Re: Acentos y similares con teclado yanki

1999-11-15 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Barbwired writes:
  Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona decía:
Me bastar'ia con que cuado pulse el ap'ostrofe y luego
   una vocal, me produzca la vocal acentuada, por ejemplo. Creo que se
   puede hacer con XKB, pero no veo c'omo, ni encuentro
   documentaci'on... ?Alguna idea?
  Para las X te recomiendo xkeycaps (disponible en Slink, en:
  dists/slink/main/binary-i386/x11/xkeycaps_2.43-1.deb)  que te generará un 
  .xmodmap bastante majo que luego podrás retocar. Es simple y es flexible. 
  ¿En consola lo tienes arreglado?

Muchas gracias. Me ha llevado un rato, y todavía no funciona
como está mandado, pero ya puedo hacer casi todo lo que quería. Se me
resiste aún el configurar alt-tecla para producir algún caracter, por
ejemplo, y xemacs me da algunos problemillas. Pero estoy contentísimo.

Gracias mil, 


PS: Naturalmente, si hay interés y alguien lo quiere, os envío el
.xmodmap que tengo por ahora.

  Un saludo
   The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
   Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología 
   Web personal
Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Re: Lynux en un Aero 4/25

1999-11-15 Thread Samuel Montosa
El Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 10:52:32AM +0100, AYMA dijo:
 soy nuevo en esta lista, tengo un Compaq Aero 4/25 y como
¿eso que es, un portatil?
yo lo tengo en el mio (Compaq Contura) y va perfectamenteee
 resulta un poco pequeño para Win95, estoy considerando
el Güindos le cae gordo a cualquier maquina... :-)

| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
| |
|   e-mail alternativo ante el   |
|inminente cierre de dhis|
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.12 |

Re: Diccionario Inglés-Español

1999-11-15 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
Alfredo Casademunt wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Después de más tiempo del deseado por fin esta disponible en la versión 0.4 del diccionario
 Inglés-Español i2e.

Bueno pues ya esta la versión 0.4.1: revisión de la
traducción al Inglés y corrección de un error en la
función de aprender.

Un saludo.


¿Imágenes de non-free/non-us?

1999-11-15 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos.

¿alguien sabe de algún sitio del cual bajarse las imágenes ISO de la parte de
non-free y/o non-us? Para la Debian Hamm los de Linux Actual se marcaron el
detalle de meterlas en un CD, pero con Slink hay que bajárselo de Internet,
y ciertas cosas son un poco grandes.
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

apt-multicd desaparecido en combate

1999-11-15 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos.

Como muchos en esta lista, yo tengo una Debian Slink de los CD's de Linux
Actual (la Citius, vaya), actualizada de una Hamm. Sé que durante la
actualización tuve el método apt-multicd para el dselect, pero en algún
momento dado desapareció, no se si por alguna desafortunada actuación mía
(lo más probable) o porque haya desaparecido en alguna actualización de
algún paquete. El caso es que ahora sólo tengo el método apt-cdrom, que sólo
mantiene la lista de paquetes de un CD, con lo que tengo la lista del
dselect hecha un cristo. No tengo problemas para instalar paquetes a mano
con el dpkg, pero tengo que andar buscándolos primero por los cederrones
(primera y última vez que empleo esta palabra) y ya me empieza a aburrir.
Además, el día menos pensado me encuentro un paquete que tiene dependencias
del otro disco y la liamos.

¿Existe alguna manera de recuperar el método apt-multicd? Os pongo los
paquetes instalados que pueden tener algo que ver.

ii  apt front-end for dpkg
ii  dpkg1. Package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev1. Package building tools for Debian Linux
ii  dpkg-ftp1.4.10 Ftp method for dselect.
ii  dpkg-http   0.19   Multiple URL access method for dselect
ii  dpkg-mountable  0.8Enhanced access method for dselect
ii  dpkg-multicd0.14.1 Installation methods for multiple binary
ii  dpkg-perl   0.1-2hamm1 Perl interface modules for dpkg
ii  dpkg-repack 0.20   puts an unpacked .deb file back together

 dselect --versión
Debian Linux select', herramienta de gestión de paquetes.
Versión (i386 elf).  Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Ian Jackson. Ésto es
software libre; lea la licencia pública general GNU versión 2 o posterior
para las condiciones de copia. No se ofrece ninguna ganantia. Use dselect
--licence para más detalles.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature


1999-11-15 Thread hbooks
Periódicamente Hbooks le acerca una selección de libros de management para 
actualizado. Al mismo precio que en las librerías y con entrega a domicilio. 


En adelante, la manera en que se capte, administre y utilice la información 
las pérdidas y las ganancias de la empresa. A partir de este libro, los líderes 
de las organizaciones podrán concebir a sus compañías como seres capaces de 
el flujo de información en ganancias, al potenciar los elementos principales 
de toda actividad, los procesos y las relaciones con clientes y proveedores.

El presente desarrolla estrategias para pronosticar y cambiar de forma 
el futuro de una empresa, se analizan las tendencias, oportunidades, amenazas 
y fortalezas de la misma (clásico análisis FODA), pero el autor irá más allá 
de los parámetros empresariales tradicionales para analizarla. Contiene: La 
es para siempre, EL ámbito empresarial traicionero, Manejar el lado vulnerable, 
Usted invertiría en su compañía?, y Sintonice su radar empresarial, entre otros 

Figuras. Bibliografía. Principios y aplicaciones de la gestión del rendimiento 
estratégico y la creación de modelos para su seguimiento. Resumen de contenido: 
Visión del rendimiento empresarial. Aspectos fundamentales del proceso 
Un modelo integrado de dirección estratégica.

'99) $15
En este libro, el más importante desde La Sociedad Postcapitalista, Peter 
discute los nuevos paradigmas de la administración, y lo hace en la forma 
y desafiante que caracteriza toda su obra, combinando su amplitud de miras con 
un clarividente pensamiento de avanzada. Vastos conocimientos, experiencia 
reflexión profunda, análisis agudo y lúcido sentido común son la escencia de 
sus escritos que, indefectiblemente, se convierten en Best Sellers 
y en hitos de la profesión de la gerencia. Harvard Business Review

Clásicos en oferta

El Dinero de John Kenneth Galbraith. $8.-
  Realizado con la agudeza y la destreza literaria por las que es conocido el 
autor... El profesor Galbraith ha escrito una amena historia del devenir del 
Una lectura agradable y provechosa.  The Wall Street Journal.

El Sondeo, una herramienta de marketing de Jacques Antoine. $8
-Comprando un libro más una oferta el envío es sin cargo (en Capital y Gran 

Los envíos al interior se realizan por Correo Argentino, pago efectivo contra 
entrega ($6.-)
En Capital, todas las tarjetas de crédito o en efectivo contra entrega.

Llámenos al 4794-8728 o responda nuestro e-mail indicando su número teléfonico 
para coordinar la entrega.

Solicite también cualquier título que necesite en literatura, turismo, 
etc. al mismo precio que en las librerías, siempre con nuestro servicio y si 
lo solicita, le enviaremos el catálogo temático de su interés.

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: sigo con el du

1999-11-15 Thread Fernando
Ricard Sierra wrote:
 Hola Jaime y Fernando,
   Antes de nada presentarme, es la primera vez que escrivo en la lista
 aunque hace tiempo que la sigo como lector.

Pues bienvenido.

   Bueno a lo que iba. Que el du funciona bien en la version de potato,
 no asi en la de slink como indica Fernando. Me explico. El du como su
 nombre indica sirve para indicarnos el numeros de espacio ocupado en
 disco por un fichero, esto en los sistemas de ficheros unix no tiene
 porque coincidir con el tamaño del fichero en si, es decir un fichero
 puede ser mucho mas grande de lo que realmente ocupa en disco. Y como
 se hace esto? Pues basicamente las zonas del fichero sin informacion
 (a zero) no ocupan ningun bloque, no es hasta que se ocupa con algo
 de informacion que se ocupa ese bloque fisicamente en el disco. Os
 recomiendo la lectura de algun libro que trate sobre el tema.
 Para comprobarlo podeis usar el programita de ejemplo adjunto.
 Basicamente lo que hace es crear un fichero de tamaño indicado
 haciendo un lseek hasta la ultima posicion. Con esto se crea un
 espacio en medio sin informacion que no se guarda en el disco.
 Si ejecutais el programa vereis como funciona el du.
 Por otra parte al usar cp el sistema copia los bloques de datos utilizados
 mientras que con cat lo que se esta haciendo es leer todos los datos del
 fichero original y escibiendolos de nuevo, en este caso los agujeros del
 medio se consideran zeros que son grabados como informacion y por tanto ocupan
 espacio en disco. Para eliminar este espacio se puede usar el programa 
 Finalmente sum y md5sum dan los mismos resultados ya que se basan en los
 datos del fichero que son todos iguales ya que el kernel interpreta 
 los bloques inexistentes como zeros. Por otra parte se ve como sum indica el
 numero de bloques totales que ocupa el fichero no asi los fisicos.
 Espero haber ayudado a entender el funcionamiento del sistema de ficheros
 de unix y no haber liado mas.
 Resumiendo, no hay que hacer ningun bug report del du.

Creo que nos lo has aclarado perfectamente.



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Acentos y similares con teclado yanki

1999-11-15 Thread Barbwired
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona decía:
 PS: Naturalmente, si hay interés y alguien lo quiere, os envío el
 .xmodmap que tengo por ahora.

Pues estaría curioso, más que nada por ver cómo solucionas ciertas cosas que yo
no he resuelto con comodidad. ¿Habéis probado a usar las teclas de windows para 
cosas tan chulas como el símbolo del euro o las comillas españolas «guillemot»? 
Creo que incluso se puede cambiar de consola con esas teclas muertas.
Para saber el keycode de las malditas usad showkeys y pulsad la tecla de 
windows. Luego se incluyen en el .xmodmap y se les asigna el valor deseado.

Tocando tocando he conseguido solucionar mi eterno problema del alfabeto 
fonético, aunque el resultado es un teclado que sólo sé usar yo y que en las X
no va como debiera (¿Depende de la aplicación o son cosas mías?).

Un saludazo!   
A job interview at 0930 is quite a nice [for horrible values of nice] way of
 keeping you awake.  Your brain ends up in spin-loops chewing up all mental
 activity and refusing to allow sleep() to run.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 


1999-11-15 Thread Barbwired
hbooks decía:
En adelante, la manera en que se capte, administre y utilice la informaci?n 
determinar? las p?rdidas y las ganancias de la empresa. A partir de este 
libro, los l?deres de las organizaciones podr?n concebir a sus compa??as como 
seres capaces de convertir el flujo de informaci?n en ganancias, al potenciar 
los elementos principales de toda actividad, los procesos y las relaciones con
clientes y proveedores.

Hay que joderse.

A job interview at 0930 is quite a nice [for horrible values of nice] way of
 keeping you awake.  Your brain ends up in spin-loops chewing up all mental
 activity and refusing to allow sleep() to run.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: apt-multicd desaparecido en combate

1999-11-15 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Han Solo wrote:
 ¿Existe alguna manera de recuperar el método apt-multicd? Os pongo los
 paquetes instalados que pueden tener algo que ver.

Creo que estaba dentro de un .tgz con añadidos locales de los de citius
en el directorio donde se encuentran las imágenes de arranque. 

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Lynux en un Aero 4/25

1999-11-15 Thread Jose Rodriguez
El Sun, 14 Nov 1999 10:52:32 +0100, has escrito:


  ... tengo un Compaq Aero 4/25 y como 
  resulta un poco pequeño para Win95, estoy considerando
  la posibilidad de instalar Lynux. Alguien puede contarme 
  alguna experiencia al respecto?.

Echale una ojeada a

y una pagina para portatiles y linux



RE: sigo con el du

1999-11-15 Thread jarregui
Y olé  ;-)
Pues podrías escribir más de vez en cuando, que a muchos nos vendría bien...


 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Ricard Sierra [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 12 de noviembre de 1999 19:31
 Para: Lista Debian Español
 Asunto:   Re: sigo con el du
   Antes de nada presentarme, es la primera vez que escrivo en la lista
 aunque hace tiempo que la sigo como lector.

Re: /etc/group (tribulaciones varias)

1999-11-15 Thread Ricard Sierra
Hola again,

On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 05:19:51PM +0100, Barbwired wrote:
 Tal y como observaréis, /dev/fujifilm es propiedad del grupo root y quiero 
 crear un nuevo grupo para este dispositivo e incluir en él a los usuarios que 
 estén autorizados a bajarse fotos. Creo que este es el camino correcto ¿no?
 Por otro lado, ppp y este programa usan el mismo dispositivo (/dev/ttyS0), y
 después de conectarme, tengo que descargar los módulos que usa ppp a mano 
 para poder usar la cámara. Yo lo hago porque soy la tiránica root de mi 
 máquina, pero ¿y el resto de los mortales? 
 ¿Debería incluir algo en /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/ al efecto para que queden 
 automáticamente descargados al finalizar la conexión?  

  A mi se me ocurre utilizar super y un script donde descargues los modulos del
ppp y llames al programa de captura de la camara. A parte puedes indicar los
usuarios que tienen derecho a ejecutar el comando. La verdad es que super va muy
bien para cosas como esta (montar el cdrom, hacer un halt, reboot, etc.. sin
tener que entrar como root).

 Además las fotos se bajan con nombres horrorosos:
 etc... y me gustaría saber si alguno tenéis un script de bash o similar para
 cambiar los nombres a minúsculas (ni que la cámara fuera made by AOL).

Aqui tienes una function que tengo yo:
lower () {
if [ -z $* ]
for i in *
newname=`echo \$i\ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ $i != $newname ]
mv $i $newname
for i in $*
newname=`echo \$i\ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ $i != $newname ]
mv $i $newname

 Si consigo algo le mandaré un bug report al autor del soft pues creo que es 
 interesante que incluya una herramienta de este tipo y que lo del grupo 
 fujifilm-o-lo-que-sea venga de serie. 
 Un saludo a todos/as!
 P.D: Quiero un congreso igual la semana que vieenee

  Esta vez en Barcelona please... :-)


Ricard Sierra Rebull

Re: Columnas en vi

1999-11-15 Thread Ricard Sierra
Hola Barb,

On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 08:53:32PM +0100, Barbwired wrote:
  Ah y como haces que el vi te mande un retorno de carro en tal columna? 
  yo tengo que pulsar return para que no siga escribiendo en la misma 
 Yo tengo definida la variable 
 export EXINIT='set columns=80'
 en mi .bash_profile (quizá tengas que hacerlo tb en tu .bashrc).
 Vale para vi, pero no para vim. ¿Cómo se hace con vim?
 Un saludo!

  Para mi me parece mejor poner la configuracion en el fichero .exrc. Asi te
evitas problemas en casos donde no se definen las variables de entorno por usar
otro shell, por razone de seguridad, etc.

  En verdad lo que buscas es la variable wrapmargin que me parece es estandar
del vi (al menos en nvi, elvis y vim esta definida) a la que debes asignarle el
numero de caracteres de espacio que dejas a la derecha.

  Espero que haya sido de ayuda.


Ricard Sierra Rebull

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread Andres Herrera

On Nov 12, 1999 at 03:22:59PM +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE wrote:
  Creo que hay muchos paquetes en la Debian y eso no ayuda a que esté 

 Esto es la mayor ventaja de Debian. Aquí tienes todo, monta lo que quieras.

Es muy dificil que 4000 paquetes funcionen todos bien. Por no decir utopico.

Vamos a ver: si la misma gente tiene que encargarse de que mas paquetes
funcionen bien, evidentemente cada vez sera mas dificil que todo furule. El
caso es que el aumento de paquetes va (o deberia ir) acompañado de un aumento
en el numero de mantenedores, por lo que el asunto dejaria de ser un problema
en si.

El problema del gran numero de paquetes puede estar cuando cambia alguno de
los paquetes fundamentales: en ese momento ahora es mucha gente la que tendria
que revisar y actualizar paquetitos de los que son responsables, y mientras
mas paquetes sean y mas gente haya implicada, mas largos son estos procesos.

La cuestion es que en Debian se prefiere calidad a modernidad o rapidez de
desarrollo, y desde luego la idea de meter en los CDs todo lo que se pueda es
genial para el usuario que no tenga conexion a Inet: solo con lo que hay en el
CD se puede hacer de todo.

  otra es limitar el número de paquetes que habrá en la distribución y de 
  esta forma hacerla mas manejable. Si hay 4.000 paquetes no se pude 
  garantizar el perfecto funcionamiento de todos, pero com 1.500 ya es otra 
  cosa. Se podría votar para

 Esto es limitar las ventajas de Debian.

No, porque puede haber una distribucion mas dinamica con menos paquetes y 
pillarte un CD con los demas paquetes. Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos 
paquetes: el emacs, el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc.

Pufff Si creas un CD con el nucleo duro de la instalacion y otros con
paquetes accesorios se plantean dos problemas muy serios:

1) Para mantener la calidad, los paquetes de los CDs adicionales deben estar
tan probados como los del CD principal, asi que el trabajo es el mismo.

2) Decidir que es lo que usa todo el mundo y lo que se usa poco es algo muy
arriesgado. Por un lado, la variedad de herramientas es enorme y en muchos
casos las mayorias pueden no ser significativas; por otro lado seria una forma
involuntaria de dirigir a nuevos usuarios a una serie de herramientas mas
tradicionales, lo que empeoraria el caracter poco modernizado de las
distribuciones Debian.

No me refiero a que eliges lo que instalar en el sistema, sino que eliges 
los paquetes que deberian estar en la distribucion. En le RedHat no hay 
millones de paquetes. Hay unos cuantos y si quieres mas, o pillas un CD con 
mas paquetes o te los bajas de la Red.

Precisamente la RedHat se caracteriza por contener errores de bulto

 Debian es tan especial por su filosofía. Para distribuciones cortadas y
 preseleccionadas ya hay otras. A mi Debian me mola sobre todo por el
 control total sobre cualquier cosa y cualquier paquete que puedes realizar.
 (¿has visto Matrix?) La vida en Linux (y sobre todo en Debian) es dura, no es
 tan bonita, sencilla y falsa como en Windows, pero es la vida misma.

Vamos a ver: se trata de hacer Linux mas sencillo de usar y mas dinamico. No 
se trata de usar Linux porque es mas dificil y por eso me creo mejor. Windows 
lo tiene todo el mundo porque su interfaz con el usuario esta muy cuidada. 
Mas que lo de dentro, pero lamentablemente eso no cuenta. Si tenemos algo 
tan estable y escalable como Linux y con una buena interfaz, seria demoledor.

Vamos por partes, que este parrafo tiene mcha miga.

¿Se esta hablando de Linux en general o de Debian? Debian, en si mismo, no es
mas dificil de usar que otra distribucion. ¿Que es mas dificil de instalar? Se
ha criticado mucho al dselect, quizas por feo o poco intuitivo, pero a mi me
sigue pareciendo una herramienta maravillosa y con una potencia terrible. ¿Que
es dificil de configurar? Quizas no es tan urgente que sea mas facil: al fin y
al cabo quien entra en Linux no suele hacerlo por Debian (tampoco es tan mala
esa pequeña especializacion).

Sobre la interfaz de Guindows y su supuesta intuitividad y facilidad, el dia a
dia demuestra que de eso nada de nada: la gente suda tinta para aprender a
manejar el Guin, y al final lo hace a base de memoria y repeticiones (como
todas las cosas de la vida, faciles o dificiles).

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.13| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Miembro del Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q|

Description: PGP signature

Re: Acentos y similares con teclado yanki

1999-11-15 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:08:21AM +0100, Barbwired wrote:
 Tocando tocando he conseguido solucionar mi eterno problema del alfabeto 
 fonético, aunque el resultado es un teclado que sólo sé usar yo y que en las X
 no va como debiera (¿Depende de la aplicación o son cosas mías?).

Que es un alfabeto fonético? Los famosos dvorak? Me gustaría probarlo...
pero imagino que hace falta mucho tiempo (bastante escaso por aquí) y
paciencia (menos escasa, pero no abundante) para hacerte con un teclado con
un layout completamente diferente debe ser una movida.


Description: PGP signature


1999-11-15 Thread Jordi
No, si además del spam...

On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 01:40:00AM -0300, hbooks wrote:
 Perisdicamente Hbooks le acerca una seleccisn de libros de management para 
 actualizado. Al mismo precio que en las librermas y con entrega a domicilio. 

... nos ponen esto. Vamos, esto es casualidad?

 En adelante, la manera en que se capte, administre y utilice la informacisn 
 las pirdidas y las ganancias de la empresa. A partir de este libro, los 
 de las organizaciones podran concebir a sus compaqmas como seres capaces de 
 el flujo de informacisn en ganancias, al potenciar los elementos principales 
 de toda actividad, los procesos y las relaciones con clientes y proveedores.

Bonita descripción de la basura que esconde dentro.
Y los demás libros son más vomitivos todavía.

Ningún admin de puede poner un filtro? No nos costaría
mucho hacer una buena lista con estas direcciones, verdad?



Description: PGP signature

Re: super y sudo

1999-11-15 Thread Jordi

On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 12:23:26PM +, Ricard Sierra wrote:
   A mi se me ocurre utilizar super y un script donde descargues los modulos 
 ppp y llames al programa de captura de la camara. A parte puedes indicar los
 usuarios que tienen derecho a ejecutar el comando. La verdad es que super va 
 bien para cosas como esta (montar el cdrom, hacer un halt, reboot, etc.. sin
 tener que entrar como root).

A propósito de super, sé que mucha gente usa 'sudo' para hacer esto mismo.
Yo también prefiero super, pero al grano. En la lista de seguridad unix de
kriptópolis ha llegado lo siguiente, supongo que es bueno compartirlo:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 21:38:21 -0600 (CST)
From: Wade Maxfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [linux-security] security hole in sudo allows users full access
Resent-Date: 12 Nov 1999 08:04:16 -
Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;

  While sudo is used to give fairly trusted users the ability to run
programs with root privs, there exists a hole in the one in the RedHat
contrib directory (sudo 1.5.9.p4) which allows a minimally trusted user to
obtain full root access and privilege.

  If a user is given the opportunity to run any program, that user can
fool sudo and obtain any level of privilege for any executable.

  Assume the user can run /bin/treport as listed in the sudoers file.
(The actual program name does not matter.)

  the user copies /bin/vi to ./treport (assuming the user is in a
directory in which he has write and execute priv.) the user then executes
the following line:

sudo ./treport /etc/shadow

  vi is executed with root privilege and shadow is opened. The full path
of treport is not required.  The correct path of treport is not required.

  This program should be restricted only to _very_ trusted users in the


[mod: Note that many operations that normally require root will
give away root when allowed under sudo with a little puzzeling.
This, however, is unforgivable. -- REW]

Para quien no entienda inglés, un bug en sudo permite engañarle ya que no
comprueba el path del ejecutable, así que si tienes permiso en sudoers para
ejecutar foo, haces cp /bin/vi ~/foo y luego ./foo /etc/shadow y ale,
editando como root. No lo he comprobado, si alguien usa sudo, que lo haga y
En fin, el mensaje es alto y claro: No le des sudo a nadie del que no
confíes plenamente.



Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/group (tribulaciones varias)

1999-11-15 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Barbwired ha dicho:
 Después de habernos conocido en el II Congreso Hispalinux mola más
 abusar de vuestra paciencia :-)

Hola Translatrix; pues te cuento que valió la pena ir a Hispalinux por
haber tenido la oportunida de conocernos.

 ...(un ejemplo de mi pericia fotográfica :-) está en y esperamos
 vuestras contribuciones).
Una idea muy buena; cuando haya revelado la única foto que tuve tiempo
de tomar te la mando. Una idea para ti y Javier (vigu): porque no poneis
también en el album una lista de páginas personales de colaboradoes de
esta lista? Yo a veces me pongo a ver las páginas que algunos dan en la
firma y encuentro muchas cosas interesantes o hasta fotografias de los

 Además las fotos se bajan con nombres horrorosos:
 etc... y me gustaría saber si alguno tenéis un script de bash o similar para
 cambiar los nombres a minúsculas (ni que la cámara fuera made by AOL).
Pues es un tema que se ha discutido varias veces y siempre aparecen
varias soluciones; mis solucones favoritas son las siguientes:

1 - Propuesta por Henrique Zanardi, usando bash:
   for i in *; do j=`echo $i|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`; mv $i $j; done
(importante dejar un espacio aqui|)

2 - Propuesta por Santiago Vila, usando awk:
   ls |awk '{system(mv  $0   tolower($0))}'
claro en el primer caso puedes substiuir * por *.JPG y en el segundo
caso ls por ls *.JPG, si quieres no tocar los otros ficheros.

 P.D: Quiero un congreso igual la semana que vieenee
Yo no, porque me saldria muy caro ir hasta Madrid todas las semanas,
pero me gusta mucho la propuesta de Suzen de unas vacaciones de verano

Jaime Villate

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread J. Carlos Muro

Andres Herrera escribió:

 Vamos por partes, que este parrafo tiene mcha miga.

 ¿Se esta hablando de Linux en general o de Debian? Debian, en si mismo, no es
 mas dificil de usar que otra distribucion. ¿Que es mas dificil de instalar? Se
 ha criticado mucho al dselect, quizas por feo o poco intuitivo, pero a mi me
 sigue pareciendo una herramienta maravillosa y con una potencia terrible. ¿Que
 es dificil de configurar? Quizas no es tan urgente que sea mas facil: al fin y
 al cabo quien entra en Linux no suele hacerlo por Debian (tampoco es tan mala
 esa pequeña especializacion).

Pues yo sí que trabajaría en mejorar la instalación. Hay que admitir que otras
distribuciones cuesta instalarlas una quinta parte de lo que cuesta Debian. Y 
eso si
controlas un poco, que yo conozco a mucha gente de los que les he recomendado
Debian, haberse echado atrás por ser incapaces de instalarlo y sin embargo 
con otra distribución en 30 minutos. Estas personas ya no usarán Debian :(
Y cuando digo instalación, no me refiero al dselect. A mí también me parece una
herramienta alucinante. Me refiero a la instalación desde 0. Otras 
autodetectan lo que tienes, te hacen la vida más sencilla para particionar, 
incluso arrancan ya con interface gráfica (o al menos eso me han contado por 
Bueno, habrá que esperar a eso que se hablaba de las granjas de 
configuraciones. ¿Lo
veremos en potato?
¿Y qué hay del arranque en modo gráfico (arranque de la instalación, insisto)?
También se habló hace tiempo de que se iba a eso, pero supongo que para 
hacerse, se
necesita autodetección de hardware,y también se acaba de decir que se deja de
momento lo de la detección, así que supongo que también se deja el arranque en 

 Sobre la interfaz de Guindows y su supuesta intuitividad y facilidad, el dia a
 dia demuestra que de eso nada de nada: la gente suda tinta para aprender a
 manejar el Guin, y al final lo hace a base de memoria y repeticiones (como
 todas las cosas de la vida, faciles o dificiles).

Bueno, aprovecho para hacer una pregunta ¿cómo puedo apagar el sistema como 
sin 'sudar tinta'? Porque actualmente, lo que hago es:

// abro consola
$ su -
$ passwd: *
$ init 0

En Guin, hasta mi sobrinilla de 2 años sabría hacerlo, sin sudar tinta X-DD


Juan Carlos

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread Ricard
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 02:59:04PM +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote:
 A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se 
 niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía.
 ¿Puede ser porque estas personas usen un 386 con 1 Mega de RAM?
 ¿Puede ser porque para bajarme un triste fichero de internet no necesite la 
 interface gráfica?
 ¿O puede deberse a algún tipo de reminiscencia que nos remonta 
 sentimentalmente a las antiguas tarjetas perforadas, igual que alguno viste y 
 piensa a lo años 60 porque recuerda lo buenos que eran aquellos
 Yo uso los tres, y creo que cualquiera que no sea masoca, también usa uno de 
 los tres, o si no, ¿qué uso si no?, ¿twm? Vamos

Bueno, se podria hablar mucho del tema, pero como creo que este sera uno mas de
los muchos replys que recibira este e-mail ire al grano:

He utilizado durante mucho tiempo GNOME, KDE y Enlightenment y a decir verdad 
los tres son fantasticos. Pero cuando trabajas 8 horas al dia (con suerte)
delante con estos sistemas empiezas a exigir mas productividad que no 
vistosidad o facilidad de manejo (tengo tiempo para aprender). Lo cual me ha 
a utilizar ICEWM desde hace 2 meses ... y cada dia me convence mas.

Habria un porron de ejemplos mas ... por algo te estoy escribiendo este email
con el mutt y he dejado por imposible el cliente de correo del Netscape...

 Atención, que mi comentario no es una sugerencia a que nadie se pase a uno de 
 estos tres escritorios. Simplemente me gustaría saber porqué alguien usaría 
 twm y no Gnome por ejemplo. Cada uno que utilize lo que
 le dé la gana. Precisamente eso también  me gusta a mí de Debian, que puedas 
 hacer lo que te dé _a tí_ la gana, y no al capricho de 4 tíos que juntan una 
 serie de herramientas de su conveniencia en un CD.
 Y eso sí, no dejaré de sugerirle al que viste a lo 60's que se dé una 
 vueltita por ahí y admire las maravillas que existen ahora a las puertas del 
 año 2000 X-DDD

Soy el primero que instala POTATO con las ultimas versiones de todo para meter
los dedos a las nuevas maravillas pero a la hora de trabajar ...

 De todas maneras, este tipo de conversaciones siempre suelen sucederse de una 
 larga cola de 'replys' con las mismas guisas de juicios y respuestas. Así que 
 ya casi intuyo la respuesta a mi mensaje. Pienso que
 debería hacerse una especie de encuesta en la web de Debian, para que 
 realmente se sepa qué es lo que quieren los usuarios. Yo creo que habrían 
 sorpresas ;-)

Dejame que dude ... sobretodo en el colectivo Debian.

 Juan Carlos

  (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.

RE: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread jarregui
Si utilizas kdm, wdm o gdm, las 3 te permiten apagar el ordenador desde la
pantallita de login.
Si estás en una consola, cualquier usuario puede apagar el sistema con


 -Mensaje original-
 De:   J. Carlos Muro [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 15 de noviembre de 1999 15:47
 Para: lista-debian
 Asunto:   Re: Freeze de Potato
 Bueno, aprovecho para hacer una pregunta ¿cómo puedo apagar el sistema
 como usuario
 sin 'sudar tinta'? Porque actualmente, lo que hago es:
 // abro consola
 $ su -
 $ passwd: *
 $ init 0

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread 31
 Yo, uso linux desde los kerneles, 2.0.2x, fueron los primeros que conocí, con 
 una Debian
 1.3 (creo), en la que no tenía soporte grafico, porque mi tarjeta, no estaba 
 Como loco me fuí a SuSE por soportaban mi ATI, luego, paso el tiempo, y saque 

-Con windows, instalaba, reinstalaba y volvía a reinstalar.
-Con Debian, usaba el ordenador, pero no disfrutaba (puede que por no saber lo
-Con SuSE, instalaba, configuraba y volvía a reconfigurar, y empezé a creer que 
-Con RedHat, instaba y configuraba en el mismo paso, creía disfrutar y ademas 
estar a la
-Con el paso del tiempo... he vuelto a Debian.

Con Debian, instalo, leo la documentación, configuro y funciona *siempre*, solo 
yo puedo
cagarla, ahora disfruto yo y el ordenador. Y definitivamente, Actually, I Love 
ademas, creo que empiezo a comprender el significado del sale 
la felicidad y
el bienestar por las orejas cuando hablo de ella.

Re: apt-multicd desaparecido en combate

1999-11-15 Thread 31
a mi me paso lo mismo, creo que fue, cuando pase del kernel 2.0 al 2.2, pero, 
ahora tengo el
sources.list, con los cds de la revista, y con los directorios de Debian.

apt-get install paquete, lo busca y me lo instala, o apt-cache search paquete, 
y me busca el
paquete y todo lo relacionado, luego instalo lo que quiero, incluso he flipado 
con el apt-get
dist-upgrade, una actualización perfeta, todo funcionado a la perfeccion, el 
dselect ya lo he
olvidado y el dpkg para instalar los kerneles y paquetes de cds de revistas, 
pero en el
futuro, espero que al apt tambien me controle esto, en un futuro proximo.

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread Gustavo CR
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 02:59:04PM +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote:

 De todas maneras, este tipo de conversaciones siempre suelen sucederse de una 
 larga cola de 'replys' con las mismas guisas de juicios y respuestas. Así que 
 ya casi intuyo la respuesta a mi mensaje. Pienso que
 debería hacerse una especie de encuesta en la web de Debian, para que 
 realmente se sepa qué es lo que quieren los usuarios. Yo creo que habrían 
 sorpresas ;-)

Pues si te sirve con la lectura de la lista te podrías hacer una idea :-).

Y en cuanto a los WM's te sorprendería por ejemplo XFCE, con ser mucho menos 
pesado que GNOME y KDE, prácticamente te ofrece lo mismo (papelera, un 
administrador de ficheros, soporta arrastrar y soltar, tiene su propio
manejador de ventanas pero puedes usar el que desees, no necesitas editar 
ficheros de configuración y. chachan no se empeña en imitar a ventanas(c).

Si haces esto: su -c halt (te pide el password) y listo. Joer y no me digas 
que esto es sudar tinta porque tengo que ir al psicólogo por masoca. 

Postdata: Deberían denunciarte al defensor del menor por dejar que tu sobrina 
use esas cosas }:-)

¡International Linux Free Beer Ring YA!

Re: ¿poner el reloj en hora?

1999-11-15 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 05:08:43PM +, 31 dijo:
 siempre lo he puesto en la bios, pero cuando se cambia la hora tengo que 
 cambiarlo, ¿hay
 forma de que se cambie automaticamente?, ademas mi bios adelanta un poco, y 
 también he oido
 que hay una forma de poner en hora el reloj de linux que toma en cuenta los 
 adelantos cada
 vez que se pone en hora y ajusta solo el reloj, haciendo que cada vez sea mas 
 preciso ¿es
---fin del texto citado---
Si haces que en el reloj de la BIOS se guarde la hora universal (UTC, GMT, o 
Zúlu para el DoD americano) y defines bien tu zona horaria, se cambia 
automáticamente ... Yo lo tengo así, y mi ordenador, que estaba encendido 
durante el cambio horario, se ajustó sólo

Para hacerlo a manita haz (como root)

date --set=tuhora ... en plan 1800 si son las 6 en punto de la tarde
hwclock -u --systohc

y luego define bien tu local (no sé en qué utilidad era... creo que debian tare 
una por ncurses..) y si no en TZ en el /etc, o por ahí

y ya tá ;)

Daniel Payno

Conflicto entre tarjeta de red y modem

1999-11-15 Thread Alvaro Alea

Por motivos que no vienen al caso he tenido que reinstalar debian de 0.
He vuelto a configurar toda la gaita del pppd, pero cuando lo lanzo
conecta me da ip, bla, bla, pero no puedo enviar ni recibir nada por el modem.
Consultando los log, encontre esto:

Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3 addr]Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: not replacing existing default 
route to eth0 []:46 debian pppd[338]: Cannot determine ethernet 
address for proxy ARPov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: local  IP address
Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: remote IP address

La linea interesante es la de not replacing existing default route

El caso es que como la red aun no la tengo conectada, si escribo 
ifconfig eth0 down
Y vuelvo a conectar a internet, todo funciona fino.

¿donde tengo que tocar algo para poder usar los dos a la vez?
Ando un poco perdido, nunca tube un problema similar.

Como dato adicional, cuando escribo correo desconectado, el mutt se me queda un 
minuto pensando, supongo que para resolver un DNS, cosa que no hacia, y que si
escribo el ifconfig eth0 down, deja de pasar.


Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734

Re: Conflicto entre tarjeta de red y modem

1999-11-15 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:

 Por motivos que no vienen al caso he tenido que reinstalar debian de 0.
 He vuelto a configurar toda la gaita del pppd, pero cuando lo lanzo
 conecta me da ip, bla, bla, pero no puedo enviar ni recibir nada por el modem.
 Consultando los log, encontre esto:
 Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3 addr]Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: not replacing existing 
 default route to eth0 []:46 debian pppd[338]: Cannot determine 
 ethernet address for proxy ARPov 12 01:19:
46 debian pppd[338]: local  IP address
 Nov 12 01:19:46 debian pppd[338]: remote IP address
 La linea interesante es la de not replacing existing default route

No es mi fuerte pero parece ser indicas al pppd que establezca una ruta por
defecto, pero si ya existe una ruta por defecto no se permite reemplazarla.

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Columnas en vi... solucionado

1999-11-15 Thread jppuerta
  Ah y como haces que el vi te mande un retorno de carro en tal columna? 
  yo tengo que pulsar return para que no siga escribiendo en la misma 
 Yo tengo definida la variable 
 export EXINIT='set columns=80'
 en mi .bash_profile (quiz tengas que hacerlo tb en tu .bashrc).
 Vale para vi, pero no para vim. Cmo se hace con vim?

Pues en el /etc/vimrc he mezclado los consejos de la gente y he metido 
tanto el set tw=70 y el set columns=70 asi, el columns me corta las
lineas seguun escribo y el tw hace que el mismo corte resulte en el
fichero final, yo uso el Vi IMproved - minimal build, no se si para
otras versiones sera lo mismo o no... :-/

Saludos, JP!!

¿Me atacan?

1999-11-15 Thread Juan Leseduarte


Me he conectado a para bajarme un paquete .deb y me veo esto
en /var/log/daemon.log (tengo siempre una ventana monitorizándolo, paranoico
que es uno):

Nov 15 22:24:43 beta tcplogd: port 3652 connection attempt from
Nov 15 22:24:47 beta tcplogd: port 3717 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:24:48 beta tcplogd: port 3591 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:24:56 beta tcplogd: port 3782 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:02 beta tcplogd: port 3843 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:11 beta tcplogd: port 3843 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:12 beta tcplogd: port 3909 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:15 beta tcplogd: port 3909 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:24 beta tcplogd: port 4095 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:34 beta tcplogd: port 4098 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:34 beta tcplogd: port 4100 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:25:37 beta tcplogd: port 4100 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:26:22 beta tcplogd: port 4104 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:26:38 beta tcplogd: port 4106 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:26:44 beta tcplogd: port 4106 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:27:19 beta tcplogd: port 4114 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:27:21 beta tcplogd: port 4109 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:27:21 beta tcplogd: port 4116 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:27:37 beta tcplogd: port 4121 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:27:40 beta tcplogd: port 4123 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:30:13 beta tcplogd: port 4126 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:30:17 beta tcplogd: port 4128 connection attempt from ...
Nov 15 22:30:26 beta tcplogd: port 4130 connection attempt from ...

¿Este escaneado de puertos es normal? ¿Forma parte de la política de seguridad
del servidor ftp?


This message was sent by Mutt under Linux

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread Jordi
J. Carlos Muro wrote:
 SKaVen escribió:
  El dia Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 03:22:59PM +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE 
No, porque puede haber una distribucion mas dinamica con menos paquetes 
  y pillarte
un CD con los demas paquetes. Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos 
  paquetes: el emacs,
el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc.
  curioso, yo no utilizo ninguno de los paquetes que has dicho  X
 A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se 
 niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía.
 ¿Puede ser porque estas personas usen un 386 con 1 Mega de RAM?
 ¿Puede ser porque para bajarme un triste fichero de internet no necesite la 
 interface gráfica?
 ¿O puede deberse a algún tipo de reminiscencia que nos remonta 
 sentimentalmente a las antiguas tarjetas perforadas, igual que alguno viste y 
 piensa a lo años 60 porque recuerda lo buenos que eran aquellos

O puede ser que hay una variedad TAN enorme de WMs que eso sólo son 3
cartas de la baraja? En Debian precisamente hay muchísimo donde elegir:
AfterStep, IceWM, BlackBox, wm2, WM, Gnome, KDE, FVWM*... con tanta
variedad, porqué dices que todo el mundo tiene que usar esos 3 en

 Yo uso los tres, y creo que cualquiera que no sea masoca, también usa uno de 
 los tres, o si no, ¿qué uso si no?, ¿twm? Vamos
Masoca? Casi todos los wms que he listado hacen lo mismo que los 3 que
nombras tú, y posiblemente con un gasto de recursos mucho más bajo.

 Atención, que mi comentario no es una sugerencia a que nadie se pase a uno de 
 estos tres escritorios. Simplemente me gustaría saber porqué alguien usaría 
 twm y no Gnome por ejemplo. Cada uno que utilize lo que
 le dé la gana. Precisamente eso también  me gusta a mí de Debian, que puedas 
 hacer lo que te dé _a tí_ la gana, y no al capricho de 4 tíos que juntan una 
 serie de herramientas de su conveniencia en un CD.
 Y eso sí, no dejaré de sugerirle al que viste a lo 60's que se dé una 
 vueltita por ahí y admire las maravillas que existen ahora a las puertas del 
 año 2000 X-DDD
 De todas maneras, este tipo de conversaciones siempre suelen sucederse de una 
 larga cola de 'replys' con las mismas guisas de juicios y respuestas. Así que 
 ya casi intuyo la respuesta a mi mensaje. Pienso que
 debería hacerse una especie de encuesta en la web de Debian, para que 
 realmente se sepa qué es lo que quieren los usuarios. Yo creo que habrían 
 sorpresas ;-)

*cough* Esto ya existe. Crees que no se tiene en cuenta el uso que se le
da a los paquetes a la hora de elegir si meterlos en el primer CD o en
el segundo?
Hay un paquete que ayuda enormemente en esta tarea: si una máquina lo
tiene instalado hace estadísticas de uso de los paquetes de la
distribución, para luego enviarlas a la gente que monta los CDs y así
ellos saben que es lo más utilizado, al menos por la gente que tenga
instalado este paquete. También lo usan a la hora de elegir que paquetes
meter en los profiles de la instalación.
Echa un vistazo al paquete popularity-contest.


Re: ¿poner el reloj en hora?

1999-11-15 Thread Conrado Badenas
31 wrote:
 siempre lo he puesto en la bios, pero cuando se cambia la hora tengo que 
 cambiarlo, ¿hay
 forma de que se cambie automaticamente?, ademas mi bios adelanta un poco, y 
 también he oido
 que hay una forma de poner en hora el reloj de linux que toma en cuenta los 
 adelantos cada
 vez que se pone en hora y ajusta solo el reloj, haciendo que cada vez sea mas 
 preciso ¿es

Primero un poco de teoría:

En Linux hay dos relojes: el de la BIOS (o el de CMOS, o RTC, o reloj
hardware: tiene muchos nombres) y el del sistema. El que importa es el
del sistema, pero al arrancar el kernel no sabe qué hora es. Para que el
sistema sepa la hora el primer programa que lanza el kernel (el programa
init) se la pregunta al reloj hardware inmediatamente después del
arranque (el trabajo sucio lo hace /etc/rcS.d/ --
/etc/init.d/, que se instala gracias al paquete
base/util-linux). Por entonces el kernel no sabe nada de variables del
sistema tipo TZ. Lo único que necesita saber es si el reloj hardware
mantiene una hora local o la hora universal (GMT, UTC). Eso lo sabe
mirando qué valor tiene la variable GMT en el fichero /etc/default/rcS
(fichero que creo que se crea cuando instalas Debian por primera vez y
te pregunta entre otras cosas qué tipo de hora mantiene tu reloj
hardware). Entonces pone la hora del sistema como la hora del reloj
hardware. Cuando durante el arranque aparece en pantalla

Local time: Mon Nov 15 19:42:10 CET 1999

es que el ha actuado.

Desde entonces tienes el reloj del sistema con la misma hora que el
reloj hardware. Pero cada uno de ellos se mueve a diferente velocidad
porque tienen distintos mecanismos de funcionamiento. El hardware
funciona con un oscilador de cuarzo o lo que sea, y el de sistema
mediante una interrupción de tiempo (la típica timer interrupt que forma
parte del estándar ISA). Sólo vuelven a coincidir los dos relojes cuando
se apaga el sistema y entre otros se ejecuta el script
/etc/init.d/ con la opción stop: entonces la hora del sistema
se guarda en el reloj hardware, y al cabo de pocos segundos tienes el
ordenador apagado. Este sistema de sincronización presupone que justo
antes de apagar el ordenador, la hora del sistema es más fiable que la
hora del reloj hardware.

Con el sistema en marcha puedes modificar cualesquiera de estos dos
relojes, aunque no es aconsejable modificar el reloj del sistema con el
comando date porque entonces haces que haya discontinuidades en la hora
(aunque no sé por qué eso es tan malo). El reloj hardware se puede
modificar con el comando hwclock cada vez que quieras.

Para eliminar errores sistemáticos del reloj hardware lo mejor es usar
una fuente fiable de la hora (creo que es más fiable llamar a
información horaria que usar tu reloj de pulsera, pero no lo he
comprobado) para poner el reloj hardware a la hora que sea con hwclock
--set ... (has de ser root para poner el reloj), y hacerlo cuando
enciendas el ordenador y bastantes horas después estando enchufado (eso
es para que no se ejecute /etc/init.d/ con la opción stop y te
joda el invento). Así, tendrás en el fichero /etc/adjtime la información
necesaria para poner siempre el reloj hardware en hora con un simple
hwclock --adjust.

Sin embargo, esto no funciona si en algún momento apagas el ordenador,
se ejecuta /etc/init.d/ con la opción stop (que te hace un
hwclock --systohc), y por una de esas la hora del sistema no es exacta.
Entonces, en /etc/adjtime tendrías la información para ajustar el reloj
hardware al reloj del sistema, lo cual es un problema si el reloj del
sistema no es suficientemente fiable.

Por eso, creo que la solución es tener siempre el reloj del sistema
funcionando perfectamente. Pero no es aconsejable poner el reloj del
sistema con el comando date porque eso provocaría una discontinuidad en
la hora, y además habría que repetirlo continuadamente cada vez que se
observara un atraso o adelanto considerable. Por ello es mejor usar el
comando adjtimex (paquete admin/adjtimex) que cambia la hora del sistema
de forma progresiva (suave) y sistemática (siempre). Para ello modifica
ciertas variables del kernel (no confundir con la variable de entorno
TZ) que se usan para determinar la hora: tick y frequency para que el
reloj del sistema se ajuste a una fuente externa. Dependiendo de la
fuente externa se usa con unas opciones u otras.

Y ahora la práctica:

Antes que nada hay que saber si el reloj del sistema usa GMT (o UTC). Si
en /etc/default/rcS la variable GMT es  entonces la hora es local,
pero si GMT es -u entonces hay que usar la opción -u en los comandos
en que se escriba [-u]. Además, si la hora del sistema es local, hay que
asegurarse de que el sistema conoce el timezone. El timezone viene
definido en el fichero /etc/timezone, y/o en la variable de entorno TZ.

Además has de tener los comandos hwclock (en el paquete base/util-linux)
y netstd (en el paquete net/netstd).

Las fuentes externas 

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-15 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 03:47:17PM +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote:
Pues yo sí que trabajaría en mejorar la instalación. Hay que admitir que otras
distribuciones cuesta instalarlas una quinta parte de lo que cuesta Debian. 
Y eso si controlas un poco, que yo conozco a mucha gente de los que les he 
recomendado Debian, haberse echado atrás por ser incapaces de instalarlo y 
sin embargo hacerlo con otra distribución en 30 minutos. Estas personas ya no 
usarán Debian :(

¿Donde esta la dificultad de instalacion de Debian concretamente? ¿La
seleccion de paquetes? ¿El aspecto? ¿El idioma? ¿El momento de particionar?

Y cuando digo instalación, no me refiero al dselect. A mí también me parece una
herramienta alucinante. Me refiero a la instalación desde 0. Otras 
distribuciones autodetectan lo que tienes, te hacen la vida más sencilla para 
particionar, algunas incluso arrancan ya con interface gráfica (o al menos 
eso me han contado por ahí).

Lo de la autodeteccion, si se consigue hacer de modo totalmente seguro, es
algo muy util. Lo de la particion mas facil ¿hay algo mas facil de manejar
que el cfdisk?

Lo de la instalacion en modo grafico es que no se para que leches sirve: solo
ofrece dibujitos y chuminadas, perfectamente emulables y emuladas en modo
texto (los pocos elementos realmente necesarios), a cambio de ser inviable en
un monton de equipos antiguos o poco potentes.

Bueno, aprovecho para hacer una pregunta ¿cómo puedo apagar el sistema como 
usuario sin 'sudar tinta'? Porque actualmente, lo que hago es:

// abro consola
$ su -
$ passwd: *
$ init 0

Cambia el init0 por halt o shutdown -h now, pero es lo mismo. ¿Que problema
tiene eso?? Si no quieres esas complicaciones, trabaja como root: al fin y al
cabo es lo que se hace en Guin

En Guin, hasta mi sobrinilla de 2 años sabría hacerlo, sin sudar tinta X-DD

En Guin no podrias evitar que te cerrase el sistema hasta tu sobrinilla de dos
años, aunque quisieras ;-)

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.13| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Miembro del Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q|

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/group (tribulaciones varias)

1999-11-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, nov 15, 1999 at 02:46:37 +, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Una idea muy buena; cuando haya revelado la única foto que tuve tiempo
 de tomar te la mando. Una idea para ti y Javier (vigu): porque no poneis
 también en el album una lista de páginas personales de colaboradoes de
 esta lista? Yo a veces me pongo a ver las páginas que algunos dan en la
 firma y encuentro muchas cosas interesantes o hasta fotografias de los

¡Ese Jaime!, ¡que me alegra leerte!.. y ya que te conozco ¡disfruto!

Tomo nota de tus sugerencias, realmente divertidas e interesantes, ¡si señor!.

 1 - Propuesta por Henrique Zanardi, usando bash:
for i in *; do j=`echo $i|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`; mv $i $j; done
 (importante dejar un espacio aqui|)


 2 - Propuesta por Santiago Vila, usando awk:
ls |awk '{system(mv  $0   tolower($0))}'

¡Otro Hispalinuxero!, un abrazo al maniatico del awk :)

 claro en el primer caso puedes substiuir * por *.JPG y en el segundo
 caso ls por ls *.JPG, si quieres no tocar los otros ficheros.

¡Que tipejos! :-)

  P.D: Quiero un congreso igual la semana que vieenee

No se si voy a aguantarlo... pero merecería la pena comprobarlo.

 Yo no, porque me saldria muy caro ir hasta Madrid todas las semanas,
 pero me gusta mucho la propuesta de Suzen de unas vacaciones de verano

Yo me apunto a un bombardeo con tal de sentir GNU/Debian/Soft
Libre/Solete/Cervecitaenmano/Gentegenial, contad con el vigu para lo que sea.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: apt-get kernel-update?

1999-11-15 Thread Bart Szyszka
  I was wondering if there are any plans from the Debian folks to
  allow something like apt-get kernel-update, which would
  automatically update the kernel.
 apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.13
 do it or am I missing something ?

Will that automatically update my kernel?

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Re: Idea to prevent those long package listing downloads...

1999-11-15 Thread Kevin Heath
On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 11:40:19PM +, Russell G. Howe wrote:
 I had this idea when I was sitting there watching 768K of package
 listing for unstable trickle down my flaky, slow modem connection
 at about 1K/sec, paying my 1 pence per minute to British Telecom
 when I thought Why can't I just download what's changed since
 last time?.
 Now this seems like a great idea, although in practice it's not
 that simple, but I think I've thought of a way that would not be
 too difficult to do, and could (I think) be relatively easy to
 implement (not that I'm up to the job). If the package listing was
 archived, say, daily to a Packages-990103.gz file for instance. at
 a set time (e.g. midnight GMT or whenever the servers are less
 busy on average), and a backlog of diffs between these files kept
 for, say, a month, then this would allow apt (assuming local time
 and date were correct) to only grab the parts of the listing that
 had changed, created by either diff or xdelta and put back
 together by something like patch.

Sounds like a great idea to me.  Something similar actually came up
on debian-devel fairly recently (within the last couple of months),
except that it was for binary diffs of packages--not package

IIRC, someone claimed to be tentatively working on that idea, so if
you want to suggest yours to him or help him with it, have a look
through the archives for his email address.

One not-so-obvious (to me anyway) point that was mentioned was that
you don't want to try diff'ing compressed files, since they're
effectively completely random relative to each other.  So you'd want
to decompress them first.  I just mention that in case you want to
take a stab at implementing a trial version of this yourself.


Cannot print after kernel upgrade

1999-11-15 Thread David J. Kanter
I upgraded my kernel with the 2.2.10 image. Now I cannot print.

During boot-up, I noticed what was once a message about lp1 is now about

 parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
 lp0: using parport0 (polling).

I can send a job to lpd, but nothing happens; it sits in the queue.

I have used lpc to stop/restart my printer, but still I cannot print to lp1,
even though magicfilter is set up for lp1.

Any ideas?
David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

seg. faults bus errors

1999-11-15 Thread Oki DZ

I changed /tmp and /var to links the other day, and then I started to
have segmentation faults when doing apt-get. Is it important to leave
the directories as they are in Debian?

Then I put everything back as the original, I get the same errors. How
do you fix them?


Re: Cannot print after kernel upgrade

1999-11-15 Thread Marshal Wong
From: David J. Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cannot print after kernel upgrade
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 18:14:15 -0600

 I upgraded my kernel with the 2.2.10 image. Now I cannot print.
 During boot-up, I noticed what was once a message about lp1 is now about
  parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
  lp0: using parport0 (polling).
 I can send a job to lpd, but nothing happens; it sits in the queue.
 I have used lpc to stop/restart my printer, but still I cannot print to lp1,
 even though magicfilter is set up for lp1.
 Any ideas?
 David J. Kanter
 Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
 and coincidences.
   -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

If I believe right, what was lp1 in the 2.0.x kernel is now lp0 in the
2.2.x.  Does adjusting for this fix things?  Also for IEEE-1284 to
work you need the printer on and the printer port must be ECP or EPP.
Hopefully this helps a bit.


Re: X Window!!!

1999-11-15 Thread John Dalbec
I get the same message about the keyboard compiler but it is always followed
by grep: /etc/X11/config: no such file or directory.  I don't know why it
would be looking for this file.  Is this supposed to be /etc/X11/XF86Config?

Re: Window Maker/WPrefs and NFS on potato

1999-11-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Dave Sherohman wrote:

 Not a solution and I'm not terribly happy with it, but I've been able to work
 around this problem by adding nolock to /home's line in fstab.  (I also NFS
 mount /var/cache/apt and had to add a nolock to that as well.)

Yeah, I've taken to doing the same thing.  I've decided that this is most
definitely a bug, because the manpage for fcntl says the following:

   ENOLCK   Too many segment locks open, lock table is  full,
or a remote locking protocol failed (e.g. locking
over NFS).

This is what errno should be set to if you try to lock a file on an NFS
mounted filesystem.  But on my potato system, it's being set to EACCES.  I
suspect a libc bug, because I've used the same kernel version successfully
on a slink system.  I've emailed the libc maintainer about it, but I
haven't heard anything.


  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: apt-get kernel-update?

1999-11-15 Thread Shaul Karl
   I was wondering if there are any plans from the Debian folks to
   allow something like apt-get kernel-update, which would
   automatically update the kernel.
  apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.13
  do it or am I missing something ?
 Will that automatically update my kernel?

It will not update it until you'll reboot, of course.
I do not remember the exact behavior, but it will do as much as possible, and 
ask your approval for the crucial things.
As you know, there is a chance that a new kernel without any means to have the 
old one might prevent you from booting, so some precautions have to be taken 
when installing a new kernel.

In any case, it worked for me more then once. I am sure that for lots of other 
Debian users as well.

Re: ptys and /dev/pts

1999-11-15 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 02:51:42AM +, Keith Harbaugh wrote:
 Can anyone explain the following behavior:
 $ tty
 $ script
 Script started, file is typescript
 $ tty
 And, what is a good reference to all this pty and pts stuff?

Looks like you upgraded to the 2.2 kernel.  Read
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt (what you're looking for is
at the end).  

If you don't have the kernel sources (just grabbed a 2.2 image), mail
me off-list and I'll send you that file.


Life and death are seldom logical.
But attaining a desired goal always is.
-- McCoy and Spock, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.7

Re: kernel compile and modules

1999-11-15 Thread Kevin Heath
On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 01:27:10AM +0100, J Horacio MG wrote:
 here I have a doubt about the options which can be configured as
 loadable modules instead of compiling into the kernel.  Say I use a
 device too often, eg. cdrom.  If I configure it as a loadable module,
 would this imply the performance would be any different than if compiled
 it in the kernel?  Or, ppp, or other services which can be used oftenly.

If there is a performance impact to using modules, I suspect it must
be negligable.  The only things that *need* to be compiled into the
kernel are the drivers that are needed to get the root filesystem
mounted.  Everything else can and IMO should be done with modules.
The only exception I can think of is the fbdev driver--which *has*
to be in the kernel so you can see the cool penguin graphic right
away on bootup. ;)  Still, check with the help messages during
make config to see what they suggest for any given driver.

I think that the main benefit to using modules is that when you're
playing around with different parameters for drivers which need
them, they can be given on the commandline to insmod instead of
having to reboot and pass them via lilo.

 # rm -rf /lib/modules/2.0.36/
 well, if I removed the old modules and had problems with the new kernel,
 I wouldn't be able to use the old kernel, so this step should probably
 (definately) be avoided.

Right--as aphro mentioned, you only want to revove these if you
really need the space.

 # mv /path/to/ /boot/

Yep, and after rebooting successfully into the new kernel, you
might want to:

  # ln -sf /boot/ /boot/ 
but I'm not sure if that's actually necessary.

 # cd /
 # rm vmlinuz
 # ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.10 vmlinuz

Assuming the existing vmlinuz is just a symlink, then sure.  You'll
still definately want the old kernel around, though, in case the new
one doesn't work.

 next, reflect the changes in /etc/lilo.conf
 # lilo

Right--make sure to put a section for the old kernel in lilo.conf.
Here's a snippet from mine just as an example:

  boot = /dev/sda

  # New kernel
  image = /vmlinuz
  root = /dev/sda1
  label = Linux
  vga = 5
  # Old kernel
  image = /vmlinuz-2.2.12
  root = /dev/sda1
  label = OldLinux
  vga = 5
 Anything missing?

I don't think so.  Just make sure you have a working boot floppy
just in case anything goes wrong.

Once you're comfortable making kernels this way, you might want to
consider doing it the Debian way with make-kpkg etc.  I just
started that recently and it's really a nice system.


losing mail?

1999-11-15 Thread Joe Bouchard

I'm using mutt/exim/fetchmail and have been quite happy with it . . . until
now.  I'm pretty sure I lost 56 pieces of mail this morning.

I've always been intrigued with the interaction between the 3 above tools.
Basically, I:
- connect to the internet,
- run fetchmail
- exim delivers me 10 pieces (yes, I know I can change that...)
- I start mutt and read those 10 pieces
- in a few minutes exim delivers the rest of the mail (if you read this list
  I'm sure you have plenty of mail in the morning too ;-)

Now for the interesting part.  I've got mutt running, and when I go to exit 
it usually shows me the rest of the mail.  It seemed to work like it worked

I have a cron job which runs every morning.  Basically it runs pon, fetches
mail and news, and disconnects.  Normally I don't have mutt running at that
time, but last night I went to bed with mutt running.  I got a note which is
generated from the cron saying fetchmail received 56 pieces of mail, but the
mail was no where to be found.  I guess when I exited mutt it overwrote the
new mail in /var/spool/mail/joe, but why doesn't it do that all the time?

I think this happened to me once before.  I guess the best thing to do is to
make sure I exit mutt, but I wish there were a more bullet proof solution.

Am I missing something?


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux (Slink)

Re: /usr/src and file permissions

1999-11-15 Thread Ethan Benson

On 14/11/99 Kevin Heath wrote:

Could someone please remind us exactly what setgid on directories
does?  I think it causes any file created in that directory to
automatically have its group ownership, but I'm not certain.

yup, any file/directory created in a setgid directory inherits the 
group of the parent, in other words it changes the behavior from SysV 
to  BSD...

though I have not found it in the policy i assume the permissions are 
this way to allow a user to be added to group src and then can 
compile and install sources without being root, a very good idea, 
just so you are not too promiscuous about who is a src member.

does anyone know the exact rational for the root.staff 2775 
permissions on /usr/local?  I suppose it could theoretically be used 
to allow a privileged user to do make installs on non packaged 
software and have it work in /usr/local, but there are some problems 
i see with this, it really seems more reliable and perhaps safer 
(security wise) to just gain root privileges to do a make install. 
this way all the ownership is correct, of course most install scripts 
set permissions 755/644 which will force read only permission on the 
group staff anyway...

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: getting source

1999-11-15 Thread Ethan Benson

On 14/11/99 b- wrote:

this was very helpful.  some notes for for non-US packages sources:

- for non-US packages, ftp.pandora... doesn't seem to exist (doesn't
 resolve with dns).

oops! thats supposed to be not

i used or one of its mirrors, and
 it seems to work.

I have had problems with apt not finding stuff on 
if its working for you now thats great.

- stable direcotry does not have subdirectories main/contrib/non-free.

apt-get source package is very cool.  8-)

apt-get is just cool period :-)

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

problem after upgrading

1999-11-15 Thread Pollywog
I just upgraded Exim to ver 3.03 and I get entries like the one below in my
log even though I am not running Exim from inetd.  How can this be happening?

1999-11-14 18:01:23 connection from somehost.someplace.dom
[] refused (tcp wrappers)


Re: Cannot print after kernel upgrade

1999-11-15 Thread David J. Kanter
I changed /etc/printcap to point to /dev/lp0 and I'm still out of luck. If I
try this below, I get nothing; just a new line:

milwaukee:~# ls | lpr

So I typed this:

milwaukee:~# lpq
Printer '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - cannot open connection - Connection refused
Make sure LPD server is running on the server

So I try to restart lpd, with this:

milwaukee:~# /etc/init.d/lpd start
milwaukee:~# ls | lpr
Status Information:
  connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
   cannot open connection to localhost - Connection refused
   Make sure LPD server is running on the server
job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Still no luck. But this works:

milwaukee:~# ls  /dev/lp0

Any other suggestions?

On Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 06:14:15PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
 I upgraded my kernel with the 2.2.10 image. Now I cannot print.

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

Re: quicktime4 player for linux?

1999-11-15 Thread James Pullman
It's very hard to tell people NOT to use a CODEC that's absolutely beautiful to 
behold.  It looks better then MPEG (which is non-free anyway) and is a bootload 
smaller, better then AVI by a longshot, better then basically anything.  And as 
far as any author cares, it's free (beer).  Because MacOS and Win9x/NT can view 
it, and that's basically the Desktop market there.

The Star Wars trailers looked STUNNING on QT4, and other codecs can't hold a 
candle to it.  That's why I suggest bugging Apple.  MPEG-1 is getting old.  And 
we don't even have MPEG-2 support either.  So rather then just live with it, 
lets go make some noise.  Get some binary implementations for ELF or whatever.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw

ICQ me @ 319030

Description: PGP signature

New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Tim Webster
I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown extremely out 
However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to drop

The debian mailing list spam check prevents me from sending mail from my home
machine. I am forced to shell into my email account half way around the world.
This is my first letter to debian. It would be great if the spam checker
allowed me to alterately use a pgp key.

Typing, over this connections is very difficult.


Re: Cannot print after kernel upgrade

1999-11-15 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I upgraded my kernel with the 2.2.10 image. Now I cannot print.
 During boot-up, I noticed what was once a message about lp1 is now about
  parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
  lp0: using parport0 (polling).
 I can send a job to lpd, but nothing happens; it sits in the queue.

Have you tried changing the references to /dev/lp1 to /dev/lp0 in

 I have used lpc to stop/restart my printer, but still I cannot print
 to lp1, even though magicfilter is set up for lp1.

Most likely because /dev/lp1 is no longer recognized as valid by the
kernel - it's one of many things that changed when you moved from 2.0.x to

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

You know, you had merely to ask on the list about making your installation
of debian less out-dated.  We would have told you the following:
Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stable updates
deb x/
deb dists/proposed-updates/

Then run:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Suddenly you'll find yourself running the latest releases of X, all the
latest security updates, upgraded versions of numerous
packages.  You'll also have loads of new packages available to you.  If
you're interested in running the latest GNOME packages, known as October
GNOME, simply add
deb unstable main
to your apt-sources file.

There is no reason at all to drop Debian right now.  Development is very
active, and the stable release (slink) is being maintained.

The Debian release philosophy of not releasing a version until it is
actually finished, tested, and rock-solid has many more pros than
cons.  When potato is released, it will be the best Linux distribution
available, whether it's running the bleeding edge version of each and
every software package out there or not.  The developers are very
competant and motivated, and will not leave the users stranded.  A lot of
work was put in to the updates I mentioned above, both officially and
unofficially.  I suggest you try updating your Debian system before you
label it as out-dated.


On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote:

 I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown extremely 
 out date.
 However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to drop
 The debian mailing list spam check prevents me from sending mail from my home
 machine. I am forced to shell into my email account half way around the world.
 This is my first letter to debian. It would be great if the spam checker
 allowed me to alterately use a pgp key.
 Typing, over this connections is very difficult.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: X window!!!/DPMS problem

1999-11-15 Thread John Dalbec
xpuzzles 5.4.4-2
AMD K6/266
PS/2 mouse
Cirrus CLGD5446 2MB
1280x1024x8 interlace

When I click on a tile in xhexagons/xtriangles the screen blanks.
If I hold the mouse button down long enough the monitor goes into
powersave mode.  Moving the mouse restores the screen after a brief pause.
I have reproduced this with KDE 1.1.2 and icewm 0.9.15-4, so I think it's
window-manager-independent.  Turning off DPMS fixes this, but I'd like to
be able to use the power-save feature on my monitor.

Also, it looks like the 'xkbcomp' message is just the command used to compile
a keymap.  Why it's going to stdout instead of being executed I can't imagine.
The error message strings are arguments to the command.

The grep: message comes from kdebase-1.1.2's changes to Xsetup_0.
It's trying to figure out if I'm using kdm.

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 15 1998
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NV1, STG2000, RIVA128, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i,
  ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a,
  ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100,
  et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33,
  gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs,
  tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i,
  tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
  tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
  tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
  3dimage975, 3dimage985, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426,
  clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480,
  clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235,
  clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, oti067, oti077,
  oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401,
  cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv,
  ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_virge,
  s3_svga, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545,
  ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct64200,
  ct64300, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: xfree86(us) (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/mouse, buttons: 3
(**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Cirrus Logic GD544x
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: CTX PL5
(--) SVGA: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 55.84 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 64.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 62.42 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 70.24 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 70.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 74.59 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 76.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 80.21 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 89.62 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 93.75 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 105.77 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 107.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 96.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) SVGA: PCI: Cirrus Logic GD5446 rev 0, Memory @ 0xe000
(--) SVGA: chipset:  clgd5446
(--) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
(--) SVGA: clocks:  25.23  28.32  41.16  36.08  31.50  39.99  45.08  49.87
(--) SVGA: 

Shuffling drives

1999-11-15 Thread Dave Sherohman
I've got a system with Win98 installed on /dev/hda1 and Linux on /dev/hdb1.
I'm planning to wipe the Win98 partition (when the Linux install has 2 months
of uptime, you tend to suspect that dual-boot isn't needed) and considering
swapping the drives so the system is booting Linux from /dev/hda.

If I'm just changing the jumpers on the drives and not moving Linux to a
different physical drive, should I be OK with just updating LILO and fstab to
reflect the change?  Or are there other places that will need to be updated
as well?

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Large disks

1999-11-15 Thread Dave Sherohman
Jean-Yves BARBIER said:
 You could enlarge it a bit, and use it to make your images for CDz

Hadn't thought of that...  Are there any reliable tools out there for
resizing e2fs partitions?  (I already gave it all of the space that hadn't
been claimed by my root and swap partitions...)

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: What do I REALLY need for Potato upgrade?

1999-11-15 Thread Miles Bader
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Unfortunately, upgrading to potato is mostly all or nothing.  Lots of changes
 have occured.

This is absolutely not true.  I've been upgrading incrementally, taking
very small steps, for what seems like forever (due mostly to my slow and
expensive net connection)...  There are a few `often-needed' packages
like glibc 2.1, but upgrading that was easy and uneventful.

Except for the `menu updating consumes all memory' problem of a while
back, I've never really had any problems doing things this way.

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Re: Shuffling drives

1999-11-15 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I've got a system with Win98 installed on /dev/hda1 and Linux on
 /dev/hdb1. I'm planning to wipe the Win98 partition (when the Linux
 install has 2 months of uptime, you tend to suspect that dual-boot
 isn't needed) and considering swapping the drives so the system is
 booting Linux from /dev/hda.
 If I'm just changing the jumpers on the drives and not moving Linux to
 a different physical drive, should I be OK with just updating LILO and
 fstab to reflect the change?  Or are there other places that will need
 to be updated as well?

Well, this is the procedure I used a couple months ago:

1) put an available floppy in the floppy drive
2) dd if=your kernel image of=/dev/fd0
3) rdev /dev/fd0 your new root device
4) shut down the computer
5) fiddle with the hardware
6) boot the computer back up using the floppy disk you just made
7) once Linux has booted, make the changes to /etc/lilo.conf and
   /etc/fstab so that things will work right without the floppy
8) do a test boot to make sure you got things right - make sure you have
   that floppy you made handy in case you did something wrong

I use steps 1-3 since I tend to have a basically stock slink install with
various security and y2k updates installed, but tend to compile my own
kernels.  If you haven't messed with that at all, you can use the Debian
rescue floppy (or boot from the CD, if your computer can do that) and type
in 'rescue root=your new root device' at the appropriate prompt.

So, basically, yea you just update LILO and fstab :)

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Large disks

1999-11-15 Thread Peter Ross
On 14-Nov-1999, Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jean-Yves BARBIER said:
  You could enlarge it a bit, and use it to make your images for CDz
 Hadn't thought of that...  Are there any reliable tools out there for
 resizing e2fs partitions?  (I already gave it all of the space that hadn't
 been claimed by my root and swap partitions...)

I had a look into this:
* the latest version of PartionMagick supports resizing linux
* ext2resize
* partd (find it from the ext2resize homepage)
* Diskdrake

I haven't backed my data up yet, so that I can try out ext2resize


Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread John Hasler
Noah L. Meyerhans writes:
 You know, you had merely to ask on the list about making your
 installation of debian less out-dated.

I believe he made it quite clear that he can't get past the Debian spam

 apt-get dist-upgrade

Over a 28.8 dialup?  ROTFL.

 simply add deb unstable main to your
 apt-sources file.

And add another ten or so hours of connect time for which he no doubt pays
by the minute.

 I suggest you try updating your Debian system before you label it as

Are you volunteering to send him a CD?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: quicktime4 player for linux?

1999-11-15 Thread Sean Johnson
Has anyone tried to get it to work via WINE?

James Pullman wrote:
 It's very hard to tell people NOT to use a CODEC that's absolutely beautiful 
 to behold.  It looks better then MPEG (which is non-free anyway) and is a 
 bootload smaller, better then AVI by a longshot, better then basically 
 anything.  And as far as any author cares, it's free (beer).  Because MacOS 
 and Win9x/NT can view it, and that's basically the Desktop market there.
 The Star Wars trailers looked STUNNING on QT4, and other codecs can't hold a 
 candle to it.  That's why I suggest bugging Apple.  MPEG-1 is getting old.  
 And we don't even have MPEG-2 support either.  So rather then just live with 
 it, lets go make some noise.  Get some binary implementations for ELF or 
 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
 persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
 depends on the unreasonable man.
 -- George Bernard Shaw
 ICQ me @ 319030
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread Oki DZ

I'm looking for a Debian net. sniffer.
A month ago, somebody demoed a Windows net. sniffer. If I'm not
mistaken, the name was NeoSniffer. Is there anything like it for Deb.

I just want to test ssh, and look for the differences if I were using


   Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.

Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread AzCaPpY
try Sniffit. I don't know if there is a Debian package for it but the
standard .tar.gz works great with Debian.


|| AzCaPpY || Keith Holler ||
|| Administrator/Owner || Network Engineer ||
|| || KENDA Systems Inc.   ||
||  || ||
||__   _   ||
||   / /  (_)__  __   __   ||
||  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  ... t h e   c h o i c e   o f   a||
|| //_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   G N U   g e n e r a t i o n ... ||

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

 I'm looking for a Debian net. sniffer.
 A month ago, somebody demoed a Windows net. sniffer. If I'm not
 mistaken, the name was NeoSniffer. Is there anything like it for Deb.
 I just want to test ssh, and look for the differences if I were using
Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.
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Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread Andrew Clark

Oki DZ wrote:


 I'm looking for a Debian net. sniffer.
 A month ago, somebody demoed a Windows net. sniffer. If I'm not
 mistaken, the name was NeoSniffer. Is there anything like it for Deb.

I use two packages for watching network traffic, iptraf and ipgrab.  iptraf 
allows you
to view any connections on your segment of the network, the data throughputs 
and port
etc.  ipgrab dumps each packet to stdio (or to a file).  Last time I used 
ipgrab I was
being dns flooded and ipgrab let me see what the query was requesting (Although 
generated about 2mb in 5 seconds) Is that what you're after?

 I just want to test ssh, and look for the differences if I were using

What do you mean?  One's plain text and the other is encrypted (and optionally
compressed)  If you want to see how easy it is to grab passwords and so forth 
from a
telnet session, use ipgrab.


Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.

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Andrew Clark.

CCs of replies to mailing list post welcome.

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Matthew Dalton
George Bonser wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote:
  I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown extremely 
  out date.
  However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to drop
 Huh? I have not used stable Debian in a production system in a long time.
 The closest I have are some slink installs with some of the newer apps and
 libs needed to do what it does. On these systems I did not completely
 upgrade to potato ... just upgraded what needed to be upgraded to get the
 verison of tools I needed.

I've argued with numerous people over this (I argue in favour of
Debian). However...

The problem is not that Debian itself is out of date. The problem is
that you can't get an upgraded Debian on CD. Not everyone wants to
download hundreds of megabytes over their 33.6kbps connection to upgrade
their systems to the latest stuff.

It seems that Debian's greatest strength (apt, IMO) is also its greatest

I know quite a few people who would drop RedHat and move to Debian if it
weren't for the upgrade procedure. They don't want to spend hours
downloading, they would rather buy the latest RH for a few bucks and
select the 'upgrade' option in the install program.


Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread Oki DZ

Andrew Clark wrote:
 I use two packages for watching network traffic, iptraf and ipgrab.  iptraf 
 allows you
 to view any connections on your segment of the network, the data throughputs 
 and port
 etc.  ipgrab dumps each packet to stdio (or to a file).  Last time I used 
 ipgrab I was
 being dns flooded and ipgrab let me see what the query was requesting 
 (Although it
 generated about 2mb in 5 seconds) Is that what you're after?

Sound interesting. I'll get them when I have space on my disk. 

 What do you mean?  One's plain text and the other is encrypted (and optionally
 compressed)  If you want to see how easy it is to grab passwords and so forth 
 from a
 telnet session, use ipgrab.

Yes. I'd like to see the encrypted packets and the ones that are not.


   Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Godric
Matthew Dalton wrote:

 The problem is not that Debian itself is out of date. The problem is
 that you can't get an upgraded Debian on CD. Not everyone wants to
 download hundreds of megabytes over their 33.6kbps connection to upgrade
 their systems to the latest stuff.
 It seems that Debian's greatest strength (apt, IMO) is also its greatest
 I know quite a few people who would drop RedHat and move to Debian if it
 weren't for the upgrade procedure. They don't want to spend hours
 downloading, they would rather buy the latest RH for a few bucks and
 select the 'upgrade' option in the install program.

Just to say that some people - myself included - do not care too much
about continual upgrades and having the latest version of something just
because it is the latest version. We require a working system which does
what we want and which goes on working. When a stable release is
available, we consider upgrading, even if some see that stable release
as already outdated.
What is outdated anyways? If the system works, does what is required and
you have the latest security updates through the excellent apt-get,
there is no reason to *upgrade*.
I for one stay with Debian because IMHO it is the best - if others
reject Debian because they consider it outdated this IMHO is wrong - it
misses one of the fundamental points about GNU/Linux and the reasons why
Debian is so good (it works better, is stable, is easy to upgrade
package by package etc. etc.)

It's a shame that some GNU/Linux and Debian people get caught up in the
commercial world of competitive and often frantic but mostly unnecessary

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Matthew Dalton
George Bonser wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Matthew Dalton wrote:
  The problem is not that Debian itself is out of date. The problem is
  that you can't get an upgraded Debian on CD. Not everyone wants to
  download hundreds of megabytes over their 33.6kbps connection to upgrade
  their systems to the latest stuff.
 So ... you are saying that there is a market niche for someone to produce
 snapshots on an as-requested or subscription basis like in
 Oregon used to do ... oh, about three years ago.

Sure, if you like. If there is someone out there that does it, then they
aren't reaching their target customers because nobody seems to know of
any such service (at least, I haven't seen one mentioned on this list,
but then I dont read every single message because there's too many).

 I am in between changing DSL vendors and have been using a dialup
 connection until the new vendor hooks up later this week and I feel your
 pain. Tonites updates to a system that was last updated about 4 days ago
 were reporting a 3 hour download time.

It isn't my pain - I don't maintain a potato system. Why not? Because I
only have a dial up link and the phone line isn't mine (and sometimes my
sister just *has to* use the phone at 2am :/ ). I use Debian on my
laptop, because its an old laptop and fully supported even with Slink. I
run RH on my desktop though (but will change over when potato is

Debian is the best distribution by a long way. But in its current state
you can't keep it up to date without a cable modem (and they're bloody
expensive here in Australia - 100Mb free, then 19c per Mb. Ouch! C'mon
Telstra, give us a break...).

 Maybe the answer is a friendlier method of selecting which packages to
 download like dselect has rather than trying to use apt-get.

 Using the ftp method of dselect, you have the option of choosing which
 files to download. This might save you some time.

You could use dselect's apt-get method to choose the packages you want
as well.


Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread Oki DZ

AzCaPpY wrote:
 try Sniffit. I don't know if there is a Debian package for it but the
 standard .tar.gz works great with Debian.

And where on earth can I get it...? But if it's the source code, I don't
have the compiler (not downloaded yet).


   Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.

the gimp?

1999-11-15 Thread Ian Stirling
I like Debian's approach to distributing only gnu free
software. But taking out gif support in the gimp is
going too far IMHO. I prefer that the gimp is not
distributed with Debian if Debian can't leave
the gimp package intact.

Ian Stirling

Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread AzCaPpY

|| AzCaPpY || Keith Holler ||
|| Administrator/Owner || Network Engineer ||
|| || KENDA Systems Inc.   ||
||  || ||
||__   _   ||
||   / /  (_)__  __   __   ||
||  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  ... t h e   c h o i c e   o f   a||
|| //_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   G N U   g e n e r a t i o n ... ||

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

 AzCaPpY wrote:
  try Sniffit. I don't know if there is a Debian package for it but the
  standard .tar.gz works great with Debian.
 And where on earth can I get it...? But if it's the source code, I don't
 have the compiler (not downloaded yet).
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Re: the gimp?

1999-11-15 Thread Ashley Clark
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Ian Stirling wrote:
 I like Debian's approach to distributing only gnu free
 software. But taking out gif support in the gimp is
 going too far IMHO.

You're more than welcome to install the gimp-nonfree package if you
absolutely must have compressed gif support.

 I prefer that the gimp is not distributed with Debian if Debian
 can't leave the gimp package intact.

Why? I'd rather a have a completely free version with an optional
nonfree module than to have to chunk the whole thing into nonfree,
but that's me.

Ashley Clark

Re: the gimp?

1999-11-15 Thread Brad

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Ian Stirling wrote:

 I like Debian's approach to distributing only gnu free
 software. But taking out gif support in the gimp is
 going too far IMHO. I prefer that the gimp is not
 distributed with Debian if Debian can't leave
 the gimp package intact.

Gif support seems to work fine with my version of The Gimp. Try installing
the gimp-nonfree package. The gimp package even had a Suggests for this,
so it's not exactly hidden.

You do realize that if gif support were in the main gimp package, then
the entire thing would have to go into nonfree, right? Since The Gimp is
GPLed, Debian has every right to remove gif support and redistribute those
sources to make the whole thing libre. If you really don't like that,
you're free to go download the sources and compile them for yourself.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
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Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Matthew Dalton
Godric wrote:
 Matthew Dalton wrote:
  The problem is not that Debian itself is out of date. The problem is
  that you can't get an upgraded Debian on CD. Not everyone wants to
  download hundreds of megabytes over their 33.6kbps connection to upgrade
  their systems to the latest stuff.
  It seems that Debian's greatest strength (apt, IMO) is also its greatest
  I know quite a few people who would drop RedHat and move to Debian if it
  weren't for the upgrade procedure. They don't want to spend hours
  downloading, they would rather buy the latest RH for a few bucks and
  select the 'upgrade' option in the install program.
 Just to say that some people - myself included - do not care too much
 about continual upgrades and having the latest version of something just
 because it is the latest version. We require a working system which does
 what we want and which goes on working. When a stable release is
 available, we consider upgrading, even if some see that stable release
 as already outdated.
 What is outdated anyways? If the system works, does what is required and
 you have the latest security updates through the excellent apt-get,
 there is no reason to *upgrade*.

That's fine, but you're not telling the whole story.

True, some people want the latest release of Gnome and Enlightenment,
and they don't want to download it they just want the install program to
take care of it and they want it working in 15 minutes.

There are some people however, who have the new
Neo-fandangled-SuperVision2000 video card which is not supported in
Debian Slink, so they opt to use RedHat 6.1 instead. This kind of thing
is increasinly giving the public the impression that Linux is indeed
forking and that RedHat is better because it supports more hardware
than Debian. They don't care that you can just point apt to and get the latest X server. The need to upgrade is
often hardware based, not gotta be bleeding edge based.

Then there is the situation where you want a certain program, but the
program developer provides only debian packages linked against potato
libraries. What if this program is needed for the system to do what is
required? I encountered this situation myself, but since I didn't want
to subject myself to a lengthy upgrade process, I didn't bother with the
program. You might ask So why didn't the developer compile Slink deb's
as well?. Good question. I suspect that developers like to have the
latest libraries etc as well, which explains why this particular one was
using potato.

 It's a shame that some GNU/Linux and Debian people get caught up in the
 commercial world of competitive and often frantic but mostly unnecessary

That's the thing, I'm not just talking about unnecessary upgrades.
There are situations where it doesn't matter too much about the latest
stuff, such as if you are running a web site or a samba server. But
there are situations where upgrading is a necessity.


Re: the gimp?

1999-11-15 Thread Ian Stirling
Brad wrote:

 You do realize that if gif support were in the main gimp package, then
 the entire thing would have to go into nonfree, right? Since The Gimp is
 GPLed, Debian has every right to remove gif support and redistribute those
 sources to make the whole thing libre. If you really don't like that,
 you're free to go download the sources and compile them for yourself.

I realize that Brad. Debian should rename 'the gimp' to
'debian gimp' when they take the legitimate liberty of
modifying gpl software. And I did that: I fetched the
pristine gimp from the gimp site.

Ian Stirling

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Godric

 Neo-fandangled-SuperVision2000 video card which is not supported in
 Debian Slink, so they opt to use RedHat 6.1 instead. This kind of thing
 is increasinly giving the public the impression that Linux is indeed
 forking and that RedHat is better because it supports more hardware
 than Debian. They don't care that you can just point apt to and get the latest X server. The need to upgrade is
 often hardware based, not gotta be bleeding edge based.

This IMHO is problem of marketing Debs - of people like us who support
Debs making the public aware of just how good Debs is and how easy to

 Then there is the situation where you want a certain program, but the
 program developer provides only debian packages linked against potato
 libraries. What if this program is needed for the system to do what is
 required? I encountered this situation myself, but since I didn't want
 to subject myself to a lengthy upgrade process, I didn't bother with the
 program. You might ask So why didn't the developer compile Slink deb's
 as well?. Good question. I suspect that developers like to have the
 latest libraries etc as well, which explains why this particular one was
 using potato.

I agree - but surely the best solution is for more people to become
Debian developers and help the effort? And if not developers, then help
in some other way - donations, for example. Other distributions can
afford full-time staff to work on stuff.

 That's the thing, I'm not just talking about unnecessary upgrades.
 There are situations where it doesn't matter too much about the latest
 stuff, such as if you are running a web site or a samba server. But
 there are situations where upgrading is a necessity.
Again, given the nature of Debian - a volunteer effort - it is
understandable that things
take time. And this is one of Debs great strengths - things are not
rushed just to get a new version out. Time and effort are taken to try
to get things right when a new version is released.

Re: named (bind)

1999-11-15 Thread Onno

Wouldn't: named -u named -g named
be sufficient ???



At 07:10 AM 11/12/99 -0800, aphro wrote:

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Marco Giardini wrote:

marco  nobody has compiled and released the new named for slink bug free?
marco If yes, where is it available?
marco thanks

setup a chroot'd enviornment for bind (named -t i believe) and you won't
have to worry too much about the NXT bug .. i also run bind as user/group


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Re: the gimp?

1999-11-15 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 02:08:57AM -0500, Ian Stirling wrote:
 Brad wrote:
  You do realize that if gif support were in the main gimp package, then
  the entire thing would have to go into nonfree, right? Since The Gimp is
  GPLed, Debian has every right to remove gif support and redistribute those
  sources to make the whole thing libre. If you really don't like that,
  you're free to go download the sources and compile them for yourself.
 I realize that Brad. Debian should rename 'the gimp' to
 'debian gimp' when they take the legitimate liberty of
 modifying gpl software. And I did that: I fetched the
 pristine gimp from the gimp site.

I think it is a bad idea to call it `debian gimp'.  If you do that you
suggest that debian has a heavily modified, enhanced version of gimp.
If I were one of the gimp developers I wouldn't like it if someone (say
Corel) would take it, remove some plugins, and then tack their name on
it (`Corel gimp'??).


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread RAVIKANT K RAO
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote:

 AzCaPpY wrote:

  try Sniffit. I don't know if there is a Debian package for it but the
  standard .tar.gz works great with Debian.
 And where on earth can I get it...? But if it's the source code, I don't
 have the compiler (not downloaded yet).

  Generally , for ANY RPM , you look at :
  for ANY other file type , try searching for the keyword , (here,
Sniffit) at :
  Particular to .deb's , you could try poking around as
  Dont forget these 3 sites whatever you do because they're the authority
in their respective fields. 

- Ravi.

Re: Core dumps /proc/kcore

1999-11-15 Thread Onno

You have 128Mb of memory ;-)

It maps your memory to that virtual file.
It doen't take any space on your disk.


At 11:51 AM 11/13/99 -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:

I'm trying to free up some disk space so hunted for core dumps. All I could
find (find / -name core -xdev) was /proc/kcore, which is a whopping 131Mb.
Is this a monolithic core dump that can be deleted?

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

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printing problems

1999-11-15 Thread Sean McIlwain
I'm having problems using lpr on my system when I type

lpr test.txt

I get the following
connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused
transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Any idea of what is happening here? I'm logged in as root and attempting
to print to a serial printer.

Sean McIlwain

Re: Annoying Network card

1999-11-15 Thread Onno

The right driver should be the tulip driver.
Be sure that the driver is compiled into the
kernel or compiled as module, check it...

If the drivers is compiled as module use
root# modprobe tulip (or somthing)
to install the driver. An entry in /etc/modules
loads the module at boot.

Last but not least use ifconfig to bring the
interface up.



At 05:55 PM 11/13/99 -0800, Jon Hughes wrote:

First off, thanks to those who have been helping me on
getting @home to work with linux here.  really really
appreciate it :)

While I think the network settings are correct, my
problem now appears to be the network card.  HEre's
what I have.

The only card that apparently works with ATT @home is
a Farallon PN593, shows up in Windows 95 as a PCI
Ethernet DEC chip 21041 Base Adapter.  According to
the Ethernet HowTo the Farallon cards can use the
3C509 driver.  the DEC chip set can use the de4x5 or
the tulip drivers.

The 3c509 driver doens't appear to work, oh well.  The
De4x5 and the tulip appear to work in that they pull
the right IRQ and the like.

But, when it tries to initilize the network stuff (i
think that's the right word) it states that it can't
locate the eth0 module/port/device/whatever you call

Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to get this
fixed?  appreciate it, thanks a lot all :)

God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: printing problems

1999-11-15 Thread Jan Ludewig
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 02:10:39AM -0700, Sean McIlwain wrote:
 I'm having problems using lpr on my system when I type
 lpr test.txt
 I get the following
 connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused
 transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

1) did you set up a loopback-device? (/sbin/ifconfig)
2) did you set up a route to localhost (/sbin/route)
3) did you start lpd?


Re: Window Maker/WPrefs and NFS on potato

1999-11-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 13, Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 WPrefs, and I was able to save it.  So, it would seem that this is a
 problem with the errno value that is set from fcntl when it tries to
 create a lock on an NFS mounted file.  Can anybody more knowledgeable
You are using a 2.2 kernel on the client and a 2.0 kernel on the server.
You don't have fcntl locking available so you should mount the file
system with -o nolock.


Xemacs and browsing problem

1999-11-15 Thread virtanen

I'm having a problem with the emacs-W3 browser. 

When trying to start it is complaining:

invalid regexp: Invalid preceding regular expression

How do I fix this?
What to do?

While installing Xemacs (mule-canna-wnn) I didn't complain much... 



Re: Window Maker/WPrefs and NFS on potato

1999-11-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 13, Havoc Pennington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 fcntl() locks don't work over NFS, unfortunately (well, I'm told they
They *do* work with 2.2 kernels.


Re: ALSA modules have unresolved symbols

1999-11-15 Thread Frank Barknecht
Alisdair McDiarmid hat gesagt: // Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

 I'm trying to get my dodgy old ISA SB16 to work with ALSA instead
 of OSS/Free, and having difficulty with the alsa-modules-2.2.13
 I have sound support built into my 2.2.13 kernel:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/share/doc/alsautils] # lsmod
 Module  Size  Used by
 soundcore   2788   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 rtl813911840   1
 But inserting any ALSA modules complains of unresolved symbols,
 and so does depmod:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src/linux] # depmod
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.13/sound/snd.o
 Do I need to compile anything else into the kernel, or is
 something more important wrong?

Your alsa-modules don't match your kernel. I would suggest to start from
scratch. Install this current deb-packages:


alsa-source ist the most important. You will find an alsamodules archiv in
/usr/src which you should extract. Please read through the file:


because it contains a step-by-step guide to installing the alsa-modules for
debian. One important thing is: If you use isapnp to configure your card
you must tell alsa not to use its own plug and play tools.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Help with kernel log

1999-11-15 Thread Onno

If eth0 is your connection to the internet then your this looks
like IP-spoofing or somebody on your eth0 segment is being attacked.

You can block it with activating the kernels IP-spoof protection
or with ipchains rules.

If you can find out the MAC of the attacker you can report him to
your ISP. Be friendly and say that the 'attacker' has mis-configurated
his computer, he wil get the message...



At 12:36 PM 11/14/99 -0500, Krug Tech wrote:

I have a debian system which is always connected to the Internet and I use
it as a firewall (forwarding, masquerading, etc.) I couple of days ago
kernel started logging this message:

IP fw-in deny eth0 UDP L=70 S=0x00
I=x (this one is different every time) F=0x T=128

It is being logged every 4-5 minutes.

What does this mean? Please help?



1999-11-15 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
Is there any X interface for dselect?


1999-11-15 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
Is there any X interface for dselect?

Re: kernel compile and modules

1999-11-15 Thread Onno

At 01:27 AM 11/16/99 +0100, J Horacio MG wrote:


I'm about to build a new kernel (2.2.10), and would like to go over the
steps for compiling (not make kpkg) as I'm not sure about them:

# make config (or menuconfig)

# make mrproper
# make menuconfig

here I have a doubt about the options which can be configured as
loadable modules instead of compiling into the kernel.  Say I use a
device too often, eg. cdrom.  If I configure it as a loadable module,
would this imply the performance would be any different than if compiled
it in the kernel?  Or, ppp, or other services which can be used oftenly.

# make dep

# make clean

# make zImage

probably bzImage for 2.2.x kernels?

# make bzImage

# make modules

# rm -rf /lib/modules/2.0.36/

well, if I removed the old modules and had problems with the new kernel,
I wouldn't be able to use the old kernel, so this step should probably
(definately) be avoided.

Just don't do it ;-)
You don't have a problem when you have another
kernel version. If you have the same kernel version
change the 'EXTRAVERSION' in the makefile.

# make modules_install

# depmod -a

# mv /path/to/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.10

# mv /path/to/ /boot/

# make mrproper

You should have saved your kernel config in menuconfig!!!
(last option)

# cd /

# rm vmlinuz

# ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.10 vmlinuz

I don't restore the link and add the boor dir
in lilo.conf...

next, reflect the changes in /etc/lilo.conf

Make sure that you can boot the old image
and that you get promted!

# lilo



maillinglist news interface down?

1999-11-15 Thread Christoph Martin
Hi folks.

Does anyone know what happended to the Debian list to news gateway. I
did not get any knews from linux.debian.devel fro about a week. In
linux.debian.user there were only a dozen in the last days, which seem
to be come in over news directly and not via the mailling list.

Is the gateway down?

Do I have to resubscribe to the mailling list, to be able to read it



Christoph Martin, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--export-a-crypto-system-sig -RSA-3-lines-PERL--
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777iX+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$kSK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see


1999-11-15 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
Is there any X interface for dselect?

Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread Urban Gabor
IMHO using linux gives you the opportunity to update only if you do want
it. I am running hamm at home, slink in the office, and I am  content with
them. You can have the lates packages one-by one, but I guess it is very
rare when you are forced really to upgrade.

BTW people with slow TCP/IP connection may find it very complicated to
download all packages directly from the NET. But they may find some
magazines with suplemental CD sets. 

An other point. I do nothing for Debian (only answering some questions,
and helping some friends here), so I am happy to have such a good distro. 

Gabor Urban --- Lufthansa Systems Hungaria KfT 
mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel : (36)-1-431-2949 Fax :(36)-1-431-2977
I am not a cat to play with the mouse.

Serial Port Crashes (still)

1999-11-15 Thread Jeff Sciortino
I have had a persistent problem ever since I started using debian a few
months ago. 

When I'm doing something with pppd up and moving data ... netscaping,
ftping, lynxing, etc. the mouse locks up (well it doesn't stop entirely
but acts like it is swamped. There is a long delay before mouse clicks
are registered and the cursor jumps when it does finally decide to
move.) and the data I'm trying to get over the ppp connection stalls.

I've checked the IRQ settings for the mouse port (serial 0, IRQ 4) and
the modem port (serial 1, IRQ 3). There appears to be no conflict. This
is reflected in my startup messages:

Nov 12 16:00:17 debian kernel: Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial
options enabled 
Nov 12 16:00:17 debian kernel: tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A 
Nov 12 16:00:17 debian kernel: tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A 

(Thanks to John Hasler for pointing this out as a potential problem)

I've attached the contents of /var/log/messages from the crash through
system reboot. 

The console displays the following messages from the startup of pppd to
the mouse lock up:

Nov 12 15:48:40 debian pppd[279]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Nov 12 15:48:42 debian pppd[279]: local  IP address
Nov 12 15:48:42 debian pppd[279]: remote IP address
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: segment not present: 0011 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: EIP:0010:[sys_idle+91/112] 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: eax: 0001   ebx: 0001644f   ecx:
fc18   edx: 0024dfc8 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: esi: 0024d7f0   edi:    ebp:
010e   esp: 0024d7a4 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs:
0018   ss: 0018 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Process swapper (pid: 0, process nr: 0,
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Stack: 0024dfc8 0010ac15 0100
0010976c 0024f744 0024d7f0  010e  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel:ffda 0018 0018
0018 0018 0070 00109333 0010  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel:0246 00109527 
756e6547 0009e200 00101ffc  0024aba8  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Call Trace: [system_call+85/124]
[init+0/864] [start_kernel+487/500]  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Code: f4 83 3d 00 b8 24 00 00 74 02 31 db
e8 4c 93 00 00 eb b2 89  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024d85c,
next= , order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024d84c,
next= , order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024dd60,
next= , order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: idle task may not sleep 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian last message repeated 4 times

If you need particulars about my system let me know, I'll be happy to
supply them. 

I'm running debian 2.1 r2 on a Pentium 90 (Zeos Pantera).

Thanks for the help, it's a real bummer to have to boot into win95 to
download debs!

Best regards,

Jeff Sciortino


   Only lovers laugh.
   Others grin and bear it,  
   and some there be who bear it, 
   and are unable to grin.

-Elbert Hubbard
Nov 12 15:48:40 debian pppd[279]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Nov 12 15:48:42 debian pppd[279]: local  IP address
Nov 12 15:48:42 debian pppd[279]: remote IP address
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: segment not present: 0011 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: CPU:0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: EIP:0010:[sys_idle+91/112] 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: eax: 0001   ebx: 0001644f   ecx: fc18   
edx: 0024dfc8 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: esi: 0024d7f0   edi:    ebp: 010e   
esp: 0024d7a4 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 0018   ss: 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Process swapper (pid: 0, process nr: 0, 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Stack: 0024dfc8 0010ac15 0100 0010976c 
0024f744 0024d7f0  010e  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel:ffda 0018 0018 0018 
0018 0070 00109333 0010  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel:0246 00109527  756e6547 
0009e200 00101ffc  0024aba8  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Call Trace: [system_call+85/124] [init+0/864] 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: Code: f4 83 3d 00 b8 24 00 00 74 02 31 db e8 4c 
93 00 00 eb b2 89  
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024d85c, next= 
, order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024d84c, next= 
, order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: kfree of non-kmalloced memory: 0024dd60, next= 
, order=0 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian kernel: idle task may not sleep 
Nov 12 15:58:16 debian last message repeated 4 times
Nov 12 15:58:26 debian pppd[279]: Terminating on signal 

Re: New release over due...

1999-11-15 Thread chewie
I would argue that you CAN upgrade Debian from CD, it's just not as simple
as the installation for Slink.  In fact, my procedure involves Slink itself.

1) Install Debian Slink from floppy or CD.
Do not use the computer type templates or dselect to choose your
packages.  Instead, just install the base.
2) Buy a snapshot CD from one of the Debian CD providers (see the website).
3) Mount the CD.
4) Create a /etc/apt/ file with the line:
deb file:/mnt/cdrom debian main contrib
5) Link /etc/apt/ to /etc/apt/sources.list
6) Use apt-get to install the distribution upgrade.
7) Use apt-get to install individual packages (I would go with apt-console
first.)  Or use dselect at this point to browse through your new
updated package list.

Snapshot CD's only cost around $10-15.  If you're too cheap for that and you
are saavy enough to understand how 'cron' works, or perhaps an ftp site
mirroring package, download updates in the middle of the night or while you're
at work.  You an interrupt apt-get at any time and start it up where you left
off, so having defined times for downloads is not such a big deal.

At work, we have a number of computers with Debian Linux installed.  I simply
use Squid to be an ftp proxy.  After the first fetch, subsequent fetches are
child's play.  I really think the complaint that Debian is hard to upgrade
is really moot.  If you're a little resourceful, you'll have no problems at

Chad Walstrom   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
a.k.a ^chewie, gunnarr

  Gnupg fingerprint = B4AB D627 9CBD 687E 7A31  1950 0CC7 0B18 206C 5AFD

bid IDE disk corruption: linux started with old geometry and is now corrputed

1999-11-15 Thread Robert Rozman

I've installed Debianalready twice and then got clue, how to organize big
disk (10 G) with windows and Debian.

Installed debian with altered geometry at boot (linux hda=4912,63,64) like
is written in debian FAQ.

But then accidentally debian was newly booted without this parameters. When
I now try to boot Debian properly I keep getting messages like :

Unattached inode 923755

and fsck failed to repair the error.

Is everything lost or is there a way to restore the previous condition ?

Thanks in advance

Robert Rozman


Re: New release over due

1999-11-15 Thread matthschulz
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Matthew Dalton wrote:
 George Bonser wrote:
  On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote:
   I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown 
   extremely out date.
   However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to 
  Huh? I have not used stable Debian in a production system in a long time.
  The closest I have are some slink installs with some of the newer apps and
  libs needed to do what it does. On these systems I did not completely
  upgrade to potato ... just upgraded what needed to be upgraded to get the
  verison of tools I needed.
 I've argued with numerous people over this (I argue in favour of
 Debian). However...
 The problem is not that Debian itself is out of date. The problem is
 that you can't get an upgraded Debian on CD. Not everyone wants to
 download hundreds of megabytes over their 33.6kbps connection to upgrade
 their systems to the latest stuff.

The biggest Thing I had ever to download were ~60MB


Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-15 Thread Dan Everton
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 12:41:32PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 I'm looking for a Debian net. sniffer.
 A month ago, somebody demoed a Windows net. sniffer. If I'm not
 mistaken, the name was NeoSniffer. Is there anything like it for Deb.

If you want a nice friendly graphical sniffer, try ethereal. I highly
recommend it. It is a debian package.

 I just want to test ssh, and look for the differences if I were using

You'll just see gibberish in all ssh related packets. Not much worth seeing


Dan Everton -*- -*- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Welcome to Dan's fortune-O-rama 
Before destruction a man's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honour.
-- Psalms 18:12

SOLVED?: Re: ppp problem with 2.2.X kernel; ok with 2.0.36

1999-11-15 Thread mheyes

I had limited success improving the ppp performance (stalling after a very short
transfer) by removing the call to bsd_comp.o in
/lib/modules/2.2.13/net/modules.dep, so I tried the implied suggestion below:
another ISP which, hopefully, didn't use Ascend routers using the lame ...
STAC/MS-STAC/LZ-anything compression. I was using Concentric. Got a new
account, and voila! It works great (so far). Will have to try for a few days
before I decide it's fixed.

Is it true that there is some incompatibility between the new ppp modules and
these compression methods?

Michael Heyes

Re: Resolved: Poor PPP performance in 2.2.x

Matthias Andree ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 23:59:06 +0100

On Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 04:43:08PM -0600, Stephen Foskett wrote:
 Why were so few people seeing the problem? Perhaps my ISP (
 uses this compression module and many others don't. Perhaps many others
 have disabled this module. Perhaps it's something about the system yet...

Many ISP use Ascend dial-in routers which support only the lame ('coz
proprietary) STAC/MS-STAC/LZ-anything compression which Linux-ppp does
not support, while the Ascend cannot be fitted with PPP-Deflate or
BSD-Compress either. :-(

I'd really like to see compatibility with this Ascend compression to
speed up general connection throughput, while not using strange
squid-ssh-hacks. I bugged the dialin-admin at Dortmund University quite
a bit, he finally gave up on Ascend, he said there was nothing he could
do while he really would like to. Not sure if bugging the Deutsche
Telekom AG will help, since they seem to support only Windows as

Matthias Andree

Robert Varga [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/09/99 02:09:43 PM

To:   Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED],

Subject:  Re: ppp problem with 2.2.X kernel; ok with 2.0.36

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On  9 Nov, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about ppp problem with 2.2.X kernel;
ok with 2.0.36
  I had a slink system with 2.0.36 kernel, and wanted to update to 2.2.X
kernel. I
  updated the suggested packages listed on the debian page that discussed
  issues, and then updated the kernel. No problems with that. Netscape seemed
  work ok, but when I tried to download any packages, it would only download a
  small amount of data and stall. I thought it might be a problem with packets
  So, since that page said all these problems were cleared up in unstable, I
  upgraded to potato with apt-get dist-upgrade. Same problem. But, if I use
  2.0.36 kernel, downloads are fine.
  I recompiled the 2.2.X kernel to make sure I have ppp support, and couldn't
  anything else that might cause this in the kernel config menu. I'm doing
  something wrong, but what? Ideas / suggestions?

 I had similiar problems as well.  Check the debian-user list archives
 for other discussions on this topic.  If I recall correctly the thing
 that helped me was to simply play around with the mru and mtu options
 for pppd.  Currently I have each set at 552.  I think the defaults are
 1500.  Unfortunately I can't seem to recall where I got my info on
 settings for the mru/mtu values.

ppp needs to be upgraded pppconfig as well, I think.
the ppp/isdn part of the kernel has been reorganized, hence the need for
the new versions.

Robert Varga

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