RE: Scripts en varios idiomas ¿que os parece?

2000-03-23 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: Lista Debian Castellano
Fecha: domingo 19 de marzo de 2000 17:27
Asunto: Scripts en varios idiomas ¿que os parece?

gnome y kde para los ejecutables utilizan
¿Y para los scripts?

Sacado de un mensaje de Alfredo Casademunt enviado a

--- inicio ---

 Por otra parte quisiera preguntar una cosa: ya sé como funciona el
 gettext para los programas realizados en C/C++, ahora bien ¿cómo
 traducir un script?

¡ Con el mismo gettext ! :-)
Basta con sustituir todos los

echo Text to translate


gettext -d PAQUETE Text to translate

donde PAQUETE es el nombre del fichero .mo (generado a partir del
fichero .po)
que se encuentra en /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ de los que ya
en un mensaje anterior. Además gettext admite las mismas opciones que
Para ver un ejemplo mirar el que se encuentra en el diccionario
Ingles-Español i2e sito en mi homepage

Un saludo.


--- fin 

De todos modos creo que el programa bug lo hace de una forma todavía más
sencilla. Bájate el código fuente de potato y échale un vistazo.

Ricardo Villalba

RE: ¿Paquetes para NETSCAPE?

2000-03-23 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Roberto Ripio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: sábado 18 de marzo de 2000 11:25
Asunto: Re: ¿Paquetes para NETSCAPE?

El Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 02:28:48PM +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín
 Aún no he conseguido conectarme a Internet desde Linux, pero sí
que me
 ha aparecido a veces el mensaje ese de que no puede encontrar el
servidor ¿Qué significa?, ¿cómo puedo cambiar ese
servidor que
 está por defecto?

No se puede cambiar, pero se puede desactivar, que es mejor. Si abres
cuadro de preferencias, en el apartado Navigator - Smart Browsing,
las abominables opciones what's related e internet keywords. Fuera
todo y adiós problema.

Aún con eso, al abrir netscape sin estar conectado, sigue quejándose de
poder conectar a,, e,
eso sí que no parece haber modo de evitarlo. Me fastidia bastante usar
navegador con contador de visitas incorporado, pero no parece haber

Pon como página de inicio una página en blanco. En estos momentos no
tengo instalado el netscape en linux, pero en windows está en
Preferencias - Navigator - Iniciar Navigator con - Página en blanco.

Ricardo Villalba

coloreo de sintaxis en EMACS

2000-03-23 Thread Tito Sam
pos eso, que si algún gurú de emacs de por  aqui  me  puede  decir  si  el 
 emacs soporta coloreo de sintaxis en la CONSOLA; y sí es así, como es...


| Miembro de LiMA (Linux Málaga) |
|  (güeno, más o menos)  |
| |
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian LiNUX 2.2,Kernel 2.2.14 |

Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-23 Thread hcl
Echale un vistazo a la pagina del manual console_codes.

  ______  ___
 /  /\  /  //  _//  /\  
/  /_/_/  //  /\/  / /  
   /     //  /_/__ /  /_/__
  /_ /\__/_ //___//___/\   
  \__\/  \__\\___\\___\/   

For pgp key send mail with subject request pgp key


2000-03-23 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
Tengo pensado comprar una placa de video ATI RAGE FURY, alguien sabe si
es buena y si es soportada por linux, en la pagina de ATI dice que apoya
linux asi que supongo que no debe traer problemas.
Gracias y saludos.

RE: Me temo que mi mfdem es un winmfdem :o(

2000-03-23 Thread dfm

Según lo que yo tengo entendio los winmodems consisten en modem que no
tienen el este tipo de chip Rockwell y creo que la otra marca es Hayes
que permiten al modem llevar toda la carga de la conexión.  Con los
winmodem es el micro de la máquina quien realiza esta función.

Por otro lado si que también he oido o leido que los pci modem son cuanto
menos xungos de configurar, yo espero que tengas suerte y que de una forma
u otra lo puedas configurar, lo que si está claro es que no debe ser de la
forma estandar que todos conocemos porque es PCI y no va al puerto serie
como suelen hacer todos los que usamos.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 22/03/2000 11.05.45

Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO
Asunto: RE: Me temo que mi mfdem es un winmfdem :o(

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-5
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

 mira a ver si tiene algún tipo de chip rockwell, si lo tiene no es

Creo que sí que lo tiene, aunque como ya está instalado ha sido un poco
difícil de ver :o)

De todas formas es un poco raro porque si abro algunos de los ficheros
.INF que vienen con los drivers de mi módem, allí pone Rockwell SoftK56
PCI Modem. Pero si abro la parte del módem en el panel de control de la
configuración de windows, pone Conexant SoftK56 Data,Fax,Speakerphone PCI
Modem. Pero incluso al abrir el Readme.txt en el que se explica como
instalar los drivers para windows, pone otra cosa diferente: Cobra Modem.
¿Quizá eso de Cobra sea un tipo concreto de módem dentro de los Rockwell...
? No sé, no tengo ni idea.

Pero sí que he leído que si hay chip Rockwell, quizá funcione si se le
deshabilita la corrección de errores. ¿Es verdad? Voy a probar ahora a ver.

De todas formas es interno y en la tienda me dijeron que casi seguro
que sea winmódem pq el tío cree que todos los que han vendido allí sólo son
para windows. Aunque no sé si tendrá mucha idea de eso del chip Rockwell.

Muchas gracias.


Re: ¿Qué está pasando?

2000-03-23 Thread Diego Bote
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Saxa Egea wrote:
 Pq no haces un cat /proc/mounts
 Alli te dira exactamente lo q tienes montado y lo q no...

Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ cat /proc/mounts
/dev/root / ext2 rw 0 0
proc /proc proc rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0

 Quizas con eso se te pueda dar mas info..

Espero esa información Saxa.

Además Jaime me comentó ...

 Parece que algún proceso o algún usuario están usando el directorio
 /floppy y por eso no lo puedes usar para montar /dev/fd0
 Revisa con ps aux y w a ver si descubres quien es el culpable.


Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ ps aux |more
daemon 122  0.0  1.6   800   228  ?  S   Mar 16   0:14 /sbin/portmap
daemon 149  0.0  0.6   84096  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
diego20217  0.0  8.6  1916  1216   1 S   Mar 21   0:00 -bash
diego24033  0.0  6.1  1612   868   1 S09:03   0:02 telnet tajo
diego24100  0.0  8.9  1916  1252   2 S09:17   0:00 -bash
diego24281  0.0  3.6   908   512   2 R10:57   0:00 ps aux
diego24282  0.0  8.9  1916  1252   2 R10:57   0:00 -bash
lp 134  0.0  0.9  1500   136  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 lpd MAIN
root 1  0.0  0.8   756   116  ?  S   Mar 16   0:07 init
root 2  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Mar 16   0:03 (kflushd)
root 3  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW Mar 16   0:00 (kswapd)
root 4  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Mar 16   0:00 (md_thread)
root 5  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  SW  Mar 16   0:00 (md_thread)
root14  0.0  0.1   72028  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 update
root   102  0.0  2.3   908   324  ?  S   Mar 16   0:08 /sbin/syslogd
root   113  0.0  0.3   74052  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 /sbin/kerneld
root   124  0.0  0.0   860 0  ?  SW  Mar 16   0:00 (inetd)
root   129  0.0  0.5   76472  S0 S   Mar 16   0:00 /usr/sbin/gpm
-m /dev
root   139  0.0  3.4  1396   488  ?  R   Mar 16   5:48 /usr/sbin/nmbd
root   141  0.0  0.4  176068  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 (smbd)
root   152  0.0  1.1   860   164  ?  S   Mar 16   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
root   160  0.0  0.1   83624   6 S   Mar 16   0:00 /sbin/getty
38400 tty
root 14650  0.0  0.0   836 0   5 SW  Mar 20   0:00 (getty)
root 20248  0.0  2.9   836   420   4 S   Mar 21   0:00 /sbin/getty
38400 tty
root 20255  0.0  2.9   836   416   3 S   Mar 21   0:00
/sbin/getty 38400 ttyHarnina-diego-/home/diego-$

Yo aquí no veo nada pero si hay algo ...

... sigo sin /floppy aunque puedo montar /dev/fd0 en otro sitio.

¿Qué hago con lo del floppy?



Re: Puede alguien pasarme su fichero /etc/issue?

2000-03-23 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Santi wrote:

 Que tal?
 Que caracter de control hay que poner al inicio de /etc/issue para que
 la pantalla se borre (como con clear) cada vez que se inicia una nueva
 sesion en consola? Ya he probado ctrl+l. No funciona.

Tienes el comando clear.

Tambien puedes usar los códigos de consola de linux. Te permite usar
colores entre otras cosas.

man 4 console_codes

 De donde saca la informacion el codigo de escape \o que colocado 
 en /etc/issue equivale a escribir el dominio de la maquina en el texto.
 En mi maquina no encuentra la informacion y pone: (none).
 Quiza alguien me pueda pasar su fichero /etc/issue e intentare
 resolver yo mis propias dudas.
 Santiago Fernandez
 Departamento de Fisica Aplicada,
 Facultad de Fisica,
 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))


2000-03-23 Thread Tomas Guemes

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:34:39PM -0300, Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo wrote:
 Tengo pensado comprar una placa de video ATI RAGE FURY, alguien sabe si
 es buena y si es soportada por linux, en la pagina de ATI dice que apoya
 linux asi que supongo que no debe traer problemas.
 Gracias y saludos.
Si esta soportada para las X, utiliza el servidor xserver-svga

Un saludo

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

bajar de ftp con wget

2000-03-23 Thread Pablo
quiero bajar todo un directorio de un servidor ftp con wget pero no lo hace
sino que busca el archivo index.html, y al no encontrarlo va al raiz del
servidor y enpieza a bajar de alli


#wget -r

como debo hacerlo

Re: bajar de ftp con wget

2000-03-23 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Pablo wrote:
 #wget -r

No me parece que wget sea lo que necesitas (pero puedo estar equivocado
pues no conozco todas las posibilidades de wget). La opción -r sirve
para buscar referencias del tipo a href=... y seguirlas, que no es lo
que vas a tener en este caso.
Te aconsejo que instales lftp o rsync que son mucho mejores para esto.
Por ejemplo con lftp:

lftp cd debian/dists/potato/main 
cd ok, cwd=/debian/dists/potato/main 
lftp mirror binary-i386

y si quieres lo puedes poner en background (man lftp), salir de la
consola y dejarlo copiando por la noche.

Jaime Villate

Re: bajar de ftp con wget

2000-03-23 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Pablo wrote:
 quiero bajar todo un directorio de un servidor ftp con wget pero ...
 #wget -r
Alguna vez usé el wget justamente para bajarme hamm de un mirror:
wget -m --passive-ftp -w 10

Las opciones están explicadas en la man page, -m es para que
haga un espejado (copia recursiva, preservando la fecha de 
modificación de los archivos y el ownership). passive-ftp lo
necesito porque estoy detrás de un firewall, y -w 10 hace que
espere 10 segundos entre traer un archivo y otro (para que la
demás gente no proteste tanto).

Ultimamente estoy usando rsync, que hace un mejor trabajo
cuando se trata de archivos grandes con pocas modificaciones:

rsync -v -a -u --partial --stats --exclude-from=exclist .
donde exclist contiene:
o sea: una lista con los directorios o archivos que *no* 
querés bajar.

Espero que te resulte útil.
Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: ¿Paquetes para NETSCAPE?

2000-03-23 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Roberto Ripio y dice ¿Re: ¿Paquetes para NETSCAPE?? 

 Aún con eso, al abrir netscape sin estar conectado, sigue quejándose de no
 poder conectar a,, e, y
 eso sí que no parece haber modo de evitarlo. Me fastidia bastante usar un
 navegador con contador de visitas incorporado, pero no parece haber

Creo que no es un contador de visitas, si no que es una comprobacion de
que el ordenador tiene bien configurado el DNS.

Un beneficioso efecto secundario de utilizar el proxy/cache wwwoffle es que
ya no da esos problemas aunque arranques offline.

WinErr 003: Dynamic linking error - Your mistake is now in every file

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734

problemas con DNS

2000-03-23 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola a todos

Tengo configurado un servidor DNS como secuntadario al menos eso
quise hacer les explico
El bind 8.1.2 aunque genera automaticamente /etc/named.boot no
trabaja con el se limita a usar lo que pongamos en /etc/named.conf
esto me trajo un poco de duda pues estaba leyendo el manual de DNS de
José Vicente que aparece en Lucas, y esta claro como se define en
named.boot los DNS secundarios.
Pero de la poca informacion  que vi en el DNS-HOWTO ya que el man
named no me habla nada al respecto inclui en el named.conf
zone midominio {
type slave;
file base del primario;
masters {IP del primario;};

En esta pc parece que trabaja bien el Bind pues si solicito un
nslookup de algun nombre me llega.
Para probar en otra Pc puse en resolv.conf la direccion de la que
tiene el servicio de DNS secundario pero cuando hago un nslookup
aunque sea de mi red me da
*** can't find server name for address 216.72...  : no response from
*** default server are no available
Pero si doy un ping de cualquier nombre de los host de la red
funciona sin problema.
Al igual que si pongo host -a un nombre me responde correctamente
 A esta segunda pc si le digo que resuelva la direccion del
DNS primario no tiene ningun problema con el nslookup

Que puede estar pasando, agradeceria me dieran una idea pues ya no se
que debo hacer.

Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2000-03-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Estoy usando el '' (para poder aceptar usuarios en las X,
pero que no es un cliente xdm). 

Lo que pasa es que yo pensaba que esto era como el 'login' de la
terminal, pero parece que no tanto. Porque yo no aparezco conectado
por ningún lado:

  2:11pm  up 23 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.15, 0.26

Esto me mosquea un poco. No tiene ninguna importancia y
evidentemente, todo funciona a la perfección, pero me gustaría que
aparecieran los usuarios que están conectados.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: ¿Qué está pasando?

2000-03-23 Thread Diego Bote
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Mejor 'fuser /floppy' y buscar al responsable :)

Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ fuser -av /floppy/

No process references; use -v for the complete list

Por favor más ideas para solucionar esto.

Repito que puedo montar /dev/fd0 en otro sitio pero no en /floppy
pues me dice que está ocupado y 

Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ ls -al /floppy/
total 2
drwxrwsr-x   2 root floppy   1024 feb  1  1999 .
drwxr-xr-x  19 root root 1024 nov 29 12:45 ..

Concretamente  lo que me dice es

Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ mount
/dev/hda3 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
Harnina-diego-/home/diego-$ mount /floppy/
mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy

Toda ayuda es bienvenida.


Re: problemas con DNS

2000-03-23 Thread David Charro Ripa
Yo monte un DNS guiandome en el capitulo del BIND 8.x del manual de
debian del administrador de redes. Me ayudo mucho, asi que lo traduje.
Si esperas un poco, mañana te lo mando que lo tengo en casa. Si tienes
prisa en lo encontraras en ingles (salvo que darlock lo
haya subido en castellano). Es de los pocos capitulos que tiene este

Respecto a tu problema no se me ocurre nada decedente en este momento.
Ya lo siento. Eso de que vaya con un ping y no con nslookup es extraño.
Lo unico que se me ocurre es que el bind 8.x vigila quien accede, y
decide que puede darle y que no. A lo mejor el nslookup pide demasiada
informacion (por ejemplo la lista de los hosts que resuelve), y el bind
no tiene autorizado darsela, pero a un simple ping si, porque pide poco.



 Para probar en otra Pc puse en resolv.conf la direccion de la que
 tiene el servicio de DNS secundario pero cuando hago un nslookup
 aunque sea de mi red me da
 *** can't find server name for address 216.72...  : no response from
 *** default server are no available
 Pero si doy un ping de cualquier nombre de los host de la red
 funciona sin problema.

helix en debian

2000-03-23 Thread Paco Brufal

He estado hechando un vistazo a la página de Helix Gnome,, y me parece que a los que usamos Debian nos han marginado

¿Está en proyecto hacer paquetes Debian de Helix?

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Loud As Fuck (54321 Mix). Dj Sim. 1996
--- Mutt 1.0.1 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Aonde está a url para baixar.
O Wine funciona 98% com programas Win 3.1
   Alguem sabe se o programa do Imposto de Renda 2000
 roda no Wine?
   A Receita Federal diz que precisa no minimo do
 Windows 3.11.
   Seria bom poder fazer o IR no Linux sem ter que
 procurar um amigo que tenha o Windows.
 Mario O. de Menezes
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread Clovis Sena

melhor seria se o pessoal da fazenda liberasse uma versao for linux.


MO Mez wrote:
 Alguem sabe se o programa do Imposto de Renda 2000
 roda no Wine?
 A Receita Federal diz que precisa no minimo do
 Windows 3.11.
 Seria bom poder fazer o IR no Linux sem ter que
 procurar um amigo que tenha o Windows.

Clovis Sena
Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
Fone: 081 - 421 1126.

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread MO Mez
Ola Paulo,

A url da Receita Federal eh:

Voce esta utilizando o potato ou slink?
Espero boas noticias!

Mario O. de Menezes

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Más noticias. Estou usando woody (bleeding edge) :) com o ultimo wine da
empacotado pela debian (que eu acho que não é exatamente o último).
Porem, o programa falha na hora da instalacao com uma mensagem em um
dialogo simples do windows.
corrupt file on install
ou algo assim e só um botao de ok!
Eu adoro o windows, sempre com mensagens de erro compreensíveis e
Tenta no VMWare.
 Ola Paulo,
   A url da Receita Federal eh:
   Voce esta utilizando o potato ou slink?
   Espero boas noticias!
 Mario O. de Menezes
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Caros, hoje mesmo me deparei com este problema. Aceito a ideia do wine como uma
solucao provisoria que talvez nao funcione por ser um programa que mexe com 
de dados provavelmente cai exatamente nos 2% que faltam... e que 
vao faltar por um bom periodo...

meu posicionamento foi escrever imediatamente um e-mail para a receita federal
reclamando que a disponibilizacao do programa para a declaracao do IRPF somente
para plataformas WINDOWS/INTEL era um ato de favorecimento para uma empresa
privada norte-americana e um ato discrinatorio com relacao aqueles que nao
utilizam essa plataforma.

O programa de declaracao do imposto de renda poderia ser feito em JAVA, ou em
PERL/TK... nao eh um problema cujo codigo precise ser mantido em segredo... pode
ser aberto... mas se nao quiserem..  que facam uma aplicacao WEB...

acho ateh que seriam razoes para abrir um processo contra o ministerio da 

de qualquer forma... as pessoas nao deveriam aceitar essa imposicao... deveriam
realmente reclamar... exigir uma versao para unix, para mac, para linux... nao 
uma questao de mercado... eh uma obrigacao legal ou ateh moral...


Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Aonde está a url para baixar.
 O Wine funciona 98% com programas Win 3.1
 Quoting MO Mez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Alguem sabe se o programa do Imposto de Renda 2000
  roda no Wine?
A Receita Federal diz que precisa no minimo do
  Windows 3.11.
Seria bom poder fazer o IR no Linux sem ter que
  procurar um amigo que tenha o Windows.
  Mario O. de Menezes
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
 OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Information Technology Consultant

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
org:Inova Tecnologias;Tecnico
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Analista de Sistemas
fn:Leonardo Ruoso

Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine

2000-03-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Porque não fazer em gtk. Ele é multi-plataforma.
Quoting Leonardo Ruoso ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Caros, hoje mesmo me deparei com este problema. Aceito a ideia do wine como 
 solucao provisoria que talvez nao funcione por ser um programa que mexe com 
 de dados provavelmente cai exatamente nos 2% que faltam... e que 
 vao faltar por um bom periodo...
 meu posicionamento foi escrever imediatamente um e-mail para a receita federal
 reclamando que a disponibilizacao do programa para a declaracao do IRPF 
 para plataformas WINDOWS/INTEL era um ato de favorecimento para uma empresa
 privada norte-americana e um ato discrinatorio com relacao aqueles que nao
 utilizam essa plataforma.
 O programa de declaracao do imposto de renda poderia ser feito em JAVA, ou em
 PERL/TK... nao eh um problema cujo codigo precise ser mantido em segredo... 
 ser aberto... mas se nao quiserem..  que facam uma aplicacao WEB...
 acho ateh que seriam razoes para abrir um processo contra o ministerio da 
 de qualquer forma... as pessoas nao deveriam aceitar essa imposicao... 
 realmente reclamar... exigir uma versao para unix, para mac, para linux... 
 nao eh
 uma questao de mercado... eh uma obrigacao legal ou ateh moral...
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Aonde está a url para baixar.
  O Wine funciona 98% com programas Win 3.1
  Quoting MO Mez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Alguem sabe se o programa do Imposto de Renda 2000
   roda no Wine?
 A Receita Federal diz que precisa no minimo do
   Windows 3.11.
 Seria bom poder fazer o IR no Linux sem ter que
   procurar um amigo que tenha o Windows.
   Mario O. de Menezes
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
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  Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
  OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
  Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Information Technology Consultant
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Description: Card for Leonardo Ruoso

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-03-23 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 08:01:15AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Porque não fazer em gtk. Ele é multi-plataforma.

Infelizmente, ainda não chegamos lá :-) (compilar uma aplicação
GTK pra Windows é um parto e geralmente não funciona. O
MingwGTK ainda está engatinhando.)

Mas XFCE ou WxWindows (é isso?) resolveriam o problema.

O problema é q o pessoal do Serpro não quer saber de fazer
direito. Q isso, não faz nem 15 anos ainda q eles aprenderam
Clipper! Pra q jogar fora? Temos sorte de os programas não
serem em COBOL. Java pra eles é upstart... nem pensar

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the personal page

Debian GNU/Linux---
Brazil of Darkness---

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-03-23 Thread Clovis Sena
Hello people,

Lalo Martins wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 08:01:15AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
Porque não fazer em gtk. Ele é multi-plataforma.
 Infelizmente, ainda não chegamos lá :-) (compilar uma aplicação

acho que o que o Paulo quiz dizer eh que ela poderia ser feita em gtk
para o linux; esta versao para windows nao precisava sofrer alteracao,
pois esta bom como esta...

se aquilo la foi feito em c ou c++ acho q o miolo do soft poderia ser
reaproveitado, passando as telas a serem feitas usando os recursos do
gtk; o glade ( ) eh muito bom nisto de criar as
telas, em menos de um mes dava para criar a estrutura basica das telas


ps: se na pagina da receita tiver email, q tal mandar uns emails
reclamando ??? ( afinal quem nao chora fica chupando o dedo! ;-) )

ps2: um amigo meu falou q o corel office 2000 ja tava disponivel, alguem
ta sabendo de alguma coisa??

Clovis Sena
Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
Fone: 081 - 421 1126.

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-03-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Tem um artigo hoje na LinuxWorld sobre o Corel Office 2000.
O cara disse, se eu entendi bem, que o Corel Office 2000 roda no Linux
sobre o Wine. Ou seja, é o binário do Windows que roda no Linux.
Quoting Clovis Sena ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hello people,
 Lalo Martins wrote:
  On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 08:01:15AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de 
  Oliveira wrote:
 Porque não fazer em gtk. Ele é multi-plataforma.
  Infelizmente, ainda não chegamos lá :-) (compilar uma aplicação
 acho que o que o Paulo quiz dizer eh que ela poderia ser feita em gtk
 para o linux; esta versao para windows nao precisava sofrer alteracao,
 pois esta bom como esta...
 se aquilo la foi feito em c ou c++ acho q o miolo do soft poderia ser
 reaproveitado, passando as telas a serem feitas usando os recursos do
 gtk; o glade ( ) eh muito bom nisto de criar as
 telas, em menos de um mes dava para criar a estrutura basica das telas
 ps: se na pagina da receita tiver email, q tal mandar uns emails
 reclamando ??? ( afinal quem nao chora fica chupando o dedo! ;-) )
 ps2: um amigo meu falou q o corel office 2000 ja tava disponivel, alguem
 ta sabendo de alguma coisa??
 Clovis Sena
 Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
 Fone: 081 - 421 1126.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-03-23 Thread Debian Linux User
Fazer uma aplicacao e outra para windows nao eh legal. Se a aplicacao
precisar de uma alteracao, precisarah de uma em cada versao.

Clovis Sena wrote:
 Hello people,
 Lalo Martins wrote:
  On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 08:01:15AM -0800, Paulo Henrique Baptista de 
  Oliveira wrote:
 Porque não fazer em gtk. Ele é multi-plataforma.
  Infelizmente, ainda não chegamos lá :-) (compilar uma aplicação
 acho que o que o Paulo quiz dizer eh que ela poderia ser feita em gtk
 para o linux; esta versao para windows nao precisava sofrer alteracao,
 pois esta bom como esta...
 se aquilo la foi feito em c ou c++ acho q o miolo do soft poderia ser
 reaproveitado, passando as telas a serem feitas usando os recursos do
 gtk; o glade ( ) eh muito bom nisto de criar as
 telas, em menos de um mes dava para criar a estrutura basica das telas

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial


2000-03-23 Thread Ricardo B Fonseca
Instalei SSh na minha maquina e nao estou consiguindo colocar o script
para que quando reboot a maquina, ligue automaticamente o sshd.
No site da debian nao consegui muita informacao (ou eu que nao achei 
Alguem sabe como fazer para que quando iniciar a maquina, ligue
automaticamente o sshd?



Replacing system hard drive?

2000-03-23 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran

My hard drive is starting to make noise, so I bought a replacement.  What
is the recommended way to make the switch?  All my Linux partitions are
on this disk except the swap partition.  My Win95 OS is on a separate drive.
This is a SCSI disk running 2.0.35 if that makes any difference.



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Re: resetting dselect

2000-03-23 Thread Beavis
ok, well lets just say this:

what if the packages are in the upacked (not set up); install (was: install)
and i want the dselect to just ignore the face that they are not set up

the reason why is that i can't install anything without gettting ride of
this packages first.

is there an easier way around this?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Beavis) wrote:
 hello, i installed a few .deb manually meaning
 dpkg -i filename
 but dselect thinks that are are still unconfigured, which is not true

 They aren't just in obsolete/local? If they are, you can safely ignore
 them. If dselect thinks they're unconfigured then they probably are
 (dselect gets its information from the dpkg database, and installing via
 dselect is really not much different from 'dpkg -i'); does 'dpkg
 --configure -a' help?

 how do u reset the deselect so that it doesn't pick up the packages as
 existing in the system

 Er, if a package has been installed with dpkg than you can't tell
 dselect it doesn't exist without doing serious violence to your
 packaging system. I don't recommend that at all.

 Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Lying to dpkg?

2000-03-23 Thread Phoenix Amon
Jonas wrote:
 Have a look at the equivs package. The other programs should find
 your programs as long as you have them in the $PATH. 

For anyone who's interested, I took this route since it would solve the problem
once and for all. Other than the fact that the equivs package fails to list its
own dependencies (makedeb was the one that caught me up for a few minutes) it
went smoothly and seems to be working perfectly. dpkg and dselect are no longer
nagging me about installing apache or mysql.

Thanks everyone for the help.


Re: (not)lame batch job

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Wintrich

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Hans wrote:

 I've been comparing (not)lame313 and bladeenc today and (not)lame does
 sound equally good at 128 compared to bladeenc at 256 bitrate. I use The
 Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again' for comparison, if you wonder.
 What I can't get done with (not)lame is batch jobs. Bladeenc simply names
 the mp3 after the original file, changing wav to mp3. You can type
 $bladeenc *.wav and all the wav files in the directory get encoded. How can
 you do this with (not)lame, as it requires both input and output name? --hans
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I'm using cdenc 

- snip ---
# Creation of whole mp3 Suite of one CD
# Version 0.3.5 of 06.07.1999 by Stephan Skrodzki
 snip -

with little changes with lame or gogo.
a very easy way to create *.mp3 from complete CD with playlist and html

lucky day

Re: (not)lame batch job

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Wintrich

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Hans wrote:

 I've been comparing (not)lame313 and bladeenc today and (not)lame does
 sound equally good at 128 compared to bladeenc at 256 bitrate. I use The
 Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again' for comparison, if you wonder.
 What I can't get done with (not)lame is batch jobs. Bladeenc simply names
 the mp3 after the original file, changing wav to mp3. You can type
 $bladeenc *.wav and all the wav files in the directory get encoded. How can
 you do this with (not)lame, as it requires both input and output name? --hans
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

supplementary information:

see attached README 
CDENC - A whole CD Encoding Script

This is Version 0.3.5 (the 6. released Version)

Made by Stephan Skrodzki
Mannheim, Germany
Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

a) What is it for?

CDENC lets you mp3-encode a whole CD, writes a tracks.idx, albums.idx
and medname.idx file for the sajber-jukebox, writes an index.html 
for WWW requests and generates an overview index.html with all albums.
CDENC also generates mp3info tags for usage with many popular players 
on different OS types.

b) What do you need for it?

* cdenc (as you have it right now...) from
* l3enc from the Fraunhofer IIS (
* The sajber-jukebox from Wizball
* cda by Ti Kan (
* cdda2wav by Heiko (e.g.
* mp3info by Thorvald Natvig (

c) How do you install it?

Put cdenc wherever you like (/usr/local/bin/ would be a nice place)
and install cdenc.1 in the appropriate manpath.

For configuration issues look at the top of cdenc... It should be easy
at all...

Sorry I don't have a command line option for setting the device to grab from,
but they look a little bit strange for cdda2wav 

d) And how to use?

First of all cdenc has some help inside. Do cdenc -help for that.
Second cdenc has a manpage... Look for it, please.
Third cdenc has a source :-)

So, what is the normal way you work? 

Create a directory e.g. ~/musik/ and make a cd to that
directory. Think about what medianame you'd like to give your first
mp3 media. Perhaps call it mp3cd001 as other 998 will follow :-).
Start cdenc -medname medname  and come back after a few hours 
(or do you have an alpha?). 

After that have a look at the things which were produced... 

Create a bookmark leading to ~/musik/medname/index.html to have an 
overview of your disk... Use the sajber jukebox, create a new browser,
and collect files by index file in the edit browser section. Thats all.

e) Hints

If you have a cd which has no database entry yet, create one using
xmcd. You could add/renew the index anytime you like using the -nomp3

If you're online you should configure your xmcd to get data entries
over the net...

Beware: xmcd 2.2PL0 has a small bug in cda, which doesn't let it handle
local databases correct. Get PL1.

f) to be done

Nothing so far... If you like to have changes feel free to do them in
the source, if you think they are important for other mail them to me.

So far to this
 feel free to drop me a line when you like this program, don't
 hesitate to flame when you hate it :-)


Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Bart Friederichs

Well, thanks for all that info. Guess the support and packaging does it for
Debian. Sounds good. And then to mention that not long ago I read that
Debian had no support. I installed Debian, but haven't used it long yet, so
we'll see.


Re: Mounting Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Wintrich

I thing the most SB-CD ROM only support audio.

bootmessage  only audio will work

last test with 2.0.36 


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, David Densmore wrote:

 I just installed an old Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM and compiled kernel
 support for it.  I think I have done everything right because the boot
 messages list it at the right address and it seems to be named sbpcd-0.
 It is also listed in /proc/devices as a block device.
 But I can't figure out how to mount it.  I've tried things like:
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/sbpcd-0 /cdrom
 and every combination and permutation I can think of, but I just can't
 figure out the proper command.  Anyone happen to know this?
 Thank you,
 David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Bart Friederichs
  And don't give me the 'it is the only really non-commercial version'

 What makes you think anyone intended to do so?  Remarks like that serve
 only to discourage useful answers.
Most Linux users I talked to on IRC are a bit principal (is that the right
english word for it?) and *will* give these answers. I assumed that on
mailingslists will be the same kind of people than on IRC. Maybe that wasn't
right to assume (is it?). I also have those principles and would've given
such an answer. You're right when I should have just another term than
'crap'. Sorry for that.


Re: glibc-compat ???

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Jose == Jose Marin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all, I'm reposting this question because I didn't get any
 answer recently.  Maybe this has been discussed before but I
 haven't been able to dig it up from the mailing list archives or

 I'm using several machines, some with potato, some with woody.
 I need to install a free (as in gratis, not speech) F compiler,
 which needs glibc2.0 and won't work with glibc2.1.  Other people
 with Suse or RedHat have reported the same problem, and they
 have fixed it installing compatibility packages containing
 glibc2.0. To be exact, they mention installing the
 compat-glibc-5.2- rpm and adding a
 -L/usr/i386-glibc20-linux/lib to the end of the compile line.

Maybe you could use alien and install the rpm?  I thing potato and
woody is totally commited to 2.1


 It seems we don't have such compatibility packages for Debian;
 what am I missing?  Could one install slink's glibc2.0 in a
 non-obstrusive way under potato or woody?

 FWIW, the error messages are of this type:
 /usr/local/lib/F/libf90.a(open.o): In function `__NAGf90_open':
 open.o(.text+0xc77): undefined reference to `_fxstat'



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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

HPFS partitions

2000-03-23 Thread Sandy Shapiro
Linux is in my /dev/hdb1 partition.

OS/2 files are in three HPFS partitions: /dev/hda3; /devhda4; and

My question is:

What command do I issue in Linux so that I can access the HPFS partitions
from Linux and copy files from OS/2 to Linux. (I have some .tar files
sitting in OS/2 that I want to move over to Linux).



Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that potato is
always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And that woody is the
code-name for the 2.2 release.  So why is unstable pointing to woody,
and frozen to potato?  I found this out when I tried to get gimp1.1
and found it not there, even when my sources.list is pointing to
unstable.  Mind you, gimp1.1 should be in unstable anyways, I think,
since it's going into 2.2.  (or is it?)  Clarification and corrections
are appreciated.

Dazed and Confused. :)


TEX: tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt missing.

2000-03-23 Thread Brendan J Simon
I'm having the familiar *.fmt files missing when trying to use tex.  The
mail archives suggest that the solution is to install tex from the
proposed-updates directories but that solution doesn't work (at least
not any more).


does not exist anymore. is now at but the directory
path does not exist.
I have setup my /etc/apt/sources.list file to

I have browsed

and there is no mention of any tex packages.  I point apt at these sites
any it says that my tex distribution is the newest available when I try
to install.

What is the current solution to the tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt
problem ?
I'm getting a little frustrated now.  I don't want to go back to RedHat.

I hope someone can help.  Thanks,
Brendan Simon.


Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for
slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where
the make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
updated package will work. In fact here is the url for
the cdrom debian archive.


On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:56:30PM -0800, G. Crimp wrote:

   I've been using TeX at work for a few weeks now.  Last week I
got a
 new computer and installed 2.1 on it (same as was on the old box).  As
 as I can tell, I have all the appropriate tetex packages in place.
TeX no
 longer works, though.  When I try to run tex on a .tex file, I get the

 following error:

   This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
   I can't find the format file `tex.fmt'!

 The tetex docs say to run the command `texconfig init' in such a
case.  When
 I run it I get tons of output, including the following excerpts:

   Beginning to dump on file tex.fmt
(format=tex 1999.12.30)
   No pages of output.
   Transcript written on tex.log

 The command continues to run producing similar output concerning latex
 metafont.  However, the file tex.fmt is nowhere to be found on my file

 system.  Maybe the line No pages of output. explains that.  I
thought I
 could get some answers from the transcript in tex.log, but that file
 not to have been written anywhere either.

 Anybody know what I have done wrong on this new computer, or more
 positively, how I can back to writing documentation with TeX ?

Re: Large Hard Drive Problems, HELP!

2000-03-23 Thread Carel Fellinger
hi Brian

 I know there is/was a problem with large hard drives. I am using the
 Asus P5A motherboard, with its on board IDE controllers. I have each
 drive as master on the two controllers.

I had similar problems with the very same mb. For some reason the way this
BIOS tells the size of the drives capacity is not understood by the kernel
(atleast that is what I think:). But fortunately it is possible to force
the drive head/cylinder layout upon the kernel.

At the lilo boot prompt do something like:

   linux hda=1826,25,63 hdc=1826,255,63

or use the append facility of the lili.conf like

   append=hda=1826,255,63 hdc=1826,255,63

Ofcourse to make it work for you you have to correct the drive letters
and the cylinder/heads/sectors numbers according to your situation. 

PS: only one append line is honoured in lilo.conf!

groetjes, carel

I Screwed up WindowMaker

2000-03-23 Thread Matheson

I just upgraded WindowMaker on my slink from, but now it doesn't work.  When I start
X Windows, it starts to display the appicon and stuff, but then it goes
back to the login screen.  Does any one know what's wrong?

Cameron Matheson

looking for nice way to throw out old mail in mutt

2000-03-23 Thread esoR ocsirF
Hello  Dusers,
I like being subscribed to debian user. I also end up not being able to
read it from lack of time. I have exim filter debiaan user into its own
mailbox, but I would like to be able to have messages over a week (or
some other arbitrary time) fed to the /dev/null monster. Does any one
have a nice way to do this? TIA

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

bootloaders and fips alternative

2000-03-23 Thread esoR ocsirF
Greetings yet again Dusers,
I have been asked by our Physics Dept. to carve up a win box and install
the one true OS on it. I recall reading a while ago that there was an up
and comming nice replacement (functionally) to fips. Unfotunately I
don't recall the name off hand. Any body know what I am talking about?

Also I wanted to put together a nice boot interface so as not to scare
off the uninitiated. I was hoping for something with pretty grahics and
nice verbose dialogue. I know that I can get lilo to do the job, but...

By the way does anyone know if the new lilo that can handle really large
drives is in potato, or if it is going to make it into potato?


Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

outdated packages

2000-03-23 Thread Jerry J. Jaskierny
there are several packages included in debian archives that are outdated.
instead of installing the outdated ones, in some cases are useless to me,
i want to compile an updated copy of the source.  i'm trying to figure out
how i can compile this source, and let dpkg/dselect know that they've been
installed.  my first problem was alsa.  i had to compile and updated copy
of alsa.  Esound needs to be installed with support with alsa, but dpkg
doesn't know that alsa has been installed, causing an irritating chain of
dependencies and problems.  does anyone know how to fix this?  i'm sure
this has been answered before, but i couldn't find it anywhere in the
archives.  and please reply to this address, as i am not currently
subscribed to the mailing list.  thank you.  jerry jaskierny

Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Bart == Bart Friederichs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, Well, thanks for all that info. Guess the support and
 packaging does it for Debian. Sounds good. And then to mention
 that not long ago I read that Debian had no support. I installed
 Debian, but haven't used it long yet, so we'll see.

I think the no support part is more of a no OFFICIAL support.
Debian isn't backed by a company, but it's backed by users, who, I
think, do a better job in the long run.

my 2 cents.  (well, okay, about a penny if you convert from CAD to


 thx Bart

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Installing old packages

2000-03-23 Thread Matheson

I can't get the new version of WindowMaker to work, but I was wondering
if there was a way to install the old version (the one on the CD of
Debian Slink).  Is this possible?

Cameron Matheson

How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
(Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?


Re: resetting dselect

2000-03-23 Thread David Z. Maze
Beavis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Beavis ok, well lets just say this: what if the packages are in the
Beavis upacked (not set up); install (was: install) state.

Then you should probably configure them, either using 'dpkg
--configure --pending' from the command line or using dselect's
Configure option.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

HPFS partitions

2000-03-23 Thread Sandy Shapiro
Linux is in my /dev/hdb1 partition.

OS/2 files are in three HPFS partitions: /dev/hda3; /devhda4; and

My question is:

What command do I issue in Linux so that I can access the HPFS partitions
from Linux and copy files from OS/2 to Linux. (I have some .tar files
sitting in OS/2 that I want to move over to Linux).



RE: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Phoenix Amon
 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that potato is
 always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And that woody is the
 code-name for the 2.2 release. 

Each version has a code name. The code name doesn't relate to whether the 
distribution is in stable or unstable or frozen. It only relates to the release 
number. 2.1 is slink (currently stable). 2.2 is potato (currently frozen but 
will hopefully soon be stable). And woody refers to what I imagine will become 
2.3 down the line.


Re: TEX: tex.fmt, latex.fmt, jadetex.fmt missing.

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
I'm not sure, but perhaps run fmtutil?  Just a shot in the dark.


 Brendan == Brendan J Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm having the familiar *.fmt files missing when trying to use
 tex.  The mail archives suggest that the solution is to install
 tex from the proposed-updates directories but that solution
 doesn't work (at least not any more).

 The URL

 does not exist anymore. is now at but the
 directory path does not exist.  I have setup my
 /etc/apt/sources.list file to

 I have browsed

 and and there
 is no mention of any tex packages.  I point apt at these sites
 any it says that my tex distribution is the newest available
 when I try to install.

 What is the current solution to the tex.fmt, latex.fmt,
 jadetex.fmt problem ?  I'm getting a little frustrated now.  I
 don't want to go back to RedHat.

 I hope someone can help.  Thanks, Brendan Simon.


 Go to an ftp archive and go into the proposed-updates for
 slink. There was some sort of y2k problem with tex where the
 make format or something to that effect failed. Anyway, the
 updated package will work. In fact here is the url for the cdrom
 debian archive.


 On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:56:30PM -0800, G. Crimp wrote:
 I've been using TeX at work for a few weeks now.  Last week I
 got a
 new computer and installed 2.1 on it (same as was on the old
 box).  As
 as I can tell, I have all the appropriate tetex packages in
 TeX no
 longer works, though.  When I try to run tex on a .tex file, I
 get the

 following error:
 This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2) I can't find the
 format file `tex.fmt'!
 The tetex docs say to run the command `texconfig init' in such
 case.  When
 I run it I get tons of output, including the following
 [...]  Beginning to dump on file tex.fmt (format=tex
 1999.12.30) [...]  No pages of output.  Transcript written on
 tex.log [...]
 The command continues to run producing similar output
 concerning latex
 metafont.  However, the file tex.fmt is nowhere to be found on
 my file

 system.  Maybe the line No pages of output. explains that.  I
 thought I
 could get some answers from the transcript in tex.log, but that
 not to have been written anywhere either.
 Anybody know what I have done wrong on this new computer, or
 more positively, how I can back to writing documentation with
 TeX ?

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: glibc-compat ???

2000-03-23 Thread Taupter
  It seems we don't have such compatibility packages for Debian;
  what am I missing?  Could one install slink's glibc2.0 in a
  non-obstrusive way under potato or woody?

 Maybe you could use alien and install the rpm?  I thing potato and
 woody is totally commited to 2.1

Strange. If i can remember, Slink has libc5 compatibility libs.
Why not glibc2.0 compatibility libs for potato, as RH-based distros

I'm CC'ing this post to debian-devel (the right place to talk about this


input/output error

2000-03-23 Thread Aaron Solochek
I had to reinstall my system recently, and since then, I have been
unable to get my lcd working, I think the serial port might be messed
up.  I had a backup of my old system, and I had many many versions of
lcdproc, including one from dselect, but they all say the same thing. 

leko:/usr/local/bin#./LCDd -t 20x4 -d MtxOrb -b on
MtxOrb_init: failed (Input/output error)
Error loading driver MtxOrb.  Continuing anyway...

Well, they don't all continue anyways, but all get the i/o error.  I
have used /dev/ttys0 and /dev/ttys1, its got to be one of them. 
Actually, it needs to be /dev/ttys1 since 0 is my UPS, which does seem
to work.  Any ideas?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Phoenix == Phoenix Amon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that
 potato is always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And
 that woody is the code-name for the 2.2 release.

 Each version has a code name. The code name doesn't relate to
 whether the distribution is in stable or unstable or frozen. It
 only relates to the release number. 2.1 is slink (currently
 stable). 2.2 is potato (currently frozen but will hopefully soon
 be stable). And woody refers to what I imagine will become 2.3
 down the line.

Ah, all clear now.  Still doesn't explain why gimp1.1 isn't in
unstable, but I guess everyone is working on frozen right now...



Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread ktb

- Original Message -
From: Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 6:44 PM
Subject: Difference between woody and potato

 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that potato is
 always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And that woody is the
 code-name for the 2.2 release.  So why is unstable pointing to woody,
 and frozen to potato?

I suppose you could break it down more but Debian has three stages:
unstable, frozen and stable.  Hamm, Slink, Potato, Woody are just names and
each name goes through all three steps. I'm sure there is something about
this at the web site if you want more.

I found this out when I tried to get gimp1.1
 and found it not there, even when my sources.list is pointing to
 unstable.  Mind you, gimp1.1 should be in unstable anyways, I think,
 since it's going into 2.2.  (or is it?)  Clarification and corrections
 are appreciated.

 Dazed and Confused. :)


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Re: outdated packages

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
Try downloading the deb source, patching the source, and then using
dpkg-buildpackage or dpkg --build.  (Check the man pages.)  Make sure
you get the source from the debian website or with apt, if you have
the deb-src lines in sources.list, as it will contain debian
subdirectory in the source tree, which is needed by dpkg to build


 Jerry == Jerry J Jaskierny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 there are several packages included in debian archives that are
 outdated.  instead of installing the outdated ones, in some
 cases are useless to me, i want to compile an updated copy of
 the source.  i'm trying to figure out how i can compile this
 source, and let dpkg/dselect know that they've been installed.
 my first problem was alsa.  i had to compile and updated copy of
 alsa.  Esound needs to be installed with support with alsa, but
 dpkg doesn't know that alsa has been installed, causing an
 irritating chain of dependencies and problems.  does anyone know
 how to fix this?  i'm sure this has been answered before, but i
 couldn't find it anywhere in the archives.  and please reply to
 this address, as i am not currently subscribed to the mailing
 list.  thank you.  jerry jaskierny

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Taupter
Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that potato is
 always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And that woody is the
 code-name for the 2.2 release.  So why is unstable pointing to woody,
 and frozen to potato?  I found this out when I tried to get gimp1.1
 and found it not there, even when my sources.list is pointing to
 unstable.  Mind you, gimp1.1 should be in unstable anyways, I think,
 since it's going into 2.2.  (or is it?)  Clarification and corrections
 are appreciated.
 Dazed and Confused. :)

Debian has two branchs:

stable: the well-tested, production-level distribuition.
unstable: in-development distribuiton.

When an unstable version is reaching the poit to be stable, it is
frozen, and then newer features/packages are no more allowed. It's
time to refine the packages to put them in production-level, and soon
release a new stable distro.

At this time, frozen means almost stable, and a newer unstable brach
arises and continue evolving as usual, with newer packages, et cetera.

The next stable version will be Potato, and it will happen soon (I
hope). Meanwhile, the
bleeding-edge/development/explosive/radioactive/unstable is (and will
be, for a while) Woody (v. 2.3 or something bigger).


Re: Time taken by a script

2000-03-23 Thread Debian Linux User
Ron Rademaker wrote:

 I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how long
 (exactly, 10th of second) it takes to execute the script, how can I do


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addendum: you can run CGI scripts in offline mode and feed them their form 
through standard intput or command line args. so do something like $bashtime 
key=valuekey1=value and that will spit back some execution times. Do that 
for an average.


Re: /etc/rc?.d directories missing on potato install

2000-03-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 03:25:33PM -0500, Jameson Burt wrote:
 Last week I installed potato on a new computer.
 Before the first reboot, I selected one of the category of packages.
 After the first reboot, install let me select more packages, but exited 
 prematurely.  One possible reason would be that /var was limited to the
 size of /, 128MB, so apt-get may have crashed trying to pull down 700MB
 into 128MB of space [I had 10GB of space on /usr/local, which I later 
 linked /var/cache into].

Bad juju that lack of disk space!

 I reinstalled sysvinit to get the /etc/rc?.d directories;
 however, reinstalling other packages like apache are not
 creating the links from /etc/rc?.d into /etc/init.d .
 I could make the links myself, but they have a certain number sequence,
 so I had best let the Debian installation create this links.

The first thing that comes to mind, is you have at least one link to the
packages in question in one of the /etc/rc?.d directories. The
update-rc.d won't muck with your links unless there are none.  This way,
every time you do an upgrade, your links don't get screwed with.  If you
want the defaults do update-rc.d -f package remove ; update-rc.d
package defaults.  That should do the trick.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: I Screwed up WindowMaker

2000-03-23 Thread Aaron Solochek
What if any errors are displayed on that screen it goes back to? 

-Aaron Solochek

Matheson wrote:
 I just upgraded WindowMaker on my slink from, but now it doesn't work.  When I start
 X Windows, it starts to display the appicon and stuff, but then it goes
 back to the login screen.  Does any one know what's wrong?
 Cameron Matheson
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Re: outdated packages

2000-03-23 Thread Jerry J. Jaskierny
thanks, i'd already thought of that.  but i'd assume there has to be a
more convenient way.  debian can't possibly be built on just the packages
and dependencies it provides.

On 23 Mar 2000, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

 Try downloading the deb source, patching the source, and then using
 dpkg-buildpackage or dpkg --build.  (Check the man pages.)  Make sure
 you get the source from the debian website or with apt, if you have
 the deb-src lines in sources.list, as it will contain debian
 subdirectory in the source tree, which is needed by dpkg to build
  Jerry == Jerry J Jaskierny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  there are several packages included in debian archives that are
  outdated.  instead of installing the outdated ones, in some
  cases are useless to me, i want to compile an updated copy of
  the source.  i'm trying to figure out how i can compile this
  source, and let dpkg/dselect know that they've been installed.
  my first problem was alsa.  i had to compile and updated copy of
  alsa.  Esound needs to be installed with support with alsa, but
  dpkg doesn't know that alsa has been installed, causing an
  irritating chain of dependencies and problems.  does anyone know
  how to fix this?  i'm sure this has been answered before, but i
  couldn't find it anywhere in the archives.  and please reply to
  this address, as i am not currently subscribed to the mailing
  list.  thank you.  jerry jaskierny
  -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: HPFS partitions

2000-03-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 04:36:13PM -0500, Sandy Shapiro wrote:
 Linux is in my /dev/hdb1 partition.
 OS/2 files are in three HPFS partitions: /dev/hda3; /devhda4; and
 My question is:
 What command do I issue in Linux so that I can access the HPFS
 partitions from Linux and copy files from OS/2 to Linux. (I have some
 .tar files sitting in OS/2 that I want to move over to Linux).

$ mount -t hpfs /dev/hda? /mnt

See man mount, man fstab for more info on various flags.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Is My Copy Bad?

2000-03-23 Thread Taupter
 Yes I am trying to install Debian from a CDROM and booting from this. I
 am trying to install on a p-133, 32-meg 16xCDROM, IDE hard drive and
 CDROM boot enabled. The installer runs fine, I mount the root partition
 and so on.
 Then I get to the problem step Install Operating System Kernel and
 Modules. First time round I selected (Install from CDROM - at /dev/hdb

/dev/hdb. It's the problem.

I saw lots of people having the same problem, and the cause was HD and
CD-ROM on the same IDE.

You must open your computer, attach (only) the CD-ROM on the secondary
IDE, and use /dev/hdd instead. If the computer's firmware is so old that
it doesn't recognize one slave device without master on the secondary
IDE, you must change your CD-ROM's jumper to set the CD-ROM drive as
master (/dev/hdc).

It _will_ solve your problem.


Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 07:44:58PM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that potato is
 always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And that woody is the
 code-name for the 2.2 release.  So why is unstable pointing to woody,
 and frozen to potato?  I found this out when I tried to get gimp1.1
 and found it not there, even when my sources.list is pointing to
 unstable.  Mind you, gimp1.1 should be in unstable anyways, I think,
 since it's going into 2.2.  (or is it?)  Clarification and corrections
 are appreciated.

potato and woody are just code names. The actual unstable is bleeding
edge, and frozen is the next release. Currently potato is frozen (a la
Debian 2.2) and woody is the new unstable. Sooner or later potato will
release and become unstable...then some time down the road woody will
freeze and become frozen...and the whole cycle starts again (but something
else will be the new unstable, not sure of the code name though).


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Pollywog == Pollywog  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 23-Mar-2000 Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz
 --help and I get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I
 think tgz shouldn't accept things starting with -- as file
 names...)  rm always takes it as an option, even if quotes,
 double-quoted, backslashed, regular-expressioned.  Any

 try 'rm -- --help.tgz'

Woohoo!  Thanks.  I should have though of that, since I just read
about -- in the bash man pages.

Thanks again.

 (no quotes)

 -- Andrew


2000-03-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 03:04:40PM +0100, Jose Alberto Lobo wrote:
 A problem with
 I run debian 2.1, kernel 2.2.14, and recently downloaded and compiled a
 program from  which I need to access through the net certain
 databases on a server running MS-Windows.
 When I try to run the program the shell complains that  can't load 
 ''. I noticed Debian 2.1 has  in  /usr/X11R6/lib.
 In a different computer running  Slackware 4.0, I observed
 instead, also in   /usr/X11R6/lib.

I'm guessing that the differences between 4.10 and 4.11 should not be
significant enough to cause breakage. Typically, a symlink is all that
is required (ln -s  However, if you compile
the program against a newer version, it's likely to break with older
versions.  I'm not sure why you didn't have the symlink, and the libXpm
in potato is 4.11. 

Looks like another user posted a solution to your Bash problem.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Time taken by a script

2000-03-23 Thread Debian Linux User
Ron Rademaker wrote:

 I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how long
 (exactly, 10th of second) it takes to execute the script, how can I do


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Since Perl is an interpreted language, there are no assurances as to how long 
it will
take to run your script, because it highly dependent on how Perl decides to 
your instructions. CGI scripts typically are under their own process anyhow, so 
also depends on when the OS decides to schedule your script for execution. Since
Linux is not a Real Time OS there are no assurances on either front. The point
being that you can get a pretty good average (down to a tenth of a second) in
testing, but execution time may widly vary under a heavy system load.

Solution: Average time under a heavy load and feel comfortable with an average.


RE: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Pollywog

On 23-Mar-2000 Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
 get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
 accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
 as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
 regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?

try 'rm -- --help.tgz'

(no quotes)


Re: outdated packages

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
You could also try dummy-package, or make-dummy-package, or something
like that (I've forgotten the name, and amd too lazy to go look it
up.) to create a dummy package that satisfies the dependencies that
you need.  I never did get around to figuring out how to use it

 Jerry == Jerry J Jaskierny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 thanks, i'd already thought of that.  but i'd assume there has
 to be a more convenient way.  debian can't possibly be built on
 just the packages and dependencies it provides.

 On 23 Mar 2000, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

 Try downloading the deb source, patching the source, and then
 using dpkg-buildpackage or dpkg --build.  (Check the man
 pages.)  Make sure you get the source from the debian website
 or with apt, if you have the deb-src lines in sources.list, as
 it will contain debian subdirectory in the source tree, which
 is needed by dpkg to build debs.
  Jerry == Jerry J Jaskierny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  there are several packages included in debian archives that
 are  outdated.  instead of installing the outdated ones, in
 some  cases are useless to me, i want to compile an updated
 copy of  the source.  i'm trying to figure out how i can
 compile this  source, and let dpkg/dselect know that they've
 been installed.   my first problem was alsa.  i had to compile
 and updated copy of  alsa.  Esound needs to be installed with
 support with alsa, but  dpkg doesn't know that alsa has been
 installed, causing an  irritating chain of dependencies and
 problems.  does anyone know  how to fix this?  i'm sure this
 has been answered before, but i  couldn't find it anywhere in
 the archives.  and please reply to  this address, as i am not
 currently subscribed to the mailing  list.  thank you.  jerry
  -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Ben == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 07:44:58PM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung
 Wong wrote:
 I'm a bit confused about woody and potato.  I though that
 potato is always the newest, bleeding edge distribution.  And
 that woody is the code-name for the 2.2 release.  So why is
 unstable pointing to woody, and frozen to potato?  I found this
 out when I tried to get gimp1.1 and found it not there, even
 when my sources.list is pointing to unstable.  Mind you,
 gimp1.1 should be in unstable anyways, I think, since it's
 going into 2.2.  (or is it?)  Clarification and corrections are

 potato and woody are just code names. The actual unstable is
 bleeding edge, and frozen is the next release. Currently potato
 is frozen (a la Debian 2.2) and woody is the new
 unstable. Sooner or later potato will release and become
 unstable...then some time down the road woody will freeze and
 become frozen...and the whole cycle starts again (but something
 else will be the new unstable, not sure of the code name

Buzz perhaps?  :)


 / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage...  -- Debian

Re: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 10:14:19PM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
 get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
 accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
 as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
 regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?

I don't think tgz is generally called directly. You probably want to use
'tar -czf mydir.tgz mydir/'.  Anyway, from the rm manpage:
   GNU rm, like every program that uses the  getopt  function
   to  parse  its  arguments,  lets  you use the -- option to
   indicate that all following arguments are non-options.  To
   remove  a  file  called `-f' in the current directory, you
   could type either
  rm -- -f
  rm ./-f
   The Unix rm program's use of a single `-' for this purpose
   predates the development of the getopt standard syntax.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: glibc-compat ???

2000-03-23 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 02:42:26AM -0300, Taupter wrote:
 Strange. If i can remember, Slink has libc5 compatibility libs.
 Why not glibc2.0 compatibility libs for potato, as RH-based distros

They're both libc 6.0 -- how would know which one you wanted?
Any apps which run on 6.0 and not 6.1 are broken and should be fixed.


Re: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 10:14:19PM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
 get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
 accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
 as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
 regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?

like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ touch -- --help
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r-1 eb   eb  0 Mar 22 21:40 --help
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ rm -- --help
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ ls -l
total 0

Ethan Benson

Re: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread Aaron Solochek
On a similar note, avoid naming files -v or -r those are real
pains.  A friend of mine had to write system code to delete them... If
he still has it sitting around, I'll pass it on.

Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
 get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
 accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
 as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
 regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?
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Re: Replacing system hard drive?

2000-03-23 Thread Hecubus
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:

 My hard drive is starting to make noise, so I bought a replacement.  
 What is the recommended way to make the switch?

Symantec Norton Ghost.


Re: I Screwed up WindowMaker

2000-03-23 Thread Hecubus
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Matheson wrote:

 I just upgraded WindowMaker on my slink from, but now it doesn't work.  When I start
 X Windows, it starts to display the appicon and stuff, but then it goes
 back to the login screen.

My recommendation is to install the wmaker package from the frozen


Re: How do you remove files with bad/wierd names

2000-03-23 Thread kmself
In this specific case:

rm -- --help

...should do the trick.  The null argument --  signifies to most
utilities that the remaining arguments are to be interpreted as
arguments and not options.

Other helpful hints:

 - List the file by inode, find and remove the inode:

 touch -- --help
 ls -i
 find . -inum `ls -i|grep -- '--help'|awk '{print $1}'` -exec rm {}\;

 - Most strange characters can be dealt with by quoting.  The above
   inode approach is a good trick to know though.

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 10:14:19PM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
 I was wondering how to remove a file by the name of --help.tgz?
 (Don't ask...Okay if you really must know, I typed in tgz --help and I
 get that file.  There's no man page for tgz, and I think tgz shouldn't
 accept things starting with -- as file names...)  rm always takes it
 as an option, even if quotes, double-quoted, backslashed,
 regular-expressioned.  Any suggestions?
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Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: Replacing system hard drive?

2000-03-23 Thread kmself
This assumes a spare bay and/or connector.  And a rescue and/or boot

Install the new hard drive.  Partition it as desired.  If you're happy
with your current partitioning scheme, use that, if not modify it in
the direction you wish you'd done it initially.  Partitioning is a
religious topic.  I generally prefer seperating /, /tmp, /var, /usr,
/home, and /usr/local.

Check for bad blocks.  Use the write test.  It will be more difficult
to do this later.

Create new filesystems.  Mount each to some temporary mount point.  Copy
the intended contents to the new partition.  It's generally useful to
have your system in single-user mode at this point, with most partitions
mounted read-only.

As you copy contents from the old partition to new, you can umount the
old partition, edit your /etc/fstab file to reflect the change, and

   mount /new/mountpoint mount the new partition.

You won't be able to remount your root partition on an active system, a
shutdown is necessary.  I'm not sure you can update the LILO information
properly -- if you're going to be reconfiguring your SCSI IDs, you may
need to re-run LILO following final drive configuration.  Give it a
shot, edit /etc/lilo.conf to indicate your new (as of next boot) drive

Confirm you've got everything from your old drive to the new one.  

Shut down the system.  Disconnect the old drive.

Boot your system.  If it works, congrats.  You can now shut down, remove
your old harddrive, and use it in target practice.

If the system doesn't boot correctly, with messages indicating inability
to find the root FS or init, boot your rescue disk, and modify your LILO
conf appropriately.  If that doesn't work, write back from your *other*
working system :-) 

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:09:45AM -0800, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:
 My hard drive is starting to make noise, so I bought a replacement.  What
 is the recommended way to make the switch?  All my Linux partitions are
 on this disk except the swap partition.  My Win95 OS is on a separate drive.
 This is a SCSI disk running 2.0.35 if that makes any difference.
 Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
 Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
 (925)757-0685 (925)777-1964 (fax) | Synthesis, Fault Grading, Test   | Development and Project Management
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Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:
Nothin' rusty about Kuro5hin:

Re: Time taken by a script

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
Ron is rights, but you can get an idea when you do
prepend the time command like: time script
It gives you a few stats.



At 06:19 AM 3/23/00 +, Debian Linux User wrote:
Ron Rademaker wrote:

 I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how long
 (exactly, 10th of second) it takes to execute the script, how can I do


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Since Perl is an interpreted language, there are no assurances as to how long 
it will
take to run your script, because it highly dependent on how Perl decides to 
your instructions. CGI scripts typically are under their own process anyhow, 
so it
also depends on when the OS decides to schedule your script for execution. 
Linux is not a Real Time OS there are no assurances on either front. The 
being that you can get a pretty good average (down to a tenth of a second) in
testing, but execution time may widly vary under a heavy system load.

Solution: Average time under a heavy load and feel comfortable with an average.


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Re: A little bad press about Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
 Ultimately, it's the similarity between FreeBSD and 
 Linux that's confusing you, not really the differences.

Good quote candidate...



Unable to bind port??

2000-03-23 Thread Mike
I Installed debian Frozen the other day using the base floppies ans
downloading the rest. I chose the profiles I wanted, and the install
went fine. Then the problems startedgnome was so slow it took at
least 5 minutes to start and 3 minutes for any program to start. Then
I used apt to install blackbox and it worked fine. I have plenty of
memory and gnome has always worked fine with slackware, so I don't know
what the problem is. Also, I used apt to install some other programs,
pan and gaim, and whn i try to start them it said unable to bind port
 where x was some numbers I can't recall. After this, i reformatted
my hadr disk and reinstalled, and had the same problems. Can anyone help


Re: 2 networks

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
Dear George,

Would you be so kind to send me more info on your statement?



At 10:25 PM 3/22/00 -0800, George Bonser wrote:

For two months T1 payment you can get wireless at T1 speed that will work
over that distance with no problem.

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Evan Moore wrote:

 currently i have 2 networks, in 2 seperate buildings within 1000m. Both
 networks have an internet connection(A T1 and a fractional T1); however, I
 have lost the budjet for one of the internet connections. Is there a way
 to create a point to point link between the network, that is low cost, and
 has no monthly lease charge? Can 2 isdn modems directly dial eachother?
 Evan Moore

mutt and Turkish

2000-03-23 Thread Patrick
Hi all,

Does anyone know of instructions in ENGLISH on how to make Turkish fonts
display in mutt? All I can find are things in Turkish that I just
don't have enough grasp of the language to understand.
Patrick Kirk

Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggy until you can find a rock.

how to upgrade from kerneld to kmod?

2000-03-23 Thread Joseph de los Santos


  When I boot up, I get a warning message that kerneld is obsolete and I 
should use kmod instead, if I was using kernel 2.2.x.(I am using 2.2.x) I 
would like to know how I can accomplish this upgrade.

thank you.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Scanning emails for viruses (exim)

2000-03-23 Thread Graham Ashton
Can anybody help me to use exim to filter incoming emails for viruses, using
a virus scanning package such as McAffee's VirusScan?

Any success stories, or alternative techniques, would be helpful - I'm still
at the how should I go about this, and what should I get hold of? stage.

I've seen the question/answer in the exim FAQ[1], but haven't the first idea
about what ought to go in the script it mentions.



Graham Ashton

Re: Limping and bleeding with Corel Linux

2000-03-23 Thread Vitux
 Val Dokuzovic wrote:
   found out that I can not install
   it on my laptop. ... Turned to my sons old PC NEC Ready 60
Which laptop do you have? what leads you to the
conclusion that you can not install linux on your
laptop? In my experience, very few laptops
actually entirely resist installation of linux.
I've done it on a IBM TP365X, which is a quite
bitchy machine...
You can probably get help at the
   I installed one copy of linux to my C: drive and one
   to my D: drive. The idea was that if I manage to get one crashed I will
   simply use the other one, (maybe try to fix the first one with it -
   remember I do not really know a lot?) My principal copy was on C: drive.
   My backup is on D: drive. I got them both running reasonable well. I
   had only one problem left: RAM. I have 104M, and machine thought I had
   64M. This is where append=mem=104M in etc/lilo.conf became an option
   to try. Last time I tried it I got a bad crash from which could not
   recover. (That was what gave me the idea of the two copies). This time I
   tried it on my backup copy. It did work as far as RAM but boy am I in
   a mess now. I can not get my C: copy to run. D: copy I can barely get to
   too. It is now for some reason my first suggested choice and my C:
If you specify the amount of ram reported by the
bios, you will probably get an error like the one
you're describing. You need to specify the amount
available to linux, after the kernel has taken
what it needs. Try specifying 4-8 Mb less than the
actual amount, and you should be fine. (Some of
the gurus can probably give you a more in-depth
   With all the trouble I went through (and all I still probably will go
   through) I am becoming more and more attached to linux, as I slowly
   learn its intricacies. But a thought went through my mind. Linux is
   supposed to be a free software. Is Debian really free? Is it free if
   only programming elite can use it? Or are we mousemen really retarded
   now after prolonged use of windows? Attached are my messy etc/lilo.conf
   files. One with root at dev/hda2 is my C: copy. Please help. I do not
   dare to do anything on my own anymore. If any debian expert lives in
   Toronto area I am willing to pay him to get my mlinux machine in a
   perfect order. Thank you for help. Val.

Why don't you try a straightforward Debian
install? I did my first install half a year ago,
and except for a bitchy on-board sreen-card, it
went completely smooth. Later when I put in more
ram, someone at the list was able to inform me
that I had to specify slightly less than actually
installed. That was it!. You shouldn't need to
have a dual install; I suggest you use a
rescue-disk instead of confusing you (and the
system) with having two installs...
About your free-remarks: I was a
'doze-handicapped average user ½yr ago. I think
you're right: you will be retarded after prolonged
use of windows; but you don't have to be a geek to
run linux.
Please be very specific when reporting errors, try
to give errormessages, and describe what happened
before the crashes. BTW, you (or your hardware)
must be doing some high-quality strangeness: Linux
(almost) never crashes. I've had one crash in 6
months; when the cable to my /hdd (/usr) worked
itself loose...
Please: you gotta dare. You'll love it, once it's


Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Updated Kernel and KDE

2000-03-23 Thread Alex Kwan


I have download the floppies from and
installed a basic debian linux (potato) box, and now I want to 
complete thesystem and have 
following questions:

(1) updated the kernel to (official 
release 2.2.14) which 
packages do I need?

(2) I can't found the KDE packages in .deb format at, 
does the KDE supported by 


Re: Replacing system hard drive?

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Wintrich


put a new drive (same size or biger) in your system.
the new drive must only be low-level formatet (adapter-bios function).
Then start your linux-system and make 

$ dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 or similar

In assumption sda is your old and sdb your new drive.
It's tested with linux, Nt 4.0 and Win95 from 9Gig Micropolis to 9Gig IBM
(a little biger) and run very fine.

But i'm not shure that bs=1024 the best choice. It's possible you waste
some time.

good luck

PS: excuse my terrible english

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Jerry E. McGoveran wrote:

 My hard drive is starting to make noise, so I bought a replacement.  What
 is the recommended way to make the switch?  All my Linux partitions are
 on this disk except the swap partition.  My Win95 OS is on a separate drive.
 This is a SCSI disk running 2.0.35 if that makes any difference.
 Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
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Updated Kernel and KDE

2000-03-23 Thread Alex Kwan

I have download the floppies from and
installed a basic debian linux (potato) box , and now I want to 
complete the system and have following questions:

(1) updated the kernel to (official release 2.2.14) which 
packages do I need ?

(2) I can't found the KDE packages in .deb format at, 
does the KDE supported by debian?


System map doesn't match kernel data

2000-03-23 Thread steve doerr
I get the following error on boot:

parport_enumerate} {parport_enumerate_R2gig_8ccc39f1}
Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.

But when I look in my messages log, what's below is the only thing I see
and I can't find the above error in any of my logs.  (I might mention my
printer is working fine).

Mar 23 11:02:54 debian kernel: Inspecting /boot/
Mar 23 11:02:55 debian kernel: Loaded 7273 symbols from
Mar 23 11:02:55 debian kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.2.14.

This just started showing up after the last couple of kernel builds.  I
ran /sbin/lilo, which I thought wrote a new  How could it
write a new map that doesn't match the kernel that's currently loaded?

Does anyone know how I can fix this (it has been causing some problems)?


Re: Updated Kernel and KDE

2000-03-23 Thread Neil D. Roberts

Hi, here´s some answers :)

(1) updated the kernel to (official release 2.2.14) which
packages do I need ?

Well, to start off with, you can dowload the kernel-source2.2.14.tgz
from Once you have this
file, place into /usr/src and with tar zxvf kernel-source2.2.14.tgz
you will extract all the files into a folder called kernel-source2.2.14.
You need to go into that directory, execute make menuconfig and
configure your new kernel. Once you have configured it, execute make
dep then make clean then make zImage then make modules and
finally make modules_install. If while making the zImage part, it says
that its to big, then try make bzImage followed by the make modules
and make modules_install command. Once all has finished, you need to go
into /usr/src/kernel-source2.2.14/arch/i386/boot and copy the zImage
file to the /boot directory. Once done, cd to / and do ln -s
/boot/zImage kernel2.2.14. Then you need to go into /etc and edit
lilo.conf. You will see at the bottom:


All you need to do is put almost the same 3 lines above this, having the
following :


And once you have completed this part, save the config, and execute
lilo it will show the following:

Linux *

(* being the default to execute at boot time.)

Now you can reboot the system, and it will boot your new kernel. IF it
goes wrong, and get a nice kernel panic :) then all you need to when
booting the computer is type Linux.old at the LILO: boot prompt

(2) I can't found the KDE packages in .deb format at,

does the KDE supported by debian?

Nope, unfortunatly the KDE packages a re not in the debian distribution,
so you would have to download these packages manually from

If  you have any questions or problems, I`m open !

Much Respect
Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709

Gone crazy, be back later, leave message.

Re: Updated Kernel and KDE

2000-03-23 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Alex == Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi!  I have download the floppies from and
 installed a basic debian linux (potato) box , and now I want to
 complete the system and have following questions:

 (1) updated the kernel to (official release 2.2.14) which
 packages do I need ?

Since you're using potato, you can just use dselect to get and install
kernel-image-2.2.14 (or something like that.  dselect should handle
all the dependancies

 (2) I can't found the KDE packages in .deb format at, does the KDE supported by debian?

Check out for info on getting debian packages of KDE.



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Re: Updated Kernel and KDE

2000-03-23 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)
Excuse me, for a kernel compilation I think it's better to use after 'make
menuconfig' (or 'make xconfig') to use 'make-kpkg' (make a .deb package
of kernel). For docs see /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz (if the
lacation is the same of slink (2.1).
(After 'make menuconfig' usually I edit Makefile and change the options
-O2 in -O3 in two lines: if possible why don't use in a good mode GCC?)
For KDE it's difficult because I know there are many license problems (it
is'nt GPL). You must search a site that contain deb packages of KDE 1.1.2.

Have a good day.

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Neil D. Roberts wrote:

 Hi, here´s some answers :)
 (1) updated the kernel to (official release 2.2.14) which
 packages do I need ?
 Well, to start off with, you can dowload the kernel-source2.2.14.tgz
 from Once you have this
 file, place into /usr/src and with tar zxvf kernel-source2.2.14.tgz
 you will extract all the files into a folder called kernel-source2.2.14.
 You need to go into that directory, execute make menuconfig and
 configure your new kernel. Once you have configured it, execute make
 dep then make clean then make zImage then make modules and
 finally make modules_install. If while making the zImage part, it says
 that its to big, then try make bzImage followed by the make modules
 and make modules_install command. Once all has finished, you need to go
 into /usr/src/kernel-source2.2.14/arch/i386/boot and copy the zImage
 file to the /boot directory. Once done, cd to / and do ln -s
 /boot/zImage kernel2.2.14. Then you need to go into /etc and edit
 lilo.conf. You will see at the bottom:
 All you need to do is put almost the same 3 lines above this, having the
 following :
 And once you have completed this part, save the config, and execute
 lilo it will show the following:
 Linux *
 (* being the default to execute at boot time.)
 Now you can reboot the system, and it will boot your new kernel. IF it
 goes wrong, and get a nice kernel panic :) then all you need to when
 booting the computer is type Linux.old at the LILO: boot prompt
 (2) I can't found the KDE packages in .deb format at,
 does the KDE supported by debian?
 Nope, unfortunatly the KDE packages a re not in the debian distribution,
 so you would have to download these packages manually from
 If  you have any questions or problems, I`m open !
 Much Respect
 Neil D. Roberts ; Administrador De Sistemas; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lander World Communications Server S.L. / Integra España S.A.
 Calle Rufino Gonzalez, Nº15 - 4ª Planta, Madrid, España 28037
 Telefonos :  917.897.710  ;  902.363.363  Fax  :  913.042.044
 Mensatel Beeper: Nº 940.331.331  ; Codigo Del Cliente : #NR10
 PGP Print: 6228 6EEE C604 431A 70A9  84B7 E327 9CAF E59A 2709
 Gone crazy, be back later, leave message.
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Which MTA to use?

2000-03-23 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
I am looking at changing an in-house e-mail system from an ugly 
of outsourced collection/forwarding and JSMail on an NT server to linux.  We
have an ADSL line coming in, and I can handle all of the DNS and network
stuff through the firewall, but I drop the ball at mail.  We have about 100
clients using Microsoft Outlook, but our legacy address format is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I can't change the address format, and I'd like to
leave POP3 in place.  Which MTA is the best given my limitation?



Newbie: Install problems (pre-depend-error, python)

2000-03-23 Thread Thomas Guettler
I tried to install debian (potato, from march 13th) 
for the first time and have two
I already have a small running system, and wanted to 
add several packages at once. Dselect says the
following and refuses to install:
pre-depend Error .. fix it and run [I]nstall again
But it doesn't tell me which package is making

I can't install python-base because dblib1.8 is not
available. (There is a package called dblib1 and
dblib2, but none which is called dblib1.8)

Can anyone help me, or tell me where i can find 

Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian

2000-03-23 Thread John Hasler
Marshal writes:
 I think the no support part is more of a no OFFICIAL support.

debian-user is quite official.

I think that they mean that there is no paid support.  They're wrong: while
support from Debian itself is only available free there are many who sell
Debian support.  Check
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Difference between woody and potato

2000-03-23 Thread John Hasler
Phoenix writes:
 2.2 is potato...

No.  2.2 will be potato when it is released. 2.2 does not exist yet.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

bad dependencies in postgresql (potato)?

2000-03-23 Thread Alberto Brealey G.

i'm trying to install postgresql in a potato box, however, the configuration
script bombs out with a message concerning the non-existence of the file
'/etc/timezone'. is that a missing package? or is it something that got
replaced somewhere in the way to the current version? how can i set it up so
i can install postgresql?



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