Re: Nombre para un Web Browser Svgalib

2000-02-16 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Sun, Mar 23, 2036,
Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga...

 Dado que hay animos comencemos con el nombre, 

Yo conozco un proyecto de navegador svgalib:


Pero  la información  de la  web es  tan escasa  que se  puede
colocar aquí:

At you can see all my software
from the top. 


A svgalib web browser -- an early version yet. It knows how to display text
and gifs and pcxs and jpegs anfd png. The net part still very
primitive. Also Czech garbaged-encoding support. You can view almost anyhow
distorted encoding (half of document in 8859-2, half in
1250 etc.) You can download it. 

Karel Kulhavy

Como veis no pone la fecha de la última actualización, ni dice
el tipo de  licencia que tiene, pero al menos  para echarle un
vistazo puede resultaros interesante.

Un saludo.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

pon no funciona

2000-02-16 Thread ADnoctum
Muy bien, despues de arreglar el mdem de mi amigo(GRACIAS A TODOS) se
present otroproblema, esta vez en mi PC.

Ahora no me funciona pon, es decir le doy el comando y se queda pensando
por un ratico y me regresa al prompt sin haberse conectado.

aqu est el /var/log/ppp.log:

Feb 18 16:17:37 ozono pppd[350]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (BUSY)
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (VOICE)
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: send (ATF^M) -- Yo supongo que es esto.
De dnde diablos sali ese ^M?
Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: expect (OK)
Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono pppd[350]: Connect script failed
Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono chat[352]: alarm
Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono chat[352]: Failed
Feb 18 16:18:25 ozono pppd[350]: Exit.

Dnde se guarda la cadena de inizializacin del mdem. Por ah buscando
encontr un archivo(ya no se donde) que deca:

... y otras cosas raras. Y una lnea que deca exactamente as:
... y algo aqu que no recuerdo.

Por si acaso la volv a escribir, pero nada. Qu creen que puede estar

MicroSoft ha reinventado la Rueda... como un Cubo.

Re: pon no funciona

2000-02-16 Thread Blu
ADnoctum wrote:

 Feb 18 16:17:37 ozono pppd[350]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (BUSY)
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (VOICE)
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: send (ATF^M) -- Yo supongo que es esto.
 ¿De dónde diablos salió ese ^M?
 Feb 18 16:17:38 ozono chat[352]: expect (OK)
 Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono pppd[350]: Connect script failed
 Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono chat[352]: alarm
 Feb 18 16:18:23 ozono chat[352]: Failed
 Feb 18 16:18:25 ozono pppd[350]: Exit.

Segun esto no le estan llegando los comandos al modem. Revisa si lo
estas mandando al dispositivo correcto.


Re: Nombre para un Web Browser Svgalib

2000-02-16 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sun, Mar 23, 2036 at 04:35:20AM +, Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga wrote:
Dado que hay animos comencemos con el nombre, asi puedo armar una pagina donde
coordinar los trabajos. De momento no hay ni lista ni nada pues no hay mas que
la idea, pero ya va a empezar a surgir todo de algun modo.

La cosa se anima :-)))

Supongo que par coordinar esto, al menos al principio, va a haber que definir
algunas cosas medio 'fe facto' (ugh!). Habria que pensar una interfaz tipo
caja escroleable con una barra de direccion y los botones necesarios. Unas
pocas fuentes bonitas (es mas de lo que tengo en X) no con muchos tama?os si
se puede y una correcta renderizacion de tablas y frames como asi
interpretacion de javascript / cookies (bajo configuracion).

Cuando consigamos todo esto va a ser la bomba. Fijate la de navegadores que no
soportan JavaScript ni frames, o que muestran las tablas de maneras, digamos,

Si a nadie le parece muy autoritario podriamos intentar cada uno hace una caja
con una barra abajo de donde se ingrese una direccion de  un archivo de texto
y lo ponga en pantalla, con barras de desplazamiento para moverse a lo largo y
ancho del texto.

Peerfeto. Yo le estoy echando un ojillo a la escasa doc (la pagina man de
momento) de la svgalib, y me recuerda un monton a una libreria que use en DOS
para un programa muy curiosete.

Podemos poner una fecha en tiempo y tomar el mejor que haya para seguir sobre
ese en mejoras una semana y luego fijar otro objetivo arbitrario.
Si bien en un estado avanzado trabajar todos al mismo tiempo en lo mismo para
elegir solo uno seria un desperdicio de momento necesitamos (yo al menos)
nivelar el minimo de conocimientos en el manego de la svgalib.

Hay que empezar al lio antes de que se enfrien los animos, bien codificando, o
bien recopilando informacion y desarrollando ideas sobre como interpretar los
codigos y demas. Trabajo es lo que va a sobrar, y de muchos tipos.

Lo de la fecha fija para esta primera tarea me parece estupendo, que luego el
primero que no tiene tiempo para nada y se eterniza en cualquier cosa soy yo

En fin... ma?ana vere si tengo una pagina web para el proyecto y lo de la
lista de correo... ni idea como conseguirlo, pero envienme un mail los que
quieran participar asi nos mantenemos al tanto.

Podemos hacer una lista en onelist. Tambien administro un pequeño servidor en
la empresa y podria albergarse alli la lista, pero solo como ultimo recurso
(tiene una conexion con una simple RDSI, asi que hay veces que no va muy
alla): de todas formas, ahi queda la posibilidad.

 | POWERED BY Debian 2.1 - Kernel 2.2.14 | 
 | Andres Herrera  User Reg. N.66054 |
 | Grupo LIMA | 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-16 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 08:26:09AM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
Para la svgalib no se pero para el framebuffer ya se esta haciendo, el 
proyecto en si se llama zen. Personalmente prefiero el fb, supongo que sera 
por que no puedo usar la svgalib ;-(

¿Ei? ¿Ni a 320x200?

Estaba pensando precisamente en eso (en el fb no en zen :oP).
Veo tres ventajas: es más trabajado (es decir... en el 2.3.x tiene soporte
para varias tarjetas nuevas, y generalmente cada nueva versión del kernel 
viene con correcciones y/o adiciones), se puede aprovechar la aceleración por 
hardware (de pronto no signifique mucho en un browser), y la mejor de todas: 
sería mucho más portable.

Yo creo ver algun inconveniente en el tema del frame buffer, pero corregidme
si me equivoco, plis :-


1. El framebuffer es para tarjetas que soporten VESA 2.0 (es aqui donde puedo
estar metiendo la gamba), basicamente tarjetas de un antiguedad escasa o

2. Un navegador en consola vendria bien en muchos casos, pero el mas evidente
es el de equipos pequeños y/o antiguos, en los que las X no van muy alla y el
Netscape es una tortura.

3. El framebuffer es utilizable en kernels 2.2 y siguientes, no en los 2.0
(que quedan muchos por ahi), y ademas no viene por defecto en los kernels que
se instalan con las distribuciones sino que hay que recompilar expresamente.

Por lo tanto (joe como me esta quedando esto :))) : El frame buffer creo que
dejaria fuera a quienes mas necesitarian un navegador asi: equipos pequeños o
poco dotados, y/o con kernels antiguos, y/o poco disco duro (seria ideal para
esos minilinux que caben en uno o pocos diskettes).

Ala, opiniones al respecto :-)

 | POWERED BY Debian 2.1 - Kernel 2.2.14 | 
 | Andres Herrera  User Reg. N.66054 |
 | Grupo LIMA | 

Description: PGP signature


2000-02-16 Thread Paco Brufal

Me he bajado las fuentes del linuxlogo, para compilarlo y que me
salga el logo de Debian en el login. Pues bien, siendo la misma versión que
hay ahora mismo en frozen, el apt se empeña en instalarme la versión del
servidor, en vez de dejar la que que yo compilé... ¿que hago? ¿le pego?

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...I Wanna Be A Hippy. Technohead. 1995
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: linuxlogo

2000-02-16 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 01:10:47AM +0100, Paco Brufal wrote:

Hola Paco!

   Me he bajado las fuentes del linuxlogo, para compilarlo y que me
 salga el logo de Debian en el login. Pues bien, siendo la misma versión que
 hay ahora mismo en frozen, el apt se empeña en instalarme la versión del
 servidor, en vez de dejar la que que yo compilé... ¿que hago? ¿le pego?

Esto es una lata, eh?
Se discutió esto en debian-devel antes de Navidad, creo. Si no recuerdo mal,
Wichert (maintainer de dpkg) dijo que se podría arreglar poniendo un flag
nuevo: Origin:. Si tu origin es local, pues sólo se actualiza si el
nuevo paquete también es local, etc. Si sueles usar stable, te queda
bastante para verlo en tu sistema, de todas maneras. Estará en Woody... :)
De momento, pon en hold linuxlogo despues de cada update :)

Te paso un script para hacerlo sin dselect?


PS: LinuxLogo con el Swirl se salía. Odio el típico pingüino.

PS2(aux): Pasteo el script porque es ridículamente pequeño :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/dpkg-hold 
#! /bin/bash

# dpkg-hold  --  command line tool to flag package(s) as held.
# by Craig Sanders, 1998-10-26.  This script is hereby placed into the
# public domain.
# BUGS: this script has absolutely no error checking.  this is not good.

if [ -z $* ] ; then
echo Usage:
echo   dpkg-hold package...
exit 1

for i in $@ ; do
echo $ihold
done | dpkg --set-selections

  /   Rediscovering Freedom, Using Debian GNU/Linux\
 /  \
 |   Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 |Oskuro in RL-MUD   || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |  |
 \   telnet 23  /

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-16 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 11:25 PM 2000-02-15 +0100, Andres Herrera wrote:

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 08:26:09AM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:

Yo creo ver algun inconveniente en el tema del frame buffer, pero corregidme
si me equivoco, plis :-


1. El framebuffer es para tarjetas que soporten VESA 2.0 (es aqui donde puedo
estar metiendo la gamba), basicamente tarjetas de un antiguedad escasa o

Si y no :o) También hay soporte para VGA-16.

2. Un navegador en consola vendria bien en muchos casos, pero el mas evidente
es el de equipos pequeños y/o antiguos, en los que las X no van muy alla y el
Netscape es una tortura.

Crees que el fb es pesado?

3. El framebuffer es utilizable en kernels 2.2 y siguientes, no en los 2.0
(que quedan muchos por ahi), y ademas no viene por defecto en los kernels que
se instalan con las distribuciones sino que hay que recompilar expresamente.

Buehhh... eso sería lo único medianamente complicado

Por lo tanto (joe como me esta quedando esto :))) : El frame buffer creo que
dejaria fuera a quienes mas necesitarian un navegador asi: equipos pequeños o
poco dotados, y/o con kernels antiguos, y/o poco disco duro (seria ideal para
esos minilinux que caben en uno o pocos diskettes).

Lo unico complicado serían los kernel antiguos, igual tenés que usar una
librería para crear la interfaz del navegador, sea fb o svgalib.

PD: DinX es un sistema de ventanas basado en el kernel que usa fb, la página

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

RE: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-16 Thread Roberto Henriquez Laurent
= Original Message From Ugo Enrico Albarello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PD: DinX es un sistema de ventanas basado en el kernel que usa fb, la página

Recuerdo que hace unos años cuando andaba trasteando con el DJGPP había un
entorno de ventanas bastante trabajado llamado SWORD. ¿Alguien sabe si está
portado a Linux? En todo caso es bastante probable que fuera GPL.

Roberto Henriquez Laurent

Re: [Re: resucitando un viejo 486 (GGI?)]

2000-02-16 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga!

El día Sat, Mar 22, 2036 at 05:08:33PM CET

 Ademas, si la gente usara GGI se podr?a elegir sobre como ejecutar las cosas
 segun las preferencias del usuario y no por imposicion
 GGI? Que es, Graphic Gateway Interface? para que sirve, y donde esta la

os paso un poco de info  ;) 

--- ggi ---

  What is GGI?
  Hartmut Niemann
  $Date: 1998/06/29 17:07:22 $

  This document tries to give a short (possibly simplified) impression
  on what GGI is all about.

  Table of Contents

  1. The GGI mission

  2. The GGI design principle

  3. Things GGI gives you at no extra cost

  4. Where is GGI now?

  5. Things the GGI team wants to do, too

  6. What about including GGI into the Linux kernel?

  7. What about X?

  8. What is evStack?


  1.  The GGI mission

  We want to create a reliable, stable and fast graphics system that
  works everywhere. We want to allow any program using GGI to run on any
  platform requiring at most a recompile.

  It all started out with some people being annoyed by the fact that
  graphics in Linux means either X or svgalib, and if you use both at
  the same time, you can easily crash the graphics card and make the
  system unusable.

  The Linux kernel does protect the hardware from faulty user access, so
  all graphics programs need to be run by root or set-uid root, which
  poses security problems. If two applications work at the same time
  with the graphics chip, you can expect problems.

  The GGI sets out to solve these problems.

  The basic rules we identified are

  o  The kernel must be able to re-initialise the graphics board at any
 time. Only then is the system protected from buggy graphics
 applications, and only then is a true SAK (secure attention key)

  o  To make user-space graphics (outside X) possible, all operations
 that require root privileges must be done from the kernel.

  However, we can't do everything in the kernel if we want to avoid
  having huge graphics drivers bloating it, which led to the GGI design
  scheme described in the next chapter.

  2.  The GGI design principle

  As stated above, security-critical functions like mode-negotiation
  (you don't want a game to fry your monitor with a too high refresh
  rate, do you?)  need to be in kernel space. All requests ought to be
  filtered, checked, scheduled and generally taken care of by a graphics
  device driver in kernel.

  All things that can be safely done from user space, typically like
  setting a pixel on the display, should be done in user space instead
  of the kernel.  This has the twofold effect: reducing the size and
  complexity of the graphics code in the kernel, and increasing the
  speed at which such operations can be performed, since kernel calls
  can be relatively expensive.

  The big problem is that what operations are 'safe' depends heavily on
  the hardware you are using.

  o  Some displays have a fixed size and resolution, so mode negotiation
 is almost non-existent, and the kernel can safely export the
 complete video memory (aka frame buffer) to a user application.  In
 the worst case the program will display garbage on the screen.

  o  Some displays do not have a frame buffer to give access to.

  o  Some cards have important accelleration features but are poorly
 designed so that erroneous or malicious code could lock up the
 computer.  Other cards are well-designed enough that accelleration
 features can be used directly without risk.

  o  Some cards use interrupts or allow DMA access -- both are obviously
 the domain of the kernel.

  As a result, if one wants to create a uniform kernel API to support
  all of these features, it must then contain emulation code for all of
  those features particular piece of hardware does not support. Under
  those conditions, the kernel driver would become massive and slow,
  even though many things like line drawing on the framebuffer could
  have easily been done in userspace instead.

  GGI has proposed a solution to this dilemma -- allow the kernel API to
  be hardware-specific. A library, LibGGI, presents a uniform API to

  LibGGI contains functions for all the various graphics operations, and
  depending on the capabilities underlying hardware and kernel
  interface, it will either emulate them in software, in userspace, or
  make use of an accellerator function exported by the kernel in some
  manner. The user program need not concern itself with how a particular
  graphics function is implemented, or even with what operations the
  graphics hardware supports.

  Side note: in a later stage, more complex functions like textured
  triangles will be supported, and these will go into a separate library
  which will use the same design.

  Side note 

Re: linuxlogo

2000-02-16 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 02:42:56PM +0100, Jordi wrote:
 PS: LinuxLogo con el Swirl se salía. Odio el típico pingüino.

¿Y no te gustó la versión de pinguino de Debian? Me llevo un par de tardes
hacerla :)

Un saludo


Metodo apt-cdrom no aparece en dselect...

2000-02-16 Thread jvicente
Tengo la distribución Citius Debian 2.1 (slink), y si la instalo desde el
CD autoarrancable, en el dselect me aparece el método apt-cdrom.
En cambio, si creo un disco de arranque e instalo desde el CD pero
booteando con el disco de arranque, no aparece dicho método en el dselect.

Alguien me puede decir como hacer para que aparezca?

Ya probé volviendo a instalar el apt, y nada...

RE: Metodo apt-cdrom no aparece en dselect...

2000-02-16 Thread Roberto Henriquez Laurent
= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
Tengo la distribución Citius Debian 2.1 (slink), y si la instalo desde el
CD autoarrancable, en el dselect me aparece el método apt-cdrom.
En cambio, si creo un disco de arranque e instalo desde el CD pero
booteando con el disco de arranque, no aparece dicho método en el dselect.

Alguien me puede decir como hacer para que aparezca?

Ya probé volviendo a instalar el apt, y nada...

A mí me pasó algo similar con esa distribución, y creo que lo que sucede es
que en el CD 2 hay una versión *más reciente* de apt. La instalé encima de la
anterior y apt-cdrom de nuevo. Los CDs de que hablo son los que venían con la
Linux Actual de Prensa Técnica.
De todas formas, cuando instalo esa versión no me aparece apt-cdrom en
dselect, simplemente aparece apt, pero esta vez reconoce perfectamente el
fichero sources.list que se genera con la utilidad apt-cdrom.


Roberto Henriquez Laurent


2000-02-16 Thread Miguel A. Abarca
¿Alguien sería tan amable de decirme algo sobre este demonio que me 
Debian siempre que inicio el equipo? La poca información que he
encontrado -algunas páginas de manual en inglés- no me han aclarado casi
nada; Parece una utilidad para automontar algunas particiones (¿cómo?). A mí
me aparece un directorio que utiliza como punto de montaje? (/misc) y un
fichero de configuración parecido a misc.conf en el que hay algo parecido al
fstab pero que no me cuadra con lo que yo tengo ahí.
Agradecería que me dijéseis algo sobre su utilidad o, por el contrario, 
puedo prescindir del mismo.

Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-16 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 08:26:09AM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 Para la svgalib no se pero para el framebuffer ya se esta haciendo, el 
 proyecto en si se llama zen. Personalmente prefiero el fb, supongo que sera 
 por que no puedo usar la svgalib ;-(

 1. El framebuffer es para tarjetas que soporten VESA 2.0 (es aqui donde puedo
 estar metiendo la gamba), basicamente tarjetas de un antiguedad escasa o
 2. Un navegador en consola vendria bien en muchos casos, pero el mas evidente
 es el de equipos pequeños y/o antiguos, en los que las X no van muy alla y el
 Netscape es una tortura.
 3. El framebuffer es utilizable en kernels 2.2 y siguientes, no en los 2.0
 (que quedan muchos por ahi), y ademas no viene por defecto en los kernels que
 se instalan con las distribuciones sino que hay que recompilar expresamente.
 Por lo tanto (joe como me esta quedando esto :))) : El frame buffer creo que
 dejaria fuera a quienes mas necesitarian un navegador asi: equipos pequeños o
 poco dotados, y/o con kernels antiguos, y/o poco disco duro (seria ideal para
 esos minilinux que caben en uno o pocos diskettes).

Creo que estoy de acuerdo. Se puede reutilizar gran parte de lynx. ¿no?

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-16 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Andres Herrera wrote:
 Yo creo ver algun inconveniente en el tema del frame buffer, pero corregidme
 si me equivoco, plis :-
 1. El framebuffer es para tarjetas que soporten VESA 2.0 (es aqui donde puedo
 estar metiendo la gamba), basicamente tarjetas de un antiguedad escasa o

El framebuffer es un fichero /dev/fbx que simula la memoria gráfica de
la tarjeta de vídeo instalada. Esto quiere decir que leyendo y escribiendo
el fichero, se modifica la pantalla. Las ventajas de abstracción son

Ahora bien, para cada tarjeta hace falta código específico que cambie la
resolución (tu puedes escribir en el framebuffer como si la pantalla
estuviese a 1024x768, pero si está a 320x200, mal asunto). 

Es por esto que hace falta un driver o como lo quieras llamar (a mí me
gusta módulo), que controle estas operaciones físicas. Por ahora sólo
hay 3 o 4 módulos nativos, las matrox, ati y creo que algo más. En la
nueva serie de kernel 2.4 habrá muchos más módulos (eso dicen). 

Como esto no existe para cada tarjeta, se ha creado un módulo parche,
que usa las características VESA de cada tarjeta para cambiar la
resolución. Dado que para usar VESA hay que usar BIOS, ésto sólo se puede
hacer una vez antes de arrancar linux. Resultado: obtienes un framebuffer
con cualquier tarjeta que soporte VESA 2.0 pero te quedas en esa
resolución hasta que resetees el ordenador.

 2. Un navegador en consola vendria bien en muchos casos, pero el mas evidente
 es el de equipos pequeños y/o antiguos, en los que las X no van muy alla y el
 Netscape es una tortura.

¿Algún problema con eso? Si un navegador funciona en mi 386, lo sigo
prefiriendo en mi PII antes que el netscape, dado que consume menos

 3. El framebuffer es utilizable en kernels 2.2 y siguientes, no en los 2.0
 (que quedan muchos por ahi), y ademas no viene por defecto en los kernels que
 se instalan con las distribuciones sino que hay que recompilar expresamente.

Exácto. Todavía hay poco soporte para esta maravilla del framebuffer, pero
va cambiando. Una de las ventajas del framebuffer es que un programa que
lo use funcionará en una Sparc, como un PowerPC, un PC, o cualquier otra
cosa que lo emule. Si mal no me acuerdo, los Psion serie cinco usan
framebuffer (en escala de 4 grises, creo) para usar una versión de Linux,
y así todos los programas funcionan con ellos.

 Por lo tanto (joe como me esta quedando esto :))) : El frame buffer creo que
 dejaria fuera a quienes mas necesitarian un navegador asi: equipos pequeños o
 poco dotados, y/o con kernels antiguos, y/o poco disco duro (seria ideal para
 esos minilinux que caben en uno o pocos diskettes).

El framebuffer de mi matrox añade unos 60Kb a mi kernel. Si eso lo usas
para deshacerte de todo un servidor XSVGAlib, creo que has ganado en
espacio. Además, que uses framebuffer no hace que tu sistema vaya lento
necesariamente, depende del programa y cómo use la pantalla.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Windows NT - Nearly Terminated.

Re: Oracle 815

2000-02-16 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Netman!

El Tue, 15 de Feb de 2000 a las 01:48 AM, Netman escribió:

  me pongo a comparar, me faltan dos archivos (que anteriormente he visto 
  citados en los wrappers de java):  i18n.jar y rt.jar
  En los .deb no vienen esos archivos  :-?
 Esto es el colmo.. Parece que en debian no desarrolla mucha gente con java :(

Acabo de ver la Debian proposed policy for java 0.3:
Packages written in Java are separated in two categories: programs and
libraries. Programs are intended to be run by end-users. Libraries are
intended to help programs to run and to be used by developers. Both must
depend on java-virtual-machine.

Both are shipped as Java bytecode (*.class files, may be packaged in a *.jar
archive) and with an Architecture: all since Java bytecode is supposed to
be portable.

O sea, que si deberían estar en formato .jar

Acabo de repasar /usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib/ y tiene la pinta de incluir
todas las .class que van en i18n.jar y rt.jar

 ##  ##  
   # ## #[EMAIL PROTECTED]2:346/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   # ## #
   ## ICQ UIN 1523792   Usuario Linux 94909##
 ##   Debian GNU/Linux   ##  

Re: Autofs

2000-02-16 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Miguel A. Abarca wrote:
 ¿Alguien sería tan amable de decirme algo sobre este demonio que me 
 Debian siempre que inicio el equipo? La poca información que he
 encontrado -algunas páginas de manual en inglés- no me han aclarado casi
 nada; Parece una utilidad para automontar algunas particiones (¿cómo?). A mí
 me aparece un directorio que utiliza como punto de montaje? (/misc) y un
 fichero de configuración parecido a misc.conf en el que hay algo parecido al
 fstab pero que no me cuadra con lo que yo tengo ahí...

La función del autofs es -como su nombre lo indica- montar
automáticamente un filesystem cuando alguien lo necesita.

Esto es especialmente útil cuando tienes una red, con los
datos de los usuarios repartidos en varios servidores y con
varias máquinas en las cuales se puede conectar cualquiera
de los usuarios. Sin el autofs, cada una de las máquinas
debería tener montados todos los directorios de los servidores
para que cada uno de los usuarios tenga acceso a sus datos
independientemente de la máquina a la que se conecte.

Con el automounter en cambio, si no hay nadie logeado los
directorios no están montados. Cuando un usuario se conecta e
intenta acceder a sus datos, el directorio se monta automáticamente.
Y cuando el usuario deja de usar sus datos, después de cierto
tiempo, el filesystem se desmonta automáticamente.

También es muy útil cuando tenés discos removibles (floppy, CD,
zip, jaz, etc.), para montarlos automáticamente y sin necesidad
de permisos especiales.

El paquete autofs de Debian está bastante bien hecho y sale andando
ni bien lo instalás. El único detalle es que en tu kernel tenés que
tener habilitada la opción autofs. (para verificarlo:
cat /proc/filesystems
debe aparecer una línea con:
nodev   autofs
si no aparece habrá que recompilar el kernel).

Hay un archivo de configuración principal (/etc/auto.master) donde
se le indica cuáles son los directorios especiales, y un archivo
de configuración por cada directorio especial, donde se le indica
qué cosa debe montar en cada caso. Por ejemplo:

/misc   /etc/auto.misc

floppy  -fstype=vfat,umask=000  :/dev/fd0
etcnet  -ro,soft,intr   cabmec11:/etc
cd  -fstype=iso9660,ro  :/dev/hdb

En este caso, cuando se intenta acceder al directorio /misc/cd
el autofs automáticamente crea el directorio /misc/cd y monta el
dispositivo /dev/hdb con las opciones: filesystem tipo iso9660
y en modo read-only.

Para más información (en inglés):

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Acentuação :(

2000-02-16 Thread Carlos Henrique Santos Laviola
Olá pessoal,

Estou tendo problemas para configurar acentuação corretamente no X. No 
Netscape a situação é a mais crítica, pois não posso utilizar o til, nem 
o ', nem qualquer outra dead key (eu tentei alguns scripts que 
prometem acentuação fácil hehe). Estou com acentos em programas comuns 
no X (como esse, balsa) bem como no console. Alguém tem sugestões?

(BTW o script que peguei fica em, 
foi obviamente a versão Debian... Tentei de tudo, mas não consigo fazer 
esses acentos funcionarem em todos os lugares :/).

Espero que possam me ajudar.

Carlos Laviola

[Fwd: Re: a litle help!]

2000-02-16 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: a litle help!
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 15:03:33 -0400
From: Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Boa Tarde!

Você primeiro precisa configurar sua placa. Vou assumir os seguintes 
parâmetros da rede:

- Você tem o controlador da placa compilado como módulo de nome ¨ne¨
- Você somente tem uma placa de rede NE2000 usando eth0 que está
funcionando na IRQ 10, I/O 0x300. 
- sua máquina tem o endereço (Classe C)

Bom vamos na configuração:

1-) inicialização e detecção da Placa.

Eu não tenho certeza se a Corel usa o modconf (provavelmente sim) para
configurar os módulos que serão carregados no boot, se usar inicie este
programa, vá até ¨net¨, e lá escolha ¨ne¨. Ele vai lhe pedir para
digitar a IRQ e I/O da placa, digite:
io=0x300 irq=10

As placas PCI normalmente são detectadas sem estes parâmetros, mas não
custa dar uma 
acelerada na inicializacão do sistema :-)

Se o modconf não estiver disponível, então a configuracão vai no modo

No arquivo /etc/modules inclua a linha:

Este arquivo indica quais os módulos serão carregados pelo kernel no

No arquivo /etc/conf.modules inclua a linha:
options ne io=0x300 irq=10

Este arquivo define as opcões que serão usadas durante a configuracão do

Nota: Você pode configurar a placa manualmente para teste usando o
modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=10

2-)Configuração da interface (endereço IP, Netmask, Broadcast) com o

edite o arquivo /etc/init.d/network e coloque os parâmetros:


Nota: Você pode configurar a interface manualmente para teste com:
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

3-) Criando a Rota para a placa de Rede
Este é o passo final, se você fez o passo acima e a Corel usa os mesmos
de configuração da Debian, não precisa fazer mais nada! Apenas
re-execute o 
arquivo /etc/init.d/network entrando no diretório com ¨cd /etc/init.d¨ e 
digitando ¨./network¨. E teste com o comando ¨ping¨.

Esta descrição é baseada na Debian, mas a Corel é baseada na Debian
então você 
pode se basear nesta solução para solucionar o problema :-)

Clovis Sena wrote:
 bom dia,
 e aih pessoal, tudo bom?
 seguinte: numa instalacao do Corel linux, qdo este nao detecta a placa
 de rede, como fazemos p configurar a placa de rede de novo??? tem alguma
 ferramenta p isto no Debian???
 ( este eh o problema de ferramentas super-automotizadas! qdo algo nao
 funciona, vc fica chupando dedo... )
 a pergunta pode parecer ridicula, mas eh q eu nao uso debian ha algum
 tempo e esqueci como faz as coisas... se eu jogar os parametros via lilo
 Clovis Sena
 Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
 Fone: 081 - 421 1126.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Acentuação :(

2000-02-16 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Estou tendo problemas para configurar acentuação corretamente no X. No 
 Netscape a situação é a mais crítica, pois não posso utilizar o til, nem 
 o ', nem qualquer outra dead key (eu tentei alguns scripts que 
 prometem acentuação fácil hehe). Estou com acentos em programas comuns 
 no X (como esse, balsa) bem como no console. Alguém tem sugestões?
No netscape 4.7 funciona.  Tive este problemas com a versao 4.2 se
nao me engano.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: adding headers to postscript files

2000-02-16 Thread paul
 I'm looking for a filter that will allow me to add headers to
 existing postscript files (i.e. file names and date stamps).
 Mpage comes close with the -X option, but does not allow me to
 specify the header content.  Is there anything else packaged for
 Debian that will do this?
a2ps does this as well as much more.  It takes a while to understand all of 
the comand line options, but the info file is not a bad read! ;-) (bit long 


Athalong install of slink?

2000-02-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

A friend of mine is interested in converting from cladera to Debian.
He's running an Athalon processor and I've heard there are problems with
older kernels and Athalon's.  Is there going to be any known problems with
the kernel that comes in slink?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 11:08:21PM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 11:43:25 -0800, davidturetsky
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] was crying out from somewhere about: Re:
 Segmentation fault

 davidturetsky I believe this is the code 
  that was getting me into trouble, but it could be
 davidturetsky elsewhere
 davidturetsky fscanf (file, %s, Title);
 davidturetsky fscanf (file, %d %d %d %d %d %d, 
  m, n, it, LT, EQ, GT);

 Probably, the input string was too long for the char* Title?  I don't
 know. MSC seems to let the stack be destroyed quite quietly.  It's a
 feature, methinks. Not too many segfaults when developing, but
 occasional BOD on using.

This is why, I think, that fgets is recommended over scanf/fscanf.
You'll always know the maximum of the data you read in. Of course, then
you still have to split it and check your input data matches what you
expected to receive.  Also, newlines and whitespace can pile up in
scanf/fscanf. It's generally recognized as being unsafe (like C/C++ in

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

RedHat -- Debian tool?

2000-02-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

I have a RedHat 6.0 box, my laptop actually.  I've converted all my other
boxes to debian.  I'm almost ready to convert it, but I'd rather not nuke 
it out right.  Is there a way to convert it from RedHat to Debian in a
clean manner?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread aphro
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Micha Feigin wrote:

michf How do i turn the volume of my modem off when using pon ? (ppp)
michf kppp manages to silence the modem

suggest you do something like:

launch minicom
configure it to talk to your modem
hit ATZ (you should see it reply 'OK')
then hit ATM=0 (it sohuld reply 'OK')
then hit ATW (again it should reply 'OK')

exit minicom

that should turn off the speaker.  check your modem documentation, or see

for more info on the AT command set.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:29pm up 180 days, 7:46, 2 users, load average: 1.05, 1.06, 1.01

Re: C++ question

2000-02-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:

 Eg. if I compile with this:
 $ g++ -g -c misc.c
 misc.c: In function `char * cash(double, int, int)':
 misc.c:44: implicit declaration of function `int bracket(...)'
 misc.c:45: implicit declaration of function `int comma(...)'
 The output is exactly the same with the newest g++ version, and older
 g++. But the difference is that the older version will create a .o file
 and the new version will not. And I can only see an error message when
 they are compiled using make.

Could you please post the relevant lines from your source?  It was not
included with your first post.  Are 'bracket' and 'comma' functions that
you have defined, or are they variables?

Also, why are you using g++?  All this looks like C code, and your source
file ends in a lowercase 'c'.  The C++ compiler should handle it properly,
of course, but I've seen (and can post, if you want) some examples of
valid C code that won't compile in a C++ compiler.  I don't know how
g++/gcc handle situations like this, but it seems a bit suspicious to me.


  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: PCMCIA Network Installation

2000-02-16 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Dave Whiteley; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 I have an Ethernet Gold II PCMCIA card, (GCS2220) 
 Looking at Linux Laptop documentation it suggests that this 
 card uses pcnet_cs. 
 I have run the Configure PCMCIA in the installation process before 
 configuring the drivers. I accepted the default settings.
 What driver module should I select to get the network going? Or
 am I missing something somewhere
 Thanks to everyone who answers questions here. You are extremely 
 useful to me. 
 Dave Whiteley 

I am no expert, but I don't think you need to load any modules (provided
you do have the pcmcia installed). You should edit
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts file to suit your setup, connect the card and
let it go. This approach worked for me (running frozen,
pcmcia-cs_3.1.8-4 and xircom card). _Do not_ set up any network info in
/etc/init.d/* files; pcmcia takes care of it.


Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 02:10:54AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 How do i turn the volume of my modem off when using pon ? (ppp)
 kppp manages to silence the modem

probably the best way is to add a L0 to your initstring, for some
modems at least that sets volume level to 0 ie nothing.. I would
assume that is all kppp is doing.

Ethan Benson

RE: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Feb-2000 Micha Feigin wrote:
 How do i turn the volume of my modem off when using pon ? (ppp)
 kppp manages to silence the modem

Put M0 in your modem init string.  I use diald and mine is in


Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 02:10:54AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote
 How do i turn the volume of my modem off when using pon ? (ppp)
 kppp manages to silence the modem

To mute it as a default, for most modems:
  - Run minicom;
  - Set speaker volume to 0 by typing 
  - Wait for OK
  - Save this as the default by typing 
  - Wait for OK
  - exit minicom

To mute it when using pon, for a given provider:
  - Edit /etc/chatscripts/provider, and change
ATDTprovider's phone number
ATM0DTprovider's phone number


John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Exim: frustrations configuring a satellite system

2000-02-16 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 12:19:33PM +0100, Jean Orloff wrote
 Well, you see how cumbersome it can be: I sent the orignal message yesterday 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which does not exist). I got no warning that the
 message never arrived, but being cautious, I figured it out by myself this
 morning. So I reposted the message to the correct address, still leaving
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], to which you blindly Cc'ed. Did you receive a notice
 that your Cc never arrived?
  On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:28:46 -0200, Henrique M Holschuh
  Henrique On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Jean Orloff wrote:
   So there is a difference between the way Exim sends outgoing mail 
   on whether it receives it from an SMTP session or from the command line
   (presumably a different ENVELOPE-FROM in the connection
  Henrique [...]
   this difference, but I am tired of trying. And most of all, I cannot
   believe I am the first to encounter this problem! There must be a much
   simpler solution...
  Henrique No, you're not. I had this problem, and also lots of headaches with
  Henrique exim not being able to handle user-extension addresses
  Henrique ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) rewriting in some situations (which cannot
  Henrique be fixed without changing exim code. I asked in the exim ML ;^) ).
  Henrique I know this is not what you want to hear, but ditching exim and
  Henrique installing Postfix in its place solved the problems.  I do all 
  Henrique of your requirements here with Postfix (NOT the default
  Henrique configuration. You'll need to configure the thing by hand, as there
  Henrique are no helper scripts... but at least the FAQ and docs are
  Henrique good). Postfix doesn't have very powerful rewriting capabilities 
  Henrique (exim does have them), but what it already has is good enough for
  Henrique me.
 Sendmail envelope masquerading has also been working for me for 2 years. But
 Sendmail is a bit heavy for the type of occasional use I want it for, and 
 Exim is kind of the default debian MTA, I switched back, recovering the
 headaches I had 4 years ago with smail (apparently a grand-father of Exim?).
 I might give Postfix a try, if nobody has an Exim solution, which I would
 consider grotesque! If Debian can't do better for personal mail than a stupid
 Windblows system... We're talking about lost mail here, so this pretty

I can't reproduce your problem here and I'm not sure why, but
it seems to me there are two things you can try.

1:  Add an MX record for pointing to your
smarthost, and add to local_domains
on the smarthost.  Mail for originating
on your smarthost or from the internet should be delivered
on your smarthost as local mail.  This will work if the
users on also have accounts on your
smarthost, and you control the delegation for

2:  Add the option
  header_remove = sender
to the smtp transport on your smarthost; if it also acts as
a smarthost for other machines that do have routable names,
you can create a new smtp transport with this option and use
it only for mail from  This should
work, but it will remove any sender header from outgoing
smtp mail (which is why you may want to only use it for
your satellite system).


John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: [*] rpm to deb

2000-02-16 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bart Szyszka) wrote:
 i saw a litter form this list, it said there are some tools can
 conver the rpm pakage to deb pakage. but can it work well?

I'm very impressed with the 'alien' package (apt-get install alien). A
couple people who suggested that I try it told me that it isn't
entirely reliable, but so far I've only had two or three RPMs that
didn't convert perfectly and two of those I was able to get working
anyway (they just installed the programs in a different folder than the
bin one so all I had to do was move it to /usr/bin or something like
that). One program not working out of a buttload is nothing. Alien is
very good.

Yeah, it's less a problem of converting from .rpm to .deb than of
converting from Red Hat to Debian package standards.

By the way, to the original poster, your mail headers cause trn to
segfault when trying to read them. This is undoubtedly a bug in trn, but
I'm not volunteering to fix it; I'm not in any state to try to diagnose
it at the moment, either ... If you could simplify them (probably by
making your From: header plain ASCII as opposed to containing weird
control characters) it would be much appreciated.


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cannot compile newest Afterstep

2000-02-16 Thread Gregory T. Norris
What are the actual error messages?  Also, are you running slink or

AfterStep 1.8.0 compiles just fine here on potato, provided that all of
the necessary x-dev packages are installed.

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 05:50:17PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
 I've followed the instructions, but never get the afterstep binary
 after compiling the 1.8.0 tarball source. Some error messages come up
 during the make ; make install stage, but nothing that looks too bad.
 Alas, no /usr/local/bin/afterstep, no new version. Oh well.
 David J. Kanter

Re: xscreensaver

2000-02-16 Thread Adam Shand

 When I setup xscreensaver from gnome control center it works fine. Doing
 a ps ux shows it was called like so xscreensaver -no-splash -timeout
 15 -nice 20 -lock-mode -xrm *programs:?flag -ncolors 256 -cycles 3000
 -size 1 -root. However, when I try to put this in ~/.Xclients it
 complains about *programs:?flag, -ncolors, -cycles, -size, and -root not
 being known. How can I get it so that when I login (xdm) xscreensaver is
 started automatically without having to go into gnome control center
 each time? Yes I RTFM for xscreensaver, but it didn't tell me much.

this doesn't solve the gnome issues and may conflict but works just fine for
me with windowmaker.

i just put xscreensaver -no-splash  in my ~/.xinitrc.  if you're using
xdm instead of startx you need to put it in your ~/.xsession file instead.


dial-on-demand changed?

2000-02-16 Thread john s jacobs anderson
Greetings --

Just got started with Debian a week or two ago; moved rapidly from
slink to frozen, and am now running unstable. After an `apt-get
dist-upgrade` late last week or early this week (possibly Sunday?),
the handling of dial-on-demand PPP appears to have changed.

The way it was working: after using pppconfig and checking the
on-demand option, giving the pon command would start pppd, but nothing
else would occur until data needed to be sent. The system would then
dial-out, connect, get an IP, the data would go _swoosh_, and all was
hunky-dory. This was great; it was almost like being on a real
network, if you ignored the dial-in latency.

However, about the time of the ppp/ppp-pam suidregister thing, this
behavior changed; giving the demand option now appears to require a
fixed remote IP, at least according to man pppd (and actually sets
that IP to something in the 10.n.n.n net; I'm guessing this is based
on some netmask setting somewhere), whereas before this worked with a
dynamic remotely-assigned IP.

Is it possible to revert to the earlier behavior, and if so, how?



 John S Jacobs Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \* Genehack:  Not your daddy's weblog */
   \*URL: */

Re: afterstep

2000-02-16 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Possibly a stupid question, but are you sure that you have xterm
installed?  If I remember correctly it used to be included in one of
the main X packages (xbase?), but now has it's own package.

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 08:17:12AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   I got the x to run and I selected afterstep as my window
   manager.  Everything went well except that when I try to
   click the 'xterm' icon on the upper right corner and the
   xterm did not start?
   I did not have any customization on the afterstep.  Every
   thing was default.

RE: the uninstall approach...

2000-02-16 Thread m_shapiro
I have seen a few answers to this question, but none seem to address what I see
as the actual problem, so I'll take a stab at it.  The partitions have already
been deleted, according to the posting, so the question of DOS or Linux fdisk
to delete the Linux partitions is academic.  The problem seems to be that, while
the Linux partitions have been deleted, the original DOS partition is still 0.5
GB.  The answer is to use DOS fdisk to delete the DOS partition and then build
a new DOS partition of 2.5 GB and format it as C:\.


On 11-Feb-00 pplaw wrote:
 ... i already deleted the linux
 partition/data;  but after i formatted c:\, i still get a
 extended partition that fdisk cannot delete.  (example:  in one
 of the boxes, i have a 2.5gb hard drive.  i used 2gb for hda1 and
 swap, leaving .5gb for windoze.  after reformatting, i still only
 show c:\ as being .5gb, instead of 2.5gb.  i need c:\ to see the
 other 2gb.)

Marc Shapiro
 -- Linux IS user-friendly.  It is just picky about who its friends are.

Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Kent West
I've been trying off-and-on for months to get sound working
on this box. The Readme's and HOWTOs and Dogpile searches
just aren't answering my questions.

I've got an ES1371 (Audio PCI 97) sound card (from Gateway
Computers in an E-4200 box).

First Question: When running make menuconfig, I go into
the Sound entry and then press m on Sound Card Support
to make it a module. This expands into several other

Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
S3 Sonic Vibes
Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti,
Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle, Fiji
OSS  Sound Modules

Having read that some es1371 boards are actually es1370s, I
selected both Ensoniq and marked them with an m to make
them modules.

I don't really understand the difference between the OSS
Sound Modules and the others above that. I kindda thought
that all the sound drivers in the kernel were OSS drivers,
but this leads me to think that there are two types: the
ones that are not OSS, and the ones that are.

Anyway, if I M the OSS Sound Modules entry, I see that the
100% Sound Blaster Compatibles includes ESS, and I
wonder if this is necessary for support of my card. Even
though my card is an ES and not an ESS, I still have my

So my first question: Do I just need the ES1371, or do I
need the ES1371 and the ES1370, or do I need the ES1371, the
ES1370, and the OSS with 100% SB Compatible, or do I need
some other combination?

Second question: I'm assuming that I can install this/these
drivers as modules rather than compiling them directly into
the kernel. Is that a correct assumption?

Okay, having compiled the ES1370 and ES1371 drivers in as
modules, and having done a make dep, make clean, make
bzImage, make modules, and make modules_install, and having
copied the arch/i386/bzImage file to /boot/vmlinuz and
modifying my lilo.conf file as necessary and re-running lilo
and rebooting, I'm supposed to see (according to what I've
read) references to the sound card fly by at boot time.

Yet I don't see such a thing. Furthermore, according to the
HOWTOs, etc, I'm supposed to be able to do a cat
/dev/sndstat, yet that returns a No such device error.
The /dev/sndstat file does exist.

I suspect the problem is IRQ,DMA,IOport-related, but the
HOWTOs seem to focus on ISA PnP cards rather than PCI, so
I'm a little confused. I have learned enough to run lspci
-v which returns quite a bit of info on various cards
(ethernet, ISA bridge, etc); it also has the following:

00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371
[AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
 Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1371
 Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 96, IRQ 11
 I/O ports at 1080
 Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1

When I try to play sounds (using sox or splay, etc, or
saytime), I sometimes get garbled sound, but more often than
not, messages like no such output file or no such
device, etc. Hopefully someone can help me figure out where
to go from here.


Re: ip spoofing protection

2000-02-16 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:21:46 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(mail/web server)... so if someone was able to obtain that ip address and
use it as his/her own to get in, he/she will succeed.

Is that really what ip spoofing is??  an outsider assigning his/her PC a
valid ip address of a companies in order to get inside the network???  If
so, how would I protect against this??

somewhat. with most ISPs you can send out packets with every source-ip you
like, but the return path would differ, so, with a spoofed from, you wouldn´t
get any packet back.

imagine you allowed [] full access to your
machine and I would want to spoof that address. I´ll send out a packet
something like:

to:   your ip

this packet would travel all the way to your machine, which quite probably
would send an according answer packet to but as I only spoofed
the source of the original packet and not international routing, the answer
packet would travel back to the real [], which
would quite probably discard it.

so this kind of spoofing only makes sense in certain situations:
- I could cause trouble with only one packet
- I simply want to hide where a malicious packet came from
or a combination of the above (denial of servive for example).

also in most cases you cannot really protect against such attacks, only the ISP
where the malicious packet originated can, allowing only packets to the outside
where the source-address is also routed back to his user.

you can compare that to postal delivery: you send out a letter from: your
neighbor, the letter will arrive at the destination, but any answer will go
to your neighbor because you the postman doesn´t know that your´re spoofing
your neighbors nameaddress.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: C++ question

2000-02-16 Thread Shao Zhang
Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:
  Eg. if I compile with this:
  $ g++ -g -c misc.c
  misc.c: In function `char * cash(double, int, int)':
  misc.c:44: implicit declaration of function `int bracket(...)'
  misc.c:45: implicit declaration of function `int comma(...)'
  The output is exactly the same with the newest g++ version, and older
  g++. But the difference is that the older version will create a .o file
  and the new version will not. And I can only see an error message when
  they are compiled using make.
 Could you please post the relevant lines from your source?  It was not
 included with your first post.  Are 'bracket' and 'comma' functions that
 you have defined, or are they variables?

Those two functions were declared in a another C file. And that C file
is compiled with gcc. As soon as I found that, adding an extern C in
the header file fixed the problem.

So it is clear that the new version of g++ is much more restrictive, but
I still prefer it will give me a clear error message so that I know
there is something wrong...

 Also, why are you using g++?  All this looks like C code, and your source
 file ends in a lowercase 'c'.  The C++ compiler should handle it properly,
 of course, but I've seen (and can post, if you want) some examples of
 valid C code that won't compile in a C++ compiler.  I don't know how
 g++/gcc handle situations like this, but it seems a bit suspicious to me.

The code was originally written by someone else, and I had to modify it.
It uses a whole bunch of libraries written in C. And I am too lazy to
port it to C++. So I had to use both gcc and g++. But it is just a pain
to keep the memory allocation consistent(new/delete, malloc/free).


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread spongy
Yeah, it's M0, i use it here due to the crappy provider i have dumping me
off at 3am sometimes, nothing like a nice modem squeal reverberating thru
the house to wake you up.

Peter Good.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 02:10:54AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
  How do i turn the volume of my modem off when using pon ? (ppp)
  kppp manages to silence the modem
 Adding to /etc/chatscript/provider:
 below the line:
 '' ATZ
 may do it. That's a zero, not the letter 'O'. I'm not sure if that's
 the right command (you'll find out pretty quick) cause I have mine set
 to ATL0 (low volume during dial and handshake).
 | Eric G. |
 | GnuPG public key:  |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Exim: frustrations configuring a satellite system

2000-02-16 Thread Onno
At 06:32 PM 2/15/00 +, Jean Orloff wrote:
Nothing special in rejectlog, and mainlog contains, for non-existing user on 
smarthost: (this generates an error mail OK):

2000-02-07 19:24:22 12Htlm-0004aH-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=orloff P=local
2000-02-07 19:24:23 12Htlm-0004aH-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost
T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT
TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: host  []: 550
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... User unknown
2000-02-07 19:24:23 12Htln-0004aJ-00 =  R=12Htlm-0004aH-00 U=mail P=local 
2000-02-07 19:24:23 12Htlm-0004aH-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2000-02-07 19:24:23 12Htlm-0004aH-00 Completed

Notice: error mail is sent locally by exim. Whereas for a non-existing remote 
exim transfers to the smarthost without choking:

2000-02-07 19:25:08 12HtmW-0004aO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=orloff P=local
2000-02-07 19:25:29 12HtmW-0004aO-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost 
2000-02-07 19:25:29 12HtmW-0004aO-00 Completed

and I never get any error message, despite the correct From and Sender header

This is strange indeed, I expected exim to choke on the incomming error message.
The problem could be that incomming mail could not reach your mailhost and
that the mail is re-routed to the fallbackhost that is in your DNS MX record.

Please check your DNS settings, I had a problem with my DNS once and it also
created strange mail problems with receiving mail.

Maybe you could send your zone file...



Re: masquerading ftp

2000-02-16 Thread Onno
There is a ip_masq_ftp module that allows you to use
active and passive FTP behind a MASQ box.

Works fine here.



At 04:07 PM 2/15/00 -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 03:06:00PM -0600, Brian McGroarty wrote:
: As a learning exercise, I'm replacing our FreeBSD firewall with a Debian one.
: The machine is used to provide masquerading for several Windows, Linux and
: FreeBSD boxes on our cable modem.
: With Debian, FTP doesn't work from behind a standard masquerading firewall.
: I've observed the problem with ipfw and ipchains both.
: What is different about the default handling of FTP, ICQ and similar clients,
: and what should I read up on to change this behavior? Under FreeBSD, these
: worked without any special handling.

You need to use passive ftp from behind a masquerading box. 

I thought there was a masq module for FTP, but I guess I was thinking of
the Cisco PIX.  You have to examine each packet in a non-passive FTP
session and rewrite IPs when NAT or masq is in play.

Nathan NormanNetwork Magician, Eclectic Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7   Eschew Obfuscation
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Attachment Converted: c:\home\onno\email\attach\Re masquerading  ftp

vi causing probs

2000-02-16 Thread Christopher Townley Bannister
Gidday all,

I am a newbie. I was exploring my system (i386 running Slink) and have
noticed that if I try using vi or elvis-tiny the screen freezes and every time
I hit a key it flashes, I have to alt f2 and kill it.

Where should I start looking to find the cause?

The ae editor works fine.  

Thanks in advance for any help.

kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Michael Symalla

I just tried to update my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.14. Compiling,
mpkg and dpkg worked fine, but when I try to boot the new kernel it
always claims that it can't locate some modules. The funny thing is,
that he misses modules (like 3c59x for my network adapter) which I
have definitly NOT compiled as a module! Even if I compile the kernel
without modules at all, the same story happens. After installation of
the kernel there exists a /lib/modules/2.2.14/ directory with the
modules I want in it. Can anyone help me to solve this problem, I have
really no ideas what to do anymore.

Thanks a lot in advance.

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

Description: PGP signature

Re: too many panels in GNOME.

2000-02-16 Thread Darlock
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Cameron Matheson wrote:

  Hey everybody,
  I'm having a little trouble with GNOME.  My power went out, so my Linux
  went down with it.  I was able to get Linux running again, but now their
  are two panels in GNOME, and it opens my Home directory twice on
  startup.  How do shut down both sessions, and make it start up with just

To kill my panels I had run the Gnome Control Center selecting the
Startup programs - List running programs, and then deleting from the
list one panel. It's the only way I had deleted the panel from my desktop,
cos' when I had killed using the 'kill' the Gnome restart again it.
Good Luck!

  Cameron Matheson
Linux Registered User #153481

Our informal mission is to improve the love life of operators worldwide.
-- Peter Behrendt, president of Exabyte
Never make any mistaeks.
(Anonymous, in a mail discussion about to a kernel bug report.)


2000-02-16 Thread Shaul Karl
1) Is this problem exists when you are trying to connect to your ISP as root?
2) Does root been able to use the port with a com software loke minicom?
3) I believe that the Modem-HOWTO is a good reference.

Whenever I try to connect to my ISP I get:

Cannot open /dev/ttyS1 : Input/output error

How can I get this solved?
---End Message---
An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Re: Segmentation fault

2000-02-16 Thread davidturetsky
Thanks for all the feedback. I really don't know what the problem was here.
The Title buffer was set to 80 char and the input was not 10 characters

As I come up to speed, I'll get a better understanding of the nuances of
gcc/g++. In the meantime, I think I'm much safer using safe practices, as

In this particular case, it was useful for me to convert the code to c++
stream i/o, which reads very straightforwardly. I've since enhanced it with
cgi code and it now outputs the results of its computation to a web page.
For instance, the code below reads inTitle; inmnitLTEQGT; This
will change again as I hand off the interface to the client terminal


- Original Message -
From: Eric G . Miller
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault

 On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 11:08:21PM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
  On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 11:43:25 -0800, davidturetsky
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] was crying out from somewhere about: Re:
  Segmentation fault

  davidturetsky I believe this is the code
  that was getting me into trouble, but it could be
  davidturetsky elsewhere
  davidturetsky fscanf (file, %s, Title);
  davidturetsky fscanf (file, %d %d %d %d %d %d,
  m, n, it, LT, EQ, GT);

  Probably, the input string was too long for the char* Title?  I don't
  know. MSC seems to let the stack be destroyed quite quietly.  It's a
  feature, methinks. Not too many segfaults when developing, but
  occasional BOD on using.

 This is why, I think, that fgets is recommended over scanf/fscanf.
 You'll always know the maximum of the data you read in. Of course, then
 you still have to split it and check your input data matches what you
 expected to receive.  Also, newlines and whitespace can pile up in
 scanf/fscanf. It's generally recognized as being unsafe (like C/C++ in

Re: Modem doesn't respond

2000-02-16 Thread davidturetsky

I had the same problem. It turned out I was trying 
to use a "Win" modem which is apparently generally not supported in 

My problem went away when I installed a second USR 
"non-Win" modem. While I still have some configuring to do, it's clear I now get 
dial tone and dial out to my provider

Check the model of your modem for the telltale 
"win" nomenclature


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 9:05 
  Subject: Modem doesn't respond
  I have an internal 56k v90 USRobotic fax modem 
  connected in Windows to COM2 and in Linux to ttyS1. It is working in Windows, 
  but in Linux I always get a message saying that the modem does not 
  Do you know how to solve this 
  I tried on RedHat 6.1, Corel Linux, and Debian 
  2.1 and I always get the same message.
  TIA - 

K6 Optimized Debian Binaries

2000-02-16 Thread dan
I have compiled some of recent 'frozen' sources optimized for K6 with PGCC.
Anyone is welcome to get 'em. FTP to or I would not use them on important or production machines
since some stuff might break with compiler options like -malign-double.
Use at your own risk, though have been stable for me. Enlightenment seems
speedier, and so should be others.

Get the truth or risk frying your brains! -- --

Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Martin Fluch

Check the file /etc/modules and remove the entries the bootprocess
complains about...


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote:

 I just tried to update my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.14. Compiling,
 mpkg and dpkg worked fine, but when I try to boot the new kernel it
 always claims that it can't locate some modules. The funny thing is,
 that he misses modules (like 3c59x for my network adapter) which I
 have definitly NOT compiled as a module! Even if I compile the kernel
 without modules at all, the same story happens. After installation of
 the kernel there exists a /lib/modules/2.2.14/ directory with the
 modules I want in it. Can anyone help me to solve this problem, I have
 really no ideas what to do anymore.
 Thanks a lot in advance.

This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread Brian May
 Brad == Brad  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brad So, you'd change something like this:
Brad # modeminit
Brad '' 'ATZ'
Brad to
Brad # modeminit
Brad '' 'ATZ M0'

Perhaps I am wrong, but I always thought that anything after the Z in
ATZ (reset modem) was ignored...

Re: xscreensaver

2000-02-16 Thread Brian May
 Ron == Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ron When I setup xscreensaver from gnome control center it works
Ron fine. Doing a ps ux shows it was called like so
Ron xscreensaver -no-splash -timeout 15 -nice 20 -lock-mode -xrm
Ron *programs:?flag -ncolors 256 -cycles 3000 -size 1
Ron -root. However, when I try to put this in ~/.Xclients it
Ron complains about *programs:?flag, -ncolors, -cycles, -size,
Ron and -root not being known. How can I get it so that when I
Ron login (xdm) xscreensaver is started automatically without
Ron having to go into gnome control center each time? Yes I RTFM
Ron for xscreensaver, but it didn't tell me much.

I use gdm and this happens automatically...


Network config and domain name ?

2000-02-16 Thread John Gould
Hi everyone,
Could someone please tell me if there is a tool in Debian to
configure the permanent network parameters other than changing them
temporarily with ifconfig or hacking /etc/init.d/network? Slackware has
'netconfig', is there a similar tool in Debian? Also does anyone know
how the machine knows it's domain name, not the FQDN, just the domain
name. i.e. if hostname returns 'skeletor' where does the ''
come from? Is it from resolv.conf via the DNS or is the domain name stored
somewhere on the box? 

Finally is there a script that you can run like the install script to
allow you to change the installed network card to a different
manufacturer or do you just hack /etc/modules. I am running both
'slink' and 'potato' boxes. I believe the modules config changed from
'slink' to 'potato'. Sorry about such a long post...

Regards JohnG 

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

Unidentified subject!

2000-02-16 Thread Alberto Bigazzi

Re: silencing modem

2000-02-16 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 08:40:03PM +1100, Brian May wrote
  Brad == Brad  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Brad So, you'd change something like this:
 Brad # modeminit
 Brad '' 'ATZ'
 Brad to
 Brad # modeminit
 Brad '' 'ATZ M0'
 Perhaps I am wrong, but I always thought that anything after the Z in
 ATZ (reset modem) was ignored...

That's the way Hayes did it, but it depends on the modem; 
it's not something you should rely on one way or another.
That's why I put it in the dial string.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


2000-02-16 Thread Shao Zhang
I love everything about w3m. But I am just having one little

Is it possible to bind ABORT with the key ZZ??
How can I do that??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Modem doesn't respond

2000-02-16 Thread Shaul Karl
Consult the Modem_HOWTO. Perhaps it is a plug-n-play modem? Maybee it is a 
modem that
is likely not to be able to work under Linux?

I have an internal 56k v90 USRobotic fax modem 
connected in Windows to COM2 and in Linux to ttyS1. It is working in Windows, 
but in Linux I always get a message saying that the modem does not 
Do you know how to solve this 
I tried on RedHat 6.1, Corel Linux, and Debian 
2.1 and I always get the same message.
TIA - Pee
---End Message---
An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Apt-get through proxy

2000-02-16 Thread Radim Gelner

How do I instruct apt-get to use a proxy server instead of directly
contacting the host?



Re: Installation problem

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
You can do 4 things:

1) Compile a kernel with ppp (see kernel-HOWTO)

2) Do: insmod ppp

3) Do: modprobe ppp

4) Do: modconf (and then add the ppp module)


On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, kanupriya wrote:

 Hi All
 i am trying to install Debian Linux on my intel m/c. I could not set
 up the PPP options correctly.
 Everytime i try to connect using pppconfig, i get the following
 The system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be because the
 PPP kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
 configured for PPP. Sea the README.linux file in ppp-2.3.5
 Kindly advice what should i do. I am a newbie to Linux.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Athalong install of slink?

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
You should use the tecra kernel (resc1440-tecra.bin) to boot or if you're
using the cd, just use cd 2 (scsi-mod) and everything should work fine.


On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Robert L. Harris wrote:

 A friend of mine is interested in converting from cladera to Debian.
 He's running an Athalon processor and I've heard there are problems with
 older kernels and Athalon's.  Is there going to be any known problems with
 the kernel that comes in slink?
 Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
 Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
   at RnD Consulting.  |  definitely doesn't mean it should
 \_   be accepted.  Require quality.
   These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
Check your /etc/init.d/modutils, during installation you selected some
modules to be loaded into your kernel at boot time, when upgrading to a
new kernel, such a file isn't changed, so it's looking in
/lib/modules/2.2.14 for modules that are now in your not a module but
right in the kernel.
Easy way to solve it is (if there is no need to load any modules at
booting time) to rename the file /etc/init.d/modutils to something like


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote:

 I just tried to update my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.14. Compiling,
 mpkg and dpkg worked fine, but when I try to boot the new kernel it
 always claims that it can't locate some modules. The funny thing is,
 that he misses modules (like 3c59x for my network adapter) which I
 have definitly NOT compiled as a module! Even if I compile the kernel
 without modules at all, the same story happens. After installation of
 the kernel there exists a /lib/modules/2.2.14/ directory with the
 modules I want in it. Can anyone help me to solve this problem, I have
 really no ideas what to do anymore.
 Thanks a lot in advance.
/   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
/   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
/   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
/   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
/  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
 c:\winnt secure_nt.exe
   Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

Re: Network config and domain name ?

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
Second question: Use modconf

First question: I actually don't know (I always just edit
/etc/init.d/network) but you could start the installation again and only
configure the network and skip the rest, there might be a easier but...


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, John Gould wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 Could someone please tell me if there is a tool in Debian to
 configure the permanent network parameters other than changing them
 temporarily with ifconfig or hacking /etc/init.d/network? Slackware has
 'netconfig', is there a similar tool in Debian? Also does anyone know
 how the machine knows it's domain name, not the FQDN, just the domain
 name. i.e. if hostname returns 'skeletor' where does the ''
 come from? Is it from resolv.conf via the DNS or is the domain name stored
 somewhere on the box? 
 Finally is there a script that you can run like the install script to
 allow you to change the installed network card to a different
 manufacturer or do you just hack /etc/modules. I am running both
 'slink' and 'potato' boxes. I believe the modules config changed from
 'slink' to 'potato'. Sorry about such a long post...
 Regards JohnG 
 _/  John Gould  _/
 _/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
 _/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
 _/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
 _/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
 _/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: second try, defunct processes

2000-02-16 Thread Grendel
* Ben Collins said:
  by using waitpid or wait4) the child process will go zombie (defunct). If
  the application is coded properly and it still happens, it might mean that
  the kernel fails to deliver the SIGCHLD signal to the parent for some
  reason. It might be caused by the kernel compiled with 2.95.x gcc.
  Generally, it's safer to use gcc to compile your kernels.
 That would be true except this is sparc, and can create some buggy
 code for sparcs.
I don't know much about sparcs  Linux, I just remember having a similar
problem on x86 with a kernel compiled using 2.95.1 (AFAIR) that optimized
the kernel code so much, it failed to deliver some signals. Situation was
pretty much the same.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Not that I'm an expert on sound, but maybe some of this will help you to
make a comparison to your situation. I have an ES1370 card (Sound
Blaster PCI64), and as far as compiling the kernel is concerned, all I
needed to enable were two things; overall sound support and my specific
PCI card.

From my .config file:  (kernel = 2.2.14)

# Sound
# CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SOUND_OSS is not set

So all you should need would be overall sound and the ES1371. 

With PCI cards, there is no need to specify DMA, IRQ etc. I compiled
directly into the kernel as opposed to modules, but modules should work
just as well as long as they're loaded (check that with lsmod). 

In /proc/pci I have this:

Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq AudioPCI (rev 0).
Slow devsel.  IRQ 5.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=12. Max
Lat=128.  I/O at 0x6800 [0x6801].

The output from 'lspci -vv' :

00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1370 [AudioPCI]
Subsystem: Unknown device 4942:4c4c
Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B-
Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=slow TAbort-
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR-
Latency: 12 min, 128 max, 64 set
Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 5
Region 0: I/O ports at 6800

If you're using modules, you won't see any kernel messages on boot
unless those modules are listed in /etc/modules, so that they're loaded
automatically on boot. With support compiled into the kernel, I get this
message from the kernel when booting:

es1370: version v0.30 time 19:57:12 Jan  7 2000
es1370: found adapter at io 0x6800 irq 5
es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0


Kent West wrote:
 I've been trying off-and-on for months to get sound working
 on this box. The Readme's and HOWTOs and Dogpile searches
 just aren't answering my questions.
 I've got an ES1371 (Audio PCI 97) sound card (from Gateway
 Computers in an E-4200 box).
 First Question: When running make menuconfig, I go into
 the Sound entry and then press m on Sound Card Support
 to make it a module. This expands into several other
 Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
 Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
 S3 Sonic Vibes
 Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti,
 Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle, Fiji
 OSS  Sound Modules
 Having read that some es1371 boards are actually es1370s, I
 selected both Ensoniq and marked them with an m to make
 them modules.
 I don't really understand the difference between the OSS
 Sound Modules and the others above that. I kindda thought
 that all the sound drivers in the kernel were OSS drivers,
 but this leads me to think that there are two types: the
 ones that are not OSS, and the ones that are.
 Anyway, if I M the OSS Sound Modules entry, I see that the
 100% Sound Blaster Compatibles includes ESS, and I
 wonder if this is necessary for support of my card. Even
 though my card is an ES and not an ESS, I still have my
 So my first question: Do I just need the ES1371, or do I
 need the ES1371 and the ES1370, or do I need the ES1371, the
 ES1370, and the OSS with 100% SB Compatible, or do I need
 some other combination?
 Second question: I'm assuming that I can install this/these
 drivers as modules rather than compiling them directly into
 the kernel. Is that a correct assumption?
 Okay, having compiled the ES1370 and ES1371 drivers in as
 modules, and having done a make dep, make clean, make
 bzImage, make modules, and make modules_install, and having
 copied the arch/i386/bzImage file to /boot/vmlinuz and
 modifying my lilo.conf file as necessary and re-running lilo
 and rebooting, I'm supposed to see (according to what I've
 read) references to the sound card fly by at boot time.
 Yet I don't see such a thing. Furthermore, according to the
 HOWTOs, etc, I'm supposed to be able to do a cat
 /dev/sndstat, yet that returns a No such device error.
 The /dev/sndstat file does exist.
 I suspect the problem is IRQ,DMA,IOport-related, but the
 HOWTOs seem to focus on ISA PnP cards rather than PCI, so
 I'm a little confused. I have learned enough to run lspci
 -v which returns quite a bit of info on various cards
 (ethernet, ISA bridge, etc); it also has the following:
 00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371
 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
  Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1371
  Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 96, IRQ 11
  I/O ports at 1080
  Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1
 When I try to play sounds (using sox or splay, etc, or

Re: Network config and domain name ?

2000-02-16 Thread Peter Good
apt-get install linuxconf

that's the package that contains netconf and all those other nifty tools
that come with redhat flavours.

-Original Message-
From: Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: Network config and domain name ?

Second question: Use modconf

First question: I actually don't know (I always just edit
/etc/init.d/network) but you could start the installation again and only
configure the network and skip the rest, there might be a easier but...


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, John Gould wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 Could someone please tell me if there is a tool in Debian to
 configure the permanent network parameters other than changing them
 temporarily with ifconfig or hacking /etc/init.d/network? Slackware has
 'netconfig', is there a similar tool in Debian? Also does anyone know
 how the machine knows it's domain name, not the FQDN, just the domain
 name. i.e. if hostname returns 'skeletor' where does the ''
 come from? Is it from resolv.conf via the DNS or is the domain name
 somewhere on the box?

 Finally is there a script that you can run like the install script to
 allow you to change the installed network card to a different
 manufacturer or do you just hack /etc/modules. I am running both
 'slink' and 'potato' boxes. I believe the modules config changed from
 'slink' to 'potato'. Sorry about such a long post...

 Regards JohnG

 _/  John Gould  _/
 _/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
 _/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
 _/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
 _/  PGP - Public key available  _/
 _/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: Installation problem

2000-02-16 Thread Lane Lester
kanupriya wrote:
 The system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be because the
 PPP kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
 configured for PPP. Sea the README.linux file in ppp-2.3.5

Did you, by any chance, install the Debian CD that came with McCarty's
book? I wonder because I did, and I get the same error when I run pon.
This happened with two installs, first with the Dialup (!) package and
secondly with a manual selection of stuff.  I've decided to blame the
CD, since gobs of gurus have been unable to get me online with Debian.

A suggestion to recompile the kernel before you can get online with a
distribution seems extreme, if you don't mind my saying so.  I'm
planning to get Debian from another source and try it.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

Re: Installation problem

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
Recompiling your kernel is not an extreme thing to do, it is actually very
easy (if of course you know how, which is explained very good in the
kernel-HOWTO). I think it is also wise to compile a new kernel after
installation, because the standard kernel is a kernel that works with most
computers, and if you compile your own you can optimize it for your
computer (that is select the right processor, leaving hardware support for
hardware you don't own out and such things), which makes the kernel
smaller (more memory left for other things) and faster.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

 kanupriya wrote:
  The system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could be because the
  PPP kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
  configured for PPP. Sea the README.linux file in ppp-2.3.5
 Did you, by any chance, install the Debian CD that came with McCarty's
 book? I wonder because I did, and I get the same error when I run pon.
 This happened with two installs, first with the Dialup (!) package and
 secondly with a manual selection of stuff.  I've decided to blame the
 CD, since gobs of gurus have been unable to get me online with Debian.
 A suggestion to recompile the kernel before you can get online with a
 distribution seems extreme, if you don't mind my saying so.  I'm
 planning to get Debian from another source and try it.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Samba upgrade, password issue

2000-02-16 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I have just upgraded my Samba to a 2.0.4 stable version. The old one
must have been running for a year or two, not sure which version it was.
At first I panicked because al my passwords refused to work. After some
RTFM I learned that Samba now holds a seperate password file smbpasswd.
It used to grap passwords from the general passwd list.
As far as I can see I now need to manage two seperate lists. This seems
to be a bit of a downgrade, or am I missing something?

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Michael Symalla
Hi Martin,

I did it that way and now he not longer complains about missing
modules, great! But now my 3com network adapter (which is included in
the kernel) is not longer initialized, so no eth0 ;-) with 2.0.36
this was a module and everything worked fine, but how do start the
network adapter now? An easy solution might be to compile it also as a
module, but there must be another way, or am I wrong? 

On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 11:31:58AM +0200, Martin Fluch wrote:

 Check the file /etc/modules and remove the entries the bootprocess
 complains about...

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

Will potato X-serve my Intel 810e graphics chipset?

2000-02-16 Thread David Bush
Hi there.

I have a Dell Dimension L500r system. The video driver is built into
the motherboard. I can obtain the following info from Windows 98:

Video driver: Intel 810e Chipset Graphics Driver
  (DCC133 FSB133)
  Hardware version 003
  4 MB video RAM

I dunno about RAMDAC or clock issues for this driver.
It is capable of 1280x1024 24-bit graphics, but the MX780 monitor can
handle just 1024x768 maximum. The monitor very conveniently displays
all the resolution modes on screen when you push the menu buttons
under the display, so I have the Vertical  Horizontal sync rate
ranges. What I don't seem to have from my Debian 2.1 CD, is an
X server that can handle this chipset. I have Debian installed,
but I can't get X Windows to run. SuperProbe came up empty when
it probed my system for specs on the graphics driver.

I am hoping to find out if potato will include an X server for this
chipset. If not, where could one be found?


Re: Samba upgrade, password issue

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
Well, it's not really a downgrade (but I understand you think so), because
now samba allows you to have different passwords for samba and shell.
There is a program that converts all the passwords from /etc/passwd to
smbpasswd, I can't remember the name. I always use smbpasswd -a USER (as
root) to give anybody who needs access to samba, they can then later
change it with smbpasswd. (The -a options says that if the user is not in
smbpasswd smbpasswd has to add the user).


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Erik van der Meulen wrote:

 I have just upgraded my Samba to a 2.0.4 stable version. The old one
 must have been running for a year or two, not sure which version it was.
 At first I panicked because al my passwords refused to work. After some
 RTFM I learned that Samba now holds a seperate password file smbpasswd.
 It used to grap passwords from the general passwd list.
 As far as I can see I now need to manage two seperate lists. This seems
 to be a bit of a downgrade, or am I missing something?
   Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Will potato X-serve my Intel 810e graphics chipset?

2000-02-16 Thread Ron Rademaker
I don't know for your Intel 810e graphics chipset, but potato does support
a lot more graphical cards than slink. For example my card (Viper 770)
wasn't supported in slink but it was supported in potato, same goes for
the ASUS AGP-V3800Magic, I think you'll have a pretty good chance yours
will work.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, David Bush wrote:

 Hi there.
 I have a Dell Dimension L500r system. The video driver is built into
 the motherboard. I can obtain the following info from Windows 98:
 Video driver: Intel 810e Chipset Graphics Driver
   (DCC133 FSB133)
   Hardware version 003
   4 MB video RAM
 I dunno about RAMDAC or clock issues for this driver.
 It is capable of 1280x1024 24-bit graphics, but the MX780 monitor can
 handle just 1024x768 maximum. The monitor very conveniently displays
 all the resolution modes on screen when you push the menu buttons
 under the display, so I have the Vertical  Horizontal sync rate
 ranges. What I don't seem to have from my Debian 2.1 CD, is an
 X server that can handle this chipset. I have Debian installed,
 but I can't get X Windows to run. SuperProbe came up empty when
 it probed my system for specs on the graphics driver.
 I am hoping to find out if potato will include an X server for this
 chipset. If not, where could one be found?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Samba upgrade, password issue

2000-02-16 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Ron Rademaker  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, it's not really a downgrade (but I understand you think so), because
now samba allows you to have different passwords for samba and shell.

That's not the reason - the reason is that windows encrypted passwords
are not compatible with Unix hashed passwords as in /etc/passwd. It
will work if your windows installation has encrypted passwords turned
off (for Win98 and 2000, you need to change some obscure registry entry).

There is a program that converts all the passwords from /etc/passwd to
smbpasswd, I can't remember the name.

That's because such a program cannot exist. Passwords in /etc/passwd are
one-way encrypted (hashed really) and you cannot decode them in any way.

I always use smbpasswd -a USER (as
root) to give anybody who needs access to samba, they can then later
change it with smbpasswd. (The -a options says that if the user is not in
smbpasswd smbpasswd has to add the user).

If you have win3.1 or 95 clients (or 98/2000 with the registry fixed)
and you turn off the encrypt passwords parameter in smb.conf samba
will use /etc/passwd to authenticate.

The From: and Reply-To: addresses are internal news2mail gateway addresses.
Reply to the list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg)

Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Martin Fluch
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

 Check your /etc/init.d/modutils, during installation you selected some
 modules to be loaded into your kernel at boot time, when upgrading to a
 new kernel, such a file isn't changed, so it's looking in
 /lib/modules/2.2.14 for modules that are now in your not a module but
 right in the kernel.
 Easy way to solve it is (if there is no need to load any modules at
 booting time) to rename the file /etc/init.d/modutils to something like

This is better done by removing the symbolic link in /etc/rcS.d pointing
to /etc/init.d/modutils.


This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NFS as module - how?

2000-02-16 Thread photius
Hi, I would like to add NFS support to my Slink system. What alias do I have
to add to /etc/modutils/aliases to use the nfs.o module? (I tried a few I
thought of but they did not work.)
Or do I have to recompile the kernel, adding nfs support that way?

Thanks in advance.

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Linuxconf in potato broken?

2000-02-16 Thread \F.P. Groeneveld\
I get a segfault whenever I quit linuxconf (version 1.17r1-1). Is this a
known problem waiting for a fix? Or is it something particular to my


Derk Groeneveld
The From: and Reply-To: addresses are internal news2mail gateway addresses.
Reply to the list or to F.P. Groeneveld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apt-get through proxy

2000-02-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

I have 3 machines behind a very slow modem.  I just put a squid proxy
server up.  Once that was running I set these three lines in my profile:


And now it appears to be using it nicely.


Thus spake Radim Gelner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 How do I instruct apt-get to use a proxy server instead of directly
 contacting the host?
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Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: wordperfect8

2000-02-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

Is there a .deb package for wp8 I can get with apt-get?


Thus spake paul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  i installed corel wp8 in my slink box.  trying to run the app
  (wp8), i get this error message:  ./xwp: can't load library
  '' (which doesn't appear to exist in/as a deb
 apt-get xpm4g
 This should work. library names can get quite infuriating ;-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: second try, defunct processes

2000-02-16 Thread Aaron Solochek
Well, I tried 2.7.2, and although it seemed to last a little longer,
this morning I wake up, and it didn't help.  Any other ideas?  Would
wiping the system clean and trying again help?

-Aaron Solochek

Grendel wrote:
 * Ben Collins said:
   by using waitpid or wait4) the child process will go zombie (defunct). 
   the application is coded properly and it still happens, it might mean that
   the kernel fails to deliver the SIGCHLD signal to the parent for some
   reason. It might be caused by the kernel compiled with 2.95.x gcc.
   Generally, it's safer to use gcc to compile your kernels.
  That would be true except this is sparc, and can create some buggy
  code for sparcs.
 I don't know much about sparcs  Linux, I just remember having a similar
 problem on x86 with a kernel compiled using 2.95.1 (AFAIR) that optimized
 the kernel code so much, it failed to deliver some signals. Situation was
 pretty much the same.
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: Samba upgrade, password issue

2000-02-16 Thread Lee Willis
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg) writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Ron Rademaker  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a program that converts all the passwords from /etc/passwd to
 smbpasswd, I can't remember the name.
 That's because such a program cannot exist. Passwords in /etc/passwd are
 one-way encrypted (hashed really) and you cannot decode them in any way.

Hmm, true, but there is a program that sets up an smbpasswd file with
all the users contained in /etc/passwd that I think may have been what
he meant? (I think it's ...)

I was doing object-oriented assembly at 1 year old ...  
For some reason my mom insists on calling it Playing with blocks

Re: Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I've been trying off-and-on for months to get sound working
 on this box. The Readme's and HOWTOs and Dogpile searches
 just aren't answering my questions.
 I've got an ES1371 (Audio PCI 97) sound card (from Gateway
 Computers in an E-4200 box).
 First Question: When running make menuconfig, I go into
 the Sound entry and then press m on Sound Card Support
 to make it a module. This expands into several other
 Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
 Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
 S3 Sonic Vibes
 Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti,
 Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle, Fiji
 OSS  Sound Modules
 Having read that some es1371 boards are actually es1370s, I
 selected both Ensoniq and marked them with an m to make
 them modules.


 I don't really understand the difference between the OSS
 Sound Modules and the others above that. I kindda thought
 that all the sound drivers in the kernel were OSS drivers,
 but this leads me to think that there are two types: the
 ones that are not OSS, and the ones that are.

Technically they're all OSS drivers - they all support the same
programming interfaces.  The 'OSS Sound Modules' are what used to be known
as OSS/Lite - a freely available version of the Open Sound System drivers,
which are payware and available for many Unix (and Unix-like) operating

 Anyway, if I M the OSS Sound Modules entry, I see that the
 100% Sound Blaster Compatibles includes ESS, and I
 wonder if this is necessary for support of my card. Even
 though my card is an ES and not an ESS, I still have my

You don't need anything under the OSS Sound Modules.

 So my first question: Do I just need the ES1371, or do I
 need the ES1371 and the ES1370, or do I need the ES1371, the
 ES1370, and the OSS with 100% SB Compatible, or do I need
 some other combination?

You need es1371 (based on your output from lspci below) and nothing else.

 Second question: I'm assuming that I can install this/these
 drivers as modules rather than compiling them directly into
 the kernel. Is that a correct assumption?

That's correct.

 Okay, having compiled the ES1370 and ES1371 drivers in as
 modules, and having done a make dep, make clean, make
 bzImage, make modules, and make modules_install, and having
 copied the arch/i386/bzImage file to /boot/vmlinuz and
 modifying my lilo.conf file as necessary and re-running lilo
 and rebooting, I'm supposed to see (according to what I've
 read) references to the sound card fly by at boot time.


 Yet I don't see such a thing. Furthermore, according to the
 HOWTOs, etc, I'm supposed to be able to do a cat
 /dev/sndstat, yet that returns a No such device error.
 The /dev/sndstat file does exist.

Did you edit /etc/modules to load the sound driver at boot time?  
Unfortunately Debian's 'PnP' isn't as smart as RedHat's.

 I suspect the problem is IRQ,DMA,IOport-related, but the
 HOWTOs seem to focus on ISA PnP cards rather than PCI, so
 I'm a little confused. I have learned enough to run lspci
 -v which returns quite a bit of info on various cards
 (ethernet, ISA bridge, etc); it also has the following:
 00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371
 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
  Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1371
  Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 96, IRQ 11
  I/O ports at 1080
  Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1

You don't need to worry about IRQs and what not - this is a PCI sound card
- the BIOS takes care of all that at boot time.

 When I try to play sounds (using sox or splay, etc, or
 saytime), I sometimes get garbled sound, but more often than
 not, messages like no such output file or no such
 device, etc. Hopefully someone can help me figure out where
 to go from here.

A quick summary:

* Run 'modprobe es1371'
* Try to play a sound file - I like to use the package sox for that; it
  works better than cat'ing the file to /dev/dsp.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Martin Fluch
On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote:

 Hi Martin,
 I did it that way and now he not longer complains about missing
 modules, great! But now my 3com network adapter (which is included in
 the kernel) is not longer initialized, so no eth0 ;-) with 2.0.36
 this was a module and everything worked fine, but how do start the
 network adapter now? An easy solution might be to compile it also as a
 module, but there must be another way, or am I wrong? 

Hmmm  I'm not an expert on configuring network cards :(

Perhaps your ethernet card needs some parameters. Perhaps you can remember
how the module was configured, perhaps you find some information in the
files stored in /etc/modutils/.

When your ethernet driver needs some parameters, you have to fiedle around
with the append command in /etc/lilo.conf (see manpage) and add some
bootparameters (man bootparam, search for the section 'ETHERNET DEVICES').
A look in the Ethernet-HowTo might help, too.

I hope, that this helps ... at least somehow :)


This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: second try, defunct processes

2000-02-16 Thread Grendel
* Aaron Solochek said:
 Well, I tried 2.7.2, and although it seemed to last a little longer,
 this morning I wake up, and it didn't help.  Any other ideas?  Would
 wiping the system clean and trying again help?
I don't think so. I think you should follow Ben Collins' advice to upgrade
the kernel. But, from what you say, it seems that the compiler is somehow
related to your problem. Try to get the latest kernel from vger and compile
two binaries - one with 2.95.x and another with (mind the .3!) -
give it a test, and we'll see :)


Description: PGP signature

using power save and power down features

2000-02-16 Thread Micha Feigin
When using windows my computer move the screen automaticly to standby mode
to save power after a certain time ( a bit after the screen save starts),
and when I shut down it turns the computer of automaticly.
Is it posible to perform these using linux? ( I am using potato, currently


xemacs problem

2000-02-16 Thread Micha Feigin
When I change the options in xemacs ( 21 latest ) to enable multiple
windows, and I try to compile or move to errors in the compilation, I get
the folowing error message:
wrong type argument : windowp, nil

any ideas?


potato installation problem

2000-02-16 Thread Lee Malatesta

I've been trying to install potato from a hard drive.  

I've downloaded the the entire 
tree and the 

Install of the base system goes fine.  But when its time
to specify the location of the debian mirror, I point it
at /mnt/hdc1 (the hard drive I have the debian tree on)
and it gives me an error:

When I tried to access the debian archive
using the information you provided, apt gave
the following error.  I will run through the
question again, try to correct the error.

E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
E: Problem with merge list
E: The package lists or status file could not be 
parsed or opened.

The file _mnt_hdc1_dists_frozen_main_binary-i386_Packages
does exist and it looks to the untrained eye to contain 
package information.

I'd greatly appreciate some help getting potato installed.

An ftp install isn't an option for me.  I've got a slow
(56k) connection and my free provider ( 
has a six hour time limit on connections.



Re: using power save and power down features

2000-02-16 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 04:26:55PM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 When using windows my computer move the screen automaticly to standby mode
 to save power after a certain time ( a bit after the screen save starts),
 and when I shut down it turns the computer of automaticly.
 Is it posible to perform these using linux? ( I am using potato, currently

Here's the beginning of my .xsession file:

  # set power saving modes
  xset dpms 1800 2100 2200
  # set screen locking
  xautolock -time 30 -locker xlock -mode blank \
  -corners 00+0 -cornerdelay 2 -cornerredelay 5 -cornersize 10 

It's set for 1800 (30 minutes) because that is what the monitor docs
recommended as the minimum time between degaussing. The monitor degauses
when it powers up.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please help, I'm desperate (SAMBA)

2000-02-16 Thread Onno

It doesn't matter what I try, what smb.conf I dream up or
what I put into the win 95 configs: I can't get roaming
profiles to work. I tried increasing the debug level but
all I got was over 500k of crap and as far as I can understand
it most things are for developers!


My setup:

- Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (Potato/frozen)
- Samba 2.0.6-3 (running as daemon)
- Windows 95 (dutch)

What does work:

- logons (mandatory)
- the netlogon share and the config.pol (partly?)
- the logon script 
- browsing the shares
- home directory share

But I can get those @#$%^ roaming profiles working!
I've tried to delete the local profile, remove the pwl file
and even removed the user from the registry! But no sir!

Now I'm desperate, I need help BAD!

Maybe somebody has roaming profiles working and would be 
so nice to send me the following files:

- smb.conf
- netlogon script
- config.pol
- registry
- ???

Thanks in advance,


Re: using power save and power down features

2000-02-16 Thread John Gould
You need to compile a kernel with apm support. It's in the 2.2 series
kernels, just run make config etc.

Regards JohnG

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Micha Feigin wrote:

 When using windows my computer move the screen automaticly to standby mode
 to save power after a certain time ( a bit after the screen save starts),
 and when I shut down it turns the computer of automaticly.
 Is it posible to perform these using linux? ( I am using potato, currently
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 08:17:36AM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 You need es1371 (based on your output from lspci below) and nothing else.

 * Run 'modprobe es1371'
 * Try to play a sound file - I like to use the package sox for that; it
   works better than cat'ing the file to /dev/dsp.

You might want do a '/dev/MAKEDEV update' to update your devices to the new
kernel. Also you might want to add something like this to /etc/modutils/aliases

alias char-major-14 soundcore # basic sound capabilities
alias sound-slot-0 es1371  # main sound card hardware driver
alias sound-service-0-0 sound # mixer taken care of by sound.o
alias sound-service-0-3 sound # /dev/dsp  /dev/audio support in sound.o
alias sound-service-0-6 sound # /dev/sndstat support in sound.o

and remember to run update-modules afterwards. You will now be able to access
/dev/dsp as root. Twaek the rights for the audio-devices so that you can use
them as user.

Hope that could help you.
Sven Esbjerg

Re: Please help, I'm desperate (SAMBA)

2000-02-16 Thread aphro
can samba even do roaming profiles? (im not even sure what roaming
profiles are) i didn't see any mention of it in the FAQ. after looking at
the PROFILES.txt from samba looks like that may be what you want.  If you
still can't get it working upgrade to samba 3.0 (alpha)  i spent hours
trying to fix a dissapearing file/directory problem on 2.0 and it was
fixed the instant i upgraded to 3.0

samba 3.0 has been very stable for me i haven't had any problems but all
im doing is basic filesharing.

you can get 3.0 by following the directions here:


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Onno wrote:

Onno It doesn't matter what I try, what smb.conf I dream up or
Onno what I put into the win 95 configs: I can't get roaming
Onno profiles to work. I tried increasing the debug level but
Onno all I got was over 500k of crap and as far as I can understand
Onno it most things are for developers!
Onno My setup:
Onno - Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (Potato/frozen)
Onno - Samba 2.0.6-3 (running as daemon)
Onno - Windows 95 (dutch)
Onno What does work:
Onno - logons (mandatory)
Onno - the netlogon share and the config.pol (partly?)
Onno - the logon script 
Onno - browsing the shares
Onno - home directory share
Onno But I can get those @#$%^ roaming profiles working!
Onno I've tried to delete the local profile, remove the pwl file
Onno and even removed the user from the registry! But no sir!
Onno Now I'm desperate, I need help BAD!
Onno Maybe somebody has roaming profiles working and would be 
Onno so nice to send me the following files:
Onno - smb.conf
Onno - netlogon script
Onno - config.pol
Onno - registry
Onno - ???
Onno Thanks in advance,
Onno Onno
Onno -- 
Onno Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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7:30am up 180 days, 19:47, 1 user, load average: 1.23, 1.10, 1.04

Re: Modem doesn't respond

2000-02-16 Thread Kent West

davidturetsky wrote:

had the same problem. It turned out I was trying to use a "Win" modem which
is apparently generally not supported in Linux

Or BeOS, or OS/2, or QNX, or even the next version of Windows if
the manufacturer chooses not to or has gone out of business, or 
"win"modems and "win"printers and "win"hardware in
general should be avoided like the plague, and Iwish the manufacturers
of such trash would wake up.
/end of rant>

Re: Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Kent West
Thanks for the response.

My .config file looks pretty much like yours (kernel 2.2.9):

# CONFIG_SOUND_OSS is not set

Doing a cat /proc/pci results in:
cat: /proc/pci: No such file or directory

The output from lspci -vv:
00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
 Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1371
 Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- 
 Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=slow TAbort- TAbort+ 
 Latency: 12 min, 128 max, 96 set
 Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 11
 Region 0: I/O ports at 1080
 Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1
  Flags: PMEClk- AuxPwr+ DSI+ D1- D2+ PME+
  Status: D3 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-

The output from lsmod:
Module  Size  Used by
es1371 22632   0  (unused)
soundcore   2564   4  [es1371]
vmnet  16160   2
vmmon  17664   1
3c59x  18912   1
vfat   11452   0  (unused)
fat24832   0  [vfat]
smbfs  26988   3
nfs30784   0  (unused)
lockd  32008   0  [nfs]
sunrpc 53732   0  [nfs lockd]

Again, thanks for any help!

Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 Not that I'm an expert on sound, but maybe some of this will help you to
 make a comparison to your situation. I have an ES1370 card (Sound
 Blaster PCI64), and as far as compiling the kernel is concerned, all I
 needed to enable were two things; overall sound support and my specific
 PCI card.

 From my .config file:  (kernel = 2.2.14)

 # Sound
 # CONFIG_SOUND_CMPCI is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_OSS is not set

 So all you should need would be overall sound and the ES1371.

 With PCI cards, there is no need to specify DMA, IRQ etc. I compiled
 directly into the kernel as opposed to modules, but modules should work
 just as well as long as they're loaded (check that with lsmod).

 In /proc/pci I have this:

 Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq AudioPCI (rev 0).
 Slow devsel.  IRQ 5.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=12. Max
 Lat=128.  I/O at 0x6800 [0x6801].

 The output from 'lspci -vv' :

 00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1370 [AudioPCI]
 Subsystem: Unknown device 4942:4c4c
 Control: I/O+ Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop-
 ParErr- Stepping- SERR+ FastB2B-
 Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=slow TAbort-
 TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR-
 Latency: 12 min, 128 max, 64 set
 Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 5
 Region 0: I/O ports at 6800

 If you're using modules, you won't see any kernel messages on boot
 unless those modules are listed in /etc/modules, so that they're loaded
 automatically on boot. With support compiled into the kernel, I get this
 message from the kernel when booting:

 es1370: version v0.30 time 19:57:12 Jan  7 2000
 es1370: found adapter at io 0x6800 irq 5
 es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0


 Kent West wrote:
  I've been trying off-and-on for months to get sound working
  on this box. The Readme's and HOWTOs and Dogpile searches
  just aren't answering my questions.
  I've got an ES1371 (Audio PCI 97) sound card (from Gateway
  Computers in an E-4200 box).
  First Question: When running make menuconfig, I go into
  the Sound entry and then press m on Sound Card Support
  to make it a module. This expands into several other
  Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
  Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
  S3 Sonic Vibes
  Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti,
  Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle, Fiji
  OSS  Sound Modules
  Having read that some es1371 boards are actually es1370s, I
  selected both Ensoniq and marked them with an m to make
  them modules.
  I don't really understand the difference between the OSS
  Sound Modules and the others above that. I kindda thought
  that all the sound drivers in the kernel were OSS drivers,
  but this leads me to think that there are two types: the
  ones that are not OSS, and the ones that are.
  Anyway, if I M the OSS Sound Modules entry, I see that the
  100% Sound Blaster Compatibles includes ESS, and I
  wonder if this is necessary for support of my card. Even
  though my card is an ES and not an ESS, I still have my
  So my first question: Do I just 

Multicast suport in Debian

2000-02-16 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I'm creating a set of server's to spread arround several building's in
our campus. Those server's will have multicast support.

I configured the kernel and installed mrouted but there are a few things
that i can't find and maybe you can help me.

On the kernel, i said i wanted to use PIM-1 and PIM-2 as routing
protocols. The help message said that this ones need an external daemon:
oimd or gated-5 wich i cannot find in Debian. Does anyone have a clue
where these are?

While reading mrouted's man page it mentions (in the end) the following
mrinfo, mtrace, map-mbone wich i can't find in debian either. Once again
clues on their location is appreciated.

Mario Filipe 

svgalib and ppp

2000-02-16 Thread Carlos Henrique Santos Laviola
Hello people.

I am coming now to ask your help with stuff I think it's easy, but I 
just couldn't set.

- How can I adjust the time between a call and another when using the 
persist option with pppd?
- Is there any way I can get the third button of a serial, 
microsoft-type of mouse? (it won't switch to mousesystems mode, btw). 
I've tried to add -Rms3 and set the mouse device as /dev/gpmdata also, 
but it didn't work. (that button is a must on quake :)).

I'd appreciate your help. (please send a reply directly to me because I 
am no longer subscribed to debian-user).


Carlos Laviola

Re: Installation problem

2000-02-16 Thread John Hasler
kanupriya writes:
 Everytime i try to connect using pppconfig...

You can't connect using pppconfig.  I assume you mean that you are trying
to connect using pon.

 The system lacks kernel support for PPP.

Your system does not lack kernel support for PPP.  Pppd is easily confused
and often gives this message when something else entirely is wrong.
Usually it is a permissions problem.  Are you running pon as a user other
than root?  If so, have you added that user to the 'dip' group?

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Sound ES1371 issues

2000-02-16 Thread Kent West
Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  I've been trying off-and-on for months to get sound working
  on this box. The Readme's and HOWTOs and Dogpile searches
  just aren't answering my questions.
  I've got an ES1371 (Audio PCI 97) sound card (from Gateway
  Computers in an E-4200 box).
  First Question: When running make menuconfig, I go into
  the Sound entry and then press m on Sound Card Support
  to make it a module. This expands into several other
  Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370)
  Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI 97 (ES1371)
  S3 Sonic Vibes
  Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti,
  Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle, Fiji
  OSS  Sound Modules
  Having read that some es1371 boards are actually es1370s, I
  selected both Ensoniq and marked them with an m to make
  them modules.


  I don't really understand the difference between the OSS
  Sound Modules and the others above that. I kindda thought
  that all the sound drivers in the kernel were OSS drivers,
  but this leads me to think that there are two types: the
  ones that are not OSS, and the ones that are.

 Technically they're all OSS drivers - they all support the same
 programming interfaces.  The 'OSS Sound Modules' are what used to be known
 as OSS/Lite - a freely available version of the Open Sound System drivers,
 which are payware and available for many Unix (and Unix-like) operating

  Anyway, if I M the OSS Sound Modules entry, I see that the
  100% Sound Blaster Compatibles includes ESS, and I
  wonder if this is necessary for support of my card. Even
  though my card is an ES and not an ESS, I still have my

 You don't need anything under the OSS Sound Modules.

  So my first question: Do I just need the ES1371, or do I
  need the ES1371 and the ES1370, or do I need the ES1371, the
  ES1370, and the OSS with 100% SB Compatible, or do I need
  some other combination?

 You need es1371 (based on your output from lspci below) and nothing else.

  Second question: I'm assuming that I can install this/these
  drivers as modules rather than compiling them directly into
  the kernel. Is that a correct assumption?

 That's correct.

  Okay, having compiled the ES1370 and ES1371 drivers in as
  modules, and having done a make dep, make clean, make
  bzImage, make modules, and make modules_install, and having
  copied the arch/i386/bzImage file to /boot/vmlinuz and
  modifying my lilo.conf file as necessary and re-running lilo
  and rebooting, I'm supposed to see (according to what I've
  read) references to the sound card fly by at boot time.


  Yet I don't see such a thing. Furthermore, according to the
  HOWTOs, etc, I'm supposed to be able to do a cat
  /dev/sndstat, yet that returns a No such device error.
  The /dev/sndstat file does exist.

 Did you edit /etc/modules to load the sound driver at boot time?
 Unfortunately Debian's 'PnP' isn't as smart as RedHat's.

  I suspect the problem is IRQ,DMA,IOport-related, but the
  HOWTOs seem to focus on ISA PnP cards rather than PCI, so
  I'm a little confused. I have learned enough to run lspci
  -v which returns quite a bit of info on various cards
  (ethernet, ISA bridge, etc); it also has the following:
  00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371
  [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)
   Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1371
   Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 96, IRQ 11
   I/O ports at 1080
   Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1

 You don't need to worry about IRQs and what not - this is a PCI sound card
 - the BIOS takes care of all that at boot time.

  When I try to play sounds (using sox or splay, etc, or
  saytime), I sometimes get garbled sound, but more often than
  not, messages like no such output file or no such
  device, etc. Hopefully someone can help me figure out where
  to go from here.

 A quick summary:

 * Run 'modprobe es1371'
 * Try to play a sound file - I like to use the package sox for that; it
   works better than cat'ing the file to /dev/dsp.

 Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
 universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

I appreciate your response.

Concerning the OSS/Lite drivers: So do I understand that the division of the
two categories (the five or six drivers on the outer level vs the OSS
category) are simply because the OSS ones came from a different source? In
other words, the kernel developers developed the ES1370/1 and Turtle Beach
and S3 drivers, so they left these in the outer level, but the OSS drivers
came from the OSS people and so were put in a different category? OK, I can
live with that; it's confusing to someone who doesn't know the history, but
that's okay; Life's a classroom.


mpich package: MPE?

2000-02-16 Thread Sergey Lishchuk

I have mpich_1.1.2-11 package installed on Pentium II with
the latest potato. What library must I link to my MPI programs
to make them use MPE graphics?

Thank you!


P.S.: Please Cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

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