Re: O discucao besta!!

1999-07-02 Thread Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife
Prezados, apenas evitem o excesso. Todo mundo sabe q ate mesmo qdo se frita um ovo, vc nao pode ficar remexendo, remexendo, remexendo, remexendo; tem uma hora q vc vai achar q ta bom e acabou-se. Se passar do ponto estraga. So isso, simples assim. Seria mais pratico, comentar o texo final e

O discucao besta!!

1999-07-01 Thread Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife
Srs venho lembrar q Ingles tecnico eh diferente do Ingles convencional. Do geito q vai vcs daqui a pouco vao estar discutindo como traduzir a palavra mouse... Isto ate eu queria ver... Eu acho q perde-se tempo com estes detalhes. Eu acho q estes debates cabem a quem for fazer a revisao. Quem ta

Re: Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife
Nao teria algo a ver com aquilo de LBA , CHS , e etc??? Geralmente no manual da maquina tem conferiu se no manual nao tem nada explicando este termo?? eu dei uma olhada em alguns manuais q tenha aqui e nao achei este termo; tb, todo dia aparece uma novidade. Leandro Dutra wrote:

Configuring a mail client

1998-10-26 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
configured any user email account ?? any ideas??? must i edit some file and insert this informations by myself? Thanks a lot in making a better worldbegin: vcard fn: Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil n: Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil;Clovis

Re: Configuring a mail client

1998-10-26 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote: On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife wrote: I´m having a problem in configuring a mail client, that we can resume this way: in a client machine i have to configure the mail client to access the mail server, so what are the files to check

[Fwd: Admin tool needed]

1998-10-22 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
: Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil n: Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil;Clovis Sena/Servicos org:Grupo Itautec Philco email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] title: Assistencia Tecnica/Tecnical Suport note: We use and see Linux as a new begining

Admin tool needed

1998-10-19 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
Hi all, is there some admin tool for X ??

users accounts and rights

1998-10-19 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
Hi all, I'm instaling a Debian Linux server and need informations about users. I've created the users but did not understand some things. Need some explanation about users rights. Could some send me some help?? Also i need to know how this users will gonna login to my machine, i mean the

Dial up conections

1998-10-07 Thread Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
Hi all, how can I make my linux to stabilish a dial up conection to another system ( say a ISP )?? I did not find the correct way to configure my fax/modem There will be a problem if I have a fixed Ip address?? Can I get one automatically by DHCP ??? Thanks in advance! Clovis Sena.