Re: curiosidad....

2000-04-26 Thread Danito
 On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 07:03:12AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola, listeros.
 Muchas veces despues de haber estudiado un poquitin en Linux en la noche (y 
 cuando ya no puedo mas... hay que estar a las 7:00am al otro dia en el 
 trabajo.. :)), para relajarme ejecuto 
 $ exec xaudio /home/rkrdo/mp3/cool/* 
 $ sleep 20m; poweroff
 Pero aveces mientras me relajo tengo una nueva *VISION* ;-)... y me levanto a 
 seguir mi camino... pero no se como abortar el comando poweroff... ya que si 
 miro con ps -ax me sale unicamente el sleep.. pero el poweroff no me aparece 
 por ningun lado.. no se si estoy mirando mal.. pero como hago para abortar el 
 poweroff despues de haber ejecutado todo esto??
No te aparece el poweroff al ejecutar ps -xa porque todavía no se
ha ejecutado lo que tienes que hacer es asesinar directamente al shell
del que cuelga el sleep para que no ejecute poweroff.

Pero como ya han dicho porque no pruebas con
shutdown -h +20
Y así tienes el terminal libre

Re: Archivos .deb

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, hcl wrote:

 Y para instalar paquetes...
 root# apt-get install elpaquete.deb   

NO fistro es elpaquete sin .deb !!! 
root# apt-get install elpaquete
a estas alturas 

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Texto en DOS a LINUX

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Hay algun comando para eliminar estos caracteres ?
 Cada vez que grabe un archivo texto de dos a linux, me apareceran ?

No hay uno, hay muchos:
dos2unix, por ejemplo.

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Logs de IPCHAINS

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Según el IPCHAINS-HOWTO: ... The '/etc/syslog.conf' controls the behaviour 
 syslogd, by specifying a destination for each 'faciclity' (in our case, 
 the facility is kernel) an 'level' ( for ipchains, the level used is 
 Si hay o no otra forma, no lo se.

No hay otra forma. La otra forma sería que las ipchains hicieran un log,
pero esto es conceptualmente imposible ( no son un programa, son reglas
que le dicen al kernel lo que tiene que hacer ), por lo que el log lo hace
le kernel.
Lo que si podrias hacer el filtrar el log del kernel, en otro archivo
hacer otro log más , quiero decir, y en él de alguna manera impedir que se
escriban las lineas que no sean de ipchains. No se ni siquiera si es
posible, pero por porbar ...
Espero haber servido de ayuda y que sepais que en el kernel 2.4 que está
al caer ya no se usan ipchains  asique tampoco me mataria demasiado

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Me presento a la lista.

2000-04-26 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 12:09:26PM +0200, Raúl Miró wrote:
 Lo que no llego a encontrar, como he visto en otras distribuciones, es
 algun programilla que permita la gestión de usuarios en modo gráfico,
 ¿no he buscado bien?. 

Prueba el linuxconf, creo que viene con la potato, yo lo he probado en una
mandrake 7.0 (Pcword) que ha caido en mis manos y todavia estoy flipando ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Problemas de Debian.

2000-04-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Javier_Fafi=E1n_Alvarez?= wrote:

   Por otro lado si que comparto la opinión de que las versiones
 tardan mucho en salir, y de que desde que un versión nueva de un programa
 aparece hasta que se añade a la lista de Debian, pasa demasiado tiempo,
 pero los que llevan los paquetes tienen más cosas que hacer ...

Bueno eso dije yo.

   Sinceramente yo concibo Debian como una Distribución en constante
 evolución, creo ºque cada mes habría que actualizarla, desde que lo hago

Actualizarla cada mes sería imposible. Sacar una versión nueva representa
un gran esfuerzo y el proceso de estabilización requiere calma. Lo que
mencionaba es que se busquen alternativas. Ya se que no es mucho decir
pero sinceramente creo que si bien hablar de los problemas tiene sus
inconvenientes el no hacerlo también los tiene. Quizas si se planificaran
plazos y objetivos para cumplir en determinadas fechas sería mejor. 
Bueno si esa no es la solución seguro que hay alguna. Debian tiene
mucha gente trabajando. 

Solo una idea. Si los nuevos voluntarios de Debian tuvieran que contribuir 
en determinadas necesitadas de colaboración antes de ser admitidos. Se
evanzaría bastante.

Yo pienso que (perdón por pensar tanto) que una versión nueva cada
seis meses estaría bien. Reconozco que no soy un conocedor de la
forma de trabajo de Debian solo doy mi opinión.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

binarios kien los kiere?

2000-04-26 Thread 2070718
hola a todos
ultimamente he degustado cierta abstinecia de linux i pcs en general asi que 
me he dedicado a pensar en ciertas cosillas con respecto a las ventajas de 
linux i sobretodo de debian que no son utilizadas.

Como es por ejemplo el uso masivo (100%) de codigo fuente... i es por ello que 
ciertos problemas con los que nos encontramos en linux (i otros de otros SO) 
no deberian ni de existir. Como es p ej el de las libs incompatibles...

No seria genial tener un dist que se pudiera instalar en cualquier plataforma 
desde el mismo set de cds (conteniendo solo las fuentes) siendo optima para el 
procesador para la que la vamos a usar (i las libs) i de una manera similar a 
la se usa ahora para  los binarios (sin tener que hacerse los paketes uno 
mismo (aunque en debian sea muy facil hacerlos individualmete en inviable para 
todos los de una dist completa))

A topE !!!

Sorry ...

2000-04-26 Thread Eduardo Urrea
Putos Cc ... no me di cuenta y hice un reply al mail de jfs sin darme cuenta
que habia un Cc a la lista, siento por el offtopic :)

Nos vemos

Re: Duda sobre lilo

2000-04-26 Thread Santiago Romero
 He tratado de instalar varias distribuciones de linux en una maquina con
 disco duro de 15 gb, he dejado los primeros 10 gb para ruindows y los
 ultimos 5 los quiero para linux, pero siempre despes de la instalición
 cuando trata de escribir el lilo en la particion de root..

 Hay un problema importante con discos duros GRANDES debido al
 funcionamiento interno de LILO. Resulta que para que un Sistema
 Operativo pueda arrancarse, su partición debe de empezar en el disco
 antes del cilindro 1024 (los discos están divididos en cilindros
 entre otras cosas). Si colocamos Linux (o Windows, o MSDOS) en
 una partición que quede por encima de ese cilindro, el S.O. no
 será capaz de arrancar. Una muestra de este problema se ve cuando
 iniciamos Linux por primera vez y no arrancar LILO, quedándose en L,
 LI, LIL, o LILO (cada letra indica un tipo de error de arranque).

 Este problema es fácilmente solucionable de alguna de estas maneras:

 o En la SETUP/BIOS del ordenador, en la parte de configuración
   de los discos, activa la opción LBA para tu disco. Esto hará que
   aparente tener menos cilindros para el sistema.

 o Cuando instales Linux, díle a LILO (en la pantalla de instalación
   de LILO) que use la opción linear.

 o Crea una partición Windows (C:) pequeña de modo que Linux quepa 
   (al menos su inicio) antes del cilindro 1024. Tras la C:, la de
   Linux y la swap ya podrás crear todas las particiones tipo FAT
   que quieras para tu windows.

 Si ninguna de las anteriores soluciones sirve:
 o Crea una partición de arranque de pocos Mb al principio del disco
   que monte el resto de particiones (esto ya requiere conocimientos
   más avanzados sobre Linux, montandola en /boot).

 o Usa la última versión de LILO, que ignora el número de cilindros
   y es capaz de arrancar cualquier cosa desde cualquier cilindro.

 Cualquiera de estas soluciones es válida. Antes de instalar Linux
 mira en tu BIOS el nº de cilindros del disco. Si son menos de 1024
 o pocos más, o aunque sean más, si ves que el lugar de instalación
 de Linux es cercano al inicio del disco, no habrá problema. Si no,
 prueba a activar el modo LBA y comprueba que funciona correcta-
 mente (esto reducirá el nº de cilindros). Y recuerda además que
 la instalación de LILO no tiene peligro alguno porque mediante un
 diskette de arranque del S.O. que utilice se puede eliminar, como
 verá más adelante en este documento.

 Es decir: cuando se te pregunte dónde instalar LILO, pon sin miedo
 que te lo instale en el MBR de tu disco. El MBR es un lugar del disco
 donde se pone el código de arranque del S.O. a usar. Si en lugar de
 poner el de Windows/MSDOS pones LILO, te aparecerá el menú de LILO
 para elegir con qué S.O. arrancar. Si un dia te cansas de LILO (o
 bien no se instala correctamente o hay cualquier problema) con un
 diskette de arranque de Windows que tenga FDISK puedes dejar el
 MBR como estaba, con el comando  FDISK /MBR  (equivalente a lilo -u
 en Linux), es decir: la instalación de LILO no tiene ningún peligro.

 Mi consejo es que crees las particiones más o menos de la siguiente
 forma (para que Linux quede cerca del origen y puedas tener todo el
 espacio que quieras para Windows, si es que lo vas a mantener):

  /dev/hda1 (C:)  Fat16-Fat32 1 Gb - 2 Gb
  /dev/hda2 (--)  Extendida   Resto del tamaño del disco
 /dev/hda5  (--)  Linux Native1.5Gb
 /dev/hda6  (--)  Linux Swap  80Mb
 /dev/hda7  (D:)  Fat16-Fat32 Lo que quieras
 /dev/hda8  (E:)  Fat16-Fat32 Lo que quieras

 (como ves las particiones se crean DENTRO de la extendida).

 Finalmente si nada de esto resulta siempre puedes usar el programa
 LOADLIN para arrancar Linux. Este programa permite arrancar Linux
 desde una sesión DOS o Windows (es otra manera de arrancar).

 Por último, si necesitas cambiar las particiones sin perder su
 contenido (si es muy importante) puedes intentar utilizar programas
 como PART, PRESIZE, o PARTITION MAGIC (aunque alguno es comercial).
 si no, simplemente con el fdisk de Linux o de Windows puedes borrar
 las particiones viejas y volverlas a crear fácilmente.

 Más información en: 

[  Texto generado con SOBRE v1.0 - (c) 2000 Santiago Romero  ]

Windows 2000 no se cuelg·$%/# NO CARRIER

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Re: Problemas con S3 Trio 3D AGP

2000-04-26 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Sun,16/Apr/2000 a las 17:00:15+0200, jmsiso escribió:
 Hola compañeros:
 Ante todo daros las gracias y sobre todo a Hue Bon por su respuesta. 
 Pero todavia no he conseguido que me funcione la tarjeta con las X windows.
 Pude median apt-get update y apt-get dist-upgrade, actualizar X 
 windows. Pero al elegir el chipset de mi tarjeta el nº 524 86C365 y el 
 servidor SVGA, cuando realizo un # startx la pantalla se me queda en negro y 
 el monitor se apaga. E intentado 
realizarlo con el servidor VGA16, pero no consigo profundidades de color 
superiores a 4 bits.
 Pude ayudarme alguien que tenga esta tarjeta, o tendria que probar el 
 Espero vuestras respuestas, gracias.

  siento la tardanza en responder. 

  Yo también tengo una 86C365. Con Slink y XFree 3.3.5 conseguí que me
funcionara el servidor XSVGA, pero dede que me pasé a 3.3.6 en slink o
potato no he conseguido que vuelva a funcionar (ni siguiera volviendo a
3.3.5 :-(.

  Ahora la tengo funcionando con Frame Buffer (es un poco mas lento
pero...funciona). Avisame si quieres que te ayude en algo o si consigues
que te funcione el XSVGA.

Hasta pronto. 

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas de Debian.

2000-04-26 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
   Yo pienso que se podrian hacer versiones lite o mas especializadas
de (servidor, workstation) en las que se probaran todos los paquetes
importantes. Estas distribuciones, al ser el numero de paquetes mucho
menor podrian ser hechas mas a menudo. Aparte se tendria LA
DISTRIBUCION, que seria mas o menos lo que es ahora. Normalmente nadie
necesita (digo necesita, no usa) todo lo que viene en las distribuciones
de Debian (ni creo que en ninguna otra salvo quizas en las de un floppy
o asi).

   De esta manera se tendria una distribucion estable, completa y lenta
junto con distribuciones mas pequennas donde se van averiguando fallos.

   Quizas sea duplicar un poco el trabajo (un bug en una deberia estar
en todas, aunque sea configuration specific), pero el resultado seria
mas versiones (mas) estables y un poco mas enfocadas a alguna tarea.

   Bueno, esto es mi opinion solo


Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Javier_Fafi=E1n_Alvarez?= wrote:
Por otro lado si que comparto la opinión de que las versiones
  tardan mucho en salir, y de que desde que un versión nueva de un programa
  aparece hasta que se añade a la lista de Debian, pasa demasiado tiempo,
  pero los que llevan los paquetes tienen más cosas que hacer ...
 Bueno eso dije yo.
Sinceramente yo concibo Debian como una Distribución en constante
  evolución, creo ºque cada mes habría que actualizarla, desde que lo hago
 Actualizarla cada mes sería imposible. Sacar una versión nueva representa
 un gran esfuerzo y el proceso de estabilización requiere calma. Lo que
 mencionaba es que se busquen alternativas. Ya se que no es mucho decir
 pero sinceramente creo que si bien hablar de los problemas tiene sus
 inconvenientes el no hacerlo también los tiene. Quizas si se planificaran
 plazos y objetivos para cumplir en determinadas fechas sería mejor.
 Bueno si esa no es la solución seguro que hay alguna. Debian tiene
 mucha gente trabajando.
 Solo una idea. Si los nuevos voluntarios de Debian tuvieran que contribuir
 en determinadas necesitadas de colaboración antes de ser admitidos. Se
 evanzaría bastante.
 Yo pienso que (perdón por pensar tanto) que una versión nueva cada
 seis meses estaría bien. Reconozco que no soy un conocedor de la
 forma de trabajo de Debian solo doy mi opinión.
 /\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
  _|0 0|_
 |  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |
 |  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (((Donde Linux)))
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RE: Re: [LinuxPreview] curiosidad....

2000-04-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Muchachos muchas gracias, por todas las ideas hoy en la noche cuando salga del 
trabajo, me ire a mi casa, a probar todas las opciones que me han dado, de 
verdad muchas gracias.

Ah.. una preguntilla, cuanto cobrarin ustedes (en dolares) por la instalación y 
configuración de linux en 16 equipos, hablemos del precio de cada equipo...

Muchas gracias..

Ricardo Rodríguez

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 11:32:55 -0600
From: Gerardo Santovena [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LinuxPreview] curiosidad

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 07:03:12AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola, listeros.
 Muchas veces despues de haber estudiado un poquitin en Linux en la noche (y 
 cuando ya no puedo mas... hay que estar a las 7:00am al otro dia en el 
 trabajo.. :)), para relajarme ejecuto 
 $ exec xaudio /home/rkrdo/mp3/cool/* 
 $ sleep 20m; poweroff
 Pero aveces mientras me relajo tengo una nueva *VISION* ;-)... y me levanto 
 a seguir mi camino... pero no se como abortar el comando poweroff... ya que 
 si miro con ps -ax me sale unicamente el sleep.. pero el poweroff no me 
 aparece por ningun lado.. no se si estoy mirando mal.. pero como hago para 
 abortar el poweroff despues de haber ejecutado todo esto??
 Muchas gracias
 Ricardo Rodríguez

en lugar de poner sleep 20m; poweroff
poné sleep 20m  poweroff
al poner esto hace que el poweroff se
ejecute solo si el codigo de salida del
sleep es, creo, 0. Al matarlo con un kill
este devuelve un numero diferente de cero
y no ejecuta el poweroff. Por favor
alguien corrijame si estoy mal.


--.  webmaster  ,-.
Gerardo Santovena  \,-'   \
FISICC-UFM  `--' webmaster  

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Re: binarios kien los kiere?

2000-04-26 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 10:43 AM 2000-04-26 +0200, 2070718 wrote:
hola a todos

No seria genial tener un dist que se pudiera instalar en cualquier
desde el mismo set de cds (conteniendo solo las fuentes) siendo optima
para el 
procesador para la que la vamos a usar (i las libs) i de una manera
similar a 
la se usa ahora para  los binarios (sin tener que hacerse los paketes uno 
mismo (aunque en debian sea muy facil hacerlos individualmete en inviable
todos los de una dist completa))

Hmmm... y como booteas con los fuentes? y como configuras/compilas sin
binarios de las herramientas (autoconf, automake, make, gcc, glibc, etc)?

Además... como instalas X en un 486 con 8MB de RAM y 200MB de disco? No te
van a caber ni las fuentes, sin contar lo demorado del proceso.

Si usas gcc  2.9 probablemente las optimizaciones van a ser mínimas (1%
con gcc  2.9 (AKA egcs) la cosa mejoraría un poco, pero _creo_ que no lo 
suficiente como para que valga la pena compilar todo.

Pa'completar, parace que te contradices, primero dices que sería genial tener
una distribución que se compilara al momento de la instalación, y después
dices que es inviable hacer todos los paquetes de una dist. completa.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Re: Problemas de Debian.

2000-04-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro wrote:

Yo pienso que se podrian hacer versiones lite o mas especializadas
 de (servidor, workstation) en las que se probaran todos los paquetes
 importantes. Estas distribuciones, al ser el numero de paquetes mucho
 menor podrian ser hechas mas a menudo. Aparte se tendria LA
 DISTRIBUCION, que seria mas o menos lo que es ahora. Normalmente nadie
 necesita (digo necesita, no usa) todo lo que viene en las distribuciones
 de Debian (ni creo que en ninguna otra salvo quizas en las de un floppy
 o asi).
De esta manera se tendria una distribucion estable, completa y lenta
 junto con distribuciones mas pequennas donde se van averiguando fallos.
Quizas sea duplicar un poco el trabajo (un bug en una deberia estar
 en todas, aunque sea configuration specific), pero el resultado seria
 mas versiones (mas) estables y un poco mas enfocadas a alguna tarea.

Pues a mi me parece una idea bastante buena.  Se podría usar algunos 
criterios de popularidad ya que esa información si está disponible en 
Debian y el hecho tener una versión que quepa en un par de CDs (binarios+ 
fuentes) sería muy interesante ahora, pero más adelante lo será aun más. 

Seguro que en Debian ya se han debatido estos temas muchas veces y seguro
que de vez en cuando se proponen soluciones. Se apunta muchas veces como
causa la falta de recursos humanos y el caracter voluntario de esta 
colaboración. Yo más bien creo que el modelo actual del equipo no escala
bien. Hay que partir de los recursos existentes y organizarse en función
de lo que hay y no de lo que nos gustaría que existiera. No conozco bien
Debian pero parece que se trata de un equipo muy poco estructurado. Una 
organización muy plana donde mucha gente se mueve más o menos al mismo nivel
y las labores de coordinación y relativas a aspectos generales son las más 
necesitadas de ayuda. Las antipaticas labores de documentación son un 
ejemplo.  Espero que Debian reaccione y se adapte para crecer mejor.

Bueno, esto es mi opinion solo

Lo mismo digo.




/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Comercio electronico

2000-04-26 Thread Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras

Un amigo quiere montar una pagina web en intern para 
comercio electrnico, algo asi como una tienda por ordenador. El tema es 
que seguramente me tocar montarlo y ya que soy anti mocosoft pensaba 
convencer a mi colega para poner Debian. Queria preguntaros varias 

Me han dicho de poner ADSL, Como veis el tema con Linux, he 
oido que hay algunos problemas con ciertas compaias 
Me gustaria saber si alguien ha montado algo 
parecido me orientase un poco, voy un poco perdido.
Podriais comentarme 
programas necesarios, informacion para leer, etc...

Todo lo que se os ocurra es bienvenido, he de aadir 
que soy bastante novato. Me comprometo a sacar un mini-howto (si no hay uno 
hecho) cuando lo consiga hacer funcionar.

Gracias de antemano.


-Mi peticin 
de drivers para Linux es la n 39921(Pasate por 

Partition magic + administrador de discos de wnt = kernel panic : VFS : UNable to mount root fs on 03:02

2000-04-26 Thread Alex Fredes
Hola lista


hda1 ntfs
hda2 linux
hda5 swap

Funcionaban correctamente, y tenia copado todo el disco con las particiones.
Yo sabia que con el partirion magic se podian cambiar el tamaño de
particiones para liberar espacio. Cambie el tamaño de la particion hda1
(ntfs) y luego al reiniciar la maquina (tengo por defecto el booteo para
nt), me levanto el nt y dijeme a mi mismo acá creo la unidad fat16 que
necesito. Entoncres echo a correr el administrador de disco, me alega de
que necesita escribir en el disco para acceder y de que no provocará
problemas con otras particiones y bla bla bla, bueno, será. Hace todo el
proceso, reparticiono al unidad previamente liberada, creo una particion
fat16, la formateo... ¡¡Listo :)!!

Reinicio la maquina, entro al debian y

 kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 03:02

y ahi se me queda pegado.

probé con el cfdisk, elimine la particion de fat16, le cree por acá, la
volvi a recrear, etc y nada de nada

Como puedo solucionar esto??

Alex Fredes
Roxi Ingeneria y Servicios

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MAS DETALLES RE: Partition magic + administrador de discos de wnt = kernel panic : VFS : UNable to mount root fs on 03:02

2000-04-26 Thread Alex Fredes
Adjunto mas detalles que me aparecen en pantalla:

Partition check:
hda: hda1 hda3 hda4 hda5
attemp to acces beyond end of device
03:02: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
attemp to acces beyond end of device
03:02: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
MINIX-fs: unable to read superblock
attemp to acces beyond end of device
03:02: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
FAT bread failed
attemp to acces beyond end of device
03:02: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 03:02 iso_blknum 16 block 32
kernel panic : VFS : UNable to mount root fs on 03:02

No me gustaria tener que volver a reinstalar todo el debian

Gracias de antemano

Alex Fredes
Roxi Ingeneria y Servicios

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Alex Fredes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Miércoles 26 de Abril de 2000 03:27 PM
 Para: 'Debian Users Spanish'
 Asunto: Partition magic + administrador de discos de wnt =
 kernel panic
 : VFS : UNable to mount root fs on 03:02
 Importancia: Alta

 Hola lista


 hda1 ntfs
 hda2 linux
 hda5 swap

 Funcionaban correctamente, y tenia copado todo el disco con
 las particiones.
 Yo sabia que con el partirion magic se podian cambiar el tamaño de
 particiones para liberar espacio. Cambie el tamaño de la
 particion hda1
 (ntfs) y luego al reiniciar la maquina (tengo por defecto el
 booteo para
 nt), me levanto el nt y dijeme a mi mismo acá creo la unidad
 fat16 que
 necesito. Entoncres echo a correr el administrador de disco,
 me alega de
 que necesita escribir en el disco para acceder y de que no provocará
 problemas con otras particiones y bla bla bla, bueno, será.
 Hace todo el
 proceso, reparticiono al unidad previamente liberada, creo
 una particion
 fat16, la formateo... ¡¡Listo :)!!

 Reinicio la maquina, entro al debian y

  kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 03:02

 y ahi se me queda pegado.

 probé con el cfdisk, elimine la particion de fat16, le cree
 por acá, la
 volvi a recrear, etc y nada de nada

 Como puedo solucionar esto??

 Alex Fredes
 Roxi Ingeneria y Servicios

Re: instalar debian en 15 ordenadores

2000-04-26 Thread Correcaminos
El Thu, Jun 24, 1999 a las 01:33:31AM +0100, Correcaminos dijo: 
 de Jose Luis Trivino el Wed, Jun 23, 1999 a las 04:12:44PM +0200
 El Wed, Jun 23, 1999 a las 04:12:44PM +0200, Jose Luis Trivino dijo: 
   Pablo Martin wrote:
   Se puede instalar la Debian 2.0/2.1 teniendo este en un
   servidor Novell? o si no como instalo el Linux en 15
   ordenadores? Solo uno de ellos tiene cd-rom y estan
   conectados en red, hay tambien un servidor NT 4.0 y los
   demas tienen widows 95
   una ayudita gracias

Mas ayudas :)

   Con los dos disquetes básicos, ya se puede acceder a un server que
 exporte por nfs, o mejor todavía, por ftp.

Cierto: Una vez que tienes una red accesible, sea intranet o
extranet, con debian se hacen maravillas :)


 # Como root, nos vamos al directorio de las fuentes...
 cd /usr/src/linux
 # Arrancamos el programa de selección de opciones
 make menuconfig
 # Una vez elegidas las opciones que necesitemos, nos preparamos...
 make-kpkg clean
 # Ahora, nos fabricamos el paquete *.deb (Tener en cuenta el numero de
 # version)
 # Empaqueto las fuentes en formato deb
 make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_source
 # Preparo las cabeceras por si hicieran falta...
 make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_headers
 # El nuevo kernel, listo para instalar
 make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_image
 # Para tener la doc disponible tambien...
 make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_doc
 # Si no fuesemos root, la orden anterior se lanza como:
 # 'fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=$VERSION kernel_image'
 #Ahora, lo único que nos quedaria, seria el instalarlo...
 # dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb
   Con lo anterior, el proceso de creación de los kernel, para los
 equipos que quieras, es un juego de niños :-)

Coño, creia que estas cositas no le eran utiles a nadie :)
   Bueno, aquí me paro.
   Si alguien conoce más formas de realizar el mantenimiento de varias
 maquinas al tiempo, que las comente ...

La comento :)

This is FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) for Linux

Version 1.0, released december 20, 1999

FAI is a non interactive system to install a Debian Linux operating
system on a PC cluster. You can take one or more virgin PCs, turn on
the power and after a few minutes Linux is installed, configured and
running on the whole cluster, without any interaction necessary. In
addition, changing the configuration can be done automatically on all
Linux cluster nodes. Thus it's a scalable method for installing and
updating a cluster with little effort involved. We use the Debian
distribution and a collection of shell- and Perl-scripts for the
installation process. Changes to the configuration files of the
operating system are made by cfengine.

The home page for FAI is

Bla, bla, bla ... :)


  Otra posibilidad es utilizar el sistema de actualizacion de
  paquetes por ftp de dselect, pero no estoy muy seguro de
  como hacerlo.
   Funciona, y muy bien, lo aseguro :-)
   Para hacerlo, debes crear (copiar) la misma estructura de
 directorios que tienes en el CD. Yo lo he utilizado para que utilizacen mi
 maquina para realizar actualizaciones mediante ftp.
   Lo cuento porque igual le interesa a alguien más (y porque viene a
   Normalmente me bajo de internet las actualizaciones que creo
 convenientes. Los ficheros que me bajo, suelen estar en
 /var/cache/apt/archives, que es donde el apt me los va dejando.
   Los ficheros que están ahi, están sin orden ni concierto, todo
   En el ftp, tengo la siquiente estructura:
   A partir de ahí, reproduzco todos los directorios que forman un CD
 oficial de Debian. Por cierto, si existe una forma 'automatizada' de crear
 este arbol de directorios, me gustaría saberlo.
   Luego, voy cogiendo cada paquete que me he bajado, y le miro el
 campo 'Section, para saber donde debería ir
   dpkg -s libc6|grep Section

Creo que será de gran utilidad mirar en man del 'apt-move' :)

En pocas palabras, recoje todos los ficheros que encuentre en
/var/cache/atp/archives y crea, el solito, el directorio de Debian, con lo
que puedes mantener un mirror local con los paquetes que utilizas. Genial,
   De esta manera, voy moviendo estos ficheros hasta el lugar adecuado
 dentro del arbol de directorios que me he creado. Así, consigo tener todo en
 el sitio que le corresponde ...
   Una vez que tengo todos los 

Re: Me presento a la lista.

2000-04-26 Thread Correcaminos
El Wed, Apr 19, 2000 a las 01:32:22PM +0200, Santiago Romero dijo: 
  Hola a to2!!!
  Me presento,  ya que  me acabo  de apuntar a  la lista  DEBIAN... Soy
  Santiago Romero,  de Mislata  (cerquita de Valencia),  estudio Teleco
  (3º), tengo 21 años y uso Linux  desde hace 4 (desde la Slackware 96)
  aunque actualmente uso  una Redhat 5.2 que ha  ido siendo actualizada
  hasta 6.1  (a retales). Sí,  uso Redhat, pero  me he apuntado  a esta
  lista porque creo  que es el lugar más apropiado  para aprender Linux
  sin usar cosas como sndconfig, linuxconf y compañía.

Bienvenido a Debian. Seguro que disfrutarás con nosotros ;)

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Problemas con Modem

2000-04-26 Thread JFreak
Tengo un modem Plug n Play, el Bios lo pone en le IRQ3, cuando arranca
debian lo pone en el IRQ4, configure mi conexion a mi ISP sin ningun
problema con el pppconfig cuando quiero conectarme, el modem
aparentemente funciona, se escucha en la bocina que da tono, marca el
numero y luego empieza a intenter conectarse (se oyen los ruidos de
cuando se esta conectando) pero en el proceso recivo los siguienes

-- got it
send (\d)
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated
Receive serial link in not 8-bit clean:
Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0

Como ven al principio todo va bien hasta cuando quiere conectar el ppp0
al /dev/ttyS2 intente cambiar el IRQ con setserial y ponerlo en el
IRQ3 (como en el bios) pero me da error de que no puedo usar ese IRQ,
intente cambiar la configuracion del bios para poner el modem en el IRQ4
(como Debian) pero tampoco dio resultado, alguien me dijo que solo era
la configuracion de mi ISP, he revisado los script y no encuentro donde
pueda estar el problema, ¿alguien puede ayudarme ??

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2000-04-26 Thread Sorribes juan

Hola te queria hacer la siguiente pregunta.
Utilizas el Apache si es asi como hago para configurar un servidor virtual
de otro dominio
Juan Sorribes

RE: Problemas con Modem

2000-04-26 Thread Alvarez, Angel
Probalo con minicom
y te deberia responder inmediatamente
si tarda un poco es un problema de irq
Por que no probas el wvdial??

  Angel Claudio Alvarez
Gcia de Tecnología   
   Banco Credicoop C.L.

-Mensaje original-
De: JFreak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles 26 de Abril de 2000 14:56
Para: Debian Users Spanish
Asunto: Problemas con Modem

Tengo un modem Plug n Play, el Bios lo pone en le IRQ3, cuando arranca
debian lo pone en el IRQ4, configure mi conexion a mi ISP sin ningun
problema con el pppconfig cuando quiero conectarme, el modem
aparentemente funciona, se escucha en la bocina que da tono, marca el
numero y luego empieza a intenter conectarse (se oyen los ruidos de
cuando se esta conectando) pero en el proceso recivo los siguienes

-- got it
send (\d)
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated
Receive serial link in not 8-bit clean:
Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0

Como ven al principio todo va bien hasta cuando quiere conectar el ppp0
al /dev/ttyS2 intente cambiar el IRQ con setserial y ponerlo en el
IRQ3 (como en el bios) pero me da error de que no puedo usar ese IRQ,
intente cambiar la configuracion del bios para poner el modem en el IRQ4
(como Debian) pero tampoco dio resultado, alguien me dijo que solo era
la configuracion de mi ISP, he revisado los script y no encuentro donde
pueda estar el problema, ¿alguien puede ayudarme ??


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Comercio electronico

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 26, 2000 at 06:49:30 +0200, Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras wrote:
 Un amigo quiere montar una pagina web en interné para comercio electrónico, 
 algo asi como una tienda por ordenador. El tema es que seguramente me tocará 
 montarlo y ya que soy anti mocosoft pensaba convencer a mi colega para poner 
 Debian. Queria preguntaros varias cosas:

Ando detrás de un proyecto similar, te puedo poner al corriente de lo que
hay y no hay en Potato... y eso que aún no lo tengo %-P

 Me han dicho de poner ADSL, Como veis el tema con Linux, he oido que hay 
 algunos problemas con ciertas compañias telefónicas.
 Me gustaria saber si alguien ha montado algo parecido me orientase un poco, 
 voy un poco perdido.
 Podriais comentarme programas necesarios, informacion para leer, etc...

Yo me he dado de alta en Infonegocio ADSL (véase Es una sección de La Timo pero de la que
trabaja bien (Telefónica Data) y la verdad es que se nota. Ellos te venden
el módem externo, la tarjeta ethernet, y te hacen la
instalación+configuración bajo Linux gratis. La cosa sale (dentro de la
oferta válida hasta el 31 de mayo) tal que asi:

* Módem ADSL externo Alcatel (en realidad es un router): ..23000 pts.(1)
* Tarjeta Ethernet 10bT: ...4000 pts.
* Instalación (spliter y cableado) + configuración:0 pts (1).
* Alta:0 pts (1).

* Cuota mensual modalidad estándar:.6500 pts.

(1) Dentro de la oferta.

Además te proporcionan 10 Mb de espacio web y 5 buzones de correo.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: binarios kien los kiere?

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
ordenador - por ejemplo - como el mio ? :(
Además la gente de a pie esto de las fuentes no lo entenderían,
asique te quedan dos caminos, pasar de ello o hacerlo a lo windows, es
decir hacerlo sin hacer ninguna pregunta ...
Por cierto, los fuentes están disponibles para algo, si los
necesitas úsalos, pero solo los que necesites. Yo soy muy bago y nunca los
uso, pero creo que tienes razón en la potencia que les daría, y de hecho
le da a una distribución ... si puede ser un filón sin explotar, pero no
creo que ese sea el camino, aquí también hará falta la tercera vía.

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Problemas de Debian.

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Actualizarla cada mes sería imposible. Sacar una versión nueva representa
 un gran esfuerzo y el proceso de estabilización requiere calma. Lo que
 No me has comprendido, yo digo hacer un  apt-get update y apt-get
upgrade cada mes ( por poner un periodo de tiempo prudencial ) sobre la
última que halla, ahora mismo woody, a través de internet, con un rsync
sobre una distro básica que ya tengamos o de cualquier otra manera ( ya se
que la de internet sin tarifa plana suena a cachondeo ), esto nos
mantendria a la última, si depender de las versiones que saquen

 Yo pienso que (perdón por pensar tanto) que una versión nueva cada
 seis meses estaría bien. Reconozco que no soy un conocedor de la
 forma de trabajo de Debian solo doy mi opinión.
Yo opino igual, y creo que todo el mundo opina lo mismo, pero
efectivamente es dificil llevarlo a la práctica. Por ejemplo, potato
recien congelada - que aún no ha salido - ya viene sin las X4 y el kernel
2.4 que también está al caer, no se congeló antes porque se estaban
esperando por otros programas igualmente cruciales para la distribución
... en fin que es dificil establecer el momento de congelación, pero yo
insisto que lo importante es la distribución.

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Problemas de Debian.

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
Yo pienso que se podrian hacer versiones lite o mas especializadas
 de (servidor, workstation) en las que se probaran todos los paquetes
 importantes. Estas distribuciones, al ser el numero de paquetes mucho
 menor podrian ser hechas mas a menudo. Aparte se tendria LA
 DISTRIBUCION, que seria mas o menos lo que es ahora. Normalmente nadie
 necesita (digo necesita, no usa) todo lo que viene en las distribuciones
 de Debian (ni creo que en ninguna otra salvo quizas en las de un floppy
 o asi).

Estoy contigo, ya he planteado yo ese posibilidad - así de pasada - pero
aumentaría el trabajo para los de Debian muchísimo y su respuesta fue un
gesto que traducido a palabras vendria diciendo si vale, pero no me
interesa, yo solo quiero paquetes, paquetes y más paquetes ...

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

RE: Re: [LinuxPreview] curiosidad....

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez

Ah.. una preguntilla, cuanto cobrarin ustedes (en dolares) por la instalación y 
configuración de linux en 16 equipos, hablemos del precio de cada equipo...

Muchas gracias..

TRABAJO , DONDE, CUANDO ? cuenta con migo para lo que sea, el dinero no es
problema ( ando más necesitado de curriculum ), pero creo que lo mejor, la
idea es que lo hagas tu con nuestra ayuda, pero hoye, ni se te ocurra
hacerme caso ;)

Gracias a ti.

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Problemas con Modem

2000-04-26 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 -- got it
 send (\d)
 Serial connection established.
 Using interface ppp0
 Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Connection terminated
 Receive serial link in not 8-bit clean:
 Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2 ? Qué puerto estás usando el com3 ¿? :-?
Si usas el com2 deves apuntar a /dev/ttyS1 ...
A lo mejor acierto y todo :)

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.3.99-pre5 -!!!

Re: Sistema de instala??o em Portugu?s da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Adriano Freitas
Pedro Guerreiro wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 03:41:45PM -0300, Adriano Freitas wrote:
  Debian Linux User wrote:
   E valeu pelo link...
   Mas porque é difícil eles colocarem na distribuição oficial?
Pelo simples fato de não ser de um interesse geral da comunidade 
 Por essa lógica ainda estavamos usando o código ASCII de 7bits. ;-)
 Na minha opinião a comunidade linux não é o mesmo que a comunidade

hehehe, realmente é um bom argumento para que o patch fosse oficilizado
não só na distribuição Debian, mas também no próprio código do XFree.
Outra coisa que agente não pode esquecer que não é o XFree que está
errado, são os programas mal feitos que estão :) Provavelmente é por
isso que não existe um pacote com a Xlib+patch, dessa forma estariamos
incentivando os programadores a continuarem com os erros de programação.
O patch do Quinot é apenas um remendo para os programas mal feitos.

  Por exemplo, será que é de nosso interesse poder escrever e ler
  caracteres em japonês?? Por isso agente não acha nada na distribuição
  principal que corriga/solucione isso. Mas os japoneses tem uma
  distribuição (se eu não me engano) totalmente em japonês.
 Sim, têm. Mas nós estamos a falar dos patches para o xlib para o suporte da
 acentuação (ou sou eu que já estou meio louco? :-), e a acentuação é
 usada por quase todos os Paises de lingua _não_ Inglesa, por isso não
 estamos falando de uma coisa tão especifica como o caso Japonês.
 É só a minha opinião.

Bom, pensem assim, se nem o tio Bill Gate$ resolveu esse problema
ainda, imagine o pessoal da comunidade linux que na maioria dos casos
trabalha de graça? :)  Quem já instalou windows e tem amigos japoneses
(fanáticos pelo idioma japonês) sabe que a versão para o japonês é
diferente que a versão com caracteres em latin. Não é tão simples assim
colocar suporte em uma única distribuição para todas os tipos de
caracteres do mundo inteiro. (Aqui eu já fugi um pouco do assunto do
patch, mas é só para agente não ficar pensando que não é por falta de
vontade, mas sim pela dificuldade em fazer uma distribuição completa)


Re: Sistema de instalação em Português da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Adriano Freitas
Marcus Brito wrote:
  Pelo simples fato de não ser de um interesse geral da comunidade linux.
  Por exemplo, será que é de nosso interesse poder escrever e ler
  caracteres em japonês?? Por isso agente não acha nada na distribuição
  principal que corriga/solucione isso. Mas os japoneses tem uma
  distribuição (se eu não me engano) totalmente em japonês.
 Errado. Praticamente todos os pacotes da antiga debian-jp foram unificados
 na potato. E eu acho perfeitamente plausivel a ideia de um pacote com a xlib
 do Quinot. Basta algum debian-developer se prontificar para mantenedor.
 Alguem ai?

Dá uma lida na mensagem que eu acabei de enviar que ainda fala sobre
esse assunto do patch do Quinot ;)


Re: Sistema de instala??o em Portugu?s da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Debian Linux User
Interessante! Eu gostaria muito de mandar uma mensagem pra ele, mas
antes... Quem é esse cara? ;-) Há uma lista de mainteiners da debian que
eu posso enxergar na internet? Alguém sabe o endereço?

Obrigado e até mais,


Pedro Guerreiro wrote:
 Porquê? Envia uma msg ao Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ele é o
 responsável pelos pacotes do XFree86) explicando o caso. Ele já aplica
 tantos patches à versão original do X que mais um menos um ;-). Bom, em todo
 o caso não se perde nada tentando.

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: Sistema de instalação em Português da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Debian Linux User
Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Somente a internacionalização dos programas, edite seu arquivo
 /etc/environment e inclua as linhas (caso já não estiverem
Ah, é /etc/environment?  Eu estava colocando no profile e estava sem
saber o que fazer quando era usado xdm... Valeu!

 Já programei a instalação da Debian em Português para configurar
 automáticamente estas variáveis de ambiente.

  - O mapa de teclado para abnt2 normalmente não funciona direito. A
  tecla /, uma das que eu mais uso toda hora, não funciona... Eu estou
 Preciso verificar isso... se tiver com problemas eu corrijo.
Ok. Estando ou não, por favor me avise, esse é um problema que eu tenha
há tempos em qualquer distribuição... Será que o problema está nos mapas
de teclado?...

  - Eu adoraria saber onde estão as instruções sobre cvs em 
 Aleluia você é o primeiro que pediu isso. Estou
 fazendo a tradução agora! Quando estiver terminado mando para
 a lista. Vou incluir algumas coisas extras como pacotes que
 precisa para pegar o boot-floppies, dependências e
 configuração (estão todas em inglês).

  - Existe algum plano de criarem um sistema de traduções para as
  descrições dos programas no dselect? Essa parte é complicada, mas acho
  que é a mais fundamental!! Aliás, traduzir o dselect já seria um avanço
  enorme... Algué pretende fazer isso? Alguém está fazendo isso?
 Acho que o Paulo Henrique Baptista pegou o potfile do dselect (me
 corrijam se estiver enganado)... Não coloquem muita pressão, é um
 arquivo gigante para uma pessoa só traduzir :-)
Não, de forma alguma, peço que me desculpem se dei a impressão de estar
exigindo algo... Eu estou é super curioso e com muita vontade de que
isso aconteça... ;-) Mas então já existem planos? Aliás, o que é
exatamente o potfile? 

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: Correção do mapa de teclados ABNT2 da Potato

2000-04-26 Thread Debian Linux User
Mas a vírgula no lugar do ponto não está certo? Tanto no abnt2 quanto no
us-acentos, é interessante termos vírgula ao invés de ponto no teclado
numérico... É o nosso separador... Nào é?

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Encontrei mais um erro:
 - A vírgula no lugar do ponto no teclado numérico. Corrigido.
 Creio que não existam mais erros. O mapa de teclados corrigido
 segue em anexo.

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: Sistema de instala??o em Portugu?s da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Debian Linux User
Adriano Freitas wrote:
 Bom, pensem assim, se nem o tio Bill Gate$ resolveu esse problema
 ainda, imagine o pessoal da comunidade linux que na maioria dos casos
 trabalha de graça? :)  Quem já instalou windows e tem amigos japoneses
 (fanáticos pelo idioma japonês) sabe que a versão para o japonês é
 diferente que a versão com caracteres em latin. Não é tão simples assim
 colocar suporte em uma única distribuição para todas os tipos de
 caracteres do mundo inteiro. (Aqui eu já fugi um pouco do assunto do
 patch, mas é só para agente não ficar pensando que não é por falta de
 vontade, mas sim pela dificuldade em fazer uma distribuição completa)

Eu concordo... Mas apenas não vamos desistir... O objetivo é melhorar
cada vez mais... Mas sem dúvida, a poir coisa pra quem faz um projeto,
dedica seu tempo, sem receber nada, é alguém dizendo que o trabalho está
ruim! Eu não acho que está ruim, eu acho que encho tanto a paciência
porque eu tenho muitas esperanças na debian...

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

problemas com o lilo ...

2000-04-26 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos

Sras, Srs.

fiz uma pequena barbeiragem a apaguei pelo fdisk do DOS a particao do
Linux !!! Ou melhor, retirei-a da tabela de particao ... gracas a Deus
percebi a tempo de restabelecer a tabela de particao. Soh que nao
consigo restabelcer o lilo no MBR 

Estou dando o boot com o disquete pq. ele estah ¨ passando direto¨ pro
Win95. Abaixo tem algumas informacoes 

O que estah pegando ???




# Tabela de particao atual

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 826 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   Start  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *1  407   820480+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hda2   *  408  788   768096   83  Linux native
/dev/hda3  789  826766085  Extended
/dev/hda5  789  82676576+  82  Linux swap

Re: Correção do mapa de teclados ABNT2 da Potato

2000-04-26 Thread Adriano Freitas
Debian Linux User wrote:
 Mas a vírgula no lugar do ponto não está certo? Tanto no abnt2 quanto no
 us-acentos, é interessante termos vírgula ao invés de ponto no teclado
 numérico... É o nosso separador... Nào é?

Putz! Que interessante! :) Acho melhor deixar vírgula mesmo no
numérico! :)


Debian XFree86 - Xlib and internationalization

2000-04-26 Thread Taupter
Mr. Branden,

At first, excuse me for my poor english.
There is an issue that is being around from some days in the
debian-user-portuguese list, about some difficulties to make X working
in the right fashion with our (and others) language(s).These
difficulties prevent us from correctly type a large set of portuguese
words, because some some not-so-well-written third-party applications
(like StarOffice, WordPerfect, GtkExtText lib and others) do not handle
correctly keystrokes needed to type a word as coração (heart), but

One workaround to this problem is the Quinot's Xlib patch (with some
conffiles hacking). After we install by hand the patched version, every
program just work fine. The drawback is, as this patch is not inside any
package of the Debian Distribution, we must _really_ do it _by_hand_,
even downloading the XFree86 source, applying the patch, recompilig it
to get _only_one_ library that will meet our needs to make our system
accept our language input without errors.

It would be a _very_ good idea to simplify this process, making it an
optional package, or in another way that could address this problem.

Surely all the debian-user-portuguese list would be pleased to discuss
this topic with you, and help whatever we can.

Thank you

Cláudio da Silveira Pinheiro

Re: problemas com o lilo ...

2000-04-26 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Nivaldo,
2 opcoes:
. voce depois de dar o boot esta digitando lilo como root para regravar 
informacoes do lilo?
. entre no fdisk do linux e defina a particao principal (boot) como a do
Linux. Deve estar a do windows.

Quoting Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Sras, Srs.
 fiz uma pequena barbeiragem a apaguei pelo fdisk do DOS a particao do
 Linux !!! Ou melhor, retirei-a da tabela de particao ... gracas a Deus
 percebi a tempo de restabelecer a tabela de particao. Soh que nao
 consigo restabelcer o lilo no MBR 
 Estou dando o boot com o disquete pq. ele estah ¨ passando direto¨ pro
 Win95. Abaixo tem algumas informacoes 
 O que estah pegando ???
 # Tabela de particao atual
 Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 826 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes
Device Boot   Start  End   Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   *1  407   820480+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
 /dev/hda2   *  408  788   768096   83  Linux native
 /dev/hda3  789  826766085  Extended
 /dev/hda5  789  82676576+  82  Linux swap
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: Sistema de instalação em Português da Potato - Anda mento

2000-04-26 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Quoting Debian Linux User ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
  Somente a internacionalização dos programas, edite seu arquivo
  /etc/environment e inclua as linhas (caso já não estiverem
 Ah, é /etc/environment?  Eu estava colocando no profile e estava sem
 saber o que fazer quando era usado xdm... Valeu!
  Já programei a instalação da Debian em Português para configurar
  automáticamente estas variáveis de ambiente.
   - O mapa de teclado para abnt2 normalmente não funciona direito. A
   tecla /, uma das que eu mais uso toda hora, não funciona... Eu estou
  Preciso verificar isso... se tiver com problemas eu corrijo.
   Ok. Estando ou não, por favor me avise, esse é um problema que eu tenha
 há tempos em qualquer distribuição... Será que o problema está nos mapas
 de teclado?...
   - Eu adoraria saber onde estão as instruções sobre cvs em 
  Aleluia você é o primeiro que pediu isso. Estou
  fazendo a tradução agora! Quando estiver terminado mando para
  a lista. Vou incluir algumas coisas extras como pacotes que
  precisa para pegar o boot-floppies, dependências e
  configuração (estão todas em inglês).
   - Existe algum plano de criarem um sistema de traduções para as
   descrições dos programas no dselect? Essa parte é complicada, mas acho
   que é a mais fundamental!! Aliás, traduzir o dselect já seria um avanço
   enorme... Algué pretende fazer isso? Alguém está fazendo isso?
  Acho que o Paulo Henrique Baptista pegou o potfile do dselect (me
  corrijam se estiver enganado)... Não coloquem muita pressão, é um
  arquivo gigante para uma pessoa só traduzir :-)
Eu tinha pego o do dpkg. Ja que o pessoal ta animado, vou dar mais gas
no projeto da Debian em portugues. :)
   Não, de forma alguma, peço que me desculpem se dei a impressão de estar
 exigindo algo... Eu estou é super curioso e com muita vontade de que
 isso aconteça... ;-) Mas então já existem planos? Aliás, o que é
 exatamente o potfile? 
Potfile é um arquivo com as mensagens e telas de um programa geralmente
em ingles e outra lingua (que seria sua traducao). Ou seja, para traduzir
programas que usem o gnu gettext, voce so precisa traduzir esse arquivo.
 Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
 Do you visit GamesNow today??
 Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Solutions - Renovando Conceitos -
OLinux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil -
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant

Re: problemas com o lilo ...

2000-04-26 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:29:32AM +, Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos wrote:

 fiz uma pequena barbeiragem a apaguei pelo fdisk do DOS a particao do
 Linux !!! Ou melhor, retirei-a da tabela de particao ... gracas a Deus
 percebi a tempo de restabelecer a tabela de particao. Soh que nao
 consigo restabelcer o lilo no MBR 

Se você quer por o _lilo_ no MBR, tem de modificar a opção boot (vê abaixo),
se quer usar o lilo na partição, e o MBR no MBR, deixa o lilo como está e
corre install-mbr.

 Estou dando o boot com o disquete pq. ele estah ¨ passando direto¨ pro
 Win95. Abaixo tem algumas informacoes 
 O que estah pegando ???
   ^-- Retira o 2


Pedro Guerreiro
Universidade do Algarve (EST) - Campus da Penha - 8000 Faro - PORTUGAL
1024D/CF32D4E7F506 DDF4 0B92 247D B8E613BA A6DB 9E3A CF32 D4E7
  Unix IS user friendly, it's just selective who its friends are...

Re: Sistema de instalação em Português da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Debian Linux User wrote:
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
  Somente a internacionalização dos programas, edite seu arquivo
  /etc/environment e inclua as linhas (caso já não estiverem
 Ah, é /etc/environment?  Eu estava colocando no profile e estava sem
 saber o que fazer quando era usado xdm... Valeu!
O ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc e ~/.bash_profile também são válidos mas 
a diferença é que o /etc/environment é lido por todos os 
usuários em seu sistema no momento do login e em seguida os 
arquivos em seu diretório de usuário.

Em especial o ~/.bashrc é usado por seções que não requerem 
login (como o xterm). 

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Xlib i18n

2000-04-26 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
Prezados Senhores

Gostaria de saber se há alguém que disponibilizou a Xlib da versão 
Potato patchada com os patches de internacionalização do Frances Quinot. Aquela 
que permite a Xlib a tratar os dead keys de forma correta , fazendo programas 
nao i18n funcionarem de forma correta.
Grato pela atenção dispensada.

Re: Sistema de instalação em Português da Potato - Andamento

2000-04-26 Thread Debian Linux User
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Potfile é um arquivo com as mensagens e telas de um programa 
 em ingles e outra lingua (que seria sua traducao). Ou seja, para traduzir
 programas que usem o gnu gettext, voce so precisa traduzir esse arquivo.

Humm... E você saberia em que diretório fica esse arquivo??

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: Debian XFree86 - Xlib and internationalization

2000-04-26 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
Is this patch still needed on XFree86 3.3.6 ? I was not able to find
a version of the patch for this server and I lack the knowledge to make one
myself. I am using potato I am downloading staroffice in Portuguese to see
how it behaves with our stock xlib6g. If this is still need I can volunteer
to apply the patch and provide an alternate package for those who need.



On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 04:49:36AM -0300, Taupter wrote:
 Mr. Branden,
 At first, excuse me for my poor english.
 There is an issue that is being around from some days in the
 debian-user-portuguese list, about some difficulties to make X working
 in the right fashion with our (and others) language(s).These
 difficulties prevent us from correctly type a large set of portuguese
 words, because some some not-so-well-written third-party applications
 (like StarOffice, WordPerfect, GtkExtText lib and others) do not handle
 correctly keystrokes needed to type a word as coração (heart), but
 One workaround to this problem is the Quinot's Xlib patch (with some
 conffiles hacking). After we install by hand the patched version, every
 program just work fine. The drawback is, as this patch is not inside any
 package of the Debian Distribution, we must _really_ do it _by_hand_,
 even downloading the XFree86 source, applying the patch, recompilig it
 to get _only_one_ library that will meet our needs to make our system
 accept our language input without errors.
 It would be a _very_ good idea to simplify this process, making it an
 optional package, or in another way that could address this problem.
 Surely all the debian-user-portuguese list would be pleased to discuss
 this topic with you, and help whatever we can.
 Thank you
 Cláudio da Silveira Pinheiro
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problemas com o lilo ...

2000-04-26 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos

Valeu ...  jah estah corrido ...

Muito obrigado a todos ...

Um abraco,


Pedro Guerreiro wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 01:29:32AM +, Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos wrote:

  fiz uma pequena barbeiragem a apaguei pelo fdisk do DOS a particao do
  Linux !!! Ou melhor, retirei-a da tabela de particao ... gracas a Deus
  percebi a tempo de restabelecer a tabela de particao. Soh que nao
  consigo restabelcer o lilo no MBR 

 Se você quer por o _lilo_ no MBR, tem de modificar a opção boot (vê abaixo),
 se quer usar o lilo na partição, e o MBR no MBR, deixa o lilo como está e
 corre install-mbr.

  Estou dando o boot com o disquete pq. ele estah ¨ passando direto¨ pro
  Win95. Abaixo tem algumas informacoes 
  O que estah pegando ???
^-- Retira o 2


 Pedro Guerreiro
 Universidade do Algarve (EST) - Campus da Penha - 8000 Faro - PORTUGAL
 1024D/CF32D4E7F506 DDF4 0B92 247D B8E613BA A6DB 9E3A CF32 D4E7
   Unix IS user friendly, it's just selective who its friends are...

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xlib i18n

2000-04-26 Thread Clovis Sena

isto tudo sobre teclado abnt2 + acentuacao funciona para o corel
tb??? tava pensando nisto pq embora o corel baseie-se no debian,
nao tem muitas opcoes configuraveis. Voce pode mudar depois no
kde, mas nao eh a mesma coisa...

e o corel impressiona muita gente, todo mundo q ve gosta dele (
ao contrario do debian puro, qdo muita gente desiste devido ao
dselect ), e so reclama dele so ser em ingles... entao se estes
recursos funcionassem tb para o corel seria otimo, no final o
debain/corel saia ganhando...e em termos de desktop eu gosto
muito do corel, e seria mesmo uma grande alternativa  ao


Clovis Sena

Date sent:  Wed, 26 Apr 2000 08:51:26 -0300
From:   Fernando Fraga e Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Xlib i18n
Forwarded by:

 Prezados Senhores

  Gostaria de saber se há alguém que disponibilizou a Xlib da versão Potato
  patchada com os patches de internacionalização do Frances Quinot. Aquela
  que permite a Xlib a tratar os dead keys de forma correta , fazendo
  programas nao i18n funcionarem de forma correta. Grato pela atenção

Re: Debian XFree86 - Xlib and internationalization

2000-04-26 Thread Taupter
Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
 Is this patch still needed on XFree86 3.3.6 ? I was not able to find
 a version of the patch for this server and I lack the knowledge to make one
 myself. I am using potato I am downloading staroffice in Portuguese to see
 how it behaves with our stock xlib6g. If this is still need I can volunteer
 to apply the patch and provide an alternate package for those who need.


Até onde eu saiba, sim.

Se você não tem problemas com acentuação no StarOffice instalado na
Batata, nos passe uma descrição _bem_clara_ de como você conseguiu
isso... :)



2000-04-26 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Hi all,

I've been playing with DOSEMU a while back, but I never really
configured or used it.  Well, now my dad asked me to add some
functionality to an old Borland Pascal program he uses in his lab. 
(He's a physicists.)  Since it's going to be used under DOS and won't
run under NT (accesses the parallel port directly), I had to go back to
Win95 for testing and debugging it.

As you might have guessed, I am sick and tired of having Win95 crashing
all over me again and again.  That's the reason I switched to NT and
then to Debian!

So, I wonder, if I could use DOSEMU for debugging it?

It doesn't do anything fancy with the hardware, but reading from a CCD
camera attached on a parallel port.  Dunno, why Win95 is even crashing
at all, maybe it's Borland Pascal.

However, since DOSEMU uses custom kernel modules, couldn't a crash
inside DOSEMU take down my precious Linux box, too?

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: books on PHP, Perl, HTML, etc

2000-04-26 Thread Brian

Dennis Gearon said:

Any  recommendations on books for the above subjects? I -do- know where
to buy them through, though.  will find the
cheapest books on the web.


(O'reilly books)

Learning Perl
Programming Perl
Perl Cookbook

(in that order; read them all. if you have programming experience, skip 
Learning Perl)


(Wrox book)

Professional PHP Programming


I'm not sure if HTML should fall in the same category (never mind that it's 
not a programming language; it has no form of iteration). HTML is going to 
be a prerequisite for learning PHP, probably (unless you want to do system 
programming with PHP -- but why? :-)).

You can pick HTML up from looking at source pretty easily. I wouldn't try 
to learn HTML from, but the W3 validator is almost 
certainly what you will want to use to check your HTML for errors. Don't 
fall into the trap that a lot of authors fall into.


Re: find running in the backgound

2000-04-26 Thread Brad
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 01:01:37PM -0700, wrote:
 If you're going to do this -- and I would consider it a security hole --
 hint:  anyone cracking your box now can find what's in files --
 I'd recommend dumping the results to a root-owned file, readable only by
 root, and writing a wrapper, script, or program to search it, seperately
 from the locate command.

Or, install slocate. It builds the database as root, but only shows the
files that the user running the locate command has permission to see.

For example: (i added the arrow, of course)
   # ls /root/nvi 
   # locate nvi | grep nvi$
- /root/nvi

   $ ls /root/
   ls: /root/: Permission denied
   $ locate nvi | grep nvi$

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Long time Debian user with semi-technical question

2000-04-26 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 12:02:36AM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
 I have been using Debian since the old A.out days of Debian 1.0, and I was

A remark like this makes me wonder if you REALLY WERE a user back then.  :)

1) There was no Debian 1.0.  InfoMagic saw to that.
2) The first official Debian release (1.1 or buzz) was ELF-based.
3) The previous numbered version, 0.93R6, was a.out-based.

G. Branden Robinson|
Debian GNU/Linux   |Never attribute to malice that which can
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |be adequately explained by stupidity. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: 486/slink networked with?

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 02:15:00AM -0400, russell simmons wrote:
 I am a newbie, and I have a base install of slink running on a 486 dx33
 with a 210 mb hd and 12 mgs of ram.  I am going to network it with my
 main box soon.  This box is a dual boot windoz/linux install, 166 mmx
 overclocked to 200 with a 5.2 gb hd (1gb for linux), and 96 mgs of ram.
I was running mandrake 6.0, but I have rh 6.1 at present.  I
 want to replace it with debian.  Would slink be the best choice for
 compatability issues, or would potato be the wiser choice.

That sounds really bloody close to a box I worked on last summer.
Compaq, by any chance?

I don't know that the distribution will matter much.  I believe I rolled
slink out on mine, but don't see any reasons why potato wouldn't have
worked.  The main issue(s) are that you've got a really gimpy system --
it hasn't got much CPU, memory, or disk, so you're going to have to be
judicious with what you put on it.  This was when I realized the value
of Debian -- it was *very* easy to add and remove packages, and I had to
do this frequently (eg:  offloading emacs to be able to build a kernel

What are you planning on using the box for?  If a firewall, have you
considered the Linux Router Project (

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel-source*14-5_all.deb and make-kpkg

2000-04-26 Thread ktb
I'm not entirely sure what your trying to say here.  Are you saying that
you have compiled the kernel-source with kpkg and now are at the point
where you have something like --
kernel-image-2.0.36_custom. ?

If so then just --
dpkg -i kernel-image-whatever your version.deb  

If that isn't the case let us know.

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 The directions to install a kernel using make-kpkg are more or less
 clear to me if doing it with a kernel*tar.gz one, because it unpacks the
 make instructions. Now, what to do when it is a .deb one? I tried make
 menuconfig as indicated before in an earlier thread, but there aren't
 any make rules. Is there any way of unpacking them from the *_all.deb?
 Please be explicit with the directions, I am starting to believe I'm
 getting slow.

Re: cron.daily

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 09:30:10AM +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i put in my own script into the /etc/cron.daily directory does that
 mean that the script will run on a daily basis?

In theory, yes, if the script is readable and executable by root.

You can test this by executing run-parts on cron.daily yourself.

 Also, some of my debian servers are comming up with a mail message saying
 that it cannot find a script to run... the message is generated from
 cron.daily.   I have tried looking for the script in question but with no
 avail.  How can i get rid of the mail message?

How about if you post it (or relevant portions) here.  That's a bit
vague right there.

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: where is rc.local ?

2000-04-26 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: mathieu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i have seen that rc.d like on slackware doesn't exist,  and that rc.*
 directly in /etc. But where must i put my line command to be executed
 when the
 system boot ?? Like num lock, ipchains and all my stuff...
 Thank you for your answer,

Try /etc/rc.boot.

(I don't know why everyone else is telling you about run-level-change
part (/etc/init.d) without mentioning the boot part (/etc/rc.boot).)

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: Modules name resolution

2000-04-26 Thread Eric G . Miller
Looks like you have most of your bases covered. So, what's in
/etc/host.conf? It probably should be like:

order hosts,bind
multi on

It seems that the nameservers aren't being queried.  Since, they are
apparently set correctly, this is the last thing I can think of. I think
if it just says order hosts then the resolver library never looks in
/etc/resolv.conf for nameservers (only /etc/hosts).  Worth a look.
(The man pages aren't very clear about the relationship between
/etc/host.conf and /etc/resolv.conf).
¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
What services are you running?

A password doesn't have to be hard to remember or type.  It should be
hard to guess.

You might try running a crack program such as John the Ripper
(at Freshmeat).  It will give you some idea of your own system's

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 05:47:23PM -0700, Erik Ryberg wrote:
 I have a home machine which I'm not too worried about security wise.  If
 I don't go on-line as root, is a difficult to type and remember password
 really necessary?
 Running Debian GNU/Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: where is rc.local ?

2000-04-26 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 08:53:27PM -0400, Daniel Barclay wrote:
  i have seen that rc.d like on slackware doesn't exist,  and that rc.*
  directly in /etc. But where must i put my line command to be executed
  when the
  system boot ?? Like num lock, ipchains and all my stuff...
  Thank you for your answer,
 Try /etc/rc.boot.
 (I don't know why everyone else is telling you about run-level-change
 part (/etc/init.d) without mentioning the boot part (/etc/rc.boot).)

Because rc.boot has been deprecated in favor of rcS.d (at least on

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: where is rc.local ?

2000-04-26 Thread David Z. Maze
Daniel Barclay [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 From: mathieu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello, i have seen that rc.d like on slackware doesn't exist, and
 that rc.* are directly in /etc. But where must i put my line
 command to be executed when the system boot ?? Like num lock,
 ipchains and all my stuff...  Thank you for your answer,
DB Try /etc/rc.boot.
DB (I don't know why everyone else is telling you about run-level-change
DB part (/etc/init.d) without mentioning the boot part (/etc/rc.boot).)

Because it's obsolete?  The Right Thing To Do (TM) with modern
versions of Debian is to put your startup script in /etc/init.d, and
create symlinks as appropriate using ln(1) or update-rc.d(8).  If you
want it to run at boot time, put the symlink in /etc/rcS.d.

Note that if you *do* decide to use rc.boot, it runs after everything
in /etc/rcS.d.  This may or may not be what you want.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-26 Thread David Z. Maze
Erik Ryberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
ER I have a home machine which I'm not too worried about security wise.  If
ER I don't go on-line as root, is a difficult to type and remember password
ER really necessary?

What do you mean by go on-line as root?  If your machine is
connected to a network you don't completely control, it's a potential
target, even if it's only by a dial-up connection.  You definitely
don't want to be connected to The World without a root password.  If
you are going to be connected to The World, you probably don't want to
be running service you don't need or use; I disallow unencrypted
telnet and rlogin connections, for example, since I use ssh for

This doesn't mean you need a difficult to type and remember
password.  One might use a password like Help!  I forgot my
password!, which would be written as H!Ifmp!  If you remember the
phrase, a mnemonic like this makes it relatively easy to remember the
actual (cryptic) password.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: psutils and Postscript manipulation

2000-04-26 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:52:54PM +0200, Daniel Reuter wrote
 Hello Viktor,
 On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
  is there good
  documentation of the Postscript file format, so somebody could write a
  short perl script?
 There is a book called The Postscript Language Reference Manual from
 Adobe Systems Inc. published by Addison Wesley. This book is surely the
 thing you are looking for, as one could call it the Postscript Bible.

AW also produce a somewhat cheaper, much shorter volume called PostScript
Language Tutorial and Cookbook, which may be more approriate for getting up
to speed with the basics; but for a complete reference, The Postscript
Language Reference Manual is the only show in town.

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: problem with installation program

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
I'd encourage both of you to check this out further and communicate any
results to the installation/howto maintainers.  Questions with 
NCR53c series SCSI CDROMs have been appearing with some frequency of
late.  I don't have direct experience, but know that web/usenet searches
are pretty thin on results.

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 10:34:01PM -0500, Geopoliticus wrote:
 I had a similar problem when trying to install the EXACT same CD from my 
 book.  I do however have SCSI peripherals.  What I eventually ended up 
 doing was downloading Debian off of the net and it is now running great!  I 
 know that is not what you are looking for.  Something I ran across however 
 is a jumper on my CD ROM.  It is labeled Block.  This jumper, if set, 
 told the controller that it was dealing with a UNIX block device.  If your 
 CD ROM has a jumper like this try setting it the opposite of what it is 
 currently set at.  You may have some success.  Good luck.
 At 09:42 PM 4/24/00 -0500, Steven Burns wrote:
 Dear Linux users:
 I am attempting to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 from the CD that
 accompanies the book: Learning Debian GNU/Linux (Bill McCarty, O'Reilly,
 Sebastopol, Sept 99, 1st ed.).  The problem I am currently having is
 that I cannot get the installation program to start.
 It would seem that the problem relates to the last message displayed:
 NCR53c406a: no available ports found.  See below.
 So far, I've looked into the problem as follows.
 1.  I've looked at the Help items accessed by pressing F1 while the
 below Welcome screen is up, but none of these items seems relevant.
 2.  I've spent some time looking at the debian website (,
 but haven't found anything relevant there either.
 3.  I did internet searches with several search engines and the the
 search text, NCR53c406a: no available ports found. returned
 some webpages relating to boot arguments for scsi peripherals.  I
 looked at some of these, but didn't find any information applicable to
 my situation.  Furthermore, my computer does NOT contain any scsi
 components, so it seems strange that the problem should relate to scsi.
 I would very much appreciate any insights or suggestions that would help
 me clear this hurdle.
 P.S. See details below.
 The sequence of events that lead to the failure of the installation
 program follows.  (The failure is repeatable on my system.)
 1.  Boot the computer from the debian CD.
 2.  The Welcome screen appears.
  Welcome to Debian GNU/Linux 2.1!
  This disk uses Linux 2.2.12 (from
  Press F1 for help, or ENTER to boot!
 3.  Press Enter.
 4.  A series of messages scroll up the screen and then stop.  The
 following is the list of messages that remains on the screen.
 Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
 NET4: UNIX somain sockeds 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
 NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
 IP Protocol: ICMP, UDP, TCP
 Starting kswapd v 1.5
 Detected PS/2 Mouse port.
 RAM Disk Driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 1096 K size
 loop: registered device at major 7
 PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 39, VID=1022,
 PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
  ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0x007, BIOS settings: hda: DMA, hdb: pio
  ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc: DMA, hdb: pio
 hda: Maxtor 91531U3, ATA Disk drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
 hda: Maxtor 91531U3, 14655MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1868/255/63
 hdc: ATAPI 48x CD ROM Drive, 128 kB Cache
 Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
 md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 NCR53c406a: no available ports found
 The computer I'm using has the following components.
 CPU:  AMD Athlon 600 MHz CPU
 MOTHERBOARD:  Micro-Star AMD Athlon K7-PRO Motherboard w/ UDMA
 FLOPPY:  Mitsumi 1.44 MB Floppy Drive
 HARD DRIVE:  Maxtor 15.3 GB 5400 UDMA Hard Drive  (Windows 98 is
 installed on a 7326MB partition.  The rest of the disk (7327MB) is free
 MODEM: 3-COM US Robotics 56k V.90 Fax Modem w/ voice speaker phone
 NETWORK CARD:  PCI 32 bit 10/100 Network Card
 SOUND CARD:  Creative Lab Sound Blaster PCI 128 Vibra Sound
 MONITOR:  Sceptre Dragon Eye .27
 KEYBOARD:  PS2 108 key Windows 98 Keyboard
 MOUSE: PS2 Mouse
 SPEAKERS:  120 Watt Stereo Speakers
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-26 Thread r3ck
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 I have a home machine which I'm not too worried about security wise.  If
 I don't go on-line as root, is a difficult to type and remember password
 really necessary?

I think the time isn't that far away when everyone who wants to be
online fulltime will be, like cablemodem and dsl users are now.  So
it wouldn't be a bad idea to get used to decent passwords.  That's
only part of the story though of course.

An easy trick for making a password that's hard to guess but easy
to remember is to use the first letter of each word in the first
line of a song you know well.  Maybe add your favorite number at
the end or start.  Course if you're a burnt-out 60's druggie then
it's pretty easy to guess that the song is Stairway to Heaven :)

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 07:26:16PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
  I have a home machine which I'm not too worried about security wise.  If
  I don't go on-line as root, is a difficult to type and remember password
  really necessary?
 I think the time isn't that far away when everyone who wants to be
 online fulltime will be, like cablemodem and dsl users are now.  So
 it wouldn't be a bad idea to get used to decent passwords.  That's
 only part of the story though of course.
 An easy trick for making a password that's hard to guess but easy
 to remember is to use the first letter of each word in the first
 line of a song you know well.  Maybe add your favorite number at
 the end or start.  Course if you're a burnt-out 60's druggie then
 it's pretty easy to guess that the song is Stairway to Heaven :)

Ok, so who *else* is using talwkatgig? g

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Potato and DLink NIC

2000-04-26 Thread Edward Kear

At 11:58 AM 4/25/00 -0500, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:

I tried to do a fresh install of Potato from a CD I burned from  which is a test
version of the Potato i386 Net-Install CDROM, which features just enough to
get you on the 'net, from which you can download the rest (automatically).
This is a bootable CD with kernel, drivers and the base system.
I booted from the CD-ROM just fine, and installation was going 
great until

loading device modules.  I have a DLink DE-220P that I am using in NON-PnP
mode with io=0x240 and irq=10.  These setting work fine for the Dual boot of
Win95.  On my slink installs I have used the NE2000 driver (which it what
their website suggests) with no problems.  When adding the ne driver for the
potato install, it would fail installation.  I tried resetting the NIC to
other settings and restarting the process, but it never worked.
HELP, HELP, HELP!  What do I do?



I put

ne io=0x240,irq=10

into /etc/modules


RE: Long time Debian user with semi-technical question

2000-04-26 Thread Mike Huddleson
Doesn't it make you wonder how many people have really been using Debian or
Linux for that matter for as long as they claim they have been... makes you
wonder... hmmm...

But I am no Minesweeper Champion and Solitaire Expertso what do I know?

Mike Huddleson

-Original Message-
From: Branden Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Long time Debian user with semi-technical question

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 12:02:36AM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
 I have been using Debian since the old A.out days of Debian 1.0, and I was

A remark like this makes me wonder if you REALLY WERE a user back then.  :)

1) There was no Debian 1.0.  InfoMagic saw to that.
2) The first official Debian release (1.1 or buzz) was ELF-based.
3) The previous numbered version, 0.93R6, was a.out-based.

G. Branden Robinson|
Debian GNU/Linux   |Never attribute to malice that which can
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |be adequately explained by stupidity. |

serial mouse not working

2000-04-26 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos


My brandless, 3-button serial mouse won't work under Linux, neither in the
console nor under X.  It works OK under Windows. I've been a Linux user
for about 3 years and I never had or heard of this kind of problem.  I
guess it should be a stupid mistake or something, but I can't see what is

Is it possible to be a motherboard problem? Mine is a SiS (I forgot the
model), with all those PCI, PnP, onboard adapters (sigh).  But I guess
this bears no problem with respect to serial ports.  BTW, I've got a
(real) modem running without problems under /dev/ttyS1.

At bootup, the kernel says:

Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

So it shouldn't be a IRQ conflict.
Also at bootup, setserial reports:

Configuring serial ports...done.
/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

It seems normal to me. And gpm runs happily, as if nothing were wrong, but
the mouse cursor never appears.

Neither does X report any errors.  The mouse cursor is displayed
but doesn't move. When I kill X, it reports:

waiting for X server to shut down
Fatal server error:
Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)

Any suggestions


Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Modules name resolution

2000-04-26 Thread w trillich
John Pearson wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 03:02:42PM +0200, Kovacs Istvan wrote
  I've just installed potato, re-compiled the kernel, and now (some of)
  my modules will not auto-load. I can load them with modprobe and/or
  insmod. I have to load the driver for my Initio SCSI card, SB AWE32
  sound card and RTL8019-based NIC by hand. The question is: why? And of
  course: how do I correct the situation?


 After editing files in /etc/modutils always run update-modules,
 so that /etc/conf.modules gets updated.

conf.modules? or modules.conf?

my syslog was complaining of something quite similar, so maybe
you already helped my problem a bit. from syslog...
Apr 25 21:29:48 server modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more
recent than /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep
Apr 25 21:29:48 server insmod: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep

but i probably need more help yet...

i recently did the apt-get dist-upgrade and hadn't rebooted since...
until today. now we've got similar troubles to those Kovacs wrote 
about, above...

most important to us is getting connected to the 'net. what a pain!
need all kinds of handwaving before it gets past SIOCADDRT errors
and lets us ping out thru eth1 to the 'net.

by handwaving, i mean stabbing in the dark with tries like
init 1
ifup  # SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
/etc/init.d/networking start # SIOCADDRT error
ping # also breaks
init 2
repeating and stabbing until a ping actually works.
then everything is fine even tho it seems sketchy...

right now, i tried
# ifup
SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

yet i can ping anywhere, POP and SMTP email, DNS is working
like a champ. very odd...

in case of accidental relevancy here are some log slices--

from /var/log/messages:
Apr 25 22:03:05 server syslogd 1.3-3#33: restart.
Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: klogd 1.3-3#33, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: Cannot find map file.
Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: Loaded 28 symbols from 6 modules.

from /var/log/syslog:
Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (lo)
Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (eth0)
Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (eth1)
Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: Forwarding source address is [].1130
Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1897]: Ready to answer queries.
Apr 25 22:03:05 server /sbin/rpc.statd[1901]: unable to register
(SM_PROG, SM_VERS, udp).
Apr 25 22:03:05 server ypbind[1915]: Unable to register (YPBINDPROG,
Apr 25 22:03:06 server /usr/sbin/gpm[1924]: Skipping a data packet (?)
Apr 25 22:03:08 server rwhod[2002]: sending on interface eth1
Apr 25 22:03:08 server rwhod[2002]: sending on interface eth0
Apr 25 22:03:09 server ntpdate[2005]: step time server
offset -0.833622 sec
Apr 25 22:03:09 server afpd[2018]: main: atp_open: Invalid argument
Apr 25 22:03:09 server afpd[2018]: ASIP started on 
Apr 25 22:03:09 server papd[2020]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
Apr 25 22:03:09 server proftpd[2026]: server - ProFTPD 1.2.0pre9
standalone mode STARTUP
Apr 25 22:03:09 server /usr/sbin/cron[2033]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Apr 25 22:03:09 server /usr/sbin/cron[2034]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
Apr 25 22:07:12 server modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-18
Apr 25 22:07:14 server last message repeated 3 times

unable to register? invalid argument? missing module?
i'm guessing net-pf-18 is significant... how do i get that?

any info would be helpful -- i'm glad linux is so crash-proof. the only
snag would be if we lost power; then i'd hafta go thru all this voodoo
again to get back online!


Re: magicfilter vs. apsfilter

2000-04-26 Thread Torsten Landschoff
Hi Andreas, 

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 04:17:57PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Browsed through the Debian mailinglist archive concerning apsfilter.
 Interesting ;-) Concerning your question ...

I guess it was not my question because I don't remember asking ;-)

 BTW, best would be to contact the Debian Port Maintainer of the gs port
 (I put him on Cc:) to perhaps include the same 3rd party driver as I did for
 the FreeBSD port, to be generally in sync with apsfilters printer list.
 This is a complete list of gs 6.01 supported printer + additional compiled in
 3rd party driver, see below ...

I think we can have those drivers in the Debian package as well. Good to 
know who is working on it for FreeBSD. I think there is a lot of stuff which
can be done to gs so perhaps we can join forces and get something running.

For example I wanted to move the drivers out of the main binary (kind of 
plugins) but I did not have the time lately. RL is always in the way :(

 Additionally he could add the contributed uniprint driver profiles, I got
 from users (which are additionally distributed with apsfilter and simply can
 be copied into gs libdir)

I wonder if the copyright of those profiles is known. I like to include them
but I think the ultimate way to improve all Ghostscript distributions is 
to shuffle it upstream. 

 Maybe it would be an advantage, if Matej could take over maintainership
 of the gs port. My experience as owner of gs and apsfilter port in FreeBSD
 is, that it%s a good thing (tm). So apsfilter and gs are in sync. But
 that%s only a proposal. It%s not necessarily needed.

If you want to take gs, Matej, I have no problem with that. I can always 
find enough work with other packages ;)

 Look at the URLs in the Makefile, to see, what additional things I added t
 FreeBSDs gs 6.01 port:

Thanks for the URL, I will take a look.

 In short:
 # Additional Drivers:
 HP8XX_DRV=  gdevcd8.tar.gz

The Debian package has a hp8xx driver from IIRC the 
hp880c driver is derived from it and was intended to move into the hp8xx 
sources. Also I think this driver is now included in gs 6.0.

Sorry, I am tired so I don't want to check - I am just trying to get my 
email answered before I fall asleep.

 # HPDJ, additional driver for HP PCL3 Printers, by Martin Lottermoser
 HPDJ_DRV=   hpdj-2.6.tar.gz

The .deb has it as well.

 # contributed uniprint profiles
 CONTRIB_UPP=lqx70ch.upp lqx70cl.upp lqx70cm.upp \
 stc740ih.upp stc740p.upp stc740pl.upp

We don't have that.

 Before my holiday (next week) I will have the new release out.
 One major feature (it has lots) will be, that you can choose printer driver
 specific options via lpr%s -C option, i.e.:
  lpr -C glossy:high:present file
 (use glossy paper, high resolution, presentation quality)

Hmm, who pays for the paper ,-)

 bin/apsfilter can easily be edited, to add further driver specific options,
 I possibly forgot to add.
 BTW, Matej Vela, Debians apsfilter port maintainer has joined the apsfilter
 developement team yesterday. I hope that we%ll do a fine job for you all now
 and in the future !

I am sure he will. Thanks for sending me a copy. This information was very
interesting for me...

BTW: Is there an easy way to find out who is maintaining a port for FreeBSD?
I mean to find the maintainer of gs, for example, you can go to, click on the newest package and you have the
current maintainer. Is there something similar on the FreeBSD webpages?



   Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Committee Member

RE: serial mouse not working

2000-04-26 Thread Bryan Scaringe
I suspect this to be a gpm issue.  Have you tyied changint the protocol?
Some nameless/brandless 3-button mice need to use type msc, some need type ms.


On 26-Apr-2000 Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
 My brandless, 3-button serial mouse won't work under Linux, neither in the
 console nor under X.  It works OK under Windows. I've been a Linux user
 for about 3 years and I never had or heard of this kind of problem.  I
 guess it should be a stupid mistake or something, but I can't see what is
 Is it possible to be a motherboard problem? Mine is a SiS (I forgot the
 model), with all those PCI, PnP, onboard adapters (sigh).  But I guess
 this bears no problem with respect to serial ports.  BTW, I've got a
 (real) modem running without problems under /dev/ttyS1.
 At bootup, the kernel says:
 Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 So it shouldn't be a IRQ conflict.
 Also at bootup, setserial reports:
 Configuring serial ports...done.
 /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 It seems normal to me. And gpm runs happily, as if nothing were wrong, but
 the mouse cursor never appears.
 Neither does X report any errors.  The mouse cursor is displayed
 but doesn't move. When I kill X, it reports:
 waiting for X server to shut down
 Fatal server error:
 Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)
 Any suggestions
 Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

moving filesystem

2000-04-26 Thread zdrysdal

i am moving /home to an existing file system, /images, either by :

cp )a /home /images
find /home )xdev | cpio )padm /images

My concern is the lost+found directory... should i retain it on the /images
filesystem or delete it or what?



Re: magicfilter vs. apsfilter

2000-04-26 Thread Andreas Klemm
On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 02:19:55AM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
 Hi Andreas, 
 On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 04:17:57PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Browsed through the Debian mailinglist archive concerning apsfilter.
  Interesting ;-) Concerning your question ...
 I guess it was not my question because I don't remember asking ;-)


 I think we can have those drivers in the Debian package as well. Good to 
 know who is working on it for FreeBSD. I think there is a lot of stuff which
 can be done to gs so perhaps we can join forces and get something running.

O.k. thanks !

 For example I wanted to move the drivers out of the main binary (kind of 
 plugins) but I did not have the time lately. RL is always in the way :(

good idea.

 I wonder if the copyright of those profiles is known. I like to include them
 but I think the ultimate way to improve all Ghostscript distributions is 
 to shuffle it upstream. 

hmmm ... maybe I have to ask peter.

  Maybe it would be an advantage, if Matej could take over maintainership
  of the gs port. My experience as owner of gs and apsfilter port in FreeBSD
  is, that it%s a good thing (tm). So apsfilter and gs are in sync. But
  that%s only a proposal. It%s not necessarily needed.
 If you want to take gs, Matej, I have no problem with that. I can always 
 find enough work with other packages ;)

It's up to you and him ;-) Matej ? ;-)

 The Debian package has a hp8xx driver from IIRC the 
 hp880c driver is derived from it and was intended to move into the hp8xx 
 sources. Also I think this driver is now included in gs 6.0.
 Sorry, I am tired so I don't want to check - I am just trying to get my 
 email answered before I fall asleep.

;-) Have to run to work now ;-)

  # contributed uniprint profiles
  CONTRIB_UPP=lqx70ch.upp lqx70cl.upp lqx70cm.upp \
  stc740ih.upp stc740p.upp stc740pl.upp
 We don't have that.

You can get the contribution from my apsfilter package, its in
the uniprint subdir and the README file keeps track of the
purpose of the file and the contributor.

 Hmm, who pays for the paper ,-)

Dunno, don't have such a printer ;-)

 I am sure he will. Thanks for sending me a copy. This information was very
 interesting for me...

Thanks, very kind from you.

 BTW: Is there an easy way to find out who is maintaining a port for FreeBSD?
 I mean to find the maintainer of gs, for example, you can go to, click on the newest package and you have the
 current maintainer. Is there something similar on the FreeBSD webpages?

You could read the INDEX file, which contains all information
or you can search for a port, and get all infos you need...

Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm   http://people.FreeBSD.ORG/~andreas
   powered by Symmetric MultiProcessor FreeBSD
New APSFILTER 533 and songs from our band -


2000-04-26 Thread john smith


 someone has telnetted to my machine and I want to know what he/she did 
inside there a way of knowing what exactly he/she did while 
telnetted to my machine? i.e. what directories navigated, files downloaded, 
etc? I tried to look for some logs in /var/log but I don't see any.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: hacked?

2000-04-26 Thread Andrei Ivanov
If you know which user they logged in as, they can look up the
~/.bash_history file for that user for some hints. Other than
that...install tripwire and you'll be sure when someone changes your
binaries. You can also disable telnetd in /etc/inetd.conf so noone can
telnet to you, and use ssh instead.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -| -||   --All the pages bundled together.
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

RE: serial mouse not working

2000-04-26 Thread Steven Satelle
i found with my mouse (the first timei ever had probs) that after i
reconfigured it i had to make a new xf86config file, util i did the mouse
wouldnt work

-Original Message-
From: Rafael Caetano dos Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 April 2000 04:55
Subject: serial mouse not working


My brandless, 3-button serial mouse won't work under Linux, neither in the
console nor under X.  It works OK under Windows. I've been a Linux user
for about 3 years and I never had or heard of this kind of problem.  I
guess it should be a stupid mistake or something, but I can't see what is

Is it possible to be a motherboard problem? Mine is a SiS (I forgot the
model), with all those PCI, PnP, onboard adapters (sigh).  But I guess
this bears no problem with respect to serial ports.  BTW, I've got a
(real) modem running without problems under /dev/ttyS1.

At bootup, the kernel says:

Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

So it shouldn't be a IRQ conflict.
Also at bootup, setserial reports:

Configuring serial ports...done.
/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
/dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

It seems normal to me. And gpm runs happily, as if nothing were wrong, but
the mouse cursor never appears.

Neither does X report any errors.  The mouse cursor is displayed
but doesn't move. When I kill X, it reports:

waiting for X server to shut down
Fatal server error:
Unable to set status of mouse fd (Interrupted system call)

Any suggestions


Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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reiserfs and debian ...

2000-04-26 Thread Adam Shand


i saw some articles here the other day about people using reiserfs.  just a
quick question.  are the patches compatible with the patched debian

does anyone know when a journaled filesystem (from what i've read reiserfs
is the most mature one for linux so far) will be included in the default
linux kernel (2.4?), or patched into the debian kernel?

i can do it myself but it sure would be nice not to have to :)


[OT] radius server that will forward to tacacs ...

2000-04-26 Thread Adam Shand

does anyone know of a radius server that will forward authorization requests
to a tacacs server?

such a beast would make my life a lot easier in the near future.  ideally
what i would like to do is detect a realm either by username ([EMAIL 
or by dnis (number dialled to reach the nas device) and forward the auth
request to a tacacs server via some sort of proxy.  

currently we run livingston radius and a customer that wants us to manage
dialup pools for them run a tacacs server.  we will convert them to radius
in the long run but a proxy solution like the above would make the migration
a lot easier.

any other ideas?



2000-04-26 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 So, I wonder, if I could use DOSEMU for debugging it?
theoretically yes. you would have to enable direct access to the needed
ports. however, i don't know, if dosemu is stable enough to do serious
debugging. it crashes quite often for me.

 However, since DOSEMU uses custom kernel modules, couldn't a crash
 inside DOSEMU take down my precious Linux box, too?
huh? kernel modules? wasn't that in the far past? all needed changes have
been incorporated in the upstream kernels, afaik.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: hacked?

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
What specifically makes you think they logged in via telnet?  Do you
have a utmp (login) record, or just a telnet connection record, in your
daemon logs?  There's a difference.  I've had occasional telnet attempts,
but the only logins I've ever seen on my box were ones I could account
for myself.  When I *do* need to allow telnet, I open it up to as specific
a set of IP addresses (one preferably) outside my local net as possible.

...and what are you doing allowing telnet in the first place?  While it
can be slightly useful in a local network, it's a severely insecure
protocol, and you should probably have it open to local traffic only in
/etc/hosts.allow.  If you are supporting remote clients, there are ssh
implementations for a wide range of hosts, including java
implementations which will run in a browser.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 05:57:54AM +, john smith wrote:
   someone has telnetted to my machine and I want to know what he/she did 
 inside there a way of knowing what exactly he/she did while 
 telnetted to my machine? i.e. what directories navigated, files downloaded, 
 etc? I tried to look for some logs in /var/log but I don't see any.
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Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Print Email the same document

2000-04-26 Thread kmself
On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 02:40:42PM -0500, Kent West wrote: wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 21, 2000 at 11:16:59AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
   I've been trying to do this off-and-on for two years, and although
   I've had lots of help, nothing has ever worked. Can I assume that
   it's impossible to print and email a document from one command?
  You've outline of a rather complicated method.  How about:
  cat EOF  /usr/local/bin/print-n-mail
  lpr \$@
  mail -s \[EMAIL PROTECTED] \$USER  \$@
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/print-n-mail
  ...or how doesn't this fit the bill?
  I would in general avoid munging an existing utility which does one
  thing to make it do two.  Rather I'd write a new utility to combine the
  two existing ones.
  Karsten M. Self   
 I might have left out detail that might prove to be important. This
 printer queue will be shared over the network so that a 911 call
 notification server can print to it, generating both the printout and an
 email and a beeper message (via email). The 911 call notification server
 is running on a WindowsNT (gag, aack) box. Currently, the 911 software
 can't print and email, so I wanted to bring Linux into the picture to
 demonstrate to the big-whigs that Linux solves problems. Only thing is,
 I've been trying for two years off-and-on to solve this problem with
 no results.
 The method you use seems to work for local command-line printing, but
 I'm having trouble seeing how I can use it to allow a Windows box to
 print to it via the network. But then, I'm a relative newbie to Linux,
 so I may be missing the obvious.

The printer queue method may be the way to go then.  What I'd suggest,
though, is that you set up what's essentially a pseudo queue, if
possible, and using something like the filter above to take the input
and send it to both email and another (real) printer queue.  Though this
still sounds like a hack.  I'm not familiar with print filters, and
suspect you'd have to munge/redirect output as you'd otherwise print
to some spool or another, which you actually don't want to do.  The
default Debian print filters are shell scripts, you might do well to
look at them.

This isn't the sort of thing I spend a lot of time working on. 

You might also consider several other small details you haven't told
me g, such as what kind of application is generating the print job in
the first place, how much control you have over that, whether or not
this is a web-based application (drop in a CGI to print  mail), etc.

The other general direction I might head would be to create some sort of
custom listening daemon which would, again, take its input and split it
into two outputs

Good luck.

Karsten M. Self   http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is a cryptic password always necessary?

2000-04-26 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 07:26:16PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 Course if you're a burnt-out 60's druggie then
 it's pretty easy to guess that the song is Stairway to Heaven :)

Ok, so who *else* is using talwkatgig? g

Are we going to need a sign like in the guitar shop in Wayne's World ?


Re: where is rc.local ?

2000-04-26 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Daniel Barclay  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: mathieu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 i have seen that rc.d like on slackware doesn't exist,  and that rc.*
 directly in /etc. But where must i put my line command to be executed
 when the
 system boot ?? Like num lock, ipchains and all my stuff...
 Thank you for your answer,

Try /etc/rc.boot.

% man rc.boot
   The /etc/rc.boot directory is obsolete. It has been super­
   seded by the /etc/rcS.d directory.

(I don't know why everyone else is telling you about run-level-change
part (/etc/init.d) without mentioning the boot part (/etc/rc.boot).)

Because it has been obsolete for over 2 years.


Re: Modules name resolution

2000-04-26 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 10:56:04PM -0500, w trillich wrote
 John Pearson wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 03:02:42PM +0200, Kovacs Istvan wrote
   I've just installed potato, re-compiled the kernel, and now (some of)
   my modules will not auto-load. I can load them with modprobe and/or
   insmod. I have to load the driver for my Initio SCSI card, SB AWE32
   sound card and RTL8019-based NIC by hand. The question is: why? And of
   course: how do I correct the situation?
  After editing files in /etc/modutils always run update-modules,
  so that /etc/conf.modules gets updated.
 conf.modules? or modules.conf?

Well, that apparently depends on which release you're tracking,
and when you last updated it.  I'm a slink man myself.

 my syslog was complaining of something quite similar, so maybe
 you already helped my problem a bit. from syslog...
 Apr 25 21:29:48 server modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more
 recent than /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep
 Apr 25 21:29:48 server insmod: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
 than /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep
 but i probably need more help yet...

Others have reported similar problems after upgrading to recent
modutils, and have been told to run
# depmod -a
to update modules.dep.  Maybe that will help.

 i recently did the apt-get dist-upgrade and hadn't rebooted since...
 until today. now we've got similar troubles to those Kovacs wrote 
 about, above...
 most important to us is getting connected to the 'net. what a pain!
 need all kinds of handwaving before it gets past SIOCADDRT errors
 and lets us ping out thru eth1 to the 'net.
 by handwaving, i mean stabbing in the dark with tries like
   init 1
   ifup  # SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
   /etc/init.d/networking start # SIOCADDRT error
   ping # also breaks
   init 2
 repeating and stabbing until a ping actually works.
 then everything is fine even tho it seems sketchy...
 right now, i tried
   # ifup
   SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
 yet i can ping anywhere, POP and SMTP email, DNS is working
 like a champ. very odd...

Can't really comment on that, as it's a potato thing with which
I'm not familiar.  

Did your apt-get dist-upgrade complete OK?  Do you see any
alarming messages if you run apt-get check?  It could be you're
only halfway through the upgrade.

 in case of accidental relevancy here are some log slices--
 from /var/log/messages:
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server syslogd 1.3-3#33: restart.
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: klogd 1.3-3#33, log source = /proc/kmsg 
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: Cannot find map file.
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server kernel: Loaded 28 symbols from 6 modules.
 from /var/log/syslog:
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (lo)
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (eth0)
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: listening on [].53 (eth1)
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1896]: Forwarding source address is 
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server named[1897]: Ready to answer queries.
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server /sbin/rpc.statd[1901]: unable to register
 (SM_PROG, SM_VERS, udp).
 Apr 25 22:03:05 server ypbind[1915]: Unable to register (YPBINDPROG,
 Apr 25 22:03:06 server /usr/sbin/gpm[1924]: Skipping a data packet (?)
 Apr 25 22:03:08 server rwhod[2002]: sending on interface eth1
 Apr 25 22:03:08 server rwhod[2002]: sending on interface eth0
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server ntpdate[2005]: step time server
 offset -0.833622 sec
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server afpd[2018]: main: atp_open: Invalid argument
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server afpd[2018]: ASIP started on 
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server papd[2020]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server proftpd[2026]: server - ProFTPD 1.2.0pre9
 standalone mode STARTUP
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server /usr/sbin/cron[2033]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
 Apr 25 22:03:09 server /usr/sbin/cron[2034]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
 Apr 25 22:07:12 server modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-18
 Apr 25 22:07:14 server last message repeated 3 times
 unable to register? invalid argument? missing module?
 i'm guessing net-pf-18 is significant... how do i get that?

The net-pf-18 message is the kernel trying to load the module
for network protocol family 18, which linux/include/net/socket.h
lists as Ash, with which I'm not familiar.  If it represents a
protocol family that you don't intend to support, or you just
want to get rid of the messages, add
alias net-pf-18 off
to /etc/modutils/aliases and then run update-modules.  I'd guess
it's something to do with AppleTalk, and I'd avoid getting
alarmed; the AppleTalk suite includes several protocols, only a
few of which you are likely to need to talk to Macs on your
local net.

Unable to register sounds like a problem with the portmapper
(rpc.portmap), which manages ypbind, 

PPP problems.

2000-04-26 Thread Ashley Collins

I've recently got an account with the UK ISP RedHotAnt. I've used 
pppconfig to get the dial-up connection working.

My problem is this:

1) I can ping hosts on the internet and traceroute to them but I cannot seem 
to get any other traffic.

2) Starting a telnet session to a host on the internet, I only see the login 
prompt after the session has timed out.

3) Using tcpdump I see mostly outbound traffic and very little inbound 

I had dnrd installed and removing it's /etc/ppp/ip-up.d script seems to 
allow DNS look ups to work.

I also had VMWare installed but have removed it's dummy network kernel 
modules in case they were having a bad effect.

I am using unstable Debian (updated every day) which was originally Slink. I 
am using kernel 2.2.14 with the dummy module loaded.

I have other ISP dial-ups (Demon and BT Internet) which work fine. And I 
know of another Debian user who uses RedHotAnt but via ISDN. I also know a 
Mandrake Linux user who has no problems.

Can anyone help me?

Cheers. Ashley

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Re: bad NICs vs bad routing question: potato

2000-04-26 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 But I can't ping either of them from other boxes on their networks. I haven't
 implemented any type of firewall yet; I'm just trying to connect. The question
 is whether there is something wrong with the NICs or if it's something I 
 configured right (OK, I admit it--I'm a relative newbie here).

 Here's the ifconfig output:
it looks good.

 Here's dmesg:
don't know, what the multicast errors mean, but they should be harmless.
probably you got some dos tool to setup the card - try some options which
seem to have something to do with it.

please post the output of route.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: kernel-source*14-5_all.deb and make-kpkg

2000-04-26 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
No, what I meant was that I had apt-got (past tense on purpose) installed
kernel-source*, but make-kpkg was complaining that it didn't have make rules. 
after reading a little more, I just got the original kernerl 2.2.14, unpacked 
it and
all then worked, except for my scssi emulation module, which is probably the 
reason I am persisting in this. Let me be more explicit: I got all unpacked, 
did make
menuconfig assuring myself of having all scssi related with Y, i.e., with 
*, saved
the config file. After this I made make-kpkg clean , make-kpkg --revision 
etc, dpkg -i kernel_image, created my boot floppy ( I can't boot from hdb, in 
hda I
have win 98). Now, when I booted again, the scsi modules were not there, that 
is ,
they had been probably killed by mak-kpkg clean.
So, I tried again, this time I didn't do the clean stuff, I added make-kpkg 
then make-kpkg --revision kernel_image, the dpkg -i the image. This time the 
didn't load either, but at least they were there when I run insmod sg, which 
did not
happen with the cleaned image. All this makes me believe that clean takes 
care of
the unresolved symbols modules, i.e., deletes them. Now, what I have is a 
CDWriter HP
atapi ide and an ACER cdrom, i don't have scsi, but I need it for my burning
The positions are IRQ 14, IRQ 15 (0x3f6 and 0x376). Please throw some light 
onto this.

ktb wrote:

 I'm not entirely sure what your trying to say here.  Are you saying that
 you have compiled the kernel-source with kpkg and now are at the point
 where you have something like --
 kernel-image-2.0.36_custom. ?

 If so then just --
 dpkg -i kernel-image-whatever your version.deb

 If that isn't the case let us know.

 Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  The directions to install a kernel using make-kpkg are more or less
  clear to me if doing it with a kernel*tar.gz one, because it unpacks the
  make instructions. Now, what to do when it is a .deb one? I tried make
  menuconfig as indicated before in an earlier thread, but there aren't
  any make rules. Is there any way of unpacking them from the *_all.deb?
  Please be explicit with the directions, I am starting to believe I'm
  getting slow.

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framebuffer leaves the consolle in ruines

2000-04-26 Thread Joost Claessen
Hello ppl,

Lately I have being using the video framebuffer. Now my console
looks nicer, quake runs faster ect. But now and them I use expermintal
software and my consolle crashed very hard leaving the consolle unviewable.
If I login purley blind (I type my login name, wait 1s, type pass, wait 2s
and prey I didn't make typo's) and start X, the X server works fine, in fact
all grahpical programms work fine. But when I go back the console it is
still broken. Does anyone know a way to restore my console whitout rebooting?

Thank in advance.

Mzzl Joost (de zoveelste)

Help and Documentatium are like sex: when its good its very good, when its
bad, it is better then nothing.

compile vs binary was RE: missing curses?

2000-04-26 Thread Dominic Blythe
i'm going to be compiling apache and php3 to get my modules in, so i thought
i may as well do the lot. or is there a package for MySQL/Apache/PHP3?
perhaps there should be.
all the apache binaries I've ever seen don't include mod_perl or mod_php3.

 -Original Message-
 From: J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 April 2000 17:46
 To: Debian User (E-mail)
 Subject: Re: missing curses?
 On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:10:55 +0100, Dominic Blythe wrote:
  i tried installing MySQL the other day, and configure 
 stopped with the
  message no curses - the previous three or four lines of 
 output were
  looking for tgetenv here and looking for tgetenv there...
 Any particular reason you're compiling it from source rather 
 than using the
 Debian packages?
  how can i tell if i've got no curses library,
 You need to install the apropriate -dev (development files) package.
  and can i just get the ncurses/libcurses package and 
 install it without
  impacting on my system
  (which is Corel, which is, I think, Slink)?
 Corel is slink-based. Get the libncurses4-dev package from
 dists/stable/main/binary-i386/devel/ .
 LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
 destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it 
 comes to the crunch 
 it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: hacked?

2000-04-26 Thread Ron Rademaker
You can also disable telnet access using hosts.allow and hosts.deny, that
way you can make it so that you can still use telnet from your LAN but no
one can use telnet to log-on from outside the LAN.


On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 If you know which user they logged in as, they can look up the
 ~/.bash_history file for that user for some hints. Other than
 that...install tripwire and you'll be sure when someone changes your
 binaries. You can also disable telnetd in /etc/inetd.conf so noone can
 telnet to you, and use ssh instead.
  Andrei S. Ivanov  
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -| -||   --All the pages bundled together.
  UIN 12402354
  For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: problem with installation program

2000-04-26 Thread Avintola
I have the same problem installing Debian, on a similar system as Steve.

Could not resolve the problem and am still waiting for how tos. I am a 
newbie to this OS and would like to learn more.

Please tailor answers that a layperson can understand.

Thank you.


In a message dated 4/25/00 7:14:35 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

 Subj: Re: problem with installation program
 Date:  4/25/00 7:14:35 PM US Mountain Standard Time
 I'd encourage both of you to check this out further and communicate any
 results to the installation/howto maintainers.  Questions with 
 NCR53c series SCSI CDROMs have been appearing with some frequency of
 late.  I don't have direct experience, but know that web/usenet searches
 are pretty thin on results.
 On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 10:34:01PM -0500, Geopoliticus wrote:
  I had a similar problem when trying to install the EXACT same CD from my 
  book.  I do however have SCSI peripherals.  What I eventually ended up 
  doing was downloading Debian off of the net and it is now running great!  
  know that is not what you are looking for.  Something I ran across however 
  is a jumper on my CD ROM.  It is labeled Block.  This jumper, if set, 
  told the controller that it was dealing with a UNIX block device.  If your 
  CD ROM has a jumper like this try setting it the opposite of what it is 
  currently set at.  You may have some success.  Good luck.
  At 09:42 PM 4/24/00 -0500, Steven Burns wrote:
  Dear Linux users:
  I am attempting to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 from the CD that
  accompanies the book: Learning Debian GNU/Linux (Bill McCarty, O'Reilly,
  Sebastopol, Sept 99, 1st ed.).  The problem I am currently having is
  that I cannot get the installation program to start.
  It would seem that the problem relates to the last message displayed:
  NCR53c406a: no available ports found.  See below.
  So far, I've looked into the problem as follows.
  1.  I've looked at the Help items accessed by pressing F1 while the
  below Welcome screen is up, but none of these items seems relevant.
  2.  I've spent some time looking at the debian website (,
  but haven't found anything relevant there either.
  3.  I did internet searches with several search engines and the the
  search text, NCR53c406a: no available ports found. returned
  some webpages relating to boot arguments for scsi peripherals.  I
  looked at some of these, but didn't find any information applicable to
  my situation.  Furthermore, my computer does NOT contain any scsi
  components, so it seems strange that the problem should relate to scsi.
  I would very much appreciate any insights or suggestions that would help
  me clear this hurdle.
  P.S. See details below.
  The sequence of events that lead to the failure of the installation
  program follows.  (The failure is repeatable on my system.)
  1.  Boot the computer from the debian CD.
  2.  The Welcome screen appears.
   Welcome to Debian GNU/Linux 2.1!
   This disk uses Linux 2.2.12 (from
   Press F1 for help, or ENTER to boot!
  3.  Press Enter.
  4.  A series of messages scroll up the screen and then stop.  The
  following is the list of messages that remains on the screen.
  Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
  Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
  NET4: UNIX somain sockeds 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
  NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
  IP Protocol: ICMP, UDP, TCP
  Starting kswapd v 1.5
  Detected PS/2 Mouse port.
  RAM Disk Driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 1096 K size
  loop: registered device at major 7
  PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 39, VID=1022,
  PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
   ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0x007, BIOS settings: hda: DMA, hdb: pio
   ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc: DMA, hdb: pio
  hda: Maxtor 91531U3, ATA Disk drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
  hda: Maxtor 91531U3, 14655MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1868/255/63
  hdc: ATAPI 48x CD ROM Drive, 128 kB Cache
  Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
  Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
  md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
  NCR53c406a: no available ports found
  The computer I'm using has the following components.
  CPU:  AMD Athlon 600 MHz CPU
  MOTHERBOARD:  Micro-Star AMD Athlon K7-PRO Motherboard w/ UDMA
  FLOPPY:  Mitsumi 1.44 MB Floppy Drive
  CD:  48x EIDE CD-ROM

Semi-frequent lock-ups

2000-04-26 Thread chris horn.
Hi. I'm running wiht packages from the newest update of Slink off the Debian2.1r5 site, with kernel 2.2.14 #4 SMP Sun
Feb 6 12:02:09 EST 2000 i686

I've been getting hard lockups lately, and want to know how to track them down.
I've looked in all my logs (immediately after reboot), but can't seem to find
anything important, or telling. Is someone taking me down, or is something
going wrong internally? How can I find out? From what I can tell, the last two
have been about a half an hour after the morning cron job (6:25am) tidies the
system up. The last thing in the syslog last time was a mail related line. This
time, there wasn't anything.

In the past I've locked linux up a couple times (I've been using for almost two
years), but within the past couple months, it's been too frequent for comfort.
This last one (an hour ago) was the second in three days. The one before that
was a week or two earlier, and the one before that a month, or so.

I like linux's stability. It's one huge reason I use it. I love Debian, and
don't think its at fault, but I'm getting irritated with the instability, and
want to get to the root of the problem, so to speak.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please cc: me replies, as I don't
subscribe to the list. Thank you.

chris horn.


26-Apr-00 - 08:28:53

Re: Frozen, Potato or Woody?

2000-04-26 Thread Robert Braddock
 You probably should link /var/cache/apt/archives to some bigger

Is there any chance apt is going to get a little smarter about upgrade space
usage, or is that one of those things I'll have to do myself to get? 

Re: Semi-frequent lock-ups

2000-04-26 Thread Paul Check
I have also had lock-ups from time to time.  The non-hard lock-up
I get is with Netscape...sometimes it runs out of control
and hogs CPU and freezes up.  I can kill it, so not too
big a deal.  At times I'll get a hard lock-up and forced re-boot.
I think these events may be related (ie. I'm having the Netscape
problem at the same time as I'm doing something else on the
desktop and the hard lock-up occurs -- this is conjecture).

It seems that the Netscape freezes are Java related.  Any takers
on this one?

Cheers, Paul

Re: procmailproblems

2000-04-26 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Mithrandir wrote:

 I have some problems with procmail, it will not deliver the mail as wanted,
 does anyone can help please?? as attachment there is my .procmailrc.
 The user doesn't get any mails anymore :((
 The procmail is installed with sendmail and called through the .forward with
 |exec /usr/bin/procmail the basesystem is debian woody
 Greetings and many thanks

You have things like this:

:0 H:
* ^From .*debian-(user|project)[EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was announced (perhaps not so widely) that the initial From  
header in debian lists are subject to change, so you should not rely 
on them.

Please use the Resent-Sender: field, as avised in procmail's QuickStart,
or any of the other X-fields for filtering.


which sound configuration utility?

2000-04-26 Thread Alex Kwan

1) I am looking for a sound configuration utility
(like sndconfig on Red Hat), which is it?

2) can I use the sndconfig of Red Hat on potato?


Re: Semi-frequent lock-ups

2000-04-26 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I get is with Netscape...
 It seems that the Netscape freezes are Java related.
nothing new ... :-(

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Multiple Bboot

2000-04-26 Thread Bill Johnson

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Multiple Boot

2000-04-26 Thread Bill Johnson
An inexpensive alternative to a boot manager would be a betadrive, It's not free but it's only $39.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

a few problems

2000-04-26 Thread Alberto Meroni

Hello to everybody.
I started working with linux at version 0.97 (the old SLS relase and MCC
Now things are getting a litle more easy and rich but I have a few problem
I would like to solve.
I am running slink 2.1r3 with a 2.2.14 kernel and I have a
486DX4 with a Trident TGUI9440AGI 1Mb memory and an old VGA monitor
(monochrome TARGA TM1410). 
1) While in W95 I can run 640x480 in XFree3.3.2.3
I must run 640x400 otherwise a part of the screen goes out the monitor
I tried vidtune but no way. With 640x400 it uses a dotclock of 25.18.
I include the starting message with mode 640x400
2) I tried to replace exim with qmail but I could not configure the
MTA because when unpacked it complains about the host name which is
not fully qualified. How could install it for a machine with no
permanent link but which connect to a ISP ? I installed also ucsp
and serial mail.
3) When I switched from 2.0.36 my ide CDROM was changed from 36X to 24X
and I do not understand why.
Thank you very much
ALberto Meroni

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 15 1998
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NV1, STG2000, RIVA128, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i,
  ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a,
  ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100,
  et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33,
  gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs,
  tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i,
  tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
  tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
  tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
  3dimage975, 3dimage985, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426,
  clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480,
  clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235,
  clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, oti067, oti077,
  oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401,
  cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv,
  ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_virge,
  s3_svga, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545,
  ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct64200,
  ct64300, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /root/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) XKB: model: pc102
(**) XKB: layout: us
(**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Primary Card
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Primary Monitor
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) SVGA: PCI: Trident TGUI 9440 rev 227, Memory @ 0xfbc0, MMIO @ 
(--) Trident chipset version: 0xe3 (TGUI9440AGi)
(--) SVGA: Revision 0.
(--) SVGA: Using Trident programmable clocks
(--) SVGA: chipset:  tgui9440agi
(--) SVGA: videoram: 1024k
(**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 45.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  25.180
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 640x480
(--) SVGA: Using Linear Frame Buffer at 0x0fbc0, Size 1MB
(--) SVGA: Using Graphics Engine.
(--) SVGA: Using 1024 byte display width.
(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
(--) SVGA: XAA: Solid filled rectangles
(--) SVGA: XAA: Screen-to-screen copy
(--) SVGA: XAA: 8x8 pattern fill
(--) SVGA: XAA: CPU to screen color expansion (bitmap, TE/NonTE imagetext, 
TE/NonTE polytext)
(--) SVGA: XAA: Using 8 128x30 areas for pixmap caching
(--) SVGA: XAA: Caching tiles and stipples
(--) SVGA: XAA: General lines and segments

waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

Re: kernel-source*14-5_all.deb and make-kpkg

2000-04-26 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The directions to install a kernel using make-kpkg are more or less
 clear to me if doing it with a kernel*tar.gz one, because it unpacks the
 make instructions. Now, what to do when it is a .deb one? I tried make
 menuconfig as indicated before in an earlier thread, but there aren't
 any make rules. Is there any way of unpacking them from the *_all.deb?

When you've got a kernel-source-xxx.deb package, you really *have* got
a kernelxxx.tar.{g|b}z one. It's sitting in /usr/src/ and is waiting
for you to untar it. Then you do a `ln -s kernel-source-xxx linux' and
go on with make-kpkg as before.


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