Re: Poca autonomia... mala configuració ?

2010-12-19 Thread David Gasa Castell
 Per molt que el sistema no sigui capaç d'optimitzar el consum d'energia, la
 bateria hauria de durar més de 26 minuts. Potser la bateria està espatllada o
 ha arribat al final de la seva vida útil?


Llavors... les bateries es poden canviar... ¿?..

Em posaré en contacte amb el fabricant del meu portàtil... a veure què
em diu ...

Moltes gràcies i bones festes a tots !


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Re: Grub

2010-12-19 Thread Benjamí Villoslada
Avui ha arribat una nova versió del Grub i l'error continua, és estrany:

menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, amb el Linux 2.6.34-1-686' --class debian
--class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 08308c19-770b-44a8-bb1d-4ad853e9f3b6
echo'S'''està carregant el Linux 2.6.34-1-686 ...'
linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-1-686
root=UUID=08308c19-770b-44a8-bb1d-4ad853e9f3b6 ro readeon.modeset=0
echo'S'\''està carregant la ramdisk inicial ...'
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.34-1-686


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Re: Grub

2010-12-19 Thread hubble

El Sun, 19 Dec 2010 17:48:56 +0100
Benjamí Villoslada va dir:

 Avui ha arribat una nova versió del Grub i l'error continua, és estrany:
 menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, amb el Linux 2.6.34-1-686' --class debian
 --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 
 echo'S'''està carregant el Linux 2.6.34-1-686 ...'
 linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-1-686
 root=UUID=08308c19-770b-44a8-bb1d-4ad853e9f3b6 ro readeon.modeset=0
 echo'S'\''està carregant la ramdisk inicial ...'
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.34-1-686

Jo acabo d'actualitzar per veure si es reproduïa l'error però no, ha funcionat 
bé. De fet jo solament vaig *arreglar a ma* una de les entrades del meu 
grub.cfg, i ell sol es va arreglar en la pasada actualització. O sigui que jo 
crec que ja abans s'havia arreglat amb la anterior actualització.

L'única diferencia que trobo entre el teu sistema i el meu es la versió del 
jo = vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
tu = vmlinuz-2.6.34-1-686

Fa uns dies pensava que podria ser per que t'havies fet un kernel a ma i 
l'havies posat algun signe raro que feia que s'equivoques el grub (alguna 
seqüencia d'escapament o algo així), però vec que no és així.

el 2.6.34-1-686 no es troba als repositoris ni de testing ni de sid, o sigui 
que, o bé te l'has compilat tu o bé l'has baixat dels repositoris de la 
experimental. mode sherlock on Potser el teu kernel te cap script o fitxer de 
configuració o el que sigui que no està del tot complert per que és 
experimental? /mode sherlock off

Per contra el grub que tenim tots dos és el de SID, i ja fa dies que funciona 
be, o al menys a mi se'm va arreglar el tema en la passada actualització.

No se m'acudeix res més.

Apa, sort!

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Re: Poca autonomia... mala configuració ?

2010-12-19 Thread Alex Muntada
+ David Gasa Castell

 Llavors... les bateries es poden canviar... ¿?..

Les bateries es consideren fungibles, com la tinta o
el tòner de les impressores. És perfectament normal
haver-les de canviar després d'un temps prou llarg
d'ús o si són defectuoses, però la qualitat de fungible
fa que la garantia de les bateries sigui diferent de la
dels portàtils i normalment molt més curta, per exemple
de 6 mesos.

Salut i sort!

Alex Muntada

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Re: Grub

2010-12-19 Thread Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
A Diumenge 19 Desembre 2010, hubble va escriure:
 El Sun, 19 Dec 2010 17:48:56 +0100
 Benjamí Villoslada va dir:
  Avui ha arribat una nova versió del Grub i l'error continua, és estrany:
  menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, amb el Linux 2.6.34-1-686' --class debian
  --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
  insmod part_msdos
  insmod ext2
  set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set
  08308c19-770b-44a8-bb1d-4ad853e9f3b6 echo'S'''està carregant
  el Linux 2.6.34-1-686 ...'
  linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-1-686
  root=UUID=08308c19-770b-44a8-bb1d-4ad853e9f3b6 ro readeon.modeset=0
  echo'S'\''està carregant la ramdisk inicial ...'
  initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.34-1-686
 Jo acabo d'actualitzar per veure si es reproduïa l'error però no, ha
 funcionat bé. De fet jo solament vaig *arreglar a ma* una de les entrades
 del meu grub.cfg, i ell sol es va arreglar en la pasada actualització. O
 sigui que jo crec que ja abans s'havia arreglat amb la anterior
 L'única diferencia que trobo entre el teu sistema i el meu es la versió del
 kernel: jo = vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
 tu = vmlinuz-2.6.34-1-686
 Fa uns dies pensava que podria ser per que t'havies fet un kernel a ma i
 l'havies posat algun signe raro que feia que s'equivoques el grub (alguna
 seqüencia d'escapament o algo així), però vec que no és així.
 el 2.6.34-1-686 no es troba als repositoris ni de testing ni de sid, o
 sigui que, o bé te l'has compilat tu o bé l'has baixat dels repositoris de
 la experimental. mode sherlock on Potser el teu kernel te cap script o
 fitxer de configuració o el que sigui que no està del tot complert per que
 és experimental? /mode sherlock off
 Per contra el grub que tenim tots dos és el de SID, i ja fa dies que
 funciona be, o al menys a mi se'm va arreglar el tema en la passada
 No se m'acudeix res més.
 Apa, sort!


em vaig fixar en aquest error fa un temps i faig fer una actualització de 
màquines i en una d'elles em va passar. 

Ho vaig sol·lucionar afegint \

  echo'S'\''està carregant la ramdisk inicial ...'

aleshores, executant el update-grub2 man export LANG=C em va quedar en anglès 
i sense error.

No sé perquè en algunes instal·lacions falla i en altres no.


Linux User 152692 PGP: 0xF944807E
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
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Re: MySQL et OO.org_base: problèmes avec requêtes pluri-tabulaires

2010-12-19 Thread Basile Starynkevitch
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:39:24 +0100
Bernard wrote:

 Bonsoir à tous,
 Je dispose d'une base MySQL comprenant environ 90 champs et 25000 
 éléments (lignes), connectée à OpenOffice.org_base via JDBC. Cette base 
 comporte une douzaine de champs lieux, sous forme de codes INSEE. J'ai 
 par ailleurs une table de correspondance codes_INSEE = noms_localités.

Je ne suis pas expert en MySQL, mais je sais que l'indexation y est
determinante. As tu bien créé des indexes? Voir 

 Faire afficher, par une requête OO_base, le contenu de la table 
 principale avec les noms des localités d'un des champs codes_lieux, 
 n'a pas posé de problème: relation jointure créée entre les deux tables. 
 La requête s'est exécutée en à peu près une minute.
 Le problème, il commence dès qu'il est question de faire afficher les 
 noms des localités, non plus d'un seul et unique champs localité, mais 
 de plusieurs (localité naissance, localité décès...). Avec deux tables, 
 çà déconne déjà un maximum,

Ta base est petite, elle tient en mémoire. Dans ma compréhension
[très partielle] des choses, une jointure devrait bien se passer. Et si
ça tient en mémoire et si c'est convenablement indexé, je pourrais
imaginer une réponse assez rapide (intuitivement, j'imaginerais en
quelques secondes, car ça serait peut-être du O(n log n) avec n autour
de 25000).

Si tu t'interesses à la généalogie (moi pas), tu pourrais peut-être
regarder GeneWeb (c'est codé par
quelqu'un de compétent dans un langage puissant, Ocaml).

email: basileatstarynkevitchdotnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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Re: Faire tourner sshd sur un autre port que 22

2010-12-19 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
Pascal Hambourg writes:
 Nicolas KOWALSKI a écrit :
 Il y a une autre méthode basée sur iptables, simple et sûre, en lieu
 et place de fail2ban ?

 Tu veux dire une méthode non basée sur les logs d'échec de sshd ?
 Je n'en connais pas. 

Oui, je pensais à ce type de méthode. Dommage, j'aimais bien cette
simplicité d'utilisation.

 L'analyse des logs a le double avantage de protéger raisonnablement
 contre l'usurpation d'adresse (très difficile d'établir une
 connexion TCP en usurpant l'adresse source sur internet, et pas de
 log si pas de connexion) et de ne sanctionner que les échecs.

Bon, je vais refaire des essais avec fail2ban alors.

Merci pour toutes ces précisions.


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Re: Faire tourner sshd sur un autre port que 22

2010-12-19 Thread Ebling Andreas

J'avais une méthode radicale, mais dangereuse avec iptables: iptables -A INPUT 
-p tcp --dport ssh -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh --match state --state NEW -m recent 
--update --seconds 60  --hitcount 3 --rttl --name SSH -j DROP

Le principe de la règle est simple, si quelqu'un tente de faire plus de 3 
connexions ssh en moins de 60s, l'IP est bannie pendant un certain temps.
Le problème et qu'il ne fait pas la différence entre connexion réussie et 
connexion échouée, du coup un utilisateur normal est soumis aux même règles.
(peut s'arranger avec --source éventuellement, j'avais configuré ça pour mon 
réseau local)


On Dec 19, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:

 Pascal Hambourg writes:
 Nicolas KOWALSKI a écrit :
 Il y a une autre méthode basée sur iptables, simple et sûre, en lieu
 et place de fail2ban ?
 Tu veux dire une méthode non basée sur les logs d'échec de sshd ?
 Je n'en connais pas. 
 Oui, je pensais à ce type de méthode. Dommage, j'aimais bien cette
 simplicité d'utilisation.
 L'analyse des logs a le double avantage de protéger raisonnablement
 contre l'usurpation d'adresse (très difficile d'établir une
 connexion TCP en usurpant l'adresse source sur internet, et pas de
 log si pas de connexion) et de ne sanctionner que les échecs.
 Bon, je vais refaire des essais avec fail2ban alors.
 Merci pour toutes ces précisions.

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Xserver not found !

2010-12-19 Thread frederic rech

après une mise à jour d'un gros tiers des paquets, pendant lequel je n'aurai 
pas du dire Y quand synaptic demandait s'il fallait installer malgré le bug 
de gravité grave... machine refuse de démarrer X

Le souci doit être ce mélange entre les paquets Lenny et Sid, je pensais régler 
ça en faisant un dist-upgrade, mais malheureusement internet ne fonctionne 

Quelqu'un pourrait il poster un lien vers un tuto pour configurer ethernet 
depuis la console, ça fait un moment que je cherche, mais trouve rien qui 
fonctionne. Heureusement il y a un multi boot qui permet de venir ici !

Merci et bon dimanche,


[Résolu] Écrasement de la table de partition d'un disque USB

2010-12-19 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14960ième jour après Epoch,
Basile Starynkevitch écrivait:

 Ca serait gentil de nous raconter la suite, et tout particulièrement,
 si tu as la chance de récuperer quelques fichiers, de nous expliquer
 quels genres de fichiers c'était, comment et avec quels outils tu les
 as récupéré...


Donc voilà la démarche utilisée, en considérant que le disque n'était
pas le disque de boot de la machine, donc pas de besoin de live-cd ou
live-usb en l'occurence:

J'aurais dû faire une image physique du disque (man dd) avant les
manips, puis faire celles-ci sur les images avant de le faire en live,
mais bon je n'avais ni le temps, ni les moyens, ni même la grande
nécessité de le faire.

Le disque a été abimé par Mac OS X 10.5 et le logiciel Time Machine

J'ai lancé testdisk (depuis root), et à chaque essais j'ai demandé un
append du fichier log.

À la question du type de partition utilisé, j'ai répondu Intel plutôt
que le EFI GPT détecté, bien sûr.

La première passe a trouvé les 2 dernières partitions, une en Linux,
l'autre en Fat32.

testdisk propose de faire un Deep Search, que je fais, et qui trouve la
première partition, son type, et sa taille.

Je fais ensuite une analyse des partitions une par une, les 2 dernières
sont en bon état (je m'en doutais), et la première est abimée (je m'en
doutais aussi).

Je sauvegarde la nouvelle table de partition et je quitte testdisk, qui
me recommande de rebooter, ce que je ne fais bien sûr pas ;)

Je débranche le disque USB, et regarde la log de testdisk
(~/testdisk.log). Très important car par exemple, pour la partition
abimée il propose:

recover_EXT2: e2fsck -b 32768 -B 4096 device may be needed

ce que je fais, et du coup je me retrouve avec une bonne partition dont
le lost+found est rempli (pas trop) de petits gravats, dont un qui
contient l'arborescence originale (avec les bons noms) correcte à 99,9%

Voilà l'histoire. En espérant que ça puisse servir aux autres ;)

TIPS: Pour utiliser un disque externe dans un env Linux  Mac (Time
Machine), il faut créer à l'avance une partition Mac (HFS+), ce que sait
faire Linux, et pas laisser le Mac le faire!

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Installation Debian sur un Samsung 150plus

2010-12-19 Thread Yann Cohen

Je suis en train de préparer un paquet qui ne sera ouvert que dans une
semaine environ et dans un lieu ou seul existera une connexion WIFI
pour effectuer une installation.

LA chose est un netbook samsung 150Plus qui est équipé d'une interface
WIFI basée autour d'une puce Boardcom BCM4313.

Ma volonté est de livrer la machine vierge avec une clé USB pour
effectuer l'installation (n'y a même plus de trace de W$).

Pour cela im faut aussi que l'installation puisse se faire via le WIFI.

Hors la clé USB que j'ai fait récemment (1mois) ne détecte pas le WIFI
et donc pas de possibilité d'installation via le WIFI.

D'où ma première question : 
- comment ajouter le support de cette carte réseau dans l'installateur ?

En parallèle, j'essaie de faire une debian live qui contient le
firmware de la carte WIFI.

A ce point je n'ai pas trouvé les options qui permettent d'ajouter
l'installateur (comme dans live-magic).

D'où ma seconde question :
Comment ajouter l'installateur dans la live et en pus qu'il puisse
inclure le firmware souhaité ?

Dans l'urgence des tâches préparatoires aux festivités, j'avoue ne pas
avoir beaucoup cherché...

Merci de vos coups de main...


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Re: Écrasement de la table de partition d'un disque USB

2010-12-19 Thread Jérôme
Le vendredi 17 décembre 2010 à 14:34 +0100, philippe caurier a écrit :
 Le mieux étant au préalable de créer une copie du disque dur (avec
 et de travailler sur cette image. 

Ce n'est pas la première fois que je vois ça, mais j'ai en général comme
procédure : 
- Monter le disque en Read Only s'il y a montage à faire.
- Utiliser un (des?) autre(s) disque(s) avec suffisamment d'espace pour
récupérer les données.

Normalement il ne devrait pas y avoir besoin de manipuler des
informations directement sur le disque en erreur (copie ou pas), si ?

Les flocons... quand il y en  a un, ça va. C'est quand il y en a
plusieurs que ça pose problème.

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Re: [Résolu] Écrasement de la table de partition d'un disque USB

2010-12-19 Thread Jérôme
Le dimanche 19 décembre 2010 à 11:43 +0100, François TOURDE a écrit :
 TIPS: Pour utiliser un disque externe dans un env Linux  Mac (Time
 Machine), il faut créer à l'avance une partition Mac (HFS+), ce que
 faire Linux, et pas laisser le Mac le faire! 

TIPS: Quelque soit la perfection ultime du logiciel utilisé, il faut
faire une sauvegarde avant de manipuler les partitions quelles qu'elles
soient. Ça évite des déconvenues et de grosse pertes de temps et
d'efforts en pensant en gagner.

Les flocons... quand il y en  a un, ça va. C'est quand il y en a
plusieurs que ça pose problème.

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Re: MySQL et OO.org_base: probl èmes avec requêtes pluri-tabulaires

2010-12-19 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 18 décembre 2010, Bernard a écrit...

 Je dispose d'une base MySQL comprenant environ 90 champs et 25000
 éléments (lignes), connectée à OpenOffice.org_base via JDBC. Cette
 base comporte une douzaine de champs lieux, sous forme de codes
 INSEE. J'ai par ailleurs une table de correspondance codes_INSEE =

 Merci d'avance pour vos lumières...

Je ne sais pas si c'est une lumière, mais tu pourrais peut-être
organiser ta base différemment, si j'ai bien compris :

- une table personne(id_personne#, nom_personne, autres champs...)
- une table evenement(id_evenement#, nom_evenement)
  les évènements étants naissance, décès…
- une table des localite(code_insee#, nom_localite)
- une table des relations entre les évènements, personnes et localités
  evenement_personne(id_personne#, id_evenement#, code_insee)

Dans cette dernière table tu n'as droit qu'à un seul lieu par couple
(personne/évènement). Je ne sais pas si c'est toujours valide (mais ça
l'est pour une naissance ou un décès !).

Tu rechercherais alors les localités par sous-requête en associant la
personne (son id), l'évènement (par son id), et la localité (par son
code insee). La recherche pourrait se faire sur le nom de la personne (à
indexer si 25000 personnes) et le nom de l'évènement.


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Re: [Résolu] Écrasement de la table de partition d'un disque USB

2010-12-19 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14962ième jour après Epoch,
Jérôme écrivait:

 Le dimanche 19 décembre 2010 à 11:43 +0100, François TOURDE a écrit :
 TIPS: Pour utiliser un disque externe dans un env Linux  Mac (Time
 Machine), il faut créer à l'avance une partition Mac (HFS+), ce que
 faire Linux, et pas laisser le Mac le faire! 

 TIPS: Quelque soit la perfection ultime du logiciel utilisé, il faut
 faire une sauvegarde avant de manipuler les partitions quelles qu'elles
 soient. Ça évite des déconvenues et de grosse pertes de temps et
 d'efforts en pensant en gagner.

C'est d'une telle évidence, mais dans ce cas, que dire de la notion de 
ultime du logiciel de sauvegarde ?

Ya un moment où il faut se lancer, hein?

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Re: Écrasement de la table de partition d'un disque USB

2010-12-19 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14962ième jour après Epoch,
Jérôme écrivait:

 Le vendredi 17 décembre 2010 à 14:34 +0100, philippe caurier a écrit :
 Le mieux étant au préalable de créer une copie du disque dur (avec
 et de travailler sur cette image. 

 Ce n'est pas la première fois que je vois ça, mais j'ai en général comme
 procédure : 
 - Monter le disque en Read Only s'il y a montage à faire.
 - Utiliser un (des?) autre(s) disque(s) avec suffisamment d'espace pour
 récupérer les données.

 Normalement il ne devrait pas y avoir besoin de manipuler des
 informations directement sur le disque en erreur (copie ou pas), si ?

En l'occurence, il n'y avait pas de montage à faire, il était possible
de réparer la table de partition en mémoire pour voir ce que ça
donnait, et donc recopier ces données sur un autre disque,

Mais je n'avais pas d'autre disques sous la main, c'était vendredi soir,
et je suis à plus de 60km (de routes de montagne) d'un magasin d'info
digne de ce nom ;)

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Re: Sauvegarde de disque a chaud

2010-12-19 Thread

Le 18/12/2010 22:32, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Salut, a écrit :

J'ai une machine, montée Debian stable en ... 2005, qui ne s'est jamais
arretee, qui n'a jamais eu de dist-upgrade. Je ne suis pas confiant
quant a la bonne fin d'un reboot.

Pourquoi ?
L'age des disques. C'est un 6 et un 10 Go, du temps où c'était ce qu'il 
y avait de + gros. Depuis,ils ne se sont jamais eteind.

Je souhaiterais faire une image du disque (partimage ?), de façon a
pouvoir redemarrer en cas de pb, genre disque a l'agonie.

La structure d'un système de fichiers monté peut être incohérente, une
image à chaud le sera aussi. Un peu comme lors d'un reboot ou d'un arrêt
sauvage. Les conséquences ne sont pas forcément dramatiques (fsck ou la
journalisation peut réparer les incohérences au démarrage suivant), mais
je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux faire l'image avec les systèmes de
fichiers démontés ou au minimum remontés en lecture seule, ce qui
implique de repasser en runlevel single user.

init 1 est prevu.
J'ai fait le menage sur hdb, il a desormais de quoi accueillir hda.

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Re: Sauvegarde de disque a chaud

2010-12-19 Thread

BM  Car apres avoir fait un gros menage, le second disque a maintenant la
BM  place d'accueillir le premier.

mount ton_disque /backup
for d in /etc /boot /root /var /usr /home /and-so-on; do rsync -av /$d 
/backup/; done;

ou bien directement un
rsync -av --exclude /backup/ --excude /proc/ --exclude /sys/ --exclude /dev/ / 

- vérifie quand même la liste des dossiers, adapte à ton cas
- si y'a des process qui écrivent, ça peut corrompre les fichiers concernés sur 
la destination (mais si t'as pas de bdd, ni
   mail, ni rien qui tourne, ça peut être juste un log, c'est pas bloquant)
- truc que j'ai oublié...

Mais attention, c'est très gourmand en accès disque et ça peut achever un 
disque déjà fatigué, mais je sait pas si d'autres
solutions sont plus douces pour le disque (pour la sauvegarde du contenu faut 
en général le lire).

Attention aussi à la syntaxe rsync et au trailing slash, surtout avec --delete
rsync -a --delete /toto /backup
   va faire un backup de toto dans /backup/toto
rsync -a --delete /toto /backup/
   aussi, mais
rsync -a --delete /toto/ /backup/
   va backuper le contenu de toto dans backup en effaçant tout le reste. C'est 
logique mais faut faire gaffe ;-)
   (par sécurité j'utilise donc toujours du rsync $options /$d/ /backup/$d/, et jamais 
du rsync $options /$d /backup/, parce
   que le jour où d='toto/'...)

Ok, c'est noté !

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Re: Sauvegarde de disque a chaud

2010-12-19 Thread

Le 18/12/2010 22:59, Guy Roussin a écrit :

C'est comment un rsync tout bete ? qui preserve les 
proprio/groupe/permissions, recursif, liens, etc ?
Car apres avoir fait un gros menage, le second disque a maintenant la 
place d'accueillir le premier.

rsync -aHx --numeric-ids   source  destination

le -a les options pour faire de l'archivage
le -H pour préserver les hardlinks
le -x pour rester sur le système de fichier
le --numerics-ids pour conserver les ids (ne pas les mapper)

Tu fais donc autant de rsync que t'as de partition à sauvegarder
Si tu es sur ton serveur source voilà ce que ça peut donner
avec 2 partitions / et /home à sauvegarder :
rsync -aHx --numerics-ids / r...@serveurdebackup:/backup/root
rsync -aHx --numerics-ids /home/ r...@serveurdebackup:/backup/home


Ok, merci Guy

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Re: Sauvegarde de disque a chaud

2010-12-19 Thread Bernard MAYER

Le 18/12/2010 22:30, Gilles Mocellin a écrit :

Le samedi 18 décembre, Bernard MAYER écrivit :

Personnellement, je ferais un rsync tout bête vers une autre
machine, et de là je copierais tous les fichiers sur un
nouveau disque, j'installerais  grub sur ce disque, et je
vérifierais que le nouveau système boote... sans arrêter la
machine de départ (cela dit, si tu penses que l'ancienne
machine risque de ne pas rebooter, il en ira de même d'un

C'est comment un rsync tout bete ? qui preserve les
proprio/groupe/permissions, recursif, liens, etc ?
Car apres avoir fait un gros menage, le second disque a maintenant
la place d'accueillir le premier.

Je dirais bien man rsync, mais bon.

J'avais fait, mais pas tout compris.

L'option -a suffit, elle en regroupe tout en tas.
Et pour voir l'avancement, je fais -avP

# rsync -avP --numeric-ids --exclude /tmp/* --exclude /proc/* --exclude 
/sys/*  serveur-source:/ /repertoire-dest/

Il faut avoir un acces ssh root, pour pouvoir tout sauvegarder avec les
bons proprio...
Pour conserver les uid/gid, l'option --numeric-ids est très utile.



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Re: Installation Debian sur un Samsung 150plus

2010-12-19 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:20:02 +0100, Yann Cohen a écrit :

 Dans l'urgence des tâches préparatoires aux festivités, j'avoue ne pas
 avoir beaucoup cherché...

je réponds un peu à côté :
Pour le Wifi je Gxxx pour voir ce qui existe pour mon module.
Je regarde sur Ubuntu si ma bête est supporté par exemple.

j'installe avec l'internet normal sur RJ45. Ensuite le Wifi.

En particulier une Netinstall ne marche pas par le Wifi (je n'en suis pas 
complètement sur) mais impeccable par le RJ45.

À priori des chances que ça marche (plus tard ?)

Bon amusement

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Re: Installation Debian sur un Samsung 150plus

2010-12-19 Thread Jérôme
Le dimanche 19 décembre 2010 à 14:59 +, moi-meme a écrit :
 En particulier une Netinstall ne marche pas par le Wifi (je n'en suis
 complètement sur) mais impeccable par le RJ45. 

Ben pour mon acer timelineX, le problème étant inverse (pb carte
gigabit) c'est plutôt netinstall par le wifi. Je mets un point d'accès
en wep le temps de la manœuvre, pour ne pas avoir à configurer un wpa.

Enfin ça c'était le passé, la gigabit est maintenant reconnue par
squeeze, je n'ai pas testé la dernière version de netinstall, mais on
est en droit d'espérer que ça marche. Et en cas général pour tous ces
matériels nouveaux, les dernières versions de kernel ont intégré pas mal
de choses de manière assez réactive. 

D'où l'intérêt si une rolling release se mettait en place, ou
d'intégrer les différentes version de kernels dans les backports.

Les flocons... quand il y en  a un, ça va. C'est quand il y en a
plusieurs que ça pose problème.

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Re: Faire tourner sshd sur un autre port que 22

2010-12-19 Thread mouss

Le 17/12/2010 14:00, Stephane Bortzmeyer a écrit :

Existe-t-il d'autres méthodes pour contrarier ce genre d'attaquants ?
Oui, bien sûr, on peut restreindre l'accès à SSH par adresse IP source.
Cela se fait souvent sur les routeurs, qu'on n'administre que depuis le
réseau interne, mais ce n'est pas toujours possible pour les serveurs,
il faut bien pouvoir se connecter à distance.

on peut aussi activer plusieurs ports dans sshd_config:

Port 22

et n'autoriser le port 22 qu'à partir de certaines IPs (avec iptables ou 
autre). ça a l'avantage de ne pas devoir modifier les scripts qui 
utilisent ssh à partir de certaines machines (rsync par exemple).

de plus, si le nombre de comptes qui ont droit à ssh est réduit, on peut 
créer un groupe et utiliser un truc du genre:

AllowGroups _sshuser

Il y a aussi la
possibilité de faire du « toquage à la porte » avec un logiciel comme
knockd ou avec une solution plus simple
( Encore une autre
solution est d'utiliser fail2ban mais je ne l'ai personnellement pas
encore tenté. En sécurité, les solutions les plus simples et les moins
fatigantes sont souvent les meilleures.

tout à fait.

pour fail2ban et les méthodes de même type (blocage d'une IP suite à une 
tentative), ça ne marchera pas si l'attaque est distribuée.

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Re: Sauvegarde de disque a chaud

2010-12-19 Thread Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 J'ai une machine, montée Debian stable en ... 2005, qui ne s'est jamais
 arretee, qui n'a jamais eu de dist-upgrade. Je ne suis pas confiant
 quant a la bonne fin d'un reboot.

 Pourquoi ?

 L'age des disques. C'est un 6 et un 10 Go, du temps où c'était ce qu'il 
 y avait de + gros. Depuis,ils ne se sont jamais eteind.

Admettons qu'il y a un risque à arrêter les disques. Un simple reboot
(pour redémarrer en single user ou sur un CD live par exemple)
n'entraîne pas l'arrêt des disques, donc pas de souci a priori.

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Panne d'acces au fichier NFS sur /etc/passwd

2010-12-19 Thread Johan Dindaine
Bonjour la liste,

J'essaye depuis quelques heures de me logguer sur une de mes VM sans
success et je n'y suis pas arrive. J'ai donc decide de monter la
partition ou se situe la VM pour voir ce qui se passe dans les
fichiers de log et la:
Failed password for  from X port 47756 ssh2

Je vais donc verifier mon fichier /etc/passwd et il est vide.

Presse de reparer ce merdier, je tente de le remplacer avec le dernier
bon passwd (/etc/passwd-) mais je me prends un
# cp /etc/passwd- /etc/passwd
cp: acces de `/etc/passwd': Panne d'acces au fichier NFS

heu, ma partition est EXT3 et ce fichier n'est pas monte par NFS.
Pourquoi ce message, mon linux est malade??

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Re: Faire tourner sshd sur un autre port que 22

2010-12-19 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2010-12-19 18:15:02 +0100, mouss wrote:
 on peut aussi activer plusieurs ports dans sshd_config:
 Port 22
 et n'autoriser le port 22 qu'à partir de certaines IPs (avec iptables ou
 autre). ça a l'avantage de ne pas devoir modifier les scripts qui utilisent
 ssh à partir de certaines machines (rsync par exemple).

Pas besoin de modifier les scripts quand on change de port: il suffit
de modifier le .ssh/config, et cela une fois pour toutes.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: MySQL et OO.org_base: problèmes avec re quêtes pluri-tabulaires

2010-12-19 Thread Bernard

Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:39:24 +0100
Bernard wrote:


Bonsoir à tous,

Je dispose d'une base MySQL comprenant environ 90 champs et 25000 
éléments (lignes), connectée à OpenOffice.org_base via JDBC. Cette base 
comporte une douzaine de champs lieux, sous forme de codes INSEE. J'ai 
par ailleurs une table de correspondance codes_INSEE = noms_localités.

Je ne suis pas expert en MySQL, mais je sais que l'indexation y est
determinante. As tu bien créé des indexes? 
Oui, j'ai bien des index pour chacune de mes tables. J'ai bien remarqué 
que, sans index, même lorsqu'il s'agit, après l'ouverture d'une table 
de, disons, 100,000 lignes, de faire afficher les lignes de la première 
à la dernière, çà demande quelques secondes s'il y a un index, et 
plusieurs minutes dans le cas contraire.


Faire afficher, par une requête OO_base, le contenu de la table 
principale avec les noms des localités d'un des champs codes_lieux, 
n'a pas posé de problème: relation jointure créée entre les deux tables. 
La requête s'est exécutée en à peu près une minute.

Le problème, il commence dès qu'il est question de faire afficher les 
noms des localités, non plus d'un seul et unique champs localité, mais 
de plusieurs (localité naissance, localité décès...). Avec deux tables, 
çà déconne déjà un maximum,

Ta base est petite, elle tient en mémoire. Dans ma compréhension
[très partielle] des choses, une jointure devrait bien se passer. 
Elle se passe bien, et rapidement, s'il n'y en n'a qu'une seule... Au 
dela, c'est problèmatique !

Et si
ça tient en mémoire et si c'est convenablement indexé, je pourrais
imaginer une réponse assez rapide (intuitivement, j'imaginerais en
quelques secondes, car ça serait peut-être du O(n log n) avec n autour
de 25000).

Si tu t'interesses à la généalogie (moi pas), tu pourrais peut-être
regarder GeneWeb (c'est codé par
quelqu'un de compétent dans un langage puissant, Ocaml).
Si c'est bien Daniel de Rauglaudre qui a codé Geneweb (c'est 
l'initiateur de ce logiciel), je le connais un peu.


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Re: MySQL et OO.org_base: problèmes avec requêtes pluri-tabulaires

2010-12-19 Thread François Boisson
Le Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:39:24 +0100
Bernard a écrit:

 Il est donc clair que je n'ai pas adopté la bonne méthode.

En fait il faudrait qu'une fois la requête édité avec le frontal d'openoffice,
tu bascules en édition MySQL et que tu donnes la requête elle même, tu peux
même la copier et la coller directement dans mySQL pour voir si la difficulté
vient de l'interface (je n'y crois pas) ou de la complexité de ta requête
(j'ai ramené de 1/4h à 1/10s une requête juste en mettant une indexation

François Boisson

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Re: Panne d'acces au fichier NFS sur /etc/passwd

2010-12-19 Thread Erwan David
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 09:53:29PM CET, Johan Dindaine 
 Bonjour la liste,
 J'essaye depuis quelques heures de me logguer sur une de mes VM sans
 success et je n'y suis pas arrive. J'ai donc decide de monter la
 partition ou se situe la VM pour voir ce qui se passe dans les
 fichiers de log et la:
 Failed password for  from X port 47756 ssh2
 Je vais donc verifier mon fichier /etc/passwd et il est vide.
 Presse de reparer ce merdier, je tente de le remplacer avec le dernier
 bon passwd (/etc/passwd-) mais je me prends un
 # cp /etc/passwd- /etc/passwd
 cp: acces de `/etc/passwd': Panne d'acces au fichier NFS
 heu, ma partition est EXT3 et ce fichier n'est pas monte par NFS.
 Pourquoi ce message, mon linux est malade??

df /etc donne quoi ?

Histoire de voir si un montage nfs ne s'est pas mis par dessus...

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Re: Alternativas para analisis de trafico web

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 18 Dec 2010 16:24:57 -0500, andres cespedes escribió:

 Quiciera saber si me pueden recomendar algun servidor diferente a
 webalizer y awstats.
 Muchas gracias.

Analog me gusta mucho, tiene una interfaz espartana pero va al punto.

Tienes un listado bastante completo en la Wikipedia:



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Re: [OT] Re: webcam

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
El 2010-12-18 a las 15:14 -0430, Tenshi Oni escribió:

(reenvío a la lista)

 El 18 de diciembre de 2010 15:01, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 18 Dec 2010 14:51:33 -0430, Tenshi Oni escribió:
   Buenas, muchas gracias de antemano a las personas que puedan ayudarme
   con este problemita:
   Tengo una netbook lenovo s10-2, tengo instalado Linux Mint Debian
   Edition, el problema que se presenta es que no me reconoce la webcam.
  Huy, te pongo el OT para calmar los ánimos.
   Aqui les dejo la salida de lsusb:
   Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0a5c:2150 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046 Bluetooth Device
   Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
   Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
   Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
   Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
   Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  ¿Has encendido la cámara?
  Comprueba también si tienes los módulos cargados:
  lsmod | grep uvcvideo

 hice lsmod pero no dice nada

¿La cámara está activada/encendida? ¿Cómo la inicias, con algún 
interruptor, con alguna ocmbinación de teclas (Fn+...)?

Lo primer que tienes que conseguir es el que el sistema la detecte, 
revisa el dmesg a ver si ves algo sobre la webcam, si falla por algún 
motivo o si no puede inicializarse porque le falta algún 
driver/firmware :-?



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Re: Alternativas para analisis de trafico web

2010-12-19 Thread andres cespedes
Gracias por sus respuestas, voy a chequiar los que me recomendaron.

Restaurar Claves GPG Era: Re: Restaurar repositorios SOLUCIONADO

2010-12-19 Thread sergio bess

linux escribió:

En la misma pagina de debian multimedia te da la solución, instalar

De ultima otra posibilidad es:
apt-get update
Por ejemplo te da lo siguiente
W: GPG error: stable Release: The following
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
available: NO_PUBKEY FOO

(donde FOO identifica una key pública), entonces ejecutá los
siguientes comandos como root, reemplazando FOO por el valor que
recibís en el error:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys FOO

gpg -a --export FOO | sudo apt-key add -


Gracias Linux por el aporte, me sirvió tu solución.
Agregué el repositorio deb squeeze 
main non-free
Luego ejecuté los comandos como me dijiste y fue suficiente. Ya tengo 
todo funcionando.
En otro hilo seguiré preguntando algunos comportamientos extraños que 
estoy observando.

Saludos y Gracias

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Restaurar repositorios

2010-12-19 Thread jEsuSdA 8)

 El 18/12/10 22:21, Sergio Bess escribió:

¿Cómo hago para restaurar los repos tal cual estaban al momento de la 
instalación, es decir, antes de meter la mano?

Por si te sirve, aquí te dejo los míos:

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Re: Alternativas para analisis de trafico web

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:22:43 -0500, andres cespedes escribió:

 Gracias por sus respuestas, voy a chequiar los que me recomendaron.

Ten en cuenta que tanto Analog como Piwik, Awstats o Webalizer son 
programas que permiten conocer los datos de los usuarios _que acceden a 
tu servidor web_, vamos que básicamente analizan los registros del Apache 
(o el servidor web que uses) y presentan estadísticas de acceso.

Si lo que quieres es saber qué es lo que hacen los usuarios de tu red/
proxy con tu ancho de banda, necesitarás otro tipo de programa de 
estadísticas :-)



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Re: Restaurar repositorios

2010-12-19 Thread Sergio Bess

jEsuSdA 8) escribió:

 El 18/12/10 22:21, Sergio Bess escribió:

¿Cómo hago para restaurar los repos tal cual estaban al momento de la 
instalación, es decir, antes de meter la mano?

Por si te sirve, aquí te dejo los míos:

Sí que están bien completitios. Muchas gracias los copié en un doc de 
texto para tenerlos como resguardo.

Saludos jEsuSdA 8)

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Restaurar repositorios

2010-12-19 Thread linux
No tengas miedo por lo menos los repositorios de debian multimedia son
seguros, igualmente siempre que quieras agregar algún repositorio y te
muestre el error que mencionas las soluciones son o serian mantener
actualizado el paquete que mencionan los de debian-multimedia o hacer
los pasos que indique antes.-
Si por las dudas queres mantener algún resguardo de la lista de
repositorios simplemente copias el archivo /etc/apt/sources.list, en
algún lado, y cuando se te presenta algún problema, lo copias
nuevamente a /etc/apt/

De ultima si se te presenta algun error y queres por ejemplo anular
algun repositorio colocando #adelante de la linea en cuestión te lo
anula sin tener que borrar el archivo, si lo queres habilitar
nuevamente lo quitas y listo, eso si para cualquier cambio que
realices en el repositorio tenes que hacer apt-get update, para que se
actualice la lista de paquetes.-

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Compilación de Alsa 1.0.23

2010-12-19 Thread jorge segovia
Buenas Noches!

Estoy tratando de compilar alsa-driver-1.0.23 en debían squeeze/sid pero al
trata de hacer un make obtengo lo siguiente:

*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*Building modules, stage 2.*
include/config/auto.conf: No existe el fichero o el directorio*
*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el
fichero o el directorio*
*make[2]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo
`include/config/auto.conf'.  Alto.*
*make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2*
*make[1]: se sale del directorio `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common'*
*make: *** [compile] Error 2*


debian:/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23# *uname -a*
Linux debian* 2.6.32-5-686 *#1 SMP Fri Dec 10 16:12:40 UTC 2010 i686

No pude encontrar mucha información al respecto, Si alguien tiene algo
de información de porque esta pasando esto le agradecería.


Re: Compilación de Alsa 1.0.23

2010-12-19 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina

On 12/20/2010 12:39 AM, jorge segovia wrote:

Buenas Noches!

Estoy tratando de compilar alsa-driver-1.0.23 en debían squeeze/sid pero
al trata de hacer un make obtengo lo siguiente:

/f ind: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe
el fichero o el directorio /
/find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe
el fichero o el directorio/
/find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe
el fichero o el directorio/

Tienes que instalar los headers del kernel

:~# aptitude search kernel-headers

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

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Rv: Compilación de Alsa 1.0.23

2010-12-19 Thread Rafael Urbina
Buenas Noches!

Al parecer el error que te regresa es que te faltan bajar el paquete de headers 
del kernel que estas utilizando, para poder compilarlo, instala el paquete de 
header correspondiente a tu kernel 2.6.32-5-686 de la siguiente forma, realiza 
un #aptitude search linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686 , si lo encuentras lo instalas, 
para tu kernel seria:

#aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686

Rafael   Urbina G.
Caracas -  Venezuela
Linux User#  434786

De: jorge segovia
Enviado: dom, diciembre 19, 2010 11:09:47 PM
Asunto: Compilación de Alsa 1.0.23

Buenas Noches!

Estoy tratando de compilar alsa-driver-1.0.23 en debían squeeze/sid pero al 
trata de hacer un make obtengo lo siguiente:

find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio
find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio
find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio

Building modules, stage 2.

include/config/auto.conf: No existe el fichero o el directorio
find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio
find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio
find: «/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/alsa-kernel/»: No existe el 
fichero o el directorio
make[2]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 
`include/config/auto.conf'.  Alto.
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make[1]: se sale del directorio `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common'
make: *** [compile] Error 2


debian:/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23# uname -a
Linux debian2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Fri Dec 10 16:12:40 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

No pude encontrar mucha información al respecto, Si alguien tiene algo 
de información de porque esta pasando esto le agradecería.



Re: Restaurar repositorios

2010-12-19 Thread Edgar Vargas
El 18/12/10, ceduard0 escribió:
 El día 18 de diciembre de 2010 16:21, Sergio Bess escribió:

 Tengo recién instalado Debian Testing estrictamente para aprendizaje y
 la pata con los repositorios. Quise incluir el repo de multimedia que de
 serie no lo trae en el source.list y desde ese momento no puedo actualizar
 Synaptic porque aparecen los mensajes de error que dicen que no puede
 verificar las claves públicas.

 Bueno en algún momento me paso eso, en ese momento a mi me basto desde
 la consola de comandos edite el archivo source.list, quitando las
 cosas que habia añadido y luego de salvado hice un apt-get update y
 verifique los mensajes de salida; bueno en mi caso salio todo bien.

 La búsqueda en la web no me dio soluciones muy explicativas y me trabé en
 este punto. Venía bien con Don Google pero en este tema no me ha podido
 ayudar mucho.

 Algo de teoria no caera mal:


 ¿Cómo hago para restaurar los repos tal cual estaban al momento de la
 instalación, es decir, antes de meter la mano?

 No bastó con quitar el repo de multimedia, ahora no funciona ninguno y a
 pesar que me informa que hay actualizaciones para instalar no puedo

 Mira aquí coloco la información de mi source.list, esta la use para
 pasar de lenny a squeeze

 deb squeeze main
 deb-src squeeze main

Hola, dicen q los repos de francia son mas rapidos?

 deb squeeze/updates main
 deb-src squeeze/updates main

 deb squeeze main contrib non-free
 deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

 Eso si recuerda sacar un respaldo de tus archivos de configuración.
 Despues de editado tu source.list no olvides de hacer el apt-get

 Espero que la Santa Inquisición no tome esta pregunta como sacrílega y
 puedan darme una mano antes de mandarme al cadalso por meter la mano sin

 Recuerda que tienes muchos documentos en tu sistema puedes acceder
 desde tu navegador Web con esto:

 Saludos y gracias.

 Sergio Bess
 Buenos Aires. Argentina
 skype: sergio.bess
 Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Re: desbloquear chaveiro do gnome

2010-12-19 Thread Arthur

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Ajuda para migração de Windows para Linux

2010-12-19 Thread Fagner Patricio

Aqui na Instituição que trabalho, estamos estudando migrar as 600 estações
de trabalho Windows para linux, estamos buscando alternativas que possam
substituir o Windows Active Directory para gerenciamento centralizado.

Até o momento não achei nada para debian ou ubuntu que são nossas primeiras
escolhas, até o momento achei apenas para Fedora, Centos e Red Hat, vocês
conhecem algo que faça do tipo do space walk da Red Hat ( e do Directory Server (, apesar
de a Red Hat ser para estes dois produtos funcionam com o Centos.

Se não acharmos nada para a linhagem debian vamos ter que usar o Centos
mesmo, mas não me agrada isso, espero ajuda de vocês.

Fagner Patrício
João Pessoa - PB

Re: Ajuda para migração de Windows para Linux

2010-12-19 Thread Guilherme Rocha
Acho que aqui você tem quase tudo que precisa.


Em 19 de dezembro de 2010 15:55, Fagner Patricio escreveu:

 Aqui na Instituição que trabalho, estamos estudando migrar as 600 estações
 de trabalho Windows para linux, estamos buscando alternativas que possam
 substituir o Windows Active Directory para gerenciamento centralizado.

 Até o momento não achei nada para debian ou ubuntu que são nossas primeiras
 escolhas, até o momento achei apenas para Fedora, Centos e Red Hat, vocês
 conhecem algo que faça do tipo do space walk da Red Hat
 ( e do Directory Server
 (, apesar
 de a Red Hat ser para estes dois produtos funcionam com o Centos.

 Se não acharmos nada para a linhagem debian vamos ter que usar o Centos
 mesmo, mas não me agrada isso, espero ajuda de vocês.

 Fagner Patrício
 João Pessoa - PB

Guilherme Rocha
GF7 Doc  Systems - Soluções Tecnológicas
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - World Wide
R. João Goulart, 170  - Rio Pardo - RS - CEP 96640-000
Mobile:  +55 51 81400360 - Home Page:

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Notebook ' ta debian için bir partion ay ırdım. işletim siste mi win7 ve net insta ll ile kurmak istedi ğim de installasyon cd sini istiyor.

2010-12-19 Thread Mehmet AK

Notebook ' ta debian için bir partion ayırdım. işletim sistemi win7 ve net 
install ile kurmak istediğim de installasyon cd sini istiyor. 
Windows 7 için cd veya dvd kurulumu olmadan nasıl bir install metodu 
yardımlarınız için şimdiden teşekkürler 

Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze

2010-12-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Bob Proulx wrote:
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
   ls -log /dev/disk/by-uuid
 and /dev/disk/by-label. Of course. Thanks!

/dev/disk/by-label ??  What kernel are you running?

$ ls /dev/disk
by-id  by-label  by-path  by-uuid
$ uname -a
Linux monster 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 10 15:35:08 UTC 2010 x86_64 

(I'm on mostly Squeeze; 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2010-12-19 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 19. 12. 2010 05:31:37 je Stan Hoeppner napisal(a):

What is the result of?

dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/filesystem/test count=10 bs=8192

That will write an 810MB file of all zeros, and will give you a much
better idea of the raw streaming write performance vs copying files  
the old 160GB drive to the new one.  I would think the result should  

a bit higher than 60MB/s.

Also, make sure you're using the deadline elevator instead of CFQ as  
yields better performance, especially on SATA systems that don't  


$ echo deadline  /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

You may want to add this to your boot scripts to make it permanent.  I
roll this option as the default in my custom kernels.

Thanks for the suggestion, Stan. Using dd I get a much higher figure,  
namely around 83 MB/s. Changing the elevator doesn't make a difference  
on my system though.


Certifiable Loonix User #481801  Please reply to the list, not to  

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Re: Mysql database and problem with INNER JOINTS on tables

2010-12-19 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Bernard wrote:
I am trying to manage a local MySQL database which is connected to
OpenOffice.org_base using JDBC. The main table has about 90 fields and
25,000 elements. This table comprises a dozen of fields about 'places'
(birthplace, weddingplace, deathplace, burialplace, workplace... ),
which fields are not filled in plain text, but in postal codes. I have
another table that displays placenames vs postal codes.

I did not have much problem figuring how to get an OO_base request to
display the main table with placenames in clear, AS LONG AS IT WAS
MATTER OF DISPLAYING ONLY ONE place field in clear.

Problems started as soon as I tried displaying two place-fields in

While the request succeeded after about one minute in the first case, it
never ended in the second test ; I had to get out after half an hour.

I then tried with a much shorter table, that is,  the same table with
only 1000 elements, the remaining 24,000 having been erased. Then, it
did work... after about 10 minutes, which is a lot of time for such a
small table...

Sounds like you need some indexes.  They vastly speed up join operations, 
usually.  You'll want an index in the postal_code-place_name table on the 
columns that are compared in the query.  If your use equality ( or = 
operators) on some columns, and ordering (, =, =, or  operators) on 
others, list the ones using equality in the query first.

Without indexes, doing each join is usually done with 2 (or more) nested table 
scans.  This requires (#rows in main table * #rows in joined table) 
operations.  Even if each individual operation is fast, that number can get 
quite big quite fast.

With a good index, doing each join requires logarithmically fewer operations. 
(E.g. instead of 1000 * 1000 operations, 1000 * 10 operations; instead of 
25000 * 10 operations, 25000 * 17 operations.)

Yet I did not get exactly what was expected :
only the lines where both placefields were NOT NULL did display.
Whatever line with only one NOT NULL placefield, did not appear at all,
while I expected that they all show up, with an empty column where the
placefield was empty !

That's the default when doing a JOIN.  It is called an inner join.  If you 
want to do a left/right/full outer join, there is an ANSI SQL syntax and MySQL 
might also provide an alternative syntax.

You should check the results of your query that displays only a single place-
field in the clear.

All this requires learning some SQL and being about to design a query in SQL 
that is used by base.  I know little to nothing about the UI provided by base.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Re: LG monitor connected via HDMI wrong output color

2010-12-19 Thread Paul Sohier


I just compiled a new kernel last night, and it does indeed work.
Should I report this as bug to the kernel in Debian?


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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2010-12-19 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Klistvud put forth on 12/19/2010 3:10 AM:
 Dne, 19. 12. 2010 05:31:37 je Stan Hoeppner napisal(a):

 What is the result of?

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/filesystem/test count=10 bs=8192

 That will write an 810MB file of all zeros, and will give you a much
 better idea of the raw streaming write performance vs copying files from
 the old 160GB drive to the new one.  I would think the result should be
 a bit higher than 60MB/s.

 Also, make sure you're using the deadline elevator instead of CFQ as it
 yields better performance, especially on SATA systems that don't support

 $ echo deadline  /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

 You may want to add this to your boot scripts to make it permanent.  I
 roll this option as the default in my custom kernels.

 Thanks for the suggestion, Stan. Using dd I get a much higher figure,
 namely around 83 MB/s. Changing the elevator doesn't make a difference
 on my system though.

83 MB/s isn't too bad for that drive.  IIRC the WD20EARS is a 5400 RPM
drive with variable spindle speed to reduce power consumption.  My 7200
RPM WD Blue 500GB WD5000AAKS single platter drive hits about the same dd
sequential write speed, using lower bit density but higher spindle speed:

/$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./test count=10 bs=8192
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
81920 bytes (819 MB) copied, 9.8092 s, 83.5 MB/s

The deadline elevator may not help much with streaming reads/writes.  It
does help a bit with random read/writes, especially under multi-user or
multi-threading random seek disk workloads.


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Re: Does somebody know how to install mintbackup for Debian

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 23:06:51 +, Lisi wrote:

 On Saturday 18 December 2010 18:43:06 Camaleón wrote:
 Linuxmint is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian... so, in the end
 what you have is a .deb file but I would not mix packages from
 different distributions: it could work or it could give you nothing but
 headaches :-)
 Not necessarily.  There is now a version based on Debian instead of
 Ubuntu. Tho' the rest of your comment obviously stands.

He, he... yes, I know :-)

But the OP said plain Linux Mint (not Linux Mint Debian Edition, in 
short LMDE) and while LMDE is compatible with Debian repositories, the 
opposite does not have to be necessarily true (besides, LMDE does not 
have yet a 64-bit edition).



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Re: LG monitor connected via HDMI wrong output color

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 10:34:55 +0100, Paul Sohier wrote:

 I just compiled a new kernel last night, and it does indeed work. Should
 I report this as bug to the kernel in Debian?

Yes, I would first make a search in Debian BTS for any similar issue and 
if not listed, I'd report it against the kernel component.



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Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 15:19:08 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
   ls -log /dev/disk/by-uuid
 and /dev/disk/by-label. Of course. Thanks!
 /dev/disk/by-label ??  What kernel are you running?
   $ ls -log /dev/disk/
   total 0
   drwxr-xr-x 2 1240 Dec 16 11:26 by-id
   drwxr-xr-x 2  380 Dec 16 11:26 by-path 
   drwxr-xr-x 2  200 Dec 16 11:26   by-uuid
 That is for both Lenny and Squeeze.

Yes, by-label (lenny, kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64):

s...@stt008:~$ ls -log /dev/disk/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 280 dic 19 10:58 by-id
drwxr-xr-x 2  80 dic 19 10:58 by-label
drwxr-xr-x 2 180 dic 19 10:58 by-path
drwxr-xr-x 2 100 dic 19 10:58 by-uuid

If you have not label defined for any volume, the node won't be 
automatically created.



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Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze

2010-12-19 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 03:51:28 -0500 (EST), Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 In, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  ls -log /dev/disk/by-uuid
 and /dev/disk/by-label. Of course. Thanks!

 /dev/disk/by-label ??  What kernel are you running?
 $ ls /dev/disk
 by-id  by-label  by-path  by-uuid
 $ uname -a
 Linux monster 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 10 15:35:08 UTC 2010 x86_64 

/dev is a pseudo file system created by udev.  Under ordinary conditions,
no data in it persists across reboots.  I suspect that udev does not create
a /dev/by-label directory unless it detects a disk partition with a label
during boot.

Perhaps none of Bob's partitions are labeled?  A label is optional, both for
mkswap and mke2fs.  And if the partitioning/formatting is done by the Debian
installer, there may not be any labels.  A label can be added after the fact
with e2label, or an inactive swap partition can be reformatted by mkswap with
a label specified.  blkid will list the label, if there is one.

Caution: reformatting a swap partition with mkswap will change the
uuid unless the existing one is explicitly re-specified during formatting.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: xserver-testing issues.

2010-12-19 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

 Yes, KDE3/4 (both) have nice tools (system settings/display or 
 krandtray), even better (more complete) than the GNOME counterpart
 for setting up the screen resolution :-)

Yes, it did solve my problem. Thanks again, Camaleón.

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Re: Does somebody know how to install mintbackup for Debian

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 19 December 2010 12:39:58 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 23:06:51 +, Lisi wrote:
  On Saturday 18 December 2010 18:43:06 Camaleón wrote:
  Linuxmint is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian... so, in the end
  what you have is a .deb file but I would not mix packages from
  different distributions: it could work or it could give you nothing but
  headaches :-)
  Not necessarily.  There is now a version based on Debian instead of
  Ubuntu. Tho' the rest of your comment obviously stands.

 He, he... yes, I know :-)

That doesn't surprise me - your knowledge seems to be encyclopaedic.  I very 
much doubt that there is anything aboyt Linux that I know and you don't.  :-) 
But you may have readers, either now or in the future, who do not know that. 

 But the OP said plain Linux Mint (not Linux Mint Debian Edition, in
 short LMDE) and while LMDE is compatible with Debian repositories, the
 opposite does not have to be necessarily true (besides, LMDE does not
 have yet a 64-bit edition).

Yes - I entirely agree, and had in fact said that the rest of what you said 
would still apply.  Indeed, I can think immediately of a case where a distro 
could and did use Debian repositories, but where the reverse was not true.
I would be very wary indeed of trying to install on Debian from any repository 
that is not explicitly intended for Debian. 


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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 16 December 2010 18:31:46 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Juan Ignacio Gaudio wrote:
   I just need to be able to change to a console tty and restore the
   previous xorg.conf. But as X starts automatically I can't manage to do
   that before X crashes and I lose the keyboard again... do you know of a
   way of changing the runlevel to just console (no X) or aborting X
   startup during Linux boot process (some key combination or anything).
  I searched it and turned up to be pretty simple.
  It's just needed to append the runlevel number to the kernel line,
  something like this example:
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30 root=/dev/sda2 ro 3

 Note that the above isn't going to boot without X on a default Debian
 Lenny system unless you have changed it.  By default on Debian all
 runlevels are configured the same.  There isn't anything magical about
 runlevel 2 or 3 or 4 or 5.  By default they are all the same.

 You can as a local admin configure them to be different but unless you
 have done so then booting runlevel 3 won't be any different than
 booting the default runlevel 2.  X will start the same.

 The traditional solution would be to boot single user mode with S or
 'single' and make corrections from there.  Alternatively you can
 disable gdm/kdm/xdm temporarily and then reboot to the full system
 which will then be a text console.

Once we are thinking in terms of run-level by number, why not just use 1  
(without the quotation marks!) which on a Debian system is the CLI?  Or, of 
course, choose single user in GRUB.


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Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón

I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince when 
opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets opened 
but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at some 
point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command line, as 
soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.

Sample error (PDF, ~3.1 MiB):

(I have tested with other PDF files from Panasonic site and they just 
crash in the same manner).

The GIMP gives the same error:

s...@stt008:~/Desktop$ gimp KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/poppler: fatal error: Floating point exception

Can someone please confirm this problem? 

My wild guess is that it could have been generated by the latest 
poppler update¹ because I was not experiencing this issue before. I am 
running an updated Lenny (64 bits).




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Request for enhancement [Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze]

2010-12-19 Thread Rick Thomas

On Dec 19, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Stephen Powell wrote:

Caution: reformatting a swap partition with mkswap will change the
uuid unless the existing one is explicitly re-specified during  

Which raises a question that has been on my mind for a while...

The Debian Installer insists on reformatting any swap partitions it  
finds, even though that partition, specified by UUID, is probably in  
use in the /etc/fstab for some other instantiation of Linux -- thus  
breaking the other Linux, leaving it without a usable swap partition.

Would it be possible to either:

1) have the option (default) of *not* reformatting a swap partition
2) if reformatting is necessary or desired, have the option (default)  
of preserving the UUID.

3) using LABEL= instead of UUID= in fstab for swap partitions, if  
it turns out to be easier to preserve a LABEL than a UUID.


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GRUB2 boot issue

2010-12-19 Thread John Foster
Here's a new one for you GRUB2 gurus. I left my office attended by my 2 
(5  7 yr. old very curious) grandsons. When about 3 minutes later I 
returned, my system ( which is a multiple boot of Debian Linux SID, 
Windows 7 Pro,  Ubuntu 9,) had been rebooted form Windows7 to the GRUB2 
rescue mode  stalled there. I figure one of them pushed the soft reboot 
button  restarted the system. Now I had it set to boot to Debian Linux 
automatically, but as I recall the GRUB2 boot-loader had beside the 
previous listed OS's, another load item on the menu. Which was GRUB2 
rescue mode; Now I have been unable to boot the system into anything 
except the rescue mode The error message given is: GRUB can't find 
required file: x.updates. Now as I,m at work  not looking at the exact 
message returned, I may be off a bit on the verbiage. If anyone has any 
ideas I would appreciate a reply to me directly as sometimes the filters 
get list replies.

John Foster

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Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Gilbert Sullivan

On 12/19/2010 11:37 AM, Camaleón wrote:


I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince when
opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets opened
but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at some
point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command line, as
soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.

Sample error (PDF, ~3.1 MiB):


I'm running Debian testing (2.6.32-5-686, fully updated with Evince 
2.30.3, GIMP 2.6.10, poppler libraries 0.12.4-1.2). I downloaded and 
tested the file with Evince 2.30.3 and didn't have any problems.

(I have tested with other PDF files from Panasonic site and they just
crash in the same manner).

Didn't try other files.

The GIMP gives the same error:

No issues with GIMP, either.

s...@stt008:~/Desktop$ gimp KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/poppler: fatal error: Floating point exception

Can someone please confirm this problem?

My wild guess is that it could have been generated by the latest
poppler update¹ because I was not experiencing this issue before. I am
running an updated Lenny (64 bits).


I can't seem to get the error. Is there anything else about my system 
that might be useful to know. Or is there anything that you'd like me 
to try at this end? Is your system 32 bit, too -- or is it 64 bit?

Best regards,

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Re: erratum

2010-12-19 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Frank McCormick wrote:

On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 23:04:31 +
Lisi wrote:

On Saturday 18 December 2010 13:50:52 green wrote:

Lisi wrote at 2010-12-18 05:21 -0600:

Can anyone explain this* (which is the reason why I have not yet
installed Chromium).

* l...@tux:~$ aptitude show chromium

$ apt-cache search chromium
That would just give the same result: the information that Chromium is a game.  
I had tried aptitude search as well, but not surprisingly it said the same.  

It will be available when I move to squeeze, but meanwhile I have installed 
Google's .deb.

I just wanted to have a look at it, but so far am not impressed.

   Use it for a just may change your mind. Speedier than
the foxand enough extensions to make your head swim

Except, no backpage with the topwheel, and no fast scroll with middle click


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Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:30:41 -0500, Gilbert Sullivan wrote:

 On 12/19/2010 11:37 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince
 when opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets
 opened but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at
 some point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command
 line, as soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.

 Sample error (PDF, ~3.1 MiB):
 I'm running Debian testing (2.6.32-5-686, fully updated with Evince
 2.30.3, GIMP 2.6.10, poppler libraries 0.12.4-1.2). I downloaded and
 tested the file with Evince 2.30.3 and didn't have any problems.

Thanks for testing :-)

Yes, it seems the error is only reproducible under Lenny (after reading 
your message, I've tested within my two virtual machines, one with a 32-
bits lenny installation and the other with squeeze, also 32 bits). The 
lenny one just crashes in the same manner that my main system but in 
squeeze the error is not present.


 Can someone please confirm this problem?

 My wild guess is that it could have been generated by the latest
 poppler update¹ because I was not experiencing this issue before. I
 am running an updated Lenny (64 bits).

 I can't seem to get the error. Is there anything else about my system
 that might be useful to know. Or is there anything that you'd like me to
 try at this end? Is your system 32 bit, too -- or is it 64 bit?

I think the exception is happening only in Lenny, in both 32 and 64-



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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  The traditional solution would be to boot single user mode with S or
  'single' and make corrections from there.  Alternatively you can
  disable gdm/kdm/xdm temporarily and then reboot to the full system
  which will then be a text console.
 Once we are thinking in terms of run-level by number, why not just use 1  
 (without the quotation marks!) which on a Debian system is the CLI?  Or, of 
 course, choose single user in GRUB.

Runlevel 1 is almost universially used to implement single user mode.
When you ask why not use 1 instead of single the answer is that
there isn't any reason.  I just think it more clear to ask for single
user mode directly and not jump to the runlevel that you know
implements it.  But you can if you know that information.  No reason
not to.

To see Debian's documentation on runlevels look here:


To look to see how different systems have implemented runlevels see
this Wikipedia page.  I think it does a good job of capturing the
differences.  I consider this information must know info for talking
about runlevels.  Make sure you look at the Unix System V table
because that is the grandfather of all of the present systems.


The confusion that results from people looking today (as opposed to
twenty years ago) at runlevels is one of the reasons people want to
move to the new parallel boot process.  Every system has implemented
these numbers slightly differently.  There isn't consistency across
vendors.  And I wouldn't want there to be!  Because Debian has the
better system in this case and I wouldn't want it to be forced to
change to something worse such as one of the other vendor's offerings.
Which is what would happen if it were standardized.  The new parallel
boot process sidesteps the issue entirely by moving to something
completely different.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze

2010-12-19 Thread Bob Proulx
Stephen Powell wrote:
 /dev is a pseudo file system created by udev.  Under ordinary conditions,
 no data in it persists across reboots.  I suspect that udev does not create
 a /dev/by-label directory unless it detects a disk partition with a label
 during boot.
 Perhaps none of Bob's partitions are labeled?

Good call.  I never use labels.  That explains it.

In my case I almost universially use raid and lvm and both of those
use UUIDs internally.  Meaning that although I never specify those
long uuids anywhere I get the benefit of them along with short device
names by default.  Which is better than a label.  But I wanted to say
that I wasn't against labels so much as being for raid and lvm.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Question about /etc/fstab in Squeeze

2010-12-19 Thread Bob Proulx
Camaleón wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  and /dev/disk/by-label. Of course. Thanks!
  /dev/disk/by-label ??  What kernel are you running?
 If you have not label defined for any volume, the node won't be 
 automatically created.

Ah...  I see.  I learned something new today!


Description: Digital signature

Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 19 December 2010 18:46:18 Bob Proulx wrote:
 Runlevel 1 is almost universially used to implement single user mode.
 When you ask why not use 1 instead of single the answer is that
 there isn't any reason.  I just think it more clear to ask for single
 user mode directly and not jump to the runlevel that you know
 implements it.  But you can if you know that information.  No reason
 not to.

If I want to boot into single user from a cold start, I do it via GRUB.  But 
if I am in a GUI and I want to actually change (rather than just bring up a 
tty) I use init 1.  I don't think that init s would work - but you are 
probably about to tell me that it would. ;-)


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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 If I want to boot into single user from a cold start, I do it via GRUB.  But 
 if I am in a GUI and I want to actually change (rather than just bring up a 
 tty) I use init 1.  I don't think that init s would work - but you are 
 probably about to tell me that it would. ;-)

Yes.  I am going to say, It should work.  :-)

Personally I wouldn't move from multiuser to single user directly.  I
would always reboot first and then boot into single user mode.  Then
when leaving single user mode reboot into multiple user mode.  That
way is very well tested.  Doing other things /should/ work but I
wouldn't be surprised to find interesting corner cases.  It is
definitely the road less well traveled.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 19 December 2010 16:37:01 Camaleón wrote:

 I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince when
 opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets opened
 but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at some
 point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command line, as
 soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.

 Sample error (PDF, ~3.1 MiB):

 (I have tested with other PDF files from Panasonic site and they just
 crash in the same manner).

 The GIMP gives the same error:

 s...@stt008:~/Desktop$ gimp KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
 /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/poppler: fatal error: Floating point exception

 Can someone please confirm this problem?

I have tried both Evince and the GIMP.

Evince was fine started from the GUI. When started from the CLI it was fine at 
first, but around the 6th page I looked at it crashed thus:

l...@tux:~$ evince KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
Floating point exception

The GIMP failed, but with a different error message from that you got, which 
was the same both when started from the GUI and when started from the CLI.  A 
box came up saying:

GIMP Message
Opening 'home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF'  failed: Portable Document Format plug-In 
could not open image.


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Re: GRUB2 boot issue

2010-12-19 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 12:26 PM, John Foster wrote:

 Here's a new one for you GRUB2 gurus. I left my office attended by my 2 (5 
 7 yr. old very curious) grandsons. When about 3 minutes later I returned, my
 system ( which is a multiple boot of Debian Linux SID, Windows 7 Pro, 
 Ubuntu 9,) had been rebooted form Windows7 to the GRUB2 rescue mode 
 stalled there. I figure one of them pushed the soft reboot button 
 restarted the system. Now I had it set to boot to Debian Linux
 automatically, but as I recall the GRUB2 boot-loader had beside the previous
 listed OS's, another load item on the menu. Which was GRUB2 rescue mode; Now
 I have been unable to boot the system into anything except the rescue mode
 The error message given is: GRUB can't find required file: x.updates. Now as
 I,m at work  not looking at the exact message returned, I may be off a bit
 on the verbiage. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate a reply to me
 directly as sometimes the filters get list replies.

There's never any grub2 rescue mode entry; you must mean recovery
mode, which boots into single-user mode.

This is the grub2 manual resolution:

(By the way, your reply-to address is John
rather than your sending address,

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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/19/2010 02:09 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 tty) I use init 1.  I don't think that init s would work - but you are 
  probably about to tell me that it would. ;-)
 Yes.  I am going to say, It should work.  :-)
 Personally I wouldn't move from multiuser to single user directly.  I
 would always reboot first and then boot into single user mode.  Then
 when leaving single user mode reboot into multiple user mode.  That
 way is very well tested.  Doing other things /should/ work but I
 wouldn't be surprised to find interesting corner cases.  It is
 definitely the road less well traveled.

man init:
  /sbin/init [ -a ] [ -s ] [ -b ] [ -z xxx ] [ 0123456Ss ]
   /sbin/telinit [ -t SECONDS ] [ 0123456sSQqabcUu ]
   A  runlevel is a software configuration of the system which
allows only
   a selected group of processes to exist.  The processes spawned by
   for each of these runlevels are defined in the /etc/inittab file.
   can be in one of eight runlevels: 0-6 and S (a.k.a. s).   The

 Runlevels S, 0, 1, and 6 are reserved.  Runlevel S is used to  initial-
   ize the system on boot.  When starting runlevel S (on boot) or
   1 (switching from a multi-user runlevel) the system is entering
``single-user  mode'', after which the current runlevel is S.  Runlevel
0 is used to halt the system; runlevel 6 is used to reboot the system.
After booting through S the system  automatically  enters  one  of  the
multi-user  runlevels  2  through 5, unless there was some problem that
needs to be fixed by the administrator in single-user  mode.   Normally
after  entering single-user mode the administrator performs maintenance
and then reboots the system.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

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Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 19:20:10 +, Lisi wrote:

 On Sunday 19 December 2010 16:37:01 Camaleón wrote:

 I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince
 when opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets
 opened but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at
 some point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command
 line, as soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.


 Can someone please confirm this problem?
 I have tried both Evince and the GIMP.
 Evince was fine started from the GUI. When started from the CLI it was
 fine at first, but around the 6th page I looked at it crashed thus:
 l...@tux:~$ evince KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
 Floating point exception

Yep, thanks for confirming, Lisi! :-)
 The GIMP failed, but with a different error message from that you got,
 which was the same both when started from the GUI and when started from
 the CLI.  A box came up saying:
 GIMP Message
 Opening 'home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF'  failed: Portable Document Format
 plug-In could not open image.

Hum... you should get the same message than me. Try with this:

gimp /home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF

Close the popup window of Gimp and review the error you get in console.

Not sure what to do about this... Lenny only gets updates for security 
issues and this looks like a plain and harmless (though annoying) error, 
what do you people think, should I open a bug report for this? :-?



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No devices found in X

2010-12-19 Thread Celejar

Running uptodate Sid.  I usually run self-compiled kernels (from git mainline repo) with standard Debian Sid X.  This has
been working fine for years (except, of course, for the occasional,
temporary X breakage), but starting recently (presumably after some X
upgrade), X bails on startup, saying that it can't find any devices
(The last few lines from the log are included below).

I suspect there's something misconfigured in my kernels, since X still
starts fine with a Debian stock kernel - but I haven't actually changed
anything in my kernel config, which used to work fine.  Has something
in X or the kernel changed recently that would require me to do
something different in the kernel?

The graphics chipset is an Intel 945GM, powered by the i915 driver:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 
943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [VGA 
Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device 0090
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16
Memory at d010 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512K]
I/O ports at 1800 [size=8]
Memory at c000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
Memory at d020 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256K]
Expansion ROM at unassigned [disabled]
Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-
Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 2
Kernel driver in use: i915

Two recent kernel that don't work are:


A Debian stock one that does:


The last few lines of Xorg.0.log (from a failed attempt):

(II) LoadModule: intel
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module intel: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 2.13.0
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: vesa
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module vesa
(II) UnloadModule: vesa
(EE) Failed to load module vesa (module does not exist, 0)
(II) LoadModule: fbdev
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module fbdev
(II) UnloadModule: fbdev
(EE) Failed to load module fbdev (module does not exist, 0)
(II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,
i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,
E7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, Pineview GM, Pineview G,
965G, G35, 965Q, 946GZ, 965GM, 965GME/GLE, G33, Q35, Q33, GM45,
4 Series, G45/G43, Q45/Q43, G41, B43, B43, Clarkdale, Arrandale,
Sandybridge, Sandybridge, Sandybridge, Sandybridge, Sandybridge,
Sandybridge, Sandybridge
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 0...@00:02:0
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found


I can provide further information if necessary (e.g., dmesg, kernel
config, and full logs to a pastebin), but I figured I'd try this first,
in case anyone has any idea.

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Re: No devices found in X

2010-12-19 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-12-19 20:56 +0100, Celejar wrote:

 Running uptodate Sid.  I usually run self-compiled kernels (from git mainline repo) with standard Debian Sid X.

You need to set CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y in your kernel configuration.  See
the recent bug reports on the xserver-xorg-video-intel package.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2010-12-19 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:32:10 +0100
Klistvud wrote:

 Attention: long post ahead!
 I don't use line wrapping because it breaks long URLs. If that makes  
 you or your e-mail client cringe, you may as well read this at instead (same text, nicer  

*Somethings's* doing line-wrapping for you - your message contains
plenty of newlines (hex 0A).

And I'm not sure what you mean by line-wrapping breaking long urls.  A
proper line-wrapper understands urls, and won't break them (although my
beloved Sylph admittedly uses a broken line-wrapper :( :

Of course, some badly broken (e.g., Microsoft) MUAs will break
urls while displaying them for the recipient ...

-- - Feeds OFFLine, an offline RSS/Atom aggregator - remote access via secure (OpenPGP) email - A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator

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Oффшoры, oншopы и евpoпейские компaнии

2010-12-19 Thread Cхемы зaконнoй oптимизации бизнеса

   Сeминар • 24 нoябpя • 2010 г.

   г. Kиeв, ул. Гopького, 172
   бизнeс-центр «Пaлладиум Cити», 8 эт, oф. 814.

   Тeл.: (044) 331-641Ч, 592-756Ч


Ивaннa Пилипюк — паpтнeр-консультант мeждународной кoнсалтинговой кoмпании 
International Consulting Group.

Иpинa Hестеренко — вeдущий юpист мeждунapодной конcaлтинговой кoмпaнии 
International Consulting Group.

Екатeрина Утиpалoва — вeдущий юриcт пo pаботе c кoмпаниями из запaднoго 
рeгиона, междунаpодная конcaлтинговая компaния International Consulting Group.


* Кaк законнo cнизить нaлoги?
* Kaк cвеcти к минимуму затpаты и увeличить пpибыль?
* Kaк зaщитить свoи aктивы oт любыx пoсягательств?
* Мoжно ли paботать c oффшоpами? Hacколько этo зaкoннo?
* Kакиe еврoпейские кoмпaнии интepесны для paботы, и пoчeму?
* Kак закoннo увeличить валoвые зaтpаты своиx кoмпaний?
* Ктo eсть ктo в oффшоре? Kак зaщитить сeбя в cвoeм бизнеce?
* Кaк coxранить конфидeнциальность в бизнеce?
* Кaк упрaвлять aктивaми c пoмощью иностpанных компaний?
* Кaк нaчать бизнeс c нуля?
* Kак oткрыть cчет в зарубeжном бaнкe?
* И многoе дpугoe. 

иcпoльзования иноcтpанных компaний в бизнecе

* Экcпорт: вaриации cхeм.
* Импopт: вapиaции cхем, измeнeние cхeм, в зaвисимoсти oт пpедпoчтений и 
тpeбований cтpaн-партнеров.
* Влaдeние. «Скpытие» coбственника бизнесa кaк зaлог кopпоративной 
* Зaкoннoе увеличeниe вaловых зaтpaт укрaинcких прeдпpиятий.
* Зaщитa oт рeйдерства и дpугиx поcягaтельств.
* Защитa интeллeктуaльной собcтвенности. Boзможности иноcтpанных кoмпаний.
* Рeгистрация яxт и элитныx тpaнcпортных срeдств.
* Пoпoлнение обopотных cpeдств.
* Инвeстирование и рeинвестирование капиталa.
* Кoмпaнии-копилки и другиe схeмы. 

ЗPЕНИЯ OПТИМИЗAЦИИ БИЗHЕCА KOМПАНИЙ. B какиx стрaнах лучшe рeгиcтрировать 
кoмпaнии? Кaкиe фоpмы и виды юpидических лиц наиболeе удoбны в разныx стрaнах? 
Испoльзование кoмпaний из выгодныx отнoсительно нaлогoобложения и вeдения 
бизнеcа cтран.

* Клаcсические оффшoры. Прeимущeства и нeдостатки. Хapактеристика стрaн: 
Бeлиз, Панамa, Cейшeлы.
* Hoвaя Зелaндия – бeстселлер прoдaж, ceкpеты пoпуляpнoсти этoй юриcдикции.
* Иcпoльзование eвpoпейских кoмпаний в бизнeсе. Нoвые и cтapые гopизонты нa 
картe Eвропы и мирa: Cингапур, Эстoния, Пoльша.
* Oффшоpы в Гонкoнге и OAЭ. Возмoжности paботы c дaнными юpиcдикциями.
* Beликобритания – рoдоначальница вceх оффшоpов. Возмoжности иcпользoвания 
aнглийcких кoмпаний в бизнесe. LLP - закoнный oффшор в Вeликобритании. 
Прeимущества английскиx LTD для cxeм влaдeния бизнecом и зaщиты oт 
поcягательств. Пpoстота и удобнoсть обcлуживания aнглийcкиx кoмпаний.
* Kипр - уникaльные вoзмoжности oптимизaции бизнеcа. Ocoбенности 
налогoобложения дивидeндов, пpоцeнтов, pоялти. 


* B какиx кoмпaнияx, и в кaких стpанах нужнo сдaвать буxгалтерские отчeты? 
Kакие компaнии пpоходят aудит? Kтo cдаeт отчeты пo компaниям? Скoлько стoит 
cдачa отчeтности? Bиды oтчeтов, cтрoки и цeны.
* Оcобенности oтчетности eврoпейских кoмпaний. VAT-нoмер: оcoбенности 
пoлучeния и использoвания. B кaкиx случаяx и кoму нужeн VAT-нoмep. Измeнeниe 
отчeтнoсти кoмпаний, в кoтоpых eсть евpопейский номеp HДС. 


* Kто еcть ктo в оффшopе. Чeм cтруктуpа оффшoрных компaний oтличается oт 
всeх oстaльных? Cтpуктура компaнии, дoлжнocтные лицa, стeпень oтветcтвенности.
* Чтo вxодит в пaкeт документoв пo иноcтpанной кoмпaнии: чeткий перeчень 
веx неoбxодимых дoкумeнтoв и уcлуг для полнoцeнной рабoты пpeдпpиятия.
* Кaк зaщитить ceбя oт номинaлoв Bашей кoмпании? Koгда eсть смыcл 
пoльзoваться уcлугaми нoминальныx диpeктoров и aкциoнeров?
* Cколькo стoит рeгистрация и oбcлуживание иноcтpанных кoмпаний? Oт чeгo 
завиcит cтоимость кoмпаний, и кaк знaть, зa чтo имeннo нужнo плaтить? 


* Kaк oткрыть cчeт нa иноcтранную компaнию? Детaли пpoцедуры, cтоимoсть, 
* Kак пpaвильно выбpать бaнк для pаботы? Kpитерии выбoрa бaнкa.
* Bиды бaнкoв и иx кpaткaя пpактическая xapактеристика.
* Cпиcoк нeобходимой инфoрмации для oткрытия счетa в зaрубeжном банкe. 
Почeму бaнк можeт oтказaть 

B свете нoвoго нaлогового кодeкcа

2010-12-19 Thread рaбoта чп в 2011
| Кaк рабoтать ЧАCТНОМУ ПPEДПРИНИМАТЕЛЮ в 2011 гoду: |
| кодeкс пpинят c пoправками Президeнта: в 2011 г.   |
| будeт прoдoлжать дейcтвoвать Укaз № 746 c учeтом оcобенностей, |
| уcтанoвленных в Нaлoговом кодeксе. |

   Ceминaр • 27 дeкaбря • 2010 г.

   г. Kиев • ул. Шелкoвичнaя, 12
   Тeл.: (044) 331-б4-14, 592-75-6Ч


1. Cмогут ли быть платeльщикaми НДC чaстные предпpиниматели: 
   нopмы HAЛOГОВОГО кодeкса c учетoм пoпpавок Пpезидeнта.

2. Одновpеменная pабота ЧП\учpeдитeль\директор c 2011 г. - eсть ли запрeт.

3. ФИHМOHИТОРИНГ: кaких oпeраций нe cтоит пpоводить. 
   Дополнитeльный монитoринг имущеcтва. Перeчень вcеx дoпoлнитeльных уcлoвий 
пpи котоpых 
   неожидaнно мoжнo пoпacть пoд финмонитоpинг. 

4. Paбoта СOДРУЖЕСТВА неcкольких ЧП и прeдприятия: покупaть у ЧП или дeлать 
   Прeвышeние 500 тыc. НАХOЖДЕНИЕ BСEХ в ОДHOМ ОФФИCЕ. Eсли cодpужество 
связанныe лицa. 
   Paбота пoд oдной тоpгoвой маркoй. СОТPУДНИЧЕСТВО ФИPМЫ и ЧП c 2011г. - 
успеeм пoдготoвиться: 
   пpoдажа нижe себeстоимости, oбычные цeны: нoвыe peалии c 2011 г. 
   Koгдa опeрации попадaют пoд финмoниторинг. 
   Уплaта HДФЛ c дoлгов в 2010 г. - c кaкoй кpeдиторской зaдолженности плaтитcя 

5. АРEНДА\СУБАРЕНДА в 2010 г.-2011 г.: кaк прoписать вид деятельнoсти 
   в Свидeтeльстве единoго нaлoга.

6. ПOCРЕДНИЧЕСКАЯ ДEЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ: пoзиция cуда пpи опрeделении - чтo такoе 
   Чeм комисcия oтличaeтся oт поpучения, трaнcпортной экспeдиции, 
   дpугиx поcpеднических дoговoров. ЧТO ДЕЛAТЬ СЕГOДНЯ ПОCPЕДНИКАМ нa ПPОВЕРКЕ.

7. BИДЫ ДЕЯТEЛЬHОСТИ ЧП (пpoверки выплaт пo видaм дeятельности, нe внеcенным 
   в Cвидeтeльство eдинoгo нaлогa: кaк сегoдня мoжнo гаpантированно oтбитьcя): 
   пpoблемы c отcутcтвием в пеpечне рaйисполкома  «нужныx» видoв дeятельнoсти.  
   Удержaние единогo сoциaльного взнoса пpи выплатe доxoда прeдпринимателю - 
кaк этo зaвиcит 
   oт видoв деятeльности: пoдводный камeнь, нe учтeнный ПOПPАВКАМИ Президeнта.

8. Вeдение учeтa c 2011г., KНИГА пo ф № 10: почeму нe жeлaтeльно ТЕPЯТЬ книгу. 
   Pacсмотрение пoрядкa зaполнeния гpaф pacходов и дoходов. Штpaфы зa 
непрaвильное зaполнeние. 
   Пepиoдичность зaпoлнения (ежеднeвно...), мoгут ли оштpaфовать ЧП, сделaв 
контpoльную зaкупку,  
   нeведение учeта тoвapов пo мeсту peaлизации. Запoлнeние гpафы paсходов - 3 
   Kак вeсти раcходы бeз пoдтверждающих дoкумeнтов.

9. ПPИХОДНЫЕ ДOКУМEНТЫ нa ТOВAР. ШТPAФЫ, нeпpaвильное ведeниe учeта 
   (cрaвнение пpавил рaбoты в 2010 и 2011 г.): 2-кpатный размeр, 45% ….? 
   Kaк пpaвильно зaщитить cвои пpaва. Bыдaчa дoкумeнтов нa пoкупку тoвара 
(уcлуг) – мoжнo 
   ли нe имeть дoкумeнты нa приxод тoвapа, чтo делaть, ecли иx нeт.  
   Отрaжение выpучки пocлe каждoй опеpации: откудa взялoсь трeбование, 
аргумeнты пpoтив.

10.Штpаф зa нe учeт тoварно-материальных ценнoстей - пoчему покa pедко 
пpимeняется нa прaктике.

11.ПРOВЕРКИ. BHИМАНИЕ! Прaктикум - кaк пpoвeрить сeбя пepeд провeркой, чтoбы нe 
   в штрaф 2,5 млн! (пpи обopоте 500 тыc.). Hовая пpоцeдура пpoведения пpоверок 
   ввeдения в действиe Haлoгового кoдекcа. Действуeт ли бaзa 17 гpн. для 
взымaния штрaфов. 
   Hoвая cтратегия встpeчи прoверяющих в 2011 г. Прoцeссуальные дейcтвии: чтo 
   нoвогo и кaк c этим pабoтать. Полнoмочия ГНAУ 2011 г. Пpоцедура нaложения 
Пpимeнение штрaфoв. 
   Пpeзумпция невинoвности: кaк будeт дeйствовать  c учeтoм пoпрaвок 
   Мoжeт ли  oбвинeние лицa в уклoнении oт уплaты нaлогов нe мoжет оснoвываться 
нa рeшении 
   контpолирующего оpгaна? Пpaвo нaлoгoплательщиков нa судебнoе oбжaлoвание 
   нaлoговых oргaнов - чтo зaлoжено в Налoговый кoдекс c учeтoм  попpавок 

12.НАEМНЫЕ  PAБОТНИКИ. Попpавки Президeнта к НАЛOГОВОМУ кодeкcу: мoжнo ли 
   пepеквалифицировать тpудoвыe в гpажданско-правовые. Заключениe 
   догoвoров c paботниками: c кaкими катeгoриями pабoтников нeльзя зaключaть, 
   тaблица налoгoобложения пo тpудoвoму и граждaнско-правовому. 
eдинoгo сoциального 
   взнocа c 2011 г. Пoчeму бoльшеe количecтво граждaнско-правовых дoгoворов 
   пoд налoгообложение. Поpядок нaчиcления и oтpажения в отчeтнoсти eдинoго 
   сoциaльного взнoсa - кaкие будут прoцессы, кoтoрых нe былo дo cиx поp. 
   НAPУШЕНИЕ ЗAКOНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА ПPO ТPУД: c чeм ceгoдня стaлкивaются 
   кaкиe oшибки пpиводят к УГOЛОВНОЙ OТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ. Kтo тaкиe члeны cемьи и 
кaк oтличить 
   тex, котоpые принимaют учacтие в прeдпpинимательской дeятeльнoсти - новыe 
пpaвилa c 2011г..

13.НAЛИЧHОЕ ДЕHЕЖНОЕ ОБPAЩЕНИЕ. Kакиe дoкумeнты выдавaть пoкупaтeлю 

Re: [SOLVED] Is squeeze compatible with WD20EARS and other 2TB drives?

2010-12-19 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
* Klistvud [Sat, Dec 18 2010, 10:32:10PM]:

 First of all, let me thank all of you who responded. As promised, I
 am giving feedback to the list so that future purchasers of Western
 Digital WD EARS/EADS models and similar Advanced Format hard
 drives may benefit.

Err, what? EADS don't use AF, TTBOMK.

 The first thing of notice is that the Load_Cycle_Count of the drive
 heads increases every 8 seconds by default. As seen on the Internet,

That only refers to EARS. And it's wrong. Umount everything on that disk
and wait a while, no loading/unloading should stop.

What really happens is that the disk parks after 8 seconds when it's
IDLE. Which is ok when you either read or write stuff all the time or
don't do anything at all. It is not ok if you use them as system disks
where a few bytes are written every couple of seconds and certain
popular Linux filesystems like to flush (means: write out to disk) that
data every 10..15 seconds (just a bit more than 8 seconds) and so
causing the LCC growing quite quickly over time.

So DO NOT use an EARS drive as SYSTEM DISK.

 this may pose a problem in the long run, since these drives are
 guaranteed to sustain a limited number of such head parking
 cycles. The number given varies from 300.000 to 1.000.000, depending
 on where you look. The first thing I did was, therefore, launch a

There is no reason to put the word guaranteed into double-quotes or
refer to weird sites. Just have a look at the official data sheet and
the common definition of MTBF please.

 the WD proprietary utility wdidle3.exe, and the first link obtained
 by googling for wdidle3.exe did the trick:
 thousand ticks overnight. Interestingly enough, the drive loaded and
 unloaded its heads at the amazing rate of twice per second even
 disabled to every 300 seconds, which appears to be the maximum
 interval allowed. It would seem that, for the time being at least,
 this made the Load_Cycle_Count stay put at 22413. Whew!

Err, what? You play with a dangerous toy which was not designed for your
drive and you wonder that it's all messed up now?

 Now, the second issue: the hardware/logical sector alignment.
 Since it will affects real-world transfer speeds, let's first check
 out the theoretical speeds of this drive in this particular
 environment -- a 3GHz Pentium-IV motherboard with a humble
 integrated SATA controller (I think it's an early SATA-I

My company had a lot of them. The SATA controllers were crap
performance-wise. I remember a colleague who got a shiny new OCZ SSD
drive which was supposed to deliver 200MB/s but never got beyond
70MB/s on his system. The solution was a 15EUR PCIe controller card
which suddenly make it work as expected. 

 obelix# hdparm -tT /dev/sda

Err, what does this have to do with pro/contra of logical sector sizes?
Counter-example, WD20EARS on an AMD-78xx mainboard:

 Timing cached reads:   8042 MB in  2.00 seconds = 4023.46 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 360 MB in  3.02 seconds = 119.38 MB/sec

ignored the rest of the posting, ENOTIME to read all of the voodoo


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
   (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 19 December 2010 19:09:46 Bob Proulx wrote:
  I don't think that init s would work - but you are

  probably about to tell me that it would. ;-)

 Yes.  I am going to say, It should work.  :-)

My curtiosity being even more 'satiable than the elephant's child, I tried. 

The short answer is it doesn't work. 

The longer answer is that it threw the computer I was trying it on into a fit 
of the sulks: the konsole kept going with a root command prompt until there 
were enough to fill the screen.  At that point it froze (still in the GUI) 
and the keyboard stopped working completely.   I finally managed to sort it 
out by changing keyboard 3 times (2 x ps2 and 1 x USB), and rebooting twice, 
when the mouse at least (and at last) decided to wake up and I could do 
anything at all.  I was about to resort to the on/off button (a very extreme 
solution!).  After the first reboot the status had barely changed, but a 
second reboot returned (or seems to have returned) the system to normality.

The messing around with keyboards probably did nothing more than prevent me 
from using the off button on the front of the computer, by giving me the 
illusion that I was doing something.

So - Oh my friends be warned by me!  init 1 is fine.  init s is not.  Paul has 
given a very clear exposition of the facts either above of below, depending 
on how you thread your emails. 

Oh - and I ought to have learned from the elephant's child that 'satiable 
curtiosity is sometimes highly undesirable.  But it is probably a bit late 
now for me to learn.


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Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 19 December 2010 19:50:09 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 19:20:10 +, Lisi wrote:
  On Sunday 19 December 2010 16:37:01 Camaleón wrote:
  I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince
  when opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets
  opened but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at
  some point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command
  line, as soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.


  Can someone please confirm this problem?
  The GIMP failed, but with a different error message from that you got,
  which was the same both when started from the GUI and when started from
  the CLI.  A box came up saying:
  GIMP Message
  Opening 'home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF'  failed: Portable Document Format
  plug-In could not open image.

 Hum... you should get the same message than me. Try with this:

 gimp /home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF

 Close the popup window of Gimp and review the error you get in console.

l...@tux:~$ gimp /home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/poppler: fatal error: Floating point exception

So it makes a difference whether one uses the relative path or the absolute.  

 Not sure what to do about this... Lenny only gets updates for security
 issues and this looks like a plain and harmless (though annoying) error,
 what do you people think, should I open a bug report for this? :-?

Probably worth mentioning, if only to reduce the risk that it will be 
perpetuated in Squeeze.


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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Bob Proulx
Lisi wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
   probably about to tell me that it would. ;-)
  Yes.  I am going to say, It should work.  :-)
 My curtiosity being even more 'satiable than the elephant's child, I tried. 
 The short answer is it doesn't work. 

Note that I didn't say that it /did/ work.  I said it /should/ work.
I said there might be interesting corner cases.

 The longer answer is that it threw the computer I was trying it on
 into a fit of the sulks: the konsole kept going with a root command
 prompt until there were enough to fill the screen.

You did it from an X11 session running KDE and a Konsole?  A brave
soul indeed!  Because surely you realize that all of those processes
will be (or at least should be) killed when transitioning to single
user mode.  In single user mode only the minimum system should be
running.  All that you should be left with should be a text console.
Everything else should have been killed during the transition.
Therefore to prevent disruption you would want to transition using the
text console.  Because otherwise your interface will be killed.

 At that point it froze (still in the GUI) and the keyboard stopped
 working completely.  I finally managed to sort it out by changing
 keyboard 3 times (2 x ps2 and 1 x USB), and rebooting twice, when
 the mouse at least (and at last) decided to wake up and I could do
 anything at all.  I was about to resort to the on/off button (a very
 extreme solution!).  After the first reboot the status had barely
 changed, but a second reboot returned (or seems to have returned)
 the system to normality.

Note also that I did say I would only go into single user mode from a
reboot and not from multiuser mode directly.  I wouldn't transition to
single user mode from multiuser mode directly myself.  I recommended
against it.  But you had to try it!  Okay.  But you are cutting your
own path then!  :-) Stay on the well traveled path unless you want to
be a trailblazer.

 So - Oh my friends be warned by me!  init 1 is fine.  init s is not.
 Paul has given a very clear exposition of the facts either above of
 below, depending on how you thread your emails.
 Oh - and I ought to have learned from the elephant's child that 'satiable 
 curtiosity is sometimes highly undesirable.  But it is probably a bit late 
 now for me to learn.

Too funny!  Sometimes curiousity kills the cat but if the cat
survives then it is a smarter cat. :-)


Description: Digital signature

Problems with Pacemaker + Corosync after reboot

2010-12-19 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

I'm beginning to test HA clusters with GNU/Linux and for that I decided
to try Pacemaker + Corosync in Debian Lenny following this [1] howto.

Both packages were installed from the Backports repositories. But I am
observing that if after configuration I reboot a node, it fails to join
to the cluster after the boot.

This is what I see in /var/log/daemon.log:

Dec 19 17:13:13 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.crmd failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:13 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.cib failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:13 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.attrd failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:13 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.cib failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:14 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.cib failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:14 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] WARN: route_ais_message: 
Sending message to local.cib failed: unknown (rc=-2)
Dec 19 17:13:21 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming 
new configuration.
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
Transitional membership event on ring 72: memb=1, new=0, lost=1
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
memb: atlantis 335544586
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
lost: daedalus 369099018
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: 
Stable membership event on ring 72: memb=1, new=0, lost=0
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: 
MEMB: atlantis 335544586
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: 
ais_mark_unseen_peer_dead: Node daedalus was not seen in the previous transition
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 
369099018/daedalus is now: lost
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [pcmk  ] info: 
send_member_notification: Sending membership update 72 to 0 children
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left 
the membership and a new membership was formed.
Dec 19 17:13:25 atlantis corosync[1508]:   [MAIN  ] Completed service 
synchronization, ready to provide service.

# ps auxf
root  1508  0.1  1.9 182624  4880 ?Ssl  15:52   0:22 
root  1539  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 
root  1540  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 
root  1541  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 
root  1542  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 
root  1543  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 
root  1544  0.0  1.2 168144  3240 ?S15:52   0:00  \_ 

From what I see in the howto, the output should be something like this:

root 29980  0.0  0.8  44304  3808 ?Ssl  20:55   0:00 
root 29986  0.0  2.4  10812 10812 ?SLs  20:55   0:00  \_ 
102  29987  0.0  0.8  13012  3804 ?S20:55   0:00  \_ 
root 29988  0.0  0.4   5444  1800 ?S20:55   0:00  \_ 
102  29989  0.0  0.5  12364  2368 ?S20:55   0:00  \_ 
102  29990  0.0  0.5   8604  2304 ?S20:55   0:00  \_ 
102  29991  0.0  0.6  12648  3080 ?S20:55   0:00  \_ 

I also tried compiling Pacemaker using these [2] steps, but I get the
same result.

Thanks in advance for your reply.


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Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

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Re: Spontaneously aborting X startup during Linux boot process

2010-12-19 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/19/2010 06:02 PM, Lisi wrote:
 So - Oh my friends be warned by me!  init 1 is fine.  init s is not.  Paul 
 given a very clear exposition of the facts either above of below, depending 
 on how you thread your emails. 
I guess ( after reading Bob's reply) I forgot to mention, NORMALLY you
do those from the ATL-F1 text login screen, where you login as ROOT...
NOT from the X_windows ( gnome, kde...)
my usual init commands are:
# init 6 ( thats just a reboot)

# init 0 ( turn the sucker OFF)

# init 1 ( bring me down to single user mode!)
# init 2 ( start the X-windows  all the rest of the normal services)

I used to use init S/s back in the UNIX days, and it used to mean
something, probably not the same anymore.. It used to bring it down to
single user  umount all file systems EXCEPT root.. but I see from the
man init :
 -s, S, single
Single  user  mode boot. In this mode /etc/inittab is
examined and the bootup rc scripts are usually run before the single
user  mode shell is started.

now they have -b
-b, emergency
Boot  directly  into a single user shell without running any
other startup scripts.

so, there are still multiple ways to get booted, even in single user mode..

 Oh - and I ought to have learned from the elephant's child that 'satiable 
 curtiosity is sometimes highly undesirable.  But it is probably a bit late 
 now for me to learn.
but you really didn't HURT anything, right?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

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Re: Poppler error: floating point exception (lenny)

2010-12-19 Thread Greg Madden

On Sunday 19 December 2010 10:50:09 am Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 19:20:10 +, Lisi wrote:
  On Sunday 19 December 2010 16:37:01 Camaleón wrote:
  I am getting a floating point exception error message from Evince
  when opening some PDF files (a sample is linked bellow). The file gets
  opened but as soon as I'm reading pages (page 1, page 2, page 3...), at
  some point Evince closes by itself. When running Evince from command
  line, as soon as it breaks, I can see the above mentioned error.


  Can someone please confirm this problem?
  I have tried both Evince and the GIMP.
  Evince was fine started from the GUI. When started from the CLI it was
  fine at first, but around the 6th page I looked at it crashed thus:
  l...@tux:~$ evince KXTG7531-MUL.PDF
  Floating point exception

 Yep, thanks for confirming, Lisi! :-)

  The GIMP failed, but with a different error message from that you got,
  which was the same both when started from the GUI and when started from
  the CLI.  A box came up saying:
  GIMP Message
  Opening 'home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF'  failed: Portable Document Format
  plug-In could not open image.

 Hum... you should get the same message than me. Try with this:

 gimp /home/lisi/KXTG7531-MUL.PDF

 Close the popup window of Gimp and review the error you get in console.

 Not sure what to do about this... Lenny only gets updates for security
 issues and this looks like a plain and harmless (though annoying) error,
 what do you people think, should I open a bug report for this? :-?



Squeeze (evince) handles pdf's much better than Lenny, one of the big reasons I 
upgraded to Squeeze. The poppler 'stuff' has been getting improvements, good 
reason to upgrade for me



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Keeping Lenny via /etc/apt/sources.list when Squeeze becomes stable

2010-12-19 Thread Mark

I am giving my parents a laptop for Christmas this year that I put Lenny on
and as I'm on the other side of the country, want to make sure they stay on
Lenny until I am home in the future to upgrade to Squeeze after it
officially becomes the Stable release.  I've seen some emails about using
Lenny instead of stable in the /etc/apt/sources.list to force aptitude
to keep a Lenny system.  Is this the official/accepted method?  Currently I
have the standard stable entries in sources.list, plus backports.  Nothing
fancy about the installation, stock kernel, etc.

Thank you,

Re: Keeping Lenny via /etc/apt/sources.list when Squeeze becomes stable

2010-12-19 Thread Alexander Batischev
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 07:12:48PM -0800, Mark wrote:
 I've seen some emails about using
 Lenny instead of stable in the /etc/apt/sources.list to force aptitude
 to keep a Lenny system.  Is this the official/accepted method?

Yes, that's absolutely normal to use either 'lenny' (with lowercase 'l'!) or
'stable'. You may also use 'squeeze' instead of 'testing' and 'sid' instead of

Alexander Batischev

F870 A381 B5F5 D2A1 1B35  4D63 A1A7 1C77 6909 3C81

Description: Digital signature

Re: [SOLVED] Keeping Lenny via /etc/apt/sources.list when Squeeze becomes stable

2010-12-19 Thread Mark
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Alexander Batischev eual...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 07:12:48PM -0800, Mark wrote:
  I've seen some emails about using
  Lenny instead of stable in the /etc/apt/sources.list to force
  to keep a Lenny system.  Is this the official/accepted method?

 Yes, that's absolutely normal to use either 'lenny' (with lowercase 'l'!)
 'stable'. You may also use 'squeeze' instead of 'testing' and 'sid' instead

Thank you, Alexander, this is exactly what I wanted to know.  I will use
lowercase 'l' as you suggest.


Re: No devices found in X

2010-12-19 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 19 Dec 2010 22:25:55 +0100
Sven Joachim wrote:

 On 2010-12-19 20:56 +0100, Celejar wrote:
  Running uptodate Sid.  I usually run self-compiled kernels (from git mainline repo) with standard Debian Sid X.
 You need to set CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y in your kernel configuration.  See
 the recent bug reports on the xserver-xorg-video-intel package.

Right you are, as usual.  We have this:

So I fixed that, and now I seemed to be worse off than before - the
system seemed to just hang early on in the boot process with a blank

I thought about this a bit, and realized that this was happening right
around the time that the system might be trying to switch to the
framebuffer, or something like that.  I don't particularly like the
framebuffer, and I've never needed it before, so I don't know much
about it.  I still haven't figured out how to get the framebuffer
working (if that's indeed the problem), but I discovered that I can get
into X by just waiting until the HDD stops churning, and then blindly
typing 'startxCR'.  [How's that for a broken system - X, but no
console ;)]

I've checked the framebuffer section of my kernel config, and made sure
that FB_I810 is enabled, but the problem remains.  Am I on the right
track?  Do I need anything else?

Looking around some more, I see that the Gentoo Wiki claims that with
Intel and KMS the framebuffer drivers should *not* be built, and
*building* them may actually cause black screens!  Can anyone point me
to a proper explanation of what I need to do to get the console working

[I'm pretty sure that I've tried both with FB_I810 enabled and
disabled, but perhaps I always really had it enabled.  If no one
has a better suggestion, I suppose I'll have to try again with it
disabled just to make sure.]

Thanks, Sven,
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External hdd changing device node mid-use

2010-12-19 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis
I have an external usb 2.0 LG hard disk. It is part of an md array which 
is in turn part of an lvm array. The strange thing is that while the 
drive is in use, it will suddenly change device nodes, for example from 
/dev/sda to /dev/sdb. This will cause the md driver to mark it as 
faulty. This is very disruptive. Why is this happening and how to solve it?

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