Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-03-07 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 11:07:44PM +0100, Jordi escribió:
 Cambiaría el añadido a Debian GNU/Linux (de hecho es así como se llama el
 sistema operativo).

Sí. Es más exacto, más respetuoso, y no pierde impacto.

Roberto Ripio

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-03-07 Thread benalb
 Cuando: dom, 05 de mar de 2000, a las 06:07:13 +0100
 Quien: Hue-Bond
 Que: Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

 El viernes 03 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 16:18:56 +0100, Roberto Ripio contaba:
 ¿Qué os parece Potencia DEBIAN, con doble sentido de sustantivo y verbo ?
  Me gusta,  me gusta  mucho pero quizá  pueda resultar  un tanto
  prepotente a quien no le guste Debian.

Yo no le veo ningún sentido de prepotencia. Y desde luego, suena muy,
muy bien. Yo no le daría más vueltas. 

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Clave pública: wget 
Debian. The biggest,... still the best.

Description: PGP signature

[local (Madrid)] Expo Linux y Linux Expo

2000-03-07 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona


En una semana tenemos en Madrid Expo Linux, y a finales de
abril será Linux Expo. En ambos casos habrá charlas interesantes,
empresas en la parte de exposición, y se espera que muchos visitantes.

En ambos casos nos dejan espacio en un stand para Debian. La
pregunta es: ¿hay gente que quiera organizar un poco el que haya
presencia de Debian en estas ferias? Creo que sería muy importante que 
entre tanta empresa haya presencia de la comunidad, y entre ella, la
gente de Debian es uno de los representantes más claros... Seguro que
los desarrolladores están muy liados, pero toda esa gente que siempre
quiso colaborar con Debian y no sabí acomo tiene su oportunidad
(aunque desde luego, un desarrollador es un desarrollador, y siempre
puede representar mejor a Debian ;-) ). El
mínimo es prepara un par de carteles, y arrimarse por allí a atender
preguntas de la gente, o sólo para dejarse ver. De ahí en adelante,
hasta donde se quiera llegar ;-)

¿Quién se anima? Yo puedo echar una mano, y estar algún rato,
pero no puedo coordinarlo (también estoy como BarraPunto, y eso me va
a quitar bastante tiempo). ¿Alguien se anima? Al menos para Expo Linux 
habría que avisar tan pronto como se pueda que va a haber alguien de
Debian por allí... Ya que tienen el detalle de dejar que vayamos
gratis, habrái que aprovecharlo, ¿no?



PS: URLs (de memoria, disculpad errores):

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Kruiser en paquete deb

2000-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 05 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 17:03:10 +0100, Ricardo Villalba contaba:

/usr/lib/qt2/include/qwindow.h:29: #error QWindow has gone away

QWindow ya no existe en Qt 2.

 Je, no hay más que ver el qwindow.h:

#ifndef QWINDOW_H
#define QWINDOW_H
#error QWindow has gone away

 Ya tá :^).

Por lo que veo el x-plorer requiere qt 1, así que para compilarlo
deberías instalar qt1g-dev 1.42 o qt1g-dev 1.44.

 Jur, non-free :^(.  Gracias tío.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lista fuente para wget

2000-03-07 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Sat, Mar 04, 2000,

  ¿si  utilizo  wget con  una  lista  como fuente  para  los
  paquetes, si  la modifico mientras wget  esta bajando algo
  especificado  en  ella,  debo  reiniciarlo  para  que  los
  cambios surtan efecto?

 Supongo  que   debes  reiniciarlo,  pero  ya   sabes,  -c  y

Pero creo  que hay que tomar  la precaución de eliminar  de la
lista,  al  añadir nuevas  entradas,  las  entradas que  estén
completadas,  porque  sino  empieza  a  bajarse  de  nuevo  el

A mi me ha pasado, por ejemplo con el kernel, O:-)

Mi versión de Wget es 1.5.3


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Samba]

2000-03-07 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
Estimado Tito:

A los recursos publicos les agregas la linea 

espero que sea eso.



Tito Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jola, es que me he instalado la nueva version de samba  que  viene  en  la
 potato y ahora el samba ME EXIJE que cada usuario que quiera usar  los
 recursos compartidos deba tener una cuenta en la maquina; pero lo que  yo
 necesitaria es ofrecer unos recursos publicos, da igual el usuario  que
 entre, exista o no. Supongo que una aproximacion seria mapear todos  lo
 usuarios como 'guest', pero ni siquiera recuerdo si se puede hacer eso.
 si alguien sabe que opcion es, pl

Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: Samba

2000-03-07 Thread Pookie
Si quieres añadir un espacio publico para todos los usuarios, y por lo tanto
comun, crea en el /etc/samba/smb.conf una seccion parecida a la siguiente:

comment = Espacio publico para todos los usuarios
path = /home/public#(o lo que te de la gana)
public = yes   # esto es lo que hace que no pida pass
writable = yes
printable = no

Y si quieres que solo sea escribible por un grupo de usuariuos (p.ej.
friends) añade la siguiente linea (las demas personas solo tendran permiso
de lectura):

write list = @friends

Nada mas, espero que te sirva de algo :)
Si tienes mas dudas consulta el SMB HOWTO, esto esta extraido de alli :)

hasta pronto!!!

- Original Message -
To: Lista Debian
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 3:29 PM
Subject: Samba

 jola, es que me he instalado la nueva version de samba  que  viene  en  la
 potato y ahora el samba ME EXIJE que cada usuario que quiera usar  los
 recursos compartidos deba tener una cuenta en la maquina; pero lo que  yo
 necesitaria es ofrecer unos recursos publicos, da igual el usuario  que
 entre, exista o no. Supongo que una aproximacion seria mapear todos  lo
 usuarios como 'guest', pero ni siquiera recuerdo si se puede hacer eso.

 si alguien sabe que opcion es, pl

 | Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
 |  (güeno, más o menos)  |
 | |
  /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
 | Debian Linux 2.?,Kernel 2.2.13 |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

BASE DE DATOS La mas grande del pais

2000-03-07 Thread CM Argentina
Aproveche esta oferta unica! y venda de todo.

81.000 E-mail Argentinos (la base más grande del país) POR SOLO $99.- (precio 
de lista 259.-)

Llamenos al 4093-4466 y solicite ya la suya. 


*oferta por tiempo limitado

Re: ipchains -F me lia la maquina

2000-03-07 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
Cuando instalé ip-masquerading a mí me pasó lo mismo, desde la propia máquina
no dejaba salir ningún ping que fuera a través de gateway y era porque ipchains
me había puesto unas reglas muy restrictivas, con ipchains -L puedes ver todas
las reglas que tienes instaladas y con el man puedes ir mirando el poner y
quitar reglas hasta que tire.


software para llevar negocio

2000-03-07 Thread Blu

Voy a abrir un bar dentro de poco, y mi socia me esta pidiendo un software
para llevar cuentas, control de stocks y esas cosas.

Es primera vez que me meto en algo asi. Alguien recomendaria algun software
que me sirva o me oriantaria hacia donde buscar?

Gracias de antemano.


fetchmail cannot allocate memory

2000-03-07 Thread Blu

Me parece que alguien tenia un problema con fetchmail, que fallaba
con el mensaje: fetchmail: realloc failed: Cannot allocate memory.

Bueno, a mi me acaba de pasar. Invoque a fetchmail con fetchmail -vvv ...
y fallo con ese mensaje. Inmediatamente lo invoque con fetchmail ...
sin las vs y bajo mis mensajes correctamente. Sera un bug?


Re: ¿Cómo cambiar ...?

2000-03-07 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 01:18:41PM +0100, Diego Bote dijo:
   Hace tiempo me pasó algo que hoy a vuelto a suceder. Cuando hago
 un cat, o pongo un mail en pantalla que tiene ciertos caracteres extraños,
 esto hace que de ahí en adelante, en la pantalla no salgan más que 
 chinos cuando pulso las teclas. Esto es porque se cambia el juego de
 caracteres del teclado creo yo, así que os pido ayuda para solucionarlo.
escribe un simple 'reset' o haz un Ctrl-l para repintar la pantalla.
   Y por último cuando escribo con mutt (emacs) los mensajes desde mi
 ordenador este no me deja poner tildes (Tampoco las muestra al leer los
 mensajes).¿Qué tengo que tocar en el .muttrc o donde sea?
en el muttrc tienes que definir tu idioma
set charset=iso-8859-1# character set for your terminal
set locale=es_ES  # locale to use for printing time
Daniel Payno

Visita nuestro FTP (en pruebas)

Re: fetchmail no funciona

2000-03-07 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 08:01:49PM +0100, Ricardo Villalba dijo:
 Me sale esto ¿qué diablos puede ser?
 rvmsoft:~$ fetchmail -
Es un bug no documentado. Cuando le metes más de un -v peta prueba con -v
Daniel Payno

Visita nuestro FTP (en pruebas)

PROMO MiNOLTA YEAR 2000 (cupos limitados)

2000-03-07 Thread sumpex trade s.a
 BUENOS AIRES, 6 de marzo  del  2000.


   La división fotocopiadoras MINOLTA CO LTD, 
quiere hoy hacerle llegar a  Usted, nuestro nuevo plan uno, dos y para 
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para ofrecerle a todos las empresas, estudios, consultoras, universidades y 
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   El plan es muy sencillo, con solo desearlo 
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una maquina MINOLTA, como así también como funciona nuestro servicio técnico.
   MINOLTA CO LTD. Le entrega una maquina a 
sin cargo fijo durante 60 días* y solo a costo por copia, $0,029 *con todos los 
consumibles sin cargo(excepto papel), con servicio técnico full free, para que 
Usted la instale en su empresa.
   Creemos que sabrá interpretar esta 
de probar nuestros productos, sin ningún tipo de inversión  previa, algo que 
en los tiempos que corren es difícil de encontrar, es por esto, que esperamos 
se comunique con nosotros a: 4326-5883/4393-2612/4322-3735 o vía email [EMAIL 
, en la red aprovecho la oportunidad para saludarle a Usted 
muy atte.


(*)renovación automática por un periodo de doce meses con el cargo fijo de 
por Usted realizado mensualmente.
(*)no incluye IVA.
(*)plan promocional solo para las primeras cien  empresas que adopten la 
(solo valido Capital y gran Bs. As)

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This Message was Composed using Extractor Pro Bulk E- Mail Software. If 
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 futuros mensajes.

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

(sin asunto)

2000-03-07 Thread Nerea Azpilicueta - OPNATEL

Re: Pregunta sobre Latex

2000-03-07 Thread Jose Marin
On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Manuel Jiménez wrote:

 ¿Me lo puedes buscar cuando puedas? Es eso exacatamente lo que quiero
 hacer.  Por cierto, ¿es muy caro/fácil de conseguir/interesante el
 _Companion_? Es que me está gustando TeX cantidad... 

Vaya, al final me he mirado al Companion y no viene lo que yo creia.  He
hecho una busqueda rapida en dejanews y tampoco me sale nada.  Te
recomiendo que mandes un mensaje al newsgroup comp.text.tex, que ahi
seguro que te lo dicen.

Sobre el Companion, si vas a utilizar LaTeX mucho, te lo recomiendo.  Te
da la respuesta a todas las preguntas del tipo ¿existe un paquete Latex
que haga esto...?.

 The LaTeX Companion
 Goosens, Mittelbach  Samarin
 Second Printing 1994 (or later!)

Tambien existen el Latex Graphics Companion y el Web Companion, de los
mismos autores (o casi los mismos).

Si te los compras por la red, te puede interesar averiguar lo del boycot a
Amazon antes de hacerlo (por lo de patentar lo impatentable).



2000-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond
 Buenas. Aquí compilando de nuevo jeje.

 Me acabo de pillar un  programa que usa opengl. Para compilarlo
 instalo mesag-dev pero  no va. El programa busca un  GL/glut.h y el
 paquete  lleva un  /usr/include/GL/glu.h. ¿En  qué paquete  está el
 glut.h? ¿Sirve para algo decir que tengo una Matrox G200?  :^)

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature


2000-03-07 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

  Hay un programa que se llama mpage que permite sacar las páginas que te
interesen de un fichero ps y darle varios formatos. Luego está el gv, que
es como el ghostview, pero con más opciones y colorines. Te recomiendo que
uses ese en vez de ghostview. No hay color, de verdad.

  Un saludo.


 Dios mio, hemos caido en manos de ingenieros
Ian Malcom, el matemático de Parque Jurásico


2000-03-07 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Angel Carrasco wrote:
 Estoy tratando de imprimir un voluminoso manual. El cual esta en ps y
 utilizo ghostview. Cada vez que quiero imprimir me dice lpr...
 Pero deseo sólo imprimir de la 357 a la 400. No hago más que man lpr y
 leerme todas las opciones y no encuentro esta opción. Please si alguien
 sabe por favor que me lo diga.
Con el lpr no creo que puedas, no entiende el archivo que está
imprimiendo, se limita a mandarlo a la impresora (a veces a través
de algún filtro).
Tendrás que hacerlo con alguna herramienta que entienda postscript,
para extraer las páginas que te interesan.
En modo texto tienes el psselect (del paquete psutils): man psselect :).
En modo gráfico te puede servir el mismo ghostview, aunque sólo te permite
seleccionar páginas consecutivas. (click  drag con botón izquierdo
sobre lista de páginas, luego menú file-print/save marked pages).
El que más suelo usar es el gv (sucesor del ghostview). Con el botón
derecho seleccionas (click o clickdrag) y después le das a print marked

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:


2000-03-07 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Angel Carrasco wrote:
 Estoy tratando de imprimir un voluminoso manual. El cual esta en ps y
 utilizo ghostview. Cada vez que quiero imprimir me dice lpr...
 Pero deseo sólo imprimir de la 357 a la 400. No hago más que man lpr y
 leerme todas las opciones y no encuentro esta opción. Please si alguien
 sabe por favor que me lo diga.

Una sugerencia, no utilices ghostview que es ya histórico sino gv que es
mucho más majo. Ahí puedes marcar individualmenle las páginas y decirle
que te imprima únicamente las marcadas.

También puedes utilizar las psutils, concretamente psselect. Si tu
archivo no tiene numeraciones raras,

psselect -p357-400 | lpr

te sacará por impresora lo que quieres.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: [local (Madrid)] Expo Linux y Linux Expo

2000-03-07 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
 En una semana tenemos en Madrid Expo Linux, y a finales de
 abril será Linux Expo. En ambos casos habrá charlas interesantes,
 empresas en la parte de exposición, y se espera que muchos visitantes.

 ¿Quién se anima? Yo puedo echar una mano, y estar algún rato,
 pero no puedo coordinarlo (también estoy como BarraPunto, y eso me va
 a quitar bastante tiempo). ¿Alguien se anima? Al menos para Expo Linux
 habría que avisar tan pronto como se pueda que va a haber alguien de
 Debian por allí... Ya que tienen el detalle de dejar que vayamos
 gratis, habrái que aprovecharlo, ¿no?

Yo podría acercarme el martes, mejor por la mañana, aunque es posible
que pueda extenderlo. 

Otros días lo tengo más difícil. El miércoles tengo clases y tutorías y
no puedo dedicarle nada de tiempo. El lunes que me imagino que es cuando
habrá que preparar todo también lo tendré complicado.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: glut.h

2000-03-07 Thread Barbie Dominatrix

  Está en más de un paquete. Supongo que te internsa  devel/glutg3-dev

./usr/include/FL/glut.h   libs/libfltk-dev
./usr/include/GL/glut.h   devel/glutg3-dev
usr/include/GL/glut.h devel/glutg3+ggi-dev

El día 07/03/00 Hue-Bond decía:

  Buenas. Aquí compilando de nuevo jeje.
  Me acabo de pillar un  programa que usa opengl. Para compilarlo
  instalo mesag-dev pero  no va. El programa busca un  GL/glut.h y el
  paquete  lleva un  /usr/include/GL/glu.h. ¿En  qué paquete  está el
  glut.h? ¿Sirve para algo decir que tengo una Matrox G200?  :^)

Hágale un favor a alguien y le tendrá que hacer muchos mas.
-- Ley de Pinto.

Re: [local (Madrid)] Expo Linux y Linux Expo

2000-03-07 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, mar 06, 2000 at 12:31:20 +0100, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
 mínimo es prepara un par de carteles, y arrimarse por allí a atender
 preguntas de la gente, o sólo para dejarse ver. De ahí en adelante,
 hasta donde se quiera llegar ;-)

Lo que quieras. 
Jesús yo voy a subir desde Sevilla a Madrid y estaré plenamente disponible
para el proyecto Debian los dias de la Expo, así que hago lo que sea

Iba a ir de pachanguita a la Expo pero si puedo ser de utilidad, mejor que
mejor :)

   ¿Quién se anima? Yo puedo echar una mano, y estar algún rato,

Ya lo sabes.

 pero no puedo coordinarlo (también estoy como BarraPunto, y eso me va
 a quitar bastante tiempo). ¿Alguien se anima? Al menos para Expo Linux 
 habría que avisar tan pronto como se pueda que va a haber alguien de
 Debian por allí... Ya que tienen el detalle de dejar que vayamos
 gratis, habrái que aprovecharlo, ¿no?

Diles que ya hay dos, yo por mi parte puedo estar el rato que sea y preparar
lo que se tercie... hombre charlitas, no se, quizás me viene grande... :-?

Un saludo.
P.D: Si quieres ponerte en contacto por teléfono conmigo te lo mando en mail
aparte ¿vale?.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

modem mt5600zdx y hylafax

2000-03-07 Thread David Charro Ripa
Estoy intentando poner un modem MultiTech y el hylafax.

No consigo que funcione ni a la de tres y me estoy desesperando con el
dichoso modem.

Consigo meter el fax en la cola pero luego se queda eternamente en cola
y no llama ni nada. Estoy utilizando un script especial para ese modem
pero nada. En los logs me sale un ERROR sospechoso cuando reinicio:

Mar  7 12:54:23 sinue FaxGetty[1349]: -- [9:AT+FAP=?\r]
Mar  7 12:54:24 sinue FaxGetty[1349]: -- [5:ERROR]
Mar  7 12:54:24 sinue FaxGetty[1349]: -- [10:AT+FSPL=?\r]

¿Que es ese 5:ERROR?
¿Alguno ha puesto el hylafax que viene en Debian unstable y le ha
¿Porque hylafax no esta en potato? ¿Se ha caido por exceso de errores?
¿Es mejor que lo compile del original y olvide el paquete Debian?
¿Hay alguna herramienta de configuracion de hylafax para inutiles?

Saludos agardecidos


Generacion manual de preview en EPS

2000-03-07 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos:

Que formato de imagen es un preview en un EPS y como se ha de incluir
dentro del codigo postscript para que una aplicación de Ofimática como
el StarWrite de StarOfice pueda incluila, visualizar la imagen de mapa
de bits y luego imprimir, utilizando el postscript claro, para preservar
la calidad. El concepto de EPS está claro (para mi a partir de los
comentarios de Jaime E. Villate en su página Web: gracias Jaime), pero
no he conseguido incrustarle un preview sin pasar por una aplicación
como es el CorelDraw.

Un saludo

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Generacion manual de preview en EPS

2000-03-07 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Ramiro Alba wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Que formato de imagen es un preview en un EPS y como se ha de incluir
 dentro del codigo postscript para que una aplicación de Ofimática como
 el StarWrite de StarOfice pueda incluila, visualizar la imagen de mapa
 de bits y luego imprimir, utilizando el postscript claro, para preservar
 la calidad. El concepto de EPS está claro (para mi a partir de los
 comentarios de Jaime E. Villate en su página Web: gracias Jaime), pero
 no he conseguido incrustarle un preview sin pasar por una aplicación
 como es el CorelDraw.

Intenta con ps2epsi, parte de gs (aunque abajo pone .ps vale para .eps
si no me equivoco)

$ ps2epsi   
Usage: ps2epsi [file.epsi]


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

RE: fetchmail no funciona

2000-03-07 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: sábado 4 de marzo de 2000 12:05
Asunto: Re: fetchmail no funciona

El viernes 03 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 20:01:49 +0100, Ricardo Villalba

fetchmail: realloc failed: No se pudo asignar memoria

Me pasa con todas las cuentas, incluso he probado con una local y lo
He reinstalado el fetchmail por si acaso, pero nada.

 Prueba reinstalando las libs con las que está compilado,
 eso de reinstalar en Unix me da que no... :^).

$ ldd /usr/bin/fetchmail = /lib/ (0x40018000) = /lib/ (0x40045000) = /lib/ (0x40054000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

El fetchmail que tengo (el de slink) sólo depende de libc6, la he
reinstalado por si acaso, pero nada sigue igual.

Probé a mirar con el strace a ver que intentaba hacer
(strace -o/tmp/ficherin fetchmail -) pero el ficherín empezó a
crecer y crecer, y al final lo paré cuando ya ocupaba más de 16 megas.
Por lo visto no paraba de llamar una y otra vez a remap, si no recuerdo

Al final he instalado el fetchmail de hamm ¡y funciona!
No tengo ni idea de qué le ocurría al fetchmail de slink ¿será un bug?

Ricardo Villalba

Sobre puertos

2000-03-07 Thread Hue-Bond

 ¿Cómo puedo  cambiar el  puerto del  ftp y  del telnet?  El del
 apache es  fácil porque está en  la configuración y tal,  pero para
 esos dos  que cito,  la cosa  está en  inetd y  no sé  dónde tocar.
 ¿Quizá poniendo el  número del puerto que quiero  como primer campo
 de la línea corresponiente en /etc/inetd.conf?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Hjälp önskas: Översätta

2000-03-07 Thread peter karlsson

Jag söker (fortfarande) hjälp att översätta till svenska. Som
det är nu har jag något mindre tid än tidigare över, vilket gör att vissa
översättningar tar längre tid att få till än de gjorde tidigare.

Det mesta är redan översatt, så det gäller i första hand att hålla
översättningarna uppdaterade, och översätta nya saker som kommer in
(nyhetsartiklar och säkerhetsnotiser etc.).

Du måste kunna använda CVS och kunna HTML. Perlkunskaper är ett klart plus,
men inget krav. Och så måste du kunna skriva ordentlig svenska.

Svar till mig personligen.
peter -

shutdown sem senha de root em modo grafico

2000-03-07 Thread Praciano

Esta dica funciona para mim, que uso o Debian Linux com o xdm e me permite 
(reiniciar) o sistema a partir do login grafico.

No arquivo '/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0' eu coloquei, na primeira linha, o seguinte:
wish /etc/X11/xdm/ 

em que o arquivo '/etc/X11/xdm/' (um script em tcl/tk) tem o seguinte

pack [button .b -text Clique aqui para reiniciar o sistema. \
-justify center \
-width 30 \
-height 5 \
-command {exec shutdown -r now}]

Possivel defeito: 

Se eu n clicar para reiniciar e logar normalmente, a janelinha continuará ali. 
que um ou outro usuario (eu mesmo, por exemplo) poderah acabar cliando nela sem


Elias Praciano

Configuration of local mailserver behind linux firewall - HELP!

2000-03-07 Thread doug

I have a linux (2.2.X kernel) box that I am using as a firewall between
my internal network and our new ADSL modem.  I am currently working on
configuring the ipchains on the linux box to protect my internal

Question: My internal mailserver is currently running on a HP-UX C3000
is behind the firewall (IP: 192.168.XXX.XXX).  I need to configure my
linux firewall to pass the SMTP transmissions to and from my server.

What is the best way of doing this?

Are there any additional pitfalls I should be aware of to make my
systems as secure as possible?

Thank you for your time! 
Doug Thistlethwaite

Re: Can no-one help? Gnome has lost all but the basic icons on desktop

2000-03-07 Thread Phillip Deackes
This is definately becoming a monlogue!!

Further to my problem of desktop icons missing from Gnome (gmc) I now
have a solution. I am surprised no-one pointed it out, but there again I
only tried it as a last resort.

I created a new user and found that this user had all the correct Gnome
icons on the desktop. This led me to suspect the configuration files in
my home directory. I removed ~/.gnome and ~/.gnome-desktop and logged in
as me.

I must say I was very pleased to see that I now had all my desktop icons

I think that upgrading from Storm Rain (=Slink) to Potato (and hence
upgrading to Potato Gnome apps and libs) caused the problem. I
understand it is part of Debian received wisdom that no file in ~/ is
tampered with during an install or upgrade. Is this so?

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000


2000-03-07 Thread ktb
I've read through the ipchains howto and the man page and the firewall howto
and I'm confused.  My setup will have a firewall and two other computers
hooked together through a hub.  I will access the web through dialup/squid.
I have Debian Slink running on the firewall and one of my other computers
also.  These two I'm trying to get working together.  I can ping and Telnet
just fine between the two.  My question is do I have to have ipchains set up
on both computers?  I am under the impression that I have to compile
ipchains into both computer's kernels by selecting the firewall options in
makeconfig.  Or do I just set up and configure ipchains from within the
firewall computer?

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread kaynjay
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 10:33:01AM -0800, smoke wrote:
 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 # ?
 i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
 commands i will
 buy windows 98.

I am far less qualified to answer the specific questions you have about the
files needed to install, as I have always used a CD (_very_ cheap from many
places), but I do suggest that you possibly look at a distribution like
RedHat or Suse.  With the feelings you express about having to learn unix
commands, those are IMHO better choices for you until you get your feet wet 
(at least, I Think Suse fits you better.  Redhat for sure.).  After you
figure out whether you like the OS or not, you might consider Debian a better

Linux is a Unix offshoot. Learning its language is going to be unavoidable
for you if you plan to do more than fire up a couple of GUI apps under X. 
But don't rush into Linux expecting the world of it.  Unlike Windows, things 
are not hidden from you and done in some fashion considered optimal for all
users.  Programs do get set up using a default, but you can tune it the way
You want it.  You'll know far more about your computer by the time you feel
handy with Linux.

How to use it comes with patience, time, and a sense of adventure.  Something
like--Linux.  Not just an OS. It's an adventure!  :-)

Good luck!


TTF problems

2000-03-07 Thread Carlos Henrique Santos Laviola
Hi people,

I have installed xfstt on my system, and it works great, but I still 
have a problem with it: I can't display characters like the ' in Joe's 
correctly (they look like Joe?s on the screen). I have heard that's a 
encoding problem, so I put on my /etc/init.d/xfstt:

ARGS=--port $portno $daemon --user $newuser --encoding 

I have the newest version of xfstt (1.1.6).

Also, do you have any tips on getting TrueType fonts to work with 
StarOffice / WordPerfect 8? I could convert my TTF fonts to Type1 (.pfb) 
and then display (most of) them on the screen with StarOffice, but it 
refuses to print something I write with them.

Please redirect answers to my e-mail (I am not subscribed to the list).

Thank you very much,

Carlos Laviola.


2000-03-07 Thread John Franck
I have a 3CSOHO-100TX 3com ethernet card.  The Debian installation program 
doesn't have a driver listed for this card.  Do you know if there's any way 
I could get it to Work

Any ideas would be much appreciated
Thanks much
John Franck

securing ports

2000-03-07 Thread Timothy Bedding
Is it possible to secure the ports on my Debian
machine so that other machines on the internet
cannot get through?

Is there some way to configure pppd to block packets?

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 03/05/00, smoke addressed installing-  last try before win98:
 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 install, linux
 drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
 i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
 linux and nothing
 i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. i have two
 partitions. i have the
 files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
 dos partition.

In particular,


Address your issues.

Good luck!

Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Eterm --console

2000-03-07 Thread Parrish M Myers

I think I have asked this question before... but none of the sugestions
seem to work...

My problem is in getting Eterm to grab the console messages.  I have
tried suid root, I have tried to run Eterm as root.  I have even tried
to change the owener of /dev/console.  Nothing works... the Eterm just
opens up and gives me a command prompt (normal Eterm usage).  Is there
anything I am overlookiing?  I am stumped!  I know it can be done...


Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Bug#59683: xdm: when upgrading xdm to gdm xdm daemon fails to shutdown.

2000-03-07 Thread elijah wright

  probably just needs a package script change... :)
 You did not provide me with nearly enough information to know what you're
 talking about.
 I suspect you're assuming that gdm and xdm cannot coexist.  They can, but
 they need to be careful that don't both try to manage the same servers.
 Please describe your scenario on debian-user and get back to me if there is
 an actual bug here.

ok.  sorry i didn't give more information, but i've never used the bug
submit system before.  i dunno what's expected.  lemme
explain.  (debian-user is the mailing list, right?)

generic slink r2 system, immediately updated to potato-current.

followed by:

apt-get install gdm

says that it will remove xdm and install gdm.  ok, this happens.  sort of.

when xdm is 'removed', the already-running copy doesn't exit.  so gdm,
when it starts up, tries to take over the same server.

what would be great would be for the script that removes xdm to also take
the time to shut down any copies of the server that are running.  its a
trivial thing, but it would really be nice.

a reboot certainly would have fixed this issue for me, but it would be
much cleaner to have the thing shut down as it gets uninstalled (this
seems to be a semi-standard feature of daemons that are getting
removed... xdm is the first one i've seen that doesn't do it.)

make more sense?  

Re: Newer cvs (1.10.7-5, unstable) will cause apt to hang?

2000-03-07 Thread kmself
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 09:22:48PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shaul Karl) wrote:
 I believe that apt hang when the newest cvs (1.10.7-5, unstable) is one of 
 packages that it has to install.
 Refer to other threads, but you can get round this with
 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' (or possibly 'dpkg-reconfigure
 --frontend=text --priority=medium debconf', just to be sure) and setting
 the priority to medium.

Hmmm... I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root]$ dpkg-reconfigure debconf
syntax error at /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure line 46, near }
Execution of /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure aborted due to compilation errors.

...On woody 

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Ross Boylan
Let's keep this on the list, so others can see and comment.

I don't think the old partitions are causing the problem, though I'm a
little puzzled: you say you have a new hard drive with windows 3.1, but you
also referred to windows 98.

I've been using the beta system (potato) so slink (what you have, I think)
might be a little different.  But potato is very picky about where you put
the files it's looking for.  You need to replicate the whole directory
structure for it to find things  (this may be improved before release).  So
you need something like
\mydownload\main\disks-i386, and maybe more depending on the file.

I'm assuming you downloaded the files to your hard drive under windows.
You should tell the install program that you want to get the file off your
harddisk when it asks where
to find base2_1.

Another possibility is that the file was corrupted during the download; in
particular, if it was transferred in a text mode, instead of binary, it
won't work.  The fact that you were able to get the boot floppies working
suggests that you do not have a mode problem, however.

At 12:34 PM 3/5/00 -0800, you wrote:
ok i did make a boot floppy and got through most of the install.
i made a linux.ext2 partition and a linux swap partition and left a
small partition in dos. i left dos. i have a new hard drive with dos and
windows 3.1. on it. i am using the second hard drive to try linux, but
i left dos and windows on it because my originals are on 5 1/4 floppies
of which i no longer have the drive installed. so i have to take my case
off and rehook the 5 1/4 drive if something happens.
i booted up the rescue disk and did the partitions and installs and then
it came to installing the base system. it started running BASE2_1.TGZ.
it stopped. it said there was an error extracting the base2_1.tgz file, and
went back to the menu.
could the fact that dos is in the boot sector stop the base file from
should i just wipe out dos? i was hoping to leave it on in case of emergency.
the files size is still 9.9 megs so i don't think the base file  was touched
during partitioning.
i had already compacted and run fips and had two partitions BEFORE I
the installation files including the base.
i am planning on booting from the floppy to start linux until i am
if i get as proficient in linux as i am in dos i will run linux exclusively

i hate to steal and i hate to see bill gates get richer.

Re: Kernel panic - init not found. Please help !!

2000-03-07 Thread kmself
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 08:59:41AM -0800, Mahesh Padmanabhan wrote:
 Hello All,
 I am using loadlin to load up a kernel from from
 Windows 95 partition. Since my BIOS is old and my hard
 disk is new, I am using the EZ Drive disk manager for
 my 10 GB hard drive.

You may have a problem with the large disk.  RTFM LILO WRT linear

What kind of drive is this?  IDE or SCSI (more below).  From the
/dev/hda references, I'm assuming IDE.

 I have a Pentium 200 CPU with MMX and 32 MB memory.

Buy more RAM! g  Not related to your current problem, but

 I compiled a custom 2.0.36 before and it worked
 without a problem. 
 I then wiped the linux partition, installed the base
 slink system again and used apt-get dist-upgrade to
 to a potato system. The kernel did not get upgraded
 even though it was a stock 2.0.36 kernel.
 Anyway, I downloaded the 2.2.14 kernel source deb
 package and used a config similar to the one I had
 for my 2.0.36 kernel.

You need to re-run LILO when you install a new kernel, if you're booting
with LILO.

 The 2.2.14 kernel starts ok but right after :
 Freeing unused kernel memory : 36k freed
 it says:
 Kernel panic. init not found. Pass init= option to the
 I tried using rdev on my custom 2.0.36 kernel (which
 rdev linux.20
 Root device /dev/hda5
 rdev linux.22
 Root device /dev/hda5
 and /dev/hda5 is where / is located so that does not
 to be the problem.
 What am I doing wrong or is this a kernel bug ?
 Here is the config file for 2.2.14

Hmmm...  Looking at the SCSI options, you've configured AIC7XXX as
a module.  Are you using a SCSI disk?  If so, you'll need an initrd
to mount your HD, as modules are loaded from disk *after* you boot.
Note the dilemma -- need module to read disk, need to read disk to
get module  Better yet, compile the SCSI support into the kernel.
If you don't need the support, drop the SCSI stuff.

 # Automatically generated by make menuconfig: don't
 # Code maturity level options
 # Processor type and features
 # CONFIG_M386 is not set
 # CONFIG_M486 is not set
 # CONFIG_M586 is not set
 # CONFIG_M686 is not set
 # CONFIG_2GB is not set
 # CONFIG_SMP is not set
 # Loadable module support
 # CONFIG_KMOD is not set
 # General setup
 # CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
 # CONFIG_MCA is not set
 # CONFIG_VISWS is not set
 # CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT is not set
 # CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF is not set
 # CONFIG_APM is not set
 # Plug and Play support
 # CONFIG_PNP_PARPORT is not set
 # Block devices
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
 # CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set
 # Networking options
 # CONFIG_NETLINK is not set
 # CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
 # CONFIG_FILTER is not set
 # CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
 # CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
 # CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
 # CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set
 # CONFIG_IP_ALIAS is not set
 # CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES is not set
 # CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set
 # CONFIG_IPX is not set
 # CONFIG_ATALK is not set
 # Telephony Support
 # CONFIG_PHONE is not set
 # CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ is not set
 # SCSI support
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD is not set
 # CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set
 # SCSI low-level drivers
 # CONFIG_SCSI_7000FASST is not set
 # CONFIG_SCSI_ACARD is not set
 # CONFIG_SCSI_AHA152X is not set

Is down?

2000-03-07 Thread Shaul Karl does not seems to respond for quite a long time. Is it down?
An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread kmself
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 10:33:01AM -0800, smoke wrote:
 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 install, linux
 drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
 i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
 linux and nothing

Don't Panic.  Slow down.  Read the instructions.

If you're not willing to do all of the above, go back to the Evil One.
You and Linux may not be ready for one another yet.

First off, where are you finding your getting started, DOS install
stuff?  Did you download the files?  Got a URL?  Did you buy or
otherwise obtain a CDROM?  What's it say on it? 

Several of us with Debian don't find ourselves installing the
system every days (it runs, we don't have to), and while the installation
process has common elements, it's also got common features between
variants.  Without knowing what you're dealing with, I can't offer more
specific information.

There should be documentation, quite possibly in a file name README.
I'd suggest you read it.

You may also find the following references useful:

It sounds as if you're using the floppyless method described at 5.3.1 of
this page:

Please respond detailing exactly what commands you are entering, and
what output you are getting from the system.  You may want to capture
output, I believe ctrl-P in DOS will capture all output to your
printer, if connected.  Logging your session would be useful.

It would also be helpful to know:

 - What kind of hard drive(s) do you have (IDE or SCSI)?
 - How many of same.
 - Partitioning of same.


The Linux kernel is usually a file named linux, vmlinuz, or vmlinux,
sometimes with a numeric extension following like 2.0.36 or 2.2.13.

The Linux kernel is not a DOS executable.  It usually does not have an
.exe extension, though this is arbitrary.  Linux executables are marked
with a filesystem attributed, not by filename extensions.

I'd suggest doing a DOS directory listing and posting that with your

dir  dir.txt

 # ?

You'll probably find yourself looking at a console.  Yes.  Text.  Linux
can (and often is configured for) boot GUI, but it's not part of the
Debian process currently.

 i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
 commands i will
 buy windows 98.

With those expectations, I'd honestly suggest you buy Windows 98. 

If you don't mind learning something, pick up a few books --
Learning Debian GNU/Linux will walk you through the installation
process and give you the basics of Debian.  Running Linux will give
you bit of system administration and features information.  Linux in a
Nutshell does a good job of summarizing commands and features.  All
three are available from O'Reilly.  Learning Debian GNU/Linux is
available online at O'Reilly's website:

 i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. 

A compressed (is this what you mean by compacted?) drive will cause
problems.  Do you mean a physical drive, or multiple partitions on a
single drive?

 i have two
 partitions. i have the
 files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
 dos partition.
 is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?

Yes.  This should be covered in the instructions.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: Kernel panic - init not found. Please help !!

2000-03-07 Thread kmself
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 04:50:09PM -0800, Mahesh Padmanabhan wrote:
 Thanks for your reply. Actually, I am not using LILO
 at all because I am aware of the large disk problem
 with LILO. I learnt it the hard way when my partition
 table got wiped out.

LILO shouldn't touch your partition table.  It may overwrite your MBR,
though there are fixes to this.  You want to read the dual-boot HOWTOs
for more information.

 I am using loadlin, which I heard could be used with
 the EZ Drive disk manager. Actually, loadlin works
 great with my custom 2.0.36 kernel but with the custom
 2.2.14 kernel I get a kernel panic.

Not familiar with EZ Drive.  I don't dual boot my home system, and
manage the rare occasions I dual boot at work largely through VMWare,
else LILO.

You may still have to append a linear or disk geometry option to
LOADLIN.EXE.  I'm not as familiar with LOADLIN's options as with LILO.

 I only have one IDE hard drive. The only reason I am
 using the Adaptec scsi card is for my scsi scanner. I
 am also builing the generic and scsi emulation support
 as modules so that I can make the kernel see my CDRW
 drive as a SCSI device instead of an IDE ATAPI device
 so that I can use the cdrecord utility to record CDs.
 Maybe SCSI support in the kernel instead of as modules
 is the way to go - though frankly I don't understand
 why since I don't have SCSI hard drives.
 Also, why should the kernel behave differently from
 2.0 to 2.2  in this case ?
   I am using loadlin to load up a kernel from from
   Windows 95 partition. Since my BIOS is old and my
   disk is new, I am using the EZ Drive disk manager
   my 10 GB hard drive.
  You may have a problem with the large disk.  RTFM
  LILO WRT linear
  What kind of drive is this?  IDE or SCSI (more
  below).  From the
  /dev/hda references, I'm assuming IDE.
   I have a Pentium 200 CPU with MMX and 32 MB
  Buy more RAM! g  Not related to your current
  problem, but
   I compiled a custom 2.0.36 before and it worked
   without a problem. 
   I then wiped the linux partition, installed the
   slink system again and used apt-get dist-upgrade
   to a potato system. The kernel did not get
   even though it was a stock 2.0.36 kernel.
   Anyway, I downloaded the 2.2.14 kernel source deb
   package and used a config similar to the one I had
   for my 2.0.36 kernel.
  You need to re-run LILO when you install a new
  kernel, if you're booting
  with LILO.
   The 2.2.14 kernel starts ok but right after :
   Freeing unused kernel memory : 36k freed
   it says:
   Kernel panic. init not found. Pass init= option to
   I tried using rdev on my custom 2.0.36 kernel
   rdev linux.20
   Root device /dev/hda5
   rdev linux.22
   Root device /dev/hda5
   and /dev/hda5 is where / is located so that does
   to be the problem.
   What am I doing wrong or is this a kernel bug ?
   Here is the config file for 2.2.14
  Hmmm...  Looking at the SCSI options, you've
  configured AIC7XXX as
  a module.  Are you using a SCSI disk?  If so, you'll
  need an initrd
  to mount your HD, as modules are loaded from disk
  *after* you boot.
  Note the dilemma -- need module to read disk, need
  to read disk to
  get module  Better yet, compile the SCSI support
  into the kernel.
  If you don't need the support, drop the SCSI stuff.
   # Automatically generated by make menuconfig:
   # Code maturity level options
   # Processor type and features
   # CONFIG_M386 is not set
   # CONFIG_M486 is not set
   # CONFIG_M586 is not set
   # CONFIG_M686 is not set
   # CONFIG_2GB is not set
   # CONFIG_SMP is not set
   # Loadable module support
   # CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set
   # CONFIG_KMOD is not set
   # General setup
   # CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
   # CONFIG_PCI_GODIRECT is not set
   # CONFIG_MCA is not set
   # CONFIG_VISWS is not set
   # CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT is not set
   # CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF is not set
   # CONFIG_PARPORT_OTHER is not set
   # CONFIG_APM is not set
   # Plug and Play support
   # CONFIG_PNP_PARPORT is not set
   # Block devices

: Help! I can't partition

2000-03-07 Thread ravi

already formated and partitioned as c drive d 
drive. now i want to use as single drive ( c only) please help me how to change 
partition. thank you

what happened to the binary ldd in frozen

2000-03-07 Thread Shao Zhang
Just found that the ldd binary is missing from the ldso package.
Does anyone know what happened to it??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Apply debian patch to original source?

2000-03-07 Thread Brian Lavender
I am trying to compile a debian package from source. I can go to the package's 
web page and get the original source along with the diff. How do I apply the 

If I do a 

$ tar zxf wu-ftpd_2.6.0.orig.tar.gz
$ zcat wu-ftpd_2.6.0-4.diff.gz | patch -p1 
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- wu-ftpd-2.6.0.orig/src/ftpcount.c
|+++ wu-ftpd-2.6.0/src/ftpcount.c
File to patch: 

I am interested in the wu-ftpd package.

Brian Lavender

dc390 what does it mean?

2000-03-07 Thread Pikuan
i just bought a debian 2.1 r 4 CD
i was installing from cd, pressed enter at the main menu. it does all the
initialisation when it reach this line and stop:
DC390: 0 adapters found

anyone know what is wrong?
thank you,

Pikuan Susanto

   We love u. There's nothing to worry   
Just Rest
Thank you for the unforgettable memories 

question on modconf

2000-03-07 Thread john smith
I have successfully updated my kernel from 2.2.13 to 2.2.14 but when I 
issued the command modconf I noticed that there are only two categories of 
modules misc and net, what happened to the rest? and furthermore, the 
modules that are in the misc and net are incomplete compared to the modules 
from out of the box 2.2.13. do I have to install something else to make the 
category of modules complete? I think I may be missing something? there were 
no error messages or missing files by the way when I compiled the new 

any info will be greatly appreciated.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Remote Printing

2000-03-07 Thread mahdi

Have you rebooted after making the setting?
Did you try redirection?
# cat /etc/fstab  /dev/laser
Whats the output of ps -ef on the remote machine?
are both the queue daemon and the lp daemon in the output?

It is worth trying the same thing from the remote printer itself..
setting its local queue as a remote queue, then try printing 
or better yet if you have a third Linux machine, so you can isolate the
source of the problem.
Is it harulu or vayu..

Good luck
Faisal Mahdi

Please respond to Sridhar M.A. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Remote Printing

2000-03-07 Thread bcollins


I have the lpd running on both the machines. In fact, after the new
entries in my printcap, I have restarted lpd. The results were posted
only after these things failed. The HOWTO was not much of a help.


Sridhar M.A.Powered by:
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri  Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread mahdi

I haven't used this method of installation but I can answer a few of your

1-  The kernel file name should be vmlinuz

the images you seem to have downloaded look like the root and rescue

2- The *.tgz file is a gzipped tar archive, so if you have a utility which
  deals with this, you can uncompress it, however, I am not sure if
  there is a DOS

utility that does this.

3- You will get a command line prompt, and no graphical installation, but
  you will have a list of options to choose from and to guide you
  through the Installation.

4- Don't waste your money on win98, because with Linux:

   You will get a powerful OS with much more features. Although it is
  harder to deal with.

   Linux being hard to deal with helps you learn more about Operating
  systems and so will be more beneficial to you in the long run.

   Linux  is an open source OS, which means you can truly dig in to your
  problems or get a more professional advice from mailing lists or the

   Linux can also be tailored to fit your needs, while windows doesn't have
  the capability to be changed.

   Think of the things you can buy instead of Windows with that money.

Think about that when making your decision

Please respond to smoke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread bcollins

i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
install, linux
drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
linux and nothing
happens. WHAT IS THE KERNEL out of these files? IS LINUX SUPPOSED TO
# ?
i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
commands i will
buy windows 98.
i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. i have two
partitions. i have the
files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
dos partition.
is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

SCSI disk failure

2000-03-07 Thread Anton Emmerfors

This is not strictly Debian related, but lots of competent people
dwell on this list so...

Yesterday I came home to find that my Quantum Fireball SCSI-disk had
produced an Unrecoverable read error. From kern.log:

kernel: scsi0: MEDIUM ERROR on channel 0, id 0, lun 0, CDB: Read (10) 00 00 25 
73 90 00 00 02 00
kernel: Info fld=0x257390, Current sd08:05: sense key Medium Error
kernel: Additional sense indicates Unrecovered read error
kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:05, sector 221318
kernel: (scsi0:0:0:0) Performing Domain validation.
kernel: (scsi0:0:0:0) Successfully completed Domain validation.

and so on for a few more sectors...

All sectors were within sda5 so I thought this would be fixable.  I
tried fscking it and when that didn't work, scsiformat (it only served
as temporary backup space -- no important data) but not even a
lowlevel format can be performed. scsiformat complains that:

SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 6328861 [3090 MB]
[3.1 GB]
 sda:scsi0: MEDIUM ERROR on channel 0, id 0, lun 0, CDB: Read (6) 00
 00 00 02 00
Current error sd08:00: sense key Medium Error
Additional sense indicates Unrecovered read error
scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0
 unable to read partition table

Is there any other method, however ugly, to get this disk into shape
or should I consider it to be in doorstop mode?


/regards Anton
Bare feet magnetize sharp metal objects so they point upward from the
floor -- especially in the dark.


2000-03-07 Thread Bruce Jackson
ignore test

RE: Cups 1.0.5

2000-03-07 Thread Lewis, James M.

 Hi Jim,
   Thanks for your reply.
   Can you tell me more about how you worked around it 
 by changing some of the macros in the a2ps config files ?
I changed a2ps-site.cfg in the following ways:
change DefaultPrinter: | #{lp.default}
to DefaultPrinter: | #{lp}mydefaultprintername

I also changed that printer to be level 2 postscript.  Read
the comments in the file...



Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård
On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, smoke wrote:

 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 install, linux
 drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
 i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
 linux and nothing
 happens. WHAT IS THE KERNEL out of these files? IS LINUX SUPPOSED TO
 # ?
 i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
 commands i will
 buy windows 98.
 i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. i have two
 partitions. i have the
 files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
 dos partition.
 is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
I suggest you download the install documentation which should be located
where you found the other files, if cant retrace your step, go to any
debian mirror in /...dist../disks-i386/current/
Then read it.
And if you check in install.bat
it says the it wants a file called linux
make sure you have, you can download it from the above mentioned place.

Problems with DHCPCD and/or pump

2000-03-07 Thread Hausheer, Geoffrey
I installed the 'frozen' distribution onto my laptop last week, (as a
replacement for Slack).  Everything seems to work great except that my
network connection is flaky.  On bootup it randomly either gets starts the
dhcp client daemon or doesn't.  I have tried using both pump and dhcpcd and
get the same results.  I alsways see the Starting dhcp client daemon:
dhcpcd. message, but sometimes the lights on the cable-modem flash (in
which case a 'ps ax' shows dhcpcd (or pump) running) and sometimes I don't.
When I log in as root, I and run '/etc/init.d/dhcpcd start' (or pump) the
dhcp client alwaysstarts up.  This is really driving me nuts (especially
since it is not easily reproducable).  Does anyone have any ideas?

The only two things I could think of were:
the dhcp client is started immediately after the pcmcia driver (the
network operates through my pcmcia network card).  Could the card take some
time after cardmgr et al are brought up before it is ready to go?

my /etc/networks/interfaces file has no entry for eth0 (the network
card)  should it?

Geoffrey Hausheer

php3 does not support postgres?

2000-03-07 Thread Alberto Maurizi

I know the subject is false: php3 DOES support Postgres.
But in my (daily upgraded) potato it seems not to.
A very simple call to pg_connect returns:

Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function pg_connect()
in functions.php3 on line 17

In the apache configuration the following line is present:
LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
No other references to PG or PHP modules are present.

Does anybody have an idea of what to do to activate
postgres functions in php3?

Alberto Maurizi

Re: Remote Printing

2000-03-07 Thread Sridhar M.A.
On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mahdi Have you rebooted after making the setting?

Some two or three times I have rebooted the machine. That is the
normal course. It will not be running continuously.

 mahdi Did you try redirection?
 mahdi # cat /etc/fstab  /dev/laser

I do not have any device by name 'laser' under /dev. As user, I get
permission denied. As root, it creates a file by that name.

 mahdi Whats the output of ps -ef on the remote machine?
 mahdi are both the queue daemon and the lp daemon in the output?

SU:/home/mas# ps ef
  152   3 S0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty3 HOME=/ TERM=linux BOOT_IMAGE=deb BOOT
  153   4 S0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty4 HOME=/ TERM=linux BOOT_IMAGE=deb BOOT
  154   5 S0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty5 HOME=/ TERM=linux BOOT_IMAGE=deb BOOT
  155   6 S0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty6 HOME=/ TERM=linux BOOT_IMAGE=deb BOOT
  201   2 S0:00 bash HZ=100 HOSTNAME=haralu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w$  
  204   2 R0:00  \_ ps ef HZ=100 HOSTNAME=haralu LS_OPTIONS=--color=auto -CF

Same on both the machines. I cannot find any daemons here.

 mahdi It is worth trying the same thing from the remote printer 
 mahdi setting its local queue as a remote queue, then try printing 

 mahdi or better yet if you have a third Linux machine, so you can isolate 
 mahdi source of the problem.

Will try them. I notice another strange thing. From the machine haralu I tried
lpr -Plj, where lj is the laser printer on another machine. I do
not get any output on the other machine. But, the local dot matrix starts
printing the ps file (literal, not interpreted). i cannot find this job using
lpq. I cd'ed to /var/spool/lpd. Did a ls -laR. Nothing anywhere. Where is
the print job coming from?



Sridhar M.A.Powered by:
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri  Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

address sends invalid ICMP error to a broadcast . . . ?

2000-03-07 Thread John G. Norman


I'm getting the following error on my linux box (debian, potato) connected 
to MediaOne via a cable modem-- sent an invalid ICMP error to a broadcast.

Where are these coming from? They happen with two addresses about every 
five minutes. Are these other people on the net with funny configs? Or up 
to no good?

Thanks for any information.

John N.

John G. Norman (

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Kent West
smoke wrote:

 i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
 install, linux
 drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
 i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
 linux and nothing
 happens. WHAT IS THE KERNEL out of these files? IS LINUX SUPPOSED TO
 # ?
 i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
 commands i will
 buy windows 98.
 i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. i have two
 partitions. i have the
 files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
 dos partition.
 is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?

I have run into this problem a few times. Every time it was because I had 
the linux file via Netscape Navigator (and then forgot not to next time). 
does something to the file. What you want to do is ftp to the site where you're
downloading the files from and ftp down the linux file. Should solve your 

Serial Console Setup

2000-03-07 Thread

I need to set up a Debian 2.2 for serial
console.  Please let me know if there are
any docs online or how it can be done.
Thanks for your help/suggestions.


--== Sent via ==--
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Re: Maestro sound driver

2000-03-07 Thread John Stevenson
I dont know if this really helps, but I have a Dell Latitude wich also has the
ESS Maestro sound chip.  I installed using the latest potato boot floppys,
selected Maestro module along with the 3 OSS modules and everything worked just

I had a couple of hangs due to the sound card, but I think this was due to some
apps not working in tandem with esound.

I didnt need to add or change anything in the defaults of debian potato.

Dan Pomohaci wrote:


 I have Micron TransPort Trek 2. I installed potato with the kernel 2.2.12
 and everithing is OK except sound. My laptop have ESS Maestro ES1968
 sound chip. I read laptop-howto, sound-howto. I tried to install the driver
 maestro from:
 compilation process was OK but when I tried to insmod computer hung.
 I tried also the the kernel 2.2.14 which have maestro builted in but it
 doesn't work.
 If somebody have a solution please help me.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Framebuffer settings

2000-03-07 Thread Anton Emmerfors
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 04:19:22PM +0200, Denis J. Cirulis wrote:

 Hello !
 I have ATI AGP card,debian potato with compiled in atifb module. I
 read all the stuff in Framebuffer-HOWTO like :

I'm not familiar with ATIs but there are at least two flavours Mach64
and Mach128, find out which one you have and see below.

 append=video=matrox: and so on
This is for users with Matrox cards (G[24]00, Matrox Millenium
etc). You should use video=atyfb:... for Mach64-based cards and
video=aty128fb:... for Mach128-based cards.


/regards Anton
Life would be easier if I had the source code.

Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Kent West
smoke wrote:

 thanks for taking the time to help.
 it was a corrupt file. now i get through the install up to picking a computer
 profile. i pick dialup configuration so it only installs programs i need for
 a home computer system and it asks where my .deb files are located.
 i tried the hard drive where base 2_1.tgz is located. they are not there,
 i tried the mounted drive and it can't find them there. i assumed the .deb 
 were included in the base file. maybe not. so i am going to find the .deb 
 and put them on a floppy and tell the install they are located there. i 
 assume i have
 to use the rawrite to do this?
 thanks again.

A typical Debian install is done in two phases: the base install, which is just 
enough to
have a minimal system, and the rest of the install, which includes such fancies 
as the
X Window System and emacs and samba and anything else you might want to 
install. The
base_2_1.tgz file, and what you've installed so far, is only the base portion.

In order to finish the install with the dialup configuration you need to 
either have
the .debs stored locally (on a DOS partition or floppies, etc) which is 
generally not
very efficient, or you need a Debian CD-ROM or better yet, a net connection.

If you have a net connection (LAN, modem + ISP, etc), you'll need to get that 
before you can finish up the install. The base install typically has everything 
you need
to get your LAN or ISP connection working. (Be aware that most internal PCI 
modems are
winmodems and won't work with Linux, so you may need to invest in a real 
modem in order
to finish up.) Alternatively, you could download the .debs to your DOS 
partition or to
floppies, but I assure you that's a pain. Or as mentioned, you can acquire a 
Debian CD,
but a net connection would get you newer packages than you'd likely get from a 

 Kent West wrote:

  smoke wrote:
   i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
   install, linux
   drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
   i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
   linux and nothing
   happens. WHAT IS THE KERNEL out of these files? IS LINUX SUPPOSED TO
   # ?
   i want to learn linux, but if it is uninstallable without knowing unix
   commands i will
   buy windows 98.
   i have compacted a second harddrive, and ran fips. i have two
   partitions. i have the
   files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
   dos partition.
   is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?
  I have run into this problem a few times. Every time it was because I had 
  the linux file via Netscape Navigator (and then forgot not to next time). 
  does something to the file. What you want to do is ftp to the site where 
  downloading the files from and ftp down the linux file. Should solve your 

Re: Kernel panic - init not found. Please help !!

2000-03-07 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 08:52:53AM -0800, Mahesh Padmanabhan wrote:
 Hello All,


 The 2.2.14 kernel starts ok but right after :
 Freeing unused kernel memory : 36k freed
 it says:
 Kernel panic. init not found. Pass init= option to the


 # General setup


 # CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF is not set

I would turn on CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF.  I know the docs say that if you
have CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC set, you don't need CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF, but 
I recently got exactly the same result from switching to 
CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC.  I am also using a 2.2.14 kernel.

Hope that helps.


Re: best place to put ipchains settings?

2000-03-07 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 04:45:59PM -0500, John G. Norman wrote:
 I've been examining the files in the various /etc/rc* directories on 
 debian, and I'm not sure where I should put my ipchains commands.
 What's the best place?

I don't know where the best place is. It depends on the way you configure your
system. Some will prefer to keep it in something like /etc/firewall-rules.
Personally I keep it directly under /etc/init.d as a sysV-script. From there I
can always add symbolic links to the relevant runlevels.

Sven Esbjerg

Permissions on PalmPilot

2000-03-07 Thread Kent West
I'm just now getting around to playing with my
PalmPilot III on Linux. I seem to be able to do
everything if I do it as root, but if I try as a
normal user I get permission errors. Does anyone
know what permissions need to be changed where to
solve this?


Helix-gnome and Debian?

2000-03-07 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
slashdot had a ditty about helixgnome and I'm curious if anyone using
debian for their desktop has messed with it and also if anyone is thinking
about making debs?

Here's the url:


 They do not apprehend how being at variance it agrees with itself.

compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread Beavis
this is what i am doing:

Once that is all done and you choose Exit and save your config file, you
must run make dep followed by make clean. And now the fun begins, type make
bzImage to build your kernel. This will take awhile (15mins+) so go browse
our site a little and send us some feedback ;). Instead of make bzImage,
you can also do make zdisk which will write your kernel to a floppy disk
Now that it's done, you have to do make modules followed by make
modules_install and that should be it for the Kernel if all goes well. Now
it's time to set up LILO. First you have to move the newly created Kernel
to your /boot directory. Do this by typing cp
/usr/src/linux-2.2.x/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x. Next would
be to move the file to your /boot directory. Do that by typing
cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/ /boot/

..but i get

cp: /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage:  No such file or directory

any ideas?

How to add a user to a group on the fly

2000-03-07 Thread Kent West
If I want to add my normal user (westk) to the
dialout group, I know I can (as root) edit the
/etc/group file and add westk to the end of the
dialout line. However, I then have to log out (and
shut down vmware and NT-on-vmware) and shut down
X, etc, then log back in and fire everything back
up in order to get the change to take affect. Is
there any way I can get the change to take affect
without logging out/logging back in?


exim and spam relay

2000-03-07 Thread John Kuhn
This story begins on an ancient R3000 based SGI Indigo running IRIX 5.3.
Due to my own negligence, this machine had open mail relaying.  One night
recently a spammer discovered this machine and used it to send spam.
The following morning, I had a few e-mails addressed to me kindly pointing
out my oversight.  I immediately removed the machine from the network
until the relaying and other problems were fixed.

Shortly after this incident, this machine was retired and replaced with
a PC running Debian.  It is currently running Debian 2.1r5 with exim 2.05-2.
This was a planned transition that was unrelated to the mail relaying.
Since the name and IP address remained the same as the old machine, the
Debian machine inherited the history as a known spam relayer.  Today it
remains on at least one list of insecure mailservers - The MAPS Relay
Spam Stopper (RSS)

Below is a portion of the relay test log for this machine which indicates
why it is still blacklisted.  Note that I have changed my machine name
and IP address to protect the guilty - that would be me.

   my true IP address:
   my true machine name:

* BEGIN relay test log *

Sun Mar  5 04:44:58 PST 2000

Connecting to ...
 220 ESMTP Exim 2.05 #1 Sun, 5 Mar 2000 07:45:09 -0500
 250 Hello []

several unsuccessful relay attempts deleted

 250 Reset OK
 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[] is syntactically correct
 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself
 (message body)
 250 OK id=12RaPH-0003Zq-00
/var/local/maps/rss/bin/rly: relay accepted - final response code 250

* END relay test log *

This log ends with a response code indicating that a relay attempt
succeeded, but the exim log shows that although the message was initially
accepted, it was not delivered.

* BEGIN /var/log/exim/mainlog *

2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPH-0003Zq-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( [] P=smtp S=982
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPH-0003Zq-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[]: 
unknown local-part [EMAIL PROTECTED] in domain []
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPI-0003Zs-00 =  R=12RaPH-0003Zq-00 U=mail P=local 
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPH-0003Zq-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPH-0003Zq-00 Completed
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPI-0003Zs-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]: unknown local-part 
spamtest in domain []
2000-03-05 07:45:12 12RaPI-0003Zs-00 Frozen (delivery error message)

* END /var/log/exim/mainlog *

Is there a way to configure exim to return a 5xx response code to this
form of relay attempt instead of returning a 250 then later rejecting it?

Any assistance you can give to help me shed my image as a friend to
spammers would be appreciated.



2000-03-07 Thread Nick Barron


Re: Eterm --console

2000-03-07 Thread Adam Shand

 My problem is in getting Eterm to grab the console messages.  I have
 tried suid root, I have tried to run Eterm as root.  I have even tried
 to change the owener of /dev/console.  Nothing works... the Eterm just
 opens up and gives me a command prompt (normal Eterm usage).  Is there
 anything I am overlookiing?  I am stumped!  I know it can be done...

not to point out the obvious or anything but have you made sure that you're
actually loging stuff to /dev/console?  check your /etc/syslog.conf file for
a line like this:

*.=notice;*.=warn   |/dev/console


Configuration of local mailserver behind linux firewall - HELP!

2000-03-07 Thread doug

I have a linux (2.2.X kernel) box that I am using as a firewall between
my internal network and our new ADSL modem.  I am currently working on
configuring the ipchains on the linux box to protect my internal

Question: My internal mailserver is currently running on a HP-UX C3000
is behind the firewall (IP: 192.168.XXX.XXX).  I need to configure my
linux firewall to pass the SMTP transmissions to and from my server.

What is the best way of doing this?

Are there any additional pitfalls I should be aware of to make my
systems as secure as possible?

Thank you for your time! 
Doug Thistlethwaite

compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread Beavis
i am trying to compile the kernel 2.2.14 on to my i386 machine
please help if u can, thnakx


 after doing make bzImage, it starts to compile, which takes about 10 mins
so right.
then at the end it says:

as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
make[1]: as86:  Command not found
make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
make[1]:  Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [bzImage] Error 2

 why is this happening?
 i went over a redid the make menuconfig and even checked to make sure it
 saved properly .config in /usr/src/linux-2.2.14

  this is what i am doing:
  Once that is all done and you choose Exit and save your config file,
  must run make dep followed by make clean. And now the fun begins, type
  bzImage to build your kernel. This will take awhile (15mins+) so go
  our site a little and send us some feedback ;). Instead of make
  you can also do make zdisk which will write your kernel to a floppy
  Now that it's done, you have to do make modules followed by make
  modules_install and that should be it for the Kernel if all goes well.
  it's time to set up LILO. First you have to move the newly created
  to your /boot directory. Do this by typing cp
  /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x. Next
  be to move the file to your /boot directory. Do that by
  cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/ /boot/
  ..but i get
  cp: /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage:  No such file or
  any ideas?

Re: dpkg dselect refuse to delete or install a package

2000-03-07 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Block) wrote:
A friend of mine is having problems with a package (xwhois) that refuses
to be either upgraded or removed.  That would be no big deal, but it is
also causing dselect  apt to crap out when trying to upgrade.


$ sudo dpkg --purge xwhois
dpkg: error processing xwhois (--purge):
 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
 reinstall it before attempting a removal.
Errors were encountered while processing:

When I try to install it, (and yes I nuked
/var/cache/apt/archives/xwhois_0.2.3-1_i386.deb first) with apt-get
install xwhois, I get the following error message:

$ sudo apt-get install xwhois
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, xwhois is already the newest version

I've always had good luck using things like:

  apt-get --reinstall install xwhois

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

libbz2 question

2000-03-07 Thread Shao Zhang
It seems that libbz2 does not have a function that similar to
fgets or gzgets.

Does anyone know how to do it using the libbz2 functions?




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

HOW DO I Apply debian patch to original source?

2000-03-07 Thread Brian Lavender
I posted this to the list once already, but I don't know if it made it.

I am trying to compile a debian package from source. I can go to the package's 
web page and get the original source along with the diff. How do I apply the 

If I do a 

$ tar zxf wu-ftpd_2.6.0.orig.tar.gz
$ zcat wu-ftpd_2.6.0-4.diff.gz | patch -p1 
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- wu-ftpd-2.6.0.orig/src/ftpcount.c
|+++ wu-ftpd-2.6.0/src/ftpcount.c
File to patch: 

I am interested in the wu-ftpd package.

Brian Lavender

new install with apt-get

2000-03-07 Thread Brett Fowlkes
Some of the packages on the Debian Cd are outdated.  Is there anyway I can
put in a source when I install Debian that will download all the newest
ones?  I have a fairly fast connection.



remote printing broken due to PAM?

2000-03-07 Thread fairfax
After I installed Potato on my machine, I noticed that remote printing from the 
Windows boxes on my network was failing.  Looking into the problem, I noted 
entries like this in auth.log when I tried to print:

PAM_unix[535]: authentication failure; (uid=0) - scmartin for samba service 

I have never used PAM before, but it was necessary to install it this time, 
several other packages are dependent on it.  All I have loaded is 
libpam_modules, libpam_runtime and libpam0g.  Do I need to install libpam_smb, 
or is this a password authentication problem?  (That is, do I need to do 
something to the password database to correct this?)


Steve Martin

Re: Can no-one help? Gnome has lost all but the basic icons on desktop

2000-03-07 Thread Joseph A. Martin
On Sun, 05 Mar 2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:

 I think that upgrading from Storm Rain (=Slink) to Potato (and hence
 upgrading to Potato Gnome apps and libs) caused the problem. I
 understand it is part of Debian received wisdom that no file in ~/ is
 tampered with during an install or upgrade. Is this so?

I don't believe personal config files are modified during
installs/upgrades, but often the *format* of said configuration files
can change. The gnome files in Slink and the gnome files in Potato are
separated by almost a years worth of development. It would not be
unheared of for the format of the configuration files to have changed
and Gnome to have been confused.

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

Re: securing ports

2000-03-07 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Is it possible to secure the ports on my Debian
 machine so that other machines on the internet
 cannot get through?
 Is there some way to configure pppd to block packets?

ipchains. Read the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. Or just disable all the services
through /etc/inetd.conf (not advised for a couple of ports).

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -||   --All the pages bundled together.   -|  If one does not work, try another :)
 UIN 12402354

 To get my GnuPG public key, go to

new install with apt-get

2000-03-07 Thread Brett Fowlkes
Some of the packages on the Debian Cd are outdated.  Is there anyway I can
put in a source when I install Debian that will download all the newest
ones?  I have a fairly fast connection.



Link Transfer Fail message on remote printing

2000-03-07 Thread fairfax
Since upgrading to Potato, I cannot print from remote boxes on my network, I 
get a message Link Transfer Fail.

I also note that in syslog, I see 

tcplog: printer request from brubaker.martinet
ippl: ICMP message type destination unreachable - bad port from localhost 

Also, auth.log shows
PAM_unix[16418]: authentication failure; (uid=0) - scm\artin for samba service

Does anyone know what these messages mean?


Steve Martin

Re: DSL client configuration?

2000-03-07 Thread Marshal Wong
I'll need a bit more info to help you.  What version of Debian are you
running?  Slink or Woody?  What type of DSL connection do you have?
Does it use DHCP or pppoe?  And finally, how far along are you,
(configuration-wise)?  What can't you do?

If you can answer some of these question, we can see if we can help you.
 Steve == Steve Doerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does anybody know what configuration files are involved in
 setting up a DSL client?  I can't seem to find everything I need
 to point my ethernet card to my DSL connection.

 Any sample configurations for a single user DSL service
 connection would be greatly appreciated!

 Thanks, Steve

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Marshal Wong
(Yes, that is my first name. Not a title.)

Bitter?  I'm not bitter, just battle-hardened.

Potato Broke My X

2000-03-07 Thread Jim Varney

Updating my Potato system a few days ago with dselect broke my X windows. X 
starts up with the herringbone and shows a single shell window and prompt. 
It never gets as far as the full desktop. I have to use cntl-alt-backspace 
to close the aborted X session. In my xsession error file it says

fatal IO error 32 (broken pipe) or KillClient on X Server :0.0

Any ideas where I go from here?

J Varney
Sacramento, CA

Windows 98 is a browser running on top of a 32-bit graphical shell for
a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 
4-bit CPU, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of 

Re: best place to put ipchains settings?

2000-03-07 Thread John G. Norman
After a lot of scrutiny, I decided that since my rules are so simple (just 
masquerading) that I put them in /etc/init.d/networking.

Seems to work ok . . .

At 12:01 AM 3/7/2000 +0100, Sven Esbjerg wrote:

On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 04:45:59PM -0500, John G. Norman wrote:
 I've been examining the files in the various /etc/rc* directories on
 debian, and I'm not sure where I should put my ipchains commands.

 What's the best place?

I don't know where the best place is. It depends on the way you configure your
system. Some will prefer to keep it in something like /etc/firewall-rules.
Personally I keep it directly under /etc/init.d as a sysV-script. From there I
can always add symbolic links to the relevant runlevels.

Sven Esbjerg

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John G. Norman (

Re: How to add a user to a group on the fly

2000-03-07 Thread ktb
Can you use the 'adduser' program?  I don't remember having to reboot after
adding a user.  I've never tried to use it doing exactly what you would be
using it for though.

- Original Message -
To: Debian Users
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 5:31 PM
Subject: How to add a user to a group on the fly

 If I want to add my normal user (westk) to the
 dialout group, I know I can (as root) edit the
 /etc/group file and add westk to the end of the
 dialout line. However, I then have to log out (and
 shut down vmware and NT-on-vmware) and shut down
 X, etc, then log back in and fire everything back
 up in order to get the change to take affect. Is
 there any way I can get the change to take affect
 without logging out/logging back in?


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Re: compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 i am trying to compile the kernel 2.2.14 on to my i386 machine
 please help if u can, thnakx
 after doing make bzImage, it starts to compile, which takes about 10 mins or
 so right.
 then at the end it says:
 as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
 make[1]: as86:  Command not found
 make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
 make[1]:  Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [bzImage] Error 2
 why is this happening?
 i went over a redid the make menuconfig and even checked to make sure it
 saved properly .config in /usr/src/linux-2.2.14

Get bin86 package.
 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -||   --All the pages bundled together.   -|  If one does not work, try another :)
 UIN 12402354

 To get my GnuPG public key, go to

Re: ipchains/firewall

2000-03-07 Thread John Leget
You only need to enable it on the PC thats connected to the internet .  (Unless 
i you
want multiple levels of firewalls ??)

check out the following site it has a mailing list for ipchains, i joined and
occasionally have a read thru, its slowly starting to make sense to me , must be
absorbing it somehow :)


ktb wrote:

 I've read through the ipchains howto and the man page and the firewall howto
 and I'm confused.  My setup will have a firewall and two other computers
 hooked together through a hub.  I will access the web through dialup/squid.
 I have Debian Slink running on the firewall and one of my other computers
 also.  These two I'm trying to get working together.  I can ping and Telnet
 just fine between the two.  My question is do I have to have ipchains set up
 on both computers?  I am under the impression that I have to compile
 ipchains into both computer's kernels by selecting the firewall options in
 makeconfig.  Or do I just set up and configure ipchains from within the
 firewall computer?

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Re: installing- last try before win98

2000-03-07 Thread Kent West wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 10:33:01AM -0800, smoke wrote:
  i downloaded the files from the getting started, dos install. i have
  install, linux
  drv1440.bin, loadlin.exe, root.bin,resc1440.bin and base2_1.tgz.
  i run the install bat and get a command to enter kernal name. i tried
  linux and nothing


  i have two
  partitions. i have the
  files required according to the getting started page in a file on the
  dos partition.
  is the base 2-1.tgz a compressed file i have to unzip?

 Yes.  This should be covered in the instructions.

No. The installer routine will uncompress the file for you at the appropriate 
time. As
mentioned earlier, smoke's problem is *probably* a corrupt linux file, 
resulting from
downloading it in Netscape; ftp-ing it down should solve the problem.

Re: compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread John Leget
Youre missing a package on your system
(  Well what do you know im actually learning this stuff )

did a dpkg -S  as86

you need to install the bin86 package


Beavis wrote:

 i am trying to compile the kernel 2.2.14 on to my i386 machine
 please help if u can, thnakx


 after doing make bzImage, it starts to compile, which takes about 10 mins or
 so right.
 then at the end it says:

 as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
 make[1]: as86:  Command not found
 make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
 make[1]:  Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [bzImage] Error 2

 why is this happening?
 i went over a redid the make menuconfig and even checked to make sure it
 saved properly .config in /usr/src/linux-2.2.14

  this is what i am doing:
  Once that is all done and you choose Exit and save your config file,
  must run make dep followed by make clean. And now the fun begins, type
  bzImage to build your kernel. This will take awhile (15mins+) so go
  our site a little and send us some feedback ;). Instead of make bzImage,
  you can also do make zdisk which will write your kernel to a floppy disk
  Now that it's done, you have to do make modules followed by make
  modules_install and that should be it for the Kernel if all goes well.
  it's time to set up LILO. First you have to move the newly created Kernel
  to your /boot directory. Do this by typing cp
  /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x. Next
  be to move the file to your /boot directory. Do that by typing
  cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/ /boot/
  ..but i get
  cp: /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage:  No such file or
  any ideas?

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Re: compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread John Leget
Ughh, just run an additional command ( after youve installed bin86 re previous 

make install

does the work of copying and running lilo at the end.

Id suggest you modify /etc/lilo.conf to also point to a known working kernel 
have a resue disk and maybe even a boot disk handy.
They come in handy when things dont work out as expected

Ummm, speaking from personal experience of course


Beavis wrote:

 i am trying to compile the kernel 2.2.14 on to my i386 machine
 please help if u can, thnakx


 after doing make bzImage, it starts to compile, which takes about 10 mins or
 so right.
 then at the end it says:

 as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
 make[1]: as86:  Command not found
 make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
 make[1]:  Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [bzImage] Error 2

 why is this happening?
 i went over a redid the make menuconfig and even checked to make sure it
 saved properly .config in /usr/src/linux-2.2.14

  this is what i am doing:
  Once that is all done and you choose Exit and save your config file,
  must run make dep followed by make clean. And now the fun begins, type
  bzImage to build your kernel. This will take awhile (15mins+) so go
  our site a little and send us some feedback ;). Instead of make bzImage,
  you can also do make zdisk which will write your kernel to a floppy disk
  Now that it's done, you have to do make modules followed by make
  modules_install and that should be it for the Kernel if all goes well.
  it's time to set up LILO. First you have to move the newly created Kernel
  to your /boot directory. Do this by typing cp
  /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x. Next
  be to move the file to your /boot directory. Do that by typing
  cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/ /boot/
  ..but i get
  cp: /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage:  No such file or
  any ideas?

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Re: Framebuffer console with a G400

2000-03-07 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 04:23:36PM -0700, Mark Zimmerman wrote:
 I'm trying to get a better than VGA resolution on the console with a
 G400 card. So far, I've gotten the console driver to work minimally
 but I can't get it into a mode I want.
 Here's what I get in dmesg:
 matroxfb: Matrox unknown G400 (AGP) detected
 Invalid vesa mode 0x01B8

You have to convert that number for lilo. For instance, I have


in /etc/lilo.conf.  That's 32bpp, 1024x768

See linux/Documentation/fb/matroxfb.txt for more info...

 matroxfb: 640x480x0bpp (virtual: 640x13104)
 matroxfb: framebuffer at 0xCE00, mapped to 0xd0005000, size
 Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
 fb0: MATROX VGA frame buffer device
 fbset -i tells me this:
 mode 640x480-60
 # D: 25.200 MHz, H: 31.500 kHz, V: 59.999 Hz
 geometry 640 480 640 13104 0
 timings 39683 48 16 33 10 96 2
 accel true
 rgba 6/0,6/0,6/0,0/0
 Frame buffer device information:
 Address : 0xce00
 Size: 16773120
 Type: MGA Millennium I step 16 text
 XPanStep: 8
 YPanStep: 1
 YWrapStep   : 0
 LineLength  : 1280
 MMIO Address: 0xcd00
 MMIO Size   : 16384
 Accelerator : Matrox G400
 But when I use fbset to change modes, (even if I specify the current
 mode) I get this:
 owl:~# fbset 640x480-60
 ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Invalid argument
 Has anyone out there had better success with a G400?
 -- Mark
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| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: compiling new kernel

2000-03-07 Thread Marshal Wong
 Beavis == Beavis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i am trying to compile the kernel 2.2.14 on to my i386 machine
 please help if u can, thnakx


  after doing make bzImage, it starts to compile, which takes
 about 10 mins or so right.  then at the end it says:

 as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s make[1]: as86: Command not
 found make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127 make[1]: Leaving
 directory '/usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot' make: ***
 [bzImage] Error 2

ul:/etc/dhcpc# dpkg -S /usr/bin/as86
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

Which means that you need to install the bin86 package.  

If I may inquire, why are you trying to compile a 2.2.x kernel for a
i386?  That's going to hurt.  I compiled a 2.0.x kernel on my old 486
and it took over 5 hours!  

Well, hope this helps.
  why is this happening?  i went over a redid the make menuconfig
 and even checked to make sure it saved properly .config in
  this is what i am doing:Once that is all done and you
 choose Exit and save your config file, you  must run make
 dep followed by make clean. And now the fun begins, type make 
 bzImage to build your kernel. This will take awhile (15mins+)
 so go browse  our site a little and send us some feedback
 ;). Instead of make
  you can also do make zdisk which will write your kernel to a
  instead.   Now that it's done, you have to do make modules
 followed by make  modules_install and that should be it for
 the Kernel if all goes well.  Now  it's time to set up
 LILO. First you have to move the newly created
  to your /boot directory. Do this by typing cp 
 /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x. Next would  be to move the
 file to your /boot directory. Do that by
  cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.x/ /boot/
   ..but i get   cp:
 /usr/src/linux-2.2.14/arch/i386/boot/bzImage: No such file or
 directory   any ideas?  

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marshal Wong
(Yes, that is my first name. Not a title.)

Bitter?  I'm not bitter, just battle-hardened.

Re: How to add a user to a group on the fly

2000-03-07 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 05:31:35PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 If I want to add my normal user (westk) to the
 dialout group, I know I can (as root) edit the
 /etc/group file and add westk to the end of the
 dialout line. However, I then have to log out (and
 shut down vmware and NT-on-vmware) and shut down
 X, etc, then log back in and fire everything back
 up in order to get the change to take affect. Is
 there any way I can get the change to take affect
 without logging out/logging back in?

sg dialout

or newgrp dialout

as long as you are a member of the group (in /etc/group) this will
work, note that it will change your primary group to dialout meaning
all files created after the sg will be owned by westk.dialout.  

if you are not a member of the group as written in /etc/group you will
be promted for a passwd.  newgrp and sg work much like su.  

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Ethan Benson

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