonsoir à tou(te)s, J'ai un Toshiba de la série A200 qui intègre une carte WIFI Atheros AR5007EG qui n'est même pas détectée à l'installation par Debian 4.0 ni par Ubuntu 7.10 mais après l'installation sous Ubuntu 7.10, il me dit qu'il utilise un pilote


2007-12-25 Thread Georges
Bonjour, Sur testing, Quand j'ajoute un fichier options au répertoire /etc/modprobe.d avec des options pour le chargement de module, il sont ensuite pris en compte avec la commande modprobe. ex: options pwc power_save=1 leds=0,0 Cependant lors du démarrage du système les changement du fichier


2007-12-25 Thread zsozi
Bonjour, Je installe le dernier NVIDIA driver qui se trouve sur leur site,ca fonctionne a merveille jusqu'au prochain demarrage.La je suis oubliger de relancer le script.Merci d'avance pour les reponses. -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Re: synaptics touchpad dell d531

2007-12-25 Thread Sil
Fabien R a écrit : Je pense avoir un pb avec les paramètres de mon fichier xorg.conf. Quelles valeurs dois-je modifier ? Salut, Le mien si ça peut aider : Section InputDevice Identifier Synaptics Touchpad Driver synaptics Option SendCoreEvents

Re: Atheros Wireless Network Adapter

2007-12-25 Thread Michel Doucet
OpenSource Distributions a écrit : Bonsoir à tou(te)s, J'ai un Toshiba de la série A200 qui intègre une carte WIFI Atheros AR5007EG qui n'est même pas détectée à l'installation par Debian 4.0 ni par Ubuntu 7.10 mais après l'installation sous Ubuntu

Architecture 64 bits et sources.list

2007-12-25 Thread Tonio F
Bonsoir, Je réinstalle une Debian sur un pc portable, et à l'occasion, j'essaie de passer en 64 bits. Existe t'il des dépôts spécifiques? Pour l'instant tous les résultats de mes recherches me renvoient à des dépôts pour sarge hors je souhaiterais installé une lenny. Merci par avance. Antoine

Re: Architecture 64 bits et sources.list

2007-12-25 Thread Yannick Palanque
2007-12-25T22:30:12+0100, Tonio F [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Bonsoir, Je réinstalle une Debian sur un pc portable, et à l'occasion, j'essaie de passer en 64 bits. Existe t'il des dépôts spécifiques? Non. Il faut simplement utiliser le programme d'installation pour « amd64 ». -- « Quand je serai

[RESOLU]: Architecture 64 bits et sources.list

2007-12-25 Thread Tonio F
Okay, merci beaucoup, j'ai constaté que ça se faisait automatiquement lors de l'installation des paquets. Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous et toutes. Le 25/12/07, Yannick Palanque[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : 2007-12-25T22:30:12+0100, Tonio F [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Bonsoir, Je réinstalle une

Re: Atheros Wireless Network Adapter

2007-12-25 Thread thierry gabet
Le 25/12/07, OpenSource Distributions [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : Bonsoir à tou(te)s, J'ai un Toshiba de la série A200 qui intègre une carte WIFI Atheros AR5007EG qui n'est même pas détectée à l'installation par Debian 4.0 ni par Ubuntu 7.10

[TLUG] Zimowisko 2008 -- wkrótce zapisy

2007-12-25 Thread Krzysztof Zubik
Marcin Sochacki napisał. On Sat, Dec 22, 2007 at 06:25:13PM +0100, Marcin Sochacki wrote: Z przyjemnością informujemy, że styczniowe zimowisko TLUG-u odbędzie się zgodnie z planem. W poniedziałek, 24 grudnia o godzinie 12:00 planujemy otworzyć zapisy na stronie

Re: Iceweasel se cierra de pronto

2007-12-25 Thread ciracusa
Arnau wrote: Hola a todos: hace un tiempo vengo teniendo problemas con mi iceweasel, tengo debian etch amd64. La verdad es que no detecto ningun patron que me indique porque puede cerrarse, solo de pronto desaparece, la salida por consolo es la siguiente: A mi también me pasa, y estoy con

Hacer login a usuarios sin contraseña

2007-12-25 Thread linux user
Buenas, Entre plato y plato, me gustaría hacerles una consulta... Siempre me habían enseñado, y así creo recordar que funcionaba con los sistemas de RedHat, que cuando la cadena del password de un usuario (ahora pienso, sobretodo en los usuarios normales y el superusuario, que son los que

Re: Hacer login a usuarios sin contraseña

2007-12-25 Thread César
Creo que existen mas de un archivo que controlan esto en un Debian, esta el /etc/passwd y /etc/shadow, en ambos archivos debería estar borrada el segundo parámetro en la linea del usuario que desee dejarse sin contraseña. En /etc/passwd borrar la'''x''' que va después de root:

Re: Iceweasel se cierra de pronto

2007-12-25 Thread César
Me a pasado con algunas estaciones/puestos de trabajo que cuando los usuarios intentaban abrir una pagina con algún flash dentro de ellas el navegador se cerraba al instante. Eso lo solucione de la siguiente forma: apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree --purge y luego apt-get install

Re: [OT] lista de juegos en debian

2007-12-25 Thread Marcel Caraballo
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 13:26:27 -0400 Marcel Caraballo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 22:22:01 -0300 Abejo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: El Viernes, 17 de Agosto de 2007 20:02, Gonzalo Rivero escribió: 2007/8/17, Exal de Jesus Garcia Carrillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]: -BEGIN PGP

[OT] Consulta openvz

2007-12-25 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Hola, Alguien a probado openvz? es estable como para usarlo en produccion? e leido por ahi y parece bastante prometedor, pero veo que la mayoria de los VPS se ofrecen con xen. Gracias de antemano y saludos. -- Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez desarrollador de GNUPanel Panel de control de hosting

Ayuda con header_check y body_check de Postfix

2007-12-25 Thread Alien Torres
Felices Navidades a todos Si alguien tiene algunos filtros de ejemplo de body check y header check para postfix que me pueda enviar por favor se lo voy a agradecer mucho, es que he montado un Server de Correo en una PC con pocos recursos y al integrar Postfix + MailScanner + Clamav se me pone

Re: Hacer login a usuarios sin contraseña

2007-12-25 Thread Martín Peluso
César wrote: Creo que existen mas de un archivo que controlan esto en un Debian, esta el /etc/passwd y /etc/shadow, en ambos archivos debería estar borrada el segundo parámetro en la linea del usuario que desee dejarse sin contraseña. En /etc/passwd borrar la'''x''' que va después de root:

Re: Hacer login a usuarios sin contraseña

2007-12-25 Thread César
Ahora que recuerdo un poco mas de entornos gráficos en estaciones de usuarios tuve que trabajar con entornos Kde y desde el Centro de control(kcontrol) en la parte de administración de login creo que también se da la posibilidad de habilitar visualmente el permiso de ingreso sin contraseña para el

Re: Ayuda con header_check y body_check de Postfix

2007-12-25 Thread ZokEbeR
Saludos, yo tengo lo siguiente: Para el asunto del mensaje en el header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_check header_check: /^Subject: .*palabra.*$/REJECT Mensaje baneado por la palabra palabra Puedes utilizar: REJECT: el correo sera bloqueado antes de entrar al servidor de

Re: Ayuda con header_check y body_check de Postfix

2007-12-25 Thread Alien Torres
Saludos, yo tengo lo siguiente: Para el asunto del mensaje en el header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_check header_check: /^Subject: .*palabra.*$/REJECT Mensaje baneado por la palabra palabra En caso de querer hacerle Reject a un dominio seria: /^From: [EMAIL

Alguém sabe como fazer o Xubuntu reconhecer o MP3?

2007-12-25 Thread Luciana Sousa
Olá a todos, Feliz Natal para todos da lista!!! Alguém sabe como devo fazer para o Xubuntu (derivado do Debian com Xfce) reconhecer o meu mp3 usb ? Plugo o mp3 e nada aparece no Xubuntu. -- Grata, Luciana

Montagem de HD-USB

2007-12-25 Thread Saint
Pelo q vi quem cuida da montagem de dispositivos deste tipo (HD-USB) é o gnome-volume-manager, eu queria mudar o programa q abre qdo se clica no icone do dispositivo, alguem sabe fazer isso? ___ Yahoo! Mail

Re: Alguém sabe como fazer o Xubuntu reconhecer o MP3?

2007-12-25 Thread Márcio Pedroso
cara, a lista e sobre o debian, e nao sobre o ubuntu e derivados, mas instala o pacote, eu nao lembro o nome direito, acho que é o autousb, ele ja vai reconhecer e montar automaticamente o cara.. 2007/12/25, Luciana Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Olá a todos, Feliz Natal para todos da lista!!!

Re: StarCraft no Linux!!!

2007-12-25 Thread Márcio Pedroso
tens o opengl instalado.. que placa de video tu usa?? Em 20/12/07, Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática escreveu: Entao... esse jogo parace ser daqueles que é garantido que vai funcionar no Linux, só que nao estou tendo

Res: Problema com Synpatic.

2007-12-25 Thread Enio Sales
Talvez vc. devesse atualizar a lista de pacotes, seja com a Synaptic ou com o apt. Embora o apt-get seja em modo texto, sempre achei ela não só mais confiável, como mais prático. Sempre que o uso, antes faço: # apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade Assim, meu sistema está sempre atualizado. Na

Problemas com LDAP

2007-12-25 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Pessoal, Estou com um problema para levantar o sldap no linux. /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 73: access handler exited with 1! slapd destroy: freeing system resources. slapd stopped. connections_destroy: nothing to destroy. Alguém ja teve esse tipo de problema ? Att, Faria Abra sua conta

Re: Alguém sabe como fazer o Xubuntu reconhecer o MP3?

2007-12-25 Thread Gunther Furtado
Luciana Sousa escreveu: Olá a todos, Feliz Natal para todos da lista!!! Alguém sabe como devo fazer para o Xubuntu (derivado do Debian com Xfce) reconhecer o meu mp3 usb ? Plugo o mp3 e nada aparece no Xubuntu. Olá, Espete seu mp3 e, em seguida, dê uma olhada na saída do comando $ dmesg

Re: Problemas com LDAP

2007-12-25 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 25-12-2007 17:22, Rodrigo Tavares wrote: Pessoal, Estou com um problema para levantar o sldap no linux. /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 73: access handler exited with 1! slapd destroy: freeing system resources. slapd stopped.

Res: Um derivado do Debian para um pc antigo:k6-2 350mhz com 256 de ram.

2007-12-25 Thread julio lopez
O mais leve é o DSL (muito bom) roda bem num Pentium75Mhz com 32Mb ram Depois tem o Dizinha, depois vem o Debian CDD (mesmo desatualizado, ainda é uma boa opção p/ desktop) e depois vem o Kurumin light. - Mensagem original De: Luciana Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: debian

Re: wifi network connection

2007-12-25 Thread hce
On 12/26/07, Mihira Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue December 25 2007, hce wrote: Yes, I run the ppp manually. I did run iptable manually, but did not seems anything added to the list? ~$ sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE ~$ sudo /sbin/iptables

Re: dvgrab doesn't

2007-12-25 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 22:24:52 -0500, Thomas H. George wrote: With my old system dvgrab controlled my Sony Digital 8 video camera with no problems. I upgraded to a new motherboard and a Athlon 64 processor, Lenny and a linux-image-2.6.22-3-amd64 kernel. The new motherboard does not have

system can not recognize my 1.5G memory by default

2007-12-25 Thread Dan Liu
I have 1.5G memory,but my etch Debian can only recognize 1G. $ free total used free sharedbuffers cached Mem:906792 274832 631960 0 10904 149100 -/+ buffers/cache: 114828 791964 Swap: 1004020 01004020

Re: fglrx: openGL broken for screen width greater than 1760 pixels (bug #450426)

2007-12-25 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 23 Dec 2007, Erik Steffl wrote: Since fglrx-driver 8.42.3-2 most of the openGL screen (either full screen or windowed) is corrupted when the width of the openGL window is more than 1760 pixels. The way it looks: top of the

Re: Sound Card Driver on DELL D630?

2007-12-25 Thread Lorenzo Bettini
Michael Yang wrote: Hi Any body has installed Debian Lenny/Sid on DELL D630 (T7250)? I hit a problem on installing alsa package for driver of sound card. It seems doesn't work and I can not startup alsamixer. Is there an extra steps to configure the sound driver on this laptop? I have it

Re: system can not recognize my 1.5G memory by default

2007-12-25 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
The file /boot/config-2.6.18-5-486 just shows how the kernel was configured when compiling it. Changing this file doesn't influence the kernel image. I suggest to replace your kernel image package by the package linux-image-2.6-686 (with the tool aptitude or apt-get or synaptics) if you have an

PUPPIES AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 Thread pets lovers
Hello , I am Veronica from uk ,i am here to sell some puppies to you at a very cheap price for your christmas present ,they are cute,loving and adorable.they are 8weeks old and goes along with kids.You will definately love them.we have diff types of breeds you would like .So i will


2007-12-25 Thread Claudio
HAPPY CHRISTMAS !! Claudio -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wifi network connection

2007-12-25 Thread hce
Thanks Mihira, it works after I rebooted the wifi router. Thank you for your patient helps. Kind Regards, Jim On 12/25/07, hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 12/26/07, Mihira Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue December 25 2007, hce wrote: Yes, I run the ppp manually. I did run

Re: wifi network connection

2007-12-25 Thread wanderlust
У пн, 2007-12-24 у 13:43 +1100, hce пише: Hi, I am doing an experiment to set up a home wifi network. The setup is descripbed as follows: I have a laptop running Debian connected to the ISP via phone line (ppp), the laptop has also an ethernet port, I set it to which

Re: Adjusting volume, and system beep

2007-12-25 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom
Chris Bannister wrote: On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 08:34:32AM -0800, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote: Sorry if this is too basic a question. I have an IBM ThinkPad T60 running lenny, using GNOME. There looks like there are two main ways to adjust the volume. I can do it in software by using the

system beep in xterm or konsole

2007-12-25 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom
Hi, When I hit backspace in a VT text console I get a beep. When I do that in xterm or konsole I get zip. System bell notification is set. What more? Running Sid. Hugo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2007-12-25 Thread indigo196
Just curious if anyone knows why has been down for roughly 24 hours now. Thanks

Question, not about Debian ,but I know you have the answer.

2007-12-25 Thread jacobsjlr
I was redirected to Debian , I asked the question (what is Python 2.2) and what is Visual# Win .extension.I am new to computing and I am interested in programming.I wanted to know why these programs were included in HP computers.Can you explain this to me.If so ,thank you. James M. Jacobs


2007-12-25 Thread indigo196
Just curious if anyone knows why has been down for roughly 24 hours now. Thanks

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread Haines Brown
Uwe Dippel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 19:01:12 -0500, Haines Brown wrote: I've lost e-mail, and so in desperation turn to news groups. In trying to configure my exim4 to use spamassassin, I apparently messed up the confituration somehow. At first, all downloaded

Re: PUPPIES AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 Thread Mihira Fernando
On Tue December 25 2007, pets lovers wrote: Hello , I am Veronica from uk ,i am here to sell some puppies to you at a very cheap price for your christmas present ,they are cute,loving and adorable.they are 8weeks old and goes along with kids.You will definately love them.we have

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread John Hasler
Uwe Dippel writes: Exim in Debian is a political decision; due to licensing. Not true. -- John Hasler -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:50:01 -0500, Haines Brown wrote: There seems to be a problem getting my fetchmail requests being authenticated at the mail server. Here's what fetchmail tells me: ... fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Courier Mail Server fetchmail: Issuer CommonName: localhost

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:23:59 -0600, John Hasler wrote: Exim in Debian is a political decision; due to licensing. Not true. Maybe what I wrote is not true, but when you search the archives, the discussion has never ceased, from 1999 onwards. One term you'll find is that postfix was not

OT: Re: Question, not about Debian ,but I know you have the answer.

2007-12-25 Thread Benjamin M. A'Lee
On Tue, Dec 25, 2007 at 07:27:42AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was redirected to Debian , I asked the question (what is Python 2.2) and what is Visual# Win .extension.I am new to computing and I am interested in programming.I wanted to know why these programs were included in HP

Re: PUPPIES AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 Thread Nate Bargmann
* Mihira Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007 Dec 25 07:28 -0600]: and these puppies are on Etch, Lenny or Sid ? :p Puppy Linux, of course! Merry Christmas. - Nate -- The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true. -- To

Re: PUPPIES AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Tuesday 25 December 2007, Nate Bargmann wrote: * Mihira Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007 Dec 25 07:28 -0600]: and these puppies are on Etch, Lenny or Sid ? :p Puppy Linux, of course! Have you ever watched a puppy try to walk? They're not exactly stable. Definitely in Sid... Hal --

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread John Hasler
Uwe writes: Exim in Debian is a political decision; due to licensing. I wrote: Not true. Uwe writes: Maybe what I wrote is not true, but when you search the archives, the discussion has never ceased, from 1999 onwards. One term you'll find is that postfix was not DFSG-free. (DFSG=Debian

Re: offlineimap

2007-12-25 Thread J.A. de Vries
On 2007-12-07 @ 20:11:15 (week 49) Joe Masters wrote: Is anyone using offlineimap? I am trying to sync 2 accounts from the same server. One account works fine but 2 causes problems. I've posted my config info to the offlineimap list but no response. If anyone has an example rc file that works

Re: system beep in xterm or konsole

2007-12-25 Thread Simon Jolle sjolle
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 12/25/2007 01:36 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote: Hi, Hi Hugo When I hit backspace in a VT text console I get a beep. When I do that in xterm or konsole I get zip. System bell notification is set. What more? Running Sid. And where is your

Re: offlineimap

2007-12-25 Thread Joe
On 16:42 Tue 25 Dec , J.A. de Vries wrote: On 2007-12-07 @ 20:11:15 (week 49) Joe Masters wrote: Is anyone using offlineimap? I am trying to sync 2 accounts from the same server. One account works fine but 2 causes problems. I've posted my config info to the offlineimap list but no

Re: how to avoid cheking sum on installing package

2007-12-25 Thread Simon Jolle sjolle
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 12/23/2007 03:48 PM, abdelkader belahcene wrote: Hi, I tried to install flashplugin-nonfree on sidux [...] 15:33:28 (9.94 MB/s) - « ./install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz » sauvegardé [3036127/3036127] Download done. md5sum mismatch

Re: PUPPIES AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-25 Thread andy
Mihira Fernando wrote: On Tue December 25 2007, pets lovers wrote: Hello , I am Veronica from uk ,i am here to sell some puppies to you at a very cheap price for your christmas present ,they are cute,loving and adorable.they are 8weeks old and goes along with kids.You will

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread Haines Brown
Uwe Dippel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:50:01 -0500, Haines Brown wrote: There seems to be a problem getting my fetchmail requests being authenticated at the mail server. Here's what fetchmail tells me: ... fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Courier Mail Server

Printing to CUPS-PDF from Iceweasel

2007-12-25 Thread Curt Howland
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Since I searched the Debian-user archives first and didn't find this, I thought I would put it here after finding it in the Ubuntu forums. To print to PDF from Iceweasel, open the print dialog

Re: wifi network connection

2007-12-25 Thread hce
On 12/25/07, wanderlust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: У пн, 2007-12-24 у 13:43 +1100, hce пише: Hi, I am doing an experiment to set up a home wifi network. The setup is descripbed as follows: I have a laptop running Debian connected to the ISP via phone line (ppp), the laptop has also an

JRE in Iceweasel

2007-12-25 Thread Curt Howland
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi. Up to date Sid. A couple weeks ago (gosh, time flies) I had to do a full rebuild due to a corrupt file system. My first, in 12 years of using Debian. After reinstalling everything that I can think of, I tried to use an IRC client supplied by a

Re: JRE in Iceweasel

2007-12-25 Thread Kent West
Curt Howland wrote: After reinstalling everything that I can think of, I tried to use an IRC client supplied by a web site, a Java applet. It worked just fine in Iceweasel before the rebuild, but now it comes with plug-in not found, Java JRE. I've put in every Java/JRE package that I find in

Re: SMTP error: 550 Administrative prohibition

2007-12-25 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 13:37:59 -0500, Haines Brown wrote: $ hostname teufel $ hostname -a teufel Here I have: $ hostname wira $ hostname -a wira and fetchmail runs pretty well, including SSL. Why would the whole fingerprint come up if you didn't use SSL ? Have you tried telnet, then ?

(Solved) Re: JRE in Iceweasel

2007-12-25 Thread Curt Howland
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 25 December 2007, Curt Howland was heard to say: I've put in every Java/JRE package that I find in the archives, but it still comes up. Of course, there isn't any automatic FireFox plug-in. Ok, it's been so long that I had forgotten

Re: (Solved) Re: JRE in Iceweasel

2007-12-25 Thread John Hasler
Curt- writes: Ok, it's been so long that I had forgotten about Installing Sun's Java environment on Debian Systems, toncho/~ apt-cache search jre | grep sun sun-java5-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture dependent files) sun-java5-fonts - Lucida TrueType fonts (from

apt-get -dist-upgrade leaves wireless keyboard and mouse useless on sarge

2007-12-25 Thread schmity
I am running debian sarge and I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade and my wireless keyboard and mouse are no longer working. I know that bios sees the wireless keyboard and mouse because I can hit delete and go to bios setup (If that makes any difference) It has been quite some time since I did a

Re: random keystrokes ignored on console

2007-12-25 Thread Owen Heisler
On Sat, 2007.12.15 21:54, Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 03:46:09PM -0600, Owen Heisler wrote: On Wed, 2007.12.05 10:14, Douglas A. Tutty wrote: On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 07:51:30PM -0600, Owen Heisler wrote: I don't know whether the hardware errors are related, but I'm

Re: Puppies Available For Christmas

2007-12-25 Thread Aenn Seidhe Priest
On Tue December 25 2007, Pets Lovers wrote: Hello, I am Veronica from UK, I am here to sell some puppies to you at a very cheap price for your Christmas present; they are cute, loving and adorable. They are 8 weeks old and go along with kids. You will definitely love them. We have

Re: Wich Debian system with Intel Core 2 CPU: i386 or amd64?

2007-12-25 Thread Micha
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:04:43 -0500 Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Micha wrote: unless you are doing memory intensive calculations or have a lot of memory (I would say that probably 3+ GB although some say more), you're probably better of with the i386 distribution. The i386

Re: Wich Debian system with Intel Core 2 CPU: i386 or amd64?

2007-12-25 Thread Micha
On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:25:17 -0430 Jose Luis Rivas Contreras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Micha wrote: Using 64 bit has more memory overhead and no performance advantage for most stuff (even performance decrease for some stuff). Also not

thanks sir

2007-12-25 Thread HARIDAS N
Thank u sir for quick replaying. My early request i didn't specify RAM size ,sorry for that. processor: core two duo motherboard:Intel original RAM 1GB DDR2 160GB SATA HDD The speed of the DVD disk drive is checked in other system for same debian 4.0 i386 installation