
2000-03-19 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez Capote

Donde trabajo hay una LAN de 4 computadores los cuales son utilizados
para navegar en Internet con windows.

Quiero hacer practicas de IP Masquerade, pero pues no tengo acceso al
podría utilizar uno de los puntos de la red para hacer IP Masquerade y
conectarme con otro compu de la misma red con windows pero utilizando
como pasarela el punto de la red con IP Masquerade??? Ya lo intente pero
no me da ping por ninguno de los dos...

Y claro esta antes carge los siguientes modulos manualmente.

/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc

y luego configure en el cliente windows con la direccion del equipo
linux con IP Masquerade= como pasarela y le asigne una
direccion IP= la submascara de red es: los
demas datos en ambos equipos estan igual, DNS, etc...

En espera de una respuesta y dando muchas gracias :)
Ricardo R.

Conectar a Internet : problemas con el módem.

2000-03-19 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín

Hola a todos y, antes de nada, quiero daros las gracias a todos por
vuestra ayuda.

Sigo sin poder conectarme desde Linux y creo que todo es debido a
problemas al detectar/configurar/inicializar... el módem. Vamos por partes.

Bueno, primero decir que mi módem es interno aunque no tengo claro si es
un Winmodem o no. Se trata de un Rockwell SoftK56 Data,Fax PCI Modem.
¿Alguien sabe si es un módem sólo para windows?

Ya en lo referente a la conexión, Romón Sánchez, Enver  me dijo que
probase con el programa 'wvdial'. Probé ejecutando wvdialconf
/etc/wvdial.conf y obtuve la siguiente salida:

Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

ttyS0*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.
ttyS1*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.
Port Scan*1: S2 S3

Sorry, no modem was detected!

etc, etc.

He mirado en la configuración de windows y sobre el módem pone que está
instalado en el COM3 de DOS, que creo que corresponde a ttyS2, ¿no? Además
he visto que la dirección es 3E8, el UART (que no sé lo que es) NS 16550AN y
la velocidad máxima 115 Kbaudios (115200 en realidad, creo), además de otras

Pero en Linux inspeccioné cada ttySx con 'setserial' y obtuve:

setserial /dev/ttyS0 - /dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
setserial /dev/ttyS1 - /dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
setserial /dev/ttyS2 - /dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
setserial /dev/ttyS3 - /dev/ttyS3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3

donde parece decir que en los dos puertos en los que hay algún dispositivo
son el ttyS0 y el ttyS1, porque en ttyS2 que es donde se supone que debería
estar el módem (coincide además la dirección), no aparece nada conocido.

Por otra parte, David Charro Ripa, me dijo que probase a conectarme con
mi módem con el programa 'minicom'. Lo ejecuté y nada más lanzarse apareció
un mensaje que decía Initializating Modem y después, en la parte de abajo
de la ventana de la aplicación, junto con otras características técnicas de
la supuesta conexión, aparecía tb un mensaje de Online junto con una
especie de contador o reloj que supongo que contabilizará el tiempo de
conexión. Pero, a pesar de este mensaje, sigo sin estar conectado. A
continuación, con CTRL-A Z voy al menú de comandos y desde allí al menú de
configuración de minicom, al apartado de Serial port setup donde dice que
el device que emplea es /dev/ttyS3 (?), aunque se puede cambiar, al igual
que la velocidad de conexión, etc., pero lo cambio al resto de /dev/ttySx y

Por último está el tema de la cadena de inicialización del módem. Me han
dicho que mire en el manual a ver cual es, pero el problema es que yo no
tengo ningún manual. Como ya he dicho antes se trata de un Rockwell SoftK56
Data,Fax PCI Modem pero lo único que tengo es un directorio con drivers y
tal. De todas formas he buscado entre esos ficheros y en la parte de
configuración de windows, además de por Internet, y he encontrado algo,
aunque son cadenas muy raras del estilo de:


Lo que me pasa es que no sé qué hacer con esas cadenas (¿sólo vale una o
pueden valer más?). No sé en qué parte o en qué archivo especificarlas (y si
hay que escribirlas tal cual aparece la de arriba). En la ayuda que traen
los CDs de accesos gratuitos a Internet que circulan por ahí, en la parte de
Linux, dicen que crees un fichero que debes hacer ejecutable y que es del
estilo de:

chat -v  atdtwX CONNECT 

con un número de teléfono en lugar de las X's, y no sé si habrá que poner la
cadena de inicialización allí en lugar del atdtwX pq si fuese así,
¿cómo indicas luego el número de teléfono?

En fin, que ando un poco perdido. ¿Alguien tiene un módem parecido al
mío y puede decirme dónde especificar las cadenas de inicialización para
Linux, o dónde encontrar información?

Muchísimas gracias... otra vez.


Scripts en varios idiomas ¿que os parece?

2000-03-19 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Estoy escribiendo unos scripts (GNU GPL ;-) y quiero que los mensajes
 esten en varios idiomas... lo he hecho usando las letras antes de '_' de
 la variable LANG asi:


case ${LANG%%_*} in
  Nothing_todo=- Nada que hacer
  No_peer=No existe el archivo de conexión PPP de este proveedor
  Renaming=Renombrando provider - provider.000
  Moving_symlink=Seleccionando proveedor PPP
  Nothing_todo=- Nothing to do
  No_peer=peer PPP connection file does not exists
  Renaming=Renaming provider - provider.000
  Moving_symlink=Selecting PPP provider

¿Que os parece?

Tambien me gustaria poder añadir otros idiomas como archivos conteniendo:
  Nombre=el texto
¿Pero en que directorio?

gnome y kde para los ejecutables utilizan /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo
¿Y para los scripts?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

ADSL funcionando en el curro (con Linux ;-)

2000-03-19 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Ya tengo ADSL funcionando en el curro y con Linux (estoy
 desde el dia 1 de este mes intensivamente en ello... )

- He contratado el servicio con
- El modem interno de Teleline no vale pa Linux (al menos
 cuando lo miré yo...)

Todavia no me he quitado el babero desde que el primer dia
 me bajé 13612 KB en 8:38 minutos (unos drivers de HP)
 esto son: 1576 KB/min - 26277 Bytes/seg - 210223 kbps
 ¡¡¡ De promedio !!! (esta proeza la hice con un Win-95)

Hasta el viernes (al menos) no me han cambiado la IP, pero
 como te la da el router por DHCP cada media hora podrian hacerlo
 en cualquier momento...

No todo es bueno, hay dias que ni funciona, otros se arrastra,
 como he tenido problemas con resolv.conf y bind hasta hace
 poco no puedo dar muchos datos mas...

Espero que telefónica mejore el servicio... Cuando llamé para
 quejarme me dijeron que tengo que esperar a que vengan los de
 Telefonica Data a acabar de configurar el invento, cosa que
 ya me dijeron los que vinieron a instalar el splitter el dia 1,
 pero como que funciona no me he podido resistir a usarla.
 En principio eran dos semanas ¿ya tocaria no?

La impresión es que es en general algo más rápido que el modem,
 y no hay que conectar (ni sufrir por la factura del telefono)

Supongo que ahora el cuello de botella no es la conexión
 telefónica sino el site que visitas :-(

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Sobre el pasado Expo-Linux

2000-03-19 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Jaime =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez=20Mart=EDnez?= wrote:

   Esta semana conseguí permiso en el trabajo y me acerqué al Expo-Linux
 el día 15 por la mañana.  Aparte del poco ambiente, me pareció una
 tomadura de pelo por parte de algunas de las empresas participantes como
 Telefónica, SCO y, sobre todo, Oracle.  En general, y  siguiendo la
 tónica general en España, la mayoría de las casas sólo se preocupan de
 los sistemas operativos Windows, lo que dice poco a su favor.
   En el caso de Telefónica, es de agradecer su patrocinio, pero no tenía
 stand en el que mostrar que sus servicios también llegan a la
 comunidad Linux.  Santa Cruz (SCO) te mostraba sus productos

Bueno lo repito una vez más. Vendemos por cuatro duros el derecho a
figurar a empresas que no se lo merecen. No tiene sentido que suframos
en silencio actitudes poco amables de ciertas compañías y llegado el 
momento de una exposición les ofrezcamos por cuatro duros la oportunidad
de figurar como patrocinadores o lo que sea en eventos de Linux con un
efecto escaparate muy importante para ellos. Bueno pues ya está ya lo
he vuelto a decir. Todavía nadie me ha dicho nada. Ni que tengo razón ni
que no la tengo ni que soy un plasta ni nada, pero en mi opinión estamos
haciendo las cosas mal.

Saludos Antonio.

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Fw: netscape

2000-03-19 Thread Beavis
 i tried running it frm the command line a got:
 can't load library

 u would think it would install everything it needs!

 any ideas, should i dslect and install it or does anyone have a good
 for ti?

 thabkx again

 - Original Message -
 From: Beavis
 To: debian list
 Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 3:22 PM
 Subject: netscape

 i want to change my environ. var. to use the new netscape version.
 where is my .bashrc?

 i ma using slink 2.2.14

 this is the next step...
 It is recommended that you make use of the MOZILLA_HOME environment
 variable in your .cshrc, .profile, or equivalent.  MOZILLA_HOME should
 be set to the directory in which you installed Communicator.

 For example, 'setenv MOZILLA_HOME /usr/local/netscape'.

 If you intend to move the 'netscape' binary into another directory
 (like /usr/local/bin), then you must set MOZILLA_HOME in order for
 Communicator to find all of its components.  (MOZILLA_HOME would be
 set to the installation directory in this case, NOT the directory in
 which the binary resides.)

Re: XEmacs use 'Alt' as 'Meta'

2000-03-19 Thread ferret

I've been rather fighting the inconsistancies myself. I might get to
fixing up console someday.

Oh yeah, there's something called ICCCM which xemacs follows under X which
among other things describes  a method (IMO the Right Way)  to
consistantly read and interpret keypresses.

Basically (going from memory)

Apps like Enlightenment and gnome seem to assume that any key that
generates mod1 modifier is ALT
ICCCM apps like xemacs assume that the shift keys that generate ALT_L
and ALT_R with the same modifier bit, said bit not shared with any other
shift keys, is ALT.
Also assumes that the shift keys that generate META_L and META_R with a
dictinct modifier bit (doesn't matter exactly WHICH modifier bit) is META.

I mean, you can map SHIFT_L and SHIFT_R to use mod1 and Eterm will
suddenly decide that pressing SHIFT+R will be ALT-R.

People in general don't seem to care, at least not the last time I brought
up the subject. See the list archives and the bug system.

Heh, maybe I'll make a proposal in my spare time, if I could get at least
one official developer to back me. This is on my list of peeves.

Beiad Ian Q. Dalton

On 18 Mar 2000, Brian May wrote:

  Sean == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sean On 16-Mar-2000 Joseph A. Martin wrote:
  Hello, I feel like this should be a simple thing to do, but I
  haven't been able to figure it out so far. I want XEmacs to my
  Left Alt key as the Meta key. It works like that when I am
  running XEmacs from the console. However, if I run XEmacs from
  XWindows ESC is my meta key and Left-Alt is not recognized by
  XEmacs. What do I need to change to have XEmacs in XWindows use
  Left-Alt as the Meta key?
 Sean if you have one, the windows key is bound as meta.
 Is it possible to use the windows key as meta in XEmacs for text mode
 sessions? I don't like this inconsistency... Some combinations work,
 others don't. Tested:
 text mode console: alt -- meta
 gnome-terminal:alt -- meta
 xterm: windows -- meta
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Segmentation faults in dpkg

2000-03-19 Thread dan
On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 01:12:01PM -0800, Bart Friederichs generated a stream 
of 1s and 0s:
  Here another one from the guy that can't get Debian installed due to a bad
  PC (I think). When I run dselect and it starts installing all goes well
  until one of the packages gets a segfault (dpkg does actually) and then my
  whole PC crashes. I tried again and it crashed on the same package (m4 or
  Also, when I do apt-get, the apt-get program hangs when 'Correcting
  dependencies...'. There is no action, except that it takes up all the %CPU
  that is left. Anybody any ideas?
  Think I have to do all the packages by hand : ((

Check RAM or CPU.

[no subject]

2000-03-19 Thread Des Keane

Send me what you have on.

Is the following part of /etc/security/access.conf?

2000-03-19 Thread Shaul Karl
I have managed to mv files that I did not meant to. Can someone tell me if the 
following is part of /etc/security/access.conf?

[03:49:10 /tmp]$ cat /etc/security/access.conf 
auth   required
password   required

[03:50:18 /tmp]$ 

An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Re: Printing trouble

2000-03-19 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:39:38AM +0530, K. Sudheesh wrote
 Dear Friends,
   I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 distribution on my 486
 machine called with 32MB RAM.  This has a local HP
 LaserJet 4M+ printer attatched to it over a serial port. The printer name
 is mayem.  Sarasvati is connected over the LAN. I have the following
 strange printing problems.
   All users who are local users on sarasvati can print their jobs
 on the printer.  Users who are not local on sarasvati cannot print their
 jobs on it but can do so if they sudo to root.  Window users can also
 print here.  I have checked the printcap file for rs: and rg: entries but
 none exist.  I will be very grateful in you could help me in resolving
 this problem.

I use LPRng in place of BSD lpr so I could be talking out of my
hat, but this sounds like a problem with the clients rather than
your server.  What OS/spooling software are they using?

As they are able to print as root then presumably there is no
problem with the server setup or the printcap on the clients;
perhaps it is a permissions problem with the spool directory
on the client.  What are the permissions on 'lpr' on the
clients, and does making the relevant spool directory on a 
client world-writeable make any difference?  (please, remember
to change things back if you try this).

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Teac USB Floppy Drive

2000-03-19 Thread Cameron Matheson

I just bought an I-Opener, and I need to get a floppy drive for it. 
Teac sells an external USB floppy drive (the Teac FD05PU), but I'm not
sure it will work.  It's for iMac's, does this make any difference?

Cameron Matheson

Re: SMTP password

2000-03-19 Thread Adam Shand

 There were no other way. Were can I get sendmail 8.10 and the sasl

there isn't a debian sendmail 8.10 package yet but there is the sasl
packages (libsasl7 and libsasl-dev).

download sendmail source from and there is some good info
on how to make it all work in the docs in the tar ball and at

also there is good info on Claus' home page.

hope that helps,


Re: SMTP password

2000-03-19 Thread Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
 there isn't a debian sendmail 8.10 package yet but there is the sasl
 packages (libsasl7 and libsasl-dev).

Actually there is a debian package of sendmail 8.10. 
You can find it at

Emil Soleyman-Zomalan


2000-03-19 Thread mcmi0037
I have a question about networking.. here's the situation:

I have 2 Debian boxes with Ethernet cards,  respective cabling. I have an
on-campus Ethernet connection, with 1 static IP  1 etherjack allocated to me.
Currently, I have the two PC's both online and configured to use the static
IP, I read the Net-3  IP-Masq Howtos, and I am pretty sure I
can configure one of the boxes as a firewall if I must.

Currently, I have only one box connected to the internet at a time, and I have
to ifconfig eth0 down on one box, plug the RJ-45 into the other box, and
ifconfig up on the other one. I'd like to be able to have both online at once,
though. (Especially since the main thing I want to do with one of them is play
around with remote X apps.) 

The question I have, which I don't think I could glean form the Howtos, is,
what other hardware do I need?

If I get an Ethernet hub with, say, 8 ports, can I connect one port to the
jack on the wall, and two more of the ports to the NIC's on my boxes? Or do I
need a third NIC on one of the computers that will be connected directly to
the hub?

I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:

 inet  hub --- box1
 +- box2 

or do i need to do this:

 inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2

And, if I do that second setup, won't I need two NIC's on box1, one ingoing 
one outgoing?

Colin McMillen 

Unresolved symbols potato and kernel 2.0.36

2000-03-19 Thread Jonathan Markevich
I suppose it's the height of naivite to expect an answer about Debian around
here, but here goes...

Once again... I upgraded to Potato.  Yes, stupid, but I'm really really 
tired of waiting.

The upgrade thought it a great idea to remove my working alsa-modules
package and replace it with... NOTHING!  Poof, perfectly good sound is out
there, somewhere.

So I have tried to replace it... reinstalling, trying other kernel versions
(including this new-fangled kernel 2.2.x thing which is apparently the
greatest thing since sliced bread, but won't run on a computer with THREE
SERIAL PORTS!!!  Ever heard of a machine so unusual?  I mean a shared IRQ
that's like, IMPOSSIBLE isn't it??)

I tried recompiling my old drivers, 0.3.pre4 something, and could only do
that if I installed gcc272 as well, and actually got them compiled.

Now I come to the subject line.  I have over a screenful of 
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/isapnp.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/persist.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-ac97-codec.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-ad1848.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-audiodrive1688.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-audiodrive18xx.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-audiopci.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-ad1848.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4231.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4232.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-cs4231.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4236.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-cs4236.o
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-detect.o

... and so on. 

How on the planet do I resolve them?  Yes, they're all the alsa modules, so
what?  How do I fix this?  I have a very limited time to hack and I don't
like spending 4 hours fixing something that was working fine.

Thanks for bearing with me in my misery, and please, give SOME indication
that someone is out there that has done this before???


Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften.

Re: Unresolved symbols potato and kernel 2.0.36

2000-03-19 Thread Percival

Don't upgrade unless you have to.  I always have to remind myself of that - if 
my machine is working and I can do the tasks I need to do, even though there is 
a new fangled a super-cool version of my software, I don't have to install it.  
I still need to remind myself.

That said, I just installed Potato as well, and killed my sound support.

I don't know if I can offer you much help, as my sound is also still dead, but 
I can make some comments.

First, is sounds to me like you are using stock debian kernels.  I don't know 
if it is true, but it would not surprise me if the Potato kernel is not set to 
deal with sound modules.  I always think compiling your own kernel is a good 
idea (you learn a lot about your computer and about linux), but others have 
differing opinions.  Oh, and yes, shared IRQs are impossible.  At least, I 
don't think Linux can deal with that setup.  But, any linux kernel can deal 
with any number of serial ports if properly configured.  Again, this gets back 
to building your own kernel.

The 'unresolved symbols' warnings have to do with module dependencies.  Did you 
run 'depmod' after compiling and installing your sound modules?  You can try to 
insert the modules by hand using 'insmod', and when you run into troubles, you 
will at least know where you are in the process - which modules is not 
configured correctly or missing.

I wish I could help more.

There should be a modules howto

Maybe I should write one.  As soon as I figure them out.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:44:49PM -0500, Jonathan Markevich wrote:
 I suppose it's the height of naivite to expect an answer about Debian around
 here, but here goes...
 Once again... I upgraded to Potato.  Yes, stupid, but I'm really really 
 tired of waiting.
 The upgrade thought it a great idea to remove my working alsa-modules
 package and replace it with... NOTHING!  Poof, perfectly good sound is out
 there, somewhere.
 So I have tried to replace it... reinstalling, trying other kernel versions
 (including this new-fangled kernel 2.2.x thing which is apparently the
 greatest thing since sliced bread, but won't run on a computer with THREE
 SERIAL PORTS!!!  Ever heard of a machine so unusual?  I mean a shared IRQ
 that's like, IMPOSSIBLE isn't it??)
 I tried recompiling my old drivers, 0.3.pre4 something, and could only do
 that if I installed gcc272 as well, and actually got them compiled.
 Now I come to the subject line.  I have over a screenful of 
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/isapnp.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/persist.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-ac97-codec.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-ad1848.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-audiopci.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-ad1848.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4231.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4232.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-cs4231.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-card-cs4236.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-cs4236.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/snd-detect.o
 ... and so on. 
 How on the planet do I resolve them?  Yes, they're all the alsa modules, so
 what?  How do I fix this?  I have a very limited time to hack and I don't
 like spending 4 hours fixing something that was working fine.
 Thanks for bearing with me in my misery, and please, give SOME indication
 that someone is out there that has done this before???
 Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Networking

2000-03-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
I'm kinda in a similar situtation as (if there are any errrors in this
txte it's because I'm am currently drunk) you are. What i  have is one
computer that is my server and a secind thgat is my workstation (s3erver
p100 and workstaionathlon 500). On my workstaion I use both linux ad
windshit, IP masquerading is very easy in th e 2.2.x kernel with
If you want more info mail me back and I will reply with less alcohol ion
my body (perhaps that more to your liking.)


On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a question about networking.. here's the situation:
 I have 2 Debian boxes with Ethernet cards,  respective cabling. I have an
 on-campus Ethernet connection, with 1 static IP  1 etherjack allocated to me.
 Currently, I have the two PC's both online and configured to use the static
 IP, I read the Net-3  IP-Masq Howtos, and I am pretty sure I
 can configure one of the boxes as a firewall if I must.
 Currently, I have only one box connected to the internet at a time, and I have
 to ifconfig eth0 down on one box, plug the RJ-45 into the other box, and
 ifconfig up on the other one. I'd like to be able to have both online at once,
 though. (Especially since the main thing I want to do with one of them is play
 around with remote X apps.) 
 The question I have, which I don't think I could glean form the Howtos, is,
 what other hardware do I need?
 If I get an Ethernet hub with, say, 8 ports, can I connect one port to the
 jack on the wall, and two more of the ports to the NIC's on my boxes? Or do I
 need a third NIC on one of the computers that will be connected directly to
 the hub?
 I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
  inet  hub --- box1
  +- box2 
 or do i need to do this:
  inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2
 And, if I do that second setup, won't I need two NIC's on box1, one ingoing 
 one outgoing?
 Colin McMillen 
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RealPlayer, frozen and frustration

2000-03-19 Thread mcclosk

A day or two ago I took the plunge and upgraded to frozen. A few small
glitches, but they were easily dealt with and mostly I was very
pleased by how smooth and how straightforward the upgrade process
was. Thanks and praise to the developers.

I have one problem however.

I had three versions of RealPlayer on my slink system---RealPlayer 7,
RealPlayer G2 and RealPlayer 5.0. I had the three versions because
there are certain sites that I visit regularly whose archived files
always produce an error when I atttempt to listen to them with more
recent versions of Real Player than 5.0 (the error-message is `Invalid
Metafile'; the site contains the helpful information that
this is not a common error-message). So for those files. I would use
version 5. (All of these versions were installed by hand in

Now that I've upgraded to frozen, though, rvplayer5.0 always produces
a segmentation fault; G2 has expired; and the performance I get with
RealPlayer 7 (on the files that it will accept) is not great (it
doesn't seem to handle buffering very well). 

This doesn't feel like progress. What I would like most is to be able
to run the old version (5.0) in frozen. Does anyone know of a way to
solve the seg-fault problem? Or any insight into the `Invalid
Metafile' problem?

Thanks very much,



2000-03-19 Thread Sandy Shapiro
First, I want to thank all who helped me install my printer. Running
magicfilterconfig was the anwser.

Now I would like to know how to enable the GNOME desktop. It came with my
Debian/GNU Linux package, and I tried using dselect.

So far I have several window managers available: fvwm95, olwm, icewm,
wmaker, and scwm. One of them automatically loads at boot up.

I have searched through the various applications in the window manager,
but I see no desktop. Do I have to edit a configuration file somewhere? Or
do I need to go through the dselect process again?


Sandy Shapiro

Re: Desktop

2000-03-19 Thread Percival

You do have to edit configuration file.  Look in 
/usr/doc/gnome-core/README.Debian (actually, it probably exists in each of the 
/urs/doc/gnome* dirs).  It tells you how to do it through .xinitrc or with xdm.

Gnome should work wiht all of those windows managers (are there window managers 
that DON'T work with gnome?) but some are more 'gnomeified' than others.


On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:03:51PM -0500, Sandy Shapiro wrote:
 First, I want to thank all who helped me install my printer. Running
 magicfilterconfig was the anwser.
 Now I would like to know how to enable the GNOME desktop. It came with my
 Debian/GNU Linux package, and I tried using dselect.
 So far I have several window managers available: fvwm95, olwm, icewm,
 wmaker, and scwm. One of them automatically loads at boot up.
 I have searched through the various applications in the window manager,
 but I see no desktop. Do I have to edit a configuration file somewhere? Or
 do I need to go through the dselect process again?
 Sandy Shapiro
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ppp -- unauthorized remote IP address

2000-03-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Setting up a new dialin PPP server, and getting unauthorized remote IP
address upon dialin (from Win95/98). Had this problem last week
and fixed it by editing the pap-secrets file, but the same trick
hasn't worked this time.

Here's the options file:

asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

And options.ttyS2


And the pap-secrets file:

*   silly *
guest   silly   * -
master  silly   * -
rootsilly   * -
support silly   * -
stats   silly   * -

# some dialout connections..
silly   *   password
hamish * 'removed'

Any ideas?

Hamish, stumped.

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Brian Lavender
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 02:34:16PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
  but it just flashes the characters
 That's from the Master Boot Record program. 

I guess you are correct about this, because I took the drive and 
reformated it with dos, and it was able to boot. Does this mean
I am going to have to create a dos partition on the disk, and put
loadlin in it with the kernel, and have an autoexec which will in
turn boot linux?

Now, I did find the IDE patches, and I was able to create a boot disk
that will boot my system and find the drive on the controller. It would
just be nice if that MBR with lilo could start up my disk.

I will have to take a closer look at the UDMA howto. In the meantime,
I am having trouble with fmt seeing the full size of the disk. I have
the Large Drive HOWTO, but that does not seem to tell me exactly what
I need to type in, so fmt will use the proper parameters and see the full
20 Gigs.

Side note, my scsi system sure does seem a whole lot easier. Perhaps twice
the price for the same drive space is not so bad after all.


  I also tried booting with a floppy with IDE support, but it won't
  detect it either.
 The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use bootfloppies
 with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66 support (using the IDE
 patches from I'm not sure
 if potato's bootfloppies (will) support UDMA66.
 UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
 to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  
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Brian Lavender

strange thing in pap-secrets

2000-03-19 Thread Hamish Moffatt


On one of my servers, I had to put this in pap-secrets to allow dialins:

# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
*   silly *
hamish  silly
charles silly

without the particular user/IP lines, it wouldn't connet; unauthorized
remote IP address. The IPs are specified in the options.ttyS* files.

This server is running 2.3.11-1.3; I have another server running
2.3.11-1.1 which is working just fine. 

Any thoughts?

Re: RealPlayer, frozen and frustration

2000-03-19 Thread Joey Hess
 Now that I've upgraded to frozen, though, rvplayer5.0 always produces
 a segmentation fault; G2 has expired; and the performance I get with
 RealPlayer 7 (on the files that it will accept) is not great (it
 doesn't seem to handle buffering very well). 
 This doesn't feel like progress. What I would like most is to be able
 to run the old version (5.0) in frozen. Does anyone know of a way to
 solve the seg-fault problem? Or any insight into the `Invalid
 Metafile' problem?

Well, strictly speaking, the expiry of g2 has nothing to do with you

I've had reports that installing librx1 fixes the segfault problems. If
that doesn't work you can always run it in a chrooted slink system or
something. It's a library incompatability issue of some kind.

see shy jo

pass boot disk kernel parameters?

2000-03-19 Thread Brian Lavender
How do you create a boot disk where you can pass it kernel parameters
such as

append = hd=683,16,38 hd=64,32,202

I just grabbed the append specification from LILO stuff in the Running
Linux book [129]. The book says how to add it in lilo, but gives no
indication for putting the information onto a kernel boot disk.

Is there a way that you can specify these parameters with
rdev? I mean can you do 

# rdev ./vmlinuz /dev/hda6 hda=16383,16,63

Brian Lavender

Re: XEmacs use 'Alt' as 'Meta'

2000-03-19 Thread Brian Lavender
I just use xkeycaps to redefine the keys.
Check dselect for it. Am I following this thread correctly?


On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 04:55:23PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been rather fighting the inconsistancies myself. I might get to
 fixing up console someday.
 Oh yeah, there's something called ICCCM which xemacs follows under X which
 among other things describes  a method (IMO the Right Way)  to
 consistantly read and interpret keypresses.
 Basically (going from memory)
 Apps like Enlightenment and gnome seem to assume that any key that
 generates mod1 modifier is ALT
 ICCCM apps like xemacs assume that the shift keys that generate ALT_L
 and ALT_R with the same modifier bit, said bit not shared with any other
 shift keys, is ALT.
 Also assumes that the shift keys that generate META_L and META_R with a
 dictinct modifier bit (doesn't matter exactly WHICH modifier bit) is META.
 I mean, you can map SHIFT_L and SHIFT_R to use mod1 and Eterm will
 suddenly decide that pressing SHIFT+R will be ALT-R.
 People in general don't seem to care, at least not the last time I brought
 up the subject. See the list archives and the bug system.
 Heh, maybe I'll make a proposal in my spare time, if I could get at least
 one official developer to back me. This is on my list of peeves.
 Beiad Ian Q. Dalton
 On 18 Mar 2000, Brian May wrote:
   Sean == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sean On 16-Mar-2000 Joseph A. Martin wrote:
   Hello, I feel like this should be a simple thing to do, but I
   haven't been able to figure it out so far. I want XEmacs to my
   Left Alt key as the Meta key. It works like that when I am
   running XEmacs from the console. However, if I run XEmacs from
   XWindows ESC is my meta key and Left-Alt is not recognized by
   XEmacs. What do I need to change to have XEmacs in XWindows use
   Left-Alt as the Meta key?
  Sean if you have one, the windows key is bound as meta.
  Is it possible to use the windows key as meta in XEmacs for text mode
  sessions? I don't like this inconsistency... Some combinations work,
  others don't. Tested:
  text mode console: alt -- meta
  gnome-terminal:alt -- meta
  xterm: windows -- meta
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Brian Lavender

Re: zip drive on linux

2000-03-19 Thread Taupter
Arun V. Hodigere wrote:
 I was wondering if i could get a zip drive for linux. could
 anybody throw some light on this as to where i could get this ...

Well, if you are using an internal model it will be easily mounted as
/dev/hdX4, and nothing more.

If you are using a paralel port ZipDrive, you may have to recompile your
kernel with some options enabled, as described in


This page is lynx-friendly.


Re: swat for samba???

2000-03-19 Thread Brian Lavender
I just searched for swat in dselect and found it. I found it in usual
debian sources. Are you using apt sources? I have Samba 2.0.5 listed
in dselect.


On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 05:19:45PM +0100, FreeMan wrote:
 I would like to use swat on my Linux-box for easier configuration of 
 samba. I thought it would be a seperate package, but couldn't find 
 it in dselect. Do I just have to enable swat by a parameter in a 
 configuration file or is it really a seperate package and I have to get 
 it from somewhere?
 thanks for help!ks for help!

Brian Lavender

Re: Is the following part of /etc/security/access.conf?

2000-03-19 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:
 I have managed to mv files that I did not meant to. Can someone tell me if 
 following is part of /etc/security/access.conf?
 [03:49:10 /tmp]$ cat /etc/security/access.conf 
 auth   required
 password   required
 [03:50:18 /tmp]$ 
   An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

This is definetly not /etc/security/access.conf.
It's a PAM access file (probably /etc/pam.d/other).

Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 What is the correct gpm configuration for a Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2
 three-button wheel mouse ? I keep getting the following message in my

_possibly_ the right config may be imps (IntelliMousePS/2) - but that's
just an idea ...

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Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: SMB printing problems - solved

2000-03-19 Thread Stephan Hachinger

Yeah, I finally managed to set it up!!! I threw the magicfilter into the
trashcan and tried apsfilter. Not the .deb, but the newest (5.2 I think)
version from the author's homepage. And that can automatically be configured
to print via smbclient! It was so easy. I recommend it to all of you who
have any similar problems. It just works great!

No configuration work! No scripting! Almost easier than Windoze to set up
;-) (and working well though ;-)) !

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

 - Original Message -
 From: Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Stephan Hachinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 7:01 PM
 Subject: Re: SMB printing problems

  This isn't a solution to your particular problem, but I had similar
 difficulties setting up SMB, until I found SWAT.  I try to run a secure
 so I have to start swat only when I need it, but once you figure swat out
 (easier) then smb is simple to configure.  It is a Debian package.
  On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:55:20AM +0100, Stephan Hachinger wrote:
   I've been trying to set up printing via SMB to an Epson Stylus Color
   printer (//stephan/stylus600). The smbprint works when I call it with
   smbprint filename. So, I wanted that the lpd sends the files to
   filter epson-filter-remote, which filters them with a magicfilter and
   sends them to smbprint.
   But I did not succeed, although I tried to set it up according to some
   given in the debian-user archive.
   I attached my configuration files with their directories in a tar.gz.
   Can anyone please help me how to set it up? I'm currently using lpr
   (from hamm, I think) under a mixed slink/potato (glibc 2.1) system.
   Thanks, Kind regards,
   Stephan Hachinger

Re: Networking

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a question about networking.. here's the situation:
 I have 2 Debian boxes with Ethernet cards,  respective cabling. I have an
 on-campus Ethernet connection, with 1 static IP  1 etherjack allocated to me.
 Currently, I have the two PC's both online and configured to use the static
 IP, I read the Net-3  IP-Masq Howtos, and I am pretty sure I
 can configure one of the boxes as a firewall if I must.

 I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
  inet  hub --- box1
  +- box2 
 or do i need to do this:
of course you cannot do so, because the second box would need a separate
global ip.

  inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2
this is the right one, but you don't need the hub - a crossed tp-cable
would do it, too.

 And, if I do that second setup, won't I need two NIC's on box1, one ingoing 
 one outgoing?
you need two nics.

the inner net is configured with local IPs, like 172.16.96.x or
192.168.1.x (which are reserved for this purpose).

read the IP-Masquerade mini-howto!

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Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Ray == Ray  J.H.M. writes:

Ray On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 but it just flashes the characters

Ray That's from the Master Boot Record program. 

 I also tried booting with a floppy with IDE support, but it won't
 detect it either.

Ray The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use 
Ray with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66 support (using the IDE
Ray patches from I'm 
not sure
Ray if potato's bootfloppies (will) support UDMA66.

 Oh, so _that_ is what the ide kernel is for.  I wish the long
 description in the package would at least describe what it's for...

 Should we create another flavor ide?

Re: alternatives to gnotepad+

2000-03-19 Thread Chirag

- Original Message - 
From: Sean Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian User List
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: alternatives to gnotepad+


I don't know anything about gnotepad+.
But would vile(xvile) another vi clone a solution ?
I haven't tried it yet. This info is courtesy of another 
deb user. He says it is very efficient and he hates
Also what about kedit part of KDE. It  opens more than
one file simultaneously.



Mounting Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM

2000-03-19 Thread David Densmore
I just installed an old Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM and compiled kernel
support for it.  I think I have done everything right because the boot
messages list it at the right address and it seems to be named sbpcd-0.
It is also listed in /proc/devices as a block device.

But I can't figure out how to mount it.  I've tried things like:

mount -t iso9660 /dev/sbpcd-0 /cdrom

and every combination and permutation I can think of, but I just can't
figure out the proper command.  Anyone happen to know this?

Thank you,
David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Frozen, rsync

2000-03-19 Thread Antonio Rodriguez

Colin Watson wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
 Is there any way of knowing which packages from the frozen portion are
 already bug-free and completely ready to be included in the next release

 You can't be sure, but you can probably get a fairly good idea from
 looking for the packages that aren't on the release-critical bugs list
 posted regularly to debian-devel-announce (see the mailing list archives
 at We're now at the stage in the freeze where packages
 are only allowed to change for potato if they have release-critical bugs
 that need fixing, though core packages like libc6 and dpkg and debconf
 and the like may well be exceptions to this. I'd say, then, that if you
 made a list of all packages with priority Standard or lower and excluded
 those with RC bugs you'd get quite an accurate list.

 The reason is that I plan to prepare my own CDs next time, so I
 thought could be a good idea to start collecting packages so that when I
 run the rsync it can get most from my hard disk storage. I wonder how
 usable will the slink Cds be for that purpose.

 I'm not sure I understand this last bit ...

What I meant was: Perhaps part of the code from the slink packages is used in 
the code
for the new packages, hence could (???) be used by the rsync program when it is 
run. I
have no idea if it is possible. I noticed that, for example, xcdroast is about 
same version.

 Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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IP Masq'ing problem

2000-03-19 Thread David Grill Watson
I have a very strange problem with IP  masquerading.  If I just set it up for 
basic access (nothing unusual, just masquerading for the in-house LAN thru my 
box which has a RoadRunner connection), everything is peacy - except that my 
brother can't play Jedi Knight over the 'net.

I know how to set it up to do that, and it's actually fairly simple:

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 2300 2400 -h 
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 2300 2400 -h 
( is his computer when it's in windows)

But that has one very obnoxious side affect - after a while (half an hour? an 
hour?), I can connect to no websites (it says it's contacting them, but no 
reply) from either the masq'ing box or machines behind it.  I can, however, 
use ICQ and ssh with no problems at all.

The problems don't go away if I stop the masquerading for those ports - and 
even if I unload the kernel module!  The only way I can fix it is to reboot.

If anyone has the slightest idea what might be the problem, please let me 
know - it's driving all of us nuts!


PS: I'm using kernel 2.2.14, and the latest woody, just in case you want to 

Re: Mounting Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I just installed an old Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM and compiled kernel
 support for it.  I think I have done everything right because the boot
 messages list it at the right address and it seems to be named sbpcd-0.
 It is also listed in /proc/devices as a block device.
 But I can't figure out how to mount it.  I've tried things like:
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/sbpcd-0 /cdrom
this one should be ok.
does the directory /cdrom exist? it must exist.
try less /dev/sbpcd-0 to see, if it is a problem with the mounting
itself or with accessing the cd-rom.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: no merit from using DMA-66?

2000-03-19 Thread Vachirasuk

I think I am trying to measure data transfer rate from harddisk. I
have read UDMA-mini-HOWTO on LDP site and it also said UDMA drives
will give you between 10 and 15 MB/s using UDMA mode 2 (33 MB/s) or 4
(66 MB/s) enabled. If the DTR never gets higher than 33MB/sec then
why use DMA-66, since there is no performance improvement? How come
benchmark under Win98 gave me DTR of DMA-66 drive 2 times of normal
DMA-33 drive? Am I misunderstanding something here?



Vachirasuk Setalaphruk
ISE, Osaka University

From: Stephan Hachinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: no merit from using DMA-66?
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:35:53 +0100

 Are you really sure you're measuring the maximal bus speed?
 Because the bus speed (UDMA33=33MB/sec; UDMA66=66MB/sec) is only the maximum
 data rate which can be transferred. However, the magnetic disk can never be
 that fast, so that data rates of 16MB/sec are quite normal and not bad.
 25MB/sec must be a very good hard disk. So, just don't worry, this high data
 rates can only be reached if the data comes from the HDD cache over the bus.
 Kind Regards,
 Stephan Hachinger

Re: IP Masq'ing problem

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a very strange problem with IP  masquerading.  If I just set it up for 
 basic access (nothing unusual, just masquerading for the in-house LAN thru my 
 box which has a RoadRunner connection), everything is peacy - except that my 
 brother can't play Jedi Knight over the 'net.

 If anyone has the slightest idea what might be the problem, please let me 
 know - it's driving all of us nuts!
you wanted any ideas, so here is mine:
possibly the winblows game does not close sockets, but opens more and more
new ones, which leads to some kind of resource shortage in the linux
kernel. try what happens, if you shutdown the machine on which the game
runs and wait some time (i have no idea, how long). the masqueraded
connections should time-out after a couple of time - look at the kernel
source to see, how long. 
this is not proved knowledge, but something i darkly remember from my
kernel studies ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

MS Frontpage

2000-03-19 Thread Werner Reisberger
Does anybody know how to install Frontpage Server Extension on a Debian
system with libc6? 

I was able to compile Apache with the frontpage module but the installation
of the extension failed becaused the binary therein are compiled against
libc5 and there aren't any sources @=

I hate this stuff but some customers wants it.

-- Werner

Re: strange thing in pap-secrets

2000-03-19 Thread Josip Rodin
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 04:54:14PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On one of my servers, I had to put this in pap-secrets to allow dialins:
 # Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
 * silly *
 charles   silly
 without the particular user/IP lines, it wouldn't connet; unauthorized
 remote IP address. The IPs are specified in the options.ttyS* files.

Let me get this straight: you used this form:

usernamehostname  *

And the client specified its own IP address, but it didn't work?

Try using ipcp-accept-local or ipcp-accept-remote options, and read
/usr/doc/ppp/README.STATIC-IP... I guess that could work.

I remember seeing a very similar problem once... I also remember fixing it
by typing the password in the pap-secrets :)

 This server is running 2.3.11-1.3; I have another server running
 2.3.11-1.1 which is working just fine. 

No changes to pppd itself have been made between those two versions, just
packaging changes.

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-19 Thread ferret

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

  What is the correct gpm configuration for a Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2
  three-button wheel mouse ? I keep getting the following message in my
 _possibly_ the right config may be imps (IntelliMousePS/2) - but that's
 just an idea ...

From experience in my shop: imps2 works with the retail Mman+ mice (the
logitech logo on top) but not with the OEM Mman+ mice (the mouse drawing
on top), and I think it's been posted before.

potato: mgetty and strange new behavior at startup

2000-03-19 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
I'm using mgetty on a modem so I can call in from elsewhere.  I also
have pppd set up to use the same modem to dial out.  This arrangement
was working quite well for a long time.  Now at startup, mgetty is not
releasing the modem, and if I kill it, init restarts it with the same

The problem seems to be that exactly described in the mgetty info page
for BSD systems.  Quoting:

   I think it works quite well, except that the `VTIME' mechanism to
   timeout `read()' calls doesn't work in older *BSD versions. If
   `mgetty' hangs, with the last line in the log file being something
   like waiting for line to clear, upgrade your kernel, or, if you
   can't do that, compile `mgetty' with `-DBROKEN_VTIME' (in that case,
   select() will be used).

I get this impression from the log file, which says:

03/19 07:02:23 yS2  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.21-Jul24
03/19 07:02:23 yS2  check for lockfiles
03/19 07:02:23 yS2   checklock: stat failed, no file
03/19 07:02:23 yS2  locking the line
03/19 07:02:23 yS2   makelock(ttyS2) called
03/19 07:02:23 yS2   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS2'
03/19 07:02:23 yS2   lock made
03/19 07:02:24 yS2   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR RI
03/19 07:02:24 yS2  lowering DTR to reset Modem
03/19 07:02:24 yS2   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
03/19 07:02:24 yS2   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
03/19 07:02:24 yS2   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 

I say this behavior occurs at startup because the last time I started
up (about a week or more ago) I manually removed the inittab entry for
mgetty, locked ttyS2, reinserted the inittab entry, and once ttyS2 was
unlocked, mgetty behaved normally.  Maybe this was a fluke.

The only think I can think of is that mgetty's using a depreciated
/proc interface that I didn't compile compatibility for in my latest

Other ideas?  Solutions?

Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-19 Thread FIOL BONNIN Antonio

I have a similar problem. Everything is OK with X with config:

Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse
ZAxisMapping 4 5

With gpm, I have tried type=imps2. No good, but...
when switching off gpm (/etc/init.d/gpm stop) with that config, and
relaunching it with type=ps2 in the config file (as I had it before trying
to use the wheel), it works.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


Re: want to install debian over redhat

2000-03-19 Thread Chirag

- Original Message -
From: Julie San Shang Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject: want to install debian over redhat

Did you try  making installation boot disks and start installation from
If you have enough disk space it is better to have a separate installation
rather than replacing  redhat.


 Hi All,

 When I try to install Debian 2.1 from the CD, the system hangs with
 the following error message:

 VFS kernel panic unable to mount root fs on 01:00

 I have tried various workarounds including:

 linux root=/dev/hdc

 which kind of worked but then ended up with unable to load initial

 This appears to be a common problem,
 however I have not seen a solution out there that has worked.
 Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks

Unidentified subject!

2000-03-19 Thread oden

FreeS/WAN as debian package?

2000-03-19 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I trid to find the FreeS/Wan package ( )
in the debian non-us ditribution. However I was unable to find it.
Are there any plans to include it?
Wojciech Zabolotny  Free DOS for free people!

Making the Windows key work

2000-03-19 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can someone explain (or point me to the correct
documentation for) the procedure for making the
Windows key pop up the start menu for the kde, fvwm or
icewm desktops? 

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

URGENT: libwww-perl: automated form filling

2000-03-19 Thread Alberto Maurizi

Hi all, Debian people.

I'm quite new to perl and, in particular to libwww-perl.
I fell on it because I was looking for some API to write
www clients to automatically fill forms.

The problem I have is that I cannot get the same result from
the server as I obtain using a web browser. What happens is
that the result is the same document I use as HTTP::Request while,
if I use a web browser, clicking the submit button I get 
a second document.

Does anybody know/understand the problem?
Where to find source of information/examples?
Is there any better solution than libwww-perl?
(note that the problem persists using lynx -post_data)

Thanks in advance,
Alberto Maurizi

police dimension on X

2000-03-19 Thread herve
I upgraded my Potatoe for one month, since a little problem appears:
the font dimension is big on certain applications ( for example
Netscape, the gimp...) and I can't modify their. I try to modify
XF86Config without effect.
Is anybody meeting the same problem? 
From what may this problem come from?


Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a similar problem. Everything is OK with X with config:
 Section Pointer
 Device  /dev/mouse
 ZAxisMapping 4 5
 With gpm, I have tried type=imps2. No good, but...
 when switching off gpm (/etc/init.d/gpm stop) with that config, and
 relaunching it with type=ps2 in the config file (as I had it before trying
 to use the wheel), it works.
hehe - i had the reverse effect: when x is configured for imps/2, then i
HAVE TO run gpm with imps2 - in the other case i get only protocoll

as somebody already mentioned before me, only one type of logitech-mice
works well for sure: the boxed version. the oem version has a zilog-chip,
which is (was(?)) not supported. the so-called bulk-version might work
or not. newer versions seem not to work (they have the zilog-chip also).
there is a reference to a nice page about wheel-mice in the
3-button-mouse mini-howto. the url is

however - X has (had(?)) the problem with the zilog chips, too. but
possibly this has been fixed.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread Sven Esbjerg

I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2 month old
potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a Matrox G400. The
kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from hedrik). X freezes totally
after a few days of use. Sometimes I'm able to go to a console and kill X as
root other times it's necessary to log in from another workstation and kill X
remotely - this is due to fact the my keyboard freezes too...
Today it went really awfull. I wanted to try CivCTP on Linux to test the
performance of my box. In the middle of the game everything freezes and I turn
to another workstation to kill X remotely. This time it's not enough. I have to
reboot the machine to get some new output on the monitor.

Now my questions are:
Has anyone else experienced the same kind of instability?
Does anyone know if this could be due to...
- kernel instability?
- X instability?
- my hardware?
- potato instability?

The fact is that I really hate to reboot my machine - it feels like I'm running
X is XFree86 version 3.3.6-6 (svga). Mboard is Abit BP6 (not OC'ed).

Sven Esbjerg

I have a hardware question.

2000-03-19 Thread Charlie Ebert
I am currently running Mandrake 7.0 Air and have become inspired by
I want to run Debian.

Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound Blaster
Live audio card.

If I install Slink, do I get support for these two peices of hardware?
Or do I have to wait for Potato to come out?

I've spent 5-6 days attempting to find the answer to this question
looking at other sources and
I can't seem to answer my question alone.

I know these two hardware items ARE supported in the LINUX of today but
does the LINUX of today
cover any of the 2.1 releases???

Thanks in advance


Re: URGENT: libwww-perl: automated form filling

2000-03-19 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 07:22:13PM +0100, Alberto Maurizi wrote:
   Hi all, Debian people.
   I'm quite new to perl and, in particular to libwww-perl.
   I fell on it because I was looking for some API to write
   www clients to automatically fill forms.
   The problem I have is that I cannot get the same result from
   the server as I obtain using a web browser. What happens is
   that the result is the same document I use as HTTP::Request while,
   if I use a web browser, clicking the submit button I get 
   a second document.
   Does anybody know/understand the problem?
   Where to find source of information/examples?
   Is there any better solution than libwww-perl?
   (note that the problem persists using lynx -post_data)
   Thanks in advance,
   Alberto Maurizi

Please don't use a subject containing URGENT unless there is some reason
for it.  Is a nuclear reactor likely to go into meltdown if you don't
solve this within 2 hours ?

If you don't post the code in your program which you suspect to be
wrong, you will receive little help other that general guidelines.
Post the code.  We are not psychics.  (Well, I'm not, anyway :-)

Documentation.  If there is a Guiness Book of World Records award for
quantity and quality of free documentation.  I'm fairly sure the answer
you need lies in the HTTP::Request or HTTP::Request::Common manpages.
The latter has an example POSTing to a web server.

Unless you are doing something advanced, (and in most instances if you
are) libwww-perl will do everything you need.  Better to solve the
problem using the appropriate tool than embark on a different solution
with an inferior one.


Re: X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
hi sven,

i'm experiencing this kind of freezes, too.
i also use kernel 2.2.14, but i'm not running debian (but suse) and use
xfree 3.3.5.
the programm that causes these freezes _seems_ to be netscape, but who
knows for sure ...
maybe because i own an abit board, too (it's a bx6) ...

 I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2 month old
 potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a Matrox G400. The
 kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from hedrik). X freezes 
 after a few days of use. Sometimes I'm able to go to a console and kill X as
 root other times it's necessary to log in from another workstation and kill X
 remotely - this is due to fact the my keyboard freezes too...
 Today it went really awfull. I wanted to try CivCTP on Linux to test the
 performance of my box. In the middle of the game everything freezes and I turn
 to another workstation to kill X remotely. This time it's not enough. I have 
 reboot the machine to get some new output on the monitor.
 Now my questions are:
 Has anyone else experienced the same kind of instability?
 Does anyone know if this could be due to...
   - kernel instability?
   - X instability?
   - my hardware?
   - potato instability?
 The fact is that I really hate to reboot my machine - it feels like I'm 
 X is XFree86 version 3.3.6-6 (svga). Mboard is Abit BP6 (not OC'ed).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: I have a hardware question.

2000-03-19 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:05:08PM -0600, Charlie Ebert wrote:
 Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound Blaster
 Live audio card.
 If I install Slink, do I get support for these two peices of hardware?
 Or do I have to wait for Potato to come out?

If you install Slink you will _not_ be able to use the mentioned hardware. I
don't even know about potato (aka 2.2). UDMA-66 is not supported in the
standard 2.2 kernel that potato uses. I don't know if the kernel-images will be
patched eventually. The same goes for SB-Live. However you can allways install
from the UDMA-33 contoller patch and rebuild your kernel and then switch
controller. The SB-Live software is a kernel module that you can add easely

Sven Esbjerg

Re: Networking

2000-03-19 Thread Hecubus
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

  I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
   inet  hub --- box1
   +- box2 

 of course you cannot do so, because the second box would need a
 separate global ip.

Yes, you can do so, as long as you tell box2 to route its traffic through
box1. You did know that the gateway is a wholly logical and not physical
connection, didn't you? If it's possible to give Box2 a global IP, then do
it. Conversely, box2 can have an internal IP, but that doesn't mean that
it needs to be directly physically connected to box1. 

   inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2

 this is the right one, but you don't need the hub - a crossed tp-cable
 would do it, too.

...unless you want to add more boxes at any point.

  And, if I do that second setup, won't I need two NIC's on box1, one
  ingoing  one outgoing?

 you need two nics.

...for setup2; not setup1. You can assign multiple IPs to 1 NIC.


Re: I have a hardware question.

2000-03-19 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 I know these two hardware items ARE supported in the LINUX of today but
 does the LINUX of today
 cover any of the 2.1 releases???

The support for devices is not in Linux distributions, but in the kernel
itself. Currently, the default kernel installed in slink is the 2.0.36
series, but you can download and install latest kernel without any
problems (

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -||   --All the pages bundled together.   -|  If one does not work, try another :)
 UIN 12402354

 To get my GnuPG public key, go to

Re: I have a hardware question.

2000-03-19 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Charlie == Charlie Ebert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am currently running Mandrake 7.0 Air and have become inspired
 by Debian.  I want to run Debian.

 Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound
 Blaster Live audio card.

 If I install Slink, do I get support for these two peices of
 hardware?  Or do I have to wait for Potato to come out?

I'm pretty sure that slink will not support these two.  Actually, I
don't thing Debian will ever support SB Live right out of the box due
to the licencing of the SB Live drivers.  You'll have to roll your
own, which I think has been fairly successful.  (People are free to
Correct me if I'm wrong.)  

As for Ultra-66, I'm not sure if that made it into frozen.  I thought
that Ultra-66 is only in the 2.3+ kernels...But I don't have one, so I
can't say from experience.

 I've spent 5-6 days attempting to find the answer to this
 question looking at other sources and I can't seem to answer my
 question alone.

 I know these two hardware items ARE supported in the LINUX of
 today but does the LINUX of today cover any of the 2.1

 Thanks in advance


 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

one machine, two IP addresses?

2000-03-19 Thread Ross Boylan

I usually dial-up to my ISP and get an assigned IP address for the session.
I am thinking of connecting my ethernet card to a network, so I might have 
two connections at once.

My understanding is that the IP address comes from the ethernet card 
(hmm... but then it couldn't be assigned in a local network, so probably 
this is wrong..).  At any rate, is there a problem with the machine doing 
both networks at once?


Re: Networking

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
   I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
inet  hub --- box1
+- box2 
  of course you cannot do so, because the second box would need a
  separate global ip.
 Yes, you can do so, as long as you tell box2 to route its traffic through
 box1. You did know that the gateway is a wholly logical and not physical
 connection, didn't you? If it's possible to give Box2 a global IP, then do
 it. Conversely, box2 can have an internal IP, but that doesn't mean that
 it needs to be directly physically connected to box1. 
yes, you're perfectly right, but it would not work in my student's
dormitory, because our hubs lockup when they detect a unregistered
mac-address. also, it may run into conflict with other computers
configured that way.
well, these are configuration-specific questions ...

inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2
  this is the right one, but you don't need the hub - a crossed tp-cable
  would do it, too.
 ...unless you want to add more boxes at any point.
yes, but nobody mentioned more then one host to masquerade.

   And, if I do that second setup, won't I need two NIC's on box1, one
   ingoing  one outgoing?
  you need two nics.
 ...for setup2; not setup1. You can assign multiple IPs to 1 NIC.
as stated obove ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: one machine, two IP addresses?

2000-03-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I usually dial-up to my ISP and get an assigned IP address for the session.
 I am thinking of connecting my ethernet card to a network, so I might have 
 two connections at once.
 My understanding is that the IP address comes from the ethernet card 
 (hmm... but then it couldn't be assigned in a local network, so probably 
 this is wrong..).  At any rate, is there a problem with the machine doing 
 both networks at once?
well, you can also configure multiple IPs for one NIC (see one of the
previous post). a dialup connection will have it's IP, too. and: you can
even set up dummy-devices with an own IP.
there would be absolutely no problem with your config.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Networking

2000-03-19 Thread mcmi0037
   I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
inet  hub --- box1
+- box2 
 Yes, you can do so, as long as you tell box2 to route its traffic through
 box1. You did know that the gateway is a wholly logical and not physical
 connection, didn't you? If it's possible to give Box2 a global IP, then do
 it. Conversely, box2 can have an internal IP, but that doesn't mean that
 it needs to be directly physically connected to box1. 

So, given this configuration, I should be able to:
configure box1 to handle IP-Masq
ifconfig eth0 on box1 to the inet addr
add default route to my internet gateway ( on box1
configure eth0 on box1 to the localnet addr -- how do i do this?
ifconfig eth0 on box2 to the localnet addr
add as gateway machine for box2 

Is this right? And how do I set up the 1 NIC (on box1) to respond to both and

inet --- box1 --- hub --- box2
  this is the right one, but you don't need the hub - a crossed tp-cable
  would do it, too.
 ...unless you want to add more boxes at any point.

I think I've decided I will go with a hub, because I may try something like
this at home over the summer, which would need to include 2 more boxes. And
the hub might come in handy anyways.

Thanks for the help,

KDE (was Re: alternatives to gnotepad+)

2000-03-19 Thread Jonathan Nieder

Also what about kedit part of KDE. It  opens more than
 one file simultaneously.

BTW, are there .debs for KDE in Debian?  I tried GNOME,
but it wasn't really my kind of desktop, and KDE looks


Jonathan Nieder
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: police dimension on X

2000-03-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 06:40:09PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I upgraded my Potatoe for one month, since a little problem appears:
 the font dimension is big on certain applications ( for example
 Netscape, the gimp...) and I can't modify their. I try to modify
 XF86Config without effect.
 Is anybody meeting the same problem? 
 From what may this problem come from?

Are you using a font server? (xfs,xfstt). You want to reorder you font
dpis to 75,75,100,100 in /etc/X11/xfs/config. If your not using a font
server, then do a similar thing in /etc/X11/XF86Config by putting the
FontPath entries for somepath/75dpi:unscaled and somepath/75dpi
before the similar somepath/100dpi versions. 

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

How to configure ls colors

2000-03-19 Thread Andreas Sliwka
  how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of manual
for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...

  Andreas Sliwka   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   f y cn rd ths y mst hv bn sng nx 
GCS/MU/L d-(+) S:++ a- C++$ UL++$ P++$ L+++$ E--- W+$ N++ o-- K- w-- O- !M !V
PS+(++) PE Y+ PGP++ t(+) 5+ X- R tv+ b+++ DI++ D G e+ h- r++ x+++

RE: KDE (was Re: alternatives to gnotepad+)

2000-03-19 Thread Bart Szyszka
 BTW, are there .debs for KDE in Debian?  I tried GNOME,
 but it wasn't really my kind of desktop, and KDE looks

Yep, take a look at:

Unless I'm mistaken, KDE2 will be included in Debian's site because of
all the licensing changes, but for noe is where you can get
KDE1 from.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread Bob Nielsen

I'm seeing this with netscape 4.72 (libc6 version), 2.2.14 and
xserver-svga 3.3.6-6.  If I bring up netscape, click on the location
box and start to type, it will freeze every time.  If I wait a few
seconds after clicking on the box, the vertical cursor line will appear
in the box and I can type without incident.

On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 08:10:06PM +0100, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
 hi sven,
 i'm experiencing this kind of freezes, too.
 i also use kernel 2.2.14, but i'm not running debian (but suse) and use
 xfree 3.3.5.
 the programm that causes these freezes _seems_ to be netscape, but who
 knows for sure ...
 maybe because i own an abit board, too (it's a bx6) ...
  I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2 month 
  potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a Matrox G400. The
  kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from hedrik). X freezes 
  after a few days of use. Sometimes I'm able to go to a console and kill X as
  root other times it's necessary to log in from another workstation and kill 
  remotely - this is due to fact the my keyboard freezes too...
  Today it went really awfull. I wanted to try CivCTP on Linux to test the
  performance of my box. In the middle of the game everything freezes and I 
  to another workstation to kill X remotely. This time it's not enough. I 
  have to
  reboot the machine to get some new output on the monitor.
  Now my questions are:
  Has anyone else experienced the same kind of instability?
  Does anyone know if this could be due to...
  - kernel instability?
  - X instability?
  - my hardware?
  - potato instability?
  The fact is that I really hate to reboot my machine - it feels like I'm 
  X is XFree86 version 3.3.6-6 (svga). Mboard is Abit BP6 (not OC'ed).
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
 Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.
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Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

Re: X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread John Hasler
Sven Esbjerg writes:
 I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X.

Mine does.

 I have a 2 month old potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte
 ram and a Matrox G400. The kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the
 IDE-patch from hedrik).

Dual Pentium III, Tyan S1837UANG mb, 384MB RAM, Matrox G400, Adaptec 7896
UW2 SCSI, kernel compiled from kernel-source-2.2.14, xserver-svga 3.3.6-3.
Sound locks up the filesystem, but I've had no problems with X.  Current
uptime is five days.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: How to configure ls colors

2000-03-19 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Andreas == Andreas Sliwka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind
 of manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
 /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...

Try man dircolours and info dircolors.

 mfg -- Andreas Sliwka | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | f y cn rd ths y mst hv
 bn sng nx --BEGIN GEEK CODE V3.12 BLOCK- GCS/MU/L d-(+)
 S:++ a- C++$ UL++$ P++$ L+++$ E--- W+$ N++ o-- K- w-- O- !M !V
 PS+(++) PE Y+ PGP++ t(+) 5+ X- R tv+ b+++ DI++ D G e+ h- r++
 x+++ ---END GEEK CODE V3.12 BLOCK--

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ATAPI tape drives.

2000-03-19 Thread Edward Mulholland

The linux hardward compatability HOWTO at
says the following about ATAPI tape drives:

 ATAPI tape drives
 For these an alpha driver (ide-tape.c) is available in the kernel.

 ATAPI tape drives supported are 

 Seagate TapeStor 8000
 Conner CTMA 4000 IDE ATAPI Streaming tape drive 

Does anyone know whether these are the only supported ATAPI tape drives,
or just examples?  I received another model of ATAPI tape drive (Sony
SuperStation) as a gift and I want to be sure that it is totally useless
before I return it.

Thanks for reading my message,

Ed Mulholland

Re: How to configure ls colors

2000-03-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:09:23PM +0100, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
 Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of
 manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
 /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...

From man ls:
  control  whether  color is used to distinguish file
  types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'

I have this in my $HOME/.bashrc:

export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
eval `dircolors`
alias ls='ls -F $LS_OPTIONS'   #The -F appends a character for type.
alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: KDE (was Re: alternatives to gnotepad+)

2000-03-19 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 15:10:49 -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
 Unless I'm mistaken, KDE2 will be included in Debian's site because of
 all the licensing changes

You are probably mistaken. While there is a license change in that KDE2 uses
Qt2 which unlike Qt1 which KDE1 uses is free, the license under which Qt2 is
licensed (the QPL) is incompatible with the license of most of KDE2 (the

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: Frozen, rsync

2000-03-19 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
Colin Watson wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
 The reason is that I plan to prepare my own CDs next time, so I
 thought could be a good idea to start collecting packages so that when I
 run the rsync it can get most from my hard disk storage. I wonder how
 usable will the slink Cds be for that purpose.

 I'm not sure I understand this last bit ...

What I meant was: Perhaps part of the code from the slink packages is
used in the code for the new packages, hence could (???) be used by the
rsync program when it is run. I have no idea if it is possible. I
noticed that, for example, xcdroast is about the same version.

In an ideal world ...

Unfortunately, it doesn't really work like that. If you were compiling
everything from source then you might be able to take advantage of
common code (though only if rsync can see inside .tar.gz files, which I
rather doubt somehow).

However, I suspect you're collecting binary packages. In that case then
the fact that most packages will have been recompiled for glibc2.1
between slink and potato, and that rsync won't be able to deal with
those differences efficiently either, will clobber you too.

In a few cases you'll get lucky: xcdroast, as you mention, is the same
version in both distributions, so you won't need to download it again.
But by and large I'm afraid you'll just have to do the full downloads.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

help with ppp-- Linux-eth0- windoze home network

2000-03-19 Thread esoR ocsirF
Hello fellow Dusers,
I am (and have been) trying to get my home machines running with the
following configuration. So Far I have had little success.

I have Debian Box (Potato) configured with ppp (Love it!)
My wife has a winblows box (Hate it!)
Both have ethernet cards and are cabled to each other.
Want to have dynamic ppp go up on Lin box when Win box asks 
for internet access. I think I also want some sort of IP masq. so that
Both boxes can use the net at the same time. Also want to print serve
for the win box (probably with samba) from the Lin box. It would be nice
to remote mount drive from lin box on win box but not necessary.

So far I can't even get the win box to ping my linux box. I have read
HOWTO's for Ethernet, NET-3, Networking, ... Have tried routing and
ifconfig to no avail.

Kernel Sees the ethernet card, Winbox sees the ethernet card, so I think
the hardware part is OK. This seems like a fairly common thing to do but
I have been getting nowhere. Is there a [mini-|]HOWTO somewhere on this
that I missed? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 07:58:34PM +0100, Sven Esbjerg wrote:
 I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2
 month old potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a
 Matrox G400. The kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from
 hedrik). X freezes totally after a few days of use. 

I'm running quite similar setup to your and I haven't had any lockups
after I flashed the BIOS. Before that I experienced crashes every now
and then, even without OC'ing. Since the BIOS flash I haven't had any
lockups, it's stable even if overclocked.

My system is a potato :), with 2.2.14 kernel compiled from the original
sources, Matrox Mystique 220, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dual-celeron and an Abit BP6.

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: no merit from using DMA-66?

2000-03-19 Thread Stephan Hachinger

That has something to do with your hard disk cache. Because, when the data
requested by the PC happens to be in the internal cache (typically
512k-2megs), it can be transferrred to the mainboard at full bus speed rate!
That's an improvement of UDMA! And, the interfaces are always a little bit
faster, then the disks are getting faster, and then they make a new
interface standard again. That's how it always is, because, it is better to
not to have problems with a slow interface.

So, either your benchmark doesn't manage to switch off the cache for its
measure or it only shows you the highest bus speed rate. But, 33MB/66MB is
definitely not a data rate any recent IDE HDD can achieve.

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

- Original Message -
From: Vachirasuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: no merit from using DMA-66?


 I think I am trying to measure data transfer rate from harddisk. I
 have read UDMA-mini-HOWTO on LDP site and it also said UDMA drives
 will give you between 10 and 15 MB/s using UDMA mode 2 (33 MB/s) or 4
 (66 MB/s) enabled. If the DTR never gets higher than 33MB/sec then
 why use DMA-66, since there is no performance improvement? How come
 benchmark under Win98 gave me DTR of DMA-66 drive 2 times of normal
 DMA-33 drive? Am I misunderstanding something here?



 Vachirasuk Setalaphruk
 ISE, Osaka University

 From: Stephan Hachinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: no merit from using DMA-66?
 Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:35:53 +0100

  Are you really sure you're measuring the maximal bus speed?
  Because the bus speed (UDMA33=33MB/sec; UDMA66=66MB/sec) is only the
  data rate which can be transferred. However, the magnetic disk can never
  that fast, so that data rates of 16MB/sec are quite normal and not bad.
  25MB/sec must be a very good hard disk. So, just don't worry, this high
  rates can only be reached if the data comes from the HDD cache over the
  Kind Regards,
  Stephan Hachinger

Re: How to configure ls colors

2000-03-19 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:25:06PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:09:23PM +0100, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
  Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of
  manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
  /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
 From man ls:
 control  whether  color is used to distinguish file
 types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'
 I have this in my $HOME/.bashrc:
 export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
 eval `dircolors`
 alias ls='ls -F $LS_OPTIONS'   #The -F appends a character for type.
 alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
 alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'

I think Andreas meant how to change the mapping between extension and
colour.  This is all controlled by the environment variable LS_COLORS.
I had to change this to show .mpeg in the same colour as .mpg

Enter 'set | grep LS_COLORS' to see the current value.

man dircolors tells you all you need to know.  

Basically, dump your existing colours to a file, e.g. to ~/.dircolors, 
using the -p option, then edit the file to suit your situation.  Full 
instructions concerning the values and properties are written into the 

To use the file, use the following as part of your shell startup e.g.

export LS_OPTIONS='--color=always'
eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`

inside your ~/.bashrc or equiv.

Hope that helps.


Re: X stability issue

2000-03-19 Thread aphro
this is normal, netscape is trying to resolve some domain names during
that point..and i guess because of its single-threadedness(?) that it
freezes during resolution(found it when running an strace on the process)

happens on every version of netscape/X i have used be it linux libc5 linux
libc6, or irix


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:

nielse I'm seeing this with netscape 4.72 (libc6 version), 2.2.14 and
nielse xserver-svga 3.3.6-6.  If I bring up netscape, click on the location
nielse box and start to type, it will freeze every time.  If I wait a few
nielse seconds after clicking on the box, the vertical cursor line will appear
nielse in the box and I can type without incident.
nielse On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 08:10:06PM +0100, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
nielse  hi sven,
nielse  i'm experiencing this kind of freezes, too.
nielse  i also use kernel 2.2.14, but i'm not running debian (but suse) and 
nielse  xfree 3.3.5.
nielse  the programm that causes these freezes _seems_ to be netscape, but who
nielse  knows for sure ...
nielse  maybe because i own an abit board, too (it's a bx6) ...
nielse   I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 
2 month old
nielse   potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a Matrox 
G400. The
nielse   kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from hedrik). X 
freezes totally
nielse   after a few days of use. Sometimes I'm able to go to a console and 
kill X as
nielse   root other times it's necessary to log in from another workstation 
and kill X
nielse   remotely - this is due to fact the my keyboard freezes too...
nielse   Today it went really awfull. I wanted to try CivCTP on Linux to 
test the
nielse   performance of my box. In the middle of the game everything freezes 
and I turn
nielse   to another workstation to kill X remotely. This time it's not 
enough. I have to
nielse   reboot the machine to get some new output on the monitor.
nielse   Now my questions are:
nielse   Has anyone else experienced the same kind of instability?
nielse   Does anyone know if this could be due to...
nielse   - kernel instability?
nielse   - X instability?
nielse   - my hardware?
nielse   - potato instability?
nielse   The fact is that I really hate to reboot my machine - it feels like 
I'm running
nielse   Windows.
nielse   X is XFree86 version 3.3.6-6 (svga). Mboard is Abit BP6 (not OC'ed).
nielse  -- 
nielse  Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
nielse  --
nielse  Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.
nielse  -- 
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nielse -- 
nielse Bob Nielsen, N7XY (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nielse Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77
nielse -- 
nielse Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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   Vice President Network Operations
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1:08pm up 213 days, 1:40, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.04, 1.07

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Percival

It really sucks, basically.  I found out that I had to track down the 
manufacturer of my large hard drive, get the specs from them, and then pass 
them on to cfdisk/fdisk and ignore the warnings that those programs gave me.  I 
also remember that one of them sinply would not work (fdisk, I think), so I had 
to use cfdisk and specify the CHS specs.  But then it worked great!  I was 
installing SuSE at the time, which has cfdisk in the install ramdisk.  Beware 
of strangeness - some drives have multiple CHS specs, as they respond to 
different 'virtual' setting.  


On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:51:59PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 How do you specify the CHS specs? 
 THis has been a big delima. The Large Hard Drive HOW-TO talks about it,
 and boom, doesn't say anything as far as how-to do it.
 On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:18:15PM -0800, Percival wrote:
  I have found that with large drives (8G+) you have to manually specify the 
  CHS specs to fdisk (or cfdisk) when creating partitions, or you end up with 
  non-reliable partitions (I suspect that this might be true with fdisk under 
  DOS as well).
  I didn't think that ATA/66 specs added anything other than more data lines 
  for faster data transfer.  Are there new specs for controll as well?
  On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:46:10PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
   On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:41:43PM -0800, Percival wrote:

Do you have more than one drive in the computer?  
   Yes, in fact I am doing raid1. 
   I built one half of the raid, transferred the files to the raid from 
   partitions. changed the /etc/fstab to boot using the /dev/mdx devices, 
   did a hotraidadd on the original devices, and there I was. 
   I have been able to totally boot from a floppy. I have the kernel rdev to 
   /dev/hdc6 which is one half of the raid. 
   Now I have a little more to this story. I booted with a dos disk. I 
   the first disk with fat32, and the controller will totally boot to it. Now
   I am trying to go back and reformat that disk, and hotraidadd that half to
   it again. I also have the patched lilo, so it can boot a raid device. My 
   problem is I can't get fmt to recognize the whole disk. When I start 
   it sees the 20 Gigs, but it says the existing partition is exceeding the 
   physical limits of the disk. In thought maybe I could just start adding 
   partitions, but it seems that once I reach 2 Gigs, that is the limit. So,
   partitioning is first. Then back to making the Ultra 66 boot. 
   Like I believe I said, I could create a dos partition on the disk. That 
   would be a yucky kludge though.

The reason I ask is that the error you are getting is far before linux 
gets involved.  It seems to me that you have two partitions set active 
(DOS terms) that is, two partitions set bootable (normal term).

Also, from what I understand, you do not need any special support or 
anything to use UDMA/66 drives - they are backward compatible.  You 
should be able to boot just fine from stock boot disks.  Get the system 
running first, then work on building a special kernel with full support 
for UDMA/66 to see the speed benefit.


On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:32:29PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 02:34:16PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
   but it just flashes the characters
  That's from the Master Boot Record program. 
 I guess you are correct about this, because I took the drive and 
 reformated it with dos, and it was able to boot. Does this mean
 I am going to have to create a dos partition on the disk, and put
 loadlin in it with the kernel, and have an autoexec which will in
 turn boot linux?
 Now, I did find the IDE patches, and I was able to create a boot disk
 that will boot my system and find the drive on the controller. It 
 just be nice if that MBR with lilo could start up my disk.
 I will have to take a closer look at the UDMA howto. In the meantime,
 I am having trouble with fmt seeing the full size of the disk. I have
 the Large Drive HOWTO, but that does not seem to tell me exactly what
 I need to type in, so fmt will use the proper parameters and see the 
 20 Gigs.
 Side note, my scsi system sure does seem a whole lot easier. Perhaps 
 the price for the same drive space is not so bad after all.
   I also tried booting with a floppy with IDE support, but it won't
   detect it either.
  The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use 
  with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66 support (using the 

Re: help with ppp-- Linux-eth0- windoze home network

2000-03-19 Thread Percival

How are you connecting the two machines?  If you do not have a hub, you need to 
have a crossover cable to go direct from one ethernet card to the other 
(adduming you are using 10/100baseT, not coax).  After figuring out that, you 
should be able to configure the rest.  Use swat for the samba configuration 
(for both the printer and the share), and debian does a wonderful job of 
getting ip masquerading correctly the first shot out of the box (most of the 
time); you just need to install ipmasq package or ipchains, and compile the 
kernel for ip forwarding and all the options mentioned in ip masq. howto.


On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:54:44PM -0800, esoR ocsirF wrote:
 Hello fellow Dusers,
 I am (and have been) trying to get my home machines running with the
 following configuration. So Far I have had little success.
 I have Debian Box (Potato) configured with ppp (Love it!)
 My wife has a winblows box (Hate it!)
 Both have ethernet cards and are cabled to each other.
 Want to have dynamic ppp go up on Lin box when Win box asks 
 for internet access. I think I also want some sort of IP masq. so that
 Both boxes can use the net at the same time. Also want to print serve
 for the win box (probably with samba) from the Lin box. It would be nice
 to remote mount drive from lin box on win box but not necessary.
 So far I can't even get the win box to ping my linux box. I have read
 HOWTO's for Ethernet, NET-3, Networking, ... Have tried routing and
 ifconfig to no avail.
 Kernel Sees the ethernet card, Winbox sees the ethernet card, so I think
 the hardware part is OK. This seems like a fairly common thing to do but
 I have been getting nowhere. Is there a [mini-|]HOWTO somewhere on this
 that I missed? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. TIA
 Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
 E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987
 Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
 La Grande, OR. 97850
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Free Internet... ?

2000-03-19 Thread Percival

I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a 
free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as their 
start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.

I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost the 
bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail me.



Re: help with ppp-- Linux-eth0- windoze home network

2000-03-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
I've done what you want with a linux box (Slink) and several winthings,
I used ISDN there, but I don't think that makes much different with a
analogue modem. You should use diald to bring up the connection if
needed. You can do IP masquerading with ipchains. 
How does your /etc/init.d/network looks like?
What does ifconfig say?
If you do /etc/init.d/network what does it say?


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, esoR ocsirF wrote:

 Hello fellow Dusers,
 I am (and have been) trying to get my home machines running with the
 following configuration. So Far I have had little success.
 I have Debian Box (Potato) configured with ppp (Love it!)
 My wife has a winblows box (Hate it!)
 Both have ethernet cards and are cabled to each other.
 Want to have dynamic ppp go up on Lin box when Win box asks 
 for internet access. I think I also want some sort of IP masq. so that
 Both boxes can use the net at the same time. Also want to print serve
 for the win box (probably with samba) from the Lin box. It would be nice
 to remote mount drive from lin box on win box but not necessary.
 So far I can't even get the win box to ping my linux box. I have read
 HOWTO's for Ethernet, NET-3, Networking, ... Have tried routing and
 ifconfig to no avail.
 Kernel Sees the ethernet card, Winbox sees the ethernet card, so I think
 the hardware part is OK. This seems like a fairly common thing to do but
 I have been getting nowhere. Is there a [mini-|]HOWTO somewhere on this
 that I missed? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. TIA
 Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
 E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987
 Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
 La Grande, OR. 97850
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Fw: netscape

2000-03-19 Thread Nick Barron
well it seems that i already have xlib6g installed
with /usr/x11r6/lib/
do i need to move them to a different location?

maybe netscape isn't recognizing it, how can i fix that
or do u think the problem is a bit more complex?

- Original Message -
From: Jonas Steverud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: netscape

 Beavis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   i tried running it frm the command line a got:
   can't load library

 You'll need the xlib6g package in the x11 category.

 On the ftp-site, try to find Contents-i386.gz, e.g.

 and then zgrep(1) for the file you are missing, in this case.

 Change unstable in the url to stable or whatever you run.


 ( GnuPG/PGP key @!Wei Wu Wei)
 ( U2MoL, Roleplaying, LaTeX, Emacs/Gnus, etc.   ! To Do Without Do )

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Brian Lavender
Once again, how do you specify the CHS specs for cfdisk or fdisk?


On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:37:17PM -0800, Percival wrote:
 It really sucks, basically.  I found out that I had to track down the 
 manufacturer of my large hard drive, get the specs from them, and then pass 
 them on to cfdisk/fdisk and ignore the warnings that those programs gave me.  
 I also remember that one of them sinply would not work (fdisk, I think), so I 
 had to use cfdisk and specify the CHS specs.  But then it worked great!  I 
 was installing SuSE at the time, which has cfdisk in the install ramdisk.  
 Beware of strangeness - some drives have multiple CHS specs, as they respond 
 to different 'virtual' setting.  
 On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:51:59PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
  How do you specify the CHS specs? 
  THis has been a big delima. The Large Hard Drive HOW-TO talks about it,
  and boom, doesn't say anything as far as how-to do it.
  On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:18:15PM -0800, Percival wrote:
   I have found that with large drives (8G+) you have to manually specify 
   the CHS specs to fdisk (or cfdisk) when creating partitions, or you end 
   up with non-reliable partitions (I suspect that this might be true with 
   fdisk under DOS as well).
   I didn't think that ATA/66 specs added anything other than more data 
   lines for faster data transfer.  Are there new specs for controll as well?
   On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:46:10PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:41:43PM -0800, Percival wrote:
 Do you have more than one drive in the computer?  

Yes, in fact I am doing raid1. 

I built one half of the raid, transferred the files to the raid from 
partitions. changed the /etc/fstab to boot using the /dev/mdx devices, 
did a hotraidadd on the original devices, and there I was. 

I have been able to totally boot from a floppy. I have the kernel rdev 
/dev/hdc6 which is one half of the raid. 

Now I have a little more to this story. I booted with a dos disk. I 
the first disk with fat32, and the controller will totally boot to it. 
I am trying to go back and reformat that disk, and hotraidadd that half 
it again. I also have the patched lilo, so it can boot a raid device. 
My current
problem is I can't get fmt to recognize the whole disk. When I start 
it sees the 20 Gigs, but it says the existing partition is exceeding 
physical limits of the disk. In thought maybe I could just start adding 
partitions, but it seems that once I reach 2 Gigs, that is the limit. 
partitioning is first. Then back to making the Ultra 66 boot. 

Like I believe I said, I could create a dos partition on the disk. That 
would be a yucky kludge though.

 The reason I ask is that the error you are getting is far before 
 linux gets involved.  It seems to me that you have two partitions set 
 active (DOS terms) that is, two partitions set bootable (normal term).
 Also, from what I understand, you do not need any special support or 
 anything to use UDMA/66 drives - they are backward compatible.  You 
 should be able to boot just fine from stock boot disks.  Get the 
 system running first, then work on building a special kernel with 
 full support for UDMA/66 to see the speed benefit.
 On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 09:32:29PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 02:34:16PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
   On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
but it just flashes the characters

   That's from the Master Boot Record program. 
  I guess you are correct about this, because I took the drive and 
  reformated it with dos, and it was able to boot. Does this mean
  I am going to have to create a dos partition on the disk, and put
  loadlin in it with the kernel, and have an autoexec which will in
  turn boot linux?
  Now, I did find the IDE patches, and I was able to create a boot 
  that will boot my system and find the drive on the controller. It 
  just be nice if that MBR with lilo could start up my disk.
  I will have to take a closer look at the UDMA howto. In the 
  I am having trouble with fmt seeing the full size of the disk. I 
  the Large Drive HOWTO, but that does not seem to tell me exactly 
  I need to type in, so fmt will use the proper parameters and see 
  the full
  20 Gigs.
  Side note, my scsi system sure does seem a whole lot easier. 
  Perhaps twice
  the price for the same drive space is not so bad after all.

(not)lame batch job

2000-03-19 Thread Hans
I've been comparing (not)lame313 and bladeenc today and (not)lame does
sound equally good at 128 compared to bladeenc at 256 bitrate. I use The
Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again' for comparison, if you wonder.

What I can't get done with (not)lame is batch jobs. Bladeenc simply names
the mp3 after the original file, changing wav to mp3. You can type
$bladeenc *.wav and all the wav files in the directory get encoded. How can
you do this with (not)lame, as it requires both input and output name? --hans

Re: Free Internet... ?

2000-03-19 Thread Chris Gray
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:50:38PM -0800, Percival wrote:
 I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a 
 free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
 putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as 
 their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.
 I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost the 
 bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail me.

The service is at  It's good, but where I
am they drop packets headed for port 25 on any other machine than
their own.  This makes sending mail kind of a pain in the butt if you
don't have a backup ISP.  Maybe it's different in other places.

Chris Gray

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pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
softly in the brimming bowl.

XF86Config per user?

2000-03-19 Thread Hans Ekbrand

I use a single workstation at home. Recently, other family members have started 
to use my system. The /etc/X11/XF86Config is edited by me for my preferences, 
but is there a way to let users decide e.g. what resolution to start their X 
session with. I like 1600x1200 but they might prefer say 800x600. I have read 
varios man-pages and FAQ:s without success.


Hans Ekbrand

Re: Sony vaio

2000-03-19 Thread Shao Zhang
Try the linux-laptop page:

Tim Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have any info on getting the sony cd51 pcmcia cd player to work
 with debian
 it installs itself at ide2=0x180,0x386
 I am using the sony vaio n505ve
 tim ryder
 please cc me on this because i am not currently on the mailing list
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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 02:02:11PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
 Once again, how do you specify the CHS specs for cfdisk or fdisk?

You have to go into Expert mode. The command is 'x' with fdisk. I
don't remember for cfdisk. 

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: URGENT: libwww-perl: automated form filling

2000-03-19 Thread Shao Zhang
I have the same problem here. I have posted to perl.misc and libwww
mailinglist without any success. However, the answers are positive, and
lots people mentioned to have a go on the module

Please have a look at the following form:

It woule be great if I can use perl to automate it.


Alberto Maurizi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all, Debian people.
   I'm quite new to perl and, in particular to libwww-perl.
   I fell on it because I was looking for some API to write
   www clients to automatically fill forms.
   The problem I have is that I cannot get the same result from
   the server as I obtain using a web browser. What happens is
   that the result is the same document I use as HTTP::Request while,
   if I use a web browser, clicking the submit button I get 
   a second document.
   Does anybody know/understand the problem?
   Where to find source of information/examples?
   Is there any better solution than libwww-perl?
   (note that the problem persists using lynx -post_data)
   Thanks in advance,
   Alberto Maurizi
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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Adam Di Carlo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:

 The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use
 bootfloppies with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66
 support (using the IDE patches from I'm not sure if
 potato's bootfloppies (will) support UDMA66.

  Oh, so _that_ is what the ide kernel is for.  I wish the long
  description in the package would at least describe what it's for...
  Should we create another flavor ide?

Yes -- tausq is working on a no-scsi flavor and the ide flavor.  We
already have the kernel and pcmcia modules in potato for the ide patch
flavor.  Randolph had a good name for it... I think maybe the name was
-idepatch or -udma66.

So hopefully we will have this ready soon.


Re: one machine, two IP addresses?

2000-03-19 Thread Ross Boylan

You have understood my question, and thanks to you and Jean for your answers.
The key is the IP address is a property of the connection, not the 
computer.  Because of the way the initial system install works, I had 
thought it was a property of the machine (where it asks for your ethernet 

I've taken the liberty of forwarding this useful information to the list.
At 12:02 PM 3/19/00, you wrote:

If I understand your problem (I don't post to the list because I'm not
sure of having understood).

IP addresses are 'linked' to each network device. So, if you have two
network devices (e.g. a modem and an ethernet card) they will have an IP
address each.

In a typical PPP configuration, if you only intend to give internet access
to the machine having the modem (well, maybe not so typical...), the IP
address of the modem is assigned by the ISP dynamically, and will last for
the time the interface (normally ppp0) is UP. As soon as the line is cut,
the interface goes DOWN, and that address is released by the ISP, who will
assign it to any subsequent caller.

For the ethernet card, you do not have to worry, as you will have a fixed
IP address assigned (by you on your machine, and by your network
administrator in the network, meaning that IP addresses should be unique
in your network).

So let's suppose you have:

ISP ---phone_line--- modem YOUR_PC ethernet ---cable--- ethernet OTH_PC
 ^ ^  ^ ^
 1 2  3 4

You'll know of 4 IP addresses, one on each (^).

1 and 2 are ISP assigned, so no worry...
3 and 4 are locally assigned on each PC (or other computer). You have to
choose them and assign one to each ethernet card by configuring your
/etc/init.d/network to include the lines activating your ethernet:

ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}

and enabling routing and so on. If you read some howtos you can find the

Well, that's all, and sorry if you already knew all this, and I have not
understood your question.


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Ross Boylan wrote:

 I usually dial-up to my ISP and get an assigned IP address for the session.
 I am thinking of connecting my ethernet card to a network, so I might have
 two connections at once.

 My understanding is that the IP address comes from the ethernet card
 (hmm... but then it couldn't be assigned in a local network, so probably
 this is wrong..).  At any rate, is there a problem with the machine doing
 both networks at once?


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Re: Promise Ultra 66

2000-03-19 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
 Adam == Adam Di Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
 The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use
 bootfloppies with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66
 support (using the IDE patches from I'm not sure if
 potato's bootfloppies (will) support UDMA66.

 Oh, so _that_ is what the ide kernel is for.  I wish the long
 description in the package would at least describe what it's for...
 Should we create another flavor ide?

Adam Yes -- tausq is working on a no-scsi flavor and the ide flavor.  We
Adam already have the kernel and pcmcia modules in potato for the ide patch
Adam flavor.  Randolph had a good name for it... I think maybe the name was
Adam -idepatch or -udma66.

 I like `-udma66', unless of course the kernel-image*ide gets a decent
 description added to the control file.  I leave this to Tausq.

Adam So hopefully we will have this ready soon.

 Great news.